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2007 CLEVELAND INDIANS Media Guide 2007 75 2007 Cleveland Indians 40-Man Roster and Spring Invitees .......................................................................................................... 77-260 Cleveland Indians Birthdays .............................................................................................................................. 76 Cleveland Indians Roster ......................................................................................................................... 262-263 Formation of the 2007 Cleveland Indians ......................................................................................................... 76 Phonetic Pronunciations for 2007 Indians ....................................................................................................... 76 Footnotes refer to player statistics that follow: (*) League Leader, (#) Tied for league lead Grady Sizemore Photo credit: Dan Mendlik

player bios

Apr 11, 2015




Cleveland Indians players preview of bios from the 2007 season
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Media Guide 2007 75

2007 Cleveland Indians

40-Man Roster and Spring Invitees .......................................................................................................... 77-260

Cleveland Indians Birthdays ..............................................................................................................................76

Cleveland Indians Roster ......................................................................................................................... 262-263

Formation of the 2007 Cleveland Indians .........................................................................................................76

Phonetic Pronunciations for 2007 Indians .......................................................................................................76

Footnotes refer to player statistics that follow: (*) League Leader, (#) Tied for league lead

Grady Sizemore


o cr





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Rafael Jose BETANCOURT (bet-AN-court)

Joseph Thomas BOROWSKI (BOAR-ouw-ski)

Fernando Jose CABRERA (Cah-BRER-ah)

Fausto J. CARMONA (CAR-moan-ah)

Shin-Soo CHOO (SHIN-sue CHEW)

David Michael DELLUCCI (duh-LOU-chee)

Richard Aaron FULTZ (fullts)

Ryan F. GARKO (GAR-koh)

Travis Lee HAFNER (HAF-ner)

Joseph S. INGLETT (ING-let)

Juan M. LARA (lar-ah)

Andy Manuel MARTE (MAR-tay)

Thomas R. MASTNY (MAST-nee)

Edward J. MUJICA (moo-HEE-kah)

Jhonny Antonio PERALTA (pah-RALL-tah)

Michael Gregory ROUSE (Rowse)

Carsten Charles SABATHIA (sah-BATH-ee-ah)

Kelly Brian SHOPPACH (SHOP-pik)

Brian J. SLOCUM (SLO-come)


JanUaRY 2................. Ryan Garko (1981) 26.................... Juan Lara (1981)

FeBRUaRY 1................ Hector Luna (1980) 4................ Tom Mastny (1981) 21.......Franklin Gutierrez (1983)

aPRIl 11....................Trot Nixon (1974) 29.......Rafael Betancourt (1975) 29...........Kelly Shoppach (1980)

MaY 4.............. Joe Borowski (1971) 4...........Jason Michaels (1976) 8................ Jason Davis (1980) 10............Edward Mujica (1984) 15................Rafael Perez (1982) 17...........Jeremy Sowers (1983) 28............Jhonny Peralta (1982)

JUne 3.............. Travis Hafner (1977) 29...................Joe Inglett (1978)

JUlY 13........... Shin-Soo Choo (1982) 21.............. C.C. Sabathia (1980)

aUGUsT 2.......... Grady Sizemore (1982) 23.................Casey Blake (1973) 30.......................Cliff Lee (1978)

sePTeMBeR 4..................Aaron Fultz (1973) 29..........Jake Westbrook (1977)

OCTOBeR 19................ Keith Foulke (1972) 21................. Andy Marte (1983) 31.............David Dellucci (1973)

nOveMBeR 11.... Roberto Hernandez (1964) 16....... Fernando Cabrera (1981) 23...................Matt Miller (1971)

deCeMBeR 3.................... Paul Byrd (1970) 7......... Fausto Carmona (1983) 17...............Josh Barfield (1982) 23...........Victor Martinez (1978)

nOn-dRaFTed FRee aGenT dRaFT PURCHases/TRades/ FRee aGenTs (BeGInnInG 1965) WaIveR ClaIMs

1996 Victor Martinez, c

1998 C.C. Sabathia, lhp (1)

1999 Jhonny Peralta, inf Fernando Cabrera, rhp (10) Juan Lara, lhp Jason Davis, rhp (21)

2000 Fausto Carmona, rhp Joe Inglett, inf/of (8) Jake Westbrook, rhp, from Yankees

2001 Edward Mujica, rhp J.D. Martin, rhp (1s*)

2002 Rafael Perez, lhp Brian Slocum, rhp (2) Cliff Lee, lhp, from Montreal Casey Blake, inf Ben Francisco, of (5) Grady Sizemore, of, from Montreal Travis Hafner, inf, from Texas

2003 Rafael Betancourt, rhp Michael Aubrey, inf (1) Brad Snyder, of (1) Ryan Garko, inf (3)

2004 Matt Miller, rhp Jeremy Sowers, lhp (1) Franklin Gutierrez, of, from Los Angeles Tom Mastny, rhp, from Toronto

2005 Paul Byrd, rhp

2006 Robert Hernandez, rhp Andy Marte, inf, from Boston Aaron Fultz, lhp Kelly Shoppach, c, from Boston David Dellucci, of Hector Luna, inf/of, from St. Louis Joe Borowski, rhp Jason Michaels, of from Philadelphia Shin-Soo Choo, of, from Seattle Mike Rouse, inf, from Oakland Josh Barfield, inf, from San Diego

2007 Keith Foulke, rhp Trot Nixon, of

Number in parentheses indicates round of selection; *Sandwich pick

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Michael Aubrey 68Age: 25, born April 15, 1982 in Shreveport, LA

Position: First Base

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-0 Weight: 195

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (2)

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 1st round (11th overall) of the 2003 First-Year Player Draft.

year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb sO sb Cs e

2003 LakeCounty .348 38 138 22 48 13 0 5 19 0 1 1 14 22 0 0 22004 Kinston .339 60 218 34 74 14 1 10 60 0 1 12 27 26 3 1 4 Akton .261 38 134 13 35 7 0 5 22 0 4 3 15 18 0 0 52005 Akron .283 28 106 17 30 5 1 4 20 0 3 3 7 18 1 0 12006 Kinston .286 8 28 8 8 3 0 2 10 0 1 2 5 5 0 0 0 Akron .269 6 26 3 7 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 4 0 0 0Minor lge. Totals .311 178 650 97 202 44 2 27 133 0 10 22 70 93 4 1 12

Career TransaCTIOns2003 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe1stround(11thoverall)oftheJunedraft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Hasplayedacombined42gamesthelasttwoseasonsduetovariousailments…Didnotparticipateinof-


u OptionwastransferredtoAAAkrononMay18andplayedin6gameswiththeAerosbeforesufferingastrainedrightkneethatendedhisseason…Rehabbedthekneetherestoftheseasonandappearedin6gamesinFloridaInstructionalLeagueinWinterHaven.

ProCareeru 2005Seasonwasagainlimitedbyinjuriesaslowerbackissueslimitedhimtojust28gamesfortheAAAkron

Aerosandendedhisseasonon6/10…Playedinjust1gamefrom5/10thrutheendoftheseason…Beganthecampaignbyhitting.307(23-75)w/3HR&15RBIin19Aprilgames…WasplacedontheminorleagueDLforthefirsttimeon5/10w/lowerbackinflammationandwasontheDLuntil6/9…WasactivatedfromtheDLon6/10andstartedatDHthatnightatAltoona(0-2,RBI)…Wasremovedfromthegameafter2plateap-pearanceswithmoresorenessanddidnotappeartheremainderoftheseason…VisitedwithbackspecialistDr.RobertWatkinsseveraltimesoverthesummerinLosAngeles,CA,whichrevealedastressfracturetoalumbarvertebrae(lowerback)…Hadback-to-back3-hit/3RBIgameson4/29-30vs.Harrisburg…ContractwaspurchasedfromAAAkronandaddedto40-manrosteron11/18…Aftertheseasonwasnamedthe10thbestprospectintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball America.

u 2004SplittheyearbetweenAKinstonandAAAkroninhisfirstfullprofessionalseasonandhit.310(109-352)betweenthetwostopswith212B,15HR&82RBIin98games…Struckoutonly44timesin414plateappearances…Aftertheseasonhewasnamedthe2ndbestprospectintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball America…Was4for4w/2RBIon5/8vs.Salemand4for5w/2RS,a2B&1RBIon5/24vs.Salem…Overhislast42gamesatKinstonhehit.370(57-154)with8HR&48RBIandwasaCarolinaLeagueAll-Starselection…Hit.368(35-95)inMayfortheeventualCarolinaLeaguechampsw/5HR&28RBIandwashitting.373(22-59)w/3HR&20RBIin19JunegamesbeforebeingpromotedtoAkronon6/21…Atthetimeofhispromotionhewas5thintheleagueinaverage(.339)and4thinRBI(60)intheCarolinaLeague…MadehisDoubleAdebut

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AUBREY (continued)


u 2003SpenthisfirstprofessionalseasonatALakeCountyoftheSouthAtlanticLeagueaftersigninghisprocontracton6/16…Madehisprofessionaldebuton6/18vs.Delmarva(0-3)beforestraininghisleftquadon6/19vs.Delmarvacrossinghomeplateandwassubsequentlyplacedonthedisabledlist…Missedonemonthbeforeplayingagainon7/19…Hitin10straightgamesfrom7/29-8/9and14of15gamesfrom7/29-8/16…Overhislast29gamesoftheseasonfrom7/29thrutheendoftheseasonhehit.385(42-109)with112B,3HR&13RBItoraisehisaveragefrom.207to.348…Wasoutstandingwiththeglove,compilingafielding%of.994(363TC,2E)inhis37gamesatfirstbase…Droveinaseason-high4runson7/24vs.Charleston(WV)…Hit.400(36-90)offRHPw/4HR&17RBIand.250(12-48)offLHPw/aHR&2RBI…Hit.389(21-54)withrunnersonbaseand.333(10-30)w/RISP…Was5for11(.455)withRISP-2outs…Hit.208(5-24)intheSALplayoffswith1RBIin6games.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnamerOberT MICHael aubrey…Married,wife’snameKristie…Hasonedaughter,Madelyn(11/9/05)…Re-sidesinShreveport,LA…GraduatedfromSouthwoodHighSchoolinShreveport,LAin2000whereheplayedbaseball(pitcher/firstbase)andwasnamedLouisianaPlayeroftheYearasasenior…AttendedTulaneUniversitywherehebatted.420(102-243)w/70RS,202B,3B,18HR,79RBI&19SBin63gamesasajuniorin2003andwasnamedConferenceUSAPlayeroftheYearandwasaGoldenSpikesAwardFinalist—emblematicofthebestplayerincollegebaseball…Insummerof2002heplayedfortheUSANationalTeam,leadingtheteaminbatting(.405),HR(6),andRBI(26)in29games…WasratedbyBaseball Americaasthe8thbestprospectinthe2003draftandthe2ndbestpurehitteramongcollegeplayers…AtTulaneherankedthirdinhitsinasingle-season(102)andbecamefirstplayerinschoolhistorytorecord100hitstwiceinacareer(alsofreshmanseason)…Wasa.368careerhitter,rankingfourthintheTulanerecordbookinbattingaverage,7thwith200RBIand10thinhitswith268andhomerunswith38…SignedbyTribeEastCoastCrosscheckerandone-timemajorleagueadvancescout,ScottMeaney.

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Josh Barfield 29Age: 24, born December 17, 1982 in Barquisimeto, VZ

Position: Infielder

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-0 Weight: 190

ML Service: 1 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: November 8, 2006; Acquired by Cleveland from the San Diego Padres in exchange for INF Kevin Kouzmanoff & RHP Andrew Brown.

YeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

2001 IdahoFalls .310 66 277 51 86 15 4 4 53 0 4 3 16 54 12 4 202002 FortWayne .306 129 536 73 164 22 3 8 57 3 5 4 26 105 26 8 24 LakeElsinore .087 6 23 2 2 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 1 4 0 0 12003 LakeElsinore .337 135 549 99 185 46 6 16 128 1 11 4 50 122 16 4 202004 Mobile .248 138 521 79 129 28 3 18 90 0 7 5 48 119 4 2 132005 Portland .310 137 516 74 160 25 1 15 72 2 7 1 52 108 20 5 132006 SanDiego .280 150 539 72 151 32 3 13 58 2 5 2 30 81 21 5 9Minor lge. Totals .300 611 2422 378 726 136 17 61 404 7 35 17 193 512 78 23 91Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --national league .280 150 539 72 151 32 3 13 58 2 5 2 30 81 21 5 9M. l. TOTals .280 150 539 72 151 32 3 13 58 2 5 2 30 81 21 5 9

dIvIsIOn seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

2006 SanDiego .250 4 8 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns2001 SelectedbytheSanDiegoPadresinthe4throundoftheJunedraft.2006 AcquiredbytheClevelandIndiansfromthePadresinexchangeforKevinKouzmanoffandAndrewBrown,11/8.





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BaRFIeld’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs: 4, July 6, 2006 at Philadelphia;HR: 2, July 27, 2006 at Colorado; RBI:4, 3 times, last September 4, 2006 vs.Colorado; RUns: 3, April 23, 2006 vs.NYM;dOUBles:2, two times, lastJuly14,2006vs.Atlanta;HITTInGsTReaK:9games,September18-28,2006;CaReeR GRand slaMs:1,August17,2006vs.SanFranciscooffJackTaschner;CaReeR PInCH-HIT HOMe RUns:August17,2006vs.SanFranciscooffJackTaschner;BB:2,severaltimes;sO:3,twotimes;sB:2,April21,2006vs.NYM.

2006/CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI Totals .280 539 151 13 58

L.A.Angels .182 11 2 0 3 Oakland .273 11 3 0 1 Seattle .263 19 5 0 3 Texas .500 8 4 0 1

Arizona .231 52 12 0 2 Atlanta .296 27 8 0 4 Chicago(NL) .357 28 10 0 2 Cincinnati .318 22 7 1 2 Colorado .273 66 18 4 13 Florida .250 16 4 0 1 Houston .261 23 6 1 2 L.A.Dodgers .258 62 16 1 6 Milwaukee .182 22 4 1 2 NewYork(NL) .250 28 7 2 2 Philadelphia .478 23 11 0 3 Pittsburgh .318 22 7 1 2 St.Louis .278 18 5 0 1 SanFrancisco .246 61 15 2 7 Washington .350 20 7 0 1

March-April .256 86 22 2 6 May .268 97 26 1 7 June .244 78 19 1 9 July .400 100 40 3 13 August .220 91 20 3 12 Sept-Oct .276 87 24 3 11

Home .241 266 64 6 22 Road .319 273 87 7 36

Day .281 178 50 4 19 Night .280 361 101 9 39

Grass .280 539 151 13 58

Pre-ASG .289 294 85 5 26 Post-ASG .269 245 66 8 32

vs.LHP .331 121 40 7 20 vs.RHP .266 418 111 6 38

ScoringPosition .274 106 29 3 41 BasesLoaded .176 17 3 1 10

PinchHitter .400 5 2 1 4

CaReeR BY BallPaRK avG aB H HR RBIAT&TPark(SF) .148 27 4 0 1AmeriquestField(SF) .500 8 4 0 1AngelStadium(LAA) .182 11 2 0 3BuschStadium(STL) .222 9 2 0 1ChaseField(AZ) .233 30 7 0 2CitizensBankPark(PHI) .583 12 7 0 2CoorsField(COL) .350 40 14 3 9DodgerStadium(LA) .419 31 13 1 5DolphinStadium(FLA) .273 11 3 0 1Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) .308 13 4 0 0MillerPark(MIL) .182 11 2 1 2MinuteMaidPark(HOU) .333 12 4 1 2PETCOPark(SD) .241 266 64 6 22PNCPark(PIT) .300 10 3 0 1RFKStadium(WSH) .545 11 6 0 1SafecoField(SEA) .364 11 4 0 2SheaStadium(NYM) .100 10 1 1 1TurnerField(ATL) .400 5 2 0 1WrigleyField(CHI) .455 11 5 0 1

FIeldInG BY POsITIOn 2006 CaReeR PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.987 147 294 381 9 684 84 SecondBase .987 147 294 381 9 684 84







u2002 WasnamedSanDiego’sCo-MinorLeaguePlayeroftheYearalongwithJonKnottafter leadingtheMidwestLeaguewith164hitsand536at-bats,andrankingsixthwitha.306battingaverage...LedSingle-AFortWayneinaverage,totalbases(216),runsscored(73)andgames(129)...Startedtheseasonwithhitsin11ofhisfirst12games,going20-for-51(.392),4/4-16...NamedNorthwestLeaguePlayeroftheWeekfor6/17-23...Went4-for-4withhisfirstcareergrandslamandfiveRBI6/23vs.Peoria...Went5-for-58/25vs.MichiganbeforebeingpromotedtoALakeElsinorethefollowingday...


Personal/MiscellaneousFull name JOsHUa laROY BaRFIeld…Single…Resides in Spring,TX…Enteredthe2006seasonasthePadresNo.2prospectaccordingto Baseball America…Attended Klein High School (TX)...Signed byJimmyDreyer(Padres)…Hisfather,Jesse,played12seasonsintheMajorLeaguesfrom1981-92withtheTorontoBlueJaysandNewYorkYankees…Hehit241careerhomerunsandledtheAmericanLeagueinhomers(40)in1986,anAll-StarseasonthatsawhimwinaSilverSluggerandthefirstof2RawlingsGoldGloveAwards…HisGodfatheris former IndianscloserMikeJackson…Big fanof theUniversityofTexasfootballteam.

BARFIELD (continued)

BaRFIeld’s FavORITes

Favorite Movie:VForVendetta;Fa-vorite Music Group/artist:LilWayne;Favorite athlete Growing Up:RickeyHenderson; Favorite Team Other Than The Indians:UniversityofTexasLonghorns; Person Who Has Most Influenced You:MyParents(Jesse&Marla); Favorite Road City: Atlanta;Favorite Road stadium:DodgerSta-dium; Favorite Thing To do away From Baseball:PlayVideoGames;Favorite Baseball Moment:FirstCareerWalk-OffHRvs.ColoradoRockies

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Rafael Betancourt 63Age: 31, born April 29, 1975 in Cumana, VZ

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-2 Weight: 200

ML Service: 3 + 079

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (2)

Acquired: February 6, 2003; Signed to a minor league free agent contract by the Cleveland Indians.

Career TransaCTIons1993 SignedbytheBostonRedSoxasafreeagent,9/6.1999 ContractpurchasedbyYokohama(Japan)fromRedSox,11/18.2000 SignedbytheRedSoxasafreeagent,12/13.2001 Grantedfreeagency,10/15.2003 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,2/6.2004 DL–rightarmfatigue,6/26-7/11...rehabatAAAkron,7/9.2005 DL–rightshoulderstrain,6/30-7/8.2005 SuspendedList,7/8-18.2006 DL–strainedrightlatmuscle,4/20-5/16…rehabatAAAkron,5/14.

Year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb so sb Cs e

1994 GCLRedSox .111 24 63 7 7 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 6 19 1 0 91995 GCLRedSox .256 51 168 18 43 5 0 0 19 4 3 1 13 31 8 5 101996 Michigan .167 62 168 14 28 1 2 3 14 3 2 2 12 39 5 2 13Minor lge. Totals .195 137 399 39 78 6 2 3 36 7 7 3 31 89 14 7 32

Year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHo sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb so WP bK 1997 WestMichigan 0-3 1.95 27 0 0 0 11 32.1 26 9 7 2 0 2 52 3 11998 Trenton 0-0 6.75 7 0 0 0 0 9.1 9 7 7 0 0 3 9 0 0 GCLRedSox 0-2 7.20 4 3 0 0 0 5.0 6 5 4 1 0 1 4 1 1 Sarasota 3-1 3.54 20 0 0 0 2 28.0 22 12 11 2 0 6 33 0 01999 Sarasota 0-0 0.00 6 0 0 0 4 7.0 5 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 Trenton 6-2 3.62 39 0 0 0 13 54.2 50 24 22 7 0 10 57 0 12000 Yokohama 1-2 4.08 11 4 0 0 0 28.2 30 16 13 5 1 11 16 0 0 Searex 1-0 1.17 20 0 0 0 6 23.0 17 3 3 0 0 6 29 0 02001 Trenton 0-1 5.63 16 0 0 0 4 24.0 28 16 15 0 2 3 27 1 02002 INJURED-DIDNOTPLAY 2003 Akron 0-0 1.39 31 0 0 0 16 45.1 33 10 7 0 0 13 75 1 0 Buffalo 0-0 4.05 4 0 0 0 1 6.2 6 3 3 1 0 2 6 1 0 CLEVELAND 2-2 2.13 33 0 0 0 1 38.0 27 11 9 5 1 13 36 1 02004 Akron 0-0 0.00 1 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 CLEVELAND 5-6 3.92 68 0 0 0 4 66.2 71 32 29 7 0 18 76 5 12005 CLEVELAND 4-3 2.79 54 0 0 0 1 67.2 57 23 21 5 0 17 73 0 02006 Akron 0-0 0.00 1 1 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 CLEVELAND 3-4 3.81 50 0 0 0 3 56.2 52 25 24 7 0 11 48 0 0Minor lge. Totals 9-9 3.19 156 4 0 0 51 214.1 185 86 76 13 2 43 273 7 3Cleveland ToTals 14-15 3.26 205 0 0 0 9 229.0 207 91 83 24 1 59 233 6 1american league 14-15 3.26 205 0 0 0 9 229.0 207 91 83 24 1 59 233 6 1national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. ToTals 14-15 3.26 205 0 0 0 9 229.0 207 91 83 24 1 59 233 6 1

World baseball ClassIC reCordYear TeaM W-l era G Gs CG sHo sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb so WP bK2006 Venezuela 0-0 0.00 2 0 0 0 0 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

2006SeasonHighlightsu Hadasolidseasonashiseffectivenessimprovedconsiderablyastheseasonwentalong…FromJuly5ththru


u WasonthedisabledlistfromApril20toMay16w/astrainedlatmuscleinhisrightside,sufferedonApril19atBaltimore…Wasthe3rdstraightseasoninwhichhespenttimeontheDL…DidnotallowanERoverhisfirst8outings(8.0IP)afteractivationthruJune5andthensportedanERAof8.68inJune(9.1IP,13H,9ER)…AfterhisactivationERAwas3.44(42G,49.2IP,44H,19ER,42K)…Enjoyednewcareerbestsininnings(3.1IP)andstrikeouts(5)onJuly5vs.NewYork-AL.

u FromAugust23thrutheendoftheseasonhisERAwas1.10in13games(16.1IP,11H,2ER,15K)andhad10.0consecutivescorelessIPfromAug.23-Sept.7…Saved3straightchancesfromAugust25-Sept.28,anewcareer-high(streakstillcurrent)…Battershit.241(52-216)offhimwith7HRallowed…LHHhit.221(19-86)andRHHhit.254(33-130)andhishomeERAwas1.88(29.2PI,26H,6ER)…36ofhis50outingswerescore-less…Allowedonly7of27(25.9%)inheritedrunnerstoscore,whichwouldhavebeen14thintheleaguehadhehadtherequisiteamountofinheritedrunners.

u Battershit.214(27-126)withnoneonand.278(25-90)withrunnerson…Battershit.222(14-63)withRISPand.167(5-30)withRISP-2outsoffRaffy…ERAinthe2ndhalfwas3.00(3-1,3SV,30.0IP,27H,10ER)…In-dianswere26-24whenheappeared…WorstoutingoftheseasoncameonJune30atCincinnati(0.0+IP,4H,4R/ER)…PitchedforVenezuelaintheWorldBaseballClassic.

ProCareeru 2005Wasaproductiveandreliablememberofthebestbullpeninbaseball,startingtheyearwith9.0hitless/


u 2004SpenthisfirstfullseasoninthebigleaguesandwasareliablememberoftheTribe’sbullpen,compilinganERAof3.23(30.2IP,11ER)inthesecondhalfofplay…SpentashortamountoftimeastheTribe’scloserinlateApril/earlyMay…Ontheyearhesaved4gamesin11chances(36.4%)ashe7blownsavesweretiedfor3rdintheALbehindEstebanYan(10)andJasonGrimsley(9)…His6relieflossesweretiedfor5thamongALrelievers…WasplacedontheDLon6/26withrightbicepstendonitisandarmfatigueandwasactivatedon7/11aftera1-gamerehabappearanceatAAAkron…Didnotallowarunoverhisfirst8outingsuponactivation(8.2IP,4H,0R,0BB,9K)beforeblowinghis6thsaveon8/3atToronto(0.0+IP,3H,4R)…Struckoutacareer-high4on7/30atKC…Afterhisactivationhewent2-2w/2savesanda3.23ERAin33games(30.2IP,28H,11ER,36K)andlimitedbatterstoa.239(28-117)averageagainst(.333slg%)…27ofthe33outingsinthe2ndhalfwerescoreless…Allowedonly1runoverhislast12outingsfrom9/5thrutheendoftheyear(0.93ERA,9.2IP,8H,1ER)…Saved4thandfinalgameofseasonon9/23vs.MIN…Ledtheteamwith12holds…ERAon0daysofrestwas5.25(12.0IP,20H,7ER)whileERAw/atleastadayofrestwas3.62(54.2IP,51H,22ER)…ERAw/2daysoffwas2.25(12.0IP,12H,3ER)…

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u 2003SplitseasonbetweenAAAkron,AAABuffaloandwasimpressiveoverthreestintsinthebigleagueswithClevelandafterjoiningtheorganizationintheoff-season…WashisfirsteverappearanceattheTripleAandbigleaguelevelsafterspendingayearintheminorleaguesinJapanandmissingtheentire2002seasonduetorightelbowsurgery…Splitthefirsthalfofthe2003seasonbetweenAAAkronandAAABuffalo,recordinga29.1inningscorelessstreakfrom4/16to6/13withtheAkronAeros…WaspromotedtoAAABuffaloon6/30andrecorded3of4scorelessoutingsfortheBisonsbeforebeingpromotedtothebigleaguesforthefirsttimeon7/12(Westbrookoptioned)…Saved13straightgamesfrom5/15to6/10(13IP,4H,0R,0ER,2BB,22SO)--thelongestsuchstreakintheminorssince2002…OverallintheminorsbetweenAkronandBuffaloherecordedacombinedERAof1.73(52.0IP,39H,10ER,81SO)w/17savesandlimitedhitterstoa.201(39-194)averageagainstw/1HRallowedin35outings…Struckout14.0battersper9.0IPbetweenAA&AAA…Hadapairof3.0IP,6strikeoutoutingswiththeAerosandledtheEasternLeaguechampionAkronAeroswith16savesfortheseason…Madehismajorleaguedebutandsufferedatough-lucklosson7/13vs.Chicago-AL,tossing1.1IP(1H,1R/ER,1BB,1K)beforeleavingthegameandhavinghisinheritedrunnerdecidethecontest…Recordedhisfirstmajorleaguewinon7/27vs.Minnesotaandhisfirstmajorleaguesaveon8/10vs.Anaheim…Allowedaruninonly9ofhis33outings…AfterhisdebutherecordedanERAof1.96(36.2IP,26H,8ER)…Ledtheteamwith32appearancesinthesecondhalf…His.171(6-35)markagainstwithRISPwas18thintheALamongrelievers…RecordedanERAof2.77orlessineverymonthhewasinthebigleaguesfromJulythruSeptember…Limitedbigleaguehitterstoa.196(27-138)averageagainst(5HR),includingamarkof.133(10-75)againstright-handedhitters.

u 2002Didnotpitchprofessionallyin2002asherehabbedfromrightelbowsurgerythepreviousJuly…WasnotsignedbyanyclubbeforesigningwithClevelandafteratryoutpriortothe2003season.

u 2001Re-signedbyRedSoxpriorto2001seasonandspenttheseasonatAATrentonbeforebeingshutdownfortheseasonon5/17withrightelbowtroubles…Underwentsurgeryonhisrightelbowon7/23totransposetheulnarnerveaswellashavingametalrodplacedinhisrightforearmtostabilizehisrightelbowandulna.

u 2000SoldtotheYokohamaBaystarsofJapan’sCentralLeagueinNovemberof1999andappearedin11gamesintheJapanesemajorleague(4GS)beforespendingtherestoftheseasonintheJapaneseminorleagueswithSearex.

u 1999BestseasontodatebetweenASarasota&AATrenton,strikingoutacombined63battersin61.2inningswhilerecordinganERAof3.21in45outings…Ranked5thintheEasternLeagueinsavesatTrentonand4thinwalksper9.0IP(1.65)byareliever.

u 1998SpentmostoftheseasonatASarasotaoftheFloridaStateLeague.

u 1997FirstseasonasapitchercameatAMichiganoftheMidwestLeaguewhereherecorded11savesandstruckout52battersin32.1IP…His14.5SO/9.0IPwasthebestmarkamongMidwestLeaguerelieversaswerehisrunnersallowedper9.0IP(7.8).

u 1994-96Spentthefirst3seasonsofhisprofessionalcareerasamiddleinfielderintheBostonminorleaguesystembeforebeingconvertedtoareliefpitcherin1997bytheRedSoxfarmbrass.

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name raFael Jose beTanCourT…Married, wife’s name isChela…Theyhavetwochildren-agirl,Raniel(2/12/99)andaboy,Rafael(1/22/03)…ResidesinCumana,Venezuela…Isveryactiveinthecom-munity,servingastheco-ChairmanoftheEsperanzaFiestaofHopeandalsoparticipatesintheTribeLoveandCareHospitalvisits.

beTanCourT’s FavorITes

Favorite Movie: The Rookie; Favorite Group/artist : Oscar D’Leon; Favorite athlete Growing up:OmarVizquel;Fa-vorite Team Growing up:ChicagoBulls;Person Who Has Most Influenced You:Mykids,wife,mother;Favorite road City:Chicago;Favorite road stadium:SafecoField,Seattle;Favorite Thing to do away From baseball:PlayBasketball;Favorite Tv show: Everyone Loves Raymond;nickname: El Asesino (The Assassin);Favorite restaurant:Benihana;Favorite thing about Cleveland:JacobsField

beTanCourT’s GaMe HIGHs

bb’s:3,May25,2005vs.Minnesota;K’s:5,July5,2006vs.NewYork-AL;lonGesT ouTInG:3.1IP,July5,2006vs.NewYork-AL;WInnInG sTreaK:3games,August12-30,2006(current); losInG sTreaK:4games, June5-August8,2006;save sTreaK: 3, August 25-September 28,2006(current).

Career bY ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquestField(TEX) 0-0-1 1.93 5 4.2 1AngelStadium(LAA) 0-0-0 4.15 6 4.1 2BuschStadiumII(STL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0CamdenYards(BAL) 0-0-0 54.00 2 0.1 2ComericaPark(DET) 0-0-0 1.80 9 10.0 2FenwayPark(BOS) 0-0-0 2.70 5 6.2 2Gr.Am.BallPark(CIN) 0-0-0 27.00 2 1.1 4JacobsField(CLE) 7-7-7 2.90 102 115.0 37KauffmanStadium(KC) 2-1-0 1.04 13 17.1 2McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 0-0-0 9.64 5 4.2 5Metrodome(MIN) 1-2-0 3.93 15 18.1 8MillerPark(MIL) 0-1-0 27.00 1 1.0 3PETCOPark(SD) 1-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0RogersCentre(TOR) 1-1-0 12.00 4 3.0 4SafecoField(SEA) 0-0-0 0.00 6 6.2 0SheaStadium(NYM) 0-0-0 6.75 2 1.1 1TropicanaField(TB) 0-0-0 3.00 5 6.0 2TurnerField(ATL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0U.S.CellularField(CWS) 2-3-0 2.95 16 21.1 7YankeeStadium(NYY) 0-0-0 3.00 4 3.0 1

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI — — — — — — — — — —

FIeldInG bY PosITIon 2006 Career

PCT G Po a e TC dP PCT G Po a e TC dP1.000 50 2 1 0 3 0 Pitcher 1.000 205 8 9 0 17 0

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er3-4-3 3.81 50 56.2 24 Totals 14-15-9 3.26 205 229.0 83

0-0-0 0.00 1 0.0 2 Baltimore 0-0-0 27.00 4 1.2 50-0-0 0.00 2 3.1 0 Boston 0-0-2 1.59 9 11.1 20-1-0 1.74 9 10.1 2 Chicago(AL) 3-4-0 2.35 24 30.2 80-0-1 2.57 7 7.0 2 Detroit 1-2-1 2.54 25 28.1 82-0-0 3.38 5 5.1 2 KansasCity 4-2-1 1.88 24 28.2 60-1-0 13.50 2 1.1 2 L.A.Angels 0-1-1 3.97 12 11.1 50-0-0 4.05 5 6.2 3 Minnesota 2-2-1 3.57 30 35.1 140-0-0 0.00 1 3.1 0 NewYork(AL) 0-0-1 1.08 8 8.1 10-1-1 0.00 2 2.0 0 Oakland 0-1-0 4.76 11 11.1 60-0-0 16.20 2 1.2 3 Seattle 0-0-0 2.38 10 11.1 30-0-1 3.00 3 3.0 1 TampaBay 0-0-1 3.29 12 13.2 50-0-1 0.00 2 2.0 0 Texas 0-1-1 3.12 9 8.2 31-0-0 0.00 3 4.0 0 Toronto 2-1-0 4.66 9 9.2 5

-- -- -- -- -- Atlanta 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 00-0-0 9.82 3 3.2 4 Cincinnati 1-0-0 4.91 7 7.1 4-- -- -- -- -- Colorado 0-0-0 7.36 3 3.2 3-- -- -- -- -- Florida 0-0-0 27.00 1 0.1 10-1-0 27.00 1 1.0 3 Milwaukee 0-1-0 27.00 1 1.0 3-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) 0-0-0 6.75 2 1.1 10-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Pittsburgh 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 00-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 St.Louis 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego 1-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0

0-0-0 6.43 8 7.0 5 March-April 3-3-0 3.34 28 32.1 120-0-0 0.00 7 7.0 0 May 0-1-2 2.30 30 31.1 80-3-0 8.68 9 9.1 9 June 2-5-0 5.85 30 32.1 210-0-0 0.84 7 10.2 1 July 2-1-0 2.01 27 31.1 73-1-1 5.11 10 12.1 7 August 5-4-3 3.93 44 52.2 230-0-2 1.74 9 10.1 2 Sept-Oct 2-1-4 2.20 46 49.0 12

2-2-2 1.88 23 28.2 6 Home 7-7-7 2.90 102 115.0 371-2-1 5.79 27 28.0 18 Road 7-8-2 3.63 103 114.0 46

1-1-0 2.70 15 16.2 5 Day 5-8-1 2.78 59 64.2 202-3-3 4.28 35 40.0 19 Night 9-7-8 3.45 146 164.1 63

3-4-3 3.55 45 50.2 20 Grass 12-12-9 3.08 181 201.2 690-0-0 6.00 5 6.0 4 Turf 2-3-0 4.61 24 27.1 14

0-3-0 4.73 25 26.2 14 Pre-ASG 5-10-2 3.75 90 100.2 423-1-3 3.00 25 30.0 10 Post-ASG 9-5-7 2.88 115 128.1 41

3-43 3.81 50 56.2 24 Relief 14-15-9 3.26 205 229.0 83

BETANCOURT (continued)

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Casey Blake 1Age: 33, born August 23, 1973 in Des Moines, IA

Position: Infielder/Outfielder

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-2 Weight: 210

ML Service: 4 + 138

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: December 18, 2002; Signed to a free agent contract by Cleveland.

Year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb sO sb Cs e

1996 Hagerstown .250 48 172 29 43 13 1 2 18 0 2 7 11 40 5 3 121997 Dunedin .238 129 449 56 107 21 0 7 39 2 2 6 48 91 19 9 *391998 Dunedin *.350 88 340 62 119 28 3 11 65 3 7 9 30 81 9 6 16 Knoxville .372 45 172 41 64 15 4 7 38 0 3 2 22 25 10 0 111999 Syracuse .245 110 387 69 95 16 2 22 75 1 2 7 61 82 9 5 10 Toronto .256 14 39 6 10 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 7 0 0 0 St.Catherines .667 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 02000 Syracuse .217 30 106 10 23 6 1 2 7 0 0 3 8 23 0 3 2 SaltLake .317 80 293 59 93 22 2 12 52 2 2 6 39 59 7 2 14 Minnesota .188 7 16 1 3 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 7 0 0 02001 Edmonton .309 94 375 64 116 24 6 10 49 2 0 6 34 66 14 3 11 Minnesota .318 13 22 1 7 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 8 1 0 1 Baltimore .133 6 15 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 4 2 0 12002 Edmonton .309 126 482 87 149 25 3 19 58 0 4 6 54 78 24 9 12 Minnesota .200 9 20 2 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 7 0 0 22003 CLEVELAND .257 152 557 80 143 35 0 17 67 8 8 10 38 109 7 9 192004 CLEVELAND .271 152 587 93 159 36 3 28 88 1 3 9 68 139 5 8 262005 CLEVELAND .241 147 523 72 126 32 1 23 58 2 5 10 43 116 4 5 102006 Akron .333 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LakeCounty .500 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 CLEVELAND .282 109 401 63 113 20 1 19 68 1 5 4 45 93 6 0 4Minor lge. Totals .292 753 2784 478 813 171 22 93 404 10 22 52 310 545 97 40 127Cleveland TOTals .262 560 2068 308 541 123 5 87 281 12 21 33 194 457 22 22 59american league .260 609 2180 320 567 129 5 89 288 12 22 34 205 490 25 22 63national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals .260 609 2180 320 567 129 5 89 288 12 22 34 205 490 25 22 63

Career TransaCTIOns1992 SelectedbythePhiladelphiaPhilliesinthe11throundoftheJunedraft.Didnotsign.1995 SelectedbytheNewYorkYankeesinthe45throundoftheJunedraft.Didnotsign.1996 SelectedbytheTorontoBlueJaysinthe7throundoftheJunedraft.2000 ClaimedonwaiversbytheMinnesotaTwinsfromtheBlueJays,5/23.2001 ClaimedonwaiversbytheBaltimoreOriolesfromtheTwins,9/21.2001 ClaimedonwaiversbytheTwinsfromtheOrioles,10/12.2002 Grantedfreeagency,10/14.2002 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,12/18.2006 DL–strainedleftobliquemuscle,6/16-7/13…rehabatALakeCounty,7/11.2006 DL–sprainedrightankle,8/8-25…rehabatAAAkron,7/10.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Hadamoreconsistentoffensiveseasoninhis4thyearwiththeIndians…Raisedhisaverage41pointsfrom


u SeasonwascruisingalonguntilsufferingastrainedleftobliqueduringBPonJune14atNewYork-ALandwasplacedontheDLthefollowingday…Atthetimeoftheinjuryhewashitting.304(65-214)with142B,10HR&30RBIin60games…MissedtherestofthefirsthalfandwasactivatedfromtheDLonJuly13afterabriefrehabatALakeCounty.

u Appearedin19games(.329,24-73)inthe2ndhalfbeforesufferingasprainedrightankleonAugust5atDetroitslidingbackinto2ndbaseafteraline-out…Atthetimeofthatinjuryhisseasonaveragewas.310(89-287)…Wasactivatedforthe2ndtimeonAugust25andhit.211(24-114)overthelast30gamesoftheseason(3HR,17RBI).

u Hithis2ndcareergrandslaminthehomeopeneronApril7vs.Minnesota(Lohse)…Hit3rdcareergrandslamonSept.25vs.Chicago-AL(Logan),theMajorLeague-recordtying14thbytheIndiansin2006(hit1stand14thbytheIndiansthisyear)…Enjoyedfour2-homergamestogivehim7forhiscareer,thelastofwhichcameonSept.30vs.TampaBay…Alsohadaseason-high5RBIonJuly31atBostonandSept.25vs.Chicago-ALafterhis2ndcareerslamontheseason…Hadthe4thinside-the-parkhomerunbyanIndianinJacobsFieldonJuly25vs.Detroit…Reachedbase5timesonApril4atChicago-AL(2-2,3BB).

u Hit.272(31-114)offLHPwith10HR&24RBIand.286(82-287)offRHPwith9HR&44RBI…Was6for11(.545)w/2HR&20RBIwiththebasesloaded…Compileda.986(3E,6A,219TC)in93gamesinRFa.984fielding%in9gamesatfirstbase(1E,64TC)…Hit.315(69-219)w/nooneonbaseand.242(44-182)withrunnerson….His .281(16-57)averagewith2outsandRISPafterhitting .085(5-59)withRISP-2outs in2005…Hit.333(28-84)inApriland.319(30-94)inMay...Hit.294(5-17)batting3rd,.356(32-90)batting9thand.341(14-41)onthefirstpitchwith4HR…Hit.305(40-131)afterthe7thinning.…His.561slugging%offLHPwas16thintheAL…Indiansexercisedhis2007cluboptiononOctober3.

ProCareeru 2005Spenthis thirdstraightseason inCleveland,converting tooutfieldwhileprovidingEricWedgewith


u 2004HadhisfinestoffensiveseasontodateinhissecondstraightfullseasoninthebigleaguesastheTribe3rdbaseman...Establishedcareer-highsinvirtuallyeveryoffensivecategory,ranking4thamongAmericanLeaguethirdbasemeninHR(28),RBI(88),runsscored(93)andon-base+slugging%(.840)...RankedbehindAlexRodriguez,MelvinMora&HankBlalockinmostcategories…Hiscareer-high28HRwerethemostbyanIndiansthirdbasemansinceTravisFryman’s28in1998&ranked9thamongMLB3B...Gotofftoaslowstart,hitting.237(36-152)w/72B,6HR&20RBIinthefirst40games…CaughtfireinJune,hitting.330(37-112)w/7HR&21RBIin28gamesandfrom6/1thrutheendoftheseasonhehit.283(123-435)with22HR&68RBIin112games…Overhislast118gamesfrom5/25onhehit.281(128-455)with292B,25HR&73RBI…Had2walk-offhomersontheyear(5/14vs.TB,5/28vs.Oakland)…Tiedhiscareer-highbygoing5for6w/anRBIon8/3atTorontoandenjoyedhis2ndcareer2-homergameon8/29vs.Chicago-AL…Made151startsatthirdbase(152gamesoverall)andappearedin8gamesatfirstbase(0GS)…Struggleddefensively

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u 2003WastheTribe’severydaythirdbaseman,ledtheentireIndiansteaminstartswith148(1363B,121B)inhisfirstfullseasoninthemajorleagues...Hadasolidoffensiveseason,leadingtheteamingames(152),hits(143)anddoubles(35)whilecompilingcareer-highsineveryoffensivecategory…Finished4thamongALthirdbasemenindoubles(35),8thinon-baseplusslugging%(.723),6thinhitsandtiedfor4thinrunsscored...His35doubleswere6thamongmajorleaguethirdbasemen...Startedineveryspotinthebattingorderexceptthelead-offspot,themostcommonslotbeingthe#2holeintheline-up(55GS)...Hit.272(61-224)w/152B,8HR&27RBIinthe#2hole…Hadthe6thbestfielding%amongregularALthirdbasemen,compilingafielding%of.952(19E,399TC,29DP)in140gamesatthirdbase...Madehisfirstcareerstartatfirstbaseon4/12vs.KC...Didnotmakeanerrorin143totalchancesinhis31gamesatfirstbase...WasnamedALPlayeroftheWeekfrom6/30-7/6afterbatting.375(12-32)with4HR&14RBI...Collectedhisfirstcareergrandslamon6/30atKansasCity(G1)offKrisWilsonandhit2homersanddrovein7runsinthedoubleheaderthatday...Droveinacareerhigh7runsandnotchedacareer-high5hitsingameof7/5atMinnesota(both2003-highsforanIndian)…Hitinacareer-high12gamesfrom6/17-7/1,batting.385(20-52)overthespan(4HR,12RBI)...Gotofftoashakystart,hitting.209(19-91)overhisfirst28gamesthru5/6...From5/9thrutheendoftheseasonhehit.266(124-466)with282B,14HR&61RBIoverhisfinal123games...Finishedtiedfor5thintheALwith9CS...Wasalsotiedfor9thinbothsachits(8)andsacflies(8).

u 2002SpentmostoftheseasonatAAAEdmontonintheMinnesotaorganizationofthePacificCoastLeague...Hitsafelyin13of14games,going22-55(.400)from4/21-5/4...WasrecalledtoMinnesotaon5/10andhitin3consecutivegames,5/12-15...Overallmade5startsfortheTwinsatthirdbaseinplaceofaninjuredCoreyKoskieandwasoptionedbacktoEdmontonon5/24(alsoappearedin3gamesat1B)...Had16-gamehit-streak,going26-62(.419)from7/1-20andalsohitconsecutivelyinthefinal16gamesoftheseason,going25-63(.397),from8/15-9/2...Third2-homergameofseasonandseason-high7RBIon7/30atTacoma...Tiedseason-highwith4hitson8/15atOmaha...Ledclubinstolenbases(24),wasthirdinhitsandwalksandfourthinat-batsandruns...Appearedin111gamesatthird,7gamesatsecondand6gameseachatfirstbaseandleftfieldatTripleA.

u 2001BeganseasonatEdmonton...Had20-gamehit-streak,going33-79(.418)with7doubles,3triples,2homersand12RBI,4/17-5/8...Hitsafelyin15of18games,5/10-27...Season-high4RBIon5/17vs.Portland...Recalledon6/7...Appearedin13gamesandwasoptionedtoEdmontonon7/20...Batted.343(34-99)withrunnersinscoringpositionand.311(87-280)vs.lefthanders...Ledclubinstolenbases...ClaimedoffwaiversbytheBaltimoreOrioleson9/21andappearedin6gameswiththeOriolespriortotheseasonending...Hithis2ndcareerhomeroffCaseyFossumon9/26atBoston...Re-claimedoffwaiversfromBaltimorebyMinnesotaon10/12.

u 2000BeganseasonatSyracuseintheTorontoorganization...Hadaseason-high10-gamehit-streak,4/30-5/9...ClaimedoffwaiversbyTwinsfromToronto,5/23...Disabledwithpulledleftribcage,6/28-7/7...Hadagrandslamandseason-high5RBIon8/19atIowa...Had3-homergame,8/28atEdmonton...Twins’MinorLeaguePlayeroftheWeek,going10-24(.417),9/3-9...RecalledtoMinnesotaon9/16...Career-high7-gamehit-streakfrom9/26/99-9/20/2000.

u 1999BeganseasonatAAASyracuse...Season-high5RBIon4/20atScranton-WilkesBarre...Season-high4hitsand2-homergameon6/30atColumbus...PlayedforInternationalLeagueinClassAAAAll-StarGameon7/14atNewOrleans...Recalled8/13...Ledleaguethirdbasemeninfielding%(.967)...Mademajorleaguedebuton8/14vs.Oakland...SingledoffJohnBurkettforfirstmajorleaguehiton8/29vs.Texas...OptionedtoSt.Catharineson8/30...Recalledon9/3...Season-high5-gamehit-streaktoendtheseason,going8-21(.381)on9/26-10/3...HomeredoffJimBrowerforfirstbigleaguehomerunon10/2atCleveland...WasnamedtheBestDefensivethirdbasemanintheInternationalLeaguebyBaseball America.

u 1998BeganseasonatADunedin...Grandslamandseason-high5RBIon5/18vs.St.Petersburg...FloridaStateLeaguePlayeroftheWeekon5/18-24and6/6-12...Had31gamehit-streak(longestinminors)from6/28-8/1...Reachedbasesafelyin60consecutivegames(longestinminors)from6/28-9/2...Season-high5hitson7/16atTampa...LedFloridaStateLeagueinbatting(.350),wasfourthinsluggingpercentage(.547)andfifthinon-basepercentage(.409)...SelectedthirdbasemanonFloridaStateLeaguePost-SeasonAll-Starteam...PromotedtoKnoxvilleon7/21...Finishedthirdamongallminorleaguersinhits(183),tenthintotalbases(294)and14thinextra-basehits(68).

u 1997Hadseason-high10-gamehit-streak,6/16-7/1...Tiedforsecondonclubingamesandwasthirdinat-bats.

u 1996Played47gamesatthirdbase,oneatfirstbaseandoneinoutfield...WasToronto’sseventhroundpickinJune,1996freeagentdraft...SignedbyscoutMarkSnipp.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameWIllIaM CaseY blaKe...Wife’snameisAbbie(Archibald)...Theyhavethreedaughters,Bailey(6/14/2001),Lauren(7/14/2003)&Dana(9/27/06)...Wasa1992graduateofIndianola(IA)HighSchoolwhereheplayedbaseball,football,basketballandrantrack...Wasnamedatop10HSathleteinthehistoryofIowainaDes Moines Registersurvey ina list that includedBobFellerandNileKinnick...AttendedWichita State University where he was a three-time All-American,two-timeAcademicAll-AmericanandparticipatedintheCollegeWorldSeries...Batted.360with22homerunsand101RBIhissenioryear...WasdraftedtwicepreviouslypriortosigningwithToronto(11throunddraft,Philadelphia,1992;45throunddraft,NewYorkYankees,1995)...Isanavidgolfer...Hisbrother,Ben,wastheTribe’s32ndroundpickinthe1992draftandspentthe’92minorleagueseasonatAWatertown(3-3,3.92ERA,13G/5GS)...Wasthe2004recipientoftheGibbons/Olin“GoodGuyAward”bytheClevelandBBWAAChapterforhisprofessionalandcourteousmannerwiththemedia...HasbeenactiveindonatinghistimetotheGrandSlamforLiteracyduringhistimeinCleveland.

blaKe’s FavOrITes

Favorite Movie: One Flew Over theCuckoo’sNest;Favorite Group/artist:Metallica;Favorite athlete Growing up:MichaelJordan;Favorite Team Growing up:MiamiDolphins;Person Who Has Most Influenced You: Father (Joe);Favorite road City:Seattle;Favorite road stadium:SafecoField;Favorite Thing to do away From baseball:DuckHunt;Favorite Tv show:SaturdayNightLive;Favorite baseball Moment:KirkGibson’sHRin1988WorldSeries

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blaKe’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs:5,twice,lastonAugust4,2004atToronto;dOubles:2,10 times, lastonOctober1,2006vs.Boston;TrIPles:1,fivetimes,lastonMay3,2006atOakland;Hr:2,seventimes,lastonSeptember30,2006vs.TampaBay;rbI:7,July5,2003atMinnesota;runs:3,seventimes,lastApril 18, 2006 atBaltimore;sb: 2, July1,2004atDetroit;HITTInG sTreaK:15games, May 1 to May 18, 2006; Hr In baCK-TO-baCK GaMes:Ten times, lastJuly31-August1,2006;Career Grand slaMs:3,lastonSeptember25,2006vs.Chicago-ALoffBooneLogan.

2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI.282 401 113 19 68 Totals .260 2180 567 89 288

.375 8 3 0 2 Baltimore .254 71 18 1 10

.385 26 10 3 8 Boston .310 87 27 5 17

.317 60 19 1 10 Chicago(AL) .259 255 66 12 38-- -- -- -- -- Cleveland .257 35 9 1 1.271 59 16 5 9 Detroit .300 243 73 16 37.268 41 11 2 7 KansasCity .254 244 62 9 35.053 19 1 0 0 L.A.Angels .196 102 20 3 10.321 53 17 4 13 Minnesota .269 279 75 13 39.250 4 1 0 0 NewYork(AL) .247 93 23 0 5.278 36 10 2 7 Oakland .168 137 23 5 13.370 27 10 0 4 Seattle .269 134 36 6 17.364 11 4 2 3 TampaBay .295 95 28 5 17.192 26 5 0 3 Texas .271 118 32 3 12.150 20 3 0 2 Toronto .202 89 18 2 7

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona .261 23 6 1 4-- -- -- -- -- Atlanta .385 13 5 1 3-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(NL) .000 2 0 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Cincinnati .239 46 11 1 7-- -- -- -- -- Colorado .310 29 9 2 3-- -- -- -- -- Florida .273 11 3 1 2-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Dodgers .000 11 0 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Milwaukee .000 0 0 0 0-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) .250 12 3 1 3.273 11 3 0 0 Pittsburgh .367 30 11 0 3-- -- -- -- -- St.Louis .500 4 2 0 0-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego .385 13 5 0 2-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco .500 4 2 1 3

.333 84 28 2 18 March-April .252 310 78 10 41

.319 94 30 7 16 May .250 368 92 15 42

.194 36 7 1 2 June .295 329 97 16 52

.291 55 16 4 11 July .265 355 94 12 43

.273 33 9 2 4 August .288 361 104 20 53

.232 99 23 3 17 Sept-Oct .223 457 102 16 57

.271 207 56 9 34 Home .251 1055 265 31 118

.294 194 57 10 34 Road .268 1125 302 58 170

.223 121 27 5 19 Day .223 678 151 22 76

.307 280 86 14 49 Night .277 1502 416 67 212

.285 369105 16 59 Grass .261 1910 499 76 243

.250 32 8 3 9 Turf .252 270 68 13 45

.304 214 65 10 36 Pre-ASG .265 1113 295 44 150

.257 187 48 9 32 Post-ASG .255 1067 272 45 138

.272 114 31 10 24 vs.LHP .253 632 160 40 92

.286 287 82 9 44 vs.RHP .263 1548 407 49 196

.261 111 29 6 53 ScoringPosition .227 573 130 18 196

.545 11 6 2 20 BasesLoaded .302 53 16 3 50

1.000 1 1 0 0 PinchHitter .167 6 1 0 3.355 31 11 3 11 DesignatedHitter .333 42 14 3 13

Career bY ballParK avG ab H Hr rbIAmeriquestField(TEX) .254 59 15 3 6AngelStadium(LAA) .203 59 12 3 8AT&TPark(SF) .500 4 2 1 3BuschStadiumI(STL) .500 4 2 0 0CamdenYards(BAL) .275 40 11 0 4ChaseField(AZ) .182 11 2 0 1ComericaPark(DET) .276 127 35 8 18CoorsField(COL) .286 7 2 0 0FenwayPark(BOS) .351 37 13 5 11Gr.Am.BallPark(CIN) .320 25 8 1 6JacobsField(CLE) .250 1036 259 32 116KauffmanStadium(KC) .287 129 37 6 22McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .211 71 15 3 8Metrodome(MIN) .242 165 40 9 30MillerPark(MIL) .000 0 0 0 0PETCOPark(SD) .200 5 1 0 0PNCPark(PIT) .400 15 6 0 2RogersCentre(TOR) .227 66 15 2 6SafecoField(SEA) .299 67 20 4 8SheaStadium(NYM) .250 12 3 1 3TropicanaField(TB) .333 39 13 2 9TurnerField(ATL) .385 13 5 1 3U.S.CellularField(CWS) .308 133 41 8 22WrigleyField(CHI) .000 2 0 0 0YankeeStadium(NYY) .185 54 10 0 2

FIeldInG bY POsITIOn 2006 CareerPCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.984 9 62 1 1 64 6 FirstBase .911 64 294 20 3 317 397-- -- -- -- -- -- -- ThirdBase .945 327 236 611 49 896 59.986 93 210 6 3 219 0 Outfield .979 231 497 9 11 517 0.986 102 272 7 4 283 6 Totals .964 622 1027 640 63 1730 98

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Joe Borowski 47Age: 35, born May 4, 1971 in Bayonne, NJ

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-2 Weight: 225

ML Service: 6 + 123

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007 w/a club option for 2008

Acquired: December 6, 2006; Signed by Cleveland to a Major League free agent contract.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 1990 GCLWhiteSox 2-8 5.58 12 11 0 0 0 61.1 74 47 38 3 2 25 67 2 21991 KaneCounty 7-2 2.56 49 0 0 0 13 81.0 60 26 23 2 3 43 76 4 01992 Frederick 5-6 3.70 48 0 0 0 10 80.1 71 40 33 3 3 50 85 2 01993 Frederick 1-1 3.61 42 2 0 0 11 62.1 61 30 25 5 3 37 70 8 0 Bowie 3-0 0.00 9 0 0 0 0 17.2 11 0 0 0 0 11 17 0 11994 Bowie 3-4 1.91 49 0 0 0 14 66.0 52 14 14 3 0 28 73 4 01995 Rochester 1-3 4.04 28 0 0 0 6 35.2 32 16 16 3 0 18 32 1 0 Bowie 2-2 3.92 16 0 0 0 7 20.2 16 9 9 2 0 7 32 1 0 Baltimore 0-0 1.23 6 0 0 0 0 7.1 5 1 1 0 0 4 3 0 01996 Richmond 1-5 3.71 34 0 0 0 7 53.1 42 25 22 4 0 30 40 1 0 Atlanta 2-4 4.85 22 0 0 0 0 26.0 33 15 14 4 1 13 15 1 01997 Atlanta 2-2 3.75 20 0 0 0 0 24.0 27 11 10 2 0 16 6 0 0 Richmond 1-2 3.58 21 0 0 0 2 37.2 32 16 15 3 1 19 34 4 0 NewYork(AL) 0-1 9.00 1 0 0 0 0 2.0 2 2 2 0 0 4 2 0 01998 Columbus 3-3 2.93 45 0 0 0 4 73.2 66 25 24 6 2 39 67 3 0 NewYork(AL) 1-0 6.52 8 0 0 0 0 9.2 11 7 7 0 0 4 7 0 01999 Louisville 6-2 5.46 58 0 0 0 4 89.0 94 59 54 7 3 44 70 3 12000 Newark 6-3 5.50 28 0 0 0 0 37.2 44 23 23 5 1 17 39 2 0 Monterrey 4-2 3.19 12 5 0 0 1 42.1 31 15 15 5 1 18 44 3 02001 Iowa 8-7 2.62 39 12 1 1 1 110.0 87 35 32 10 2 26 131 1 0 Chicago(NL) 0-1 32.40 1 1 0 0 0 1.2 6 6 6 1 0 3 1 0 02002 Chicago(NL) 4-4 2.73 73 0 0 0 2 95.2 84 31 29 10 1 29 97 1 02003 Chicago(NL) 2-2 2.63 68 0 0 0 33 68.1 53 23 20 5 1 19 66 0 02004 Chicago(NL) 2-4 8.02 22 0 0 0 9 21.1 27 19 19 3 0 15 17 0 0 Iowa 0-3 8.22 7 3 0 0 0 7.2 9 8 7 1 0 4 2 0 02005 Iowa 0-0 2.25 7 0 0 0 0 8.0 3 4 2 2 0 3 4 0 0 Chicago(NL) 0-0 6.55 11 0 0 0 0 11.0 12 8 8 5 0 1 11 0 0 TampaBay 1-5 3.82 32 0 0 0 0 35.1 26 15 15 3 0 11 16 1 02006 Florida 3-3 3.75 72 0 0 0 36 69.2 63 31 29 7 2 33 64 1 0Minor lge. Totals 53-53 3.58 504 33 1 1 80 884.1 785 392 352 64 21 419 883 39 4Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league 2-6 4.14 47 0 0 0 0 54.1 44 25 25 3 0 23 28 1 0national league 15-20 3.82 289 1 0 0 80 317.2 305 144 135 37 5 129 277 2 0M. l. TOTals 17-26 3.87 336 1 0 0 80 372.0 349 169 160 40 5 152 305 4 0

dIvIsIOn serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2003 Chicago(NL) 0-0 0.00 2 0 0 0 1 2.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0

leaGue CHaMPIOnsHIP serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2003 Chicago(NL) 1-0 1.59 3 0 0 0 0 5.0 5 2 1 0 0 3 1 0 0

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BOROWSKI (continued)

u 2003EnteredtheseasonwithtwoMajorLeaguesaves,butbecametheCubs’firstclosertoreachthe30-savelevelsinceRodBecksaved51gamesin1998…In68reliefappearances,hewent2-2with33savesanda2.63ERA…Was33for37inhissavechances…14ofhissavesoccurredingamesheenteredwithaone-runleadandhesavedhislast14chancesoftheseason...RankedsixthamongNationalLeaguerelieversinsavesandfifthingamesfinished(59).

u 2002Went4-4withhisfirsttwoMajorLeaguesaves,12holdsanda2.73ERAinateam-high73appearancesfortheCubs…FinishedthirdamongNationalLeaguerelieversininningspitchedwith95.2,trailingonlyFlorida’sVladimirNunez(97.2)andHouston’sOctavioDotel(97.1)…Fanned97batterswhileissuing29walks…Limitedopponentstoa.239average…MadetheOpeningDayrosterafterattendingcampasanon-rosterinvitee…Pitchedatleast2.0inningsin24outings…EarnedhisfirstMajorLeaguesaveon4/14atPittsburgh,recordingthefinaloutinthebottomoftheseventhinningwiththetyingrunondeck…Thegamewascalledduetorainintheeighth…Hurled4.0shutoutinningsina16-inningwinon7/12vs.Marlins,thelongestreliefappearanceofhiscareer.

u 2001SpenthisfirstcampaignintheCubs’organization,pitchinginoneMajorLeaguecontestandin39games(12starts)atIowa…WasontheMajorLeaguerosterfrom8/11-15…MadehisfirstMajorLeaguestarton8/11vs.SanFranciscoandtookthelossina9-4decision…Worked1.2IPandallowedsixhits,sixearnedrunsandthreewalkswhilestrikingoutonebatter…Itwashisfirstbigleagueappearancesince9/22/98vs.Cleveland(whilepitchingfortheYankees)…Went8-7withonesaveanda2.62ERAwithIowa…Struckout131battersin110.0inningsandheldPacificCoastLeaguebatterstoa.216average…Tossedthefirstcompletegameandshutoutofhiscareeron7/5ina2-0victoryvs.ColoradoSprings.

u 2000 Pitched for the Newark Bears in the Atlantic League (Independent) and Monterrey in the MexicanLeague,seeingaction inacombined40games…In28reliefappearances forNewark,hewent6-3witha5.50ERA…Pitchedin12gamesforMonterrey,includingfivestarts,andwent4-2withonesaveanda3.19ERA…Struckout44battersin42.1innings…WenttoSpringTrainingwithCincinnatiasanon-rosterinvitee,butwasreleasedinlateMarch.

u 1999SpenttheyearasarelieverwithMilwaukee’sTriple-AaffiliateinLouisville,going6-2withfoursaves…His58appearancestiedfortheteamleadandtiedforseventhamongallTriple-Apitchers.

u 1998Made53totalreliefappearancesfortheYankeesandColumbus(AAA)…WaspromotedtotheMajorson8/2andpitchedineightgamesfortheYankees…Wasthewinningpitcheron8/18atKansasCity…WasontheDisabledListfrom8/24to9/28withacervicalstrainofhisneck…AtColumbus,hewent3-3withfoursavesanda2.93ERAin45appearancesspanning73.2innings.

u 1997SawactionwithAtlanta,Richmond(AAA)andtheYankees,pitchinginacombined42games…WasonabigleagueOpeningDayrosterforthefirsttime,spendingmostofthefirsthalfinAtlanta’sbullpen…Went2-2witha3.75ERAin20contestsfortheBravesand1-2with2savesanda3.58ERAin21gamesforRich-mond…WasclaimedoffwaiversbytheYankeesinSeptember.

u 1996BegantheyearatRichmond,going1-5withsevensavesin34reliefappearances…WasrecalledbytheBraveson7/23…Inhisfirst22NationalLeagueoutings,hewas2-4witha4.85ERA…PickeduphisfirstMajorLeaguevictoryon8/18vs.Pittsburgh,allowingonehitin3.2innings.

u 1995SawhisfirstMajorLeagueactionduringthreestintsonBaltimore’sroster,recordinga1.23ERAinsixgames…MadehisMajorLeaguedebuton7/9againsttheWhiteSoxatComiskeyPark,workingaperfectin-ning…Combinedtogo3-5with13savesanda3.99ERAin44reliefappearancesfortheOrioles’affiliatesinBowie(AA)andRochester(AAA).

u 1994WasoneoftheEasternLeague’stoprelieversatBowie,recording14savesanda1.91ERAin49out-ings…Allowedjustthreehomersin66.0inningswhilestrikingout73batters…WasthirdamongleaguerelieversinERAandgamesfinished(37).

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameJOsePH THOMas bOrOWsKI…Married,wife’snameisTatum…Twosons,Blaze(11/8/00)andTy(5/23/05)…ResidesinScottsdale,AZandoriginallyhailsfromBayonne,NJ…GraduatedfromMaristHighSchool(NJ)in1989…WasanAll-AmericaselectioninbothbaseballandfootballandwasanAll-Stateselectioninbaseballandfootballasjuniorandsenior.

Career TransaCTIOns1989 SelectedbytheChicagoWhiteSoxinthe32ndroundoftheJunedraft.1991 AcquiredbytheBaltimoreOriolesfromtheWhiteSoxinexchangeforPeteRose,Jr.,3/31.1995 AcquiredbytheAtlantaBraves,alongwithRachaadStewart,fromtheOriolesinexchangeforKentMercker,12/17.1997 ClaimedonwaiversbytheNewYorkYankeesfromtheBraves,9/15.1998 ClaimedonwaiversbytheMilwaukeeBrewersfromtheYankees,12/5.1999 Grantedfreeagency,10/15.1999 SignedbytheCincinnatiRedsasafreeagent,11/9.2000 ReleasedbytheReds,3/21.2000 SignedbyindependentNewarkintheAtlanticLeague,5/17.2000 SignedbyMonterrayintheMexicanLeague,7/11.2000 SignedbytheChicagoCubsasafreeagent,12/11.2001 Grantedfreeagency,10/10.2001 Re-signedbytheCubsasafreeagent,12/15.2004 DL–rightshoulderstrain,6/5-remainderofseason…rehabatAAAIowa,8/20-9/7.2005 DL–fracturedboneinrightforearm,3/25-5/20…rehabatAAAIowa,5/3-20.2005 ReleasedbytheCubs,7/11.2005 SignedbytheTampaBayDevilRaysasafreeagent,7/14.2005 Grantedfreeagency,12/21.2006 SignedbytheFloridaMarlinsasafreeagent,1/3.2006 Grantedfreeagency,10/29.2006 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,12/6.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Borowskipostedarecordof3-3witha3.75ERAandacareer-best36savesin2006(69.2IP,63H,29ER,33BB,


u WasnominatedforNLComebackPlayeroftheYear...LedMarlinspitcherswith72games...WasnamedtheMostImprovedPlayerbytheSouthFloridachapteroftheBBWAAaftertheseason…His36savesestablishedanewcareerhigh,eclipsinghismarkof33saveswiththeCubsin2003...RecordedhisfirstsaveofseasononApril14vs.Washington,whichwashisfirstsavesinceMay31,2004,vs.Houston.

u Converted16of18saveopportunitiesinfirst-halfofseason,and20of25savechancesaftertheAll-Starbreak...Alsoconverted10straightsavechancesfromJuly25toAugust25...WassolidinJune,convertingallninesaveopportunitiesandnotchinga0.87ERAin11games...went1-0with10saves(11chances)anda2.57ERAin14gamesinAugust...Wasscoredonin19of72outings.

ProCareeru 2005 Split seasonbetweenChicago Cubs andTampaBayDevilRays…Began seasonwithCubs andwas

designatedforassignmenton6/29whentheyactivatedpitcherKerryWood…SignedbytheDevilRayson7/11…Pitchedin32ofTampa’s73gamesafterjoiningtheclubattheAll-StarBreak...Heldopponentsscore-less inhisfirst20outingsasaDevilRay,producingacareer-highandclub-record21.0-inningscorelessstreak(snappedclubrecordsetbyRolandoArrojowith18in1998)…Includingascoreless0.2inningswiththeCubs,heownedthesecond-longestscorelessstretchamongMajorLeaguerelieversfortheseason(21.2innings),behindMarianoRivera’s23.0IP…ItwasthelongestbyaMajorLeaguepitcherwhowastradedduringtheseasonsinceastreakof26.0inningsbyFredNormanforCincinnatiin1973…DespitejustahalfseasonintheAmericanLeague,heranked10thamongALrelieverswith19holds…BegantheyearontheDLwithafracturedboneinhisrightforearmthathesufferedinSpringTraining…ActivatedfromDLon5/20…

u 2004Struggledwithshoulderinjurythebetterpartoftheyear,goingonthedisabledliston6/6witharightshoulderstrain…Went2-4withninesavesandan8.02ERAin22appearanceswithChicago…Convertednineof11saveopportunities…PickeduphisfirstsaveoftheseasononOpeningDayinCincinnati(4/5)…Convertedeightstraightchancesfrom4/5-5/23…Recordedhis22ndstraightsaveon5/16atSanDiego,establishinganewfranchisemark…Wasunscoreduponin13ofhis22appearances.

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K’s (reliever):5,3 times, lastSept.26,2002 vs. Cincinnati; bb’s (reliever): 4,Sept. 18, 1997 vs. Detroit; WInnInG sTreaK: 2 games, two times, last Au-gust2-Sept.9,2002;lOsInG sTreaK:5 games, August 30-Sept. 23, 2005;COnseCuTIve save sTreaK:22games,August5,2003thruMay23,2004;lOn-GesT OuTInG (reliever):4.0IP,July12,2002vs. Florida;Hr: 2, two times, lastOctober2,2005vs.Baltimore;lasT save:September21,2006atNYM;lasT WIn:Sept.2,2006atMilwaukee.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn er3ComPark(SF) 0-0-0 6.75 2 2.2 2AmeriquestField(TEX) 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0AngelStadium(LAA) 0-1-0 5.40 2 3.1 2AT&TPark(SF) 0-0-1 0.00 2 3.0 0BithornStadium(PR) 0-0-1 9.00 1 1.0 1BuschStadium(STL) 0-0-2 2.16 8 8.1 2CamdenYards(BAL) 0-1-3 0.69 10 13.0 1ChaseField(AZ) 0-0-4 5.40 5 5.0 3CinergyField(CIN) 0-0-0 5.40 5 6.2 4CitizensBankPark(PHI) 0-0-1 0.00 3 2.1 0CoorsField(COL) 0-0-1 6.14 7 7.1 5CountyStadium(MIL) 0-0-0 6.75 1 1.1 1DodgerStadium(LA) 0-0-0 6.23 5 4.1 3DolphinStadium(FLA) 2-0-18 3.26 45 47.0 17FenwayPark(BOS) 0-1-0 11.57 2 2.1 3FultonCo.Stadium(ATL) 1-1-0 2.19 6 12.1 3Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) 0-0-3 2.08 5 4.1 1JacobsField(CLE) 1-0-0 4.50 3 4.0 2KauffmanStadium(KC) 1-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0Kingdome(SEA) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0Metrodome(MIN) 0-0-0 4.50 1 2.0 1MillerPark(MIL) 2-1-2 6.00 11 12.0 8MinuteMaidPark(HOU) 0-0-4 4.15 11 8.2 4OlympicStadium(MON) 0-0-0 1.69 6 5.1 1PETCOPark(SD) 0-0-2 0.00 4 4.0 0PNCPark(PIT) 0-1-5 5.52 15 14.2 9QualcommStadium(SD) 1-1-2 1.29 6 7.0 1RFKStadium(WSH) 0-1-3 6.23 4 4.1 3RogersCentre(TOR) 0-1-1 3.86 5 4.2 2SheaStadium(NYM) 0-2-3 2.61 10 10.1 3ThreeRiversStadium(PIT)0-0-0 1.93 4 4.2 1TigerStadium(DET) 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.0 0TropicanaField(TB) 0-0-0 2.12 17 17.0 4TurnerField(ATL) 1-4-3 5.21 17 19.0 11U.S.CellularField(CWS) 0-1-0 5.40 4 3.1 2VeteransStadium(PHI) 0-0-1 3.86 3 2.1 1WrigleyField(CHI) 8-8-20 3.89 93 111.0 48YankeeStadium(NYY) 0-2-0 11.88 8 8.1 11

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er3-3-36 3.75 72 69.2 29 Totals 17-26-80 3.87 336 372.0 160

0-0-2 0.00 2 1.1 0 Baltimore 0-2-3 4.15 12 13.0 60-0-1 0.00 1 1.0 0 Boston 0-1-1 5.40 7 8.1 5-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(AL) 0-1-1 2.45 8 7.1 2-- -- -- -- -- Cleveland 1-0-0 2.84 5 6.1 2-- -- -- -- -- Detroit 0-1-0 9.00 2 2.0 2-- -- -- -- -- KansasCity 1-0-0 0.00 4 4.2 0-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Angels 0-1-0 2.84 6 6.1 2-- -- -- -- -- Minnesota 0-0-0 3.00 2 3.0 10-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 NewYork(AL) 0-1-1 8.53 6 6.1 6-- -- -- -- -- Oakland 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.2 0-- -- -- -- -- Seattle 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 00-0-1 4.50 2 2.0 1 TampaBay 0-0-1 3.00 3 3.0 1-- -- -- -- -- Texas 0-0-0 9.00 7 7.0 70-0-1 0.00 1 1.0 0 Toronto 0-1-2 2.35 8 7.2 2

0-0-3 6.00 3 3.0 2 Arizona 0-1-5 7.45 10 9.2 80-2-5 5.06 11 10.2 6 Atlanta 0-2-6 3.26 18 19.1 70-0-1 0.00 2 2.0 0 Chicago(NL) 1-1-1 0.00 4 3.2 00-0-0 4.50 2 2.0 1 Cincinnati 1-2-5 2.60 23 27.2 80-0-1 0.00 2 2.0 0 Colorado 2-0-2 4.08 16 17.2 8-- -- -- -- -- Florida 0-0-1 3.86 7 11.2 50-0-1 2.70 4 3.1 1 Houston 0-0-7 2.18 21 20.2 50-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 L.A.Dodgers 0-0-0 3.86 8 9.1 42-0-3 7.20 5 5.0 4 Milwaukee 3-3-5 7.15 20 22.2 180-0-4 2.16 9 8.1 2 NewYork(NL) 0-2-8 2.86 22 22.0 70-0-1 1.13 8 8.0 1 Philadelphia 0-0-2 3.71 17 17.0 71-0-2 3.00 3 3.0 1 Pittsburgh 2-2-10 4.12 34 39.1 180-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 2 St.Louis 2-0-4 3.10 18 20.1 70-0-1 10.13 3 2.2 3 SanDiego 1-1-4 2.20 14 16.1 40-0-1 4.50 2 2.0 1 SanFrancisco 2-3-2 6.11 13 17.2 120-1-8 3.86 9 9.1 4 Washington 1-1-9 2.95 19 18.1 6

0-0-3 4.50 9 8.0 4 March-April 2-2-13 3.10 49 52.1 180-1-3 4.38 12 12.1 6 May 5-5-14 3.69 60 68.1 280-0-9 0.87 11 10.1 1 June 0-5-14 5.63 48 48.0 301-1-6 3.97 11 11.1 5 July 1-1-10 2.29 43 51.0 131-0-10 2.57 14 14.0 4 August 6-4-14 3.44 68 81.0 311-1-5 5.93 15 13.2 9 Sept-Oct 3-9-15 5.05 68 71.1 40

2-0-18 3.07 41 41.0 14 Home 11-11-37 3.73 169 198.0 821-3-18 4.71 31 28.2 15 Road 6-15-43 4.03 167 174.0 78

2-2-8 6.86 21 19.2 15 Day 10-14-31 4.47 159 177.1 881-1-28 2.52 51 50.0 14 Night 7-12-49 3.33 177 194.2 72

3-3-36 3.67 71 68.2 28 Grass 17-25-77 3.97 296 331.1 1460-0-0 9.00 1 1.0 1 Turf 0-1-3 3.10 40 40.2 14

0-2-16 3.71 35 34.0 14 Pre-ASG 7-13-44 4.00 171 184.2 823-1-20 3.79 37 35.2 15 Post-ASG 10-13-36 3.75 165 187.1 78

-- -- -- -- -- Starter 0-1-0 32.40 1 1.2 63-3-36 3.75 72 69.2 29 Relief 17-25-80 3.74 335 370.1 154

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI -- -- -- -- -- .222 9 2 0 0

fIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP .800 72 1 3 1 5 0 Pitcher .971 336 21 46 2 69 6

BOROWSKI (continued)

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Paul Byrd 36Age: 36, born December 3, 1970 in Louisville, KY

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-1 Weight: 190

ML Service: 10 + 072

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007 w/a club option for 2008.

Acquired: December 6, 2005; Signed by Cleveland to a major league free agent contract.

YeaR ClUB W-l eRa G Gs CG sHO sv IP H R eR HR HB BB sO WP BK 1991 Kinston 4-3 3.16 14 11 0 0 0 62.2 40 27 22 7 0 36 62 6 71992 Canton-Akron *14-6 3.01 24 24 4 0 0 152.1 122 68 51 4 4 75 118 10 01993 Charlotte 7-4 3.89 14 14 1 1 0 81.0 80 43 35 9 6 30 54 4 1 Canton-Akron 0-0 3.60 2 1 0 0 0 10.0 7 4 4 1 0 3 8 1 01994 Canton-Akron 5-9 3.81 21 20 4 1 0 139.1 135 70 59 10 2 52 106 1 2 Charlotte 2-2 3.93 9 4 0 0 1 36.2 33 19 16 5 0 11 15 3 01995 Norfolk 3-5 2.79 22 10 1 0 6 87.0 71 29 27 6 5 21 61 1 0 NewYork(NL) 2-0 2.05 17 0 0 0 0 22.0 18 6 5 1 1 7 26 1 21996 Norfolk 2-0 3.52 5 0 0 0 1 7.2 4 3 3 0 0 4 8 0 0 NewYork(NL) 1-2 4.24 38 0 0 0 0 46.2 48 22 22 7 0 21 31 3 01997 Atlanta 4-4 5.26 31 4 0 0 0 53.0 47 34 31 6 4 28 37 3 1 Richmond 2-1 3.18 3 3 0 0 0 17.0 14 6 6 2 1 1 14 1 01998 Richmond 5-5 3.69 17 17 2 0 0 102.1 92 44 42 9 2 36 84 3 1 Atlanta 0-0 13.50 1 0 0 0 0 2.0 4 3 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 Philadelphia 5-2 2.29 8 8 2 1 0 55.0 41 16 14 6 0 17 38 2 01999 Philadelphia 15-11 4.60 32 32 1 0 0 199.2 205 119 102 34 17 70 106 11 32000 Philadelphia 2-9 6.51 17 15 0 0 0 83.0 89 67 60 17 3 35 53 1 0 Scranton-WB 2-0 1.73 3 3 2 0 0 26.0 20 6 5 2 1 6 10 0 12001 Clearwater 0-3 3.42 4 4 0 0 0 23.2 24 10 9 1 1 5 17 1 0 Scranton-WB 1-3 3.65 5 5 0 0 0 37.0 34 18 15 4 4 7 35 0 0 Philadelphia 0-1 8.10 3 1 0 0 0 10.0 10 9 9 1 1 4 3 1 0 KansasCity 6-6 4.05 16 15 1 0 0 93.1 110 45 42 11 1 22 49 1 02002 KansasCity 17-11 3.90 33 33 *7 2 0 228.1 224 111 99 36 7 38 129 3 12003 Greenville 0-0 8.31 1 1 0 0 0 4.1 8 6 4 1 0 1 3 0 02004 Greenville 1-1 7.11 3 3 0 0 0 12.2 13 10 10 2 2 5 8 0 0 Richmond 0-1 7.71 1 1 0 0 0 4.2 3 4 4 0 0 2 5 0 0 Atlanta 8-7 3.94 19 19 0 0 0 114.1 123 57 50 18 2 19 79 1 02005 LosAngeles(AL) 12-11 3.74 31 31 2 1 0 204.1 216 95 85 22 7 28 102 1 02006 CLEVELAND 10-9 4.88 31 31 1 0 0 179.0 232 120 97 26 6 38 88 2 0Minor lge. Totals 48-43 3.49 148 121 14 2 8 804.1 700 367 312 63 28 295 608 31 12Cleveland TOTals 10-9 4.88 31 31 1 0 0 179.0 232 120 97 26 6 38 88 2 0american league 45-37 4.12 111 110 11 3 0 705.0 782 371 323 95 21 126 368 7 1national league 37-36 4.55 166 79 3 1 0 585.2 585 333 296 90 28 202 374 23 6M.l. TOTals 82-73 4.32 277 189 14 4 0 1290.2 1367 704 619 185 49 328 742 30 7

all-sTaR GaMe ReCORdYeaR ClUB W-l eRa G Gs CG sHO sv IP H R eR HR HB BB sO WP BK1999 Philadelphia DIDNOTAPPEAR

dIvIsIOn seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB W-l eRa G Gs CG sHO sv IP H R eR HR HB BB sO WP BK2004 Atlanta 0-1 6.35 2 0 0 0 0 5.2 8 4 4 1 0 3 3 0 02005 LosAngeles(AL) 0-0 9.82 1 1 0 0 0 3.2 7 4 4 1 0 2 2 0 0Totals 0-1 7.71 3 1 0 0 0 9.1 15 8 8 2 0 5 5 0 0

leaGUe CHaMPIOnsHIP seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB W-l eRa G Gs CG sHO sv IP H R eR HR HB BB sO WP BK2005 LosAngeles(AL) 1-0 3.38 2 2 0 0 0 10.2 10 4 4 1 2 2 2 0 0

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ProCareeru 2005The35-yearoldright-handerpostedthe15thlowestERAamongleaguequalifiersandhis22quality


u 2004OpenedcampaignwithAtlantaon15-daydisabledlist(recoveryfromTommyJohnsurgery)andtrans-ferredto60-DayDLon4/28...MadethreerehabstartswithAAGreenvilleandonestartwithtriple-ARichmondbeforebeingactivatedfromDLon6/19vs.Cleveland…StartedforBravesinannualHallofFameGameinCooperstown,NYagainstTwinson6/14…Madehisseasondebutwithsevenshutoutinningsvs.Clevelandon6/19(allowedfourhitsandnowalkswhilefanningfourin4-0win)…Made19startswithAtlantaandwent8-7witha3.94ERA(114.1IP,50ER)…Allowedthreeearnedrunsorlessin15ofhis19starts…Hadastretchof32.2IPwithoutissuingawalkinSeptemberandposted2.33ERA(38.2IP,10ER)inthemonth…Went3-1witha4.06ERAinAugust…Pitchedseason-high8.0IP,9/3atMontreal,allowingonerunonfourhitsin7-1victory…Talliedseason-besteightstrikeouts,9/8vs.Philadelphia…Had10-inningscorelessstretch,8/28-9/3…AppearedinreliefintwogamesofNLDSvs.Houston,going0-1with6.35ERA(5.2IP,4ER)withthreewalksandthreestrikeouts…AppearedinGames3&5,sufferinglossinGame3(4.1IP,7H,4ER,3BB,3S0,1HR)inhisfirstcareerpost-seasonaction.

u 2003Pitchedoneinninginhisonlyspringtrainingouting3/4…Wenton15-daydisabledlist3/21withten-donitisinhisrightelbow…Transferredtothe60-daydisabledliston4/21andwasoutthroughtheendoftheseason…HadsuccessfulTommyJohnsurgeryperformedbyDr.JamesAndrewson7/1.

u 2002TurnedinbestseasonofhisMajorLeaguecareer,logging17wins,33starts,twoshutouts,228.1IP,129SOandsevenCG’s-allcareer-bestsforKansasCity...His7CGledALandrankedsecondinmajors...ThrewfourstraightCGs7/13-29...Alsorankedamongleagueleadersinfewestwalksper9innings(1.5,2nd),shutouts(tiedfor2nd),inningspitched(6th),roadERA(3.54,9th)andwins(10th)...Surrendered36homeruns(2ndmostinA.L.),18athomeand18onroad...Beganseasonw/oallowingawalkinhisfirst28.1IP...Walkedjusttwobattersin7startsfrom7/18-8/19...Duringthattimehewasjust2-4despitea2.56ERA(56.1IP,16ER)...Receivedjust17totalrunsofsupport(includingtwoshutouts)fora2.4pergameaverageduringthatspan...Fortheyear,hehad14startsinwhichhedidnotallowawalk...WonRoyalsPitcher-of-the-MonthhonorsforApril(4-1,3.06),May(4-1,2.74)andJuly(4-2,2.66)...SawhisERAjumpfrom3.35onAug.19toafinal3.90afterallowing31earnedrunsin45.2inningsoverhisfinalsevenstartsfora6.11ERA...Recordedmostwinsforateamthatlost100gamesin51years...Byrd’s17winsweremostsinceNedGarverwent20-12for1951St.LouisBrowns,whofinished52-102...His17winsaccountedfor27.4percentofKansasCity’stotalof62.

u 2001WasacquiredbyRoyalsfromPhiladelphiainexchangeforRHPJoseSantiagoon6/5...PitchedforPhillies,triple-AScranton/WilkesBarreandsingle-AClearwaterbeforetrade...MadehisRoyalsdebutvs.Arizonaon6/8...Hisfirstwinofseasoncameinrelief,ashestartedremainderofasuspendedgameagainstMilwaukeeon6/16andrecordedseason-highsevenstrikeouts(5.1IP,6H,1ER,1BB)...Wonateam-bestfivestraightstartsfrom7/25-8/16...Combinedfor0.97ERAduringstretch(37IP,32H,6R,4ER,4BB,18SO)tolowerhisERAtoaseason-best2.92...BecamefirstRoyalspitchersinceDennisLeonardin1980towinthreegamesononeroadtrip,winningatSeattle(7/25),atChicago(7/31)andatMinnesota(8/5)...Notchedteam’sfirstcompletegameofyearon7/25(101stgame)atSeattleina5-1victory(9.0IP,6H,1ER)...Followedupwithanother9.0IPoutinginhisnextstart,guidingKCtoa2-1,10-inningwinatChicagoon7/31(5H,1ER,5SO)...CompiledanERAunder4.00inthreeofhisfourmonthswithRoyals...Finishedseasonbygoing0-2with9.37ERAinhislastthreestarts(16.1IP,17ER),beforegoingonthe60-dayD.L.on9/22withshoulderstrain.

u 2000BegantheseasonwithPhillies...Earnedfirstwinofseasonvs.Cincinnation5/3(7IP,1ER)...OptionedtoAAAScrantonon6/2andwent2-0witha1.73ERAinthreetriple-Astarts,includingback-to-backcomplete

BYRD (continued)

2006SeasonHighlightsu Postedhis4thcareerdouble-digitwinseasoninhisfirstcampaignwiththeIndiansaftersigningwiththeclub


u Went8-7w/a4.35ERAin27startsfromApril27-on(159.1IP,209H,77ER)andinMayhewas1-2w/a3.18ERAin5starts(34.0IP,35H,12ER)…Walked4battersonJune1vs.Chicago-AL,andSept.17vs.Minnesotatoequalacareer-high(lastonMay17,2002atCleveland)…InJunehewas2-1w/a2.48ERAin6starts(40.0IP,39H,11ER,25K)afterworking8.0shutoutinningsinnotchinghis6thwinvs.CincinnationJune24(8.0IP,5H,0R)…Alsotossed6.0shutoutIPvs.CincinnationJune30.

u Overhislast21startsafterMay21hewas6-6w/a4.36ERA(134.1IP,181H,65ER)…InJulyhewas1-1w/an9.00ERA(5GS,22.0IP,46H,22ER,1BB,7K,.414AVG)…CG-TossedhisfirstCGoftheseasonandhisfirstsincelastJuly1instartofAugust17atMinnesota(9.0IP,7H,2R)inimprovingto8-6…DidnotreceiveadecisioninstartofAugust23despitelastingaseason-low0.2IP(equaledshorteststartofcareer,also4/5/00@ARZ)astheIndiansralliedfroma10-1deficittodefeattheKansasCityRoyals15-13inKauffmanStadium(0.2IP,8H,9R/3ER,1K,2HR.

u In5Auguststartshewas2-0w/a3.68ERA(29.1IP,42H,12ER)…Went4-3w/a5.63ERAin14secondhalfstarts(76.2IP,120H,48ER,.350avg,.539slg%)…Was1-3in5Septemberstartsw/a5.59ERA(29.0IP,42H,25R/18ER)andwonhislaststartoftheseasonvs.TampaBayonSept.28(7.0IP,8H,4R/ER,2BB,3K)afteryielding4runsoverthefirst3.0IP.

u His1.9walksall’dper9.0IPwas9thlowest intheAL…His232hitsallowedwere8thmostallowedintheALandhis120runsallowedwereT6th…Battershit.303(104-343)withrunnersonand.308(57-185)withRISP…All’d18SB(5CS)whichwasT7thmostintheAL…Had4thbestrunsupport(6.6RS/9.0IP)intheALper9.0IP…Battershit.455(5-11)withthebasesloadedand.353(36-102)onthefirstpitch.

u Battershit.308(232-754)offhimwith26HRallowed,includingamarkof.369(128-347)againstLHH…Indianswere16-15(.516)inhisstartsandaveraged6.3(195RS/31GS)runsperstart…Workedintothe6thinningin23of31(74%)startsandintothe7thin14of31(45%).

