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Poems of the Rebellion

Feb 22, 2015



Odes to an internal Rebellion towards Freedom
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This collection of poetry was compiled during my university years in Toronto

Canada, London England, and Athens Greece between 1995 and 2005. At first it was

merely an attempt to make sense of the flood of thoughts that I was experiencing, and to

delve into my own soul. At no time was I attempting to be a poet, or to sit and write

anything profound. As with every writer, the main object of the effort was to purge myself

of the demons that wracked me with tormenting realizations. The poems sort of wrote

themselves, and I kept them till I completed the collection presented here. I made it a

systematic effort, one that began at York University in Toronto, with the first few meager

poems that may, however, have the greatest meaning of them all. Being isolated in

Brenthouse Halls of Residence while at Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of

London, I had the chance to really reach into my inner self and explore what was there,

and everything from “Across the Ocean” («Αληίπεξα ηνπ Ωθεαλνύ») was completed until

the unit “Triumphant Return Home”, which was written entirely in Athens while I was in

my second law degree at the University of Athens Law School.

By entitling the collection “Poems of the Rebellion”, I did not want to imply a

revolution in the physical world of a political nature, rather, I am aiming at describing a

rebellion in the incorporeal world; the world within, the very soul itself. I managed through

systematic and aimed effort to change myself for the better and find my alter ego, as I at

least would like to believe. In our day there is massive upheaval, both in my home country

of Greece and abroad. Many revolutions are taking place, and perhaps we may experience

more than one here in the European Union before the decade ends. What I would like people to realize is that no matter which economic and political system we create, no matter which politicians we elect, if we ourselves do not undergo the rebellion within ourselves against inherent human fault and the evil that it creates, then this world is condemned to relive the same repeating cycles of rise and fall. It is up to each of us individually to change the world. Every man and woman

counts. Every person must make their own journey into their soul to find that which will

set them free from the condemnation of the human condition. Everyone’s road is

different, and mine most likely is not yours. My poetry is just a roadmap of such a journey

that leads to liberation from one’s own torments. May it be of assistance to you in finding

your way as well, if you have not already done so. I am certain that there are countless

people out there far, far ahead of me. I continue my journey forward, with hope that I will

find many others to share the way. Happy trails to everyone.

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Poema I Poema II

The mad hopelessness On an edge,

That characterizes human existence, The motivation lay.

Overwhelms the senses To be found,

And blurs reality. By a final push.

Through the fog of what The completion

We call human consciousness, Of the task,

Dreams appear Lingering near;

To placate the misery. Awaiting.

In the eternal struggle, The decision,

We wrestle ourselves Rests within.

Into the ground; Not of the conscious,

To the embrace of death. Nor the pragmatic.

There the soul is immortal Will is the nourishment,

There the pain dismantles Of the motivation,

Where this place is That lies alone,

We will all discover Seeking its Master.

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Πνίεκα Ι Πνίεκα ΙΙ

Ζ παξάθξσλ απειπηζία ε κηα άθξε

Πνπ ραξαθηεξίδεη ηελ αλζξώπηλε ύπαξμε Σν θίλεηξν θείηνληαλ

Καηαβάιιεη ηηο αηζζήζεηο Να βξεζεί

Καη ζνιώλεη ηελ πξαγκαηηθόηεηα Από ηελ ηειηθή ώζεζε.

Μέζα από ηελ νκίριε Ο ηειεησκόο

Πνπ απνθαινύκε ην αλζξώπηλν ζπλεηδεηό, Σνπ έξγνπ

λεηξα εκθαλίδνληαη Πνπ αησξείηαη θνληά.

Να εμεπκελίζνπλ ηελ κηδέξηα. Αλακέλνληαο.

ηνλ αηώλην αγώλα Ζ απόθαζε,

Παιεύνπκε ηνλ εαπηό καο Αλαπαύεηαη εζσηεξηθά

Καηά γεο ρη ηνπ ζπλεηδεηνύ

ηελ αγθαιηά ηνπ ζαλάηνπ Ούηε ηνπ πξαθηηθνύ

Δθεί ε ςπρή είλαη αζάλαηε Ζ ζέιεζε είλαη ε ηξνθή,

Δθεί ν πόλνο δηαιύεη Σνπ θηλήηξνπ,

Πνπ απηό ην κέξνο είλαη Πνπ θείηεηαη κνλάρν

ινη ζα αλαθαιύςνπκε Αλαδεηώληαο ηνλ Κύξηό ηνπ

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On the Plays of Destiny - Act One Love Old Renewed The Five Year Winter Αγάπε Παιαηά Αλαλεσκέλε) (Ο Πεληαεηήο Υεηκώλαο)

A separation takes place; On the winter‟s eve,

Without reverence to either Misgivings came.

Time or Space. Foreboding of a storm;

An occurrence which immediately Seeming without end.

Accelerates momentum‟s pace.

The snow piled,

An existence of agony ensues, In layers on a soul;

Pain - a lonely man pursues. Which prayed for Sun,

Driving him to distraction, To emerge and make it free.

With life‟s cruel action.

The cold heart‟s pulsating,

The burden becomes too heavy; Was not eased by any warmth

The unfortunate very weary. As it shown upon another‟s

But soon comes the levy, Never forgetting one memory.

To lift the burden slowly yet steady.

The winter was destined

The separation is reversed; To end forever.

A new unity is immersed An eternal spring with

In the endless bounds of Space, Only glimpses of a summer

While Time returns to its old pace. In the hereafter.

Love lost found again.

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Πνίεκα Α’ Τη ζνπ είλαη ινηπόλ,

Μηα κέξα ζηνλ ήιην;

Δίρσο ηεο κηδέξηαο ηα ζύλλεθα,

Να θαηαπνλνύλ ηελ ςπρή.

Αιιά, λα –


Πνπ εθείλε ε κέξα…

Δελ βάζηαμε.

Οη πόλνη θαη νη ιπγκνί,

Σζελαξά αθνύζηεθαλ μαλά,

Σε θάκπνπο θαη βνπλά,

Σε απέξαληα πειάγε.

Πνηάλ επηθαινύηαλ ηα παξαθάιηα;

Πνηαλήο ύπαξμεο δεηνύζαλ ηελ ζηνξγή;

Μηαλ όκνξθε θόξε,

Μηαλ αγάπε ιππεηεξή;

Δύν ρέξηα απισκέλα,

Πξνο ηνλ νπξαλό αλνηγκέλα. Μα πέξαζε θαη απηή ε κέξα

Αλακέλνληαο εθείλε - Καη ηα ρέξηα θαηέβεθαλ παξάπιεπξα

Τελ Νέα. Τα κάηηα θαξθσκέλα ζηνλ νπξαλό

Δαθξπζκέλα, παξαπνλεκέλα.

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Πεξί Μνίξαο Παηγλίσλ - Πξάμε Δεύηεξε

Σθελή Πξώηε

Πνίεκα Β‟

Μηζή ε κηδέξηα δηθή κνπ –

Ζ άιιε κηζή ηνπ θόζκνπ πνπ κνπ ηελ ράξηζε.

Έλσζε ηεο ςπρήο κε ηνλ πόλν,

Σν κπαιό ζε απόγλσζε.

Έξγν δεηά γηα λα εμαιεηθζεί,

Μα ζθνπόο δελ ππάξρεη.

Καηεύζπλζε ην κπαιό πξνζπαζεί,

Μάηαηα λα βξεη.

Αγσλία γηα ην άγλσζην

Άγρνο γηα ηελ αγσλία,

Πόλνο θαη γηα ηα δπν –

Λύηξσζε αλύπαξθηε.


Έλαο αγώλαο,

Μάηαηνο –

Θπζηάδνληαη δσέο γηα ην ηίπνηα.

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Πεξί Μνίξαο Παηγλίσλ – Πξάμε Γεύηεξε

θελή Γεύηεξε

Πνίεκα Γ‟ Πνίεκα Γ‟

Μηα λύρηα μάζηεξε Έξσηαο ζβεζκέλνο από ηα ρξόληα

ηνπ γηαινύ ηηο όρζεο, Μηα θιόγα πνπ έθαηγε

Σν ξπάθη έξεε ζηγαλά, Αιιάδνληαο πξννπηηθέο,

Μέζα από ηα θαιάκηα. Αηζζήκαηα θαη απνθάζεηο.

Σν κηζνζθόηαδν – Σα πύξηλα θάξβνπλα πνπ είρε αθήζεη

Έθξπβε πόζνπο, Δκπόδηδαλ κηαλ άιιε δσή –

θίαδε έγλνηεο, Ούηε λα γελλεζεί,

Αγθάιηαδε ζεξκά. Μήηε λ‟ αλζίζεη.

Μηα ύπαξμε, Σα θξύα λεξά δελ ήξζαλ πνηέ –

Μηα απόγλσζε. „Κείλνπο ηνπο πύξνπο λα ζσπάλνπλ.

Σα όλεηξα λεθξά, Καη ηα ζσζηθά ζηγόβξαδαλ,

Οη θαεκνί ζζελαξνί. Καη ιπγκνύο πξνθαινύζαλ.

Φώο - Παξαθάιηα ζηελ Θεά –

Αλύπαξθην, Λύηξσζε λα ραξίζεη.

Λεζκνλεκέλν, Απ‟ ηνλ πόλν ηεο θσηηάο,

Άπηαζην. Σα απνκεηλάξηα ηνπ λα ζβήζεη.

Οη αλακνλέο ηνλ έδσζαλ, Νύρηα ζηελ ακκνπδηά,

Ζ αγαλάθηεζε θνξπθώζεθε, ηνπ γηαινύ ηηο όρζεο,

Οη ειπίδεο έζβεζαλ - Ν‟ απαιύλεη ην καξηύξην,

Σν Σέινο είρε θηάζεη. Ήιζε ην Σέινο.

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Πεξί Μνίξαο Παηγλίσλ – Πξάμε Σξίηε

Πνίεκα Δ‟

Σα δηαηάγκαηα αθνύγνληαη,

Από κηαλ απόζηαζε,

Άγλσζηε –

Υσξίο θαηεύζπλζε εζσηεξηθή.

Οη Πξάμεηο αθνινπζνύλ,


Αζπλάξηεηεο –

Φαηλνκεληθά ηνπιάρηζηνλ.

Σν όιν αξηζηνύξγεκα

Μηαο Οληόηεηαο,



Γίρσο Θέιεζε,



Γηθή καο.

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Πεξί Μνίξαο Παηγλίσλ

Πνίεκα Σ‟ Φαικνί δίρσο λόεζε,

Έιενο δεηνύλ. Μηαλ ύπαξμε άδηθε, Μάηηα λα κελ βξνπλ. Άξηεο από αγσλίεο, Αγλαληεύνπλ ςπρή. Μα βηνπάιε γηα ζίηηζε, Καη δηθαηνζύλε δεηνύλ. Γηθαηνινγία γηα ηελ ύπαξμε, Οπζία ζηνλ αγώλα, κα, Δπίγεηα λα δνπλ ην έβαο, σθξνζύλε θάπνπ λα βξνπλ. Απόιεμε πιεζηάδεη – Σν θόηνο εδώ ζπρλάδεη. Μα ε Νίθε παίδεη κόλνλ ηνλ ζθνπό Δλόο Θενύ.

