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introduction n Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known as “the Good Pope.” As the fourth child of fourteen, and the son of a share- cropper, he knew what it meant to be poor. He never forgot his humble beginnings, and when elected pope at age 77 he humanized the role of the papacy. He surprised the bishops and cardinals—and himself— when he convened the Second Vatican Council (1962– 1965). He believed that the Church needed aggiorna- mento (updating), to “open its doors and windows” to the work of the Holy Spirit and to the world. The quotes in this booklet reveal that Pope John XXIII was a person of vision, deep faith, humility, and open-mindedness. In his roles as chaplain, dip- lomat, papal nuncio, bishop, cardinal, and pope, he remained the same humble Angelo Roncalli. Here we invite you to walk with Pope John XXIII for thirty days, reflecting on his teachings, with re- lated Scripture passages, prayers, and practices—all meant to help you follow in his footsteps. lking with saint john xxiii interior DCMM.indd 1 1/6/14 2:29 P Twenty-Third Publications Sample

Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known ... · introduction n Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known as “the Good Pope.” As the fourth child

May 03, 2018



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Page 1: Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known ... · introduction n Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known as “the Good Pope.” As the fourth child


Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known as “the Good Pope.” As the fourth child of fourteen, and the son of a share-cropper, he knew what it meant to be poor. He never forgot his humble beginnings, and when elected pope at age 77 he humanized the role of the papacy. He surprised the bishops and cardinals—and himself—when he convened the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965). He believed that the Church needed aggiorna-mento (updating), to “open its doors and windows” to the work of the Holy Spirit and to the world.

The quotes in this booklet reveal that Pope John XXIII was a person of vision, deep faith, humility, and open-mindedness. In his roles as chaplain, dip-lomat, papal nuncio, bishop, cardinal, and pope, he remained the same humble Angelo Roncalli.

Here we invite you to walk with Pope John XXIII for thirty days, reflecting on his teachings, with re-lated Scripture passages, prayers, and practices—all meant to help you follow in his footsteps.

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1 Back to our roots ..........3

2 The heart of believing ....................4

3 Neither arrogant nor rude............................5

4 Wholly for God ........... 6

5 Seeing what unites........7

6 An ordinary man ........... 8

7 God does the choosing .................. 9

8 Distilled wisdom ....... 10

9 The science of the saints .................. 11

10 Making gradual progress ..........................12

11 Some good reading...... 13

12 Remembering to pray ..14

13 Focus on dreams ........... 15

14 Tending the garden .....16

15 Better tell the pope ...17

16 With worthy evidence ..........................18

17 Both earth and heaven .....................19

18 In good company .........20

19 A loving caress .............21

20 The breath of prayer ..22

21 Holy humanness ...........23

22 Everything to God .... 24

23 Spiritual matters .........25

24 A golden chain ............ 26

25 Shadows and light ......27

26 A new day ........................28

27 A new era ....................... 29

28 Never too old .............. 30

29 Cheers from God ......... 31

30 Going to sleep ..............32

The Scripture quotes were chosen by Gwen Costello, who also wrote the prayers and practices. Cover photo: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Copyright © 2014 Twenty-Third Publications, a division of Bayard; One Montauk Avenue, New London, CT 06320. 860-437-3012 or 800-3210-411, No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-1-62785-005-6 ◾ Printed in the U.S.A.

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Page 3: Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known ... · introduction n Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known as “the Good Pope.” As the fourth child


1 Back to our roots

I had the great grace to be born into a Christian family, modest and poor, but with the fear

of the Lord.


And Jesus went down with Mary and Joseph and came to Nazareth and was obedient to them. There he grew in age, wisdom, and grace. Luke 2:51, 40


Today the world is so complex, Creator God, and yet I want to learn to pray, listen, believe, and share my faith with others. Just as Jesus went back from Jerusalem with his parents to love and obey them, and just as Pope John was raised in the “fear of the Lord,” may I get back to my roots and let my faith guide and direct me in all that I do. Amen.


Today I will try to place my trust in God with “the fear of the Lord” and with awe and wonder at God’s presence.

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2 the heart of Believing

Once at a prison in Rome, an old man with a lengthy record confessed, “I have made many

mistakes, Holy Father.” Pope John wiped away the man’s tears and embraced him warmly, say-

ing, “I looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart.”