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns1988 SelectedbyCincnnatiinthe13throundoftheJunedraft.Didnotsign.1991 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe4throundoftheJunedraft.1994 AcquiredbytheNewYorkMets,alongwithDaveMlicki,JerryDiPotoandaPTBNL(JesusAzuage),fromtheIndians

inexchangeforJeromyBurnitzandJoeRoa,11/18.1996 DL–bulgingdiscinback,3/22-6/9…rehabatAAANorfolk,5/27-6/9.1996 AcquiredbytheAtlantaBraves,alongwithaPTBNL(AndyZwirchita)inexchangeforGregMcMichael,11/25.1998 ClaimedbythePhiladelphiaPhilliesoffwaiversfromtheBraves,8/14.2000 DL–tornlabruminrightshoulder,7/27-remainderofseason.2000 Grantedfreeagency,10/12.2001 AcquiredbytheKansasCityRoyalsfromthePhilliesinexchangeforJoseSantiago,6/5.2001 DL–rightshouldersoreness,9/22-remainderofseason.2001 Grantedfreeagency,12/212002 Re-signedbytheRoyalsasafreeagent,1/10.2002 Grantedfreeagency,10/28.2002 SignedbytheAtlantaBravesasafreeagent,12/17.2003 DL–rightelbowsurgery,3/21-remainderofseason.2004 DL–recoveryfromTommyJohnsurgery,3/26-6/19…rehabatAAGreenville,5/13-23,6/4-9…rehabatAAA

Richmond,6/9-19.2004 Grantedfreeagency,10/28.2004 SignedbytheAnaheimAngelsasafreeagent,12/14.2005 Grantedfreeagency,10/27.2005 SignedbytheIndiansasafreeagent,12/5.

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nO-HITTeR: ----;1-HITTeR:----;2-HIT-TeR:2,July1,2005atKC;3-HITTeR:1,July13,2002vs.Anaheim;4-HITTeR:3,Sept.14,2002atDetroit;K’s (starter):9,June12,1999vs.Toronto;K’s (relief):7,June15,2001atMilwaukee;BB’s (starter):4,manytimes,lastonSeptember17,2006vs. Minnesota; BB’s (relief): 4, April 9,1997vs.Houston;WInnInG sTReaK:5games,July25-August16,2001;lOsInG sTReaK:5games,July6,2000toJune8, 2001; lasT CG: August 17, 2006 atMinnesota;lasT CG sHO: July1,2005atKC;lOnGesT OUTInG:9.0IP,14times,lastonAugust17,2006atMinnesota;HR:4,Sept.9,2002vs.Chicago-AL.

CaReeR BY BallPaRK W l sv eRa G Inn eR3ComPark(SF) 1-0-0 1.59 3 5.2 1AmeriquestField(TEX) 0-4-0 9.45 4 20.0 21AngelStadium(LAA) 7-3-0 4.12 18 118.0 54Astrodome(HOU) 0-1-0 11.25 4 8.0 10AT&TPark(SF) 0-1-0 11.81 1 5.1 7BithornStadium(PR) 1-0-0 2.57 1 7.0 2BuschStadiumI(STL) 1-0-0 7.36 2 11.0 9CamdenYards(BAL) 1-2-0 3.10 3 20.1 7ChaseField(AZ) 1-1-0 6.00 3 15.0 10CinergyField(CIN) 0-0-0 3.60 4 10.0 4ComericaPark(DET) 2-2-0 1.67 5 37.2 7CoorsField(COL) 0-2-0 9.82 5 11.0 12CountyStdaium(MIL) 0-1-0 4.26 1 6.1 3DodgerStadium(LA) 0-3-0 3.79 6 19.0 8DolphinStadium(FLA) 3-2-0 1.91 9 37.2 8FenwayPark(BOS) 2-1-0 4.68 4 25.0 13FultonCountyStadium(ATL) 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0GreatAmericanBallPark(CIN) 0-0-0 0.00 1 6.0 0JacobsField(CLE) 8-3-0 4.49 17 102.1 51KauffmanStadium(KC) 10-12-0 5.02 27 168.2 94McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 1-2-0 5.26 5 25.2 15Metrodome(MIN) 5-1-0 2.45 8 55.0 15MillerPark(MIL) 1-0-0 3.18 2 11.1 4MonterreyStadium(MEX) 0-0-0 6.00 2 3.0 2OlympicStadium(MON) 3-1-0 2.61 9 31.0 9PETCOPark(SD) 0-0-0 5.06 1 5.1 3PNCPark(PIT) 0-0-0 5.68 1 6.1 4QualcommStadium(SD) 1-0-0 3.52 3 7.2 3RogersCentre(TOR) 0-2-0 6.55 2 11.0 8SafecoField(SEA) 4-1-0 1.60 5 39.1 7SheaStadium(NYM) 4-2-0 3.60 33 60.0 24ThreeRiversStadium(PIT) 0-1-0 2.65 5 17.0 5TropicanaField(TB) 0-1-0 6.39 2 12.2 9TurnerField(ATL) 7-8-0 4.42 31 106.0 52U.S.CellularField(CWS) 3-0-0 3.54 4 28.0 11VeteransStadium(PHI) 16-12-0 4.86 36 196.1 106WrigleyField(CHI) 0-2-0 7.62 4 13.0 11YankeeStadium(NYY) 0-2-0 3.46 4 26.0 10

2006 CaReeRW-l-s eRa G IP eR W-l-s eRa G IP eR10-9-0 4.88 31179.0 97 Totals 82-73-0 4.32 277 1290.2 619

-- -- -- -- -- Baltimore 1-4-0 4.73 5 32.1 171-0-0 8.00 2 9.0 8 Boston 3-2-0 4.54 6 37.2 190-0-0 6.94 2 11.2 9 Chicago(AL) 5-2-0 5.05 9 62.1 35-- -- -- -- -- Cleveland 5-0-0 1.60 7 45.0 81-1-0 3.80 4 23.2 10 Detroit 6-2-0 3.04 13 83.0 280-2-0 7.30 5 24.2 20 KansasCity 1-3-0 5.10 8 47.2 271-0-0 4.50 1 6.0 3 L.A.Angels 3-0-0 4.15 5 34.2 162-1-0 3.76 4 26.1 11 Minnesota 6-3-0 3.73 12 79.2 330-2-0 4.22 2 10.2 5 NewYork(AL) 1-3-0 3.28 7 46.2 172-0-0 3.21 2 14.0 5 Oakland 2-4-0 5.40 9 48.1 290-1-0 14.73 1 3.2 6 Seattle 6-2-0 2.29 8 59.0 151-0-0 5.14 1 7.0 4 TampaBay 1-1-0 5.70 5 30.0 190-2-0 6.97 2 10.1 8 Texas 1-5-0 7.46 6 35.0 291-0-0 5.40 1 5.0 3 Toronto 3-2-0 3.55 5 33.0 13

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona 1-2-0 5.40 5 26.2 16-- -- -- -- -- Atlanta 2-4-0 4.79 12 41.1 22-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(NL) 1-3-0 9.64 10 23.1 251-0-0 0.00 2 14.0 0 Cincinnati 3-1-0 2.91 13 43.1 14-- -- -- -- -- Colorado 1-3-0 5.03 9 34.0 19-- -- -- -- -- Florida 3-4-0 4.88 15 51.2 28-- -- -- -- -- Houston 1-3-0 4.71 13 36.1 19-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Dodgers 0-4-0 4.63 11 35.0 180-0-0 4.50 1 6.0 3 Milwaukee 1-1-0 3.57 3 17.2 7-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) 8-2-0 4.28 14 73.2 35-- -- -- -- -- Philadelphia 1-2-0 3.20 9 19.2 70-0-0 2.57 1 7.0 2 Pittsburgh 2-3-0 3.81 16 59.0 25-- -- -- -- -- St.Louis 1-2-0 7.77 6 24.1 21-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego 3-1-0 4.03 11 38.0 17-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco 4-1-0 3.76 9 26.1 11-- -- -- -- -- Washington 6-4-0 4.09 16 66.0 30

3-2-0 8.03 5 24.2 22 March-April 11-10-0 5.49 32 152.1 931-2-0 3.18 5 34.0 12 May 14-9-0 4.01 36 188.1 842-1-0 2.48 6 40.0 11 June 14-10-0 3.68 46 215.1 881-1-0 9.00 5 22.0 22 July 14-17-0 4.59 52 254.2 1302-0-0 3.68 5 29.1 12 August 14-12-0 3.68 54 242.1 991-3-0 5.59 5 29.0 18 Sept-Oct 15-15-0 4.73 57 237.2 125

6-3-0 5.42 14 81.1 49 Home 42-35-0 4.71 139 630.0 3304-6-0 4.42 17 97.2 48 Road 40-38-0 3.94 138 660.2 289

5-2-0 3.38 9 61.1 23 Day 25-17-0 4.22 80 368.2 1735-7-0 5.66 22 117.2 74 Night 57-56-0 4.35 197 922.0 446

9-9-0 5.08 29164.2 93 Grass 57-54-0 4.31 206 942.2 4511-0-0 2.51 2 14.1 4 Turf 25-19-0 4.34 71 348.0 168

6-6-0 4.31 17102.1 49 Pre-ASG 45-34-0 4.40 129 630.2 3084-3-0 5.63 14 76.2 48 Post-ASG 37-39-0 4.24 148 660.0 311

10-9-0 4.88 31179.0 97 Starter 75-69-0 4.29 189 1175.2 560-- -- -- -- -- Relief 7-4-0 4.62 88 115.0 59

BYRD (continued)

PITCHeRs HITTInG 2006 CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI avG aB H HR RBI .250 4 1 0 0 .161 149 24 0 10

fIeldInG BY POsITIOn 2006 CaReeR

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.839 31 10 16 5 31 4 Pitcher .911 277 89 136 22 247 12


u 1999Went15-11with4.60ERAinhisfirstfullseasonwithPhillies...Earned11-1wininhis100thcareergameon5/5vs.SanDiego...Threwhisonlycompletegameofseasonon5/11atSt.Louis...Hadtwofour-gamewinstreaks,5/5-22and6/2-17...Woneightofninegamesfrom4/25-6/17,compilinga2.79ERA(25ER,80.2IP)...Struckoutacareer-highninebattersvs.Torontoon6/12...RankedamongN.L.leadersinwins,innings,winpercentageandopponentsaverageattheAll-Starbreak...SelectedtohisfirstN.L.All-Starteam,butdidnotplayinthegameinBoston.

u 1998BeganseasonatAAARichmond...Madetwostarts(0-1,11IP,5ER)beforebeingrecalledtoBraveson4/19...AllowedthreerunsintwoinningsthatnightatColorado...OptionedbacktoRichmond...Made17startsonyearandthrewtwocompletegames...ClaimedbyPhilliesoffwaiverson8/14...MadePhilliesdebuton8/17vs.Houstonforhisfirststartsince9/24/97atPhiladelphia(withAtlanta)...ThrewfirstMajorLeaguecompletegameandshutoutinthatstartvs.Houston,defeatingRandyJohnson,4-0...Didnotallowarunnertoreachsecondbase...HadanRBIsingletoknockinfirstrunofgame...Threwacompletegameinhissecondstart,8/22vs.Colorado,winning6-1...EarnedN.L.PlayeroftheWeekhonors,8/17-23...MadeeightstartsforPhillies,compilinga5-2recordwitha2.29ERA.

u 1997BeganseasonwithBraves...Compiled1.38ERAthroughfirst11games,butheldan8.57ERAinnext12appearancesthrough7/11...OptionedtoRichmondon7/12,wherehemadethreestarts(2-1,3.18)beforebeingrecalledon7/30...MadeeightappearancesforBravesafterrecall,includingfourstarts(1-3,4.66ERA,19.1IP).

u 1996Beganseasonasspring-traininginvitewithMets...PlacedonDL3/25withherniateddiscinhisback...Activatedon6/9...Firstgamewas6/11vs.Atlanta,chargedwith13-inningloss...Onlywinofseasoncame7/3vs.Philadelphia(1.1IP,1H)...Threwnineshutoutinningsoversevengamesfrom7/26-8/12(7games)...TradedtoAtlantaBraves(alongwithaAndyZwirchita)inexchangeforPGregMcMichaelon11/25.

u 1995BeganseasonasstarteratNorfolk…Went2-5witha3.41ERAin10starts...Final12appearancescameinrelief,wherehewas1-0withasaveanda0.00ERA(15.2IP-0ER)withtwowalksand10SO...ContractpurchasedbyMetson7/28...MadehisMajorLeaguedebuton7/28vs.Pittsburgh(0.2IP,4ER)...EarnedfirstMajorLeaguewinon8/21vs.SF,a5-4,11-inningwin(1.0IP,1BB,2SO)...Hisotherwinwas9/9atMontreal(2.2IP,1H,3SO).

u 1994SplitseasonbetweenAACanton-AkronandAAACharlotte,wherehecombinedfor63walksand121strikeouts...TradedtoMetswithPDaveMlicki,PJerryDiPotoandaPTBNL(INFJesusAzuage)inexchangeforOFJeromyBurnitzandPJoeRoaon11/18.

u 1993CampaignatAAACharlotte…Missednearlyamonthofplaymidwaythroughtheseason,duetoastrainedrightforearmmuscle.

u 1992LedEasternLeagueinwins(14)AACanton-Akron…Hadfourcompletegamesin24starts.

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name PaUl GReGORY BYRd...Resides in Alpharetta, GA...Heandhiswife,Kym,havetwosons-Grayson,ColbyJoshua...AttendedLouisiana State University (LSU), majoring in Economics...HelpedleadschooltotheCollegeWorldSeriesthreestraightyears...PitchedforTigers1991NCAAchampionshipteam...EarnedAll-AmericanandAll-SEChonorsasasophomoreatLSU,postinga17-6recordbeforebeingdraftedin1991bytheIndiansinthe4thround...GraduatedfromSt.XavierHSinLouisville,KYin1988...WasveryactiveintheClevelandcommunityduringhisfirstseasonwiththeIndians,participating inSignatureSunday, theGrandSlam forLiteracy andDick’sSportingGoods“ShopwithaPro.”

BYRd’s favORITes

favORITe MOvIe:ForrestGump;favOR-ITe MUsIC GROUP/aRTIsT:ThirdDay;fa-vORITe aTHleTe GROWInG UP:JohnnyBench; favORITe TeaM OTHeR THan THe IndIans: LSU Football; PeRsOn WHO Has MOsT InflUenCed YOU:JesusChrist; favORITe ROad CITY: Seattle;favORITe ROad sTadIUM:SafecoField;favORITe THInG TO dO aWaY fROM BaseBall:TakemyfamilytoDisneyWorldforaBuzzLightyearShootout;favORITe Tv sHOW: CSI (Las Vegas); favORITe BaseBall MOMenT:Watching1999AllStarGameHomeRunhittingcontestandMarkMcGwire10feetawayfromhomeplatewithmyson,Grayson,onmylap

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Spring invitee

Asdrubal Cabrera 64Age: 21, born November 13, 1985 in Puerto La Cruz, VZ

Position: Infielder

Bats: S Throws: R Height: 6-0 Weight: 170

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: June 30, 2006; Acquired from the Seattle Mariners in exchange for 1B Eduardo Perez.


2003 Aguirre .283 55 198 31 56 12 4 0 29 3 1 11 16 31 5 5 --2004 Everett .272 63 239 44 65 16 3 5 41 7 5 2 21 43 7 5 192005 Wisconsin .318 51 192 26 61 12 3 4 30 2 3 1 30 32 2 6 4 InlandEmpire .284 55 225 31 64 15 6 1 26 1 3 0 15 47 3 1 10 Tacoma .217 6 23 4 5 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 02006 Tacoma .236 60 203 27 48 12 2 3 22 1 2 3 24 51 7 5 4 Buffalo .263 52 190 26 50 11 0 1 14 4 6 3 8 39 5 4 14MinorLge.Totals .275 342 1270 189 349 78 19 14 165 19 20 20 115 247 29 26 51




ProCareeru2005Started theseasonwithWisconsinof theMidwestLeagueandfinished theseasonwith6gamesat


u2004Named to theNorthwestLeaguemid-seasonandpost-seasonall-star teamsatAEverett…Hit .358(24-67)withRISP.


CAREERTRAnSACTIOnS2002 SignedbytheSeattleMarinersasafreeagent,8/26.2006 AcquiredbytheClevelandIndiansfromtheMarinersinexchangeforEduardoPerez,6/30.

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Fernando Cabrera 56Age: 25, born November 16, 1981 in Toja Baja, PR

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-4 Weight: 170

ML Service: 1 + 105

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (0)

Acquired: Indians 10th round selection in the June, 1999 Draft

2006SeasonHighlightsu Power arm had an up and down season as he spent the entire season on the Major League roster save a 2-week

stint on the disabled list in mid-April after a rocky start…Led the team with 51 appearances.

u Pitched for Puerto Rico in the World Baseball Classic and followed that up w/a lackluster spring (6G, 12.71ERA, 5.2IP, 7H, 8RE/R, 8BB, 3K) and poor April (15.88ERA, 5G, 5.2IP, 6H, 10R/ER, 7BB, 8K) before going on the 15-day disabled list on April 14 with a bruised right heel suffered on April 13 after being hit by a line drive vs. Seattle…Allowed 6 runs (6ER) in 1.0IP on opening night at Chicago-AL, walking a career-high 4.

u Began a rehab assignment on April 17 and appeared in 4 games for AAA Buffalo (1.08ERA, 8.1IP, 8H, 1ER, 13K) and was activated from the DL on April 30…ERA after activation was 4.18 (47G, 56.0IP, 48H, 26ER, 65K).

u Things settled down in August for him as he went 11.2 consecutive scoreless IP and fanned 18 from August 11-Sept. 2…From August 11th thru the end the season his ERA was 3.64 (19G, 22.1IP, 17H, 9ER, 28K) despite a September ERA of 6.94 (12G, 11.2IP, 11H, 9ER, 5BB, 11K)…Allowed 8 runs (8ER) in last 8 games (7.2IP).

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 2000 Burlington 3-7* 4.61 13 13# 0 0 0 68.1 64 42 35 4 4 20 50 14 02001 Columbus 5-6 3.61 20 20 0 0 0 94.2 89 49 38 7 2 37 96 10 02002 Kinston 6-8 3.52 21 21 0 0 0 110.0 83 48 43 7 2 40 107 3 1 Akron 1-2 5.33 7 4 0 0 1 27.0 26 16 16 1 3 12 29 0 02003 Akron 9-4 2.97 36 15 0 0 5 109.0 96 41 36 8 2 40 115 3 12004 Buffalo 4-3 3.84 44 0 0 0 5 75.0 57 37 32 9 3 43 92 5 1 CLEVELAND 0-0 3.38 4 0 0 0 0 5.1 3 3 2 0 0 1 6 0 02005 Buffalo 6-1 1.23 30 0 0 0 3 51.1 36 8 7 3 0 11 68 1 0 CLEVELAND 2-1 1.47 15 0 0 0 0 30.2 24 7 5 1 0 11 29 1 12006 Buffalo 1-0 1.08 4 0 0 0 0 8.1 8 1 1 1 0 2 13 1 0 CLEVELAND 3-3 5.19 51 0 0 0 0 60.2 53 36 35 12 1 32 71 5 0Minor lge. Totals 35-31 3.44 175 73 0 0 14 543.2 459 242 208 40 16 205 570 37 3Cleveland TOTals 5-4 3.91 70 0 0 0 0 96.2 80 46 42 13 1 44 106 6 1american league 5-4 3.91 70 0 0 0 0 96.2 80 46 42 13 1 44 106 6 1national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l.TOTals 5-4 3.91 70 0 0 0 0 96.2 80 46 42 13 1 44 106 6 1

WOrld baseball ClassIC reCOrdyear TeaM W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2006 Puerto Rico 0-0 0.00 4 0 0 0 1 3.2 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0

Career TransaCTIOns1999 Selected by the Cleveland Indians in the 10th round of the June draft.2006 DL – right heel bruise, 4/14-30…rehab at AAA Buffalo, 4/17-30.

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CABRERA, F. (continued)

shutout innings (7.0 in relief on 2 hits) over his last 4 outings at Akron (included his last start of 5.0 shutout IP) to end the regular season…Were the first three relief outings of his career…Earned first professional save in 2nd career relief appearance on 8/29 vs. Harrisburg (3.0IP, 1H, 0R, 0BB, 5SO)… Was added to the 40-man roster on 11/20.

u 2001 Spent the year in the starting rotation at A Columbus, sporting a 3.61 ERA in 20 starts and striking out 96 in 94.2IP…South Atlantic League batters hit .242 (89-368) off him as a 19-year old… Did not record an ERA above 3.91 in any start on the year…Missed all of June with a broken nose after being hit in the face by line drive at Hickory on 5/24…Struck out 12 on 5/18 vs. Charleston (SC).

u 2000 Spent his first professional season at A Burlington of the Appalachian League, finishing T1st in starts (13), 1st in losses (7) and 4th in earned runs allowed (35) while yielding only 64 hits in 68.1IP…Lost 6 straight decisions from 7/16-8/22.

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name FernandO JOse Cabrera…Single…Resides in Toja Baja, PR…Selected by Indians in 10th round of 1999 draft; signed August 23, 1999…Attended Discipulos De Cristo School in Puerto Rico.

Cabrera’s FavOrITes

FavOrITe MOvIe: Major League; Fa-vOrITe MusIC GrOuP/arTIsT: Ricardo Arjona; FavOrITe aTHleTe GrOWInG uP: Roberto Alomar; FavOrITe TeaM OTHer THan THe IndIans: n/a; PersOn WHO Has MOsT InFluenCed yOu: my parents; FavOrITe rOad CITy: Chicago; FavOrITe rOad sTadIuM: Yankee Sta-dium; FavOrITe THInG TO dO aWay FrOM baseball: play volleyball and basketball; FavOrITe Tv sHOW: n/a; FavOrITe baseball MOMenT: my major league debut.

u Batters hit .243 (53-218) off him with 12HR, including a .235 (19-81) mark against LHH…Indians were 20-31 (.392) in his appearances as 50% off his inherited runners scored (11 of 22)…30 of his 51 outings were scoreless…Equaled his career-high by fanning 6 Tigers in a season-high 3.0IP on July 24 vs. Detroit…11 of his 21 inherited runners scored (50%) …Was 0 for 4 in save ops, the last of which came on August 4 vs. Detroit…Allowed 11 steals (6CS) …Walked 4.7 batters per 9.0IP…Batters hit .225 (29-129) off him with no one on base and .270 (24-89) with runners on base…Batters hit .236 (13-55) with RISP and .130 (3-23) with RISP-2outs…

ProCareeru 2005 Young power arm split the season between AAA Buffalo and the Indians bullpen…At Buffalo he was

6-1 with 3 SV & a 1.23 ERA in 30 outings (51.1 IP, 36H, 8R/7ER, 11 BB, 68K)…Selected to Futures Game & AAA All-Star Game and limited Triple A hitters to a .196 average against (36-184)…Had a 25.1 scoreless IP streak at Buffalo from 5/5-6/13 and from 5/5 thru his remaining Buffalo outings his ERA was 0.86 (41.2IP, 24H, 4ER, 53K)…Right-handed Triple A hitters hit .180 (20-111) off him and limited hitters to a .125 (4-32) average with RISP and .145 mark (10-69) with runners on base…Spent two stints in Cleveland from 7/5-25 and then from 8/5 thru the remainder of the season…In his first stint with Cleveland he was 0-0 w/a1.93 ERA (9.1P, 10H, 2R/ER, HR, 6BB, 9K) in 5 games...Optioned on 7/26…Tossed a career high 4.0IP & struck out a Tribe relief season-high 6 batters on 8/12 vs. Tampa Bay…After 8/5 recall he appeared in 10 games for Eric Wedge, recording an ERA of 1.27 (21.1IP, 14H, 3ER)…Over his last 6 appearances overall in the major leagues his ERA was 1.59 (11.1IP, 5H, 2ER)…Recorded first major league win on 8/19 vs. Baltimore and 2nd win on 8/29 vs. Detroit…Appeared in just 6 games during pennant race (Sept./Oct)…ML batters hit .212 (24-113, 1HR) as lefties hit just .196 (9-46, 0HR).

u 2004 Spent most of the season at AAA Buffalo and was impressive in 4 brief appearances as he reached the big leagues for the first time in August…Converted 5 of 6 save chances on the year with the Bison and led the team relievers w/76.0IP and 93K (2nd on team overall to Denney)…Struck out at least one batter in 40 of 45 outings…Began the season with Buffalo and struggled out of the gate, over his first 18 outings thru 6/5 his ERA was 7.12 (30.1IP, 32H, 24ER, 27BB, 34K)…Totally turned his season around from outing on 6/8 on, going 3-1 w/a save and a 1.58ERA over his last 27G (45.2IP, 25H, 8ER, 16BB, 59K) as he lowered his ERA from 7.12 to 3.79…IL hitters hit .208 (57-274) off him w/9HR allowed…RH hitters hit .209 (36-172) w/5HR and LH hitters hit .206 (21-102) w/4HR…Was recalled for the first time on 8/18 and made his major league debut on 8/20 at Minnesota (1.0IP, 0H, 0R, 0BB, 2K)…Allowed 3 runs in 2.0IP on 8/26 vs. Chicago and was optioned back to Buffalo on 8/27…Recalled from AAA Buffalo for a second time 9/19 at the conclusion of the playoffs (2G, 4.0IP, 2H, 0R, 4K)…After the season was named the 7th best prospect in the Indians organization by Baseball America.

u 2003 Spent the entire season at AA Akron between the starting rotation and the bullpen, finishing 3rd in the Eastern League in strikeouts with 115 in 109.0IP…Finished 3rd in the league in strikeouts despite pitching out of the bullpen from 6/28 thru the end of the season…After the season he was selected to the Sportsticker Eastern League All-Prospect Team…Did not allow a hit during his first start of 4/8 vs. Harrisburg (5.0IP, 0H, 0R, 3BB, 9SO), combining with Aaron Myette & Jose Vargas on the first no-hitter in Canton/Akron franchise history…Was named Eastern League Pitcher of the Week from 5/26-6/1 (2-0, 1.80ERA)…Won 5 straight decisions from 5/22 to 6/17, making his final start of the season on 6/22 at Binghamton …Overall in June he was 3-0 w/a 2.03 ERA in 6 games (5GS, 26.2IP, 21H, 6ER) after recording an ERA of 2.14 in 4 April starts and a 2.90 ERA in 6 May starts…Went 0-1 w/5 saves and a 2.77 ERA in 11 August appearances (13.0IP, 9H, 5R/4ER, 15SO) and did not allow a run over 6 of his last 7 outings, earning 5 saves (7.0IP, 3H, 1R/ER, 2BB, 6SO)…Did not allow a run or a hit over his 3 playoff outings (3.0, 0H, 0R, 1BB, 6SO) for the Eastern League champion Aeros…On the year he averaged 9.5 strikeouts per 9.0IP and limited EL hitters to a .237 (96-405) average against with 8HR allowed.

u 2002 Split the season between A Kinston and AA Akron and finished 3rd in the organization with 136 strikeouts in 137.0 innings while limiting minor league hitters to a .216 (109-505) average against w/8 HR allowed…Led the Kinston club w/110.0IP…Began the year in the starting rotation at Kinston, making 21 straight starts before being promoted to AA Akron on 7/26…Best outing came on 6/6 vs. Myrtle Beach (6.0IP, 3H, 8SO)…Was 3-1 w/a 2.51 ERA in 5 July starts at the time of his promotion (28.2IP, 22H, 8ER, 9BB, 28SO)…At Akron he struggled in a starting role, posting a record of 1-2 w/a 7.20 ERA over his 4 starts (20.0IP, 24H, 16ER) before tossing 12.0

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Cabrera’s GaMe HIGHs

bb’s: 4, two times, last on April 2, 2006 at Chicago-AL; K’s: 6, 2x, last on July 24, 2006 vs. Detroit; lOnGesT OuTInG: 4.0IP, August 12, 2005 vs. Tampa Bay; WInnInG sTreaK: 2 games, two times, last August 11-September 15, 2006; lOsInG sTreaK: 2 games, September 30, 2005- April 2, 2006; Only save: N/A.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquest Field (TEX) 0-0-0 9.00 3 3.0 3Angel Stadium (LAA) 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0Busch Stadium II (STL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0Comerica Park (DET) 0-1-0 5.40 4 3.1 2Fenway Park (BOS) 0-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 2Gr. Am. Ball Park (CIN) 0-0-0 6.75 1 1.1 1Jacobs Field (CLE) 5-1-0 3.49 37 59.1 23Kauffman Stadium (KC) 0-0-0 0.00 4 5.0 0McAfee Coliseum (OAK) 0-1-0 4.50 4 4.0 2Metrodome (MIN) 0-0-0 0.00 4 5.0 0Miller Park (MIL) 0-0-0 4.50 1 2.0 1Rogers Centre (TOR) 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0Safeco Field (SEA) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0Tropicana Field (TB) 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0U.S. Cellular Field (CWS) 0-1-0 21.00 3 3.0 7Yankee Stadium (NYY) 0-0-0 6.75 2 1.1 1

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er3-3-0 5.19 51 60.2 35 Totals 5-4-0 3.91 70 96.2 42

-- -- -- -- -- Baltimore 1-0-0 0.00 1 2.1 00-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 2 Boston 0-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 21-1-0 12.79 7 6.1 9 Chicago (AL) 1-2-0 8.04 11 15.2 140-1-0 3.24 6 8.1 3 Detroit 1-1-0 2.40 9 15.0 41-0-0 1.35 6 6.2 1 Kansas City 1-0-0 0.84 9 10.2 10-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0 L.A. Angels 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 01-0-0 4.26 6 6.1 3 Minnesota 1-0-0 2.79 9 9.2 30-0-0 10.80 3 3.1 4 New York (AL) 0-0-0 10.38 4 4.1 50-1-0 6.75 4 2.2 2 Oakland 0-1-0 3.60 5 5.0 20-0-0 6.75 3 4.0 3 Seattle 0-0-0 6.75 3 4.0 30-0-0 0.00 2 2.1 0 Tampa Bay 0-0-0 0.00 5 9.1 00-0-0 9.00 4 4.0 4 Texas 0-0-0 9.00 4 4.0 40-0-0 0.00 3 6.1 0 Toronto 0-0-0 0.00 3 6.1 0

0-0-0 6.00 2 3.0 2 Chicago (NL) 0-0-0 6.00 2 3.0 20-0-0 6.75 1 1.1 1 Cincinnati 0-0-0 6.75 1 1.1 10-0-0 4.50 1 2.0 1 Milwaukee 0-0-0 4.50 1 2.0 10-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 St. Louis 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0

0-1-0 15.88 5 5.2 10 March-April 0-1-0 15.88 5 5.2 100-0-0 1.64 11 11.0 2 May 0-0-0 1.64 11 11.0 21-0-0 4.66 8 9.2 5 June 1-0-0 4.66 8 9.2 50-0-0 5.23 6 10.1 6 July 0-0-0 3.66 11 19.2 81-1-0 2.19 9 12.1 3 August 3-1-0 2.13 15 25.1 61-1-0 6.94 12 11.2 9 Sept-Oct 1-2-0 3.91 20 25.1 11

3-0-0 4.83 24 31.2 17 Home 5-1-0 3.49 37 59.1 230-3-0 5.59 27 29.0 18 Road 0-3-0 4.58 33 37.1 19

0-0-0 2.57 9 7.0 2 Day 0-0-0 1.59 12 11.1 23-3-0 5.53 42 53.2 33 Night 5-4-0 4.22 58 85.1 40

3-3-0 5.87 46 53.2 35 Grass 5-4-0 4.31 63 87.2 420-0-0 0.00 5 7.0 0 Turf 0-0-0 0.00 7 9.0 0

1-1-0 6.46 27 30.2 22 Pre-ASG 1-1-0 5.97 29 34.2 232-2-0 3.90 24 30.0 13 Post-ASG 4-3-0 2.76 41 62.0 19

3-3-0 5.19 51 60.2 35 Relief 5-4-0 3.91 70 96.2 42

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP 1.000 51 2 7 0 9 0 Pitcher 1.000 70 4 8 0 12 0

CABRERA, F. (continued)

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Spring  invitee 

Armando Camacaro 74Age: 28, born April 6, 1979 in Caracas, Venezuela

Position: Catcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 5-11 Weight: 215

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: July 29, 1998; Signed by Cleveland to as a non-drafted free agent.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Started the year at A Kinston and spent 3 stints in Kinston, 2 stints in Buffalo and 1 three week stint in Ak-

ron…Was with Kinston from April 6-30, June 11-22 and from July 7 thru August 10…Was with Akron from May 3-21 and at AAA Buffalo from June 23-29 and August 13-Sept. 4…Had two 5-game hitting streaks on the year.

ProCareeru 2005 Spent the entire season in Akron backing up Herrera…Was on the disabled list from 6/1 to 7/26 with a

strained ligament in his left knee after a collision at home plate on 5/31 at Binghamton…Went 3 for 3 w/a 2B, HR & 3RBI on 8/17 vs. Altoona (game 2)…Did not appear in the Eastern League playoffs…Hit .364 (12-33) in August and .433 (13-30) off LHP w/2HR & 6RBI.

Careeru Signed out the Tribe’s Venezuelan Academy and spent two seasons in the VSL (1999-2000)… Appeared in a

career-high 91 games at A Columbus in 2002 and collected a career-high 33RBI in the process…Also stole a career-high 11 bases in 2002.

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name aRMandO JOse CaMaCaRO…Resides in Guarenas, Venezuela…Married, wife’s name is Heidi.

yeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

1999 Chino .224 37 85 14 19 5 0 0 14 2 2 3 19 16 2 0 --2000 San Felipe .202 36 109 19 22 5 1 1 18 3 1 4 17 13 6 0 --2001 Burlington .205 40 122 11 25 3 0 1 8 4 0 7 12 27 3 4 52002 Columbus .218 91 303 27 66 8 0 2 33 2 1 10 20 56 11 6 72003 Kinston .236 58 182 19 43 7 0 2 17 3 4 9 9 29 2 3 42004 Kinston .268 25 82 6 22 3 0 1 10 0 0 2 3 14 0 0 2 Akron .167 18 60 5 10 2 0 1 6 1 1 1 5 13 0 0 42005 Akron .257 34 105 12 27 3 0 3 13 2 1 4 6 25 3 2 12006 Kinston .218 25 78 9 17 3 0 0 6 3 1 3 7 15 1 0 2 Akron .056 6 18 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 7 1 0 0 Buffalo .211 11 38 4 8 1 0 0 4 2 0 1 1 5 0 0 0Minor lge. Totals .220 381 1182 129 260 40 1 11 130 22 11 44 102 220 29 15 25

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns1998 Signed by the Cleveland Indians as a free agent, 7/29.

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Fausto Carmona 55Age: 23, born December 7, 1983 in Santo Domingo, DR

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-4 Weight: 220

ML Service: 0 + 169

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (1)

Acquired: December 28, 2000; Signed as a non-drafted free agent by the Cleveland Indians.

2006SeasonHighlightsu FormerMinorLeaguePitcheroftheYeargainedagreatdealofexperienceinavarietyofrolesinhisfirstMajor


u WasrecalledfromAAABuffaloonApril15tomakehismajorleaguedebutvs.theTigers,winninghisMajorLeaguedebutthatdayatDetroit(6.0IP,5H,1R/ER,4K)tobecomethefirstIndiantowinhisbigleaguedebutinastartingassignmentsinceBrianTallet(9/16/02@BOS)….Washisonlywinoftheyear/career…Fellto1-1inhis2ndstartofApril20atBaltimore,allowing6runsinthe6thinning(5.1IP,8H,8R/ER)…Lost3rdstartvs.TexasonApril29(5.2IP,8H,6R/ER,career-high5K)andwasoptionedtoBuffaloonApril30.

u Made2startsinBuffaloandwasrecalledonMay12andwasinsertedintoreliefrolewherehethrivedthrutheendofJuly(22G,28.1IP,25H,3ER,0.95ERA)…Allowedjust1R/ERoverhisfirst7reliefoutings(11.2IP,10H)…DidnotallowanERfromJune28toJuly25(12.0IP).

u Insertedintocloser’sroleafterJuly20tradeofBobWickmanandblewhisfirstthreechancesonJuly31@BOS,August2@BOSandAugust5@DET…FromJuly30-August23helost5consecutivedecisionsw/a16.39ERA(9.1IP,17H,17R/ER)in9gamesandwasoptionedtoBuffaloonAugust26toconvertbacktoastarter,wherehemade2morestartsfortheBisons.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 2001 DSLIndians 4-2 3.11 14 13 0 0 0 75.1 69 36 26 0 6 12 47 4 02002 Burlington 2-4 3.30 13 11 0 0 1 76.1 *89 36 28 4 6 10 42 1 3 MahoningVy 0-0 0.00 3 0 0 0 0 4.0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 02003 LakeCounty *17-4 *2.06 24 24 1 0 0 148.1 117 48 34 10 3 14 83 3 0 Akron 0-0 4.50 1 1 0 0 0 6.0 8 3 3 1 1 0 3 0 02004 Kinston 5-2 2.83 12 12 0 0 0 70.0 68 28 22 6 3 20 57 4 0 Akron 4-8 4.97 15 15 0 0 0 87.0 114 52 48 3 2 21 63 4 1 Buffalo 1-0 6.00 1 1 0 0 0 6.0 6 4 4 0 0 3 2 0 02005 Akron 6-5 4.07 14 14 0 0 0 90.2 100 46 41 7 8 20 57 2 0 Buffalo 7-4 3.25 13 12 1 0 0 83.0 76 32 30 10 3 15 49 2 0 CLEVELAND 0-0 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02006 Buffalo 1-3 5.53 6 5 0 0 0 27.2 28 21 17 2 1 8 28 3 0 CLEVELAND 1-10 5.42 38 7 0 0 0 74.2 88 46 45 9 7 31 58 3 1Minor lge. Totals 46-32 3.35 115 107 2 0 1 668.1 671 302 249 43 33 121 429 23 4Cleveland TOTals 1-10 5.42 38 7 0 0 0 74.2 88 46 45 9 7 31 58 3 1american league 1-10 5.42 38 7 0 0 0 74.2 88 46 45 9 7 31 58 3 1national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 1-10 5.42 38 7 0 0 0 74.2 88 46 45 9 7 31 58 3 1

Career TransaCTIOns2000 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasanon-draftedfreeagent,12/28.

u RecalledagainonSept.5after2AAAstartsandassumedspotinrotationandpitchedwellover4Septemberstarts…Went0-2w/a4.50ERAinSeptember(4GS,20.0IP,21H,10ER)startsandoverhislast3outingshewas0-1w/a2.65ERA(17.0IP,14H,5R/ER, .226AVG)…Lost4thstartatChicagoonSeptember9(3.0IP,7H,5R/5ER,2HR,2BB,2K)…Worked6.0inningsineachofhislast2starts(12.0IP,12H,3ER),fanningaseason/career-high6inhisfinalstartlossvs.ChicagoonSept.27(6.0IP,6H,2R/ER,2BB,6K)…

u ReliefERAwas4.78(37.2IP,46H,20ER)andasastarterhewas1-4w/a6.08ERAin7starts(37.0IP,42H,25ER)…Losthislast10consecutivedecisions,thefirstIndianspitchersinceBrentStrom(10in1973)tolose10consecutivegameswithinoneseason…MLBhittershit.298(88-295)offhimwithjust9HRin74.2IP…ERAat home was3.86 (35.0P, 37H, 15ER)…Batters hit .284 (40-141) with runnerson and .256 (20-78) withRISP…Allowed10SB(2CS).

u Made8startsforAguilasintheDominicanWinterLeagueinNovemberandDecember,going1-1witha3.48ERA(31.0IP,38H,12ER,5BB,39K)…His39strikeoutswereleadingtheleagueattheconclusionofhisstint.

ProCareeru 2005Splitthe2005minorleagueseasonbetweenAkronandBuffalo,goingacombined13-9w/a3.68ERAin

27games/26startsbetweenAAABuffaloandAAAkron…His173.2IPledtheentireIndiansorganization…HestartedhisseasonatAAAkrongoing6-5w/a4.07ERA(90.2IP,100H,46R/41ER,20BB,57K)in14starts…HewaspromotedtoAAABuffaloon6/21andwas7-4w/a3.25ERA(83.0IP,76H,32R/30ER,15BB,49K)in13games/12starts…Inhisfirststartw/Buffaloon6/25vs.Durham,hewent8.0IP,allowed1runandstruckoutaseason-high8ingettingtheTripleAwin(4H)…Worked6.0ormoreIPin11ofhis13startswiththeBisonsandwas3-1w/a2.31ERAin5Julystarts(35.0IP,31H,9ER,3BB,23K)…Worked8.0IPinconsecutivestarts,7/24-29andallowed1run(1ER)ineachstart(startof7/24washisonlyCGoftheyear)…Ontheyear,his13winswere2ndmostofanyIndiansminorleaguepitcher,whilehis3.68ERAwas10thbestintheorganiza-tion…CarmonaspenttwostintswiththeTribe,on7/17,andthenfrom9/12thrutheendoftheseason…DidnotappearinaMajorLeaguegame…WasthefirstLakeCountyCaptaintoearnapromotiontothebigleagues…Aftertheseasonwasnamedthe5thbestprospectintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball America.

u 2004Made3stopsalongtheminorleaguetrailashepostedacombined10winsandfanned122inacareer-high163.0IP…Rankedtiedfor5thamongTribefarmhandsinwins,2ndininningsandwas2ndinstrikeouts…Strike-outsimprovedfrom86in154.1IPin2003to122in163.0IPin2004…BegantheseasoninAKinstonwherehewon5ofhisfirst7decisionsfortheeventualCarolinaLeaguechamps…WaspromotedtoAAAkronon6/17aftermaking1spotstartfortheAeroson5/19atBowie(7.0IP,6H,1R/ER,0BB,3K)…WasconsistentatAkron,goingatleast5.0IPin13ofhis15startsandallowedonly3homersin87.0IP…Beststartcameon7/27atAltoona(8.0IP,7H,3R/2ER,0BB,5K)…Endedtheseasonw/1startatAAABuffalo(W,6.0IP,6H,4R/ER,3BB,2K)toposthis10thwinoftheseasonon9/6atRochester…WonbothofhisstartsintheInt’lLeagueplayoffsfortheBisons(2-0,2.77ERA,13.0IP,11H,4R/ER,3BB,4K)tohelppropelBuffalototheILtitle…Aftertheseasonwasnamedthe6thbestprospectintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball America…Wasaddedtothe40-manrosteron11/19.

u 2003EnjoyedabreakoutseasonashewasnamedtheTribe’sMinorLeaguePitcheroftheYear(BobFellerAward)andwasnamedtheSouthAtlanticLeague’smostoutstandingpitcher…WasnamedtotheBaseball AmericaLowClassAAll-StarteamandaftertheseasonwasnamedthetoppitchingprospectintheSALbySportstickerandthe#3prospectoverallintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball America…PitchedmostoftheseasonatALakeCountywhereheledtheleagueinwins(17)andERA(2.06)andwasaSALAll-Star…Alsoledtheleagueinrunnersallowedper9.0IP(8.13)andfewestwalksperstart(0.85)…His.214averageagainstwasthe5thlowestmarkintheSAL…His17winsledtheentireIndiansorganizationandhisERAof2.16was3rdbest(154.1IPwere4thmost)…Walkedjust14battersin148.1IP(0.85BBper9.0IP)andhisseason-highwalktotalwas2(done3times)…Tosseda9.0inning,completegame4-hitteron7/22vs.Hagerstown(9.0IP,4H,1R/ER,0BB,5K)…Wentatleast5.0IPin23ofhis24startsatLakeCounty…Was3-0w/a0.98ERAin5Aprilstartsand4-0w/a0.94ERAin4Julystarts…ERAwas2.30orloweroverhisfirstfourmonthsfortheCaptainsbeforepostinganERAof4.08inAugust…ERAthruJuly28was1.58…Won8straightstartsfrom7/4-8/23…Battershit.176(33-188)offhimwithrunnersonbase…MadeaspotstartforAAAkronon7/10(ND,6.0IP,8H,3R/ER,0BB,3K)…

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CarMOna’s GaMe HIGHs

nO-HITTer :---; 1-HITTer :---; 2-HIT-Ter :---; 3-HITTer :---; 4-HITTer :--;K’s (starter):6,September27,2006vs.Chicago-AL; K’s (reliever): 3, June 15,2006 at New York-AL; bb’s (starter): 5,September15,2006vs.Minnesota;bb’s (reliever):2,threetimes,lastonJuly30,2006vs.Seattle;lOnGesT sTarT:6.0IP,threetimes,lastonSeptember27,2006vs.Chicago-AL; lOnGesT relIeF OuTInG:3.2IP,May20,2006vs.Pittsburgh;WIn-nInG sTreaK:1game,April15,2006atDetroit;lOsInG sTreaK:10games,April20,2006-September27,2006(current);Hr:2,twotimes,lastonSeptember9,2006atChicago-AL;sHOrTesT sTarT:3.0IP,September9,2006atChicago-AL;CG:N/A;CG sHO: N/A; Career 10+sTrIKeOuT GaMes:N/A.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAngelStadium(LAA) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.2 0BuschStadium(STL) 0-0-0 3.00 2 3.0 1CamdenYards(BAL) 0-1-0 13.50 1 5.1 8ComericaPark(DET) 1-1-0 3.52 3 7.2 3FenwayPark(BOS) 0-2-0 45.00 2 1.0 5Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0JacobsField(CLE) 0-4-0 3.86 16 35.0 15KauffmanStadium(KC) 0-0-0 16.20 1 1.2 3McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 0-0-0 1.50 1 6.0 1Metrodome(MIN) 0-1-0 6.00 3 3.0 2MillerPark(MIL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0TropicanaField(TB) 0-0-0 9.00 1 1.0 1U.S.CellularField(CWS) 0-1-0 11.25 2 4.0 5YankeeStadium(NYY) 0-0-0 3.86 2 2.1 1

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP1.000 38 9 15 0 24 1 Pitcher 1.000 38 9 15 0 24 1

2006/Career W-l-s era G IP er Totals 1-10-0 5.42 38 74.2 45

Baltimore 0-2-0 9.39 3 7.2 8 Boston 0-0-0 45.00 2 1.0 5 Chicago(AL) 0-2-0 5.73 4 11.0 7 Detroit 1-1-0 3.12 4 8.2 3 KansasCity 0-0-0 10.13 2 2.2 3 L.A.Angels 0-0-0 0.00 3 5.2 0 Minnesota 0-1-0 4.00 5 9.0 4 NewYork(AL) 0-0-0 2.70 3 3.1 1 Oakland 0-0-0 2.25 2 8.0 2 Seattle 0-1-0 36.00 1 1.0 4 TampaBay 0-0-0 9.00 1 1.0 1 Texas 0-1-0 9.53 1 5.2 6

Chicago(NL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0 Cincinnati 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0 Milwaukee 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Pittsburgh 0-0-0 0.00 1 3.2 0 St.Louis 0-0-0 3.00 2 3.0 1

March-April 1-2-0 7.94 3 17.0 15 May 0-0-0 0.00 3 5.2 0 June 0-0-0 2.13 10 12.2 3 July 0-3-0 5.56 11 11.1 7 August 0-3-0 11.25 7 8.0 10 Sept-Oct 0-2-0 4.50 4 20.0 10

Home 0-4-0 3.86 16 35.0 15 Road 1-6-0 6.81 22 39.2 30

Day 1-3-0 5.06 14 26.2 15 Night 0-7-0 5.63 24 48.0 30

Grass 1-9-0 5.35 34 70.2 42 Turf 0-1-0 6.75 4 4.0 3

Pre-ASG 1-3-0 4.08 20 39.2 18 Post-ASG 0-7-0 6.94 18 35.0 27

Starter 1-4-0 6.08 7 37.0 25 Relief 0-6-0 4.78 31 37.2 20

u 2002SpentmostofyearatRookieBurlingtonoftheAppalachianLeaguewherehefinished3rdintheleaguewith76.1IPand3rdinfewestwalkper9.0IP(1.05BB/9.0IP)…AlsoledtheALwith89hitsallowed…WaspromotedtoAMahoningValleytoendtheseasonwherehemade3reliefappearances(4.0IP,2H,0R)…CombinedontheyearhisERAwas3.14.

u 2001SpentfirstprofessionalseasonintheTribe’sDominicanSummerLeagueprogramwhereheledtheteamwith75.1IP.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullNameFausTO C. CarMOna…Single…ResidesinSantoDomingo,DR…Hasparticipatedintheorganization’sWinterDevelopmentProgramandspentSeptember/Octoberof2004inClevelandtakingEnglishlessons.

CARMONA (continued)

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Shin-soo Choo 17Age: 24, born July 13, 1982 in Pusan, South Korea

Position: Outfielder

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 5-11 Weight: 205

ML Service: 0 + 109

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (1)

Acquired: July 26, 2006; Acquired along with LHP Shawn Nottingham from the Seattle Mariners in exchange for 1B Ben Broussard and cash.

YeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

2001 Peoria .302 51 199 51 60 10 10 4 35 0 3 9 34 49 12 4 1 Wisconsin .462 3 13 1 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 3 2 0 12002 Wisconsin .302 119 420 69 127 24 8 6 48 3 1 13 70 98 34 21 4 SanBernardino .308 11 39 14 12 5 1 1 9 1 0 2 9 9 3 0 02003 InlandEmpire .286 110 412 62 118 18 13 9 55 2 4 9 44 84 18 10 42004 SanAntonio .315 132 517 89 163 17 7 15 84 1 3 2 56 97 40 8 72005 Tacoma .282 115 429 73 121 21 5 11 54 2 1 1 69 97 20 10 2 Seattle .056 10 18 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 02006 Tacoma .323 94 375 71 121 21 3 13 48 1 4 2 45 73 26 4 4 Seattle .091 4 11 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 CLEVELAND .295 45 146 23 43 11 3 3 22 1 1 1 18 46 5 3 2Minor lge. Totals .303 635 2404 430 728 116 47 59 336 10 16 39 328 510 155 57 23Cleveland TOTals .295 45 146 23 43 11 3 3 22 1 1 1 18 46 5 3 2american league .257 59 175 24 45 12 3 3 23 1 1 2 21 54 5 3 3national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals .257 59 175 24 45 12 3 3 23 1 1 2 21 54 5 3 3

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns2000 SignedbytheSeattleMarinersasafreeagent,8/13.2006 AcquiredbytheClevelandIndians,alongwithaplayertobenamedlater(ShawnNottingham),fromtheMarinersin


2006SeasonHighlightsu Spentthelast2monthsoftheseasoninClevelandafterbeingacquiredfromSeattleattheendofJuly…Spent


u Chooappearedin51gamesinLF,30gamesinRF,12gamesinCFfortheRainiers…Atthetimeofthetradeheranked9thinthePCLinaverage(.323),2ndinhits(121),2ndinstolenbases(26)and5thinrunsscored(70)…Hadfour4-hitgamesatTripleATacoma…AtAAAhehit.383(44-115)inJune(112B,4HR,18RBI,27G)and.354(23-65)inJuly…Hit.361(106-294,13HR,43RBI)and.185(15-81,0HR,5RBI)offLHPinTripleA…Hit.316(25-79)withRISPand.388(52-134)withrunnerson…Healsoappearedin4gamesinCFwiththeMarinersfromJuly3-13batting.091(1-11)withadoubleafterbeingrecalledonJuly3optionedbackTacomaonJuly13.

u ReportedtoClevelandandpromptlyhithisfirstcareerhomerinhisIndiansdebutonJuly28vs.hisformerteam,Seattle,offFelixHernandezthatprovidedthegame-winning1-0margin…Hithis2ndhomerandhisfirstcareergrandslamonAugust3atBoston(J.Beckett),givinghimacareer-high4RBIinthecontest…Hadcareer-high3hitsonAugust9&Aug.10vs.LAA(1of2rookies,BALMarkakis,withconsecutive3-hitgamesin2006).

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HITs:3, three times, lastonSeptember5,2006atToronto;dOUBles:2,August4,2006atDetroit;HR:1,threetimes,laston September 30, 2006 vs. Tampa Bay;RBI:4,August3atBoston;RUns:2,fivetimes,lastonOctober1,2006vs.TampaBay;sB:1,fivetimes,lastonSeptember27 vs. Chicago-AL; HITTInG sTReaK:7 games, August 6-13, 2006; GRand slaMs:1,August3,2006atBostonoffJoshBeckett.

2006 CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI avG aB H HR RBI.280 157 44 3 22 Totals .257 175 45 3 23

.333 9 3 1 4 Boston .333 9 3 1 4

.188 16 3 0 2 Chicago(AL) .188 16 3 0 2

.300 20 6 0 3 Detroit .222 27 6 0 3

.316 19 6 0 4 KansasCity .316 19 6 0 4

.400 20 8 0 5 L.A.Angels .409 22 9 0 6

.071 14 1 0 0 Minnesota .071 14 1 0 0

.000 5 0 0 0 Oakland .000 6 0 0 0

.200 5 1 1 1 Seattle .200 5 1 1 1

.250 20 5 1 1 TampaBay .250 20 5 1 1

.313 16 5 0 2 Texas .208 24 5 0 2

.462 13 6 0 0 Toronto .462 13 6 0 0

-- -- -- -- -- March-April .000 1 0 0 0-- -- -- -- -- May .500 2 1 0 1.125 16 2 1 1 July .125 16 2 1 1.303 76 23 1 16 August .303 76 23 1 16.292 65 19 1 5 Sept-Oct .238 80 19 1 5

.286 77 22 2 13 Home .277 83 23 2 14

.275 80 22 1 9 Road .239 92 22 1 9

.262 42 11 0 3 Day .239 46 11 0 3

.287 115 33 3 19 Night .264 129 34 3 20

.282 131 37 3 22 Grass .255 149 38 3 23

.269 26 7 0 0 Turf .269 26 7 0 0

.091 11 1 0 0 Pre-ASG .143 14 2 0 1

.295 146 43 3 22 Post-ASG .267 161 43 3 22

.278 18 5 0 1 vs.LHP .200 25 5 0 1

.281 139 39 3 21 vs.RHP .267 150 40 3 22

.283 53 15 1 20 ScoringPosition .267 60 16 1 21

.143 7 1 1 5 BasesLoaded .143 7 1 1 5

.286 7 2 0 1 PinchHitter .273 11 3 0 2

.000 1 0 0 0 DesignatedHitter .000 1 0 0 0

CaReeR BY BallpaRK avG aB H HR RBIAmeriquestField(TEX) .238 21 5 0 2ComericaPark(DET) .235 17 4 0 2FenwayPark(BOS) .333 9 3 1 4JacobsField(CLE) .318 66 21 2 13KauffmanStadium(KC) .333 3 1 0 1McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .000 5 0 0 0Metrodome(MIN) .111 9 1 0 0RogersCentre(TOR) .625 8 5 0 0SafecoField(SEA) .118 17 2 0 1TropicanaField(TB) .111 9 1 0 0U.S.CellularField(CWS) .182 11 2 0 0

FIeldInG BY pOsITIOn 2006 CaReeRpCT G pO a e TC dp pCT G pO a e TC dp.971 43 97 3 3 103 1 Outfield .975 48 113 3 3 119 1

CHOO (continued)

u Made29startsinRFand9G/GSinLFforEricWedge…Overhislast42gameswiththeTribehehit.298(42-141)w/2HR&21RBI(August1ston)…DidnotrecordanRBIfromAugust22-Sept.22(16G)…Hit.278(5-18)offLHPand.281(39-139)offRHPwith3HR&21RBI…Hit.283(15-53)withRISP…Was2for7asaPH…Hit.293(27-92)inthe5thspotintheorderand.407(11-27)batting6th…Hit.296(24-81)w/runnersonbaseand.500(11-22)onthefirstpitch.

ProCareeru 2005Playedin10gamesovertwostintswiththeMariners…RecalledfromAAATacomaon4/20,making


u 2004SpentseasonwithSanAntoniosettingcareerhighsinnearlyeveryoffensivecategory…FinishedsecondintheTexasLeagueinhitsandruns,tiedfor2ndintriples,thirdinRBIandstolenbasesandfifthinaver-age…Season-high10-gamehitstreak(15-43/.349)April13-22…Had54multi-hitgames…Hitover.313ineachofthefinalthreemonthsoftheseason,including.348(39-112)inthemonthofJuly…Hit.390(57-146)withRISPand.353(89-252)withrunnersonbase…MemberoftheWorldteaminthe2004All-StarFuturesGame…NamedMarinersMinorLeaguePlayeroftheYearbytheSeattleorganization.

u 2003Spent full seasonwith InlandEmpire…Setnewcareerhighs in triples (13),home runs (9)andRBI(55)…The13triplesledtheCalLeague…Helped66ersclaimCalLeaguetitle.

u 2002NamedWisconsin’sMostValuablePlayerbyMarinersorganization…His37stolenbaseswassecond-mostamongMarinersfarmhandswhilehis.303battingaveragewastiedforfourth-best….417sluggingpercentagerankedthirdintheleague…Reachedbasesafelyin98of119games…Collected9RBIover4gamesfromApril6-10,including5RBIApril10atBurlington…Hit.475(19-40)in11games5/4-16…SelectedasastarterontheMidwestLeagueWestAll-StarTeaminJune…TransferredtoSanBernardinofromWisconsin8/22…NamedtoSportsTicker’sAll-TeenTeamattheendoftheseason.

u 2001Hit.302(60-199)in51games,allincenterfield,withPeoria…Drovein5runswhilegoing5for5withadoubleand2homeruns6/26vs.Athletics…Had8-gamehitstreak7/3-13,going12-33(.367)duringthestreak…PromotedtoWisconsininearlySept.,andhitinall3gamesplayed.

u 2000BeganprocareerbyparticipatingintheMarinersFallInstructionalLeague.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnamesHIn-sOO CHOO…ResidesinOlympia,WAwithhiswifeWoonMiandalsohasahomeisJnamguPusan,SouthKorea…Oneson,Alan(2)...AttendedPusanHighSchoolandwasteammateswithMarinerfarmhandChaSeungBaek…NamedMVPand“BestPitcher”inthe1999and2000President’sCup,Korea’smostprestigioushighschooltournament…Receivedsametwohonorsinthe1999and2000PusanCityChampionships…Wasamemberofthe2000KoreanJuniorNationalTeamwhichcompetedintheJuniorAAAChampionships…SignedbySeattleasanon-draftedfreeagentonAug.13,2000byMarinersscoutsJaeLeeandJimColborn.

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Spring invitee

trevor Crowe 62 Age: 23, born November 17, 1983 in Portland, OR

Position: Outfielder

Bats: S Throws: R Height: 6-0 Weight: 190

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 1st round (14th overall) of the 2005 First-Year Player Draft.

YeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

2005 MahoningVy. .255 12 51 9 13 2 1 1 6 0 0 1 6 8 4 3 1 LakeCounty .258 44 178 18 46 8 2 0 23 0 2 1 18 25 7 5 0 Akron .100 3 10 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 02006 Kinston .329 60 219 51 72 15 2 4 31 1 3 2 48 46 29 6 2 LakeCounty .000 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Akron .234 39 154 20 36 7 2 1 13 0 2 0 20 24 16 6 8Minor lge. Totals .272 160 617 99 168 32 7 6 73 1 7 4 92 107 56 20 11

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns2002 SelectedbytheOaklandA’sinthe20throundoftheJunedraft.Didnotsign.2005 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe1stround(14thoverall)oftheJunedraft.

2006 Season Highlightsu Hadanoutstandingseasoninhisfirstfullprofessionalcampaign…BegantheseasonatAKinston,hitting.329


u Hitsafelyinhisfirst10gamesatAAAkron(.366,15-41,8RS)afterhittingsafelyinhislast8gamesinKin-ston…WasonthedisabledlistfromJuly19toAugust2withasprainedleftankle…Uponactivationhehit.200(25-125)theremainderoftheseasonaftertheankleinjuryashedealtwithapotentialpositionswitchaswell(made7startsatsecondbaselateintheyear)…WasexceptionalintheEasternLeagueplayoffs,hitting.349(15-43)with62B,23B,2RBI,2SB&12RSin10games(hitin9ofthe10G).

u Ontheyearhehitacombined.290(108-373)with222B,5HR,44RBI,45SB&71RS…Ledtheorganizationinsteals(45)…Hit.321(34-106)vs.LHPand.277(74-267)offRHP…WasnamedbyBaseball Americaastheorganization’s3rdbestprospectandbyCarolinaLeaguemanagersas thebestbattingprospect,beststrike-zonejudgmentandmostexcitingplayer…PlayedforPeoriaintheArizonaFallLeaguewherehehit.329(26-79)with22B,23B&14RBI(10SB,21RS)in21gamesandparticipatedintheleagueall-stargameandwasnamedtotheAFLAll-Prospectsteam.

pro Careeru 2005SplithisfirstprofessionalsummerbetweenrookieMahoningValley,ALakeCountyandAAAkron…Signed


College Careeru PlayedthreeseasonsattheUniversityofArizona…In60gamesinhisseniorseasonof2005,hebatted.403


personal/MiscellaneousFullnameTRevOR THORnTOn CROWe…Single…ResidesinVancouver,WA…Crowewasdrafted,butnotsigned,bytheOaklandA’sinthe20throundofthe2002DraftoutofWestviewHighSchoolinPortland,OR,wherehewasnamedthe2002OregonPlayeroftheYearbyBaseball America&Gatorade…PlayedintheCapeCodLeaguein2003…WasamemberoftheUSA BaseballNationalTeamthatwonthegoldmedalatthe2004WorldUniversityBaseballChampionshipinTainan,Taiwan(.295,11RS,11RBI,5SB)…Father,David,playedonthePGATour…Wasanationallyrankedracquetballplayerandwasonthe1998JuniorNationalteam.

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Jason Davis 50Age: 26, born May 8, 1980 in Chattanooga, TN

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-6 Weight: 210

ML Service: 3 + 027

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (0)

Acquired: Indians 21st round selection in the 1999 First Year Player Draft

2006SeasonHighlightsu Davis spent the entire season in relief for the first time in his career…Allowed only 1HR in 55.1IP (6/11 @CWS,

0HR in last 18G/25.0IP)…From July 25 thru the end of the season he was 1-1 w/a 1.14 ERA in 17 outings (23.2IP, 24H, 3ER, 6BB, 16K) & from August 18 on he was 0-1 w/a 1.18 ERA in 12 outings (15.1IP, 16H, 2ER).

u Was optioned to AAA Buffalo out of spring training but was recalled 2 days later after CC Sabathia was injured on opening night…Went 2-1 w/a 5.04ERA in 21 outings (30.1IP, 38H, 17ER, 7BB, 21K) before being optioned to Buffalo on June 13…Davis spent 5 weeks in AAA Buffalo where he was 0-2 w/4 saves and a 0.54 ERA in 11 relief appearances (16.2IP, 8H, 2R/1ER, 3BB, 15K), limiting Triple A hitters to a .138 (8-58) average against and did not allow an earned run over his last 5 outings (7.2IP)…With Buffalo was 4 for 5 in save chances and allowed just 1 extra base hit.

u Was recalled on July 21 after Bob Wickman was traded…Over his 2nd stint with Cleveland he was 1-1 w/a 2.16 ERA in 18 outings (25.0IP, 29H, 6ER, 7BB, 16K) and on the year 24 of his 39 outings were scoreless… Earned his first career save on August 3 @BOS (1.0IP, 0H, 0R) and earned first win of the season on April 28 vs. Texas, his first win since 7/4/05 vs. Detroit…Worked a season-high 3.1IP in the Tribe’s 15-13 comeback win at KC on August 23…Allowed 15 of 21 inherited runners to score, including the first 11 of the season thru July 23…Did not allow a run over his last 5 appearances (5.2IP, 6H, 0R) and had a 0.82 ERA in 9 September outings (11.0IP, 10H, 1R/ER).

u MLB hitters batted .302 (67-222) off him with 1HR all’d, which came on June 11 at Chicago (Brian Anderson)…Did not allow a homer over his last 18G and 25.0IP…ERA on the road was 2.45 (25.2IP, 34H, 7ER)…Batters hit .317 (33-104) off him with runners on and .383 (23-60) with RISP (.406; 13-32 w/RISP 2 outs)...Batters were 6 for 10 off him with bases loaded and 12-29 (.414) on the first pitch.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 2000 Burlington 4-4 4.40 10 10 0 0 0 45.0 48 27 22 5 5 16 35 5 12001 Columbus 14-6 2.70 27 27 1 1 0 160.0 147 72 48 9 14 51 115 5 22002 Kinston 3-6 4.15 17 17 1 1 0 99.2 107 64 46 7 8 31 68 6 0 Akron 6-2 3.51 10 10 0 0 0 59.0 63 26 23 2 5 16 45 3 2 CLEVELAND 1-0 1.84 3 2 0 0 0 14.2 12 3 3 1 0 4 11 0 12003 CLEVELAND 8-11 4.68 27 27 1 0 0 165.1 172 101 86 25 8 47 85 9 22004 Buffalo 3-2 3.00 9 9 0 0 0 54.0 53 26 18 4 2 18 39 7 1 CLEVELAND 2-7 5.51 26 19 0 0 0 114.1 148 81 70 13 4 51 72 7 12005 Buffalo 8-5 4.61 16 16 1 0 0 95.2 106 65 49 9 4 27 77 5 2 CLEVELAND 4-2 4.69 11 4 0 0 0 40.1 44 22 21 4 3 20 32 2 02006 Buffalo 0-2 0.54 11 0 0 0 4 16.2 8 2 1 0 0 3 15 2 0 CLEVELAND 3-2 3.74 39 0 0 0 1 55.1 67 28 23 1 3 14 37 3 0Minor lge. Totals 38-27 3.52 100 89 3 2 4 530.0 532 282 207 36 38 162 394 33 8Cleveland TOTals 18-22 4.68 106 52 1 0 1 390.0 443 235 203 44 18 136 237 21 4american league 18-22 4.68 106 52 1 0 1 390.0 443 235 203 44 18 136 237 21 4national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 18-22 4.68 106 52 1 0 1 390.0 443 235 203 44 18 136 237 21 4

Career TransaCTIOns1999 Selected by the Cleveland Indians in the 21st round of the June draft.

ProCareeru 2005 Davis enjoyed 4 stints with the big league club in 2005 and spent the remainder of his time in the AAA

Buffalo rotation…Made 4 starts with the Indians and was 3-1 w/a 4.18 ERA in those starts (23.2IP, 28H, 11ER) and was the only pitcher other than Westbrook, Lee, Millwood, Elarton & Sabathia to make a start for the Indians in 2005…Jason started the season in the rotation as he won his first start of the season on 4/10 at Detroit (6.0IP, 8H, 5R/4ER, BB, 7K)…Was moved to the bullpen on 4/16 when LHP C.C. Sabathia was activated from the 15-day DL…Walked 5 straight batters on 4/25 at Seattle, becoming the first Indians pitcher to walk 5 straight since Dan Spillner on 6/25/80 vs. Detroit (season-high BB total by Tribe relievers)…Earned his 1st career win as a reliever on 5/13 vs. Toronto (2.2 IP, 2H, 1 ER)…Was optioned to AAA Buffalo on 5/20 in order to move into the rotation…Was recalled by Cleveland on 6/3 in order to start the next day, 6/4, in Chicago against the White Sox after Millwood went on the DL (L, 4.2IP, 7H, 4R/ER, 3BB, 3K)…Improved to 3-2 in start of 6/11 at SF (7.0IP, 9H, 3R/3ER, BB, 5K)…Was optioned to AAA Buffalo on 6/16 to make room for Kevin Millwood’s return from the disabled list… Recalled again from Buffalo on 7/4 for a spot start vs. Detroit in the night game of a day/night DH (W#4, 6.0IP, 4H, 0R, 2BB, 5K)…Optioned the next day to Buffalo, where he spent the remainder of the minor league season…Fanned a season-high 10 on 8/11 vs. Ottawa (6.0IP, 4H, 0ER)…Triple A hitters hit .283 (106-375) off him w/9HR allowed...Recalled for his 4th stint on 9/12 after making 2 Triple A playoff starts (9.0IP, 9H, 4R/ER, 2BB, 5K)…Did not appear in a big league game from 4th recall thru rest of the season.

u 2004 Spent the first half of the season in the a starting role before a trip to Buffalo and successful transition to the bullpen turned around his 2004 season…Was converted to relief after his final start of 9/4 vs. Anaheim (5.0IP, 4H, 3R/1ER) and went 0-0 w/a 1.23 ERA in 7 outings (7.1IP, 4H, 4R/1ER, 3BB, 7K)…Limited hitters to a .233 (7-30, 0HR, .300 slg %) in relief and fanned 8.6 batters per 9.0IP out of the pen…His 7 ‘blown wins’after leaving the game as the winning pitcher of record was tied for 1st among MLB pitchers Livan Hernandez & David Wells…He recorded his first win of the season and his first since 9/9/03 (6GS w/o a win) on 5/4 vs. Boston in the Tribe’s 7-6 victory (6.0IP, 6H, 2R, 2BB, 3SO)…Recorded the shortest start of his season (2nd shortest of career) in his start vs. Chicago-AL on 5/19 (2.2IP, 8H, 5R/ER, 1BB, 2K) to fall to 1-3…Went 8 starts w/o winning from 5/9 to 6/15…At the time of his demotion he was 5th in the AL in most hits allowed (137), 5th in most runs allowed (74), 9th in walks (45) and t3rd in earned runs allowed (68) in the AL…His 6.00 ERA was the 4th highest mark in the league among qualifying pitchers at the time of his demotion…Won for the 2nd time all season on 6/20 at Atlanta, equaling a season-high with 7.0IP while recording 2004-best 6 strikeouts in 5-2 win…In that start of 6/20 @ATL he collected his first career hit/homer with a 2nd inning long ball off Russ Ortiz (1st Indian pitcher to homer since 6/11/99 @CIN-Gooden)…Optioned to AAA Buffalo on 7/8…Returned to Cleveland on 9/1…All’d 18 steals w/Cleveland (3CS, 7th most all’d in AL).

u 2003 Was one of the Tribe’s most consistent and durable starting pitchers, spending his first full season in the big leagues as he led all American League rookie pitchers with 165.1IP…Jason also finished 6th among AL rookie pitchers in strikeouts (85), 3rd in starts (27), 2nd in ERA (4.68) and T4th in wins (8)…Picked up his 2nd career win and 1st of 2003 in his start vs. Baltimore on 4/15 (7.0IP, 8H, 3R), working a then career-high 7.0 innings…Fanned a career-high 7 in 7.0IP in posting his 3rd win of the season on 5/14 against Seattle…Allowed 2nd grand slam of the season in start on 5/19 to Detroit’s Carlos Pena (ND, 6.0IP, 7H, 7R/2ER)…Evened his record at 4-4 in start at Boston on 5/25 in a 6-4 win, retiring 17 straight Red Sox at one point in 7.2IP…Won his career-high 3rd straight decision in start at Arizona on 6/ 6 (7.0IP, 6H, 3R/1ER), working at least 6.0IP in his 5th straight GS…Tossed the first CG game of his ML career in start at Detroit on 6/18 (W#6, 9.0IP, 7H, 1R/ER, 0BB, 3K), taking a shutout into the 9th inning…Was the first CG by an Indians pitcher in 2003…Was ejected from start of 7/4 in the 3rd inning at Minnesota after Torii Hunter overreacted to a thigh-high cut fastball …The 2.1IP represented a season and career-low start…Equaled a career/season-high w/9.0IP in start of 7/27 vs. Minnesota (, ND, 9.0IP, 10H, 2R/ER)…He was scratched from start of 8/27 vs. Detroit due to shoulder fatigue/tendonitis and did not start from 8/20-9/8… Made just 2 starts after 8/20 thru the end of the season…Over his last 20 starts after 5/13 he was 6-7 w/a 4.01 ERA (130.1IP, 124H, 58ER)…Was tied for 1st among AL pitchers in errors (6), which also equaled the franchise single-season mark with Otto Hess (1906)…Was T6th among AL hurlers in wild pitches (9).

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u 2002 Had a breakout season, beginning the year in A Kinston of the Carolina League before compiling an impressive ERA of 1.84 in 3 outings with Cleveland to end the season…Davis began the season at A Kinston, losing 5 of his first 6 decisions thru 6/3…Tossed a 4-hit, complete game 9.0 inning shutout on 6/8 vs. Myrtle Beach and never looked back (9.0IP, 4H, 0R, 1BB, 2SO)…Over his last 5 starts at Kinston he was 2-1 w/a 3.15 ERA (34.1IP, 27H, 12ER) and was promoted to AA Akron for the second half on 7/10…Got off to a shaky start in July with Akron, going 1-2 w/a 5.40 ERA in 4 starts (23.1IP, 29H, 14ER…Over his first six starts in Akron he was 1-2 w/a 6.04 ERA (28.1IP, 36H, 19ER) and over his last five Akron starts from 8/8-30, Davis was 5-0 with a 1.17 ERA (30.2 IP, 27 H, 4 R/ER, 9 BB, 28 SO), not including a no-decision in Akron’s game one 3-2 victory in the Eastern League playoffs vs. Harrisburg (7.0IP, 6H, 2ER, 3BB, 7SO, HR)…Worked at least 5.0IP in all 10 of his Double A starts…Was promoted to the big leagues on 9/9 when his contract was purchased from AA Akron after the Aeros were eliminated from the AA playoffs…Made his Major League debut that night in relief of Jaret Wright vs. Toronto (4.0IP, 3H, 1R/ER, 0BB, 4SO), yielding a solo HR to Eric Hinske…Made his first major league start on 9/14 vs. Minnesota and did not get a decision in the 3-2 Twins win (5.2IP, 6H, 1R/ER, 2BB, 3SO)…Picked up his first major league win on 9/20 at Kansas City (5.0IP, 3H, 1R/ER, 2BB, 4SO) in a 6-2 Tribe win.

u 2001 Elevated himself to prospect status, going 14-6 with a 2.70 ERA (160.0IP, 147H, 48ER, 51BB, 115SO) in 27 starts at A Columbus of the South Atlantic League …He led the club in wins, which finished T3rd in the SAL (14)…His 2.70 ERA was also the 7th lowest mark in the league as he also finished T4th with 27 starts.

u 2000 Davis was the Tribe’s 21st round selection in the 1999 First-year Player Draft and was signed on 5/18/2000 as a draft and follow…Was the 647th overall selection in the 1999 amateur draft…Spent his first season as a professional in 2000 at rookie Burlington, making 10 starts (4-4, 4.40ERA).

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name JasOn THOMas davIs...Married, wife’s name is Sarah...The couple has one daughter, Lillian Mio (8/5/03)…Resides in Charleston, TN...Attended Cleveland State Community College in Cleveland, Ten-nessee from 1999-2000 after graduating from Charleston High School (TN) where he played basketball and baseball…Is a regular visitor to area hospitals as part of the “Tribe Loving Care” program at the Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland and is a very active member of the Cleveland community – participating in a free baseball clinic with Cleveland State University for kids from the RBI Program, Signature Sunday, the Grand Slam for Literacy, Dick’s Sporting Goods “Shop with a Pro” and various Cleveland Baseball Federation events…Was also Co-Chairman for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in 2004.

davIs’ favOrITes

favorite Movie: Open Range; favorite Group/artist: Kenny Chesney; favorite athlete Growing up: Michael Jordan; favorite Team Growing up: Tennessee Vols; favorite road City: Arlington, TX; favorite road stadium: Ballpark in Arlington; favorite Thing to do away from baseball: Deer Hunt; favorite Tv show: King of the Hill; favorite baseball Moment: ML Debut (9/9/02); favorite subject in school: math

davIs’ GaMe HIGHs

nO-HITTer:---; 1-HITTer:---; 2-HIT-Ter:---; 3-HITTer:---; 4-HITTer:--; K’s (starter): 7, four times, last on April 10, 2005 at Detroit; K’s (reliever): 4, two times, last on July 31, 2006 at Boston; bb’s (starter): 5, June 4, 2004 at Anaheim; bb’s (reliever): 5, April 24, 2005 at Seattle; lOnGesT sTarT: 9.0IP, twice, last on July 27, 2003 vs. Minnesota; lOnGesT relIef OuTInG: 4.2IP, April 27, 2005 vs. Detroit; WInnInG sTreaK: 3 games, two times, last June 11, 2005 to April 28, 2006; lOs-InG sTreaK: 4 games, July 4-August 19, 2003; Hr: 3, three times, last on August 2, 2003 at Texas; sHOrTesT sTarT: 2.1 innings, July 4, 2003 at Minnesota (ejected); CG: June 18, 2003 at Detroit; CG sHO: N/A; Career 10+sTrIKeOuT GaMes: N/A.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquest Field (TEX) 0-0-0 6.00 4 12.0 8Angel Stadium (LAA) 0-2-0 10.61 3 9.1 11AT&T Park (SF) 1-0-0 3.86 1 7.0 3Camden Yards (BAL) 0-0-0 7.04 3 7.2 6Chase Field (AZ) 1-0-0 1.29 1 7.0 1Comerica Park (DET) 2-2-0 5.34 7 30.1 18Fenway Park (BOS) 1-0-1 3.18 3 11.1 4Jacobs Field (CLE) 9-12-0 4.18 54 204.1 95Kauffman Stadium (KC) 2-1-0 3.95 8 27.1 12McAfee Coliseum (OAK) 0-1-0 4.00 4 9.0 4Metrodome (MIN) 0-1-0 4.82 5 18.2 10Rogers Centre (TOR) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0Safeco Field (SEA) 0-0-0 7.71 2 2.1 2Shea Stadium (NYM) 0-1-0 15.75 1 4.0 7Tropicana Field (TB) 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.0 0Turner Field (ATL) 1-0-0 2.57 1 7.0 2U.S. Cellular Field (CWS) 1-2-0 6.29 6 24.1 17Yankee Stadium (NYY) 0-0-0 3.68 1 7.1 3

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI -- -- -- -- -- .111 9 1 1 1

fIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.909 39 4 6 1 11 0 Pitcher .897 106 29 58 10 97 5

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er3-2-1 3.74 39 55.1 23 Totals 18-22-1 4.68 106 390.0 203

0-0-0 3.38 2 2.2 1 Baltimore 1-0-0 5.52 4 14.2 90-0-1 1.35 4 6.2 1 Boston 2-0-1 3.10 6 20.1 70-0-0 6.75 4 5.1 4 Chicago (AL) 1-4-0 6.59 11 42.1 311-0-0 0.00 7 12.0 0 Detroit 4-3-0 3.52 17 61.1 241-0-0 3.60 6 10.0 4 Kansas City 3-2-0 4.06 13 37.2 170-0-0 12.27 2 3.2 5 L.A. Angels 0-4-0 7.09 7 26.2 210-1-0 9.82 3 3.2 4 Minnesota 0-4-0 4.85 14 52.0 28 -- -- -- -- -- New York (AL) 0-0-0 2.70 2 13.1 40-0-0 0.00 3 3.1 0 Oakland 0-1-0 2.76 6 16.1 50-0-0 3.00 2 3.0 1 Seattle 1-0-0 2.95 5 18.1 60-0-0 0.00 1 0.0 0 Tampa Bay 0-0-0 7.50 2 6.0 51-1-0 6.75 4 4.0 3 Texas 1-1-0 6.56 8 23.1 170-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Toronto 1-0-0 2.45 3 7.1 2

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona 1-0-0 1.29 1 7.0 1 -- -- -- -- -- Atlanta 1-0-0 2.57 1 7.0 2 -- -- -- -- -- Cincinnati 1-0-0 1.17 1 7.2 1 -- -- -- -- -- Colorado 0-0-0 8.44 1 5.1 5 -- -- -- -- -- Florida 0-1-0 3.86 1 7.0 3 -- -- -- -- -- New York (NL) 0-1-0 15.75 1 4.0 7 -- -- -- -- -- San Diego 0-1-0 8.44 1 5.1 5 -- -- -- -- -- San Francisco 1-0-0 3.86 1 7.0 3

1-1-0 4.73 9 13.1 7 March-April 4-7-0 5.51 24 83.1 511-0-0 1.46 8 12.1 2 May 5-2-0 4.66 22 83.0 430-0-0 15.43 4 4.2 8 June 5-6-0 5.58 18 92.0 571-0-0 3.86 3 7.0 3 July 2-2-0 4.07 10 48.2 220-0-1 2.57 6 7.0 2 August 0-2-1 4.46 10 34.1 170-1-0 0.82 9 11.0 1 Sept-Oct 2-3-0 2.40 22 48.2 13

3-2-0 4.85 20 29.2 16 Home 9-12-0 4.18 54 204.1 950-0-1 2.45 19 25.2 7 Road 9-10-1 5.24 52 185.2 108

0-0-0 2.92 8 12.1 4 Day 5-3-0 4.14 29 115.1 533-2-1 3.98 31 43.0 19 Night 13-19-1 4.92 77 274.2 150

3-2-1 3.81 37 54.1 23 Grass 18-21-1 4.69 99 370.1 1930-0-0 0.00 2 1.0 0 Turf 0-1-0 4.58 7 19.2 10

2-1-0 5.04 21 30.1 17 Pre-ASG 15-16-0 5.17 68 278.1 1601-1-1 2.16 18 25.0 6 Post-ASG 3-6-1 3.47 38 111.2 43

-- -- -- -- -- Starter 14-19-0 4.93 52 306.2 1683-2-1 3.74 39 55.1 23 Relief 4-3-1 3.78 54 83.1 35

DAVIS (continued)

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David Dellucci 20 Age: 33, born October 31, 1973 in Baton Rouge, LA

Position: Outfielder

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 5-11 Weight: 195

ML Service: 8 + 097

Contract Status: Signed thru 2009

Acquired: December 6, 2006; Signed by Cleveland to a Major League free agent contract.

YeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

1995 Bluefield .333 20 69 11 23 5 1 2 12 0 1 1 6 7 3 1 1 Frederick .281 28 96 16 27 3 0 1 10 0 0 3 12 10 1 2 21996 Frederick .324 59 185 33 60 11 1 4 28 0 1 0 38 34 5 6 3 Bowie .291 66 251 27 73 14 1 2 33 2 1 1 28 56 2 7 31997 Bowie .327 107 385 71 126 29 3 20 55 0 1 5 58 69 11 4 1 Baltimore .222 17 27 3 6 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 4 7 0 0 01998 Tucson .306 17 72 17 22 4 3 1 11 0 1 0 5 8 4 0 0 Arizona .260 124 416 43 108 19 *12 5 51 0 1 3 33 103 3 5 31999 Arizona .394 63 109 27 43 7 1 1 15 0 0 3 11 24 2 0 02000 Arizona .300 34 50 2 15 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 9 0 2 0 Tucson .230 33 122 16 28 6 3 3 17 1 1 0 13 15 4 0 2 RookieAZ .333 2 6 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 SouthBend .200 2 5 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 02001 Arizona .276 115 217 28 60 10 2 10 40 0 0 2 22 52 2 1 12002 Arizona .245 97 229 34 56 11 2 7 29 0 3 1 28 55 2 4 3 Tucson .133 4 15 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 02003 Arizona .242 70 165 18 40 11 3 2 19 1 2 3 19 45 9 0 2 NewYork(AL) .176 21 51 8 9 1 0 1 4 1 0 2 4 13 3 0 02004 Texas .242 107 331 59 80 13 1 17 61 1 3 5 47 88 9 4 22005 Texas .251 128 435 97 109 17 5 29 65 0 2 5 76 121 5 3 32006 Philadelphia .292 132 264 41 77 14 5 13 39 0 3 6 28 62 1 3 1Minor lge. Totals .302 338 1206 196 364 75 12 33 170 3 7 10 164 204 30 21 12Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league .242 273 844 167 204 32 6 48 133 2 5 13 131 229 17 7 5national league .275 635 1450 193 399 75 25 38 195 1 9 18 145 350 19 15 10M. l. TOTals .263 908 2294 360 603 107 31 86 328 3 14 31 276 579 36 22 15

dIvIsIOn seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

2001 Arizona -- 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02002 Arizona .286 3 7 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 02003 NewYork(AL) -- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Totals .286 6 7 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

leaGUe CHaMPIOnsHIP seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

2001 Arizona .500 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02003 NewYork(AL) .333 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0Totals .400 5 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

WORld seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

2001 Arizona .500 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02003 NewYork(AL) .000 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Totals .250 6 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2006SeasonHighlightsu Dellucci,33,spentthe2006seasonwiththePhiladelphiaPhillieswheretheleft-handedhitterbatted.292


u WasacquiredbythePhilliesonApril1,twodaysbeforeOpeningDayforRobinsonTejadaandJakeBlalock…Fin-ishedtiedfor3rdamongallmajorleagueplayerswith16pinchhitsandtiedfor2ndwith8extra-basepinchhits…Ontheyearhehit.267(16-60)asaPHw/22B,23B,1HR&11RBI…HadthemostpinchhitsbyaPhilliesince1995(TonyLongmire19)…

u Batted.404(42-104)overa39-gamespan,6/18-8/11,raisinghisaveragefrom.242to.341…Sluggedhis9thcareerpinchHR(andfirstasaPhillie),June13vs.NYM…Tiedhiscareerhighbyhomeringin3straightgames,June28-30(2ndtimeinhiscareer)…Had4consecutivemulti-hitgames,June28-July1…Hisbattingaverageneverdippedbelow.290fromJune26throughtheremainderoftheseason.

ProCareeru 2005Reachedcareerhighsinnearlyeveryoffensivecategory:games(119),starts(111),runs(97),hits(109),


u 2004FirstseasonwithTEX…EstablishedcareerhighsinHR(17),RBI(61)andwalks(47),allofwhichweresurpassedin2005…Started93games:club-leading77inLF,7asDH,5inRFand4inCF…Hadhisfirst3careermulti-HRgames:4/22atANA,7/8atCLEand8/20atKC…Tiedhiscareerhighwith5RBI,7/8atCLE…Hitawalk-off,2-rundouble,9/23vsOAK,snappingan0-for-23stretch.

u 2003BegantheseasonwithARI…Batted.308(12-39)throughhisfirst16games…Spenttimeonthe15-dayDL,6/2-16,aftersufferingaconcussionandabruisedbackinacollisionwithAlexCintron,6/1atSD…Tiedhiscareerhighwith4hits,6/24vsHOU…TradedtoNYY,7/29…Leftthegame,8/27vsCHI,withasprainedrightankle,andwasplacedonthe15-dayDL,8/28-9/26,causinghimtomiss30games…Appeared in8playoffgamesforNYY, including4WorldSeriesgames…Finishedtheseasonacombinedperfect12-0 instolenbases.

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns1994 SelectedbytheMinnesotaTwinsinthe11throundoftheJunedraft.Didnotsign.1995 SelectedbytheBaltimoreOriolesinthe10throundoftheJunedraft.1997 SelectedbytheArizonaDiamondbacksinthe2ndround(45thoverall)oftheexpansiondraft,11/18.1999 DLfracturedleftlunate(wrist),7/25-remainderofseason.2002 DLstrainedlefthamstring,5/2-24…rehabatAAATucson,5/20-24.2003 DLconcussionandbruisedback,6/2-17.2003 AcquiredbytheNewYorkYankeesfromtheDiamondbacksinexchangeforRaulMondesi,7/29.2003 DLsprainedrightankle,8/28-9/27.2003 Grantedfreeagency,12/21.2003 SignedbytheTexasRangersasafreeagent,12/29.2004 Grantedfreeagency,11/1.2004 Re-signedbytheRangersasafreeagent,12/20.2006 AcquiredbythePhiladelphiaPhillies,alongwithcash,fromtheRangersinexchangeforRobinsonTejadaandJake

Blalock,4/1.2006 Grantedfreeagency,11/2.2006 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,12/6.