Αξεηή – Μηαλ θαη κόλνλ πνξεία Χο θαη ηελ βξήθακε, Παξάκεξα πεηακέλε. ΦΧ! Δθεί ζα ην βξνύκε, Βαζεηά κέζα καο αλ κπνύκε, Ζ Αξεηή ην όπιν ηνπ Γηθαίνπ. ΔΛΠΗ ππάξρεη, Σελ ΕΖΣΑ θαλείο;

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Μηα δπζηπρία Απηνπεπνίζεζε άιιεο επνρήο

Απόκεξε κηδέξηα Έπνο άγξαθν ζε αλέγγηρηεο ζειίδεο

Έθακε παξαπέξα Αλακνλή ησλ γεγνλόησλ

Άγλσζηε αηηία Άθημε ηνπ πξαγκαηνπνηεηή

Γίρσο έκπλεπζε εμσηεξηθή Αγσλία παξακεξηζκέλε

Υαξά θακία αιεζηλή ην βσκό ζπζηαζκέλε

Δθηόο από πξνζδνθία Μηαο λέαο Σόικεο,

Γη‟ αλεύξεζεο απηήο Αεξάηεο Αξεηήο

Πξνθεηείεο απηό-εθπιήξσηεο Ληκαλάθη θόλην βνπλά

Δπηζπκίεο αλέθθξαζηεο Αξάδεη ε πνξεία

Θειήκαηα αλεξρόκελα Σεο ςπρήο ηα θελά

Εσήο πξνζδνθώκελα Γεκίδνπλ κε αζηεία

Δπηκνλή ζε κία ηδέα Απνγεηώλεηαη ε ειπίδα

Θέιεζε ηεο νινθιήξσζεο Δλόο νλείξνπ -

Δλόο ζρεδίνπ Άπηαζηνπ

Γίρσο πξνκειέηε Χο ζήκεξα.

Έλα όλεηξν ηξνπνπνηεκέλν Ρηδώλεη ην όλεηξν

Αλεπαλάιεπηα, αλειέεηα Μεηαιιαγκέλν, ήπην

Γηραζκέλν δώληαο Δθθξάδνληαο ζησπειά

Γπν πνξείεο Πνξεία κηα

Γξόκν ραξάδεη κνλάρν Υαξάδεη ζηεξλά

Υαξαθηήξα κνλαδηθό δεκηνπξγώληαο Βαζηά ζηελ θαξδηά

Εσή απνθηώληαο Μηα δσή δπλαηή

Σσξηλή θπβεξλώληαο Με πιώξε ηελ επηπρία

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Αληηιαιεί θάπνπ ζηελ απόζηαζε

Σεο ζέιεζεο θαη ηεο ππγκήο

Μηαλ ειπίδα ζθνηεηλή

Υξώκα λύρηαο ζεξηλήο

θνηεηλή γηαηί δελ μέξεη

Πσο θαη πνπ λα δηαβεί

Έλα πεξίπαην ζηνλ ήιην

Υσξίο λα θσηηζηεί

Αλαιακπή ζην ζθνηάδη

αλ ζπίξην αλάβεη

Μεηά ζηγνζβήλεη

Γπξίδεη ζην ζθνηάδη

Πξνζπάζεηα αλαδσπύξσζεο

Μάηαηε θπζηθά

Αηζηόδνμε ζηελ νπζία

Μα λίθε πνπζελά

Σν ζθνηάδη όκσο ζεξκό

Εεζηή ε αγθαιηά ηνπ

αλ θαιύβη θησρηθό

Γίρσο ηελ θσηηά ηνπ

Θεξκόηεηα εζσηεξηθή

Κακία αλάγθε επηπιένλ

Γηα θσηηέο μέλεο

Απ‟ αιινύ θεξκέλεο

θόηνο αγθαιηά

Ήξεκε κνλαμηά

Θέιεζε εζσηεξηθή

Εσή κε ππγκή

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Knight of Nights

Upon a starlight sky wishing

For another sort of achievement

Unbounded hope glimmering

Trace of bereavement

The night unleashes schemes

Glory manifested dreams

Conspiring in complete dark

Attempting an internal spark

Airborne is the desire

To reach new heights,

To reach ever higher,

Knight of Nights.

Dusk approaches near

The day brings new fear

Routine rears its head

To the Knight‟s dread

Plans of conquest subside

Own desire to deride

Hopes unfounded overwhelming

Of magic realms telling

Chivalry dies with daybreak

The Knight begins to quake

That routine again will take

All dreamt glory in its wake

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Ideal Persona Perspective

A face in the crowd Perhaps it could be termed perspective

Unknown yet familiar The desire to be introspective

Pondering why Stemming from the necessity

Have any interest Of one‟s self dignity

Approach the persona A dignity non-distinguished

Extend a hand - From the ordinary

Touch, The drudge

Realization of misconception Thrust on all

Disappointment ensues By whom is not a topic

Descending heavily Rather a simple reality

On the accused Of all for one

Of familiar impropriety And one for all

Vows never to repeat Thus the promotion of dire

The same embarrassment By one and all

Similar disillusionment To the benefit of none

Creation of false hope Save some

Yet time erases Reaction maybe

Ill will from the heart But for what

And a wind of hope To whom

Unleashes itself anew All for naught?

New ideals created History rolls forward

Perhaps some old retained The same wheels carrying

Then unknown yet familiar The same story

Another face in the crowd Rewritten

Under it again

In this life

With no others to mention


What is left

To strive for,

Die for,


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Single Heart Alone

A single heart alone

Beats slowly to a tone

By itself created

Alone the beat perpetuated

It fears the tempo to stop

To quicken the beat to a hop

A heart that dreams

Wishful thinking in streams

It ponders a while

The essence of its trial

The meaning of beating

Without other hearts seeking

It shrugs and continues

Considers no other venues

Seeking no other hearts

Nor the heart of hearts

So a single heart alone

Sighs something of a moan

Refusing to seek

The unseeking

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To the Heart Dear

The search becomes wearisome

When conducted far from home

In a land estranged

Life otherwise arranged

Life continued on hope

Hope of what is known

In the hearts recesses to cope

With harsh waiting alone.

What then is known?

A familiar hearth

Warm and giving

Surrounded by those

Who only in dreams appear

It is very clear

What to the heart is dear

The warmth not of the hearth

But the love of those

Who care to find more in return

Unconditional love of one

By one unconditional love

The hearth is always near

Its heat to lend

The caring to tend

For love creates what dreams

Only strive to pretend.

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Dreamt Reality

Pondering a response

To an inquiry of own

Alone to answer for

Alone to question

For who but one resides

Inside one‟s self

Climbing thoughts

Of ones own mind

Reality thus relative

Blurring into dreams

Thoughts thought imperative

Turn to sand streams

A desire to awaken

From conscious hours

For a dreamt reality

Cannot be real

Continue to dream

It is less painful

Fuller of joy

Rather than grief

Brief encounters

With others

That know not

Of wonders within one

Disappointment to see

That they cannot

Yet dreaming one day

They will

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θέςε Σνικεξή

Μηα ζθέςε ηνικεξή

Μόλε θη απηή

ε κηα θνπξηνύλα

Σνπ κπαινύ θαηαζθεπή

Μειεηά κηα πηζαλόηεηα

Απίζηεπηε θη όκσο –

Δθηθηή, έηζη

Γηα αιιαγή

Ση λα‟ λαη άξαγε

Δπηζπκία νξκεηηθή,

Ή ιύζε ελαιιαθηηθή;

Σίπνηε από απηά

Λύζεηο ζε απηόλ ηνλ θόζκν


Δπηζπκίεο ππάξρνπλ,

Κη από ρηεο.

θέςε ηνικεξή –


Γελ έρεη λα θάλεη

Με ηίπνηε από απηά

Ση λα‟ λαη ινηπόλ

Καηαζθεπή κπαινύ,

Όζηεξα από θνπξηνύλα ζθέςεο;

Απόιπηε εξεκία.

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Silent Silhouette

A silent silhouette

Standing in the shades

Beckoning slowly

Smiling softly

So the dream begins

Gloriously subtle

Growing as dawn

Lighting the desolate

The silence expands

To an opus grand

So strong in form

That trees waver

Beckoning gently

To a dusted man

Scars and scrapes full

From the journey there

A floating approach

As dreams do convey

The wandering home

Wavering as they may

The silhouette retreats

Ever so softly and slowly

Arm extended to the arrived

Into the shadows melting

Another arm extends

The journeyer reaches

Grasps but misses

Alone in dreamt shadows left.

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Rage of Just

A ruined landscape barren

Scattered with lost hope

Glory gone with defeat

Victory wanted waiting

The scabbard lie gaping

The sword amiss it seeks

A shield shamed cries

A soul weak from defeat

The battle over and done

Much lost and nothing won

Speculation of the survivor

Necessity was it that won?

A proud anger brews

Below the brow of one

Gazes he at the glory gone

Swears that it is not done

A sword amiss found again

A shamed shield raised

A wounded soul fueled

By the Rage of Just

Continue on one must

War not being but one battle

The fight just begun

Over when the War is Won.

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αξθαζκόο Αιαδνληθόο

Αιαδνλεία αλεπηζύκεηε

Ξππλά αλύπνπηα

Βαζεηά ζηελ θαξδηά

Ρηδώλεη μαθληθά

Όβξηο μεθηλά

Λόγηα εηξσληθά

Φξέλα αλεπηζύκεηα

Δθθξάδνληαη επγεληθά

Αλέρεηα άιισλ

Γλσζηηθώλ δήζελ

Αεξνιόγσλ ινγίσλ

Μελύκαηα κεδακηλά

αξθαζκόο ζηάδεη

Παληνύ ζηα ρείιε

Πήδεη γνξγά

ηνλ αλύπνπησλ η‟ απηηά

Αθνύεη θαλείο πηα;

Μα όρη θπζηθά

Σα ιόγηα πηα δξαζθειίδνπλ

Σεξάζηηα άερα βνπλά

Από κεραλήο Θεόο

Αρξείαζηνο θαηαληά

ηαλ νη άλζξσπνη

Γξνπλ ινγηθά

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The Tear of Sorrows

A tear forms then rolls

Rolling and reflecting

A thousand or so sorrows

For sadness is clear

Clear like a pure pool

Untouched and clean

Wanting no other

Company it to keep.

The tear its trip continues

Rolling relentlessly rolling

Taking with it away

A thousand or so sorrows

Tired grows the tear

As had the fomenting soul

From such a burden

Heavy with sadness belayed

It reaches an edge

Can carry its weight no longer

Hesitates then starts

Dropping a distance unknown

With it the tear

Wrenches away

Perhaps not sadness all

But a thousand or so sorrows.