And Jesus said to them, “Just as you did these things for my least ones, you did them for me.” Matthew 25:40


If I have ever wondered, Lord Jesus, what is at the heart of believing, you and Pope John are telling me here. It’s easy to look into the eyes and hearts of those closest to me, but what of the poor and mar-ginalized? Open my heart as wide as possible to the needs of all those around me this day. Amen.


Today say to someone, “I have put my heart near your heart.”

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3 neither arrogant nor rude

The habit of thinking badly of everything and everyone is tiresome to ourselves

and to all those around us.


Love is patient, love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It bears all things, be-lieves all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:4–5, 7


When I look in my heart for the kind of love the let-ter to the Corinthians describes, or to see if I “think badly” of others on a regular basis, I know that I need your healing touch, Forgiving God. Both Jesus and Pope John looked with love on all others. May I do the same, beginning now. Amen.


If I find myself judging or condemning someone today, I will stop and pray for that person—and for myself, recalling that “love is patient, love is kind.”

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4 Wholly for god

I want to be all and wholly for God, penetrated with God’s light, shining with love for God

and all peoples….In my new stage of life, prayer must take on a new aspect.


Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13–14


Jesus, beloved Savior, teach me how to be “all and wholly for God,” as Pope John prayed to be. And may I also “shine with love” for others. Deepen my desire to pray to you daily and with deep faith in your presence, so much so that all I do “be done in love.” I know that all this takes perseverance, and I pray today for that virtue as well. Amen.


As I do my daily chores and activities today, I will try to be “wholly for God.”

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5 seeing What unites

Wherever I go I pay more attention to what we have in common than to what separates us.


Do not judge and you will not be judged; do not con-demn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Luke 6:37


Loving God, may I imitate Pope John’s ability to see good in all others and to focus on what binds me to those around me. Forgive me when I am harsh with those who disagree with me, with family members, coworkers, neighbors, and everyone I encounter. May I learn to pay more attention to what I have in common with others and thus form new bonds of love and compassion. Amen.


Today I will not judge or condemn others, but rather try to see what unites us. I will try to forgive and thus be forgiven.

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6 An ordinAry mAn

Just remember, I am an ordinary man; I have two eyes, a nose—a very large nose. You must feel completely relaxed. We will talk person to person.


I no longer call you servants…Instead, I call you friends, for everything I learned from my Father I made known to you. John 15:15


It’s very hard to be humble, O God, but I have the ex-ample of Pope John here before me. He didn’t stand apart from others but put them at ease by being just who he was. He had deep faith in you and shared that freely as well. I pray that I too might be a friend of Jesus, just as I am, just as you have made me. Amen.


I will try to be myself today as I talk “person to per-son” with others, especially at home and at work.

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7 god does the choosing

The Lord has chosen me…, so it will be for him to cover up my failings and supply my insufficiencies. This comforts me and gives

me tranquility and confidence.


I, the Lord, have called you to do what is right. I will take your hand. I will protect you. I will appoint you as my promise to the people, as my light to the nations. Isaiah 42:6


O Beloved God, Pope John had deep faith in you and genuine humility. He was “chosen by you,” but was the first to acknowledge his weaknesses. When he turned his life over to you, he became “a light to the nations.” May I also experience the “tranquility and confidence” that come from doing what is right, from following your call to give light to others. Amen.


I will spend ten minutes in silence today, reflecting on what Jesus has chosen me to do.

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8 distilled Wisdom

See everything, overlook a great deal, correct a little.


If a shepherd has a hundred sheep but one goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine to go searching for the one that went astray? Matthew 18:12


Dear God, I am amazed at the generosity and wis-dom of “good Pope John.” He was the best kind of shepherd, watching carefully, knowing what’s impor-tant, and correcting the “lost sheep” when necessary. May I embrace this distilled wisdom in my own life and apply it in my family, among my coworkers, and in all the areas of my life. May I come to understand what is truly important and “correct” others with love and humility. Amen.


I will try to be gentle and forgiving today and to imi-tate the wisdom of Pope John, seeing everything, overlooking a great deal, and correcting a little.

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9 life in the spirit

The life of the Spirit is being revealed to me gradually. It has to be studied and practiced like

an exact science, the science of the saints.