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Media Guide 2007  121

dellUCCI’s FavORITes

Favorite Movie:TheGodfather;Favorite artist: PearlJamandDisturbed;Favorite Thing away From Baseball: Golf; Fa-vorite athlete Growing Up: BoJackson;Favorite Team Growing Up: All thingsLSU;Most Influenced Me:GrandfatherCarloPolito;Favorite Road City: Hous-ton;Favorite Road stadium:AmeriquestField-ArlingtonTexas;Favorite thing do to away from baseball:HuntandFish

u 2002Hithis6thcareerpinchHR,4/17vsSTL…Sufferedaconcussionwhilestealingabase,9/10vsSD,butdidnotmissanygames…Started2gamesoftheNLDSvsSTL…Hithis1stcareerpostseasonHRinGame3(AndyBenes).

u 2001Wastiedfor2ndinthemajorsinpinch-hits(18)andpinchHR(5)and2ndinpinchRBI(16),settingARIrecordsineachcategory…Overall,hit.321(18-56)asapinch-hitter…Sluggedthe1stpinchgrandslaminARIhistoryandsetacareerhighwith4RBI,7/21vsSF(BrianBoehringer);alsohis1stcareerslam…Appearedin6playoffgamesforARIenroutetotheteam’sfirstWorldChampionship.

u 2000MadetheOpeningDayrosteraftermissingthesecondhalfofthepreviousyearduetowristsurgery…Had3pinch-hitappearancesbeforebeingoptionedtoTucson(AAA),4/17…Hada2-gamerehabstintwithARIísrookie-levelteam…OntheDL,5/8-7/25(fracturedrightringfinger).

u 1999Batted.394in63gamesasback-upoutfielderbeforeanaggingleftwristinjuryendedhisseason…WasdiagnosedwithadisorderthatrequiredimmediatesurgeryandlefthimontheDLfortheremainderoftheyear…Playedhislastgame,7/22atHOU.

u 1998BegantheseasonwithTucson…Appearedin17gamesbeforebeingrecalledon4/27fortheremainderoftheseason…Despitenotplayingeveryday,ledtheNLintriples(12),becomingjustthesecondrookiesince1984toaccomplishthefeat(STLísRayLankford,1991)…Hadhisfirstcareer4-hitgame,including3doubles,6/2atCOL…

u 1997OpenedtheyearwithBowie(AA)…WasrecalledinJune,appearingin9gamesforBAL…HithisfirstMLhomerun,6/25atMIL(CalEldred)…SelectedbyArizonaintheexpansiondraftfollowingtheseason.

u 1996Hadthe6th-bestaverageamongBAL’sminor leaguers…Hitacombined.305withFrederick(A)andBowie(AA)…BegantheseasonwithFrederickbeforebeingpromotedtoBowie,6/26.

u 1995SplithisfirstprofessionalseasonbetweenBluefield(A)andFrederick.

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name davId MICHael dellUCCI…Single…Resides in BatonRouge, LA…1991 graduate of Catholic High School (Baton Rouge,LA)…Earned team MVP in both baseball and football as a prepster,while earning All-State honors on the diamond…Voted ‘Man of theYear’ inhighschoolforhissuccessasastudentathleteandbeingarolemodel foryouth…Inducted into theCatholicHSHallofFame in2001…Played 3 seasons at the University of Mississippi, where hewas an All-Southeastern Conference selection in both 1994 and ’95and earned All-American status in 1995, setting 10 school recordswhileleadingtheSECinhitting…NamedAthleteoftheYearatOleMissin1995…Wasactive in thePhoenix areawithSpecialOlympics andEasterSeals…Selectedastherecipientofthe2005HaroldMcKinneyGoodGuyAwardbytheDallas-FortWorthBBWAA…Louisiananativeestablished theCatch22 forBlueFoundation toaid in theHurricaneKatrinareliefefforts…Hobby:Hunting.

dellUCCI’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs: 4, 6 times, last: 8/11/05 at NYY;dOUBles:3,6/2/98atCOL;HR:2,6times,last8/11/05atNYY;RBI:5,3times,last9/6/05atMIN;WalKs: 3,8 times, last8/3/06atSTL;RUns:4,8/11/05atNYY;sB:2,7/11/03vsSF;HITTInG sTReaK:8games-8/31-9/12/05;GRand slaMs:3-7/21/01atSF(BrianBoehringer);8/7/05vsBAL(DanielCabrera);9/6/05atMIN(KyleLohse);leadOFF HR:7-last:8/31/05vsCWS(OrlandoHernandez);PInCH HR:9-last:6/13/06vsNYM(AaronHeilman);WalK-OFF HR:None.

2006 CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI avG aB H HR RBI.292 264 77 13 39 Totals .263 2294 603 86 328

.444 9 4 2 4 Baltimore .295 61 18 8 16

.385 13 5 0 1 Boston .324 74 24 3 10-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(AL) .180 50 9 2 8-- -- -- -- -- Cleveland .273 33 9 3 8-- -- -- -- -- Detroit .282 39 11 1 9-- -- -- -- -- KansasCity .136 59 8 4 5-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Angels .252 119 30 6 16-- -- -- -- -- Minnesota .260 50 13 2 131.000 1 1 0 0 NewYork(AL) .333 66 22 5 13-- -- -- -- -- Oakland .231 104 24 3 10-- -- -- -- -- Seattle .288 125 36 8 16.500 6 3 0 0 TampaBay .220 41 9 1 6-- -- -- -- -- Texas .371 35 13 1 5.417 12 5 1 1 Toronto .191 68 13 1 6

.182 11 2 1 2 Arizona .182 11 2 1 2

.188 32 6 0 2 Atlanta .177 79 14 0 6

.267 15 4 0 2 Chicago(NL) .256 78 20 0 3

.385 13 5 1 2 Cincinnati .205 88 18 2 12

.500 2 1 0 0 Colorado .359 92 33 3 18

.303 33 10 0 1 Florida .277 94 26 0 3

.222 9 2 1 1 Houston .331 127 42 5 16

.200 10 2 0 1 L.A.Dodgers .297 128 38 3 24

.286 7 2 1 2 Milwaukee .313 48 15 3 7

.286 35 10 4 8 NewYork(NL) .260 77 20 5 14-- -- -- -- -- Philadelphia .213 47 10 1 4.200 5 1 0 0 Pittsburgh .315 54 17 1 12.455 11 5 1 4 St.Louis .247 85 21 4 17.000 6 0 0 0 SanDiego .192 130 25 3 121.000 3 3 0 2 SanFrancisco .307 127 39 4 22.194 31 6 1 6 Washington .229 105 24 3 15

.150 20 3 0 1 March-April .283 244 69 11 35

.370 27 10 2 5 May .317 350 111 17 69

.362 47 17 4 11 June .253 451 114 14 64

.300 50 15 1 4 July .275 458 126 17 58

.288 73 21 5 15 August .236 416 98 19 59

.234 47 11 1 3 Sept-Oct .227 375 85 8 43

.289 128 37 6 17 Home .265 1149 305 40 181

.294 136 40 7 22 Road .260 1145 298 46 147

.284 95 27 2 7 Day .278 748 208 37 110

.296 169 50 11 32 Night .255 1546 395 49 218

.286 252 72 12 38 Grass .263 2095 551 82 308

.417 12 5 1 1 Turf .261 199 52 4 20

.315 108 34 6 17 Pre-ASG .281 1186 333 50 188

.276 156 43 7 22 Post-ASG .244 1108 270 36 140

.200 20 4 2 4 vs.LHP .208 289 60 5 36

.299 244 73 11 35 vs.RHP .271 2005 543 81 292

.185 65 12 2 22 ScoringPosition .269 557 150 18 228

.083 12 1 0 7 BasesLoaded .358 53 19 3 57

.267 60 16 1 11 PinchHitter .277 256 71 9 50

.667 6 4 1 1 DesignatedHitter .249 285 71 17 31

CaReeR BY BallPaRK avG aB H HR RBI3ComPark(SF) .286 21 6 1 4AmeriquestField(TEX) .261 444 116 24 74AngelStadium(LAA) .226 62 14 4 9Astrodome(HOU) .391 23 9 0 0AT&TPark(SF) .320 50 16 1 5BuschStadium(STL) .625 8 5 1 4BuschStadiumI(STL) .233 43 10 2 9CamdenYards(BAL) .265 49 13 4 9ChaseField(AZ) .278 558 155 10 90CinergyField(CIN) .171 41 7 0 3CitizensBankPark(PHI) .279 136 38 7 18ComericaPark(DET) .350 20 7 0 2CoorsField(COL) .353 51 18 2 9CountyStadium(MIL) .444 9 4 1 2DodgerStadium(LA) .262 61 16 1 10DolphinStadium(FLA) .233 43 10 0 2FenwayPark(BOS) .293 41 12 0 4Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) .250 8 2 0 1JacobsField(CLE) .286 21 6 2 5KauffmanStadium(KC) .149 47 7 4 5McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .264 53 14 2 6Metrodome(MIN) .176 34 6 1 9MillerPark(MIL) .231 13 3 2 3MinuteMaidPark(HOU) .257 35 9 2 4OlympicStadium(MON) .268 41 11 2 4PETCOPark(SD) .000 5 0 0 0PNCPark(PIT) .500 2 1 0 0QualcommStadium(SD) .194 62 12 2 4RFKStadium(WSH) .105 19 2 0 4RogersCentre(TOR) .364 22 8 1 2SafecoField(SEA) .391 46 18 4 7SheaStadium(NYM) .235 51 12 2 6ThreeRiversStadium(PIT) .375 8 3 0 0TropicanaField(TB) .167 12 2 0 1TurnerField(ATL) .125 24 3 0 1U.S.CellularField(CWS) .111 9 1 0 1VeteransStadium(PHI) .226 31 7 0 2WrigleyField(CHI) .200 40 8 0 1YankeeStadium(NYY) .235 51 12 4 8

FIeldInG BY POsITIOn 2006 CaReeR PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.990 67 95 1 1 97 0 Outfield .985 575 951 14 15 980 7

DELLUCCI (continued)

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Keith Foulke 29Age: 34, born October 19, 1972 at Ellsworth Air Force Base, SD (Rapid City)

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-0 Weight: 210

ML Service: 9 + 094

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007 with a mutual option for 2008

Acquired: January 4, 2007; Signed by Cleveland to a Major League free agent contract.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 1994 Everett 2-0 0.93 4 4 0 0 0 19.1 17 4 2 0 2 3 22 0 01995 SanJose 13-6 3.50 28 26 2 1 0 177.1 166 85 69 16 7 32 168 6 21996 Shreveport 12-7 2.76 27 27 4 2 0 *182.2 149 61 56 16 3 35 129 6 11997 Phoenix 5-4 4.50 12 12 0 0 0 76.0 79 38 38 11 6 15 54 1 2 SanFrancisco 1-5 8.26 11 8 0 0 0 44.2 60 41 41 9 4 18 33 1 0 Nashville 0-0 5.79 1 1 0 0 0 4.2 8 3 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 Chicago(AL) 3-0 3.45 16 0 0 0 3 28.2 28 11 11 4 0 5 21 0 01998 Chicago(AL) 3-2 4.13 54 0 0 0 1 65.1 51 31 30 9 4 20 57 3 11999 Chicago(AL) 3-3 2.22 67 0 0 0 9 105.1 72 28 26 11 3 21 123 1 02000 Chicago(AL) 3-1 2.97 72 0 0 0 34 88.0 66 31 29 9 2 22 91 1 02001 Chicago(AL) 4-9 2.33 72 0 0 0 42 81.0 57 21 21 3 8 22 75 1 02002 Chicago(AL) 2-4 2.90 65 0 0 0 11 77.2 65 26 25 7 2 13 58 1 02003 Oakland 9-1 2.08 72 0 0 0 *43 86.2 57 21 20 10 7 20 88 0 12004 Boston 5-3 2.17 72 0 0 0 32 83.0 63 22 20 8 6 15 79 3 02005 Boston 5-5 5.91 43 0 0 0 15 45.2 53 30 30 8 5 18 34 0 0 Lowell 0-0 7.36 3 0 0 0 0 3.2 8 4 3 0 0 1 5 0 02006 Boston 3-1 4.35 44 0 0 0 0 49.2 52 24 24 9 2 7 36 2 0 Lowell 0-0 0.00 1 1 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Pawtucket 0-1 1.80 4 2 0 0 0 5.0 4 1 1 0 0 4 5 1 0Minor lge. Totals 32-18 3.30 80 73 6 3 0 469.2 431 196 172 44 18 90 388 15 5Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league 40-29 2.99 577 0 0 0 190 711.0 564 245 236 78 39 163 662 12 2national league 1-5 8.26 11 8 0 0 0 44.2 60 41 41 9 4 18 33 1 0

M. l. TOTals 41-34 3.30 588 8 0 0 190 755.2 624 286 277 87 43 181 695 13 2

dIvIsIOn serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2000 Chicago(AL) 0-1 11.57 2 0 0 0 0 2.1 4 3 3 2 0 2 2 0 02003 Oakland 0-1 3.60 3 0 0 0 0 5.0 4 2 2 0 0 2 3 0 02004 Boston 0-0 0.00 2 0 0 0 1 3.0 2 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0Totals 0-2 4.35 7 0 0 0 1 10.1 10 5 5 2 0 5 10 0 0

leaGue CHaMPIOnsHIP serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2004 Boston 0-0 0.00 5 0 0 0 1 6.0 1 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0

WOrld serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2004 Boston 1-0 1.80 4 0 0 0 1 5.0 4 1 1 1 0 1 8 0 0

all-sTar GaMe reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2003 Oakland 0-0 0.00 1 0 0 0 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Career TransaCTIOns1993 SelectedbytheDetroitTigersinthe14throundoftheJunedraft.1994 SelectedbytheSanFranciscoGiantsinthe9throundoftheJunedraft.1997 AcquiredbytheChicagoWhiteSox,alongwithMikeCaruso,BrianManning,LorenzoBarcelo,BobbyHowryandKen

ViningfromtheGiantsinexchangeforWilsonAlvarez,RobertoHernandezandDannyDarwin,7/31.1998 DL–bonespurinrightshoulder,8/28-remaidnerofseason.2002 AcquiredbytheOaklandAthletics,alongwithMarkJohnson,JoeValentineandcashconsiderations,fromtheWhite

SoxinexchangeforBillyKochand2playerstobenamedlater(NealCottsandDaylonHolt),12/3.2003 Grantedfreeagency,10/27.2004 SignedbytheBostonRedSoxasafreeagent,1/7.2005 DL–arthroscopicsurgeryonleftknee,7/5-9/1…rehabatALowell,8/27-9/1.2006 DL–rightelbowtendonitis,6/12-8/18…rehabatALowell,7/28-30andAAAPawtucket,7/30-8/18.2006 Grantedfreeagency,11/10.2007 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,1/4.

2006SeasonHighlightsu In2006Keithwent3-1witha4.35ERAin44reliefappearancesinBoston(49.2IP,52H,24ER,7BB,36K),


u HewassharpuponhisreturnfromtheDL,going1-0w/a2.04ERAin15gamesfollowinghisactivation(17.2IP,17H,4ER)…Hedidnotallowarunin14ofthose15outingsanddidnotallowarunoverhisfinal11appearancesontheyearinSeptember(11.1IP,10H,0R)…Fortheyearheposted14holds(T2ndonthecluband2ndmostincareer)andwalkedjust1.26battersper9.0IP(lowestratioamongALrelieverswithatleast40.0IP)…Didnothaveablownsaveinanyofhis44outings.

u Issuedonly7walksin49.2innings,anaverageofjust1.26walksper9.0innings...Inallofbaseball,onlySanDiego’sClaMeredithhadfewerwalks(6)inatleast40.0inningspitched...ThenextclosestAmericanLeaguerwasOakland’sJustinDuchschererwith9walks...Inhisbigleaguecareer,hasonly181walksin755.2innings,anaverageof2.16walksper9.0innings…

u Didnotallowanearnedrunin32ofhis44appearances...Heldrighthanderstoa.236average(21-for-89)and3homeruns...31ofhis44appearancescameagainstA.L.Eastfoes,andheposteda2.80ERA(11ER/35.1IP)inthose31outings...Limitedopponentstoa.220battingaverage(11-for-50)withrunnersinscoringposition...3timesallowed4runsinanouting(removethose3outingsfromhis2006totalsandheboastsa2.44ERA(12ER/44.1IP)inhisremaining41appearances)…

ProCareeru 2005Enduredaninjury-plaguedcampaign,pitchingthroughproblemswithbothkneesformuchoftheyear


u 2004Foulke’s32savesin2004,hisfirstseasonwiththeRedSox,were7th-mostinasingleseasoninclubhistory...TheSoxrecordis46,setbyTomGordonin1998...KeithrecordedanERAof2.97orlowerandhasmadeatleast65appearancesin6straightseasonsfrom1999-2004...Had7savesofmorethan1.0inning…Was1-0with10savesanda0.36ERA(1ER/25.1IP)in22appearancesthrough5/28beforehisfirstblownsave5/30,whenSeattle’sRaulIbanezhita3-runhomertogivetheMarinersa7-5leadatFenway...Didnotcommitanerrorforthe5thstraightseason…Pitchedatleast1.0inningin70of72appearances,includingeachofhisfirst60outings…Collectedhis150thcareersave5/11vs.Cleveland,whilehis32ndandfinalsaveofthisseasonwasNo.175ofhiscareer…Recordedasavein7straightappearances8/21-9/3,partofaruninwhichheconverted16straightsavechances7/20-9/17…Didnotwalkabatteroverhisfinal16appearancesstarting8/26(15.2IP)…Madehis500thcareerappearance9/28atTampaBay…Pitched3daysinarow4times...HisERAwasbelow2.00allyearuntil9/20,whenhebegana3-appearancestretchinwhichhesurrendered4runs

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u 2003InhisonlyseasoninOakland,wasnamedtotheA.L.All-StarteamforthefirsttimeandearnedA.L.FiremanoftheYearhonorsafterpostinga9-1recordwithanAL-high43savesanda2.08ERAin72gamesfortheA.L.Westchampions...Tiedfor7thinALCyYoungAwardvoting,theonlyreliefpitcherintheleaguetoreceivevotes...His9wins,2.08ERAand.184opponentsaveragewereallcareerbests,whilehis72appearancesmatchedhispersonalhighforthe3rdtimein4years...Finishedstrong,postinga2-0record,19savesin20chancesanda1.24ERA(5ER/36.1IP)in30gamesaftertheAll-Starbreak,includinga1.21ERA(4ER/29.2IP)inAugustandSeptember…Inadditiontoleadingtheleagueinsaves,ledtheA.L.andtiedEricGagneoftheDodgersandBillyWagneroftheAstrosfortheM.L.leadwith67gamesfinished,tiedfortheleagueleadwith9reliefwins,finished2ndinsavepercentage(43-for-48,89.6)andaverageallowedbyareliever(.184),was3rdinreliefIP(86.2,mostbyanymajorleaguecloser)andhitsallowedper9IPbyareliever(5.92),4thinreliefK’s(88),7thinreliefERAandstrikeout-to-walkratio(4.4-to-1),8thinwalks(2.08)andstrikeouts(9.14)per9inningsbyarelieverandranked9thintheA.L. inappearances…Workedmorethananinningin10saves,includinga2.0-inningsave8/12vs.Boston...MakinghisfirstcareerappearanceinanAll-StarGame,workeda1-2-39thinningtosavetheAmericanLeague’s7-6winovertheNationalLeagueinthe7/15Mid-SummerClassicatU.S.CellularFieldinChicago...Ranked3rdamongA.L.relievers,holdingopponentstoa.184(57-for-309)averagewith11doubles,2triplesand10homers(RHHhit.158)…Heldtheoppositiontoa.138averagewithrunnerson...amongA.L.relieversand.171withRISP…Hadworked31.2consecutiveinningsw/oawalkdatingto8/1/02beforeissuinghisfirstfreepassof2003,4/16atSeattle…Went0-1witha3.60ERA(2ER/5.0IP)andablownsavein3ALDSappearancesagainsttheRedSox...Tossed3.0scorelessinningsinGame1,hislongestoutingsince8/25/99atTampaBay(also3.0innings).

u 2002Inhis7thandfinalseasonwiththeWhiteSox,finished2-4with11savesin14chancesanda2.90ERAin65games...Started0-3with8savesin10chancesanda5.56ERA(14ER/22.2IP)throughtheendofMay,thenwent2-1with3savesin4chancesanda1.80ERA(11ER/55.0IP)therestoftheway...Stranded18of21inheritedrunners,andheldfirstbatterstoa.231(15-for-65)average...Walkedacareer-low13in77.2innings,anaverageof1.5walksper9innings,bestamongA.L.reliever...Issuedjust3freepassesafter7/1...Allowed9.27runnersper9innings,6thintheleague...Alsorankedtiedfor10thinreliefinnings(77.2)...Went1-0with2savesin3chancesanda0.74ERA(3ERin36.2IP)afterthebreak...Didnotallowanearnedruninhisfinal17.2innings...Allowedoneearnedrunoverhislast31.1inningsfora0.29ERAandonly3inlasthislast38.2inningsfora0.70ERA...Converted33straightsavechancesatComiskeyParkfrom9/1/00untilablownsave5/29vs.NewYork...Didnotwalkabatterinhisfinal25.1inningsafter8/1...Recordedhis100thcareersave9/26vs.Boston.

u 2001Closedoutathencareer-high42saves,3rd-mostintheA.L.and2nd-mostinWhiteSoxhistory...Converted42of45savechances,foranA.L.best93.3percentsuccessrate...Wassuccessfulon26ofhisfinal27savechances,hislast14inarow...Alsohadarunof12saveconversionsinarowearlierintheseason...Finished4thintheA.L.RolaidsReliefManstandingswith114...His2.33ERAwas3rd-bestamongA.L.relievers,whileheledtheleaguewith69GF,ranked4thinappearances(72),5thinstrikeouts(75),5thinreliefIP(81.0),7thinhitsper9.0IP(6.33),8thinopponentsaverage(.199),8thinrunnersper9.0IP(9.7)...Firstbattersfacedhit.136(9-for66),3rd-bestintheA.L...Allowedoneruninhisfinal23.2inningsathomefora0.38ERA...Histhencareer-beststreakofconverting19straightsavechancesended5/20atOakland...Thestreakwas3rd-longestinclubhistory,oneshortoftherecordsharedbyRobertoHernandez(1996)andMattKarchner.

u 2000AssumedtheroleofWhiteSoxcloserandrespondedbygoing3-1with34savesanda2.97ERAinacareer-high72appearances...Was5thintheleagueinsaves...AlsorankedamongA.L.reliefleadersinrunnersper9innings(firstwith9.2),reliefinnings(3rdwith88.0),opponentsaverage(4that.207),savepercent-age(5that.872),gamesfinished(tiedfor5thwith58),games(tiedfor7thwith72)andERA(8that2.97)...Compiledateam-beststreakof18.2consecutivescorelessinnings4/18-5/21...Serveda3-gamesuspension5/5-7forhisroleinan4/22on-fieldaltercationvs.Detroit...Converted13consecutivesavechances4/7-6/9...WasamemberofthemajorleagueAll-StarteamthattouredJapanforan8-gameexhibitionseriesfollowingtheseason...Forthe2ndstraightseason,wasrankedasthetoprelieverintheA.L.overthe2-yearperiodfrom1999-00basedonasystemdevisedbytheEliasSportsBureautodeterminefreeagentcompensation.

u 1999Posteda3-3record,9savesanda2.22ERAin67appearancesfortheWhiteSox...LedA.L.relieversinstrikeouts(acareer-high123)...Ranked2ndinERAandrunnersper9innings(8.2),was3rdininnings(acareer-high105.1),4thinopponentsaverage(.188),tiedfor4thinholds(22)and7thinaveragewithmenon(.192)...Heldopponentstoa.158averageandrecordeda1.38ERA(8ER/52.0IP)aftertheAll-Starbreak...Allowedjust2runsoverhisfinal30.1innings,fora0.59ERA...Didnotallowarunin17appearances(25.1IP)8/14-9/22...Fannedareliefcareer-high6in2.1innings6/3atTorontoandagainin2.2IP9/8atAnaheim.

u 1998InhisfirstfullM.L.campaign,made54appearances,finishing3-2withasaveanda4.13ERA...Didnotpitchafter8/27duetoabonespurinhisrightshoulderthatrequiredseason-endingsurgery.

u 1997PitchedinTriple-Aandthemajorsin2differentorganizations,ashemadehisbigleaguedebutfortheGiantsbeforebeingdealttotheWhiteSoxon7/31...OpenedtheseasonwithTriple-APhoenixandwent4-3witha4.18ERAin9starts...WasrecalledbySanFrancisco5/20,andmadehisbig leaguedebut5/21vs.Colorado...Allowed3earnedrunson2hitsandawalkin4.0innings...Gotano-decisioninhisfirststart5/30atAtlanta...NotchedhisfirstM.L.win6/9vs.Florida,whenhefannedacareer-high8andallowedonerunon3hitsand2walksin6.1inningsinthe7-4victory...WasoptionedbacktoTriple-Aafterthegameonlytoberecalledagain6/24...Went0-4withan11.14ERAinhisnext6outingsfortheGiantsandwasoptionedtoPhoenix7/21...WastradedtotheWhiteSox10dayslaterandmadeonestartforTriple-ANashville(thelaststartofhisprocareer)beforebeingrecalledbyChicago8/14...Went3-0with3savesanda3.45ERAin16outings...Recordedhisfirstcareersave8/18vs.Seattle,whenhefired4.0shutoutinningstocloseouta5-0win...EarnedhisfirstWhiteSoxwinwith2.1inningsofrelief8/29vs.Houston.

u 1996ContinuedhissteadyclimbtowardthemajorsashewasnamedTexasLeaguePitcheroftheYear...Went12-7witha2.76ERAin27startsforDouble-AShreveport...Wasamid-seasonandpost-seasonTLAll-Star...LedtheleagueinERAandinnings(182.2)...Finished2ndinwins,strikeouts(129)andcompletegames(4)...WasnamedGiantsDouble-APlayeroftheMonthforMayaftergoing4-2witha2.53ERA(13ER/46.1IP),including2completegamesandashutout.

u 1995EarnedCalLeaguepost-seasonAll-Starhonorsinhisfirstfullcampaign...Went13-6witha3.50ERAin28games(26starts)forSingle-ASanJose,tyingfortheGiantsorganizationleadinwins...walked32andfanned168(mostamongGiantsfarmhands)in177.1innings...Rangup16strikeouts8/23vs.HighDesert.

u 1994DebutedwithRookie-levelEverett,going2-0witha0.93ERAin4starts.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameKeITH CHarles FOulKe...Oneson,Cade(3)...Married,wife’snameisStacy…ResidesinPhoenix,AZ…AttendedGalvestonCollegeandLewis-ClarkStateCollege inLewiston, Idaho...Graduated fromWillieJ.Hargrave(Huffman,TX)HighSchoolin1991.

FOULKE (continued)

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FOulKe’s GaMe HIGHs

K’s (starter):8,June9,1997vs.Florida;K’s (reliever):6,twotimes,lastonSept.8, 1999 at Anaheim; bb’s (reliever): 3,three times, lastApril14,2005vs.NYY;lOnGesT sTarT:6.1IP,June9,1997vs.FLA; lOnGesT relIeF OuTInG: 4.0IP,two times, last August 18, 1997 vs. Se-attle;WInnInG sTreaK:7games,July1,2003-June11,2004;lOsInG sTreaK:4games,threetimes,lastin2002;Hr:3,2x,lastAugust28,2006atOakland;lOnGesT save sTreaK:24saves,August16,2003to May 26, 2004; lasT WIn: Sept. 14,2006 at Baltimore; lasT save: July 2,2005vs.Toronto.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAT&TPark(SF) 0-1-1 3.38 3 2.2 1AmeriquestField(TEX) 1-1-7 3.68 18 22.0 9AngelStadium(LAA) 1-1-4 2.66 15 20.1 6BuschStadiumI(STL) 0-1-0 9.00 5 7.0 7CinergyField(CIN) 0-0-2 6.00 2 3.0 2CitizensBankPark(PHI) 0-0-0 0.00 3 2.1 0ComericaPark(DET) 0-0-9 0.90 17 20.0 2CoorsField(COL) 0-1-0 21.60 2 1.2 4DodgerStadium(LA) 0-2-0 7.20 2 10.0 8DolphinStadium(FLA) 0-0-1 0.00 1 1.0 0FenwayPark(BOS) 9-6-25 4.29 94109.0 52Metrodome(MIN) 0-1-6 3.60 13 15.0 6JacobsField(CLE) 3-2-9 2.55 22 24.2 7KauffmanStadium(KC) 0-0-7 1.69 20 26.2 5McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 7-1-27 3.29 53 65.2 24MillerPark(MIL) 0-0-2 0.00 2 2.0 0CountyStadium(MIL) 0-0-1 3.00 2 3.0 1MinuteMaidPark(HOU) 0-0-1 0.00 1 1.1 03ComPark(SF) 1-0-0 4.74 4 19.0 10CamdenYards(BAL) 1-0-5 1.71 19 21.0 4RogersCentre(TOR) 0-1-8 2.10 25 30.0 7SafecoField(SEA) 0-2-10 4.34 17 18.2 9Astrodome(HOU) 0-1-0 19.29 3 4.2 10Kingdome(SEA) 0-1-0 8.68 4 9.1 9ThreeRiversStadium(PIT)0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0TigerStadium(DET) 0-0-0 7.20 4 5.0 4TropicanaField(TB) 3-0-8 0.42 18 21.2 1TurnerField(ATL) 0-0-0 3.52 3 7.2 3U.S.CellularField(CWS)12-11-52 2.79 183238.2 74VeteransStadium(PHI) 0-0-0 15.43 2 2.1 4WrigleyField(CHI) 1-0-2 0.71 10 12.2 1YankeeStadium(NYY) 2-1-3 2.36 20 26.2 7

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI — — — — — .125 16 2 0 0

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.857 44 1 5 1 7 0 Pitcher .954 588 41 83 6 130 5

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er3-1-0 4.35 44 49.2 24 Totals 41-34-190 3.30 588 755.2 277

1-0-0 0.00 7 7.1 0 Baltimore 4-2-11 3.88 42 46.1 20-- -- -- -- -- Boston 2-0-6 2.30 21 27.1 7-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(AL) 0-0-5 1.13 7 8.0 11-0-0 3.86 2 2.1 1 Cleveland 4-3-18 2.57 47 56.0 16-- -- -- -- -- Detroit 0-1-17 2.55 38 42.1 120-0-0 0.00 2 1.2 0 KansasCity 3-2-15 1.58 44 57.0 100-0-0 0.00 1 0.2 0 L.A.Angels 2-2-13 2.44 34 44.1 120-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0 Minnesota 2-3-9 2.86 33 44.0 140-0-0 3.60 8 10.0 4 NewYork(AL) 5-4-8 4.50 41 56.0 280-0-0 18.00 1 2.0 4 Oakland 3-1-6 4.30 27 37.2 180-0-0 6.75 1 1.1 1 Seattle 2-3-14 3.79 43 61.2 261-0-0 2.45 7 7.1 2 TampaBay 3-1-16 1.38 41 45.2 70-0-0 15.75 3 4.0 7 Texas 4-2-14 4.23 36 44.2 210-1-0 4.22 9 10.2 5 Toronto 1-2-17 2.37 50 60.2 16

-- -- -- -- -- Atlanta 0-0-1 5.06 5 10.2 6-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(NL) 2-1-3 1.69 17 21.1 4-- -- -- -- -- Cincinnati 0-0-4 5.00 7 9.0 5-- -- -- -- -- Colorado 0-1-0 6.17 4 11.2 8-- -- -- -- -- Florida 1-0-1 1.23 2 7.1 1-- -- -- -- -- Houston 1-1-1 12.10 7 9.2 13-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Dodgers 1-2-1 6.00 4 12.0 8-- -- -- -- -- Milwaukee 0-0-3 4.50 7 10.0 5-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.0 00-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0 Philadelphia 0-0-0 6.35 6 5.2 4-- -- -- -- -- Pittsburgh 1-0-2 0.00 6 5.1 0-- -- -- -- -- St.Louis 0-1-0 8.53 9 12.2 12-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego 0-0-1 0.00 1 1.0 0-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco 0-1-3 1.93 5 4.2 1-- -- -- -- -- Washington 0-1-1 6.00 3 3.0 2

2-1-0 3.71 13 17.0 7 March-April 7-7-28 2.51 100 125.1 350-0-0 5.25 14 12.0 7 May 4-4-34 4.28 105 134.2 640-0-0 18.00 2 3.0 6 June 8-9-32 4.82 102 136.1 73-- -- -- -- -- July 7-8-23 3.87 88 118.2 510-0-0 5.68 4 6.1 4 August 7-4-39 2.17 98 124.1 301-0-0 0.00 11 11.1 0 Sept-Oct 8-2-34 1.86 95 116.1 24

0-0-0 5.27 24 27.1 16 Home 28-17-93 3.25 307 401.0 1453-1-0 3.22 20 22.1 8 Road 13-17-97 3.35 281 354.2 132

0-0-0 4.26 10 12.2 6 Day 14-11-62 3.06 200 255.2 873-1-0 4.38 34 37.0 18 Night 27-23-128 3.42 388 500.0 190

2-0-0 4.60 39 43.0 22 Grass 38-30-166 3.20 520 668.2 2381-1-0 2.70 5 6.2 2 Turf 3-4-24 4.03 68 87.0 39

2-1-0 5.63 29 32.0 20 Pre-ASG 24-23-99 3.92 338 439.0 1911-0-0 2.04 15 17.2 4 Post-ASG 17-11-91 2.44 250 316.2 86

-- -- -- -- -- Starter 1-4-0 6.99 8 37.1 293-1-0 4.35 44 49.2 24 Relief 40-30-190 3.11 580 718.1 248

FOULKE (continued)

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Ben Francisco 65Age: 25, born October 23, 1981 in Santa Ana, CA

Position: Outfielder

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-1 Weight: 190

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (3)

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 5th round (154th overall) of the 2002 First-Year Player Draft.

year ClUB avG G aB r H 2B 3B Hr rBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e2002 MahoningVy *.349 58 235 #55 82 23 2 3 23 2 3 7 22 28 22 6 32003 LakeCounty .287 80 289 57 83 21 1 11 48 1 5 4 31 50 15 6 12004 Akron .254 133 497 72 126 29 3 15 71 4 6 6 50 86 21 5 72005 Akron .307 83 323 45 99 19 7 7 46 2 1 2 24 59 15 4 1 Buffalo .500 4 16 4 8 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 3 1 0 02006 Buffalo .278 134 515 80 143 32 4 17 59 5 4 10 45 72 25 5 4Minor lge. Totals .289 492 1875 313 541 125 17 53 250 14 20 29 173 298 99 26 16

Career TransaCTIOns2002 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe5throundoftheJunedraft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu HadanoutstandingseasonatAAABuffalo,leadingtheteaminseveraloffensivecategoriesashesharedthe


u DefiningmomentofhisseasoncamefromJune12-July8whenhecomposedthesecond-longesthitstreakintheBisonsModernEra…His25-gamestretch(.324,34-105,72B,3HR,3BB,15R)felljustthreegamesshortofAlexRamirez’s28-gamestreakin1998…HehittwohomerunsonApril15againstColumbus,thesecondcominginthe11thinningofa7-6win.

u Hehit.292inthetopspot(52G,62-212)andhit.313(83-265)athome…FromAugust1thrutheendoftheseasonhehit.314(37-118)with112B,4HR&18RBIin29games…Hit.297(43-145)offLHPwith6HR&15RBI,.322(37-115)withRISPand.321(62-193)withrunnerson…PlayedintheMexicanWinterLeagueforCuliacan(66G,162B,11HR,37RBI)aftertheseason…Addedtothe40-manrosteronNovember20.

ProCareeru 2005PromisingyounghitterspentmostoftheseasonatAAAkronbeforeendingtheseasonatAAABuf-


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u 2004SpenttheentireseasonatAAAkron,appearinginacareer-high133gameswhiledrivinginacareer-best71runs…Appearedin76gamesinRF,43gamesinCFand14gamesinLF…Drovein5runson5/11vs.Bowie(2HR).

u 2003Missedthefirsttwomonthsoftheseasonafterundergoinglefthandsurgeryinspringtrainingon3/27(hamatebone)…Activatedon6/1…Hitin9straightgames,8/1-11anddrovein11runsoverthespan…InAugusthehit .314(33-105)with5HR&22RBI in28gamesandhit2HRanddrove in5runson7/30and8/30…Appearedin52GinCF…

u 2002SpenthisfirstprofessionalseasonatAMahoningValleyaftersigningon6/19…WontheNewYork-PennLeaguebattingtitle(.349)andalsoledtheleagueinruns(55)…Alsoranked3rdinsteals(22),4thinslugging%(.502),3rdinon-base%(.416),2ndinhitsanddoublesand5thinextrabasehits(28)…WasnamedToppsMinorLeaguePlayeroftheYearfortheNYPL,anNYPLPost-SeasonAll-StarandtotheBaseball America Short-SeasonAll-Starteam.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnamelOUIs Ben FranCIsCO…Single…ResidesinAnaheim,CA…GraduatedfromServiteHighSchoolin1999wherehewasnamedthe1999GoldenWestLeagueMVPandwasatwo-timeall-leagueselection,hitting.560w/6HR,32RBIand10SBasasenior…WenttoschoolandplayedbaseballatCypressJuniorCollegein2000andplayedtwoseasonsatUCLAin2001-02…EarnedAll-Pac10honorsasasophomore(.309,73-236,202B,6HR,42RBI)andledtheconferenceinsteals(20)in2002(.368,56-152,112B,6HR,37RBI)asajuniorbeforebeingdraftedbyCleveland.

FRANCISCO (continued)

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Aaron Fultz 46Age: 33, born September 4, 1973 in Memphis, TN

Position: Pitcher

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-0 Weight: 210

ML Service: 6 + 127

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007 with a club option for 2008

Acquired: December 2, 2006; Signed to a Major League free agent contract by Cleveland with a club option for the 2008 season.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 1992 AZGiants 3-2 2.13 14 14 0 0 0 67.2 51 24 16 0 4 33 72 7 01993 Clinton 14-8 3.41 26 25 2 1 0 148.0 132 63 56 8 11 64 144 10 2 Ft.Wayne 0-0 9.00 1 1 0 0 0 4.0 10 4 4 0 0 0 3 0 01994 FortMyers 9-10 4.33 28 28 3 0 0 168.1 193 95 81 9 7 60 132 9 21995 NewBritain 0-2 6.60 3 3 0 0 0 15.0 11 12 11 1 0 9 12 0 0 FortMyers 3-6 3.25 21 21 2 2 0 122.0 115 52 44 10 8 41 127 7 11996 SanJose 9-5 3.96 36 12 0 0 1 104.2 101 52 46 7 8 54 103 13 01997 Shreveport 6-3 2.83 49 0 0 0 1 70.0 65 30 22 6 2 19 60 4 11998 Shreveport 5-7 3.77 54 0 0 0 15 62.0 58 40 26 4 3 29 61 5 1 Fresno 0-0 5.06 10 0 0 0 0 16.0 22 10 9 2 0 2 13 1 01999 Fresno 9-8 7.98 37 20 1 0 0 137.1 141 87 76 32 7 51 151 11 12000 SanFrancisco 5-2 4.67 58 0 0 0 1 69.1 67 38 36 8 3 28 62 0 22001 SanFrancisco 3-1 4.56 66 0 0 0 1 71.0 70 40 36 9 1 21 67 1 02002 SanFrancisco 2-2 4.79 43 0 0 0 0 41.1 47 22 22 4 3 19 31 1 0 Fresno 1-3 3.18 17 0 0 0 4 22.2 18 8 8 1 0 11 22 2 02003 Texas 1-3 5.21 64 0 0 0 0 67.1 75 43 39 9 2 27 53 1 1 Oklahoma 0-0 27.00 1 0 0 0 0 1.0 2 3 3 2 0 1 2 0 0 Frisco 0-0 9.00 1 0 0 0 0 1.0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02004 Minnesota 3-3 5.04 55 0 0 0 1 50.0 50 28 28 5 1 23 37 3 0 Rochester 0-0 0.00 7 0 0 0 0 8.1 6 1 0 0 0 5 5 0 02005 Philadelphia 4-0 2.24 62 0 0 0 0 72.1 47 21 18 6 5 23 54 0 02006 Philadelphia 3-1 4.54 66 1 0 0 0 71.1 80 39 36 7 2 28 62 5 0Minor lge. Totals 59-54 3.83 305 124 8 3 21 948.0 927 482 403 82 50 379 907 69 8Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league 4-6 5.14 119 0 0 0 1 117.1 125 71 67 14 3 50 90 4 1national league 17-6 4.09 295 1 0 0 2 325.1 311 160 148 34 14 119 276 7 2M. l. TOTals 21-12 4.37 414 1 0 0 3 442.2 436 231 215 48 17 169 366 11 3

dIvIsIOn serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2000 SanFrancisco 0-1 6.75 1 0 0 0 0 1.1 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 02002 SanFrancisco 0-0 INF 2 0 0 0 0 0.0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0Totals 0-1 13.50 3 0 0 0 0 1.1 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0

leaGue CHaMPIOnsHIP serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK

2002 SanFrancisco 0-0 0.00 1 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WOrld serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2002 SanFrancisco 0-0 3.86 2 0 0 0 0 2.1 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0

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FULTZ (continued)






Personal/MiscellaneousFullnamerICHard aarOn FulTZ…ResidesinFayette,AL…MarriedChristyPerry;twosons,Kale(3/31/94)andAJ(4/19/98)...1991graduateofMunfordHighSchool(TN)wherehewonastatechampionshipinhisseniorseason…AttendedNorthFloridaJuniorCollege…GivestimeandeffortinsupportofGarthBrooks’TeammatesforKidsFoundation.

Career TransaCTIOns1992 SelectedbytheSanFranciscoGiantsinthe6throundoftheJunedraft.1993 AcquiredbytheMinnesotaTwins,alongwithAndresDuncanandGregBrummett,fromtheGiantsinexchangefor

JimDeshaies,8/28.1996 ReleasedbytheTwins,4/1.1996 SignedbytheSanFranciscoGiantsasafreeagent,4/4.2002 Grantedfreeagency,12/21.2002 SignedbytheTexasRangersasafreeagent,12/31.2003 DL–contusiontoACjointinrightshoulder,6/23-7/11…rehabatAAAOklahoma,7/6-9…rehabatAAFrisco,7/9-11.2003 Grantedfreeagency,10/4.2004 SignedbytheMinnesotaTwinsasafreeagent,1/8.2004 ClaimedoffwaiversbythePhiladelphiaPhilliesfromtheTwins,10/14.2006 Grantedfreeagency,10/28.2006 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,12/3.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Tiedhiscareerhighingames(66in2001)andfell1.0inningshortofhiscareerhigh(72.1in2005)…His58


ProCareeru 2005Hadacareer-low2.24ERAinhisfirstseasonwiththePhillies…Finishedwitha.186opponentsbatting


u 2004BeganseasonwithMIN…Hada1.88ERA(3ER,14.1IP)throughhisfirst13appearancesofthesea-son…Heldopponentstoa.194avgthroughhisfirst19appearances…OptionedtoRochester(AAA),8/10…Didnotallowarunin7minorleagueappearances(8.1IP)…Recalledon9/1…Tiedhiscareerhighwith5SOin2.2IP,9/23atCLE…Heldleft-handedbatterstoa.212avg(18-85),1HR.

u 2003PitchedforTEX…Posteda2.10ERA(8ER,34.1IP)andheldopponentstoa.224avgover33appear-ances,4/4-6/18…Placedon15-dayDLon6/23withacontusiontoACjointinrightshoulder…Activatedon7/11afterrehabassignmentswithFrisco(AA)andOklahoma(AAA)…Hada3.38ERA(6ER,16.0IP)inhisfinal15appearances…Heldleft-handerstoa.218avg.




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PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI .000 4 0 0 0 .263 19 5 0 0

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.889 66 2 14 2 18 1 Pitcher .982 414 29 82 2 113 9


sTrIKeOuTs:5,3times,last4/23/05atATL;WalKs:3,3times,last5/19/06vs.BOS; lOnGesT OuTInG: 3.0IP, 2 times,last5/10/06vs.NYM;WInnInG sTreaK:7games,6/8/05-8/11/06;lOsInG sTreaK:4 games, 6/5/03-4/8/04; sCOreless sTreaK:14.1IP,5/28-6/26/01;WalKless sTreaK:11.2IP,6/2-30/01;Hr:2,6times,last7/30/06vs.Florida; lasT WIn:August11,2006vs.Cincinnati;lasT save:May17,2004atToronto.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquestField(TEX) 1-0-0 6.10 36 38.1 26AngelStadium(LAA) 1-0-0 5.40 5 6.2 4AT&TPark(SF) 5-1-2 4.09 83 92.1 42BithornStadium(PR) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0BuschStadium(STL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0BuschStadiumI(STL) 0-0-0 1.80 7 5.0 1CamdenYards(BAL) 0-0-0 4.26 8 6.1 3ChaseField(AZ) 2-1-0 0.86 16 21.0 2CinergyField(CIN) 0-0-0 10.80 4 3.1 4CitizensBankPark(PHI) 5-0-0 3.35 62 80.2 30ComericaPark(DET) 0-1-0 3.38 5 2.2 1CoorsField(COL) 0-0-0 11.81 13 10.2 14CountyStadium(MIL) 0-0-0 27.00 2 1.0 3DodgerStadium(LA) 1-0-0 2.25 6 8.0 2DolphinStadium(FLA) 1-0-0 1.04 8 8.2 1FenwayPark(BOS) 0-0-0 36.00 3 1.0 4Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.1 0JacobsField(CLE) 0-0-0 2.84 3 6.1 2KauffmanStadium(KC) 0-0-0 2.25 5 4.0 1McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 0-0-0 5.40 10 10.0 6Metrodome(MIN) 1-1-0 4.23 27 27.2 13MillerPark(MIL) 0-0-0 2.84 7 6.1 2MinuteMaidPark(HOU) 0-0-0 0.00 5 4.1 0OlympicStadium(MON) 2-0-0 1.93 3 4.2 1PETCOPark(SD) 0-0-0 4.50 4 2.0 1PNCPark(PIT) 0-0-0 7.71 3 2.1 2QualcommStadium(SD) 1-0-0 4.50 13 14.0 7RFKStadium(WSH) 0-1-0 5.06 10 10.2 6RogersCentre(TOR) 1-1-1 8.53 8 6.1 6SafecoField(SEA) 0-0-0 2.08 8 8.2 2SheaStadium(NYM) 0-0-0 5.40 10 10.0 6ThreeRiversStadium(PIT)0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0TropicanaField(TB) 0-0-0 6.75 4 4.0 3TurnerField(ATL) 0-1-0 2.57 14 14.0 4U.S.CellularField(CWS) 0-0-0 0.00 3 2.1 0VeteransStadium(PHI) 0-2-0 27.00 3 1.2 5WrigleyField(CHI) 0-1-0 11.12 6 5.2 7YankeeStadium(NYY) 0-2-0 6.35 5 5.2 4

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er3-1-0 4.54 66 71.1 36 Totals 21-12-3 4.37 414 442.2 215

0-0-0 27.00 1 1.0 3 Baltimore 0-0-0 3.00 14 12.0 40-0-0 4.91 3 3.2 2 Boston 0-0-0 11.81 10 10.2 14-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(AL) 0-0-0 4.15 4 4.1 2-- -- -- -- -- Cleveland 0-0-0 1.54 7 11.2 2-- -- -- -- -- Detroit 0-1-0 2.35 9 7.2 2-- -- -- -- -- KansasCity 0-0-0 9.39 9 7.2 8-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Angels 1-0-0 5.79 13 14.0 9-- -- -- -- -- Minnesota 0-0-0 4.15 4 4.1 20-0-0 13.50 2 1.1 2 NewYork(AL) 0-2-0 5.06 9 10.2 6-- -- -- -- -- Oakland 0-0-0 5.89 17 18.1 12-- -- -- -- -- Seattle 1-0-0 1.42 14 12.2 20-0-0 6.75 1 1.1 1 TampaBay 0-0-0 3.86 13 11.2 5-- -- -- -- -- Texas 2-0-0 2.70 3 3.1 10-0-0 10.13 2 2.2 3 Toronto 2-1-1 7.36 12 11.0 9

1-0-0 0.00 2 3.0 0 Arizona 3-1-0 1.73 33 41.2 80-0-0 0.00 6 3.2 0 Atlanta 1-1-0 2.31 22 23.1 60-0-0 0.00 4 2.0 0 Chicago(NL) 0-2-0 5.68 13 12.2 81-0-0 0.00 3 2.1 0 Cincinnati 1-0-0 4.15 14 13.0 60-0-0 3.00 2 3.0 1 Colorado 0-0-0 7.29 22 21.0 171-0-0 7.36 3 3.2 3 Florida 2-0-0 2.29 17 19.2 50-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0 Houston 0-0-0 7.71 10 9.1 80-0-0 9.82 2 3.2 4 L.A.Dodgers 2-0-0 6.56 15 23.1 170-0-0 0.00 3 3.1 0 Milwaukee 0-0-0 3.00 17 15.0 50-0-0 7.94 8 11.1 10 NewYork(NL) 0-0-0 4.08 22 28.2 13-- -- -- -- -- Philadelphia 1-3-0 16.71 9 7.0 13-- -- -- -- -- Pittsburgh 0-0-0 2.79 7 9.2 30-0-0 2.25 3 4.0 1 St.Louis 0-0-0 4.35 12 10.1 50-0-0 0.00 4 2.1 0 SanDiego 3-0-1 3.69 30 31.2 130-0-0 2.45 4 3.2 1 SanFrancisco 0-0-0 1.93 5 4.2 10-1-0 3.21 12 14.0 5 Washington 2-1-1 2.56 28 31.2 9

0-0-0 3.68 9 14.2 6 March-April 4-2-0 4.22 72 89.2 420-0-0 3.45 13 15.2 6 May 4-3-2 3.44 78 86.1 331-0-0 6.00 11 12.0 8 June 4-2-0 6.59 74 72.1 531-0-0 5.73 11 11.0 7 July 3-0-1 4.29 64 71.1 341-1-0 6.75 14 12.0 9 August 2-4-0 5.03 59 62.2 350-0-0 0.00 8 6.0 0 Sept-Oct 4-1-0 2.69 67 60.1 18

2-0-0 3.77 36 45.1 19 Home 12-2-2 4.23 202 232.0 1091-1-0 5.88 30 26.0 17 Road 9-10-1 4.53 212 210.2 106

1-0-0 7.04 13 15.1 12 Day 5-7-1 4.21 134 136.2 642-1-0 3.86 53 56.0 24 Night 16-5-2 4.44 280 306.0 151

3-1-0 4.33 64 68.2 33 Grass 17-8-2 4.19 365 393.1 1830-0-0 10.13 2 2.2 3 Turf 4-4-1 5.84 49 49.1 32

1-0-0 4.63 35 44.2 23 Pre-ASG 12-7-2 4.81 245 269.2 1442-1-0 4.39 31 26.2 13 Post-ASG 9-5-1 3.69 169 173.0 71

0-0-0 16.20 1 1.2 3 Starter 0-0-0 16.20 1 1.2 33-1-0 4.26 65 69.2 33 Relief 21-12-3 4.33 413 441.0 212

FULTZ (continued)

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Ryan Garko 25Age: 26, born January 2, 1981 in Pittsburgh, PA

Position: First Base

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-2 Weight: 225

ML Service: 0 + 091

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (2)

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 3rd round (78th overall) of the 2003 First-Year Player Draft.

year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb sO sb Cs e

2003 MahoningVy .273 45 165 23 45 8 1 4 16 2 0 4 12 19 1 1 52004 Kinston .328 65 238 44 78 17 1 16 57 0 1 15 26 34 4 1 3 Akron .331 43 172 29 57 15 0 6 38 0 2 6 14 28 1 0 4 Buffalo .350 5 20 2 7 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 02005 Buffalo .303 127 452 75 137 25 3 19 77 2 4 18 44 92 1 3 8 CLEVELAND .000 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 --2006 Buffalo .247 103 364 43 90 18 0 15 59 0 9 19 45 67 4 5 6 CLEVELAND .292 50 185 28 54 12 0 7 45 0 3 7 14 37 0 0 6Minor lge. Totals .293 388 1411 216 414 84 5 60 251 4 17 62 143 243 11 10 26Cleveland TOTals .290 51 186 28 54 12 0 7 45 0 3 7 14 38 0 0 6american league .290 51 186 28 54 12 0 7 45 0 3 7 14 38 0 0 6national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals .290 51 186 28 54 12 0 7 45 0 3 7 14 38 0 0 6

Career TransaCTIOns2003 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe3rdroundoftheJunedraft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Wasimpressiveoverthelast7weeksoftheseason,producinginthemiddleofEricWedge’sline-upwhile


u Hit.248(90-363)with182B,15HR&59RBIin102gamesfortheBisonsandspenttwostintswiththeIndians,thelastofwhichoccurredfromAugust8ththrutheremainderoftheseason…CombinedontheyearbetweenTripleA&Clevelandhehit22HRwith104RBI.

u RecalledthefirsttimefromAAABuffaloonJune30andcollectedhisfirstMajorLeaguehit/RBIwithaPHRBIdoubleon7/1@CINoffBrianShackelford…OptionedbacktoBuffaloonJuly4…Spentanother5weekswiththeBisonsbeforebeingrecalledforgoodonAugust8.

u Hithisfirsthomerunandcollecteda thencareer-high4RBIonAugust10vs.LosAngeles-ALoffHectorCarrasco…Collectedacareer-high5RBIonSept.26vs.Chicago-AL…Hitsafelyin39of50gameswithClevelandandcollectedRBIin22ofhislast37games(36RBI)…CollectedanRBIin9ofhislast12gamesontheyear(15RBI)…Hitsafelyinacareer/season-high9straightgamesfromAugust19-29(.412,14-34,2HR,10RBI).

u Overhislast37gameswithClevelandhehit.290(42-145)with102B,5HR&36RBIfromAugust20th-on…His36RBIfromAugust20thrutheendoftheyearweretiedfor3rdintheentireALandT6thinthemajorsoverthespan…Inhis2ndstint(August8)hehit.290(53-183)with7HR&43RBIin48games…Made45startsatfirstbaseand1stcareerstarton8/8vs.LAA(made2startsatDH)…Compileda.986fielding%atfirstbase(6E,434TC).

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4RBI)…Combinedontheyearhehit.321(35-109)w/aHR&11RBIoffLHPand.333(107-321)w/232B,21HR&89RBIoffRHP…Hehit.371(82-221)withrunnersonbase,.359(52-145)withRISPand.344(22-64)withRISP-2outs…Aftertheseasonhehit.348(40-115)forPeoriaoftheArizonaFallLeaguew/92B,5HR&30RBIin30games…RankedamongAFLleagueleadersinRBI(3rd),average(9th)&hits(T4th)…Aftertheseasonwasnamedthe8thbestprospectintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball America.

u 2003GainedhisfirstexperienceintheprofessionalranksinMahoningValleyaftersigningon7/9…Appearedin34gamesatcatcherand11atDHfortheScrappersandhitsafelyin13ofhisfirst18games,hitting.292(19-65)w/3HR&9RBIoverthespan…Homeredinfirstprofessionalgameon7/13vs.Lowell…Finishedtheseason7forhislast18w/32B&2RBIoverthelast4games.

Collegeu PlayedfouryearsofbaseballatStanfordUniversitywherehebatted.402(104-259)w/54RS,24doubles,

18HRand94RBIin69gamesduringhisseniorseasonwhileleadingtheCardinalstothefinalsoftheCol-legeWorldSeries(justthe6thStanfordplayertoeverbatover.400inaseason)…His92RBIontheyearsettheStanfordsingle-seasonrecord…WasnamedthewinneroftheJohnnyBenchAward,presentedtothenation’stopcollegiatecatcherin2003…GarkoalsowasnamedtheCo-PAC10PlayeroftheYear,aFirstTeamAll-AmericabyBaseball America&theNCAA,RegionalMostOutstandingPlayerandanAll-CollegeWorldSeriesselectionin2003…Postedacareer.389(21-54)battingaverageattheCollegeWorldSeriesandisoneofonlytwoStanfordplayersevertobenamedtwicetotheAll-CWSteam(2001,2003)…AsajuniorhewasanAll-NCAARegionalandAll-PAC10selectionafterhitting..314(75-239)w/182B,14HR&55RBIin65games…WashonorablementionAll-PAC10asasophomoreafterhitting.368(74-201)w/7HR&43RBIandearnedall-CWShonorsaftergoing7for12w/5RS,2HR&4RBI…Wasnamed2ndteamAll-AcademicthreetimesatStanfordandparticipatedintheCapeCodLeaguein2001and2002…WasontheUSAJuniorNationalTeamin1999.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullNameryan F. GarKO…Single…ResidesinWalnut,CA…Wasa1999graduateofServiteHighSchoolinWalnut,CA…NamedanAll-AmericanasaseniorinHSbyCal-HiSportswhilesettingschoolrecordsinfivecategories,includingHR&RBI…Wasa4-timeAll-ConferenceandAll-Countyselection…Alsoatwo-yearstarterinfootball(QB)inhigh school…Graduated w/a 4.2 GPA…Hobbies include listening tomusicandreadingandalsoenjoyswatchingCharlieWeisandNotreDamefootball.

GarKO’s FavOrITes

Favorite Movie : American Psycho;Favorite Group/artist : Ryan Adams;Favorite athlete Growing up:RonPow-lus; Favorite Team Growing up: NotreDame;Person Who Has Most Influenced you:MyMomandDad;Favorite road City:Anaheim;Favorite road stadium:ChicagoWhiteSox;Favorite Thing to do away From baseball: Spend time withfamily and friends; Favorite Tv show:Smallville

GARKO (continued)

u HadanRBIratioof4.1(ABperRBI)wouldhaveranked5thintheALoverafullseasonbehindHafner,Giambi,OrtizandThomas…Hadaslugging%of.538offLHP…Hit.333(13-39)offLHP,.281(41-146)offRHP,.353(24-68)withRISPand.444(4-9)witthebasesloaded…Hit.314(32-102)withrunnersonbaseand.319(23-72)inAugust…Had26RBIin28Sept/Octgames…Hit.441(15-34)withRISP-2outsand.350(7-20)inthe#5spotintheorder.

u Hit.301(25-83)inAprilwith62B,2HR&aleague-best22RBIin22games…Hitin10ofhisfirst11gamesandatonepointhisseasonaveragesatat.419…Hit.204(20-98)inJune(5HR,18RBI)andatonepointwas0for27thatsentbattingaveragefrom.288to.252…Was1for18attimeofrecall…Appearedin87gamesatfirstbase(.993fielding%,6E)and1gameatcatcherfortheBisons…Hit.277(28-101,7HR)offLHPfortheBisons…Had5RBIonApril17vs.Columbus(3-4,R,2B,HR)…Reachedbasein9straightPA’s,April16-17vs.Columbus(4H,22B,HR,3BB,2HBP,6RBI)…Hit2HRonJuly7vs.Pawtucket(3-4,2R,3RBI)…Played24gamesforAguilasintheDominicanWinterLeaguetogetmoretimeatfirstbase.

ProCareeru 2005Spenthisthirdprofessionalseason,justhis2ndfullseason,atAAABuffalooftheInternationalLeague

wherehehitanorganizationalbest.303(137-452)with25doubles,19HR&77RBIin127gamesandwasnamedteamCo-MVP…Finished5thintheILw/a.384on-base%,11thinaverageandtiedfor9thwith137hits…Wasnamedtothemid-seasonandpost-seasonILAll-StarTeams…Appearedin66gamesatfirstbaseand59gamesatcatcherandledtheteaminaverage,hitsandmulti-hitgames(45)andfinished2ndingamesand3rdinRBI…From7/1ontheInternationalLeagueAll-Starhitata.344(66-192)clipwith122B,6HR&29RBI(54G)…Sufferedthruan0for30from5/16-24,withhisaveragebottomingoutat.242on5/24…Con-tractwaspurchasedfromAAABuffaloon9/2andhespentmostofthemonthastheTribe’s3rd/emergencycatcher…MadehisMajorLeaguedebutinapinch-hittingappearanceon9/18vs.KansasCity(SO)…AftertheseasonplayedfirstbasefortheMesaSolarSoxintheArizonaFallLeague,hitting.314(27-86)with92B,5HR&27RBIin23games(RBIwereT4thintheAFL)…Aftertheseasonwasnamedthe6thbestprospectintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball America.

u 2004Hadabreakoutcampaigninhisfirstfullprofessionalseason,stop-pingatallthreelevelsoftheTribe’sminor league chain while toppingthe100RBImarktogoalongwith22homersand56extrabasehits…AfterstartingtheyearatAKinston,hitacombined.330(142-430)w/75RS,332B,13B,22HR&99RBIin113gamesfortheK-Tribe,AAAkronandAAABuffalo…Finishedtiedfor2ndamongIndiansminorleaguersinRBI(100)andwas3rdinbattingaverage(.330) and homers (22)…His 142hitswere5th…Aftertheseasonhewasnamedto the2ndteamMinorLeagueBaseballAll-StarTeambyBaseball AmericaandwastheDHontheCarolinaLeaguePost-SeasonAll-StarTeaminadditiontobeingselectedthe13thbestprospectintheCLbyBA…AlsonamedtheIndiansMinorLeaguePlayeroftheYear(LouBoudreauAward)andIndiansMinorLeaguePlayeroftheYearbyUSA Today…StartedtheyearatAKinston…Didnotplayfrom5/31-6/17duetoastrainedleftoblique…Appearedin26gamesatfirstbase,21gamesatcatcherand18gamesatDHfortheK-Tribe…Was5for5w/22B,1HR&2RBIon5/3atLynchburg…Washitting.350(14-40)inJulyw/4HR&12RBI(12G)beforebeingpromotedtoAAAkronatthebreakon7/14…HitthegroundrunningatAAAkron,hitting.371(26-70)inhisfirst16games(2HR,17RBI)tocompleteJuly…Appearedin24gamesatcatcherand16gamesatfirstbasefortheAeros…Went4for6w/a2B&2RBIon7/31vs.Reading…Drovein4on8/8atBowie…PromotedtoBuffaloon9/1andappearedin5regularseasongamesfortheBisons(hitin4of5games,.350,7-20,4RBI)…Ap-pearedinall9playoffgamesfortheBisonsduringtheirruntotheInternationalLeaguetitle(.167,5-30,2HR,

Mlb rbI leaders (8/20-on)

1. MattHolliday-COL 43

2. FrankThomas-OAK 42

3. AlbertPujols-STL 39

4. RyanHoward-PHI 38

5. ToriiHunter-MIN 37

6. MarkTeixeira-TEX 36

ryan GarKO-Cle 36

AramisRamirez-CHI 36


al rOOKIe rbI leaders rbI/ab

1. KenjiJohjima-SEA 76/506

2. NickMarkakis-BAL 62/493

3. IanKinsler-TEX 55/423

4. MelkyCabrera-NYY 50/460

5. ryan GarKO-Cle 45/185

2006 seasOn HIGHlIGHTs

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2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI.292 185 54 7 45 Totals .290 186 54 7 45

.357 28 10 1 12 Chicago(AL) .357 28 10 1 12

.250 8 2 0 2 Detroit .250 8 2 0 2

.333 30 10 2 6 KansasCity .323 31 10 2 6

.400 10 4 1 5 L.A.Angels .400 10 4 1 5

.200 25 5 1 4 Minnesota .200 25 5 1 4

.286 14 4 0 2 Oakland .286 14 4 0 2

.308 26 8 1 6 TampaBay .308 26 8 1 6

.211 19 4 0 3 Texas .211 19 4 0 3

.261 23 6 1 3 Toronto .261 23 6 1 3

.500 2 1 0 2 Cincinnati .500 2 1 0 2

.000 1 0 0 0 June .000 1 0 0 01.000 1 1 0 2 July 1.000 1 1 0 2.319 72 23 4 17 August .319 72 23 4 17.270 111 30 3 26 Sept-Oct .268 112 30 3 26

.284 88 25 4 25 Home .281 89 25 4 25

.299 97 29 3 20 Road .299 97 29 3 20

.273 44 12 3 7 Day .267 45 12 3 7

.298 141 42 4 38 Night .298 141 42 4 38

.296 152 45 5 41 Grass .294 153 45 5 41

.273 33 9 2 4 Turf .273 33 9 2 4

.500 2 1 0 2 Pre-ASG .500 2 1 0 2

.290 183 53 7 43 Post-ASG .288 184 53 7 43

.333 39 13 2 9 vs.LHP .333 39 13 2 9

.281 146 41 5 36 vs.RHP .279 147 41 5 36

.353 68 24 1 36 ScoringPosition .353 68 24 1 36

.444 9 4 0 12 BasesLoaded .444 9 4 0 12

.333 3 1 0 2 PinchHitter .250 4 1 0 2

.222 9 2 0 1 DesignatedHitter .200 10 2 0 1

Career by ballParK avG ab H Hr rbIAmeriquestField(TEX) .211 19 4 0 3Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) .500 2 1 0 2JacobsField(CLE) .281 89 25 4 25KauffmanStadium(KC) .385 13 5 1 4McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .286 14 4 0 2Metrodome(MIN) .222 9 2 0 1RogersCentre(TOR) .231 13 3 1 1TropicanaField(TB) .364 11 4 1 2U.S.CellularField(CWS) .375 16 6 0 5

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 CareerPCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.986 45 398 30 6 434 50 FirstBase .986 45 398 30 6 434 50

GarKO’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs:3,twotimes,lastonSeptember26vs.Chicago-AL;dOubles:2,August28,2006vs.Toronto;Hr:1,seventimes,lastonSeptember26,2006vs.Chicago-AL;rbI:5,September26,2006vs.Chicago-AL;runs:3,August20,2006atTampaBay;sb:N/A;HITTInG sTreaK:9games,August19-29,2006;Grand slaMs:N/A.

GARKO (continued)

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Spring  invitee

Keith Ginter 16Age: 30, born May 5, 1976 in Norwalk, CA

Position: Infielder

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 5-10 Weight: 195

ML Service: 3 + 061

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: January 2, 2007; Signed by Cleveland to a minor league free agent contract with a non-roster invitation to Major League camp.

YeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

1998 Auburn .315 71 241 55 76 22 1 8 41 0 2 7 60 68 10 7 81999 Kissimmee .263 103 376 66 99 15 4 13 46 2 2 12 61 90 9 10 21 Jackson .382 9 34 9 13 1 0 1 6 0 1 2 4 6 0 0 22000 RoundRock .333 125 462 108 154 30 3 26 92 0 1 24 82 127 24 11 17 Houston .250 5 8 3 2 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 02001 NewOrleans .269 132 457 76 123 31 5 16 70 2 4 23 61 147 8 6 12 Houston .000 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02002 NewOrleans .264 121 435 70 115 28 1 12 54 0 2 12 56 97 3 4 22 Houston .200 7 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 Milwaukee .237 21 76 6 18 8 0 1 8 0 0 0 15 14 0 0 22003 Milwaukee .257 127 358 51 92 15 2 14 44 0 3 17 37 87 1 1 82004 Milwaukee .262 113 386 47 101 23 2 19 60 4 4 6 37 100 8 1 9 Indianapolis .214 4 14 3 3 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 02005 Oakland .161 51 137 12 22 5 0 3 25 2 3 1 13 25 0 0 6 Sacramento .333 14 57 9 19 8 0 3 12 1 0 1 4 11 0 0 12006 Sacramento .268 114 422 71 113 29 0 13 68 4 7 15 58 74 3 0 15Minor lge. Totals .286 693 2498 467 715 166 14 93 392 9 19 96 387 624 57 38 98Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league .161 51 137 12 22 5 0 3 25 2 3 1 13 25 0 0 6national league .257 274 834 108 214 47 4 35 115 4 8 24 92 205 9 2 20M. l. TOTals .243 325 971 120 236 52 4 38 140 6 11 25 105 230 9 2 26

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns1998 SelectedbytheHoustonAstrosinthe10throundoftheJunedraft.2002 AcquiredbytheMilwaukeeBrewers,alongwithWayneFranklin,fromtheAstrosasthetwoplayerstobenamedlater,

inexchangeforMarkLorettaandcashconsiderations,9/5.2004 DL–sprainedleftwrist,7/29-8/28…rehabatAAAIndianapolis,8/23-28.2004 AcquiredbytheOaklandAthleticsfromtheBrewersinexchangeforJustinLehrandNelsonCruz,12/15.2006 Grantedfreeagency,10/2.2006 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,12/28.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Spenttheentire2006seasonatTripleASacramentointheOaklandA’sorganizationwherehehit.268(113-


ProCareeru 2005AcquiredfromMilwaukeeforpitcherJustinLehrandoutfielderNelsonCruz,12/15/2004…Hadthree


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HITs:3,10times,September28,2004atArizona;HR:2,July10,2003vs.Pittsburgh;2B:2(sixtimes),last:October3,2004atSt.Louis;3B:1(fourtimes),last:September28,2004atArizona;WalKs:3(twice),last:August30,2003atChicago(NL);RBI:5,May20,2005atSanFrancisco;RUns:4,April8,2004atSt.Louis;sB:1,(ninetimes),last:September24,2004vs.Houston;HIT-TInG sTReaK:9games,August5-14,2003;CaReeR GRand slaMs: n/a; CaReeR PH HR:2,July24,2003vs.Houston(RonVillone); June 25, 2003 at Chicago (NL)(MikeRemlinger).

CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI Totals .243 971 236 38 140

Baltimore .143 14 2 1 1 Boston .150 20 3 0 3 Chicago(AL) .300 10 3 0 2 Cleveland .000 5 0 0 0 Detroit .000 5 0 0 0 KansasCity .500 2 1 0 0 L.A.Angels .174 23 4 0 2 Minnesota .379 29 11 0 7 NewYork(AL) .143 21 3 0 3 Oakland .500 2 1 0 0 Seattle .063 16 1 0 1 TampaBay .286 7 2 1 3 Texas .167 12 2 0 2 Toronto .143 7 1 0 2

Arizona .286 49 14 3 9 Atlanta .292 24 7 1 3 Chicago(NL) .286 56 16 4 12 Cincinnati .229 118 27 7 18 Colorado .364 22 8 0 3 Florida .273 22 6 0 0 Houston .282 110 31 5 18 L.A.Dodgers .308 26 8 0 0 Milwaukee .286 7 2 1 2 NewYork(NL) .268 41 11 1 4 Philadelphia .381 21 8 2 7 Pittsburgh .215 79 17 4 7 St.Louis .214 98 21 5 17 SanDiego .261 23 6 1 4 SanFrancisco .167 54 9 2 7 Washington .229 48 11 0 3

March-April .244 123 30 6 18 May .228 189 43 4 26 June .272 147 40 3 21 July .214 145 31 8 17 August .237 93 22 3 12 Sept-Oct .255 274 70 14 46

Home .253 475 120 20 74 Road .234 496 116 18 66

Day .234 368 86 16 50 Night .249 603 150 22 90

Grass .236 910 215 36 126 Turf .344 61 21 2 14

Pre-ASG .240 530 127 18 76 Post-ASG .247 441 109 20 64

vs.LHP .238 240 57 10 34 vs.RHP .245 731 179 28 106

ScoringPosition .258 240 62 9 103 BasesLoaded .250 28 7 0 18

PinchHitter .245 49 12 2 10 DesignatedHitter .138 29 4 0 5

CaReeR BY BallPaRK avG aB H HR RBIAT&TPark(SF) .207 29 6 1 5AmeriquestField(TEX) .000 3 0 0 0AngelStadium(LAA) .211 19 4 0 2BuschStadiumI(STL) .255 55 14 4 12ChaseField(AZ) .321 28 9 1 6CinergyField(CIN) .000 1 0 0 0CitizensBankPark(PHI) .000 3 0 0 0ComericaPark(DET) .000 2 0 0 0CoorsField(COL) .000 5 0 0 0DodgerStadium(LA) .267 15 4 0 0DolphinStadium(FLA) .000 4 0 0 0FenwayPark(BOS) .167 6 1 0 2Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) .220 59 13 2 5BithornStadium(PR) .333 12 4 0 2Metrodome(MIN) .444 18 8 0 3JacobsField(CLE) .000 4 0 0 0KauffmanStadium(KC) .500 2 1 0 0McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .208 77 16 0 12MillerPark(MIL) .263 392 103 19 60MinuteMaidPark(HOU) .212 52 11 3 5OlympicStadium(MON) .154 13 2 0 1CamdenYards(BAL) .143 14 2 1 1PETCOPark(SD) .111 9 1 1 1PNCPark(PIT) .163 49 8 1 1QualcommStadium(SD) .667 6 4 0 3RogersCentre(TOR) .000 2 0 0 0SafecoField(SEA) .000 5 0 0 0SheaStadium(NYM) .308 26 8 1 2TropicanaField(TB) .286 7 2 1 3TurnerField(ATL) .200 5 1 0 1U.S.CellularField(CWS) .000 3 0 0 1VeteransStadium(PHI) .625 8 5 1 5WrigleyField(CHI) .300 30 9 2 6YankeeStadium(NYY) .000 8 0 0 1

FIeldInG BY POsITIOn 2006 CaReeRPCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SecondBase .981 134 247 329 11 587 73-- -- -- -- -- -- -- ThirdBase .945 124 80 177 15 272 20-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shortstop 1.000 3 6 4 0 10 1-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Outfield 1.000 6 6 0 0 6 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Totals .970 267 339 510 26 875 94

GINTER (continued)


u 2004Signedathree-yearcontractthroughthe2006seasonon3/4...Hit.262with19homerunsand60RBIin113gamesforMilwaukee...Establishedcareerhighsinbatting,atbats(386),hits(101),doubles(23),homeruns,RBI,stolenbases(8)andslugging(.479)andmatchedhisbestsintriples(2)andwalks(37)...FinishedsecondontheBrewersinhomeruns...Hisbattingaverageincludeda.325(26for80)markwithsixofhis19homerunsagainstlefthandedpitchingcomparedto.245(75for306)againstright-handers...Started52gamesatsecondbase,41atthirdbaseandtwoinrightfield...Battedineveryspotintheorderexceptleadoffandsawhismostactionhittingfifth(27for99,.273)...Placedonthedisabledliston7/29,withasprainedleftwrist...WasreinstatedfromtheDLon8/28...NamedBankofAmericaNationalLeaguePlayeroftheWeekforthefirsttimeinhiscareerfortheweekof9/27-10/3afterbatting.407(11for27)with3HR,32B&11RBI.

u 2003SpenthisfirstfullseasonintheMajors...Appearedin127gameswiththeBrewers,batting.257with14homerunsand44RBI...LedNationalLeaguerookiesinhomerunsandwasamongrookieleadersinruns(4th,51),totalbases(5th,153),on-basepercentage(5th,.352),sluggingpercentage(5th,.427),walks(t-5th,37),extra-basehits(6th,31),RBI(7th)andmulti-hitgames(t-9th,21)...RankedfourthintheNLgettinghitbyapitch17times...Beltedtwopinch-hithomers:6/25atChicago(NL)andagame-winneron7/24vs.Houston...Collectedhisfirstcareermulti-homerungameon7/10vs.Pittsburgh...Establishedapersonalbestnine-gamehittingstreakfrom8/5-14(12for31,2HR,7RBI)...Madehisfirstcareerstartatshortstopon5/28atSanDiegoandhisfirstcareerstartinleftfieldon4/6vs.SF.

u 2002BegantheseasonintheHoustonAstrossystem...StartedthecampaignatTriple-ANewOrleansappear-ingin52gamesbeforejoiningthebigclub...PlayedinsevengameswiththeAstrosbeforereturningtotheminors...AcquiredbytheMilwaukeeBrewerson9/5asoneoftwoplayerstobenamedlaterinthe8/31tradeinwhichMilwaukeetradedMarkLorettatoHouston,joiningleft-handerWayneFranklin...CollectedmultiplehitsineachofhisfirsttwogameswiththeBrewersincludingacareer-highthreehitson9/8vs.Cincinnati.

u 2001RecalledfromNewOrleanson5/5...SpentthreedayswithHoustonbeforebeingoptionedbacktotheZephyrson5/7...Poppedoutinhisonlyplateappearanceoftheseasonon5/6atMontreal...Scoredateam-high76runs...AlsoledtheZephyrsindoubles(31),hits(123),hitbypitches(23),walks(61)andstrikeouts(147)...NamedtothePacificCoastLeagueAll-StarTeamandnamedPCLPlayeroftheWeekinMay.

u 2000TheTexasLeagueMostValuablePlayerforAARoundRock,hereachedtheMajorLeaguesinonlyhisthirdprofessionalseason...ThesecondbasemanwasnamedMVPfortheExpress,hitting.333with30doubles,threetriples,26homersand92RBI...HelpedleadRoundRocktotheTexasLeaguetitleinthefranchise’sfirstyearofexistence...LedtheTexasLeagueinhitting,finishedfifthinhomersandfourthinRBI...Ledtheleagueinon-basepercentage(.457)andfinishedsecondinsluggingpercentage(.580)...Becameoneofjust37play-ersinTexasLeaguehistorytohave20stealsand20homeruns...ContractwaspurchasedfromRoundRockon9/16...Madehisbigleaguedebuton9/20atSt.Louis,gettinghisfirstRBIwithasacrificefly...HithisfirstMajorLeaguehomerunon9/30offJimmyHaynes.

u 1999PlayedmostofthecampaignatAKissimmee,butdidreachDouble-AforthefirsttimewithninegamesatJackson.

u 1998EarnedclubMostValuablePlayerhonorsforAuburninhisfirstproseason,tyingforfirstintheNewYork-PennLeaguewith55runs.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameKeITH MICHaelGInTeR...ResidesinChandler,AZ…GraduatedfromFullertonHighSchool(CA)...Wasatwo-timecollegiateAll-AmericanatTexasTechUniversity,includingconsensusfirstteamasajuniorfortheRedRaiders...HelpedleadTexasTechtoNCAARegionalactionbothofhistwoyearsinLubbock...Wife’snameisAnnette…Hasonedaughter,Maya(1)…SelectedbytheHoustonAstrosorganizationinthe10throundofthefreeagentdraft,June2.

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Franklin Gutierrez 38Age: 24, born February 21, 1983 in Caracas, Venezuela

Position: Outfielder

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-2 Weight: 180

ML Service: 0 + 103

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (1)

Acquired: April 4, 2004; Acquired from the Los Angeles Dodgers along with RHP Andrew Brown for OF Milton Bradley.

Career TransaCTIons2000 Signed by the Los Angeles Dodgers as a non-drafted free agent, 11/18.2004 Acquired by the Cleveland Indians, along with a player to be named later (Andrew Brown), from the Dodgers in exchange for Milton Bradley, 4/4.

Year ClUB avG G aB r H 2B 3B Hr rBI sH sF HBP BB so sB Cs e

2001 GCL Dodgers .269 56 234 38 63 16 0 4 30 2 2 4 16 39 9 3 22002 South Georgia .283 92 361 61 102 18 4 12 45 4 6 6 31 88 13 4 3 Las Vegas .300 2 10 2 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 02003 Vero Beach .282 110 425 65 120 28 5 20 68 4 3 3 39 111 17 5 4 Jacksonville .313 18 67 12 21 3 2 4 12 0 0 1 7 20 3 3 02004 Akron .302 70 262 38 79 24 2 5 35 0 4 9 23 77 6 3 3 Buffalo .148 7 27 4 4 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 11 0 0 02005 Akron .261 95 383 70 100 25 2 11 42 1 5 7 30 77 14 4 1 Buffalo .254 19 67 10 17 6 2 0 7 0 1 1 6 13 2 2 0 CLEVELAND .000 7 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 02006 Buffalo .278 90 349 63 97 27 0 9 38 8 2 5 49 84 13 8 1 CLEVELAND .272 43 136 21 37 9 0 1 8 2 0 0 3 28 0 0 3Minor lge. Totals .277 559 2185 363 606 150 17 66 282 19 23 36 203 524 77 32 14Cleveland ToTals .270 50 137 23 37 9 0 1 8 2 0 0 4 28 0 0 3american league .270 50 137 23 37 9 0 1 8 2 0 0 4 28 0 0 3national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. ToTals .270 50 137 23 37 9 0 1 8 2 0 0 4 28 0 0 3

2006SeasonHighlightsu Split the season between AAA Buffalo and the big leagues, spending three stints in Cleveland…Was with the

Indians from June 16 to July 13, August 9-25 and Sept. 5 thru the remainder of the season… Collected his first Major League hit on June 17 @MIL off Dave Bush and hit his first homer on August 13 off KC’s Andy Sisco in Jacobs Field.

u Collected a career-high 3 hits on July 7 vs. Baltimore and had a career/season-high 8-game hitting streak from June 26-July 4 (.370, 10-27)…With the Indians he made 24 starts in RF (28G), 10G/GS in LF and 7G/2GS in CF…From June 26 thru the rest of his big league tenure he hit .309 (34-110) with 9 2B, 1HR & 8RBI in 35 games…From August 20th on he hit .327 (17-52) with Cleveland…With the Indians he hit .262 (11-42) off LHP and .277 (26-94) off RHP…Hit .302 (16-53) with runners on and .270 (10-37) in September.

u Hit leadoff in 89 of his 90 games and hit .320 (33-103) off LHP w/4HR & 14RBI…Led-off 2 games w/homers with the AAA Bisons… Hit a grand slam on June 7 vs. Toledo…Only month above .300 came in April (.309, 29-94, 2HR, 8RBI)…Led the team with 49 walks despite playing in 90 games…Made 58 starts in CF, 18 in LF, 9 in RF, 5 at DH.

ProCareeru 2005 Split the season between AA Akron and AAA Buffalo and was added to the big league roster on 8/31 for

possible post-season eligibility for pinch-running purposes…Started the year in Akron, hitting .261 (100-383) with 25 2B, 2 3B, 11HR & 42 RBI…Started the season slowly, hitting as low as .224 on 6/28…Rallied over his last few weeks in Akron for the eventual Eastern League Champs, hitting .422 (27-64) with 8 2B, 1HR & 5RBI (22RS) over his last 14 games with the Aeros before being promoted to Buffalo on 8/10…Dislocated finger on left hand on 5/30 at Bowie sliding back into first base and was on the 7-day DL from 5/31-6/9…At Buffalo he hit .254 (17-67) with 6 2B, 2 3B & 7RBI in 19 games…Between the two stops he has also stolen 16 bases in 22 attempts and all of his appearances on defense came in centerfield with the exception of 4 right field starts at Buffalo…Was recalled from AAA Buffalo on 8/31 (Tallet optioned) and made his major league debut that night vs. Detroit as a pinch runner in the 9th inning…Overall appeared in 5 games as a pinch runner for the Tribe (2 games in CF) and lined out in his first/only at bat vs. Kansas City on 9/18 …Scored 1st run on 9/13 vs. Oakland…After the season was named the 4th best prospect in the Indians organization by Baseball America and hit .341 (63-185) in the Venezuelan Winter League for Caracas (4HR, 31RBI).

u 2004 Was acquired by the Indians prior to the season for OF Milton Bradley and was assigned to AA Akron after the transaction…Entering the season he was rated the #3 prospect in the LA Dodgers organization and was recognized by Baseball America as the best power hitter in the Dodgers organization…Was named by Sportsticker prior to the season as the 4th best outfield prospect in minor league baseball… After the season he was named the 3rd best prospect in the Indians organization by Baseball America…Spent most of the season at AA Akron, but was limited to 77 combined games at Akron and AAA Buffalo due to a strained liga-ment in his right throwing elbow suffered on a HBP…Hit over .300 in each of his full three months at AA Akron (April, May, June)…Had four straight 3-hit games, 6/13-17 (12 for 19), with 2 2B, 2 3B, 1HR & 10RBI…Had a HR & 5RBI on 6/15 vs. Binghamton…Promoted to AAA Buffalo on 6/22 to get regular at bats as the DH after experiencing elbow pain...Was placed on the DL on 7/2 after persistent right elbow pain and remained on the DL until being activated on 9/1 at AA Akron (2 for 13)…Reported to the Florida Instructional League after the season in good health and hit .277 (57-206) in the Venezuelan Winter League after the season with 14 2B, 13HR & 36 RBI in 53 games for Caracas (3rd in VWL in HR and 2nd in EB hits).

u 2003 In a combined 128 games for A Vero Beach and AA Jacksonville, Franklin hit .287 (141-492) with 31 2B, 7 3B, 24HR & 80 RBI and was named Dodgers Minor League Player of the Year…Was rated as the 4th best prospect in the FSL by Baseball America and was recognized as the league’s most exciting player by BA…Also scored 77 runs and stole 20 bases in 28 attempts…Spent most of the year at A Vero Beach of the Florida State League, ranking 2nd in the FSL in slugging % (.513), 2nd in HR (20) & total bases (218) and 3rd in extra base hits (53)…Represented the World Team in the Futures Game in Chicago and also played in the Florida State League All-Star Game…Selected to the FSL Post-Season All-Star Team and the Topps Class A All-Star Team and the FSL Baseball America High Class A All-Star Team…Hit six homers over the first 6 games of the season, including a pair of two-homer games…Was 11 for 19 w/5HR & 12RBI over the first 4 games of the season. Including a 4-5 w/2HR & 4RBI on 4/6 vs. Daytona Beach…Named FSL Player of the Week, 4/3-13, batting .354 (17-48) w/7HR, 12RS & 17 RBI…Hit .325 w/8HR & 29RBI in April to earn Topps FSL Player of the Month honors…Hit in 12 straight games from 5/3-15.

u 2002 Spent most of year at A South Georgia of the South Atlantic League before ending the season with 2 games in AAA Las Vegas…Stole 13 bases in 17 attempts at South Georgia.

u 2001 Spent first professional season at the Dodgers’ Gulf Coast League affiliate…Finished 2nd in the league in runs scored (team-high 38), at bats (234) and doubles (16) and was 3rd in the total bases (91) and hits (63).

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name FranKlIn raFael GUTIerreZ…Single…Resides in Caracas, Venezuela…His favorite player growing up was Andres Galarraga…Signed by Dodgers scout Camilo Pascual on 11/18/2000.

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2006 Career avG aB H Hr rBI avG aB H Hr rBI.272 136 37 1 8 Totals .270 137 37 1 8

.571 7 4 0 3 Baltimore .571 7 4 0 3

.222 9 2 0 0 Chicago (AL) .222 9 2 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- Detroit .000 0 0 0 0.400 15 6 1 2 Kansas City .375 16 6 1 2.000 1 0 0 0 L.A. Angels .000 1 0 0 0.278 18 5 0 2 Minnesota .278 18 5 0 2.182 11 2 0 1 New York (AL) .182 11 2 0 1.143 7 1 0 0 Oakland .143 7 1 0 0.167 12 2 0 0 Tampa Bay .167 12 2 0 0.500 8 4 0 0 Texas .500 8 4 0 0.000 0 0 0 0 Toronto .000 0 0 0 0

.091 11 1 0 0 Chicago (NL) .091 11 1 0 0

.286 14 4 0 0 Cincinnati .286 14 4 0 0

.182 11 2 0 0 Milwaukee .182 11 2 0 0

.333 12 4 0 0 St. Louis .333 12 4 0 0

.195 41 8 0 0 June .195 41 8 0 0

.360 25 9 0 4 July .360 25 9 0 4

.303 33 10 1 2 August .303 33 10 1 2

.270 37 10 0 2 Sept-Oct .263 38 10 0 2

.203 59 12 1 7 Home .200 60 12 1 7

.325 77 25 0 1 Road .325 77 25 0 1

.310 29 9 1 1 Day .300 30 9 1 1

.262 107 28 0 7 Night .262 107 28 0 7

.277 119 33 1 8 Grass .275 120 33 1 8

.235 17 4 0 0 Turf .235 17 4 0 0

.258 66 17 0 4 Pre-ASG .258 66 17 0 4

.286 70 20 1 4 Post-ASG .282 71 20 1 4

.262 42 11 1 4 vs. LHP .262 42 11 1 4

.277 94 26 0 4 vs. RHP .274 95 26 0 4

.273 33 9 0 6 Scoring Position .273 33 9 0 6

.000 4 0 0 1 Bases Loaded .000 4 0 0 1

.250 4 1 0 0 Pinch Hitter .200 5 1 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- Designated Hitter .000 0 0 0 0

Career BY BallParK avG aB H Hr rBIAmeriquest Field (TEX) .500 8 4 0 0Busch Stadium II (STL) .333 12 4 0 0Gr. Amer. Ball Park (CIN) .400 10 4 0 0Jacobs Field (CLE) .200 60 12 1 7Kauffman Stadium (KC) .500 10 5 0 1McAfee Coliseum (OAK) .143 7 1 0 0Metrodome (MIN) .250 8 2 0 0Miller Park (MIL) .182 11 2 0 0Rogers Centre (TOR) .000 0 0 0 0Tropicana Field (TB) .222 9 2 0 0U.S. Cellular Field (CWS) .500 2 1 0 0

FIeldInG BY PosITIon 2006 CareerPCT G Po a e TC dP PCT G Po a e TC dP.966 42 85 1 3 89 0 Outfield .967 44 86 1 3 90 0


HITs: 3, two times, last on September 15, 2006 vs. Minnesota; doUBles: 2, September 15, 2006 vs. Minnesota; Hr: 1, August 13, 2006 vs. Kansas City; rBI: 2, two times, last on September 15, 2006 vs. Minnesota; rUns: 2, two times, last on August 23, 2006 at Kansas City; sB: N/A; HITTInG sTreaK: 8 games, June 26-July 4, 2006; Grand slaMs: N/A.

