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Colegiul Naţional „Spiru Haret” 1913 - 2015

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Sep 17, 2015



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  • Colegiul Naional Spiru Haret

    1913 - 2015

  • COLEGIUL NAIONAL SPIRU HARET a luat fiin n anul 1913. De atunci i pn n prezent, aceast coal a fost locul unde s-au format personaliti marcante ale culturii romne care, prin operele lor, au contribuit la consolidarea fondului cultural european i internaional. S-i amintim doar pe civa:

    MIRCEA ELIADE absolvent, promoia 1925

    PRIMUL ISTORIC AL RELIGIILOR, scriitor de ficiune, filozof. Autor a 30 de volume tiinifice, opere literare i eseuri filozofice traduse n 18 limbi i a circa 1200 de articole i recenzii cu o tematic extrem de variat, foarte bine documentate. Ca istoric al religiilor, Mircea Eliade a pus accentul asupra conceptului de spaiu i timp sacru, opera sa renumit n lume fiind Tratat de istorie a religiilor. He was a leading interpreter of religious experience, who established paradigms in religious studies that persist to this day. His theory that hierophanies form the basis of religion, splitting the human experience of reality into sacred and profane space and time, has proved influential.

    ALEXANDRU CIORNESCU absolvent, promoia 1930 Alexandru Ciornescu a fost diplomat, dramaturg, enciclopedist, eseist, lingvist, etimolog, istoric, poet, prozator romn care a trit n exil ntre 1946 i 1999. Este bine cunoscut n Romnia, Frana i Spania i a semnat diferite lucrri de-a lungul timpului. n oraul Santa Cruz de Tenerife o strad poart numele Alejandro Cioranescu n semn de omagiu i recunotin fa de UNUL DINTRE CEI MAI IMPORTANI ISTORICI I GEOGRAFI AI INSULELOR CANARE.

    GRIGORE MOISIL absolvent, promoia 1922

    Grigore Moisil a fost un matematician romn, considerat printele informaticii romneti cu invenia de circuite electronice tristabile. n anul 1929 i susine teza de doctorat, Mecanica analitic a sistemelor continue, publicat la editura Gauthier-Villars din Paris i va fi apreciat de savanii Vito Volterra, Tullio Levi-Civita, Paul Lvy. A avut contribuii remarcabile la dezvoltarea informaticii i la formarea primelor generaii de informaticieni. A primit Computer Pioneer Award al societii IEEE, n 1996 (post-mortem). A fost membru al Academiei Romne, al Academiei din Bologna i al Institutului Internaional de Filozofie.

    personalitatea cea mai reformatoare a epocii (nceputul secolului XX) este Spiru Haret. S-a nascut la 15 februarie 1851, la Iai. i ia licenta in 1874, la 23 de ani. Se inscrie la concursul de bursa instituit de Titu Maiorescu; reuete i pleac pentru doi ani la Paris. n 1874 i ia licena n matematic, iar n august, anul urmtor, n fizic. Doi ani mai trziu, i ia doctoratul tot la Paris, cu teza Despre invariabilitatea marilor axe ale orbitelor planetare, ducnd mai departe i corectnd cercetrile lui Laplace, Loius de Lagrange i Denis Poisson asupra varietii axelor orbitelor planetare. Haret pune n eviden termenii seculari puri i

    pentru gradul al treilea, ceea ce nfia ntr-o alt lumin stabilitatea sistemului planetar. Trziu, n 1976, cu prilejul mplinirii a 125 de ani de la naterea sa, un crater de pe harta Lunii, pe coordonatele: latitudine 59 de grade sud i longitudine 176 grade vest, n partea lunar invizibil, a primit numele lui Haret. Era primul romn care anuna valoarea, confirmat mai apoi, a colii romneti de matematic. Dar marile realizri ale lui Haret nu sunt, totui, n tiin. El i-a prsit creaia de specialitate, care ar fi putut fi att de bogat, dup att de remarcabile nceputuri, pentru a se pune la dispoziia evoluiei mediului social cruia aparinea. Sociologia haretian este varianta romneasc a pozitivismului sociologic.