There was a great multitude that no one could count, standing before the throne…, crying out “Blessing and glory and thanksgiving and honor…be to our God forever and ever.” Revelation 7:9–12


Come, Holy Spirit, and help me make time in my life for prayer and the study of the spiritual life, fol-lowing the example of Pope John and all your saints. May my voice join theirs as they cry out, “Blessing and glory to you forever and ever.” Help me to be patient as my own spiritual path is “revealed to me gradually.” Amen.


I will thank God today for the example of the saints, and I will try to imitate Pope John.

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10 making gradual progress

Concerning my prayer, it is humiliating to see what little progress I have made, but I am bound to keep

trying and to grow in union with God.


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8


I would like with all my heart, Great and Loving God, to experience the gift of your presence in my daily life and to be changed and made new through the practice of prayer. It gives me hope to read that even Pope John had difficulty keeping his focus on you. Please give me your grace, as you gave it to him, that I might continue to grow in awareness of your presence within. Amen.


I will try to be aware today that God is always with me, calling me forward.

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11 some good reading

Today I will devote ten minutes to some good read-ing, remembering that just as food is necessary

for my body, so good reading is necessary to the life of my spirit.


I give thanks to my God for you because…you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind. 1 Corinthians 1:4–5


In the busyness of my life, Dear God, I forget that there are spiritual books to help me grow in “knowl-edge of every kind.” Pope John’s example—to read at least ten minutes a day—reminds me to embrace this practice. I do want to be “enriched” by you in all the daily activities of my life. Help me to value the “life of my spirit” above all else. Amen.


I will spend ten minutes today reading a passage from the gospels (or other spiritual book).

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12 remembering to prAy

Prayer is the raising of the mind to God. We must always remember this. The actual

words we say don’t matter so much.


Pray in the Spirit at all times using every prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert and don’t stop trying. Ephesians 6:18


Jesus, teach me how to pray. I want to raise my mind and heart to you, as Pope John did, throughout my day, even in my busiest moments. I want to “pray in the Spirit” at all times. But I know that in order to do this, I must take time for daily prayer and to find those prayers that help me raise my mind and heart to you. May I “always remember” the importance of prayer and never “stop trying.” Amen.


I will say this prayer often throughout my day: “Jesus, teach me how to pray.”

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13 focus on dreams

Don’t focus on your fears but rather your hopes and dreams. Don’t worry about what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible

for you to do.


Let us run with perseverance the race that is set be-fore us, always looking to Jesus. Hebrews 12:1–2


Thank you, Loving God, for these encouraging words from Pope John. I get discouraged so easily when I fail to follow Jesus in my daily words and actions. I forget to pray, I lose patience, I waste time, and the list goes on. Just for today I won’t worry about what I have tried and failed in, but rather on what good I might still do. Please give me the courage to “run the race set before me.” Amen.


I will try today to focus not on myself but on the good I can do for others.

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14 tending the gArden

We are not on earth to guard a museum, but to tend a blooming garden full of life.


If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: ev-erything old has passed away. See, everything has become new! 2 Corinthians 5:17


Here Pope John seems to be saying that we Christians should not be “guarding” our faith, but rather plant-ing seeds that will become a blooming garden of life. Help me, Holy God, to plant such seeds today through good example, prayerfulness, and atten-tiveness to the needs of others, especially my family members and coworkers. Help me to be “in Christ,” that I might help bring about a “new creation” through all my words and actions. Amen.


I will try to remember that my faith is not a museum piece but a garden, and I will try to plant as many good seeds as possible today.

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15 better teLL the pope

I wake up at night sometimes and begin to think about a serious problem and decide I must tell the pope about it. Then I wake up completely

and remember that I am the pope.


Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” John 21:15, 17


Thank you, O God, for Pope John’s sense of humor. He did not take himself too seriously, but trusted in you to guide him as the leader of the Church. As with St. Peter, Jesus gave him the charge to “feed my sheep,” and that he took very seriously. Help me to accept myself with humility and good humor, and to “feed the sheep” you have put in my care. Amen.


I will pray to Pope John today to help me solve a “seri-ous problem” of my own.

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16 With Worthy evidence

Do not walk through time without leaving worthy evidence of your passage.


If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20


Lord Jesus, I hope I have given “worthy evidence” through my life so far, but I know that I can always improve. My faith is as small as a mustard seed, but with your help it can grow. Help me to imitate Pope John’s faith, so simple and yet so profound. He en-courages me as I walk through the time of my own life to strive for holiness by loving and caring for oth-ers, especially those in need. Amen.