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Sweet Conspiracy

An animated glance around

Joy does in the eyes abound

Wonders the man spies

Glaring at clear blue skies

Stops for a moment and ponders

What is the cause of these wonders

Grins at the obvious answer

Springs up like a strong dancer

Not for the thought an inquiry

Nor for logic a question

For this is the hearts query

Of the soul a main bastion

How to explain the concurrence

Of dazzling phenomena congruence

Neither Art nor Science stands very steady

When for happiness the heart stands ready

A sweet conspiracy unwinds

Removes from the eyes those blinds

Which make life seem dreary

Making the soul feel weary

Light dances on the ground

Rhythm need not be found

The conspiracy a tempo created

Hope on sunrays animated

Deus ex machina unseen

What is to come not already been

Sweet moments not of past

Core happiness at last

Page 24: Poems of the Rebellion


Will Wish and Want

A will a wish a want

All for something rather than naught

In a strong emotion caught

With a mighty surge fraught

Not to be stopped nor stalled

From deep within one been called

A long time hidden waiting

Time to begin creating

A world of wonders and laughter

Turning to a new brighter chapter

A destiny harked loudly calls

Destroying old fettering walls

The crafters slowly mold

A story yet untold

Not of treasures and gold

Rather glory from days of old

Chivalry and cunning combat

Daring and bravery at that

Quest for the high adventure

Fighting against lifelong indenture

Freedom from the dreary doom

The eternal foe named boredom

That envelops all in its dark gloom

Freedom fought for with a loud boom

Sword and soul mingle softly

Creating the weapon of victors

A will a wish a want needed mostly

The quest to complete of the crafting actors

Page 25: Poems of the Rebellion


Γέιην Αηώλην

Έλα γέιην αβάζηαρην

Δγθάξδην ηξνκεξό

Αληηιαιεί απαξάιιαρην

Μ‟ έλα ήρν θνβεξό

Από επνρέο πεξαζκέλεο

Αησλίσο παίδεη ζη‟ απηηά

Από κάρεο θεξδηζκέλεο

Υαξάο ιαθύξσλ βξνληή

Υαζεί είρε ην γέιην απηό

Από θάζε θάκπν θαη ςειό βνπλό

Λπγκνί αληηθαηέζηεζαλ ην

Κιείλνληαο έηζη έλα θελό

Υξόληα πέξαζαλ θαηξνί θαηλνύξγηνη

Μα ην γέιην πνπζελά δελ θαηλόηαλ

Υαίξνληαλ θαθνί παλνύξγνη

Διπίδα λέα ζηγά-ζηγά βξηζθόηαλ

Μηαο κέξα ιακπξήο θαη λέαο

Άζηξαςαλ ηεο κνίξαο νη θισζηέο

Έθακαλ πέξα ακθηβνιίεο ηεο θαίαο

Γέιην ηξνκεξό επέζηξεςε κε βξνληέο

Ρίδσζε ηώξα ε ζπίζα

Πνπ ζην ιάδη βάδεη θσηηά

Λέεη ην γέιην ηώξα ήιζα

Καη ηώξα δελ θεύγσ μαλά

Με θάζε αηηία θαη αθνξκή

Κάλεη ε θιόγα αλαιακπή

Αληηιαιεί καθξηά θαη ηξνκεξά

Γέιην αηώλην αθνύγεηαη βξνληεξά

Page 26: Poems of the Rebellion


Will Alone Prevailing

A strong sign of weakness lurks

Against a hint of madness that quirks

Below the brow of the discontent

Awaiting to explode at the next event

The next instance of malady

The next show of insanity

The next glimmer of distress

A harsh display of societal duress

A will alone may prevail

Victory its sword raised to hail

Against adversity the terrible foe

Anxiety itself alone to woe

Fear no longer becomes an issue

When there is no foe to sue

Unseen he lurks in the dark

With your soul as his mark

Alone you stand drenched with waiting

Against your fear an anxiety frustrating

Alone a will you raise to strike

A will like a sword brought down with might

The will to live without fear

The day of victory draws near

The sword to be raised

Eyes with determination glazed

The sword slices through thick air

A shrieking sound it makes fair

It finds against nothing there

Against your own fear do not despair

Page 27: Poems of the Rebellion


A Modern Quest

Dream the dreams of night

Revel in their delight

For dawn will take all away

To the awakened‟s vast dismay

Realms with castles and knights

Fair maidens and such delights

Reasons for one to live

Nor a real care to give

These wonders good as they sound

Do not as tangible resound

A rising sun all may disperse

What all night took to immerse

A knight that awakens armourless

Often finds himself cheerless

No realm to defend nor maiden to save

Daylight brings to him plight grave

A quest anew must be discovered

An everyday task thus uncovered

Like defending a castle besieged

Or a maiden saving the heroic deed

An ordinary task done with honour

A modern quest undertook with valour

To save a maiden from distress

To stand in one‟s castle with banners address

Perhaps it would not have to be much

A quest involving the above and such

A mere smile to the maiden lent

Would be how a modern quest went

Page 28: Poems of the Rebellion


Αθξίηαο Νηόο Υαξσπόο

Έλαο αθξίηαο ληόο ραξσπόο

Καβάια ζη‟ άηη ηξέρεη

Ξάθλνπ γίλεηαη όιν ρισκόο

Κάηη ηνπ ζπληπραίλεη

Επγηάδεη ηα ραιηλάξηα

Βαζηά ηα γεξά

Γώδεθα παιηθάξηα

Εώλνπλ ηνλ θνληά

Πεξηηξηγπξίδνπλ ηνλ ληό

ιν θαη πην θνληά ζηκώλνπλ

Υηππάλε έλαο θ‟ έλαο δπν

Σν άηη πιεγώλνπλ

Πέθηεη ν αθξίηαο θαηά γεο

Παηά θαη ζηξέθεη γνξγά

Πέθηνπλ δπν θαη άιινη ηξείο

Σνπο ραιά νύινπο ζθιεξά

Σν άηη γηάλεη από θαηξό κεηά

ια είλαη όπσο ήηαλ μαλά

Ο αθξίηαο κεγαιώλεη θαη δέλεη

Ζ δσή ηνπ όιν θαη αθξηβαίλεη

Πεξλά κηα δσή νιάθεξε ζαλ αζηξαπή

αλ ρηεο ράιαζε ηνπο δώδεθα

Θπκάηαη ην άηη λα πέθηεη κε βξνληή

Καη πσο ηόηε ήηαλ κόλνλ ρξόλσλ έληεθα

Έληεθα ε ώξα ιέεη ην ξνιόη

Πνπ ηνλ ληό κεγαισκέλν μππλά

πλνκσζία θάκαλε κέξα θαη λύρηα ζαλ ζόη

ηελ πξαγκαηηθόηεηα ηνλ ληό λα θέξνπλ μαλά

Page 29: Poems of the Rebellion


Union of Souls

A fire burns ever complacently

At the stone surrounded hearth

Two souls lie adjacently

Resting on hard warm earth

Sparks rise skywards softly

Cedar cackles smoking loftily

The fire woos and waves

The stone drawing them to its enclaves

The two no longer separate

One they become solid

A world no longer disparate

Joined souls know nothing morbid

A union of the mind not matter

The body a romance needn‟t flatter

A higher love of one kind

Difficult though it is to find

A knowing and unspoken agreement

That knows no earthly bereavement

Two souls together in concord

Split by neither word not sword

A love as such is everlasting

Neither need for food nor fasting

A bond like this is solidly weld

Forever by two souls strongly held

The fire flickers and rises

Creating shadows in many guises

A union of souls nothing does fear

While one to another hearts remain dear

Page 30: Poems of the Rebellion


Burning Stone Fire

A brick wall lightly decorated

From excess altogether emancipated

Brick patterns all around

A round hearth they surround

A circle in which a fire burns

In the heart a warmth it churns

The bricks themselves begin to smile

Avoiding joy would be denial

The window loosely stands open

Smells of jasmine fill a spring air

Concern is now only a token

When things are oh so fair

A potion over the fire being brewed

Only a good purpose being construed

The herbs and spices together mix

A magic drink slowly to fix

The magic not of the potion

Nor of any mystical notion

A magic of the heart alone

Love like a fire of burning stone

Care and affection the potion make

With curing the loved soul at stake

The hands that stir the brew

Care only as do precious few

A cure of the everyday malady

Not of some dire tragedy

A magic potion followed by a kiss

Renders to the heart nothing amiss

Page 31: Poems of the Rebellion


Πηθξά Αλακνλή

Έλαο ινθίζθνο κνλαρόο

Πύξγνο νιάθεξνο ζσζηόο

Έλα θησρηθό ζηελ θνξπθή

Καξδηά κηθξή θξαηά θξπθή

Έλα θσο ζηελ πόξηα

Πέθηεη ζε άγξηα ρόξηα

Με ηδηόηεηα καγηθή

Διαθξά, ςπρήο κνπζηθή

Άγξηα βιαζηάξηα ζθόξπηα

Πεξηκέλνπλ θάπνηνλ αθέληε

Να „ξζε κπξνο ηνπ όξζηα

Να ηνλ θάλνπλ δπλαηό ιεβέληε

Πξνβαίλεη έλαο ιηγλόο

ηελ πόξηα θνληνζηέθεη

Ρίρλεη ζηα ρόξηα ην Φσο

Με ζνπγηά ηα πεξηζπιιέγεη

Αρλά ηα παξάζπξα ζακπά

Κόβεη ηα ρόξηα κε ζνπγηά

Πιέλεη ζην λεξό πνπ βξάδεη

ιν ην δνπκί ηνπο βγάδεη

Πίλεη ηνλ πηθξό ρπκό

θνππίδεη πηγνύλη θαη ιαηκό

Πεηάεη ην ζνπγηά πέξα

Σειείσζε ε δνπιεηά ηνύηε ηελ εζπέξα

Παξακνλή ζην ινθίζθν κνλαρηθό

Έλαο ληόο ςάρλεη εδηθόλ ηνπ εαπηό

Σα ρόξηα άγξηα κηαο δσήο

Πηθξά αλακνλή άιιεο ζαιπσξήο

Page 32: Poems of the Rebellion


Unbound Dreams

A misty image forms

Of unbound dreams

Of other worlds warns

Flowing in streams

Potent is the image

Stronger than hard drink

Reality an appendage

In illusion to sink

It rides like a wild mare

Charging past sobriety

Into an oblivion stare

Alleviates all anxiety

Wishes pile as sand

Amounting to large dunes

Creating another land

Singing a siren‟s tunes

One by one the grains

Dissolve like sugar in water

Although made with great pains

Dreams like lamb to the slaughter

Decimated dreams asunder

Leave only stupefied wonder

Glory imagined thus destroyed

A dreamer left heavily annoyed

Upset at the prospect

Left only to suspect

Reality to grow let

Better than dreams yet

Page 33: Poems of the Rebellion


Destiny and Determination

A reality not manufactured

Of unwanted inevitable pieces

Full of wishes fractured

Accepting all that destiny releases

Destiny is composed twofold -

The aspect of self-creation,

And the eternal story told,

Compose a harmonious relation.

