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 Tuvalu is one of the smallest and most remote nations in the world; this unspoiled corner of the Pacific offers a peaceful, and non-commer cia liz ed envi ronment tha t is ide al for rest and relaxation. The spectacular marine environment consisting of a vas t expa nse of ocea n int ers per sed wit h atolls , magnif ice nt lagoons, coral reefs and small isl ands all provide a uni que ambience. In Tuvalu you can discover a distinctive Polynesian culture of atoll island people who vigorously maintain their unique art, crafts, architecture, music, dance and legends. Location Tuvalu lies west of the International dateline and 1000km north of in the central Pacific just below the equator and is 12 Hrs Ahead of GMT . Tuvalu is one of the tiniest nations in the world with a land area of a mere 25 square kms. The Capital is Funafuti Currency : Tuvalu has no curr enc y of it s own but us es Australi an currency. Credit Card services are not available anywhere in Tuvalu and hence so visitors are advised to travel with traveler’s cheques Climate Tuval u has a pl easant tr opi cal cl imat e, us uall y wi th li tt le variation between day & night .The Average is around 30° C Economy Import is high, as there is very little manufacturing on the Island due to the lack of resources and water. Some marine Resources and coconut products are exported but it isn’t much. 1 EDITORIAL: Welcome, It is a great pleasure to introduce to you – ‘Poco Hablar’, The In-House Magazine of Star Destination Management Company , Chennai. Poco Hablar is Spanish for Small Talk. Why Spanish? Coz it’s the third most spoken language in the world after Mandarin and Hindustani and just above English. T alking small isn’t a bad thing if you dream Big and Aim for the stars ... Poco Hablar is a fun, informative way of talking about Work and Office. It’s about  New Places, Fun Facts and Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes. In this First Issue, We Bring to you Tuvalu, An island nation fighting for space.. An exclusive interview with Mr.T anveer Hussain on his Travel and Life. Also in this issue are Tips, Facts and Jokes that are sure to entertain.

Poco Hablar

May 30, 2018



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Tuvalu is one of the smallest and most remote nations in theworld; this unspoiled corner of the Pacific offers a peaceful, andnon-commercialized environment that is ideal for rest andrelaxation. The spectacular marine environment consisting of avast expanse of ocean interspersed with atolls, magnificentlagoons, coral reefs and small islands all provide a unique

ambience.In Tuvalu you can discover a distinctive Polynesian culture of atoll island people who vigorously maintain their unique art,crafts, architecture, music, dance and legends.


Tuvalu lies west of the International dateline and 1000km north oin the central Pacific just below the equator and is 12 Hrs Ahead of GMT.

Tuvalu is one of the tiniest nations in the world with a land areaof a mere 25 square kms. The Capital is Funafuti

Currency : Tuvalu has no currency of its own but uses Australiancurrency. Credit Card services are not available anywhere in Tuvalu andhence so visitors are advised to travel with traveler’s cheques


Tuvalu has a pleasant tropical climate, usually with little

variation between day & night .The Average is around 30° C


Import is high, as there is very little manufacturing on theIsland due to the lack of resources and water. Some marineResources and coconut products are exported but it isn’t much.


EDITORIAL :Welcome, It is a great pleasure to introduceto you – ‘Poco Hablar’, The In-HouseMagazine of Star Destination ManagementCompany, Chennai. Poco Hablar is Spanishfor Small Talk. Why Spanish? Coz it’s thethird most spoken language in the world after Mandarin and Hindustani and just aboveEnglish. Talking small isn’t a bad thing if you dream Big and Aim for the stars ...

Poco Hablar is a fun, informative way of talking about Work and Office. It’s about

New Places, Fun Facts and Laugh-Out-LoudJokes.

In this First Issue, We Bring to you Tuvalu,An island nation fighting for space.. Anexclusive interview with Mr.Tanveer Hussainon his Travel and Life. Also in this issue areTips, Facts and Jokes that are sure toentertain.

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The ancestors of Tuvaluan people are believed to have arrived on islandsabout 2000 years ago.

