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Can reach s SHREWD class or t through investors THE DIS- PATCH. The best men In business can also be reached, through THE DIS- PATCH. HEX IN BUSINESS FORTY-FOURT- H TEAR. T HE ODDS ON JOHN L Kilrain's Backers Show Shyness in Coming Forward With Even Money. of JAKE ON HIS WAY SOUTH. on Thinks He Has Good Luck Thrnst on In Him by an Old Priest LOWRI'S MILITIA TO STOP THE FIGHT in The Baltlraorean Appears to be a Trifle Overtrained Intest Advices From feul-Ilr- an Indicate He is In Perfect Condition A Great Deal of Secresy Bring O- bservedThe Authorities Vigilant Baby Travels on the bane Train With Jake Four Photographers to Take In. taataneous Views Receptions to the Pugilists. Kilrain's friends are thus far not betting, unless they can get odds, which the admirers of Sullivan feel free to give. Sullivan has arrived at Chattanooga, and Kilrain left Baltimore yesterday for the South, whither he is now speeding. Kilrain looks a trifle It overtrained. Governor Lowiy, of Louis- iana, is preparing to use militia to stop the fight, if necessary, and hence there is great secrecy. Mrs. Harrison travels on the train with Kilrain, and good luck enters his car in the form of a priest. ISrXCIAI. TELZCHAU TO Till DISPATCH. 1 Kew Okleans, July 3. The sporting men here are waiting anxionsly for Sulli- van, whose arrival is expected The best of news was telegraphed of him from Cincinnati as to his condition. It sent Sullivan stock up and considerably im- proved the odds in his favor. The cham- pion is going to be given a rousing recep- tion to A special train oi his ad- mirers will go out as far as Hattiesbnrg to receive him and escort him to his quarters at Spanish Fort. His manager and train- ers have tried to avoid the display, but the Sullivan enthusiasm promises tc be too much for them. Sullivan is evidently the public favorite here, for those who saw his fight with Paddy Byan seven years ago will sever be convinced nntil they see to the con- trary that he is not the greatest pugilist in He the world. The Olympic Athletic Club gave Barnett, Stevenson and other sporting men here a reception last night. When Kilrain's name was mentioned it drew forth many cheers, but the applause at the men- tion of Sullivan's name was twice as vocif- erous. A welcome will be given Kilrain also on his arrival Friday. Bad Benaud has been out of town to-d- putting the fin- ishing touches on his ring arrangements. Krcping It From the Governors. Tips are not in order, and the railroad officials refuse to discuss the site of the in fight. As for the mysterious ampitheater going up at Abita Springs, people from there say it is really a bull ring, and that two St. Tammany bulls will meet there in mortal combat on Sunday. If the prize fight is held here it will be a splendid lo- cation, with the single objection of bad telegraphic communication with New Or- leans, as there is only one wire to the city and that a private one. The managers of the fight, however, have about come to the conclusion that the telegraph is more in their way than otherwise, that it will give the Governor a chance of knowing where it may come off early in the morning, and will thus increase the danger of interference. The proclamations of Governor Lowry, of Mississippi, and Governor 'Seay, of Ala- bama, or are generally attributed here to a warning from Governor Kicholls and a de- sire on his part to seenre a of the three Governors to prevent the fight. Governor Kicholls has little power in the matter, however, for, while Mississippi and Alabama have laws against prize fighting, Louisiana has none. The pugilists can be put under bonds to keep the peace, but this will not prevent the fight Indeed the managers insist that it will come off if they have to take tne men to Oklahoma. Tickets and limine. The ring tickets will be for sale at the office of the Queen and Crescent Bailroad, St. Charles street, Friday and Saturday; at Leon la Mothe pool room, under the St. Charles Hotel, Sundaj, and at the train on Monday morning for late arrivals. .There is no danger of counterfeits as at the Sullivan-Bya- n fight of 1882, for the tickets were of printed by the New York Bank Note Com pany. Four photographers will be on the grounds to take instantaneous pictures of is the fight, and at its most important stages. Betting has freshened up a great deal lately, there being several $1,000 bets nt 10 to 9, and 10 to 8 on Sullivan. Barnett, his representative, seems to have had a new tip of y, for he offered 200 to 100 on Sullivan, which offer was accepted by Harding, of the Police Gazette. Another bet of his of $75 to 100 that Snllivan would win in 20 min- utes was declined. He has also offered 10 bets of $100 to $75 that Sullivan will win in the first fall and $3,000 to $1,800 that Sul- livan whips Kilrain in an hour. A large be sum was put up in the Turf Exchange to- day at $25 to $20 on Sullivan. The Question of a Rrferee. B. Sporting men here think that the referee matter is more likely to cause trouble than gubernatorial interference. A nnmber of names for referee have been mentioned, The disposition is to choose a New Orleans man. The crowd in attendance will be largely from this city, and the decision of a city man who commands respect here will be well received and tend to prevent any complaints or growling. Captain Jamieson and his 20 Mississippi Bangers will be down here Friday and will be placed in charge ot the special train. They will come heeled to prevent any disorder, and are sworn to obey instructions strictly. Quite a number of dispatches were received to-d- from St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Sioux City. Bismarck, Sioux Falls, and from Oregon, asking about the arrangements htre and parties had left those cities for New Orleans to see the fight. CalllncOut theMllllln. The belief that the three Southern Gov the best ernors, Lowry, of Mississippi; Bea, of Ala- bama, and Kicholls, of Louisiana, are act- ing in to prevent the fight was increased by the telegram of Gov- ernor Lowry to his brother Governors, ask- ing them for a permit to allow Mississippi troops to pass through their States between July 5 and July 10, should it become neces- sary. He announces his determination to prevent the fight from coming off in Missis- sippi at every cost. He will have a portion the Mississippi militia called, ready for duty; will have men stationed at every point the Mississippi line where a railroad enters the State from Louisiana, and at a word from these men that the pugilists have crossed the State line will send troops there. order to do this they will have to go through a portion of Alabama or Louisiana, and it is for a permit to do so that he tele- graphed He has been granted the privilege asted for, and he thinks he has fixed the matter as far as Mississippi is con- cerned. Nothing has been heard from Gov- ernor Kicholls since his first proclamation, which he left the matter entirely In the hands of the Sheriff, and it is not known whether he intends to take any further pro- ceedings to stop the fight. JAKE TOO PINE. Tut Baltimore Champion Looks as Though lie Hsd Gone Too Far Parting From Ills Wife Odds en Sullivan. I SPECIAL TELXOBAM TO TBI PISrATCU.l Baltimore, July 3. Six hundred lo- cal sports assembled at Camden station to- day to see Kilrain off. They had gotten the tip that the train would pull out at 2 r. jr., and half an hour before that time quite a tough-lookin- g crowd had collected on the steps and in the waiting room of the depot. was about 2 o'clock when the carriage bearing Kilrain drove up, and as he stepped from the vehicle the boys gave him a cheer. Accompanying him were his train- ers, Charley Mitchell and Johnny Murphy, and Pony Moore, the Englishman, was the busiest man in the party. He wore a little white jockey cap on the side of his head and Kilrain's colors about his neck. He hur- ried along the platform carrying Jake's luggage. One of the porters volunteered to relieve him of his load, but Moore waved him aside with an emphatic, "No, sir, I'll attend to that work myself," and he did not rest until the baggage was deposited in the car near Jake's berth. Then he went for- ward and was introduced by Mitchell to the New York sporting men who had come here accompany Kilrain. They were B. H. Parker, Hugh Cullom, William O'Neill, James Hill, of Albany; Dominick McCaf- frey, who said he represented a Kew York paper; Billy Madden, Ed Sharkey, Dave Hollins, Bob Turnbull, Oily Wilson and Pat Booney, the comedian. Ed Plummer, representing the Sporting iie, of London, was also present Trained a Trifle Fine. Kilrain was the object of all eyes and went through an ordeal of handshaking. was attired in a dark sack coat, light trousers, flannel shirt and flat straw hat, worn on the bact of his head. He had come in from the track this morning, after going through his regular exercise, and stopped at his bouse until train time. The partin g from his wife was a pathetic one. Notwithstanding cveiy effort to repress them, tears rolled from the eyes of the little woman and nearly unmanned Jake. She accompanied him to the oobrand, wltli Mrs. Mitchell, who remains here nntil after the fight, watched the carriage until it turned a corner and passed from sight. Kilrain feels confident as ever, and left the best possible spirits. His face was unshaven, and he looks tired and serious, though he assured everyone that he lelt tip top. He is as hard as a rock, but looks a trifle too fine. His cheeks are sunken, and the color only fair. His eyes lack luster, but that is characteristic of the man, even when out of training. Mitchell has very nearly decided to work his man up to Sun- day, and has taken every possible precau- tion to keep him in just that shade of physi- cal condition, which, in professional par- lance, is known as "on edge." Conserva- tive judges consider Jake's stomach and lees his strong points. If Kilrain's blows should lack steam, or late in the fight his massive head should drop forward, he can only blame the prowess of his burly antagonist, perhaps that six or eight pounds has gone to the bad in this final week of prepar- ation. It looks as though Kilrain had trained for a sprint, and in sporting par- lance may find it difficult to last a distance. Aside from this one blemish, the man looks strong and fit for a bruising battle. Kilrain's Flans. The party have a car all to themselves, though it was not specially chartered. It pulled out at 2:15, and as it passed out of the depot the boys gave Kilrain three cheers. Cincinnati will be reached on