Denying one awaiting the other,

Is a fault too dearly paid.

As destiny is history‟s mother,

Alone determination is made.

Reaching within to release

A force that alters reality

Destiny together to piece

A life in proper totality

What fuels this force alone,

Are images of perfect dreams.

Not making the heart as stone,

Only loving life in rushing streams.

Sewing together the pattern

From streams of dreams woven

Creating thus a strong urn

To drink life as one has chosen

Destiny and determination together,

Create something lasting forever.

One without the other hasn‟t satisfaction.

Chance must be complemented by action.

Page 34: Poems of the Rebellion


More Than Naught

What gives the will to act,

Must it be tangible fact?

Or only a whimsical thought?

Nothing more than naught?

A frozen moment in time -

The decision or not to mime,

Hundreds of actions before.

Or then to create a new lore.

Alternatives branch stretching out

To do with „is or that without

Is chance the only player,

Luck left as only prayer?

Control of the entirety not clear.

As the decisive moment is near -

Own belief and will exhibited;

Or are these things prohibited?

At every choice is will present,

Every action done with own consent?

Or do circumstances like a river rush,

Belief and choice both to crush?

Perhaps the river can be placid,

Not becoming still and rancid.

But slowing enough to give one time,

To decide whether or not to mime.

Sometimes the river rushes

At time will and belief it crushes

Sometimes the river placates

Choice then one creates

Page 35: Poems of the Rebellion



Artisans Of Action Fair Invasion of Vision

A chance lay open briefly A vision is seen

It stands ready to expire Alone in the sun

Given to one alone chiefly Desire for all that‟s been

To fill a wanting desire A heart‟s contest to be won

It waits not for speculation An approach ever so subtle

Seeing this with indignation Fetters of action to scuttle

Demanding immediate action Propelled by an unstopping momentum

Not pondering a possibilities fraction Falling disbelief at its autumn

Action then it asks at once A hand extended gently

Balanced and aimed well To grasp another‟s dreams

Not to act as a dunce A smile lent so friendly

But having art to tell Only full of warmth it seems

Artful and meritful concert Hidden beneath the warmth

To create a masterpiece Lies a fire fully burning

A rightful stake in the chance to assert A desire springs forth

Staking the claim of a golden fleece Spirits so strongly churning

Every word weighed The vision taken aback

Each movement laid From the passionate attack

With exact precision Surprised by the raging fire

With determined decision That kindles its own desire

This all done within seconds Basking then in the heat

Without waiting or waffling Enjoying the heartful treat

The chance only then reckons Not knowing of refusal to return

The artist deserves victory‟s adornings Not allowing two hearts to yearn

For chance knows many contestants A vision welcoming invasion

Passes over unworthy dilettantes Falling to burning persuasion

Stolen only out of the air Wanting the ensuing occupation

By Artisans Action‟s Fair. Submitting for the hearts duration

Page 36: Poems of the Rebellion


On the Plays of Destiny Sui Generis Pax - Return to London

ηόρνο Δππνίεηνο

Κιείλεη ηα κάηηα

Γηαηξεηά λα δεη ηείλεη

Αλήκπνξα ηα βιέκκαηα

Κνηηνύλ κε ζεβαζκό

Έρνληαο έιζεη καθξηά

Από άιινπο καθξηλνύο ηόπνπο

θηέο γπξλνύλ ζηγαλά

Πηιαηεύνπλ άζεια θαη κε

Νέα κέξα άιινο ήιηνο

Αλαηέιιεη αξγά


αλ λα κελ ην „ζειε

Αξγή πνξεία πξνο ηα πάλσ

Κνηηώληαο πίζσ ηξνκνθξαηεκέλα

Κξαηώληαο θξπθά ζηελ θαξδηά

Πόζνπο αδεκίσηνπο γελόκελνη

Βγαίλνπλ, βγαίλνπλ αλαιακπέο

ην ζθόηνο κέζα

Γίλνληαη έλα ππξνηέρλεκα

Πνπ δελ βιέπεη θαλείο

Μάηηα ζην θσο

Μόλνο ζθνπόο

Μηα επηπρία

ίγνπξε πνξεία

Πνξεία δύζθνιε, θνπξαζηηθή Σίγνπξα ρέξηα πηάλνπλ

Δμνλησηηθή, κέξεο-κέξεο Μηα κνίξα δίρσο ηέινο

Ζ ςπρή πάεη λα βγεη Τέινο λα δώζνπλ νξηζηηθά

Απνθεύγεηαη ε θαηαπνληή Σηόρν εππνίεην

Page 37: Poems of the Rebellion


Αλειέεηε ηξάηα

Έλα ηαμίδη ηειεηώλεη

Μηα αξρή μεκεξώλεη

Απξόζκελεο θαθνηπρίεο

Απνζθεπέο επηπρίεο

Δξσηήκαηα αλαπάληεηα

Θιίςε, επθαηξίεο

Γπζάξεζηεο ζπλζήθεο

Ζ κνίξα δεκηνπξγεί

Μνλαμηά μαθληθή

Γίρσο πξνεηδνπνίεζε

Αζύκθνξα αηζζήκαηα

Καηαζηαιάδνπλ πηθξά

ρη όκσο παξάδνζε

Σσλ ειπίδσλ άκεζα

Θέιεζε ζπλέρηζεο

Μάηαηνπ αγώλα

Αγώλα ζπλερόκελνπ

Γίρσο αλαζηνιή

Απνζηνιή δπζκελή

Σν ήιην λα δεη

Βήκα-βήκα κπξνζηά

ε κηα επηπρία

Πνξεία μεθηλά

Γίρσο πηζσγπξίζκαηα

Αλειέεηε ζηξάηα

ηελ νδό Υακέλσλ

Βξίζθνληαο μαλά

Δαπηόλ αλαλεσκέλνλ

Page 38: Poems of the Rebellion


Dawning Clarity

A clarity that dawns

Quietly upon consciousness

Slowly it yawns

Escaping now tiredness

Light illuminates piercingly

A reality not often seen

Eyes glance convincingly

What for long has not been

Solid is now the distant

Close to the world brought

An hour no longer an instant

Nor the entire world a thought

The air tastes now sweet

Ordinary senses become a treat

Crisp is the dawn anew

As a cherry with morning dew

A stride now sure

Thoughts more pure

Awakened at last

No longer in the past

Striving to maintain

Stopping past disdain

A world no longer muddled

Intent not at all befuddled

Clarity then dawning anew

Lending itself but to few

A striving that never ends

Reality and senses making amends

Page 39: Poems of the Rebellion


Distraught Ear

A word is given without thought

To a familiar ear closeby

Given as if all for naught

No aim in particular to try

It lands upon the mind

Though spoken softly

As a jeer of some kind

Deriding oh so mostly

The mind reels and takes measure

To retaliate the assault of ego

It summons up an evil treasure

Affront of past to launch

An assail hits the thoughtless

Unexpected though it was

An ego now wounded

An affront of a cut

Standing and staring at the listener enraged

The thoughtless one wonders

Was it something I did

Or simply a thing I said

With head lowered and tail tucked

A thoughtless one now pondering

Wanders off into the distance

To a more thoughtful place

A word without the form of a jeer

May nonetheless fall heavily upon the ear

Although it could be not the words fault

Simply that the ear was heavily distraught

Page 40: Poems of the Rebellion


Destiny Corporeal

An image repeating again

Itself endlessly

It churns through the mind

Becoming clear and vivid

Unchained it spirals upward

Spinning as it does

Euphoria in a dream

Nothing it surrenders

Rising and spinning

A delirium animated

Alive almost it seems

Yet only a dream remains

Reality cannot match

A perfect imagination

Unbound by the corporeal

Knows no bounds

Uncomfortable it is

To belong to the unreal

As something never born

Of this world not a part

Yet the image persists



To enter reality

Animate corporeal destiny

A perfect image yearns

Through slow persistent action

To materialize into the world

Page 41: Poems of the Rebellion


Desire Deceived

Deception of a desire

A difficult task

Of a strong will wanting

Much though to ask

A desire appears unwanted

Disrupting steady equilibria

Pushing to the fore

Consciousness to it surrenders

Yet the status quo must remain

Untouched without the tip of scales

Disastrous the tampering

Of a wanting soul

So a conspiracy is formed

Of one against one‟s self

A desire to alleviate

A deception to create

A desire is divided

Into susceptible parts

One by one they fall

Victim to logic and reason

Reason prevails over the unwanted

Albeit desired object

Divided and thus derided

It no longer forms a want

The desire retreats

Into the solace of subconscious

Hiding and biding its time

Till circumstance calls it back

Page 42: Poems of the Rebellion


Tasks of Chance

A persistence that which insists

Refusing to subside

Again and again it emerges

Unrelenting till it is satisfied

An aim it forms on its own

An entity created

For its own fulfillment

Only complete it expires

Ignoring it only leads to agony

Knowledge of its neglect

Punishment enough

Spurred to complete its bidding

As it is in process

It sets the mind at ease

As a narcotic it acts

Tranquilizing the self

So upon completion

It surrenders the reign

Again to the mind

Sovereignty of command

Yet in the wake of completion

As the euphoria fades

A persistent descendant

Rides out to conquer

Again another task

Thrown by chance

To the weary

To be fulfilled

Page 43: Poems of the Rebellion


Spring Rose

A pride that stops words

From parting lips longing

For a rose in full blossom

A silent spring aria

A rose so fragrant

So fragile yet solid

Of life full vibrant

Luminescent in daylight

A touchless caress

A glance blind

A breath windless

A whispered word

The word never spoken

By pride stifled

Strangled into a silent scream

Till tears a despondent eye part

A tear of egotism full

Bitter it must taste

For what robs one of life

Must have a venomous savour

Venom of origin unknown

Whence a denial of life began

Mystifies all learned and sage

For wanting pain defies logic

Yet so it remains bitter

Despondent tears rolling

To the edge of a lip

Skewed in a smile of self-sarcasm

Mocking the pride

So previously preserved

From love undeserved

Of a spring rose

Page 44: Poems of the Rebellion


Sorrow Alight

Sorrow oh so sweet!

