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PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGIONOld Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION This years[ meeting was much of the same, compliance issues, risk management

Mar 14, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGIONOld Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION This years[ meeting was much of the same, compliance issues, risk management
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Old Faithful Porsche is the official newsletter of the Porsche Club of America - Yellowstone Region.

2016 Yellowstone Region Executive BoardDirectorStan Siegel(307) [email protected]

DirectorMike [email protected]

DirectorRusty Brown

WebmeisterKed [email protected]

DirectorDwight [email protected]

DirectorKristy [email protected]

PresidentScot Anderson(307) 734-6006scotthomas@hotmail.

Vice PresidentNewsletter EditorGreg Wallace(307) 200-1924 [email protected]

Secretary Pat Siegel(307) [email protected]

DirectorEric Weber(307) [email protected]

Cover Photo Dina McDonald, President Wild Rose PCA, Calgary, Canada - 1963 Porsche 356. Model is a 365B coupe.

Newsletter ContentsPresident’s Message ......................................................4The Chronicles of Sebring............................................6The Art And Science of Detailing Your Porsche ....9Spring Fling ..................................................................12JH Roasters....................................................................14

Porsche Parade ............................................................15Vanishing Art................................................................24Classifieds ....................................................................25Membership..................................................................26Advertiser Index ........................................................27

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This years’ meeting was much of the same,compliance issues, risk management and of coursenew business. As for the most significant lessonin “compliance” was a lesson that had beenrepeated many times. The slide was titled, “WhenBad things Happen.” Even though PCA is thesafest car club in the world with a 10 million dollarliability policy for all “moving car” events,unfortunately, on occasion, incidents do occur. Allincidents involving either property damage,personal injury, or verbal altercation should bereported by the President, Vice President or anymember attending the event by e-mail or fax to:

• Ken LaBorde, PCA Insurance/Risk Management chair

• Dan Dazzo, PCA Safety Chair

• National DE Chair, Autocross Chair, or Driving Tour Chair

• Your’ Zone Rep

• Vu Nguyen, National Office

• And to fill out an Incident Report Form(available in the RPM Manual).

Of course “risk managements” biggest lesson waseasily drinking and driving and methods to avoidit alltogether. Ideas from renting a bus, using thebuddy system and having designated drivers forall events where alcohol is present was welldiscussed.

President’s Message

The Presidents Meeting.

Calgary, Canada. My last presidents meeting andmy first time out of the country. My friend Annetold me I should take a “risk.” A full 48 hoursabroad. That’s right. Call me Mr. Adventure, Mr.I use to be sheltered but not anymore, WorldTraveler.

It was fun seeing people I’ve met over the last 10years or so. I can’t believe it’s been that long. Itwas also fun meeting new faces. Seeing presidentsfrom different regions come and go was a bit of aneye opener. It made me realize I may never seethem again.

Since I’ve been attending presidents meetings,often times sitting in for Ken Koop, I was able tomeet the big wigs. I met Vu Nguyen whilestanding in line at the LA Auto Show in 2013. Hewas there for crowd control and as a liaison for theunveiling of the Macan when it was firstintroduced. I have seen Manny Alban, the

previous president of PCA National, in many aPorsche Raffle video’s and at various paradesthroughout the years. It wasn’t until a month agothat he called me personally for some PCA relatedbusiness that I was actually able to speak with himdirectly. I met and had breakfast with CarenCooper, the current PCA National President, 3years ago at the Presidents Meeting in Bend,Oregon. That was a particularly fun meeting andone where I enjoyed her company immensely.

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“New business” that was probably the mostcompelling, had to do with Zone changes and itincluded our zone, Zone 6. The issue was to makethe zone more manageable. With one of thebiggest zones in the country, it was extremelydifficult for our Zone President Tim Hagner to visitall 16 regions. As many attempts were made tofind a solution to manage the zone in the past, Timwas successful this year in presenting a solutionthat was actually accepted by PCA National.

Zone 6, with its vast geographic territory, has beendivided in half as of the date of this meeting,March 25, 2017. The dividing line runs north tosouth, along the western boarder of AlbertaCanada, the western border of Montana, andthrough east-central Idaho.

West of the dividing line remains Zone 6. Itincludes the following regions: Canada West(Northwestern British Columbia), BC Interior(Southeastern British Columbia), VancouverIsland, Olympic Peninsula (Northwestern cornerof Washington state), Pacific Northwest (justinland of the Olympic Peninsula Region,Washington State), Inland Northwest (just inlandof the Pacific Northwest Region, Washington Stateand the panhandle of Idaho), Oregon Region (justsouth of Pacific Northwest on the coast, state ofOregon), Cascade Region (just south of the OregonRegion on the coast, state of Oregon), High DesertRegion (Central Oregon, ie. Bend, Oregon), and

Silver Sage (Mid and South-Western Idaho, ie.Boise).

The newest zone is now called Zone 14. Thatincludes us, the Yellowstone Region (ie. Westernportion of Wyoming and Eastern portion ofIdaho), Big Sky Region (Western Montana),Absaroka Region (Eastern Montana and northernWyoming), Polar Region (Northern AlbertaCanada, ie. Edmonton), Wild Rose (SouthernAlberta Canada, ie. Calgary), and the Living SkiesPrairie Region (Saskatchewan, Canada, ie. Regina).

Tim Hagner, who lives in Bend, Oregon, willremain the Zone Rep for Zone 6. The good newsis the new Zone Rep for Zone 14 is DinaMcDonald. She will be visiting the YellowstoneRegion from her hometown of Calgary, Canada.Being closer in proximity, Dina will be able to visitthe different regions in the zone a lot more readilyand with decreased costs to PCA National.

Dina comes to us as the President of Wild RoseRegion. She is ending her term on May 1st andtransitioning into the Zone President position forPCA’s newest zone. Please welcome her with yourfinest hospitality skills. She is very friendly (asmost Canadians are), very outgoing and super funto party with… I mean hang out with. The onlypicture I have for you is when we visited her andher husband’s collection, thirteen Porsche’s fromold to new, in a hanger on the outskirts of Calgary.It was definitely the highlight of the trip.

When it was all said and done, I was sad to saygoodbye. It was a great trip and one hell of ajourney. But great things must come to an end. Asthey say in life, when one door closes, another oneopens. I look forward to what the future holds andhope I have the courage to take some more risks.Perhaps my next venture should be to Stuttgart tosee where it all started.