Thursday morning. The party will break- fast at the Grand, and then change to the Qneen and Crescent road. They leave Cin- cinnati at 7:55 .A. M., will reach Chatta- nooga on Thursday night, and Kew Orleans Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Frank Stevenson notified Kilrain that he had se- lected quarters for him In the western part the city, and that he could resume exer- cise almost Immediately after his arrival. There is no truth in the report that Kilrain to appear at the Donovan benefit on Sat- urday night Jake is to be kept away from the public gaze until the time of the fight He will not drink Mississippi water, Mitch- ell having provided himself with a quantity water for Jake's use. There was some brisk betting about town this morning. The odds were $100 to $90 to Snllivan, and about $4,000 in the aggregate were placed. The sporting-me- seem rather inclined to stick to Sullivan, although the majority of the "big fellow's" admirers ad- mit that the longer the battH the better will Kilrain's chances. Celebrities of Various Kinds. A Cumberland, Md., dispatch says: The & O. train due here at 7 p. m. was de- layed by the storm. Kilrain and party were on board in the car Sarvy. The party took supper at the Queen City Hotel. Kil- rain ate heartily of beefsteak, soft shell crabs, scrambled eggs and hot rolls, with two cups of tea. William Taylor waitedH upon him. The dining room was crowded and had to be cleared by police. Kilrain said he did not want to talk. He wanted to eat, but felt first rate, and expected a good night's sleep. Mitchell and Moore were well pleased with the way he is standing the trip. He looks rough with two day's growth of black beard. Kext to this car was the Eurydice, with John Q. Cannon, candidate for the next speakership of the House of Bepresenta-tive- s. On the rear of the train, in the private car Baltimore, were Mrs. Harrison, BabyMcKec, Private Secretary Halford, Dr. Scotf, Mr. Harrison's sister and others. Mr. Halford said the trip had been a pleas- ant one, bnt hot All stood it well. The President will join them at Deer Park In a few days. They did not leave the car, but ate lunch therein. Baby McKee was in high glee over the crowd assembled to meet the train. " KILBAIN'S PEOPLE SHY. That Is Why Sullivan's Backers Are Forced to Give Odds Receptions to the Two Great Men Preparing- to Keep Order. Kew Obleans, July 3, Betting on the result was not very lively y, there be- ing plenty of Sullivan money, but little Kilrain money in sight. The Kilrain men are holding back for the advent of the book- makers and knowing ones who are expected in y. One bet of $300 to $250 on Sullivan was placed and bets of $100 1 to $70 and $100 to $60 on Sullivan were offered but found no takers. The Sullivan men are not offering odds because thev underrate Kilrain, but because the latter"' s friends are shy just now. One friend of Kilrain said: "It would be impossible for a man fed on Boston baked beans to get away with a man fed on canvas-bac- k ducks and Chesapeake oysters," and he laid a small wager on bis opinion. Prof. Butler will have charge of the ring police, who will number 200 men. They are to be sworn in on Sunday next at the office of the Spirit of the South. The managers of the fight give assurance that the utmost order will be maintained. A special train left over the Queen and Crescent route to- day, having a passengers the managers and friends of the two sluggers, and they did not return until late in the night The Young Men's Gymnasium Club held a meeting to- night to arrange for the reception of Sullivan, who will reach here He will be met at the depot by a large dele- gation ot officers and most prominent members and be driven to the club rooms, where the champion will be welcomed in as quiet a manner as possible. After that he will be taken to his quarters at Spanish Fort. Three rooms have been prepared in the Casino for Sullivan and trainers. They connect, with each ,other and ate com- fortably furnished. The Southern Athletic Club will receive Kilrain, and a large delegation will go out on a special train to meet him and party on Friday. Kilrain and party will embark on a special train at the meeting point and come- - to the city, where carriages will take them to the club rooms, where quarters have been prepared for him. It is a curious thing to note the sudden faith that has sprung up in .the curative waters of the Abila Springs, and the desire that has suddenly seized a great number of people to seek the perfume of the pines. Most everyone met on the streets is going to Abila Springs on Monday. A PRIEST AS A MASCOT. An Aged Clergyman Considered by the Sports as a Sign of Good Luck. rSrECIAL TXLXOBAX TO THE DISPATCH. I Baltimore, July 3. Soon after -- the train with Kilrain on board pulled out the occupants of the car noticed a stranger seated immediately opposite Kilrain. The latter had already started a game of auction pitch with Pony Moore, and paid little or no attention to his neighbor,. bnt the others did; and when Mitchell discovered that he was a Catholic priest his joy was unbound- ed. Prize fighters, as a rule, are super- stitious, and Kilrain considers the presence of a priest on his way to a fight as a sign of good lack. When crossing the English channel on his way to fight Smith he met a priest on the boat, and it inspired him with renewed confidence. The newspaper men on board tried to get the priest's name, but he positively de- clined to give it He was on his way from Emmittsburg to St Louis and had acci- dentally gotten among the sports. He looked over his traveling companions with much interest, it being the first time, ap- parently, that he had been caught in a crowd of this kind. He was treated with the utmost consideration by all on board, and his presence was not without its effect on the sports. There was no profanity in the car, and the venerable priest was as un- disturbed in the contemplation of the scene within and the scenery without as though seated at the window in his own study. MILITIA BEADI JOE WORK. Mississippi's Governor Itlny Rtnrch Troops Into Alabama and Lcnlslann. (ErXCXU. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCn.l Jackson, Miss., July 3. The Gov- ernors of Louisiana and Alabama have con- sented to allow Mississippi State troops to pass through their respective States in re- sponse to a request from Governor Lowry for such permission. His inten- tion is to prevent the Snlli- van Kilrain combat taking place in Mississippi, and with that object in view the State troops have been advised to hold themselves in readiness to move to such point adjacent to Kew Orleans as may here- after be designated, and where they will be available in an emergency. SULLIVAN AT CHATTANOOGA The Betting is S to 3 on Him, and He Is In Better Shape Tunn Ever. Chattanooga, July 3. John L. Snlli- van and party passed through here ht en route for the scene of battle. They will reach Kew Orleans Sullivan is trained to 205 pounds. His flesh is hard, and he is in most excellent condi- tion. His friends claim that he is in better condition than he has been in any previous fight He sleeps well and eats heartily. He declares his intention of winning the fight or dying in the ring. The odds in local betting are about 5 to 3 on Sullivan. Muldoon declares if the fight is interfered with they will go into training quarters and select another ground. P1TTSBDEG SPORTS NEXT. Walker, of Yonngstown, Wants to Recover His Lost Boodle. (SPECIAL TELIOBAM TO TOE DISrATCn.l Younostown, July 3. Walk- er, who became financially embarrassed by reason of heavy losses at the gaming table, has commenced prosecutions against the parties who won money from hisn. Suits have been entered at Columbus, and y an action was commenced vy Walker against Lawrence J. Washington, of Cleve- land, whom he claims won $1,200 from him. Walker dropped several thousand dollars among Pittsburg sports, and suit will be en- tered to recover It CLEVELAND OVERTHROWN. An Accident to the Buggy la Which lie Was Taking a Ride. ' Sandwich, Mass., July a While Cleveland was enjoying a carnage ride near Buzzard's Bay to-d- with Joe Jefferson, with whom he has been visiting the past few days, one of their horses be- came unmanageable and both men were thrown out They fortunately escaped with slight bruises, but received a severe shaking up. The carriage wasconsiderably damaged. Mr. Cleveland left for Marion this after- - Sheriff Agnew Refnoes 85,000 a Year. Washin OTON, July 3. ff J. B. Agnew, of Forest county, Pennsylvania, who was offered the position of Superin- tendent of the Dead Letter Office, in the Postoffice Department, has declined the ap- pointment The position pays $5,000 per year. PITTSBURG, THURSDAY, JULY- s- 4, 1889. A MOTHER MURDERED The Assassin Shoots Himself Just Seven Hours Afterward, IN ORDER TO ESCAPE CAPTDRE. The Very Remarkable Letter Left J the Double CriminaL CLOTHING FOR JOHNSTOWN VICTI1 He Killed His Mother to Sate Her From All Furtier Bnfferuij. j?"' a Herman Trobtt deliberately killed ms mother yesterday morning, and seven hours later shot himself. He left a letter stating the deed was committed to avoid further suffering for both, and requesting to hire his head examined. He wished his clothing to be given to the Johnstown sufferers. (SFKCtAt. TELEOKAM TO THE BtgrATCB. Jebsey City, July 3. Herman Probst, an expressman, shot his mother to death at their home, 58 Webster avenue, Jersey City Heights, early this rooming, and seven hours afterward, when Police Cap- tain McKnlty and Policeman Mc- Donald were battering in the door, to the room where the murder had been committed, and where the mur- derer had remained since the s"hootlng, he shot himself in the head twice, inflicting wounds from which he will probably die, The honse is a three-stor- y frame structure at the corner of Webster avenue and Ferry street Charles Melsel, a butch- er, owns it and uses the first floor as a butcher shop. He lives on the second floor with his wife and three children. Last October he rented three rooms in the rear of the third floor to Probst and his mother. The two front rooms of the third floor are vacant About 6 o'clock this morning Mrs. Meisel heard a loud noise upstairs in the rooms occupied by the Probsts. It sounded, she said, as though someone had taken a table and was slamming it down on the floor. riSTor, shots in plenty. A little piece of plaster dropped from the celling in the room in which her little daughter Clara was sleeping, and she pulled the child out of bed and ran with her into the front room, fearing that the whole