I will try to remember today to leave “worthy evi-dence of my passage.”

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17 both eArth And heAven

We are both citizens of earth and citizens of heaven. We have a lifelong obligation to strive after heavenly values through the right use of the things of this earth.


The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims God’s handiwork. Psalm 19:1


Dear Creator God, Pope John reminds me that I come to you through striving to do my best on this earth. I can’t separate what I do now in my life and the life to come. I am tempted to think that going to Mass and fulfilling my religious obligations are enough to get me to heaven, but loving my neighbor and caring for the “things of this earth” are also very important. Amen.


I will try to show respect for the earth (God’s handi-work) in some visible way today.

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18 in good compAny

The feelings of my smallness and my nothingness always keep me good company.


Unless you become like this little child, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this is the greatest. Matthew 18:3–4


It’s hard for me, O God, to imagine someone like Pope John feeling “smallness and nothingness.” He was a very humble man who became like a “little child” and thus found satisfaction and “good compa-ny” in his life. Help me to know myself and just who I am before you, and to be content with that. Help me to imitate Pope John’s humility and honesty and thus become a beloved child along with him. Amen.


I will try to spend ten minutes today reflecting on my own attitude about who I am and what God is calling me to be.

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19 A Loving cAress

When giving an address in St. Peter’s Square, the pope told the people: “Dear children, when you go home this evening, you will find children; give your

children a caress and say: this is the caress of the pope!”


Let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7


Help me to follow Pope John’s example, Loving God, in remembering to send out love to all those in my life. Just as he sent a loving caress to the children of his listeners, may I do the same with my spouse, children, coworkers, and all who touch my life today. Love is a gift from you; please give me this gift that I might know and love you better. Amen.


I will try to be more loving today and show it in my words and actions.

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20 the breAth of prAyer

Perfume all your actions with the life-giving breath of prayer.


Pray all your prayers and supplications at all times in the Spirit. Keep alert and always persevere in joining your prayers to the prayers of the saints. Ephesians 6:18


Beloved God, thank you for this image from Pope John of “perfuming” all my actions with prayer. He called prayer “life-giving,” and I recognize the need for more of it in my own life. I want all that I do to be done “in the Spirit” and to recognize the value and beauty of a prayerful life. I join my prayer at this moment to the prayers of all your saints, including Pope John XXIII. Amen.


I will try to make this a prayerful day, one in which I am conscious of God’s presence in all my words and actions.

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21 holy humanness

I make a special point of cultivating humility and practicing it. Nevertheless, I still feel hurt when

someone shows lack of respect to me or to the Church.


Hold the standard of sound teaching…and guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives within you. 2 Timothy 1:13–14


Though humble in his own being, Pope John was a guardian for you, O God, and for the Church. He was a holy man in every way, but still capable of hurt feelings. Thank you for his example and his human-ness. He encourages me to take more seriously the teachings of the Church, and to celebrate more fully the “good treasure” of faith, unworthy as I might be. Amen.


I will pray three times today: “Holy Spirit, who lives within me, thank you for the gift of faith.”

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22 everything to god

I have left everything to God and have allowed myself to be led in perfect obedience to the plans

of Providence.


I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord who has strengthened me, because he judged me faithful and appointed me to his service. 1 Timothy 1:12


Loving God, I believe you are guiding my life and watching over me. Pope John put everything in your hands and in “perfect obedience” did the things you asked of him. I hope I am trying to do the same in my own life in small daily ways. I want to serve Jesus in all my words and actions today so that I might be “judged faithful” in his service—as Pope John was. Amen.


I will try to be aware today that God is guiding me to willingly follow the “plans of Providence.”

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23 spirituAL mAtters

To help me fix my thoughts on spiritual matters, I have resolved to focus on the three theological

virtues of faith, hope, and charity.


Now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13


It would do me good too, Holy God, to focus on the virtues of faith, hope, and love, special gifts of grace from you. Just as Pope John felt the need to deepen his understanding and practice of them, may I open my heart to them and especially to love, the “greatest of these.” Through faith, hope, and love may I too do great things for you and for others. Forgive me for the times I have failed to do so. Amen.


I will research the meaning of the theological virtues today and thus take one small step toward “fixing my thoughts on spiritual matters.”

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24 A goLden chAin

O Jesus, hold me close and near to your heart, letting mine beat with yours. I love to feel myself

bound to you with a golden chain, woven of lovely delicate links.