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September 17th finally arrives and I hitch my tracktrailer to my Boxster and head on out to Sebringwith my good friend Bob, who will also betracking his Boxster S.

Since we came in on Friday afternoon, we wereable to choose our garage space at the track andimmediately got to work, installing the racingbrake pads and the sticky tires. I now have afunctioning brake caliper setup: 996 calipers androtors up front with stock 986 calipers and rotorsin the rear.

there is no more coolant leak. All is good. I’mhappy.

We start prepping for the next run and I go to cleanmy convertible’s rear plastic window which wasslightly smudged. As I put a bit of pressure on thetowel, the stitching just lets go and half of theplastic rear window is now caved in and justhanging there. I think this is Sebring’s 2ndmessage: “I already told you, don’t mess with me”.I know that I’ll be black flagged if I try to run likethat so I have two options: Rip out the wholewindow (I don’t want to because, what if it rainson the way home?) or put the top down to go onthe track, but then I need arm restraints which Idon’t have. Luckily, there’s a nice race shop righton the premises and I’m able to find a set of armrestraints. The rules state that arm restraints areneeded for open convertibles or cars with no top.I’d never run with them before, but I’m sure I’ll befine.

Our group is up and we hit the track again. SinceI have one of the smaller displacement engines inthe group (2.5L) I’m prepared to point-by a lot ofcars, including a few GT3s.

As the first GT3 comes up behind me Iinstinctively go to raise my left hand to point himby and all I can muster is a weak, index fingerpoint-by which I’m sure he didn’t see. My armsare tied! I can see in my rearview mirror that he’svisibly upset! I loosened the restraints a bit andwas able to marginally indicate on which side Iwanted him to pass. He gives me the one-fingeredsalute as he blows by.

It was a struggle for a couple of laps but then Idecided to do the point-bys with my turn signalindicators, as we do on the night DEs. Since wewere in the Solo (Yellow) group, most of the otherdrivers immediately picked up on this and wewere fine for the rest of the session.

This is fun!

The afternoon quickly arrives and we get calledagain for our last run of the day. Again we do thesame routine. Grid – green flag – warm up laps.

I’m now about 15 minutes into the session, goingthrough Bishops at WOT when I feel a slight butweird engine vibration. It quickly goes away. I gothrough 15 and as I apex turn 16 and accelerate,

The Chronicles of Sebring: by Pedro P. Bonilla Gold Coast region PCA

The Clutch, the Brakes and theEngine. Part 2.Dispelling or confirming some Porsche myths.

Next morning, as soon as the track opens (7:00AM) we make it to our garage and I see Sebring’sfirst message: “Don’t mess with me”. A smallgreen puddle under my car’s engine. Iimmediately dismiss this knowing that becausethe car had been idle for so long it was likely asmall water pump leak that would go away assoon as I ran the car.

We go to the driver’s meeting. We’re the thirdgroup out, so we have to wait. After an eternity, itseems, we get the call for our run group to grid.

Again, we start slowly to get the feel of the rackand to warm things nicely.

The first session was very nice. No issues and thecar ran great. The brakes were sweet. I park it and

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By midnight my right arm is completely immersedin 95 octane gasoline as I struggle to remove thesubmerged fuel pump. Bob takes several stepsback and looks scared.

The pump is finally out! I take the “new pump”and ...

... it won’t fit. Apparently the pump we broughtback was for a 2.7. Mine is a 2.5.

Almost in despair, I look at the old pump anddecide to test it. It kind of runs, but it’s very dirty.It’s been there for almost 200,000 miles, so it haspumped about 10,000 gallons of gasoline. Wedisassemble the complete carrier and clean thingsout. Now it’s clean and it’s going back in. By 3:30AM we decide to call it quits after everything is inand the engine still won’t start.

the engine shudders and dies! “Not again!” Iyelled out loud.

I shift into neutral, remove my left arm restraintand raise my left arm, hand making a fist,indicating to the rest of the peloton that I’mheading in. I had carried enough speed into 16that I was able to coast all of the back straight,make it around turn 17 and half way up pit lane.A couple of guys in the pits helped me push it therest of the way.

Now at my track garage I try to figure out whathappened.

I try to start the engine a couple of times and itdoesn’t want to. I connect a PIWIS unit loaned tome by Bert Smith Porsche who had some techs atthe track that day, and all it says is that there wasa misfire on cylinder 1 and cylinder 4(simultaneously). I figure that the only way thishappens is because of fuel starvation, but my gastank is half full! Again I try to start the enginerepeatedly and it won’t catch. Well, it must be thefuel pump, I think. I call a friend who has a largePorsche Shop in South Florida and tell him whathappened. He concurs with the diagnosis and tellsme that to be sure I should try to squirt somestarter fluid into the intake to see if it fires. I findsome which one of the guys in the next garagehad, give it a good squirt and it starts! I call himback and he says that he has a spare fuel pump ifI want it. He had just pulled it from anotherBoxster. Since I was stuck there anyway, I askedBob if we could take a “quick” drive to pick up thefuel pump. He says “sure” and we jump into hisred Boxster S and head south. We get to myfriend’s shop around 8:30PM. No time to chat. Igrab the pump, thank the shop owner and jumpback in Bob’s Boxster to head back to Sebring. Wehave another 150 miles to go.

By the time we reach the track it’s now 10:30PM.Everyone is gone to their respective hotels orcampers and the garages are dark. We line upBob’s car and turn on his headlights to give ussome working light and immediately startremoving the battery and the battery’s base plateto access the fuel tank, where the pump issubmerged.

continued on page 10

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Ok, so I’m not sure how much science there isbehind detailing your car. No wait, what I meanto say is - if there is science, that’s for themanufacturers of the detailing product. As far asI’m concerned, detailing is more art. That’s art,patience and anal retentiveness… of which I haveplenty.

First, let’s discuss the three rules of auto detailing– no scratches, no scratches, no scratches. Okay,now that we’ve got that covered, we can move onto the basics.

Step 1: Washing

Washing a car starts with water and soap, lots ofboth, that is. Water is the lubricant and soap, byits organic structure, locks the dirt and oil withinits molecule, so that water can wash it away.

Not just any soap. You need automobile carwashing soap, which is [ph] balanced not to harmthe paint and the finish on your car. Follow themanufacturer’s recommendations for mixing soapto water. Using dish-soap will remove the finishon your car and is not recommended.

