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ON TH E N AT UR E OF MA N An Essay on Primitive Philosophy by DAGOBERT 0. RUNES ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dagobert D. Runes, received his Doc- tor of Philosophy degree froin the Univer- sity of Vienna. He Is author and edlitor of nuimnerous books and other publ cat ions, aimmong them: Dictionar-y of Philo.oshyM and Treasury of Philosophy. Amiiong the niany scientific journals he has edited are: Joutrnal of Aesthetic.s, Philosophic Abstracts, The Modern Thinker. lIe Is the formiier director of the Institute for Advanced Education. THIS new work, from the pen of the well-known philosopher, is offered as an attempt to define the borderlines of human thinking and social attitude. Dr. Runes, in his search for real verities and true humanity, takes the reader on an arduous voyage through the depths of the mind. RANDOM OPINIONS OF "LETTERS TO MY SON", a previous book by Dr. Runes. "Letters to my Son has given me great delight. We both travel on the same path, to bring to man- kind a deeply ethical, deeply spiritual consciousness, with the purpose of leading the people back from the mentality of indifference in which they are liv- ing, to a new and higher manner of thinking." -Albert Schweitzer "A brilliant, succinct, forward, intelligent pro- nouncement and treatise, written with the quietness born of inner maturity and enhanced with philo- sophic understanding." -The Psychiatric Quarterly "It is a lovable book, written by a well-known author and editor of numerous works. Fresh and original, the letters are most readable. The words of the author seem to have come out of the depth of the truth.... It is the philosophy of life which he has unfolded for the readers." -Indian Librarian "Well written, and the expressed opinions are closely akin to those I hold." -Albert Einstein "The originality and vitality of this book cannot be grasped through random quotations of the inter- pretation of a review, but rather through the careful reading of the book itself. In form the 'letters' are poetic and contain something of the spirit of the prophetic books of the Bible. . . . One cannot read the book without sensing the author's feeling of at-homeness in the universe and his appreciation of the world of nature, the beauty and wisdom of the order and intricacy of the life processes about us and within us." -Saturday Review r----- --___ I PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY, Publishers 1 15 East 40th St., Desk Z, New York 16, N. Y. I Please send me -e-- copies of "On the Nature I of Man" by Dagobert D. Runes, Ph.D. at $3.00 per copy. I I enclose remittance to expedite shipment. I Name ---- I Address- 3 D 1 Ii 11 I I I I I I I I I _l 1279 30 DECEMBER 1955

PLACE-1 - · ON THE NATURE OF MAN AnEssayonPrimitivePhilosophy by DAGOBERT 0. RUNES ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dagobert

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Page 1: PLACE-1 - · ON THE NATURE OF MAN AnEssayonPrimitivePhilosophy by DAGOBERT 0. RUNES ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dagobert




MANAn Essay on Primitive Philosophy


ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Dagobert D. Runes, received his Doc-

tor of Philosophy degree froin the Univer-sity of Vienna. He Is author and edlitorof nuimnerous books and other publ cat ions,aimmong them: Dictionar-y of Philo.oshyMand Treasury of Philosophy. Amiiong theniany scientific journals he has editedare: Joutrnal of Aesthetic.s, PhilosophicAbstracts, The Modern Thinker. lIe Is

the formiier director of the Institute forAdvanced Education.

THIS new work, from the pen of the well-known philosopher, is offered as an attempt

to define the borderlines of human thinking and social attitude. Dr. Runes, in his search

for real verities and true humanity, takes the reader on an arduous voyage through the

depths of the mind.

RANDOM OPINIONS OF "LETTERS TO MY SON",a previous book by Dr. Runes.

"Letters to my Son has given me great delight.We both travel on the same path, to bring to man-kind a deeply ethical, deeply spiritual consciousness,with the purpose of leading the people back fromthe mentality of indifference in which they are liv-ing, to a new and higher manner of thinking."

-Albert Schweitzer

"A brilliant, succinct, forward, intelligent pro-nouncement and treatise, written with the quietnessborn of inner maturity and enhanced with philo-sophic understanding."

-The Psychiatric Quarterly

"It is a lovable book, written by a well-knownauthor and editor of numerous works. Fresh andoriginal, the letters are most readable. The wordsof the author seem to have come out of the depth ofthe truth.... It is the philosophy of life which hehas unfolded for the readers."

-Indian Librarian

"Well written, and the expressed opinions areclosely akin to those I hold."

-Albert Einstein

"The originality and vitality of this book cannotbe grasped through random quotations of the inter-pretation of a review, but rather through the carefulreading of the book itself. In form the 'letters' arepoetic and contain something of the spirit of theprophetic books of the Bible. . . . One cannotread the book without sensing the author's feelingof at-homeness in the universe and his appreciationof the world of nature, the beauty and wisdom ofthe order and intricacy of the life processes aboutus and within us."

-Saturday Review

r----- --___I PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY, Publishers1 15 East 40th St., Desk Z, New York 16, N. Y.

I Please send me -e-- copies of "On the NatureI of Man" by Dagobert D. Runes, Ph.D. at $3.00 per copy.I I enclose remittance to expedite shipment.I Name ----

I Address-3D 1Ii



127930 DECEMBER 1955

Page 2: PLACE-1 - · ON THE NATURE OF MAN AnEssayonPrimitivePhilosophy by DAGOBERT 0. RUNES ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dagobert

30 DECEMBER 1955

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Page 5: PLACE-1 - · ON THE NATURE OF MAN AnEssayonPrimitivePhilosophy by DAGOBERT 0. RUNES ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dagobert

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CAPACITY-200 grams on each pan.

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BASE-A solid aluminum slab with all workingmechanism attached to the underside. Circularlevel and leveling screws.

2-444AL-SI-CO Analytical Balance

Each . $105.00



Page 7: PLACE-1 - · ON THE NATURE OF MAN AnEssayonPrimitivePhilosophy by DAGOBERT 0. RUNES ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dagobert


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