I say to all of you: have unity among you, sympathy, love for one another, a tender heart, and a humble mind. 1 Peter 3:8


May I learn to pray as Pope John did, dear Jesus, ask-ing you to hold me close and bind me to you with small golden links of love. May this be the guiding force for all my works and actions today. May I recall too that when I practice unity, sympathy, love, and humility, you let my heart “beat with yours.” Thank you for this great privilege. Amen.


I will try to remember often through this day that Jesus holds me near to his heart.

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25 shAdoWs And Light

God created shadows to better emphasize the light.


Keep up your zeal, be lively in spirit, and serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, perse-vere in prayer. Romans 12:11–12


Help me to take heart, Creator God, from the words of Pope John. You give me “shadows” and suffering but only to contrast the immensity of your light and love. When I am patient in suffering and persevere in prayer, I am able to recognize that you are with me in both my shadow moments and the light-filled ones. I ask for your help to “be lively in spirit and to rejoice in hope,” no matter how hard my life can sometimes be. Amen.


I will try to be aware today that everyone I encounter has moments of both shadows and light, and I will try to be gentle and compassionate.

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Page 28: Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known ... · introduction n Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known as “the Good Pope.” As the fourth child


26 A neW dAy

A new day is dawning on the Church, bathing her in radiant splendor. It is only yet the dawn, but

the sun in its rising has already set our hearts aglow.


I will sing of your steadfast love, O God, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 89:1


Loving God, Pope John’s words and attitude give me hope and consolation. He is filled with optimism for the Church, and though “it is only dawn,” he sees possibilities that “set our hearts aglow.” With him and with all the saints, I want to “sing of your stead-fast love” and be part of that movement that declares your name to “all generations.” Thank you for the joy and example of your holy servant John. Amen.


I will pray three times today: “I will sing of your steadfast love, O God.”

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Page 29: Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known ... · introduction n Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was known as “the Good Pope.” As the fourth child


27 A neW erA

I must disagree with prophets of doom who are always forecasting disaster; I believe that the human

family is on the threshold of a new era.


Jesus said to them, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see! For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see, but did not.” Luke 10:23–24


I want to believe what Pope John saw, Holy God, a “new era” of faith that is possible and coming, if only I have eyes to see it. Even in his old age, he was able to envision something new and different for the Church, and he refused to be pessimistic. He had “eyes to see” your will so fully that it suffused his life with joy. Give me the grace to do the same. Amen.


I will try to be open to what God wills for me this day.

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28 never too oLd

The decision to hold an ecumenical council came to me as a sudden flash of inspiration. When I an-

nounced it, it was as though some ray of supernatu-ral light had entered the minds of all present: it was

reflected in their faces; it shone from their eyes.


You who fear the Lord, hope for good things, for last-ing joy and mercy. Sirach 2:9


O Beloved God, Pope John assures me that when I am open to you, your Spirit guides me toward doing the right thing. In my own small way I can experience “supernatural light” when I am open to you. What a great gift to the Church Pope John was. May his ex-ample continue to inspire the leaders of the Church today. Amen.


I will pray for the Church that “rays of supernatural light” might envelope it.

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29 cheers from god

I want to continue believing in the presence of God, the one who strengthens, cheers,

and encourages me at all times.


Lord, you are my shepherd, I shall not want. You make me lie down in green pastures…you restore my soul. Psalm 23:1–2


Pope John reminds me, dear Jesus, that I am on a journey and that I never really arrive until I am at rest in you. I pray that you will also “strengthen, cheer, and encourage” me as I continue walking with you, dear shepherd of my soul. May I imitate Pope John’s deep faith in your presence, and may I place my trust in you to “restore my soul” today and every day of my life. Amen.


I will say three times today: “God strengthens, cheers, and encourages me.”

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30 going to sLeep

Death, like birth, is only a transformation. When I die I’m changing my state, that’s all.

With faith in God, death is as easy and natural as going to sleep here and waking up there.


God will wipe every tear from their eyes and death will be no more. Mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for these things have passed away. Revelation 21:4


Pope John gave his life to you, Jesus, long before he died. He was very much at peace about death as a “transformation” where “mourning and crying and pain were no more.” He fell asleep believing that all the unfinished work he left behind would be safe in your hands. Help me to have such deep faith in your presence. Amen.


I will remember today that Jesus walks with me on every step of my life journey.

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