    SPIRU HARET?Cine a fost Absolventi


  • tiai c... la C.N. Spiru Haret exist i un Club European, al crui scop e acela de a forma, comunica, informa, deschiderea cultural i integrarea valorilor europene n rndul elevilor., prin activiti ct mai diverse, desfurate n colaborare cu elevi din alte licee.

    EUROSCOLA 2015 Colegiul Naional Spiru Haret din

    Bucureti O echip format din 24 de elevi i 2 profesori ai Colegiului Naional ,,Spiru Haret din Bucureti a participat la concursul naional pentru liceeni EUROSCOLA: mpreun pentru tinerii Europei o propunere legislativ de succes, ediia a VII-a (2014/ 2015). Elevii au fost invitai s simuleze activitile legate de adoptarea unei rezoluii n Parlamentul European, n cadrul procedurii legislative ordinare (codecizie).


    Echipa CNSHB a propus o Strategie Naional a Romniei pentru Dezvoltare Regional i Incluziune a tinerilor marginalizai sau cu risc de marginalizare socio-profesional: Prin tinerii Romniei, pentru tinerii Europei! Strategia vizeaz trei domenii prioritare, astfel: agricol: strategia propune nfiinarea unor nuclee de dezvoltare regional n acele zone n care potenialul agricol este uria, dar exploatarea lui este deficitar. industrial: segmentul industrial va presupune nfiinarea unor I.M.M.-uri, al cror scop e acela de a recolta i de a prelucra materia prim. De asemenea, strategia prevede i ncheierea unor contracte att cu marile ntreprinderi de profil care, astfel, vor beneficia de materie prim de calitate i de provenien intern, ct i cu marii ageni economici din mediul urban. Este evident c un asemenea demers implic dezvoltarea infrastructurii zonale. educaional: nfiinarea, n imediata vecintate a I.M.M.-urilor, a unor internate regionale, care vor funciona att n regim de internat ct i n regim de semi-internat. Personalul didactic calificat va furniza copiilor servicii educaionale de nalt calitate. Disciplinele din trunchiul comun vor fi completate cu opionale

    ce vizeaz pregtirea socio-profesional necesar pentru integrarea n cmpul muncii a tinerilor absolveni. Se vor ncheia contracte ntre aceste internate i I.M.M.-urile respective care s asigure stagii de ucenicie tinerilor, facilitndu-le astfel integrarea profesional.


    Din octombrie, 2012, n fiecare smbt, la Colegiul Naional Spiru Haret din Bucureti, se desfoar edinele Cercului de fotografie. Ce se ntmpl, mai exact? Se fotografiaz, se editeaz imagini n diverse programe, se analizeaz fotografii. Elevii Cercului de fotografie au obinut premii la nivel naional n cadrul concursurilor de profil.

  • La Colegiul Naional ,,Spiru Haret din Bucureti, a aprut, n anul 2013, iniiativa de a menine un contact permanent ntre reprezentani ai personalului medical i spiriti de la clasele de tiine ale Naturii care doresc s

    urmeze cursurile Facultii de Medicin. Au trecut pragul colii pentru a discuta cu elevii medici din urmtoarele

    specialiti: neurologie neonatologie (domnul Ctlin Crstoveanu de la Spitalul de Pediatrie ,,Marie Sklodovska Curie),

    pneumologie (doamna doctor Diana Glonescu, de la Centrul Medical de Diagnostic, Tratament Ambulatoriu i Medicin Preventiv-Bucureti), chirurgie general (domnul doctor Bogdan Sandolache de la Spitalul Universitar de Urgen din Bucureti etc.).








    Spiritii de la TIINELE NATURII - o zi n SUUB alturi de medici !

    IANUARIE, 2015

    Elevii de la tiinele Naturii care doresc s urmeze cursurile Facultii de Medicin au posibilitatea de a petrece cteva ore n spital, alturi de medici. Ei au declarat c a fost o experien unic (nu n fiecare zi i se ntmpl s asiti la o splenectomie!!!).