Welling from the heart

Flowing so smoothly

To every end

Sorrow ever so hopeful

A warmth gives

Reassuring through night

That dawn will be alight

Not wanting to part

With a sadness

Not so sad

But sweet

A sorrow that brings a smile

Instead of a frown discontent

A smile of knowing

Victory not defeat

Eyes misted as a city in fog

Others see only the sorrow

Yet they do not discern distantly

A heart alight like honey

Sorrow alight ever so bright

Bright from a hidden glow

Of a blazing furnace

Fueled from the world‟s delights

A sorrow welling from sadness

For it is sad to know

One may not savour all

Of the world‟s delights in one night

Page 45: Poems of the Rebellion


Image Illuminate

Sunrays dancing upon hair so fine

Subtly reflecting her radiance

Serenity beneath they reveal

Softly shadows caress her face

Sparkling eyes study a page

To and fro they move

Making sense of a senseless world

A world lit by those same eyes

Slender delicate hands the page turn

A simple movement so graceful

As a gentle brook flipping a leaf

As crisp clear water she glitters

Gloriously her full lips part

For a silent lofty yawn

The shadows shift supply

Accentuating a rosy cheek

As if a rose petal came alive

Such is the hue full and warm

The sun lights it with care

Attentive to delicate beauty

An illuminating image is she

Real yet like a hazy dream

Where the mind sees the ideal

Yet cannot fully form it

So the sun basks in her beauty

Dreading the passing clouds nearby

And the shadows her serenely caress

Clinging to sense in a senseless world

Page 46: Poems of the Rebellion


A Tempest Settled

A tempest slowly settling

Tumultuous waters placated

A desire with the heart meddling

Words of want not enunciated

The rainclouds pass overhead

Leaving sunrays in their stead

Blue skies of sorrow untold

A warmth wanting to unfold

The waters heave and churn

In the siphon memories return

The hearts shine to praise

A modern quest to raise

The sun glittering on ocean

Brining fore the notion

Of a crown shining bright

An image of wholesome light

In the light fully to bask

Not wanting much to ask

Merely a caring hand to extend

The love of one to lend

Lending with the hope

Of nothing returned

Only hoping to cope

With a desire addressed

So a tempest settles

With the heart still meddles

A strong image of light

That warmly lights the night

Page 47: Poems of the Rebellion


Υαξαπγή Δπδαηκνλίαο

Γηαλύεη κηαλ επδαηκνλία

Όζηεξα από δνθηκαζίεο

Με ηνλ εαπηό ηνπ κηα νκόλνηα

Βξίζθεη άμαθλα δίρσο δπζθνιίεο

Μηα κέξα απιή θαη ιακπξή

Γίρσο θακία εκκνλή

Απιά κε ιίγα γεγνλόηα

Ννηώζεη σξαία όπσο πξώηα

Μηα θαιή θνπβέληα

Έλα ρακόγειν ζεξκό

αλ ην ραξηί ζε ξέληα

Βγαίλνπλ όια ζην ηπρεξό

Υαξά πνπ ζβήλεη εθηάιηεο

Πεγάδεη από βαζεηά ζηελ ςπρή

Δμαθαλίδεη θαθίεο ηνπ ρηεο

εκαίλεη κηα λέα ραξαπγή

Απγή δίρσο κεγάια όλεηξα

Μόλνλ αλακνλή πξαγκάησλ

Γίρσο λα θέξεηαη πακπόλεξα

Αλακέλνληαο ρώξα ζαπκάησλ

Κηλά λα δεη κηα αιιαγή

Υσξίο πξνώζεζε ζεκάησλ

Γίρσο θαλ κηα θξαπγή

Μα ζαλ ζίγνπξε πνξεία αξκάησλ

Εάξηα ξίρλνληαη ππό ην βιέκκα ηνπ

Σελ ηύρε κόλε αθήλεη λα θαλεί

Γίρσο αιαδνλείεο ή θνβίεο εαπηνύ

λεηξν κόλν ζηελ δσή λα εθξαγεί

Page 48: Poems of the Rebellion


Κπλεγνύ θηά

Μηα ζθηά αθνινπζεί

Γελ εκθαλίδεηαη

Μόλνλ δίλεη ίρλε

Αέξηλεο παξνπζίαο

Υάλεηαη μαλαεκθαλίδεηαη

Με κόλν ζθνπό

Να ζπλερίζεη ην θπλεγεηό


Άζθνπα δελ γίλεηαη ηίπνηα

Μόλνλ αλ αθεζνύκε

Γελ έρνπκε ηέινο

Μνλάρα ζπκβηβαζκό

Ο θπλεγόο ζέιεη ππνκνλή

Καη κπαιό πνιύ

ηδεξέληα αληνρή

Αλ ζέιεη ζξηάκβνπο

Ζ Νίθε δελ δίλεηαη εύθνια

Από κηα ζθηά παλνύξγα

Πνπ ηπξαλλά ζήηεο

Δλ αγλνία ηεο

Page 49: Poems of the Rebellion


Έλα όλεηξν πνπ δελ ππνρσξεί

Μεγαιώλεη όιν θαη κεγαιύηεξν

Μηα ηδέα κεγάιε λα κπεη

ην κπαιό θαη ζηελ ςπρή ιακπξόηεξν

Μηα ηδέα αηώλσλ επηζπκία

Διιήλσλ ζεηώλ θαη ζπκάησλ

Μηα κεγάιε ιεζκνληά

Αλακέλνληαο ζαύκα ζαπκάησλ

Κνηηώληαο εθεί ςειά πέξα

ε εδάθε απνρσξηζκέλα

Πεξηκέλνληαο ηελ εκέξα

Πνπ ζα επηζηξέςνπλ απξόζκελα

Διπίο ππάξρεη.

Σελ δεηά θαλείο;

Μηα ςπρή, έλα πηζηεύσ

Δίλαη όια ηα αλαγθαία

Δξρνκόο λέαο επνρήο

Ολείξσλ πξνθεηεπκέλσλ

Σέινο άζειεο αληνρήο

Έιιελεο κνίξαο πεηζκέλσλ

Σέινο ησλ θαεκώλ θαη αλαζηελαγκώλ

Σεο ελ Διιάδνο μεληηηάο ιπγκώλ

Ζ θόθθηλε κειηά πάιεη θαιά

Σσλ θαηαπαηεηώλ ηα παηδηά

Θέιεζε παληόο ληθά

Δπηκνλή θαη πίζηε

κίγνπλ ζε έλα ζθνπό

Αλαζηεκέλν Γηθέθαιν Αεηό

Page 50: Poems of the Rebellion


Image Extinguished

An image to be extinguished

A glorious thought of past

In the heart distinguished

Was not meant to last

Kindled the finer emotions

Of beauty tender promotions

Yet what was not known

Left the not reaped not sewn

A situation not apparent

Was all that it took

Another close not distant

The emotion broke and shook

At fault no one to be found

As strange as it may sound

In full honesty all was done

For a heart already won

A shame one may say

Being left in dismay

Allowing the heart to play

At the wrong place and day

Not all lost however

For never before never

Had she received such a gift

Giving her soul such a lift

Content with that the heart continues

Wishing in good affairs not to interfere

Searching not other hearts as venues

Only back onto a proper path to steer

Page 51: Poems of the Rebellion


Θειεκέλα λεηξα Αλύπαξθηα

λεηξα πνπ δελ βξίζθνπλ αληαπόθξηζε

Πξνβάιινπλ ζην λνπ κνλάρα ηνπο

Γίρσο θαλέλα επίθιεζε ζπλεηδεηή

Γεκηνπξγνύλ άιινπο θόζκνπο

Κόζκνη γεκάηνη ειπίδα ηερλεηή

Γηόηη δελ ππάξρεη εθδνρή

Να γίλνπλ πξαγκαηηθόηεηα

Απιά εμαηκίδνληαη

Γεκίδνπλ σζηόζν ην λνπ

Με εηθόλεο ραξσπέο

Εσή γεκάηεο

Αλαπνιώληαο εθείλα πνπ δελ έγηλαλ

Διπίδνληαο ζπλάκα

Πσο ειπίδα ππάξρεη

Γηα γεγνλόηα πνπ δελ πξόιαβαλ

Να γίλνπλ όλεηξα

ρέζε αλύπαξθηε κα δπλαηή

Πσο όζα αγλννύληαη

ε όλεηξα καθξηλά θαληαζηηθά

Ίζσο λα είλαη πξαγκαηηθόηεηα ηνπ αύξην

Ίζσο λα‟ λαη όηη

ζν ιηγόηεξν νλεηξεύεηαη θαλείο

ζν ιηγόηεξν ζθέπηεηαη αθόκε

Σόζν ην θαιύηεξν

Page 52: Poems of the Rebellion


The Trait of Patience

The dust settles on a matter

That plagued thought ceaseless

An unwanted hope to shatter

Creating a new wanted sureness

Certain events that fall

Forced onto a life

Hit an unseen wall

Without really any strife

Decisions cannot be made without

The will of the determinant

For then destiny has no doubt

To eliminate such an incumbent

A desire kindled falsely

Artificially from external factors

Conflicting with a path awfully

Cannot succeed with any artisan actors

Thus should be avoided any belief

Any expectation or faith made falsely

For there can be no relief

For what should and can never be

Destiny and determination must coincide

For any event to rightfully occur

It is not for anyone else to decide

How these two elements concur

Awaiting the moment that fate

Always brings to the fore

Patience on action is always a trait

That creates events that should be and weren‟t before

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Do Something

Why does one do anything

For any reason at all

Attempt to accomplish something

To prevent the soul‟s fall

Here and there

Wandering about

An infinite stare

Alleviating a doubt

Doubting life itself

The world at large

Storing on a shelf

Memories to fill a barge

Why bother at all

Striving always forever

To stand tall

Giving up only never

A small accomplishment fine

Leaves in the heart a line

A line of gold shining

Not leaving the heart crying

It matters not really

Whether on withers away

Yet is all the difference truly

If you brighten another‟s day

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Alive Striving

A hope alive and kicking

One that won‟t die

To an attempt sticking

To the world won‟t lie

A truth irrevocable eternal

Denying complacency‟s infernal

To stay by and not do

To an ideal remaining true

An act not selfless

Not altruistic either

Leaving another helpless

One can do neither

Imagine a place far away

Long oh so long ago

Where in honour men did stay

Tempers were strong yet slow

Where nothing meant something

A little could mean life

A love meant everything

There could be glory in strife

This place is not gone

It is not extinguished

Honour is not finished and done

In the heart it is still distinguished

Know thyself and strive

Keep an ideal alive

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A Darkened Heart‟s Hope

Living on a hope only

Of finding a strong reason

To live not lonely

Not serving the heart treason

An image that falters and dims

Yet will not recede altogether

One of the hearts whims

Two hearts to come together

What gives reason to live -

Is it on building money greed,

With Glory the heart to feed?

Or true love a sole heart to give

What is worth living for really

Worth dying for

Trying for

Only what seems a dream surely

For that one soul

The one heart

That time had stole

Will always be apart

Is there any more a hope

That life hasn‟t taken a down slope

That the day will continue to brighten

A darkened heart to lighten?