Some professionals will use two buckets – one forwater and soap and the other for rinsing thesponge. It is also recommended that when yoursoap bucket gets down to one third full, empty thebucket, rinse and then refill with soap and water.Remember it’s the dirt that causes scratches andthat’s what we are trying to avoid.

Washing your car also goes beyond water andsoap. We need to discuss temperature andhumidity. It is never recommended to wash yourcar in direct sunlight because of the fact that thesun will dry the soap on your car, leaving a ring ofscum, oil, dirt and in Jackson, a hard water stain(ie. calcium). If you must wash your car in thesun, keep the hose handy and rinse frequently.

Ultimately, washing indoors, under a cover, in themorning or on a cloudy day is ideal. Higherhumidity allows you to wash without the soapdrying on your car. The days that I’ve washed mycar on a cloudy day, where very little of the waterevaporates, took about half the time. On those

days there was a lot less reaching for the hose andwater.

There are many types of sponges out there,including natural or synthetic materials.Sheepskin mittens are also very useful and help tohold dirt away from the paint.

Washing your car should start with the wheelwells first. Hitting the dirt in these areas preventsthe mud and oil from washing back onto theexterior surfaces of a freshly washed car.

Dressing the wheel wells also makes a hugeimprovement in the appearance of a well cleanedautomobile. By spraying the wheel wells with aninexpensive dressing (like a Black Magic or someother oil) will make a huge improvement in yourwell cleaned Porsche.

The true test easily shows up at night when youshine your headlights on dirty wheel wells thatappear gray or tan instead of black. A well dressedwheel well will show up black reflecting the blackplastic panels and anti-rust coating on the wellitself, helping the wheels on your Porsche fill thewell.

Once the wells are clean, you can then proceedwith the exterior wash. It is here that you shouldstart at the top of your car and work your waydown. This works to your benefit during the rinsecycle as it tends to wash away dirt lying on thelower parts of your car. Washing should also occurin sections so that you can avoid the water or thesoap from drying on your car. Keep the hosehandy and rinse often.

You may also need to wash the car twice; the firsttime is to get rid of the major layer of dirt and thesecond time to hit the nooks and crannies wherethe dirt hides.

When the car is washed completely, and you feelthat you have removed all the dirt, now you candry the car. Once again, we’re trying to avoidscratches and the water stains or the soap fromdrying on the car. I’ve used a variety of dryingproducts, from terry cloth towels, micro fibercloths to sham’s. Using a chamois, as it is called,is usually done wet. When chamois are dry, theyare hard and can scratch your car.

Some auto-detail kits come with a very soft

The Art and Science of Detailing your Porsche.By Scot Anderson

continued on page 18

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We decide to head back to the hotel and catch acouple of hours sleep.

By 7:30 AM we’re back at the track.

Unfortunately, today is not about tracking, butabout getting back home.

We have a dead Boxster, a track trailer and arunning Boxster (without a hitch).

It’s Sunday morning. I call my friend the shopowner at home to see if I can borrow his car haulerthat I’d seen at back at the shop last night. He saysyes and we decide to meet at his shop around1:00PM.

Bob and I decide to find an electric drill to installmy hitch on his car. We do and leave my car in thegarage and we head on south in Bob’s car, towingmy track trailer (with no wiring, therefore nolights).

We stop at my house, drop the little trailer off andhead on over to Bob’s (another 30 miles) so I canborrow his Yukon (which used to be mine at onetime). Bob can’t come back with me because hehas a business flight to Germany that afternoonwhich he doesn’t want to miss. He tells me that acouple of times on our way down. I think it’sbecause he has a visit planned to the PorscheMuseum.

We finally get to his house, I take the Yukon andhead on over to pick up the trailer. From there Ihead on back to Sebring, trying to make it to thetrack before it closes, because I’ll need some helppushing my dead car onto the enclosed car hauler.

I get to the track around 5:30PM and luckily thereare still a few guys there who help me load my car.

I head on home, arriving at 9:00PM.

The next day, the post-mortem on my engine isperformed and we find out that piston #6 is notmoving when the engine is manually cranked.We’ll need a new engine. Piston rod #6 brokebecause of oil starvation.

MYTH #5Boxsters and Caymans will develop oil starvationwhen run hard with sticky tires on fast, sweepingflat tracks (such as Sebring).

Well, this one busted us. It’s true!

Because I had spent so much money back in May,my funds were sort of depleted. I need a cheapengine. Checking with all of the usual suspects,the cheapest I find is $5200. Too much. I need tokeep on looking. A couple of weeks go by and mylegs are really strong now. I’ve been riding mybike to run errands around town. Finally, on weeknumber 3 an engine appears on the famousauction site for $2,000. I can afford that, so I “Buyit Now” and wait for it to ship.

Now the problem is how to install it on my carbecause that engine is a 2.7 liter from a 2001 car. Itis an e-gas engine which means no throttle cablewhich is not what my car has. Also the DME(engine management system) is completelydifferent from mine. What to do?

After much consideration and studying existingengines at the shop, the decision is made to firstsee in what condition the heads from the 2.5 are in,and if they are acceptable, then we’ll try to installthem on the new block.

Chronicles Continued

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Except for a couple of bent valves over cylinder 6,everything seems fine. We send the heads out tobe cleaned and pressure tested while we receivethe 2.7 liter engine which gets taken apart.

New bearings, new seals and new piston rings goin. The cylinders look great.

The recently installed IMS bearing retrofit getspulled out from the old IMS and it’s pressed ontothe 2.7’s intermediate shaft.

Then, with new gaskets, the old, clean 2.5 literheads get bolted onto the 2.7 liter block.

Everything fits like a glove. The new “hybrid”goes back into the car. Everything gets connected,fluids get replaced and ...

... varoom! it works.

MYTH #6Engine heads must match the engine’s block.

Not true, our car is proof that you can and it is

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running great with no “Check Engine Light”warning.

I can tell you, that the “hybrid” has much bettertorque than the old 2.5 and I’m getting about 2more miles-per-gallon than before.

I started the new year with a DE at Palm BeachInternational Raceway (PBIR), but since the “new”engine was still under break-in I really didn’t redline it or go flat out. Before I do that, an AccusumpSystem will be installed to prevent the oilstarvation issues and hopefully this new setup willgive me another 200,000 (s)miles.

I’ll let you know how that goes in a future article.

