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Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)

Jun 01, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


    He sees the gilded throng $ithin,The s& rkling goblets gle m,The music nd the merr# dinThrough ever# $indo$ stre m,But there he shivers in the coldTill ll the cr I# dre m is told.

    @ot mine the gr #be rdDs glittering e#eTh t held his c &tive stillTo hold m# silent &risoners b#

    +nd let me h ve m# $ill@ #, * $ere like the three'#e rsD child,To think #ou could be so beguiled

    # verse is but the curt inDs foldTh t hides the & inted scene,The mist b# morningDs r # unrolledTh t veils the me do$Ds green,

    The cloud th t needs must drift $ #To sho$ the rose of o&ening d #.

    See, from the tinkling rill #ou he r *n hollo$ed & lm * bringThese sc nt# dro&s, but h, ho$ ne r The founts th t he ven$ rd s&ringThus, o&en $ide the g tes re thro$n

    +nd founts nd flo$ers re ll #our o$n


    2+@!E1S, - 99

    B+@A1?PT our &ockets inside outEm&t# of $ords to s&e k his &r isesWorcester nd Webster u& the s&out2e d broke of l ud tor# &hr ses%et $h# $ith flo$er# s&eeches te se,With v in su&erl tives distress himF

    H s l ngu ge better $ords th n theseFTHE =1*E@2 O= +(( H*S 1+;E, GO2 B(ESS H*

    + sim&le &r #er''but $ords more s$eetB# hum n li&s $ere never uttered,Since +d m left the countr# se tWhere ngel $ings round him fluttered.The old look on $ith te r'dimmed e#es,The children cluster to c ress him,

    +nd ever# voice unbidden cries,THE =1*E@2 O= +(( H*S 1+;E, GO2 B(ESS H*

  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


    +T THE P+P%1?S ;(?B

    + (O!E(% sho$ for e#es to see* looked u&on this morning,''

    + bright'hued, fe thered com& n#Of n tureDs o$n dorningBut h those minstrels $ould not sing

    + listening e r $hile * lent,''The l rk s t still nd &reened his $ing,The nighting le $ s silent* longed for $h t the# g ve me not''Their $ rblings s$eet nd flut#,But gr teful still for ll * got* th nked them for their be ut#.

    + f irer vision meets m# vie$Of ;l r s, rg rets, r#s,*n silken robes of v ried hue,(ike bluebirds nd c n ries

    The roses blush, the je$els gle m,The silks nd s tins glisten,The bl ck e#es fl sh, the blue e#es be m,We look'' nd then $e listenBehold the flock $e c ge to'night''W s ever such c &tureFTo see them is &ure delightTo he r them'' h $h t r &ture

    ethinks * he r 2elil hDs l ugh +t S mson bound in fetters

    We c &tured shrieks e ch lovelier h lf,

    en think themselves our bettersWe &ush the bolt, $e turn the ke#On $ rriors, &oets, s ges,Too h &, ll of them, to be(ocked in our golden c gesBe$ re the bo# $ith b nd ged e#esH s flung $ # his blinder

    He Ds lost his mother''so he cries'' +nd here he kno$s heDll find her)The rogue Dt is but ne$ device,''(ook out for fl#ing rro$s

    WheneDer the birds of P r dise +re &erched mid the s& rro$s

    =O1 WH*TT*E1DS SE!E@T*ETH B*1TH2+%

    2E;E BE1 -/, - //

    * BE(*E!E th t the co&ies of verses *Dve s&un,

    (ike SchehereI deDs t les, re thous nd nd one%ou remember the stor#,''those mornings in bed,''DT $ s the turn of co&&er,'' t le or he d.

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    + doom like SchehereI deDs f lls u&on me*n m nd te s stern s the Sult nDs decree*Dm florist in verse, nd $h t $ould &eo&le s #*f * c me to b nLuet $ithout m# bouLuetF

    *t is tr#ing, no doubt, $hen the com& n# kno$s>ust the look nd the smell of e ch lil# nd rose,The green of e ch le f in the s&rigs th t * bring,

    +nd the sh &e of the bunch nd the knot of the string.

    %es,'' the st#le is the m n, nd the nib of oneDs &enkes the s me m rk t t$ent#, nd threescore nd ten

    *t is so in ll m tters, if truth m # be told(et one look t the c st he c n tell #ou the mould.

    Ho$ $e ll kno$ e ch other no use in disguiseThrough the holes in the m sk comes the fl sh of the e#esWe c n tell b# his''some$h t''e ch one of our tribe,

    +s $e kno$ the old h t $hich $e c nnot describe.

    Though in Hebre$, in S nscrit, in ;hoct $ #ou $rite,S$eet singer $ho g ve us the !oices of @ight,Though in buskin or sli&&er #our song m # be shodOr the velvet# verse th t Ev ngeline trod,

    We sh ll s #, %ou c nDt che t us,''$e kno$ it is #ou,There is one voice like th t, but there c nnot be t$o,estro, $hose ch nt like the dulcimer rings

    +nd the $oods $ill be hushed $hile the nighting le sings.

    +nd he, so serene, so m jestic, so true,

    Whose tem&le h#&ethr l the &l nets shine through,(et us c tch but five $ords from th t m#stic l &en,We should kno$ our one s ge from ll children of men.

    +nd he $hose bright im ge no dist nce c n dim,Through hundred disguises $e c nDt mist ke him,Whose &l # is ll e rnest, $hose $it is the edgeWith beetle behind0 of sh m's&litting $edge.

    2o #ou kno$ $hom $e send #ou, Hid lgos of S& inF2o #ou kno$ #our old friends $hen #ou see them g inFHose $ s S ncho #ou 2ons of drid,

    But S ncho th t $ielded the l nce of the ;id +nd the $ood'thrush of EsseJ,''#ou kno$ $hom * me n,Whose song echoes round us $hile he sits unseen,Whose he rt'throbs of verse through our memories thrill(ike bre th from the $ood, like breeIe from the hill,

    So fervid, so sim&le, so loving, so &ure,We he r but one str in nd our verdict is sure,''Thee c nnot elude us,''no further $e se rch,''DT is Hol# George Herbert cut loose from his church

    We think it the voice of ser &h th t sings,'' +l s $e remember th t ngels h ve $ings,''Wh t stor# is this of the d # of his birthF

  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


    One life h s been & id him in gold0 b# the sunOne ccount h s been sLu red nd nother begunBut he never $ill die if he lingers belo$Till $eDve & id him in love h lf the b l nce $e o$e

    TWO SO@@ETS) H+1!+12

    +t the meeting of the @e$ %ork H rv rd ;lub,=ebru r# 5-, - / .

    ;H1*STO ET E;;(ES(E. -/44

    To GO2DS +@O*@TE2 +@2 H*S ;HOSE@ =(O;ASo r n the &hr se the bl ck'robed concl ve chose

    To gu rd the s cred cloisters th t rose(ike 2 vidDs lt r on ori hDs rock.?nsh ken still those ncient rches mockThe r mDs'horn summons of the $ind# foesWho st nd like >oshu Ds rm# $hile it blo$s

    +nd $ it to see them to&&ling $ith the shock.;hrist nd the ;hurch. Their church, $hose n rro$ door Shut out the m n#, $ho if overbold(ike hunted $olves $ere driven from the fold,Bruised $ith the fl ils these godl# Ie lots bore,indful th t *sr elDs lt r stood of oldWhere echoed once +r un hDs threshing'floor.

