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-olitical and &mpolitical: ./o -erspecti*es to $ethin0 the Common and the -olitical in Contemporary .hought 1 -olítico e &mpolítico: dos perspecti*as para repensar lo com2n y lo político en el pensamiento contempor3neo M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E" Conse<o 6acional de nvestigaciones Cient2ficas * 8cnicasS Univ Católica de 0anta %eS Univ del 0alvador T $rgentina matiaslsaidelNgmailcom #,stract:  8+is article introduces a distinction =etHeen tHo Ha*s of t+inGing t+e common and t+ e political in contemporar*/ post? foundational poli tical t+oug+t H+ic+ call poli tical and impolitical 3ot+ stances s+are t+e idea t+at t+e communit* is =ot+ impossi=le and necessar* 6onet+eless/ H+ile t+e political perspective seeGs to t+inG a neH political su=<ectivit* to produce a neH commonalit*/ t+e impolitical Hill tr* to t+inG Ha*s of desu=<ectification in order to avoid cooperating Hit+ an* form of oHer 8+e paper tries to s+oH t+eir useful insig+ts and to point out t+eir limits to re?t+inG t+e common and politics in times of neoli=eral governmentalit* 4ey /ords: commun it */ po li tics/ impo litical/ po st?mar ,i sm/ su=<ectivit*/ post?foundationalism $esumen: Este art2culo introduce una distinción entre dos modos de pensar lo comn * lo po l2tico en el pe ns amiento po l2tico po st? fundacional Oue llamo pol 2t ico e impol2t ic o $m=as posi ci ones comp ar ten la idea de Oue la comunidad es a la ve' imposi=le * necesaria 6o o=stante/ mientras la perspectiva pol2tica =usca pensar 1 $ fir st dr af t of t+is pa pe r Has re ad at t+e co nference 7hat is the common V/ !ot+e n=urg / -cto=er KLL9 Hould liGe to t+a nG ie go Rossello/ 3ru no 3osteels/ Emilio "o Dalvo and Emiliano 0acc+i for reading t+is paper at t+at time also Hould liGe to t+anG ngrid iran for +er useful comments and revision of t+is paper 7 Las Torres de Lucca 006: KKQQ?JK7 6I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4  HHHlastorresdeluccaorg

Political and Impolitical: Two Perspectives to Rethink the Common and the Political in Contemporary Thought

Jun 04, 2018



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Page 1: Political and Impolitical: Two Perspectives to Rethink the Common and the Political in Contemporary Thought

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-olitical and &mpolitical: ./o-erspecti*es to $ethin0 theCommon and the -olitical in

Contemporary .hought1

-olítico e &mpolítico: dos perspecti*as para repensar lo com2n y lo

político en el pensamiento contempor3neo

M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E" 

Conse<o 6acional de nvestigaciones Cient2ficas * 8cnicasS

Univ Católica de 0anta %eS Univ del 0alvador T $rgentina


#,stract:  8+is article introduces a distinction =etHeen tHo Ha*s of 

t+inGing t+e common and t+e political in contemporar*/ post?

foundational political t+oug+t H+ic+ call political and impolitical

3ot+ stances s+are t+e idea t+at t+e communit* is =ot+ impossi=le and

necessar* 6onet+eless/ H+ile t+e political perspective seeGs to t+inG a

neH political su=<ectivit* to produce a neH commonalit*/ t+e impolitical

Hill tr* to t+inG Ha*s of desu=<ectification in order to avoid cooperatingHit+ an* form of oHer 8+e paper tries to s+oH t+eir useful insig+ts

and to point out t+eir limits to re?t+inG t+e common and politics in

times of neoli=eral governmentalit*

4ey /ords:  communit*/ politics/ impolitical/ post?mar,ism/

su=<ectivit*/ post?foundationalism

$esumen: Este art2culo introduce una distinción entre dos modos de

pensar lo comn * lo pol2tico en el pensamiento pol2tico post?

fundacional Oue llamo pol2tico e impol2tico $m=as posiciones

comparten la idea de Oue la comunidad es a la ve' imposi=le *

necesaria 6o o=stante/ mientras la perspectiva pol2tica =usca pensar

1 $ first draft of t+is paper Has read at t+e conference 7hat is the common V/!ot+en=urg/ -cto=er KLL9 Hould liGe to t+anG iego Rossello/ 3runo3osteels/ Emilio "o Dalvo and Emiliano 0acc+i for reading t+is paper at t+attime also Hould liGe to t+anG ngrid iran for +er useful comments and

revision of t+is paper

7Las Torres de Lucca 006: KKQQ?JK76I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4   HHHlastorresdeluccaorg

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M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E"  

una nueva su=<etividad pol2tica para producir una nueva forma de lo

comn/ la impol2tica intentar& pensar modos de desu=<etivación para

evitar cooperar con cualOuier forma de oder El art2culo =usca mostrar

las apreciaciones tiles * a la ve' sealar los l2mites de estas posiciones

para repensar lo comn * lo pol2tico en tiempos de gu=ernamentalidadneoli=eral

-ala,ras Cla*e:  comunidad/ pol2tica/ impol2tico/ post?mar,ismo/

su=<etividad/ post?fundacionalismo

$eci,ido: 11545KL1J

#ceptado: 1J51K5KL1J

Las Torres de Lucca 

6I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4

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Political and Impolitical 9

&5 &ntroduction

n t+is article introduce a distinction =etHeen tHo Ha*s of t+inGing

t+e common and t+e political in contemporar*/ post?foundational

political t+oug+t (Marc+art KLL7) H+ic+ call political andimpolitical (Esposito 1999) stage t+is dialogue in order to anal*'e +oH

t+ese t+eories can come to terms Hit+ t+e pro=lems posed =* a societ* in

H+ic+ our practices are captured =* t+e dispositifs  of control and no solid

ground can =e found for our =eing?in?common maintain t+at =ot+

stances s+are t+e vieH of communit* as simultaneousl* impossi'le   and

necessary  6onet+eless/ H+ile t+e  political  perspective seeGs to re?t+inG

political su=<ectivities in order to  produce   a neH commonalit*/ t+e

impolitical  Hill tr* to t+inG modes of desu=<ectification as a Ha* to avoidcooperating Hit+ oHer

 8+e t+inGers Hill deal Hit+ +ere +ave =een tr*ing to ret+inG t+e

common given =ot+ t+e a=sence of an* sta=le foundation for political

action and t+e ultimate impossi=ilit* of a reconciled communit* 8+e*

s+are t+e vision t+at politics are indispensa=le as long as t+e negation or

even foreclosure of antagonism returns in t+e Real of even greater violence

(Mouffe 199JS KLLL W KLLQ) H+ile conflict and dissent represent t+e core

of politics (Esposito 19S 199J) -n t+e ot+er +and/ =ot+ stances Houldagree t+at the political is the space of the incommon as such  (6anc* 199J/

1J9) ut ot+erHise/ t+e political is t+e e,pression of t+e common H+ic+

continuall* actuali'es and redefines it $s a result/ communit* is not a

sta=le/ reified entit* or institution Rat+er/ it is a conflictive dimension in

H+ic+ political su=<ects coeksist K 

3earing t+ese t+eoretical assumptions in mind/ suggest t+at t+e

tHo perspectives Xpolitical and impoliticalX avoid reproducing t+e

traditional gesture of political p+ilosop+*/ namel*/ instituting a self?

identical depolitici'ed communit* -n t+e contrar*/ t+e* assume t+at

antagonism is unavoida=le and t+at t+e full reconciliation of t+e

K use t+is term =earing in mind .eideggerYs depiction of Dasein  as an .k ?sistent 

toget+er Hit+ +is notion of +itsein  Bit+ t+e notion of eG?sistence .eidegger triedto undo t+e metap+*sical distinction =etHeen essence and e,istence/ and s+oHt+at Dasein  is open to 3eing and implied in t+e Horld around +im as n?der?Belt?0ein add t+e Zco?[ of co?eG?sistence recovering t+e .eideggerian notion of +itsein 

to stress t+at political su=<ects alHa*s?alread* s+are/ constitutivel*/ t+ise,perience of t+e outside/ of ecstas*/ even of freedom in t+e ontological sense t is

precisel* t+is notion of +itsein  t+at Has ret+oug+t =* 6anc* and Esposito in orderto ela=orate a non?reified or su=<ectivist notion of communit*