ceiling was coming down. At the same time she heard the noise. Mrs. Scherur, who lives on the sec- ond floor of a honse in the rear of 60 Web- ster avenue, saw Herman Probst standing near an open window of his mother's room. He pointed the pistol toward the Elevated railroad track and fired two shots. Then he disappeared and she heard three more shots. Her brother was in the room with her and she said to him: "What's the matter with Herman? I guess he thinks it's the Fourth of July." She had never heard of any trouble between Herman and his mother, and she did not suspect anything v as wrong. Mrs. Melsel did not hear any one moving around upstairs after the strange noises ceased, and about 10 o'clock she be- gan to suspect that something was wrong She went up to the hall door and knocked? She got no answer. Then she called, but received no response. She told her husband about it. He saidjt wasjione of their bns ness, and told her not to mind. She did mind, though, and went to Mrs. Bechtoldt'a house, four doois away, and told her what she had heard. TWO ANXIOUS WOMEN. The two women returned to the house and knocked at the door and called without suc- cess. Mrs. Scherur met them as they came down stairs and she told them what she had seen. They all decided something was wrong and then went to their homes. Mrs. Meisel was making a bed in the room, where the plaster had fallen, about 1 o'clock, when she found a bullet on the red quilt It was flattened on one end. She 'felt sure then that something serious had happened, so she went to Mrs. Bech-toldt- 's house again and got her to go to the Sixth precinct police station with her. Captain McKulty was there, and he took Patrolman McDonald with him to the house. Captain McKulty knocked and rapped on the door with his club, and then put his foot against it and pushed it In. Just as the lock gave way two pistol shots were heard. The first room they went into was used as a kitchen by the Probsts. The policemen passed through this room to a larger one. There they found Mrs. Probst lying in blood which came from two wounds in her head. She was lying on her right side, her face turned to- ward the door, and her head toward a win- dow. She had been dead several hours and her body was cold and stiff. The police found a letter on the bureau. It was in an unsealed envelope and was addressed to August Probst, 87 Kearney avenue, Jersey City. A. PREMEDITATED CBIMB. It was dated June 30, and showed that Probst had already made up his mind to kill his mother and himself. It was as fol- lows: Dear Beotheb August I hope you and all the folsa are getting along well. Have us bnrted in Greenwood Cemetery, in father's grave. Be sure and hare us as cheap x funeral as possible. Have a doctor ex- amine my forehead. That will tell all the tale. We will be better off dead. I did not want mother to live after I am dead to worry to death In this wiclred world. Also have mother's left side examined. That will tell all about ber suffering. Me and mother would have been better off dead years ago when father died. Mother then would not have bad all the suf- fering to go through she has had all these years, all for my sake. Mr. Collard, of tbe American Express Company, is a Christian. If there ever was a Christian, he is one. and be de- serves reward. Mr. Herman, of No. 411 Ea?t Fourteenth street, New York City, is a gentle- man, and also a man to give good advice. He deserves a reward for his good acts in this world. All too things in tbe house let my brother have charge of. Give some oftoy clothes to the Johnstown sufferers, and some of my books to Mr. Collard in remembrance ot me. Good-by- Heuxan Pbobst, DEN BUTLER'S PORTRAIT. Tie Presents It to Colby University With a Little Explanation. Watebville, Me., July 3. At Colby University commencement dinner to-d- General Butler presented a large oil portrait ot himself in army uniform, painted on tbe field at Dutch Gap. He stated that his failure to open Dutch Gap, for which he was criticised, was not from inability, but because the commanders of the Union gun- boats on the James river feared rebel vessels would come down through it and destroy our squadron, and requested General Butler to desist from his work to open the gap. Arrested After Eight Years. St. Louis, July 3. Four negroes, John, Elias and Burrell Brown, brothers and Sam Gllliespie, a brother-in-la- w of the Browns, were arrested for the kill- ing of seven white men in an election riot at Marion, Londesdale county, Miss., in 1881. Went Agnlnst the Germans. Vienna, July 3. The elections for members of the Bohemian Diet resulted in fi virtnrv for thff rtartr ormnfrerl to the fler- - U1UU UUJtkUbCt ' ?C V THE TWO DAKOTAS. Constitutional Conventions Will be Held In Both Sections To-D- ay A Contest far tbe Officers at One Meeting - ,,420,000 That Must be Expended. Bismabck, Dak., July 3. the Constitutional Convention for the new State oKorth Dakota will assemble In this city, ana already a large number of the del- egates are on hand and ready-fo- r duty. According to agreement, the Republicans of tbe Territory, who are in the majority, al- lowed the Democrats to have one-thir- d of the delegates to this convention, and there will be a strong effort to keep up the minor- ity representation idea in the new Constitu- tion. Minority representation is one of the subjects concerning which there has always been something of a fayorable sentiment in the Territory, but the Bepublican papers have more recently been advocating regular majority rule. Just what will appear in the Constitution depends on the decision of the Bepublican majority. At the present time there is more time and attention being paid to the ques- tion of the officers of the convention than to any of the principles to be embodied in the new constitution. The Republicans will probably settle on the officers by caucus, but tbe Democrats are hoping that there will be a bolt from the decision of tbe caucus, and that In that way they may be able to secure enough votes to elect at least the presiding officer. A dispatch from Sioux Falls says: Many of the 175 delegates at the South Dakota Constitutional convention, which is pre- paring to pin another star upon Columbia's bosom, are arriving on the trains that are streaming in from all directions y. Tbe people, bv voting to adopt the Sioux Falls constitltution, have left little for them to do. But ambitious brains are seething with pyrotechnic oratory' that must be turned loose, while politicians are anxious- ly canvassing the probabilities for the first campaign of the new State of South Dakota. It seercs now that Hon. A. J. Edgerton, of Mitchell, will be the president of the con- vention The convention won't quarrel. It will keep in session, doing not much, if anything, for three weeks or more, using up Uncle Sam's $20,000. Then after Its committee to divide the territory's money and valuables gets back from its Bismarck conference, tbe convention will adjourn. MR. BOWEN'S PICNICKERS. "President Harrison and Other Distinguished People Gazed at la Kew York. rSrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE Kew Yobk, July 3. Mr. Tracy was the first of the Woodstock Fourth of July cele-brato- rs to arrive at the Grand Central sta- tion this morning. He reached there about 9:30 o'clock, and sitting down In the wait-lu- g room of the Kew Haven Bail way, begin to read a morning paper. President Harri- son and the rest of the party arrived a quarter of an hour later, and in a minute or two were admitted to the Slatiorm outside the waiting room, where held an informal reception. Among those who shook hands with him were Collector Erhardt, Colonel Elliott F. Shepard and Josh Choate, who happened to be going East on the same train. Clarence W. flowen finally led the party, which numbered between 30 and 40 persons, to the two drawing room cars of the second section of the 10 o'clock express reserved for It T; reach tbe cars the party passed through two lines of colored porters, who stared at the President without raising their hats. The President passed at onoe into the car he was to occupy, but the members oi his Cabinet stayed outside to gossip with Col- onel Shepard and the other Kew Yorkers until the train, moved off, which it did at 10.-0- o'clock exactly. The Colonel removed his hat as it did so, but his example was not followed. The occupants of the two reserved cars, beside President Harrison and Secretaries Tracy and Koble, were Mrs. Koble, Con- gressman McKinley; Will Carleton, Mrs. Carleton, Justice Miller, Senator Hiscock, Llspenard Stewart,Lieutenant Mason, John F. Plummer, James M. Varnum, George O. Holt, W. E. D. Stokes, Mrs. Wllmerdlng, the Misses Brookman and Miss Ethel Moore, of Brooklvn; President Gates, of Butger's College; Charles Butler, Dr. Will- iam Hayes Ward, John F. Salisbury, Mrs. Salisbury, Adjutant General Lucius A. Barbour-o- f Connecticut, who wore his uni- form; Henry C. Bowen, Mrs. and Miss Bowen, Herbert Walcott Bowen and Clarence W. Bowen. TRUE LOVE PREVAILED. A Wealthy Widower, Forced to Fight for Ills Second Bride, Wins Her. ISrECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX SIsrATCXt.1 Louisville, July 3. Mr. C B. Har- mon, a wealthy widower of Maxwell, Washington county, and Miss Unite Kim-berli- n, a young lady of the same place, eloped to Louisville this morning and crossing to Jeffersonville, were married. Mr. Harmon had to carry off his bride al- most by force from her relatives. The day before yesterday, while Miss Kimber-lin'- s father was absent, Mr. Har- mon, who had long been her suitor and had been objected to by her parents, called and asked her to marry him. She agreed, but her mother and sisters, who were present, objected and attempted to carry he': off by force to her room. Mr. Harmon, likewise laid hold of her, and at- tempted to pull her away from them and into his buggy which was waiting in front of the house. Between the two parties the young lady came near being torn to pieces, but as she lent her own strength to that of her lover, the latter prevailed and drew her from the grasp of her mother and sisters, carryingher off in triumph to his bnggy. He placed her In It, sprang in himself and dashing off to Lebanon, took the first tram to this city. Last night they telegraphed to Mr. Kimber-li- n that they had just been made man and wife. A WICKED PHYSICIAN. ' Damaging Ri velatioua Concerning Dr. Sugene n'nm, of Ralelgb, N. C f SPECIAL TELXOBAK TO TOE DISPATCH. 