For more information on these and other Porscheissues, please visit my website

Happy Porsche-ing,


© 2011 Technolab /

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Spring Fling

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The Season began with our first club Socialheld on March 15th at JH Roasters. The eventwas a “call to all members” as we had somebusiness to cover. The club provided food andbeverages as celebration of our members formaking the club such a huge success.

Food was catered by Jackson Hole Roasters aswell. Appetizers included sliders, salad, bakedpita and dip. Entrée was a variety of heatedsandwiches. And of course dessert was AppleStreusel, in full German tradition, andeveryone’s favorite Chocolate and PumpkinCakes. Beverages were on the house as well,with a full bar. Socializing was had by manyafter a long winter, as familiar faces gatheredonce again to kick off the season.

Our zone Rep Tim Hagner was in attendanceas well. He made the trip to celebrateYellowstone Regions 40th anniversary. Hepresented our regions president, ScotAnderson, with a signed plaque from CarenCooper, the Porsche Club of America’sNational President, in celebration of ourmilestone. Originating on July 14, 1977, theclub has been a bold presence in Wyoming andIdaho ever since.

The club also had some business to conduct.Our president, Scot Anderson, wanted tothank certain members of the board who’sterms were ending. According to our bylaws,board positions are for terms of three years,with the option of holding two consecutiveterms. This year, our valiant president hasawards for those who served on the board,whose terms are ending. With great thanks,Scot gave awards to Rusty Brown, thetreasurer of the club for his service, to PatSiegel, the secretary of the club, and to StanSiegel, Director.

With those members stepping down, Scot alsohad some positions to fill. The first was hisown position as the president. His term wasalso ending, and after 11 years of service, wecould not thank him enough. Scot acted as the

Vice President and Event Coordinator of theClub for 7 years under Ken Koop, and asPresident and Event Coordinator for the past6 years. He set a high bar and joked that theclub did not need to follow in his footsteps.

Scot opened up the election process amongstthose in attendance. It didn’t take longhowever, as members quickly pointed fingersto potential candidates. Within moments, andlots of commotion, Jim Wunsch was electedthe new president of the club. As membersvoted, it was unanimous amongst members.He’ll be stepping in on June 1st when Scot’sterm officially ends. Thank you Jim!

The other positions followed suit prettyquickly. Fingers were pointed, commotionwas herd and the election process followedwith nary a complaint. As fate would have it,replacements were found quickly. CodyMulligan stepped up to take Rusty’s place astreasurer. Bobbi Reppa graciously volunteeredto be secretary, taking Pat Siegel’s place andserving along her husband Dwight who is adirector also on the board. And Frank Forellekindly raised his hand to fill in for Stan Siegel.These positions will also begin on June 1st. Ican’t thank everyone enough for volunteeringto continue the club.

I also want to thank the Yellowstone PCABoard for their hard work and dedication andfor the members of the club for theirparticipation. Without folks like yourselves, itwould be difficult to continue the 40 yeartradition of the Yellowstone PCA Region. Ilook forward to seeing you at our next event.

JH RoastersBy Greg Wallace & Scot AndersonPhotos by: Greg Wallace & Szabolcs Nagy

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Operating on the possibility that 2017 PorscheParade attendees may want a break from totalPorsche immersion at the various organizedmeals, tours, awards ceremonies and other eventsat Parade, I have put together this list of alternateplaces to eat and some other activities to considerin the greater Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area.

Since I am a captive of my own experiences thesesuggestions are based upon my preferences. If youhave some areas of interest that I haven’t coveredor if you want more details about this list pleasecontact me. For example there are several casinosand a great many spectator events in concerts, ballgames etc. which I haven’t touched on.

My contact info is Cal Cathcart, phone 509-710-7989 for voice or text or email [email protected]. I didn’t list restaurants in theclose vicinity of the Parade main venue indowntown Spokane, expecting that theseestablishments will be well covered by the Paradematerials.

Restaurants (I have not provided addresses andphone #s since I expect you have internet access):

1. Rockwood Bakery for coffee, espresso, pastrieson the South Hill of Spokane

2. Frank’s Diner a classic American diner forbreakfast or lunch on the west end of downtownSpokane.

3. Mustard Seed, Asian-fusion cuisine in theNorthtown Mall in Spokane.

4. China Dragon, a very good Chinese restaurant,north across the street from the Northtown Mall.

5. Masselow’s at the Northern Quest Casino inAirway Heights west of Spokane near the SpokaneCounty Raceway Park which I expect may be avenue for some Parade driving events.

6. Spencer’s Steakhouse or Churchill’s Steakhousepretty much interchangeable downtownsteakhouses in Spokane. Both very good, butexpensive.

7. Beverly’s at the Coeur d’Alene Resort, upscalefood in a wonderful setting.

8. The Cedars Floating Restaurant (very coollocation at the boca of the Spokane River leavingLake CDA).

9. Wolf Lodge Steakhouse, a real classic NorthIdaho roadhouse east of CDA along I-90.

10. Hay J’s Bistro, a wonderful restaurant in aweird strip-mall location in Liberty Lake

11. Ember’s on the Lake, an absolutely great brick-oven pizza place in the middle of nowhere after aninteresting drive (actually at the NE end of HauserLake in N. Idaho). At this writing they don’t takereservations and fill up very fast after 4:00pmopening.

12. Dockside at the Coeur d’Alene Resort, thecasual restaurant at the CDA Resort

13. Anthony’s Seafood Restaurant overlooking theSpokane Falls on the River in downtown Spokaneor the alternate location at the RiverstoneDevelopment in CDA.

14. DownRiver Grill, a neighborhood place in NWSpokane.

Reservations are advisable except for #s 1 and 2,above.

Various Activities:

A. Golf. I am not a golfer, but if you are interestedI can hook you up with an INWR member who isan avid golfer who can provide you with a lotmore insight. Even at my level I can tell you thatthere are quite a few area courses (at least 15) thatare considered quite attractive. These are mostlypublic courses that have quite reasonable greensfees by most urban standards. The neatest of these,but the most expensive, is probably the Coeurd’Alene Resort (CDA) course with the floatinggreen, but there are lots of others both in Idaho andWashington.

B. Lake fishing. Coeur d’Alene lake is a wonderfulfishing lake for trout, Chinook salmon, largemouthand smallmouth bass (usually listed in the top 5 inthe country by Bassmaster magazine), andnorthern pike. There is a guide of longstanding bythe name of Jeff Smith who operates out of Finsand Feathers shop in CDA and can be hired (withboat) by the day or half-day.

