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Living in Grace 22 November, 2015 A church in the heart of the city with the city in its heart: To be a house of prayer, a community of disciples, a place of hope. Greetings Grace By the Sea Family, Happy Thanksgiving to all. May you enjoy family and peace, and Thankfulness for all that God has provided! The office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after, November 26-27. Keep that in mind if you have anything for the newsletter or regarding church business. As always, continue with any feedback, suggestions, or improvements you have to offer. Enjoy! In Him, Chrissie In this Issue Sunday Ministries Calendar Readings Rector's Reflections A Word from the Lord Prayers Anglican Practices Articles to Peruse Announcements Articles to Peruse Links of Interest

place of hope. prayer, a community of disciples, · 11/22/2015  · Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers,

Aug 23, 2020



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Living in Grace

22 November, 2015

A church in the heart of the city withthe city in its heart: To be a house ofprayer, a community of disciples, aplace of hope.

Greetings Grace By the Sea Family,

Happy Thanksgiving to all. May you enjoy familyand peace, and Thankfulness for all that God hasprovided! The office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day andthe Friday after, November 26-27. Keep that in mindif you have anything for the newsletter or regardingchurch business.

As always, continue with any feedback,suggestions, or improvements you have to offer.Enjoy!

In Him, Chrissie

In this Issue

Sunday Ministries



Rector's Reflections

A Word from the Lord


Anglican Practices

Articles to Peruse


Articles to Peruse

Links of Interest

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Sunday Ministries

Altar Guild Helen Hancock & Mary PittmanWorship Ministries Coordinator Stina ArgenzianoWorship Leader Stina Argenziano Lay Eucharistic Ministers Diana Fedele Crucifer Chuck Hertzler Lector Diana EdwardsPrayer Team Catherine Ballay & Debbie Matthews Nursery Attendants Kalie Argenziano & Sophia DipintoSunday School Kayla Danback & Barb HertzlerGreeter Debbie Matthews Ushers David Horton & Bob McConchieShepherd AV Tech Team Steve SeppaCoffee Hour Joanna Seppa & Becky Templin

Calendar for the Week of22 November 2015

Sunday 22 November 8:00 am - 9:00 am 1928 Service 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Nursery 9:15 am - 10:15 am Adult Education/ Children's Sunday School

10:30 am - 12:00 am Family Service

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Monday 23 November

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Vestry Meeting

Tuesday 24 November

Wednesday 25 November10:30 am - 11:00 am Bible Study12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Holy Eucharist No Heirs of the Prophet Bible Study this week 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Lifetree Cafe

Thursday 26 November

Thanksgiving - Office Closed

Friday 27 November Office Closed

Saturday 28 November

Readings for the week of 22 November

CHRIST THE KINGDaniel 7:9-10, 13-14Psalm 93Revelation 1:4b-8John 18:33-37

Rector's ReflectionsINCONCEIVABLE

I have always had a fascination with science fictionand would probably count myself as a 'Trekkie'(though considerably not nearly as crazy as most), having watched virtually every oneof the original episodes of Star Trek (many times over). I have always been intriguedwith travel to far-flung galaxies, alien worlds and weird creatures (who, sadly, moreoften than not seem to be quite mean-spirited). While flying saucers, phasers, andwarp drives have their place however, nothing really beats invisibility and, especially,time travel (the idea of which I find particularly captivating).

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You can imagine my delight when, some time ago, I came across a book by MichioKaku, a City University of New York theoretical physicist entitled, "The Physics of theImpossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields,Teleportation, and Time Travel". The book was described as introducing the generalreader to the complex theories of physics (L.O.L.) with the end in mind of assessingthe possibility of various concepts usually relegated to the realm of science fictionauthors. He went into almost minute detail (I certainly didn't ask him to) in describingwhether or not something violates the known laws of science and whether or not itmight become a reality at some point.

