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Design & Concept Thinking Magazine 00.60p PONDER ISSUE 1 OF 2012 Publication by Cyrus Davis The concept of surreal art Is drawing important for architecture? Manifesto power of words Spiritual art concept Evolution of design
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Design & Concept Thinking Magazine



Publication by Cyrus Davis

• The concept of surreal art

• Is drawing important for architecture?

• Manifesto power of words

• Spiritual art concept

• Evolution of design

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Hi I hope that the way that the first issue is done in a way that would express the creative ideas experienced during the lectures. The Honour to be there to see and report on minds like Nick clear, Mark Ingram, Stacey Pitsillides, Rachel Armstrong, Neil spiller.

This issue feels like early steps and that would be great when learning about readers response to the way that this issue has come to be I use metaphors and subjects that will relate and open alternate thinking about a topic. I will sometimes mention memories that give me an understanding of the lectures talk. This is what makes Ponder very original.

Editor of PONDER magazine: Cyrus Davis


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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Dr Mark Ingram 101

In the lecture I have learned about the connectivity of social networks that exist on the internet. Social networks like Twitter and face book has brought people that are like minded together to share ideas and opinions of difference about political and social events. The social networking is also very effective for creating a web presence that can explain to the world about your talent and skills and how you can share these with employers. Some social networks can be used to create projects and each person playing a part in creating parts of the project can exchange project data over the group social network site.

The use of the internet for social networking can have negative results. The use of security will be needed to protect other peoples details from site hacking and socials sites like Twitter and face book has no data protection programming for the users details and password. The user will need to protect his pass word by typing it under cover or discreetly. Most people use an edited picture or a reference image to represent them on a social network site. The use of politeness and language etiquette is needed and some views and graphic images placed on social networks could create legal tension among the online community.

What I learned the most in the lecture would be that online networking is a tool that if used correctly can enhance your professional appearance. The employers will expect to see this level of professional presence and this in effect will encourage like minded people on education or work to approach you. This technology will teach the user about different people and the way how they think like the research used for marketing and product design testing. I would use the online social networking for critical feedback of my 3Dmodelling and project ideas that might need adapting and developing.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Drawing ideas

The projector lit up the lecturing hall and I saw images that expressed the idea of sketch. There was a silence in the hall when the slide was changing. I understood the reason why there was a pause between each slide in that had it allowed us to try and understand the visual meaning of what we see. The art of expressing ideas through sketch and drawing is very important for designers in the development of a product or peace of media.

The use of sketch to explain design ideas can be followed back as far as ancient man when the Egyptians used math and the Greeks would use geometry to calculate and create accurate buildings that would last the test of time. Later with artists like Leonardo de Vinci the world discovered that by drawing the first idea and developing that initial design more ideas and the combining of unconventional ideas could help invent new and better designs that would lead to designing ethics like ergonomics, design testing and precision engineering.

The use of drawing would span across the very world that we live in as everything that we have around us would have been designed and planned. There are some that would argue that nature has a unique design processes like a Darwin pattern of design evolution but that would be controversial as science have uncovered different mediums of drawing and tested there uses. The medical drawings during the early 1700s would provide the best record of visual data for medical research and changed surgery in later years.

The Right brother’s first aeronautical designs would have aero-foil drawings with different size and lengths that would lead to the development of better aircraft. Coming from a drawing and art background I could relate to the lecture and would saw that in the changing times and use of computers in the media industry the way that drawing is used in development of games, film and magazines there is a lack of the drawing skill being used as we life in the cut copy and past era has truly arrived and I some times wonder what the ancients that use drawing to document there ideas on cave walls would say about us today.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Concept of Salvador Darly

The lecture by Neal Spiller was very interesting in the way that it came across as a visual explanation of what I call the theory of design science. The use of looking at the different ways that people would appear to view or observe designs and shapes that we use and have in are environment every day. Shapes that would surest and influence the human mind are very useful when creating something for a target consumer or audience.

This is a very good diagnostic of what people would stereotypically have in their preference of the world around them in an emotional way. The visual reference on the slides would help to understand how complex visual psychotropic’s can become and that people are born in to this way of thinking because of the use of media to learn, entertain and communicate in the modern world.

There is a generation gap because of the less technology that would use advertisement and visual aid to help human interfacing. Some of the images on the slide would come across as surreal in style and pattern. This became interesting as people in the lectures would see different things and gave them different meanings. I understood at this point that with some designs people can relate to some aspects of the design even if there is no deliberate attempt to give the design a meaning like nature design can mean that things are created with a set of principles because it works or functions naturally as physics intended.