C. River fishing for smallmouth bass. The Spokane

Porsche ParadeBy Cal Cathcart

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River in Idaho, below the boca in CDAdownstream to the Post Falls Dam is a greatsmallmouth fishery. You can access this with JeffSmith or wade-fish in a good many places. TheSpokane River below the Post Falls Dam is also agood smallmouth fishery downstream intoWashington all the way to the Spokane Falls indowntown Spokane and can be accessed atnumerous places for wade-fishing. Contact me fordetails.

D. Fly Fishing for trout. The North Idaho streamsare wonderful fly fishing. If you want guideservices they are available from several places inCDA including Northwest Outfitters, an Orvisdealer, ROW Adventure Center (described belowunder bicycling) and several others, but unless youare a real beginner you won’t need a guide. TheNorth Fork of the CDA River is easily accessiblealong the CDA River Road (paved for many milesbefore you hit gravel). This is accessed going northfrom Exit 43 from Interstate 90 east of CDA.

The St. Joe River is more of a trip than the NorthFork, but is a wonderful place. The St. Joe flowsinto the south end of Lake CDA and can beaccessed from US 95 south of CDA at Plummer,Idaho by State Highway 5 to St. Maries, Idahowhere the St. Joe River Road then follows the riverfor 40 or so miles and is paved for about the first25 or so. There is an alternate route which uses theExit 33 from Interstate 90 in Montana at St. Regis,Mont. and uses a gravel road named the Little Joeroad going west from there back over theIdaho/Montana state line to the St. Joe River Roadabout the middle of the length of the St. Joe at GoldCreek approximately where the transition frompavement to gravel happens. There is a lot ofpublic access on the St. Joe.

E. Sailing/Boating. The large lakes in North Idahoprovide good inland sailing. Lake Pend O’Reillenorth of CDA has displacement rental boatsavailable at McDonald’s Hudson Bay Resort(phone 208-683-2211) at the south end of the lakein Bayview Idaho. The Windbag Marina near theCity Beach in downtown Sandpoint, ID hasdinghy (and I think also catamaran) rental boats.The phone # is 208-263-7811. I am not sure whetherthere are sailboat rentals available on CDA Lake,although there are lots of sailboats on the lake.There are jet-ski rentals available at quite a fewlocations in CDA.

F. Road Biking. Plan for hydration. There arewonderful paved bicycle trails both in the Spokanearea and in North Idaho. The most accessible ofthese is the Centennial Trail which exists betweenthe western end of Spokane and the Eastern endof CDA. More detailed info is available on theinternet at either Bikes are available from ROW AdventureCenter which has locations in both Spokane andCDA. Their website is rowadventurecenter.comand the phone # is 208-770-2517.

An absolutely world class paved bike trail islocated in North Idaho and is named the Trail ofthe Coeur d’Alenes. The website This trail from the west endgenerally follows the southern shore of Lake CDA,crosses over the lake on an old railroad pivotbridge near Heyburn State Park and picks up thecourse of the CDA River upstream from Harrisonto the Silver Valley along Interstate 90. The trailextends for about 70 miles between Plummer,Idaho at the west end and Mullan, Idaho at theeast end. There are many intermediate trail heads,some of which are right along or very near toInterstate 90 in North Idaho. In addition to ROWAdventure Centers mentioned above, I know ofExcelsior Bikes in downtown Kellogg, Id. Phone #208-786-3751 which in addition to other bikes hasvery modern recumbent tricycles (comfortable andpretty good performance). I believe there also is arental shop in Harrison, ID where the highwayalong the east side of Lake CDA crosses over theCDA River. The grade on this trail is very gradualexcept for the first 6 miles at the west end from thePlummer trailhead down to Lake CDA. There is atrailhead at the bottom of the hill if you want toavoid this hill.

G. Mountain biking. Plan for hydration. There aremany mountain bike trails in the greater Spokanearea from easy to gruesome. These shops are alsoprobably the best source of detailed info on thelocal trails.

A completely different experience is available onthe Hiawatha Trail in North Idaho, accessible fromInterstate 90 at either end. The west end isaccessible from the Kellogg, Idaho exits and theeast end is available at the Taft Area Exit about 5or so miles into Montana from the state line. Thewebsite with detailed info is

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<>. This gravel trail is a rails-to-trails project which has a lot of tunnels andtrestles and great scenery. There are rental bikesavailable (See Row Adventure Center andExcelsior Bike Shop discussed above for roadbikes) as well as headlamps which are absolutelynecessary in the tunnels. It is also quite cool in thetunnels even in the summer and a jacket isadvisable and a water bottle or camelback isnecessary. There is a shuttle service available fromend to end, both ways. The trail is generallydownhill west to east, but the grade is verygradual.

H. Hiking. There is a vast array of hiking trails.Plan for hydration. Some of the more easilyaccessible ones in Washington are the RiversideState Park trail system along the Spokane Riverwest of downtown Spokane, the website and the Dishman HillsNatural Area in the Spokane Valley, the website south of Interstate 90 andaccessible from the Argonne Road exit from theInterstate. Mount Spokane State Park, is a littlefarther afield north of Spokane. In North Idaho themost accessible is the trail system in Farragut StatePark website is

parks/Farragut near the south end of Lake PendO’Reille and reachable from Highway 95 northfrom CDA.

I. Shotgun Sports. The CDA Skeet and Trap Clubin the north CDA suburb of Hayden is open to thepublic on Wednesday thru Sunday and has rentalguns available. The website and the phone # is 208-772-2275. This is a very low key and friendly club. It iseasily reached from Highway 95. There is also asporting clays operation on the northwest edge ofSpokane, called Land Farms. The website and the phone # is 509-464-2070.I have not shot here so don’t know much about it,but it has a good reputation. They have rentalguns.

J. Amusement Park. Silverwood Amusement Parkis located along US highway 95 about 15 miles orso north of CDA. It is wildly popular and has awide assortment of rides, water features and otherstuff.

K. River Rafting. There are float and whitewatertrips available on the Spokane River and somerivers farther afield. See the ROW AdventureCenter website referenced above.


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squeegee, something I have never tried. Byexperience, it works great on my bathroom showerdoor. I’m just not sure I would want to try it onmy Porsche paint job for fear of trapping dirtunder the rubber.