Gutierrez (continued)

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Travis Hafner 48Age: 29, born June 3, 1977 in Jamestown, ND

Position: First Base/DH

Bats: L Throws: R Height: 6-3 Weight: 240

ML Service: 4 + 009

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007 w/a club option for 2008.

Acquired: December 6, 2002; From the Texas Rangers along with RHP Aaron Myette in exchange for RHP Ryan Drese and CA Einar Diaz.

Year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb sO sb Cs e

1997 GCLRangers .286 55 189 38 54 14 0 5 24 0 0 3 24 45 7 2 31998 Savannah .237 123 405 62 96 15 4 16 84 0 5 6 68 139 7 3 121999 Savannah .292 134 480 94 140 30 4 #28 *111 0 5 11 67 151 5 4 152000 Charlotte *.346 122 436 90 151 34 1 22 109 0 7 18 67 86 0 4 132001 Tulsa .282 88 323 59 91 25 0 20 74 0 3 4 59 82 3 1 52002 Oklahoma .342 110 401 79 137 22 1 21 77 0 0 12 79 76 2 1 4 Texas .242 23 62 6 15 4 1 1 6 0 0 0 8 15 0 1 12003 CLEVELAND .254 91 291 35 74 19 3 14 40 0 1 10 22 81 2 1 6 Buffalo .270 29 100 15 27 4 0 2 10 0 0 1 25 26 2 1 32004 CLEVELAND .311 140 482 96 150 41 3 28 109 0 6 #17 68 111 3 2 02005 Akron .000 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -- CLEVELAND .305 137 486 94 148 42 0 33 108 0 4 9 79 123 0 0 02006 CLEVELAND .308 129 454 100 140 31 1 42 117 0 2 7 100 111 0 0 0Minor lge. Totals .297 664 2343 437 696 144 10 114 489 0 20 56 390 605 26 16 55Cleveland TOTals .299 497 1713 325 512 133 7 117 374 0 13 43 269 426 5 3 6american league .297 520 1775 331 527 137 8 118 380 0 13 43 277 441 5 4 7national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals .297 520 1775 331 527 137 8 118 380 0 13 43 277 441 5 4 7

Career TransaCTIOns1996 SelectedbytheTexasRangersinthe31stroundoftheJunedraft.2002 AcquiredbytheClevelandIndians,alongwithAaronMyette,fromtheRangersinexchangeforEinarDiazandRyan Drese,12/6.2003 DL–fracturedleftgreattoe,5/10-26…rehabatAAABuffalo,5/17-26.2005 DL–post-concussivesymptoms,7/17-8/3…rehabatAAAkron,8/1-3.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Hadanincredibleoffensiveseasonashecontinuestorankasoneofthegame’stophitters…Setnewsingle-


u Finished8thintheALMVPballotingwith64points…Wasthe7thIndiantohit40HRinaseasondespitemissingthelast29gamesoftheseason…Finishedtheseasontiedfor3rdintheAmericanLeagueinHR(42),6thinRBI(117),T4thinBB(100),2ndinOBP(.439),T5thinextrabasehits(74)whileleadingtheleagueinslugging%(.659)…His3.9AB/RBIratiowas1stinALand10.8AB/HRwas2nd(3rdinclubhistory)…WasT4thintheALwith16int’lwalks…His.308averagewas17thintheAL…Hison-base+slugging%of1.098was1stintheALaheadofMannyRamirez’1.058.

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u 2004Enjoyedabreakoutoffensiveseason,compilingoneofthefinestoffensiveseasonsinthehistoryoftheorganizationbyaDH…Finished2ndtoBoston’sDavidOrtizinRBIbyaDH(109to106)ashis106RBIasaDHwerethe2ndmostinfranchisehistorybehindAndreThornton’s109in1982…Overallfortheyearhis109RBIwere9thamongallALhittersandaftertheseasonhereceiveda9thplacevoteontheALMVPballotandwasrunner-uptoOrtizintheALDHAwardballoting(EdgarMartinezAward)…Alsoranked3rdintheleagueinon-base%(.410),4thinslugging%(.583),7thinextrabasehits(72),10thinbattingaverage(team-high.311),4thinRBIratio(4.4peratbat)andtiedfor6thindoubles…HisOPSof.993was2ndintheALonlytoMannyRamirez(1.009)…LedtheALinslugging(.690)andon-base%(.433)whilehis.344battingaveragewas4thoffRHP…Hitabovethe.300markineachmonthwiththeexceptionofAugust(.274,26-95)andenjoyedhismostsuccessinJuly(31-86,.360,8HR,28RBI)whenhereceivedconsiderationforALPlayeroftheMonthhonors…Tied the franchise record forRBI inconsecutivegameswith11on7/19-20atAnaheim…HallofFamerEarlAverillinitiallysettherecordin1930…Hadacareerdayon7/20againsttheAngels,going4for4w/3HR,6RBIand3RS…The3HRestablishedanewcareer-highasdidthe6RBI,amarkheequaledon8/4atToronto(4-5,3RS,2HR,6RBI)…Ontheyearhehadthree2-homergamesandone3-homergame…Overallhehadseven(7)4-RBIgamesin2004…Ontheyearhemade121startsatDHand10starts(12G)atfirstbase…Didnotmakeanerrorinhis90totalchancesatfirst…Didnotstartatfirstfrom4/12-6/4andhisap-pearanceatfirstcameon7/3atCincinnati(hislast68Gofseason)…Hitfirstcareergrandslaminthehomeopenerof4/12vs.Minnesota(offLohse)…Firstgrandslamonhomeopenersince2002(TravisFrymanvs.MIN)…Equaledcareer-highwith4RBI…Setanewcareer-highwith3doubleson5/16vs.TampaBay...Tiedclubrecordbygettinghitby17pitches,whichwastiedforfirstintheALw/KevinMillar…MinnieMinosowasalsohitby17in1959…His21roadHRsranked2ndintheleagueashehitjust7HRatJacobsFieldin252atbats…Hisroadbattingaverageof.322was7thbestintheALandhis.344battingaverageagainstRHPwas5thhighestinthejuniorcircuit…Seasonendedatadprematurely,missingthefinal7gamesoftheseasonwithrightelbowinflammation…Theconditioninhisrightelbow,whichbotheredhimperiodicallythroughouttheseason,requiredsurgeryfollowingtheseasonon10/6toremovebonespursandloosebodiesfromtheelbowjoint.

u 2003Madeapositive impression inhisfirstseason in the Indiansorganization,spendingmostoftheseasoninthebigleaguessaveastintonthedisabledlistfollowedbyastintinAAABuffalo…WastheTribe’sopeningdayfirstbasemanandbecamejustthesecondNorthDakota-nativetoplayfortheIndians(FloydStromme,1939)…HeandDarinErstadaretheonlybigleaguerstobeborninJamestown,ND&isoneof14playersinMajorLeaguehistoryborninNorthDakota…Hit.206(20-97)overhisfirst30games(62B,4HR,11RBI)oftheseasonbeforesufferingabrokenleftbigtoeinTexason5/9afterbeinghitbyapitchinthefoot…Wasplacedonthe15-dayDLon5/10andwasactivatedandoptionedtoAAABuffaloon5/26aftershortrehabas-signmentwiththeBisons…WasrecalledtoClevelandon7/12whenMattLawtonwentontheDLandspenttheremainderoftheseasonwiththeIndians…Thrutheremainderoftheseasonafterhisrecallhehit.278(54-194)with132B,10HR&29RBIin60games…Hit.321

MOsT Career Hr as a dH, IndIans HIsTOrY

1. AndreThornton 125 2. TravIs HaFner 106 3. EllisBurks 61courtesy ELIAS SPORTS BUREAU

MOsT Career rbI as a dH, IndIans HIsTOrY

1. AndreThornton 459 2. TravIs HaFner 345 3. RicoCarty 209


HAFNER (continued)

u Missedthelast29gamesoftheseasonaftersufferingabrokenrighthand(4thmetacarpal)onSept.1atTexasafterbeinghitwithaCJWilsonpitch(wasonpacefor51HR,143RBIattimeofinjury)…Atthetimeoftheinjuryhewas2ndintheALinHR,RBI,walksandextrabasehits…Hithis100thcareerHRonJuly4vs.NYY…Hadfour2-homergamestobringhiscareertotalto112HRgames(12careermulti-HRgames)…Tiedhiscareer-highforthe4thtimewith6RBIonJune3vs.LAA.

u TiedtheMajorLeaguesingle-seasonrecordwith6grandslams,tyingDonMattingly’s1987recordof6onAugust13vs.KC(Hudson)…Nowhas8onhiscareerafterhittingslamsonMay1vs.CWS,May17vs.KC,June3vs.LAA,July1atCIN,July7vs.NYYandAugust13…ThegrandslamonJuly1@CINwashisfirstcareerPHHR(Broussardhit2PHGSin2005)…Wasthefirstplayersince1968tohit4slamsbeforethebreak…Ontheyearhewas8for14(.571)withaclubrecord6HR&30RBIw/thebasesfull…Owns8careerslams.

u NamedALPlayeroftheMonthinAugustafterhitting.361(35-97)w/aleague-best13HR&30RBIin28G…Hitinacareerlong14gamesfromAugust10-24…Hitin12straightfromJuly3-12…Hitin26oflast31G:.346(37-107)13HR,34RBIandsafelyin18ofhislast20Gbatting.368(25-68)w/8HR&22RBI.

u According to ELIAS Hafner reached 7HR in fewer games (11) than anyone in the 106-year history of theballclub…TheoldrecordwasheldbyKenKeltner(7in13Gin1948)…Reachedbasein11consecutiveplateappearancesfromApril5-8,thelongestknownstreakbyanIndiansincedivisionalplaybeganin1969...TheMajorLeaguerecordis16byTedWilliamsin1957.

u Made122startsatDHand4atfirstbase…Hitsafelyin90of129Gandreachedsafelyin115of129G…HadanRBIin59of129G…His28RBIinMayweretiedformostintheAL…49ofhislast84hitswereforextrabases(212B,28HR)…His16HRoffLHPwere2ndintheAL(Ortiz18)aswashis.658slugging%offLHP…His.442on-base%offLHPwas4thintheAL(hit.321offLHPoverall)…Tiedhiscareer-highwith4hitsonApril7vs.MIN(6thtime)andscoredcareer-high4runsonApril7andJuly4vs.NYY…Walkedcareer-high4timesonApril27vs.Boston…HR’din4straightgames2times(May1-4;August2-5)andhomeredinback-to-backgames13times…Hit1stcareer“walk-off”HRonMay16vs.KC…Had102RBIoverhislast106gamesand31RBIoverhislast29games…Has23HRoverhislast58gamesand7HRinhislast13gamespriortobeinginjured.

u Hit.324(71-219)withrunnersonbase(17thinAL)and.341(43-126)fromthe7thinningon(4thinAL)…Hit.327(86-263)with23HR&67RBIin76startsinthe#4spotintheorder…Hada.673slugging%inthesecondhalf…His4.20pitchesseenperABwere6thintheAL…His.662slg%inthe#4spotwas1stintheALamongclean-uphitterswith146PAinthatspot([email protected])

ProCareeru 2005Hadatremendousoffensiveseason,puttinghimselfintoelitestatusamongtheMajorLeague’sbesthit-


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u 1999LedtheSouthAtlanticLeague inRBI(111)andslugging(.546)andtied for1st inhomers(28)atASavannah…Wasalso2ndintheleagueintotalbases(262),3rdinextrabasehits(62)and4thintheleagueinruns(94)…His151SOwere4thintheleagueandhisHR/ABratioof1per17.14ABledtheSAL…ToppedRangers’minorleagueplayersinRBIandtiedfor1stinhomeruns…Wasselectedas1stbasemanonSALpost-seasonall-starteam…Started108gamesat1st,23asDH,and3at3rdbase…Hada16-gamehittingstreak,6/17-7/11.

u 1998WasSavannahteamleaderinRBI(84)andwalks(68)andranked2ndinhomers(6).

u 1997Sawactionat1st(66),3rd(24),andoutfield(1)…WasamongGulfCoastLeagueleadersinruns(T3rd,38),doubles(T4th,14),andhomers(T5th,5)in1stproseason…WasselectedtotheGCLall-starsquad…Went11-15in1st4progames…Was5thintheleaguewith19extrabasehits…WasselectedbyTexasinJune,1996amateurdraftbutdidnotsignuntil6/2/97,justhoursbeforehewouldhavebeeneligiblefor1997draft…

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameTravIs lee HaFner…ResidesinSykeston,NDandCleveland,OH…Married,wife’snameisAmy…Played2seasonsatCowleyCountyCommunityCollegeinArkansasCity,KS(graduated’97)…Earnedjuniorcollegeall-Americanhonorsin1997andwasMVPofJUCOWorldSeries,hitting3-runhomerin4-2winoverSeminole(OK)JCinthechampionshipgame…PlayedbasketballandrantrackatSykeston(ND)HighSchool(graduated’95)…Earnedall-regionhonorsinbasketballandfinished3rdinstateindiscusandtriplejumpinsenioryear…ParticipatedinLittleLeague,BabeRuthLeague,andAmericanLegionbaseballprograms…Nicknameis“Pronk”…BigfanoftheWWE…NamedUpperMidwestPlayeroftheYear by the Minnesota BBWAA Chapter in 2005…Inducted into theNorthDakotaAmericanLegionHallofFamein2006…ActiveintheClevelandcommunityonayear-roundbasis-participatinginDick’sSportingGoods“ShopwithaPro”andseveraleventsaroundtheholidaystoraisemoneyforCICandcollecttoysforareaorganizations.

HaFner’s FavOrITes

Favorite Movie:OldSchool;Favorite Group/artist:Metallica;Favorite road City:Chicago;Favorite road stadium: SafecoField;Favorite Thing to do away From baseball:XBoxorPlaystation; Favorite Tv show: Pro Wrestling(WWE’sRaw/Smackdown)

2006 aMerICan leaGue MvP vOTInG

Player, Club 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Points

JustinMorneau,MinnesotaTwins 15 8 3 2 320DerekJeter,NewYorkYankees 12 14 1 1 306DavidOrtiz,BostonRedSox 1 11 5 7 3 1 193FrankThomas,OaklandAthletics 3 4 7 7 4 1 174JermaineDye,ChicagoWhiteSox 1 2 6 5 7 4 2 1 156JoeMauer,MinnesotaTwins 3 6 1 2 5 3 2 1 116JohanSantana,MinnesotaTwins 1 5 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 114TravIs HaFner, Cleveland Indians 1 2 4 7 3 2 64VladimirGuerrero,LosAngelesAngels 2 3 4 6 46CarlosGuillen,DetroitTigers 1 3 3 2 3 34GradY sIZeMOre, Cleveland Indians 1 1 1 2 7 24JimThome,ChicagoWhiteSox 1 3 17AlexRodriguez,NewYorkYankees 1 2 1 13

HAFNER (continued)


u 2002SpentmostoftheyearatAAAOklahomaandbegantheseasonontheactiverosterafterrecoveringquickerthanexpectedfromoff-seasonsurgeryonhisrightwrist…Hit.272(22-81)inAprilwith3HR&11RBIbeforeexplodingfrom4/30thrutherestofhistenureinAAA,hitting.363(118-325)w/19HR&71RBIovertheseason’sfinal89games…Hit.365(35-96)inJunew/4HR&21RBIin25games(hitsafelyin22ofthem)and.375(33-88)inJulyw/7HR&19RBIin24games…Overallhefinished3rdinthePacificCoastLeagueinbattingaverage(.342),1stinon-base%(.463)and4thinslugging%(.559)…Went3for5w/2HR&5RBIon4/30vs.Nashvilleand5for5w/4RS,atriple,homerand3RBIon6/21atIowa…Appearedin65gamesatfirstbaseand45designatedhitteratTripleA…Hit.351(33-94)offleftiesw/5HR&13RBIand.339(104-307)offRHPwith16HR&64RBI…Hit.325(38-117)w/5HR&51RBIwithRISPandaftertheseasonwasnamedtotheSportstickerPCLAll-ProspectTeam…WasrecalledbyTexastothebigleaguesforthefirsttimeon8/6andmadehisdebutthatnightatDetroit,strikingoutinhisfirstatbat…Hitsafelyinhisnext5gamesafterhisdebut(.450,9-20)andcollectedhisfirstMLhitandRBIwithanRBItripleatDetroiton8/7offMarkRedman(4thinning)…HadacareerdayatClevelandon8/11,going4for5w/22B,hisfirstmajorleaguehomer(offJasonPhillips)andacareer-high3RBI…Wasthrownoutatthirdbaseinthe7thinningthatrobbedhimofacycle…Went2for28overthenext8gamesatwasoptionedbacktoOklahomaon8/27,appearingin6gamesatTripleAbeforebeingrecalledagainbyTexason9/9.

u 2001Hadsurgeryon3/12toremovehamatebonefromrightwristandbeganseasononTulsa’sdisabledlist…Wasactivatedon5/11andwentontofinish3rdintheTexasLeagueinslugging(.545)and4thinon-basepercentage(.396)…HisHRtoatbatratioof1per16.15ABwas4thbestintheleague…LedtheDrillersinwalks(59)andwas2ndontheclubinhomers(20),RBI(74),anddoubles(25)…Tiedfor3rdinTexasminorleaguesysteminhomers…Started78gamesat1stbaseand10astheDH…Was14-42(.333)with3homersand10RBIin1st11games,thenhitjust.200(13-65)innext16contests…Hada.296(64-216)averageinfinal61games…WastheRangersminorleagueplayerofthemonthforJuly,batting.330(34-103)with8homersand24RBI…Had3homersand7RBIon8/17atRoundRock,drovein6runson7/13vs.Wichita…Walked4timeson8/23vs.RoundRock…Batted.343(36-105)againstlefthanders…Hit.348withahomerand5RBIin6gamesatPeoriainArizonaFallLeaguebeforebeingsidelinedwithwristinjury…Underwentarthroscopysurgeryonrightwriston10/24toremovetorncartilageandscartissuefromrightwrist.

u 2000WontheFloridaStateLeaguebattingtitle(.346)andtoppedleagueinon-basepercentage(.447)atAPortCharlotte…Was2ndintheFSLinRBI(109)andslugging(.580),3rdinruns(90),totalbases(253)andextrabasehits(57),and4thinhomers(22)anddoubles(34)…HadthehighestaverageamongallTexasminorleaguers(250ormoreplateappearances),was2ndinRBI,andplaced3rdinhomers…Appearedin59gamesat1stbase,45asDHand18at3rdbase...Wasselectedas1stbasemanonFSLpost-seasonall-starteamandwasaBaseball AmericaHighClassAAll-Star…PlayedinFSLall-stargame…Hitover.300inall5monthsofseason,including.378(92-251)infinal70gamesbeginningJune1…WastheRangersminorleagueplayerofthemonthinJune(.364,7HR,27RBI)andJuly(.352,3HR,24RBI)…WasFSLplayeroftheweek,6/26-7/2and7/24-30…WasontheDLfrom8/5-22withabrokenrighttoe…PlayedforCarolinainPuertoRicanwinterleaguebutwassenthomeinlateDecemberduetoasoreleftwrist…Batted.303with5homersand19RBI.

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2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI.308 454140 42 117 Totals .297 1775 527 118 380

.440 25 11 1 6 Baltimore .402 92 37 5 28

.360 25 9 2 7 Boston .286 91 26 5 22

.318 44 14 5 14 Chicago(AL) .286 220 63 13 46-- -- -- -- -- Cleveland .545 11 6 1 3.269 67 18 4 12 Detroit .288 198 57 13 31.340 53 18 4 17 KansasCity .317 186 59 12 38.194 31 6 3 10 L.A.Angels .298 121 36 11 31.357 56 20 6 14 Minnesota .285 221 63 15 41.273 22 6 2 4 NewYork(AL) .278 72 20 2 16.263 19 5 3 6 Oakland .300 80 24 5 20.200 30 6 2 5 Seattle .258 93 24 9 21.417 12 5 3 5 TampaBay .333 93 31 8 21.333 12 4 0 2 Texas .260 77 20 2 14.444 9 4 3 4 Toronto .244 78 19 9 18

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona .308 13 4 1 5-- -- -- -- -- Atlanta .125 8 1 0 1.333 12 4 1 3 Chicago(NL) .333 12 4 1 3.429 14 6 1 5 Cincinnati .385 39 15 2 10-- -- -- -- -- Colorado .263 19 5 1 3-- -- -- -- -- Florida .273 11 3 0 2.286 7 2 0 0 Milwaukee .286 7 2 0 0-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) .364 11 4 0 1.000 10 0 0 0 Pittsburgh .000 10 0 0 0.333 6 2 2 3 St.Louis .333 6 2 2 3-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego .200 5 1 1 1-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco 1.000 1 1 0 1

.333 87 29 7 16 March-April .281 310 87 15 47

.284 95 27 7 28 May .282 277 78 15 65

.316 76 24 7 18 June .323 254 82 17 59

.258 97 25 8 24 July .317 265 84 22 72

.361 97 35 13 30 August .309 421 130 30 90

.000 2 0 0 1 Sept-Oct .266 248 66 19 47

.319 235 75 21 67 Home .293 899 263 49 193

.297 219 65 21 50 Road .301 876 264 69 187

.306 134 41 10 31 Day .303 501 152 32 111

.309 320 99 32 86 Night .294 1274 375 86 269

.305 410125 37106 Grass .295 1584 467 97 336

.341 44 15 5 11 Turf .314 191 60 21 44

.322 286 92 25 74 Pre-ASG .307 944 290 57 212

.286 168 48 17 43 Post-ASG .285 831 237 61 168

.321 184 59 16 46 vs.LHP .268 586 157 28 119

.300 270 81 26 71 vs.RHP .311 1189 370 90 261

.305 131 40 15 81 ScoringPosition .296 496 147 33 253

.571 14 8 6 30 BasesLoaded .425 40 17 8 61

.500 2 1 1 4 PinchHitter .227 22 5 1 8

.308 439135 39 110 DesignatedHitter .305 1559 475 107 350

Career bY ballPark avG ab H Hr rbIAmeriquestField(TEX) .148 54 8 1 5AngelStadium(LAA) .322 59 19 7 17AT&TPark(SF) 1.000 1 1 0 1BuschStadiumII(STL) .333 6 2 2 3CamdenYards(BAL) .400 45 18 2 9ComericaPark(DET) .282 103 29 7 15FenwayPark(BOS) .356 45 16 4 18Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) .167 6 1 1 4JacobsField(CLE) .302 884 267 50 195KauffmanStadium(KC) .295 105 31 5 15McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .250 28 7 3 8Metrodome(MIN) .297 101 30 8 18MillerPark(MIL) .286 7 2 0 0PETCOPark(SD) .200 5 1 1 1RogersCentre(TOR) .262 42 11 6 13SafecoField(SEA) .260 50 13 4 7SheaStadium(NYM) .364 11 4 0 1TropicanaField(TB) .396 48 19 7 13TurnerField(ATL) .125 8 1 0 1U.S.CellularField(CWS) .314 121 38 10 26YankeeStadium(NYY) .196 46 9 0 10

FIeldInG bY POsITIOn 2006 Career PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP1.000 4 18 4 0 22 2 FirstBase .987 61 481 36 7 524 53

HaFner’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs:4,sixtimes,lastonApril7,2006vs.Minnesota;dOubles:3,May16,2004vs.TampaBay;TrIPles:1,eighttimes,lastonMay9,2006atKansasCity;Hr:3,July20,2004atAnaheim;TWO-HOMer GaMes:11,lastonAugust30,2006atToronto;rbI:6,fourtimes,lastonJune3,2006vs.LAAngels;runs:4,twotimes,lastonJuly4,2006vs.NewYork-AL;HITTInG sTreak:14games,August10-24,2006;HOMers In COnseCuTIve GaMes:6games,Sep-tember18-23,2005;Hr In baCk-TO-baCk GaMes:23times,lastAugust29-30,2006; Career Grand slaMs:8,lastonAugust13,2006vs.KansasCityoffLukeHudson;CYCle:August14,2003atMinnesota.

HAFNER (continued)

2006 aMerICan leaGue leaders, rbI raTIO

Player ab per rbI

1. TravIs HaFner (Cle) 3.9 2. JasonGiambi(NYY) 3.9 3. DavidOrtiz(BOS) 4.1 4. FrankThomas(OAK) 4.1 5. MannyRamirez(BOS) 4.4

2006 MaJOr leaGue leaders, On-base Plus sluGGInG PerCenTaGe (OPs)

Player OPs

1. AlbertPujols(STL) 1.102 2. TravIs HaFner (Cle) 1.098 3. RyanHoward(PHI) 1.084 4. MannyRamirez(BOS) 1.058 5. DavidOrtiz(BOS) 1.049 6. LanceBerkman(HOU) 1.041 7. JimThome(CWS) 1.014 8. JermaineDye(CWS) 1.007

2006 aMerICan leaGue leaders, HOMe runs

Player Hr

1. DavidOrtiz(BOS) 54 2. JermaineDye(CWS) 44 3. TravIs HaFner (Cle) 42 JimThome(CWS) 42 5. FrankThomas(OAK) 39 6. TroyGlaus(TOR) 38 7. JasonGiambi(NYY) 37

MOsT Grand slaMs, sInGle seasOn,

MaJOr leaGue HIsTOrY

Player Gs Hr

1. TravIs HaFner (Cle) 6 in 2006 DonMattingly(NYY) 6in1987 3. JimGentile(BAL) 5in1961 ErnieBanks(CHC) 5in1955

IndIans HITTers W/30Hr, 100rbI & .300 averaGe

Player Year

1. EarlAverill 3X,last1934 2. AlbertBelle 3x,last1996 3. RockyColavito 1958 4. JuanGonzalez 2001 5. TravIs HaFner 2005, 2006 6. DavidJustice 1997 7. MannyRamirez 4X,last2000 8. AlRosen 1953 9. JimThome 2x,last2002 10. HalTrosky 2x,last1936

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SprIng InvItee

Jeff Harris 34Age: 32, born July 4, 1974 in Alameda, CA

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-1 Weight: 215

ML Service: 0 + 073

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: December 13, 2006; Signed by Cleveland to a minor league contract with a non-roster invitation to Major League spring training camp.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 1995 Elizabethton 1-3 3.82 21 0 0 0 0 33.0 42 15 14 2 4 13 27 6 11996 Ft.Wayne 8-3 3.11 42 0 0 0 3 89.2 90 35 31 4 4 33 85 10 11997 Ft.Wayne 2-4 2.14 24 0 0 0 1 42.0 30 11 10 4 0 15 32 1 0 NewBritain 2-1 2.34 28 0 0 0 3 42.1 30 15 11 2 3 16 44 3 01998 NewBritain 1-0 1.66 26 0 0 0 5 38.0 21 7 7 3 0 5 40 0 1 SaltLake 8-0 5.91 25 0 0 0 3 32.0 38 24 21 4 0 19 24 3 01999 SaltLake 4-3 6.90 36 0 0 0 0 45.2 61 38 35 7 3 26 20 2 0 NewBritain 3-1 1.48 20 0 0 0 0 24.1 21 5 4 0 1 14 12 1 02000 NewBritain 2-0 4.82 24 0 0 0 0 28.0 35 17 15 5 3 10 28 2 02001 Chico 11-7 3.94 21 20 2 0 0 130.1 144 78 57 11 10 46 99 2 02002 Chico 9-5 2.85 20 19 3 1 0 135.2 120 64 43 11 11 31 109 6 02003 Quebec 9-4 2.51 18 18 3 2 0 129.1 107 42 36 6 6 22 119 2 12004 Aquascalnts 0-0 6.23 5 0 0 0 2 4.1 3 3 3 0 1 6 2 0 0 Tacoma 5-3 4.34 26 8 1 1 1 74.2 60 37 36 6 4 26 53 4 0 Quebec 0-0 0.75 2 2 0 0 0 12.0 9 1 1 0 0 4 12 2 02005 SanAntonio 5-0 2.10 11 2 0 0 0 34.1 25 9 8 4 3 8 31 0 0 Tacoma 5-2 2.78 16 9 0 0 1 68.0 50 22 21 8 1 17 56 0 0 Seattle 2-5 4.19 11 8 0 0 0 53.2 48 27 25 9 3 20 25 0 02006 Seattle 0-0 5.40 3 0 0 0 0 3.1 3 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 Tacoma 0-3 5.52 15 4 0 0 0 31.0 43 22 19 6 2 7 13 0 0 AZMariners 0-0 0.00 4 2 0 0 0 6.0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0Minor lge. Totals 75-39 3.35 384 84 9 4 19 1000.2 935 445 372 83 56 318 812 44 4Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league 2-5 4.26 14 8 0 0 0 57.0 51 29 27 9 3 20 26 0 0national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 2-5 4.26 14 8 0 0 0 57.0 51 29 27 9 3 20 26 0 0

Career TransaCTIOns1995 SelectedbytheMinnesotaTwinsinthe28throundoftheJunedraft.2001 ReleasedbytheTwins,1/11.2001 SignedbyindependentChicointheWesternLeague,5/19.2003 SignedbyindependentQuebec,5/24.2004 SignedbyindependentAguascalientesintheMexicanLeague,3/18.2004 SignedbyindependentQuebec,5/27.2004 SignedbytheSeattleMarinersasafreeagent,6/4.2004 Grantedfreeagency,10/15.2004 Re-signedbytheMarinersasafreeagent,12/27.2006 Grantedfreeagency,10/15.2006 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,12/13.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Split theseasonbetweenSeattleandAAATacomaandwasonthedisabled list fortwomonthsfromMay


u PlacedontheMajorLeaguedisabledlistwithrightshouldertendonitisafteroutingofMay1andpitched2.0inningsforthePeoriaMarinersduringarehabassignmentinearlyJulybeforebeingreleasedJuly18…Wasre-signedtoaminorleaguecontractJuly23…AppearedintwogameswithPeoriabeforebeingpromotedtoTacomaAug.3…PitchedineightgamesforTacomainAug.andoneinSept…Was0-0w/a3.60ERAin11reliefappearancesforTacoma(15.0IP,18H,6ER)…HarrispitchedinVenezuelaforLaraandpostedarecordof4-3w/a2.51ERAin11outings(10GS,61.0IP,45H,17ER,26K).

ProCareeru 2005BegantheseasonwithAASanAntonio,wherehewas5-0,2.10in11games…Was4-0,1.66inninerelief


u 2004StartedseasonwithAguascalientesintheMexicanLeague,appearinginfivegames…MadetwostartswithQuebecon5/27and6/2…SignedminorleaguecontractwithSeattleon6/4…Appearedin26games,eightstartswithTacoma…Went3-1witha3.67ERA(41.2IP,17ER)asastarter…Heldopponentstoa.223average…Tosseda7.0inningcompletegameshutoutallowingonlythreehitsandstrikingoutseveninhisfinalstartoftheseasonon9/4vs.Tucson.

u 2003SpentseasonwithQuebec,starting18games…Finishedsecondinshutouts(2),fourthininningspitched(129.1)andwins(9),fifthinstrikeouts(119)andseventhinERA(2.51)…

u 2002SpentsecondseasonwithChicooftheIndependentWesternLeague…Ledleagueinstrikeouts(109),shutouts(1),completegames(3)andinningspitched(135.2),secondinstarts(19)andERA(2.85),fourthinwins(9)andfifthinhomerunsallowed(11)…

u 2001SpentseasonwithChico…Ledleagueingamesstarted(20)andwins(11)…Finishedsecondininningspitched(130.1)andhits(144),thirdinruns(78),fourthinstrikeouts(99)andcompletegames(2),fifthinwalks(46),homerunsallowed(11)andlosses(7)andninthinERA(3.94)…

u 2000 Spent season with AA New Britain, appearing in 24 games in relief…Released by Minnesota on1/11/2001.

u 1999BeganseasonwithSaltLake…TransferredtoNewBritain,5/18…PromotedtoSaltLake,5/21…TransferredtoNewBritain,7/15.

u 1997BegantheseasonatFt.Myers…PromotedtoNewBritain,6/19…WassecondamongEasternLeaguerelieversinbattingaverageagainst(.199)…PitchedforSunCitiesintheArizonaFallLeague…

u 1996Spent seasonwithFt.Wayne, appearing in42games in relief…Ledclub ingamesandwas10th inwins.

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PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI — — — — — — — — — —

fIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP-- 3 0 0 0 0 0 Pitcher .900 14 3 6 1 10 1

HarrIs’ GaMe HIGHs

K’s (starter):4,twotimes,lastonSept.20,2005atToronto;K’s (reliever):4,August13,2005vs.LAA;bb’s (starter):5,August30,2005vs.NYY;bb’s (reliever):1,August13,2005vs.LAA;lOnGesT sTarT:7.0IP,twice, last on Sept. 15, 2005 at Texas;lOnGesT relIef OuTInG:5.0IP,August2, 2005 at Detroit; WInnInG sTreaK:2 games, August 25-30, 2005; lOsInG sTreaK: 4 games (active), Sept. 4-20,2005;Hr: 2, two times, last onSept. 4,2005 at LAA; sHOrTesT sTarT: 3.0IP,Sept.4,2005atLAA; lasT WIn:August30, 2005 vs. NYY; lasT OuTInG: April11, 2006 at Cleveland (relief, 1.1IP, 2H,2R/ER,0BB,1K).

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquestField(TEX) 1-1-0 1.29 2 14.0 2AngelStadium(LAA) 0-1-0 15.00 1 3.0 5ComericaPark(DET) 0-0-0 3.00 2 6.0 2JacobsField(CLE) 0-0-0 13.50 1 1.1 2RogersCentre(TOR) 0-1-0 7.71 1 4.2 4SafecoField(SEA) 1-1-0 3.63 6 22.1 9U.S.CellularField(CWS) 0-1-0 4.76 1 5.2 3

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er0-0-0 5.40 3 3.1 2 Totals 2-5-0 4.26 14 57.0 27

-- -- -- -- -- Baltimore 0-1-0 7.20 1 5.0 4-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(AL) 0-1-0 4.76 1 5.2 30-0-0 13.50 1 1.1 2 Cleveland 0-0-0 13.50 1 1.1 2-- -- -- -- -- Detroit 0-0-0 3.00 2 6.0 2-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Angels 0-1-0 8.10 2 6.2 6-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(AL) 1-0-0 4.26 1 6.1 30-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0 Oakland 0-0-0 1.23 3 7.1 1-- -- -- -- -- Texas 1-1-0 1.29 2 14.0 2-- -- -- -- -- Toronto 0-1-0 7.71 1 4.2 4

0-0-0 5.40 3 3.1 2 March-April 0-0-0 5.40 3 3.1 2-- -- -- -- -- August 2-1-0 2.28 5 27.2 7-- -- -- -- -- Sept-Oct 0-4-0 6.23 6 26.0 18

0-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0 Home 1-1-0 3.63 6 22.1 90-0-0 13.50 1 1.1 2 Road 1-4-0 4.67 8 34.2 18

0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Day 1-2-0 4.05 7 26.2 120-0-0 7.71 2 2.1 2 Night 1-3-0 4.45 7 30.1 15

0-0-0 5.40 3 3.1 2 Grass 2-4-0 3.96 13 52.1 23-- -- -- -- -- Turf 0-1-0 7.71 1 4.2 4

0-0-0 5.40 3 3.1 2 Pre-ASG 0-0-0 5.40 3 3.1 2-- -- -- -- -- Post-ASG 2-5-0 4.19 11 53.2 25

-- -- -- -- -- Starter 2-5-0 4.50 8 44.0 220-0-0 5.40 3 3.1 2 Relief 0-0-0 3.46 6 13.0 5

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameJeffrey ausTIn HarrIs…Wife’snameisKimberly…Thecouplehasonedaughter,Rilyn(4/2/06)…Re-sidesinSurprise,AZ…GraduatedfromPinole(CA)HighSchoolinJune,1992…GraduatedfromContraCostaCommunityCollege(CA)in1994…AttendedtheUniversityofSanFrancisco….OriginallydraftedbytheMinnesotaTwinsinthe28throundoftheJune1995draft.

HARRIS (continued)

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Roberto Hernandez 39Age: 42, born November 11, 1964 in Santurce, PR

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-4 Weight: 245

ML Service: 15 + 020

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007 with a club option for 2008

Acquired: December 2, 2006; Signed to a Major League free agent contract by Cleveland with a club option for the 2008 season.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 1986 Salem 2-2 4.58 10 10 0 0 0 55.0 57 37 28 3 1 42 38 6 01987 QuadCity 2-3 6.86 7 6 0 0 1 21.0 24 21 16 2 2 12 21 5 01988 QuadCity 9-10 3.17 24 24 6 1 0 164.2 157 70 58 8 6 48 114 7 5 Midland 0-2 6.57 3 3 0 0 0 12.1 16 13 9 0 1 8 7 1 01989 Midland 2-7 6.89 12 12 0 0 0 64.0 94 57 49 4 2 30 42 4 1 PalmSprings 1-4 4.64 7 7 0 0 0 42.2 49 27 22 2 2 16 33 4 0 SouthBend 1-1 3.33 4 4 0 0 0 24.1 19 9 9 1 0 7 17 0 01990 Birmingham 8-5 3.67 17 17 1 0 0 108.0 103 57 44 6 6 43 62 3 1 Vancouver 3-5 2.84 11 11 3 1 0 79.1 73 33 25 4 2 26 49 3 01992 Vancouver 4-1 3.22 7 7 0 0 0 44.2 41 17 16 2 0 23 40 1 0 GCLWhiteSox 0-0 0.00 1 1 0 0 0 6.0 2 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 Birmingham 2-1 1.99 4 4 0 0 0 22.2 11 5 5 2 2 6 25 2 0 Chicago(AL) 1-0 7.80 9 3 0 0 0 15.0 18 15 13 1 0 7 6 1 01992 Chicago(AL) 7-3 1.65 43 0 0 0 12 71.0 45 15 13 4 4 20 68 2 0 Vancouver 3-3 2.61 9 0 0 0 2 20.2 13 9 6 0 1 11 23 0 11993 Chicago(AL) 3-4 2.29 70 0 0 0 38 78.2 66 21 20 6 0 20 71 2 01994 Chicago(AL) 4-4 4.91 45 0 0 0 14 47.2 44 29 26 5 1 19 50 1 01995 Chicago(AL) 3-7 3.92 60 0 0 0 32 59.2 63 30 26 9 3 28 84 1 01996 Chicago(AL) 6-5 1.91 72 0 0 0 38 84.2 65 21 18 2 0 38 85 6 01997 Chicago(AL) 5-1 2.44 46 0 0 0 27 48.0 38 15 13 5 1 24 47 2 0 SanFrancisco 5-2 2.48 28 0 0 0 4 32.2 29 9 9 2 0 14 35 1 01998 TampaBay 2-6 4.04 67 0 0 0 26 71.1 55 33 32 5 5 41 55 1 01999 TampaBay 2-3 3.07 72 0 0 0 43 73.1 68 27 25 1 4 33 69 3 02000 TampaBay 4-7 3.19 68 0 0 0 32 73.1 76 33 26 9 3 23 61 2 12001 KansasCity 5-6 4.12 63 0 0 0 28 67.2 69 34 31 7 1 26 46 6 02002 Omaha 0-0 0.00 2 0 0 0 0 2.0 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 1 0 KansasCity 1-3 4.33 53 0 0 0 26 52.0 62 29 25 6 3 12 39 3 02003 Atlanta 5-3 4.35 66 0 0 0 0 60.0 61 36 29 10 3 43 45 0 0 Richmond 1-1 9.45 6 0 0 0 0 6.2 11 9 7 0 1 4 10 1 02004 Philadelphia 3-5 4.76 63 0 0 0 0 56.2 66 39 30 9 1 29 44 3 02005 NewYork(NL) 8-6 2.58 67 0 0 0 4 69.2 57 20 20 5 2 28 61 4 02006 Pittsburgh 0-3 2.93 46 0 0 0 2 43.0 46 24 14 3 1 24 33 3 0 NewYork(NL) 0-0 3.48 22 0 0 0 0 20.2 15 8 8 2 0 8 15 2 0Minor lge. Totals 38-45 3.93 124 106 10 2 3 674.0 670 365 294 34 26 279 491 38 8Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league 43-49 3.25 668 3 0 0 316 742.1 669 302 268 60 25 291 681 30 1national league 21-19 3.52 292 0 0 0 10 282.2 274 136 110 31 7 146 233 13 0M. l. TOTals 64-68 3.32 960 3 0 0 326 1025.0 943 438 378 91 32 437 914 43 1

all-sTar GaMe reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK1996 Chicago(AL) 0-0 0.00 1 0 0 0 0 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01999 TampaBay 0-0 0.00 1 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Totals 0-0 0.00 2 0 0 0 0 2.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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HERNANDEZ (continued)

ProCareeru 2005SpententireseasonwithNewYork(NL)andfinishedtiedfortheNLleadforreliefwins(8)...Didnotsur-

renderarunin55ofhis67outingsandheldrighthandedbatterstoa.213(27-for-127)average...Posteda1.15ERA(31.1IP/4ER)in29gamesontheroad...Pitched9.1scorelessinningsfrom4/27to5/13...Notchedfirstsaveon5/7@Milwaukee-hisfirstsince9/19/02atChicago(AL)whilepitchingwithKC...Didnotsurrenderarunin17outingsfrom5/25to7/14(16.0IP)…Postedhissecondsaveon9/[email protected]@Philadelphiaon9/26...Stranded22ofhis29inheritedrunners(76percent)...SignedbyPittsburghasafreeagenton12/15.

u 2004SpententireseasonwithPhiladelphia...Issuedonlyonewalkinhisfirst11appearances(11.0IP)...Wasplacedon15-daydisabledliston5/5withastrainedrightcalf...Wasreinstatedon5/20...Producedseason-best7.2scorelessinningstreakfrom8/4-19,aspanofeightgames...DidnotallowaruninsevengamesduringthemonthofSeptember(6.0IP).

u 2003Made66appearanceswithEastDivisionchampionAtlanta...Wasscoredupononlytwiceovera21-gamestretchfrom4/6to5/16...Posteda2-0recordanda1.86ERAinthattime(19.1IP/4ER)whiletheBraveswent20-1inthosegames...WasonD.L.from6/12-27withalowbackstrainandfrom8/13to9/2withastrainedlefthamstring...MadesixappearanceswhilepitchingonrehabassignmentwithRichmond(Braves’AAA)...Produceda1.74ERAin10appearancesduringthemonthofSeptember...TossedascorelessinninginGameOneoftheDivisionSeriesagainsttheCubs.

u 2002Posted20ormoresavesfortheeighthstraightseasonandfortheninthtimeinhiscareerwhilespendingyearwithKansasCity...Beganseasononthe15-daydisabledlist(retroto3/22)witharightelbowstrain...Madehisseasondebuton5/2@Baltimoreafteratwo-gamerehabassignmentwithTriple-AOmaha...Earnedasaveineachofhisfirsteightopportunities,extendinghisstreakto17gamesdatingbackto2001...Recordedhis300thcareersaveon5/25vs.Texas,makinghimthe15thplayerinmajorleaguehistorytorecord300saves...Pickeduplonevictoryon6/9vs.St.Louis…Ranked9thintheALinsaves.

u 2001SpentfirstoftwoseasonswithKansasCity...Was28-for-34insaveopportunitiesandsaved43percentoftheRoyals’wins,thefifth-bestpercentageintheAmericanLeague...RankedsixthamongA.L.pitchersingamesfinished(55)andtiedforeighthinsaves...Hadapairof10.0-inningscorelessstreaks;from5/16to6/14andfrom8/7to9/1...Stranded10ofhis13inheritedrunners...Wastherecipientoftwosaveson6/16@Milwaukee;earnedthesaveinagamesuspendedfromthepreviousdayaswellastheregularlyscheduledcontest.

u 2000SpentthirdandfinalseasonwithTampaBay...FinishedninthintheAmericanLeagueinsaves...Surren-deredhomerunstoAnaheim’sMoVaughn,TimSalmonandTroyGlausinthe9thinningon4/21,markingthefirsttimeinhiscareerthathehadgivenupmorethanonehomeruninagame(thethreehomerunswereasmanyashehadallowedovertheprevious485batters,datingbackto7/4/98)...Earnedhis250thcareersaveon7/[email protected]/9to9/25(39games),postinga1.33ERAinthattime.

u 1999Establishedacareerhighinsaves(43)ashewasnamedtohis2ndAll-Starteam...Ledmajorleaguesingamesfinished(66)andrankedseventhamongAmericanLeaguepitchersinappearances...WasnamedtosecondAll-Starteam...Converted43ofhis47saveopportunities,including22ofhislast23,fora91.5savepercentage,thesecond-bestratiointheAmericanLeague(NewYork’sMarianoRiveraconverted45-of-49fora91.8percentsuccessrate)...Was2ndtoRiverainsaves(43)…Becamethe19thA.L.relievertorecord40savesandthethirdHispanicpitchertodoit,joiningJoseMesaandRivera...Saved62.3percentoftheDevilRayswins,breakingtheleaguerecordof60.6percentsetin1990bytheWhiteSox’BobbyThigpen...Becamethefourthpitchersincesavesbecameanofficialstatisticin1969tosaveatleast60percentofhisteam’swins,joiningBryanHarvey(Florida-1993,71.3percent),RandyMyers(ChicagoCubs-1993,60.1percent)andThigpen…Converted19straightsaves,7/2-9/17.

u 1998His26saveswithTampaBaywerethirdmostbyarelieveronanexpansionteam(BryanHarveyhad45withtheMarlinsin1993andGreggOlsonhad30withtheDiamondbacksin1998)...Didnotallowanearnedrunin22appearancesfrom5/10thru6/28(25.1IP)...Heldleft-handedhitterstoa.184average,thesecond-lowestmarkintheA.L.behindArmandoBenitez(.181)...Allowedjustthreeofhis18inheritedrunnerstoscore.

u 1997BeganseasonwithChicago(AL),butwastradedtoSanFranciscoon7/31aspartofanine-playerdeal...Combinedtoposta10-3record,31savesanda2.45ERAin74appearanceswiththetwoclubs...Rankedthird

Career TransaCTIOns1986 SelectedbytheCaliforniaAngelsinthe1stround(16thoverall)oftheJunedraft.1989 AcquiredbytheChicagoWhiteSox,alongwithMarkDoran,fromtheAngelsinexchangeforMarkDavis,8/2.1997 AcquiredbytheSanFranciscoGiants,alongwithWilsonAlvarezandDannyDarwin,fromtheWhiteSoxinexchange

forKeithFoulke,BobbyHowry,LorenzoBarcelo,KenVining,MichaelCarusoandBrianManning,7/31.1997 Grantedfreeagency,10/30.1997 SignedbytheTampaBayDevilRaysasafreeagent,11/18.2001 AcquiredbytheKansasCityRoyalsfromTampaBayaspartofathree-teamdealinwhichTampaBayacquiredBen


2002 DL–rightelbowstrain,3/22-5/2…rehabatAAAOmaha,4/4-8.2002 Grantedfreeagency,10/28.2003 SignedbytheAtlantaBravesasafreeagent,1/22.2003 DL–strainedlowerback,6/12-27.2003 DL–strainedlefthamstring,8/13-9/2…rehabatAAARichmond,8/18-9/2.2003 Grantedfreeagency,10/30.2003 SignedbythePhiladelphiaPhilliesasafreeagent,12/18.2004 DL–strainedrightcalf,5/5-20.2004 Grantedfreeagency,10/29.2005 SignedbytheNewYorkMetsasafreeagent,1/18.2005 Grantedfreeagency,11/4.2005 SignedbythePittsburghPiratesasafreeagent,12/15.2006 AcquiredbytheNewYorkMets,alongwithOliverPerez,fromthePiratesinexchangeforXavierNady,7/31.2006 Grantedfreeagency,10//30.2006 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,12/2.

dIvIsIOn serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK1997 SanFrancisco 0-1 20.25 3 0 0 0 0 1.1 5 3 3 0 0 3 1 0 02003 Atlanta 0-0 0.00 1 0 0 0 0 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Totals 0-1 11.57 4 0 0 0 0 2.1 6 3 3 0 0 3 1 0 0

leaGue CHaMPIOnsHIP serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK1993 Chicago(AL) 0-0 0.00 4 0 0 0 1 4.0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 02006 NewYork(NL) 0-0 0.00 3 0 0 0 0 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0Totals 0-0 0.00 7 0 0 0 1 6.1 4 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0

2006SeasonHighlightsu Compiledarecordof0-3with2savesanda3.11ERAin68reliefappearanceswiththePittsburghPiratesand


u Heis4thamongactivebigleaguepitchersinappearances(14thall-timeandmosteverbyaPuertoRican-bornpitcher)and3rdamongactiverelieversinsaves(10thall-time)behindTrevorHoffmanandMarianoRivera…Atwo-timeAll-Star(1996,1999)...Didnotallowarunin16ofhis22gameswithNewYork…AcquiredfromPittsburghonJuly31stalongwithlefthandedpitcherOIiverPerezinexchangeforoutfielderXavierNady…Posteda0.82ERA(oneearnedrun/11.0innings)in11contestsinMay.

u Recordedhissecondsaveoftheseasonand326thofhiscareeronApril29thvs.Philadelphiawith0.2score-lessinningsinPittsburgh’s3-2triumph...Didnotallowarunin10straightoutingsfromApril29th-May26th,spanning9.2innings…Madehis900thcareerappearanceonApril19thvs.St.Louis…

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HERNANDEZ (continued)

all-TIMe leaders-GaMes PITCHed


1. JesseOrosco 1252

2. JohnFranco 1119

3. MikeStanton 1109

4. DennisEckersley 1071

5. HoytWilhelm 1070

6. DanPlesac 1064

7. KentTekulve 1050

8. LeeSmith 1022

9. MikeJackson 1005

10. RichGossage 1002

11. LindyMcDaniel 987

12. JoseMesa 966

13. MikeTimlin 961

14. rOberTO Hernandez 960

15. RollieFingers 944

all-TIMe leaders-saves

PITCHer saved

1. TrevorHoffman 482

2. LeeSmith 478

3. JohnFranco 424

4. MarianoRivera 413

5. DennisEckersley 390

6. JeffReardon 367

7. RandyMyers 347

8. RollieFingers 341

9. JohnWetteland 330

10. rOberTO Hernandez 326

11. TroyPercival 324

12. BillyWagner 324

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnamerOberTO Manuel Hernandez…Wife’snameisIvonne...Hasfourchildren;daughtersKairy(6/3/92)andJaleissy(4/17/90)andsons Roberto (5/8/94) and Jose (12/1/99)...Attended New Hampton(NH)HighSchoolandtheUniversityofSouthCarolina-Aiken,whereheplayedbaseballandwent10-2asasenior...TheirrefurbishedballparkwasnamedafterHernandezin1993...GrewupinManhattanandattendedChelseaVocationalSchoolforthreeyearswhereheplayedbaseball...Servedasthe2002“ProjectWarmth”co-chairpersonwithTrentGreenoftheKansasCityChiefs...SupportsthePuertoRicoAll-StarsFund,whichsupportsyouth-relatededucationalandcharacter-buildingprograms...Joinedseveralofhisteammatesatthe‘GlovesforKids’eventin2002,which benefited children involved with the RBI (Reviving Baseball inthe Inner Cities) program...Organized an autograph show to benefitthehurricanedisaster relief fund forPuertoRico and theDominicanRepublicinthewinterof1998...WasnominatedfortheFloridaSportsAwardsHometownHeroAward in1998...Honoredasa“GoodGuy inSports”byThe Sporting Newsfrom2000-2002forhiscivicdedicationandcommunityservice.

Hernandez’ Career-HIGHs

K’s (reliever):7,June21,1992,Chicago(A)vs.Detroit);bb’s (reliever):4(threetimes,last,April27,1998,TampaBayvs.Oakland); WInnInG sTreaK: 5 games(two times, lastMay9-August31997);lOsInG sTreaK:4games(threetimes,lastApril27-July12,1998); sCOreless IP sTreaK: 20.2 innings (September15, 1995-April 29, 1996); COnseCu-TIve save sTreaK: 20, April 3-June14,1996;lOnGesT OuTInG (reliever):4.2IP,June21,1992,ChicagoWhiteSoxvs.Detroit;lOnGesT OuTInG (starter):7.0IP,Sept.2,1991vs.KC;lasT save:April29,2006vs.PHI;lasT WIn:Sept.23,2005atWashington;Hr:3,April21,2000(Ana@TB).

intheAmericanLeagueinsavesandwasonpaceforhisfirst40-saveseasonwhenhewastradedtotheGiants(finished6thontheyearintheAL)...Earnedhis148thcareersaveon6/17vs.Chicago(NL)tosurpassWillieHernandezastheall-timesavesleaderamongLatinpitchers...Wasunscoreduponinhisfinal10appearanceswiththeWhiteSox,going8-for-8insaveopportunities....PickeduphisfirstNationalLeaguewinon8/[email protected]/12vs.Cincinnati...Collectedhisfirstmajorleaguehiton8/14vs.Chicago(NL)whenhesingledinhisfirstbig-leagueplateappearanceoffRamonTatis...Converted27ofhis31saveopportunitieswiththeWhiteSoxandfour-of-eightwiththeGiants...AppearedinallthreegamesoftheNationalLeagueDivisionSeriesvs.Florida...SufferedthelossinGameTwo.

u 1996FinishedthirdintheAmericanLeagueinsaveswhilespendingfourthstraightfullseasonwithChicago...LedA.L.relieversinERAandgamesfinished(61)...Establishedacareerhighinstrikeouts...Converted38ofhis46saveopportunities(82.6percent),includingaclub-recordandcareer-high20straightfrom4/3to6/14...BecamefirstWhiteSoxpitchersinceBobbyThigpen(1990)tomaketheAll-Starteam(wasinvolvedinapre-gameaccidentduringtheteamphotowhichresultedinCalRipkenbreakinghisnose)...Didnotallowaruninhisfirst13appearances...Surrenderedfirstrunon5/14vs.NewYork,breakingastreakof21.1consecutivescorelessinningsdatingbackto1995...Allowed10ofhis18earnedrunsduringthemonthofSeptember.

u 1995Ledallmajorleaguerelieverswith12.7strikeoutspernineinnings,thehighestmarkbyarelieverinWhiteSoxhistory...Converted32ofhis42saveopportunities,including20-of-24aftertheAll-Starbreak.

u 1994LedAmericanLeagueingamesfinished(45)...Heldleft-handedhitterstoa.217average,the6th-lowestmarkintheA.L.

u 1993Spentfirst fullseason inthemajorswithChicago(AL)...Helped leadtheWhiteSoxtotheA.L.Westdivision titlebygoing2-1with21savesafter theAll-Starbreak...Finished fourth in theA.L. insaves, thesecond-highesttotalinclubhistorybehindBobbyThigpen’smajorleague-recordof57in1990...Converted38ofhis44saveopportunities(86.4percent)andrankedfourthamongA.L.relieversinERA...Hadstreakof15consecutivesaveconversionsstoppedon9/15@KansasCity...MadefourappearancesduringtheAmericanLeagueChampionshipSeriesagainstToronto,pitching4.0scorelessinnings...EarnedthesaveinGameFour,whichtiedtheseriesat2-2,beforeTorontowonthenexttwogames.

u 1992BeganseasonwithVancouver(WhiteSox’AAA),butspentmajorityofcampaignwithWhiteSox-hisfirstseasonusedexclusivelyinrelief...LedA.L.relieversinopponentsbattingaverageagainst(.180)andwasthirdinreliefERA...Went5-1withsixsavesanda0.44ERAwhilepitchingatComiskeyPark...Earnedfirstcareerwinasarelieveron6/21vs.Detroit...Alsohadacareer-highsevenstrikeoutsin4.2inningsofreliefon6/21...Postedfirstcareersaveon7/2vs.Boston...WasnamedtoBaseball America ’sWinterAll-Starteamafterposting16savesanda1.85ERAforMaraguezinthePuertoRicanLeague...JoinedBobbyThigpen(22)andScottRadinsky(15)indoublefiguresinsaves,astheWhiteSoxbecamejusttheeighthteameverandthefirstsincethe1985BlueJaystohavethreerelieverswith10ormoresavesinoneseason.

u 1991BeganseasonwithVancouver,butunderwentpotentiallylife-threateningsurgerytotransferveinsfromhisinnerthightohisrightforearmon6/4(theconditionwasdiagnosedasbloodclotsafterheexperiencednumbnessinhisrighthandwhilepitchingforVancouver)...MadeonerehabappearancefortheGulfCoastLeagueWhiteSox(R)beforejoiningBirmingham(AA)...WasrecalledbyChicagoon8/31...Mademajorleaguedebut9/2asastarteragainstKansasCity;pitchedno-hitballfor6.0inningsbeforeallowingaleadoffdoubletoBillPecotainthe7th...Gaveupjustonerunononehitover7.0inningstoearnfirstbig-leaguevictory(theoutingremainsthelongestofhismajorleaguecareer)...Madethreestraightstarts(11.1IP/10R/8ER)beforemakinglastsixoutingsinrelief(3.2IP/5ER)...Madelaststarton9/12@California.

u 1990BeganseasonwithBirmingham,butwaspromotedtoTriple-AVancouveron7/8...Went11-10withfourcompletegamesanda3.31ERAin28startsbetweenthetwoclubs.

u 1989BeganseasonwithPalmSprings(Angels’A)andmadesevenstartsbeforebeingpromotedtoMidland(AA)...WastradedtotheWhiteSoxon8/3andassignedtoSouthBend(A)oftheMidwestLeague.

u 1988SpentmajorityofseasonwithQuadCity(Angels’A)...RankedamongMidwestLeagueleadersincompletegames...MadefinalthreestartswithMidland...Went9-12witha3.41ERAin27startswiththetwoclubs.

u 1987Averagedninestrikeoutsper9.0inningspitchedwhilespendingentireseasonwithQuadCity.

u 1986MadeprofessionaldebutwithSalem(Angels’A)oftheNorthwestLeagueafterbeingselectedbyCaliforniainthe1stroundoftheJunedraft.

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Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn er3ComPark(SF) 1-0-3 0.68 11 13.1 1AmeriquestField(TEX) 1-1-6 3.38 14 16.0 6AngelStadium(LAA) 2-2-3 4.21 21 25.2 12ArlingtonStadium(TEX) 0-0-1 8.53 4 6.1 6AT&TPark(SF) 0-0-0 6.75 2 1.1 1BithornStadium(PR) 0-0-0 6.00 3 3.0 2BuschStadium(STL) 0-1-0 7.71 2 2.1 2BuschStadiumI 0-0-0 0.00 3 2.1 0CamdenYards(BAL) 0-2-14 1.95 24 27.2 6ChaseField(AZ) 0-0-0 2.25 3 4.0 1CinergyField(CIN) 1-0-1 4.15 3 4.1 2CitizensBankPark(PHI) 0-3-1 3.03 38 38.2 13ClevelandStadium(CLE) 0-0-2 1.50 4 6.0 1ComericaPark(DET) 0-0-3 0.00 5 5.2 0CoorsField(COL) 1-0-0 0.00 3 4.0 0CountyStadium(MIL) 1-1-5 1.65 14 16.1 3DodgerStadium(LA) 1-0-0 0.00 3 3.0 0DolphinStadium(FLA) 0-1-1 6.41 22 19.2 14FenwayPark(BOS) 2-1-8 2.96 25 27.1 9Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) 0-1-1 4.15 4 4.1 2JacobsField(CLE) 0-2-12 4.24 24 23.1 11KauffmanStadium(KC) 7-6-42 3.47 87 93.1 36Kingdome(SEA) 0-1-7 4.73 14 13.1 7McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 2-2-11 4.61 28 27.1 14Metrodome(MIN) 0-4-13 5.40 27 26.2 16MillerPark(MIL) 0-0-3 3.38 9 8.0 3MinuteMaidPark(HOU) 1-1-0 3.38 5 5.1 2OlympicStadium(MON) 0-2-1 5.56 13 11.1 7PETCOPark(SD) 0-0-0 0.00 3 2.2 0PNCPark(PIT) 0-1-2 3.58 33 32.2 13QualcommStadium(SD) 1-0-1 1.93 4 4.2 1RFKStadium(WSH) 3-0-1 1.80 8 10.0 2RogersCentre(TOR) 1-3-15 4.10 22 26.1 12SafecoField(SEA) 0-0-3 2.16 8 8.1 2SheaStadium(NYM) 7-7-2 3.63 60 57.0 23ThreeRiversStadium(PIT)0-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0TigerStadium(DET) 2-3-9 3.97 19 22.2 10TropicanaField(TB) 5-12-52 4.11 116120.1 55TurnerField(ATL) 4-1-0 4.46 42 34.1 17U.S.CellularField(CWS)17-10-95 2.32 193225.0 58VeteransStadium(PHI) 2-0-1 0.00 10 11.0 0WrigleyField(CHI) 0-0-1 0.96 8 9.1 1YankeeStadium(NYY) 1-0-6 3.26 18 19.1 7

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI -- -- -- -- -- .500 2 1 0 0

fIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.750 68 1 5 2 8 0 Pitcher .926 960 52 123 14 189 8

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er0-3-2 3.11 68 63.2 22 Totals 64-68-326 3.32 960 1025.0 378

-- -- -- -- -- Baltimore 2-3-26 1.55 50 58.0 10-- -- -- -- -- Boston 3-3-22 3.83 49 54.0 230-0-0 9.00 2 2.0 2 Chicago(AL) 1-2-13 2.27 30 31.2 80-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0 Cleveland 2-2-29 3.45 57 57.1 220-0-0 0.00 2 1.1 0 Detroit 6-3-31 3.38 59 66.2 250-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 KansasCity 4-6-27 2.72 45 56.1 17-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Angels 4-5-16 4.09 49 55.0 250-0-0 9.00 1 1.0 1 Minnesota 1-4-24 3.56 55 55.2 22-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(AL) 3-4-12 5.19 44 43.1 25-- -- -- -- -- Oakland 6-5-19 4.83 49 54.0 29-- -- -- -- -- Seattle 0-4-20 3.59 49 52.2 21-- -- -- -- -- TampaBay 1-0-3 0.00 7 7.0 0-- -- -- -- -- Texas 3-1-18 4.61 47 52.2 27-- -- -- -- -- Toronto 2-3-26 2.65 42 51.0 15

0-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0 Arizona 0-0-1 3.24 7 8.1 30-0-0 7.71 3 2.1 2 Atlanta 1-2-1 5.12 21 19.1 110-0-0 0.00 2 2.1 0 Chicago(NL) 0-0-2 1.17 15 15.1 20-0-1 0.00 3 3.0 0 Cincinnati 1-2-3 3.93 15 18.1 80-0-0 3.86 3 2.1 1 Colorado 2-0-1 2.79 11 9.2 30-0-0 4.91 8 7.1 4 Florida 3-1-4 4.29 44 42.0 200-0-0 6.00 3 3.0 2 Houston 3-2-1 2.95 19 18.1 60-0-0 0.00 4 4.0 0 L.A.Dodgers 1-0-1 1.42 12 12.2 20-0-0 2.25 4 4.0 1 Milwaukee 3-3-14 2.85 44 47.1 150-1-0 5.40 2 1.2 1 NewYork(NL) 3-3-2 3.63 20 17.1 70-0-1 0.00 5 4.1 0 Philadelphia 2-0-3 0.00 25 27.1 00-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Pittsburgh 1-0-1 3.27 10 11.0 40-1-0 4.32 7 8.1 4 St.Louis 1-2-1 2.84 18 19.0 60-0-0 0.00 3 2.1 0 SanDiego 1-1-1 2.30 16 15.2 40-0-0 3.86 3 2.1 1 SanFrancisco 0-0-0 1.93 6 4.2 10-1-0 4.50 7 6.0 3 Washington 4-4-4 3.53 45 43.1 17

0-1-2 3.18 11 11.1 4 March-April 5-9-37 3.41 136 142.1 540-0-0 0.82 11 11.0 1 May 10-11-57 4.16 158 166.2 770-0-0 3.29 15 13.2 5 June 11-6-61 2.93 169 178.1 580-2-0 5.14 9 7.0 4 July 8-17-62 3.30 174 177.1 650-0-0 2.61 11 10.1 3 August 13-11-57 2.71 163 179.1 540-0-0 4.35 11 10.1 5 Sept-Oct 17-14-52 3.48 160 181.0 70

0-1-1 3.63 37 34.2 14 Home 38-34-169 3.30 506 540.1 1980-2-1 2.48 31 29.0 8 Road 26-34-157 3.34 454 484.2 180

0-3-1 4.12 23 19.2 9 Day 18-27-98 3.75 311 328.2 1370-0-1 2.66 45 44.0 13 Night 46-41-228 3.11 649 696.1 241

0-3-2 3.11 68 63.2 22 Grass 54-44-235 3.07 745 798.2 272-- -- -- -- -- Turf 10-24-91 4.22 215 226.1 106

0-2-2 2.56 40 38.2 11 Pre-ASG 30-32-172 3.42 525 549.2 2090-1-0 3.96 28 25.0 11 Post-ASG 34-36-154 3.20 435 475.1 169

-- -- -- -- -- Starter 1-0-0 6.35 3 11.1 80-3-2 3.11 68 63.2 22 Relief 63-68-326 3.29 957 1013.2 370

HERNANDEZ (continued)

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Spring  invitee

Aaron Laffey 67Age: 21, born April 15, 1985 in Cumberland, MD

Position: Pitcher

Bats: L Throws: L Height 6-0 Weight: 185

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 16th round (468th overall) of the 2003 First-Year Player Draft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu SplittheseasonbetweenAKinstonandAAAkronwherehewent12-4w/a3.57ERAin29games/23starts


u Wentontomake19startsforAkronandworkedatleast5.0IPin16ofthe19starts…Overhislast7startshewas3-1w/a2.95ERA(39.2IP,43H,13ER,21K)…Won5straightdecisionsfromJuly21toAugust18…Went1-1w/a6.75ERAin2EasternLeagueplayoffstarts(9.1IP,9H,7ER,4BB,15K)…RHHhit.272(82-301)atAAAkronandLHHhit.320(39-122)…Batterswere5for38(.132)offhimwithRISP-2outs.

ProCareeru 2005SpenttheseasonintherotationatLakeCountysaveaspotstartatAkronon9/4(5.0IP,8H,2R/ER,2BB,


u 2004StartedtheyearatLakeCountyandwassenttoMahoningValleyon7/27…Posteda1.24ERAin8startsatMV.

u 2003Signedon7/1andassignedtoBurlingtonoftheAppalachianLeague…Limitedbatterstoa.183averageagainst(22-120,0HR)andfanned46in34.0IP…His14.3SOper9.0IPwere2ndintheALamongrelievers.

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name aaROn sTeven laFFeY…Single…Resides in Cumberland, MD…Graduated from Allegany (MD)HighSchoolin2003whereheplayedbaseballandbasketball…CommittedtoVirginiaTechbeforesigningwiththeIndians…WontheSkipCookMemorialAwardin2003astheCumberland Times-NewsHighSchoolBaseballPlayeroftheYear.

YeaR Club W-l eRa G Gs CG sHO sv IP H R eR HR Hb bb sO WP bK2003 Burlington 3-1 2.91 9 4 0 0 0 34.0 22 13 11 0 7 15 46 4 12004 LakeCounty 3-7 6.53 19 15 0 0 1 73.0 79 58 53 6 8 44 67 3 1 MahoningVy. 3-1 1.24 8 8 0 0 0 43.2 38 15 6 1 2 10 30 2 02005 LakeCounty 7-7 3.22 25 23 1 0 1 142.1 123 62 51 5 4 52 69 2 2 Akron 1-0 3.60 1 1 0 0 0 5.0 8 2 2 0 0 2 6 1 02006 Kinston 4-1 2.18 10 4 #1 #1 1 41.1 38 16 10 0 3 6 24 2 0 Akron 8-3 3.53 19 19 0 0 0 112.1 121 50 44 9 8 33 61 4 0Minor lge. Totals 29-20 3.53 91 74 2 1 3 451.2 429 216 177 21 32 162 303 18 4

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns2003 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe16throundoftheJunedraft.

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Juan Lara 58Age: 26, born January 26, 1981 in Azua, DR

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: L Height: 6-2 Weight: 205

ML Service: 0 + 027

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (3)

Acquired: May 22, 1999; Signed as a non-drafted free agent by the Cleveland Indians.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Hadan impressiverisefromAAAkrontotheMajorLeagues inhis8thseasonintheTribe’sminor league


u PromotedtoAAABuffaloonJuly22…Was1-1w/a3.00ERA&1SVin13outingsatAAABuffalo(15.0IP,17H,5ER,3BB,15K),allowingjust3ERinlast13.1IPatAAA(2.03ERA,11G,14H,12K)…Leftieswere4for20(.200)offhimwhileatBuffalo.

u PromotedtotheMajorsonSeptember5whencontractwaspurchasedfromAAABuffalo…MadehisMajorLeaguedebutonSept.8atCWS(1.1IP,1H,0R/0ER)…7ofhis9outingswerescorelessfortheTribe,enduringblownsaveonSept.20atOakland…Leftieswere1for11offhimandoverallMajorLeaguehitterswere4for18(.222)…All4ofhishitsallowedinthebigleaguesweresingles…Batterswere2for12(.167)offhimwithrunnersonand2(18%)ofhis11inheritedrunnersscored…PitchedforAguilasintheDominicanWinterLeague.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 1999 DSLIndians 1-0 4.05 4 0 0 0 0 6.2 7 3 3 1 0 4 3 0 02000 DSLIndians 4-1 3.31 12 10 0 0 1 54.1 58 29 20 1 3 15 51 1 02001 DSLIndians 3-5 1.80 13 12 0 0 0 65.0 57 28 13 0 2 10 49 2 12002 Burlington 2-6 4.98 14 14 0 0 0 65.0 67 42 36 4 7 28 50 0 22003 MahoningValley 3-3 3.50 12 12 0 0 0 61.2 54 29 24 4 8 18 54 6 0 LakeCounty 1-4 5.00 16 3 0 0 1 45.0 51 31 25 7 3 26 37 6 12004 Kinston 4-3 5.66 35 8 0 0 1 84.1 106 60 53 6 4 38 74 6 22005 Kinston 0-1 4.04 26 0 0 0 0 42.1 40 22 19 4 0 15 46 6 0 Akron 1-2 4.56 18 0 0 0 5 23.2 27 15 12 1 1 14 16 3 12006 Akron 4-2 2.70 40 0 0 0 7 46.2 32 14 14 2 2 21 48 0 0 Buffalo 1-1 3.00 13 0 0 0 1 15.0 17 6 5 1 1 3 15 1 0 CLEVELAND 0-0 1.80 9 0 0 0 0 5.0 4 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0Minor lge. Totals 24-28 3.96 203 59 0 0 16 509.2 516 279 224 31 31 192 443 31 7Cleveland TOTals 0-0 1.80 9 0 0 0 0 5.0 4 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0american league 0-0 1.80 9 0 0 0 0 5.0 4 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 0-0 1.80 9 0 0 0 0 5.0 4 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0

Career TransaCTIOns1999 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,5/22.

ProCareeru WassignedoutoftheTribe’sDominicanAcademyin1999andspent3yearsintheDSLbeforespending2002-


Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameJuan Manuel Tavares lara…Single…ResidesinBani,DR.

lara’s GaMe HIGHs

bb’s:1,September23,2006atTexas;K’s:2,September13,2006vs.KansasCity;lOnGesT OuTInG:1.1IP,twotimes,lastonSeptember13,2006vs.KansasCity;WInnInG sTreaK:N/A;lOsInG sTreaK:N/A;save sTreaK:N/A.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquestField(TEX) 0-0-0 0.00 2 0.1 0JacobsField(CLE) 0-0-0 0.00 4 2.2 0McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 0-0-0 13.50 2 0.2 1U.S.CellularField(CWS) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

fIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP-- 9 0 0 0 0 0 Pitcher -- 9 0 0 0 0 0

2006/Career W-l-s era G Inn er Totals 0-0-0 1.80 9 5.0 1

Chicago(AL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0 KansasCity 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0 Minnesota 0-0-0 0.00 2 1.0 0 Oakland 0-0-0 13.50 2 0.2 1 TampaBay 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0 Texas 0-0-0 0.00 2 0.1 0

Sept-Oct 0-0-0 1.80 9 5.0 1

Home 0-0-0 0.00 4 2.2 0 Road 0-0-0 3.86 5 2.1 1

Day 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0 Night 0-0-0 1.93 8 4.2 1

Grass 0-0-0 1.80 9 5.0 1 Post-ASG 0-0-0 1.80 9 5.0 1 Relief 0-0-0 1.80 9 5.0 1

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Cliff Lee 31Age: 28, born August 30, 1978 in Benton, AR

Position: Pitcher

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-3 Weight: 190

ML Service: 3 + 124

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2009 with a club options for 2010 (2)

Acquired: June 27, 2002; From the Montreal Expos along with INF Brandon Phillips, OF Grady Sizemore & 1B Lee Stevens in exchange for RHP Bartolo Colon, RHP Tim Drew and cash.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Had another quality season as he made at least 30 starts and topped 14 wins for the 3rd straight season…Only

Lee, Johan Santana, Kenny Rogers & Jake Westbrook have won 14 or more games in the American League in each season since 2004…Topped 200.0IP for the 2nd straight year, tossing his first career 9.0 inning complete game on the season’s final day, October 1 vs. Tampa Bay (career-high 9.0IP, 7H, 3R/ER, 7K)…Now owns a career winning % of .636 (49-28), which would be the highest in club history with 1000 career IP…Was T20th in the AL in wins (14) and was T8th w/29HR all’d…

u Made 2006 debut on April 5 in Chicago, a 4-3, 11.0 inning win against the Sox and Neal Cotts…ND, 5.1IP, 4H, 3R/ER, 1BB, 1K, 2HB… Won his first game in 2nd start vs. Seattle on April 11 (6.0IP, 4H, 2R) and did not allow a hit until the 5th inning while fanning a season-high 8 Mariners…Lost 3 straight starts, May 1-12, and for the month went 1-4 w/a 7.79 ERA in 6 starts (32.1IP, 51H, 28ER, 21K, .347 AVG)…Worked a season-low 2.2IP w/a season-high 7 runs & 3 HR in start of May 29 vs. Chicago-AL before winning 4th game in outing of June 3 vs. the LA Angels.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 2000 Cape Fear 1-4 5.24 11 11 0 0 0 44.2 50 39 26 1 1 36 63 3 22001 Jupiter 6-7 2.79 21 20 0 0 0 109.2 78 43 34 13 4 46 129 2 32002 Harrisburg 7-2 3.23 15 15 0 0 0 86.1 61 31 31 12 1 23 105 2 0 Akron 2-1 5.40 3 3 0 0 0 16.2 11 11 10 1 1 10 18 1 0 Buffalo 3-2 3.77 8 8 0 0 0 43.0 36 18 18 7 1 22 30 1 1 CLEVELAND 0-1 1.74 2 2 0 0 0 10.1 6 2 2 0 0 8 6 0 12003 Kinston 0-0 0.00 1 1 0 0 0 4.1 0 1 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 Akron 1-0 1.50 2 2 0 0 0 12.0 7 2 2 1 0 4 13 0 0 Buffalo 6-1 3.27 11 11 0 0 0 63.1 62 24 23 4 4 31 61 2 1 CLEVELAND 3-3 3.61 9 9 0 0 0 52.1 41 28 21 7 2 20 44 3 02004 CLEVELAND 14-8 5.43 33 33 0 0 0 179.0 188 113 108 30 11 81 161 6 02005 CLEVELAND 18-5 3.79 32 32 1 0 0 202.0 194 91 85 22 0 52 143 4 02006 CLEVELAND 14-11 4.40 33 33 1 0 0 200.2 224 114 98 29 8 58 129 3 0Minor lge. Totals 26-17 3.41 72 71 0 0 0 380.0 305 169 144 39 12 175 423 11 7Cleveland TOTals 49-28 4.39 109 109 2 0 0 644.1 653 348 314 88 21 219 483 16 1american league 49-28 4.39 109 109 2 0 0 644.1 653 348 314 88 21 219 483 16 1national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 49-28 4.39 109 109 2 0 0 644.1 653 348 314 88 21 219 483 16 1

Career TransaCTIOns1997 Selected by the Florida Marlins in the 8th round of the June draft. Did not sign.1998 Selected by the Baltimore Orioles in the 20th round of the June draft. Did not sign.2000 Selected by the Montreal Expos in the 4th round of the June draft.2002 Acquired by the Cleveland Indians, along with Lee Stevens, Brandon Phillips and Grady Sizemore, from the Expos in

exchange for Bartolo Colon and a player to be named later (Tim Drew), 6/27.2003 DL – strained lower abdominal muscle/hernia, 3/28-5/30…rehab at A Kinston, 5/29

u Over his 5 June starts he was 4-0 w/a 3.09 ERA (35.0IP, 31H, 13R/12ER) after working a season-high 7.2IP in a no-decision @CWS on June 9…Allowed 3 solo homers in 8-4 win over the Yankees, June 15 (6.2IP, 5H, 3R)…Equaled a then season-high w/7.2IP in outing of June 20 vs. Chicago-NL in notching his 6th win before improving to 6-0 lifetime in interleague play in notching his team-best 7th win on June 26 at St. Louis…Won his season-high 5th straight decision in start of July 1 in Cincinnati (6.0IP, 9H, 4R) before having streak snapped in start of July 6 vs. NYY (6.0IP, 10H, 7R/4ER).

u From June 1-on he was 11-6 w/a 3.91 ERA (138.0IP, 147H, 60ER) in 22 starts…Was 2-3 w/a 4.98 ERA in 6 July starts (34.1IP, 46H, 29R/19ER) and he allowed hitters to a .315 (46-146) average against (.493 slg%)…Earned his 10th win of the season in his 100th career start on August 10 vs. the LA Angels (7.0IP, 9H, 2R/ER), 2 days after signing a 3-year contract extension thru 2009…Won 45 of his first 100 starts.

u Went 4-1 w/a 3.03ERA in 6 Sept/Oct. starts (38.2IP, 32H, 13ER) and won his last 2 starts… Won his 13th game of the season in a start on Sept. 25 against the White Sox as he tossed 7.0 innings allowing only 1ER on 4H while walking 2 and striking out 4 in a 14-1 win before tossing first career 9.0IP complete game on October 1st in his final start vs. Tampa Bay…

u Major League hitters batted .278 (24-807) with 29HR…ERA in the 2nd half was 3.96 (91.0P, 97H, 40ER)…In-dians were 16-17 (.485) in his starts and averaged 5.8RS (192RS/33GS) per start…Worked into the 6th inning in 28 of 33GS (84.8%)…Pitched at least 5.0 innings in 30 of his 33 starts and from April 7, 2005 to May 23, 2006 worked at least 5.0 innings in 41 consecutive starts…Batters hit .311 (103-331) with runners on and .286 (53-185) with RISP…Allowed 7 steals (3CS)…Batters hit .406 (39-96) on the first pitch…Signed a 3-year contract extension thru 2009 w/a club option for 2010 on August 8…Has allowed 8 career grand slams, tied for the most by any active pitcher (K. Rogers and T. Gordon)…

ProCareeru 2005 Enjoyed a breakout season, posting a career-high 18 wins, the most by an Indians LHP since Greg

Swindell’s 18 in 1988 and the most overall by an Indian since Bartolo Colon (18-5) in 1999…His 4th place finish in the AL Cy Young voting (8 pts) was the highest since Colon in 1999 by an Indian…His .783 winning % (18-5) led the American League, the first Indian since Bob Feller in 1951 to lead the AL in winning %…The .783 winning % was tied for the 3rd best mark in club history with Colon behind Johnny Allen in 1937 (15-1) and Bob Feller (.813) in 1954…Finished T2nd in the AL in wins, the most by a LHP in the AL in 2005…His .251 average against ranked 11th in the AL as he topped 200.0IP for the first time…Won a career-high 9 straight decisions from 7/18-9/22 to start the 2nd half and over the streak posted an ERA of 3.90 in 13GS w/o a loss (85.1IP, 79H, 37ER)…Equaled the longest in the AL in 2005 and was the longest by an Indians starter since Dennis Martinez in 1995 (Steve Karsay won 10 straight in 1999 in relief )…Over all in the 2nd half he was 9-1 w/a 3.66 ERA in 14 starts (93.1IP, 85H, 38ER, T4th in the AL in wins in 2nd half)…Over his last 9GS from 8/14 on he was 6-1 w/a 2.73 ERA (62.2IP, 48H, 19ER) and worked at least 6.0IP in all 9 starts…Had the 3rd best run support in the AL (6.2RS/GS) behind David Wells and Chan Ho Park…Did not allow a run in 16.0 IP from 4/18-30 (Indians season-high, tied w/ Sabathia)…During the month of June he was 2-1 w/a 2.96 ERA in 6 starts (36.1IP, 40H, 16ER, 14BB, 33K)…Earned his 10th win in his start of July 18 against the Kansas City Royals at Jacobs Field (6-2 win)…First career complete game in a rain-shortened 5-inning affair…5.0IP, 4H, 2R/2ER, 2BB, 7K, HR (DeJesus)…Pitched 8.0 shutout IP in his 15th win 9/6 at Detroit… Went a season-high tying 8.0IP (3rd time) in last start of 9/28 vs. Tampa Bay in a 1-0 loss to Seth McClung that snapped his 9-game winning streak…Worked 5.0 or more IP in last 31GS of the season after season-low 3.1IP to start the season… His 10.96 (246/202.0IP) baserunners allowed per 9.0IP was 8th in the AL, his .295 on-base % allowed was 6th, his .237 average against vs. RHP was 13th and his fly ball ratio of .56 (287GB, 510FB) was 3rd in the league…Indians were 23-9 (.719) when he started…Had surgery after the season (10/26) in Philadelphia, PA to repair a right-sided incisional hernia (Dr. Bill Meyers performed the arthroscopic procedure).

u 2004 Lee led the team with 161K and tied Jake Westbrook for a team-best 14 wins, which were tied for 8th in the entire American League in his first full season in the Major Leagues…Was 5th in the league with 8.1 strikeouts per 9.0IP, just head of Boston’s Curt Schilling as his 161SO ranked 11th among AL pitchers…Was also T8th in the league in winning % at .636 (14-8)…Started the year 5-0 as only three Indians pitchers in the last 30 years have now started a season 5-0 (Lee, D.Martinez 9-0 in 1995, Swindell 6-0 in 1988)…Allowed 3 or fewer runs in each of his first 8 starts, joining Bud Black in 1990 as the only Tribe pitchers in the last 30 years to do so…Started the year by winning 10 of his first 11 decisions (last Tribe pitcher to start 10-1 was Steve Karsay in 1999)…The last Indians starting pitcher to start 10-1 or better was Charles Nagy in 1996 (11-1)…Also won five straight decisions to equal season-high, 6/18-7/16. ..Was ejected by HP Umpire Matt

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Hollowell from start of 6/13 vs. Cincinnati (3.2IP, 6H, 7R/ER, 5BB, 4K, 2HR) after throwing behind Ken Griffey, Jr. in the 4th inning…Was later suspended for 6 games by MLB’s Bob Watson on 6/19 (appealed and elected to drop the appeal on 6/24 and served the suspension, 6/24-30)…Worked a career-low 0.2IP in his 21st GS on 7/26 vs. Detroit as he fell to 10-3 in his first losing streak of the year (0.2IP, 6H, 6R/ER, 40P)…Lost team-high 6th straight decision in his start at New York on 9/2 at New York (1.2IP, 5H, 6R/ER, 3-run HR to A-Rod)…The 2004 team and personal-high 6-game losing streak was snapped in start of 9/8 at Seattle (5.0IP, 5H, 4R/ER, 3BB, 6K, 3HR) as 2 of his 5 second half wins came against Seattle in Safeco Field (went 9GS w/o a win from 7/21-9/2)…Over the 9 starts he was 0-6 w/a 10.51 ERA (37.2IP, 59H, 48R/44ER) to raise his season ERA total from 3.81 to 5.48…Won his last 3 starts on the year, including his 14th and final win of the year in start of 10/3 at Minnesota (7.0IP, 5H, 2R/ER, 0BB, 6K, 0 AB’s w/RISP)…ERA after June 1 was 6.71 (119.1IP, 138H, 89ER).

u 2003 Lee put together a solid season after spending the first two months of the season on the disabled list with a lower abdominal strain and a sports hernia…Originally felt discomfort in the region during the minor league winter development program in the off-season and was placed on the 60-day DL on 3/29 after being limited to just 1 bullpen session in spring training (had surgery following the season)…He spent most of April and May in extended spring before making a rehab start at A Kinston on 5/29 (4.1IP, 0H, 1R/0ER, 3BB, 4K)…He was activated from the 60-day DL on 5/30 and optioned to AA Akron…He split June between Akron and AAA Buffalo, going 3-0 w/a 1.93 ERA (28.0IP, 22H, 6ER, 14BB, 28K) in 5 starts before being recalled on 6/29 for a spot start and his 2003 major league debut on 6/30 at Kansas City in G1 of a DH…In that game (G1) of 6/30 at KC he picked up his 1st major league win in the 10-5 win (6.0IP, 3H, 2R/0ER, 3BB, 5K)…Was optioned back to AAA Buffalo after the win and made 8 more AAA starts before returning to Cleveland in mid-August…Began his second stint with the Tribe after being recalled on 8/16…Improved to 2-1 with his finest start as a big leaguer on 8/22 in St. Pete against Tampa Bay, working career-high 8.0IP with career/season-best 7K (later equaled three more times)…After his return in August he went 2-3 w/a 4.08 ERA in 8 starts (46.1IP, 38H, 21ER) and worked into the 6th inning in 6 of those starts…Had surgery to repair the hernia on 10/8 by Dr. Bill Meyers in Philadelphia, PA.

u 2002 Split the season between the Montreal and Cleveland organizations, winning 12 games in the minor leagues before making 2 impressive starts in September with the Indians…Spent the first three months of the 2002 season at AA Harrisburg, where he was 7-2 w/a 3.23 ERA (86.1IP, 61H, 31R/ER, 23BB, 105SO, 12HR) in 15 starts before being acquired along with three others in exchange for Bartolo Colon…Struck out a season-high 12 on 5/21 vs. Trenton in his first loss of the season (6.0IP, 4H, 2R/ER, 1BB, 12SO)…He was named the Expos Minor League Player of the Month for the month of May (4-1, 2.11ERA, 6GS)…During his tenure at Harrisburg he was selected to appear in the Double A All-Star Game as his 105 SO were 1st in the Eastern League and his 3.23 ERA ranked 7th at the time of the trade…Was assigned to Akron (Harrisburg was in Akron at the time of the trade) and made his Akron debut on 7/1 vs. Bowie (W, 5.0IP, 1H, 4R/3ER, 5BB, 4K)…Made 2 additional starts in Akron before being promoted to AAA Buffalo on 7/18...Was leading Eastern League in strikeouts at time of his promotion to AAA Buffalo…Combined on the year at Double A with Harrisburg and Akron he went 9-3 w/a 3.58 ERA in 18 starts (103.0IP, 72H, 41ER, 33BB, 123SO)…Did not win over any of his last 5 regular season starts and 1 playoff start at Buffalo, striking out 11 in a no-decision vs. Scranton (6.0IP, 6H, 3ER)…On the year minor league hitters hit a combined .205 (108-528) off him…Contract was purchased from AAA Buffalo on 9/13 after the conclusion of the International League playoffs and made his major league debut on 9/15 vs. Minnesota…Fell to 0-1 in the 5-0 Twins victory despite allowing only 2 hits and 1 run over 5.1IP…Made his 2nd and final start on 9/21 at Kansas City, allowing just 1 run and 4 hits over 5.0 innings of work in a no-decision…After the season he was named the fifth best prospect in the Indians organization by Baseball America.

u 2001 Spent his first full professional season in 2001 at Jupiter of the Florida State League, yielding only 78 hits in 109.2IP while fanning a 129 batters, the 3rd highest total in the FSL…His 10.53 SO/9.0IP led all league starters and his .213 average against as a starter was the 5th lowest mark among FSL starters…Was also 5th w/11.24 runners allowed per 9.0IP and 13 HR allowed…Tossed 8.0 innings with no-hits allowed on 8/4 vs. St. Lucie (1BB, 10SO) after a rehabbing pitcher started the game…Had two other starts with 10 strikeouts.

u 2000 Was selected out of the University of Arkansas by the Montreal Expos in the 4th round of the 2000 draft and made 11 starts that year for Cape Fear of the South Atlantic League where he was a teammate of Brandon Phillips.