Page 56: Poems of the Rebellion


Πεξεθάληα Μνλαρή

Αλ ήκνπλ έλα γεξάθη πεξήθαλν

Θα πεηνύζα ςειά αςεθώληαο

Έλα θόζκν ρακειά άρξσκν

Δθεί ζηνλ νπξαλό δώληαο

Σίπνηε άιιν δελ ζα είρε ζεκαζία

Δθηόο ηεο ιηαθάδα θαη ν νπξαλόο

Πνηέ λα κελ ππήξρε αλία

ηνπο αηζέξεο εθεί πισηόο

Βιέπνληαο θάησ όιε ηε βαβνύξα

Πεηώληαο πάλσ από ηε ζαβνύξα

Πνπ θαηαπόλα ηε ςπρή

Δθιείπνληαο κνλάρα ηελ δσή

Μηα δσή εηδάιισο άδεηα

Από έγλνηεο θνζκηθέο

Μόλν κηα ειπίδα

Φάρλνληαο άιιε αέξηλε θξνληίδα

Μόλν ην γεξάθη λα πεηά κπνξεί

Μα κνλάρν ζπλέρεηα λα δεη

Δίλαη αδύλαηνλ θαη γηα πνπιηά

Να κελ ππάξρεη κηα θσιηά

Ούηε κα νύηε θαη ηα δσληαλά

Γελ κέλνπλ πάληα κνλαρά

Έηζη απιά θαη πεξήθαλα ςειά

Με κηα καύξε άδεηα θαξδηά

Page 57: Poems of the Rebellion


Life for Taking

A placated past concern

The mind does discern

A woe gone for now

Peace it does allow

At rest is the tempest

That upset clear skies

It all now a jest

Worries seem as lies

Spring awakens the dormant

The air sweet and light

No time as the current

Things turning ever more bright

A flow of events to follow

A promising flight of the swallow

Memories of past alive

Hoping the good future to survive

A glass full of wine

A melody loud not sublime

Starlit skies over a shore

All of this and much more

A flight of fancy in the night

Direction not it knows

Going wherever the wind blows

Spurring towards what is right

No longer a dream is this

Only reality in waiting

No longer anything amiss

Life present for the taking

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Ode to Laziness

I like being a lazy person

It is not inactivity wasteful

In this listless quiet immersion

For every moment I need not act

I am grateful

For being alone with no one to speak

Alone not always, nor most of the time

For if my spirit were ever weak

This lazy solitude makes my spirit higher climb

Alone and listless examining a thought

This whole grand inactivity is more than naught

For from flights of fancy in my mind

The rules for action well aimed I find

Scene after scene unfolds unseen

Some grand others meek

These things that are not and have never been

In their most perfect attainable state to create I seek

A noble vision by creation of my mind

To bring to reality I try and find

The entire flight need not land

Only one small segment should I see stand!

A word spoken

A gesture made

Would be my token

Within the good if they stayed

By Good I mean not some prudish good

That is not the nourishment that in me ever stood

Rather something that shines in the sun‟s stead

When the clouds have congregated over one‟s head

Page 59: Poems of the Rebellion


On the Plays of Destiny Victorious in London

Standing Taking Sorrow

Only an invisible enemy left

Alone by an unseen striking blow

Hit by the unknown

With no recourse

Standing taking

Nothing to strike back at

Standing proud

Not so much as a whimper

No one to put the blame

No one to hunt down

Nothing real left to defend

But one‟s own soul

Striking at the air

Screaming „No fair!‟

No one to listen

Alone the world to fight

The entire world pitted against

On a quest undefined

Defiled chivalry

Basest of base glories

There are no victors

No real vanquished

Only the tears of the warriors

Who stand alone striking air

A fight till the death

Sorrow the true wound

There is no resignation or complacency

Standing taking, to see another day the same

The same non-exist enemy searching endlessly

Page 60: Poems of the Rebellion


Μηα επηζπκία

Μηα λνζηαιγία

Έκπλεπζε λέα

Αηζζήκαηα σο ηώξα ιεζκνλεκέλα

Μηα αξρή

Μηαο νξκήο



Ση λα θάλεη θαλείο,

Να ειπίδεη;

Να πξνζπαζεί;


Θειήκαηα θαξδηάο

Γίλνληαη δίρσο πξνκειέηε

Κύκα αζπγθξάηεην ν έξσο

Θα παξαζύξεη όηη είλαη λα πάξεη

ηαζεξή πίζηε ζηελ θαξδηά

Γίρσο ακθηβνιίεο

Γηα ην κέιινλ

Απνηπρία δελ γλσξίδεη ε πίζηε

πλέρεηα ηεο δσήο

Πεξήθαλα δίρσο αιαδνλείεο

ίγνπξα κα θαη όρη δεηιά

Πίζηεο Παληόο Νηθά

Θειήκαηα θαξδηάο

Πίζηεο πάληα θξαηά

Page 61: Poems of the Rebellion



Page 62: Poems of the Rebellion


Έλα αίζζεκα απαιό

Κξύν αλεπηζύκεην

θέςε ηνικεξή

Σόικε αηρκή

Απέξαληε κνλαμηά

Από ηνλ ήιην θξπθά

Μηα δεζηαζηά πνιεκά

Μα πνηέ δελ ληθά

Πξνζπαζεί αλέιπηζηα

Γπλαηά κα ηξπθεξά

Σνλ ήιην λα δεη

Υαξά λα δηαβεί

Πεξπαηά πεξήθαλα

Σνλ Υάξν αςεθά

Λέγνληαο εκίθσλα

Πνηνο ηνικά;

Αηρκή ηνπ θξύνπ

ε ςεινξείηηθα βνπλά

ηγαλή ιαιηά

Γελ αληέρεη πηα

Φσλάδεη θαη σξύεηαη

Σα ζύλλεθα απνπαίξλεη

Πνπ θηλνύληαη ζηγαλά

Καη δελ πάλε πνπζελά

Γηαηί, σ, γηαηί

Να κε δηέιπαλ

Σα βνπλά λα ζηελάμνπλ

Οη θάκπνη λα αλαγαιιηάζνπλ

Page 63: Poems of the Rebellion


Έλα αίζζεκα θνπληώλεη

Σν βξάρν ζθαξθαιώλεη

ηέθεη θαη βξάδεη

Ζ γεο νιάθεξε θνριάδεη

Πεξηκέλεη κηα νιηά

Βιεθαξίδεη όια απηά

Πνπ ζηνλ βξάρν ηνλ θέξαλε

Σνλ θαεκό ηνπ ππνθέξαλε

Γελ θνπλά θύιιν

Ο ζπκόο έξγν άεξγν

Πξάμε ε βξάζε δεηά

ρη ιόγηα κεδακηλά

Έλα βιέκκα αθόκε

Σα ζύλλεθα δπγηάδεη

ηέθεη θαη κειεηά

«Σνύηε ηε θνξά δελ ζαο πεξλά»