Las Torres de Lucca 

6I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4

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1L M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E"  

communit* is impossi=le .oHever/ suggest t+at t+eir different

approac+es to t+e relation =etHeen t+e common and politics/ su=<ectivit*

and political agenc*/ leads to importantl* different ansHers to t+e

contemporar* political situation

 8o illuminate t+e first perspective/ Hill draH mainl* on tHo ma<orrepresentatives of "acanian post?Mar,ism: "aclau and \i]eG also stage

a dialogue Hit+ Ranci^re/ H+ose t+eor* occupies an intermediate position

=etHeen =ot+ approac+esJ %or t+e second/ Hill comment on tHo talian

p+ilosop+ers/ $gam=en and Esposito/ H+ose HorGs =ear t+e influence of 

.eidegger since t+e 197Ls/ and of %oucault and eleu'e in t+e last tHo


 8+e first perspective/ H+ic+ call _politicalY/ +olds t+at even if t+e full

reali'ation of t+e communit* (full emancipation) is impossi=le/ it is stillnecessar* to emplo* negativit* toHards a positive pro<ect Hit+ a definite

su=<ect 8+e second/ _impoliticalY perspective t+inGs t+e political from its

=orders and t+us linGs t+e common to inoperativeness  (3lanc+ot)/ t+ere=*

deconstructing an ontolog* =ased on t+e preeminence of  pra8is   and

su=<ectivit* n t+is sense/ H+ile "aclau and \i]eG reinstate a form of 

sociall* construed transcendence/ $gam=en and Esposito oppose t+e

communit* to suc+ transcendence/ H+ic+ t+e* figure as t+e continuation

to a tradition of t+eologico?political sovereignt* alHa*s founded in and

upon violent e,clusions n t+is sense/ H+ile t+e former perspective sees

political representation as necessar*/ t+e latter suggests t+at a

communit* of singularities is unrepresenta'le / a fact H+ic+ deactivates

an* productive overcoming of negativit*/ an* "ufhe'ung 

n t+e ne,t sections/ tr* to give a s*nt+etic and inevita=l* simplified

account of t+e different aut+orYs perspectives on t+e common and t+e

political in t+eir oHn terms do so in order to elucidate t+e political

potential of eac+ perspective for +elping us re?t+inG t+e operations of 

poHer and t+e opportunities of political action n t+e process of t+is

J t+anG an anon*mous revieHer for +elping me reflect more seriousl* on t+is issue Hill develop t+is idea furt+er in t+e folloHing sections

4 Be do not +ave enoug+ space +ere to delve into t+e position t+at +as developedmore e,plicitl* t+e notion of t+e common and t+e multitude in recent *earsdraHing on t+e tradition of immanence t+at runs from 0pino'a to eleu'e: t+at of .ardt W 6egri/ "a''arato/ Dirno/ etc .ardt W 6egri understand t+e common as t+ecommon?Healt+ Zof t+e material Horld[ (mainl* natural resources) and t+e Zresultsof social production t+at are necessar* for social interaction and furt+erproduction/ suc+ as GnoHledges/ languages/ codes/ information/ affects/ and so

fort+[ (KLL9/ viii) 8+is perspective and t+at of an emerging =ioeconomics Hill =eanal*'ed in a future paper

Las Torres de Lucca 

6I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4

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1K M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E"  

notion of radical democracy   ("aclau W Mouffe 19Q) %ar from

c+aracteri'ing a political regime/ radical democrac* indicates t+e potential

to democrati'e ever* realm of social life Hit+in a pluralistic/ multicultural

societ* t assumes t+e necessit* of contingenc* (Marc+art KLL7/ 11ss)

and antagonism/ avoiding an* totalitarian closure of t+e social H+ole nt+is Ha*/ "aclau and Mouffe supported li=eral democrac* H+ile

simultaneousl* re?evaluated t+e ontological role of politics f for Mar,ism

politics is traditionall* configured in instrumental terms and reduced to

t+e domain of t+e 0tate/ for "aclau and Mouffe politics is an instituting

social practice t+at +as no predefined ground/ locus/ su=<ect or content

"aclau e,plains t+e logic of politics t+roug+ an ontolog* =ased on

discourse anal*sis and a generali(ed rhetoric   (KLL4/ 1J) in H+ic+ an*

social practice can =e understood as discursive insofar as it conve*smeaning (199L/ KLL4S "aclau W Mouffe/ 19Q) n +is t+eor*/ social

identities HorG as signifiers for ot+er signifiers/ and are t+ere=* relational

and differential 8+ese identities come a=out as t+e result of demands /

H+ic+ are t+e minimum unit of social anal*sis ifferent demands can =e

made to t+e political aut+orities =* diverse groups H+ic+ constitute t+eir

social identities t+roug+ t+em $s long as t+ese demands are satisfied

differentially  =* t+e $dministration/ no counter?+egemonic commonalit* is

formed 3ut H+en a Ouantit* of t+em cannot =e satisfied/ a neH central

demand can emerge as t+e signifier of a common lacG/ and a chain of 

e9uivalences  =etHeen different demands5identities can =e formed around

an empty signifier Q Empt* signifiers Zmatter to politics[ (199) =ecause

t+e* can give name to Xand condense  X a common lacG 8+us t+e* give

rise to a hegemonic  relation t+roug+ t+e articulation of different demands

and t+e affective investments  in a name/ and t+is/ in return/ retroactivel*

constitutes t+e common identit* %or "aclau/ ever* social identit* is

politicall* construed t+is Ha* t does not precede its political e,pression

dentities are not t+e result of positive contents =ut of a common lacG/

and a c+ain of eOuivalences =etHeen different identities gives place to _t+e

peopleY as a political su=<ectivit* H+en an antagonistic =loc toHards t+ose

in poHer is formed around an empt* signifier 8+is is/ =riefl* put/ t+e logic

t+at c+aracteri'es "aclauYs _populismY (KLLQ W 1979)

Q $ c+ain of eOuivalences is an aggregate of negativities around an empt* signifier%or instance/ H+en _democrac*Y is felt =* most people as lacGing/ different peopledemands _democrac*Y 8+en/ an* political group H+ic+ can identif* its oHn

struggle Hit+ t+at empt* signifier can +egemoni'e t+e political situation forming ac+ain of eOuivalencies t+at articulates t+ose different demands and identities

Las Torres de Lucca 

6I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4

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Political and Impolitical 1J

 8+us/ "aclauYs rhetorical ontology  is immediatel* political insofar as

ever* social identit* is politicall* constructed and su=<ect to metonymic 

displacements   (difference ) and metaphorical condensations   (e9uivalence )

 8+e negativit* of ever* signifier and its openness to a pluralit* of 

_language gamesY (Bittgenstein) accounts for "aclauYs anti?essentialism/ ast+ere is no positive term/ no concrete or predefined demand t+at Hill lead

to +egemon* or to political investments $lso/ t+ere is no privileged locus

or su=<ectivit* for social antagonism/ since ever* social identit* is strictl*

differential/ not depending on positive contents/ alloHing a pluralit* of 

contingent language games and political identities to =e displa*ed

 8+erefore/ ever* social identit* is differential  .oHever/ t+is differentialit*

is partiall* suspended H+en a neH political commonalit* is formed as

antagonistic to t+ose in poHer/ H+en a neH +egemonic signifier50u=<ectarises 3ut t+is can onl* taGe place t+roug+ t+e emergence of a  popular 


Be Hill call a demand H+ic+` remains isolated a democratic   demand  $

pluralit* of demands H+ic+/ t+roug+ t+eir eOuivalential articulation/ constitute

a =roader social su=<ectivit* He Hill call popular demands X t+e* start/ at a

ver* incipient level/ to constitute t+e people as a potential +istorical actor .ere