    Primul numr al revistei Vlstarul a aprut la 25 Decembrie 1923. Despre revista liceului nostru

    s-a scris att n media, ct i n cri (spre exemplu, Istoria debutului literar

    al scriitorilor romni n timpul colii, Bucureti, Editura Aramis, 2002). Mai multe

    detalii aflai accesnd: Revista Vlstarul a primit titlul de Laureat, n cadrul Concursului Naional de Reviste colare i Jurnalism de la Muncel (2014). Sigla revistei, pe care o vedei reprodus i pe una din faetele medaliei, a fost aleas, n 2012, la iniiativa prof. Alexandru Constantinescu, care a observat acest ,,vlstar stilizat n miniatur pe coperta volumului ce cuprinde numere din anii 1929-1931.

    REVISTA VLASTARULa mplinit 90 de ani !!!


    (n fiecare joi, Sala Constantin Noica)

    Ceea ce ne face pe noi diferii de un simplu cerc de film, sau de un simplu club de cinefili, sau de alte ncercri de pn acum, este c noi nu venim neaprat cu o per-spectiv pur i simplu analitic asupra lucrurilor nici mcar cultural, estetic sau istoric, asupra filmelor pe care le vedem, i asupra filmelor pe care ncercm s le facem. Venim cu o perspectiv de dasta, cum i zice, spiritual.

    Cosa Nostra se traduce direct Our Thing Lucrul nostru, Treaba noastr n cele din urm, nu ncercm s dm tribut dect artitilor din lumea cinematografic ce s-au remarcat n istorie prin filmele cu mafie, de la Copolla la Scorsese s.a.m.d.. Numele, totui, nu a fost ales nici datorit regizorilor respectivi, nici datorit interlopilor respectivi. Numele a fost ales pentru c ceea ce facem noi este, din toate perspectivele, treaba noastr. (David A. Marin, clasa a IX-a H)


    DIN SPIRU!!!

    i place matematica i vrei s-i ptrunzi tainele mai mult dect o faci zilnic, la orele de curs? Numai bine! Pentru c, n fiecare smbt, ncepnd cu ora 10.30, prof. Alexandru Constantinescu coordoneaz activitile Cercului de matematic.

    tiai c... la Colegiul Naional Spiru Haret se organizeaz, de apte ani ncoace, Concursul Naional de Matematic Lau-reniu Panaitopol, cu sprijinul Inspectoratului colar al Municip-iului Bucureti i al Societii de tiine Matematice din Romnia? Fiecare ediie a competiiei a vizat dou seciuni: concursul interju-deean i testarea lotului olimpic Particip elevi din toate colurile rii i suntem mndri c acest concurs, aprut la iniiativa prof. Constantinescu Alexandru, a devenit o tradiie la noi n liceu. Mai multe detalii afli accesnd

  • Spiru Haret National College

    1913 - 2015ROMANIA

  • SPIRU HARET NATIONAL COLLEGE came to life in 1913. Since then and till now this school was the place were important personalities of Romanian culture were formed an who, through their creations and works, participated in supporting the international European background. Lets remember here only a few of them:

    MIRCEA ELIADE: graduated in 1925

    THE FIRST AUTHOR OF A HISTORy OF RELIGIONS, fiction writer, philosopher; author of 30 scientific works, literature and philosophical essays translated in 18 languages and approximately 1200 articles and reviews on highly various themes, very well documented. As a historian of religions, Mircea Eliade emphasized the concept of sacred space and time, with his world famous book: Patterns in Comparative Religion. He was a leading interpreter of religious experience who established paradigms in religious studies that persist to this day. His theory, that hierophany forms the basis of religion, splitting the human experience of reality into sacred and profane space and time, has proved influential.

    ALEXANDRU CIORANESCU: graduated in 1930 Romanian diplomat, play writer, encyclopedist, essayist, linguist, etymologist, historian, poet and writer who lived in exile between 1949 and 1999. Hes well known in Romania, Spain and France and put his signature on many works along the time. In the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife a street was given the name Alejandro Cioranescu, as a tribute and thanksgiving to one of the BIGGEST HISTORIANS AND GEOGRAPHERS OF the Canary Islands.