    -963 !E1*T+S. - /

    T1?TH) So the frontletDs older legend r n,On the brief recordDs o&ening & ge dis&l #ed@ot #et those cle r'e#ed schol rs $ere fr id(est the f ir fruit th t $rought the $oe of m nB# f r Eu&hr tes''$here our sire beg nHis se rch for truth, nd, seeking, $ s betr #ed''ight $ork ne$ tre son in their forest sh de,2oubling the curse th t brought lifeDs shortened s& n.

    @urse of the future, d ughter of the & st,Th t stern &h#l cter# best becomes thee no$(ift to the morning st r th# m rble bro$; st th# br ve truth on ever# $ rring bl stStretch th# $hite h nd to th t forbidden bough,

    +nd let thine e rliest s#mbol be th# l st

    THE ;O *@G E1+

    THE% tell us th t the use is soon to fl# hence,(e ving the bo$ers of song th t once $ere de r,

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    The groves of Pindus for the Je to cle r.

    O&tics $ill cl im the $ ndering e#e of f nc#,Ph#sics $ill gr s& im gin tionDs $ings,Pl in f ct eJorcise fictionDs necrom nc#,The $orksho& h mmer $here the minstrel sings,

    @o more $ith l ugher t Th li Ds frolicsOur e#es sh ll t$inkle till the te rs run do$n,But in her &l ce the lecturer on h#dr ulicsS&out forth his $ ter# science to the to$n.

    @o more our foolish & ssions nd ffectionsThe tr gic use $ith mimic grief sh ll tr#,But, nobler f r, course of vivisectionsTe ch $h t it costs tortured brute to die.

    The une rthed mon d, long in buried rocks hid,Sh ll tell the secret $hence our being c me

    The chemist sho$ us de th is lifeDs bl ck oJide,(eft $hen the bre th no longer f ns its fl me.

    *nste d of cr ck'br ined &oets in their ttics=illing thin volumes $ith their flo$er# t lk,There sh ll be books of $holesome m them ticsThe tutor $ith his bl ckbo rd nd his ch lk.

    @o longer b rds $ith m drig l nd sonnetSh ll $oo to moonlight $ lks the ribboned seJ,But side b# side the be ver nd the bonnetStroll, c lml# &ondering on some &roblemDs J.

    The sober bliss of serious c lcul tionSh ll mock the trivi l jo#s th t f nc# dre$,

    +nd, oh, the r &ture of solved eLu tion,''One self's me ns$er on the li&s of t$o

    So s&e k in solemn tones our #outhful s ges,P tient, severe, l borious, slo$, eJ ct,

    +s oDer cre tionDs &roto&l smic & gesThe# bro$se nd munch the thistle cro&s of f ct.

    +nd #et $e Dve sometimes found it r ther &le s nt

    To dre m g in the scenes th t Sh kes&e re dre$,''To $ lk the hill'side $ith the Scottish &e s nt +mong the d isies $et $ith morningDs de$

    To le ve $hile the d #light of the re l,(ed b# the guid nce of the m sterDs h nd,=or the str nge r di nce of the f r ide l,''The light th t never $ s on se or l nd.

    Well, Time lone c n lift the futureDs curt in,''Science m # te ch our children ll she kno$s,But (ove $ill kindle fresh #oung he rts, Dt is cert in,

    +nd >une $ill not forget her blushing rose. +nd so, in s&ite of ll th t Time is bringing,''

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    Be ut# nd (ove $ill kee& the &oet singing, +nd song still live, the science of the he rt.

    *@ 1ESPO@SE

    Bre kf st t the ;entur# ;lub, @e$ %ork, #, - /".

    S?;H kindness the sco$l of c#nic $ould soften,His &ulse be t its $ # to some eloLuent $ords,

    +l s m# &oor ccents h ve echoed too often,(ike th t Pin fore music #ouDve some of #ou he rd.

    2o #ou kno$ me, de r str ngers''the hundredth time comer +t b nLuets nd fe sts since the d #s of m# S&ringF +h $ould * could borro$ one rose of m# Summer,

    But this is le f of m# +utumn * bring.

    * look t #our f ces,''*Dm sure there re some fromThe three'bre sted mother * count s m# o$n%ou think #ou remember the &l ce #ou h ve come from,But ho$ it h s ch nged in the #e rs th t h ve flo$n

    ?n ltered, Dt is true, is the h ll $e c ll =unnel,Still fights the Old South in the b ttle for life,But $eDve o&ened our door to the West through the tunnel,

    +nd $eDve cut off =ort Hill $ith our +m Ion knife.

    %ou should see the ne$ Westminster Boston h s builded,''*ts m nsions, its s&ires, its museums of rts,''%ou should see the gre t dome $e h ve gorgeousl# gilded,''DT is the light of our e#es, Dt is the jo# of our he rts.

    When first in his & th #oung steroid found it, +s he s iled through the skies $ith the st rs in his $ ke,He thought Dt $ s the sun, nd ke&t circling round itTill Edison sign lled, %ouDve m de mist ke.

    We re &roud of our cit#,''her f st'gro$ing figure,

    The $ r& nd the $oof of her br in nd her h nds,''But $eDre &roudest of ll th t her he rt h s gro$n bigger, +nd $ rms $ith fresh blood s her girdle eJ& nds.

    One lesson the rubric of conflict h s t ught her Though & rted $hile b# $ rDs e rth'rending shock,The lines th t divide us re $ritten in $ ter,The love th t unites us cut dee& in the rock.

    +s $ell might the >ud s of tre son ende vor To $rite his bl ck n me on the disk of the sun

    +s tr# the bright st r'$re th th t binds us to sever

    +nd blot the f ir legend of n# in One.We love %ou, t ll sister, the st tel#, the s&lendid,''

  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


    %et ever in $elcome #our rms re eJtended,''We sh re in #our s&lendors, #our glor# is ours.

    %es, Cueen of the ;ontinent +ll of us o$n thee,''The gold'freighted rgosies flock t th# c ll,The n i ds, the se 'n#m&hs h ve met to enthrone thee,But the Bro d$ # of one is the High$ # of ll

    * th nk #ou. Three $ords th t c n h rdl# be mended,Though &hr ses on &hr ses their eloLuence &ile,*f #ou he r the he rtDs throb $ith their eloLuence blended,

    +nd re d ll the# me n in sunshin# smile.

    =O1 THE OO1E ;E@TE@@*+( ;E(EB1+T*O@

    +% 5 , - /".

    E@;H+@TE1 of Erin, $hose m gic h s bound us,Th# $ nd for one moment $e fondl# $ould cl im,Entr nced $hile it summons the &h ntoms round usTh t blush into life t the sound of th# n me.

    The tell't les of memor# $ ke from their slumbers,''* he r the old song $ith its tender refr in,''Wh t & ssion lies hid in those hone#'voiced numbersWh t &erfume of #outh in e ch eJLuisite str in

    The home of m# childhood comes b ck s vision,''H rk H rk + soft chord from its song'h unted room,''DT is morning of #, $hen the ir is El#si n,''The s#ring in bud nd the lil c in bloom,''

    We re clustered round the ;lementi &i no,''There $ere siJ of us then,''there re t$o of us no$,''She is singing''the girl $ith the silver so&r no''Ho$ The (ord of the ! lle# $ s f lse to his vo$

    (et Erin remember the echoes re c llingThrough The ! le of +voc the $ ters re rolled

    The EJile l ments $hile the night'de$s f llingThe orning of (ife d $ns g in s of old.

    But h those $ rm love'songs of fresh dolescence +round us such r &tures celesti l the# flungTh t it seemed s if P r dise bre thed its LuintessenceThrough the ser &h'toned li&s of the m iden th t sung

    (ong hushed re the chords th t m# bo#hood ench nted +s $hen the smooth $ ve b# the ngel $ s stirred,%et still $ith their music is memor# h unted,

    +nd oft in m# dre ms re their melodies he rd.