He +ave/ in em=r*o/ a populist configuration Be alread* +ave tHo clear

preconditions of populism: (1) t+e formation of an internal antagonistic frontier

separating t+e people from poHerS and (K) an eOuivalential articulation of demands maGing t+e emergence of t+e people possi=le 8+ere is a t+ird

precondition` t+e unification of t+ese various demands` into a sta=le s*stem

of signification (KLLQ/ 74)

$s He can see/ "aclau maintains t+at t+e people is t+e political and

antagonistic su=<ect to t+ose in poHer t+at emerges out of a political

construction %or "aclau/ politics are alHa*s +egemonic/ since a

particularit* must assume t+e representation of t+e social H+ole t+roug+

t+e constitution of a c+ain of eOuivalences olitics are also _populistY since t+e construction of t+e people is its first tasG: Z8+ere is no

+egemon* Hit+out constructing a popular identit* out of a pluralit* of 

democratic demands[ (KLLQ/ 9Q)

n a similar Ha*/ Ranci^re maintains t+at t+e political communit*

can never =e identical to itself =ecause t+ere are politics/ =ecause a part

H+ic+ +as no assigned part in t+e communit*/ t+e people/ affirms itself 

and its freedom/ as linguistic =eings eOual to an* ot+er/ revealing t+e

e,istence of politics as a space of sharing partage;  olitics are practiced

Las Torres de Lucca 

6I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4

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14 M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E"  

=* t+e part* of t+e poor/ as an activit* of a common t+at is necessaril*

litigious (Ranci^re 1999) and t+at implies a democratic su=<ectification

t+at puts into Ouestion t+e given organi'ation of societ* n t+is sense/

democrac* is

 8+e institution of politics itself/ t+e s*stem of forms of su=<ectification t+roug+H+ic+ an* order of distri=ution of =odies into functions corresponding to t+eir

nature and places corresponding to t+eir functions is undermined (Ranci^re

1999/ 1L1)

 8+us/ H+ereas "aclau emp+asi'es t+e impossi=ilit* of a self?

presentation of t+e people in contemporar* societ*/ and t+erefore t+e

necessit* of political representation to articulate different demands/

Ranci^re (1999 W KLL7) sees democrac* as consisting of e,ceptional

moments of politici'ation in H+ic+ t+e common emerges from t+e =ottom/contesting a state of affairs in H+ic+ all parts of t+e societ* are assigned/

asserting itself instead as an an?arc+ic government H+ere no title is

needed to govern

 8+e tHo t+inGers s+are t+e notion of contingency  as t+e condition of 

(im)possi=ilit* of an* social order and t+e opposition =etHeen  politics  and

administration  (H+ic+ Ranci^re calls police)S politics is H+at distur=s t+e

smoot+ functioning of t+e administration .oHever/ "aclau e,tends t+e

logic of contingenc* furt+er t+an Ranci^re: against t+e misleading idea X freOuent in radical political t+oug+tX t+at conservative politics are t+e

negation of politics as suc+/ "aclau defines politics =* structure and not

=* content Conservative politics/ for +im/ are as political as radical

politics 8+us/ "aclau critici'es Ranci^re for e,cessivel* identif*ing t+e

possi=ilit* of politics Hit+ emancipation ("aclau KLL=)

$ccordingl*/ "aclau s+oHs t+at no predefined realm or content is

in+erentl* political .verything can 'e politici(ed since nothing is political 

in itself  n +is vieH/ politics are alHa*s +egemonic/ so an* universal valueHill =e contaminated =* a particularit* t+at Hill contingentl* incarnate a

universal signifier/ H+ic+ means t+at universalit* is not ac+ieva=le as

suc+ 8+is is tantamount in avoiding an* form of moral or political


$long t+is pat+/ "aclau Hill critici'e _immanentistY t+eories of t+e multitude H+ic+/in +is vieH/ affirm t+at t+ere is no need of suc+ political articulation and t+at an*form of political struggle affects directl* t+e core of t+e Empire ("aclau/ KLLQS

KLL) .oHever/ in Commonwealth  .ardt W 6egri address t+e pro=lem of politicalarticulation

Las Torres de Lucca 

6I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4

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Political and Impolitical 1Q

$t t+is point/ +oHever/ He ma* =egin to note some potential

pro=lems in "aclauYs account %irst/ t+e a,iomatic assertion t+at political

representation must =e invested in a name t+at unifies Zt+ese various

demands b into a sta=le s*stem of signification[ and t+e role of 

leaders+ip in "aclauYs idea of populism reveal t+at li=idinal investments ina name cannot =e easil* separated from t+e investments in a =od*

ndeed/ t+is investments seem to unif* different demands Hit+in Zt+e

name of t+e leader[ and not Hit+in empt* signifiers liGe _<usticeY or

_democrac*Y B+en one recogni'es t+at t+e master signifier is also t+e

master<s  signifier/ t+e real Ouestion =ecomes who  +as t+e poHer to impose

meaning to t+ese signifiers and incarnate t+em n t+is conte,t/ "aclauYs

t+eor* implies t+at effective political identities can onl* =e construed

t+roug+ strong leaders+ip/ H+ic+/ in m* vieH/ can lead to political+eteronom*

 8+e second critiOue points to t+e limited capacit* of an ontolog*

=ased on t+e notion of demand to c+aracteri'e toda*Ys politics/ especiall*

in developed societies H+ere most demands are satisfied =* t+e marGet

Even if one insists t+at "aclauYs account is ontological/ +e recogni'es t+at

an* ontolog* is molded =* t+e ontic conte,t of its production/ ena=ling us

to critiOue +im on t+ese grounds 8+erefore/ see strong limits in "aclauYs

account on t+is point %irst/ it neit+er e,plains +oH demands and lacG are

created in our capitalistic societies/ nor t+e Ha* in H+ic+ toda*Ys

capitalism is predicated not on demands =ut rat+er upon t+e

productiveness of desire %urt+ermore/ even if He accepted t+at He desire

somet+ing to fill a lacG/ t+is lacG and t+e o=<ects He desire Hould alread*

=e determined =* deolog* deolog* is H+at _teac+esY us +oH and H+at to

desire (\i]eG) Hit+in t+e noopolitical dispositifs  of neoli=eral capitalism7

 8+ese pro=lems of t+e ideological production of desire and t+e

political role of en<o*ment are anal*'ed =* 0lavo< \i]eG/ H+o in +is first

Hritings supported t+e "aclauian idea of radical democrac*/ Hit+ its anti?

totalitarian and pluralistic t+rust (199) "ater/ +e critici'ed t+e logic of 

radical contingenc* to redefine antagonism as class struggle (KLLL) %or

+im/ t+ere is not onl* a need to understand t+e formal logic of t+e political

 Xas "aclau Hould doX =ut also to posit a positive content t+at accounts

7 Bit+ noopolitics   (nous : intellect) "a''arato (KLL4) refers to a set of tec+nics of control e,erted upon t+e =rain/ impl*ing its attention in order to control memor*and its virtual potentialities $ paradigmatic e,ample of t+ese is marGeting and

advertising/ H+ic+ strive to capture our attention in order to modif* our Ha*s of feeling/ t+inGing and =e+aving

Las Torres de Lucca 

6I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4

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Political and Impolitical 17

capitalist ideolog*[ (199J/ KJ7) .ence +e maintains Xin contrast to

"aclauX t+at overidentification   is more su=versive t+an fig+ting

_essentialismY and _fi,ed?identitiesY

$lso Ranci^re Hill t+eori'e disidentification =ut in a different sense

Rat+er t+an organi'ing communal en<o*ment/ disidentification is anecessar* step in political su=<etification/ in H+ic+ a part of t+e

communit* stages a wrong   t+at c+allenges t+e current division of t+e

sensi=le and removes itself from t+e names and places t+at H+ere

assigned to it %or Ranci^re/ politics is a matter of modes of 


3* su')ectification   mean t+e production t+roug+ a series of actions of a =od*

and a capacit* for enunciation not previousl* identifia=le Hit+in a given field of 

e,perience/ H+ose identification is t+us part of t+e reconfiguration of t+e field of e,perience (1999/ JQ)