Remember that water can puddle under the hood,the bonnet or the door and it is therefore helpfulto open all doors as you dry the car.

Step 2: Polishing.

Polishing is the next step in the game. Polishing isthe process of removing oxidation andcontaminants from the paints surface. The resultof course, is to restore the paints shine.

There are three types of products we can use toaccomplish this task - polish, cleaner and rubbingcompound. All three products will remove verysmall amounts of paint from the surface and varyin degree of abrasiveness. Polishes remove theleast amount of paint, rubbing compoundsremove the most, and so called cleaners fallsomewhere in between.

The trick is to use a product with the right degreeof effectiveness. Starting with a polish is usually


continued from page 9 where most people begin. If the desired result isnot achieved, you can try a second coat of polishor step up to a cleaner.

These products work similar to waxes – “wax on,wax off,” only instead it’s “polish on, polish off.”Always apply and remove waxes and polisheswith a side to side movement. Do not use acircular movement as that will cause swirl marks.It also takes time for the product to dry and then ittakes elbow grease to get them off. The longer theproduct dries, the harder it is to get off, so be sureto work in the shade and work in sections.

If you choose to use an orbital buffer, which willmake the job go by faster, make sure you use aproduct that is specific for orbital buffers.

Using a rubbing compound is a fairly abrasiveproduct and is usually only reserved for thoseneglected, never washed, never waxed cars thatyou see ten years down the road where rainwaterabsorbs into the paint. So be careful if you decideto use this product. I’d recommend experimentingon someone else’s car first when using rubbingcompounds.

Step 3: Claying.

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Claying is fairly new in the auto-detail world. Theclay is similar to the silly putty we used as a kid,only its consistency is a little more solid.

Claying is an option many car fanatics use tosmooth out the paint and to remove the very samecontaminants that polishing does. Unlikepolishing however, claying is not abrasive.Claying also does not remove the wax from thecars surface, and therefore there is no need toreapply a coat of wax after you are finished.

However, I’ve never clayed my car withoutwaxing it afterward. Usually my goal in detailingmy car is to take the old coat of wax off, so that Ican put on a new one. Therefore, claying for mehas become a middle step in the process. It allowsme to hit the painted surfaces of my car, as well asthe glass and the trim pieces, one more time afterI’ve polished the car and before a new coat of waxis applied.

With claying, most clay products require alubricant of some kind and will normally give yousome type of recommendation or product to use.From the claying products I have used in the past,the recommendation has been an ounce of carwash detergent in a water filled spray bottle.

The car is then sprayed with the water/car washsolution in small sections, while the clay bar isrubbed over the section you just sprayed. Theprocess is usually performed by working in a onefoot by one foot or two foot by two foot section ata time and is pretty painless.

Once you have clayed your car, you can feel a

significant improvement in the “smoothness” ofthe paint by running your hand over the surface…this my friends is a car free of contaminants.

Step 4: Waxing.

The function of a good wax job is obviously toprotect the finish on your car. More specifically,wax will help the paint retain the oils to keep thateverlasting luster and help reduce the oxidationprocess. Wax also helps by protecting the paintfrom bird droppings, tree sap, the sun’s harmfulUV rays and all those contaminants we justremoved during the polishing/claying process.

Waxes come in three forms – a liquid, a paste or aspray. They say that the paste lasts longer than theliquid, and the liquid lasts longer than the spray. Ihave never conducted the blind study todetermine if this is in fact true – but then again, I’venever gone that long between waxes to take notice.I have also never used a spray wax, so I can’t tellyou if or how spray waxes actually work. It isclaimed that spray waxes do not work becausethey do not go on heavy enough.

The question then remains, what type ofwax to use. From research, most enthusiastsrecommend a wax with a high Carnauba content.In the past I have used a synthetic product calledZaino that I like very much. I am sure there is agreat debate over natural vs. synthetic.

What I like so much about Zaino is the fact that Ican apply it to any surface without the difficultyof trying to remove it. Zaino is super easy toremove from windows, window frames, and trim

Kevin CaoYellowstone PCA Member

2017 Macan GTS and Audi TTS

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pieces, including the car itself.

As for Carnauba based products, they canbe difficult to remove the longer they sit.Therefore, applying a thick coat of carnauba-basedwax complicates the removal process. It isrecommended to apply a thin coat, allow it to dryas the directions on the product state, and thenremove the wax… working in sections of course.

Multiple coats of wax are recommended.You can use the round applicators that normallycome with the waxing product or you canpurchase extra waxing applicators that are sold inmost department stores. A damp rectangularkitchen sponge makes a good applicator as well,as its shape seems to be able to handle the smallerdetailed areas of a car.

Multiple applications on the nose and hood, wherethe wind quickly wears off the wax, will give youa longer lasting wax job. However, when applyingmultiple coats of wax, be sure to follow themanufacturer’s drying time. Some productsrequire up to 24 hours for the product to curebefore applying the next coat.

There are many products out there andsome very good ones at that. The PerformanceProducts Catalogue, for example, carries some ofthe more common products I have seen, likeZymol and P21S. Your local Porsche dealer alsocarries Porsche specific cleaners and waxes. Theyare also available through the Porsche website( Porsche also sells a detail kit,which comes with a high grade aluminum caseand a selection of carefully chosen productsspecific to your Porsche model.

There is a kit for coupes and one for cabriolets. Thecabriolet kit includes a convertible shampoo thatis to be used on every washing and a cleaner thatis recommended three times per year. All productswithin the kit are available separately throughyour dealer’s parts department so that you canrefill your kit as needed.

The kits are small, compact and in typical Porschestyle, lightweight. They are perfect for the travelerwho likes to keep his Porsche clean. Pulling thecase out from under the bonnet makes for a quickand easy detail process.

When the wax is dry, remove the residueusing only a very soft cloth. Microfiber towels

work very well for this purpose. When you feelresistance in the cloth, fold the cloth over to find anew surface or use a new cloth. Again use thecloth with straight line movements to avoid swirlmarks.

Using an orbital buffer will speed theprocess. A non-orbital buffer is even faster, but yourisk “burning the paint.” For that reason, Irecommend an orbital buffer to avoid “paintburns”.

When removing the wax, again the threerules of detailing apply – avoid scratches, avoidscratches, avoid scratches - which means be sureyour cloth is free from dirt when you begin thewaxing and throughout the removal process.

