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Police Officers Police Officers In Britain & In Britain & China China By Zhan Jiayu

Police Officers In Britain & China

Jan 20, 2016




Police Officers In Britain & China. By Zhan Jiayu. Attestation: 宣誓. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Police Officers In Britain & China

Police Officers In Police Officers In Britain & ChinaBritain & China

By Zhan Jiayu

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Attestation: 宣誓 “I … do solemnly and sincerely declare and aff

irm that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady the Queen in the office of Constable, without favor or affection, malice or ill will; and I will, to the best of my power cause the peace to be kept and preserved, and prevent all offences against the persons and properties of Her Majesty’s subjects and that while I continue to hold the said office I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to the law. ”

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Attitudes towards their jobsAttitudes towards their jobs

• Purpose - “I wanted to help people and to make a difference. I felt that policing would be varied, exciting, challenging and rewarding - I was right!”

• “A sense of fulfilling: I can go home at the end of the day knowing that while I may not have changed the world, I have at least done the right thing for somebody.”

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What qualifications ?What qualifications ?• no formal educational requirements

• two written tests - to ensure numeracy and a reasonable standard of English.

• selection process and initial training

• an extensive knowledge of law and procedures

A position of responsibility - to A position of responsibility - to reduce crime and the fear of crreduce crime and the fear of cr


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CompetenciesCompetencies• Effective communication • Community and customer focus• Personal responsibility• Resilience (remains calm and confident

)• Problem solving ability• Respect for race and diversity• Team Working Spirit

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General RequirementsGeneral Requirements • Age requirements - accepted at the age of 1

8 for appointment at 18½ ; no upper age limit for applying

• Height requirements - no minimum or maximum height requirements

• Fitness - not considerably overweighed • Eyesight Standards - People with aided vis

ion can also apply for the office of constable, so long as the vision is within limit.

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General RequirementsGeneral Requirements• Medical Standards - in good health mentally

and physically

• Disability - The police service welcomes applications from people with disabilities and will do all it can to make reasonable adjustments, which will allow disabled applicants to do the job.

• Criminal Convictions – eligible with minor convictions/cautions

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General RequirementsGeneral Requirements

• Financial Vetting - Applicants will have their financial status checked.

• Business Interests - not normally be eligible for appointment as a police officer if they have certain business interest

• Tattoos – allowed; but candidates should not have tattoos which could cause offence

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Striking FeaturesStriking Features• Training Program: Probationer training or

Metropolitan Police probationer training for two years

• The High Potential Development (HPD) scheme - designed to support and develop the future leaders of the Police Service

• Pay & Benefits – high salaries; pensions packages; fair and inclusive promotion policy; occupational health and welfare support benefits

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Support AssociationsSupport Associations• National Black Police Association (NBP

A)• Gay Police Association (GPA)• British Association for Women in Policin

g (BAWP)• The same principle – the police should

engage with all sections of the community to build confidence and trust in the Police.

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中国人民警察誓词 我宣誓:我志愿做一名人民警察。我保证忠


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Qualifications for People’s PoliceQualifications for People’s Police in China in China

• Educational requirement raised to college level in recent years.

• Test: Professional written test regarding policing, assessment of both physical and psychological endurance.

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General Requirements for Police General Requirements for Police Officers in ChinaOfficers in China

• Age requirements: Below 25, 30 at most for people in remote areas

• Height requirements:

Minimum height – 1.70 for male candidates, 1.60 for female candidates

• Fitness (same)

• Eyesight Standards (same)

• Medical Standards (same)

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General Requirements for Police General Requirements for Police Officers in ChinaOfficers in China

• People with disabilities: unacceptable - poor situation of human rights ??? - Or out of China’s reality ???• Criminal Convictions – rejected; even

those with minor conviction or caution are precluded from the police force

• Tattoos: candidates with tattoo are rejected outright.

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Distinctive Features from that of Distinctive Features from that of BritainBritain

• Those who have relatives of lineal descent ( 直系血亲 ) or important collative relatives by blood( 旁系血亲 ) sentenced to death or in prison or engaged in anti-government activities are not allowed to join in the police service.

• Training: Usually three weeks except graduates from police colleges. Actually only a small percentage of the policing force has received formal training. Most of them hold office without any training at all especially those in remote areas where the government cannot afford the money of training.

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Results from comparison Results from comparison

• The Chinese requirement is stricter and less flexible

• a more qualified policing group in China???

• Instead, there is a huge gap between the policing service in China and Britain.

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The Reasons???The Reasons???• Britain: - Longer and better training scheme - Support through the policing career from g

overnment, colleagues & protection from various associations.

In Britain, the police enjoy no privilege, but they enjoy the trust of the community, while in China, the police are a privileged group in the eyes of the public who have a low confidence of them.

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ReasonReason behind the reasons behind the reasons

• Shortage of money

• Arbitrary collection of fees(乱收费 )

• Bad reputation & terrible relationship with the general public & bribery

Problems Faced by the Problems Faced by the Policing Force in ChinaPolicing Force in China

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Problems Faced by the Policing FProblems Faced by the Policing Force in Chinaorce in China

• Shortage of policing staff

• Overwork & high pressure

Low Salaries

• A weary policing group & low morale & bad mood & declined health conditions & tense relationship with the public, etc.

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• Shortage of staff - proportion of Police officers to the population: 11: 10000 (China) VS 35:10000 (western countries)

• Overwork - the People’s police work 11-15 hours per day on average and have only one day off in three weeks.

• Low Salary - the average salary for policeman in China is between 800 and 1200 RMB.

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• Reference:



• Microsoft Encyclopedia