έξλεη έλαλ πήδν

Καη βξίζθεηαη ςειά

Σα ζύλλεθα παηά

Σνλ ραιαζκό μεθηλά

Γηαιύεη ρηππά ζθνξπίδεη

Με ιύζζα ηα πεξλά

Ζ ςπρή ηνπ λα ζαζηίδεη

ιν έλα γίλνληαη μαλά

Page 64: Poems of the Rebellion


Απνθαξδηώλεηαη άμαθλα

ηνλ ζάιν κέζα

Πεξηγεινύλ ηνλ ηα ζύλλεθα

Σν θαθό ηνπο βξνληά

ηέθεη θαη ζπιινγίδεηαη

Παηώ ηα δελ δηαιύνπλ

Γεινύλ θαθά κνλαρά

Έξγν κίζνπο άθαξπν θαηαληά

έξλεη μαλά „λαλ ζάιην

ηνλ βξάρν πάιη λάηνο

Απνξία ηεξάζηηα πηα

Με ιύπε όιν γεκάηνο

Με κίζνο ε κνπληάδα κεγαιώλεη

Ση „λαη ηνύην ην πξάκα πηα

Να θύγεη δελ θάκεη

Μόλνλ ζηέθεη ζαλ ηνλ ζαλαηά

Κάζεηαη ζηνλ βξάρν θαη θνηηά

Φειά από ηα ζύλλεθα ςειόηεξα

Αλαγαιιηά ζηελ ζθέςε η‟ Οπξαλνύ

Λεύηεξνο από γθξίδα δεζκά

Πξάμε απαηηείηαη κα θαιή

ρη κε κίζνο θαη νξκή

Μεξάθη ζέιεη ε δνπιεηά

Φπρή θαιή θαη πνλεξηά

Page 65: Poems of the Rebellion


Αθήλεη ηνλ βξάρν κνλάρν

Σα ζύλλεθα ηα ηαιαληεύεη

Καηεβαίλεη ζηνλ θάκπν

Σνλ αξγαιεηό δνπιεύεη

Τθαίλεη έλα παλί κεγάιν

Γαιάδην όιν ιακπξό

ηελ κέζε θεληά ζηξνγγπιό

Έλαλ ήιην ηξνκεξό

Καηαρώλεη ην έηνηκν παλί

ηνλ ώκν ην βαζηά

Με δπν-ηξεηο δξαζθειηέο

Νάηνλ πάιη ζηα βνπλά

θαξθαιώλεη ζηνλ ζίγνπξν βξάρν

Ξεηπιίγεη ην παλί θαη ην θνπλά

Γηα δέζηε ζύλλεθα έλαλ ήιην

Γελ κπνξείηε λα ηνλ θξύςηε

Σα ζύλλεθα ζαζηίδνπλ

Σν δόιην ληό θνηηνύλ

Σνλ ήιην ηνπ λα πάξνπλ

Με θαθία θηλνύλ

Καηεβαίλνπλ ζηγά-ζηγά από ςειά

Με θζόλν πιεζηάδνπλ ηα βνπλά

Σν λην αγλαληεύνπλ όιν

Αζηξαπέο έηνηκεο κα βξνληνύλ κόλν

Page 66: Poems of the Rebellion


Ο ληόο πεξηκέλεη απνθαζηζηηθά

Σν παλί πξνθιεηηθά ηνπο θνπλά

ρέδην έρεη έηνηκν ζην λνπ

ύλλεθα λα κελ είλαη παληνύ

Υάλνπλ ηελ ςπρξαηκία ηνπο η‟ αεξάηα

Οξκνύλ ζηνλ ληό θαη ηνλ ήιην ηνπ

Σξέρεη απηόο ζηελ κπνύθα κηαο ζπειηάο

Κξεκά ην παλί θαη ηνπο πεξηγειά

Σξέρνπλ ειεθηξηζκέλα η‟ αεξάηα

Σελ πόξηα ηεο ζπειηάο δελ παξαηεξνύλ

Κάκεη ν ληόο ηε ζηηγκή ηειεπηαία άθξε

ηα έγθαηα ηεο γεο λα κπνπλ

Καη ην ηειεπηαίν αεξάην πεξλά κέζα

Σξηθιίδεη ν βξάρνο ηελ είζνδν ζθξαγίδεη

ηέθεη ν ληόο ηνλ ζπγραίξεη

Σώξα δσληαλεύνπλ άιια κέξε

Γίλνληαη η‟ αεξάηα λεξό θαζαξό

Σελ γεο όιε πνηίδνπλ

Απ‟ ηνλ βξάρν κηα πεγή μεπεδά

ια ηα δσληαλά λα πίλνπλ

Γπξλά ν ληνο θαη ηη λα δεη

Ο ήιηνο ιάκπεη ραξσπά ζηελ γε

Μήηε ήμεξε πσο ηνλ έραζαλ

Σσλ ζύλλεθσλ ηα έξγα άγλσζηά ηνπ

Σνλ ληό δελ ζπγραίξεη

Μόλν ηνπ θνπλά ην ρέξη

Γλέθεη ηνπ θαηαθαηηθά

Μπζηήξην ε δσή ζηνλ θόζκν πηα

Page 67: Poems of the Rebellion


Κνηηά ν ληόο ηελ πεγή θαη πνπιηά πνπ ιαινύλ

Κνηηά ηνλ γαιάδην Οπξαλό δεμηά-δεξβά

Υίιηεο δπν απνξίεο από ην κπαιό ηνπ πεξλνύλ

Παληνύ δεζηαζηά κα λνηώζεη όιν θξύν ζηελ θαξδηά

Γπξίδεη απ‟ εδώ θαη απ‟ εθεί

Μόλνο κε ηελ κνλαμηά ηνπ

Εεζηαζηά κέζα ζηελ δέζηε

Πξνζπαζεί κάηαηα λα βξεη

Με ην θεθάιη ξηγκέλν ςειά

Νηθεηήο πεξπαηάεη πηα

Μα παξάπνλν θξπθό ζηνλ θόξθν

Βαζηά κε θαεκό αλεμήγεην

ηνλ βξάρν πάεη θνληνζηέθεη

Γόμεο παιηέο αλαπνιεί

Μάρεο κε η‟ αεξάηα ςειαθίδεη

Ο ληθεηήο ιπγκνύο λα πλίμεη πξνζπαζεί

Γελ κηιά ν βξάρνο

Μόλν λεξό ηξηθιίδεη

αλ ηα δάθξπα ηνπ ληνύ

Σελ γεο πνηίδεη

Κάζεηαη ν ληθεηήο εηηεκέλνο

‟ έλαλ δεζηό θόζκν ρακέλνο

Να „ρε ηώξα ιίγε ζπλλεθηά

Γελ κπνξεί λα ηα βάιεη κε θαλέλαλ πηα

Page 68: Poems of the Rebellion


Γπξλά ην βιέκκα ηνπ ζηνλ θάκπν

Εσή γεκάην θσλέο πνπ αληερνύλ

Κνηηά ηα απέξαληα βνπλά

Άδεηα θ‟ έξεκα κ‟ απηόλ κνλαρά

Ήιζε ζηα βνπλά ςάρλνληαο κηα δεζηαζηά

Από δηθνύ ηεο ζέξκε

Υσξίο αλζξώπηλε θσλή

Γελ ηελ δεηά απ‟ ηνλ θόζκν πηα

Ο ληνο παξόιν ληθεηήο, εηηεκέλνο

Κνηηά κε πόλν ηελ πεγή

εθώλεηαη λα πηεί κήπσο δεζηαζεί

Μα ην λεξό θαίεη παγσληά

Πάεη θαη απιώλεηαη ζηελ ςειόηεξε θνξπθή

Από ηνπ ήιηνπ ηηο αρηίδεο κήπσο δεζηαζεί

ιε ηελ εκέξα εθεί πνπ πήγε λα πάξεη

Πέθηεη λύρηα θαη ηελ δεζηαζηά ηελ θιέβεη ην θεγγάξη

Αλαζεθώλεηαη πην θξύνο από πξηλ

Σα ρέξηα ηνπ κπιαβά ηα δόληηα ηνπ λα ηξίδνπλ

Οη δπν ζηάιεο δεζηαζηάο ηνπ „θπγαλ δελ μαλαγπξίδνπλ

Αξγά θαη βαξηεζηεκέλα επηζηξέθεη ν ήιηνο

Κνηηά ν ληόο ηνλ ήιην παξαπνλεκέλα

Σνλ θνηηάδεη κηα θαη δπν θαη ηξεηο

«Ήιηε ηνλ θόζκν όιν δέζηαλεο παξά κόλν κέλα»

«Ση ζε έθεξα πίζσ θαζόινπ, απνξώ ζαζηηζκέλα!»

Ξππλά ν Ήιηνο θαιά-θαιά μαθληαζκέλνο

Κνηηά ηνλ ληό θαιά λνηώζεη ρακέλνο

«Ση ιόγηα είλαη απηά ληέ πξσί-πξσί»

«Μ‟ εκέλα ηα έβαιεο πνπ δελ βξίζθεηο ζαιπσξή;»

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νπθξώλεη ν ληόο ηα θξύδηα θνληά-θνληά

Κνηηά ηνλ ήιην πνπ ιάκπεη ιακπξά

«Δγώ ζ‟ έθεξα πίζσ λα δεζηαζώ»

«Σώξα κνπ ιεο ζε άιια βάζαλα λα κπσ;»

Γειά ν Ήιηνο πιαηηά θαη βαζεηά

ηνλ θάκπν ξίρλεη ηηο αρηίδεο ηνπ, θόζκνο μππλά

«Άθνπ ληέ ηνλ θόζκν θάζε κέξα θαη ραξά»

«Σξάβα θείζε ηώξα θαη κελ κε ζθνηίδεηο πηα»

Απνξεί ν ληόο γηα θαηξό ιίγν

Κηλά γηα ηνλ θάκπν θόζκν λα βξεη

Χο αθήλεη ηα βνπλά θαη πάεη ζηε πόιε θνληά

Θεξκαίλεηαη παξαδόμσο ε ςπρή ηνπ ζηγά-ζηγά.

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Two Paths

Two paths open to take

A wholesome future to make

A proper course to set

A good life to happen let

One way is murky and troubled

On it the problems are doubted

The other is more difficult to brave

Yet the good life it may save

The question is at hand

Which can one withstand

The braver more proper path

Or the murky water bath

The decision is not clear

For sight on this is near

Difficult to predict what is to be

One can only wait and see

If certain conditions are met

The brave path is a sure bet

Only if it cannot be born

The brave path will be forlorn

In either case as it may be

From a bad life one should be free

To strive for the best

And forget the rest

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Emotion Undesired

An emotion undesired

From misery inspired

Trying it to undo

To the heart remaining true

The balance tips down

Bring to the face a frown

From the inside this springs

Unhappiness it brings

From various events gone

Things that are done

Memories unpleasant linger

To the heart as a stranger

Time that passes heals

Undoing sour deals

Time will cure all

To prevent the soul‟s fall

The memories begin to fade

Along with the bitterness they made

They disperse like dissolving water

Incoming is new laughter

They reappear however

Clustering again together

Unwanted they stand

Dealing a raw hand

One by one they are removed

To the never they are moved

Patience is what it takes

To get a few lucky breaks

An emotion undesired

In order to be expired

Must be dealt with patiently

And soon the whole affair will seem silly

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Awakening to find

All is not lost

Striving to define

A regaining confidence

Recollections of past

Thoughts of future

All come together

To fill a disillusioned mind

Sifting the thoughts

Through a sift fine

Trying to redefine


Adversity faced with

Momentum to be gained

To overcome all

That stands in one‟s way

Life fuller of joy

Rather than grief

Standing true to one belief

That all will go well

Only time will tell

How events will turn out

Time spent lying about

A voice crying out a yell

A voice filled with hope

Hope for all that is to come

Hope for self salvation

Hope for gratification

Only time will tell

How things turn out

In the meantime

Calm in the soul rests all

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A thought turns and twists

In the mind it is turning

It disappears then comes and sits

To be from it one is yearning

It is not a comfortable thought

How to avoid it one cannot be taught

It fills the conscious with pain

From it nothing to gain

It bears down on confidence

One left without reference

To fill an empty heart

To end the thought and have a new start

All is not lost however

Pulling ones emotions together

To overcome this obstacle

Not needing to hear from an oracle

Persistence in feeling fine

One can draw the line

On how the mind twists and turns

While for happiness it yearns

Convincing oneself that all is good

Is something to be understood

And put into practice at all cost

For without this all is lost

Letting the mind hit freely

Thoughts that are held dearly

Also must be implemented

Not to see emotions fragmented

One must always keep hope

That life is an upward slope

That everything will work out

Of these things not to have a doubt

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To Thyself Be Just

A thought spurs forth

Up it rises headed north

A notion refined

A new place to find

Joy it fills the heart

Strait it‟s aimed like a dart

Directly it targets bliss

Happiness is this

Old dreams revived

New doubt belied

Warmth anew it brings

Of joy and bliss it sings

Grief now is gone

Sorrow now is done

Hope is back

Piling in a high stack

Continue on one must

If to thyself one be just

Life one must bear

To win you must dare

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Sun Crown

Raiding the depths deep down

Seeking the arcane crown

A crown that shines bright

Giving a warm sure light

This crown from days of old

A legend that is told

Again and again sung

From mouth to ear slung

It is a story one told oneself

As a book brought down from a shelf

Of courage and the will to be

A brighter better day to see

The crown was always there

Only it was forgotten

One did not dare

To see it downtrodden

The light never leaves us

In ourselves we must trust

To see a brighter and better day

In the bright sun with a crown to lay

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Placid Bliss

A raindrop falls

A crow calls

Around the wishing well

The leaves fell

Dawn came early

Awakening one nearly

The rooster slept

While no one wept

Tears were amiss

Do not doubt this

Calm was abound

Nothing making a sound

Placid were the waters

Dreaming of Eve‟s daughters

A smile crept to the lips

A smile past a frown slips

A problem not to be found

Squares to circles made round

A smile of placid bliss

To the heart was nothing amiss

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Dreams to Reality

Understanding the demon

Continuing to dream on

A road now open to take

A destiny new to make

An image forms

Bereft of storms

Calm, it is good –

Alone in the mind it stood

A maiden or two dancing

Around a bonfire prancing

Rose petals surround their feet

The sight of them a treat

It shimmers and shines

Sounds like fine chimes

The image disperses

In reality on immerses

A reality open to create

Dreams of fine trait

Dreams to reality at last

Slow going not too fast

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The Play‟s Players

Of good things do I dream

Light concentrated in a beam

Shines inside my head

As I lay in bed

The night carries on

With the curtains drawn

Pixies and fairies dance

Doe and deer prance

An image forms full

The soul it does cool

An image from the past

Into the future it will last

Scenes from a play

Yet to take place

There will come the day

When it will show face

Time in waiting

Dreaming abating

The play‟s players

For them saying prayers

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Love Redeems

The horror of it all!

What one does

For success

Is utterly disgusting

We strive


All we hold dear

For naught

What does it all matter

In the end

For you cannot

Take it with you

Love redeems

Love for all

For God

And His Creation

What are we

But a collection

Of emotions

Memories of actions

Better a solitary

Love filled existence

Than at the pinnacle of success

Bereft of love

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How Absurd

How absurd

It all really is

When all is considered

It seems such a waste

All for what?