    GRIGORE MOISIL: graduated in 1922

    Romanian mathematician, considered the father of Romanian computer science, with his tri-stable electronic circuits invention. In 1929 he presents his PhD thesis, La mcanique analytique des systemes continues, published at the Gauthier-Villars publishing house in Paris and later appreciated by scientists like Vito Volterra, Tullio Veta-Civita, Paul Levy. Had remarkable contributions to computer science and in forming the first generation of computers; in 1996 (post-mortem), he received the Computer Pioneer Award from the IEEE society. He was a member of the Romanian Academy, the Bologna Academy and the International Institution of Philosophy

    He was born on February 15th, in Iasi. In 1874, at the age of 23, he graduated the University of Bucharest with a degree in Physics and Mathematics. After that, he signs up for a scholarship contest established by Titu Maiorescu and he wins it and goes to Paris for two years. In 1974 he gets his

    diploma in Mathematics and in August, the next year, gets his diploma in Physics. Two years later he gets his PhD with his Sur linvaribilit des grandes axes des orbites plantaires thesis, carrying on and correcting the works of Laplace, Louis de Lagrange and Denis Poisson on the variability of the axis

    of planetary orbits. Haret emphasizes the secular perturbation, by using third degree approximations, putting in a completely different light the stability of the planetary system. Much later, in 1976, after 125 after his birth, a crater on the Moon map ( 59 S latitude and 176 W longitude), was named Haret. Thus he became the first Romanian that announced the value, and confirmed it afterwards, of the Romanian Mathematics School. But still, the great realizations of Haret are not in science. He left his specialty work, which could have been so rich, after such an outstanding beginning, and put himself in the service of the evolution of the social environment in which he belonged. The haretian sociology is the Romanian counterpart of the sociologic positivism.

    SPIRU HARET?Who is Absolventi

    C.N.S.H.B....the most reformatory personality of the beginning of the XXth

    century is Spiru Haret.

  • Did you know that at CNSHB (SHNCB) also exists a European Club and whose purpose is to form, communicate, inform and integrate the European values among students by various activities, taking place in collaboration with students from other high schools.

    EUROSCOLA 2015 Spiru Haret National College of

    Bucharest A team formed of 24 students and 2 teachers of CNSHB participated at the national students contest EUROSCOLA: Together for the European Youngsters a successful legislative proposal, the 7th edition (2014/2015). The students were invited to simulate activities in adopting a legislative proposal in the European Parliament, in the context of the ordinary legislative procedure (co - decision).


    The CNSHB(SHNCB) team proposed a Romanian National Strategy for Regional Development of young people that are marginalized or present a risk of socio - professional marginalization: Through the youngsters of Romania, for the youngsters of Europe! The strategy targets three main domains: agricultural: the strategy proposes the establishment of some regional development centres in those areas in which the agricultural potential is huge, but its exploitation is deficient. industrial: the industrial segment will involve the establishment of IMMs (MMEs- Micro/ Small and Medium Enterprises), which have the purpose of collecting and processing the quality of raw materials. Also, the strategy provides signing contracts both with the corporations of profile which will benefit of high quality and internal origin raw materials, and with the big economic agents from the urban environment. It is obvious that this approach requires the development of the zonal infrastructure. educational: the establishment, in the immediate vicinity of the IMMs (MMEs), of some regional boarding schools, which will work both in boarding regime and in semi- boarding regime. The qualified teachers will provide the children high quality educational services. The core curriculum will be completed with optional courses that have as a target the socio - professional education needed for integration into the workforce of the

    young graduates. Contracts will be signed between these boarding schools and the IMMs (MMEs) which will assure apprenticeships for the young people, making their professional integration much easier.cmpul muncii a tinerilor absolveni. Se vor ncheia contracte ntre aceste internate i I.M.M.-urile respective care s asigure stagii de ucenicie tinerilor, facilitndu-le astfel integrarea profesional.


    Since October 2012, at Spiru Haret National College from Bucharest, the meetings of the photography Club are held each Saturday. What is happening exactly? We take photos, we edit images in different programmes and we analyze photographs. The students of the Photography Club got national awards in the profile contests.


    Whats making us different from a simple film club, or from a simple film fans club, is that we dont necessarily come with just an analytical perspective over things not even cultural, esthetical or historical one, over the films we watch, and over the films we are trying to make. We come with a how shall I put it, spiritual perspective.