LEE (continued)

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name ClIFTOn PHIFer lee…Resides in Benton, AR…Married, wife’s name is Kristen…They have one son, Jaxon (4/29/01), and one daughter, Maci (4/5/03)…Played at the University of Arkansas in 2000, going 4-3 with a 4.45 ERA (65.0IP, 32ER, 77SO)...Played at Meridian (MS) Community College in 1998-99...Drafted by Florida in the eighth round out of high school (Benton High School) and by Baltimore in the 20th round in 1998…He is the fifth former Arkansas Razorback currently in big leagues (along with Eric Hinske, Kit Pellow, Robert Person and Dan Wright) and was named 2002 Hog Nation Minor League Player of the Year by…Has been very active in the community with the Indians and was the club’s 2005 John Hancock Roberto Clemente Award nominee for his gracious efforts…Among Cliff’s contributions in the Com-munity: free baseball clinic with Cleveland State University for kids from the RBI Program and Cleveland Baseball Federation; Providence House, the Grand Slam Literacy Program, Major League Lunch, Dick’s Sporting Goods ‘Shop with a Pro’, CIC Golf Outing & Parent-Child Clinics…He and his wife, Kristen, were Honorary Chairs for the Light the Night Walk held in Jacobs Field on September 17, 2006 to raise funds for cancer research and patient services for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society…Their son, Jaxon, is a Children’s Leukemia survivor.

lee’s FavOrITes

Favorite Movie: Braveheart; Favorite Group/artist : Led Zeppelin; Favorite athlete Growing up: Michael Jordan; Favorite sports Team: Arkansas Razor-backs; Person Who Has Most Influenced you: Wes Garner; Favorite road City: Kansas City; Favorite road stadium: Anaheim; Favorite Thing to do away From baseball: Hunt and fish; Favorite Tv show: Punkd; Favorite baseball Moment: ML Debut (9/15/02)

2005 al Cy yOunG aWard vOTInG resulTs

Player, Club 1st 2nd 3rd Points

Bartolo Colon, Angels 17 11 118Mariano Rivera, Yankees 8 7 7 68Johan Santana, Twins 3 8 12 51ClIFF lee, Indians 2 2 8Mark Buehrle, White Sox 5 5Jon Garland, White Sox 1 1KevIn MIllWOOd, Indians 1 1

2005 aMerICan leaGue WIn leaders

Player WIns

1. Bartolo Colon (ANA) 21 2. ClIFF lee (Cle) 18 Jon Garland (CWS) 18 4. Randy Johnson (NYY) 17 5. Mark Buehrle (CWS) 16 Johan Santana (MIN) 16 Tim Wakefield (BOS) 16 8. JaKe WesTbrOOK (Cle) 15 CC sabaTHIa (Cle) 15

also tied w/3 others

Cleveland IndIans, all-TIMe sInGle-seasOn WInnInG % leaders

(min 15 dec)

naMe year W l PCT

Allen, Johnny, Cle. 1937 15 1 .938Feller, Bob, Cle. 1954 13 3 .813lee, ClIFF, Cle. 2005 18 5 .783Colon, Bartolo, Cle. 1999 18 5 .783Klepfer, Ed, Cle. 1917 14 4 .778

Courtesy Elias Sports Bureau

al leaders - WIns In 2004-06

Player WIns

1. Johan Santana (MIN) 55 2. Kenny Rogers (TEX/DET) 49 3. Jon Garland (CWS) 48 4. ClIFF lee (Cle) 46 5. JaKe WesTbrOOK (Cle) 44 Mark Buehrle (CWS) 44 Freddy Garcia (CWS) 44 Curt Schilling (BOS) 44

MaJOr leaGue aCTIve leaders, Career WInnInG % (min 40 wins)

Player winning %

1. Santana, Johan, MIN .716, 78-31 2. Martinez, Pedro, MLB totals .691; 206-92 3. Oswalt, Roy, HOU .676, 98-47 4. Hudson, Tim, OAK-ATL .665; 119-60 5. Halladay, Roy, TOR .664; 95-48 6. Clemens, Roger, MLB totals .662, 348-178 7. Johnson, Randy, MLB totals .656; 280-147 8. Mulder, Mark, OAK-STL .644; 103-57 9. Pettitte, Andy, NYY/HOU .641; 186-104 10. Mussina, Mike, BAL/NYY .641; 239-134 11. Contreras, Jose, NYY/CWS .640, 48-27 12. lee, ClIFF, Cle .636; 49-28

Courtesy Elias Sports Bureau

2005 al leaders - WInnInG PerCenTaGe

Player Winning %

1. ClIFF lee (Cle) .783 (18-5) 2. Roy Halladay (TOR) .750 (12-4) 3. John Lackey (ANA) .737 (14-5) 4. Bartolo Colon (ANA) .724 (21-8) 5. Jesse Crain (MIN) .706 (12-5)

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lee’s GaMe HIGHs

nO-HITTer: ----; 1-HITTer: ----; 2-HIT-Ter: ----; 3-HITTer: ----; 4-HITTer: July 18, 2005 vs. Kansas City; bb’s: 4, four times, last on Sept. 19, 2006 at Oakland; K’s: 9, June 7, 2005 at San Diego; lasT CG: October 1, 2006 vs. Tampa Bay; lOn-GesT OuTInG: 9.0IP, October 1, 2006 vs. Tampa Bay; WInnInG sTreaK: 9 games, July 18-September 22, 2005; lOsInG sTreaK: 6 games, July 21-September 2, 2004; Hr: 3, four times, last on August 27, 2006 vs. Detroit.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquest Field (TEX) 2-1-0 7.47 3 15.2 13Angel Stadium (LAA) 1-2-0 6.23 3 17.1 12AT&T Park (SF) 1-0-0 1.29 1 7.0 1Busch Stadium II (STL) 1-0-0 3.00 1 6.0 2Camden Yards (BAL) 1-0-0 4.26 2 12.2 6Comerica Park (DET) 1-1-0 3.53 6 35.2 14Fenway Park (BOS) 1-0-0 5.56 2 11.1 7Gr. Am. Ball Park (CIN) 2-0-0 3.86 2 11.2 5Jacobs Field (CLE) 24-16-0 4.11 52 313.1 143Kauffman Stadium (KC) 4-1-0 3.78 8 47.2 20McAfee Coliseum (OAK) 0-1-0 7.94 1 5.2 5Metrodome (MIN) 2-1-0 4.78 6 32.0 17PETCO Park (SD) 0-0-0 0.00 1 7.0 0Rogers Centre (TOR) 0-2-0 7.36 2 7.1 6Safeco Field (SEA) 3-1-0 4.31 5 31.1 15Tropicana Field (TB) 2-0-0 3.74 3 21.2 9Turner Field (ATL) 1-0-0 2.57 1 7.0 2U.S. Cellular Field (CWS) 2-0-0 5.22 7 39.2 23Yankee Stadium (NYY) 1-2-0 8.79 3 14.1 14

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI .167 6 1 0 0 .118 17 2 0 0

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.955 33 3 18 1 22 0 Pitcher .919 109 15 42 5 62 0

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er14-11-0 4.40 33 200.2 98 Totals 49-28-0 4.39 109 644.1 314

-- -- -- -- -- Baltimore 3-0-0 2.70 4 26.2 81-0-0 1.50 1 6.0 1 Boston 2-1-0 3.45 5 31.1 122-2-0 5.08 6 33.2 19 Chicago (AL) 4-4-0 6.07 14 75.2 510-4-0 4.75 5 30.1 16 Detroit 3-5-0 4.92 13 71.1 391-1-0 5.09 3 17.2 10 Kansas City 7-3-0 4.70 13 74.2 392-1-0 4.26 3 19.0 9 L.A. Angels 3-3-0 4.15 6 39.0 181-0-0 4.58 4 19.2 10 Minnesota 5-2-0 4.23 12 66.0 311-1-0 4.97 2 12.2 7 New York (AL) 2-3-0 6.82 6 33.0 250-1-0 7.94 1 5.2 5 Oakland 2-1-0 2.16 4 25.0 61-1-0 3.98 3 20.1 9 Seattle 5-1-0 3.96 8 52.1 231-0-0 3.00 1 9.0 3 Tampa Bay 3-2-0 2.73 7 52.2 161-0-0 2.57 1 7.0 2 Texas 3-1-0 5.64 4 22.1 14 -- -- -- -- -- Toronto 0-2-0 5.40 3 13.1 8

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona 1-0-0 7.20 1 5.0 4 -- -- -- -- -- Atlanta 1-0-0 2.57 1 7.0 21-0-0 1.17 1 7.2 1 Chicago (NL) 1-0-0 1.17 1 7.2 11-0-0 6.00 1 6.0 4 Cincinnati 2-0-0 7.04 3 15.1 12 -- -- -- -- -- Florida 0-0-0 3.00 1 6.0 21-0-0 3.00 1 6.0 2 St. Louis 1-0-0 3.00 1 6.0 2 -- -- -- -- -- San Diego 0-0-0 0.00 1 7.0 0 -- -- -- -- -- San Francisco 1-0-0 1.29 1 7.0 1

2-1-0 2.97 5 30.1 10 March-April 7-2-0 3.48 15 88.0 341-4-0 7.79 6 32.1 28 May 7-5-0 4.31 16 94.0 454-0-0 3.09 5 35.0 12 June 9-2-0 3.98 17 106.1 472-3-0 4.98 6 34.1 19 July 8-6-0 5.66 17 95.1 601-2-0 4.80 5 30.0 16 August 6-6-0 4.83 20 121.0 653-1-0 3.03 5 29.2 10 Sept-Oct 12-7-0 4.06 24 139.2 63

8-6-0 4.15 16 97.2 45 Home 24-16-0 4.11 52 313.1 1438-5-0 4.63 17 103.0 53 Road 25-12-0 4.65 57 331.0 171

4-3-0 4.87 9 57.1 31 Day 12-8-0 4.42 30 179.1 8810-8-0 4.21 24 143.1 67 Night 37-20-0 4.37 79 465.0 226

13-11-0 4.33 30 185.0 89 Grass 45-25-0 4.35 98 583.1 2821-0-0 5.17 3 15.2 9 Turf 4-3-0 4.72 11 61.0 32

8-6-0 4.76 18 109.2 58 Pre-ASG 27-11-0 4.07 55 331.2 1506-5-0 3.96 15 91.0 40 Post-ASG 22-17-0 4.72 54 312.2 164

14-11-0 4.40 33 200.2 98 Starter 49-28-0 4.39 109 644.1 314

LEE (continued)

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Spring  invitee

Scott Lewis 69Age: 23, born September 26, 1983 in West Covina, CA

Position: Pitcher

Bats: S Throws: L Height: 6-0 Weight: 185

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 3rd round (77th overall) of the 2004 First-Year Player Draft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu TheOhioStateUniversityproducthadanoutstandingseason,recordingthelowestearnedrunaverageamong


u Wasona65-70pitchcountfortheentireseasonaftermakingjust6starts(15.2IP)atAMahoningValleyin2005…Longestoutingwas5.2IP(4times)intheregularseasonandwent6.0inningsinhisloneplayoffstart(3H,0R,BB,6K)…Didnotallowanearnedrunin17ofhis27startsandlimitedCarolinaLeaguebatterstoa.203(84-414)averageagainstwith3HRallowedin115.2innings…Averaged9.6SOper9.0IPand2.2walksper9.0IP.

u Despiteonly115.2inningshefinished3rdintheCarolinaLeagueinstrikeouts(123)…WasnamedtotheCLmid-seasonall-stargameandwasnamedbyleaguemanagersashavingthebestcontrolaccordingtoBaseballAmerica…Seasonhighforrunsallowedwas4ashedidnotallowanearnedrunoverhisfirst17.2IP…Struckout9in4.2IPonMay15vs.Potomac…LHHhit.178(16-90)w/0HR&RHHhit.210(68-324,3HR)…Battershit.149(11-74)withRISP,.118(4-34)withRISP-2outs,.130(19-146)withrunnersonand.065(4-62)withrunnerson-2outs…Loadedthebases3times in115.2IP…Named#7prospect inorganizationbyBaseball AmericawithbestcurveballaswellaccordingtoBA.

ProCareeru 2005Limitedto7games/6starts(15.2IP)atshort-seasonAMahoningValleyduetobicepstendonitisinhis


u 2004Signedon6/21andassignedtoMahoningValley,wherehemade3starts(5.1IP,13K)beforebeingshutdown.

Year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2004 MahoningVy. 0-2 5.06 3 3 0 0 0 5.1 5 3 3 0 0 1 13 2 02005 MahoningVy. 0-1 4.60 7 6 0 0 0 15.2 13 8 8 2 2 6 24 3 02006 Kinston 3-3 *1.48 27 26 0 0 0 115.2 84 24 19 3 0 28 123 4 0Minor lge. Totals 3-6 1.98 37 35 0 0 0 136.2 102 35 30 5 2 35 160 9 0

Career TransaCTIOns2004 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe3rdroundoftheJunedraft.

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Collegeu PitchedforthreeseasonsatTheOhioStateUniversityfrom2002-04…Insophomoreseasonof2003became

OhioState’s10thfirst-teamAll-American,wasBigTenPitcheroftheYearafterleadingtheconferenceinERA(1.61,8thlowestinschoolhistory),strikeouts(127,3rdmostinschoolhistory)andopponentbattingaverage(.160)…Finishedw/a9-1recordin83.2IP(48H,24BB,2HR),thelosscominginhisfinalstartoftheregularseasonagainstMinnesotaon5/16aftertearinghisulnarcollateralligamentinthe4thinning…‘TommyJohn’surgerywasperformed5/29inBirmingham,ALbyJamesAndrews…Wasalsonamedfirst-teamAll-AmericaselectionbyLouisvilleSlugger/CollegiateBaseball,2ndteamAll-AmericanbytheNationalCollegiateBaseballWritersAssociationandwastheNCBWADistrictVPlayeroftheYear…NamedCollegeBaseballInsider2nd-teamAll-American…Inhissophomoreyearhestruckout20on4/11atIowaand16inhisnextstartvs.Indiana(8of12GShad10ormoreSO)…In2004wasapreseasonAll-AmericanbytheNationalCollegiateBaseballWritersAssociationbutwaslimitedto5startsasherehabbedfromtheleftelbowinjury…Was1-0w/a3.48ERAin5starts(20.2IP,23H,11ER,23K)inhisjunioryear(made1stoutingon4/11anddidnotpitchfrom4/18-5/8orintheBig10tournament)…Duringhisfreshmanseasonhewent8-2w/a2.84ERAin14starts(92.0IP,87H,29ER,91K)andwasnamedLouisvilleSluggerFreshmanAll-American,2nd-teamFreshmanAll-AmericanbyBaseball America,BigTenFreshmanoftheYearandfirst-teamAll-BigTen…Finishedcareerwithan18-3foran.857winningpercentage,tyingthe2ndhighestinthehistoryoftheprogram...Endedcareerwith241careerstrikeoutstorank10thinschoolhistory…Owneda2.38careerERA,the3rdlowestinschoolhistoryamongpitcherswithatleast175.0innings...MajoredinsociologyatOSU.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnamesCOTT edWIn leWIs…Single…ResidesinColumbus,Ohio…AttendedWashingtonHighSchoolandwasdraftedbytheAnaheimAngelsinthe33rdroundofthe2001Draft...WasanAll-OhioselectionandBuckeyeAthleticConferencePlayeroftheYearasasenior…Father,Dan,playedminorleaguebaseballintheLosAngelesDodgersorganization.

LEWIS (continued)

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Spring  invitee 

Chuck Lofgren 71Age: 21, born January 29, 1986 in Redwood City, CA

Position: Pitcher

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-4 Weight: 215

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 4th round (107th overall) of the 2004 First-Year Player Draft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu LedClassAandfinishedtiedfortheMinorLeagueBaseballleadwith17winsaftergoing17-5witha2.32ERA

in25starts(139.2IP,108H,36ER,54BB,125K)forAKinston…FinishedsecondintheCarolinaLeagueinERAandstrikeoutsandwasnamedtothe2006TOPPS/MinorLeagueBaseballClassAAll-StarTeam…NamedCarolinaLeaguePitcheroftheYearandpitchedintheCLAll-StarGameinJune…WasalsonamedtheCL’sbestpitchingprospectbyBaseball America…BA ’s#2Indiansprospectentering’07andBA ’s#1prospectinCarolinaLeagueafter’06

u Workedatleast5.0IPin23of25starts,won4straightdecisionson3occasionsandallowed1runorlessin11ofthe25outings…Struckout10in6.0IPonAugust3vs.Lynchburg…Allowed1hitsand0runs(1BB,9K)onMay7vs.Salem…Battershit.217(108-498)offhimwith5HRallowedin139.2IP…LHHhit.192(19-99,1HR)andRHHhit.223(89-399)…Battershit.212(43-203)withrunnersonand.212(24-113)withRISP…Went1-0w/a2.19ERAin2playoffstarts(12.1IP,7H,3ER,12K)…Priortotheseasonwasnamedthe8thbestprospectintheorganizationbyBaseball America.

ProCareeru 2005Namedthe11thbestprospectintheorganizationbyBaseball America…SpenttheseasonatALake


u 2004Made9startsatBurlingtonandalsowent2for10(3BB,1K)in5gamesatDHinhisfirstprofessionalseason…Signedon7/7.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullNameCHaRles WalFRed lOFGRen…Single…ResidesinBurlingame,CA…Wasa2004graduateofJuniperoSerraHighSchooloutsideSanFrancisco,thesameschoolthatwasattendedbyBarryBonds,TomBrady,LynnSwannandGregJefferies…WasaLouisvilleSluggerpre-seasonAll-Americanin2004andwaslaternamedtothe2ndteamAllUSA TodayHighSchoolbaseballteamasanoutfielder…Hit.347with4HR&21RBIduringhisseniorseason…PlayedtheOFandpitchedintheAFLACAllAmericanHighSchoolAll-StarGame.

YeaR Club W-l eRa G Gs CG sHO sv IP H R eR HR Hb bb sO WP bK2004 Burlington 0-0 6.04 9 9 0 0 0 22.1 25 16 15 4 2 13 23 2 02005 LakeCounty 5-5 2.81 18 18 0 0 0 93.0 73 31 29 6 9 43 89 8 02006 Kinston *17-5 2.32 25 25 1 0 0 139.2 108 51 36 5 8 54 125 7 0Minor lge. Totals 22-10 2.82 52 52 1 0 0 255.0 206 98 80 15 19 110 237 17 0

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns2004 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe4throundoftheJunedraft.

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Hector Luna 27Age: 27, born February 1, 1980 in Montecristi, Dominican Republic

Position: Infielder

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-1 Weight: 190

ML Service: 2 + 123

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: July 30, 2006; Acquired from the St. Louis Cardinals in exchange for 2B Ronnie Belliard.

YeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

1999 DSLIndians .256 61 234 44 60 13 2 1 24 1 1 5 27 36 29 5 --2000 Burlington .204 55 201 25 41 5 0 1 15 0 1 3 27 35 19 4 26 MahoningValley .316 5 19 2 6 2 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 22001 Columbus .266 66 241 36 64 8 3 3 23 3 2 5 23 48 15 4 222002 Kinston .276 128 468 67 129 15 6 11 51 6 2 3 39 79 32 11 322003 Akron .297 127 462 87 137 19 2 2 38 5 2 5 48 64 17 5 352004 St.Louis .249 83 173 25 43 7 2 3 22 1 3 2 13 37 6 3 72005 St.Louis .285 64 137 26 39 10 2 1 18 2 1 4 9 25 10 2 5 Memphis .224 57 223 24 50 13 1 3 21 2 0 2 20 38 11 4 52006 St.Louis .291 76 223 27 65 14 1 4 21 0 0 1 21 34 5 3 5 CLEVELAND .276 37 127 14 35 7 1 2 17 0 1 0 6 26 0 1 5Minor lge. Totals .264 499 1848 285 487 75 14 21 176 18 8 23 185 303 123 33 122Cleveland TOTals .276 37 127 14 35 7 1 2 17 0 1 0 6 26 0 1 5american league .276 37 127 14 35 7 1 2 17 0 1 0 6 26 0 1 5national league .276 223 533 78 147 31 5 8 61 3 4 7 43 96 21 8 17M. l. TOTals .276 260 660 92 182 38 6 10 78 3 5 7 49 122 21 9 22

dIvIsIOn seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

2004 St.Louis DIDNOTPLAY 2005 St.Louis DIDNOTPLAY

leaGUe CHaMPIOnsHIP seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

2004 St.Louis .000 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02005 St.Louis .000 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0Totals .000 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0

WORld seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

2004 St.Louis .000 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns1999 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,2/2.2002 SelectedbytheTampaBayDevilRaysintheMajorLeagueRule5Draft,12/16.2003 ReturnedtotheIndiansbytheDevilRays,4/2.2003 SelectedbytheSt.LouisCardinalsintheMajorLeagueRule5Draft,12/15.2006 AcquiredbytheIndiansfromtheCardinalsinexchangeforRonnieBelliard,7/30.

2006SeasonHighlightsu SplittheseasonbetweenSt.Louis&ClevelandafterbeingacquiredaroundthetradingdeadlineforRonnie


u Made20startsatsecondbasefortheIndians,10GSatshortstop,2GSat3Bandmade1startinRF…Collectedacareer-high4RBIonAugust23@KCwhileequalinghissingle-gamecareer-highforhitsinthecontest(4-6,2RS,22B,4RBI)…FromAugust15thrutheendoftheseasonhehit.313(30-96)with62B,1HR&15RBIin25games…From9/9-onhehit.333(12-36)tofinishtheseason…WasslowedbyanabdominalstraintoendtheseasonandplayedhislastgameonSept.22(missedlast9games).

u CombinedontheyearbetweenSt.Louis&Clevelandhehit.286(100-350)with212B,23B,6HR&38RBIin113games…Hit.315(51-162)w/2HR&16RBIvs.LHPand.261(49-188)w/4HR&22RBIvs.RHP…Hit.291(23-79)withRISP,.291(62-213)w/nooneonbaseand.277(38-137)withrunnerson…Hit.324(12-37)withRISP-2outs,including5for11withCleveland…Hit.321(17-53)inthe#2spotintheline-upand.415(17-41)onthefirstpitch.

ProCareeru 2005InfieldersplitseasonatTriple-AMemphisandSt.Louis.BegantheseasonwiththeCardinalsandplayed


u 2004Rule5Draftpickprovedtobeavaluableroleplayer,appearingatfivedifferentpositionsfortheclub...Playedin83games,starting37...Started10gamesat2B,14atSS,eightat3B,fourinLFandoneinCF...HisbestmonthcameinMaywhenhebatted.308in12games(8-for-26)withoneHRandfiveRBI...Wasa.240hittervs.lefties(18-for-75)andhit.255againstRHP(25-for-98)...HithisfirstMajorLeaguehomeruninhisfirstatbat(2ndpitch)4/8vs.MIL,justthesixthplayerinCardshistorytoaccomplishthefeat...Hadcareer-highfour-hitgamesintwoofhis lastfivestarts(9/23atMILand9/26atCOL)…Madethreepostseasonappearances,playingintwoNLCSgamesvs.HOUandoneWorldSeriesgameagainstBOS.

u 2003SpenttheyearatAAAkronwhereherankedfifthintheEasternLeaguewith87runsscored...Hit.407in24games(35-for-86)inthemonthofAugust...Batted.297fortheEasternLeaguechampions,helpingtheteamtoan88-53record...Playedaclub-high127games,including126atshortandoneatsecondwith19doublesandstole17bases...Hadfourhitson4/30atNewBritain,withtwodoublesandtwoRBI.

u 2002StruggledatAKingstonwitha.202averagethrough5/8,butbatted.298theremainderoftheseason...FinishedfifthintheCarolinaLeagueinstolenbaseswith32...His606totalchancesweresecondamongCLshortstops...Hadthefirsttwo-homergameofhisprocareeron5/26atWinstonSalem.

u 2001PlayedatColumbuswherehewasbotheredbyahamstringinjury...Wasplacedonthedisabledlist5/13-7/13.

u 2000Scoredfourrunsinagamevs.Danvilleon8/27...Hadahomer,twowalks,twoRBIandtwostolenbases...WaspromotedtoMahoningValleythenextday.

u 1999SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasanon-draftedfreeagentinFebruary...PlayedfortheIndians’Dominicanteamwherehebatted.256in61games.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameHeCTOR R. lUna…Resides inMontecristi,DominicanRepublic...TeamedwithJulianTavarezasamemberofchampionAguilasDelCibaoinDominicanWinterLeagueduringthe2004off-season.

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2006 CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI avG aB H HR RBI.286 350100 6 38 Totals .276 660 182 10 78

.143 14 2 0 0 Boston .143 14 2 0 0

.320 25 8 0 2 Chicago(AL) .320 25 8 0 2

.500 6 3 0 0 Cleveland .500 6 3 0 0

.083 12 1 0 0 Detroit .083 12 1 0 0

.366 41 15 1 7 KansasCity .370 46 17 1 8

.167 6 1 0 2 L.A.Angels .167 6 1 0 2

.526 19 10 0 1 Minnesota .526 19 10 0 1

.214 14 3 1 3 Oakland .188 16 3 1 3-- -- -- -- -- Seattle .000 2 0 0 0.000 3 0 0 0 TampaBay .000 3 0 0 0.250 8 2 0 2 Texas .385 13 5 0 4.231 13 3 1 2 Toronto .231 13 3 1 2

.000 1 0 0 0 Arizona .278 18 5 0 0

.273 11 3 1 3 Atlanta .286 21 6 1 3

.219 32 7 0 3 Chicago(NL) .183 71 13 0 9

.333 15 5 1 3 Cincinnati .314 35 11 1 4

.167 18 3 0 3 Colorado .273 33 9 0 4

.300 10 3 0 0 Florida .391 23 9 1 6

.200 25 5 1 3 Houston .146 41 6 1 5

.200 10 2 0 0 L.A.Dodgers .208 24 5 0 3

.375 16 6 0 0 Milwaukee .320 75 24 2 10

.500 4 2 0 1 NewYork(NL) .278 18 5 0 4-- -- -- -- -- Philadelphia .100 10 1 1 3.419 31 13 0 3 Pittsburgh .338 68 23 0 5.200 5 1 0 0 SanDiego .111 9 1 0 0.500 4 2 0 0 SanFrancisco .545 11 6 0 0.000 7 0 0 0 Washington .179 28 5 0 0

.364 44 16 1 6 March-April .304 69 21 2 9

.308 52 16 2 4 May .308 78 24 3 9

.299 77 23 0 4 June .270 115 31 0 10

.204 54 11 1 7 July .233 90 21 1 11

.258 62 16 0 9 August .269 130 35 1 16

.295 61 18 2 8 Sept-Oct .281 178 50 3 23

.271 140 38 1 13 Home .263 281 74 2 32

.295 210 62 5 25 Road .285 379 108 8 46

.267 101 27 3 8 Day .277 256 71 6 29

.293 249 73 3 30 Night .275 404 111 4 49

.283 325 92 5 35 Grass .274 628 172 9 75

.320 25 8 1 3 Turf .313 32 10 1 3

.304 194 59 4 18 Pre-ASG .280 293 82 6 33

.263 156 41 2 20 Post-ASG .272 367 100 4 45

.315 162 51 2 16 vs.LHP .295 295 87 5 32

.261 188 49 4 22 vs.RHP .260 365 95 5 46

.291 79 23 1 28 ScoringPosition .281 167 47 2 60

.273 11 3 0 7 BasesLoaded .227 22 5 0 15

.222 9 2 0 1 PinchHitter .224 49 11 0 3

.500 6 3 0 1 DesignatedHitter .500 6 3 0 1

CaReeR BY BallPaRk avG aB H HR RBIAmeriquestField(TEX) .385 13 5 0 4AT&TPark(SF) .600 5 3 0 0BuschStadiumI(STL) .255 141 36 1 19BuschStadiumII(STL) .266 109 29 1 11ChaseField(AZ) .286 7 2 0 0CitizensBankPark .250 4 1 1 3ComericaPark(DET) .125 8 1 0 0CoorsField(COL) .429 14 6 0 1DodgerStadium(LA) .182 11 2 0 1DolphinStadium(FLA) .353 17 6 1 4FenwayPark(BOS) .143 14 2 0 0Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) .214 14 3 0 0JacobsField(CLE) .290 31 9 0 2KauffmanStadium(KC) .444 27 12 1 8McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .214 14 3 1 3Metrodome(MIN) .455 11 5 0 1MillerPark(MIL) .362 47 17 1 6MinuteMaidPark(HOU) .125 24 3 1 4OlympicStadium(MON) .286 7 2 0 0PETCOPark(SD) .111 9 1 0 0PNCPark(PIT) .310 42 13 0 2RFKSTadium(WSH) .182 11 2 0 0RogersCentre(TOR) .273 11 3 1 2TropicanaField(TB) .000 3 0 0 0TurnerField(ATL) .143 7 1 1 2U.S.CellularField(CWS) .320 25 8 0 2WrigleyField(CHI) .206 34 7 0 3

FIeldInG BY POsITIOn 2006 CaReeR PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP1.000 6 25 1 0 26 3 FirstBase 1.000 6 25 1 0 26 3 .966 61 108 144 9 261 36 SecondBase .973 102 173 229 11 413 571.000 4 1 4 0 5 0 ThirdBase .951 27 90 30 2 122 51.000 24 24 51 0 75 14 Shortstop .966 54 60 111 6 177 26 .960 19 24 0 1 25 0 Outfield .958 54 66 3 3 72 0 .973 108 157 199 10 366 50 Totals .973 243 414 374 22 810 91

lUna’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs: 4, three times, last on August 23,2006 at Kansas City; dOUBles: 2, twotimes, last August 23, 2006 at KansasCity;HR: 1,10 times, lastSeptember18atOakland;RBI: 4,August23atKansasCity;RUns:3,threetimes,lastonAugust24,2006atKansasCity;sB:2,August21,2005vs.SanFrancisco;HITTInGsTReak:7games,September9-19,2006;GRand slaMs:N/A.

LUNA (continued)

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Andy Marte 30Age: 23, born October 21, 1983 in Villa Tapia, DR

Position: Infielder

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-1 Weight: 190

ML Service: 0 + 126

Contract Status (options remaining): Signed thru 2007 (1)

Acquired: January 27, 2006; Acquired from the Boston Red Sox along with RHP Guillermo Mota, CA Kelly Shoppach and RHP Randy Newsom in exchange for OF Coco Crisp, RHP David Riske and CA Josh Bard.

Career TransaCTIons2000 SignedbytheAtlantaBravesasafreeagent,9/12.2005 AcquiredbytheBostonRedSoxfromtheBravesinexchangeforEdgarRenteriaandcash,12/8.2006 AcquiredbytheClevelandIndians,alongwithGuillermoMotaandKellyShoppach,fromtheRedSoxinexchangefor


year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb so sb Cs e

2001 Danville .200 37 125 12 25 6 0 1 12 1 2 0 20 45 3 0 62002 Macon .281 126 488 69 137 32 4 21 *105 0 7 6 41 114 2 1 272003 MyrtleBeach .285 130 463 69 132 35 1 16 63 0 9 2 67 109 5 2 282004 Greenville .269 107 387 52 104 28 1 23 68 0 3 2 58 105 1 1 17 GCLBraves .467 3 15 4 7 4 0 1 6 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 02005 Richmond .275 109 389 51 107 26 2 20 74 0 7 0 64 83 0 3 15 Atlanta .140 24 57 3 8 2 1 0 4 0 2 0 7 13 0 1 32006 Buffalo .261 96 357 49 93 23 0 15 46 0 3 0 34 81 1 0 19 CLEVELAND .226 50 164 20 37 15 1 5 23 0 0 1 13 38 0 0 6Minor lge. Totals .272 608 2224 306 605 154 8 97 374 1 31 10 286 539 12 7 112Cleveland ToTals .226 50 164 20 37 15 1 5 23 0 0 1 13 38 0 0 6american league .226 50 164 20 37 15 1 5 23 0 0 1 13 38 0 0 6national league .140 24 57 3 8 2 1 0 4 0 2 0 7 13 0 1 3M. l. ToTals .204 74 221 23 45 17 2 5 27 0 2 1 20 51 0 1 9

2006SeasonHighlightsu HighlyregardedprospectspentthemajorityoftheseasonatAAABuffalobeforespendingthelast2months


u Hit .261 (93-357)w/232B,15HR&46RBI in96gamesatAAABuffaloandwasnamed toAAAAll-StarTeam…Didnothit1sthomeruntil119thABoftheseasonandhadjust2HRinfirst205ABbeforeturningonthepower…Hit13HRinhisfinal152atbatswiththeBisons(1HRevery11.7AB).

u Homeredin5consecutivegamesfromJune15-19totietheBuffaloclubrecord(7R,10RBI)…Alsohomeredin3straightgames,June10-12,andhad8HRina10-gamespanfromJune10-19…WasInt’lLeagueBatteroftheweek,June12-18(7G,.346,9-26,7R,2B,5HR,21RBI,.962slug.%)andwasnamedToppsILPlayeroftheMonthforJune(24G,.304,28-82,20R,42B,10HR,22RBI)…Wasina1for20skidatthetimeofhisrecall…Hada.935fielding%at91gamesat3B(19E,293TC)…Hit.275(25-91)with5HRoffLHPand.256(68-266)offRHPinAAA…Hit.238(19-80)withRISPand.303(10-33)withRISP/2outs…Hit.278(44-158)withrunnersonbase(9of15HRcamew/runnerson).

u RecalledfromAAAonJuly28andwastheregularthirdbasemanfortherestoftheseason…CollectedfirstALhit/RBIonAugust4@DET…Startedslowly,hitting.105(4-38,12B,2RBI)overtheteam’sfirst14gamesthru8/15…FromAugust17thrutheendoftheregularseasonhehit.262(33-126)with142B,5HR&21RBIin36games(.508slg%).

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2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI.226 164 37 5 23 Totals .204 221 45 5 27

.000 7 0 0 0 Boston .000 7 0 0 0

.318 22 7 1 4 Chicago(AL) .318 22 7 1 4

.176 17 3 0 1 Detroit .176 17 3 0 1

.250 24 6 0 4 KansasCity .250 24 6 0 4

.000 7 0 0 0 L.A.Angels .000 14 0 0 1

.200 15 3 1 3 Minnesota .200 15 3 1 3

.250 12 3 0 0 Oakland .263 19 5 0 0

.000 5 0 0 0 Seattle .000 5 0 0 0

.375 24 9 2 5 TampaBay .375 24 9 2 5

.182 11 2 0 1 Texas .208 24 5 0 2

.200 20 4 1 5 Toronto .200 20 4 1 5

-- -- -- -- -- Cincinnati .200 5 1 0 1-- -- -- -- -- Colorado .167 6 1 0 1-- -- -- -- -- Florida .111 9 1 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Milwaukee .000 9 0 0 0-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) .000 0 0 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Philadelphia .000 1 0 0 0

-- -- -- -- -- June .200 35 7 0 3.000 9 0 0 0 July .000 18 0 0 0.239 67 16 1 8 August .239 67 16 1 8.239 88 21 4 15 Sept-Oct .218 101 22 4 16

.160 75 12 3 10 Home .148 108 16 3 12

.281 89 25 2 13 Road .257 113 29 2 15

.171 35 6 0 2 Day .167 48 8 0 2

.240 129 31 5 21 Night .214 173 37 5 25

.209 134 28 3 17 Grass .188 191 36 3 21

.300 30 9 2 6 Turf .300 30 9 2 6

-- -- -- -- -- Pre-ASG .159 44 7 0 3.226 164 37 5 23 Post-ASG .215 177 38 5 24

.227 44 10 2 6 vs.LHP .209 67 14 2 8

.225 120 27 3 17 vs.RHP .201 154 31 3 19

.273 44 12 3 20 ScoringPosition .233 60 14 3 24

.500 6 3 1 8 BasesLoaded .375 8 3 1 8

-- -- -- -- -- PinchHitter .000 4 0 0 0

Career by ballpark avG ab H Hr rbIAmeriquestField(TEX) .208 24 5 0 2CitizensBankPark(PHI) .000 1 0 0 0ComericaPark(DET) .375 8 3 0 1DolphinStadium(FLA) .000 5 0 0 0FenwayPark(BOS) .000 7 0 0 0Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) .200 5 1 0 1JacobsField(CLE) .160 75 12 3 10KauffmanStadium(KC) .429 7 3 0 3McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .250 12 3 0 0Metrodome(MIN) .200 5 1 0 0RogersCentre(TOR) .154 13 2 1 4SheaStadium(NYM) .000 0 0 0 0TropicanaField(TB) .500 12 6 1 2TurnerField(ATL) .121 33 4 0 2U.S.CellularField(CWS) .357 14 5 0 2

FIeldInG by posITIon 2006 CareerpCT G po a e TC dp pCT G po a e TC dp.962 50 32 118 6 156 14 ThirdBase .949 67 36 132 9 177 15

MarTe’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs:3,threetimes,lastSeptember7atChicago-AL;Hr:1,fivetimes,lastSeptem-ber28,2006vs.TampaBay;doubles:2,threetimes,lastonSeptember8,2006atChicago-AL;TrIples:1,twotimes,lastonSeptember7,2006atChicago-AL;rbI:4,September5,2006atToronto;runs:3,August18,2006vs.TampaBay;sb:N/A;HITTInG sTreak: 5games, June11-15,2005;bb:2,June16,2005atCincinnati;Career Grand slaMs:1,September5,2006atToronto(Accardo).

MARTE (continued)

u Wentacareer-best3-4w/3RS,22BandhithisfirstMajorLeagueHRonAugust18atTampaBay(offCaseyFossum)…HithisfirstcareergrandslamonSept.5atToronto,givinghimacareer-high4RBIafterthe8thinningblastoffJeremyAccardo…Overallappearedin50gamesatthirdbaseinCleveland,making49startswhilerecordingacapablefielding%of.962(6E,156TC)…13ofhislast19hits(82B,13B,4HR)wentforextrabases…Hit.268(19-71)withrunnersonand.294(15-51)fromthe7thinningon…Hit.246(34-138)inthe#9spotintheorderand.364(8-22)onthefirstpitch.

ProCareeru 2005WasacquiredbyBostoninexchangeforSSEdgarRenteriaandcashconsiderations,12/8/04…Was

namedBoston’stopprospectenteringthe2006seasonandwasranked#1intheBravessystemin2005byBaseball America…Infact,hewasrankedBA ’s9thbestprospectintheentireminorleaguesenteringthe2005seasonandwasrankedasthe5thbestprospectintheILin2005…Hasbeenvotedhisleague’sbestdefensivethirdbasemanbyleaguemanagersineachofhislast5seasons…SpentthemajorityoftheseasonwithAAARichmond,batting.275w/262B,20HR,74RBIand51RSin109G...Posteda.506slugging%and.372on-base%...Oneof12Bravestomaketheirmajorleaguedebutin2005,Martehad3stintsinAtlanta,going8-for-57(.140)with4RBIfrom6/6-25,7/8-15and9/1-endoftheseason…FillinginfortheinjuredChipperJones,the21-yearoldMartestartedatthirdbaseinhismajorleaguedebut6/7vs.theAngelsandcollectedhisfirstRBIw/aSFinthe4thinning...Recordedhisfirsthit6/11vs.Oakland,a5th-inningsingleoffKirkSaarloostosnapan0-for-9droughttobeginhisbigleaguecareer…Hefinished3rdintheInternationalLeagueinwalks(64)despitespendingthreedifferentstintswiththeBravesatthebigleaguelevelatjust21-yearsofage.

u 2004Slammedacareer-high23HRforAAGreenvillein2004,whenhewasnamedthetopprospectintheSouthernLeagueandAtlanta’sNo.2prospectoverall...Wasvotedtheleague’sbestdefensivethirdbasemaninBaseball America’ssurveyofSLmanagersandplayedintheAll-StarFuturesGameforthe2ndyearinarow...Ranked3rdintheleaguewitha.525slugging%and5thwith52extra-basehits...Despitebeingsidelinedfrom6/13-7/14withsprainsinbothankles,camebacktohit.350(21-for-60)with7HR,15RBIand14RSin17Julycontests…Was3rdintheleaguewithaHR/ABratioof1/16.83.

u 2003Battedacareer-best.285with35doubles,16homersand63RBIin130gamesforAMyrtleBeach...WaschosentoplayintheAll-StarFuturesGameand,followingtheseason,wastabbedastheBraves’No.1prospectbyBaseball America,MyrtleBeachPlayeroftheYearandaCarolinaLeagueAll-StarinadditiontobeingnamedtoSportsTicker’s All-ProspectandAll-Teenteam…Ledtheleagueintotalbases(217)andextrabasehits(52)andfinished2ndintheCarolinaLeagueinslugging%(.469)anddoubles(35)andwas4thintheCLingames(130),HR(16)…Ranked5thinHR/ABratio(1:29),hits(132)andwalks(67)andwas9thinaverage(.285).

u 2002Hit21homerunsandknockedin105runsasan18-year-oldwithAMaconinhisfirstfullprofessional,earningtheHankAaronAwardasthebestminorleaguehitterintheBravesorganization...WasalsohonoredasaSingle-AandSouthAtlanticLeagueAll-Starandwasnamedtheorganization’sNo.3prospect...LedtheSALinRBI,finished2ndinhomerunsandtotalbases(240)andranked4thindoubles(32)andsluggingpercentage(.492)…Wasalso2ndintheleagueinEBhits(57).

u 2001Beganhisprofessionalcareerwithrookie-levelDanville,batting.200withahomerand12RBIin37games.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameandy Manuel MarTe...Issingleandresides inVillaTapia,DR…AttendedLiceoNuevaEsperanzSchool.

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J.D. Martin 66Age: 24, born January 2, 1983 in Ridgecrest, CA

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-4 Weight: 205

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (3)

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the sandwich round (35th overall) of the 2001 First-Year Player Draft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Waslimitedto14appearances/13startsin2006ashespentthefirsthalfoftheseasonrehabbingfromrecon-


u FinisheduptheseasonforAAAkronintheEasternLeagueplayoffs,wherehedidnotallowarunin2appear-ances(6.0IP,2H,0R,1BB,6K,2-21)…Includingtheplayoffsoverhislast7outingshetossed23.1scorelessinnings(14hits)andoverhislast9outingsheallowed1run(1ER)in29.1IP.

ProCareeru 2005Went3-1w/a2.38ERAin10startsatAAAkron(56.2IP,42H,15ER,8BB,63K)beforehisseasonended


u 2004MadeitthrutheseasonatKinstonandmadeaspotstartatBuffaloon7/24…Finished3rdintheCarolinaLeagueinwins(11)andT1stinCG(2)…Wasalso3rdintheleagueinlosses(10)and1stinERallowed(72).

u 2003Limitedto16startsduetostrainedligamentinrightelbowthatendedhisseasoninJuly.

u 2002Was2ndintheSouthAtlanticLeagueinwins(14)atAColumbus…RankedbyBaseball Americaasthe5thbestprospectinthesystem.

u 2001Signedon6/20…WasnamedtotheAppalachianLeaguePost-SeasonAll-StarteamandtheBaseball AmericaRookieLeagueAll-Starteam…His.164(26-159)averageallowedwas2ndlowestintheleagueaswerehis14.1SOper9.0IPand8.08runnersallowedper9.0IP…Struckout14ofthe16battershefacedoverfiveno-hitinningstopickupthewinon7/19vs.Danville(0H,0R)andatonepointstruckout8straight…Didnotallowarunoverfirst22.0IP.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullNameJOHN DALE MARTIN…Single…ResidesinLasVegas,NV…Martinwent9-1w/a0.24ERA(10G,59.0IP,17H,11BB,111SO)inhisseniorseasonatBurroughsHighSchool(CA)in2001…Enteringthedrafthewasranked20thoverallbyBaseball Americaand2ndfor‘bestcommand’amonghighschoolpitchers…Thesandwichselec-tionwascompensationforBostonsigningMannyRamirez.

yEAR cLub W-L ERA G GS cG SHO SV IP H R ER HR Hb bb SO WP bK 2001 Burlington 5-1 1.38 10 10 0 0 0 45.2 26 9 7 3 4 11 72 3 12002 Columbus 14-5 3.90 27 26 0 0 0 138.1 141 76 60 12 13 46 131 2 12003 Kinston 5-3 4.27 16 16 0 0 0 86.1 95 50 41 7 3 30 57 3 02004 Kinston 11-10 4.39 25 25 #2 0 0 147.2 139 75 *72 15 12 41 98 6 0 Buffalo 0-0 10.80 1 1 0 0 0 5.0 9 6 6 1 0 2 2 0 12005 Akron 3-1 2.38 10 10 0 0 0 56.2 42 17 15 3 3 8 63 1 02006 MahoningValley 0-1 1.50 6 6 0 0 0 18.0 11 3 3 1 1 1 13 0 0 LakeCounty 0-1 4.20 5 5 0 0 0 15.0 13 7 7 2 1 3 16 0 0 Kinston 1-0 0.00 3 2 0 0 0 11.1 6 0 0 0 0 1 11 0 0Minor Lge. Totals 39-22 3.62 103 101 2 0 0 524.0 482 243 211 44 37 143 463 15 3

cAREER TRANSAcTIONS2001 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthesandwichround(35thoverall)oftheJunedraft.

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Victor Martinez 41Age: 28, born December 23, 1978 in Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela

Position: Catcher

Bats: S Throws: R Height: 6-2 Weight: 195

ML Service: 3 + 114

Contract Status: Signed thru 2009 with a club option for 2010

Acquired: July 15, 1996; Signed by Cleveland as a non-draft eligible free agent.

year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb sO sb Cs e

1997 Maracay .344 53 122 21 42 12 0 0 26 0 2 0 32 11 6 0 --1998 Guacara .269 55 160 28 43 13 0 1 27 1 1 5 32 14 8 2 --1999 MahoningVy. .277 64 235 37 65 9 0 4 36 0 6 1 27 31 0 1 82000 Kinston .217 26 83 9 18 7 0 0 8 3 1 1 11 5 1 1 5 Columbus .371 21 70 11 26 9 1 2 12 0 2 1 11 6 0 0 22001 Kinston *.329 114 420 59 138 33 2 10 57 0 3 8 39 60 3 3 *162002 Akron *.336 121 443 *84 149 40 0 22 85 0 6 8 58 62 3 3 10 CLEVELAND .281 12 32 2 9 1 0 1 5 0 1 0 3 2 0 0 12003 Akron .333 3 12 1 4 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Buffalo .328 73 274 42 90 19 0 7 45 0 6 8 26 32 3 5 4 CLEVELAND .289 49 159 15 46 4 0 1 16 0 1 1 13 21 1 1 12004 CLEVELAND .283 141 520 77 147 38 1 23 108 0 6 5 60 69 0 1 62005 CLEVELAND .305 147 547 73 167 33 0 20 80 0 7 5 63 78 0 1 52006 CLEVELAND .316 153 572 82 181 37 0 16 93 0 6 3 71 78 0 0 8Minor lge. Totals .316 530 1819 292 575 144 3 46 298 4 27 32 236 222 24 15 45Cleveland TOTals .301 502 1830 249 550 113 1 61 302 0 21 14 210 248 1 3 21american league .301 502 1830 249 550 113 1 61 302 0 21 14 210 248 1 3 21national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals .301 502 1830 249 550 113 1 61 302 0 21 14 210 248 1 3 21

all-sTar GaMe reCOrdyear Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF HbP bb sO sb Cs e

2004 CLEVELAND .000 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WOrld baseball ClassIC reCOrdyear Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb sO sb Cs e

2006 Venezuela .200 5 15 1 3 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 --

Career TransaCTIOns1996 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,7/15.2003 DL-rightanklesprain/bonebruiseinfoot,8/9-9/2…rehabatAAAkron,8/30-31.

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u 2004 Establishedhimself asoneof the topoffensivecatchersinbaseballin2004,providingEricWedgewithareliableandconfidentclean-uphitterafterbeinginstalledinthespotinearlyMay,amovethatpropelledtheoffensetonewheightsandcatapultedtheteamtoanabove.500recordfromlateMaythrutheendoftheseason…SetanewclubrecordforRBIbyacatcherwith101,shatteringSandyAlomar’s1997markof83on8/16atTexasintheseason’s120thgame…His21HR&101RBIasacatcherledallMajorLeaguecatchers…Overallhefinishedtiedfor10thintheALinRBI(108)and8thinRBIratiow/1RBIevery4.8atbats…Was7thintheALw/ateam-high10int’lwalks…His23HRwere1shyofRobertoAlomar’sclub-recordtotalof24byaswitch-hitterin1999…WasnamedtohisfirstAmericanLeagueAll-StarTeamafterhitting.290(83-286)with12HR&63RBIin76firsthalfgames(0-1atASG)andaftertheseasonhewasnamedIndians‘ManoftheYear’asvotedonbymembersoftheClevelandBBWAAChapterandreceivedhisfirstcareerH&BSilverSluggerAward(alsoreceiveda7thplacevoteontheALMVPballot)…WasthefirstcatcherinIndiansfranchisetobesohonored…Wasinstalledintotheclean-upspotforthefirsttimeon5/3andfortheyearinthe#4holehehit.285(127-445)with352B,18HR&97RBIin114starts…WasnamedALplayeroftheweektwice(5/10-16,10RBI;7/15-18),thefirstplayersinceJimThomein2001towin2X…Enjoyedacareer-nighton7/16atSeattle,goingacareer-best5for5w/3HR&7RBI(allnewcareer-highs)…HR’dfrombothsidesofplateanditwashisfirstcareermulti-HRgame…Only2ndswitch-hitterinclubhistorytohit3HRinagameandthefirsteverIndianscatchertohit3HRinagame…July:.304(31-102)6HR&22RBI(25G)…Hitinacareer-high14straightgamesfrom5/28-6/16,hitting.415(22-53)overthespanw/aHR&12RBI…1stcareertripleon6/2vs.Texasand1stcareerpinchhitHRon7/18atSeattle…Missed3games(6/11-13)w/arightfootsprainand3gamesinearlyAugustwitharighthamstringstrain…Ontheyearhemade124startsatcatcher(132gamesoverall)and7GSatDH…Ontheyearhethrewout25of114runners(21.9%)afterstartingtheyear1for21.

u 2003Endedtheseasonwithconsecutive12-gamehittingstreaksandhitin24ofhislast25gamesplayedatthemajorleaguelevel…SpentthefirstthreemonthsoftheseasonatAAABuffalo,hitting.328(90-274)with19doubles,7HR&45RBIin73gamesfortheBisonsandwasnamedtotheTripleAAll-StarGame(didnotplay)…Victorwasonan11-gamehittingstreakwhenhewasrecalledtoClevelandon6/27whilesportinga.437(45-103)averageinJunewith122B,3HR&22RBIin25gamestoraisehisaveragefrom.263to.328…Hitin24ofhislast26TripleAcontests…Atthetimeofhispromotionheranked4thintheInternationalLeagueinbattingaverage(.328),2ndinhits(90),tiedfor5thinRBI(45)and5thinon-base%(.395)…Gotofftoaslowstartatthebigleaguelevel,hitting.224(17-76)over23gamesfrom6/27to7/31andcaughtfireoverthelast7weeksoftheseasondespiteatwo-weekstintonthedisabledlist…Wasonthe15-dayDLw/asprainedrightanklefrom8/9-9/1aftersprainingtheanklerunningthebaseson8/8vs.Anaheim…Hadtwo12-gamehittingstreaksfrom8/1-9/9andfrom9/11untilhisseasonendedearlyon9/24(familyreasons)…From8/1thrutheendoftheseasonhehit.349(29-83)with22B,aHR&8RBIandhitsafelyin24ofhisfinal25games…Onlygamehedidn’thitsafelyinafterAugust1wasaPHappearanceatKCon9/10(groundouttothird)…Hethrewout8ofthe28(29%)oftherunnersattemptingtostealandmadejust1errorin250TC(.996fldg%,39GS)…48ofhisfirst55majorleaguehitsweresingles.

u 2002VictoraddedyetanotherminorleagueMVPawardtohisresumewhilegettinghisfirsttasteofbigleagueaction…SpentmostoftheyearinAAAkronwherehewasnamedtheMostValuablePlayeroftheEasternLeague…MarkedthesecondconsecutiveseasoninwhichMartinezwonhisleaguebattingtitleandMVPaward(CarolinaLeaguein2001atAKinston)…WontheEasternLeaguebattingtitlebyhitting.336(149-443)…Alsoledtheleagueinslugging%(.576),on-base%(.417)andrunsscored(84)andfinishedsecondintheELindoubles(40)andextra-basehits(62)…His22homerunsweretiedforsecondintheleague…His40doubleswereaAAAkronfranchiserecord…InadditiontotheEasternLeagueMVPhonorhewasnamedtotheELPost-Season&Mid-SeasonAll-StarTeamsandtotheSportstickerMinorLeagueAll-ProspectTeamandwonhissecondstraightIndiansMinorLeaguePlayeroftheYearaward…Wasalsonamedthebestbattingprospect

MARTINEZ (continued)

MOsT runs baTTed In, sInGle-seasOn by an IndIans CaTCHer

CaTCHer rbI (year)

1. vICTOr MarTIneZ (Cle) 101 (2004) 2. SandyAlomar(CLE) 83(1997) 3. JohnnyRomano(CLE) 81(1962) 4. JohnnyRomano(CLE) 80(1961) 5. vICTOr MarTIneZ (Cle) 81 (2006) 6. vICTOr MarTIneZ (Cle) 78 (2005)

2006SeasonHighlightsu Oneofthegame’seliteoffensivecatchersenjoyedanothersolidoffensiveseason…Finishedtheseasonwith

the11thhighestaverage(.316)intheAmericanLeagueashefinished4thamongMajorLeaguecatchersinhits(151),4thinRBI(81)and4thinslg(.461)…RBItotalatcatcherwentfrom78in2005to81in2006ashenowowns3ofthetop6RBIseasonsamongcatchersinthe106-yearhistoryoftheClevelandIndians…Wasalso10thintheALwitha.391on-base%([email protected]).

u Hitabove.312ineverymonthexceptMay(.165,15-91,0HR,9RBI)afterhitting.398inApril(37-93,5HR,20RBI)…Reachedbaseviahitorwalkin45straightgamesfromSept.17,2005thruMay6,2006,thelongestsuchstreakintheMajorssinceSTLOFJimEdmondsin2004…Overallreachedsafelyin132of152gamesbattedin(eachoffirst30)…EnjoyedanIndiansseason-high(tiedw/Blake)15-gamehittingstreakfromApril2-20(.413,26-63,4HR,15RBI)…Alsohit in13straightgamesfromSept.13-26…HR’dinacareer-high3straightgames(4/18-20)andhitacareer-high3doublesonApril30vs.Texas.

u AftertheMayblip(was0-21,5/9-17),fromJune1stonhehit.332(129-388)with11HR&64RBIin104gamesandfromJuly1thrutheendoftheseasonhehit.339(100-295)with6HR&43RBIin79games…Hit.343(34-99)inJulyand.350(35-100)inSeptember(3HR,19RBI,28G)…Compiledafielding%of.990(8E,806TC)in133starts/127gamesatcatcherandthrewout16of116potentialbasestealers(13.8%)…FromJuly7thrutheendoftheseasonhethrewout22%(11-50)afterthrowingout7.5%uptothatpoint(5-66).

u Indianswere65-62(.512)inhisstarts…Made3GSatDHandmadethefirstappearancesofhiscareeratfirstbase(debuton6/23vs.CIN),making19starts(22G)atfirstbase(0errorsin154TCat1B)…Enjoyedhisfirstcareer2-homergameonJune10atChicago-AL(2ndcareermulti-Hgm)andhadhis2ndcareer5-hitgameonJuly4vs.NewYork-AL…Season-high4RBIonJune7vs.Oakland…Collected500thcareerhitonAugust11vs.KC.

u Hit.332(119-358)withw/10HR&65RBIand.323(52-161)withRISP…Hit.316inthe1sthalfand.317inthe2ndhalf…FromJune15thrutheendoftheseasonhehit.330(114-345)with6HR&50RBIin93games…His.460slg%inthe#4spotwas18thintheALamongclean-uphitterswith146PAinthatspot…Hit.315(90-286)withrunnersonand.352(25-71)whenplayingfirstbaseand.364(4-11)atDH…Hit.415(44-106)onthefirstpitchand.303(53-175)fromthe7thinningon,whichwastiedfor15thintheAmericanLeague…FromtheAll-StarBreakof2005thruthe2006seasonhehit.337(281-835)…PlayedforVenezuelaintheWorldBaseballClassic.

ProCareeru 2005Oneofbaseball’stopcatchers,the26-yearoldMartinezledallMajorLeaguecatchersinRBI(78)forthe


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MOsT HITs, 2006 MaJOr leaGue CaTCHers


1. JasonKendall(OAK) 163 2. PaulLoDuca(NYM) 157 3. JoeMauer(MIN) 152 4. vICTOr MarTIneZ (Cle) 151 5. IvanRodriguez(DET) 150 AJPierzynski(CWS) 150

MOsT rbI, 2006 MaJOr leaGue CaTCHers

Catcher rbI

1. BrianMcCann(ATL) 93 2. JorgePosada(NYY) 91 3. RamonHernandez(BAL) 87 4. vICTOr MarTIneZ (Cle) 81 5. JoeMauer(MIN) 77

MOsT rbI, 2005 MaJOr leaGue CaTCHers

CaTCHer rbI (Hr)

1. vICTOr MarTIneZ (Cle) 78 (19) 2. JasonVaritek(BOS) 69(22) 3. JorgePosada(NYY) 68(19) 4. BengieMolina(LAA) 61(14) 5. MichaelBarrett(CHI) 60(16) RodBarajas(TEX) 60(21)

MOsT rbI, 2004 MaJOr leaGue CaTCHers

CaTCHer rbI (Hr)

1. vICTOr MarTIneZ (Cle) 101 (21) 2. IvanRodriguez(DET) 81(18) 3. JorgePosada(NYY) 80(20) 4. PaulLoDuca(LA/FLA) 76(12) 5. AJPierzynski(SF) 75(11) JohnnyEstrada(ATL) 75(9)

HIGHesT sluGGInG %, 2006 MaJOr leaGue CaTCHers

CaTCHer slG%

1. JorgePosada(NYY) .509 2. RamonHernandez(BAL) .497 3. JoeMauer(MIN) .486 4. vICTOr MarTIneZ (Cle) .461 5. KenjiJohjima(SEA) .455

aMerICan leaGue leaders baTTInG averaGe, 2006

Player avG

1. JoeMauer(MIN) .347 2. DerekJeter(NYY) .343 3. RobinsonCano(NYY) .342 4. MiguelTejada(BAL) .330 5. VladimirGuerrero(LAA) .329 6. IchiroSuzuki(SEA) .322 7. JustinMorneau(MIN) .321 8. MannyRamirez(BOS) .321 9. CarlosGuillen(DET) .320 10. ReedJohnson(TOR) .319 11. vICTOr MarTIneZ (Cle) .316

MARTINEZ (continued)

andbestdefensivecatcherintheEasternLeagueandthe#2prospectoverallintheIndianssystembyBaseball America…AftertheseasonwasawardedtheTopps /MinorLeagueBaseballPlayeroftheYearAwardintheEasternLeague…WasselectedtoappearintheAAAll-StarGameandwasthestartingcatcherfortheWorldTeamatthe2002Future’sgameinMilwaukeeon7/7,going1for2w/aRS&RBI…BestmonthwasJuly,hitting.414(36-87)with132B,5HR&19RBIin24gamesandwasnamedToppsPlayeroftheMonthforJulyintheEasternLeague(hadseven3-hitgamesinJuly)…CollectedanRBIin7straightgamesfrom5/24-30…LedIndiansorganizationalhittersinbattingaverage(.336),RBI(85),runs(84)andfinishedT1stinHR(22)and2ndinhits(149)…VictorwasrecalledfromAAAkronon9/9…MadehisMajorleaguedebutandcollectedfirstmajorleaguehitandRBIon9/10vs.Toronto(1-4w/2RBI)…The2-runsinglecameoffJustinMiller…Hithisfirstmajorleaguehomerontheseason’sfinaldayon9/29vs.KansasCityoffDarrellMay…Made7startsatcatcherfortheTribe(9gamesatcatcher)astheIndianswent3-4inhisstarts…TribepitcherscompiledanERAof3.65(69.0IP,70H,28ER)whilehewasbehindtheplateasVictorthrewout2for13potentialbasestealers(15.4%).

u 2001HadanoutstandingseasonatKinston,hittinganorganizational-high.329(138-420)w/332B,23B,10HR&57RBIin114games…HiseffortsearnedhimtheTribe’sMinorLeaguePlayeroftheYear,CarolinaLeagueMostValuablePlayerandaspotontheCarolinaLeaguePost-SeasonAll-StarTeamandplayedinthemid-seasonall-stargame…Wasalsonamedthe10thbestprospectandbestdefensivecatcherintheCarolinaLeaguebyBaseball AmericaandwasnamedtotheToppsClassAAll-StarTeam…Alsoledtheorganizationinhits(138)anddoubles(33)…His.329averagewastopsintheCarolinaLeagueaswashis.488slugging%…Healsoranked4thintheleagueinhits,tiedfor4thindoubles,4thw/a.394on-base%and5thw/45extrabasehits…Overthelasttwomonthsoftheseasonhehit.376(71-189)from7/1thrutheendoftheyearw/6HR&28RBIandduringthemonthofJulyhehit.429(42-98)with112B,3HR&20RBIandwasnamedToppsPlayeroftheMonthintheCarolinaLeagueforhisefforts…Overall,hecollectedahitin43ofhislast48gamesontheyearandhadhittingstreaksof13and10games(two10Gstreaks)…Overhis106gamesatcatcherhitcompiledafielding%of.985(1061TC,16E,8PB)…Wasaddedtothe40-manrosteron11/19.

u 2000BegantheyearatClassAKinstonoftheCarolinaLeague,wherehehit.217(18-83)with72B&8RBIin26gamesbeforebeingplacedonthedisabledlistwithrotatorcufftendonitisinhisrightshoulderon5/14andmissedtwomonthsoftheseason…WasactivatedofftheDLon7/20andtransferredtoColumbusoftheSouthAtlanticLeague,wherehespenttheremainderoftheseason…Overallhehit.371(26-70)atColumbustopostacombined2000averageof.288(44-153)…Heappearedin45gamesatcatcheratKinstonandCo-lumbus,compilingafielding%of.983(7E,423TC)…PlayedforOrienteoftheVenezuelaWinterLeagueaftertheseason,hitting.304(34-113)with62B,4HR&21RBIin36games…PriortotheseasonhewasnamedthebestdefensivecatcherintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball America.

u 1999SpenttheentireseasonatAWatertownoftheNewYork-PennLeaguewherehiseffortsearnedhimaspotascatcherontheNewYork-PennLeagueAll-StarTeam…His8.68SOperplateappearancewasthe4thlowestmarkintheNYPL.

u 1997-98 Spent his first two years as a professional playing for the Indians in the Venezuelan SummerLeague.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnamevICTOr Jesus MarTIneZ...Married,wife’snameisMar-gret...Couplehasoneson,VictorJesus,Jr. (8/28/04)…Resides inCiudadBolivar,VZ…SignedbyLuisAponte…TouredJapanwiththeMLBAll-StarTeamafterthe2004season…Wastheco-chairmanin2004fortheEsperanzaFiestaofHopeprogramandisalsoactiveintheTribeLoving&CareHospitalVisitswithhiswife,MargretandtheDick’sSportingGoods“ShopwithaPro”program.

MarTIneZ’ FavOrITes

Favorite Movie: Catch Me If You Can;Favorite Group/artist: Mana; Favorite athlete Growing up:OzzieGuillen;Favorite Team Growing up:OaklandA’s;Person Who Has Most Influenced you:Mother;Favorite road City: Kansas City; Favorite road stadium: Ballpark in Arlington; Favorite Thing to do away From baseball:Spendtimewithfamily;Favorite Tv show:CurbYourEnthusiasm

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2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI.316 572181 16 93 Totals .301 1830 550 61 302

.481 27 13 3 6 Baltimore .319 69 22 4 11

.348 23 8 2 6 Boston .341 85 29 6 26

.315 73 23 6 18 Chicago(AL) .313 211 66 11 36

.262 61 16 0 7 Detroit .253 190 48 3 25

.197 61 12 1 8 KansasCity .292 233 68 5 33

.448 29 13 1 4 L.A.Angels .326 95 31 2 12

.288 73 21 0 8 Minnesota .246 232 57 7 29

.345 29 10 1 6 NewYork(AL) .284 95 27 4 19

.536 28 15 2 9 Oakland .398 93 37 3 15

.265 34 9 0 2 Seattle .319 119 38 8 29

.278 18 5 0 1 TampaBay .386 83 32 3 12

.371 35 13 0 7 Texas .312 93 29 1 17

.200 20 4 0 1 Toronto .246 61 15 1 8

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona .600 5 3 0 1-- -- -- -- -- Atlanta .286 7 2 0 2.364 11 4 0 2 Chicago(NL) .364 11 4 0 2.300 20 6 0 2 Cincinnati .302 53 16 2 11-- -- -- -- -- Colorado .182 22 4 0 1-- -- -- -- -- Florida .545 11 6 1 2.250 8 2 0 0 Milwaukee .250 8 2 0 0-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) .250 12 3 0 2.333 9 3 0 3 Pittsburgh .333 9 3 0 3.308 13 4 0 3 St.Louis .308 13 4 0 3-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego .222 9 2 0 1-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco .182 11 2 0 2

.398 93 37 5 20 March-April .292 240 70 11 37

.165 91 15 0 9 May .233 258 60 7 46

.312 93 29 5 21 June .314 293 92 12 58

.343 99 34 1 10 July .302 358 108 11 57

.323 96 31 2 14 August .325 289 94 11 50

.350 100 35 3 19 Sept-Oct .321 392 126 9 54

.321 268 86 4 44 Home .301 879 265 23 147

.313 304 95 12 49 Road .300 951 285 38 155

.313 147 46 5 27 Day .278 482 134 16 82

.318 425135 11 66 Night .309 1348 416 45 220

.326 519169 16 89 Grass .304 1650 501 54 283

.226 53 12 0 4 Turf .272 180 49 7 19

.316 313 99 11 56 Pre-ASG .278 927 258 32 157

.317 259 82 5 37 Post-ASG .323 903 292 29 145

.290 214 62 6 28 vs.LHP .284 620 176 17 86

.332 358 119 10 65 vs.RHP .309 1210 374 44 216

.323 161 52 2 70 ScoringPosition .298 513 153 15 231

.400 15 6 0 13 BasesLoaded .273 33 9 0 26

.500 2 1 0 0 PinchHitter .444 18 8 1 5

.364 11 4 0 4 DesignatedHitter .262 61 16 2 10

Career by ballPark avG ab H Hr rbIAmeriquestField(TEX) .375 48 18 1 9AngelStadium(LAA) .389 54 21 1 8AT&TPark(SF) .182 11 2 0 2BuschStadiumII(STL) .308 13 4 0 3CamdenYards(BAL) .275 40 11 3 8ComericaPark(DET) .237 97 23 1 8FenwayPark(BOS) .326 43 14 3 12Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) .296 27 8 1 5JacobsField(CLE) .301 879 265 23 147KauffmanStadium(KC) .281 128 36 3 20McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .422 45 19 1 6Metrodome(MIN) .219 114 25 3 9MillerPark(MIL) .250 8 2 0 0PETCOPark(SD) .222 9 2 0 1RogersCentre(TOR) .300 30 9 1 5SafecoField(SEA) .309 68 21 6 19SheaStadium(NYM) .250 12 3 0 2TropicanaField(TB) .417 36 15 3 5TurnerField(ATL) .286 7 2 0 2U.S.CellularField(CWS) .345 113 39 9 22YankeeStadium(NYY) .229 48 11 2 9

FIeldInG by POsITIOn

2006 Career PCT G PO a e TC dP Pb PCT G PO a e TC dP Pb .990 133 753 45 8 806 7 4 Catcher .993 456 2808 189 21 3018 26 201.000 22 149 5 0 154 15 - FirstBase 1.000 22 149 5 0 154 15 - .992 155 902 50 8 960 22 4 Totals .993 478 2957 194 21 3172 41 20

MarTIneZ’ GaMe HIGHs

HITs:5,twotimes,lastonJuly4,2006vs.NewYork-AL;dOubles:3,April20,2006vs. Texas; TrIPles: 1, June2, 2004 vs.Texas;Hr:3,July16,2004atSeattle;2Hr GaMes:1,June10,2006atChicago-AL;rbI:7,July16,2004atSeattle;runs:4,August 26, 2005 at Toronto; sb: 1, July24, 2003 vs. Detroit; HITTInG sTreak:17games,June17-July6,2005;Career Grand slaMs:N/A.

MARTINEZ (continued)

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Tom Mastny 40Age: 25, born February 4, 1981 in Borneo, Indonesia

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-6 Weight: 225

ML Service: 0 + 070

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (3)

Acquired: December 14, 2004; From the Toronto Blue Jays in exchange for INF John McDonald.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Mastny enjoyed a fine season between AA Akron, AAA Buffalo and the big leagues, pitching at times in the

closer’s role over the final six weeks of the season… He started the year at Akron where he went 0-1 w/a save and a 1.09 ERA in 12 relief outings (24.2IP, 15H, 3ER, 30K) before being promoted to Buffalo on May 16… Did not allow an earned run over his last 18.1IP covering 8 games as batters hit .169 (15-89, 0HR) off him at Double A.

u At Buffalo he compiled a mark of 2-1 w/a 2.61 ERA in 24 relief appearances (38.0IP, 25H, 11R/ER, 16BB, 46K) and limited AAA hitters to a .184 (25-136) average against w/0 HR allowed, including a mark of .153 (13-85) vs. right-handed hitters… Did not allow a run over his last 6 games at Buffalo (7.0IP, 3H, 0R).

u Promoted to Cleveland on July 24 and made his Major League debut on July 30 vs. Seattle (0.1IP, 0H, 0R)…Made only 3 appearances between July 24-August 18 before being called on to pitch 2.0 innings on August 19 at Tampa Bay to earn his first Major League save…Recorded saves in 5 straight chances from Aug. 19 to Sept. 2 as his 5 saves were the most by an Indians rookie since Paul Shuey (5) in 1994.

u Blew consecutive save chances on Sept. 8 @CWS (Pierzynski 2-run HR) and Sept. 15 vs. MIN to end up 5 for 7 on the year for the Indians…Homer on Sept. 8 was the only HR he allowed all year at any level…Did not allow a run over 6 straight games from August 19-Sept 1 (7.0IP) before going 0-1 w/a 16.20 ERA over his last 6 games from 9/2-on (5.0IP, 12H, 9ER, .462 avg), allowing runs in 5 of his last 6 appearances that took his ERA from 0.79 on Sept. 1 to 5.51 at season’s end.

u Major League hitters hit .279 (17-61), including a .273 (6-22) mark vs. LHH…Indians were 10-5 when he ap-peared and none of his 6 inherited runners scored…Batters hit .258 (8-31) off him w/runners on, .278 (5-18) with RISP and .200 (2-10) with RISP-2 outs.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 2003 Auburn *8-0 2.26 14 14 0 0 0 63.2 56 19 16 1 3 12 68 2 12004 Charleston, WV 10-3 *2.17 27 27 0 0 0 149.0 123 44 36 4 3 41 141 7 02005 Kinston 7-3 2.35 29 11 0 0 2 88.0 78 28 23 4 5 26 94 2 0 Akron 1-1 2.18 5 3 0 0 0 20.2 18 7 5 0 2 5 18 1 02006 Akron 0-1 1.09 12 1 0 0 1 24.2 15 5 3 0 1 8 30 1 0 Buffalo 2-1 2.61 24 0 0 0 0 38.0 25 11 11 0 4 16 46 2 0 CLEVELAND 0-1 5.51 15 0 0 0 5 16.1 17 10 10 1 1 8 14 0 0Minor lge. Totals 28-9 2.20 111 56 0 0 3 384.0 315 114 94 9 18 108 397 15 1Cleveland TOTals 0-1 5.51 15 0 0 0 5 16.1 17 10 10 1 1 8 14 0 0american league 0-1 5.51 15 0 0 0 5 16.1 17 10 10 1 1 8 14 0 0national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 0-1 5.51 15 0 0 0 5 16.1 17 10 10 1 1 8 14 0 0

Career TransaCTIOns2003 Selected by the Toronto Blue Jays in the 11th round of the June draft.2004 Acquired by the Cleveland Indians from the Blue Jays in exchange for John McDonald, 12/14.

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MasTny’s GaMe HIGHs

bb’s: 2, two times, last on September 15, 2006 vs. Minnesota; K’s: 3, two times, last on August 19, 2006 at Tampa Bay; lOnGesT OuTInG: 3.0IP, August 12, 2006 vs. Kansas City; WInnInG sTreaK: N/A; lOsInG sTreaK: 1 game, September 8, 2006 at Chicago-AL (current); save sTreaK: 5, August 19-September 2, 2006; lasT save: September 2, 2006 at Texas.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquest Field (TEX) 0-0-1 13.50 3 2.2 4Jacobs Field (CLE) 0-0-2 4.15 7 8.2 4Kauffman Stadium (KC) 0-0-1 0.00 2 2.0 0Rogers Centre (TOR) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0Tropicana Field (TB) 0-0-1 0.00 1 2.0 0U.S. Cellular Field (CWS) 0-1-0 INF 1 0.0 2

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

fIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP1.000 15 1 1 0 2 0 Pitcher 1.000 15 1 1 0 2 0

2006/Career W-l-s era G Inn er Totals 0-1-5 5.51 15 16.1 10

Chicago (AL) 0-1-0 0.00 1 0.0 2 Detroit 0-0-1 0.00 1 1.0 0 Kansas City 0-0-1 1.80 3 5.0 1 L.A. Angels 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Minnesota 0-0-0 11.57 2 2.1 3 Seattle 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0 Tampa Bay 0-0-1 0.00 1 2.0 0 Texas 0-0-1 13.50 3 2.2 4 Toronto 0-0-1 0.00 2 2.0 0

July 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0 August 0-0-4 0.90 7 10.0 1 Sept-Oct 0-1-1 13.50 7 6.0 9

Home 0-0-2 4.15 7 8.2 4 Road 0-1-3 7.04 8 7.2 6

Day 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0 Night 0-1-5 5.63 14 16.0 10

Grass 0-1-4 6.75 13 13.1 10 Turf 0-0-1 0.00 2 3.0 0

Post-ASG 0-1-5 5.51 15 16.1 10 Relief 0-1-5 5.51 15 16.1 10

MASTNY (continued)

ProCareeru 2005 Combined ERA between A Kinston and AA Akron was 2nd (2.32) in the Indians Player Development

System…Spent most of the season at Kinston and was with AA Akron on 5/22 and 8/21-9/5…Combined on the year minor league hitters hit .235 (96-409) with 4HR allowed, including 0HR allowed in 20.2IP at AA Akron…Struck out 9 in 5.2IP on 8/26 in a 5.2IP start at Altoona…Relief ERA on the season was 2.09 (43.0IP, 40H, 10ER)…

u 2004 Spent the entire season at Charleston (WV) of the South Atlantic League…Led the SAL in ERA (2.17) and finished T4th in the league in strikeouts (141)…Won 4 straight decisions from 6/17-7/20 while posting an ERA of 0.42 (43.0IP, 28H, 4R/2ER, 37K)…

u 2003 Drafted in the 11th round of the 2003 amateur draft by the Toronto Blue Jays out of Furman Univer-sity…Assigned to Auburn where he led the NYPL in wins (8) and was 2nd in ERA (2.26).

Personal/MiscellaneousFull Name THOMas rayMOnd MasTny, Jr…Married, wife’s name is Joanna…Resides in Ft. Worth, TX…Graduated from Zionsville (IN) Community High School in 1999 where played baseball all 4 years...Was 5' 8 as a freshman in HS…Pitched 4 years at Furman and graduated in 2003 w/a degree in business administration…Was an All-American in Division I and led the nation in ERA (1.09) during his senior season at Furman…Was Furman’s Male Athlete of the Year and the Southern Conference Pitcher of the Year and was also Furman’s first-ever 1st team All-American…Hobbies include golf and crossword puzzles…First Indo-nesian born player to appear in the big leagues…One of six players from Furman to play in the big leagues and the first since Rick Wilkins.

MasTny’s favOrITes

favorite Movie: Smokey and the Bandit; favorite Group/artist: Kenny Chesney; favorite athlete Growing up: Bo Jackson; favorite sports Team: Chicago Cubs; Person Who Has Most Influenced you: Father; favorite road City: Chicago; favorite road stadium: Fenway Park; favorite Thing to do away from baseball: Golf; favorite Tv show: SportsCenter; favorite baseball Moment: ML Debut (7/30/06)

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Jason Michaels 8Age: 30, born May 4, 1976 in Tampa, FL

Position: Outfielder

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-0 Weight: 206

ML Service: 5 + 016

Contract Status: Signed thru 2008 with a club option for 2009

Acquired: January 27, 2006; Acquired from the Philadelphia Phillies for LHP Arthur Rhodes.

Career TransaCTIons1994 SelectedbytheSanDiegoPadresinthe49throundoftheJunedraft.Didnotsign.1996 SelectedbytheTampaBayDevilRaysinthe44throundoftheJunedraft.Didnotsign.1997 SelectedbytheSt.LouisCardinalsinthe15throundoftheJunedraft.Didnotsign.1998 SelectedbythePhiladelphiaPhilliesinthe4throundoftheJunedraft.2003 DL–strainedobliquemuscle,3/21-4/14…rehabatAClearwater,4/10-14.2006 AcquiredbytheClevelandIndiansfromthePhilliesinexchangeforArthurRhodes,1/27.2006 DL–sprainedrightankle,6/16-7/3…rehabatAAABuffalo,7/1-2.

year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb so sb Cs e

1998 Batavia .268 67 235 45 63 14 3 11 49 0 2 4 40 69 4 2 51999 Clearwater .306 122 451 91 138 31 6 14 65 1 6 3 68 103 10 7 12000 Reading .295 113 437 71 129 30 4 10 74 3 7 3 28 87 7 4 62001 Scranton-WB .261 109 418 58 109 19 3 17 69 0 1 8 37 126 11 3 0 Philadelphia .167 6 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02002 Scranton-WB .281 9 32 3 9 2 0 0 7 0 2 0 5 5 1 3 0 Philadelphia .267 81 105 16 28 10 3 2 11 0 2 1 13 33 1 1 22003 Clearwater .000 4 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 Philadelphia .330 76 109 20 36 11 0 5 17 0 0 1 15 22 0 0 12004 Philadelphia .274 115 299 44 82 12 0 10 40 0 3 2 42 80 2 2 32005 Philadelphia .304 105 289 54 88 19 2 4 31 2 4 4 44 45 3 3 22006 Buffalo .429 2 7 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLEVELAND .267 123 494 77 132 32 1 9 55 2 6 3 43 101 9 5 2Minor lge. Totals .283 426 1594 270 451 96 16 53 265 4 18 18 180 394 33 19 12Cleveland ToTals .267 123 494 77 132 32 1 9 55 2 6 3 43 101 9 5 2american league .267 123 494 77 132 32 1 9 55 2 6 3 43 101 9 5 2national league .291 383 808 134 235 49 5 21 100 2 9 8 114 182 6 6 8M. l. ToTals .282 506 1302 211 367 81 6 30 155 4 15 11 157 283 15 11 10

2006SeasonHighlightsu JasoncontributedinhisfirstseasonwithCleveland,andhisfirstplayingonaneverydaybasis…Wassolidin


u Hadapairof4-hitgamesonApril5atChicago-ALandMay3atOaklandtoequalacareer-high(4thtime)…Hithis2ndcareergrandslamonMay28atDetroit(offSeay)…DidnotHRuntilgame26/AB#108…Made115startsinleftfield(117gamesinleft),1startinRFand1startatDH.

u WasonthedisabledlistfromJune16-July3withasprainedrightankle,whichhesufferedonJune15inYankeeStadiumafterrunningintotheoutfieldwall…Afterhisactivationhehit.258(65-252)with4HR&30RBIin64games…FromAugust19thonhehit.284(33-116)with21RS&11RBIin31games.

u Hit.291(55-189)with5HR&27RBIoffLHPand.252(77-305)offRHPwith4HR&28RBI…Hit.244(30-123)withRISP…Didnothomerinhislast35games(141AB)…Hada.450slugging%vs.LHPandhit.313(68-217)withrunnersonbase…Hit.330(33-100)w/2HR&15RBIinMayand.272(131-481)batting2nd…Hit.351(20-57)onthefirstpitch,.163(8-49)withRISP-2outsand.215(31-144)inthe7thinning.

ProCareeru 2005Hit.304(88-289)withPhiladelphiawith16doubles,2triples,4homersand31RBIin105games,record-


u 2004 Reached career highs in many offensive categories: games (115), at-bats (299), HR (10) and RBI(40)…Beganseasonasback-upoutfielder,butplayednearlyeverydayfrommid-Junethroughremainderofseason…Made40startsinCF,23inLFand5inRF(made24totalstartsinprevious2seasons)…Hit.171(6-35)through6/12,then.288(76-264)fortheremainderoftheseason…Slugged2HR,9/3vsNYM;1stcareermulti-HRgame…Hadacareer-high4hitstwice,9/10atNYMand9/15atCIN.

u 2003Beganseasonon15-dayDLwithaleftobliquemusclestrain…Made4rehabappearanceswithClearwater(A)beforebeingactivated,4/14…Started14games:6inRF,5inLFand3inCF…Hadaseason-high3hits,4/22vs.COL,his2ndstartoftheseason(CF)…Hit2pinch-HR,tiedfor3rd-mostinNL(2ndand3rdofMLcareer)-6/13atCIN,Phillies’lonerunin15-1losstoRedsand9/4vs.NYM,ina6-5Philswin…HitGW,3-runHRintopof17thinning,6/27atBAL…Slugged1stcareergrandslam(JungKeunBong)andhadcareer-best4RBI,9/9atAtlanta,in18-5routofBraves…Hit.256(10-39)aspinch-hitter,2HR,4RBI…Posted.382avgvs.LHP.

u 2002BeganseasonwithScranton(AAA)…Recalledon4/13(DaveHollinsonDL),after9gamesattriple-A…Singledin1stMLat-batofseason,4/13vs.CIN(GabeWhite)…Hit1stMLhomerun(KipWells)in1stMLstart(CF),4/21atPittsburgh;alsogot1stMLoutfieldassistwhenhethrewAdrianBrownoutattheplateinthe3rdinning…Hadaseason-high3hitsand3runs,5/5vs.Colorado…Cameindefensivelyat3rdbase,5/13atHOU;1standonlytimeinprocareerthatheplayedanyinfieldposition…DroveinGWrunwithapinch-hitRBIsinglein9thinning,6/19vs.Chicago-AL,forawalk-offwin…Hit1stMLpinch-hitHR,6/26atFLA…Despiteplayingpart-time,finishedtiedfor5thamongNLrookiesindoubles(10),tiedfor6thintriples(3)and7thinextra-basehits(15)…GotthefinalhitatCinergyField,aninfieldsingle,9/22atCIN,inthe9thinning.

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u 2001BeganseasonwithScranton…ReachedprofessionalhighinHR(17)…MadeonestartatScrantonpriortorecall toPhillies,4/6…MadeMLdebut,4/6vs.Chicago-NL,asapinch-hitter (struckoutvs.ToddVanPoppel)…Madeonlyappearanceinthefield,4/7vs.Chicago-NL,asadefensivereplacementinleftfield…Got1stMLhitandRBIduringpinch-hitappearance,4/13atATL(MikeRemlinger)…OptionedbacktoScranton,4/21…OnDL,5/1-5/10,witharightobliquestrain…PhilliesMinorLeaguePlayeroftheWeek,6/4-10(.387,12-31,12B,3HR,6RBI,1SB)…Slugged2HR,6/6vs.Louisville…Hadaseason-high4RBI,3times…Batted.300(30-100)with82B,23B,4HR,21RBI,23R,11BB,1SBin30gamesinArizonaFallLeague.

u 2000SpententireseasonwithReading(AA)…Tiedforteamleadinhitting(.295ñJohnnyEstrada)…Ledteamwith30doubles…Hit.360(54-150)vs.lefties…Had4-RBIgame,6/3atBowie…Reachedbasesafelyin12straightgames,6/12-25,.356(16-45)with4HR,12RBI…Slugged2HR,6/29atErie.

u 1999SpententireseasonatClearwater…Ranked7thinFloridaStateLeagueinhitting(.305),tiedfor4thinruns(91)and5thinon-base%(.396)…Tallied38multi-hitgames…Reachedbasesafelyin22consecutivegames,6/10-7/8…Shutdownon7/18withrightshoulderinflammation…Returnedtolineupon8/3andDH’dforrestofseason…Collected4hitsinagame,4times.

u 1998SelectedbyPhilliesin4throundofJunedraft…Hadtwo2-HRgamesanda5-RBIgame,allinAugust…Tiedfor3rdinNewYork-PennLeagueinHR(11),5thinRBI(49)and2ndinHR/ABratio(1/21.36).

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name Jason dreW MICHaels…Single…Resides in Tampa,FL…Wasa1994graduateofTampaJesuitHighSchool,sameschoolasLouPiniella,DaveMagadanandBradRadke…Hit.444in10gamesasasophomore,.421asajuniorand.411asasenior…1996graduateofOkaloosa-WaltonJC(AA),wherehehit.421,9HR,45RBIin1996…At-tendedUofMiami,whereheledteaminhitting(.411),RBI(89),doubles(32),totalbases(189),extra-basehits(50)in1997…WasteammateofPhilliesoutfielderPatBurrell…SetMiamisingle-seasonrecord indoubles,whichwereT2ndindoublesinNCAA…Ledoutfielderswith10assists…NamedMostOutstandingPlayerinAtlanticRegional,.375,2HR,11RBI;CollegeWorldSeries,.412,1HR,2RBI…In1998,finished2ndonteaminHR(19)andRBI(65)whilebatting.384…Servedasthe chairman for the 2004 Phillies Home Run Derby…Grandfather,JohnMichaels,played inCincinnatisystemin1930s…FatherplayedQBatWestVirginiaTech…PlayedLittleLeagueandAmericanLegionball…Hobbies:Workingout,bottlecapbaseballandspearfishing…Wasdrafted3times,butdidnotsign,prior(1994,’96,’97)tobeingselectedbyPhillyin1998…BigfanoftheUniversityofMiamifootballHurricanes,whostumbledtoa6-6regularseasonrecordin2006andabowlgameonsmurfturfvs.Nevada,just3yearsremovedfromadefeatinNationalChampionshipgameatthehandsofTheOhioStateUniversity…WastheIndians’2006RobertoClementeAwardnomineeforhisextensiveworkintheNortheastOhiocommunity,includingtheDick'sSportingGoods“ShopwithaPro,”SignatureSunday,theGrandSlamforLiteracy,MajorLeagueLunch,RainbowHospitalvisitsandCultureCampforKids.

MICHaels’ FavorITes

FavorITe MovIe: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; FavorITe MusIC GrouP/arTIsT: Hard Rock and Hip Hop; FavorITe aTHleTe GroWInG uP: Pete Rose; FavorITe TeaM oTH-er THan THe IndIans: Tampa Bay Buccaneers;Person WHo Has MosT InFluenCed you:TonyAmato;Favor-ITe road CITy: Chicago; FavorITe road sTadIuM: “TheOB”;FavorITe THInG To do aWay FroM baseball:Watch the “U” at the “OB”; FavorITe Tv sHoW: 24; FavorITe baseball MoMenT: Hitting a 3-run HR to beatBaltimorein2004

MICHaels’ GaMe HIGHs

HITs:4,fourtimes,lastonMay3,2006atOakland;Hr:2,Sept.3,2004vs.NewYork-NL;rbI:5,May28,2005atAtlanta;runs:3,fivetimes, lastonAugust10,2006vs.LAAngels;doubles:2,sixtimes,lastonAugust26,2006vs.Detroit;TrIPles:1,sixtimes,lastonOctober,1,2006vs.TampaBay;sb:2,Sept.13,2006vs.KC;HITTInG sTreaK:11games,May20-June2,2006;bb:3, two times, lastonMay3,2005atNY-NL;Career Grand slaMs: 2, lastonMay28,2006atDetroitoffBobbySeay;leadoFF Hr:None;PInCH-Hr:3times,lastonSept,4,2003vs.NYM.