The hard part of removing wax is whenyou get wax in the hard to reach places or on thetrim pieces. Those hard to reach places mayrequire that you open a door or trunk to removethe wax. On other areas, like a name badge or trimpiece, using a soft toothbrush very carefully, a QTip, gently using a wooden toothpick or the cornerof a towel will be required to remove the waxresidue.

One way to minimize the difficulty ofremoving the wax on the trim pieces is to dressthem first. By applying a protective film to allrubber, plastic or vinyl pieces that are adjacent tothe painted surfaces, it is less likely that thesepieces will absorb the wax and will make itinfinitely easier during the removal process. Itis also sometimes easier to tape off trim piecesusing masking tape, which also makes it easier toremove the wax.

Most wax products state to wax your car everytwo to three months or more often in harsher

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climates. In Jackson, I usually wax my Porsche atthe beginning of the summer and once at the end.And if I have time, I’ll hit it once during thesummer or before any major Porsche Club event,for as the say in Germany, “a clean Porsche is ahappy Porsche.”

The water test, however, is the real indicator forwhen your car needs a new coat of wax. Whenyou are washing your car, during the rinse cycle,if the water fails to bead up or forms a “sheet,”then it’s time for a fresh coat of wax.

Step 5: The Tires.

As for the tires, cleaning them should take place atthe end of the washing process. Using a separatesponge just for tires is definitely a good idea as thetires can have extra oil and dirt on them. For thisreason, be sure to avoid scratching the rims andkeep your sponge thoroughly rinsed.

When you finish cleaning the rims, be sure to drythem as well – avoiding calcium deposits is alsoimportant in protecting the shine and the finish.

You can then follow up by detailing the rim itself.

There are specific cleaners for the rims that aid intaking off the brake dust that can accumulate inthe crevices of your expensive alloys. Porsche sellsa great kit, as do other manufacturers. The tirecleaning kits usually include a number of brushesused to help get rid of the brake dust and roadgrime. The brushes go a long way in saving timeand your fingers.

Also, a nice coat of wax on the rims helps deflectbrake dust and grime as well.

Step 6: The Interior.

Detailing the interior of your car should also bepart of your cleaning process. Vacuuming shouldbe your first step. Use a strong shop or homevacuum. The small ones that plug into a cigarlighter or operate on rechargeable batteries justdon't have the power to do the job. You shouldremove the floor mats from the car and do themseparately. Vacuum all areas of the car, makingsure to get under the seats. Use a brush attachmentif necessary to avoid scratching the plastic pieceswithin your car. The crevice tool works great forgetting those hard to reach places.

If you decide to get down and dirty and want to

Nancy ClancyAssociate Broker(307) [email protected]

proud supporter of the yellowstone region porsche club

Real Estate on Higher Ground

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shampoo the carpets or cloth seats, Bissel makesthe "Little Green Machine," which works great oncloth surfaces. There are other carpet cleaners outthere as well. It is always recommended that youuse hot water, which works on getting the dirt upfrom the carpet.

When cleaning the floor mats, it is easiest to hitthese during the exterior wash process. Simplyblast them with the hose, which should removemost of the dirt. If you feel the need to apply acarpet cleaner to get out more of the dirt, this canbe done as well. Just be sure to test the carpet firstso that the product does not fade or alter the colorof the carpet itself. You can work the carpet cleanerin with a brush to get out more of the dirt if you sochoose.

When cleaning plastic floor mats, soap and a brushwork great. Simple Green is also a product I haveused that helps with the dirt and oil on the mat aswell. Avoid using any type of dressing on themats, as the dressing can be picked up by thedriver’s shoes and cause for a slippery anddangerous braking or clutching situation.

The leather hides in your Porsche requireprotection from the harmful UV rays and the dustthat can accumulate on them. There are specificcleaners for the leather that will take off the dirtand there are specific conditioners that will replacethe oils in the leather.

The leather conditioners are important in keepingthe leather soft and pliable and by preventingcracks within the leather itself. My favorite leatherproducts are those produced by Lexol, who makesa cleaner, a conditioner and a vinyl care product.Porsche also provides first rate leather products aswell.

There are also interior detail tools available, like avariety of brushes in different shapes and sizes thatcan reach the insides of the vents or other tightplaces. Of course, Armor All is probably the mostcommon interior cleaner that is readily availableat most stores and is great in cleaning the plasticpieces and dashboard of your car.

Dressing the interior of your car should be donefirst before you clean the windows. Cleaning the

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Yellowstone Region Porsche Club

The Yellowstone Region Porsche Club is named after the Yellowstone National Park, originally settled by the Arapaho Indians 11,000 years ago. Yellowstone in the Arapaho native language is Henihco'oo or Héetíhco'oo. It

is the first national park in the world, signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872. The park is known for its wildlife and many geothermal features, like the Old Faithful Geyser, and the many eocsystems that

are contained within its boundaries. It is located primarily in the state of Wyoming, but also extends into Montana and Idaho. Like its diversity, the Yellowstone Region Porsche Club includes parts of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho and maintains some of the greatest driving roads around, beautiful scenery and the greatest people in the area.

windows works great with a terry cloth towel ornewspaper. Paper towels can leave a film on yourwindow because of the dies within the towel.

Windex normally works great for most vehicles.However, Windex contains ammonia and is notrecommended for your Porsche. Certain Porschemodels have a film on the interior of theirwindows and ammonia will stain or discolor thisfilm. Instead, a little soap and water will workwonders to remove the dirt and oil, or even better,a Porsche specific window cleaner.

The plastic rear window on older convertibles willalso need cleaning. Using Windex on the plasticis not a good option for the same reason, as it willdiscolor the window over time. The trick for therear window is good old-fashioned Pledge.Pledge has the oils in the product that not only willprevent yellowing, but will also help lubricate theplastic as the top is raised and lowered and willhelp prevent the plastic from drying out and


And there you have it, a run down on the art ofdetailing your Porsche. I can only tell you that theaforementioned process takes time and patience,but with a little work, your car should be lookingas sweet as ever.

If you don’t have the time for such a meticulouscleaning, our very own Auto Detail of Jacksondoes a great job at putting the shine back into yourprized possession. Their rates are very reasonable,they take pride in what they do, and theyespecially like working on such fine cars.

Either way, you should be ready for that virginride. Pick a warm sunny day, put the top down oropen the sunroof, and smile… because you’redriving a Porsche, one of the coolest cars on theroad.