    * feel like the &riest to his lt r returning,''The cro$d th t $ s kneeling no longer is there,

  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


    +nd s nd l nd cinn mon s$eeten the ir.

    **.The veil for her brid l #oung Summer is $e ving*n her Iure'domed h ll $ith its t &estried floor,

    +nd S&ring the l st te r'dro& of #'de$ is le vingOn the d is# of Burns nd the sh mrock of oore.

    Ho$ like, ho$ unlike, s $e vie$ them together,The song of the minstrels $hose record $e sc n,''One fresh s the breeIe blo$ing over the he ther,One s$eet s the bre th from n od lisLueDs f n

    +h, & ssion c n glo$ mid & l ceDs s&lendorThe c ge does not lter the song of the bird

    +nd the curt in of silk h s kno$n $his&ers s tender +s ever the blossoming h $thorn h s he rd.

    @o fe r lest the ste& of the soft'sli&&ered Gr cesShould fright the #oung (oves from their $ rm little nest,=or the he rt of Lueen, under je$els nd l ces,Be ts time $ith the &ulse in the &e s nt girlDs bre st

    Thrice $elcome e ch gift of kind @ tureDs besto$ingHer fount in heeds little the goblet $e hold

    +like, $hen its music l $ ters re flo$ing,The shell from the se side, the ch lice of gold.

    The t$ins of the l#re to her voices h d listenedBoth l id their best gifts u&on (ibert#Ds shrine

    =or ;oil Ds loved minstrel the holl#'$re th glistened=or ErinDs the rose nd the m#rtle ent$ine.

    +nd $hile the fresh blossoms of summer re br ided=or the se 'girdled, stre m'silvered, l ke'je$elled isle,While her m ntle of verdure is $oven unf ded,While Sh nnon nd (iffe# sh ll dim&le nd smile,

    The l nd $here the st ff of S int P trick $ s &l nted,Where the sh mrock gro$s green from the cliffs to the shore,The l nd of f ir m idens nd heroes und unted,Sh ll $re the her bright h r& $ith the g rl nds of oore

    TO >+ ES =1EE +@ ;(+1AE

    +P1*( 6, - 4

    * B1*@G the sim&lest &ledge of love,=riend of m# e rlier d #sine is the h nd $ithout the glove,

    The he rt'be t, not the &hr se.Ho$ fe$ still bre the this mort l ir

  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


    %ou still, $h tever robe #ou $e r,To me re l$ #s > mes.

    Th t n me the kind &ostle boreWho sh mes the sullen creeds,@ot trusting less, but loving more,

    +nd sho$ing f ith b# deeds.

    Wh t blending thoughts our memories sh reWh t visions #ours nd mineOf #'d #s in $hose morning ir The de$s $ere golden $ine,

    Of vist s bright $ith o&ening d #,Whose ll' $ kening sunSho$ed in lifeDs l ndsc &e, f r $ #,The summits to be $on

    The heights re g ined. +h, s # not so

    =or him $ho smiles t time,(e ves his tired comr des do$n belo$, +nd onl# lives to climb

    His l bors,''$ill the# ever ce se,''With h nd nd tongue nd &enFSh ll $e ried @ ture sk rele se

    +t threescore #e rs nd tenF

    Our strength the clustered se sons t J,''=or him ne$ life the# me n(ike rods round the lictorDs Je

    The# kee& him bright nd keen.

    The $ise, the br ve, the strong, $e kno$,''We m rk them here or there,But he,''$e roll our e#es, nd loWe find him ever#$here

    With truthDs bold cohorts, or lone,He strides through errorDs fieldHis l nce is ever m nhoodDs o$n,His bre st is $om nDs shield.

    ;ount not his #e rs $hile e rth h s needOf souls th t He ven infl mesWith s cred Ie l to s ve, to le d,''(ong live our de r S int > mes

    WE(;O E TO THE ;H*;+GO ;O E1;*+( ;(?B

    > nu r# -6, - 4

    ;H*;+GO sounds rough to the m ker of verseOne comfort $e h ve'';incinn ti sounds $orse

  • 8/9/2019 Poetical Works, Vol. 9. Iron Gate and Others (1877-1881)


    But Worcester nd Webster $onDt let us, #ou kno$.

    @o m tter, $e songsters must sing s $e c nWe c n m ke some nice cou&lets $ith ( ke ichig n,

    +nd $h t more resembles nighting leDs voice,Th n the oil# tris#ll ble, s$eet *llinoisF

    %our $ ters re fresh, $hile our h rbor is s lt,But $e kno$ #ou c nDt hel& it''it is nDt #our f ultOur cit# is old nd #our cit# is ne$,But the r ilro d men tell us $eDre greener th n #ou.

    %ou h ve seen our gilt dome, nd no doubt #ouDve been toldTh t the orbs of the universe round it re rolledBut *Dll o$n it to #ou, nd * ought to kno$ best,Th t this is nDt Luite true of ll st rs of the West.

    %ouDll go to ount +uburn,''$eDll sho$ #ou the tr ck,'' +nd c n st # there,''unless #ou &refer to come b ck

    +nd BunkerDs t ll sh ft #ou c n climb if #ou $ill,But #ouDll &uff like & r gr &h &r ising &ill.

    %ou must see''but #ou h ve seen''our old = neuil H ll,Our churches, our school'rooms, our s m&le'rooms, ll

    +nd, &erh &s, though the idiots must h ve their jokes,%ou h ve found our good &eo&le much like other folks.

    There re cities b# rivers, b# l kes, nd b# se s,E ch s full of itself s cheese'mite of cheese

    +nd cit# $ill br g s g me'cock $ill cro$2onDt #our cockerels t home''just little, #ou kno$F

    But $eDll cro$ for #ou no$''hereDs he lth to the bo#s,en, m idens, nd m trons of f ir *llinois,

    +nd the r inbo$ of friendshi& th t rches its s& n=rom the green of the se to the blue ichig n

    + E1*;+@ +;+2E % ;E@TE@@*+( ;E(EB1+T*O@

    +% 59, - 4S*1E, son, nd gr ndson so the centur# glidesThree lives, three strides, three foot'&rints in the s ndSilent s midnightDs f lling meteor slides*nto the stillness of the f r'off l ndHo$ dim the s& ce its little rc h s s& nned

    See on this o&ening & ge the n mes reno$nedTombed in these records on our dust# shelves,Sc rce on the scroll of living memor# found,S ve $here the $ n'e#ed ntiLu ri n delves

    Sh do$s the# seem b, $h t re $e ourselvesFP le ghosts of Bo$doin, Winthro&, Will rd, West,

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    Se rchers of @ tureDs secrets unconfessed, +sking of ll things Whence nd Wh# nd Ho$''Wh t &roblems meet #our l rger vision no$F

    H s G nnett tr cked the $ild +uror Ds & thFH s Bo$doin found his ll'surrounding s&hereFWh t Luestion &uIIles ci&hering Philom thF;ould Willi ms m ke the hidden c uses cle r Of the 2 rk 2 # th t filled the l nd $ith fe rF

    2e r ncient school'bo#s @ ture t ught to themThe sim&le lessons of the st r nd flo$er,Sho$ed them str nge sights ho$ on single stem,''

    +dmire the m rvels of ;re tive Po$er ''T$in &&les gre$, one s$eet, the other sour

    Ho$ from the hill'to& $here our e#es beheld*n even r nks the &lumed nd b nnered m iIe1 nge its long columns, in the d #s of old

    The live volc no shot its ngr# bl Ie,''2e d since the sho$ers of @o hDs $ ter# d #s

    Ho$, $hen the lightning s&lit the might# rock,The s&re ding fur# of the sh ft $ s s&entHo$ the #oung scion joined the lien stock,

    +nd $hen nd $here the homeless s$ llo$s $entTo & ss the $inter of their discontent.