$t t+e same time:

$n* su=<ectification is a disidentification/ removal from t+e naturalness of a

place/ t+e opening up of a su=<ect space H+ere an*one can =e counted since it

is t+e space H+ere t+ose of no account are counted/ H+ere a connection is made

=etHeen +aving a part and +aving no part (1999/ J)

$s He Hill see/ t+ese ideas of disidentification toget+er Hit+ t+e

conception of politics as interruption  of t+e given order ( police ) are also

crucial for t+e impolitical approac+ .oHever/ since disidentification

implies for Ranci^re a Ha* of  political su')ectification  of a part t+at names

itself t+e  people  and identifies itself ZHit+ t+e H+ole of t+e communit*[

(1999/ 9)/ Ranci^reYs approac+ mig+t =e considered a political one

n +is oHn terms/ +e s+ares "aclauYs and \i]eGYs idea t+at

communit* is =ot+ necessar* and impossi=le =ecause t+ere is an

antagonism H+ic+ prevents societ* from =eing %or \i]eG/ +oHever/ t+is

Real   is a positive _entit*Y called capitalism  $nd *et its e,ception/ itssymptom / (or the part of those who have no part in Ranci^reYs terms) is t+e

place from H+ic+ true Universalit* can emerge against glo=ali'ation (ie

t+e universali'ation of Capital) n t+is sense/ against t+e postmodern

assertion of contingenc*/ \i]eG affirms/ folloHing $lain 3adiou/ t+e

e,istence of a 8rut+ H+ic+ can onl* =e seen from t+e point of vieH of 

t+ose alread* committed to it (199S 1997S KLLL W KLL4) ndeed/ for

\i]eG a true communit*/ even +uman survival/ +inges upon t+e assertion

of 8rut+ and of a neH form of communism/ since t+e marGet can onl* lead

Las Torres de Lucca 

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1 M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E"  

to catastrop+e (KLL/ 4KL?JL) n t+is sense/ =esides t+e crucial

antagonism =etHeen t+e e,cluded and t+e included/ \i]eG points out

t+ree domains of antagonisms =etHeen t+e commons (6egri) and t+eir

commodification: in culture or socio?s*m=olic space/ in outer nature

(environment) and inner nature (=iogenetics)t is t+is reference to commons Xt+is su=stance of productivit* H+ic+ is

neit+er private nor pu=licX H+ic+ <ustifies t+e resuscitation of t+e notion of 

communism 8+e commons can t+us =e linGed to H+at .egel` deplo*ed as die

0ac+e/ t+e s+ared social t+ing?cause/ t+e HorG of all and ever*one/ t+e

su=stance Gept alive =* incessant su=<ective productivit* (KLL/ 4K9)

$ffirming t+e necessity  of communism for t+e Horld to survive/ \i]eG

maintains t+at t+e real utopists are t+e free?marGet li=erals H+o =elieve

He +ave approac+ed t+e end of +istor* and dream of a +app* capitalismHit+out antagonism

0o/ rat+er t+an providing t+e formal logic of t+e political/ \i]eG tries

to ela=orate a critiOue of our societ*/ s+oHing t+at ever* realm of social

life is =eing commodified and t+at/ under certain circumstances/ t+e

desire to form a su=stantial communit* can lead to forms of resistance to

full commodification

"iGe "aclau/ +oHever/ i'eGYs vieH also reveals some inconsistencies

%or one/ naming capitalism as Real s*m=oli'es t+e Real/ H+ic+ in turnmaGes it insurmounta=le: He can HorG to c+ange our s*m=olic order/ =ut

somet+ing t+at is Real is =* definition =e*ond our reac+

 8o sum up/ H+at c+aracteri'es t+e political perspective is t+e idea

t+at antagonism is unavoida=le and/ at t+e same time/ t+at ever* social

practice can =e/ in t+e last resort/ political 6onet+eless/ H+ereas "aclau/

Mouffe and Ranci^re stress t+e contingent nature of politics/ \i]eG tries to

s*m=oli'e antagonism t+at impedes societ*Ys fullness as class struggle

n t+is sense/ H+ereas t+e first aut+ors t+inG t+e formal conditions forradical?democratic politics/ t+e latter seems more read* to t+inG t+e

pro=lems t+at arise in toda*Ys capitalism/ connecting +is reflection on

ideolog* Hit+ t+e pro=lem of t+e e,propriation of t+e common raised =*

.ardt and 6egri 8+is notion of t+e common =e*ond t+e opposition

=etHeen pu=lic and private leads us to t+e impolitical  perspective and its

focus on t+e notions of singularit* and inoperativeness 

Las Torres de Lucca 

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Political and Impolitical 19

&&&5 .he impolitical perspecti*e: the e6posure to the common

 8+e impolitical  perspective/ liGe its political counterpart/ conceives

politics as a conflictive realit* .oHever/ impolitical t+eorists focus on t+e

community   as t+e Ge* figure to t+inG t+e common as a sp+ere of 

constitutivel* impossi=le +armon* $lt+oug+ t+is approac+ s+ares t+eanti?identitarian/ anti?totalitarian and anti?essentialist vieH of politics He

find in "aclau and Mouffe/ it does not consider t+e common as a result of 

political su=<ectification and li=idinal investments mpolitical t+oug+t

conceives t+e common as a dimension t+at precedes and e,ceeds =ot+

politics and su=<ectivit* giving _voiceY to coe,istence: somet+ing t+at is

impossi=le to produce 

n fact/ t+is perspective considers politics as an interruption   t+at

does not lead to neH institutional foundations   8+inGing t+e commonfrom a p+ilosop+* of impotentiality   ($gam=en KLLQa)/ and as neit+er

su=stantial nor su=<ective/ t+e impolitical also opposes an* stance t+at

founds t+e common in t+e proprium  (as identities or interests)/ or in an*

presupposition 8+e communit* does not =elong to its su=<ects and t+e

su=<ects donYt =elong to t+e communit*: communit* is rat+er t+e

transcendental condition t+at e,propriates t+em as closed selves/

e,posing t+em to t+eir 'eingincommon  n t+is sense/ t+e community  is a

limit?concept of political p+ilosop+* =ecause it remains ontologically impossi=le (8ari''o KLLJ) n our vieH/ t+e political staGe of t+is t+oug+t

is to empt* an* form of political mediation and sovereignt* of its

foundations in order to t+inG coe,istence =e*ond an* transcendent oHer

3ut let us clarif* H+at He understand =* impolitical  (also translated

recentl* as unpolitical ) 8+e term impolitico  Has first used =* Massimo

Cacciari in an article a=out 6iet'sc+e (197) and re?ela=orated =* Ro=erto

Esposito (19 W 199J)/ as a Ha* to consider t+e political from its

=orders/ staging an alternative to =ot+ political t+eolog* and modern de?politici'ation ts stance is neit+er directl* political/ nor anti?political/

since t+at Hould presuppose t+e reduction of politics to a Dalue or 6orm

and a dialectical movement H+ic+ t+is Gind of t+oug+t tries to avoid 8+e

impolitical   implied a movement of retreat   (6anc* and "acoue?"a=art+e

19J) H+ic+ redefined t+e relation =etHeen p+ilosop+* and politics/ once

t+e model of t+e !ramscian organic intellectual   proved no longer

$s mentioned a=ove/ also Ranci re s+ares t+e idea of politics as an interruption

n +is case/ t+is interruption ena=les t+e e,pression of an egalitarian logic t+roug+political su=<ectification