When death is certain

Amounting a fortune

Seems futile




These are admirable

For to live

A life of reflection

In an air of love

May save a soul

As long as there

Is nourishment

And a shelter

The rest is just an absurd attempt

To escape the vanity

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Oh, The Vanity!

I saw someone,

The other day.

We went to university together

How she had changed

Years later

Emotions forlorn

Strangely –

Did not awaken

Her handshake was firm

And warm

But it felt hollow

Though caring

From classmates

To a mere acquaintance

How things devolve

To insignificance

Oh, the vanity!

I asked her to join me for a cup of coffee

To engage in another

Absurd attempt

To escape the vanity

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Reign Supreme

Solitude so sweet

Serenely reflecting

Not caring anyone to meet

It‟s passé

Among friends one may find joy

Support and care

Not becoming a woman‟s toy

Because nothing is fair

Solitude oh so sweet

Only myself to worry about

Every day brings a new treat

That there will be more women do not doubt

For now I reign supreme

As a bachelor I rule

It is like a dream

Not for any sprite a tool

Liberty, freedom

Are my rewards

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A harp is strung and strummed

It plays a melody fine

As you are shunned

I know that you will never be mine

Do not ask why

For it would take long to explain

Just sit there and sigh

Saying “It‟s all so very plain”

Simplicity in itself

Something that cannot be denied

Though like heeding an imaginary elf

Leaving you must be complied

Destiny would have it not

For two to cross an ocean

Loving now dropped to naught

Making dead all emotion

No, I don‟t, most definitely, do not want you

Because you would be a burden heavy

I can hardly take care of myself, it‟s true

So sit there on your own pushing the levee

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Home in the Heavens

An ode to a hall of heroes

As the throngs outside bellow

Victory we have found here at last

Ending a decade‟s struggle

The search now over

We have found home

In our deepest of hearts

Not to be moved are we

Springing roots into the sacred soil

To steadfast live high and proud

It is we: The outsiders

The outcast

The expendable

Yet we are masters of our destiny

A destiny coupled by our determination

A determination that will see us

Through the high and less trodden road

Up into the heavens

The place we call home

The struggle now a joy

For now even if misery rears her head

We can dispose there

For at home all our enemies are vanquished


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Liberty from Love

When, oh when

Will I be free

Of this brazen love

That mystifies me

A love of ages

That marked my soul

It knows not stages

And leaves me less than whole

Liberty from love

Is what I seek

But like the imprisoned dove

It leaves me weak

A love one sided

That was only platonic

Love returned and derided

Left my heart in a state of panic

This unfulfilled love I can stand no more

For to myself I become a bore

I want to break free and find my true mate

Than live in this miserable state

A new love stronger than the one before

A maiden that is made of legend and lore

A simple girl that will love me back

That will set me on the right track

Love unreturned is evil indeed

But I mount proudly on my steed

And ride away with my new maiden

Those left behind let them in misery be laden

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Black Light Warrior (Warrior of the Black Light)

Look at what

You cannot see

Do not be cut

On what is he

He shines brilliant

With black light

He the most valiant

In the dark night

Piercing the darkness

With colours the same

With justice as a bless

Setting wrong to shame

Behold all the glory

As he wins the fight

Thus is the story

Of the Warrior of Black Light

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Joined Forevermore

A beach full of light

There she lay serene

More than the sun bright

She as a dream

He awaited not pondering

For the moment proper

Not far wandering

From Eve‟s beautiful daughter

They met for the first time

On this earth alone

As long before this rhyme

Together their hearts had shone

Two souls reunited

At birth separated

Now truly beloved

Joined forevermore

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Setting Sun

I ride off into the distance

Not quite knowing

From where I came

Nor where I go


I hope

To end up

Where I belong

The road is narrow

Winding over mountains

Over hill and dale

Not oft tread

Alone there below

The setting sun

All is as one

No need to run

Run from me

For anywhere

Is my home

Heart at rest

Peace and harmony

My roof

Love and care

My hearth

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Dare to Dream

From the shadows he emerges

Asking not for the heat of light

Nor for the scintillating fires of they

Only to see it shine for another day

Not wanting reward or reprimand

Sealing his chosen deadly hand

Not to collect or win

But to make them take another spin

A spin at winning their own dream

At being who they should really be

For if only they could really see

That they too control their destiny

Move on to the future

Move forward

Let the past lay

Lay dead and away

Savour then who you are

For yourself is never far

Dare to be

Who you dream

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Splendor Keep

Misery rears her ugly head

Leaving defeat in her stead

Veiling all in sorrow

No hope for the morrow

Sorrow for love lost

Love never been

Leaving a heart of frost

Tears rolling in a stream

Frustration rides the eve

Slaying hearts that bereave

The happiness no more

Burning hearts to their core

Where lay Splendor in all this?

Something that could vanish with a kiss

All that need be found

A true heart to resound

From far and away

The hope did play

A Knight‟s errand true

Another quest found anew

Shine a burning light

Quick but true

One stand and fight

To end the eternal blue

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Relentless March

Patience a known virtue

Yet the desire remains one

To be done with this journey

And rest in the Heavenly home

On we trod through the mud

Toiling and struggling

To remain pure

While bathed in sin

Wounds bleeding

Opened every day and night

No longer wanting to fight

While the crowd screams – “Blood!”

Resting only to fumble again

On and on

The relentless march

Away from humanity

From humanity to divinity

The quest is clear

Ascending from earth

Angels to be

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Born to Be

Once I would like to think

That it was oh so simple

Though that I was meek

Strength I needn‟t seek

Yet as older by the day I grew

By the hour even less I knew

Until one fine dawn

All seemed as gone

Striving to make sense

Of something without any

I thought I was dense

As did so many

Yet the secret lay not far

It lay in my heart a kindle

I needn‟t wish upon a star

For it would never dwindle

Born to be who I was

There was no turning back

Living to fulfill my cause

I mounted the final attack

Love, Liberty, Faith

These my arms

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Before the Foe

No longer pondering whence and where

Clarity bought now as something cheap

Gone and seen what is there

Nothing left for to weep

A cause so desperately sought

Was to the beckoning fire brought

As if it were already present

Though not necessarily pleasant

Away now from all the woe

The toil and the burden gone

Here before the foe

Now the War is to be won

No questions asked

No leave taken

Skulls only cracked

Minds left shaken

A Holy Quest against dragons

A fool‟s task, branded wagons

The story on its own continues to spin

No choice left now but to win

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Love Her Sustenance

A heart no longer astray

Not left in dismay

For the only one can be

Any woman that you see

Won‟t want lyric or rhyme

Nor the coins‟ sinister chime

Only two hearts to join

Two souls to entwine

She cares not for glory

Thus no reason to worry

Will only want you

And always stay true

Love will be her sustenance

And only care about her countenance

She will lay by your side

Never your heart divide

You will not know her

For she will find you

From her there is no cure

Away from her is only blue

Paradise is a state of mind

Pray only she be kind

And take you to her bed

Away from there never be led

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Mist parts as the way comes clear

Bringing to my heart all that is dear

Though always I was away

Here I am to stay

Transcending the ordinary and mundane

Once again I become master of the game

Nearer draws the day of glory

Back again to the righteous story

Fetters broken

Barriers crushed

Hearts stolen

Victory rushed

No longer is there defeat

No one there left to beat

Ridding oneself of sin

Only to finally win

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A Day Dawns Anew

A heart that cries out

No longer having a doubt

That divine will shall come to be

All a finer day to see

Wondering when all will arrive

No longer happiness to deprive

A simple dream to come true

Far and away from being blue

Dreams that seem to last

Happiness coming at last

What then was there for concern

Something new always to learn

Another day dawns anew

Seeing bliss shine through

Two hearts no longer alone

Together they beat to a tone

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The Confident Stride

Glimmers from another time distant

Memories that remain kindled

A hope that remains persistent

The fire that never dwindled

What is gone and will not again be

So open your eyes and try to see

That you cannot turn back the clock

Time is a flow and not a stock

Turn your heart to the future now

Set a new course with the ship‟s bow

Navigate not with stars or distant fire

Only find your way to your heart‟s desire

Let the fetters of old be set aside

Your old worries scorn and deride

Confidence shall steady the stride

Dignity may it be and not pride

The journey never ends but goes on

The trail must be won

Not the destination

There lay salvation

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The Black Knight

Long ago in a land without time

There were banner and hearth

With dignity I called them mine

War and fire tore them from Earth

Once as lords of the lands we rode

Making safe every humble abode

Cast from honour through defeat

Now an evil destiny we‟ve come to meet

Cursed to ride as knights without colours

Standing low no taller than others

So we do our valiant deeds

Without heed to our own needs

Black is the armour of the bannerless knight

And though he shall always ride into the fight

Black and white are now the colours of his banner

For no allegiance controls his faith or manner

So the black knight struggles and strives

To redeem his and all other lives

Only to the Lord above does he confess

That he will see his true banner address

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Victory Ahead

The completion of the task was near

All had passed, even the fear

On he pressed to the end

His own soul to fend

Much had been in the way

Only causing despair and dismay

A will of iron bound with steel

Was what he would now feel

The misery that had been crushing

Was left behind in the dust

Now towards glory he was rushing

Doing only what he must

Victory was the only goal ahead

The masses on he led

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The Thought to Live

Think for a moment of all the glory that could be

Of all the great things that could come to pass

So open your eyes, move forward and see

That it is time to celebrate at last

You can sit there and wonder and wallow

Your brow heavy and morale even more low

Or, you can pick up your spirit high

And your destiny not deny

Living and loving, that is the secret

Sorrow and sadness, do not go near it

Move only towards the light

Make your life bright

The past is gone forever more

It has left, along with its lore

Fear not the future

For it may be dear

A decision is only a thought

So do not be distraught

Your decision may you give

On the thought to live

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Far Off and Away

The question lay of how to avoid dismay

It was a matter of avoiding a fray

To enter into negotiation this day

And thus to avoid the wandering stray

Wanderlust and dreams that were grand

Now the decision for this lay at hand

It was not long before the travel began

And from himself he no longer ran

For destiny unfolds as it wishes

No sage can tell, nor the witches

How fate will unravel forth now

All we can do is before it bow

So if the winds fill your sail

And along carry you on a new tale

To lands far off and away

Know that you will have your way

It may not be as originally planned

For it does not matter where you land

Just take care to do the Lord‟s bidding

And then high among your men you will be sitting

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Victory‟s Adorning

A time when all goes dark

When all is real and stark

No one is there

Except black despair

Ride the wind long and hard

Do not let reality be marred

Truth in the end will rise

Fear not the final demise

For far is the finish

Served as a succulent dish

Savoury is the taste of triumph

There is a time when all is enough

Critical mass is a step away

From the road do not stray

Victory in the end cannot escape

You with her adorning she will drape