    Sc nt $ere the gle nings in those #e rs of de rth@o ;uvier #et h d clothed the fossil bonesTh t slumbered, $ iting for their second birth

    @o (#ell re d the legend of the stonesScience still &ointed to her em&t# thrones.

    2re ming of orbs to e#es of e rth unkno$n,Herschel looked he ven$ rds in the st rlight & le(ost in those $ful de&ths he trod lone,( &l ce stood mute before the lifted veilWhile home'bred Humboldt trimmed his to# shi&Ds s il.

    @o mort l feet these loftier heights h d g inedWhence the $ide re lms of @ ture $e descr#*n v in their e#es our longing f thers str ined

    To sc n $ith $ondering g Ie the summits highTh t f r bene th their childrenDs foot& ths lie.

    Smile t their first sm ll ventures s $e m #,The school'bo#Ds co sh &es the schol rDs h nd,Their gr teful memor# fills our he rts to'd #Br ve, ho&eful, $ise, this bo$er of &e ce the# &l nned,While $ rDs dre d &loughsh re sc rred the suffering l nd.

    ;hild of our childrenDs children #et unborn,When on this #ello$ & ge #ou turn #our e#es,Where the brief record of this #'d # morn

    *n &hr se ntiLue nd f ded letters lies,Ho$ v gue, ho$ & le our flitting ghosts $ill rise

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    =or us the fields $ere green, the skies $ere blue,Though from our dust the s&irit long h s fled,We lived, $e loved, $e toiled, $e dre med like #ou,Smiled t our sires nd thought ho$ much $e kne$.

    Oh might our s&irits for one hour return,When the neJt centur# rounds its hundredth ring,

    +ll the str nge secrets it sh ll te ch to le rn,To he r the l rger truths its #e rs sh ll bring,*ts $iser s ges t lk, its s$eeter minstrels sing

    THE S;HOO('BO%

    1e d t the ;entenni l ;elebr tion of thefound tion of Philli&s +c dem#, +ndover.

    -// '- /

    THESE h llo$ed &recincts, long to memor# de r,Smile $ith fresh $elcome s our feet dr $ ne rWith softer g les the o&ening le ves re f nned,With f irer hues the kindling flo$ers eJ& nd,The rose'bush reddens $ith the blush of >une,The groves re voc l $ith their minstrelsD tune,The might# elm, bene th $hose rching sh deThe $ ndering children of the forest str #ed,Greets the bright morning in its brid l dress,

    +nd s&re ds its rms the gl dsome d $n to bless.*s it n idle dre m th t n ture sh resOur jo#s, our griefs, our & stimes, nd our c resF*s there no summons $hen, t morningDs c ll,The s ble vestments of the d rkness f llF2oes not meek eveningDs lo$'voiced +ve blendWith the soft ves&er s its notes scendF*s there no $his&er in the &erfumed ir When the s$eet bosom of the rose is b reF2oes not the sunshine c ll us to rejoiceF*s there no me ning in the storm'cloudDs voiceF@o silent mess ge $hen from midnight skies

    He ven looks u&on us $ith its m#ri d e#esFOr shift the mirror s # our dre ms diffuseODer lifeDs & le l ndsc &e their celesti l hues,(end he ven the r inbo$ it h s never kno$n,

    +nd robe the e rth in glories not its o$n,Sing their o$n music in the summer breeIe,With fresher foli ge clothe the st tel# trees,St in the >une blossoms $ith livelier d#e

    +nd s&re d bluer Iure on the sk#,''Blest be the &o$er th t $orks its l $less $ill

    +nd finds the $eediest & tch n Eden still

    @o $ lls so f ir s those our f ncies build,''@o vie$s so bright s those our visions gild

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    The tru nt goose'Luill tr velling like Pl nchetteToo re d# serv nt, $hose deceitful $ #s=ull m n# sli&shod line, l s betr #sHence of the rh#ming thous nd not fe$H ve builded $orse'' gre t de l''th n the# kne$.

    Wh t need of idle f nc# to dornOur motherDs birth&l ce on her birthd # mornFHers re the blossoms of etern l s&ring,=rom these green boughs her ne$'fledged birds t ke $ing,These echoes he r their e rliest c rols sung,*n this old nest the brood is ever #oung.*f some tired $ nderer, resting from his flight,

    +mid the g # #oung choristers light,These g ther round him, m rk his f ded &lumesTh t f intl# still the f r'off grove &erfumes,

    +nd listen, $ondering if some feeble note%et lingers, Lu vering in his $e r# thro t)''*, $hose fresh voice #on red'f ced tem&le kne$,

    Wh t tune is left me, fit to sing to #ouF +sk not the gr ndeurs of l bored song,But let m# e s# cou&lets slide longuch could * tell #ou th t #ou kno$ too $elluch * remember, but * $ill not tell

    +ge brings eJ&erience gr #be rds oft re $ise,But oh ho$ sh r& #oungsterDs e rs nd e#es

    # cheek $ s b re of dolescent do$nWhen first * sought the c demic to$nSlo$ rolls the co ch long the dust# ro d,Big $ith its fili l nd & rent l lo d

    The freLuent hills, the lonel# $oods re & st,The school'bo#Ds chosen home is re ched t l st.* see it no$, the s me unch nging s&ot,The s$inging g te, the little g rden &lot,The n rro$ # rd, the rock th t m de its floor,The fl t, & le house, the knocker'g rnished door,The sm ll, trim & rlor, ne t, decorous, chill,The str nge, ne$ f ces, kind, but gr ve nd stillT$o, cre sed $ith ge,''or $h t * then c lled ge,''(ifeDs volume o&en t its fiftieth & geOne, sh# m idenDs, & llid, &l cid, s$eet

    +s the first sno$'dro&, $hich the sunbe ms greet

    One, the l st nurslingDs slight she $ s, nd f ir,Her smooth $hite forehe d $ rmed $ith uburn h ir( st c me the virgin H#men long h d s& red,Whose d il# c res the gr teful household sh red,Strong, & tient, humble her subst nti l fr meStretched the ch ste dr &eries * forbe r to n me.Br ve, but $ith effort, h d the school'bo# comeTo the cold comfort of str ngerDs homeHo$ like d gger to m# sinking he rt; me the dr# summons, *t is time to & rtGood'b# Goo'ood'b# one fond m tern l kiss. . . .Homesick s de th W s ever & ng like thisF

    Too #oung s #et $ith $illing feet to str #=rom the t me fireside, gl d to get $ #,''Too old to let m# $ ter# grief &&e r,''

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    One figure still m# v gr nt thoughts &ursue=irst bo# to greet me, +riel, $here re #ouF*m& of ll mischief, he ven lone kno$s ho$%ou le rned it ll,'' re #ou n ngel no$,Or tottering gentl# do$n the slo&e of #e rs,%our f ce gro$n sober in the v le of te rsF=orgive m# freedom if #ou re bre thing still

    *f in h &&ier $orld, * kno$ #ou $ill.%ou $ere school'bo#''$h t bene th the sunSo like monke#F * $ s lso one.Str nge, sure enough, to see $h t curious shootsThe nurser# r ises from the stud#Ds roots*n those old d #s the ver#, ver# goodTook u& more room'' little''th n the# shouldSomething too much oneDs e#es encountered thenOf serious #outh nd funer l'vis ged menThe solemn elders s $ lifeDs mournful h lf,''He ven sent this bo#, $hose mission $ s to l ugh,