Las Torres de Lucca 

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KK M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E"  

one of t+em =* t+e ot+er: 'ios   and (o& / logos   and  phon& / human   and

animal  n +istoric communities t+is e,clusion renders t+e e,cluded

sacer / ie/ possi=le to Gill Hit+out committing +omicide or sacrifice/

t+ere=* turning e8clusion   into a transcendental presupposition for

=elonging $gam=en opposes to t+is t+e notion of t+e coming community (199L)/ H+ic+ is not founded in an* su=<ective propert* as identities or

interests/ =ut rat+er on t+e ver* event of co?=elonging Hit+out an*

presupposition $gainst t+e notion of a community of those who don<t have 

one  (3ataille/ 6anc*/ 3lanc+ot) or as nothing in common  (Esposito/ 199)

+e t+inGs of a communit* in H+ic+ the only condition for 'elonging is 

'elonging itself  (199L)

$gam=en is also critical of t+e stances H+ic+ XliGe t+at of Esposito

and MaussX focus on t+e notion of mandatory   gift $gam=en insteadprivileges t+e notion of grace / as Zt+e a=ilit* to use t+e sp+ere of social

determinations and services in its totalit*[ (KLL=/ 11Q) %or $gam=en/

grace does not found social e,c+anges/ =ut rat+er interrupts t+em 8+is

insistence on grace (charis ) derives from t+e auline and later %ranciscan

notion of use (chr&sis ) XH+ic+ deactivates o=ligations and t+e "aHX as

opposed to propert* (dominium )/ and leads +im to propose profanations  as

t+e restitution of o=<ects to a  free use / against t+e idea of seculari(ation /

in H+ic+ t+e sacred dimension and its poHer effects secretl* insist (KLLQaS

KL11=)11 .ence/ $gam=en understands t+e messianic communit* as an

interruption of t+e proprium  t+roug+ a neH/ profane use: Zt+e messianic

vocation is not a rig+t and does not constitute an identit*: it is a generic

otentialit* H+ic+ is used Hit+out =eing its proprietors[ (KLL=/ J1)

 8+is notion of t+e messianic communit* is developed =* $gam=en in

+is reading of aulYs .pistle to the Roman s/ in H+ic+ +e e,plores t+e logic

of asifnot  (hos me ) and of deactivation (katargein )1K %or $gam=en/ aul is

not t+e founder of universalism as 3adiou (1997) maintains =ut rat+er

t+e one H+o divides ever* nomistic division Hit+ t+e impercepti=le $pellesY 

11 $s He can see/ t+is idea is crucial in our digital era/ in H+ic+ t+e conditions for afree and common use of t+e produce of t+e general intellect are t+Harted =* t+einstitution of propert* and t+e commodification of t+e common %or 6egri and.ardt/ t+is full* intellectuali'ation of la=or/ Hit+ its accent on affects andcommunication preannounces t+e neH communism of t+e multitude (199Q/ KLLL/KLL4/ KLL9) $gam=en +as also t+eori'ed a=out t+e general intellect and t+emultitude in order to ret+inG t+e common and to c+aracteri'e +is notion of form?of?life (KLLL/ 1L?11) .oHever/ departing from 6egriYs t+oug+t/ +e opposes t+edominant role of production and su=<ectivit* in Bestern metap+*sics

1K $gam=en notes t+at t+e %renc+ d&s=uvrement  (>o<eve/ 3ataille/ 3lanc+ot/ 6anc*)is a good translation of katargein 

Las Torres de Lucca 

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Political and Impolitical KJ

cut/ maGing impossi=le for t+e H+ole and t+e part to coincide aulYs

universalism is not <ust indifferent to differences =ut rat+er cuts across

and suspends ever* previous identit*/ inviting us to maGe a neH use of 

ourselves as?if He Here not H+o He are 8+e staGe is not <ust to c+ange

our <uridical status or identit* or to enforce a neH "aH =ut to deactivate (katargein ) t+em

n +is vieH/ =ot+ t+e Messianic and t+e state of e,ception HorG

t+roug+ suspension 3ut H+ile/ according to $gam=en/ toda* He live in a

virtual state of e,ception in H+ic+ t+e "aH is suspended =ut still enforced/

maGing life prone to =e eliminated/ aulYs messianism XH+ic+ $gam=en

reads t+roug+ 3en<aminYs glassesX strives to produce a real state of 

e8ception  in H+ic+ "aH and "ife coincide1J 8+is coincidence is elseH+ere

termed =* $gam=en formoflife / a life t+at cannot =e separated from itsform/ in H+ic+ a =are life cannot =e produced (KLLL/ JS KL11=)

n t+is sense/ $gam=en opposes t+e community   of H+atever

singularities (199L)/ and a formoflife  =ased in t+e %ranciscan notion of 

use (KL11=)/ to t+e sovereign poHer of t+e state (199Q) %or $gam=en/ t+e

state produces and at t+e same time tries to capture t+e e,ception Xt+e

'are life   of t+e homo sacer  X and rule t+roug+ it t legitimi'es its oHn

poHer t+roug+ t+e representation  of social identities H+ic+ are =ased on

=are life -n t+e contrar*/ t+e community   recogni'es no presuppositions

and no representation t is an un?founded/ indestructi=le remnant  restob/

H+ere singularities co?=elong/ =eing?suc+: Zt+e state can recogni'e an*

assertion of identit* b =ut t+at t+e singularities form communit*

Hit+out asserting an identit* b t+at is H+at t+e state cannot tolerate

under an* circumstances[ (199L/ Q?Q9)

.ere He see t+e contrast =etHeen $gam=enYs position and t+at of 

"aclau and \i]eG B+ile according to "aclau t+e logic of +egemon* and

articulation implies a political constitution of identities   and a struggle

=etHeen t+em to represent t+e H+ole/ $gam=en is seeGing an

Unrepresenta=le remnant  t+at gets rid of previous identities and t+reatens

t+e 0tateYs sovereign violence $t t+e same time/ H+ile \i]eG sees dis?

identification as t+e element t+at +olds toget+er empirical communities

and calls for an et+ics of over?identification/ $gam=en e,presses t+e need

to elude identification since =* producing identities poHer dispositifs 

1J raHing on t+e latterYs idea of communica'ility  and of divine violence / as a violencet+at does not institute a neH "aH/ $gam=en t+inGs t+e coming politics as a means 

without ends  H+ic+ s+ould turn t+e virtual (0c+mittean) state of e,ception inH+ic+ He live into a real (3en<aminian) one (199Q)

Las Torres de Lucca 

6I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4

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K4 M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E"  

capture our attempts of su=<ectification14  8+at is H+* t+e communit*

$gam=en is tr*ing to t+inG is =e*ond identit*/ since/ for +im/

contemporar* politics +ave alread* emptied an* tradition or identit* of 

meaning and deal onl* Hit+ =are life (KLLL) -n t+e contrar*/ t+e

messianic communit* cannot =e institutionali'ed/ =ecause ever* form of institutionali'ation or representation implies its aut+oritarian negation:

ZH+en t+e eGGles2a Xt+e messianic communit*X Hants to organi'e itself/

t+e pro=lem of t+e rig+t doctrine and infalli=ilit* =ecomes crucial[ (KLL=/


n t+is sense/ H+ile "aclau and \i]eG introduce a transcendent

dimension in politics (part*/ state/ leader/ empt* signifier)/ t+e impolitical

perspective t+inGs communit* outside t+e transcendence of sovereign

poHer/ understanding it as a sacrificial mac+ine $gainst suc+ vieH/"aclau maintains t+at to =e =e*ond sovereignt* and e,clusion is to =e

'eyond politics  and t+at $gam=enYs idea of politics is =ased on t+e m*t+ of 

a full* reconciled communit* ("aclau KLL/ 1KJ) $s He saH/ for "aclau

t+is reconciliation is impossi=le since t+e e,tension of structural

dislocations at HorG in contemporar* capitalism maGe visi=le t+e

contingenc* and precariousness of an* o=<ectivit* and create a pluralit* of 

neH antagonisms/ opening unprecedented possi=ilities for t+e

radicali'ation of democrac* and political articulation n t+is sense/

processes of commodification/ =ureaucrati'ation/ etc do not give =irt+ to

a self?regulated totalit* -n t+e contrar*/ t+e* open up t+e possi=ilit* of 

neH political struggles and c+ange ("aclau/ 199L) n $gam=enYs vieH/

+oHever/ suc+ dislocations Xt+e 0pectacle/ t+e capitalist e,propriation of 

language and t+oug+t/ t+e dissolution of traditional identitiesX are t+e

precondition for a redemptive outcome/ namel* a communit* or form?of?