2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI.267 494132 9 55 Totals .282 1302 367 30 155

.207 29 6 0 2 Baltimore .245 49 12 1 6

.261 23 6 0 2 Boston .317 41 13 0 3

.373 67 25 2 9 Chicago(AL) .350 80 28 4 12-- -- -- -- -- Cleveland .200 5 1 0 0.274 62 17 1 7 Detroit .313 67 21 2 11.270 74 20 1 8 KansasCity .266 79 21 1 8.357 28 10 2 5 L.A.Angels .333 36 12 2 6.190 63 12 1 8 Minnesota .185 65 12 1 9.188 16 3 1 1 NewYork(AL) .188 16 3 1 1.265 34 9 0 3 Oakland .255 47 12 0 5.226 31 7 1 4 Seattle .211 38 8 1 4.167 18 3 0 0 TampaBay .167 18 3 0 0.273 22 6 0 2 Texas .261 23 6 0 2.294 17 5 0 4 Toronto .294 17 5 0 4

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona .250 24 6 0 3-- -- -- -- -- Atlanta .247 89 22 3 14-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(NL) .300 20 6 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Cincinnati .350 40 14 1 3-- -- -- -- -- Colorado .394 33 13 1 6-- -- -- -- -- Florida .243 103 25 3 11-- -- -- -- -- Houston .226 31 7 0 0-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Dodgers .125 16 2 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Milwaukee .348 46 16 1 6-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) .272 114 31 5 14.300 10 3 0 0 Pittsburgh .314 51 16 1 6-- -- -- -- -- St.Louis .364 11 4 0 2-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego .400 20 8 0 4-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco .400 20 8 1 4-- -- -- -- -- Washington .311 103 32 1 11

.245 94 23 0 6 March-April .283 184 52 1 16

.330 100 33 2 15 May .287 209 60 6 28

.229 48 11 3 4 June .306 196 60 9 28

.269 78 21 3 14 July .251 211 53 3 21

.250 92 23 1 11 August .278 227 63 3 26

.256 82 21 0 5 Sept-Oct .287 275 79 8 36

.283 251 71 4 26 Home .295 655 193 11 65

.251 243 61 5 29 Road .269 647 174 19 90

.225 142 32 2 11 Day .289 402 116 8 48

.284 352100 7 44 Night .279 900 251 22 107

.276 449 124 8 50 Grass .285 1122 320 27 137

.178 45 8 1 5 Turf .261 180 47 3 18

.268 265 71 6 26 Pre-ASG .285 677 193 17 77

.266 229 61 3 29 Post-ASG .278 625 174 13 78

.291 189 55 5 27 vs.LHP .303 521 158 14 69

.252 305 77 4 28 vs.RHP .268 781 209 16 86

.244 123 30 2 42 ScoringPosition .257 346 89 6 118

.273 11 3 1 11 BasesLoaded .375 32 12 2 31

.250 4 1 0 0 PinchHitter .240 154 37 3 15

.125 8 1 0 0 DesignatedHitter .250 20 5 1 2

Career by ballParK avG ab H Hr rbIAmeriquestField(TEX) .231 13 3 0 0AngelStadium(LAA) .313 16 5 1 3AT&TPark(SF) .556 9 5 1 2BuschStadiumI(STL) .444 9 4 0 2CamdenYards(BAL) .375 24 9 1 6ChaseField(AZ) .200 10 2 0 2CinergyField(CIN) 1.000 1 1 0 0CitizensBankPark(PHI) .311 296 92 6 32ComericaPark(DET) .171 35 6 1 4CoorsField(COL) .300 10 3 0 1DodgerStadium(LA) .286 7 2 0 0DolphinStadium(FLA) .152 46 7 2 7FenwayPark(BOS) .400 20 8 0 2Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) .391 23 9 1 3JacobsField(CLE) .281 256 72 4 26KauffmanStadium(KC) .286 35 10 0 5McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .265 34 9 0 5Metrodome(MIN) .172 29 5 1 3MillerPark(MIL) .227 22 5 1 3MinuteMaidPark(HOU) .278 18 5 0 0OlympicStadium(MON) .333 27 9 1 6PETCOPark(SD) 1.000 2 2 0 2PNCPark(PIT) .364 22 8 1 5QualcommStadium(SD) 0.000 2 0 0 0RFKSTadium(WSH) .318 22 7 0 1RogersCentre(TOR) .250 8 2 0 2SafecoField(SEA) .125 16 2 1 3SheaStadium(NYM) .228 57 13 2 7TropicanaField(TB) .125 8 1 0 0TurnerField(ATL) .224 49 11 2 10U.S.CellularField(CWS) .320 50 16 3 6VeteransStadium(PHI) .278 108 30 1 7WrigleyField(CHI) .200 10 2 0 0YankeeStadium(NYY) .250 8 2 0 0

FIeldInG by PosITIon 2006 CareerPCT G Po a e TC dP PCT G Po a e TC dP-- -- -- -- -- -- -- ThirdBase .000 1 0 0 2 2 0.991 118 216 6 2 224 2 Outfield .988 352 626 24 8 658 6.991 118 216 6 2 224 2 Totals .985 353 626 24 10 660 6

MICHAELS (continued)

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SprIng InvItee

Adam Miller 72Age: 22, born November 26, 1984 in Plano, TX

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-4 Weight: 200

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the Sandwich Round (31st overall) of the 2003 First-Year Player Draft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu HadabreakoutseasonatAAAkron,going15-6witha2.75ERAin26games/24starts(153.2IP,129H,56R/47ER,

43BB,157K)asthe21-yearoldwasnamedtheEasternLeaguePitcheroftheYear&theorganization’sMinorLeaguePitcheroftheyear…HewasalsoanEasternLeaguemidandpost-seasonAll-StarselectionandwasnamedtotheXMRadioAll-StarFuturesGame…Isjustthe2ndpitchersincetheaward’sinceptionin1990towinmultipleBobFellerAwards (DannyGraves1995-96)…Baseball America’s#1 IndiansProspect for2007.

u AdamledtheELinwins(15),was2ndinERA(2.74)and3rdinstrikeouts(157)…HelimitedDoubleAhitterstoa.226(129-570,9HR)averageagainstandstruckout11battersin3consecutivestartsfromJuly28-August10…Overhislast10startsforAkronfromJuly1stonhewas8-1w/a0.97ERA(64.2IP,45H,7ER,70K)…Won6straightdecisionsfromJuly1-August10.

u MillermadeaspotstartinBuffalo(4.2IP,4H,3ER)onAugust21…Went1-1w/a4.85ERAin2post-seasonstartsfortheAeros(13.0IP,14H,7ER,14K)…Leftieshit.198(51-258)offhim(7HR)andRHHhit.250(78-312)with2HR…Limitedhitterstoa.161(22-137)markwithRISPand.143(9-63)markwithRISP-2outs…Battershit.222(53-239)withrunnersonbase.

ProCareeru 2005Adamwaslimitedto15startsduetoarightelbowinjuryhesufferedinspringtraining…Seasonbegan

on6/21atMahoningValleyandwaspromotedtoAKinstonon7/6wherehespenttheremainderofthesea-son…BattersatKinstonhit.318(76-239)offhimandhad2outswhereheyielded11hits…ParticipatedintheFILandthenpitchedintheArizonaFallLeagueforMesa(1-1,5.68ERA,6GS)…InhislastoutinginArizonaheallowed1hitand0runsin5.0IP…Enteredthe2006seasonrankedasthetopprospectintheIndiansorganiza-tionbyBaseball America.

u 2004Atjust19yearsofagehewent10-6witha2.95ERAin27starts(134.1IP,108H,44ER,40BB,152K)betweenLakeCountyandKinstontoearnthe2004BobFellerAwardwinner…Hestartedhis2004seasonatLakeCountygoing7-4witha3.36ERAin19starts(91.0IP,79H,34ER,106K)beforeearningapromotiontoKinstonon7/22wherehewent3-2witha2.08ERAin8startswiththeIndians(43.1IP,29H,10ER,46K)…Over

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 2003 Burlington 0-4 4.96 10 10 0 0 0 32.2 30 20 18 2 5 9 23 1 02004 LakeCounty 7-4 3.36 19 19 1 0 0 91.0 79 39 34 7 4 28 106 5 0 Kinston 3-2 2.08 8 8 0 0 0 43.1 29 17 10 1 4 12 46 2 02005 MahoningValley 0-0 5.06 3 3 0 0 0 10.2 17 6 6 0 3 4 6 0 0 Kinston 2-4 4.83 12 12 0 0 0 59.2 76 43 32 5 5 17 45 4 02006 Akron *15-6 2.75 26 24 1 1 0 153.2 129 56 47 9 14 43 157 6 0 Buffalo 0-0 5.79 1 1 0 0 0 4.2 4 3 3 0 1 3 4 0 0Minor lge. Totals 27-20 3.41 79 77 2 1 0 395.2 364 184 150 24 36 116 387 18 0

Career TransaCTIOns2003 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansasasandwichpick(31stoverall)intheJunedraft.

his8startswithKinston,heallowed2earnedrunsorlessineachofthestarts…Fanned11in5.0IPon6/3atLakewood(NJ)…MilleralsohelpedKinstonwintheCarolinaLeaguetitle,ashedidnotallowarunwhilewinningbothofhisplayoffstartscovering12.1innings(7H,14K)…Ontheyear,Millerstruckout152batters,whichledtheentireIndiansminorleaguefarmsystem,foranaverageof10.2strikeoutsper9.0IP…His2.95ERAwasthe5thlowestERA…RankedasthetopprospectintheIndiansorganizationandtoppitchingprospectintheSALbyBaseball America.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullNameadaM Wayne MIller…Married,AnnLarkin…ResidesinMcKinney,TX…GraduatedfromMcKinney(TX)HighSchoolin2003wherehewent10-2w/a0.56ERAand4savesin16games(75.0IP,48H,8ER,16BB,117K)…Wasnamed1stteamhighschoolall-AmericabyBaseball Americaand2ndteambyUSA Today…Com-mittedtoattendtheUniversityofArizonaoutofhighschoolpriortosigningwithCleveland.

Matt Miller 59Age: 35, born November 23, 1971 in Greenwood, MS

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-3 Weight: 215

ML Service: 2 + 134

Contract Status (options remaining): Signed thru 2007 (2)

Acquired: January 5, 2004; Signed to a minor league contract by Cleveland with an invitation to major league spring training camp.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 1996 Greenville 5-2 6.07 19 6 0 0 1 69.2 77 51 47 2 8 50 54 3 21997 Greenville 12-3 2.26 15 15 5 3 0 107.1 76 34 27 0 4 49 129 10 11998 Greenville 1-7 2.85 8 8 4 0 0 53.2 46 26 17 1 1 19 49 2 0 Savannah 3-1 2.29 17 0 0 0 3 35.1 25 9 9 0 2 10 46 2 01999 Charlotte 1-2 3.03 22 0 0 0 8 29.2 27 12 10 0 1 13 39 2 0 Tulsa 6-4 3.40 34 0 0 0 7 55.2 42 24 21 2 1 28 83 5 02000 Oklahoma 3-3 3.58 39 0 0 0 4 60.1 61 29 24 6 3 34 69 4 0 GCLRangers 0-0 4.50 1 0 0 0 0 2.0 2 1 1 0 1 0 4 0 0 Tulsa 0-0 14.73 3 0 0 0 0 3.2 7 7 6 0 0 4 4 1 02001 Portland 1-7 3.63 44 0 0 0 17 44.2 44 22 18 1 2 14 43 5 02002 Sacramento 3-7 4.31 54 0 0 0 6 71.0 81 42 34 5 5 28 63 3 02003 ColoSprings 5-0 2.13 61 0 0 0 3 63.1 46 17 15 0 6 23 83 2 1 Colorado 0-0 2.08 4 0 0 0 0 4.1 5 1 1 0 0 2 5 0 02004 Buffalo 1-2 1.93 13 0 0 0 2 14.0 10 4 3 0 1 6 17 0 0 CLEVELAND 4-1 3.09 57 0 0 0 1 55.1 42 22 19 1 6 23 55 1 12005 Akron 0-0 0.00 1 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MahoningValley 0-0 54.00 1 1 0 0 0 0.2 5 4 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 Buffalo 0-0 0.87 9 0 0 0 3 10.1 3 1 1 0 0 2 15 0 0 CLEVELAND 1-0 1.82 23 0 0 0 1 29.2 22 6 6 1 3 10 23 1 12006 Akron 0-0 0.00 2 0 0 0 0 2.0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Buffalo 0-0 0.00 1 1 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 CLEVELAND 1-0 3.45 14 0 0 0 0 15.2 11 6 6 2 2 9 12 0 0Minor lge. Totals 23-26 3.33 302 2 0 0 53 395.0 355 172 146 14 23 163 469 24 1Cleveland TOTals 6-1 2.77 94 0 0 0 2 100.2 75 34 31 4 11 42 90 2 2american league 6-1 2.77 94 0 0 0 2 100.2 75 34 31 4 11 42 90 2 2national league 0-0 2.08 4 0 0 0 0 4.1 5 1 1 0 0 2 5 0 0M. l. TOTals 6-1 2.74 98 0 0 0 2 105.0 80 35 32 4 11 44 95 2 2

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Career TransaCTIOns1996 SignedbyGreenville(IndependentBigSouthLeague)asafreeagent,6/8.1997 SignedbytheTexasRangersasafreeagent,12/1.1998 ReleasedbytheRangers,3/29.1998 SignedbyGreenville(IndependentTexas-LouisianaLeague)asafreeagent,5/25.1998 ContractpurchasedbytheRangersfromGreenville,6/27.1998 Grantedfreeagency,10/16.1998 Re-signedbytheTexasRangersasafreeagent,11/4.2000 Grantedfreeagency,10/15.2000 SignedbytheSanDiegoPadresasafreeagent,11/5.2001 Grantedfreeagency,10/15.2001 SignedbytheOaklandAthleticsasafreeagent,11/19.2002 ReleasedbytheAthletics,10/15.2002 SignedbytheColoradoRockiesasafreeagent,11/20.2003 Grantedfreeagency,10/15.2004 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,1/5.2005 DL–rightelbowstrain,7/16-remainderofseason…rehabatAMahoningValley,8/28-30andAAAkron,8/31.2006 DL–rightelbowsurgery,4/20-9/5…rehabatAAABuffaloandAAAkron,8/29-9/3.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Seasonwasinterruptedfor4monthsbyrightelbowsurgery,butcamebackhealthyoverthelastmonthofthe


u MillerhadsurgeryonhisrightelbowonApril26inClevelandbyDr.MarkSchickendantztorepairadamagedflexortendoninhisrightelbowandrehabbedfromsurgeryallsummerbeforemaking3scorelessrehabap-pearancesatAAABuffaloandAAAkronfromAugust29-Sept.3.

u WasactivatedofftheDLonSept.5andwent1-0w/a1.17ERAin8outingsinSeptember(7.2IP,4H,1ER,4K,.160avg)…Earned1stwinsince6/28/05onSept.23@TEX(0.2IP,BB,K)…Struckoutaseason-high4battersonApril15atDetroit…10ofhis14outingswerescoreless.

u Battershit.212(11-52)with2HRatthebigleaguelevel,includingamarkof.188(6-32)byRHH(0HR)…Right-handedhitterscompiledaslugging%of.250offhim…Batterswere4for25offhiminSeptember(.160,allsingles)…Battershit.190(4-21)offhimwithRISPand.200(2-10)withRISP-2outs…Allowedonly2HRallyearandhasallowedonly18HRin500.0professionalIP…

ProCareeru 2005Compiledaverysolidfirsthalf,butanelbowinjurylimitedhimtojust1appearanceinthe2ndhalfand


u 2004SpentmostoftheseasonwithClevelandinhislongesttenuretodateinthebigleaguesandendedtheseasonasoneofEricWedge’smostreliablerelievers…Hisseason-endingreliefERAof3.09was12thamongALrelieversw/atleast48.2IPwhilehisinheritedrunnersscored%of25.5(14of55)wasthe15thbestmarkintheALandtopsontheclub…Was10thintheleaguew/a.216reliefaverageagainst…StartedtheyearinAAABuffalowherehewas1-2w/a1.93ERA&2savesin13outings(14.0IP,10H,3ER,6BB,17SO)…Norunsallowedinlast11gamesatBuffalo(12.1IP,5H,15K)…MadehisIndians&ALdebuton5/16vs.TampaBay(2.0IP,1H,0R,career/season-highequaling5K)…Allowedaruninonly12ofhis57outings…Didnotallowarunin8straightapp.from5/28-6/13(7.1IP)…FirstMLwinon6/13vs.Cincinnati…1stMLsaveon7/19 inextra inningsatAnaheim…Didnotallowa run in19straightoutings (17.0IP) from8/2-9/17,both

MILLER, M. (continued)


u 2003BegantheseasonatAAAColoradoSpringsandwasoneofthePacificCoastLeague’sbestrelieversaftersigningwiththeRockiesin11/02…Seasonandminorleaguecareerculminatedw/abrieffour-gamestintwiththeRockiesinlateJune…WasstellarwithAAAColoradoSprings,postinga5-0recordwitha2.13ERAand.204averageagainstin61games(63.1IP,46H,15ER)...Struckout83whilewalkingonly23foranaverageof11.8SOper9.0IP…ContractwaspurchasedbyColoradoon6/27...Mattmadehisfirst-everappearanceonamajorleague25-manrosterafterseven-plusyearsand296gamesintheminors,makinghisMLdebuton6/27atPittsburgh,workingascorelessinningwithonestrikeout...Worked3of4scorelessoutingswiththeRockiesfrom6/27-7/3beforebeingdesignatedforassignmenton7/3...ClearedwaiversandoutrightedtoAAAColoradoSprings7/9…SpentremainderoftheseasonatCol.Springs…Didnotallowahomerunallseasoncovering67.2IP(inthinairofCS,CO)…Didnotallowarunover15straightoutingsfrom6/20-8/9,coveringaspanof13.2IP…Allowed4runsinseasondebuton4/3atOklahomaandproceededtoallowjust13runs(11ER)therestoftheseasoncovering60G&62.1IP…RHhittershit.165(30-182)offhimandbattershit.171(21-123)withrunnersonbase.

u 2002LedAAASacramentowith54appearances,going3-7witha4.31ERA(71.0IP,34ER)and6saves...Walked28andstruckout63,averagingjustunder8K’spernineinnings...Workedatleastonefullinningin51ofhis54outings,going2.0+on12occasionswithaseason-high3.0IPtwice.

u 2001SpenttheentireseasonatAAAPortlandintheSanDiegoorganization...LedtheBeaversandrankedfifthinthePacificCoastLeaguewithacareerhigh17saves...ThesavestiedforthirdmostinthePadresorganiza-tion...Yieldedjustonehomerunin44.2IP(5/10atTacoma)...Went1-3with9savesanda1.07ERA(3ERin25.1IP)overhisfinal25appearances...Includedinthatstretch,an8-gamescorelessstreakfrom6/5-18(7.0IP,2H,10K)...Chargedwithhisseventhlosson7/7againstEdmontonandwentontheDLtwodayslaterwithtendonitisinhisrightelbow...Reinstatedon8/19andappearedinjustfourmoregames.

u 2000WithTexas’AAAOklahomaaffiliate,Mattledtheclubwith25gamesfinishedwhilerankingsecondinappearances(39)andtiedforthirdinsaves(4)...Averaged10.3strikeoutspernineinnings(69/60.1).

u 1999SplittheseasonbetweenACharlotteandAATulsa,combiningtogo7-6witha3.26ERAin56reliefap-pearances...Ranked2ndintheRangersorganizationinsaves(15)andsixthamongallminorleaguerelieverswith12.82strikeoutspernineinnings...Pitched11gamesfortheArizonaFallLeaguechampionMesaSolarSox...Was2-2with2savesanda10.91ERA(19ERin15.2IP).

u 1998OpenedtheyearwithGreenvilleintheindependentTexas-LouisianaLeague...SignedbytheTexasorga-nizationandjoinedASavannahon6/27.

u 1997SpenttheentireseasonatGreenvilleandcompileda12-3recordwith5CG,3SHOanda2.26ERAin15starts...LedtheBigSouthLeagueinwins,ERA,strikeouts(129),completegamesandshutouts,guidingtheBluesmentotheirsecondstraightleaguechampionship.

u 1996DebutedwithGreenvilleoftheindependentBigSouthLeague...Allowedonly2homerunsandfanned54in69.2IP,anaverageof7.0strikeoutspernineinnings.

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name MaTT JaCOb MIller…Resides in Greenville, MS…Wife’s name is Mandy…The couple has one son, Jacoby Maddox(10/26/2006)…Graduated from Leland (MS) High School in 1990whereheplayedbaseball...PitchedfortwoyearsatMississippiDeltaCommunityCollegein1990-92,oneyearatNELouisianaUniversityand in 1995 wrapped up his college eligibility at Delta State (MS)University…WentundraftedoutofcollegeandplayedprofessionallyintheindependentBigSouthLeagueinhishometownofGreenville,MSin1996…Heandhiswife,Mandy,participatedintheTribe’sGrandSlamSummerLiteracyProgramin2004.

MIller’s FavOrITes

Favorite Movie:Braveheart;Favorite Tv show:TheOffice;Musical Group / artist:GeorgeStrait;Favorite thing to do away from baseball: Golf; Favorite athlete Growing up: Roger Clemens; Favorite Team:NewOrleansSaints;Person who has most influenced you: My Mother;Favorite road City:Seattle;Favorite road ballpark:SafecoField

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MIller’s GaMe HIGHs

bb’s:2,sixtimes, lastonSeptember17,2006vs.Minnesota;K’s:5,twice,lastonJuly24,2004vs.KansasCity;WInnInG sTreaK:4,July24,2004-September23,2006(current);lOnGesT OuTInG:2.1IP,threetimes,lastonJune28,2005atBoston;Hr:1,fourtimes,lastonApril19,2006atBaltimore; Most Consecutive scoreless Innings : 17.0IP, August 2-September17, 2004; Most Consecutive scoreless appearances: 19, August 2-September17,2004;lasT save:May29,2005vs.Oakland.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquestField(TEX) 1-0-0 0.00 3 2.1 0AngelStadium(LAA) 0-0-1 0.00 4 4.0 0AT&TPark(SF) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0CamdenYards(BAL) 0-0-0 6.75 3 2.2 2ComericaPark(DET) 0-0-0 1.17 6 7.2 1CoorsField(COL) 0-0-0 5.40 2 1.2 1FenwayPark(BOS) 1-0-0 0.00 1 2.1 0Gr.Am.BallPark(CIN) 0-0-0 27.00 2 0.1 1JacobsField(CLE) 3-0-1 3.08 48 52.2 18KauffmanStadium(KC) 0-0-0 3.38 2 2.2 1McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 0-0-0 0.00 2 1.2 0Metrodome(MIN) 0-0-0 0.00 4 4.2 0PETCOPark(SD) 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.2 0PNCPark(PIT) 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.2 0RogersCentre(TOR) 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0SafecoField(SEA) 0-1-0 18.00 1 1.0 2SheaStadium(NYM) 0-0-0 6.75 1 1.1 1TropicanaField(TB) 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0U.S.CellularField(CWS) 1-0-0 3.55 11 12.2 5YankeeStadium(NYY) 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.2 0

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP1.000 14 0 1 0 1 0 Pitcher .960 98 7 17 1 25 0

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er1-0-0 3.45 14 15.2 6 Totals 6-1-2 2.74 98 105.0 32

0-0-0 54.00 1 0.1 2 Baltimore 0-0-0 6.75 3 2.2 2-- -- -- -- -- Boston 1-0-0 2.45 2 3.2 10-0-0 1.93 4 4.2 1 Chicago(AL) 1-0-0 3.72 17 19.1 80-0-0 4.50 1 2.0 1 Detroit 0-0-0 4.05 10 13.1 60-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 KansasCity 1-0-0 3.52 6 7.2 3-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Angels 0-0-1 0.00 7 7.1 00-0-0 6.00 2 3.0 2 Minnesota 0-0-0 1.23 11 14.2 2-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(AL) 0-0-0 0.00 4 2.1 00-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Oakland 0-0-1 6.23 7 4.1 30-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Seattle 0-1-0 13.50 3 2.2 40-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0 TampaBay 0-0-0 0.00 4 4.1 01-0-0 0.00 1 0.2 0 Texas 1-0-0 0.00 4 2.2 0-- -- -- -- -- Toronto 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona 0-0-0 2.45 3 3.2 1-- -- -- -- -- Cincinnati 1-0-0 2.08 6 4.1 1-- -- -- -- -- Colorado 1-0-0 0.00 3 3.1 0-- -- -- -- -- Florida 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) 0-0-0 6.75 1 1.1 1-- -- -- -- -- Pittsburgh 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.2 0-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.2 0-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0

0-0-0 5.63 6 8.0 5 March-April 0-0-0 3.97 10 11.1 5-- -- -- -- -- May 0-0-1 2.19 10 12.1 3-- -- -- -- -- June 3-0-0 1.72 26 31.1 6-- -- -- -- -- July 1-1-1 7.71 19 18.2 16-- -- -- -- -- August 1-0-0 0.00 13 11.0 01-0-0 1.17 8 7.2 1 Sept-Oct 1-0-0 0.88 20 20.1 2

0-0-0 2.25 7 8.0 2 Home 3-0-1 3.15 50 54.1 191-0-0 4.70 7 7.2 4 Road 3-1-1 2.31 48 50.2 13

0-0-0 4.05 5 6.2 3 Day 2-1-1 2.97 25 30.1 101-0-0 3.00 9 9.0 3 Night 4-0-1 2.65 73 74.2 22

1-0-0 3.45 14 15.2 6 Grass 6-1-2 2.94 91 98.0 32-- -- -- -- -- Turf 0-0-0 0.00 7 7.0 0

0-0-0 5.63 6 8.0 5 Pre-ASG 3-0-1 2.70 57 63.1 191-0-0 1.17 8 7.2 1 Post-ASG 3-1-1 2.81 41 41.2 13

1-0-0 3.45 14 15.2 6 Relief 6-1-2 2.74 98 105.0 32

MILLER, M. (continued)

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Edward Mujica 49Age: 22, born May 10, 1984 in Valencia, VZ

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-2 Weight: 220

ML Service: 0 + 071

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (2)

Acquired: October 22, 2001; Signed by Cleveland as a non-drafted free agent.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Mujicasplitthe2006seasonbetweenAAAkron,AAABuffaloandthebigleaguesanddidnotallowanearned


u WiththeBisonshewent3-0w/a0.00ERAin12outings(19.2IP,14H,1R/0ER,3BB,18K)anddidnotallowarunoverhislast10games(16.2IP)…AtthetimeoftheJune20promotiontoClevelandhehadnotallowedarunin38.2IP…Combinedbetweenthetwostopshehaslimitedhitterstoa.191(25-131)averageagainstbeforeJune20.

u MadehisMajorLeaguedebutonJune21vs.theChicagoCubs(2.2IP,3H,0R)andmade2morescorelessappearancesonJuly4andJuly8tobringhisseasontotalto46.2scorelessinningsover27gamesbeforestreakwassnappedinhisfirstbigleaguelossinextrainningsonJuly14atMinnesota(0.2IP,3H,1R)…Al-lowedrunsin3straightoutingsfromJuly14-21(5.2IP,11H,4ER)beforebeingoptionedbacktoAAABuffaloonJuly24.

u Inhis2ndstintatBuffalohewent0-1w/5savesanda6.23ERAin10games(13.0IP,17H,9ER)…Was5for7insaveoppswithBuffaloandallowed4of12inheritedrunnerstoscore…RHhittershit.215(14-65)andleftiesatTripleAhit.309(17-55)…Battershit.220(9-41)withRISP…RecalledfromAAABuffaloandbegan2ndstintinClevelandonAugust26…Inhis2ndstintwiththeTribehewas0-0w/a3.86ERAin4outings(4.2IP,6H,2ER)anddidnotallowarunoverhislast3outings(3.2IP,3H,6K).

u Majorleaguebattershit.333(25-75)offhimwith1HRallowed,includingamarkof.341(14-41)byRHH…In-dianswere1-9whenheappearedas7ofhis12inheritedrunnersscored…Battersatthebigleaguelevelhit.366(15-41)withrunnersonand.391(9-23)withRISP…

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 2002 SanFelipe 2-0 1.78 10 5 0 0 1 30.1 22 7 6 0 1 5 18 1 02003 Burlington 2-6 4.37 14 10 0 0 0 55.2 57 31 27 3 1 20 41 2 12004 LakeCounty 7-7 4.65 26 19 1 0 2 124.0 130 77 64 18 13 32 89 6 42005 Kinston 1-0 2.08 25 0 0 0 14 26.0 17 6 6 3 1 2 32 1 0 Akron 2-1 2.88 27 0 0 0 10 34.1 36 11 11 2 0 5 33 3 12006 Akron 1-0 0.00 12 0 0 0 8 19.0 11 1 0 0 1 9 17 1 0 Buffalo 3-1 2.48 22 0 0 0 5 32.2 31 10 9 1 1 5 29 1 0 CLEVELAND 0-1 2.95 10 0 0 0 0 18.1 25 6 6 1 1 0 12 0 0Minor lge. Totals 18-15 3.44 136 34 1 0 40 322.0 304 143 123 27 18 78 259 15 6Cleveland TOTals 0-1 2.95 10 0 0 0 0 18.1 25 6 6 1 1 0 12 0 0american league 0-1 2.95 10 0 0 0 0 18.1 25 6 6 1 1 0 12 0 0national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 0-1 2.95 10 0 0 0 0 18.1 25 6 6 1 1 0 12 0 0

Career TransaCTIOns2001 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,10/22.

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ProCareeru 2005Hadabreakoutseasonashespenthisfirstseasonpitchingexclusivelyinrelief…Splittheseasonbe-


u 2004SpenttheseasonatALakeCounty…Was6-7w/a4.03ERAin19starts(98.1IP,102H,44ER)and1-0-2w/a7.01ERAin7reliefoutings(25.2IP,28H,20ER)…Wonhislast3startsontheseason…Was1-2w/a2.57ERAin4Juneoutings(21.0IP,17H,6ER).

u 2003SpenttheseasonatRookieABurlingtonafterspending2002attheclub’sVenezuelanacademy.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameedWard MuJICa…Single…ResidesinYagua,VZ…


bb’s: N/A; K’s: 3, September 22, 2006at Texas; lOnGesT OuTInG: 3.1IP, twotimes,lastonJuly17,2006atLAAngels;WInnInG sTreaK:N/A; lOsInG sTreaK:1game,July14,2006atMinnesota(cur-rent);save sTreaK:N/A.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquestField(TEX) 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0AngelStadium(LAA) 0-0-0 2.70 1 3.1 1JacobsField(CLE) 0-0-0 3.18 6 11.1 4Metrodome(MIN) 0-1-0 13.50 1 0.2 1

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

fIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP1.000 10 0 2 0 2 0 Pitcher 1.000 10 0 2 0 2 0

2006/Career W-l-s era G Inn er Totals 0-1-0 2.95 10 18.1 6

Baltimore 0-0-0 0.00 1 3.1 0 Chicago(AL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Detroit 0-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 2 L.A.Angels 0-0-0 2.70 1 3.1 1 Minnesota 0-1-0 9.00 3 3.0 3 NewYork(AL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0 Texas 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0

Chicago(NL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.2 0

June 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.2 0 July 0-1-0 3.27 5 11.0 4 August 0-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 2 Sept-Oct 0-0-0 0.00 3 3.2 0

Home 0-0-0 3.18 6 11.1 4 Road 0-1-0 2.57 4 7.0 2

Day 0-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 2 Night 0-1-0 2.08 9 17.1 4

Grass 0-0-0 2.55 9 17.2 5 Turf 0-1-0 13.50 1 0.2 1

Pre-ASG 0-0-0 0.00 3 8.0 0 Post-ASG 0-1-0 5.23 7 10.1 6

Relief 0-1-0 2.95 10 18.1 6

MUJICA (continued)

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Trot Nixon 33Age: 33, born April 11, 1974 in Durham, NC

Position: Outfielder

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-0 Weight: 210

ML Service: 8 + 044

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: January 19, 2007; Signed by Cleveland to a Major League free agent contract.

YeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

1994 Lynchburg .246 71 264 33 65 12 0 12 43 1 3 3 44 53 10 3 41995 Sarasota 303 73 264 43 80 11 4 5 39 0 2 1 45 46 7 5 2 Trenton .160 25 94 9 15 3 1 2 8 2 2 0 7 20 2 1 01996 Trenton .251 123 438 55 110 11 4 11 63 6 5 3 50 65 7 9 5 Boston .500 2 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 01997 Pawtucket .244 130 475 80 116 18 3 20 61 9 4 1 63 86 11 4 41998 Pawtucket .310 135 509 97 158 26 4 23 74 0 7 5 76 81 26 13 11 Boston .259 13 27 3 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 01999 Boston .270 124 381 67 103 22 5 15 53 2 8 3 53 75 3 1 72000 Boston .276 123 427 66 118 27 8 12 60 5 5 2 63 85 8 1 2 GCLRedSox .400 3 10 3 4 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 02001 Boston .280 148 535 100 150 31 4 27 88 6 6 7 79 113 7 4 82002 Boston .256 152 532 81 136 36 3 24 94 3 7 5 65 109 4 2 52003 Boston .306 134 441 81 135 24 6 28 87 1 3 3 65 96 4 2 42004 Sarasota .667 1 3 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Pawtucket .333 6 21 2 7 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 Boston .315 48 149 24 47 9 1 6 23 0 2 1 15 24 0 0 12005 Boston .275 124 408 64 112 29 1 13 67 0 6 3 53 59 2 1 1 Pawtucket .500 2 6 3 3 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 02006 Boston .268 114 381 59 102 24 0 8 52 0 5 7 60 56 0 2 0 Pawtucket .167 3 12 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2Minor lge. Totals .268 572 2096 328 562 84 16 75 298 18 24 14 291 356 63 35 29Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league .278 982 3285 547 912 204 28 133 524 17 42 31 454 621 29 13 28national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals .278 982 3285 547 912 204 28 133 524 17 42 31 454 621 29 13 28

dIvIsIOn seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

1998 Boston .333 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01999 Boston .214 5 14 5 3 3 0 0 6 0 2 0 4 5 0 0 02003 Boston .200 4 10 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 02004 Boston .250 2 8 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 02005 Boston .273 3 11 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0Totals .239 16 46 7 11 3 0 1 11 0 2 0 9 10 0 0 0

leaGUe CHaMPIOnsHIP seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

1999 Boston .286 4 14 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 02003 Boston .333 7 24 3 8 1 0 3 5 0 0 1 3 7 1 2 02004 Boston .207 7 29 4 6 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0Totals .269 18 67 9 18 4 0 4 8 0 0 1 4 17 1 2 0

WORld seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

2004 Boston .357 4 14 1 5 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

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u 2003Inhis5thfullseason,toppedhispreviouscareerbestswitha.306averageand28HR,whileknockingin87,the3rdseasoninarowhe’shitatleast24homersandknockedinatleast84...Wasoneof3RedSox(withMannyRamirezandBillMueller)butonly5playersintheA.L.(withAlexRodriguezandCarlosDelgado)torankamongthetop10intheA.L.inbothon-base%(.396)andslugging(.578)...His.974OPS(on-base+slugging)ranked4thintheA.L.behindonlyDelgado,RamirezandRodriguez...RankedamongA.L.leadersinon-base%(T7that.396)andslugging(5that.578)...His2grandslamstiedfortheA.L.high,whilehisaverageofonehomerevery15.8at-batsranked8th,andhisaverageofanRBIevery5.1at-batstiedfor6th...Wasthe2nd-hardestplayertodoubleupintheA.L.behindIchiroSuzuki,bouncinginto3doubleplaysin441at-bats,oneevery147.0ABís…Hithis100thcareerHRingameoneofan8/8doubleheadervs.Baltimore...The6th-in-ning2-runshotoffRickHellingmadehimthe24thplayertohit100homerunsinaRedSoxuniform…Batted.336(45-134)vs.RHPwhilegoing2-for-15(.133)againstlefties...

u 2002Establishedpersonalbestswith36doubles,94RBIand152gamesplayed...Knockedin57runsafterthebreak...Deliveredintheclutch,batting.333(22-66)w/3HRand33RBIwith2outsandRISP...Hithis4thcareergrandslam7/16atDetroitoffJosePaniagua...Thatnight,beganacareer-best16-gamehittingstreakthatranthrough7/31...Homeredtwiceandmatchedhisthen-careerhighwith5RBI8/2atTexas...12dayslater,wentdeeptwiceagainina12-5winvs.Seattle.

u 2001WontheThomasA.YawkeyAward,presentedtotheteamMVPbytheBostonBaseballWriters...Hit.280withacareer-high100runsandthencareer-besttotalsof27HRand88RBI...Hit.393vs.righthanders,10thintheA.L...Started70gamesinrightfieldand67incenter,leadingSoxoutfielderswith295totalchances,4doubleplaysand7assists...Sluggedhis2ndcareergrandslam6/26vs.TampaBayoffTravisPhelps...Posted3straight3-hitgames7/16-18,going9-for-15(.600)...Deliveredoneofthekeyhitsoftheseason9/1atPhiladelphia,a9th-inninggrandslamoffTurkWendelltocapa6-runuprisingandgivetheRedSoxa13-9win...Droveinacareer-best6inthegame…Ranked3rdintheA.L.witha.330(114-345)averagevs.RHP...Hit.294(10-for-34)w/a2B,4HRand7RBIin11post-seasongamesagainsttheAthleticsandYankees...Hitapinch-hitwalk-off2-runhomeroffRichHardeninthebottomofthe11thw/theSoxdown2gamestonone,givingBostona3-1win...Theblastwasthe2ndwalk-offlongballinRedSoxpost-seasonhistory,followingCarltonFisk’slegendaryblastoffPatDarcy,whichgavetheSoxa7-6winoverCincinnatiinGame6ofthe1975WorldSeries...Batted.333(8-for-24)with3homersand5RBIin7ALCSgames...

u 2000Batted.276with12HRand60RBIin123games...Tiedfor5thintheA.L.with8triples...Hadaseason-high4hitsandmatchedhisthen-careerhighwith5RBIina10-0win4/19atDetroit...HitagrandslamoffJimPoole...Sluggeda2-runhomerwith2outsinthetopofthe9thtogivePedroMartinezanepic2-0winoverRogerClemensandtheYankees5/28...WasontheD.L.6/27-7/25witharighthamstringstrain.

u 1999 Enjoyedhisfirstfullseasoninthemajors,batting.270with15longballsand53RBIin124games...SharedRedSoxRookieoftheYearhonorspresentedbyBostonBaseballWriterswithBrianDaubach…WasnamedBoSoxClubManoftheYearforhiscontributionstothesuccessoftheteamandcooperationincom-munityaffairs...TheSoxwent70-46inhis116startsinrightfield...Afterhitting.245(47-for-192)w/3HR&19RBIinthefirsthalf,liftedhisfinalaverageto.270bybatting.298(53-for-178)with12HRand32RBIafterthebreak...Sluggedhisfirstbigleaguehomer4/8atKansasCityoffDonWengert...CrackedhisfirstFenwayParkhomer6/1offJeffWeaver…Enjoyedoneofthefinestdaysofhiscareer7/24atDetroit,going3-for-4with3HR&5RBIinan11-4win...BecamethefirstBostonrookietohit3homerssinceFredLynn(6/18/75atDetroit)andthefirstbigleaguerookietohit3homerssincethePhillies’BobbyEstalella(9/4/97)...JoinedLynn,JimTabor(1939),NormZauchin(1955)andJoeLahoud(1969)astheonlyRedSoxrookiestohit3homersinagame…Batted.250(7-28)with2doublesand6RBIinthepostseason...hit.214(3-14)with32Band6RBIin5gamesintheALDSvs.Clevelandand.286(4-14)with2doublesin4gamesintheALCSvs.NewYork.

u 1998WasnamedRedSoxMinorLeaguePlayeroftheYearbytheBostonBBWAA...Hit.310w/23HR,74RBIandacareer-high26stolenbasesforAAAPawtucketbeforea9/6call-up...Ranked4thintheInternationalLeaguewith158hits,135gamesand76walks...Was5thintheleaguewith97runsand10thwitha.310aver-age...WashonoredasRedSoxMinorLeaguePlayeroftheMonthforJulyafterhitting.361(44-for-122)with72B,5HR,17RBIand9steals...Hit.259in13gamesfortheRedSox,includinghisfirstcareer3-hitgame9/25vs.Baltimore...Appearedin2gamesintheALDSvs.Cleveland,startinginrightinGame4,going1-for-3withawalk.

NIXON (continued)

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns1993SelectedbytheBostonRedSoxinthe1stround(7thoverall)oftheJunedraft.2000DL–strainedrighthamstring,6/27-7/25…rehabatAGCLRedSox,7/8-21.2004DL–lowerbackstrain,3/26-6-16…rehabatASarasota,6/8andAAAPawtucket,6/10-13.2004DL–strainedleftquadriceps,7/25-9/7…rehabatAAAPawtucket,9/2-6.2005DL–strainedleftoblique,7/27-8/23…rehabatAAAPawtucket,8/21-22.2006DL–strainedrightbicepstendon,7/31-9/3…rehabatAAAPawtucket,8/31-9/2.2006Grantedfreeagency,10/29.2007SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,1/19.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Completedhis13thseasonintheRedSoxorganizationbybatting.268with8homersand52RBI,limitedto


u Completedtheseasonwithmorewalks(60)thanstrikeouts(56)enroutetoa.373on-basepercentage,105pointsabovehisbattingaverage...Wasbatting.294whenhestrainedhisbiceponaswingJuly30vs.theAngels...WasplacedonthedisabledlistthenextdayanddidnotreturntotheRedSoxlineupuntilSeptember4...battedonly.155(11-for-71)in22gamestherestoftheway…Boasteda.311battingaverage(82-for-264)with6homers,43RBIanda.415on-basepercentagein78gamesbeforetheAll-StarBreak.

u Sawaction in110games, including100starts, inrightfield...inhisRedSoxcareer,his943games intheoutfieldrank12thinclubhistory(with869gamesinrightfield)…Batted.288(83-288)with6homersvs.right-handedpitchingand.204(19-93)with2homersvs.lefthanders...Batted.237(27-114)withrunnersinscoringposition,.250(14-56)withRISPand2outsand.278(5-18)withthebasesloaded.

u HadhisbestoffensivemonthinJune,batting.386(32-for-83)with11doubles,hismostinacalendarmonthsinceJulyof2002,whenhehad13doubles…Hadaseason-high9-gamehittingstreakfromApril28-May9…Fellatripleshyofthecyclewhenhewent4-for-4withadouble,homerand3RBIJune9vs.Texas...Washis9th-career4-hitgame,matchinghiscareerhigh...RecordedcareerrunscoredNo.500onApril21atToronto,careerRBINo.500onJune3atDetroitandcareerdoubleNo.200onJune27vs.theNewYorkMets.

ProCareeru 2005Appearedin124games,batting.275with29doubles,13homersand67RBI...Missed22gameswhile


u 2004Waslimitedtojust48gamesbecauseofaslightdiskherniationinhisback,thenastrainedleftquadri-ceps...Still,batted.315with92B,6HR&23RBI...OpenedtheseasonontheDLwiththeaggravatedbackaswellasthestrainedquadricepssufferedduringrehab,missing63Gbeforebeingreinstated6/16...Completedarehabassignmentw/ASarasota(onegame)andAAAPawtucket(5games)beforereturningtotheSoxinJune…Wentontohit.273with3homersand13RBIin29gamesbeforethequadforcedhimbacktotheD.L...Missed39gamesbeforereturningtoappearsolelyasapinchhitterfor4games,going0-for-4...Priortohisinjury-plagued2004campaign,hadappearedinatleast123gamesineachoftheprevious5seasonsfrom1999-2003...Smackedhisfirst-careerpinch-hitHR9/14,a2-runshotoffTampaBayísTravisHarper…Hit.357(5-14)with3doubles,3RBIandarunscoredinthe4-gameWorldSeriessweepoftheCardinals…Went3-for-4with32Band2RBIinthechampionship-clinchingGame4…WiththeSoxup1-0,rippedabases-loaded2-rundoubleona3-0pitchfromJasonMarquistogivetheRedSoxa3-0leadandcloseoutthescoring.

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CaReeR BY BallPaRk avG aB H HR RBIAmeriquestField(TEX) .296 115 34 9 26AngelStadium(LAA) .233 90 21 1 7AT&TPark(SF) .286 7 2 1 4BuschStadiumI(STL) .100 10 1 0 0CamdenYards(BAL) .290 193 56 10 27CitizensBankPark(PHI) .308 26 8 0 5ComericaPark(DET) .414 87 36 7 21CoorsField(COL) .429 7 3 1 1DodgerStadium(LA) .273 11 3 0 0DolphinStadium(FLA) .417 12 5 0 0FenwayPark(BOS) .281 1574 443 48 231JacobsField(CLE) .242 99 24 8 22KauffmanStadium(KC) .200 60 12 3 11McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .288 73 21 2 12Metrodome(MIN) .218 55 12 3 6MillerPark(MIL) .300 10 3 1 3OlympicStadium(MON) .318 22 7 1 2PNCPark(PIT) .462 13 6 3 5QualcommStadium(SD) .455 11 5 0 1RogersCentre(TOR) .261 180 47 7 37SafecoField(SEA) .341 91 31 6 19SheaStadium(NYM) .235 17 4 0 1TigerStadium(DET) .385 13 5 3 5TropicanaField(TB) .281 167 47 9 27TurnerField(ATL) .200 45 9 1 7U.S.CellularField(CWS) .169 83 14 2 7VeteransStadium(PHI) .238 21 5 1 7WrigleyField(CHI) .250 8 2 1 3YankeeStadium(NYY) .249 185 46 5 26

2006 CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI avG aB H HR RBI.268 381102 8 52 Totals .278 3285 912 133 523

.271 48 13 2 8 Baltimore .274 369 101 14 49

.130 23 3 0 2 Chicago(AL) .193 135 26 2 11

.091 11 1 0 0 Cleveland .263 171 45 11 35

.300 10 3 0 2 Detroit .358 193 69 15 42

.154 13 2 0 0 KansasCity .239 138 33 5 21

.200 10 2 0 0 L.A.Angels .251 183 46 1 14

.273 22 6 0 1 Minnesota .239 117 28 4 11

.273 44 12 1 5 NewYork(AL) .243 367 89 11 59

.211 19 4 1 4 Oakland .280 168 47 4 25

.385 13 5 0 0 Seattle .289 159 46 9 25

.239 46 11 0 9 TampaBay .309 346 107 19 66

.379 29 11 2 7 Texas .310 197 61 13 44

.263 38 10 2 4 Toronto .273 348 95 10 59

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona .091 11 1 0 2.300 10 3 0 1 Atlanta .200 85 17 3 11-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(NL) .250 8 2 1 3-- -- -- -- -- Cincinnati .333 9 3 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Colorado .313 16 5 1 2.333 6 2 0 0 Florida .513 39 20 2 5-- -- -- -- -- Houston .333 12 4 0 2-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Dodgers .273 11 3 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Milwaukee .300 10 3 1 3.429 7 3 0 3 NewYork(NL) .292 24 7 0 4.217 23 5 0 3 Philadelphia .270 74 20 1 13-- -- -- -- -- Pittsburgh .450 20 9 3 5-- -- -- -- -- St.Louis .192 26 5 1 2-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego .455 11 5 0 1-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco .286 7 2 1 4.667 9 6 0 3 Washington .419 31 13 1 5

.311 61 19 2 12 March-April .271 465 126 16 66

.286 91 26 3 16 May .289 557 161 18 97

.386 83 32 1 14 June .295 596 176 24 95

.187 75 14 1 5 July .303 571 173 29 95-- -- -- -- -- August .243 477 116 19 75.155 71 11 1 5 Sept-Oct .258 619 160 27 95

.290 176 51 1 23 Home .281 1574 443 48 231

.249 205 51 7 29 Road .274 1711 469 85 292

.287 101 29 0 9 Day .290 1009 293 39 174

.261 280 73 8 43 Night .272 2276 619 94 349

.267 322 86 6 45 Grass .280 2840 794 112 444

.271 59 16 2 7 Turf .265 445 118 21 79

.311 264 82 6 43 Pre-ASG .285 1823 520 68 287

.171 117 20 2 9 Post-ASG .268 1462 392 65 236

.204 93 19 2 10 vs.LHP .213 609 130 12 66

.288 288 83 6 42 vs.RHP .292 2676 782 121 457

.237 114 27 2 42 ScoringPosition .270 842 227 25 371

.278 18 5 0 20 BasesFull .277 112 31 8 110

.091 11 1 0 0 PinchHitter .117 60 7 1 7-- -- -- -- -- DesignatedHitter .077 13 1 0 0

nIXOn’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs:4,ninetimes,lastonJune6,2006vs.Texas;dOUBles:3,May4,2001vs.atOakland;HR:3,July24,1999atDetroit;TWO-HOMeR GaMes:5,lastonJuly23,2003vs.TampaBay;RBI:6,Sept.1,2003atPHI;RUns:4,4times,lastSept.20,2005atTB;HITTInG sTReak:16,July16-31,2002;BB:4,May8,2002atOAK;sB:2,April 10, 2003 at TOR; CaReeR GRand slaMs:8,lastonMay14,2005atSeattleoffJ.J.Putz;CaReeR PInCH-HIT HR:1,Sept. 14, 2004 vs. Tampa Bay off TravisHarper;CaReeR FIRsT-InnInG leadOFF HOMe RUns:1,September1,2001vs.NewYork(AL)offOrlando.

NIXON (continued)

u 1997 WasnamedPawSoxPlayeroftheYearatPawtucket...Played29gamesforNavojoaoftheMexicanPacificLeague,andhit.242with4homersand12RBI.

u 1996MadehismajorleaguedebutasaSeptembercall-upafterhitting.251w/11HRand63RBIin123gamesforAATrenton...Recalled9/9...MadehisfirstM.L.startontheseason’sfinalday9/29vs.theYankees...Went2-for-4withadoubleand2runs...SingledtorightcenteroffRickyBonesinthe2ndinninginhisfirstM.L.plateappearance.

u 1995BegantheyearontheD.L.,recoveringfrom1994backproblems...Activated4/28,senttoASarasota...Reachedviahitorwalkinhisfirst37games4/29-6/21,batting.302(38-for-126)...PromotedtoAATrenton8/8...WasanArizonaFallLeagueAll-Star,batting.259with2homersand26RBIin44gamesforPhoenix.

u 1994Madehisprodebut,appearingin71gamesforSingle-ALynchburg...Hit .246with12HRand43RBIdespiteachippedboneinhisback...Washittingashighas.280inmid-Junebeforetheinjury...WasplacedontheD.L.6/12fortherestoftheyear.

u 1993AftersigningastheRedSoxfirst-roundpick(7thoverall),playedintheFloridaInstructionalLeague.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameCHRIsTOPHeR TROTMan (TROT) nIXOn...TrotandhiswifeKathrynhave2sons,Chase(9/11/01)andLuke(10/1/04)...ServedasspokesmanforRedSoxKidNationpresentedbyHoodandwasaspokesmanfortheannualRedCrossBloodDriveheldannuallyatFenwayPark...GraduatedfromNewHanoverHighSchoolinWilmington,NC,alsothealmamateroflegendaryjournalistDavidBrinkleyandNFLquarterbackgreatsSonnyJurgensenandRomanGabriel...LedtheWildcatstoa26-1recordandthe4-AStateChampionshipasasenior,batting.519(41-79)with12homersand56RBIwhilegoing12-0witha0.40ERAasapitcher…Wasnamed1993HighSchoolPlayerof theYearbyBaseball America…Signeda letterof intenttoplayquarterbackatNorthCarolinaState,butinsteadsignedwiththeSox...Trot’sfather,Dr.WilliamNixon,caughtHallofFamerJim“Catfish”Hunterinhighschool.

nIXOn’s FavORITes

Favorite Movie: Unforgiven, Tombstone;Favorite artist: Johnny Cash; Favorite athlete Growing Up: My brother (Bud);Favorite Team Growing Up: NY Mets;Person Who Has Most Influenced You:Myparents;Favorite Road City:Chicago,Boston;Favorite Road stadium:Baltimore,Texas; Favorite Thing to do away From Baseball:Spendtimewithmyfamilyandhunt;Favorite Tv show:24

FIeldInG BY POsITIOn 2006 CaReeRPCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.995 110 212 6 1 219 2 Outfield .984 943 1763 45 29 1837 17

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Jhonny Peralta 2Age: 24, born May 28, 1982 in Santiago, DR

Position: Infielder

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-1 Weight: 195

ML Service: 2 + 118

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2010 w/a club option for 2011 (1)

Acquired: April 14, 1999; Signed by Cleveland as a non-drafted free agent.

year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb sO sb Cs e

1999 DSLIndians .303 62 208 48 63 14 6 6 43 0 4 2 33 49 14 3 —2000 Columbus .241 106 349 52 84 13 1 3 34 1 2 2 59 102 7 6 262001 Kinston .240 125 441 57 106 24 2 7 47 2 3 1 58 148 4 8 272002 Akron .281 130 470 62 132 28 5 15 62 7 11 5 45 97 4 2 212003 Buffalo .257 63 237 25 61 12 1 1 21 3 0 3 15 45 1 3 10 CLEVELAND .227 77 242 24 55 10 1 4 21 2 2 4 20 65 1 3 82004 Buffalo .326 138 556 *109 *181 44 2 15 86 0 9 4 54 126 8 4 27 CLEVELAND .240 8 25 2 6 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 6 0 1 32005 CLEVELAND .292 141 504 82 147 35 4 24 78 1 4 3 58 128 0 2 192006 CLEVELAND .257 149 569 84 146 28 3 13 68 3 3 1 56 152 0 1 16Minor lge. Totals .277 624 2261 353 627 135 17 47 293 13 29 17 264 567 38 26 111Cleveland TOTals .264 375 1340 192 354 74 8 41 169 6 9 8 137 351 1 7 46american league .264 375 1340 192 354 74 8 41 169 6 9 8 137 351 1 7 46national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals .264 375 1340 192 354 74 8 41 169 6 9 8 137 351 1 7 46

Career TransaCTIOns1999 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasanon-draftedfreeagent,4/14.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Hadanupanddownseasonwiththebatandinthefieldinhis2ndfullseasoninthebigleagues…His.257


u BestmonthlyaveragecameinJuly(.297,27-91,3HR,12RBI)andhit.250orlessin4monthsoftheseason(April,June,August,Sept.)…Finished3rdontheteamwith84runsscoredandscoredaruninacareer-high7straightgamesfromApril4-12(10RS)…Finished3rdamongAmericanLeagueshortstopsinfielding%(.977,710TC,16E)in147games/145startsatshortforEricWedge…Hadacareer-best41-gameerrorlessstreakfromJuly9-August30(didnotmakeanerroroverthelast13games)…Improveddefensivelyfromhis2005numbers(.970,19E,639TC,141G)…Made1startatDH.

u Hadhissecondcareer2-homergameonJuly4vs.NewYork-ALandhithisfirstcareergrandslamonAugust20atTampaBayoffBrianMeadows(4thcareer4RBIgame)…Enjoyedhis3rdcareer4RBIgameonApril21@KCandhadaseason-high3hits9timestoequalacareer-best…Hithisfirstcareer‘walk-off’homeronAugust30offToronto’sBJRyan…Walkedacareer-high4timesonMay9@KCandontheyearfinishedT4thintheALwith152strikeouts.

u Averagebottomedoutat.220onApril28andfromthattimethrutheendoftheseasonhehit.264(126-478)w/10HR&54RBIin127games…FromAugust18thrutheendoftheseasonhehit.292(38-130)with3HR&19RBI…Overthelast9gamesoftheseasonfromSept.23-onhehit.355(11-31)w/32B,1HR&7RBI.

u Hit.267(47-176)with5HR&17RBIoffLHPand.252(99-393)vs.RHPwith8HR&51RBI…Hit.240(40-167)withRISPand.385(5-13)w/aHR&14RBIwiththebasesloaded…Hada.403slugging%offLHPandhit.271(70-258)withrunnersonbase…Hit.286(36-126)batting6thand.429(21-49)onthefirstpitch…Hit.209(34-163)fromthe7thinningon…His4.12pitchesseenperABwere9thintheAL.

ProCareeru 2005Spenthisfirstentireseasoninthebigleaguesandquicklyestablishedhimselfasoneofthebestyoung


u 2004EnjoyedabreakoutseasonatAAABuffalo,winningInternationalLeagueMostValuablePlayerhonorsfortheILChampionBisonsafterhitting.326(181-556)with442B,15HR,86RBIand109runsscoredin138gamesbetweenshortstop(77G)andthirdbase(59G)…AlsowonToppsMinorLeaguePlayeroftheYearAwardfortheInternationalLeagueandwasalsotheyoungestmemberoftheToppsTripleAAll-StarTeam…LedtheInt’lLeagueinhits(181)andruns(109),finished2ndindoubles(44),4thinbattingaverage(.326),6thinextrabasehits(61),7thinRBI(86)and10thinon-base%(.384)…HisaveragewasT3rdhighestinBisonshistory…PeraltabroketheBuffaloBisonsmodern-day(1985-present)single-seasonrecordsforhits,runsscoredanddoubles&wasalsonamedtheshortstopontheInt’lLeaguePost-SeasonAll-StarTeaminaddi-tiontoplayingintheTripleAAll-StarGameinJuly(0-2)…HewasthefirstBuffaloBisonleagueMVPsince1961(TedSavage)…Hada14-gamehittingstreakfrom5/17-31andhadthreeother10-gamehittingstreaksduringtheseason…BestmonthwasApril(.360,27-75)ashehitover.300ineachofthefiveminorleaguemonths(averageneverdippedbelow.322afterApril20)…Hadsomebiggames,going5for6(5Htiedclubrecord)w/3RS&12Bon6/16atLouisville;2-5w/4RS,2HR&5RBIon7/2vs.Syracuse;2for4w/2HR&2RBIon7/8atCharlotte;4for4w/3RS,22B,1HR&4RBIon7/30vs.Toledo…Hit.327(35-107)offLHPwith5HR&15RBIand.325(146-449)with10HR&71RBIoffRHP…Hitmost3rdontheyearforMartyBrown’sBisons,hitting.326(140-429)inthe#3holewith12HR&72RBI…Hit.324(11-34)intheILplayoffsw/6RS,1HR&4RBIin9games…WasrecalledtoClevelandon9/19attheconclusionoftheILplayoffs,making6startsfortheTribe(7GS@SS,1GS@3B)…Overallheappearedin7gamesatshortstop(3Ein27TC,.889fielding%).

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u 2003WastheyoungestpositionplayertoappearintheAmericanLeaguein2003…SpentthefirsttwomonthsoftheseasonatAAABuffalobeforemakinghismajorleaguedebutinJuneatjust21-yearsofageandspenttheremainderofthecampaigninthebigleagues…Washitting.256(55-215)with122B,1HR&17RBIin57gamesfortheBisonsatthetimeofhisrecallon6/12afterOmarVizquelwentontheDLwithkneetrouble…WithBuffaloheappearedin54G@SS&3G@3B&hit.286(30-105)inMay…Madehismajorleaguedebuton6/13vs.SanDiegoastheyoungestplayerintheAmericanLeagueandcollectedhisfirsthiton6/15vs.LosAngelesoffHideoNomo…Collected1stcareerRBIon6/22atPittsburghand1stcareerhomerunon7/27vs.Minnesota(offRickReed)…Ontheyearhemade69startsatSS(72G)and3startsatthirdbase(6G)andhitinaseason/career-high7straightgamesontwodifferentoccasions(8/9-8/14,9/16-23)afterOmarVizquel’skneeproblems…His69starts/72gamesplayedatshortwastopsoftheteam(Vizquel63GS)…Recordeda.976fielding%atSS(334TC,8E),whichwouldhaveranked4thamongallAmericanLeagueshortstopsifhehadtherequisiteamountofgamesplayedattheposition(behindA-Rod,Eckstein,Guzman)…Recordedfirstcareer2RBIgameon7/17@NYYandrecordedseason/career-high3RBIon9/12vs.Minnesota.

u 2002SpenttheentireseasonatAAAkron,leadingtheteamingames(130)andatbats(470)…Appearedin130gamesatshortstopfortheAeros,compilingafielding%of.965(596TC,21E)…Startedoffslowatage19,theyoungestplayerintheEasternLeaguetostarttheseason…OverthefirsttwomonthsoftheseasonthrutheendofMayhewashitting.245(39-159)w/4HR&20RBIin48games…Overthefinalthreemonthsoftheseasonhehit.299(93-311)w/11HR&42RBIin82games…From6/7-23hehitin13of14games,hitting.373(22-59)w/62B,2HR&10RBItoraisehisaveragefrom.237to.280…Went4for5w/22B,a3B&1RBIon6/7atAltoona…Went3for5w/3RS,2HR&3RBIon8/16vs.Altoona…Hit.331(43-130)offLHPw/4HR&23RBIand.262(89-340)offLHPw/11HR&39RBI…PlayedforPhoenixintheArizonaFallLeagueaftertheseason,hitting.255(35-137)w/82B,0HR&14RBIin37gamesmainlyatthirdbase…Wasaddedtothe40-manrosteron11/20.

u 2001SpenttheentireseasonatAKinston,finishing4thintheCarolinaLeaguewith148strikeoutsafterstart-ingtheseasonat18yearsofageinhighAball…Made27errorsin125gamesatshortstop…Overthelast27gameshehit.303(30-99)with2HR&15RBIfromAugust1thrutheendoftheseason.

u 2000SpenthisfirstseasonintheUnitedStatesatAColumbus,hitting.303(84-349)in106games…Appearedin105gamesatshort,making25errors.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameJHOnny anTOnIO PeralTa…Married,wife’snameisMolly…ResidesinSantiago,DR…AttendedCollejoPedagojicoinSantiago.

PERALTA (continued)

PeralTa’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs:3,17times,lastonAugust24,2006atKansasCity;Hr:2,twotimes,lastonJuly4,2006vs.NewYork-AL;rbI:4,fourtimes,lastonAugust20,2006atTampaBay;runs:3,fourtimes,lastonJuly4,2006vs.NewYork-AL;dOubles:2,fivetimes,lastMay21,2006vs.Pittsburgh;TrIPles:1,eighttimes,lastAugust19,2006atTampaBay;sb:1,August13,2003atMinnesota;HITTInG sTreaK:12games,June 28-July 9, 2005; Career Grand slaMs:1,August20,2006atTampaBayoffBrianMeadows.

2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI.257 569146 13 68 Totals .264 1340 354 41 169

.333 24 8 1 3 Baltimore .326 46 15 1 6

.136 22 3 1 4 Boston .294 51 15 1 6

.167 60 10 1 4 Chicago(AL) .162 136 22 1 7

.200 70 14 0 6 Detroit .261 161 42 3 19

.224 67 15 1 9 KansasCity .289 159 46 6 29

.258 31 8 0 3 L.A.Angels .303 66 20 3 8

.214 56 12 1 3 Minnesota .211 175 37 4 14

.292 24 7 2 6 NewYork(AL) .296 71 21 4 13

.281 32 9 0 1 Oakland .246 61 15 1 5

.303 33 10 1 3 Seattle .351 77 27 3 11

.500 24 12 1 10 TampaBay .306 85 26 3 14

.303 33 10 1 6 Texas .311 61 19 5 15

.250 20 5 1 2 Toronto .228 57 13 2 5

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona .111 9 1 1 2.250 8 2 1 1 Chicago(NL) .250 8 2 1 1.308 26 8 0 1 Cincinnati .256 43 11 0 3-- -- -- -- -- Colorado .375 8 3 1 4-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Dodgers .200 10 2 0 0.615 13 8 1 3 Milwaukee .615 13 8 1 3.250 12 3 0 1 Pittsburgh .294 17 5 0 2.143 14 2 0 2 St.Louis .143 14 2 0 2-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego .167 6 1 0 0-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco .167 6 1 0 0

.229 105 24 3 16 March-April .227 150 34 4 20

.270 100 27 2 9 May .286 168 48 7 22

.245 94 23 2 9 June .251 195 49 4 20

.297 91 27 3 12 July .288 257 74 10 35

.250 96 24 2 13 August .270 278 75 9 38

.253 83 21 1 9 Sept-Oct .253 292 74 7 34

.253 292 74 7 34 Home .272 655 178 24 88

.260 277 72 6 34 Road .257 685 176 17 81

.285 172 49 2 21 Day .264 413 109 10 51

.244 397 97 11 47 Night .264 927 245 31 118

.254 527134 11 61 Grass .270 1187 321 38 154

.286 42 12 2 7 Turf .216 153 33 3 15

.253 336 85 9 40 Pre-ASG .265 615 163 20 74

.262 233 61 4 28 Post-ASG .263 725 191 21 95

.267 176 47 5 17 vs.LHP .279 412 115 19 54

.252 393 99 8 51 vs.RHP .258 928 239 22 115

.240 167 40 5 56 ScoringPosition .264 348 92 12 128

.385 13 5 1 14 BasesLoaded .400 25 10 1 25

.500 2 1 0 0 PinchHitter .333 3 1 0 0

.000 4 0 0 0 DesignatedHitter .000 4 0 0 0

Career by ballParK avG ab H Hr rbIAmeriquestField(TEX) .278 36 10 2 7AngelStadium(LAA) .345 29 10 2 5AT&TPark(SF) .167 6 1 0 0BuschStadiumII(STL) .143 14 2 0 2CamdenYards(BAL) .360 25 9 1 4ComericaPark(DET) .242 95 23 1 8FenwayPark(BOS) .261 23 6 0 2Gr.Am.BallPark(CIN) .227 22 5 0 3JacobsField(CLE) .272 655 178 24 88KauffmanStadium(KC) .307 88 27 4 16McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .229 35 8 1 2Metrodome(MIN) .205 88 18 1 5MillerPark(MIL) .615 13 8 1 3PETCOPark(SD) .200 5 1 0 0PNCPark(PIT) .400 5 2 0 1RogersCentre(TOR) .194 31 6 0 2SafecoField(SEA) .270 37 10 0 4TropicanaField(TB) .265 34 9 2 8U.S.CellularField(CWS) .143 63 9 0 2YankeeStadium(NYY) .333 36 12 2 7

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 CareerPCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP-- -- -- -- -- -- -- ThirdBase 1.000 8 3 8 0 11 1.977 147 235 459 16 710 95 Shortstop .973 367 553 1111 46 1710 244.977 147 235 459 16 710 95 Totals .973 375 556 1119 46 1721 245

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Rafael Perez 53Age: 24, born May 15, 1982 in Santo Domingo, DR

Position: Pitcher

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-3 Weight: 185

ML Service: 0 + 069

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (2)

Acquired: January 25, 2002; Signed by Cleveland as a non-drafted free agent.

2006SeasonHighlightsu ConvertedrelievermadetherisetothebigleaguesallthewayfromAAAkron,spending3stintsatthebig


u WhilewiththeAeroshewent4-5witha2.81ERAin12starts(67.1IP,53H,21ER,22BB,53K)…Overhislast8startsatDoubleAhewas3-2w/a1.03ERA(47.2IP,28H,7ER,35K)asleftiesatAkronhit.145(9-62)offhim.

u PerezwasthenrecalledtoClevelandwherehepitchedoutofthebullpenfromJune9-July18…Inhis2ndstintwithClevelandhewas0-0witha4.70ERAin11reliefappearances(7.2IP,7H,4ER,4BB,8K)…Followinghis2ndstintwiththeIndianshewasoptionedtoAAABuffaloonJuly18thwherehewent0-3witha2.63ERA(27.1IP,20H,8ER,8BB,33K,0HR)in13reliefappearancesoutofthebullpenfortheBisons.

u WithBuffalohehadatleast1Kinall13gamesasleftieshitjust.115(3-26)offhimatTripleAwith0extrabasehits…Recalledforthe3rdtimeonSept.5andwent0-0w/a4.91ERAin6Septemberoutings(3.2IP,3H,2ER,5K)…15ofhis18outingswerescoreless…

u MajorLeaguebattershitjust.204(10-49)offhimwith2HRallowed,includingamarkof.130(3-23)vs.LHH(allsingles)…Indianswere2-16whenheappearedas2ofhis19inheritedrunnersscored…Batterswere3-22(.136)offhimwithrunnersonand1-12(.083)offhimwithRISP(0-6w/RISP-2outs)…PitchedforCibaoinDWLaftertheseason(3-0,1.41ERA,8G,32.0IP,20H,5ER,24K)

ProCareeru 2005SplittheseasonbetweenAKinstonandAAAkronashiscareer-high12winsweretiedfor3rdinthe


YeaR ClUB W-l eRa G Gs CG sHO sv IP H R eR HR HB BB sO WP Bk2002 ClevelandDSL 7-1 0.96 13 13 1 0 0 75.1 58 14 8 3 1 16 81 6 02003 Burlington *9-3 *1.70 13 12 0 0 0 69.0 56 23 13 1 5 16 63 4 02004 LakeCounty 7-6 4.85 23 22 0 0 0 115.0 121 75 62 9 8 47 99 12 3 Kinston 0-0 11.57 1 1 0 0 0 4.2 10 6 6 1 0 2 3 0 02005 Kinston 8-5 3.36 14 14 0 0 0 77.2 54 33 29 6 2 32 48 7 0 Akron 4-3 1.76 15 8 0 0 1 66.2 53 22 13 5 2 12 46 3 02006 Akron 4-5 2.81 12 12 1 1 0 67.1 53 25 21 3 3 22 53 7 0 Buffalo 0-3 2.63 13 0 0 0 0 27.1 20 11 8 0 2 8 33 6 0 CLEVELAND 0-0 4.38 18 0 0 0 0 12.1 10 6 6 2 0 6 15 4 1Minor lge. Totals 39-26 2.86 104 82 2 1 1 503.0 425 209 160 28 23 155 426 45 3Cleveland TOTals 0-0 4.38 18 0 0 0 0 12.1 10 6 6 2 0 6 15 4 1american league 0-0 4.38 18 0 0 0 0 12.1 10 6 6 2 0 6 15 4 1national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 0-0 4.38 18 0 0 0 0 12.1 10 6 6 2 0 6 15 4 1

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns2002 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,1/25.


u 2004SpenttheyearatALakeCountywherehestartedtheyearoffat0-5anddidnotwinhisfirstdecisionuntilhis10thstarton6/11…Fannedaseason-high9batterson7/3vs.Kannapolisandwon6straightdeci-sionsfrom6/11to8/6…Won7ofhislast8decisionsontheyear…From7/3onhewas5-1w/a3.00ERAin11starts(63.0IP,54H,21ER)…Endedtheseasonw/aspotstartforKinstonon9/3…Made1appearanceintheCLplayoffs.

u 2003NamedAppalachianLeaguePitcheroftheYearatRookieABurlington,leadingtheleagueinwins(9-3)andERA(1.70)whilefinishing2ndintheALininnings(69.0)and5thinstrikeouts(93)…Battershit.220(56-254)w/1HRallowed…

u 2002His0.96ERAwas2ndintheDSL.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameRaFael PeReZ…Single…ResidesinSantoDomingo,DR


BB’s:1,sixtimes,lastonSeptember19,2006atOakland;k’s:3, twotimes, lastonSeptember27,2006vs.Chicago-AL;lOnGesT OUTInG:1.1IP,2x,September27, 2006 vs. Chicago-AL; WInnInG sTReak: N/A; lOsInG sTReak: N/A;save sTReak:N/A.

CaReeR BY BallPaRk W l sv eRa G Inn eRAmeriquestField(TEX) 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0AngelStadium(LAA) 0-0-0 54.00 1 0.1 2CamdenYards(BAL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) 0-0-0 10.80 2 1.2 2JacobsField(CLE) 0-0-0 0.00 7 6.1 0McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 0-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 2Metrodome(MIN) 0-0-0 0.00 2 0.1 0MillerPark(MIL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0U.S.CellularField(CWS) 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.0 0YankeeStadium(NYY) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0

PITCHeRs HITTInG 2006 CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI avG aB H HR RBI — — — — — — — — — —

FIeldInG BY POsITIOn 2006 CaReeR

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.667 18 0 2 1 3 0 Pitcher .667 18 0 2 1 3 0

2006/CaReeR W-l-s eRa G IP eR Totals 0-0-0 4.38 18 12.1 6

Baltimore 0-0-0 0.00 2 1.2 0 Chicago(AL) 0-0-0 0.00 2 1.1 0 L.A.Angels 0-0-0 54.00 1 0.1 2 Minnesota 0-0-0 0.00 4 1.1 0 NewYork(AL) 0-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0 Oakland 0-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 2 Texas 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0 Cincinnati 0-0-0 4.50 4 4.0 2 Milwaukee 0-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0

March-April 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 June 0-0-0 0.00 5 4.2 0 July 0-0-0 12.00 6 3.0 4 Sept-Oct 0-0-0 4.91 6 3.2 2

Home 0-0-0 0.00 7 6.1 0 Road 0-0-0 9.00 11 6.0 6

Day 0-0-0 0.00 5 4.0 0 Night 0-0-0 6.48 13 8.1 6

Grass 0-0-0 4.50 16 12.0 6 Turf 0-0-0 0.00 2 0.1 0

Pre-ASG 0-0-0 2.25 9 8.0 2 Post-ASG 0-0-0 8.31 9 4.1 4

Relief 0-0-0 4.38 18 12.1 6

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Spring invitee

Max Ramirez 73Age: 22, born October 11, 1984 in Barquisimeto, VZ

Position: Catcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 5-11 Weight: 170

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: July 20, 2006; Acquired from the Atlanta Braves in exchange for RHP Bob Wickman.


2003 DSLBraves .305 52 177 27 54 16 1 5 43 0 9 9 20 27 5 3 --2004 GCLBraves .275 57 204 20 56 *16 1 *8 35 0 4 3 19 50 1 0 102005 Danville .347 63 239 45 *83 19 0 8 47 0 4 4 31 41 1 2 12006 Rome .285 80 267 50 76 17 0 9 37 0 2 3 54 72 2 0 3 LakeCounty .307 37 127 19 39 6 1 4 26 0 3 1 30 27 0 0 4MinorLge.Totals .304 289 1014 161 308 74 3 34 188 0 22 20 154 217 9 5 18

CAREERTRAnSACTIOnS200 SignedbytheAtlantaBravesasafreeagent,10/1.2006 AcquiredbytheClevelandIndiansfromtheBravesinexchangeforBobWickman,7/20.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Ramirezspentthefirsthalfofthe2006seasonwiththeClassARomeBraveswherehehit.285(76-267)with


u HomeredinhisfirstatbatwiththeALakeCountyCaptainsatWestVirginia…RecordedanRBIin7straightgamesfromAugust25-Sept.2…Made36startsinthe#4holefortheCaptains…Hitin13of14gamesfromAugust18toSept.2.

u Combinedontheyearhehit.292(115-394)with232B,13HR&63RBIin117games(69RS,84BB)…Hitacombined.333(40-120)offLHPand.274(75-274)offRHPwithw/9HR&48RBI…Hit.263(46-175)withRISPand.273(53-194)withrunnersonbase.

ProCareeru 2005Convertedtocatcher…WasnamedtheCo-MostValuablePlayeroftheAppalachianLeagueafterhitting

.347(83-239)with19doubles,8homersand47RBIin63games…HeledtheAppyLeagueinhits,was2ndintheleagueinaverageandwas3rdinRBI,doublesandtotalbases(126)…Was4thinwalks(31),3rdinon-base%(.424)and4thinslugging%(.527)…HewasnamedtothePost-SeasonAll-StarTeamandaftertheseasonwasrankedbyBaseball Americaasthe5thbestprospectintheentireAppyLeague.

u 2004SpentseasonattheGulfCoastLeagueBraveswhereheledtheGCLinEBhits(25),doubles(16)andhom-ers(8)whilefinishing2ndintotalbases(98)&RBI(35)…Was3rdinslugging%(.480)andhits(56)…Spenttheyearat3rdbase.


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Spring  invitee

Luis Rivas 11Age: 27, born August 30, 1979 in La Guaira, VZ

Position: Infielder

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 5-11 Weight: 190

ML Service: 4 + 148

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: January 2, 2007; Signed by Cleveland to a minor league free agent contract with a non-roster invitation to Major League camp.

YeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

1996 GCLTwins .259 53 201 29 52 12 1 1 13 1 0 0 18 37 35 10 211997 Ft.Wayne .239 121 419 61 100 20 6 1 30 6 2 5 33 90 28 18 581998 FortMyers .281 126 463 58 130 21 5 4 51 4 6 3 14 75 34 8 551999 NewBritain .254 132 527 78 134 30 7 7 49 8 2 2 41 92 31 14 392000 NewBritain .250 82 328 56 82 23 6 3 40 1 3 4 36 41 11 4 11 SaltLake .318 41 157 33 50 14 1 3 25 0 1 2 13 21 7 4 2 Minnesota .310 16 58 8 18 4 1 0 6 2 2 0 2 4 2 0 12001 Minnesota .266 153 563 70 150 21 6 7 47 5 5 6 40 99 31 11 152002 Minnesota .256 93 316 46 81 23 4 4 35 8 0 3 19 51 9 4 5 FortMyers .091 6 22 1 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 22003 Minnesota .259 135 475 69 123 16 9 8 43 8 3 5 30 65 17 7 102004 Minnesota .256 109 336 44 86 19 5 10 34 5 3 1 13 53 15 1 3 Rochester .214 3 14 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 02005 Minnesota .257 59 136 21 35 3 1 1 12 0 1 2 9 17 4 0 2 Rochester .248 43 145 17 36 14 0 2 22 2 4 0 8 18 3 2 52006 Durham .218 69 229 21 50 8 1 2 24 2 2 1 10 34 2 1 10Minor lge. Totals .255 676 2505 356 639 142 28 23 258 24 20 18 175 412 153 61 203Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league .262 565 1884 258 493 86 26 30 177 28 14 17 113 289 78 23 36national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals .262 565 1884 258 493 86 26 30 177 28 14 17 113 289 78 23 36

dIvIsIOn seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

2002 Minnesota .250 4 12 2 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 02003 Minnesota .000 4 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 02004 Minnesota .000 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Totals .115 11 26 2 3 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 6 0 0 0

leaGUe CHaMPIOnsHIP seRIes ReCORdYeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HBP BB sO sB Cs e

2002 Minnesota .250 5 12 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns1995 SignedbytheMinnesotaTwinsasafreeagent,12/13.2002 DL–hairlinefractureinulnaboneinrightwrist,4/4-6/4…rehabatAFt.Myers,5/28-6/4.2004 DL–strainedrightgroin,5/19-6/8…rehabatAAARochester,6/5-8.2005 DL–leftexternalobliquestrain,6/1-17.2005 Grantedfreeagency,10/12.2006 SignedbytheTampaBayDevilRaysasafreeagent,1/30.2006 Grantedfreeagency,10/15.2006 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,12/22.

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2006/CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI Totals .262 1884 493 30 177

Baltimore .319 72 23 2 11 Boston .149 67 10 1 3 Chicago(AL) .239 226 54 1 17 Cleveland .231 229 53 3 26 Detroit .305 223 68 3 20 KansasCity .291 220 64 12 43 L.A.Angels .272 103 28 1 7 NewYork(AL) .148 54 8 0 1 Oakland .260 100 26 1 7 Seattle .235 119 28 0 4 TampaBay .250 60 15 1 4 Texas .280 100 28 1 12 Toronto .236 72 17 0 5

Arizona .333 15 5 1 1 Atlanta .000 10 0 0 0 Chicago(NL) .125 8 1 0 0 Cincinnati .182 11 2 0 0 Colorado .333 9 3 0 0 Florida .308 13 4 0 1 Houston .400 10 4 0 1 Milwaukee .315 73 23 1 6 NewYork(NL) .333 21 7 0 3 Philadelphia .563 16 9 0 2 Pittsburgh .083 12 1 0 0 St.Louis .231 13 3 1 1 SanDiego .294 17 5 0 1 SanFrancisco .200 5 1 0 0 Washington .500 6 3 1 1

March/April .201 264 53 5 23 May .257 237 61 2 23 June .304 313 95 2 27 July .265 340 90 6 38 August .244 390 95 12 37 Sept/Oct .291 340 99 3 29

Home .269 957 257 13 97 Road .255 927 236 17 80

Day .254 567 144 8 48 Night .265 1317 349 22 129

Grass .253 855 216 16 76 Turf .269 1029 277 14 101

Pre-ASG .260 937 244 10 84 Post-ASG .263 947 249 20 93

vs.LHP .246 549 135 11 49 vs.RHP .268 1335 358 19 128

ScoringPosition .245 465 114 5 140 BasesLoaded .167 24 4 0 17

PinchHitter .333 3 1 0 0 DesignatedHitter .000 0 0 0 0

CaReeR BY BallPaRk avG aB H HR RBIAT&TPark(SF) .200 5 1 0 0AmeriquestField(TEX) .356 45 16 1 5AngelStadium(LAA) .265 49 13 1 3BuschStadium(STL) .231 13 3 1 1ChaseField(AZ) .300 10 3 1 1ComericaPark(DET) .283 120 34 2 12FenwayPark(BOS) .171 35 6 1 2Metrodome(MIN) .269 957 257 13 97JacobsField(CLE) .198 121 24 1 10KauffmanStadium(KC) .259 112 29 6 21McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .250 48 12 0 1MillerPark(MIL) .325 40 13 1 5OlympicStadium(MON) .500 6 3 1 1CamdenYards(BAL) .278 36 10 0 2QualcommStadium(SD) .375 8 3 0 1RogersCentre(TOR) .323 31 10 0 3SafecoField(SEA) .288 59 17 0 1SheaStadium(NYM) .333 9 3 0 2TropicanaField(TB) .185 27 5 0 0U.S.CellularField(CWS) .216 116 25 1 9VeteransStadium(PHI) .250 8 2 0 0WrigleyField(CHI) .125 8 1 0 0YankeeStadium(NYY) .143 21 3 0 0

FIeldInG BY POsITIOn 2006 CaReeRPCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP-- -- -- -- -- -- -- SecondBase .984 553 878 1322 35 2235 289-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Shortstop .909 8 4 6 1 11 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Totals .984 561 882 1328 36 2246 291

RIvas’ GaMe HIGHs

HITs:4,fivetimes,lastJune13,2004vs.Philadelphia;HR:1,30x,lastSeptember13,2005atDetroit;2B:2,7times,lastonJuly9,2005atKC;3B:1,lastonJuly9,2005atKC;Walks:3,June6,2001vs.Cleveland;RBI:5,June4,2002atCleve-land;RUns:5,June4,2002atCleveland;sB: 2, May 12, 2003 vs. KC; HITTInG sTReak: 14 games, Sept, 4-27, 2001;CaReeR GRand slaMs:n/a.

2006SeasonHighlightsu TheLaGuaira,Venezuelanativespentthe2006seasonatTripleADurhamintheTampaBayorganizationafter


u PlayedwinterballforMagallanesintheVenezuelanWinterLeaguefor6weeksinNovember/Decemberwherehehit.337(35-104)in(82B,5RBI,6SB)in29games.

ProCareeru 2005SplittheseasonbetweentheTwinsandAAARochester…BegantheseasonastheTwins’everydaysecond


u 2004Setcareerbestsin2004with10homerunsandmatchedhisbestwith34extra-basehits,despiteplayinginjust109games…WasslowedbyastrainedrightgrointhatlandedhimontheDLinlateMay…Fifthcareer4-hitgame,6/13vs.Philadelphia…Had.994(3E,493TC)fieldingpercentage.

u 2003Playedin135gamesin2003,thesecondmostofhiscareer(153hisrookieseasonof2001)…Collectedacareer-high9triples(4thintheAL)…Wassecondonclubinstolenbases(17)andfourthinruns(69)...Had.982(10E,552TC)fieldingpercentage.

u 2002Disabledwithhairlinefractureintheulnaboneinrightwrist,4/4-6/4...BeganrehabassignmentatFt.Myers,5/28...Firstgameback,6/4vs.Clevelandpostedhisthirdcareer4-hitgamewithacareerhigh5RBIandtiedclubrecordwith5runs.

u 2001Wasthe2001recipientoftheBillBoniAwardastheTwins’OutstandingRookie…Ledclubinstolenbases(31)andwassecondinat-batsandgamesplayed...FinishedinthetopteninvirtuallyeveryAmericanLeaguerookiebattingcategory...Tiedforeighthinleagueinstolenbasesandsetaclubrookierecord…Playedinacareer-high153games…Secondcareer4-hitgame,4/10vs.Detroit…FirstmajorleaguehomerunoffDaveMlicki,4/11vs.Detroit…Hadcareer-high14-gamehit-streak,going21-52(.404),9/4-27.

u 2000ReturnedtoNewBritainin2000tobegintheyearbutfinishedtheseasoninthebigleagues…PlayedforWorldTeaminFuturesGame,7/9atAtlanta…PromotedtoSaltLake,7/21…ThentoMinnesotaon9/16…MademajorleaguedebutandsingledoffScottSchoeneweisforfirstbigleaguehit,9/16…Career-high4hits,9/19vs.Texas…Hitsafelyin12of16games.

u 1999MoveduptoAANewBritainandwassecondonclubingames,at-bats,runs,doubles,triplesandstolenbasesandwasthirdinhits…Season-high16-gamehit-streak,going24-69(.348),7/29-8/18.

u 1998AtClassAFt.Myerswassecondonclubinhits,totalbases(173)andtriples,tiedforsecondinRBIandwasthirdingames,doublesandstolenbases…NamedRookieoftheYearinVenezuelanWinterLeague.

u 1997AtFt.Wayne(A)in1997wasratedfourth-bestprospect,BestDefensiveShortstopandBestInfieldArminMidwestLeaguebyBaseball America.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnamelUIs WIlRedO RIvas…Wife’snameisGina…SonLuigi(4)…AttendedLicenciaBaranda(VZ)HighSchoolwhereheplayedbaseballandbasketball…ResidesinFortWayne,IN…SignedbyTwinsscoutEnriqueBrito…SignedbytheMinnesotaTwinsasanon-draftedfreeagentonOctober9,1995…

RIVAS (continued)

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Spring  invitee

Mike Rose 23Age: 30, born August 25, 1976 in Sacramento, CA

Position: Catcher

Bats: S Throws: R Height: 6-1 Weight: 225

ML Service: 0 + 144

Contract Status: Signed thru 2006

Acquired: November 9, 2006; Signed by Cleveland to a minor league free agent contract with a non-roster invitation to Major League camp.

YeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

1995 GCLAstros .258 35 89 13 23 2 1 1 9 0 0 3 11 18 2 1 11996 Kissimmee .000 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Auburn .250 61 180 20 45 5 1 2 11 4 0 1 30 41 9 3 71997 QuadCity .256 79 234 22 60 6 1 3 27 8 3 4 28 62 3 1 101998 QuadCity .303 88 267 48 81 13 2 7 40 3 1 1 52 56 10 8 8 Kissimmee .226 18 62 9 14 4 0 3 9 1 0 0 8 14 1 0 31999 Kissimmee .277 95 303 61 84 16 2 11 32 0 2 3 59 64 12 6 13 Jackson .244 15 45 8 11 0 0 3 8 1 0 0 13 10 0 2 22000 ElPaso .284 117 352 58 100 22 1 10 62 1 4 1 68 70 8 11 162001 Tucson .182 20 55 9 10 1 2 0 8 1 1 0 12 16 0 0 0 ElPaso .259 62 205 28 53 13 1 3 23 0 1 0 37 40 4 4 4 Trenton .167 9 24 3 4 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 6 10 0 1 02002 Trenton .103 10 29 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 7 0 0 0 Omaha .260 52 177 22 46 12 2 3 17 1 0 1 28 40 2 3 6 Wichita .305 14 59 13 18 5 0 2 14 0 0 0 7 11 0 1 12003 Sacramento .262 70 221 44 58 10 1 8 30 2 3 4 44 50 2 1 82004 Sacramento .281 107 349 56 98 20 2 6 49 1 7 3 76 80 0 0 0 Oakland .000 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02005 LasVegas .259 69 205 31 53 20 1 5 36 0 3 3 25 51 2 0 2 LosAngeles .209 15 43 2 9 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 6 0 0 22006 Durham .104 20 67 4 7 1 0 2 5 0 1 0 5 21 0 0 2 Memphis .262 82 271 38 71 19 0 15 36 3 0 2 40 83 2 1 5 St.Louis .222 10 9 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0Minor lge. Totals .263 1025 3195 488 839 170 18 85 418 26 26 26 554 745 57 43 88Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league .000 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0national league .212 25 52 2 11 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 10 0 0 2M. l. TOTals .204 27 54 3 11 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 12 0 0 2

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns1995 SelectedbytheHoustonAstrosinthe5throundoftheJunedraft.2000 ReleasedbytheAstros,3/16.2000 SignedbytheArizonaDiamondbacksasafreeagent,3/20.2001 ContractpurchasedbytheBostonRedSox,fromtheDiamondbacks,8/18.2002 ReleasedbytheRedSox,4/26.2002 SignedbytheKansasCityRoyalsasafreeagent,5/1.2002 Grantedfreeagency,10/15.2002 SignedbytheOaklandA’sasafreeagent,11/6.2004 Grantedfreeagency,10/15.2004 SignedbytheLosAngelesDodgersasafreeagent,11/19.2005 ClaimedoffwaiversbytheTampaBayDevilRaysfromtheDodgers,10/14.2005 Grantedfreeagency,12/21.2006 SignedbytheDevilRaysasafreeagent,1/15.2006 ReleasedbytheDevilRays,5/25.2006 SignedbytheSt.LouisCardinalsasafreeagent,5/25.2006 Grantedfreeagency,10/16.2006 SignedbytheClevelandIndiansasafreeagent,11/9.