    2rollest of buffos, @ tureDs odd &rotest, + c tbird sLue ling in bl ckbirdDs nest.Aind, f ithful @ ture While the sour'e#ed Scot''Her cheerful smiles forbidden or forgot''T lks onl# of his &re cher nd his kirk,''He rs five'hour sermons for his Sund # $ork,''Pr #ing nd f sting till his me gre f ceG ins its due length, the genuine sign of gr ce,''

    +n +#rshire mother in the l nd of AnoJHer embr#o &oet in his cr dle rocks ''@ ture, long shivering in her dim ecli&se,Ste ls in sunbe m to those b b# li&s

    So to its home her b nished smile returns, +nd Scotl nd s$eetens $ith the song of Burns

    The morning c me * re ched the cl ssic h ll + clock'f ce e#ed me, st ring from the $ llBene th its h nds &rinted line * re d%O?TH *S (*=EDS SEE2'T* E) so the clock'f ce s id)Some took its counsel, s the seLuel sho$ed,''So$ed,''their $ild o ts,'' nd re &ed s the# h d so$ed.Ho$ ll comes b ck the u&$ rd sl nting floor,''The m stersD thrones th t fl nk the centr l door,''The long, outstretching lle#s th t divide

    The ro$s of desks th t st nd on either side,''The st ring bo#s, f ce to ever# desk,Bright, dull, & le, blooming, common, &icturesLue.Gr ve is the sterDs look his forehe d $e rsThick ro$s of $rinkles, &rints of $orr#ing c res?ne s# lie the he ds of ll th t rule,His most of ll $hose kingdom is school.Su&reme he sits before the $ful fro$nTh t bends his bro$s the boldest e#e goes do$n@ot more submissive *sr el he rd nd s $

    +t Sin iDs foot the Giver of the ( $.(ess stern he seems, $ho sits in eLu l te

    On the t$in throne nd sh res the em&ireDs $eight +round his li&s the subtle life th t &l #sSte ls Lu intl# forth in m n# jesting &hr se

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    Ple s nt $hen &le sed rough'h ndled, not so s feSome tingling memories v guel# * rec ll,But to forgive him. God forgive us ll

    One #et rem ins, $hose $ell'remembered n mePle ds in m# gr teful he rt its tender cl imHis $ s the ch rm m gnetic, the bright lookTh t sheds its sunshine on the dre riest book

    + loving soul to ever# t sk he broughtTh t s$eetl# mingled $ith the lore he t ughtS&rung from s intl# r ce th t never could=rom #outh to ge be n#thing but good,His fe$ brief #e rs in holiest l bors s&ent,E rth lost too soon the tre sure he ven h d lent.Aindest of te chers, studious to divineSome hint of &romise in m# e rliest line,These f int nd f ltering $ords thou c nst not he r Throb from he rt th t holds th# memor# de r.

    +s to the tr vellerDs e#e the v ried &l in

    Sho$s through the $indo$ of the fl#ing tr in, + mingled l ndsc &e, r ther felt th n seen, + gr vell# b nk, sudden fl sh of green, + t ngled $ood, glittering stre m th t flo$sThrough the cleft summit $here the cliff once rose,

    +ll str ngel# blended in hurried gle m,1ock, $ood, $ ste, me do$, vill ge, hill'side, stre m,''So, s $e look behind us, life &&e rs,Seen through the vist of our b#gone #e rs.%et in the de d & stDs sh do$'filled dom in,Some v nished sh &es the hues of life ret in?nbidden, oft, before our dre ming e#es

    =rom the v gue mists in memor#Ds & th the# rise.So comes his blooming im ge to m# vie$,The friend of jo#ous d #s $hen life $ s ne$,Ho&e #et unt med, the blood of #outh unchilled,@o bl nk rre r of &romise unfulfilled,(ifeDs flo$er #et hidden in its sheltering fold,*ts &ictured c nv s #et to be unrolled.His the fr nk smile * v inl# look to greet,His the $ rm gr s& m# cl s&ing h nd should meetHo$ $ould our li&s rene$ their school'bo# t lk,Our feet retr ce the old f mili r $ lk=or thee no more e rthDs cheerful morning shines

    Through the green fringes of the tented &ines +h me is he ven so f r thou c nst not he r,Or is th# vie$less s&irit hovering ne r,

    + f ir #oung &resence, bright $ith morningDs glo$,The fresh'cheeked bo# of fift# #e rs goF%es, fift# #e rs, $ith ll their circling suns,Behind them ll m# gl nce reverted runsWhere no$ th t time remote, its griefs, its jo#s,Where re its gr #'h ired men, its bright'h ired bo#sFWhere is the & tri rch time could h rdl# tire,''The good old, $rinkled, immemori l sLuire F+n honest tre surer, like bl ck'&lumed s$ n,

    @ot ever# d # our e#es m # look u&on.0Where the tough ch m&ion $ho, $ith ; lvinDs s$ord,*n $ord# conflicts b ttled for the (ordF

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    Whose voice like music ch rmed the listening e r,Whose light rekindled, like the morning st r Still shines u&on us through the g tes j rFWhere the still, solemn, $e r#, s d'e#ed m n,Whose c re'$orn f ce nd $ ndering e#es $ould sc n,''His fe tures $ sted in the lingering strifeWith the & le foe th t dr ins the studentDs lifeFWhere m# old friend, the schol r, te cher, s int,Whose creed, some hinted, sho$ed s&eck of t intHe bro ched his o$n o&inion, $hich is not(ightl# to be forgiven or forgotSome riddleDs &oint,''* sc rce remember no$,''Homoi', &erh &s, $here the# s id homo'ou.*f the unlettered gre tl# $ish to kno$Where lies the difference bet$iJt oi nd o,Those of the curious $ho h ve time m # se rch

    +mong the st le conundrums of their church.0Bene th his roof his &e ceful life * sh red,

    +nd for his modes of f ith * little c red,''

    *, t ught to judge menDs dogm s b# their deeds,(ong ere the d #s of indi 'rubber creeds.

    Wh# should $e look one common f ith to find,Where one in ever# score is color'blindF*f here on e rth the# kno$ not red from green,Will the# see better into things unseenOnce more to timeDs old gr ve# rd * return

    +nd scr &e the moss from memor#Ds &ictured urn.Who, in these d #s $hen ll things go b# ste m,1ec lls the st ge'co ch $ith its four'horse te mF*ts sturd# driver,''$ho remembers himF

    Or the old l ndlord, s turnine nd grim,Who left our hill'to& for ne$ bode +nd re red his sign'&ost f rther do$n the ro dFStill in the $ ters of the d rk Sh $shine2o the #oung b thers s&l sh nd think the#Dre cle nF2o &ilgrims find their $ # to *ndi n 1idge,Or journe# on$ rd to the f r'off bridge,

    +nd bring to #ounger e rs the stor# b ckOf the bro d stre m, the might# errim cF

    +re there still tru nt feet th t str # be#ondThese circling bounds to Pom&Ds or H ggettDs Pond,Or $here the legend r# n me rec lls

    The forestDs e rlier ten nt,'' 2eerjum& = lls F%es, ever# nook these #outhful feet eJ&lore,>ust s our sires nd gr nd sires did of #oreSo ll lifeDs o&ening & ths, $here n ture ledTheir f therDs feet, the childrenDs children tre d.1oll the round centur#Ds fivescore #e rs $ #,; ll from our storied & st th t e rliest d #When gre t Eli&h let * c n see him no$,''Big n me, big fr me, big voice, nd beetling bro$0,Then #oung Eli&h let,''ruled the ro$s of bo#s*n homes&un gr # or old'$orld corduro#s,''

    +nd s ve for f shionDs $hims, the benches sho$

    The self's me #ouths, the ver# bo#s $e kno$.Time $orks str nge m rvels) since * trod the green +nd s$ung the g tes, $h t $onders * h ve seen

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    +s things of course the bo# cce&ts them ll.The &ro&hetDs ch riot, dr $n b# steeds of fl me,=or d il# use our tr velling millions cl imThe f ce $e love sunbe m m kes our o$n@o more the surgeon he rs the suffererDs gro nWh t un$rit histories $r &&ed in d rkness l #Till shovelling Schliem nn b red them to the d #%our 1ichelieu s #s, nd s #s it $ell, m# lord,The &en is sometimes0 mightier th n the s$ordGre t is the gooseLuill, s # $e ll +menSometimes the s& de is mightier th n the &en*t sho$s $here B belDs terr ced $ lls $ere r ised,The sl bs th t cr cked $hen @imrodDs & l ce bl Ied,?ne rths #cenee, rediscovers Tro#,''; lml# he listens, th t immort l bo#.