3 Baleiob, July 3. The city is excited over the investigation of charges against Dr. Eugene Griisam, Superintendent of the Korth Carolina Insane Asylum. This morning Mrs. Perkitison, wife of an at the asylum, gave damaging testimony as to Dr. Grissam's immorality. Miss Ella Edwards, at the asylum, also gave similar testimony, not only concerning Dr. Grissam's conduct toward female employes o( the institution, bnt also toward one of tbe patients. A man named Hogan. an old employe of the asylum, gave testimony as to the superin- tendent'! cruelty to patients, and James West who has been employed as engineer at the asylum for 11 years, gave evidence of his personal knowledge of great misappro- priation of supplies. A Refuge far the Popo la Spain. Madbid, July 3. The Impartial asserts that the Government, having received a tel- egram from the Vatican authorities inquir- ing whether the Pope would be allowed a place of refuge in Spain in the event of his being obliged to leave Borne, Premier Sa- g's sta, after consultation with the Queen and Mfnintry, replied in the rffirraative, granting the Pope an asylum in Valencia. i THE IAJ0RJS DONE. Dynamiter Phillips Ends His Good Work and Then Resigns. JUDGE CUMMIN" ON THE GROUND, And Philadelphia's City Engineer is Com-fn- g to Help Things. BODIES DISCOVERED BI RISING WATER. Mr. McClelland Bala Dream la Which He Foresaw the Disaster. The work of clearing the jam at the stone bridge at Johnstown has progressed so well that Major Phillips feels free to leavf. General Hastings will soon be through. The Governor's commission begins to do business. Last night's flood floats a house and reveals more bodies. A gentleman named McClelland saw the dam break and Johnstown washed away in a dream. rrnon a statt cobkesposdext.i Johnstown, July 3. Major Phillips, the engineer in charge of the work at the bridge, this evening sent a letter to Adju- tant General Hastings, stating that the work was about completed and there was no further need of his services. If the arrange- ment was satisfactory to tbe officers of the State his connection with the work would be severed after 6 o'clock this evening. The river has been cleared of the greater pirt of the obstructions, and any contractor can now take hold of the work and complete it General Hastings receiyed the Major's resig- nation, and expressed much regret that the latter had made up his mind to go home. He will town several days longer to assist General Hastings in the work. Gen- eral Hastings will also have to get away in about a week, and It is expected that all the State's officers will be relieved from duty about that time. The General will neces- sarily have to be present at the Third, or Central, Brigade encampment, which will be held, beginning the 13th instant The officers are sticking faithfully to their posts, but theylire wearyof their positions. To-da- y General 'Hastings officially closed a contract with Hoover, Hughes & Co. for the erection of 200 two-stori- houses, at a cost of $250 each. The buildings will be leased totheresidentsof the town, to be used as dwellings. The lease will run for 18 months, and at the expiration of that time they willjbe given to the lessees for the con- sideration of $1. A conference was held y between Ad- jutant General Hastings, Commissioner Cummins and Mr. Johnston, of the Finance Committee. The question of how to give the houses to the people and make sure that they would not be taken from them was dis- cussed at great length. It was stated that if the people were given a clear title to the dwellings creditors or others might come in and take them from the poor people. It was then decided to lease them, and regular contracts will be made out Com- missioner Cummins stated to-d- that he had visited the different places ot registry and was much pleased with the work. He thought the reports when submitted to the State Commission at Cresson, Tuesday next, would be In every way satisfactory. If the latter proves to be the case the com- mission will authorize the distribution of funds according to the returned blanks. If the basis is not satisfactory, another regis- tration will fcewide. It is very probable, however, that the 'people will be jingling bright silyer dollars in their- - pockets two weeks hence. '. The committee on temporary business stands, met this afternoon, and decided to have a drawing for the best locations y. Three hundred more portable houses arrived McSwigan. A FLOOD AT JOHNSTOWN. The Conemaagh Rises Four Feet In One Hoar-an- Floats a House. - rrnoM a statp cohhisfoxdent. Johnstown, July 3. A quarter of an inch cord had to be tied around two of the portable honses In Woodvale last night to prevent them from floating away with the water in the Conemaugh, which rapidly rose to an alarming height and overswept ,the banks. The heavy rains in the mount- ains caused the river to swell and cover a great portion of its former bed. The houses were being erected close to the water's edge, and the small flood carried one of them along the bank sbout 30 feet A clothes line was secured, and the "doghouse," as the small portable buildings are called, was corralled before it could be carried down into the gorge. The two houses are being put together for the use of E. O. Thomas. The newest flood washed ont the cellars of eight houses, and covered Bailroad street to a depth of one-fo- ot in Cambria City. In some of the cellars people who had no homes were living, and they lost considera- ble provisions and what little goods they owned were damaged. The names of the people who were flooded ont the second time are John Karl, Thomas McBride, Frank Stein, Alex. Hess, John Hecker, John Ward, Mrs. Clark, George Bulyon and a Hungarian family. The cause of the flood, was a heavy downpour of water from the mountain side, and the clogged sewers could not carry off the water. The temporary bridges were almost carried away by the water, which rose four feet in one hoar. The officers at general headquarters had all their papers, documents, etc., in shape to be removed at a moment's notice. All of the bridges were more or leas damaged, and vehicle travel was suspended on one of them. MCBWIGA2T. AID PROM CONURESS. The People of Johnstown Propose to Ask Assistance From the Nation. 1SFXCIAL TEXXQKAX TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 Johnstown, July people of Johnstown will doubtless call upon Con- gress to dredge the Conemaugh river and Stony creek. General Hastings has ad- vised such a course. In a conference of the Citizens' Committee, he said he feared the Legislature wonld not have the power to appropriate money to dredge the channel of the river and widen its banks. All the work done in the valley, he said, would have to be sanctioned by the Board of Health, in order to be paid for by the State. He thought the Government ought to do the work, and expressed the belief that if Congress were appealed to it would make an appropriation which would be sufficient to put the river within banks that would not be overflowed by every rain- storm. The citizens, acting upon General Hastings suggestion, have requested Samuel Bmedley, Chief Engineer and Sur- veyor of the city of Philadelphia, to come here and make a careful survey of the two rivers. Mrl Smedley has agreed to come and will probably be here the latter part of this week. When he submits the result of bis work to the citizens they will forward the papers to Washington with an appeal for an appropriation from Congress to dredge the river and straighten its course and to widen the banks. Inasmuch as Congress made appropriations to relieve the sufferers from the Charleston earthquake, the sufferers in Florida and from other great calamities, the Johnstown people feel sure that they will Teceive the assistance S k RICH as b BVEST Jo y NlC Ti they propose to ask for. It Is estimated, that it would take from $500,000 to $800,000 to make the proposed changes in the river. WHAT THE RAINS DID. Rubbish Washed Away and a. Nnmber of Bodies Brought to View, Johnstown, July 3. The rains of last night And to-d- filled the streams to over- flowing, and in consequence much of the rubbish in the bottom creeks was disturbed and a great deal of it was floated down stream. At the stone bridge much of the stuff that had been loosened was parried off, which has helped the prosecution of the work there largely. It was also thought a number of bodies were carried down stream, as several were found along the banks at Cambria City. Eight bodies were brought to the morgue and among those identi- fied were little Sammy Young-- , a Johns- town Tribune carrier boy, and nephew of Mr. Frank L. Bridges, of Braddock. The body of Miss Jane Potts, daughter ot James Potts, was also" identified y. It is thought that wDen the waters fall a number of other bodies that have been dislodged by the swift current of to-d- will be found. Some progress was to-d- made on the work of clearing up the wreck at the point, but there is still a vast amount of labor to be performed. Tbe cleaning of the beds of the rivers will save a great deal of time. At the bend In Stony creek, below the site of the Franklin street bridge, there is a great deal of rubbish, and many dead peo- ple will undoubtedly be found there. ALL SEEN IN A DREAM. O. L. MeClellnnd's Prophetic Vision of the Great Disaster at Johnstown. Johnstown, July 3j O.iL. McClelland, formerly a storekeeper in the Seventh ward, relates a most remarkable dream which he had during Thursday night. "Just as plainly as if I were looking at, it with my open eyes, and in possession of all my senses," said Mr. McClelland, "I saw the breastwork of a dam give way, a great body of water sweeping houses in every direction, hundreds of people drowned, and houses floating up the Stony creek toward the Seventh ward, felling tbe town." Mr. McClelland says he related his dream to his family at the breakfast table Friday morning, but they paid no more at- tention to it than to simply remark that it was "very singular." , Afterward, the same morning, Mr. Mc- Clelland says he told his dream to Mr. Adam Hnebner, Mr. Charles Scott. Mr. John Fritz, Jr., Mr. Charles Benford and others, all of whom thought the dream "very strange," and some of them said in view or the fact that the river was then overflowing Its banks, that "it might come true," and. sure enough it did, only in more terrible magnitude than that pictured to Mr. McClelland in his slumbers. Mr. McClelland is now employed at the Walnut street headquarters of the Bed Cross. TO CELEBRATE THE FODRTH. The Johnstown Small Boy's Ardor TJnsnp-press- ed by the Great Disaster. rrSOK X 6TATF COBBXSrOXDEXT, Johnstown, July 3. Although no gen- eral celebration of the Fourth