I've always considered myself imaginative, but in this book I was introduced toconcepts beyond my ability to comprehend. I began to realize that my high schoolphysics knowledge was a bit outdated and that the world of quantum physics andtheoretical physics was literally another world altogether. I quickly came to therealization that I don't think like a physicist. In fact, I don't understand how a physicistthinks. You think science fiction is weird? It is not nearly as weird as the realitydescribed by modern-day physicists in their various specialties (did I really need toknow that antimatter, which actually does exist, is really normal matter simplytraveling backward in time?). I'm not sure, for that matter, whether I really understandphysics, even basic physics (is there such a thing?), let alone quantum-, astro-, ortheoretical physics. Actually, I don't think I like physics (but that is probably because Ifeel really stupid trying to grasp some of the concepts upon which modern-dayphysics is based). I'm really back with fire, air, water, and earth being the basicbuilding blocks, or the atom being the fundamental reality; I was not prepared forquarks, leptons, and force carrier particles. I could go on, but I would just get aheadache, and probably give you one as well. This new world into which I wasintroduced seemed inconceivable.

This last Sunday before Advent is designated by the church as the Feast of Christ theKing. I think we all have certain images of what it means to be King, what it means toreign, or to rule. We think of power, we think of Majesty, we think of, well, virtuallyeverything other and different than what the Gospel presents to us for this particularSunday [JN 18.33-37]: Jesus the True King, on trial before Pilate, we knowing this willlead to Jesus crucified and dying, humiliated and ridiculed while hanging on thecross, positioned between two criminals who argue with one another over Hisrelevance for their respective lives. It seems inconceivable that we should use such apassage when we seek to honor Jesus as King. But perhaps, what really needs tohappen, is that we step back and reconsider the popular notions that we bring to thisparticular passage, and in so doing reflect upon the ideas so firmly entrenched in ourminds regarding what it is to serve this King.

If the kingship of Jesus is demonstrated precisely in His trial, in His humiliation anddeath, in His sacrifice, in His completely abandoning Himself into the care of HisFather, then we need to ask hard questions regarding the implications all this has forthe discipleship into which we are drawn in His name. If indeed we are His subjects,and if the model He gives us is that of completely giving oneself, even unto death, forthe sake of others, then what room is there in our discipleship for notions of self-aggrandizement, pride and arrogance, ease and comfort, or a life of blessing devoid ofhardship. Shall a life of sacrifice not be our lot or our choice? Inconceivable.

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Fr. Paul+

A Word from the Lord

Listen here each week for a different 'one-minute message' from our Archbishop, Foley Beach.


November 22 Roger & Lynn Vehorn Paint Your WorldNovember 23 Randy & Cathy Wall Perla's Oriental Mini-MartNovember 24 Paul & Jeri Wentland PopsiesNovember 25 Jerry & Nina Yorioka Posh SalonNovember 26 David & Chris Aburto Purple MoonNovember 27 Stefano, Stina, Kalie, Amber, Ciara, Jonathan, Katrina, Eliana (Brady) Argenziano Queen Ann Motel November 28 Jackie Baer Queen Nails

PRAYERS IN THE PARISH --- Continue to pray for: Leona Hayden; Roger Edwards; Dale & AnnHazen; the Hickinbotham family; the Harlacher family; Father Dean &Dorothy Scovell; Mary & Blackie Witzel; Griff Marshall; Wayne Locke--- For Mike Fedele as he is currently in Oak Harbor raising funds to go backto Tanzania. --- For Mark Brown and the Sheriff's Department, prayers for safety of hisdeputy's.--- For David & Pam Jamieson, prayers for safety as they travel in NewZealand & Australia November 4-25.--- For Joyce Riley, prayers for healing and lifting of spirits as she had handsurgery on October 7.

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--- For our new Ministries, Alpha and Lifetree Cafe, that they would flourishand would have the volunteers necessary to operate them.--- For the Prayer Ministry that undergirds us from day to day; for PrayerWarriors who consistently lift us up, and who will take a stand against theefforts of the enemy to undermine us. Theirs is often a difficult and painfulministry. THANKSGIVINGS--- For all the many blessings that pass us by every day that we don't evennotice - watch out for them, you will be amazed at God's loving generosity!