2006SeasonHighlightsu BegantheyearatAAADurhamintheTBorganizationandaftergoing7for67(.104)wasreleasedonMay24


ProCareeru 2005BegantheseasonatAAALasVegasintheDodgersorganization…Hadhiscontractpurchasedbythe


u 2004SpenttheregularseasonatAAASacramentobeforehavingcontractpurchasedbyOaklandon9/13…MadehisMLdebuton10/1vs.LAAafter10yearsand854gamesintheminors…StruckoutasaPHandcaughtthe9thinning…Hadacareer-high.407OB%fortheRiverCats…Reachedbaseviahitorwalkinthefirst31games…Was5thinthePCLinwalks.

u 2003SpentseasonatAAASacramento…OnDLearlyintheseasonwithasprainedrightankleandhit.333(22-66)offLHP.

u 2002WasreleasedbyBostonon4/26after10gamesatAATrentonandsignedwithKCon5/1,spendingtherestoftheseasonbetweenAAAOmahaandAAWichita.

u 2001SplitseasonbetweenBostonandArizonaorganizations…BeganyearatTucsonandwastransferredtoAAElPasoon5/19…ContractwaspurchasedbytheRedSoxandassignedtoAATrentonon8/18…Threwout21of57(37%)oftherunnersattemptingtosteal.

u 2000WenttoSTcampwithHoustonbeforebeingreleasedon3/16…SignedbyArizonatoaminorleaguedeal5dayslater…PlayedentireseasonatAAElPaso…Setcareer-highsingames(117),hits(100),doubles(22)andRBI(62)andthrewout35%(49-140)ofhisrunners.

u 1995-99BeganhisprocareerintheHoustonAstrosorganizationafterbeingselectedinthe5throundofthe1995draftoutofJesuitHighSchoolinSacramento,CA…NamedtotheNYPLPost-seasonall-starteamin1996.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameMICHael JOHn ROse…ResidesinElkGrove,CA…GraduatedfromJesuitHighSchoolinSacramento,CAin1995…SignedbyAstrosscoutGeneWellman.

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ROse’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs:2,July21,2005atPHI;HR:1,Oct.2,2005atSD;RBI: 1,2x,Sept.3,2006vs.Pittsburgh;RUns:1,3x,;SB:n/a;HIT-TInG sTReaK:3games,July23-28,2005;CaReeR GRand slaMs:n/a.

2006 CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI avG aB H HR RBI.222 9 2 0 1 Totals .204 54 11 1 2

-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(AL) .333 3 1 0 0-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Angels .167 6 1 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Minnesota .333 3 1 0 0.000 2 0 0 0 Arizona .000 4 0 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(NL) .000 4 0 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Cincinnati .000 3 0 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Colorado .000 4 0 0 0.000 2 0 0 0 Houston .000 2 0 0 0.500 2 1 0 0 Milwaukee .250 4 1 0 0-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) .333 3 1 0 0-- -- -- -- -- Philadelphia .667 3 2 0 01.000 1 1 0 1 Pittsburgh 1.000 1 1 0 1-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego .250 12 3 1 1.000 1 0 0 0 SanFrancisco .000 1 0 0 0.000 1 0 0 0 Washington .000 1 0 0 0

-- -- -- -- -- May .000 4 0 0 0-- -- -- -- -- June .238 21 5 0 0-- -- -- -- -- July .231 13 3 0 0.222 9 2 0 1 Sept-Oct .188 16 3 1 2

.400 5 2 0 1 Home .174 23 4 0 1

.000 4 0 0 0 Road .226 31 7 1 1

.500 4 2 0 1 Day .242 33 8 1 2

.000 5 0 0 0 Night .143 21 3 0 0

.222 9 2 0 1 Grass .204 54 11 1 2

-- -- -- -- -- Pre-ASG .172 29 5 0 0.222 9 2 0 1 Post-ASG .240 25 6 1 2

.000 2 0 0 0 vs.LHP .111 18 2 0 0

.286 7 2 0 1 vs.RHP .250 36 9 1 2

.250 4 1 0 1 ScoringPosition .091 11 1 0 1

.000 1 0 0 0 BasesLoaded .000 2 0 0 0

.167 6 1 0 1 PinchHitter .222 9 2 0 1

CaReeR BY BallpaRK avG aB H HR RBIAngelStadium(LAA) .250 4 1 0 0BuschStadium(STL) .400 5 2 0 1ChaseField(AZ) .000 4 0 0 0CitizensBankPark(PHI) .667 3 2 0 0CoorsField(COL) .000 4 0 0 0DodgerStadium(LA) .125 16 2 0 0McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .000 2 0 0 0MillerPark(MIL) .000 1 0 0 0PETCOPark(SD) .250 8 2 1 1RFKStadium(WSH) .000 1 0 0 0SheaStadium(NYM) .333 3 1 0 0U.S.CellularField(CWS) .333 3 1 0 0

FIeldInG BY pOsITIOn 2006 CaReeRpCT G pO a e TC dp pB pCT G pO a e TC dp pB1.000 4 10 0 0 1000Catcher .980 19 94 5 2 10121

ROSE (continued)

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Mike Rouse 15Age: 26, born April 25, 1980 in San Jose, CA

Position: Infielder

Bats: L Throws: R Height: 5-11 Weight: 190

ML Service: 0 + 022

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (0)

Acquired: Sept. 13, 2006; Claimed off outright waivers from the Oakland A’s.

YeaR ClUB avG G aB R H 2B 3B HR RBI sH sF HB BB sO sB Cs e

2001 Dunedin .272 48 180 27 49 17 2 5 24 6 1 2 13 45 3 1 52002 Tennessee .260 71 231 35 60 11 0 9 43 4 4 2 29 47 7 6 172003 Midland .300 129 457 75 137 33 3 3 53 13 4 9 63 83 7 2 19 Sacramento .429 2 7 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02004 Sacramento .276 99 323 53 89 11 2 10 40 11 2 5 50 68 0 4 142005 Sacramento .269 130 469 69 126 30 3 7 72 17 2 7 59 115 2 4 192006 Sacramento .258 99 345 59 89 21 1 6 47 7 2 6 42 67 4 1 8 Oakland .292 8 24 2 7 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 4 1 0 0Minor lge. Totals .275 578 2012 320 553 123 11 40 280 58 15 31 256 425 23 18 68Cleveland TOTals -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --american league .292 8 24 2 7 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 4 1 0 0national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals .292 8 24 2 7 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 4 1 0 0

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns2001 SelectedbytheTorontoBlueJaysinthe5throundoftheJunedraft.2002 AcquiredbytheOaklandAthletics,alongwithChrisMowday,fromtheBlueJaysinexchangeforCoryLidle,11/16.2006 ClaimedoffwaiversbytheClevelandIndians,fromtheAthletics,9/13.

2006SeasonHighlightsu MadehisMajorLeaguedebutwiththeA’sin2006andhit.292duringaneight-gamestintinJune…Wasrecalled


u CollectedhisfirstRBIthenextdaywithatwo-runsingleinthefifthinning…StartedallthreegamesoftheseriesatNewYorkandwas4for11(.364)withtwoRBI…EndedupmakingsixstartsatsecondbasefortheA’sandwas7for24(.292)withthreedoublesandtwoRBIineightgamestotalwhenhewasoptionedbacktoSacramentoonJune30.

u SpentthebalanceoftheseasonwiththeRiverCatswherehebatted.258withsixhomerunsand47RBIin99games…Thebattingaveragewasthelowestmarkofhiscareeraswashis.377sluggingpercentage…Hit.271(70for258)againstRHPand.218(19for87)againstLHP.

u Hadhisbestseasonasaprofessionalondefenseashecommittedjusteighterrorsin98gamesatshort-stop…Gotofftoaslowstartashehit.196(10for51)overhisfirst16games…ThenhadaseasonbestfourhitsonApril29atTucsontostarta29-gamestretchthroughJunewherehebatted.321(35for109).

u ReturnedtoSacramentoonJuly1andhitagrandslaminhissecondgamebackwiththeRiverCatsonJuly2againstSaltLake…Hadanotherfour-RBIgamethreegameslateronJuly5atFresno…Hadaseasonbest10-gamehittingstreakfromAugust5to15(11for36,.306)…WasdesignatedforassignmentbytheA’sonSeptember5andclaimedonwaiversbytheClevelandIndiansonSeptember13.

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ROUse’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs:3,June9,2006atNewYork-AL;HR:n/a;dOUBles:1,3times,lastonJune29,2006atSanDiego;TRIPles:n/a;RBI:2,June10,2006atNewYork-AL;RUns:2June9,2006atNewYork-AL;sB:1June9,2006atNewYork-AL;HITTInG sTReaK:2 games, two times; CaReeR GRand slaMs:N/A.


avG aB H HR RBI Totals .292 24 7 0 2

NewYork(AL) .364 11 4 0 2 Colorado .125 8 1 0 0 L.A.Dodgers .500 2 1 0 0 SanDiego .333 3 1 0 0

June .292 24 7 0 2

Home .500 2 1 0 0 Road .273 22 6 0 2

Day .250 12 3 0 2 Night .333 12 4 0 0

Grass .292 24 7 0 2 Pre-ASG .292 24 7 0 2

vs.LHP .200 5 1 0 0 vs.RHP .316 19 6 0 2

ScoringPosition .250 4 1 0 2 PinchHitter .000 1 0 0 0

CaReeR BY BallPaRK avG aB H HR RBICoorsField(COL) .125 8 1 0 0McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .500 2 1 0 0PETCOPark(SD) .333 3 1 0 0YankeeStadium(NYY) .364 11 4 0 2

FIeldInG BY POsITIOn 2006 CaReeRPCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP1.000 7 9 16 0 25 4 SecondBase 1.000 7 9 16 0 25 4

ROUSE (continued)

CareerHighlightsu 2005SpenthissecondconsecutivefullseasonatAAASacramentoandbatted.269withacareerhigh72RBI


u 2004Hadhisseasoninterruptedbyinjurytwiceashewasonthedisabledlistwithalowerbackstrainfrom4/14-29and6/13-24...Despitehis limitedplaying time,hestill connected foracareerhigh10home runswhilebatting.276with40RBIin99gameswithAAASacramento...TiedfortheRiverCatsteamleadwith11sacrificehits...Hit.300(71for237)withall10ofhishomerunsagainstrighthandedpitchingand.209(18for86)againstLHP...Spentmostoftheseasonatshortstop,wherehehada.967fieldingpercentage(12errorsin368totalchances)in85games,butalsomade12appearancesatsecondbase...Appearedinjustfourgames(4for14,.286)through4/13beforehisfirststintontheDL...Wasbatting.215withfourhomerunsand14RBIin41gamesoverallwhenhewentontheDLforthesecondtimebutthenbatted.316w/6homerunsand26RBIin58gamesfrom7/2throughtheendoftheseason.

u 2003SpentmostofhisfirstseasonintheOaklandorganizationatAAMidlandalthoughhewaspromotedtoAAASacramentofollowingtheendoftheRockhoundsseason...Battedacombined.302whichwasthefourthbestbattingaverageintheA’sfarmsystem...Hadcareerhighsinbatting,games(131),runs(77),hits(140),doubles(33),triples(3),walks(63)andon-basepercentage(.393)andmatchedhisbest instolenbases(7)...Hit.300withthreehomerunsand53RBIin129gamesatMidland...Added63walksfora.392on-basepercentage...WassecondintheTexasLeagueinon-basepercentage,fourthinwalksandtiedforsixthinbattingaverage...Allofhisdefensiveappearancescameatshortstopandhecommitted19errorsinhis122gamestherefora.967fieldingpercentage(572totalchances)...HadhisbestmonthoftheseasoninAugustashehit.351with10doublesin26games...WasmoveduptoSacramentoon8/31andwent3for7(.429)intworegularseasongamesfortheRiverCats...Thenwent0for8withfivestrikeoutsinfourpostseasongames...PlayedfortheUSAOlympicQualifyingTeamfollowingtheseasonandhit.361withahomerunandsevenRBIin12exhibitiongamesintheArizonaFallLeague...Thenhit.308infourgamesintheOlympicQualifyingTournamentinPanama.

u 2002StartedhissecondprofessionalseasonatAATennesseeoftheSouthernLeaguebutappearedinjust71games...Wasonthedisabledlistfrom4/26-7/1witharighthandfracture...Appearedin66gamesatshortstopbutwasalso1for3inonegameatdesignatedhitterand0for2withtwowalksasapinch-hitter...Was5for8(.625)with13RBIwiththebasesloaded,includingagrandslamonJuly13atChattanooga…AcquiredbyOaklandfromtheTorontoBlueJayswithChrisMowdayforCoryLidleon11/16…

u 2001BeganhisprofessionalcareeratADunedinoftheFloridaStateLeagueandbatted.272withfivehomerunsand24RBIin48games...Hada.472sluggingpercentagewhichisthebestofhiscareer...Appearedin29gamesatsecondbaseand23atshortstopandcommittedacombinedfiveerrors.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameMICHael GReGORY ROUse…Married,wife’snameisKristen…ResidesinOrangeCounty,CA…At-tendedCalStateFullertonandwasanAll-BigWestselectionin2001afterhitting.377with12homerunsand62RBI...TransferredtoFullertonafterplayingforSanJoseState...GraduatedfromValleyChristianHighSchoolinSanJose...WasnamedteamMVPhisjuniorandseniorseasons...WasfirstteamAll-CIF(CentralCoastSection)andall-state(smallschools)asaseniorafterhitting.517...WasalsonamedSantaClaraCountyPlayeroftheYear...AttendedGundersonHighSchoolinSanJose,California,asafreshmanandsophomore.

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C.C. Sabathia 52Age: 26, born July 21, 1980 in Vallejo, CA

Position: Pitcher

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-7 Weight: 290

ML Service: 6 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2008

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 1st round (20th overall) of the 1998 amateur draft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Hadanotheroutstandingseason,postingthe3rdlowestERAintheAmericanLeague(3.22)ashebecame


year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 1998 Burlington 1-0 4.50 5 5 0 0 0 18.0 20 14 9 1 1 8 35 1 11999 MahoningVy. 0-0 1.83 6 6 0 0 0 19.2 9 5 4 0 0 12 27 0 0 Columbus 2-0 1.08 3 3 0 0 0 16.2 8 2 2 1 1 5 20 1 0 Kinston 3-3 5.34 7 7 0 0 0 32.0 30 22 19 3 1 19 29 6 02000 Kinston 3-2 3.54 10 10 2 2 0 56.0 48 23 22 4 2 24 69 2 1 Akron 3-7 3.59 17 17 0 0 0 90.1 75 41 36 6 7 48 90 2 12001 CLEVELAND 17-5 4.39 33 33 0 0 0 180.1 149 93 88 19 7 95 171 7 32002 CLEVELAND 13-11 4.37 33 33 2 0 0 210.0 198 109 102 17 1 88 149 6 #32003 CLEVELAND 13-9 3.60 30 30 2 1 0 197.2 190 85 79 19 6 66 141 4 22004 CLEVELAND 11-10 4.12 30 30 1 1 0 188.0 176 90 86 20 7 72 139 1 12005 Akron 0-1 1.00 2 2 0 0 0 9.0 4 3 1 0 1 2 9 1 0 CLEVELAND 15-10 4.03 31 31 1 0 0 196.2 185 92 88 19 7 62 161 7 02006 Buffalo 1-0 1.80 1 1 0 0 0 5.0 6 2 1 0 0 1 5 1 0 CLEVELAND 12-11 3.22 28 28 *6 #2 0 192.2 182 83 69 17 7 44 172 3 0Minor lge. Totals 13-13 3.43 51 51 2 2 0 246.2 200 112 94 15 13 119 284 14 3Cleveland TOTals 81-56 3.95 185 185 12 4 0 1165.1 1080 552 512 111 35 427 933 28 9american league 81-56 3.95 185 185 12 4 0 1165.1 1080 552 512 111 35 427 933 28 9national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 81-56 3.95 185 185 12 4 0 1165.1 1080 552 512 111 35 427 933 28 9

all-sTar GaMe reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2003 CLEVELAND DIDNOTAPPEAR 2004 CLEVELAND 0-0 27.00 1 0 0 0 0 1.0 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

dIvIsIOn serIes reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2001 CLEVELAND 1-0 3.00 1 1 0 0 0 6.0 6 2 2 0 0 5 5 0 0

Career TransaCTIOns1998 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe1stround(20thoverall)oftheJunedraft.2005 DL–rightobliquestrain,3/25-4/15…rehabatAAAkron,4/7-16.2006 DL–rightobliquestrain,4/3-5/2…rehabatAAABuffalo,4/27.

u ThelastMLBleftytowin10+gamesfor6seasonatthestartofacareerwasAndyPettitte(NYY,1995-2003)…InfactCCistheonlyleftyinclubhistorywithsixstraightseasonsof10+winsatanypointinacareer)...CharlesNagy(1994-99)wasthelastIndiansRHPtodoitatanypoint…OnJune27atSTL(8.0IP,5H,1R/ER)Sabathianotchedhis75thcareerwin…AccordingtoELIAS,at25yearsand341daysoldheistheyoungestpitchertoearnhis75thcareerwinsince332-gamewinnerGregMaddux(25-175),whowonhis75thgameonOct.6,1991…His81winsarenow2ndmostinclubhistorybyaLHPbehindMcDowell(122)&arethe3rdmostwinsbyanyIndianspitchersince1960…His81careerwinsarethemostbyactivepitchersundertheageof27.

u Inadditiontobeing3rdintheALinERAhewasT8thinstrikeouts(172),6thinSOper9.0IP(8.0),11thinfewestwalksallowedper9.0IP(2.1),6thinbattingaverageallowed(.247),3rdinslugging%(.363)allowed,4thinon-base%(.293)allowedand12thinbattingaveragevs.RHH(.242)…Equaledacareer-highw/aseason-high11strikeouts(5thtime)onSept.26vs.Chicago-AL…Hadthree10ormoreSOgamesin2006andnowhas8double-digitstrikeoutgamesinhiscareer…PassedAddieJoss(920)into10thplaceonclub’sall-timecareerstrikeoutlist,endingtheseasonwith933.

u Madehis3rdcareeropeningdaystartonApril2atChicagoandleftthegameinthe3rdinningwithastrainedrightobliquemuscle(2.1IP,3H,3R/ER,1BB,3K)…Wasplacedonthe15-dayDLthefollowingdayandmadearehabassignmentonApril27inBuffaloagainstSyracuse(5.0IP,6H,2R/1ER,1BB,5K)…Washis2ndcareerstintontheDL,missingoveramonthlastseasonwithasimilarinjury…WasactivatedpriortohisstartofMay2ndagainsttheChicagoWhiteSox(Earnedhis1stwinoftheseason,5.0IP,5H,1R/ER).

u SabathiawasnamedALPitcheroftheMonthforMay(1stcareer)ashewent5-1w/a1.20ERAin6startsaftercomingofftheDLonMay2(45.0IP,34H,6ER,8BB,38K)…Workedatleast8.0IPin4straightstarts,May7-24…AccordingtoELIASthelastIndianspitchertoworkatleast8.0IPin4straightstartswasBartoloColoninJuneof1998…Alsoworked8.0ormoreIPin4straightstarts(Aug.12-29).

u HadMLB-high6completegamesontheseason...ThemostbyanIndiansLHPsinceGregSwindelltossed7in1991andthemostbyanIndianspitcheroverallsinceBartoloColon(6)in1998…Recordedback-to-backcompletegames (5/19-24), becoming the first Indians pitchersinceColon(Mayof2002)torecordcompletegamesinconsecutivestarts...AlsodiditJuly7&15…Tossedatleast8.0inningsin14ofhis28GSand9ofhislast15GS…WasalsoT1stintheALwith2CG/shutouts.

u Tossedhis3rdcareerSHOinstartofMay24atMinnesota(9.0IP,6H,0R,0BB,8K)...Tossedhis3rdcompletegameand2ndshutoutoftheyearonJuly7vs.theBaltimoreOrioles,a9-0win(9.0IP,3H,0R,7K)…Washis7thwinoftheseasonandalsoequaledhislowhitgameofhiscareer…Nowowns12careerCG’sand4shutoutsashetossed two 3-hitters and two 4-hitters on the year…Tossedhis7thcareercompletegameashealsotossedthe low-hit gameof his career in start of May19 vs.PittsburghPirates(9.0IP,3H,1R/ER,1BB,9K)…Tossedhis6thandfinalCGinposting11thwinonSept.10atChicago(9.0IP,4H,2R/ER,9K)…Workedatleast7.0IPin11ofhislast12starts.

u SinceAugust1of2005CCis21-12w/a2.93ERAin39starts(270.0IP,239H,88ER)…FromJune27onhewas7-7w/a2.71ERA(17GS,126.0IP,118H,38ER)…FromAugust1onhewas5-4w/a2.45ERAin11starts(84.1IP,75H,23ER,77K)…In6Auguststartshewas3-1witha1.87ERA(48.0IP,44H,10ER,7BB,43K).

MOsT Career WIns, PITCHers under aGe OF 27

Pitcher WIns

1. CC sabaTHIa (Cle) 81

2. CarlosZambrano(CHI) 64

3. DontrelleWillis(FLA) 58

4. JakePeavy(SD) 57

5. JoshBeckett(BOS) 57


IndIans HIsTOry, PITCHers W/sIX Or MOre COnseCTuTIve seasOns OF 10+ WIns

PITCHers seasOns years

1. CC sabaTHIa six 2001-06

2 CharlesNagy six 1994-99

3. MikeGarcia nine 1949-57

#4. EarlyWynn nine 1949-57

#5. BobLemon ten 1947-56

#6. BobFeller six 1946-51

7. MelHarder eleven 1930-40

8. WillisHudlin six 1927-32

#9. StanCoveleski nine 1916-24

10. JimBagby six 1916-21

#11. AddieJoss eight 1902-09

# Denotes Hall of Famer

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u HadthelowestroadERA(2.90)intheALandthe2ndlowestdayERA(2.33)intheAL…His0.79(192.2IP,17HR)HRper9.0IPwas8thlowestintheAL…Battershit.248(74-298)withrunnersonand.239(37-155)withRISP,the11thlowestmarkintheleague…16for72(.222)w/RISP-2outs…Allowed14SB’s(5CS)…Equaledacareer-highbyallowing3HRinstartofJune4vs.LAAngels(5.0IP,8H,7R)…Allowedacareer-hightying9runs/9ERonJune21vs.Chicago-NL…InJunehewas1-3w/a7.57ERAin5GS(27.1IP,32H,23ER)…Went1-3w/a3.74ERA(33.2IP,38H,14ER)in5Julystarts…Sabathia’s6careerRBIarethemostbyANYALpitcherinthe10yearsofinterleagueplaysince1997(MikeMussina5)…Was4-0w/a2.23ERAin5startsvs.theWhiteSoxandisnow12-3vs.Chicago-AL…

u UnderwentsuccessfularthroscopicsurgeryonhisrightkneeonSept.29attheClevelandClinic…Sabathiaunderwentananteriorhornlateralmeniscustear,whichwasoriginallydiagnosedinmid-AugustafterastartinTampa…The35-minuteprocedurewasperformedbyIndiansHeadTeamPhysicianDr.MarkSchickendantz&Dr.RickParker.

ProCareeru 2005Sabathiaaddedanotherimpressiveseasontohisresumethatincludes69careerwinsattheageofjust


u 2004Hadanothersolidseasoninhis4thyearinthebigleagues…Notchedhis50thcareerwinon7/27vs.Detroit,becomingtheyoungestpitchertoreach50careerwinssinceAtlanta’sSteveAvery(10/1/93;23+170)…AccordingtoEliasatthattimehewastheyoungestactivepitcheratthetimetoreach50careerwins(wasGregMaddux)…Becamejustthe10thleft-handedpitcherinclubhistorytorecord50wins…CCbecameonlythe2ndIndiantomake100careerstartsbeforeageof24,joiningHallofFamerBobFeller(175GS)…Pitched1.0IPinthe2004All-StarGameatHouston(1.0IP,4H,3R)afterhis2ndconsecutiveselectiontotheALAL-StarTeamaftergoing5-4w/a3.33ERAin17firsthalfstarts(105.1IP,95H,39ER,70K)…Despitetheperceptionofhavingan‘off’year,CC’sERAwas14thintheAL(4.12),was10thinbattingaverageagainst(team-low.252)andhisroadERAof3.39was6thintheleague…His0.96HRall’dper9.0IPwas12thlowestintheAL…His6‘blownwins’afterleavingthegameasthewinningpitcherofrecordwastiedfor4thamongMLBpitchers…Madehis

SABATHIA (continued)


u 2003Wasconsistentallseason,goingatleast5.0ormoreinningsin29ofhis30startsastheIndiansaveragedjust3.8runspergameduringhisstarts(hadthe5thworstrunsupportamongALstartingpitchers)…Named,butdidnotappear,tohis1stcareerAll-StarTeam…At22years,352dayshewastheyoungestIndiansAll-StarsinceRHPDennisEckersley(22+)in1977andthefirstTribeAll-StarLHPsinceLHPGregSwindellin1989…Ledtheteaminwinsforthethirdstraightseason(all3inhisbigleaguecareer)andledtheteamininnings,strikeouts,starts&ERAforthesecondstraightseason…His3.60ERAwas10thamongALpitchers,his3.09homeERAwas6thandhis3.38nightERAwas8thintheAL…His.213(36-169)averageagainstw/RISPwas6thlowestamongALpitchers…His9CSagainstwhilepitchingwasT4thamongALhurlers(5SBagainst)…His105pitchersperstartranked3rdamongALstartersbehindJoelPineiro(109)andBarryZito(107)…His8.65hitsallowedper9.0IPwere15thamongALhurlers…Madehisfirstcareeropeningdaystarton3/31atBaltimore(ND,7.0IP,8H,2R/ER,RiskeBS)andwastheyoungestopeningdaystartingpitcher(22years,252days)inthemajorleaguessinceDocGooden(22Y,143D)startedfortheNewYorkMetson4/8/86atPittsburgh…HewasalsotheyoungestIndianspitchertostartonopeningdaysinceEckersley(21yearsold)on4/10/76vs.Detroit…Lefthissecondstart@KCon4/5after6.2inningsduetoaslighthyper-exten-sionoftheleftelbow…Madehisnextstart…Waswinlessovereachoffirst6startsafterno-decisionon4/27atOakland…Overallwent4-0w/a1.91ERAin5Maystarts(33.0IP,19H,7ER)…Tossedthethirdcompletegameofhiscareerinstartof7/3@MIN…Itwasthelow-hitcompletegameofhiscareer(4-hitter)andthefirstcareer9.0IPcompletegame…TossedhisfirstcareerCG/SHOinstartof8/15vs.TampaBay,a1-0win(9.0IP,4H,0R,3BB,season-highbyanIndian9SO)…Wasthe1stCG,1-0shutoutbyaTribehurlersinceBudBlackin1990andtheTribe’sfirst1-0winsince1997…Collectedapinch-hitsinglein15.0IPgameof6/20atPittsburghinthe11thinningoffMikeWilliams,becomingfirstClevelandpitcherwithapinchhitbasehitsinceDickDonovanon7/28/63.

u 2002Afteramediocrestarttotheseason,CCturnedinanover-poweringperformanceoverhislast11startsthatturnedhisseasonintoasuccessfulsecondseasoninthebigleagues…Overhislast11startshewent7-2witha2.54ERA(78.0IP,61H,22ER,52SO)tolowerhisERAfrom5.45toitsseason-endingtotalof4.37…Hewas4-1w/a2.51ERAin6startsinSeptember(43.0IP,34H,12ER)…HisERAof2.54from8/6thrutheendoftheseasonwasthe5thlowestmarkintheAmericanLeagueashebecamejustthe5thpitchersince1987towin30gamesoverhisfirsttwoseasonsinthebigleagues…Ledtheteaminwins,IP,startsandstrikeouts…Fin-ished10thintheALwith149Ksandhis2.48dayERAwasT4thintheAL…His.73HRallowedper9.0IPwasthe7thlowestmarkintheAL(17HR,210.0IP)andhewas9thintheALwith3,379pitchesthrown…His24DPgroundersinducedwasT6thintheAL…His19stealsallowedwerestillT5thamongALpitchers(only1overlast13GS)…AlsofinishedT1stintheleagueinbalks(3),2ndinwalks(88),T9thinrunsallowedand7thinearnedruns(102)allowed…Tookano-hitterintothe8thinningofhissecondstartatDetroiton4/10beforeyieldingalead-offsingletoRandallSimoninthe8thinning…Endedupequalinghiscareer-highforIPwitha2002-besttying8.0IPinnotchinghisfirstwinoftheyear@DET…TossedhisfirstcareerMLcompletegamein8.0inninglosson8/18atAnaheim(8H,4ER,3BB,4SO)…Heearnedhis10thwinoftheseasonon9/2@DET…Tossed2ndCGon9/17atBoston(8.0IP,8H,4R/3ER)…Averaged4.8RS/GSforhim(158RS/33GS)asheworkedintothe6thinningin27of33GS(82%)…19of28wouldbebase-stealersweresuccessful(19SB,9CS),butallowedonly1stealoverhislast13starts(1for7)afterallowing18overhisfirst20GS…Collectedfirstmajorleaguehiton6/15atColorado,asingleoffDennysReyes…Signedafour-yearcontractthru2005w/acluboptionfor2006inspringtrainingon2/23.

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u 2001The20-yearsouthpawputtogetherthefinestseasonbyanIndiansrookieinmorethanahalfacentury…Ledmajorleaguerookiepitchersinwins(17),starts(33)andstrikeouts(171)andbecamethefirstTriberookiesinceLHPGeneBearden(20-7)in1948towin17ormoregamesinhisrookieseason…TheclubrecordbyaTriberookieleftyisbyVeanGregg(23)in1911…His17winsrankedtiedfor6thintheALoverallandhis.228averageagainstwasthe2ndlowestmarkamongALstarters…His171strikeoutswere7thintheALandhis95walkswere2nd…His.773(17-5)winning%was3rdintheAL…Thelast21-yearoldtowin17ormoregamesinthebigleagueswasAtlanta’sSteveAvery(18-8in1991)…Thelastleft-handedrookiepitchertowinatleast17gameswasSeattle’sDaveFlemingin1992(17-10)andthelast21-yearoldALpitchertowin17ormorewasChicago’sLHPBrittBurnsin1980(19-13inrookieyear)…AftertheseasonhewasnamedTheSportingNewsALRookiePitcheroftheYearandwasnamedtotheBaseball Digest&Topps MajorLeagueAll-RookieTeams…Alsofinished2ndtoIchiroSuzukiintheALBBWAARookieoftheYearvotingw/73points…C.C.wonthefourthspotintherotationinthespring,compilingarecordof1-1w/a4.24ERA(5G/2GS,17.0IP,18H,8ER,7BB,15SO)…Madehismajorleaguedebuton4/8vs.Baltimore,gettingano-decisionintheTribes’4-3winafterallowingaJeffConine3-runhomerinthe1stinning(5.2IP,3H,3R/ER,2BB,3SO)…HewastheyoungestpitchertostartandappearinagameforClevelandsinceJulianTavarezinAugustof1993…Heturned21on7/21andwastheyoungestactiveplayerinthebigleaguesallseason…Registeredhisfirstmajorleaguewininhis2ndmajorleaguestartatDetroiton4/13(5.0IP,5H,4R/ER,2BB,2SO)intheTribe’s9-8win…Gotwindespitegoingonly4.0IPon6/1becausethegameonlywent5.0IPduetorain(7-4winatNYY),becomingjustthe2ndstartingpitchersince1992toearnawinw/lessthan5.0IP…Lastedaseason/careerlow1.0IPonhisstartatNewYorkin6/27,sufferinghis3rdlossoftheyear…Wonhis10thgameontheyearon7/23vs.Chicago-AL,becomingtheyoungestpitchertowinhis10thgameofaseasonsince20-yearoldEdwinCorreadiditforthe1986TexasRangers...Overhis6Julystartshewas3-0witha2.83ERA(35.0IP,22H,11ER,1HR,42SO)andtheIndianswere6-0inthosestarts(wonALRookieoftheMonthAward)…Fannedacareer/season-high11RedsinhisstartatCincinnation7/13,themostbyaTriberookiesinceAlbieLopezinAugustof1994…Alsostruckout11on8/29vs.Bostonand9/28vs.Minnesota…Was10-2in162ndhalfstarts,whichwasT5thintheALafterthebreak…His13roadwinsledtheAL…His7.44hitsallowedper9.0IPwasthelowestmarkintheAL(Seattle’sGarciawasat7.50)…His15CSwhilepitchingranked2ndand27SB’sallowedplaced6th…AlsoledALrookiepitchersininnings(180.1)andERA(4.39)…BecamethesecondyoungestpitcherbehindFernandoValenzuela(defeatedHoustonin’81)toeverwinadivisionseriesgameingame3vs.Seattle…HealsobecametheyoungestIndianspitcherevertostartaDivisionSeriesgameaheadoftheTribe’sJaretWright(21years,278days)in1997andbecamethe3rdyoungestpitcherinDivisionSerieshistory(youngestinALDShistory)tostartagamebehindFernandoValenzuela(1981,20years,339days)andRickAnkiel(2000,21years,77days).

u 2000TheTribe’stoppitchingprospectsplitthe2000seasonbetweenAKinstonandAAAkronandpostedacombinedERAof3.57(146.1IP,58ER)in27startsoverthetwostopswhilestrikingoutaTribeminorleaguebest159batters…His3.57ERAwasthe6thlowestERAamongTribefarmhandswithatleast94.0inningsofwork…BegantheyearatAKinstonandwent3-2witha3.54ERAin10starts(56.0IP,48H,22ER),whichincludeda9.0inning,2-hit,completegameshutoutinhisfinalstartforKinstonon5/23atMyrtleBeach…Inthestarthefanned10batters…Alsotosseda7.0inning,completegame,4-hitshutout(9SO)atLynchburgon4/26…Waspromoted toAAAkronon5/27andhespent the remainderof the regularseasonwith theAeros…Went5.0ormoreinningsin23ofhis27GS…StartedtheHallofFameGameforClevelandagainsttheArizonaDiamondbackson7/24inCooperstown,NY…Didnotgetadecisionintheouting(3.0IP,3H,3R/ER,2BB,4SO,HR)andpitchedintheFuturesGameinAtlanta,GAforTeamUSAon7/10…Struckout10in5.2in-ningsofworkon8/3vs.NewHavenafterreturningtoAkron…Ontheyearbetweenhistwominorleaguestopshelimitedhitterstoa.227(123-541)with10homersallowed…Leftieshit.173(18-104)w/1homer…Tabbedasthe#1prospectintheorganizationandthe#2prospectintheEasternLeaguebyBaseball Americaaftertheseason.

SABATHIA (continued)

u 1999Missedthefirsttwoandhalfmonthsoftheseasonwithabonebruiseinhisleftpitchingelbow...Didnotstartthecampaignuntil6/20inAMahoningValleyoftheNewYork-PennLeague...MadesixstartswiththeScrappers,whichincreasedby1.0inningincrements,beforebeingpromotedtoAColumbusoftheSouthAtlanticLeagueon7/17...Struckout9in4.1IP(1H,1R/ER)on7/8vs.St.Catherines....Made3startforColum-bus,includinga9strikeout,6.0IPshutoutperformanceatHagerstownon7/28(2H,1BB)...WaspromotedtoAKinstonoftheCarolinaLeagueon8/2andspenttheremainderoftheseasonatKinston....Combinedontheyearbetweenhisthreeminorleaguestopshewent5-3witha3.29ERAin16starts(68.1IP,47H,25ER,36BB,76SO)...Overall,minorleaguehittershit.198(47-237)offhimwith4HR.

u 1998Signedon6/29/98andwasassignedtoBurlington,wherehemade5startsandfanned35battersin18.0innings(17.5SOper9.0IP)...Hadastrikeouttowalkratioof4.4...WasrankedbyBaseball AmericaastheTribe’s2ndbestprospect,the4thbestprospectintheAppalachianLeagueandrankedashavingthebestfastballintheorganization.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameCarsTen CHarles sabaTHIa...Heandhiswife,Amber,haveoneson,CarstenCharlesIII(9/15/03)andonedaughter,JaedenArie(9/20/05)...ResidesinFairfield,CAoutsidehishometownofVallejo,CA(nearOakland)...AttendedVallejoSeniorHighSchoolwherehecompiledamarkof6-0witha0.77ERA(46.2IP,14H,4ER,14BB,82SO)duringhisseniorseason...Averaged15.8SO/9.0IP thisseasonandyieldedonly2.7walks/9.0 innings…ComingoutofthedrafthewasthetophighschoolprospectcomingoutofNorthernCaliforniaaccordingtoBaseball America...Wasalso an all-conference tight end in footballatVallejoandhadscholarshipofferstoplaycollegefootballandhadsignedaletterofintentatHawaii…Wasselectedtothe28-man2000UnitedStatesOlympicTeamRosterandappearedinonepre-OlympictournamentgameinSydney,Australia,butwasnotontheofficial24-man,GoldMedal-winningroster.


sabaTHIa’s FavOrITes

Favorite Movie: Goodfellas; Favorite Tv show: Entourage; Favorite Musical Group/artist:Jay-Z&E40;Favorite Thing to do away from baseball:PlayStation;Favorite athlete Growing up:KenGriffeyJr.; Favorite Team: Oakland Raiders;Person who has most influenced you:MyMother(Margie);road City:Chicago;road ballpark:SafecoField;nickname:Dub;Favorite baseball Moment:HittingHomeRuninCincinnatiin2005

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MOsT WIns by leFT-Handed PITCHers, 2001-2006

Pitcher WIns

1 RandyJohnson 101

2. BarryZito 95

3. MarkMulder 94

4. MarkBuehrle 93

5. AndyPettitte 86

6. JamieMoyer 85

7. TomGlavine 82

8. CC sabaTHIa 81

9. KennyRogers 80


aMerICan leaGue leaders, 2006 era

Pitcher era

1. JohanSantana(MIN) 2.77

2. RoyHalladay(TOR) 3.19

3. CC sabaTHIa (Cle) 3.22

4. MikeMussina(NYY) 3.51

5. JohnLackey(LAA) 3.56

4. KelvimEscobar(LAA) 3.61

aMerICan leaGue leaders, 2006 slG% allOWed

Pitcher slG %

1. JohanSantana(MIN) .360

2. JohnLackey(LAA) .360

3. CC sabaTHIa (Cle) .363

4. ErikBedard(BAL) .370

5. RoyHalladay(TOR) .374

6. MikeMussina(NYY) .374

7. Chien-MingWang(NYY) .375

MOsT WIns, lHP In Club HIsTOry

Pitcher WIns

1. SamMcDowell 122

2. CC sabaTHIa 81

3. JoeShaute 78

MOsT WIns, IndIans PITCHers (1960-2006)

Pitcher WIns

1. CharlesNagy 129

2. SamMcDowell 122

3. CC sabaTHIa 81

4. BartoloColon 75

4. LuisTiant 75

sabaTHIa’s GaMe HIGHs

nO-HITTer: ----;1-HITTer:----;2-HIT-Ter: ----; 3-HITTer: 2, last on July 7,2006vs.Baltimore;4-HITTer:5,lastonSeptember10,2006atChicago-AL;K’s:11,fivetimes,mostrecentlyonSeptember26,2006vs.Chicago-AL;bb’s:6,twice,mostrecentlyonSeptember11,2004atOakland;WInnInG sTreaK:7games,August5-September7,2005;lOsInG sTreaK:5games,July6-July30,2005;CG:12,lastonSeptember10,2006atChicago-AL;CG sHO:4,lastonJuly7,2006atBaltimore;Career 10+ sTrIKeOuT GaMes: 8,mostrecentlyonSeptember26,2006vs.Chicago-AL; lOnGesT OuTInG: 9.0IP,nine times, last onSeptember10, 2006atChicago-AL;Hr:3,fourtimes,lastonJune4,2006vs.LAAngels.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquestField(TEX) 3-1-0 4.44 4 24.1 12AngelStadium(LAA) 1-2-0 5.23 5 31.0 18AT&TPark(SF) 1-0-0 2.25 1 8.0 2BuschStadiumII(STL) 1-0-0 1.13 1 8.0 1CamdenYards(BAL) 2-0-0 2.18 3 20.2 5CinergyField(CIN) 1-0-0 1.35 1 6.2 1ComericaPark(DET) 6-1-0 3.00 9 60.0 20CoorsField(COL) 0-1-0 8.71 2 10.1 10FenwayPark(BOS) 1-1-0 2.35 3 23.0 6Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) 1-0-0 3.75 2 12.0 5JacobsField(CLE) 33-31-0 3.97 88543.2 240KauffmanStadium(KC) 6-3-0 4.71 12 72.2 38McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 1-2-0 6.97 6 31.0 24Metrodome(MIN) 6-5-0 3.97 14 95.1 42MillerPark(MIL) 0-1-0 7.50 1 6.0 5OlympicStadium(MON) 0-1-0 3.68 1 7.1 3PNCPark(PIT) 1-0-0 2.08 2 13.0 3RogersCentre(TOR) 3-1-0 2.88 4 25.0 8SafecoField(SEA) 4-1-0 2.83 7 47.2 15SheaStadium(NYM) 1-0-0 1.13 1 8.0 1TropicanaField(TB) 2-1-0 4.50 4 28.0 14U.S.CellularField(CWS) 6-0-0 2.52 9 60.2 17YankeeStadium(NYY) 1-4-0 8.61 5 23.0 22

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI .222 9 2 0 2 .265 34 9 1 6

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.880 28 7 15 3 25 1 Pitcher .935 185 22 108 9 139 8

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er12-11-03.22 28192.2 69 Totals 81-56-0 3.95 185 1165.1 512

1-0-0 0.00 1 9.0 0 Baltimore 4-0-0 2.20 8 57.1 141-0-0 1.13 1 8.0 1 Boston 2-3-0 4.35 6 41.1 204-0-0 2.23 6 36.1 9 Chicago(AL) 12-3-0 3.64 20 123.2 500-3-0 2.45 3 22.0 6 Detroit 10-7-0 4.04 20 124.2 561-0-0 2.25 2 16.0 4 KansasCity 11-6-0 3.34 23 145.2 540-1-0 12.60 1 5.0 7 L.A.Angels 3-5-0 5.40 10 58.1 351-3-0 3.25 4 27.2 10 Minnesota 7-7-0 3.73 21 140.0 58-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(AL) 1-7-0 7.13 8 41.2 330-1-0 6.75 1 5.1 4 Oakland 1-4-0 6.40 10 52.0 371-0-0 0.00 1 8.0 0 Seattle 4-3-0 3.03 10 68.1 230-0-0 3.38 1 8.0 3 TampaBay 6-1-0 2.44 8 59.0 16-- -- -- -- -- Texas 6-2-0 4.42 9 55.0 271-1-0 3.38 2 16.0 6 Toronto 5-3-0 3.62 8 54.2 22

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona 1-0-0 1.17 1 7.2 10-1-0 34.71 1 2.1 9 Chicago(NL) 0-1-0 34.71 1 2.1 90-0-0 4.50 1 6.0 3 Cincinnati 2-0-0 3.38 6 34.2 13-- -- -- -- -- Colorado 0-1-0 9.82 4 14.2 160-1-0 7.50 1 6.0 5 Milwaukee 0-1-0 4.85 2 13.0 7-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(NL) 1-0-0 1.13 1 8.0 1-- -- -- -- -- Philadelphia 0-1-0 4.05 1 6.2 31-0-0 1.00 1 9.0 1 Pittsburgh 2-0-0 1.64 3 22.0 41-0-0 1.13 1 8.0 1 St.Louis 1-0-0 4.63 2 11.2 6-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego 1-0-0 2.35 1 7.2 2-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco 1-0-0 2.25 1 8.0 2-- -- -- -- -- Washington 0-1-0 3.68 1 7.1 3

0-0-0 11.57 1 2.1 3 March-April 7-6-0 4.05 23 135.2 615-1-0 1.20 6 45.0 6 May 17-9-0 3.40 33 214.1 811-3-0 7.57 5 27.1 23 June 12-8-0 4.65 32 185.2 961-3-0 3.74 5 33.2 14 July 9-16-0 5.11 32 192.0 1093-1-0 1.88 6 48.0 10 August 21-8-0 3.78 34 226.0 952-3-0 3.22 5 36.1 13 Sept-Oct 15-9-0 2.98 31 211.2 70

6-6-0 3.62 13 87.0 35 Home 33-31-0 3.97 88 543.2 2406-5-0 2.90 15105.2 34 Road 48-25-0 3.94 97 621.2 272

4-4-0 2.33 11 77.1 20 Day 20-15-0 3.51 54 341.0 1338-7-0 3.82 17 115.1 49 Night 61-41-0 4.14 131 824.1 379

11-9-0 3.25 24160.2 58 Grass 70-48-0 3.97 162 1009.2 4451-2-0 3.09 4 32.0 11 Turf 11-8-0 3.87 23 155.2 67

7-4-0 3.51 14 89.2 35 Pre-ASG 39-27-0 4.01 99 603.1 2695-7-0 2.97 14103.0 34 Post-ASG 42-29-0 3.89 86 562.0 243

12-11-03.22 28192.2 69 Starter 81-56-0 3.95 185 1165.1 512

SABATHIA (continued)

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Kelly Shoppach 10Age: 26, born April 29, 1980 in Ft. Worth, TX

Position: Catcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-0 Weight: 220

ML Service: 1 + 021

Contract Status (options remaining): Signed thru 2007 (1)

Acquired: January 27, 2006; Acquired from the Boston Red Sox along with INF Andy Marte, INF Andy Marte and RHP Randy Newsom in exchange for OF Coco Crisp, RHP David Riske and CA Josh Bard.

Career TransaCTIons2001 SelectedbytheBostonRedSoxinthe2ndroundoftheJunedraft.2006 AcquiredbytheClevelandIndians,alongwithAndyMarteandGuillermoMota,fromtheRedSoxinexchangefor


year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb so sb Cs e

2002 Sarasota .271 116 414 54 112 35 1 10 66 0 1 6 59 112 2 1 92003 Portland .282 92 340 45 96 30 2 12 60 0 5 5 35 83 0 0 112004 Pawtucket .233 113 399 62 93 25 0 22 64 1 2 6 46 138 0 0 82005 Pawtucket .253 102 371 60 94 16 0 26 75 0 3 12 46 116 0 0 5 Boston .000 9 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 0 02006 Buffalo .282 21 78 11 22 8 0 4 9 0 0 3 6 25 0 1 4 CLEVELAND .245 41 110 7 27 6 0 3 16 2 0 0 8 45 0 0 2Minor lge. Totals .260 444 1 602 232 417 114 3 74 274 1 11 32 192 474 2 2 37Cleveland ToTals .245 41 110 7 27 6 0 3 16 2 0 0 8 45 0 0 2american league .216 50 125 8 27 6 0 3 16 2 0 1 8 52 0 0 2national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. ToTals .216 50 125 8 27 6 0 3 16 2 0 1 8 52 0 0 2

2006SeasonHighlightsu RookiespenttheseasonastheTribe’sback-upcatcherandsawhisplayingtimeincreaseinthesecondhalf

asVictorMartinezplayedanoccasionalfirstbaseagainstLHP…Opened theseasonon theMajorLeaguerosterandreceivedjust16atbats(8G/5GS)overtheseason’sfirst43gamesbehindVictorMartinezandwasoptionedtoAAABuffaloonMay20togetsomeplayingtime…Hit.250(4-16)w/aRS,2B,2RBIin1ststintwiththeIndians…NotchedhisfirstMajorLeaguehitonApril19atBaltimoreoffEddyRodriguez&1stRBIonMay3atOakland.

u Hit.282(22-78)w/82B,4HR&9RBIin21gamesatBuffalo,homeringin2ofthefirst3gamesheplayedinandhita‘walk-off’homeronJune6vs.Toledo…Hada9-gamehittingstreakwiththeBisonsfromMay23-June7...Inhis20gamesatcatcherinTripleAhethrewout14of33runnersattemptingtosteal(42%).

u RecalledfromBuffaloonJune23andspenttheremainderoftheseasonwithCleveland,appearingin27gamesinthesecondhalf…HithisfirstMajorLeagueHRandcollectedacareer-high3hitsonJuly8vs.Baltimore(3-4,2RBI),includingasoloshotoffErikBedard…Alsohada3-hitgameonAugust20atTampaBay…Hadacareer-high3RBIonAugust12vs.KC(nightgame)after3-runHRoffDeLaRosa.

u Followinghisrecallhehit.245(23-94)with3HR&14RBIin33gamesandhomeredinconsecutivecontests,July8&13…Overallmade31startsatcatcherin40games,compilingafielding%of.991(2E,230TC)whilethrowingout10of29(34.5%)potentialbasestealers…IndianspitcherscompiledanERAof4.11(280.1IP,306H,128ERwithhimbehindtheplate…Kellyhit.289(11-38)withrunnerson,.346(9-26)inAugustand.256(10-39)fromthe7thinningon…Hit.314(11-35)offLHPwith2HR&7RBI.

ProCareeru 2005Madehismajorleaguedebutinjusthis4thproseason…SpentthebulkoftheseasonatAAAPawtucket,

wherehewasnamedayear-endInternationalLeagueAll-Starforthe2ndconsecutiveseason,establishingcareerbestswith26homersand75RBI...Madehismajorleaguedebut,appearingin9gamesduringapairofstintswiththeRedSox…WithDougMirabelliontheD.L.withasprainedwrist,ShoppachwasrecalledfromPawtucketforthefirsttime5/27andmadehismajorleaguedebutasadefensivereplacementina17-1winon5/28atNewYork...WashitbyaBuddyGroompitchinhisfirstbigleagueplateappearance...Went0-for-4inhisfirstbigleaguestarton5/29atYankeeStadium...Was0-for-11with6strikeoutsin6gamesbeforebeingoptionedbacktoPawtucketon6/12uponMirabelli’sactivation...Wasrecalledfora2ndtime9/6upontheconclusionofPawtucket’sseason…LedRedSoxfarmhandsandranked6thintheILinhomeruns...EnjoyedhisfinestmonthinJuly,batting.290(27-for-93)with7homersand24RBIin24games...ThrewoutanIL-best34of78runnersattemptingtosteal,44percent…Went2-for-4withapairofhomers,4RBIand2runsscored4/23atBuffalo...The2homersbothcameinthetopofthe2nd,thefirsttimeaPawSoxplayerhadgonedeeptwiceinaninningsinceDwayneHoseyturnedthetrickin1996...Scoredaseason-high4runs5/17vs.Indianapolis...Hitinaseason-best8consecutivegames7/14-22,going13-for-30(.433)with4homersand13RBI…On8/13atRochester,hithis22ndhomerunasacatcher,breakinghisownclubrecordsetin2004...Enteredthe2005seasonrankedastheNo.8overallprospectandtheNo.1catchingprospectintheRedSoxorganization,accordingtoBaseball America.

u 2004Appearedinacareer-best101gamesbehindtheplateforAAAPawtucketandthrewout35of101potentialbasestealers(35percent)onhiswaytoaspotontheIL’send-of-seasonAll-StarTeam...Setasingle-seasonhomerunrecordforPawSoxcatcherswith21(alsohitoneasaDH),eclipsingGaryAllenson’s20in1978andTribeManagerEricWedge’s20in1987...His22homersmatchedhispreviouscareertotalover2yearsand208games...Postedcareerbestswith62runsscoredanda.461sluggingpercentage...47ofhis93hits(51percent)wentforextrabases…ShoppachwasratedasthetopdefensivecatcherintheInternationalLeaguebyILmanagersin2004...Celebratedhis24thbirthdayinstyle4/29atOttawa,postingcareerhighsinhits(4)andRBI(6)...Theeffortstartedastretchof14RBIover4games,duringwhichhewent8-for-17(.471)with4homersand7runsscored...Registeredhis3rdcareer2-homergameinthe2ndgameofa5/3doubleheaderatBuffaloaspartofthatrun...Reachedviahitorwalkin25straightgames5/30-6/28,batting.328(19-for-58)overthefirst17gamesofthestretchtoraisehisaveragetoaseason-high.249from.215...Scoredatleastonerun(10total)in8straightgames6/12-21...Clubbedahomeruninacareer-best3straightgames8/1-5tohighlighta9-gamestretchinwhichhewentdeep6timesfrom7/30-8/9...Batted.312againstlefthandersand.209offright-handedpitchers...Aftertheseason,playedforEscogidooftheDominicanWinterLeague.

u 2003WasnamedAAPortlandPlayeroftheYear,batting.282with30doubles,12homersand60RBIin92games...Slugged.488,banging44extra-basehitsinonly340at-bats...startedatcatcherfortheNorthDivisioninthe7/16EasternLeagueAll-StarGameinNewBritain,going0-for-2...Didnotmakehis2003debutuntil4/28asherecoveredfromoff-seasonsurgeryonhisrightshoulder,butwentontoleadtheSeaDogsindoubles,whileranking3rdinhomersand4thinRBI...Tiedfor9thintheorganizationinbatting...WasnamedBestDe-fensiveCatcherintheEasternLeagueinBaseball America ’sannualBestToolssurveyofleaguemanagers.

u 2002MadehisprodebutwithASarasotaandwasnamed toBaseball America’sHigh-AAll-Star team inadditiontobeingselectedtotheFloridaStateLeague’smid-seasonandpost-seasonAll-Starteams...Batted.271with35doubles(tiedfor2ndintheleague),10homers,66RBIanda.432sluggingpercentagein116games...Ranked9thamongRedSoxfarmhandsinbatting...appearedin92gamesascatcher...Went0-for-1intheFSLAll-StarGame...postedhisfirstcareer2-homergameJuly31atDunedin.

u 2001Reportedtotheorganization’sFallInstructionalLeagueaftersigningonAugust17astheRedSox’firstpick(2ndround,48thoverall)inthe2001draft...Wasnamedco-winneroftheTonyLathamMemorialAward,presentedeachfalltotheplayerwhoshowsthemostenthusiasmduringInstructionalLeague.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameKelly brIan sHoPPaCH...Married,wife’snameJennifer…Twodaughters,AddisonBrooke(11/10/2006)andAlexandra(6)…ResidesinFt.Myers,FLandFortWorth,TX…Played3seasonsatBaylorUniversity...Asajuniorin2001,receivedtheJohnnyBenchAwardasthenation’stopcollegiatecatcherafterhitting.397with12homersand61RBIin69gamesinhisfinalcollegeseason...Posteda.998fieldingpercentagewithonlyoneerrorin406totalchances...InadditiontobeingselectedBig12PlayeroftheYear,wasnamedasaFirst-Team

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sHoPPaCH’s FavorITes

Favorite Movie:CrimsonTide;Favorite Group/artist: Rascal Flatts; Favorite athlete Growing up : Bo Jackson;Favorite Team Growing up:TexasRang-ers;Person Who Has Most Influenced you: Father/Brother; Favorite road City:Chicago;Favorite road stadium:Tampa;Favorite Thing to do away From baseball:WatchFootball/Fish;Favorite Tv show:Survivor


HITs:3,twotimes,lastonAugust20,2006atTampaBay;doubles:1,sixtimes,lastonAugust20,2006atTampaBay;Hr:1,threetimes,lastonAugust12,2006vs.KansasCity;rbI:3,August12,2006vs.KansasCity;runs:1,eighttimes,lastSeptember9,2006atChicago-AL;sb:N/A;HITTInG sTreaK:5games,July29-August12,2006;Grand slaMs:N/A.

2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI.245 110 27 3 16 Totals .216 125 27 3 16

.800 5 4 1 2 Baltimore .571 7 4 1 2

.375 8 3 0 2 Boston .375 8 3 0 2

.200 5 1 0 1 Chicago(AL) .200 5 1 0 1

.143 21 3 0 2 Detroit .143 21 3 0 2

.250 12 3 1 3 KansasCity .250 12 3 1 3

.000 3 0 0 0 L.A.Angels .000 6 0 0 0

.273 11 3 1 1 Minnesota .273 11 3 1 1

.333 3 1 0 1 NewYork(AL) .125 8 1 0 1

.222 9 2 0 2 Oakland .182 11 2 0 2

.500 2 1 0 0 Seattle .500 2 1 0 0

.250 12 3 0 2 TampaBay .231 13 3 0 2

.143 7 1 0 0 Texas .143 7 1 0 0

.000 1 0 0 0 Toronto .000 1 0 0 0

-- -- -- -- -- Chicago(NL) .000 2 0 0 0.200 10 2 0 0 Cincinnati .200 10 2 0 0.000 1 0 0 0 St.Louis .000 1 0 0 0

.400 5 2 0 0 March-April .400 5 2 0 0

.182 11 2 0 2 May .125 16 2 0 2

.125 8 1 0 0 June .071 14 1 0 0

.265 34 9 2 7 July .265 34 9 2 7

.346 26 9 1 6 August .346 26 9 1 6

.154 26 4 0 1 Sept-Oct .133 30 4 0 1

.231 52 12 2 8 Home .200 60 12 2 8

.259 58 15 1 8 Road .231 65 15 1 8

.262 42 11 0 2 Day .220 50 11 0 2

.235 68 16 3 14 Night .213 75 16 3 14

.235 98 23 2 13 Grass .205 112 23 2 13

.333 12 4 1 3 Turf .308 13 4 1 3

.294 34 10 1 5 Pre-ASG .222 45 10 1 5

.224 76 17 2 11 Post-ASG .213 80 17 2 11

.314 35 11 2 7 vs.LHP .289 38 11 2 7

.213 75 16 1 9 vs.RHP .184 87 16 1 9

.292 24 7 1 14 ScoringPosition .219 32 7 1 14

.500 2 1 0 3 BasesLoaded .333 3 1 0 3

.500 2 1 0 1 PinchHitter .250 4 1 0 1-- -- -- -- -- DesignatedHitter .000 3 0 0 0

Career by ballParK avG ab H Hr rbIAmeriquestField(TEX) .143 7 1 0 0AngelStadium(LAA) .000 3 0 0 0BuschStadiumII(STL) .000 1 0 0 0CamdenYards(BAL) 1.000 1 1 0 0ComericaPark(DET) .200 5 1 0 0FenwayPark(BOS) .188 16 3 0 2Gr.Am.BallPark(CIN) .333 3 1 0 0JacobsField(CLE) .231 52 12 2 8KauffmanStadium(KC) .200 5 1 0 0McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .222 9 2 0 2Metrodome(MIN) .167 6 1 1 1RogersCentre(TOR) .000 1 0 0 0TropicanaField(TB) .500 6 3 0 2U.S.CellularField(CWS) .250 4 1 0 1WrigleyField(CHI) .000 2 0 0 0YankeeStadium(NYY) .000 4 0 0 0

FIeldInG by PosITIon 2006 CareerPCT G Po a e TC dP Pb PCT G Po a e TC dP Pb.991 40 208 20 2 230 5 3 Catcher .992 47 222 20 2 244 5 3

All-Americanin2001byBaseball America,Baseball Weekly,Louis-villeSlugger/CollegiateBaseballandtheNationalCollegiateBaseballWritersAssociation...Inhis3-yearBaylorcareer,batted.333(168-for-505)with26homersand121RBI...GraduatedfromBrewerHighSchoolinhisnativeFortWorth,TX,batting.526with16doubles,11homersand35RBIasasenior…ActiveintheClevelandcommunityduringhisfirstyearinCleveland,participatinginSignatureSunday,MajorLeagueLunch,theGrandSlamforLiteracyandDick’sSportingGoods‘ShopwithaPro’.

SHOPPACH (continued)

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Spring  invitee

Brian Sikorski 44Age: 32, born July 27, 1974 in Detroit, MI

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-1 Weight: 190

ML Service: 1 + 014

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007 (0)

Acquired: July 18, 2006; Acquired from the San Diego Padres in exchange for RHP Mike Adams

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 1995 Auburn 1-2 2.10 23 0 0 0 12 34.1 22 8 8 1 0 14 35 1 0 QuadCity 1-0 0.00 2 0 0 0 0 3.0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 01996 QuadCity 11-8 3.13 26 25 1 0 0 166.2 140 79 58 12 10 70 150 7 91997 Kissimmee 8-2 3.06 11 11 0 0 0 67.2 64 29 23 2 6 16 46 0 3 Jackson 5-5 4.63 17 17 0 0 0 93.1 91 55 48 8 4 31 74 0 21998 Jackson 6-4 4.07 15 15 0 0 0 97.1 83 50 44 13 6 44 80 3 1 NewOrleans 5-8 5.79 15 14 1 0 0 84.0 86 57 54 9 6 32 64 2 11999 NewOrleans 7-10 4.95 28 27 2 1 0 158.1 169 92 87 25 9 58 122 6 22000 Oklahoma 10-9 4.04 24 23 5 2 1 140.1 131 73 63 9 3 60 99 3 5 Texas 1-3 5.73 10 5 0 0 0 37.2 46 31 24 9 1 25 32 1 02001 Oklahoma 6-4 3.61 14 14 1 0 0 87.1 89 37 35 8 2 23 73 0 1 ChibaLotte 1-4 6.43 12 6 1 0 0 42.1 48 36 30 9 1 18 31 1 32002 ChibaLotte 4-6 3.44 47 7 0 0 2 96.2 76 38 37 14 3 20 102 2 02003 ChibaLotte 4-6 3.16 47 5 0 0 1 82.2 80 35 29 9 0 23 71 2 02004 Yomiuri 5-3 2.67 62 0 0 0 5 77.2 76 25 23 9 9 22 83 1 02005 Yomiuri 7-1 3.29 70 0 0 0 0 87.2 75 33 32 4 3 33 100 4 02006 Portland 2-3 3.14 22 0 0 0 7 28.2 25 12 10 3 0 7 44 0 0 SanDiego 1-1 5.65 13 0 0 0 0 14.1 16 9 9 4 0 3 14 2 0 CLEVELAND 2-1 4.58 17 0 0 0 0 19.2 20 10 10 4 1 4 24 1 0Minor lge. Totals 62-55 4.03 197 146 10 3 20 961.0 901 493 430 90 46 355 791 22 24Cleveland TOTals 2-1 4.58 17 0 0 0 0 19.2 20 10 10 4 1 4 24 1 0american league 3-4 5.34 27 5 0 0 0 57.1 66 41 34 13 2 29 56 2 0national league 1-1 5.65 13 0 0 0 0 14.1 16 9 9 4 0 3 14 2 0M. l. TOTals 4-5 5.40 40 5 0 0 0 71.2 82 50 43 17 2 32 70 4 0

Career TransaCTIOns1995 AcquiredbytheHoustonAstrosinthe4throundoftheJunedraft.1999 ClaimedoffwaiversbytheTexasRangers,11/9.2001 SignedbytheChibaLotteMarinesoftheJapaneseLeagueasafreeagent,6/262004 SignedbytheTokyoYomiuriGiantsoftheJapaneseLeagueasafreeagent.2005 SignedbytheSanDiegoPadresasafreeagent,12/22.2006 ReleasedbythePadres,3/29.2006 Re-signedbythePadresasafreeagent,3/30.2006 AcquiredbytheClevelandIndiansfromthePadresinexchangeforMikeAdams,7/18.

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nO-HITTer:----;1-HITTer:----;2-HIT-Ter:---; 3-HITTer: ----; 4-HITTer:---;bb’s (starter):4,threetimes,lastonAu-gust26,2000vs.Toronto;bb’s (reliever):4, September 20, 2000 at Oakland; K’s (starter):6,twotimes,lastonSeptember16,2000vs.KansasCity;K’s (reliever):5,September6,2000atChicago-AL;WIn-nInG sTreaK:2games,June30-August12, 2006; lOsInG sTreaK: 4 games,August 21, 2000-June 15, 2006; CG:N/A; CG sHO: N/A; lOnGesT OuTInG (starter):7.0IP,August16,2000vs.NewYork-AL; lOnGesT OuTInG (reliever):4.1IP,September6,2000atChicago-AL;Hr:2,fivetimes,lastonAugust2,2006atBoston.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquestField(TEX) 1-2-0 4.78 7 26.1 14AngelStadium(LAA) 0-0-0 9.00 1 1.0 1ComericaPark(DET) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0FenwayPark(BOS) 0-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 2JacobsField(CLE) 2-0-0 2.31 9 11.2 3KauffmanStadium(KC) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 0-0-0 7.71 3 4.2 4MillerPark(MIL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0PETCOPark(SD) 1-1-0 7.20 9 10.0 8PNCPark(PIT) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0RFKSTadium(WSH) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0SafecoField(SEA) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0TropicanaField(TB) 0-1-0 81.00 1 0.1 3U.S.CellularField(CWS) 0-0-0 9.64 2 4.2 5YankeeStadium(NYY) 0-1-0 6.23 1 4.1 3

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI — — — — — — — — — —

fIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP1.000 30 0 3 0 3 0 Pitcher .889 40 4 4 1 9 0

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er3-2-0 5.03 30 34.0 19 Totals 4-5-0 5.40 40 71.2 43

0-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 2 Boston 0-0-0 18.00 1 1.0 20-0-0 0.00 1 0.1 0 Chicago(AL) 0-0-0 9.64 2 4.2 5-- -- -- -- -- Cleveland 0-0-0 7.20 1 5.0 40-0-0 0.00 3 4.1 0 Detroit 0-0-0 0.00 3 4.1 01-0-0 0.00 2 2.1 0 KansasCity 1-1-0 4.91 3 7.1 40-0-0 9.00 1 1.0 1 L.A.Angels 0-0-0 4.50 2 2.0 10-0-0 3.86 4 4.2 2 Minnesota 0-0-0 3.86 4 4.2 2-- -- -- -- -- NewYork(AL) 1-1-0 2.38 2 11.1 30-0-0 0.00 2 1.2 0 Oakland 0-0-0 6.35 4 5.2 40-0-0 6.75 3 4.0 3 Seattle 0-0-0 5.06 4 5.1 31-1-0 16.20 2 1.2 3 TampaBay 1-1-0 16.20 2 1.2 30-0-0 6.75 2 2.2 2 Texas 0-0-0 6.75 2 2.2 2-- -- -- -- -- Toronto 0-1-0 6.35 1 5.2 4

0-0-0 22.50 2 2.0 5 Atlanta 0-0-0 22.50 2 2.0 50-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Florida 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 00-1-0 9.00 1 1.0 1 L.A.Dodgers 0-1-0 9.00 1 1.0 10-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 0 Milwaukee 0-0-0 0.00 1 2.0 00-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Pittsburgh 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 01-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 0 SanFrancisco 1-0-0 0.00 2 2.0 00-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0 Washington 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0

1-1-0 3.60 9 10.0 4 June 1-1-0 3.60 9 10.0 40-0-0 5.91 9 10.2 7 July 0-0-0 5.91 9 10.2 71-1-0 7.50 6 6.0 5 August 2-3-0 5.14 10 28.0 161-0-0 3.68 6 7.1 3 Sept-Oct 1-1-0 6.26 12 23.0 16

3-1-0 4.57 18 21.2 11 Home 4-3-0 4.57 23 45.1 230-1-0 5.84 12 12.1 8 Road 0-2-0 6.84 17 26.1 20

0-1-0 2.45 9 11.0 3 Day 0-2-0 4.58 12 19.2 103-1-0 6.26 21 23.0 16 Night 4-3-0 5.71 28 52.0 33

3-1-0 4.28 29 33.2 16 Grass 4-4-0 5.05 39 71.1 400-1-0 81.00 1 0.1 3 Turf 0-1-0 81.00 1 0.1 3

1-1-0 2.92 11 12.1 4 Pre-ASG 1-1-0 2.92 11 12.1 42-1-0 6.23 19 21.2 15 Post-ASG 3-4-0 5.92 29 59.1 39

-- -- -- -- -- Starter 1-3-0 5.00 5 27.0 153-2-0 5.03 30 34.0 19 Relief 3-2-0 5.64 35 44.2 28

SIKORSKI (continued)

2006SeasonHighlightsu ServiceablerelieverspentvirtuallyallofthesecondhalfintheIndiansbullpenafterbeingacquiredfromtheSan


u Made22reliefappearancesforPortland,going2-1-4w/a2.63ERAoverhislast12games(13.2IP,14H,4ER,21K)beforebeingpromotedtoSanDiegoonMay31…OverallatAAAPortlandhelimitedhitterstoa.225(25-111)averageagainstwith44Kin28.2IP…Was1-1w/a5.65ERA(14.1IP,16H,9ER,3BB,14K)in13reliefoutingsw/SD,limitingright-handedhitterstoa.206(6-29)averageagainst…Overhisfirst11outingshisERAwas3.09(11.2IP,10H,4ER)…WaswiththePadresfromMay31untilbeingdesignatedforassignmentonJuly17andacquiredbyClevelandthefollowingday.

u MadehisIndiansdebutonJuly18@LAA…Wonthe2ndALgameofhiscareer,andthefirstsince2000,onAugust12(night)vs.KansasCity…Workedaseason-high2.2IPonSept.24atTexas(3K)…OverallontheyearMLBhittersbatted.273(36-132)with8HRallowed,includinga.225(18-80)markbyRHH(3HR).

u Average11SOper9.0IPwithCleveland…FromAugust22thrutheendoftheseasonhecompiledanERAof2.79(9.2IP,10H,3ER,8games)…Battershit.256(23-90)offhimwithnooneonbasefortheyear…Battershit.467(7-15)onthefirstpitchoffhimand.409(9-22)withRISP…OutrightedtoAAABuffalo,January14.

ProCareeru 2001-05SikorskipitchedforfiveseasonsinJapanwherehewas21-20w/a3.51ERAwhilestrikingout382


u 2000Was11-12w/a4.40ERA(178.0IP,87ER)in34games(28GS)betweenAAAOklahomaandTexas…TurnedinoneofthetopMajorLeaguepitchingdebutsinTexasRangershistoryw/7.0IPshutoutIPvs.theYankeeson8/16,allowingjust4hits…BecamethefirstRangerspitchertowinhisdebutsinceSteveDreyeron8/8/93…Was1-3w/a5.00ERA (27.0IP,15ER) IN5STARTS…Was0-3w/a6.75ERAoverhisfinal4starts, the laston9/6…Relegatedtothepenoverthelastmonthoftheseason…WhilewithOklahomaherankedamongPCLleadersincompletegames(2nd,5),shutouts(T2nd,2),wins(10,T6th)andhis4.04ERAranked10th…Ledtheteaminwins.

u 1999Tiedfor2ndw/27GSontheAAANewOrleansstaff,his122Kranked2ndandwas3rdw/158.1IPontheteaminhisfinalseasonintheAstrosorganization…NamedPCLpitcheroftheweek,4/19-25…Lost7straightdecisions(11GS),4/26-6/18…Fannedseason-high11on8/2atMemphis…ClaimedonwaiversbytheRang-ers.

u 1998SplittimebetweenAAJacksonandAAANewOrleansandwentacombined11-124.86ERAin30games(181.1IP,98ER)…Won5straightdecisions,5/21-6/16,beforebeingpromotedtoNewOrleanson6/20…

u 1997Went13-7w/a3.97ERAin28startsbetweenAKissimmeeandAAJackson…Tallied8winswithKissim-mee,including4straightinApril…PromotedtoJacksonon6/1andwon3straightstarts…Struckout11on8/29vs.TulsaandaftertheseasonpitchedintheArizonaFallLeague…

u 1996PlayedwithQuadCitiesoftheMidwestLeagueandwasT4thintheleaguewith150Kand7thw/a3.13ERA…NamedtotheMLAll-StarTeam.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnamebrIan PaTrICK sIKOrsKI…ResidesinFraser,MI…Married,wife’snameisSamantha…Has2children;EastonandAvery…MajoredinCriminalJusticeatWesternMichiganwhereheplayed3seasons(1993-95)…VotedbyteammatesasWMU’sMVPandwasco-pitcheroftheyearintheMACin1995…SelectedtotheGTE/All-RegionMACandOliveGarden/MACacademicteamin1995…GraduatedfromRosevillle(MI)HighSchoolin1992wherehewasa3-yearlettermaninbaseballalongwithletteringtwiceinbasketball…IsabigfanofMichiganfootballandadiscipleofLloydCarr,despitehis1-5recordvs.OhioState’sJimTressel…IsalsoanavidfollowerofallDetroitsportsteams.

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SprIng InvItee

Tony Sipp 70Age: 23, born July 12, 1983 in Pascagoula, MS

Position: Pitcher

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-0 Weight: 190

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 45th round (1,337th overall) of the 2004 First-Year Player Draft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Pitchedwellagaininjusthis2ndfullprofessionalseasondespitetwostintsonthedisabledlistthatlimited


u MadejustoneappearanceonMay22beforegoingontheDLagainwithaleftelbowstrainfromMay23-June24…Madejust1appearance(1.0IP)fromApril25-June24…SpenttheremainderoftheseasonontheactiverosterfromJune25-Sept.3…FromAugust1thrutheendoftheseasonhewent1-1w/2savesanda2.60ERAin13outings(17.1IP,10H,5ER,21K).

u Went1-0w/2savesanda2.16ERAin6EasternLeagueplayoffgames(8.1IP,5H,2ER,3BB,16K)andaveraged14.4SOper9.0IPinthepost-season…DuringtheregularseasonDoubleAhittershit.201(44-219,2HR)offhimasheaveraged11.9SOper9.0IP…RHHhit.191(30-157,1HR)andLHHhit.226(14-62,1HR)…Battershit.204(11-54)withRISP…PitchedforPeoriaintheArizonaFallLeagueaftertheseason(10G,0-0,1SV,10.1IP,4H,5ER,9BB,16K)as7ofhis10outingswerescoreless.

ProCareeru 2005OpenedhisfirstfullprofessionalseasonatALakeCountyoftheSouthAtlanticLeagueanddidnotallow


u 2004Struckout8ormorebattersin6ofhis10starts,includingaseason-high10Kon8/28atJamestownin5.0IP…Struckout9injust4.0IPon8/22vs.Jamestown…His74Kranked6thintheNYPLandaveraged15.6SOper9.0IP…LimitedNYPLhitterstoa.212(33-156)averageagainstw/5HRallowed.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 2004 MahoningValley 3-1 3.16 10 10 0 0 0 42.2 33 23 15 5 1 13 74 3 32005 LakeCounty 4-1 2.22 13 12 0 0 0 69.0 47 19 17 5 0 19 71 5 0 Kinston 2-2 2.66 22 5 0 0 2 47.1 34 19 14 4 2 23 59 3 02006 Akron 4-2 3.13 29 4 0 0 3 60.1 44 23 21 2 0 21 80 3 0Minor lge. Totals 13-6 2.75 74 31 0 0 5 219.1 158 84 67 16 3 76 284 14 3

Career TransaCTIOns2004 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe45throundoftheJunedraft.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameTOny MarCel sIPP…Single…ResidesinMossPoint,MS…Playedbaseball,footballandtennisatMossPointHighSchool(MS)…Two-wayplayerattendedMississippiGulfCoastCommunityCollegefortwoseasonsbeforetransferringtoClemsonUniversityforhisjuniorseason…AtClemsonhehit.280(59-211)with132B,43B,1HR,23RBIandateam-high20stealsintheleadoffspotandwas2-2w/a4.69ERAin22outings/3startsonthemound(2SV,48.0IP,53H,25ER,59K)…WasnamedtotheAthens(GA)RegionalAll-Tournamentteamafterhitting.364(8-22,6RS,6RBI,5G)andstruckoutthesidein1.0IPofreliefvs.Georgiaafterinheritingabasesloaded,nooutsituation…Hit.258forCotuitintheCapeCodLeaguepriortosigningwiththeIndians.

Grady Sizemore 24Age: 24, born August 2, 1982 in Seattle, WA

Position: Outfielder

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-2 Weight: 200

ML Service: 2 + 056

Contract Status: Signed thru 2011 w/a club option for 2012

Acquired: June 27, 2002; From the Montreal Expos along with LHP Cliff Lee, INF Brandon Phillips & 1B Lee Stevens in exchange for RHP Bartolo Colon, RHP Tim Drew and cash.

year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb sO sb Cs e

2000 GCLExpos .293 55 205 31 60 8 3 1 14 2 0 6 23 24 16 2 32001 Clinton .268 123 451 64 121 16 4 2 61 0 5 4 81 92 32 11 72002 BrevardCity .258 75 256 37 66 15 4 0 26 0 2 2 36 41 9 9 3 Kinston .343 47 172 31 59 9 3 3 20 1 0 1 33 30 14 7 42003 Akron .304 128 496 96 151 26 *11 13 78 1 5 11 46 73 10 9 42004 Buffalo .287 101 418 73 120 23 8 8 51 1 4 8 42 72 15 10 1 CLEVELAND .246 43 138 15 34 6 2 4 24 0 2 5 14 34 2 0 12005 CLEVELAND .289 158 640 111 185 37 11 22 81 5 2 7 52 132 22 10 32006 CLEVELAND .290 #162 655 *134 190 *53 11 28 76 1 4 13 78 153 22 6 3Minor lge. Totals .289 529 1998 332 577 97 33 27 250 5 16 32 261 332 96 48 22Cleveland TOTals .285 363 1433 260 409 96 24 54 181 6 8 25 144 319 46 16 7american league .285 363 1433 260 409 96 24 54 181 6 8 25 144 319 46 16 7national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals .285 363 1433 260 409 96 24 54 181 6 8 25 144 319 46 16 7

all-sTar GaMe reCOrdyear Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF HbP bb sO sb Cs e

2006 CLEVELAND .000 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Career TransaCTIOns2000 SelectedbytheMontrealExposinthe3rdroundoftheJunedraft.2002 AcquiredbytheClevelandIndians,alongwithLeeStevens,BrandonPhillipsandCliffLee,fromtheExposin



u HadanhistoricseasonontheclubandMajorLeaguelevelashebecamejustthe2ndMajorLeaguePlayer,andfirstIndian/ALplayer,with50doubles,10triples,20homersand20stealsinthesameseason(HOFOFChuckKleinin1932forPhiladelphiaistheonlyotherplayertoeverdoit)…Becamejustthe4thplayerinMLBhistorywith50doubles,10triples&25homersinthesameseasonandthefirsttodoitsinceJoe‘Ducky’Medwickin1937…LouGehrig(1927)&ChuckKlein(1932)alsodidit(allthreeareintheHallofFame)…Finished11thintheAmericanLeagueMVPvoting…WontheCleveland“ManoftheYear”Award.

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u His American League-best 53 doubles were the3rdhighestsingle-seasontotalinfranchisehistorybehindonlyEdBurns&TrisSpeakerashebecamethefirstIndiansinceAlbertBellein1995toleadtheALindoubles&extrabasehits…MostdoublesbyanIndiansince1926(EdBurnsclubrecord64).

u AlsoledtheAL/MLBwith92extrabasehits,the3rdhighestsingle-seasonmarkinclubhistorybehindAlbertBelle(103in1995)&HalTrosky(96in1936)ashebecamethefirstIndiansinceBellein1995toleadtheleagueinEBhits…The92extrabasehitswereaclubrecordoutofthelead-offspotandwerethehighesttotalintheMajorsoutofthe#1holedatingbacktoatleastthe1957season…Wasjustthe3rdIndianinclubhistory(TrisSpeaker,3x,’20-21-23)&OdellHalein’36)tohit502B&103Binthesameseasonashis11triplesranked3rdintheAL…

u AlsoledtheAmericanLeague/Majorsinrunsscored(134),the5thhighesttotalinclubhistory(R.AlomarlastIndiantoleadleagueinRS-138in1999)…LastMajorLeaguertoleadhisleagueindoubles,runs&extrabasehitswasSTL1BAlbertPujolsin2003…Alsofinished2ndintheleagueintotalbase(349),5thinaveragevs.RHP(.329),T7thinhits(190),T8thinmulti-hitgames(55),T11thinstealsandwasthe2ndhardestplayerintheALtodoubleup(hitintofirstGIDPin7/30vs.SEAin420thAB)…The2GIDPwerethefewestbyanIndiansplayerinclubhistoryoverafullseason.

u BecamethefirstIndiansinceJoeCarterin1989toplayinall162gamesandnowownsaconsecutivegamesplayedstreakof196,the4thlongestactivemarkinthebigleaguesandthelongestbyanIndiansince1994(AlbertBelle,208games)…LastgamehedidnotplaywasAugust25,2005atTB…HeisalsothefirstIndianinclubhistoryw/2seasonsofdoubledigittotalsin2B,3B,HR&SB(2005&2006)andjustthe3rdIndianshitterwithtwoseasonsof20HR&20SB(JoeCarter,RobertoAlomar).

u Ledoff4gameswithhomeruns(5/6,5/19,7/16,9/2)andnowhas7career lead-offhomeruns…Hithiscareer-best25thhomeronSept.21atOakland…Enjoyedhisfirstcareer2-HRgameonSept.24@Texas,includinghisfirstcareerinside-the-parkHR…22ofhis28homersweresoloshots…His28HRoutofthe#1holefinished1stintheAL…HR’dinacareer-high3straightgames,May18-20.

u Playedanoutstandingdefensivecenterfield, leadingALLMajorLeagueOutfielders in total chances (419)whilecompilingthe9thbestfielding%amongALoutfielderswhilerecording7assists(2E,419TC)in159starts/160games…Made1startatDHandPHontwooccasions…Hadapairof11-gamehittingstreaks,thelastofwhichcamefromJuly15-26…Reachedbaseviahitorwalkin136of162games,including112ofhislast135…Scored123runsoverhislast143gamesand103runsoverhislast124games.

u Hit.329(143-435)offRHP(5thintheAL)and.214(47-220)offLHPwith10HR&25RBI…Hit.262(34-130)withRISPandwas6for12withthebasesloaded…LowestmonthlytotalintermsofaveragewasAugust(.259,23RSin28G)…Scoredatleast20RSineverymonthexceptJuly(18RS)…WasT1stingames(162),3rdintheALstrikeouts(153)&atbats(655)…His655atbatswerethe5thmostinasingle-seasoninIndiansfranchisehistory.

u Scoredaseason-high4runsonApril27vs.Boston&June3vs.Chicago-AL toequalacareer-high(3rdtime)…Hadaseason-high4hitson6/28@STL…Hitacareer-high3doublesonJuly22vs.Minnesota…Scored63runsin75secondhalfgames…FromSept16onhehit.306(19-62)with32B,4HR&7RBIin16games(12RS)...His.374on-base%was3rdbestamongALlead-offhitters…His.586slugging%vs.RHPwas6thbestintheAL…Slugging%inthe2ndhalfwas.553….Signedalong-termcontractthruthe2011seasononMarch29w/acluboptionfor2012.

ProCareeru 2005Hadabreakoutseason,hisfirstfullseasonintheMajorLeagues,asheestablishedhimselfasoneof


MaJOr leaGue HIsTOry, Players w/50 2b, 10 3b, 25Hr

Player (year) 2b 3b Hr

Grady sIZeMOre (2006) 53 11 28

#Joe‘Ducky’Medwick(1937) 56 10 31

*#ChuckKlein(1932) 50 15 38

#LouGehrig(1927) 52 18 47

# Denotes Hall of Famer; courtesy ELIAS SPORTS BUREAU; * Also Stole 20 bases along with Sizemore


u 2004SplittheseasonbetweenAAABuffaloandthebigleagues,makinghismajorleaguedebutinJulybeforereturningtoBuffalotoleadtheBisonstotheInternationalLeaguechampionshipafterleadingAAAkrontotheEasternLeaguecrownin2003…GotofftoaslowstartatAAABuffaloafteralatespringstomachillnesscausedhimtolosealmost15pounds…Hit.228(34-149)overtheseason’sfirst39gamesw/2HR&19RBIfrom4/8-5/19ashebattledtoregainstrengthandweightfromillnessthatforcedhimtospendseveraldaysinWinterHavenHospital…ThrutherestoftheAAAseasonhehit.320(86-269)with6HR&32RBIoverhisfinal62games…Hit.344(43-125)inJunewith102B,23B,2HR&14RBIin28games(27RS)…WasrecalledfromBuffaloon7/20whentheIndiansreturnedhomefromaWestCoasttripandmadehismajorleaguedebuton7/21vs.Chicago-ALasadefensivereplacement…Madehisfirststartthenextnightandrecordedhisfirstmajorleaguehit&RBIon7/23vs.KCoffMikeWood(RBIdouble)…Hadthegamewinninghitinthenightgameofaday/nightDHon7/24vs.KCinthe9thinningoffRudySeanezthatbrokea3-3tie…Hitfirstmajorleaguehomerunon7/25vs.KCoffZackGreinkeandstolefirstbaseon7/28vs.Detroit…Hadgame-winningdoubleon8/5atToronto&recordeda3-hitgameon8/9atChicago-AL(3-5,RS,season-highequaling2RBI)…Went2forhisnext33from8/10beforebeingoptionedbacktoAAABuffaloon8/30togetmoreatbatsthruregularandpostseasonafterCocoCrispestablishedhimselfincenterfield…SpentremainderofregularseasonwiththeBisonsbeforehitting.333(10-30)w/5RS,2HR&7RBIin9playoffgamesfortheILchampions…Hit.327(49-150)intheleadoffspot…Hit.306(57-186)withrunnersonbaseand.298(34-114)withRISP…Finishedtiedfor6thintheILwith8triples…Wasrecalledagainon9/18andspentremainderoftheseasonw/theTribe,hitting.306(15-49)with22B,23B,2HR&9RBIin13gamestoconcludetheseason,raisinghisaveragefrom.213to.246…Enjoyedhis2ndcareer3-hitgameon9/26vs.Minnesota(3-4,2B,2RBI)andagainon10/2atMinnesota(3-5,career-high3runsscored,RBI)andcamewithinadoubleofthecycle…WiththeTribehemade38startsincenterfield(42G)andmadejust1errorin106totalchances(.991fielding%)…DidnotrecordanextrabasehitoffaLHPw/Cleveland(8singles,.178slg%)…Hada.516slg%offRHP.

u 2003HadanoutstandingseasonatAAAkroninhisfirstfullseasonintheIndiansorganization,winningtheLouBoudreauAwardastheorganization’stoppositionplayer…Ledtheorganization inruns(96)andhits(151),finished3rdinaverage(.304)andtiedforthirdinRBI(78)amongIndiansfarmhands…Hit13HRin496atbatsafterenteringtheseasonwith6careerHRasaprofessionalinPost-SeasonAll-StarTeam,hewontheEasternLeagueRookieoftheYearAwardandwasrunner-upforleagueMVP…WontheLarryDobyAwardastheMVPintheRadioShackAll-StarFuture’sGame,whichendedwiththeU.S.defeatingtheWorld,3-2,inChicago’sU.S.CellularField…Sizemorewas2-for-3withahomerunandtwoRBI(RBIsingleinthefirstinningoffRichHarden,HRtoleadoff3rd)…Alsowent1for2intheDoubleAAll-StarGame,startingthecontestinCF…TiedapairAkronfranchiserecords,going5for6w/4RS&22Bon4/8vs.Harrisburgtotietheclubrecordinhitsandequaledtheclubrecordwith

SIZEMORE (continued)

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2tripleson8/11atHarrisburg(2-4,3RS)…Alsohadthree4-hitgames,includinga4for5,3RS,32B,5RBIperformanceon7/31vs.Altoona…Scoredarunin12consecutivegamesfrom7/25-8/8…Begantheseasonwithan84-gameerrorlessstreakbeforehisfirsterroron7/9…ContinuedhistorridwaysintheEasternLeagueplayoffs,hitting.412(14-34)in7gamesfortheELchampswith13B,1HR,7RS&7RBI…Wasconsistentvs.bothLHP&RHP,hitting.306(44-144)offLHPw/4HR&26RBIand.304(107-352)offRHPwith9HR&52RBI…WasnamedtotheTeamUSA2004Olympicqualifyingteamaftertheseasonandwasselectedtothe24-manfinalrosterafterhitting.442(19-43)with12RS,23B,1HR&7RBIin13gamesagainstArizonaFallLeagueteamsduringthetry-outportion…Entered2003seasonasthe7thbestprospectintheIndiansorganizationaccordingtoBaseball America.

u 2002SplittheseasonbetweenABrevardCityandAKinstonafterbeingacquiredinlateJuneina6-playerdealthatincludedBartoloColon…NamedtotheSportstickerAll-TeenTeamafterhitting.343(59-172)with92B,33B,3HR&20RBIin47gameswithKinston,stealing14basesin21attempts…Underwentleftwristsurgeryon9/13.

u 2001SpenttheseasonatAClintonoftheMidwestLeague,stealing32basesin43attemptsin123games…Fin-ished2ndintheleaguewith81walks.

u 2000SignedfirstprocontractwithMontrealon6/16…Playedfirstproseason for theGulfCoastLeagueExpos…Was5thintheleagueingames(55)and5thinatbats(205).