will break the Sabbath-lik- e quietude of Johnstown, the small boy Is showing that the water could not wash away his enthusiasm over the fizz of the pinwheel and the crack of the firecracker. To-nig- ht they are boom- ing away in a style to ruffle the old eagle's feathers. There 'will be no demonstration except a small one. Major Phillips is ar- ranging for, a salute in the morning. Work will be continued as usual. HAEPER'S CREDITORS Are Trying to Unearth the Secrets of the Famous Wheat Comer That Broke the Fidelity Bank Some Rumors Denied Sensational Develop- ments Expected Yet. Chicago, July 3. The Chicago credit- ors of E. L. Harper, who believe that there were wealthy parties back of Harper in the Fidelity Bank, are making every effort to discover the identity of the supposed back- ers. A story, which purports to be an in- terview with Beceiver Armstrong, of the Fidelity Kational Bank, was telegraphed from Cincinnati last night to the effect that some of the Standard Oil crowd were the parties the Chicago creditors were after, and that the corner was rnn by the Standard Oil people in order to injure the American Cot- ton Seed Oil Trust by ruining its President, John V. Lewis. Attorney Swift, who rep- resents the American Exchange Kational Bank in tbe investigation, it is claimed, has received tbe full history of the deal. When asked what the facts were concerning the Cincinnati story, Mr. Swift said: "The story is not correct The famous corner was not planned in Cincinnati, and John V. Lewis was not a party to the original clique which organized the corner. Lewis' connection with the deal was only that of a 'Uileron.' Lewis and some others bought wheat independently after the operations of the corner were well under way. They bought about 3,000 000 bushels. I would not say that the men who organized the corner were not glad to see Lewis ruined. I am sure that they were. Bnt the wheat corner was not organized with his ruin for a motive. Lewis was a dupe. Harper was both a dupe and a rascal. There is nothing in the whole affair which will show to Har- per's credit He organized the Fidelity Bank by fraud, he increased Its stock by fraud, and he had ruined it before the wheat corner was run." "As further facts in the case are brought ont will there be some sensational develop- ments?" was asked. "That is a hard question to answer. I will say this, though: As tbe case proceeds there will "be but few new names connected with the swindle other than those at which public suspicion is now pointing. It will be proved that the eorner was deliberately planned with the idea that part of those in- terested should be betrayed that the money should be made when the crash came. It will be shown, too, that the condition of the Fidelity Bank was known, and it was de- liberately planned to make the completion of the bank's ruin a part of the scheme." ANOTHER BIG TRUST. A Dayton Firm Decides to Join the Ameri- can Strawboard Comaaay. Dayton, O., July 3. The HawesyCom-pan- y, of this city, manufacturers of straw-boar- d, this afternoon deeded all their prop, erty and mills and transacted business and good will to the trust organized as the American Strawboard Company, capital stock $6,000,000, O. C. Barber, of Akron, O., president. The 15 largest mills in Amer- ica are In the deal. Their daily production is300tonsofstrawboards. There are only five Httle mills left out FOOLED WITH THE FLUID. One Maa Dead and Another Unconscious Who Touched an Electrlo Wire. reriClAL TELXOBAK TO TBE DISrATCH.1 Columbus, July 3. In a crowd of young men ht one of them accepted a banter to take hold of an electric light wire, which was hanging from a pole. He was pulled up a distance, and was thrown unconscious to the ground. William Frost endeavored to pick nim up, and in doing so touched the wire accidentally .with one hand, and was Instantly killed. It was some time before anyone could be found to remove the dead or rescue the injured mail. 3s&i&&- - iJkitJs. - EC .v s- Win be reatied by ail wfce advertise to The Djw atcs. It reaches, every boss and 11 read ny eTeryoony. n yon are la business 1st the ubl io know It through THB IISPATCH. '1 THREE .CEJtfTS m WBF.PT7. TTTTT.Y TJRfti . . . . i 1 1ff 'i ine supreme uiiicers or tne oraer Tonti Make a Mistake ij IN CONCEALING A DEPALCATIOnM Surety Companies See a Loophole and WHlTi Refuse to Make Good - AI THE AMOUNT TAKEN BI MR. WEIGHT.' IT- - ... TT..1 M?mrA VJ iWl . RM,rltf- - A T.- I MW WMV..I W0VVY WVVU.M,b .M.W UN .W V f. May be More. 1 t On February 18 last the supreme officers of tbe Order of Tonti knew that Treasurer Wright was a defaulter. He offered in set- tlement $50,000 bonds of an etching cobs-- ' pany. Affairs ran along until a week ago, when the security companies who indorsed Wright were asked to settle. They learned that the loss had been kept quiet for three months and refute to pay. ISrECIAL TELEQHAM TO THE CISPATCU.l Philadelphia, July 3. It came oat y that on February 18 last it was known to the officers of Tonti that Supreme : Treasurer George W. Wright was criminal- ly involved to a large amount, and that the accounts of the order were in very bad shape. On that date there was a consult? tion of the chief officials, and Treasurer Wright then and there offered to make good the deficit by surrendering to the order stock held by him in the International Etching and Publishing Company that had a face value of $50,000. Affairs were al- - to run along until a week or so ago, and, as there was no apparent improvement, . it was deemed expedient to announce that ' Treasurer Wright was a defaulter, and to take steps looking to a settlement of the amount of defalcation 'with the three surety companies that had guaranteed that, f Wright would faithfully perform his duties as custodian of the order's funds. Counsel, for the companies were consulted, and tbe officers of the order were required to draw-u- an affidavit setting forth the facts on -- which a warrant was to be issued for the arrest of Wright. When the affidavit was being considered one of the legal lights asked some questions that were not promptly answered by Henry K. Wheeler. - Miller Burkherdt and the other su- preme officers were present They were astonished when asked whether or. not they had agreed on February 18 to accept from Wright the Etching Company's stock in lieu of cosh. They hesitated'and sat silent for at least five minutes and then withdrew for consultation, and finally answered that they had refused to accept the offer made at the time, and offered in proof the assertion that it was so recorded is, the minutes of the Supreme Council. There was then left one of the Iwo horns of the-- " dilemma lor tne xontt omciais to accept. Either they must say that Treasurer Wright's accounts on February 18 were all straight and did not require the production of any security, or else that he was a de faulter, and the collateral he offered in the shape of tbe Etching Company s stock wag- - not suthcient A VEBY BAD PLAY. The action of the Supreme Couneil in re fusing to accept the itching company a bonds for the default of Treasurer "Wtigtitf Is taken by the suretr'comimnTrs as proof positive that, on February 18, the Supreme Council, the recognized head of the order, knew that Treasurer Wright was a de- faulter. On that date they considered ft proposition from the defaulting treasurer to secure the order against loss through the Etching Company's stock. That with this knowledge in their possession they carried the defalcation, or permitted Treasurer Wright to do so for three months, without either notilying the securities or the various lodges of the organization. In view of these' facts, the snretv comnnnies will refuse to pay Wright's shortage, and it is freely pre- -i oictea mat ine uroer oi lonu. wnicn nnm- - bera its members by the tens of thousands, , is doomed. A MURDERER IDENTIFIED. He la Jnst Now Serving an Eight-Ye- ar Sen- tence In tbe Jollet Prison. rSrECIAL TELEOBAJJTOTIIE CISrATCH. Chicago, July 3. Martin Foy, alias "Dirty Eddy, the man who murdered and robbed Druggist Clark last winter, is la Joliet prison on a charge of burglary. He v was sentenced from Wheaton, 111., March, with Bobert Bussell, both for a term. of eight years. The fact that Foy committed the murder was revealed by Bussell when ha : was brought to Chicago a few days ago to testify In a burglary case in which two members of Fov's gang were on trial. The police have managed to keep Bussell 's a secret nntil v. when a detective and Cowlln, a restaurant keeper, who was held up on the night of Clark, a ' murder, went to Joliet to identity .toy. Uowiin had no trouble in identifying as the man who robbed him, and tbe pris- oner trembled like a leaf when he eaueht sight of his victim. In his confession Vi Bussell said that on the night of February . 21 Foy passed Clark's drug store and saw ' ? Clark counting his money. He immedi- -t ately summoned bis gang and they went la' and covered Clark with revolvers. Clark. made some resistance and Foy fired, killing 1 him instantly. The gang nn out of tMJ store and, a few days after went to Wheat Here Foy and Bussell were arrested fr burglary and received sentence. A DAMAGED LOCHINVAS, N. C. Amos Elopes With a . H rtt m w - .?.. - uin nnn is raiaiix onot, SrXCTAL, TXXXQBAX TO TOE DUrATSH.1 Waco, Tex., July 3. There Js.oaetJ Locbinvar who came out of1 the West, a who is now returning on a stretcher witkl two bullets in his back; His name fa K. G.! Amos, and he ran off with Hiss Ada Beard,! the daughter of J. H. Beard.' The father opposed Ames on account of Ife' youth of the girl. The pair eloped sad" started for the Indian Territory, where agen is no bar to marriage. The father sad ' friend named Crabtree followed. They ore hauled Amos, who showed tight He wagi shot twice in the affray, and tnenarsuem took possession of the girl and the lover aadJ brought them here, Amos is believed to be I fatally shot fl BURGLARS GET EVEN. , A Mob Who Confederated With' Them I BetrayThem Meets His Death. , rsrxcux. txi.eo.iiam to the stsrATew.t Ozabk, Mo., July 3. James H. Dewta an amateur detective of Taney county, 1 a tragic fate Monday night He himself into the confidence of two ba named Coombs and Hockstilf and i into a plot with them' to rob a country i then he informed the sherihT and surrounded the store and awaited Mm bets. Dennis was' to stay outside watch. Coombs and Hockstill entered store, and the cosse began firintr ea Ihey reslized that they had been beteav and retreated urougn the baefcdeer, thev found Dennis. Thcv shot him wounded three ot the posse and eseaptfe

Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-07-04 [p ]. · 2018. 6. 21. · printed by the New York Bank Note Com of pany. Four photographers will be on the grounds to take instantaneous

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Page 1: Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-07-04 [p ]. · 2018. 6. 21. · printed by the New York Bank Note Com of pany. Four photographers will be on the grounds to take instantaneous

Can reachs SHREWD class ort through investorsTHE DIS-PATCH. The bestmen In business canalso be reached,through THE DIS-PATCH.





Kilrain's Backers Show Shynessin Coming Forward With

Even Money.of


Thinks He Has Good Luck Thrnst on In

Him by an Old Priest


inThe Baltlraorean Appears to be a Trifle

Overtrained Intest Advices From feul-Ilr- an

Indicate He is In Perfect ConditionA Great Deal of Secresy Bring O-

bservedThe Authorities Vigilant Travels on the bane Train WithJake Four Photographers to Take In.taataneous Views Receptions to the


Kilrain's friends are thus far not betting,

unless they can get odds, which the admirers

of Sullivan feel free to give. Sullivan hasarrived at Chattanooga, and Kilrain leftBaltimore yesterday for the South, whither

he is now speeding. Kilrain looks a trifleItovertrained. Governor Lowiy, of Louis-

iana, is preparing to use militia to stop thefight, if necessary, and hence there is greatsecrecy. Mrs. Harrison travels on the trainwith Kilrain, and good luck enters his carin the form of a priest.


Kew Okleans, July 3. The sportingmen here are waiting anxionsly for Sulli-

van, whose arrival is expectedThe best of news was telegraphed of himfrom Cincinnati as to his condition. It sentSullivan stock up and considerably im-

proved the odds in his favor. The cham-

pion is going to be given a rousing recep-


A special train oi his ad-

mirers will go out as far as Hattiesbnrg toreceive him and escort him to his quartersat Spanish Fort. His manager and train-

ers have tried to avoid the display, but theSullivan enthusiasm promises tc be too

much for them. Sullivan is evidently thepublic favorite here, for those who saw hisfight with Paddy Byan seven years ago willsever be convinced nntil they see to the con-

trary that he is not the greatest pugilist in Hethe world. The Olympic Athletic Clubgave Barnett, Stevenson and other sportingmen here a reception last night. WhenKilrain's name was mentioned it drew forthmany cheers, but the applause at the men-

tion of Sullivan's name was twice as vocif-erous. A welcome will be given Kilrainalso on his arrival Friday. Bad Benaudhas been out of town to-d- putting the fin-

ishing touches on his ring arrangements.Krcping It From the Governors.

Tips are not in order, and the railroadofficials refuse to discuss the site of the infight. As for the mysterious ampitheatergoing up at Abita Springs, people fromthere say it is really a bull ring, and thattwo St. Tammany bulls will meet there inmortal combat on Sunday. If the prizefight is held here it will be a splendid lo-

cation, with the single objection of badtelegraphic communication with New Or-

leans, as there is only one wire to the cityand that a private one. The managers ofthe fight, however, have about come to theconclusion that the telegraph is more intheir way than otherwise, that it will givethe Governor a chance of knowing where itmay come off early in the morning, andwill thus increase the danger of interference.The proclamations of Governor Lowry, ofMississippi, and Governor 'Seay, of Ala-bama,

orare generally attributed here to a

warning from Governor Kicholls and a de-

sire on his part to seenre a ofthe three Governors to prevent the fight.Governor Kicholls has little power in thematter, however, for, while Mississippi andAlabama have laws against prize fighting,Louisiana has none. The pugilists can beput under bonds to keep the peace, but thiswill not prevent the fight Indeed themanagers insist that it will come off if theyhave to take tne men to Oklahoma.

Tickets and limine.The ring tickets will be for sale at the

office of the Queen and Crescent Bailroad,St. Charles street, Friday and Saturday; atLeon la Mothe pool room, under the St.Charles Hotel, Sundaj, and at the train onMonday morning for late arrivals. .There isno danger of counterfeits as at the Sullivan-Bya- n

fight of 1882, for the tickets were ofprinted by the New York Bank Note Company. Four photographers will be on thegrounds to take instantaneous pictures of isthe fight, and at its most important stages.