I learned that in the development of ideas some times researching nature and how people respond in their environment to man made design can mean mimicking natural habits. Having the five human senses in consideration can help in designing media, products or art. emotions are best displayed through art and design for example the Ferrari created with a passion for cars and speed the NASA titan rocket created with the passion for exploration through surrealism it would be that designers have learned how to express there passions through design with functions. During the years since technology and media have accelerated games have become more surreal films and the way that people interact with there media have changed into a more artistic way of thinking. The fact that we can talk, hand sign and have technology that blends in with are every day environment is surreal enough.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Rachel Armstrong inspiration

The lectures started with an introduction that would remind me of the great Christmas lectures of scientists of old. A sense that we had in are presence a lecture that would educate us on something new and take us through a new way of thinking about design excited my innovated mind. Her ideas and concepts of nature would inspire me to look deeply within myself as a designer to notice the world in a light that I had never seen before.

As she would have been saying there are different types of natural orders and they can be studied and used to invent new ways of adapting and enhancing human life as we exist. I looked at examples and found that there different types of insect that do this and that It is a natural order of survival. It reminded of the space programme and what NASA would have original stated designing the space station for, to adapt and evolve to help the human race survive.

The fact that there is a generic pattern amazes me even more because scientists like Faraday, Newton and Marconi would have had to notice such patens in the world around us to have made there discoveries to contribute to technology. Their designs would change the world due to observation and this use of observation can be found in artists during the renaissance and later in modern 3D arts and graphics.

I have looked at Donatello and Leonardo de Vinci art and realised the level of observation that they would have used would mean that they had to have had a scientific understanding of the world around them commonly known as alchemy in order to get the right natural patterns and textures in there art. Visual and dimensional observation are important but sometimes understanding what makes physical things exist will help even more in the design processes and functionality.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Total recall

The lecture would have been a recap of what we had learned Mark Ingram would take us through what the past learning experiences had been and how we could present them. In my experience I had a great time in learning new things that opened up my mind and expanded the way that I had been approaching design. I realised that I could tackle design problems not just theoretically in my head but look for inspiration in nature and history.

By cataloguing and researching consumer feed back I can develop and improve my ideas that I had believed had been perfect. Most important would be that there is always room for improvement and development because like nature the design processes will need to adapt in general. Change is what the designer is there for with the use of different experiences a team can create something surreal and it could function and it will be accepted. In the development of magazine text there are factors that will be taken in to consideration like the fact that there will be a target reader age group that would mean I will need to present my magazine like a news paper style this is best to get a wide age group, the colour pallet and font will need to be taken in to consideration.

The editing will need to feel that the text and the images can be easily read and viewed at eye contact graphics and text size will also play a part in the usability of the magazine. The front cover and inner front page will need to draw the reader and capture some relative interest. I have been looking at magazines in different platforms like EDGE magazine, 3D artist magazine and Playstation 3 magazine to get an idea of what type of edited settings that are used for commercial brand names. The exclusive feature would have a text font heading larger then the rest on the front or exclusives page. There are subheadings that would be used to title the features of what is to be talked about.

I will be observing the EDGE magazine more because the style and use of images and text draw people that are of my age group. I would like a formal but fun approach to the magazine page lay out and EDGE has won awards for their version. How I will make my magazine original would be by colour high lighting parts of my report to make the report interesting I would use images that would relate but would not have exact reference to the report I will be creating the images and graphics myself.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


The power of words

In history there have been many people that with the power of voice and speech have lead the nation through wars like Winston Churchill and general Nixon people look to people that have the ability to relate and show compassion when needed. The human race needs people in history to talk and defend the week at times when they feel powerless to do so and the precious thing we all call justice has been taken from us like children in the dark we look to the protector.

There are other reasons for the use of manifestos. In history John F Kennedy would have used this for the challenge of him 20th century. The space race would have been the greatest challenge for the American people and would be recorded as the changing point for the world as this would advance science and technology for the use of long range ballistic missiles. The speech that gave that he would say to the world and to the American people that we should have the challenge of sending man to the moon not because it is easy but because it is hard he meant that it would teach us how to co-operate with one another as different countries.

Remembering the things that have changed my life like seeing the Path finder missions and the year that I myself had to talk on psychotropic’s of the human mind would made me realise that the modern world has not got people in the medias light that would talk and influence the minds of many for the greater good in politic like in the past history people had to change and reform things that was wrong. Now every thing has been achieved it feels like manifestos in the modern world are used to sell products and advertise to target audiences.