The week of Sunday, November 22Rev. David Maung Maung Naing St Michael's, Yangon, Myanmar Rev. Canon Harley A. Crain St Barnabas Anglican Church, ShorelineRev. Gustavo Leite Christ the Liberator Anglican Church, Brazil


--- For Mike Fedele serving with Living Hope in Tanzania.Pray for continued financial provision so he can continue his work inShinyanga.

--- For Bill Thompson in Nicaragua, who seems to be dividinghis time between digging wells, and helping out at local orphanages. Prayfor continued good health and energy to accomplish each day's work.

--- For Claire Grubbs serving with Living Hope in Tanzania.- - - Bill, Alice, Bethany and Jerusha Neumann with Wycliffe BibleTranslators.

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--- Tim, Roxanne & Caleb Ault with Mission Aviation in Santarém, Brazil. We have learned that Roxanne is suffering from Alzheimer's; please holdthe family in your prayers as they search for an English-speaking caretakerfor her, so that Tim can continue with his ministry. We have no recent wordof what is happening with them.--- Lori Rodham with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). --- Christian Aid Mission who support financial needs and offer prayers forindigenous people all over the world.--- The Gideons - people from every walk of life who carry God's word, in theform of Bibles and New Testament/Psalms, in 197 countries worldwide.

PRAY FOR OUR BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK November 24 Jason Burley November 24 Bonnie Boxley


PRAY FOR THOSE ON MILITARY DEPLOYMENT, or thosewho work away from home, and for their families: Will Haag (USN) - Port Hueneme, CA; Scott Menzies (son-in-law of Bob & MarKay Neumann) USN, in Madrid,Spain; Charlie Lincoln (son of Jeri Wentland) USN, on board the USS Carl Vinsonin the Persian Gulf.

Here is a message we received from Bill & AliceNeumann after their visit to us:

Dear friends at Grace by the Sea,

We were so blessed to visit your new home and worship with you on

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November 8th! We thank God for His faithfulness to you and to us over theyears. We will be praying for God's provision for your needs as you keepworking on your building. Our prayer is that Grace by the Sea will truly be ahouse of prayer for all the nations. Please continue to pray for us. If any ofyou would like to receive our email prayer and praise updates, please sendus a quick email to [email protected] and we would love to stayin touch.

Thank you for being God's people in God's world!Bill and Alice Neumann

PS - To send in a gift, you can make a check to Wycliffe Bible Translatorsand include a note that it is "for the (Wycliffe) ministry of Bill and AliceNeumann". The address is Wycliffe Bible Translators, PO Box 628200,Orlando, FL 32862. To set up an Electronic Funds transfer (EFT), there is aform available at or you can call 1-800-WYCLIFFE(992-5433) or 407-852-3600.

Anglican Practices

We are going to begin taking a look at various AnglicanPractices.

The Passing of the Peace

The passing of the peace is one of the most misunderstood elements of theservice. Just before prayers are about to be made for Eucharist, when theonce-for-all sacrifice of Christ is remembered and its benefits received wehave to be very careful. Jesus warned us: "whenever you stand praying,forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who isin heaven may forgive you your trespasses" (Matthew 11:25).Since theliturgy always attempts to express what we believe, we must take a momentto acknowledge that reconciliation with God and reconciliation with peoplego hand in hand. We cannot claim to have one without the other. Wecannot rightly receive God's forgiveness if we are not reconciled to ourbrothers. Passing the Peace is our enactment of the reconciling love andforgiveness of God through Christ. We are literally touching one another,holding and shaking hands, in humility and in forgiveness, and inrepentance. God's peace is being shared freely among his people.

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Thank You

To everyone who turned out to help set up,donated items, made purchases, or participatedin anyway to The (Not Just For) ChristmasBazaar. It was a great success despite the closed road and inclementweather!