Betting has freshened up a great deallately, there being several $1,000 bets nt 10to 9, and 10 to 8 on Sullivan. Barnett, hisrepresentative, seems to have had a new tip of

y, for he offered 200 to 100 on Sullivan,which offer was accepted by Harding, of thePolice Gazette. Another bet of his of $75 to

100 that Snllivan would win in 20 min-

utes was declined. He has also offered 10bets of $100 to $75 that Sullivan will win inthe first fall and $3,000 to $1,800 that Sul-livan whips Kilrain in an hour. A large besum was put up in the Turf Exchange to-

day at $25 to $20 on Sullivan.The Question of a Rrferee. B.

Sporting men here think that the refereematter is more likely to cause trouble thangubernatorial interference. A nnmber ofnames for referee have been mentioned,The disposition is to choose a New Orleansman. The crowd in attendance will belargely from this city, and the decision of acity man who commands respect here willbe well received and tend to prevent anycomplaints or growling. Captain Jamiesonand his 20 Mississippi Bangers will be downhere Friday and will be placed in charge otthe special train. They will come heeledto prevent any disorder, and are sworn toobey instructions strictly. Quite a numberof dispatches were received to-d- from St.Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Sioux City.Bismarck, Sioux Falls, and from Oregon,asking about the arrangements htre and

parties had left those citiesfor New Orleans to see the fight.

CalllncOut theMllllln.The belief that the three Southern Gov

the best

ernors, Lowry, of Mississippi; Bea, of Ala-

bama, and Kicholls, of Louisiana, are act-

ing in to prevent the fight wasincreased by the telegram of Gov-

ernor Lowry to his brother Governors, ask-

ing them for a permit to allow Mississippitroops to pass through their States betweenJuly 5 and July 10, should it become neces-

sary. He announces his determination toprevent the fight from coming off in Missis-

sippi at every cost. He will have a portionthe Mississippi militia called, ready for

duty; will have men stationed at every pointthe Mississippi line where a railroad

enters the State from Louisiana, and at aword from these men that the pugilists havecrossed the State line will send troops there.

order to do this they will have to gothrough a portion of Alabama or Louisiana,and it is for a permit to do so that he tele-

graphed He has been granted theprivilege asted for, and he thinks he hasfixed the matter as far as Mississippi is con-

cerned. Nothing has been heard from Gov-

ernor Kicholls since his first proclamation,which he left the matter entirely In the

hands of the Sheriff, and it is not knownwhether he intends to take any further pro-

ceedings to stop the fight.


Tut Baltimore Champion Looks as Thoughlie Hsd Gone Too Far Parting

From Ills Wife Oddsen Sullivan.


Baltimore, July 3. Six hundred lo-

cal sports assembled at Camden station to-

day to see Kilrain off. They had gotten thetip that the train would pull out at 2 r. jr.,and half an hour before that time quite a

tough-lookin- g crowd had collected on thesteps and in the waiting room of the depot.

was about 2 o'clock when the carriagebearing Kilrain drove up, and as he steppedfrom the vehicle the boys gave him acheer. Accompanying him were his train-ers, Charley Mitchell and Johnny Murphy,and Pony Moore, the Englishman, was thebusiest man in the party. He wore a littlewhite jockey cap on the side of his head andKilrain's colors about his neck. He hur-ried along the platform carrying Jake'sluggage. One of the porters volunteered torelieve him of his load, but Moore wavedhim aside with an emphatic, "No, sir, I'llattend to that work myself," and he did notrest until the baggage was deposited in thecar near Jake's berth. Then he went for-

ward and was introduced by Mitchell to theNew York sporting men who had come here

accompany Kilrain. They were B. H.Parker, Hugh Cullom, William O'Neill,James Hill, of Albany; Dominick McCaf-frey, who said he represented a Kew Yorkpaper; Billy Madden, Ed Sharkey, DaveHollins, Bob Turnbull, Oily Wilson andPat Booney, the comedian. Ed Plummer,representing the Sporting iie, of London,was also present

Trained a Trifle Fine.Kilrain was the object of all eyes and

went through an ordeal of handshaking.was attired in a dark sack coat, light

trousers, flannel shirt and flat straw hat,worn on the bact of his head. He hadcome in from the track this morning, aftergoing through his regular exercise, andstopped at his bouse until train time. Thepartin g from his wife was a pathetic one.Notwithstanding cveiy effort to repress them,tears rolled from the eyes of the littlewoman and nearly unmanned Jake. Sheaccompanied him to the oobrand, wltli Mrs.Mitchell, who remains here nntil after thefight, watched the carriage until it turned acorner and passed from sight.

Kilrain feels confident as ever, and leftthe best possible spirits. His face was

unshaven, and he looks tired and serious,though he assured everyone that he lelt tiptop. He is as hard as a rock, but looks atrifle too fine. His cheeks are sunken, andthe color only fair. His eyes lack luster,but that is characteristic of the man, evenwhen out of training. Mitchell has verynearly decided to work his man up to Sun-day, and has taken every possible precau-tion to keep him in just that shade of physi-cal condition, which, in professional par-lance, is known as "on edge." Conserva-tive judges consider Jake's stomach and leeshis strong points. If Kilrain's blows shouldlack steam, or late in the fight his massivehead should drop forward, he can onlyblame the prowess of his burly antagonist,

perhaps that six or eight pounds hasgone to the bad in this final week of prepar-ation. It looks as though Kilrain hadtrained for a sprint, and in sporting par-lance may find it difficult to last a distance.Aside from this one blemish, the man looksstrong and fit for a bruising battle.

Kilrain's Flans.The party have a car all to themselves,

though it was not specially chartered. Itpulled out at 2:15, and as it passed out ofthe depot the boys gave Kilrain threecheers. Cincinnati will be reached onThursday morning. The party will break-fast at the Grand, and then change to theQneen and Crescent road. They leave Cin-

cinnati at 7:55 .A. M., will reach Chatta-nooga on Thursday night, and Kew Orleans

Friday morning at 11 o'clock. FrankStevenson notified Kilrain that he had se-

lected quarters for him In the western partthe city, and that he could resume exer-

cise almost Immediately after his arrival.There is no truth in the report that Kilrain

to appear at the Donovan benefit on Sat-

urday night Jake is to be kept away fromthe public gaze until the time of the fightHe will not drink Mississippi water, Mitch-ell having provided himself with a quantity

water for Jake's use.There was some brisk betting about town

this morning. The odds were $100 to $90 toSnllivan, and about $4,000 in the aggregatewere placed. The sporting-me- seem ratherinclined to stick to Sullivan, although themajority of the "big fellow's" admirers ad-

mit that the longer the battH the better willKilrain's chances.

Celebrities of Various Kinds.A Cumberland, Md., dispatch says: The& O. train due here at 7 p. m. was de-

layed by the storm. Kilrain and partywere on board in the car Sarvy. The partytook supper at the Queen City Hotel. Kil-rain ate heartily of beefsteak, soft shellcrabs, scrambled eggs and hot rolls, withtwo cups of tea. William Taylor waitedHupon him. The dining room was crowdedand had to be cleared by police. Kilrainsaid he did not want to talk. He wanted toeat, but felt first rate, and expected a goodnight's sleep. Mitchell and Moore werewell pleased with the way he is standingthe trip. He looks rough with two day'sgrowth of black beard.

Kext to this car was the Eurydice, withJohn Q. Cannon, candidate for the nextspeakership of the House of Bepresenta-tive- s.

On the rear of the train, in theprivate car Baltimore, were Mrs. Harrison,BabyMcKec, Private Secretary Halford,Dr. Scotf, Mr. Harrison's sister and others.Mr. Halford said the trip had been a pleas-ant one, bnt hot All stood it well. The

President will join them at Deer Park In afew days. They did not leave the car, butate lunch therein. Baby McKee was inhigh glee over the crowd assembled to meetthe train. "


That Is Why Sullivan's Backers Are Forcedto Give Odds Receptions to the Two

Great Men Preparing- toKeep Order.

Kew Obleans, July 3, Betting on theresult was not very lively y, there be-

ing plenty of Sullivan money, but littleKilrain money in sight. The Kilrain menare holding back for the advent of the book-

makers and knowing ones who are expectedin y. One bet of $300 to $250on Sullivan was placed andbets of $100 1 to $70 and $100 to $60on Sullivan were offered but found notakers. The Sullivan men are not offeringodds because thev underrate Kilrain, butbecause the latter"'s friends are shy just now.One friend of Kilrain said: "It would beimpossible for a man fed on Boston bakedbeans to get away with a man fed on canvas-bac- k

ducks and Chesapeake oysters," andhe laid a small wager on bis opinion.