In my research I have found a few people such as Steven Hockings with his revolutionary views on combining science with the ethics of philosophy. Some musicians and artists are trying to influence positive thinking and actions against negative events around the world but the effects of manifestos that would have gathered millions of people to revulsion are not present because the right reasons are not there yet. In some cases people that I have talked to about this would say that it would take another world war, alien invasion, global event, returning of Christ or an end of days situations to bring people together with words and speeches. People have in some cases been miss lead by the over uses of manifestos from politicians and religious leaders their goal to win the harts and minds of the people are not for the people intentionally just to get votes. Manifestos really work once there is a true blood reason that every ne can relate to and will be effected by like racism, technology, education, money, life and death.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Manifesto on UFO conspiracy

The world is made to be blind

There will be no way to find out because from the day that you are born you have been told other wise about yourself and the world around you,

The reports about this phenomena boasts three seven hundred thousand and is still growing year by year like a problem that dose not go away.

The truth is being kept from you all

The truth of the matter is that the government does not know themselves.

They do not need mass fear and paranoia in an economy that can not support its people national services.

But we as a people can demand to be told the truth because it is your right to know since your very creation on this earth. AS the soil that you walk on and the air that we all breathe we share this planet and we should share its burdens.

I met TRUCKER in an old café

I like my coffee well done and the with Peru beans. All of us have something that wakes us up in the morning.

This trucker sits next to me and tells me about one knight he was driving south east and something stopped his truck.

His electrics and engine would not start at all so he got out of the truck and decided to take a look at the truck.

I was just about to order a donut when he said the word ….. They

I sat there and listened to the trucker as he told me about creatures that talked to him through his mind and took him on board a ship.

Reality or fictional thinking …………You decide …………………….you can think for yourself

If we know more now then when it gets out of hand we will be ready for anything.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Inner Childs dream

In the dim lit hall I was hooked by the word cartoon as the projector displayed Bender from the Futurarmar carton. I had flash backs of when I was a child and the reason why I was there came to mind. I have the passion to influence people through my art or medium that is 3D. the cartoons that I will create will influence and effect children like I was years from now in there homes. Then the question that I had in mind all along came from Dr Mark Ingram’s mouth, what was my first cartoon. I had seen.

My mind travelled back to the time when every thing seemed innocent and all that was wrong in the world had a super hero to put it right. Adults had a total world difference to children and children was made to enjoy there childhood. Among children there would be an honour code one of them would be that you never ratted on your friends and if you got the latest comic book you would have been cool, every little boy an action hero and little girl a heroin this would have been the influence of cartoons in the 1980s

Then I realised when listening to the lecture that over the years children have changed with the cartoons and the influences that they give. Fashion, names and styles that children see when young in cartoons become in some cases nick names, dress senses and ideas that are transferable. One fine example would be the design and styles of cartoon Sci-Fi like Star track and captain Kirks tri quarter, that influenced a futuristic theme over the years with people and their children that eighteen yeas after cell phone technology most cell phones resemble some futuristic design from a Sci-Fi cartoon.

What cartoons teach people today would be more about survival then morals that would build a good character of person, the building blocks of modern society needs good children’s entertainment with education that teaches as well as entertain. In my childhood there was cartoons like the A team and He MAN that would teach children about how wrong drugs are, speaking to strangers, what the difference was between people of the world and incredibly in those short thirty minuets a child could understand a complex subject through a cartoon animation. But what I miss the most would be that cartoons long ago would teach of values that I fear have gone in the world like humour among men, being caring to the people that need to be protected and respect for older people.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Stacey pitsillides

In the lecturing theatre I was interested in the way that the world was explained through the mind of a person that uses a spiritual view in the way things are created or designed. I have always believed that in the religious sense of design it should not be used in the commercial world. I have seen this sense of using a spiritual essence in 3D with Peter Jackson’s lord of the rings. The use of Gandalf the gray and the Elf’s wood that had no sense of time would symbolise this concept of a spiritual

presence in the design and cinematic of the film.

I liked the way how in the presentation there are explanations of different types of spirituality in art and design. The Catholic Church and the Muslim community have a history of art and geometric pattern designs that have metaphorical meaning to the people and the architects that design the

building. I have found that there are many buildings in history that have secret meanings, In the Dan Brown book the Da Vinci code there are references to buildings that create a sense of mysteriousness, the book dose this by describing the details of the buildings that have some spiritual history.