Flintstone Outreach Ministries

***The Flintstone Outreach box has beenrelocated to Stina's office under the table bythe interior window.***

Fall is here and we badly need new supplies! As you feel led to donate to us, hereare our current needs (the needs will change from week to week). Please, no travelsizes:

Hand Wipes FULL SIZE Shampoo & Conditioner Warm Hats & Scarves Multi-VitaminsDisposable Razors Shaving Cream Socks (for Men, Women, & Children) Cough Drops

Cash donations are always welcome for Robin to buy anything that is running low!

Misc Hygiene Items - These are fun because often the "surprise" items turn out tobe just what we need!

You can place them in the "Campers Outreach" box under the blue table in theFellowship Hall. Contact Robin Lamont for more information.

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Thank you for your support! ~Robin

This is Alex who was so happy to receive new socks!!

Next Lifetree Cafe is 25 November at 7:00 pm!!!***Come Join Us***

This week's topic:

Wrongly AccusedA rush to judgment destroys a life

I am currently looking for a few people who would be willing to post flyers forLifetree Cafe. The idea is that each person would have a list of 3-4 placesthey would need to go on Thursday to remove the flyer advertising the nightbefore's topic and replace it with the upcoming week's topic. Some placesmight include the Senior Center, Skagit Valley College, Oak Harbor andCoupeville libraries, the coffee houses in town, the Chamber of Commerce,the bus station, etc. You can pick what is close to you or places you frequent

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or other ideas you may have. I would have the flyers printed and available toyou. You could pick up a week's worth at a time or I can have an entiremonth's worth ready. Whatever works for you!

Remember: Lifetree Cafe isn't about us. It's about God and the participantswho come. and it's about helping them all get better acquainted. As youcome with a heart willing to be used by God, and hands willing to serve,you'll see God work in and through you.

Contact Chrissie Dunlap at the church 360-679-3431 for more information.

Articles to PeruseBecause Paul is sending me so many great articles, I am going to have four newarticles each week. If you didn't get a chance to read one or want the link, let meknow and I will provide it for you.

The War on Advent

You have heard of the supposed War onChristmas. But the real war is not aboutwhether retailers use the word Christmasduring December or not. In fact it is not eventhe Christmas season until Christmas day anyway. The real war ishappening in many American churches. Its not a war on Christmas, its a waron Advent, and I want to enlist you on the Advent side. We need an Adventarmy that fights not with boycotts or browbeating, but with an invitation to aquieter, older path. Here's my recruiting pitch: Continue reading...

The State of the Church in America:Hint: It's Not Dying

The church is not dying.

Yes, the church in the West-the United Statesincluded-is in transition right now. But transitioning is not the same as dying,particuarly if you hold the belief that Christianity is represented by peoplewho live for Christ, not check "Christian" on a survey form.

While I believe we need to understand reality inside our ranks, I don'tbelieve the situation is quite as dire as many are making it out to be.

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Actually, no serious researcher believes Christianity in America is dying. Notone. Read on...

What is Anglo-Catholicism?

One of the parishioners at my parish came intomy office a week or so ago and asked me thisquestion. In the process of working on movingtables in our parish hall, I mentioned to him thatI considered myself an Anglo-Catholic. Coming from a Presbyterianbackground, he had never heard this term and I bumbled through a quickhistory lesson, but came to these points, which are so much more eloquentlyput than I did in that moment: For more, click here.

Where the Reformation Got It WrongAbout the Eucharist

On the night of the last supper of Christ, aweary group of disciples gathered at the table.The gospel writers go out of their way to describe just how inept andclueless they were. No one there had fasted or confessed their sins or hadorthodox Christology. They were troubled and filled more with doubt thanfaith. Their leader, Peter, was about to turn apostate. Judas had already soldJesus out. I think it's safe to say that they were all scared for their lives. Andover the next twenty-four hours, all of them will reject Jesus. All of them. Onewill be so desperate to get away he'll flee naked, a pale body fading in thedarkness.Continue...