Tuvalu (Then Ellice Islands) first came under British jurisdiction1877. In1892 Tuvalu became a colony. In 1975, following over-whelmsupport

for separation, the country became an independent constitutiomonarchy

Getting there

Getting to Tuvalu is in itself an adventure. Not many options are available.

The Fijian domestic carrier, Air Fiji, operates between Suva (Capital of Fiji) and Funafuti twice aweek (Tuesday & Friday).

About 3-4 times a year, the government-owned ships Nivaga II and Manu Folau travel between Suvaand Funafuti.


Firstly, There are no mountains; waterfalls or naturalstreams, but there are number of features that are of interest tovisitors. In fact, the very lack of such features, along with thesmallness of the land area, is an attraction in its own right. Thevastness of the ocean interspersed with atolls, magnificentlagoons and small islands; all provide a unique ambience thatmakes the country exceptionally attractive.

Apart from the landscape, other sites worth visiting areremanants of World War II. Large numbers of Americantroops were stationed here. An old runway exists on the

northeastern side of Nanumea and the remains of World War II planes arevisible in the scrub. A wreck of a landing craft can be seen on the reef near thevillage on Nanumea. There is another World War II airstrip on the islet of Motulalo in Nukufetau, along with the remains of plane wrecks.

Funafuti atoll was the main base and remains of World War II debris can beseen along the main island of Fongafale. A well-preserved underground bunker


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is found on the islet of Tepuka.

(Continued on Page 4…)

Carrot, an Egg, or a Coffee Bean

A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not knowhow she was going to make it and wanted to give up. It seemed as one problem was solved a new onearose.

Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire.Soon the pots came to a boil. In one he placed carrots, in the second he placed eggs, and the last he placedground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil, without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes he and turned off the burners. He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them a bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a

bowl.Turning to her he asked. "Darling, what do you see.”

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.

He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots.She did and noted that they were soft.

He then asked her to take an egg and break it.After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.

Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee.She smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma.

She humbly asked. "What does it mean Father?"

He explained that each of them had faced the same adversity, boiling water, but each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting.But after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.

The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior.But after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.

The ground coffee beans were unique however.After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

"Which are you," he asked his daughter.


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"When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond?Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

(Continued from page 2)

On Funafuti, the site of the drilling by scientists to prove Darwin's theory on the formation of atolls can be found. Darwin'stheory was proved to be correct and evidence of submerged volcanoes was found after drilling to a depth of more than 1000feet.

The Funafuti Conservation Area (FCA) covers 33 square kilometers of water and land on the western side of the Atoll. Itincludes reef, lagoon, channel, ocean and islands habitats. There are six uninhabited islets with native broadleaf forest andcoral sand beaches are located within the protected area and are home to coconut crabs, nesting seabirds and turtles. A varietyof colorful fish can easily be seen through the clear blue lagoon while coral reefs and bommies provide for excellentsnorkeling and scuba diving oppurtunites.


Traditional dancing is performed on special occasions, such as

when opening a building, greeting special visitors, or celebrating holidays.

The national game is te ano (the ball). Two teams line up facingone another; one member throws the heavy ball toward theother team, who must hit it back with their hands. Points arescored if the opposite team lets the ball fall and the first team toreach 10 ponits wins.

Tourism in Tuvalu

Visitor numbers are small. Of the 1,200 arrivals in 2005, it is estimated that bona fide holidaymakerstotaled a mere 100; with the remainder being comprised of expatriates returning home to visit friends andrelatives. The travel and tourism industry relies heavily on business/government-related travel and peoplevisiting friends and relatives.

Tuvalu has limited resources. Marketing objectives are undertaken through the umbrella function of theSouth Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO), based in Fiji. Much of the marketing focuses on Tuvalu’syear-round warm climate, relaxing atmosphere and the friendliness of its people

The travel and tourism industry has many serious factors that have to be overcome if it is to develop.Tuvalu has a small landmass, with dangers of overcrowding if the population and visitor numbers grow.Waste and garbage disposal is a major problem and Tuvalu has a very fragile environment, both on landand at sea. If there is to be tourism development, then it needs to be small-scale, low-impact development.