Fall Autocross 2016

YELPCA Members, please follow this link to view a TV News storythat ran about our event last September at the Pine Ridge Mall inChubbuck.

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Vanishing ArtBy Pedro P. Bonilla GCR PCA

Well it looks like if you’re getting a newPorsche you’re going to have to take lessons inGerman because you’ll need to be able to sayPorsche Doppelkupplungsgetriebe, please.

This is the wave of the future, the new(er) 7speed dual clutch transmission from Porsche,now in it’s third generation.

Even the new GT3 is now only offeredexclusively with PDK. You cannot get it witha stick shift!

To me, sports cars made a connection betweenthe driver and the car through the shifter.

Taking a manual transmission Porsche to thetrack or to a spirited drive on tight andwinding mountain roads is like going tochurch. Having to concentrate on accelerating,braking, steering and shifting, and making itall seem effortless and appear like a balletrequires a lot of effort and after a session likethat I generally finish “cleansed” in body andsoul.

One of my fondest memories is rememberingmy Dad teaching me to drive. Learning tosynchronize the letting out of the clutch withthe left foot while smoothly accelerating withthe right was jarring to say the least. Iremember the jerking forward and stopping asmy left foot let out too soon, but I overcameand within a short time became a very smoothdriver.

A year or so later my Dad decided that it wastime for me to learn to heel-and-toe.

He was then, as I am now, a track junkie, andhaving one of his sons also enjoy anything thatburned rubber and gasoline made him wantto teach me everything he knew about cars,and he knew a great deal.

But I’m now somewhat saddened because mychildren probably won’t be able to teach mygrandkids how to drive a stick, because therewon’t be any!

Well, there’ll be my Boxster, which will liveforever, but ... you know what I mean.

There’s no doubt though, that the PorscheDoppelkupplungsgetriebe is an incredible featof engineering capable of extremely fastshifting and it also makes shift points get theirbearings from the driving dynamics of thedriver. Upshifts and especially downshifts areperfect and made almost at the speed of light!

Downshifts are even done with rev-matching,much better than what we can heel-and-toe inour dreams!

Having a PDK-equipped Porsche eliminatesthe requirement for heel-and-toe’ing andshifting which in turn allows the driver tobetter concentrate on steering, accelerating andbraking, making him/her a faster driveraround the track.

Porsche calls it a dual-clutch manual, but weall know it’s an automatic. I mean, it shifts foryou without any input and that’s the definitionof an automatic, even though it has somepretty cool steering wheel-mounted shiftpaddles.

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Purchased certified pre-ownedat Ken Garff in SLC Nov. 2014, Iam second owner. With only27,000 miles my Red Rocket isin "like new" condition and stillhas the "new car" smell. InCarmine Red and Black leather interior, red seat belts,Instrument dials in Guards Red and the Porsche crestembossed on the head rests, this car has ALL the bellsand whistles including an invisibra. The originalsticker price, $114,470 is listed in photo section.Purchased the Porsche 100K extended warrenty for anadditional 2K(this transfers to new owner). Newsummer tires spring '16 on 21" rims with only 850miles, as well as a winter set of 19" rims w Blizzaksnows( like new) keeps you on the roads no matterwhat the conditions are. Selling to downsize to avehicle that will take the heat and run the sandy roadsin Baja. Feel free to call me for a look in person.Contact me if interested, for links/additional photos. Betsy Rudigoz 360-908-1953 Victor IDAHO.


2007 Cayman S$32,750

Artic Silver / Stone Grey Leather, 33,400 miles, 6Speed w/Sports Shifter, Bi Xenon, Auto ClimateControl, Bose Surround Sound, Heated PowerSeats, Pref. Pkg. Plus,19” Carrera Classic Wheels, Wheel Caps w/Color Crests, Sports Steering Wheel, SelfDimming Mirrors Rain Sensor, Porsche COA,Rear Center Console and Head Light WasherCovers in Exterior Color, Seat Belts-Silver, NoSmoker, Grey Car Cover, No Accidents, BorlaSport plus Stock, Exhaust, Excellent Condition,WPOAB29897U780151Clear CarFax.

Michael AlessandroJackson Hole WY(619) [email protected]


So, the joy of being one with the car and theroad will very soon come to an end when thelast Porsche stick shift is made (probablysooner than we expect).

But if there’s one thing I enjoy more thanshifting and heel-and-toe’ing, it’s lowering mylap times at the track, so I can’t wait to haveone of the new generation PorscheDoppelkupplungsgetriebe-equippedPorsches!!!

I guess I’ll just start teaching German to mygrandkids so that they can properlypronounce: PorscheDoppelkupplungsgetriebe.

To learn more about PDK please visit mywebsite at:

Happy Porsche’ing


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26Old Faithful Porsche


“Please welcome our newest members”

Old Faithful Porsche NewsletterThe views or comments expressed in the Old FaithfulPorsche newsletter are not necessarily those of the PorscheClub of America or the Yellowstone Region. Old FaithfulPorsche is published expressly for the information andentertainment of the Porsche Club of America -Yellowstone Region, its members and supporters. OldFaithful Porsche assumes no responsibility for anysubmissions. All submissions become property of OldFaithful Porsche unless other arrangements are made withthe editor and president. Reprints from this Newsletter arenot permitted without prior permission from the Editor. Send editorial submissions to:

Greg Wallace(307) [email protected]

Visit the Yellowstone Region web site at:

Advertising PolicyClassified ads are free for PCA members, but aresubject to available space in the newsletter. Businessad rates are specified below and are annual full colorrates. Send your ad text and jpg poto (if available) to: [email protected]

Back Cover ................................... $680Inside Back Cover ....................... $650Inside Front Cover ...................... $650Center Double Truck ................... $1000Full Page ....................................... $600Half Page ...................................... $350Quarter Page ................................ $240Business Card .............................. $170

Rusty BrownMembership Chair

Advertiser Index

Strong PorscheKen Garff Porsche Bank of Jackson HoleZ. A. Konarski @ Strong PorscheFirst Interstate BankPowder Stash ConstructionNancy ClancyAdvanced Glass & TrimAuto Detail of JacksonDetail DrivenPedros Garage

Page 27: PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGIONOld Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION This years[ meeting was much of the same, compliance issues, risk management

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Page 28: PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGIONOld Faithful Porsche PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - YELLOWSTONE REGION This years[ meeting was much of the same, compliance issues, risk management

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