Can't find the Help House food box or the Flintstone Outreach box??? They have

been relocated to Stina's office under the table by the interior window.

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Just a reminder to be mindful of the need for quietin the sanctuary as parishioners prayerfully preparefor worship. Please keep conversations to theFellowship Hall! To help us remember, there willbe a 'Two Minute Warning' before the start ofworship indicated by the pealing of seven bells.


At last count, it looks like we have four adultand two children's size coats hanging on thehooks by the women's restroom. Could youtake a look and see if they belong to you?!


We received in the mail a letter from Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) advisingthat minimum financial support for each family is increasing by $400.00 per month.If you are already supporting or wish to help, the letter is on the bulletin board.


We are need of cocoa/hot chocolate for the Keurig. Thank you to everyone who

has been bringing in regular & decaf coffee, and apple cider for the machine.

Does anyone have a small table they are no longer in need of? We could use one

in the ladies restroom where we would be able to set Bibles and such when we

need to use the loo!!


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I have been notified of many incorrect or change in addresses, emails, phonenumbers, etc. Please take a look at what information we have for you in the currentDirectory (Summer-Fall 2015) and advise me via email, a note, or phone call whatneeds to be corrected so we have the most up to date information. Also, makesure we have everyone in your family's birthdays (include year of birth for childrenunder 18, please), as well as your wedding anniversary date including year.

SUPPORTING MIKE FEDELE We have already heard about Mike's need for support during the time he is abroad.Village of Living Hope has asked that if anyone is offering support to individualmissionaries, they should put his/her name on the check memo line. As it is - weeither make out our checks to Grace by the Sea - and our memo lines shouldinclude Mike's name -- or they may be made out to Village of Living Hope - againwith Mike's name on the memo line - and we will see that they are mailed to theirheadquarters in Virginia. Thank you.

THERE'S AN APP FOR THAT! (updated instructions)

If you have a smart phone, GBTS has an app. Pull up the App Store icon for yourphone. Search "My Church App". 'Get' the app. Open and click on Find yourChurch. Enter Grace by the Sea Anglican. You will be able to link quickly to ourwebsite, Fr. Paul's 'Reflections', our calendar, our Facebook page, and otherthings. Make your grandchildren proud of how 'hip' you are!


City of Oak Harbor is very specific of what can and cannot be recycled. Yes,many things are recyclable i.e. deli containers, paper towels, napkins, papercups, cardboard milk/juice containers, plastic bags, caps and lids, but theseitems are NOT recyclable with the City. Please be mindful of what you areputting in the recycle containers. There is a laminated picture/list of what isacceptable and not acceptable above both recycle containers in theFellowship Hall and in the Kitchen. All items must be clean and rinsed out.And please don't put outright trash in them as well. I have to fish it out :(

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Thank you so much!


26 November - Thanksgiving

26 & 27 November - Church Office Closed

19 December - Women of Grace 1pm

25 December - Christmas

25 December - Church Office Closed

31 January, 2016 - Annual Parish Meeting (time TBD)

2 February, 2016 - Alpha begins its 10 week study

3-6 March, 2016 - Men's Walk to Emmaus #228, Birchwood Presbyterian, Bellingham

4-5 March, 2016 - GBTS Women's Retreat at The Jenne Farm

10-13 March, 2016 - Women's Walk to Emmaus #229, Birchwood Presbyterian, Bellingham

2 April, 2016 - Vestry Orientation

8-10 April, 2016 - Women's Diocesan Retreat, Yelm, WA

29 April - 1 May, 2016 - Men's Diocesan Retreat, Yelm, WA

Links of Interest


Check out our new Website for Grace By theSea. We have a new Facebook Page, too. Like us!!

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Anglican Church of North America(ACNA)

Click here to read the latest.ACNA has a Facebook Page!!

American Anglican Council(AAC)

Read up on the AAC

Global Anglican Future Conference(GAFCON)

Information at GAFCON

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