Tuvalu continues to lose land to the rising sea levels caused by global warming. Tourism is thereforeunder threat. The prediction is that the island nation will be submerged in 30-50 years.


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The prospects for this wonderful land look bleak. Visiting Tuvalu is not easy but its now or never for Tuvalu, because for future generations Tuvalu will be just another ‘Paradise Lost’ …


Poco Hablar got chatty with our General Manager, Mr.Tanveer Hussain. The following is a transcript of theinterview:

PH: Firstly, What do you think about the name ‘Poco Hablar’?

BOSS: Sounds Good, Sounds Different! Will be fun toask others if they read Poco Hablar.

PH: What was your First Job and how was theexperience?

BOSS: My first job was as a reservation assistant at Hertz India. I handled a fleet of 30 Drivers. It was tough and Risky. (Smiles) You know how crude drivers can be . I literally had to run out of there.

I worked there for only 3 months.

PH: What did you do with your first salary?

BOSS: My First salary came in College where I used to teach French to African students. I was paid 800 Rupees. I bought a saree for my mom ( which PH thinks is sweet! ) and loaned some to my

friend, which incidentally I never got back.

PH: Favourite Sport and Why?

BOSS: Basketball. (PH: Why?) …Laughs. Probably because I was the tallest in the class. I played Basketball at District Level.

PH: Who was your First crush?

BOSS: I was in my 7 th Grade. She was my neighbour and dance-mate.

PH: Where did you go on your first Date?

BOSS: Ah, That’s an unforgettable experience. We were in college. We ran to Pondicherry for 2 days. It had created quite an issue then.

PH: Something that No-one in the office doesn’t know and you’re willing to share it first time on Poco Hablar?


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BOSS: I dance well. I’ve learnt Dance. I learnt Ballet and Salsa …I’ve performed shows (smiles) Not sure if I’d be able to do that now

PH: Your Ultimate Ambition in Life?

BOSS: My Ultimate ambition (thinks…) would be to have seen the whole world. I love traveling and

seeing new places. PH: First Memorable vacation?

BOSS: (Laughs) My First Date is the most memorable one.

PH: Your Dream Destination?

BOSS: It’s got to be Greece. I just love it but never been able to get there. I planned it a few times but it never worked out

PH: Who is your Favourite person in SDMC?

BOSS: PH regrets that it could not get the BOSS to name anyone. He said he isn’t particularly closewith anyone.

PH: Best Moment in SDMC

BOSS: (Laughs) The Day I got my appointment letter was the best moment for Star (& For you @ star?) The Best moment was when I received the Cheque from Star Aviation. It was a result of hard

work and we literally had to fight for it. Lots of competition. Our presentation was good. I reallycherish that moment

PH: How do you define Success without using the words Hard Work, Perseverance and Dedication?

BOSS: Success means doing things right for the right reasons at right time, without comprising integrity, sincerity and living upto (your) commitments. It is just like looking in the mirror and liking what you see.

PH: Any message for the Staff of SDMC that you want to give through Poco Hablar?

BOSS: They’re not my staff, nor my subordinates. They’re my colleagues! My message would be:Guys, Work Hard and Be Honest

And Success will fall to your feet. Be yourself. I am where I am today because I’ve been honest.


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(PH warns its readers that BOSS has confessed He can tell a liar by looking him in the eye. So beware and be Honest! )


The World’s best Pick-up

Line! The World’s Worst Pick-up line

Guy: Excuse me, do youhave any raisins?

Girl: Yes / No?

Guy: oh, How about adate?

Can I buy you a drink or do you

Just want the money?

Know ?

Tipping at a restaurant in Iceland is considered an insult!Bird droppings are the chief export of the Pacific island of NauruThere are no rivers in Saudi Arabia.Switzerland attracts the most suicide tourists in the world.There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos!


Optical illusion(Good or Evil)


Two men got out of their cars after theycollided at an intersection. One took a flask from his pocket and said to the other, "Here,maybe you'd like a nip to calm your nerves.""Thanks," he said, and took a long pull fromthe container. "Here, you have one, too," headded, handing back the whiskey. "Well, I'drather not," said the first. "At least not untilafter the police have been here."