    + ne$ Prometheus ti&s our $ nds $ith fire, + mightier Or&heus str ins the $his&ering $ire,Whose lightning thrills the l I# $inds outrun

    +nd hold the hours s >oshu st #ed the sun,''

    So s$ift, in truth, $e h rdl# find &l ce=or those dim fictions kno$n s time nd s& ce.Still ne$ mir cle e ch #e r su&&lies,''See t his $ork the chemist of the skies,Who Luestions Sirius in his tortured r #s

    +nd ste ls the secret of the sol r bl IeHush $hile the $indo$'r ttling bugles &l #The n tionDs irs hundred miles $ #Th t $icked &honogr &h h rk ho$ it s$e rsTurn it g in nd m ke it s # its &r #ers

    +nd $ s it true, then, $h t the stor# s idOf OJfordDs fri r nd his br Ien he dF

    While $ondering Science st nds, herself &er&leJed +t e ch d #Ds mir cle, nd sks Wh t neJtFThe immort l bo#, the coming heir of ll,S&rings from his desk to urge the fl#ing b ll,;le ves $ith his bending o r the gl ss# $ ves,With sine$# rm the d shing current br ves,The s me bright cre ture in these h unts of oursTh t Eton sh do$ed $ith her ntiLue to$ers.

    Bo# Where is heF the long'limbed #outh inLuires,Whom his rough chin $ith m nl# &ride ins&ires

    +h, $hen the rudd# cheek no longer glo$s,

    When the bright h ir is $hite s $inter sno$s,When the dim e#e h s lost its l mbent fl me,S$eet to his e r $ill be his school'bo# n me@or think the difference might# s it seemsBet$een lifeDs morning nd its evening dre ms=ourscore, like t$ent#, h s its t sks nd to#s*n e rthDs $ide school'house ll re girls nd bo#s.

    Brothers, forgive m# $ #$ rd f nc#. Who; n guess beforeh nd $h t his &en $ill doFToo light m# str in for listeners such s these,Whom gr ver thoughts nd soberer s&eech sh ll &le se.

    *s he not here $hose bre th of hol# songH s r ised the do$nc st e#es of = ith so longF +re the# not here, the str ngers in #our g tes,

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    The l rge'br ined schol rs $hom their toils rele se,''The b nnered her lds of the Prince of Pe ceF

    Such $ s the gentle friend $hose #outh unbl med*n #e rs long & st our student'benches cl imedWhose n me, illumined on the s cred & ge,(ives in the l bors of his ri&er geSuch he $hose record timeDs destro#ing m rch(e ves uneff ced on NionDs s&ringing rch@ot to the sc nt# &hr se of me sured song,;r m&ed in its fetters, n mes like these belongOne r # the# lend to gild m# slender line,''Their &r ise * le ve to s$eeter li&s th n mine.

    Homes of our sires, $here (e rningDs tem&le rose,While vet the# struggled $ith their b nded foes,

    +s in the West th# centur#Ds sun descends,One & rting gle m its d#ing r di nce lends.2 rker nd dee&er though the sh do$s f ll

    =rom the gr # to$ers on 2oubting ; stleDs $ ll,Though Po&e nd P g n re' rr # their hosts, +nd her ne$ rmor #outhful Science bo sts,Truth, for $hose lt r rose this hol# shrine,Sh ll fl# for refuge to these bo$ers of thine@o & st sh ll ch in her $ith its rusted vo$,@o >e$Ds &h#l cter# bind her ;hristi n bro$,But = ith sh ll smile to find her sister free,

    +nd nobler m nhood dr $ its life from thee.

    (ong s the rching skies bove thee s&re d, +s on th# groves the de$s of he ven re shed,

    With currents $idening still from #e r to #e r, +nd dee&ening ch nnels, c lm, untroubled, cle r,=lo$ the t$in stre mlets from th# s cred hill''Pieri Ds fount nd Silo mDs sh ded rill

    THE S*(E@T E(O2%

    B1*@G me m# broken h r&, he s id

    We both re $recks,''but s #e $ill,''Though ll its ringing tones h ve fled,Their echoes linger round it still*t h d some golden strings, * kno$,But th t $ s long''ho$ long '' go.

    * c nnot see its t rnished gold,* c nnot he r its v nished tone,Sc rce c n m# trembling fingers holdThe &ill red fr me so long their o$nWe both re $recks,'' $hile go*t h d some silver strings, * kno$,

    But on them Time too long h s &l #edThe solemn str in th t kno$s no ch nge,

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    The chords the# find re ne$ nd str nge,''%es iron strings,''* kno$,''* kno$,''We both re $recks of long go.

    We both re $recks,'' sh ttered & ir,''Str nge to ourselves in timeDs disguise.Wh t s # #e to the lovesick ir Th t brought the te rs from ri nDs e#esF

    +# trust me,''under bre sts of sno$He rts could be melted long go

    Or $ill #e he r the storm'songDs cr shTh t from his dre ms the soldier $oke,

    +nd b de him f ce the lightning fl shWhen b ttleDs cloud in thunder brokeF . . .Wrecks,''nought but $recks ''the time $ s $henWe t$o $ere $orth thous nd men

    +nd so the broken h r& the# bring

    With &it#ing smiles th t none could bl me +l s thereDs not single stringOf ll th t filled the t rnished fr meBut see like children overjo#ed,His fingers r mbling through the void

    * cl s& thee +# . . . mine ncient l#re . . .@ #, guide m# $ ndering fingers. . . ThereThe# love to d ll# $ith the $ire

    +s *s c &l #ed $ith Es uDs h ir.Hush #e sh ll he r the f mous tuneTh t ri n c lled the Bre th of >une

    +nd so the# softl# g ther round1 &t in his tuneful tr nce he seemsHis fingers move) but not sound

    + silence like the song of dre ms. . . .There #e h ve he rd the ir, he cries,Th t brought the te rs from ri nDs e#es

    +h, smile not t his fond conceit,@or deem his f nc# $rought in v inTo him the unre l sounds re s$eet,''@o discord m rs the silent str in

    Scored on lifeDs l test, st rlit & ge''The voiceless melod# of ge.

    S$eet re the li&s, of ll th t sing,When @ tureDs music bre thes unsought,But never #et could voice or stringSo trul# sh &e our tenderest thought

    +s $hen b# lifeDs dec #ing fireOur fingers s$ee& the stringless l#re

    O?1 HO E''O?1 ;O?@T1%

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    =O1 THE SE *';E@TE@@*+( ;E(EB1+T*O@ O= THESETT(E E@T O= ;+ B1*2GE, +SS., 2E;E BE1 5 , - 4

    %O?1 home $ s mine,''kind @ tureDs gift# love no #e rs c n chill*n v in their fl kes the storm'$inds sift,The sno$'dro& hides bene th the drift,

    + living blossom still.

    ute re hundred long'f med l#res,Hushed ll their golden stringsOne l # the coldest bosom fires,One song, one onl#, never tiresWhile s$eet'voiced memor# sings.