life =e*ond sovereignt* and propert* in H+ic+ t+e role of politics is

difficult to grasp

n t+is sense/ H+ile for "aclau an* commonalit* is t+e precarious

result of political representation and +egemon*/ for impolitical aut+ors

t+e communit* is unrepresenta'le  (Esposito 19)/ it cannot =e  produced 

=ut it can take place   ($gam=en/ 199L) .oHever/ t+ere is an important

difference =etHeen Esposito and $gam=en %or t+e first/ the community is 

not something that relates what it is, 'ut 'eing itself as relation  %or t+e

latter/ t+e common and t+e political must =e t+oug+t =e*ond an* form of 

14 $s He saH a=ove/ disidentification is for Ranci^re a condition of policialsu=<etification

Las Torres de Lucca 

6I J (<ulio?diciem=re KL1J): 7?J4

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Political and Impolitical KQ

relation/ H+ere t+e first step is to t+inG potentialit* Hit+out an* relation

to actualit* (199Q) n t+is sense/ whatever singularity / as a reformulation

of Dasein / means for $gam=en t+e impossi=ilit* of isolating su=stance

and modes/ individualit* and universalit* $t staGe +ere is a form?of?life

H+ic+ reflects +uman life as (im)potentialit*/ since +uman =eings +ave nopredefined =iological tasG (KLLL)

$lso/ H+ereas "aclau and \i]eG strive to ret+inG political

su=<ectivities/ $gam=en and Esposito e,plore t+e Impersonal   dimension

t+at e,ceeds t+e su=<ective and legal status of t+e person  H+ic+/ in t+eir

vieH/ produces t+e separations =etHeen +ig+er and loHer forms of life

 8+e staGe for =ot+ aut+ors is to t+inG a life?in?common previous to t+e

divide =etHeen 'ios   and (o& /  person   and nonperson   =* t+e "egal

apparatus ndeed/ t+roug+ t+is notion of impersonal life / Esposito tries tot+inG t+e possi=ilit* of affirmative 'iopolitics / turning against t+emselves

t+e dispositifs  t+at 6a'ism emplo*ed against its victims (Esposito KLL4 W

KLL7) n +is vieH/ if =iopolitics continue to lead to t+e destruction of t+e

onl* t+ing t+at can legitimate toda*Ys governments (life itself) it is =ecause

t+e dispositif  of t+e person is founded upon t+e separation =etHeen 'ios 

and (o& / Oualified life and mere life

"iGe $gam=en/ Esposito opposes t+e communit* of singularities to

state sovereignt* .oHever/ +e considers t+at t+e notion of  profanations 

implies t+at somet+ing s+ould =e consecrated   first in order to =e later

made profane (KL1L)/ H+ile immuni'ation paradigm remains alHa*s

attac+ed to t+e immanence of life itself n t+is sense/ H+ile $gam=en +as

to recourse to Messianism to t+inG politics/ for Esposito immuni'ation

implies t+at a politics of life ( politica della vita ) can =e t+oug+t out of an*

t+eologico?political root/ in t+e same terrain of =iopoHer

ndeed/ t+e recourse to religious categories to t+inG t+e political in

t+e last decades Hould reveal our incapacit* to esc+eH t+e t+eologico?

political paradigm .oHever/ EspositoYs formulation arrives at a deadlocG

H+en tr*ing to t+inG politics in positive terms/ since t+e immuni'ation

paradigm can onl* =e a Ouasi?transcendental frameHorG for present?da*

politics t+at cannot offer an* positive content 8+at is t+e reason H+*

H+en +e tries to t+inG affirmative 'iopolitics / instead of draHing from

 political   e,periences/ +e maGes use of metap+ors liGe 'irth / or

p+ilosop+ical categories suc+ as normoflife  (Canguil+em)/ chair  (Merleau?

ont*)/ or impersonal life   (eleu'e) $t t+e same time/ t+is is H+* t+e

prefi, He find in all +is notions is t+e im?/ from t+e impolitical to t+e

Las Torres de Lucca 

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K M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E"  

impersonal t+roug+ immuni'ation

 8o sum up/ impolitical aut+ors critici'e an* form of mediation of t+e

communit* in a separate sp+ere/ an* form of representation H+ic+/ as

Esposito maintains/ is alHa*s a representation of -rder (199J) 8+e* also

critici'e t+e role identities pla* in politics 8+e* s+are a moment of retreatand t+e assertion of norm5form?of?life (Esposito KLL4S $gam=en KL11=)

against an* t*pe of legal and political transcendence 8+ese aut+ors are

critical of li=eral democrac* since it can =e seen as immunitarian

(Esposito KLL) and since t+e predominance of government  +as done aHa*

Hit+ an* form of popular sovereignt* ($gam=en KL11a) 6onet+eless/

despite Hriting a=out government and =iopolitics/ t+ese aut+ors usuall*

+ave a negative approac+ on poHer t+at does not let t+em consider

seriousl* present da* governance 1Q

 Be Hill come =acG to t+is in t+econcluding remarGs

&V5 Concluding remar0s

n t+is paper tried to s+oH t+at political and impolitical

perspectives t+inG t+e common in a non?foundational Ha*/ as t+e* do not

presuppose an* su=stantial or sta=le ground for it $t t+e same time/ =ot+

recogni'e t+at a full closure or total reconciliation of t+e communit* is

impossi=le and +as proved politicall* deadl* .oHever/ as He +ave seen/t+e* are not post?foundational in t+e same Ha*: H+ile t+e  political 

 perspective  tries to fill t+e void of t+e communit* and name t+e not+ing

stressing t+e relevance of politicall* construed identities ("aclau) and t+e

ontological function of t+e 0u=<ect as t+e a=sent center of political

ontolog* (\i]eG)/ t+e impolitical  suggests t+at t+is void s+ould not =e filled

if He Hant to avoid neH modes of t+anatological e,clusion B+ile for t+e

first perspective t+e common is  politically construed / for t+e second it is

'eyond politics  and cannot =e politicall* produced 8+at is H+* t+e first

assumes t+at politics consist in activism and strives to find an

emancipator* su=<ect (t+e people/ t+e proletariat/ etc) H+ile in impolitical 

t+oug+t t+e staGe is to deactivate an* form of su=<ectivit* and poHer/ in

1Q n Il regno e la gloria  (KLL7)/ $gam=en speaGs of a =i?polar mac+ine constituted =*sovereignt* and oikonomical   government/ in H+ic+ t+e latter predominates6onet+eless/ instead of giving an account of toda*Ys t+eories and practice of governance/ +e maGes an arc+eolog* of t+eological te,ts to reveal t+e separation=etHeen a transcendent reign of god/ H+o reigns =ut doesnYt govern/ and t+e

immanent oikonimical  government =* t+e angels (ministers) $lso Esposito (KL1J)refers to economics t+roug+ t+e filter of t+e t+eological de=ate