Keep Your BRAiN! Occupied !

Three people check into a hotel. They pay £30 to the manager and go to their room. The manager suddenlyremembers that the room rate is £25and gives £5 to the bellboy to return tothe people. On the way to the room the

bellboy reasons that £5 would bedifficult to share among three people sohe pockets £2 and gives £1 to each

person. Now each person paid £10 andgot back £1. So they paid £9 each,totalling £27. The bellboy has £2,totalling £29. Where is the missing £1?


Quote:“People travel to faraway places to watch, infascination, the kind of people they ignore athome.” - Dagobert D. Runes

Unquote:If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the next morning you willhave a flat tire . – Cannon’s law

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Better Days Ahead

Economist and former Reserve Bank Governor has said that the economy willrecover in the second half of 2009 andthere would be distinct improvement ingrowth in 2010-11.

Gross domestic product (GDP) growth in2008-09 was below 7%, down from 9 %recorded in the previous fiscal, he saidwhile speaking at IIFT.

"As regards India... we will see signs of recovery in the second half of 2009. Fiscal2010-11 will see improvement in growth,"Rangarajan said.

Source : Businessline

Kingfisher Keys on Agent Sales

Kingfisher Airlines, the India-based startup carrier, is keying ontravel agents as it builds its business in the US, according to AtulKumria, head of sales for North America.

Kingfisher, which in January introduced Heathrow-Bombay andHeathrow-Bangalore service, is paying US agents 8% uncappedon Kingfisher First and 5% uncapped on Kingfisher (economy),according to Andy Bhatia, regional sales manager - Eastern USA.

"The travel agent distribution network is very important to our strategy in North America," said Bhatia, a long-time airlineexecutive in the US

Kingfisher, established in 2005 and already India's largestdomestic airline, is laying the groundwork to enter the US andCanadian markets, The airline already has won renown for itsinflight service, which is rated 5-Stars by Skytrax.

In the Kingfisher First Class compartment, there are only 37flatbed seats, plus a cocktail bar and lounge area. The first classservice also includes such unusual touches as spectacle cleaningand steam pressing of jackets, in addition to what Bhatia calls"seven-star" foods service.

The Kingfisher A330, which Airbus officials call the best thecompany has built and showcase when they are making sales

presentations, is designed for long-haul comforts, noted Kumria.

The executives added that the airline's nomenclature tells of itsemphasis on service. In fact, Kingisher's ‘guests’ are given the e-mail address of company chairman Vijay Mallya, who personallyreads and responds to guests' emails.

Source : TravelTrade .com

Let’s Talk Trade !

15-20 per cent discount packages toIndian tourists

According to a PTI report, the Mauritiangovernment has come up with various travel

packages offering 15-20 per cent discounts,in order to attract tourists from India thisholiday season. The packages are beingoffered in association with Air Mauritius.The all inclusive discount packages for sixnights/seven days starts at Rs 40,000 withreturn airfare, and have various options for accommodation and sight-seeing. The offer is valid till September end.

Source : Travelbiz Monitor

E-Visa for Indians

The Embassy of Arab Republic of Egypt in New Delhi and the consulate in Mumbaihave started issuance of electronic visa inview of facilitating and encouraging moreand more Indians to visit Egypt, the land of Pharaohs. This was informed by Dr Mohammed Higazy, Ambassador of ArabRepublic, Egypt.. The Embassy is lookingforward to double the figure of theoutbound flow from India to Egypt whichtouched one lakh visitors in the year 2008.

Source : Travelbiz Monitor

Travel bookings to South Africa for DLF IPL pick up

Travel bookings to South Africa for the Indian Premier League(IPL), which were initially, slow, have seemed to increase.“Nearly 70 per cent of bookings have come from corporates thatare either sponsoring the teams or looking to combine IPL with

business meetings or offsites for their employeesSource : Travelbiz Monitor

Editorial Team :Elavarasi .C (Creative Editor)Tanveer Ahmed Sait (Content Editor)