    Casa Nostra is directly translated Our Thing Our job, Our work In the end, we are only trying to give credits to the artists from the world of the cinema that stood out in history with their mafia movies, from Copolla to Scorsese and so on. Still, the name was not picked be-cause of those directors, or because of those characters. The name was chosen because what we do is, in the end, just our job. (David A. Marin, IXth grade)


    you like maths and you want to understand it better than you do it in class? great! because, each saturday, at 10:30 am, professor alexandru constantinescu is coordinating the activities of the mathematics club.

    Did you know that at CNSHB (shncb) IT is organized, FOR 7 years now, The National Contest Of mathematics Lau-rentiu Panaitopol, with the support of Bucharest School Inspec-torate and the Romanian Mathematical Society? Every edition of this competiTion targeted two sections: the intercounty contest and testing the national Olympic team. Students from all over the country participate and we are proud that this contest, established at the initiative of professor A. Constantinescu, became a tradition in our school. More details on

  • At CNSHB (SHNCB) appeared, in 2013, the initiative of keeping a permanent contact between the medical personnel representatives and the kids from Spiru that wish to attend the courses of The Medicine University. They entered our classrooms to talk with students. tHESE doctors that came to our high school were specialized in:

    Neonatal Neurology (Mr. Catalin Cirstoveanu from the Pediatric Hospital Marie S. Curie), pneumology

    (Dr. Diana Glontescu), general surgery (Dr. Bogdan Sandolache) etc.








    Spiritii de la TIINELE NATURII - o zi n SUUB alturi de medici !

    IANUARIE, 2015

    Also, the students from natural sciences who want to attend the courses of the Medicine University have the possibility of spending a few hours in a hospital, along with the doctors. They said it was a unique experience ( you dont have the chance to assist a splenectomy every day!!)


    The first number of Vlastarul magazine was published on the 25th of December 1923. our school magazines

    name appeared both in the media and books. More details can be found here : Vlastarul magazine was rewarded with the Laureate title, in the context of the national contest of school magazines and journalism from Muncel (2014). The logo of the magazine, which can be seen reproduced on one side of the coin, was chosen, in 2012, at the initiative of professor Alexandru Constantinescu who noticed this offspring (ro: vlastar) that was stylized in miniature on the cover of the volume that contains numbers from 1929- 1931.



  • I love to read. Since I discovered the middle schools library, in third grade, I went through any tittle that presented a potential in changing my perspective over life forever or, simply, to caress my imagination poisoned by television like any other teen in my generation. When I found that in Spiru, every Saturday, at an hour which for me represents the pinacle of peaceful slumber on an usual weekend day, theres a book club I presented myself without much doubt, with a level of energy I dont even reach during the day. Even tough I was excited, I felt somewhat reserved. In my mind, a book club is something fancy and formal, a group of people doing all they can to prove the others, and especially themselves, that they are

    cultivated and distinguished. Long story short, what I call intelectual wims. But the biggest fears I had were the ones about the actual activity. I was afraid a book club was nothing else but a place where someone reads a book for an hour, while the others try, more or less, to understand the message of book. On the website (, I read that famous writers such as Aristotle, Sophocles, Dante, Shakespeare, Wilde, E.A. Poe, Gogol, Rebreanu, Voiculescu, Bulgakov, Dostoievski, Th. Mann, Hesse,

    Coelho, Cartarescu and so on are focused.Once I was there, I sit on a chair in back among the other participants and wait. Out of nowhere someone hands me a bag of crisps and a bottle of soda (eh, wont say the kind, some may say its advertising) and Im told to help myself with some and pass it on. Andit starts! Its not only that they read devoted books of romanian or universal literature, but sometimes it happens that students from other high schools participate and offered the opportunity to present their creations. After the book and author are presented to us and after we read a part of it, an amazing thing happens. Ideas start flowing and opinions too. Not from a book on critics or the teachers mind, but from the students, everyone of them coming with an opinion, which binded with the rest, form what I never thought existed: a true book club.

    The Saturday book clubNote from the editorial

    staff: Starting this year, our students from 5th to

    8th grade will be able to participate in a book club,

    coordinated by teacher Angela Turculet.