There have been different types of design concepts tat would change the way that people view religion over the decades that have increased usage of television and computer advertisement I have noticed the use of religious symbolism and iconography. In the designing of charity organisations the charity logo would play a huge part in tapping in to the target audience, by using a shape or image that represents the poor human side of emotions, creating an image that can tap into emotions takes skill and plays a part in communicating a serious message across different languages and cultures.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Nick clear brick by brick

The importance of architecture would have been clearly impacted in the lecture that impressed me in many ways. I like the way that I could understand the examples made and the concepts that had been considered by architects to create something new. The use of nature and man interacting more with mans environment and the way we live are all in the realms of design. I remembered something I saw on television one morning about how homes can be more intelligent in the future.

I like the fact that most architects take details and studies from real natural objects like a honey comb, blade of grass or sea coral and study the structure that nature created and selected for the best out of different specimen. I believe that this could well be the way foreword, the future will be that contractors could grow there homes instead of building them.

The use of the site and how people use an area would have been important and with some planning the community would need to have a function behind the design that allowed them to live, eat and socialise within that community. I believe that there are different types of communities because of the architectural designs used. In cities there is less sense of community and this creates an urban culture in

comparison to town life with a close neighbourhood. The more humans communicate with each other the better communications skills are and the less alienated people become with divers cultures.

I realised that like Newham council and Waltham forest council in the 1990s would clutter every different culture of person in a block o flats with no way for them to congregate and socialise. I have seen this during the development of the Denison point flats and notices that local towns of the 1940s with friendly people suddenly changed due to the relocation and long lasting families. The architecture can make or break a community and careful planning is important. I now see the same thing happen to the Stratford projects that have made way for the London Olympics and the Euro tunnel exchange line opened in 2003.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Neil spiller ornamental savagery

The talk was very inspiring and opened my eye to the way that I looked at surreal art. The slides showed Salvador darly work in Spain and the art that he created to present to the world. The best part was the architectural features and sculptures that are in his surreal style. The art that he created would have been created with a meaning behind the art this would distort the art naturally making it appear odd and giving the opportunity for people to be creative and come up with their own interrelation.

The images of the sculptures in the museum would help in the insane creative style of Salvador Dally. The styles would change and the way that the art is created evolves when he starts to find different meaning in the way that the art is displayed and presented to the public. The use of thinking off the edge or insane would fuel the way that this artist would create things

surreal art would have objects and shapes coming out of the canvas and this questioned dimensions and reality. The way that some times images would mean things but yet appear something different began to open my mind to understanding the big question. What is reality?

In the surreal world I could apply the rules of physics or remove them altogether, this was the thinking mind of the great Salvador. The artist Echa would have some art works close to the way that reality has been altered and bent. The difference that I believe accrued would be that Salvador did not know when to stop and he did not realise that his perceptions of reality become to hard to comprehend in sculpture or painting after a wile.

In my research the way that Salvador Darly would create his work would have been unconventional. He would have been famous for being dressed in a smoking jacket. I see this as sense of eccentric behaviour that would come with his mental concentration. The way that people would create art now in the modern world could have started from this era as I have seen animals cut in to half, religious icons painted in odd matter and very strange objects used to tell a story through the art that was created. In all of us there is a little bit of artistic craziness.

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Ponder magazine issue 01 2012


Paris passion delirium loved by surrealist

The lecture was very nice as the sun shun through the theatre windows and the images on the projector would appear faint and interesting as I saw details of different colours and shapes of people. The lecture appeared to be about the way how French artists perceive surreal art and the approach that is taken would have a very renascent way of design. This can be seen in French films and in some French sculptures. The way that I have looked at art in this way would be in the very French

classic story of Annabel that was created with a very French surreal fairy tale style with it.

The French theatre and stage dressings was in some way designed in this way over the early 1900s The Film based on the French cabaret scene had an artistic style that would have people and clothing almost taking a surreal form of its own as the women would wear clothing that would have deformed there bodies and the men would be in all types of styles from top hats to armoured uniforms. In French architecture there would be the use of constructed shapes that formed abstract and surreal design and I could see how people could get an inspiration from artists of the French culture.

I have been to the French art gallery and realised that the French are very passionate people, the French art gallery building being a pyramid could be visually surreal if viewed from a different angle, the tower of France and the art that Vincent van Gogh did in France would have been a great influence to create surreal art because of the way that the French visualise life and their environment. The working classes would have look at the labouring French and see the negative dark side to their culture and this make deep passionate art and powerful surrealism.

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These lectures and the people that I have seen and viewed their ideas and concepts can play a crucial part in the way that artists and 3D modellers can create themed features that can educate the audience and open new ways of applying subjects never used before in creative media. Robots In Brixton and Rachel Armstrong influences have made me realise that anything can be used to create great ideas. I hope this magazine have opened your mind and opinions.

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2012 ISSUE