Las Torres de Lucca 

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K M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E"  

e,istential need/ an et+ical imperative or a suicidal actionV Be +ave

alread* commented on "aclauYs critiOue of $gam=enYs dream of politics

Hit+out e,clusions 0imilarl*/ \i]eG (KLL) critici'es t+e retreat from state

poHer =* suggesting t+at _local strugglesY and _infinite demandsY 17  onl*

reinforce t+e position of t+ose H+o rule nstead of resisting state poHer orretreating from it/ +e suggests t+at true revolutionaries s+ould tr* to sei'e

it (KLL7) 3ut does it maGe an* sense to speaG toda* of _true

revolutionariesY and t+e sei'ure of state poHer in comple, and glo=ali'ed


n m* vieH/ the limits of 'oth perspectives stem from the very 

diagnoses they make  espite providing useful insig+ts/ =ot+ stances +ave

a reductive understanding of toda*Ys forms of domination/ H+ic+

undermines t+eir capacit* to ela=orate a positive account of t+ecommunalit* to emerge and politics to come n t+is sense/ impolitical 

t+oug+t seems to =e still secretl* o=sessed Hit+ sovereign poHer and Hit+

t+eological and <uridical dispositifs  H+en toda*Ys forms of (=io)poHer are

muc+ more su=tle and productive B+ile it is true t+at t+e e,ception

=ecame t+e rule of government and t+at racism is far from =eing

overcome/ H+at is taGing place in toda*Ys societies of control  is rat+er t+e

inclusion of t+e outside B+ereas classic sovereign poHer and even

disciplinar* societies =elong to a mec+anical?analogical era/ toda*Ys

=iopolitical or noopolitical   ("a''arato KLL4) poHer =ecame molecular/

informational and digital (eleu'e 199LS 0i=ilia KLLQ) 8oda*Ys main forms

of (=io)poHer do not for=id or enclose =odies =ut modulate su=<ectivities at

a distance/ and t+e su=<ect5o=<ect of poHer is not onl* t+e  population  as a

=iological aggregate =ut also t+e  pu'lic  as a sociological realit* 8oda*Ys

(=io)poHer does not emplo* our muscles/ =ut stimulates our neural

centers t does not to for=id our en<o*ment =ut maGes it mandator*

 8+e oppressive contours of t+is in)unction to en)oy   +ave =een

anal*'ed =* \i]eG t+roug+ t+e stud* of t+e "acanian superego  (passim) n

a Ha*/ it +as also =een recogni'ed =* $gam=en/ H+o stresses t+e

impossi=ilit* to resist a oHer t+at maGes us =elieve t+at ever*t+ing can

=e done/ separating us from our potentialit* not?to?do (KLL9/ 9)

.oHever/ t+is pro=lem is a=sent in Esposito and "aclauYs accounts

ndeed/ even t+oug+ "aclauYs logic of politics seems to HorG at t+e

level of political discourse and aggregation/ +e does not engage in

17 .ere i'eG attacGs Critc+le*Ys =ooG Infinitely Demanding: .thics of Commitment,Politics of Resistance / "ondon: Derso/ KLL7

Las Torres de Lucca 

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Political and Impolitical K9

understanding toda*Ys forms of poHer in _developed societiesY H+ere

demands  and desires  are more liGel* to =e construed and fulfilled t+roug+

marGeting and consumption or self?entrepreneurs+ip rat+er t+an =*

li=idinal investments in politics 6oHada*s t+e _affective investment in a

nameY Hit+ H+ic+ "aclau descri=es t+e construction of _t+e peopleY isliGel* to =e done =* political marGeting 3esides/ it also implies t+e

identification Hit+ a =od* t+at incarnates t+e communit*/ reinstating a

t+eological dimension in politics $ postmodern t+eolog* in H+ic+ no dea

mo=ili'es t+e people: onl* a name/ or slogan

-f course/ m* assertion implies leaving aside contingenc* for a

moment and taGing a _su=stantiveY and _outmodedY vieH of politics as

somet+ing different from marGeting and consumption t also implies a

critical vieH on marGeting as a su=tler =ut no less aut+oritarian Ha* of constructing political images and social identities compared to t+e

 8otalitarian propaganda .oHever/ as mentioned a=ove/ t+is

spectaculari'ation of politics and t+is commodification of social identities

can +ave a positive outcome for =ot+ "aclau and $gam=en %or t+e first/

t+e dislocations t+ese processes impl* open t+e possi=ilit* of neH

demands/ struggles and political articulation %or t+e latter/ t+e

possi=ilit* of a communit* Hit+out identit* is t+e result of t+e

e,propriation of t+e Common =roug+t a=out =* toda*Ys capitalism and

t+is opportunit* s+ould =e used   against t+e 0pectacle (199L) n t+is

sense/ t+e logic of  profanation   implies t+e possi=ilit* to create an

alternative econom* of social interaction/ production and en<o*ment

related to H+at $gam=en calls use 

 8+e a=sence of a stud* of toda*Ys governance is also a pro=lem in

EspositoYs account $lt+oug+ draHing on %oucault and eleu'e/

EspositoYs reflection +as not full* engaged Hit+ an anal*sis of t+e

economic and su=<ective aspects of toda*Ys forms of poHer H+ic+ emplo*

t+e su=<ectsY desires and creativit* in t+eir reproduction Even if +e +as

tried to overcome a merel* deconstructive approac+ t+roug+ t+e

immuni'ation paradigm/ +is anal*ses remain all too ontological %irst/

even t+oug+ +e acGnoHledges t+e necessit* of conflict for politics/ +e

never privileges a particular form of politics 0econd/ despite t+at +e

recogni'es transformations in t+e e,ercise of poHer/ +is diagnosis XliGe

$gam=enYsX seems too o=sessed Hit+ 0overeign oHer and its legal

apparatus 8+ird/ as said =efore/ +is idea of affirmative =iopolitics draHs

on e,amples He can =arel* call political $ssuming t+at an* form of action

Las Torres de Lucca 

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Political and Impolitical J1

invented/  profaning   an outdated idea of propert* and also an

aut+oritarian notion of politics in order to produce neH political

e,periences 8o do so/ He cannot sever t+e common from t+e political: not

even Hit+ $pellesYs +elp

V5 Bi,liography

$gam=en/ !iorgio (197)/ Z3ataille e il paradosso della sovranit[/ in

>eorges 5ataille: il politico e il sacro / edited =* di #acOueline Risset/

6apoli: "iguori

 XX (199L)/ La comunit? che viene / 8orino: Einaudi

 XX (199Q)/ #omo @acer Il potere sovrano e la nuda vita  8orino: Einaudi

 XX (KLLL)/ +eans 7ithout .nds /otes on Politics / 8ranslated =* Dincen'o

3inetti and Cesare Casarino/ Minnesota: Universit* of Minnesotaress

 XX (KLLQ)/ Profana(ioni / 8orino: 3ollati 3oring+ieri

 XX (KLLQ=)/ La poten(a del pensiero @aggi e conferen(e / Dicen'a: 6eri


 XX (KLL7)/ Il regno e la gloria Per una genealogia teologica dellAeconomia 

e del governo  .omo sacer K/K/ Dicen'a: 6eri o''a

 XX (KLLa)/ Il sacramento del linguaggio: "rcheologia del giuramento

Roma: "ater'a XX (KLL=)/ Il tempo che resta Bn commento alla Lettera ai Romani,

0econd Edition/ 8orino: 3ollati 3oring+ieri

 XX (KLL9) /udit? / Roma: 6ottetempo

 XX (KL11a) Zntroductor* note to t+e concept of democrac*[/ en $$DD/

D&mocratie, dans 9uel &tat / "a %a=riOue/ KLL9/ trad ing Billiam

McCuaig/ Democracy, in 7hat @tate / 6eH ForG/ Colum=ia

Universit* ress

 XX (KL11=) "ltissima Povert?: Regole monastiche e forma di vita, Dicen'a:

6eri o''a

 XX (KL1K) pus Dei: "rcheologia dell<ufficio #omo sacer, II / Q 3ollati

3oring+ieri/ 8orino

3adiou/ $lain (1997)/ @aint Paul The -oundation of Bniversalism /

translated =* Ra* 3rassier/ 0tanford: 0tanford Univ ress

3osteels/ 3runo (KLL9)/ Z8+inGing/ 3eing/ $cting: -r/ -n t+e Uses and

isadvantages of -ntolog* for olitics[/ in " Leftist ntology 5eyond 

Relativism and Identity Politics / Edited =* Carsten 0trat+ausen/

Minneapolis: Universit* of Minnesota ress

Las Torres de Lucca 

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C+iesa/ "oren'o (KLL9)/ Z!iorgio $gam=enYs %ranciscan -ntolog*[/ in

Chiesa, Loren(o E "l'erto Toscano, The Italian Difference: 'etween 

nihilism and 'iopolitics / Mel=ourne: Repress

eleu'e/ !illes (199L)/ Zostscript on t+e 0ocieties of Control[/ in LAautre 

 )ournal / 6r / Mai -riginall* pu=lis+ed in Englis+ in t+e <ournalCT5.R  Q9/ Binter 199K/ pp J?7/ Cam=ridge: M8 ress

errida/ #acOues (199)/ Z%ait+ and >noHledge: 8+e tHo 0ources of 

Religion at t+e "imits of Reason $lone[/ trans 0 Be=er/ in !