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameGrady sIZeMOre…Single…Resides inMillCreek,WA&Scottsdale,AZ…Wasthe75thoverallpickafterbeingselectedinthebeginning of the 3rd round by Montreal…Was a heralded recruit toplay football and baseball for the University of Washington HuskiesaftergraduatingfromEverett’sCascadeHighSchool(WA)witha3.85grade-point average… Upon graduation he was Cascade’s all-timeleadingrusherwith3,081yardsandsetaschoolrecordwith16careerinterceptions…WasalsorecruitedbyArizonaState,Clemson,CaliforniaandWashingtonState…Sizemore,whoalsowasabasketballstandout,hit.457with102B,7HR,24SB&20RBIduringhisseniorseasonofhighschool…Rana4.5forty-yarddashinhighschool…AppearedonaESPNSportsCentersegmentfollowinghisstintintheDoubleA2003All-StarGameinNewBritain,CT.

sIZeMOre’s FavOrITes

Favorite Tv show: That 70’s Show; Favorite Musical Group/artist : TheDoors;Favorite Thing to do away from baseball: Video Games (PS2); athlete Growing up:BoJackson;Favorite Team Growing up:SeattleSeahawks;Person who has most influenced you: Dad(Grady); Favorite road City: Chicago;Favorite road ballpark: San Diego;Favorite baseball Moment: first gamewinning hit (7/24/04 vs. KC); Favorite subject in school: history; Favorite vacation spot:Sydney,Australia

2006 aMerICan leaGue MvP vOTInG

Player, Club 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Points

JustinMorneau,MinnesotaTwins 15 8 3 2 320

DerekJeter,NewYorkYankees 12 14 1 1 306

DavidOrtiz,BostonRedSox 1 11 5 7 3 1 193

FrankThomas,OaklandAthletics 3 4 7 7 4 1 174

JermaineDye,ChicagoWhiteSox 1 2 6 5 7 4 2 1 156

JoeMauer,MinnesotaTwins 3 6 1 2 5 3 2 1 116

JohanSantana,MinnesotaTwins 1 5 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 114

TravIs HaFner, Cleveland Indians 1 2 4 7 3 2 64

VladimirGuerrero,LosAngelesAngels 2 3 4 6 46

CarlosGuillen,DetroitTigers 1 3 3 2 3 34

Grady sIZeMOre, Cleveland Indians 1 1 1 2 7 24

JimThome,ChicagoWhiteSox 1 3 17

AlexRodriguez,NewYorkYankees 1 2 1 13

sIZeMOre’s GaMe HIGHs

HITs:5,September22,2005atKansasCity;Hr:2,September24,2006atTexas;2b:3,July22,2006vs.Minnesota;3b:1,24times,lastonSeptember10,2006atChicago-AL;WalKs:3,threetimes,lastonJune3,2006vs.LAAngels;rbI:5,August10,2005atKansasCity;runs:4, three times, last on June 3, 2006vs. LA Angels; sb: 2, four times, laston September 8, 2006 at Chicago-AL;sTeal OF HOMe:1,August26,2005atToronto; HITTInG sTreaK: 12 games,June10-June22,2005;Career Grand slaMs:1,August10,2005atKansasCity(ZackGreinke).

2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI.290 655 190 28 76 Totals .285 1433 409 54 181

.231 26 6 1 5 Baltimore .200 55 11 1 7

.273 33 9 0 2 Boston .273 55 15 1 4

.301 73 22 1 10 Chicago(AL) .279 179 50 3 20

.273 77 21 1 2 Detroit .263 156 41 4 13

.288 73 21 6 13 KansasCity .335 188 63 12 38

.333 30 10 2 3 L.A.Angels .322 59 19 2 7

.316 76 24 1 7 Minnesota .283 184 52 7 25

.241 29 7 0 1 NewYork(AL) .222 63 14 1 4

.378 37 14 4 4 Oakland .351 74 26 5 9

.242 33 8 1 5 Seattle .242 66 16 2 7

.241 29 7 1 3 TampaBay .254 67 17 3 8

.308 39 12 4 7 Texas .275 69 19 4 10

.250 24 6 1 2 Toronto .206 68 14 1 5

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona .273 11 3 1 2.333 12 4 1 1 Chicago(NL) .333 12 4 1 1.231 26 6 1 3 Cincinnati .260 50 13 2 6-- -- -- -- -- Colorado .462 13 6 0 2.167 12 2 0 0 Milwaukee .167 12 2 0 0.308 13 4 2 5 Pittsburgh .308 13 4 2 5.538 13 7 1 3 St.Louis .538 13 7 1 3-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego .429 14 6 1 1-- -- -- -- -- SanFrancisco .583 12 7 0 4

.313 112 35 1 10 March-April .281 185 52 3 17

.299 107 32 8 19 May .292 212 62 10 33

.314 105 33 6 11 June .346 211 73 10 27

.277 101 28 1 9 July .258 252 65 5 26

.259 112 29 4 11 August .257 284 73 9 38

.280 118 33 8 16 Sept-Oct .291 289 84 17 40

.301 316 95 14 37 Home .275 692 190 26 78

.280 339 95 14 39 Road .296 741 219 28 103

.250 188 47 8 18 Day .264 432 114 13 48

.306 467 143 20 58 Night .295 1001 295 41 133

.298 594 177 27 71 Grass .293 1281 375 50 165

.213 61 13 1 5 Turf .224 152 34 4 16

.291 364 106 15 43 Pre-ASG .289 699 202 24 83

.289 291 84 13 33 Post-ASG .282 734 207 30 98

.214 220 47 10 25 vs.LHP .223 449 100 13 44

.329 435 143 18 51 vs.RHP .314 984 309 41 137

.262 130 34 4 48 ScoringPosition .275 305 84 8 119

.500 12 6 0 14 BasesLoaded .385 26 10 1 26

.500 2 1 0 0 PinchHitter .500 8 4 0 0

.250 4 1 0 0 DesignatedHitter .250 4 1 0 0

Career by ballParK avG ab H Hr rbIAmeriquestField(TEX) .273 44 12 4 9AngelStadium(LAA) .333 27 9 0 3AT&TPark(SF) .583 12 7 0 4BuschStadiumII(STL) .538 13 7 1 3CamdenYards(BAL) .207 29 6 1 6ComericaPark(DET) .244 82 20 3 8FenwayPark(BOS) .259 27 7 1 2Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) .179 28 5 0 4JacobsField(CLE) .275 692 190 26 78KauffmanStadium(KC) .379 103 39 5 21McAfeeColiseum(OAK) .432 37 16 3 6Metrodome(MIN) .213 89 19 3 10MillerPark(MIL) .167 12 2 0 0PETCOPark(SD) .429 14 6 1 1RogersCentre(TOR) .216 37 8 0 2SafecoField(SEA) .267 30 8 2 5TropicanaField(TB) .269 26 7 1 4U.S.CellularField(CWS) .333 99 33 2 13YankeeStadium(NYY) .250 32 8 1 2

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP .993 160 409 7 3 419 1 Outfield .992 357 887 10 7 904 2

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Brian Slocum 54Age: 26, born March 27, 1981 in New Rochelle, NY

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-3 Weight: 210

ML Service: 0 + 038

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (2)

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 2nd round (63rd overall) of the 2002 First-Year Player Draft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu BrianhadanimpressiveseasonatAAABuffaloandimpressedover2MajorLeaguestartsinSeptemberto


u MadehisMajorLeaguedebutonApril22atKansasCity(2.0IP,3H,2ER)andwas0-0witha7.71ERA(4.2IP,5H,4ER,5BB,4K)in4reliefappearancesbeforebeingoptionedbacktoAAABuffaloonMay2…OntheyearatAAABuffalowas6-3w/a3.35ERAand1savein27games/15starts(94.0IP,78H,42R/35ER,37BB,91K)fortheBisons.

u Was5-1witha3.12ERA(66.1IP,58H,23ER)in15gamesasastarterand1-2witha3.90ERA(27.2IP,20H,12ER)in12reliefappearances…LimitedAAAhitterstoa.227(78-344)averageagainst…LHbattershitjust.202(36-178)offhimwhileRHhittersbatted.253(42-166)offhim…Battershit.170(18-106)offhimwithRISPand.214(34-159)offhimwithrunnersonbase…Startedhislast9gamesatBuffaloandwas5-0witha2.34ERA(50.1IP,41H,13ER),winning5straightstartsfromJuly20-August11…Hadthree8strikeoutsgamesforBuffalo.

u Wasrecalledforthe2ndtimeonSeptember5thfollowingtheconclusionoftheBisonsseason…Made4appear-ances/2startsinSeptember,going0-0witha4.85ERA(13.0IP,22H,7ER,4BB,7K)…Made2startstoendtheseason,going0-0w/a1.80ERA(10.2IP12H,2R/ER,3BB,7K)…Workedaseason-high6.0IPw/aseason-high5Kinhisfinalstartvs.TampaBayonSept.29(6.0IP,8H,1R/ER,5K,TBwas0-7w/RISP)…Indianswere2-0inhisstarts…OverallMajorLeaguehittershit.360(27-75)offhim…

YeaR ClUB W-l eRa G Gs CG sHO sv IP H R eR HR HB BB sO WP BK 2002 MahoningValley 5-2 2.60 11 11 0 0 0 55.1 47 19 16 1 2 14 48 3 02003 Kinston 6-7 4.46 22 21 0 0 1 107.0 112 61 53 7 5 41 66 1 02004 Kinston *15-6 4.33 25 25 #2 #2 0 135.0 136 66 65 13 6 41 102 11 02005 Akron 7-5 4.40 21 18 1 0 0 102.1 98 52 50 9 6 36 95 2 02006 Buffalo 6-3 3.35 27 15 0 0 1 94.0 78 42 35 5 9 37 91 6 0 CLEVELAND 0-0 5.60 8 2 0 0 0 17.2 27 11 11 3 1 9 11 2 0Minor lge. Totals 39-23 3.99 106 90 3 2 2 493.2 471 240 219 35 28 169 402 23 0Cleveland TOTals 0-0 5.60 8 2 0 0 0 17.2 27 11 11 3 1 9 11 2 0american league 0-0 5.60 8 2 0 0 0 17.2 27 11 11 3 1 9 11 2 0national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 0-0 5.60 8 2 0 0 0 17.2 27 11 11 3 1 9 11 2 0

CaReeR TRansaCTIOns1999 SelectedbyMinnesotainthe14throundoftheJunedraft.Didnotsign.2002 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe2ndroundoftheJunedraft.

ProCareeru 2005SpenttheseasonatAAAkronwherehemade21appearances/17starts…Startedtheseasonbywin-


u 2004Spenthis2ndseasonatKinstonwhereheledtheCarolinaLeagueinwins(15)andfinishedtiedforfirstinCGandshutouts(2)…His65ERallowedwere3rdintheleague…Won7straightstarts,7/12-8/16,andwas4-0w/a2.16ERAin5Auguststarts(25.0IP,12H,6ER,22K)…Was1-0w/a1.54ERAin2CarolinaLeaguestartsfortheCLchamps(11.2IP,8H,2ER,12K)…Worked5.0ormoreIPin22ofhis25starts…Threwa7.0IPCG,1-hitshutouton8/3vs.MB…Fanned10in5.0IPon8/16vs.Salem.

u 2003SpenttheseasoninAKinston…Didnotpitchafter8/12…Was2-1w/a2.42ERAin5Aprilstarts(26.0IP,24H,7ER,17K)…NamedatopprospectinCLbySportsticker.

u 2002SpenthisfirstproseasoninMahoningValleyaftersigningon6/21.

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name BRIan JOHn slOCUM…Single…Resides in Eastchester,NY…Namedthe1999MostValuablePlayeroftheArchdiocesanofNewYorkwhileatIonaPrep(NY)...WastheWestchesterCountyPlayeroftheYearasasenior...EarnedAll-League,All-District,All-City,All-CountyandAll-Americanhonors in1999andwasnamedasoneof the top12highschoolpitchersinthenation...Recordedan11-1recordanda0.87ERAasaseniorinhighschool...Draftedinthe14throundofthe1999MajorLeagueBaseball draft by theMinnesotaTwins…PlayedthreeyearsofbaseballatVillanovaandwent10-7w/a3.28ERAin27outings/22GS(156.1IP,135H,57ER,128K)…In2000asafreshmanearnedthirdteamFreshmenAll-AmericahonorsbyBaseball America...ReceivedLouisvilleSluggerFreshmenAll-Americahonorablemention...NamedtotheBigEastAll-RookieTeam(4-4,2.62ERA,11GS)…Duringhisjunioryearof2002hewent4-2w/a3.41ERAin11starts(68.1IP,58H,26ER,65K)…WasratedbyBaseball Americaasthe#1prospectinPennsylvaniaenteringthe2002draftand40thnationallyoverallamongdraft-eligibleplayers…Majoredinsociology…OnlythethirdVillanovaplayerevertakenashighasthesecondroundoftheMLBDraft…Enjoysplayinggolfandservesastheteambarberinhissparetime.

slOCUM’s FavORITes

Favorite Movie: Goodfellas; Favorite Tv show: Entourage; Favorite artist:JohnLegend;Favorite Thing away From Baseball:Golf;Favorite athlete Growing Up:DonMattingly;Favorite Team Growing Up:Yankees;Most Influenced Me:MyPar-ents;Favorite nickname:Sloc;Favorite Baseball Moment:1stMLBStart

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nO-HITTeR :---; 1-HITTeR :---; 2-HIT-TeR:---;3-HITTeR:---;4-HITTeR:--;K’s (starter):5,September29,2006vs.TampaBay; K’s (reliever): 2, April 22, 2006 atKansasCity;BB’s (starter):2,September23,2006atTexas;BB’s (reliever):2,twotimes,lastonMay1,2006vs.Chicago-AL;lOnGesT sTaRT: 6.0IP, September 29,2006 vs. Tampa Bay; lOnGesT RelIeF OUTInG: 2.0IP, two times, last on Sep-tember9,2006atChicago-AL;WInnInG sTReaK:N/A;lOsInG sTReaK:N/A;HR:2, September 9, 2006 at Texas; sHORT-esT sTaRT: 4.0IP, September 23, 2006atTexas;CG:N/A;CG sHO:N/A;CaReeR 10+sTRIKeOUT GaMes:N/A.

CaReeR BY BallPaRK W l sv eRa G Inn eRAmeriquestField(TEX) 0-0-0 2.25 1 4.0 1JacobsField(CLE) 0-0-0 2.79 5 9.2 3KauffmanStadium(KC) 0-0-0 9.00 1 2.0 2U.S.CellularField(CWS) 0-0-0 22.50 1 2.0 5

PITCHeRs HITTInG 2006 CaReeR avG aB H HR RBI avG aB H HR RBI — — — — — — — — — —

FIeldInG BY POsITIOn 2006 CaReeR

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.000 8 0 0 2 2 0 Pitcher .000 8 0 0 2 2 0

2006/CaReeR W-l-s eRa G Inn eR Totals 0-0-0 5.60 8 17.2 11

Boston 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Chicago(AL) 0-0-0 23.63 2 2.2 7 KansasCity 0-0-0 9.00 1 2.0 2 Minnesota 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 TampaBay 0-0-0 1.50 1 6.0 1 Texas 0-0-0 1.80 2 5.0 1

March-April 0-0-0 4.50 3 4.0 2 May 0-0-0 27.00 1 0.2 2 Sept-Oct 0-0-0 4.85 4 13.0 7

Home 0-0-0 2.79 5 9.2 3 Road 0-0-0 9.00 3 8.0 8

Day 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0 Night 0-0-0 5.94 7 16.2 11

Grass 0-0-0 5.60 8 17.2 11

Pre-ASG 0-0-0 7.71 4 4.2 4 Post-ASG 0-0-0 4.85 4 13.0 7

Starter 0-0-0 1.80 2 10.0 2 Relief 0-0-0 10.57 6 7.2 9

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Brad Snyder 75Age: 24, born May 25, 1982 in Sandusky, OH

Position: Outfielder

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-3 Weight: 200

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (2)

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in 1st round (18th overall) of the 2003 first-year player draft.

year Club avG G ab r H 2b 3b Hr rbI sH sF Hb bb sO sb Cs e

2003 MahoningValley.284 62 225 52 64 11 6 6 31 1 3 1 41 82 14 5 42004 LakeCounty .280 79 304 52 85 15 5 10 54 0 4 5 48 78 11 4 4 Kinston .355 29 110 20 39 7 1 6 21 0 1 1 13 28 4 2 02005 Kinston .278 58 209 36 58 10 2 6 28 0 2 6 24 64 12 1 1 Akron .280 75 304 56 85 21 5 16 54 1 1 6 25 94 5 3 62006 Akron .270 135 523 *86 141 28 5 18 72 1 3 5 62 158 20 2 8Minor lge. Totals .282 438 1675 302 472 92 24 62 260 3 14 24 213 504 66 17 19

Career TransaCTIOns2003 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe1stround(18thoverall)oftheJunedraft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu SpenttheentireseasonatAAAkron…LedtheEasternLeaguewith86runsscoredwhileplayinginateam-


u FromAugust1thrutheendoftheseasonhehit.304(35-115)with52B,9HR&20RBIovertheseason’sfinal32games,going4-4w/4RS,2HR&5RBIonAugust29atAltoona…Alsowent4for4onAugust27vs.Trenton…Hit.270(10-37)w/aHR&7RBIin10EasternLeagueplayoffgames.

u Ontheyearhehit.276(102-370)with12HR&53RBIoffRHPand.255(39-153)offLHP(6HR,19RBI)…Hit.235(32-136)withRISPand.290(67-231)withrunnersonbase…8thbestprospectintheIndians’organiza-tionaccordingtoBAentering2007.

ProCareeru 2005SplittheseasonbetweenAKinstonandAAAkron…Combinedontheyearhehit.279(143-513)w/312B,

22HR&82RBIin133games(158K)…His92runsscoredledallorganizationalplayersandalsofinished2ndinhits,4thinRBIandHRandtiedfor5thinsteals(17in21chances)…Hitin12straightgamesfrom4/28-5/9…PromotedtoAAAkronon6/11…SpenttheremainderoftheseasonatAAAkron…Hitin15straightgamesfrom7/29-8/12…WasnamedEasternLeaguePlayeroftheWeekfortheweekending8/7...Overthesevengamesthatweekhehit.419(13-31)with6R,32B,3HR&11RBI...PlayedforMesaintheArizonaFallLeagueaftertheseason,hitting.367(36-98)with32B,33B,3HR&19RBIin25games…Finished6thintheAFLinbattingwitha.367average...HealsofinishedT-2ndintheleagueinhits(36)and5thintheleagueinon-basepercentage(.438)...ContractwaspurchasedfromAAAkronandaddedto40-manrosteron11/18…RepresentedtheUnitedStatesatthe2005CONCEBERegionalOlympicQualifyingTournamentinPhoenixinNovember…Aftertheseasonwasnamedthe3rdbestprospectintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball America.

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aMerICan leaGue besT 2nd HalF era’s (al), 2006

Pitcher era

1. JohanSantana,MIN 2.54

2. JereMy sOWers, Cle 2.72

3. CC sabaTHIa, Cle 2.97

4. ErikBedard,BAL 3.10

5. Chien-MingWang,NYY 3.13

6. KelvimEscobar,LAA 3.27

JeffWeaver,LAA 3.27

Minimum 70.0IP, courtesy STATS INC

2006SeasonHighlightsu HadanexceptionalyearbetweenAAABuffaloandCleveland,postingacombinedrecordof16-5w/a2.42


u Spentfirst2monthsoftheseason,postingarecordof9-1w/a1.39ERA(97.1IP,78H,20R/15ER,1HR,29BB,54K,.224avgall’d)andwentatleast5.0IPin14of15startswhiletossing2completegameshutouts…AtthetimeofhispromotiontoClevelandonJune24hehadthelowestERAinTripleAbaseballandwastiedfor1stintheInternationalLeagueinwinsandis3rdininningspitched…Wonhislast7straightdecisionsatBuffaloanddidnotloseoverhislast11starts,going7-0w/a1.35ERAfromApril28toJune20(73.1IP,53H,11ER,20BB,37K).

u Enjoyedastretchof29.0consecutiveinningsfromMay14-29withoutallowinganER&tossedacompletegame,7.0IP1-hitCGshutoutonMay19vs.Pawtucket&tosseda7.0IP,two-hitCGshutoutonJune15atDurham…WastheToppsInternationalLeaguePlayeroftheMonthforMay(4-0,0.88ERA,6GS,41.0IP,30H,4ER)…Went2-1w/a1.44ERA in5April starts (31.1IP,30H,5ER)…Bisonswere12-3 inhis starts asheworkedatleast5.0IPin14ofhis15assignments…Battershit.224(78-348)offhimwithjust1HRallowedin97.1IP…LHbattershit.205(16-78)andRHhittershit.230(62-270).

u PromotedtoClevelandon6/24whenhiscontractwaspurchasedfromAAABuffaloandaddedtothe40-manroster(JasonJohnsondesignated)…LosthisMLdebutagainsttheCincinnatiRedson6/25inJacobsField,a4-2winfortheReds…5.0IP,5H,4R/ER,1BB,3K,2-runHRtoGriffeyandDunn…NotchedhisfirstMajorLeaguewinon7/3vs.theNewYorkYankeesinJacobsField,a5-2winoverWang…Alloweda2-runHRtoGiambiinthefirstinningbeforeposting6.0IPshutoutframes(4H)…7.0IP,6H,2R/ER,1BB,4K)…Sufferedhis2ndlossoftheseasononJuly8th,a7-4losstotheOrioles(season-low3.2IP,7H,7R/ER)…Allowedseason-high3HRonJuly16@MIN.

u TossedthefirstCG/ShutoutofhisMajorLeaguecareeronJuly22vs.Minnesota…Itwasan11-0winovertheTwinsandScottBaker(9.0IP,4H,0R,1BB,4K,104P)…Didnotallowarunnerto2ndbase…Tossedhis2ndstraightCG/ShutoutonJuly28vs.Seattle…Wasa1-0win…9.0IP,5H,0R,1BB,3K…BecamethefirstIndiansinceBudBlackin1989totossconsecutiveCG/shutousandfirstIndiansrookiehurlersinceDickTidrowin1972(July31-Aug4)tothrowconsecutiveshutouts…ThelastbigleaguerookietodoitwasDontrelleWillisin2003(onewasarain-shortened5.0IPgame)…Thelastrookietothrowconsecutive9.0IPshutoutswasRolandoArrojoforTampaBayin1998.

u DidnotreceiveadecisioninstartofAugust2atBoston(wasa6-5losstotheSox–5.0IP,5H,2R/ER,2BB,sea-son-high5K)…Allowedapairofrunsinthe4thinningashehadhisscorelessstreaksnappedat22.0IP…Itwasthe3rdlongestbyaIndiansrookiesince1972andwasT7thlongestintheMajorsin2006…AlsolongeststreakbyaTribepitchersincePaulAssenmacher’s23.1IPin1997…Wonhis4thgameoftheseasonin13-0winovertheRoyalsonAugust13(6.0IP,5H,0R).

u WonanIndiansteam-high6straightdecisionsfromJuly22thruSept.5…Overthe7startshewas6-0w/a1.93ERA(60.2IP,49H,13ER)…LosthislaststartoftheyearonSept.12vs.KC(5.0IP,7H,4R/ER)andwasshutdownforthelast3weeksoftheseasonafterpitchingacombined185.2inningsontheyear…Combinedontheyearhewas16-5w/a2.42ERAin29starts(185.2IP,163H,50ER)…

u MajorLeaguehittersbatted.252(85-337)offhimw/10HR(.392SLG,.298OBP)…LHHare16for71(.225,4HR)andRHHare69for266(.259,6HR)…Battershit.234(33-141)withrunnerson&.290(20-69)w/RISP(12-35,.343w/RISP-2outs)…The.234markwithrunnersonwas11thlowestintheleague…Allowed6stolenbases(3CS)…Tribewas8-6inhisstarts…10ofhis14startsinthebigleagueswentintothe6thinning.

SNYDER (continued)

snyder’s FavOrITes

FavOrITe MOvIe: The Rock; FavOr-ITe MusIC GrOuP/arTIsT: Pantera; FavOrITe aTHleTe GrOWInG uP: MarcusAllen;FavOrITe TeaM OTHer THan THe IndIans: STL Cardinals;PersOn WHO Has MOsT InFluenCed yOu:Mydad;FavOrITe THInG TO dO aWay FrOM baseball:learntoplaygui-tar;FavOrITe Tv sHOW:Lost;FavOrITe baseball MOMenT: Winning 2005EasternLeaguetitlewithAAAkron

u 2004Seasondidnotstartuntil4/29duetoaninfectionthatsidelinedhimduringhisfirstmajorleaguespringtrainingcamp(hewasaspringinvitee)…OpenedtheseasonatALakeCountyandhitin9straightgames,5/2-11…Went3for5w/2HR&6RBIon7/6vs.Lexington…Appearedin55gamesinCFand16gamesinLFfortheCaptainsandhit.320(33-103)inJulywith52B,4HR&21RBIin27games…PromotedtoAKinstonon8/4andhitsafelyin25of26gamesfrom8/5-9/3,includingan18-gamehittingstreakfrom8/15-9/3…Hitapairofhomers(4RBI)on8/11atMyrtleBeachandwent4-4w/aHR&4RBIon8/29vs.Wilmington…Hit.385(35-91)inAugustw/6HR&20RBIin23games…Hit.133(4-30)intheCLplayoffs.

u 2003Spenthisfirstprofessionalseasonattheclub’sshort-seasonAMahoningValleyaffiliateoftheNewYork-PennLeagueaftersigninghisfirstprofessionalcontracton6/14…Ledtheteaminruns(52),steals(14)andon-base%(.393)whiletyingfortheteamleadwith6triples…Hitin9straightgamesfrom8/14-23andhitagrandslamon8/18atBatavia…Had16RBIovera14-gamestretchfrom8/5-18.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnamebradley MICHael snyder…Single…ResidesinBellevue,OH and Tampa, FL…Attended Ball State University where he wasnamedtheMidAmericanConferencePlayeroftheYearandfirstteamAll-MAC for the springof2003…He led the league indoubles (25),walks (49), totalbases (154) andsluggingpercentage (.770),whilerankingsecondintheconferencewith68RS,61RBIanda.522on-basepercentage…Batted.405(81-200)with68RS,252B,33B,14HR,61RBI&20SBin55gamesatBallStatein2003…Inhis3-seasonatBSUhecompileda.378(211-558)average,whichtiedforsecondbestinCardinalhistory,ranking2ndinschoolhistoryinslugging%(.688),&T4thinHR(36)&T8thinRBI(150)…Enteringthedrafthewasratedthe 26th best overall prospect in the entire 2003 draft by Baseball America,the#1overallprospectoutofthestateofIndianaandthe3rdBestFive-ToolCollegeTalent.

Jeremy Sowers 45Age: 23, born May 17, 1983 in St. Clairsville, OH

Position: Pitcher

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-1 Weight: 180

ML Service: 0 + 100

Contract Status (Options Remaining): Signed thru 2007 (3)

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 1st round (6th overall) of the 2004 First-Year Player Draft.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 2005 Kinston 8-3 2.78 13 13 0 0 0 71.1 60 25 25 5 3 19 75 4 0 Akron 5-1 2.08 13 13 0 0 0 82.1 74 25 19 8 3 9 70 2 0 Buffalo 1-0 1.59 1 1 0 0 0 5.2 7 1 1 0 0 1 4 1 02006 Buffalo 9-1 1.39 15 15 2 #2 0 97.1 78 20 15 1 1 29 54 2 0 CLEVELAND 7-4 3.57 14 14 2 #2 0 88.1 85 36 35 10 2 20 35 1 0Minor lge. Totals 23-5 2.00 42 42 2 2 0 256.2 219 71 57 14 7 58 203 9 0Cleveland TOTals 7-4 3.57 14 14 2 2 0 88.1 85 36 35 10 2 20 35 1 0american league 7-4 3.57 14 14 2 2 0 88.1 85 36 35 10 2 20 35 1 0national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 7-4 3.57 14 14 2 2 0 88.1 85 36 35 10 2 20 35 1 0

Career TransaCTIOns2001–SelectedbytheCincinnatiRedsinthe1stround(20thoverall)oftheJunedraft.Didnotsign.2004–SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe1stround(6thoverall)oftheJunedraft.

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SOWERS (continued)

TrIbe rOOKIe sCOreless sTreaKs

(sInCe 1972)

Pitcher streak year

1. DennisEckersley 24.1IP 1972

2. TomWaddell 23.0IP 1984

3. JereMy sOWers 22.0IP 2006

4. DickTidrow 21.0IP 1972

5. CharlesNagy 19.1IP 1991


aMerICan leaGue rOOKIes, besT era’s, 2006

Pitcher era

1. JoelZumaya,DET 1.94

2. FranciscoLiriano,MIN 2.16

3. JeredWeaver,LAA 2.56

4. JereMy sOWers, Cle 3.57

5. JustinVerlander,DET 3.63

6. RuddyLugo,TB 3.81

Minimum 80.0IP

aMerICan leaGue rOOKIes, MOsT WIns, 2006

Pitcher WIns

1. JustinVerlander,DET 17

2. FranciscoLiriano,MIN 12

3. JeredWeaver,LAA 11

4. JereMy sOWers, Cle 7

Five other AL rookies–7

MaJOr leaGue besT era’s July 22-end OF seasOn, 2006

Pitcher era

1. RogerClemens,HOU 2.25

2. JereMy sOWers, Cle 2.33

3. JohanSantana,MIN 2.41

4. ClayHensley,SDP 2.43

5. RoyOswalt,HOU 2.62

6. JakePeavy,SDP 2.64

AnibalSanchez,FLA 2.64

8. CC sabaTHIa, Cle 2.66

Minimum 65.0IP, courtesy STATS INC

2006 Mlb sCOreless sTreaKs

Pitcher IP

1. Meredith,Cla,SDP 33.2

2. Lackey,John,LAA 30.2

3. Rodriguez,Francisco,LAA 30.2

4. Webb,Brandon,ARI 30.0

5. Maine,John,NYM 26.0

6. Sanchez,Anibal,FLA 23.0

7. Ledezma,Wil,DET 22.0

Papelbon,Jonathan,BOS 22.0

sOWers, JereMy, Cle 22.0


ProCareeru 2005Wentacombined14-4witha2.37ERAin27startsatAKinston,AAAkronandAAABuffaloinhisfirst

seasonasapro(159.1IP,141H,42ER,149K,.235avg)…Ledorganizationalpitchersinwinsandstrikeoutsandwas3rdinERAandIPandwasnamedMinorLeaguePitcheroftheYear(BobFellerAward)…His2.37combinedERAwasseventh-lowestinallofMinorLeagueBaseball…Walked30batterstheentireseasonw/a5.0:1SO/BBratioandaveraged1.7BB/9.0IP…StartedtheyearatAKinstonwhereheworkedintothe5thinninginall13ofhisstarts…Went3-2w/a2.38ERAin6Maystarts(34.0IP,28H,9ER,35K)andwaspromotedtoAAAkronon6/16…LeftyCarolinaLeaguehittershit.173(13-75)andbattershit.210(13-62)withRISP,.083(2-24)withRISP-2outs…AtthetimeofhisAApromotion,hewastiedfortheCarolinaLeagueleadinwins(8)andwas4thinERA(2.78)andstrikeouts(75)…HesufferedthelossinhisAAdebuton6/22vs.Reading...Afterthat,hedidnotlosearegularseasondecision,going5-0witha1.75ERAin12starts(77.1IP,66H,20R,15ER,7BB,67SO)…Jeremypitched24.0consecutiveinningswithoutallowinganearnedrunfrom7/3-22...WaspromotedtoAAABuffaloon9/1andmadeonestartfortheBisons...Hepickedupthewinon9/2@Ottawa(5.2IP,7H,1R/ER,4K)andreturnedtoAkronfortheEasternLeaguePlayoffs…Intwopost-seasonstartsfortheELChampionAeros,Jeremywas1-1witha5.25ERA(12.0IP,13H,9R,7ER,5BB,10SO)…Aftertheseasonwasnamedthe2ndbestprospectintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball America.

u 2004Didnotsignuntil8/24/04andspentthefallpitchingintheFILinWinterHaven,FL.

CollegeCareeru Went10-6witha3.08ERAin19appearances/17startsforVanderbiltUniversityin2004(schoolrecord122.2IP,

105H,42ER,26BB,119SO)duringhisjunioryear…ThenativeofLouisville,KYwasnamedtotheAll-SECsec-ondteamforthesecondstraightyear…HewasoneofonlytwoCommodorespitcherstorecordatleast300careerstrikeouts(327)andwasoneofonlythreepitcherstoregister10ormorewinsinaseason…LeftVUrankedinthetopfiveinsingleseasonstrikeouts(123insophomoreyear),careerwins(23),andcareerinningspitched(338.2IP,303H,123ER,3.27ERA)…HealsoledVanderbilttotheSuperRegionalagainstTexasduringhisjunioryearandwasnamedtotheCharlottesville(VA)RegionalAll-TournamentTeam…Asasophomorein2003hewent7-5w/a2.50ERA(18G/16GS,115.0IP,94H,32ER,123K)andwasselectedsecondteamAll-SouthRegionbytheAmericanBaseballCoachesAssociation…LedSECinSO,ERAandIP…Finishedtheyearwith123strikeouts,secondall-timeatVanderbilt...Endedtheyearwitha2.50ERA,ninthlowestinCommodorehistory…Tiedacareer-highwith12strikeoutsineight inningsagainstAuburn(4/25/03)…Freshmanyearhewentateam-best6-5w/a4.37ERAin15games/13GS(101.0IP,104H,49ER)…NamedtotheCollegiateBaseball/Louisville Slugger Freshman All-American Team…His 101.0 innings pitched set a single-seasonrecordforVUfreshmenhurlerswhilehis85strikeoutswerethethird-mostbyaVUfreshmanpitcherinschoolhistory…His 85 strikeouts ranked fourth-best in the SEC overall/1st among freshmen…Helped guide theWarehamGatementotheCapeCodBaseballLeaguechampionshipduringthesummerof2002…StilltakesclassesatVandyashepursuesadegreeinsociology.

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name JereMy bryan sOWers…Resides in Louisville, KY &Beachwood, OH…Engaged to Ashley Duffy…Attended Ballard HighSchool inLouisville,KYwherehewasnamedNationalHighSchoolAll-AmericanbyBaseball America...NamedKentuckyGatoradePlayeroftheYear,Mr.KentuckyBaseballandKentuckyHighSchoolCoachesAssociationAthleteoftheYearasasenioratBallard...Recordeda10-2recordand0.75ERA,with156strikeouts,18walksandnineearnedrunsin89inningsasaseniorin2001...Threw13CGand8SHOinhisfinalhighschoolseason...Posteda13-0markand0.16ERAwith129strikeoutsin85.2IPasajunior...Threw13CG/7SHOasajunior...Tossedfourcareerno-hittersasaBruin...NamedAll-State,All-Section,All-Re-gionandCountyPlayeroftheYearwhileleadingtheteamtoconsecutiveappearancesinthestatechampionshipgameasajuniorandsenior...SelectedbyCincinnatiinthefirstround(20thpickoverall)ofthe2001MajorLeagueBaseballDraft,butoptedtoattendVandy…Priortothe2004First-YearPlayerDraftSowerswasrankedbyBaseball Americaasthe2ndbestcollegiatepitcherintermsofcommandandwasranked3rdamong

sOWers FavOrITes

Favorite Movie:Dr.Strangelove;Favorite Tv show: South Park; Favorite Music:80s/NewWave;Favorite Thing away From baseball:spendingtimewithfianceAsh-ley;Favorite athlete:WillClark;Favorite Team:GreenBayPackers;Most Influence:Family; road City: Minneapolis; road ballpark:Fenway;baseball Moment:1stCGSHOvs.Minnesota

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sOWers’ GaMe HIGHs

nO-HITTer:---; 1-HITTer:---; 2-HIT-Ter:---;3-HITTer:---;4-HITTer:1,July22,2006vs.Minnesota;K’s (starter):5,August2,2006atBoston;bb’s (starter):4,August19,2006atTampaBay;lOn-GesT sTarT:9.0IP,twotimes,lastJuly28,2006vs.Seattle;WInnInG sTreaK:6 games, July 22-September 5, 2006;lOsInG sTreaK:2games,July8-July16,2006;Hr:3,July16,2006atMinnesota;sHOrTesT sTarT:3.2IP,July8,2006vs.Baltimore;CG:2,July22,2006vs.Min-nesota;July28,2006vs.Seattle;CG sHO:2,July22,2006vs.Minnesota;July28,2006vs.Seattle;Career 10+sTrIKeOuT GaMes:N/A.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erFenwayPark(BOS) 0-0-0 3.60 1 5.0 2JacobsField(CLE) 5-3-0 3.41 10 63.1 24Metrodome(MIN) 0-1-0 6.43 1 7.0 5RogersCentre(TOR) 1-0-0 2.57 1 7.0 2TropicanaField(TB) 1-0-0 3.00 1 6.0 2

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP .917 14 4 7 1 12 1 Pitcher .917 14 4 7 1 12 1

2006/Career W-l-s era G Inn er Totals 7-4-0 3.57 14 88.1 35

Baltimore 0-1-0 17.18 1 3.2 7 Boston 0-0-0 3.60 1 5.0 2 Detroit 1-0-0 3.00 1 6.0 2 KansasCity 1-1-0 3.27 2 11.0 4 L.A.Angels 0-0-0 3.86 1 7.0 3 Minnesota 1-1-0 2.81 2 16.0 5 NewYork(AL) 1-0-0 2.57 1 7.0 2 Seattle 1-0-0 0.00 1 9.0 0 TampaBay 1-0-0 3.00 1 6.0 2 Toronto 1-0-0 2.84 2 12.2 4

Cincinnati 0-1-0 7.20 1 5.0 4

June 0-1-0 7.20 1 5.0 4 July 3-2-0 3.53 5 35.2 14 August 3-0-0 2.78 6 35.2 11 Sept-Oct 1-1-0 4.50 2 12.0 6

Home 5-3-0 3.41 10 63.1 24 Road 2-1-0 3.96 4 25.0 11

Day 1-2-0 4.50 3 18.0 9 Night 6-2-0 3.33 11 70.1 26

Grass 5-3-0 3.42 11 68.1 26 Turf 2-1-0 4.05 3 20.0 9

Pre-ASG 1-2-0 7.47 3 15.2 13 Post-ASG 6-2-0 2.72 11 72.2 22

Starter 7-4-0 3.57 14 88.1 35

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Spring  invitee 

Jason Stanford 61Age: 30, born January 23, 1977 in Tucson, AZ

Position: Pitcher

Bats: L Throws: L Height: 6-1 Weight: 205

ML Service: 2 + 005

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: November 16, 1999; Signed as a non-drafted free agent by the Cleveland Indians.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Appeared in AAA Buffalo for the 6th straight season (club record)…Did not win until May 11 and dropped his

first 3 decisions… Did not pitch for most of June due to left elbow tendonitis…Following activation he was 4-2 w/a 3.20 ERA (64.2IP, 57H, 23ER, 43K) and worked 6.0 or more inning in 7 of his last 8 starts…Went 1-1 w/a 2.40ERA in 5 July starts (30.0IP, 26H, 8ER, 17K).

u Limited Triple A hitters to a .242 (102-422) average with 11HR allowed…RH hitters hit .236 (74-313) with 9HR and LHH hit .257 (28-109) with 2HR…Batters hit .284 (50-176) with runners on and .274 (26-95) with RISP…Was outrighted off the 40-man roster on September 21…

ProCareeru 2005 Spent the first half of the season rehabbing his left elbow in Winter Haven and Akron under the supervi-

sion of Lee Kuntz…Was officially placed on the 60-day DL on 2/21 in spring training…Began his 30-day rehab assignment 7/25 in Mahoning Valley (2 games) and appeared in 1 game at Lake County on 7/30 before being activated from the DL and optioned to AA Akron on 8/1…Pitched well at Akron, posting an ERA of 2.45 (14.2IP, 4ER) and allowed earned runs in only 3 of his 8 games….Went exactly 2.0IP in 6 of the 8 outings and limited batters to a .176 (3-17) mark with RISP…Was promoted to Buffalo on 8/25 where he allowed an ER in only 1 of the 4 outings…His combined ERA at Akron and Buffalo was 2.08 (21.2IP, 22H, 5ER, 20K).

Career TransaCTIons1999 Signed by the Cleveland Indians as a free agent, 11/16. 2004 DL – left elbow surgery, 4/16-remainder of at AAA Buffalo, 5/3.2005 DL – rehab, left elbow surgery, 4/2-8-1…rehab at A Mahoning Valley, 7/25-19 and A Lake County, 7/30-31.

Year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHo sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb so WP bK2000 Columbus 7-4 2.73 14 14 0 0 0 79.0 82 32 24 3 2 20 72 3 0 Kinston 4-3 2.57 11 11 1 0 0 70.0 68 22 20 2 2 17 58 0 0 Akron 1-0 1.59 1 1 0 0 0 5.2 5 1 1 0 1 1 5 0 02001 Akron 6-11 4.07 24 24 1 0 0 141.2 152 71 64 11 10 32 108 2 1 Buffalo 1-0 0.00 1 1 1 1 0 9.0 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 02002 Akron 7-6 3.43 18 18 1 1 0 102.1 108 44 39 3 6 33 86 2 2 Buffalo 3-1 2.78 6 5 0 0 0 35.2 33 12 11 5 1 11 23 0 02003 Buffalo 10-4 3.43 20 20 1 0 0 126.0 124 57 48 13 5 25 108 2 2 CLEVELAND 1-3 3.60 13 8 0 0 0 50.0 48 20 20 5 1 16 30 0 02004 Buffalo 0-0 0.00 1 1 0 0 0 3.1 2 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 CLEVELAND 0-1 0.82 2 2 0 0 0 11.0 12 1 1 0 1 5 5 1 02005 Akron 2-0 2.45 8 0 0 0 0 14.2 15 5 4 1 4 4 13 0 0 MahoningValley 0-0 0.00 2 2 0 0 0 1.2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 Lake County 0-1 18.00 1 0 0 0 0 1.0 3 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 Buffalo 0-0 1.29 4 1 0 0 0 7.0 7 2 1 0 0 1 7 1 02006 Buffalo 6-6 4.01 22 21 0 0 0 112.1 102 52 50 11 13 38 81 5 0Minor lge. Totals 47-36 3.35 133 119 5 2 0 709.1 705 301 264 49 44 188 576 15 5Cleveland ToTals 1-4 3.10 15 10 0 0 0 61.0 60 21 21 5 2 21 35 1 0american league 1-4 3.10 15 10 0 0 0 61.0 60 21 21 5 2 21 35 1 0national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. ToTals 1-4 3.10 15 10 0 0 0 61.0 60 21 21 5 2 21 35 1 0

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sTanFord’s FavorITes

Favorite Movie: Rounders; Favorite Group: Pearl Jam/ Red Hot Chili Peppers; Favorite athlete: Jackie Robinson/ John Elway; Favorite Team: Chicago Cubs; Person of Influence: My Parents (Keith & Dolores); road City: Chicago; road stadium: Sky Dome; Favorite thing away from base-ball: Hunting/ Spending time with family; Favorite T.v. show: CSI: Miami

(5GS, 19.0IP, 16H, 3ER, 2BB, 19SO) and was named to the All Prospect team after the season…Also played for Team USA in the World Cup held in Chinese Taipei in November…He went 2-0 with a 0.75 ERA (12.0IP, 7H, 1ER, 4BB, 15SO) for the Silver medal winning squad in 3 starts.

u 2000 Was named the club’s Minor League Pitcher of the Year after going a combined 12-7 with a 2.62 ERA in 26 starts (154.2IP, 155H, 45ER, 38BB, 135SO)…Finished T1st in the organization in wins (12), T2nd with 154.2IP and 2nd with 135 SO…Started the year at A Columbus of the South Atlantic League and was promoted to A Kinston on 6/24…Was with Kinston for two months before making a late-season start for Akron on 9/3 (5.2IP, 5H, 1R/ER)…Allowed only 5 homers on the season and pitched in the South Atlantic League All-Star Game.

Personal/MiscellaneousFull name Jason JoHn sTanFord…Married, wife’s name is Kara, a former member of the Cleveland Cavaliers dance team and currently an attorney…Resides in Queen Creek, AZ…Recently graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelors degree in Interdisciplinary Studies…Graduated from Canyon Del Oro High School in 1995… Spent two years (1996-97) playing at Barton County Community College (KS) and was an Academic All-American…Played two years of baseball for North Carolina-Charlotte in 1998-99 where he was a Conference USA selection in both years… Enjoys hunting and golfing in the off-season…Attended the annual Cleveland Baseball Federation dinner in August of 2004… Currently is involved with the Garth Brooks ‘Teammates for Kids’ Foundation, B.A.T.S and the Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona Saint Nicholas program …

STANFORD (continued)

sTanFord’s GaMe HIGHs

no-HITTer: ----; 1-HITTer: ----; 2-HIT-Ter: ----; 3-HITTer: ----; 4-HITTer: ----; K’s (starter): 6, two times, last on September 13, 2003 vs. Minnesota; K’s (reliever): 2, July 31, 2003 at Oakland; bb’s (starter): 4, 2x, last on April 9, 2004 at Kansas City; bb’s (reliever): 2, August 2, 2003 at Texas; lonGesT sTarT: 7.0IP, two times, last on September 19, 2003 vs. Boston; lonGesT relIeF ouTInG: 3.1IP, July 31, 2003 at Oakland; WInnInG sTreaK/onlY WIn: 1 game, September 26, 2003 at Toronto; lasT CG: n/a; CG sHo : n /a; Career 10+ sTrIKeouT GaMes: n/a; Hr: 2, September 13, 2003 vs. Minnesota.

Career bY ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquest Field (TEX) 0-1-0 27.00 2 0.2 2Comerica Park (DET) 0-0-0 8.31 1 4.1 4Jacobs Field (CLE) 0-3-0 2.61 6 31.0 9Kauffman Stadium (KC) 0-0-0 0.00 1 5.0 0McAfee Coliseum (OAK) 0-0-0 0.00 2 4.0 0Metrodome (MIN) 0-0-0 3.60 1 5.0 2Rogers Centre (TOR) 1-0-0 0.00 1 6.0 0U.S. Cellular Field (CWS) 0-0-0 7.20 1 5.0 4

Career W-l-s era G Inn er Totals 1-4-0 3.10 15 61.0 21

Boston 0-1-0 2.57 1 7.0 2 Chicago (AL) 0-0-0 4.09 2 11.0 5 Detroit 0-0-0 9.00 2 5.0 5 Kansas City 0-0-0 0.00 1 5.0 0 L.A. Angels 0-0-0 4.15 1 4.1 2 Minnesota 0-2-0 2.50 3 18.0 5 Oakland 0-0-0 0.00 2 4.0 0 Texas 0-1-0 27.00 2 0.2 2 Toronto 1-0-0 0.00 1 6.0 0

March-April 0-1-0 0.82 2 11.0 1 July 0-0-0 2.30 5 15.2 4 August 0-1-0 7.20 3 5.0 4 Sept-Oct 1-2-0 3.68 5 29.1 12

Home 0-3-0 2.61 6 31.0 9 Road 1-1-0 3.60 9 30.0 12

Day 0-0-0 4.18 5 23.2 11 Night 1-4-0 2.41 10 37.1 10

Grass 0-4-0 3.42 13 50.0 19 Turf 1-0-0 1.64 2 11.0 2

Pre-ASG 0-1-0 1.64 4 22.0 4 Post-ASG 1-3-0 3.92 11 39.0 17

Starter 1-3-0 2.91 10 55.2 18 Relief 0-1-0 5.06 5 5.1 3

u 2004 Season was marred by elbow problems that limited him to 2 major league starts and eventually ended his season after undergoing reconstructive left elbow surgery at the end of July… Was named the Tribe’s 5th starter out of spring & made first regular season start of the season on 4/ 9 at KC (ND, 5.0IP, 7H, 0R, 4BB, 2K) in a 3-1 loss at KC…Fell to 0-1 as the Twins and Brad Radke shutout the Tribe, 3-0, in his second and final start of the season on 4/15 vs. Minnesota in Jacobs Field (6.0IP, 5H, 1R/ER, 1BB, 3K)…Indians scored 1 run over his 2 starts as he worked into the 6th inning in both starts…His 0.82 ERA was actually leading the AL at one point after his 2nd start…Felt soreness in his left elbow and forearm area after his 2nd start of 4/15 and was placed on the 15-day DL on 4/16…Made 1 rehab start for Buffalo on 5/3 vs. Pawtucket (3.1IP, 2H, 0R, 3BB, 4K)…Continued to fell discomfort in the elbow and was shutdown for 12 weeks after abnormalities were detected with his ligament and flexor tendon mass in his elbow…Resumed a throwing program in late June before throwing 2 simulated games in July before being shutdown for the season after more discomfort…‘Tommy John’ surgery was performed by Schickendantz and Andrews in Birmingham on 7/29 to end his season.

u 2003 Was impressive over 5 September starts, earning his first major league win…Spent most of the season with AAA Buffalo, going 10-4 with a 3.43ERA (126.0IP, 124H, 57R/48ER, 25BB, 108K, 13HR) and led the team in starts (20), innings and strikeouts while tying for the team lead with 10 wins…He began the season 5-0 at Triple A in his first 8 starts before suffering his first loss on 6/1 at Columbus…When he was promoted to Cleveland for the first of his three stints in the big leagues he was tied for third in the International League in wins (8) and 6th in ERA (3.18)…He was named to the IL All-Star Team prior to his promotion to the big leagues on 7/5 when his contract was purchased from AAA Buffalo…Marked the 2nd time in his minor league career he was named to the league’s All-Star squad (also SAL All-Star in 2000)...Tossed 1.0 scoreless inning in the Triple A All-Star Game on 7/16…He made his ML debut on 7/6 in Minnesota (ND, 5.0IP, 5H, 2R/ER, 4BB, 1K)…Made his 2nd major league start on 7/12 (day game) against Chicago-AL despite allowing only 1 run on 4 hits over 6.0IP…Was optioned to AAA Buffalo after the day game of 7/12 and made 1 start for the Bisons (7.0IP, 3R/ER) before being recalled on 7/22 and put into a relief role from 7/22-8/10, making a spot start on 8/9 (N) vs. Anaheim (4.1IP, 7H, 2R/ER)…Was optioned back to Buffalo on 8/10, making 3 more starts for Buffalo in August (2-1, 4.50ERA, 20.0IP, 22H, 10ER) before being recalled on 9/1 when rosters expanded and made is 4th start that day in Detroit against the Tigers (4.1IP, 6H, 4R/ER, 1BB, 2K)… Worked a career-high 7.0IP and equaled season/career-high 6SO in start of 9/13 vs. Minnesota (L#2, 7.0IP, 4H, 2R)…Worked 7.0IP on both 9/13 & 9/19 vs. Boston and was a victim of 2-0 shutouts in each start…Earned is first major league win in his final start of 9/26 at Toronto (6.0IP, 5H, 0R, 2BB, 3SO), a 2-1 win over the Jays and Cory Lidle…Over his 5 September starts he was 1-2 w/a 3.68 ERA (29.1IP, 26H, 12ER, 7BB, 21SO)…As a starter he was 1-2 w/a 3.43 ERA in 8 starts (44.2IP, 42H, 17ER)…Was a member Team USA at the 2003 of the Olympic Trials held in Panama City, Panama in early November…Started game 1 against Nicaragua and tossed 7.0 shutout innings.

u 2002 Spent most of the season at AA Akron and made 6 starts over three stints at AAA Buffalo in only his 3rd professional season, recording a combined record of 10-7 w/a 3.26 ERA (138.0IP, 141H, 50ER, 8HR, 44BB, 109SO) in 24 games/23 starts…Started the year slowly at Akron, recording a record of 0-3 w/a 6.48 ERA in 5 April starts (25.0IP, 34H, 18ER) before dialing it up in May, going 5-0 w/a 0.61 ERA in 5 starts (29.2IP, 29H, 2ER)…Was first promoted to Buffalo on 5/28, making 4 starts in June for the Bisons (2-1, 2.92ERA, 24.2IP, 8ER) before being sent back to AA Akron on 6/23…Made two more spot starts in Buffalo on 7/12 at Syracuse (6.0IP, 2H, 0R, 0BB, 4SO) and on 8/21 at Ottawa (5.0IP, 8H, 3R/ER)…Tossed a complete game, 3-hit 9.0 inning shutout on 7/23 vs. Erie (0BB, 8K)…His 1 SHO was good enough for T2nd among Eastern League pitchers…Fanned a season-high 11 batters on 7/5 at Erie…Made 1 start for Akron in the Double A playoffs vs. Harrisburg (ND, 8.0IP, 5H, 1R/ER, 2BB, 7SO, 1.13ERA).

u 2001 Spent most of the season at AA Akron before a late season stint in Buffalo…Led the club with 108 strikeouts and finished 2nd on the club with 141.2 innings pitched…Was on the DL from 5/13-6/3 with lower back spasms…Other than that span made his every turn in the rotation as his 151.2 innings on the year ranked 3rd among Indians minor league pitchers…Lost 7 straight decisions from 6/29-8/12 (span of 9 starts w/o a win) while his 11 losses were tied for 5th among Eastern League pitchers…Lone CG at Akron came on 8/17 vs. Bowie (G1, 7.0IP, 6H, 5R/ER, 1BB, 5SO)…Prior to the back injury he was 3-2 with a 2.32 ERA (42.2IP, 41H, 11ER, 3BB, 33SO) over his first 7 starts of the season before being shelved…Was promoted to AAA Buffalo on 9/1 and was awesome in his lone regular season start with the Bisons, tossing a 9.0 inning, complete game 3-hit shutout vs. Rochester (9.0IP, 3H, 0R, 0BB, 10SO)…The 10 strikeouts were a 2001-best for Jason…Did not make an error in 26 chances between the two stops on the year and worked 5.0 or more innings in 21 of his 24 starts…After the season he played for Scottsdale in the Arizona Fall League, going 1-0 with a 1.42 ERA

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Spring invitee

Wyatt Toregas 76Age: 24, born December 2, 1982 in Fairfax, VA

Position: Catcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 5-11 Weight: 200

ML Service: 0 + 000

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: Selected by Cleveland in the 24th round (707th overall) of the 2004 First-Year Player Draft.


2004 MahoningValley.294 59 214 38 63 18 1 7 48 1 4 5 11 26 1 0 42005 lakeCounty .231 104 411 57 95 22 0 5 42 2 3 6 37 76 0 1 92006 Kinston .336 44 146 25 49 14 0 4 23 1 2 2 20 28 0 0 3 Akron .258 48 163 21 42 10 0 4 29 2 3 2 14 33 1 3 2MinorLge.Totals .267 255 934 141 249 64 1 20 142 6 12 15 82 163 2 4 18

CAREERTRAnSACTIOnS2004 SelectedbytheClevelandIndiansinthe24throundoftheJunedraft.

2006SeasonHighlightsu Enjoyedasuccessfulcampaignthatsawhimclimbtheorganizationaldepthchartamongcatchers…Gotoff


u MadehisAAdebutonJune20…Hit.319(22-69)inAugustw/aHR&15RBIin22gamesbeforehitting.233(7-30)in9EasternLeagueplayoffgames(2HR,9RBI)…CombinedontheyearbetweenKinstonandAkronhehit.294(91-309)with242B,8HR&52RBIin92games…Hit.360(27-75)offLHPand.318(27-85)withRISPontheyearbetweenthetwostops…PlayedintheDominicanWinterLeaguefollowingtheseason.

ProCareeru 2005SpententireseasonatALakeCounty…Hit.287(25-87)from8/1thruendoftheseason…Hit.245off


u 2004Signedon6/16…SpentshortseasonatAMahoningValleywherehefinished3rdintheNewYork-PennLeagueinRBI(48)and5thindoubles(18).


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Jake Westbrook 37Age: 29, born September 29, 1977 in Athens, GA

Position: Pitcher

Bats: R Throws: R Height: 6-3 Weight: 200

ML Service: 5 + 144

Contract Status: Signed thru 2007

Acquired: July 25, 2000; Acquired from the New York Yankees along with RHP Zach Day to complete trade of June 29, 2000 that send OF David Justice to the Yankees in exchange for OF Ricky Ledee.

year Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK 1996 ArizonaRockies 4-2 2.87 11 11 0 0 0 62.2 66 33 20 0 8 14 57 4 0 Portland 1-1 2.55 4 4 0 0 0 24.2 22 8 7 1 1 5 19 2 01997 Asheville *14-11 4.29 28 27 3 2 0 170.0 176 93 81 16 15 55 92 3 01998 Jupiter 11-6 3.26 27 27 2 0 0 171.0 169 70 62 11 11 60 79 4 01999 Harrisburg 11-5 3.92 27 27 2 #2 0 174.2 180 88 76 14 13 63 90 2 12000 Columbus 5-7 4.65 16 15 2 0 0 89.0 94 53 46 3 4 38 61 2 0 NewYork(AL) 0-2 13.50 3 2 0 0 0 6.2 15 10 10 1 0 4 1 0 02001 Buffalo 8-1 3.20 12 12 0 0 0 64.2 60 27 23 2 8 23 45 0 2 CLEVELAND 4-4 5.85 23 6 0 0 0 64.2 79 43 42 6 4 22 48 4 02002 Buffalo 1-0 6.00 1 1 0 0 0 6.0 8 4 4 1 1 0 2 0 0 CLEVELAND 1-3 5.83 11 4 0 0 0 41.2 50 30 27 6 1 12 20 1 0 Akron 0-1 4.80 3 3 0 0 0 15.0 13 8 8 0 2 1 8 1 02003 Buffalo 1-0 0.00 2 2 0 0 0 10.0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 1 0 CLEVELAND 7-10 4.33 34 22 1 0 0 133.0 142 70 64 9 12 56 58 3 02004 CLEVELAND 14-9 3.38 33 30 #5 1 0 215.2 208 95 81 19 5 61 116 4 12005 CLEVELAND 15-15 4.49 34 34 2 0 0 210.2 218 121 105 19 7 56 119 3 02006 CLEVELAND 15-10 4.17 32 32 3 #2 0 211.1#247 106 98 15 4 55 109 5 0Minor lge. Totals 56-34 3.74 131 129 9 4 0 787.2 788 384 327 48 63 263 460 19 3Cleveland TOTals 56-51 4.28 167 128 11 3 0 877.0 944 465 417 74 33 262 470 20 1american league 56-53 4.35 170 130 11 3 0 883.2 959 475 427 75 33 266 471 20 1national league -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --M. l. TOTals 56-53 4.35 170 130 11 3 0 883.2 959 475 427 75 33 266 471 20 1

all-sTar GaMe reCOrdyear Club W-l era G Gs CG sHO sv IP H r er Hr Hb bb sO WP bK2004 CLEVELAND DIDNOTAPPEAR

Career TransaCTIOns1996 SelectedbytheColoradoRockiesinthe1stround(21stoverall)oftheJunedraft.1997 AcquiredbytheMontrealExpos,alongwithJohnNicholsonandMarkHamlin,fromtheRockiesinexchangeforMike

Lansing,12/16.1999 AcquiredbytheNewYorkYankees,alongwithtwoplayerstobenamedlater,fromtheExposinexchangeforHideki Irabu,12/22…TedLillyandChristianParkerlateracquiredbyNewYork.2000 AcquiredbytheIndians,alongwithZachDay,fromtheYankeesastheplayerstobenamedlaterinthetradethatsent DavidJusticetotheYankeesinexchangeforRickyLedee,7/25.2000 DL-brokenrib,9/1-remainderofseason.2002 DL-surgeryonrightelbowtoremovebonespursandtransposeulnarnerve,3/30-7/11…rehabatAAAkronandAAA

Buffalo,6/16-7/11.2002 DL-rightelbowinflammation,8/26-remainderofseason.

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ProCareeru 2005Jaketurnedhisseasonaroundtopostanothersolidcampaignafterstartingtheyear2-9through6/9

(atthetimethe9lossesledtheMajors)…Fromstartof6/14thrutheendoftheseasonhewas13-6w/a4.20ERAin21starts(135.0IP,146H,63ER)afterstartingtheseason2-9…Finishedtheseasontiedfor8thinwins(15)andtiedfor3rdinlosses,becomingthefirstbigleaguepitchersinceChuckFinleyin1996(15-16)towinandlose15games…GaylordPerrywasthelastIndianin1973(19-19)…Alsofinished10thintheALininningspitched(210.2)andtiedfor3rdinstarts(34)…Jakemadehisfirstcareeropeningdaystarton4/4inChicago,atough-luck1-0losstotheSoxandMarkBuehrleinthefranchise’sfirstever1-0lossonopeningday…Tossedacompletegameintheeffort(7thcareerCG)…8.0IP,4H,1R/ER,1BB,3K…Lastedjust2.0IPinhis2ndstartof4/9vs.Detroit,hisshorteststartsinceSept.11,2003atKC(1.0IP)ashis8runs/7ERallowedequaledcareerhighsatthetime(grandslamtoMarcusThames)…Tossedhis2ndcompletegame(8thcareer)ina2-0shutoutlossatAnaheiminstartof4/20(8.0IP,5H,2ER,4K,HR)…Finishedtiedfor10thinALinCG(2)…Didnotwin inApril, losinghiscareer-worst5thstraightdecision/startagainstDetroit inhisstartofApril27(2.1IP,8H,career-high9R/ER)…Was0-5w/a6.35ERAin5startsinApril(28.1IP,27H,20ER)…Won4straightstarts,6/14-30and7/21-8/6…Went9-4w/a4.26ERAinthe2ndhalf,tiedforthe4thmostwinsintheALafterthebreak…Didnotgiveupanearnedrunina14.1IP-spanaftergoing7.0shutoutIPon7/26atOakland(2H)…Improvedto15-14inhisoutingof9/14vs.Oakland,a6-4win…Perfectthru5.0IP,didnotallowahituntilthe6th…7.0IP,2H,3R/ER,3BB,HR(Swisher)…Againequaledaseason/career-highw/8Kinstartof9/25atKCandfellforthe15thtimeinhislaststartof10/1vs.Chicago-AL(7.0IP,4ER,3RHRtoIguchi)…Induced25GDP’s(T4thinAL)&hisGB/FBratioof3.13(432GB/138FB)wasbyfarthetopmarkintheAL…LedallMajorLeaguepitcherswith82totalchances(2E,.976fielding,18thbest%amongALpitch-ers)…His121runsallowedwere6thintheALandhis105ERallowedwere9th…Hisslugging%allowedof.395was10thintheAL.

u 2004WasoneofthetopstartersintheALashefinishedtheseasonwiththe3rdlowestERAintheALandwasnamedtohisfirstALAll-StarTeam…AlsofinishedtiedfortheALleadwith5CG’s,whichwerethemostbyanIndiansinceBartoloColon(6)in1998,endeduptiedfor8thinwins(14)andtiedfor9thw/215.2IP…Ledtheteaminwins(14)andinnings(professional-high215.2IP)afterstartingtheseasoninareliefrole…WasthefirstIndiantoreachthe14-winmarksinceSabathiain2001(17W)andthefirstIndiansinceCharlesNagyin1996(3.41)toplaceinthetop3intheALinERA…Startedtheseasoninrelief,mainlyduetoBobWickman’sspringelbowsetback…Losthis2004debut intheseason’s2ndgameon4/6atMinnesota, throwing3.0shutoutIPbeforeallowinganRBIsingleinthe15thinningthatgavetheTwinsand7-6win(3.2IP,4H,1R/ER,4BB,1SO)…Enjoyedacareeroutinginreliefon4/19vs.DetroitafterstarterJeffD’Amicofailedtorecordasingleoutpriorto65raindelay…Enteredthegameinthe1stinningwithnooneoutand2menonandretiredall21battershe faced in7.0IPofwork(7.0IP,0H,0R,0BB,7K) tosetanewcareer-high inrelief inningspitchedandequaleda thensingle-gamecareer-high instrikeoutsw/7…Longest reliefoutingbyan IndiansinceDaveBurbaon8/17/01vs.Anaheim…Becamethefirstpitchersince1969topitchsevenperfectinningsinrelief;theprevioushighswerethe6.2perfectinningspitchedbyCaseyCoxin1969andJohnMontaguein1977…Pitchedacareer-high9.0IPintossingjustthe2ndCGofhiscareerinhisnextouting/firststarton4/25ina3-2winatDetroit…Retiredthefirst5hittersofthegame,givinghim27inrowretireddatingbacktoappearanceon4/14vs.MINfollowedbyoutingon4/19(9.0IP,2H,2R/ER,3BB,3K)…1stCGbyaTribepitcherinë04…Forhiseffortson4/19&25heearnedALplayeroftheweekhonors,going1-0w/a1.13ERAfortheweek(16.0IP,2H,2ER,10K)…FirstTribefirstpitchertowinweeklyhonorsinceBartoloColonfortheweekof9/24/00…Recordedhis3rdstraightwinintossingthefirstcompletegameshutoutofhiscareeron6/14vs.Baltimore,a14-0winovertheOriolestoimproveto6-2(3rdcareer;1stCG/SHObyTribepitchersinceSabathiaon8/15/03)…Didnotallowarunnerto3rdbase…9.0IP,4H,0R,2BB,4K…Struckoutacareer-high8on6/29atDetroit(6.0IP,9H,6R/ER,2BB,8SO-careerhigh)…Was2-2in6Junestartswitha2.85ERA(41.0IP,39H,13ER)…Recordedhis3rdCGoftheyear/4thcareerinstartof7/15atSeattletoopenthe2ndhalf(8.0IP,4H,2R/ER,1BB,season/career-hightying8strikeouts)…Workedatleast8.0IPseventimesin2004…Wonacareer-high5straightdecisionsfrom7/20-8/14,going5-0witha4.58ERAin6startsoverthespan(39.1IP,45H,20ER)…Tribescored60runsoverthe6games(10.0RS/gm)…Earnedhiscareer-high13thwinon9/22atDetroit(7.0IP,7H,3R/ER,3BB,5K)…Toppedthe200.0IPinningmarkforthe1sttimeinthestart,theonlyTribepitcherthatdidsoin2004…Overhislast10GSfromAugust14thrutheendoftheseasonhewas4-4w/a2.88ERA(68.2IP,65H,22ER)…His2.36homeERAwasthelowestintheAL…His.308on-base%allowedwas6thlowestmarkintheleague,his.386slugging%4thlowest&hisflyballratioof2.72(435G/160F)the2ndbestintheALtoDerekLowe…His0.79HRall’dper9.0IPwas5thlowestintheAL…His11.4runnersall’d

WESTBROOK (continued)

2006SeasonHighlightsu Hadanotheroutstandingseason,winning15gamesforthe2ndconsecutiveseasonashetoppedthe200.0


u WonhisfirststartoftheseasononApril4inChicagoagainsttheWhiteSox,an8-2winovertheSoxandFreddyGarcia…6.1IP,6H,2R/ER,1BB,4K…Wonhis2ndstraightstart tobeginseasonat2-0onApril9vs.Minnesota(7.1IP,2H,1R/ER)anddidnotallowahitafterthe3rdinning…Lost2straightstarts,April14and19,allowingasingle-gamecareer-high3homerunsonApril14atDetroit…Walkedacareer-hightying6instartofApril25vs.Boston(ND,5.0IP,2R)…Went2-2w/a5.60in6Aprilstarts(35.1P,41H,22ER).

u Earnedhis4thvictoryashetossedhis9thcareercompletegameand2ndcareercompletegameshutoutintheIndians5-0winovertheKansasCityRoyalsinJacobsFieldonMay17…9.0IP,6H,0R,0BB,2K…Earnedhis8thwinintheIndi-ans7-6winovertheBostonRedSoxinstartofAugust3inFenwayPark…Allowedacareer-high15hitsbecomingjustthe1stpitchersinceMontreal’sJohnDobsononJuly3,1988vs.Atlantatowindespiteallowing15ormorehits…8.0IP,15H,6R/ER,BB,K…MosthitsallowedbyanIndianspitchersince8/30/92atOAK(Nagy).

u Tossedhis2ndshutoutoftheseason(T1stintheAL)andthe3rdofhiscareerinstartofAugust9vs.theLAAngels(9.0IP,9H,0R,1BB,7K)…Washis50thcareerwin…AccordingtoEliasheisjustthe3rdpitcherinthelast50yearstothrowaCG/shutoutafterallowingatleast15hitsinhispreviousappearance(RogerClemens,1988;JackBillingham,1977)…Tossedhis3rdcompletegameandhis2ndstraightCGof2006 in lossonAugust15atMinnesota(L#8,8.0IP,8H,4R/ER).

u Tiedacareer-highw/8KonJune17atMilwaukee(8.0IP,5H,0ER)…Was1-1w/a3.12ERA(34.2IP,30H,12ER)in5Junestarts…Earnedhis7thwinoftheseasononJuly4,a19-1IndiansvictoryovertheNYYankeesinJacobsField(7.0IP,5H,1R/0ER)…Allowed12hitsinhisfirststartofthe2ndhalfonJuly17atLAA(L#5,season-low3.2IP,12H,7R/5ER)…Won8ofhislast11startsfromAugust2ndon,going8-3w/a3.94ERAoverthespan(77.2IP,104H,34ER)…The8winsequaledthemostinMLBfromAugust1ston…Wonhislast3startsontheyeartogetto15wins.

u Inhislast24startsstartingwiththeMay17thshutouthewas12-8w/a3.67ERA(164.1IP,191H,67ER)…Overhislast22startsafterMay31hewas11-7w/a3.60ERA(150.0IP,178H,60ER)…MLBbattershit.296(247-835)with15HR,includingamarkof.300(140-466)…LedMLBwith36GIDP’sinduced…AlsoledtheMajorswith74totalchancesatpitcherforhe2ndstraightseason(hasledALforlast3seasons)…Workedintothe6thinningin18ofhislast20startsand28of32ontheseason…Workedatleast6.0IPin12straightstartsfromAugust18,2005toApril14,2006.

u His2.88homeERAwas2ndintheALwhilehisroadERAwas5.40…Was12thintheALinslugging%allowed(.402)…Had3rdbestrunssupportintheALper9.0IP…Ledteamwith18qualitystarts…His0.64(211.1IP,15HR)HRper9.0IPwas3rdlowestintheAL…Battershit.268(53-198)withRISPand.330(33-100)withRISP-2outs…Battershit.309(116-375)withrunnersonbase…Allowed16steals(3CS),9thmostintheAL…Was2ndintheALw/agroundball/flyratioof3.01(449GB/149FB)…ERAinthe1sthalfwas4.19comparedto4.15inthe2ndhalf…Went3-0w/a1.69ERAin3startsvs.theChicagoWhiteSox(21.1IP,18H,4R/ER).

2006 Mlb leaders In TOTal CHanCes, PITCHer

Jake Westbrook, Cle 74

DerekLowe,LAD 71

AaronCook,COL 69

GregMaddux,CHI/LAD 66

2005 Mlb leaders In TOTal CHanCes, PITCHer

Jake Westbrook, Cle 82

GregMaddux,CHI 71

DerekLowe,LAD 70

KennyRogers,TEX 66

* Jake also led AL in TC in 2004

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WESTBROOK (continued)

u 1999PitchedintheMontrealsystemforthesecondstraightyearbeforebeingtradedtoNewYorkforRHPHidekiIrabuon12/22…Forthethirdstraightseasonherecordedadouble-digitwintotal,madeatleast27startsandtoppedto170.0inningplateau…Inhisfinal14startsfrom6/23-9/3hewas9-1witha1.93ERA(97.2IP,21ER)withtwoshutouts…WasnamedExposMinorLeaguePitcheroftheMonthinAugust,going5-0witha1.91ERA(37.2IP,8ER)…Afterthetradehewasnamedthe10thbestprospectintheYankeeorganizationbyBaseball America.

u 1998PitchedtoAJupiterintheFloridaStateLeagueinExpossystem…Finished2ndintheFloridaStateLeaguewith171.0inningspitchedandhis3.26ERAwas8th.

u 1997PlayedforAAshevilleintheSouthAtlanticLeagueintheRockiesorganization…Establishedacareer-best14winsfortheTourists,whichfinishedtiedforfirstintheSAL…His2shutoutsweretiedfor2ndintheSAL,his3completegamesweretiedfor5thandhis170.0IPwereT5th…WastradedtotheExposfor2BMikeLansingon12/16.

u 1996SplittheyearbetweentheRockiesArizonaRookieLeaguesquadandPortland,goingacombined5-3witha2.78ERAin15starts(87.1IP,88H,27ER)…His2.87ERAwasthe8thbestmarkintheArizonaRookieLeague.

Personal/MiscellaneousFullnameJaCOb CauTHen WesTbrOOK...Married,wife’sname isHeather(12/12/98)...Thecouplehasoneson,JacobParkerWestbrook(9/27/05)…Resides in Danielsville, GA…Father, Cauthen, playedbaseballandbasketballattheUniversityofGeorgiaandJakeremainsanardentfollowerofGeorgiaBulldogAthletics(signedletterofintentatGeorgiabeforesigningw/Rockies)…ParticipatedinMLB’sRookieDevelopmentPrograminJanuary,2000…Wasthe21stoverallpickinthe1996AmateurDraftoutofMadisonCountyHighSchool…Playedbaseballandbasketballwhile inhighschool…Tossedsixno-hittersoverhis last twoseasonsofhighschoolball andduringhis seniorseasonhewas9-1w/a1.11ERAand110SOin63.0IP…ParticipatedintheTribe’sWinterDevelopmentPrograminJanuaryof2001…Enjoysfishingintheoff-season…Heandhiswife,Heather,haveparticipatedinnumerouscommunityactivities, includingFeed theNeed&TribeReporterforaDay.

WesTbrOOK’s FavOrITes

Favorite Movie:Cars;Favorite Group/art-ist:ThirdDay;Favorite athlete Growing up:MichaelJordan;Favorite Team Grow-ing up:AtlantaBraves;Person Who Has Most Influenced you:MyFather(Cauthen);Favorite road City:Seattle;Favorite road stadium:SafecoField;Favorite Thing to do away From baseball: Fishing, Golf;Favorite Tv show:CSI

2004 al leaders,earned run averaGe (era)

Pitcher era

1. JohanSantana(MIN) 2.61 2. CurtSchilling(BOS) 3.26 3. JaKe WesTbrOOK (Cle) 3.38 4. BradRadke(MIN) 3.48 5. TimHudson(OAK) 3.53

6. RodrigoLopez(BAL) 3.59

al leaders, WIns In 2004-06

Player WIns

1. JohanSantana(MIN) 55 2. KennyRogers(TEX/DET 49 3. JonGarland(CWS) 48 4. ClIFF lee (Cle) 46 5. JaKe WesTbrOOK (Cle) 44 MarkBuehrle(CWS) 44 FreddyGarcia(CWS) 44

CurtSchilling(BOS) 44


auGusT 1-end of season

Pitcher WIns

1. JaKe WesTbrOOK (Cle) 8 DerekLowe(LAD) 8 JohnSmoltz(ATL) 8 AJBurnett(TOR) 8 WoodyWilliams(SD) 8 6. 8pitchers 7

courtesy STATS INC


u 2003SpentmostoftheyearinClevelandbetweentherotationandthebullpenbeforea2weekstintinBuffalotostretchouthisarminpreparationtoareturntotherotation…Wasinsertedintotherotationon4/4whenJasonBerewasplacedonthe15-dayDLw/asoreshoulder,butwasscratchedfromhisfirststarton4/6atKansasCity(rain)…SpentthemonthofJuneinthebullpen,going1-1w/a1.93ERAin11reliefappearances(14.0IP,12H,3R/ER,2BB,6K)…WasoptionedtoAAABuffaloon6/29inordertoreturntotherotation…Made2startsfortheAAABisons,notallowingahitover10.0inningsofwork…Wasrecalledpriortostartof7/12vs.Chicago-AL(night)fromAAABuffalo…Evenedhisrecordat4-4inhis10thstartoftheyearon7/12(N)vs.Chicago-ALinhisfirststartsince5/26(5.0IP,3H,1R/ER)…Walkedacareer-high6instartvs.Torontoon8/30(L#8,5.1IP,8H,4R)…TossedhisfirstcareerCGinstartatDetroiton9/4,a2-1tough-lucklosstotheTigersandGaryKnotts(8.0IP,5H,1ER,5K)…Wasshortenedtoa1.0IPstart(lowestofseason)on9/11@KCduetoapairofraindelays…Wonhisthencareer-high7thgameon9/17vs.KC(6.1IP,4H,1R/ER)andfinishedtheseasonbyfallingto7-10againstMinnesotaon9/23despiteallowingonly3ERover7.0IP…Went1-2w/a2.01ERAin4Septemberstarts(22.1IP,17H,7R/5ER,5BB,11K)andlimitedhitterstoa.210(17-81,1HR)averageagainst…Finished3rdamongallAmericanLeaguepitcherswith26GIDP’sinduced.

u 2002Limitedtojust41.2inningsand11appearancesafterspendingmostoftheseasononthemajorleaguedisabledlist…Begantheyearonthe15-dayDLafterhavingsurgeryonhisrightelbowtoremovebonespursandtransposehisulnarnerveon2/26inClevelandafterbeinglimitedtojust2bullpensessionsasthestartofmajorleaguespringtrainingcampinWinterHaven…Wasofficiallyplacedonthe15-dayDLon3/30andrehabbedthearminextendedspringtrainingfromthemiddleofMarchuntilmid-June…Begana30-dayrehabassignmentatAAAkronandAAABuffaloon6/16,making3startsatAkronand2starts(1officialstart)atBuffalobeforebeingactivatedofftheDLtostartthesecondhalfon7/11…ActivatedfromtheDLon7/11…Made2ndstarton8/15atTampaBay,workingacareer-high8.0IPinthe4-3loss(ND,8.0IP,6H,1R/ER,0BB,3SO)inhisbestoutingoftheseason…Wasshutdownfortheseasonafterstartof8/25aftercontinuedsorenessinelbowandMRIof8/31revealedabonebruiseinhisrightelbow.

u 2001SpenthisfirstseasonintheIndiansorganizationafterspendingthe2000seasonintheYankeesorganiza-tionbetweenAAAColumbus,NewYorkandtheDL…The24-yearoldpromisingright-handerbouncedaroundbetweenAAABuffaloandthebig leagues,spendingthemonthofJuly in the Indiansrotation…SpentfivestintswithClevelandin2001,spendingtheremainderoftheyearatAAABuffalo…BegantheyearatBuffaloandmademajorleaguestintsfrom4/10-22,5/29-6/1,6/2-5,6/15-7/31andfrom8/24throughtheremainderoftheseason…Wasoptionedoutofspringtrainingon3/20…MadehisIndiansdebuton4/11atChicago-AL,working3.1IPinreliefofChuckFinley…Hisfirst10appearancesinthebigleaguescameinrelief,compilingamarkof1-0witha2.75ERAoverhisfirst10outingsthru6/29(19.2IP,21H,6R/ER,5BB,14SO)…PickeduphisfirstmajorleaguewinintheTribe’s4-2winovertheMinnesotaTwinson6/20,workingascoreless5thinninginreliefofChuckFinley…Workedaseason/career-high4.1inningsofreliefandareliefcareer-high6reliefstrikeoutson6/4atMinnesota…MadehisfirststartoftheseasonandfirststartwiththeIndianson7/3vs.Boston,pickinguphisfirstcareerwinasastarterintheTribe’s9-1win(6.0IP,5H,1R/ER,2BB,4K)…Despitespending107daysinClevelandhecompiledarecordof8-1witha3.20ERAin12startsatBuffalo(64.2IP,60H,23ER).

u 2000SpenttheseasonintheYankeesorganizationbetweenAAAColumbus,NewYorkandthedisabledlist…Be-gantheyearatAAAColumbusafterhisoptionoutofmajorleaguecampon3/7…Madehisfirst13startsoftheseasonfortheAAAClippersfrom4/6to6/8,going5-6witha4.66ERA(75.1IP,77H,39ER)beforebeingrecalledbytheYankeeson6/17…Tossedback-to-backcompletegamevictorieson5/29(7.0IP,4H,3R/ER,1BB,3SO)vs.Buffaloandon6/3atOttawa(9.0IP,7H,3R/2ER,2BB,11SO)…Jacobmadehismajorleaguedebuton6/17vs.theChicagoWhiteSoxinYankeeStadium…LosthisdebuttotheWhiteSox,10-9,allowing6runs(6ER)in1.2innings…AppearedinthereliefthenextdayagainstChicago(2.1IP,2H,0R)andmadehissecondandlaststartatthebigleaguelevelon6/22atBoston(2.2IP,6H,4R/ER,2BB,1SO)…WasoptionedbacktoAAAColumbuson6/23…MadethreemoreappearancesinColumbusfortheClippers(0-1,13.2IP,17H,7ER)beforegoingontheColumbusdisabledlistwithwhatwasoriginallydiagnosedasastrainedleftobliquemuscle…WasacquiredbytheIndianson7/25andwastransferredtotheAAABuffalodisabledlist…Injurywaslaterdiagnosedasabrokenrib…Wastransferredtothe60-daydisabledliston9/1whenChrisNichtingwasaddedtothe40-manroster…Tabbedasthe7thbestprospectintheIndiansorganizationbyBaseball Americaaftertheseason.

Page 119: player bios

260  Cleveland Indians

WesTbrOOK’s GaMe HIGHs

nO-HITTer:----;1-HITTer:----;2-HIT-Ter:April25,2004atDetroit;3-HITTer:----;4-HITTer:threetimes,lastonApril4, 2005 at Chicago-AL; bb’s (starter):6, two times, last onApril 25, 2006 vs.Boston;bb’s (reliever):4,twice,lastonApril6,2004atMinnesota; K’s (starter):8,seventimes, lastonJune17,2006atMilwaukee; K’s (reliever): 7, April 19,2004 vs. Detroit; WInnInG sTreaK: 5games,July20-August14,2004; lOs-InG sTreaK: 5 games, August 4-April27,2005;CG:11,lastonAugust15,2006atMinnesota;CG sHO:3,lastonAugust9,2006vs.LAAngels;lOnGesT OuTInG (starter):9.0IP,fivetimes,lastonAugust9,2006vs.LAAngels;lOnGesT OuTInG (reliever):7.0IP,April19,2004vs.Detroit;Hr:3,April14,2006atDetroit.

Career by ballParK W l sv era G Inn erAmeriquestField(TEX) 3-1-0 6.14 4 22.0 15AngelStadium(LAA) 1-2-0 5.79 3 18.2 12BuschStadiumII(STL) 0-0-0 4.50 1 6.0 3CamdenYards(BAL) 1-2-0 8.20 4 18.2 17ChaseField(AZ) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.1 0ComericaPark(DET) 3-4-0 6.71 10 55.0 41CoorsField(COL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 1.0 0FenwayPark(BOS) 1-1-0 8.44 2 10.2 10Gr.Amer.BallPark(CIN) 0-0-0 1.35 1 6.2 1JacobsField(CLE) 30-21-0 4.01 81 426.0 190KauffmanStadium(KC) 1-0-0 3.86 8 32.2 14McAfeeColiseum(OAK) 2-3-0 2.55 6 35.1 10Metrodome(MIN) 1-6-0 4.61 9 54.2 28MillerPark(MIL) 0-0-0 0.00 1 8.0 0MinuteMaidPark(HOU) 0-1-0 8.31 1 4.1 4PETCOPark(SD) 0-1-0 1.50 1 6.0 1PNCPark(PIT) 0-0-0 1.13 4 8.0 1RogersCentre(TOR) 2-1-0 4.57 5 21.2 11SafecoField(SEA) 3-1-0 4.56 5 25.2 13TropicanaField(TB) 3-1-0 3.41 5 34.1 13TurnerField(ATL) 0-1-0 7.20 1 5.0 4U.S.CellularField(CWS) 4-4-0 4.07 10 59.2 27YankeeStadium(NYY) 1-3-0 4.84 6 22.1 12

PITCHers HITTInG 2006 Career avG ab H Hr rbI avG ab H Hr rbI .500 4 2 0 1 .200 10 2 0 1

FIeldInG by POsITIOn 2006 Career

PCT G PO a e TC dP PCT G PO a e TC dP.986 32 33 40 1 74 2 Pitcher .973 170 103 183 8 294 14

2006 CareerW-l-s era G IP er W-l-s era G IP er15-10-04.17 32 211.1 98 Totals 56-53-0 4.35 170 883.2 427

0-1-0 10.13 2 10.2 12 Baltimore 2-2-0 4.81 7 39.1 211-0-0 5.54 2 13.0 8 Boston 3-1-0 4.23 5 27.2 133-0-0 1.69 3 21.1 4 Chicago(AL) 7-7-0 4.87 20 98.0 531-2-0 8.35 3 18.1 17 Detroit 4-7-0 6.53 17 91.0 661-1-0 4.79 3 20.2 11 KansasCity 5-3-0 2.41 18 86.0 231-1-0 3.55 2 12.2 5 L.A.Angels 2-4-0 3.27 6 44.0 161-2-0 3.38 3 21.1 8 Minnesota 6-8-0 3.65 20 106.0 431-0-0 0.00 1 7.0 0 NewYork(AL) 2-2-0 3.69 8 39.0 161-0-0 3.14 2 14.1 5 Oakland 4-5-0 4.00 12 69.2 311-1-0 2.57 2 14.0 4 Seattle 5-4-0 7.30 10 49.1 402-0-0 2.57 2 14.0 4 TampaBay 5-2-0 4.21 9 57.2 272-0-0 5.50 3 18.0 11 Texas 4-1-0 5.30 9 52.2 310-1-0 4.50 1 6.0 3 Toronto 2-2-0 4.70 7 30.2 16

-- -- -- -- -- Arizona 1-0-0 1.93 2 9.1 2-- -- -- -- -- Atlanta 0-1-0 7.20 1 5.0 40-1-0 4.50 1 6.0 3 Cincinnati 1-1-0 3.05 4 20.2 7-- -- -- -- -- Colorado 1-0-0 2.25 2 8.0 2-- -- -- -- -- Florida 1-0-0 1.13 1 8.0 1-- -- -- -- -- Houston 0-1-0 8.31 1 4.1 4-- -- -- -- -- L.A.Dodgers 0-1-0 13.50 2 2.0 30-0-0 0.00 1 8.0 0 Milwaukee 0-0-0 0.00 1 8.0 0-- -- -- -- -- Pittsburgh 0-0-0 1.13 4 8.0 10-0-0 4.50 1 6.0 3 St.Louis 0-0-0 4.91 2 11.0 6-- -- -- -- -- SanDiego 1-1-0 1.08 2 8.1 1

2-2-0 5.60 6 35.1 22 March-April 4-10-0 4.26 21 112.0 533-1-0 4.36 5 33.0 16 May 9-5-0 5.23 22 124.0 721-1-0 3.12 5 34.2 12 June 9-8-0 3.35 39 153.0 571-3-0 4.11 5 30.2 14 July 9-13-0 4.71 33 175.2 924-1-0 4.15 5 39.0 18 August 15-8-0 4.92 28 166.1 914-2-0 3.72 6 38.2 16 Sept-Oct 10-9-0 3.66 27 152.2 62

7-4-0 2.88 15103.0 33 Home 30-22-0 4.10 83 430.0 1968-6-0 5.40 17108.1 65 Road 26-31-0 4.58 87 453.2 231

4-1-0 5.19 7 43.1 25 Day 19-19-0 4.50 62 306.0 15311-9-0 3.91 25168.0 73 Night 37-34-0 4.27 108 577.2 274

14-8-0 4.16 29190.1 88 Grass 50-45-0 4.37 151 773.0 3751-2-0 4.29 3 21.0 10 Turf 6-8-0 4.23 19 110.2 52

7-4-0 4.19 18116.0 54 Pre-ASG 25-25-0 4.15 91 442.0 2048-6-0 4.15 14 95.1 44 Post-ASG 31-28-0 4.54 79 441.2 223

15-10-04.17 32 211.1 98 Starter 52-48-0 4.39 130 798.1 389-- -- -- -- -- Relief 4-5-0 4.01 40 85.1 38

WESTBROOK (continued)