    @o s&ot so lone but echo kno$sTh t de r f mili r str in*n tro&ic isles, on rctic sno$s,Through burning li&s its music flo$s

    +nd rings its fond refr in.

    =rom Pis Ds to$er m# str ining sight1o med $ ndering le gues $ #,When lo frig teDs b nner bright,The st rr# blue, the red, the $hite,*n f r (ivornoDs b #.

    Hot le &s the life'blood from m# he rt,=orth s&rings the sudden te rThe shi& th t rocks b# #onder m rt*s of m# l nd, m# life, & rt,''

    Home, home, s$eet home, is here

    = des from m# vie$ the sunlit scene,''# vision s& ns the $ ves* see the elm'encircled green,The to$er,''the stee&le,'' nd, bet$een,The field of ncient gr ves.

    There runs the & th m# feet $ould tre dWhen first the# le rned to str #There st nds the g mbrel roof th t s&re d*ts Lu int old ngles oDer m# he d

    When first * s $ the d #.The sounds th t met m# bo#ish e r # in$ rd sense s lute,''The $oodnotes $ild * loved to he r,''The robinDs ch llenge, sh r& nd cle r,''The bre th of eveningDs flute.

    The f ces loved from cr dle d #s,''?nseen, l s, ho$ long

    +s fond remembr nce round them &l #s,Touched $ith its softening moonlight r #s,

    Through f nc#Ds &ort l throng. +nd see s if the o&ening skies

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    ?s $ingless mort ls to sur&rise,The little m id $ith light'blue e#es,White necked nd golden h ired

    . . . . . . . . . .

    So rose the &icture full in vie$* & int in feebler songSuch &o$er the se mless b nner kne$Of red nd $hite nd st rr# blue=or eJiles b nished long.

    Oh, bo#s, de r bo#s, $ho $ it s menTo gu rd its he ven'bright folds,Blest re the e#es th t see g inTh t b nner, se mless no$, s then,''The f irest e rth beholds

    S$eet $ s the Tusc n ir nd soft

    *n th t unf ding hour, +nd f nc# le ds m# footste&s oft?& the round g lleries, high loftOn Pis Ds thre tening to$er.

    +nd still in emor#Ds holiest shrine* re d $ith &ride nd jo#,=or me those st rs of em&ire shineTh t em&ireDs de rest home is mine* m ; mbridge bo#


    +T THE ;E@TE@@*+( +@@*!E1S+1% 2*@@E1 O= THE+SS+;H?SETTS E2*;+( SO;*ET%, >?@E , - -

    TH1EE & ths there be $here (e rningDs f vored sons,Tr ined in the schools $hich hold her f vored ones,=ollo$ their sever l st rs $ith se& r te imE ch h s its honors, e ch its s&eci l cl im.

    Bred in the fruitful cr dle of the E st,=irst, s of oldest line ge, comes the PriestThe ( $#er neJt, in $ord# conflict strong,=ull rmed to b ttle for the right,''or $rong( st, he $hose c lling finds its voice in deeds,=r il @ tureDs hel&er in her sh r&est needs.

    E ch h s his gifts, his losses nd his g ins,E ch his o$n sh re of &le sures nd of & ins@o life'long im $ith ste df st e#e &ursued=inds smooth & th$ # ll $ith roses stre$edTrouble belongs to m n of $om n born,''

    Tre d $here he m #, his foot $ill find its thorn.Of ll the guests t lifeDs &erenni l fe st,

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    =or him the broidered robe, the c rven se t,Pride t his beck, nd be ut# t his feet,=or him the incense fumes, the $ine is &oured,Himself God, doring nd doredHis the first $elcome $hen our he rts rejoice,His in our d#ing e r the l test voice,=ont, lt r, gr ve, his ste&s on ll ttend,Our st ff, our st #, our ll but he venl# friend

    Where is the meddling h nd th t d res to &robeThe secret grief bene th his s ble robeFHo$ gr ve his &ort ho$ ever# gesture tellsHere truth bides, here &e ce forever d$ells!eJ not his loft# soul $ith comments v in= ith sks no Luestions silence, #e &rof ne

    +l s too oft $hile ll is c lm $ithoutThe storm# s&irit $ rs $ith endless doubtThis is the mocking s&ectre, sc rce conce led

    Behind tr ditionDs bruised nd b ttered shield.He sees the slee&less critic, ge b# ge,Scr $l his ne$ re dings on the h llo$ed & ge,The $ondrous deeds th t &riests nd &ro&hets s $2issolved in legend, cr#st lliIed in l $,

    +nd on the soil $here s ints nd m rt#rs trod +lt rs ne$ builded to the ?nkno$n GodHis shrines im&erilled, his ev ngels torn,''He d res not lim&, but h ho$ sh r& his thorn

    %et $hile GodDs her ld Luestions s he re dsThe out$orn dogm s of his ncient creeds,

    2ro&s from his ritu l the eJ&loded verse,Blots from its & ge the +th n si n curse,Though b# the criticDs d ngerous rt &er&leJed,His hol# life is He venDs unLuestioned teJtTh t shining guid nce doubt c n never m r,''The &ill rDs fl me, the light of BethlehemDs st r

    Strong is the mor l blister th t $ill dr $( id on the conscience of the n of ( $Whom blindfold >ustice lends her e#es to seeTruth in the sc le th t holds his &romised fee.

    Wh t H s not ever# lie its truthful side,*ts honest fr ction, not to be deniedFPer contr ,'' sk the mor list,''in soothH s not lie its sh re in ever# truthFThen $h t forbids n honest m n to tr#To find the truth th t lurks in ever# lie,

    +nd just s f irl# c ll on truth to #ieldThe l#ing fr ction in its bre st conce ledFSo the $orst rogue sh ll cl im re d# friendHis modest virtues boldl# to defend,

    +nd he $ho sho$s the record of s intSee himself bl cker th n the devil could & int.

    Wh t struggles to his c &tive soul belongWho loves the right, #et comb ts for the $rong,

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    +nd $ins, $ell kno$ing th t he ought to lose,Who s&e ks $ith glo$ing li&s nd look sincere*n s& ngled $ords th t m ke the $orse &&e r The better re son $ho, behind his m sk,Hides his true self nd blushes t his t sk,''Wh t Lui&s, $h t Luillets che t the in$ rd scornTh t mocks such trium&hF H s he not his thornF

    %et st # th# judgment $ere th# life the &riIe,Th# de th the forfeit, $ould th# c#nic e#esSee f ult in him $ho br vel# d res defendThe c use forlorn, the $retch $ithout friend@ #, though the rightful side is $isdomDs choice,Wrong h s its rights nd cl ims ch m&ionDs voice(et the strong rm be lifted for the $e k,=or the dumb li&s the fluent &le der s&e k ''When $ith $ rm rebel blood our street $ s d#edWho took, un $ed, the h ted hirelingsD sideF@o greener civic $re th c n +d ms cl im,

    @o brighter & ge the #outhful Cuinc#Ds n me

    Ho$ blest is he $ho kno$s no me ner strifeTh n +rtDs long b ttle $ith the foes of life@o doubt ss ils him, doing still his best,

    +nd trusting kindl# @ ture for the rest@o mocking conscience te rs the thin disguiseTh t $r &s his bre st, nd tells him th t he lies.He comes) the l nguid sufferer lifts his he d

    +nd smiles $elcome from his $e r# bedHe s&e ks) $h t music like the tones th t tell,

    P st is the hour of d nger,'' ll is $ellHo$ c n he feel the &ett# stings of grief Whose cheering &resence l$ #s brings reliefFWh t ugl# dre ms c n trouble his re&oseWho #ields himself to soothe notherDs $oesF

    Hour fter hour the bus# d # h s foundThe good &h#sici n on his lonel# roundnsion nd hovel, lo$ nd loft# door,

    He kno$s, his journe#s ever# & th eJ&lore,''Where the cold bl st h s struck $ith de dl# chillThe sturd# d$eller on the storm's$e&t hill,

    Where b# the st gn nt m rsh the sickening g leH s bl nched the &oisoned ten nts of the v le,Where crushed nd m imed the bleeding victim lies,Where m dness r ves, $here mel nchol# sighs,

    +nd $here the solemn $his&er tells too &l inTh t ll his science, ll his rt, $ere v in.