$nid<ar (ed) "cts of Religion / "ondon T 6eH ForG: Routledge

Esposito/ Ro=erto (1999)/ Categorie dell<impolitico   (1st ed 19)/ 0econd

Edition 3ologna: l mulino

 XX (199J)/ /ove pensieri sulla politica  3ologna: l mulino

 XX (199)/ Communitas rigine e destino della comunit? / 8orino:Einaudi

 XX (KLLK)/ Immunitas Prote(ione e nega(ione della vita  8orino: Einaudi

 XX (KLL4)/ 5ios 5iopolitica e filosofia  8orino: Einaudi

 XX (KLL7)/ Ter(a Persona Politica della vita e filosofia dellAimpersonale

 8orino: Einaudi

 XX (KLL)/ Termini della politica Comunit?, Immunit?, 'iopolitica 8orino:


 XX (KL1L)/ Pensiero vivente: rigine e attualit? della filosofia italiana /

 8orino: Einaudi

%oucault/ Mic+el (KLL4)/ /aissance de la 'iopoliti9ue: Cours au CollFge de 

-rance 012GH12G24, Edited =* Mic+el 0enellart/ aris: !allimard5


.ardt/ Mic+ael W $ntonio 6egri (KLLL)/ .mpire / Massac+usetts: .arvard

Universit* ress

.ardt/ M W $ 6egri (KLL9)/ Commonwealth / Massac+usetts: .arvard

Universit* ress

"aclau/ Ernesto (199L)/ /ew Reflections on the Revolution of ur Time /

"ondon: Derso

 XX (199a)/ ZUniversalism/ articularism and t+e uestion of dentit*[/

in .mancipation (s)/ "ondon: Derso

 XX (199=)/ ZB+* do Empt* 0ignifiers Matter to oliticsV[/ in

.mancipation (s)/ "ondon: Derso

 XX (KLLQ)/ n Populist Reason / "ondon: Derso

 XX (KLL)/ Z$ti'=ando el futuro[/ in Laclau " critical reader / Edited =*

Critc+le*/ 0imon W -livier Marc+art/ 8ranslated to 0panis+ =*

Las Torres de Lucca 

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 8eresa $ri<ón/ Laclau "pro8imaciones cr$ticas a su o'ra / p J47?4L4/

3uenos $ires: %ondo de cultura económica

 XX (KLL=) De'ates y com'ates Por un nuevo hori(onte de la pol$tica /

3uenos $ires: %ondo de cultura económica

"aclau/ E W C+antal Mouffe (19Q)/ #egemony and socialist strategyTowards a radicali(ation of democracy / "ondon: Derso

"aclau/ E/ # 3utler W 0 \i]eG (KLLL)/ Contingency, Bniversality,

#egemony, "ondon T 6eH ForG: Derso

"a''arato/ Mauri'io (1997)/ Lavoro immateriale -orme di vita e produ(ione 

di soggettivit? / Derona: -m=re Corte

 XX (KLL4)/ La politica dell<evento / Cosen'a: Ru==ettino

Marc+art/ -liver (KLL7)/ Post-oundational Political Thought: Political 

Difference in /ancy, Lefort, 5adiou and Laclau,  Edin=urg+:Edin=urg+ Universit* ress

Mouffe/ C+antal (199J)/ The return of the political / "ondon T 6eH ForG:


 XX (KLLL)/ The democratic parado8 / "ondon T 6eH ForG: Derso

 XX (KLLQ)/ n the political / 6eH ForG: Routledge

6anc*/ #ean?"uc (1999)/ La communaut& d&s=uvr&e,  6ouvelle dition

revue et augmente/ aris: C+ristian 3ourgois

 XX (KLLL)/ Zs ever*t+ing politicalV[/ Cline 0urprenant (trans)/ in M

Mcuillan (ed) The Politics of Deconstruction: *ac9ues Derrida and 

the ther of Philosophy / "ondon: luto ress/ pp 47?QJ

 XX (KLL7)/ La communaut& affront&e  (KLLK)/ translated into 0panis+ =*

 #M !arrido/ La comunidad enfrentada / 3uenos $ires: "a Ce=ra

6anc*/ #ean?"uc W "acoue?"a=art+e/ +ilippe (1997)/ Retreating the 

 political, 0 0parGs/ Ed/ "ondon: Routledge

Ranci^re/ #acOues (1999)/ Disagreement: politics and philosophy /

translated =* #ulie Rose/ Minneapolis: Universit* of Minnesota


 XX (199Q)/ "u8 'ords du politi9ue / -siris/ aris/ 199K/ translated 3* "i'

.eron/ n the shores of politics / "ondon: Derso

 XX (KLL7)/ La haine de la d&mocratie / "a fa=riOue ditions/ aris/ KLLQ/

trans 0teve Corcoran/ #atred of Democracy / "ondon: Derso

0i=ilia/ aula (KLLQ)/ .l hom're postorg%nico  Cuerpo, su')etividad y 

tecnolog$as digitales / 3uenos $ires: %CE

 8ari''o/ avide (KLLJ)/ Il pensiero li'ero  La filosofia francese dopo lo 

strutturalismo  Milano: R Cortina

Las Torres de Lucca 

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J4 M$8P$0 "E$6R- 0$E"  

Dillacaas/ #os "uis (KL1L)/ Z8+e "i=eral Roots of opulism: $ CritiOue of 

"aclau[/ (# "edo 8rans) The /ew Centennial Review / Dolume 1L/

6um=er K/ %all/ pp 1Q1?1K

Dirno/ aolo (KLL1)/ >ramatica della moltitudine Per un<analisi delle forme 

di vita contemporanee / Ru=ettino/ trans =* sa=ella 3ertoletti/ #ames Cascaito/ $ndrea Casson/ " >rammar of the +ultitude -or an 

"nalysis of Contemporary -orms of Life / 0emiote,t(e)


\i]eG/ 0lavo< (1999)/ The Ticklish @u')et: The "'sent Centre of Political 

ntology / "ondon T 6eH ForG: Derso

 XX (KLLL)/ ZM&s all& del an&lisis del discurso[/ in Ernesto "aclau/

/uevas refle8iones so're la revoluci!n de nuestro tiempo / 3uenos

$ires: 6ueva Disión\i]eG/ 0lavo< (KLLL=)/ ZClass struggle or ostmodernismV Fes/ please[/ in

3utler/ #S E "aclau/ W 0 \i]eG/ Contingency, Bniversality,

#egemony / "ondon T 6eH ForG: Derso

 XX (KLL4)/ The Bniversal .8ception / "ondon T 6eH ForG: Conitnuum

 XX (KLLQ)/ The metastases of .n)oyment n women and causality / (1st

Ed 1994)/ "ondon?6eH ForG: Derso

 XX (KLL7)/ ZResistance is 0urrender[/ London Review of 5ooks


 XX (KLL)/ The fragile a'solute r why is the Christian Legacy 7orth 

-ighting for / (1st ed KLLL)/ "ondon T 6eH ForG: Derso

 XX (KLL=)/ The plague of fantasies / (1st Ed 1997)/ "ondon T 6eH ForG:


 XX (KLLc) The @u'lime ')ect of Ideology  (%irst edited in 199)/ "ondon

 T 6eH?ForG: Derso

 XX (KLLd) Jiolence: @i8 @ideways Reflections / 6eH ForG: icador

 XX (KLLe) In Defense of Lost Causes / "ondon T 6eH?ForG: Derso