    Ho$ s$eet his fireside $hen the d # is done +nd c res h ve v nished $ith the setting sunEvening t l st its hour of res&ite brings

    +nd on his couch his $e r# length he flings.Soft be th# &illo$, serv nt of m nkind,

    (ulled b# n o&i te +rt could never findS$eet be th# slumber,''thou h st e rned it $ell,''Ple s nt th# dre ms ;l ng goes the midnight bell

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    2 rkness nd storm the home is f r $ #Th t $ its his coming ere the bre k of d #The sno$'cl d &ines their $intr# &lum ge toss,''2oubtful the froIen stre m his ro d must cross2ee& lie the drifts, the sl nted he &s h ve shutThe h rd# $oodm n in his mount in hut,''Wh# should th# softer fr me the tem&est br veFH st thou no life, no he lth, to lose or s veF(ook re d the ns$er in his & tient e#es,''=or him no other voice $hen suffering cries2e f to the g le th t ll round him blo$s,

    + feeble $his&er c lls him,'' nd he goes.

    Or seek the cro$ded cit#,''summerDs he tGl res burning, blinding, in the n rro$ street,Still, noisome, de dl#, slee&s the envenomed ir,?nstirred the #ello$ fl g th t s #s Be$ reTem&t not th# f te,''one little momentDs bre thBe rs on its vie$less $ing the seeds of de th

    Thou t $hose door the gilded ch riots st nd,Whose de r'bought skill uncl s&s the miserDs h nd,Turn from th# f t l Luest, nor c st $ #Th t life so &recious let me ner &re#=eed the destro#erDs hunger live to blessThose h &&ier homes th t need th# c re no less

    Smiling he listens h s he then ch rmWhose m gic virtues &eril c n dis rmF@o s fegu rd his no mulet he $e rs,Too $ell he kno$s th t @ ture never s& resHer truest serv nt, &o$erless to defend

    =rom her o$n $e &ons her unshrinking friend.He d res the f te the br vest $ell might shun,@or sks re$ rd s ve onl# He venDs Well done

    Such re the toils, the &erils th t he kno$s,2 #s $ithout rest nd nights $ithout re&ose,%et ll unheeded for the love he be rsHis rt, his kind, $hose ever# grief he sh res.

    H rder th n these to kno$ ho$ sm ll the & rt@ tureDs &roud em&ire #ields to striving +rtHo$, s the tide th t rolls round the s&here

    ( ughs t the mounds th t delving rms u&re r,''S& res some fe$ roods of ooI# e rth, but stillW stes nd rebuilds the &l net t its $ill,;omes t its ordered se son, night or noon,(ed b# the silver m gnet of the moon,''So lifeDs v st tide forever comes nd goes,?nchecked, resistless, s it ebbs nd flo$s.

    H rdest of ll, $hen +rt h s done her best,To find the cuckoo brooding in her nestThe shre$d dventurer, fresh from & rts unkno$n,Aills off the & tients Science thought her o$n

    To$ns from nostrum'vender get their n me,=ences nd $ lls the cure' ll drug &rocl im,Pl sters nd & ds the $illing $orld beguile,

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    unch usenDs fello$'countr#m n unlocksHis ne$ P ndor Ds globule'holding boJ,

    +nd s Aing George inLuired, $ith &uIIled grin,Ho$''ho$ the devil get the &&le inFSo $e sk ho$,''$ith $onder'o&ening e#es,''Such gm# &ills c n hold such gi nt lies

    %es, sh r& the tri ls, stern the d il# t sksTh t suffering @ ture from her serv nt sksHis the kind office d int# meni ls scorn,His & th ho$ h rd,'' t ever# ste& thornWh t does his s ddening, restless sl ver# bu#FWh t s ve right to live, ch nce to die,''To live com& nion of dise se nd & in,To die b# &oisoned sh fts untimel# sl inF

    +ns$er from ho r# eld, m jestic sh des,''=rom em&hi n courts, from 2el&hic colonn des,S&e k in the tones th t Persi Ds des&ot he rd

    When n tions tre sured ever# golden $ordThe $ ndering echoes $ fted oDer the se s,=rom the f r isle th t held Hi&&ocr tes

    +nd thou, best gift th t Perg mus could send*m&eri l 1ome, her noblest ; es rDs friend,ster of m sters, $hose unch llenged s$ #

    @ot bold !es lius d red to disobe#%e $ho $hile &ro&hets dre med of d $ning timesTught #our rude lessons in S lernoDs rh#mes,

    +nd #e, the ne rer sires, to $hom $e o$eThe better sh re of ll the best $e kno$,*n ever# l nd n ever'gro$ing tr in,

    Since $ kening Science broke her rusted ch in,''S&e k from the & st, nd s # $h t &riIe $ s sentTo cro$n the toiling #e rs so freel# s&ent

    (ist $hile the# s&e k) *n lifeDs uneven ro dOur $illing h nds h ve e sed our brothersD lo dOne forehe d smoothed, one & ng of torture less,One &e ceful hour suffererDs couch to bless,The smile brought b ck to feverDs & rching li&s,The light restored to re son in ecli&se,(ifeDs tre sure rescued like burning br nd

    Sn tched from the dre d destro#erDs $ steful h ndSuch $ere our sim&le records d # b# d #,=or g ins like these $e $ore our lives $ #.*n toilsome & ths our d il# bre d $e sought,But bre d from he ven ttending ngels broughtP in $ s our te cher, s&e king to the he rt,other of &it#, nurse of &it#ing rtOur lesson le rned, $e re ched the &e ceful shoreWhere the & le sufferer sks our id no more,''These gr cious $ords our $elcome, our re$ rd%e served #our brothers #e h ve served #our (ord

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    1H% ES O= + (*=E'T* E

    =1O the first gle m of morning to the gr #Of &e ceful evening, lo, life unrolled*n $oven &ictures ll its ch nges told,*ts lights, its sh do$s, ever# flitting r #,Till the long curt in, f lling, dims the d #,Ste ls from the di lDs disk the sunlightDs gold,

    +nd ll the gr ven hours gro$ d rk nd coldWhere l te the glo$ing bl Ie of noontide l #.

    +h the $ rm blood runs $ild in #outhful veins,''(et me no longer &l # $ith & inted fire@e$ songs for ne$'born d #s * $ould not tireThe listening e rs th t $ it for fresher str ins*n &hr se ne$'moulded, ne$'forged rh#thmic ch ins,With &l intive me sures from $orn'out l#re.

    +ugust 5, - -.

    End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Poetic l Works of Oliver WendellHolmes, !ol. ", b# Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

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