Prof. Butler will have charge of the ringpolice, who will number 200 men. They areto be sworn in on Sunday next at the officeof the Spirit of the South. The managersof the fight give assurance that the utmostorder will be maintained. A special trainleft over the Queen and Crescent route to-

day, having a passengers the managers andfriends of the two sluggers, and they didnot return until late in the night The YoungMen's Gymnasium Club held a meeting to-

night to arrange for the reception ofSullivan, who will reach hereHe will be met at the depot by a large dele-gation ot officers and most prominentmembers and be driven to the club rooms,where the champion will be welcomed in asquiet a manner as possible. After that hewill be taken to his quarters at SpanishFort. Three rooms have been prepared inthe Casino for Sullivan and trainers. Theyconnect, with each ,other and ate com-fortably furnished.

The Southern Athletic Club will receiveKilrain, and a large delegation will go outon a special train to meet him and party onFriday. Kilrain and party will embark ona special train at the meeting point andcome- - to the city, where carriages will takethem to the club rooms, where quartershave been prepared for him.

It is a curious thing to note the suddenfaith that has sprung up in .the curativewaters of the Abila Springs, and the desirethat has suddenly seized a great number ofpeople to seek the perfume of the pines.Most everyone met on the streets is going toAbila Springs on Monday.


An Aged Clergyman Considered by theSports as a Sign of Good Luck.

rSrECIAL TXLXOBAX TO THE DISPATCH. IBaltimore, July 3. Soon after --the

train with Kilrain on board pulled out theoccupants of the car noticed a strangerseated immediately opposite Kilrain. Thelatter had already started a game of auctionpitch with Pony Moore, and paid little orno attention to his neighbor,. bnt the othersdid; and when Mitchell discovered that hewas a Catholic priest his joy was unbound-ed. Prize fighters, as a rule, are super-stitious, and Kilrain considers the presenceof a priest on his way to a fight as a sign ofgood lack. When crossing the Englishchannel on his way to fight Smith he met apriest on the boat, and it inspired him withrenewed confidence.

The newspaper men on board tried to getthe priest's name, but he positively de-clined to give it He was on his way fromEmmittsburg to St Louis and had acci-dentally gotten among the sports. Helooked over his traveling companions withmuch interest, it being the first time, ap-parently, that he had been caught in acrowd of this kind. He was treated withthe utmost consideration by all on board,and his presence was not without its effecton the sports. There was no profanity inthe car, and the venerable priest was as un-disturbed in the contemplation of the scenewithin and the scenery without as thoughseated at the window in his own study.


Mississippi's Governor Itlny Rtnrch TroopsInto Alabama and Lcnlslann.

(ErXCXU. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCn.lJackson, Miss., July 3. The Gov-

ernors of Louisiana and Alabama have con-

sented to allow Mississippi State troops topass through their respective States in re-

sponse to a request from Governor Lowryfor such permission. His inten-tion is to prevent the Snlli-van Kilrain combat taking placein Mississippi, and with that object in viewthe State troops have been advised to holdthemselves in readiness to move to suchpoint adjacent to Kew Orleans as may here-after be designated, and where they will beavailable in an emergency.


The Betting is S to 3 on Him, and He Is InBetter Shape Tunn Ever.

Chattanooga, July 3. John L. Snlli-van and party passed through here ht

en route for the scene of battle. They willreach Kew Orleans Sullivan istrained to 205 pounds. His flesh is hard,and he is in most excellent condi-tion. His friends claim that he isin better condition than he has been inany previous fight He sleeps well andeats heartily. He declares his intention ofwinning the fight or dying in the ring. Theodds in local betting are about 5 to 3 onSullivan. Muldoon declares if the fight isinterfered with they will go into trainingquarters and select another ground.


Walker, of Yonngstown, Wantsto Recover His Lost Boodle.

(SPECIAL TELIOBAM TO TOE DISrATCn.lYounostown, July 3. Walk-

er, who became financially embarrassed byreason of heavy losses at the gaming table,has commenced prosecutions against theparties who won money from hisn. Suitshave been entered at Columbus, and y

an action was commenced vy Walkeragainst Lawrence J. Washington, of Cleve-land, whom he claims won $1,200 from him.Walker dropped several thousand dollarsamong Pittsburg sports, and suit will be en-tered to recover It


An Accident to the Buggy la Which lieWas Taking a Ride. '

Sandwich, Mass., July a WhileCleveland was enjoying a carnage

ride near Buzzard's Bay to-d- with JoeJefferson, with whom he has been visitingthe past few days, one of their horses be-came unmanageable and both men werethrown out They fortunately escaped withslight bruises, but received a severe shakingup. The carriage wasconsiderably damaged.Mr. Cleveland left for Marion this after- -

Sheriff Agnew Refnoes 85,000 a Year.WashinOTON, July 3. ff J. B.

Agnew, of Forest county, Pennsylvania,who was offered the position of Superin-tendent of the Dead Letter Office, in thePostoffice Department, has declined the ap-pointment The position pays $5,000 peryear.



The Assassin Shoots Himself JustSeven Hours Afterward,


The Very Remarkable Letter Left J theDouble CriminaL


He Killed His Mother to Sate Her From All FurtierBnfferuij. j?"'

aHerman Trobtt deliberately killed ms

mother yesterday morning, and seven hours

later shot himself. He left a letter statingthe deed was committed to avoid furthersuffering for both, and requesting to hirehis head examined. He wished his clothing

to be given to the Johnstown sufferers.


Jebsey City, July 3. Herman Probst,an expressman, shot his mother to death attheir home, 58 Webster avenue, Jersey CityHeights, early this rooming, and sevenhours afterward, when Police Cap-

tain McKnlty and Policeman Mc-

Donald were battering in the door,to the room where the murderhad been committed, and where the mur-

derer had remained since the s"hootlng, heshot himself in the head twice, inflictingwounds from which he will probably die,The honse is a three-stor- y framestructure at the corner of Webster avenueand Ferry street Charles Melsel, a butch-

er, owns it and uses the first floor as abutcher shop.

He lives on the second floor with his wifeand three children. Last October he rentedthree rooms in the rear of the third floorto Probst and his mother. The twofront rooms of the third floor arevacant About 6 o'clock this morning Mrs.Meisel heard a loud noise upstairs in therooms occupied by the Probsts. It sounded,she said, as though someone had taken atable and was slamming it down on thefloor.

riSTor, shots in plenty.A little piece of plaster dropped from the

celling in the room in which herlittle daughter Clara was sleeping, andshe pulled the child out of bedand ran with her into the front room,fearing that the whole ceiling was comingdown. At the same time she heard thenoise. Mrs. Scherur, who lives on the sec-

ond floor of a honse in the rear of 60 Web-ster avenue, saw Herman Probst standingnear an open window of his mother's room.He pointed the pistol toward the Elevatedrailroad track and fired two shots. Then hedisappeared and she heard three more shots.

Her brother was in the room with her andshe said to him: "What's the matter withHerman? I guess he thinks it's the Fourthof July." She had never heard of anytrouble between Herman and hismother, and she did not suspect anythingv as wrong. Mrs. Melsel did not hear anyone moving around upstairs after the strangenoises ceased, and about 10 o'clock she be-

gan to suspect that something was wrongShe went up to the hall door and knocked?She got no answer. Then she called, butreceived no response. She told her husbandabout it. He saidjt wasjione of their bnsness, and told her not to mind. She didmind, though, and went to Mrs.Bechtoldt'a house, four doois away,and told her what she had heard.


The two women returned to the house andknocked at the door and called without suc-

cess. Mrs. Scherur met them as they camedown stairs and she told them what she hadseen. They all decided something was wrongand then went to their homes. Mrs. Meiselwas making a bed in the room, where theplaster had fallen, about 1 o'clock, whenshe found a bullet on the red quilt Itwas flattened on one end. She 'feltsure then that something serioushad happened, so she went to Mrs. Bech-toldt- 's

house again and got her to go to theSixth precinct police station with her.

Captain McKulty was there, and he tookPatrolman McDonald with him to the house.Captain McKulty knocked and rapped onthe door with his club, and then put hisfoot against it and pushed it In. Justas the lock gave way two pistol shots wereheard. The first room they went into wasused as a kitchen by the Probsts. Thepolicemen passed through this roomto a larger one. There they foundMrs. Probst lying in blood which camefrom two wounds in her head. She waslying on her right side, her face turned to-

ward the door, and her head toward a win-

dow. She had been dead several hoursand her body was cold and stiff. The policefound a letter on the bureau. It was in anunsealed envelope and was addressed toAugust Probst, 87 Kearney avenue, JerseyCity.


It was dated June 30, and showed thatProbst had already made up his mind tokill his mother and himself. It was as fol-

lows:Dear Beotheb August I hope you and

all the folsa are getting along well. Have usbnrted in Greenwood Cemetery, in father'sgrave. Be sure and hare us as cheapx funeral as possible. Have a doctor ex-amine my forehead. That will tell allthe tale. We will be better off dead. I didnot want mother to live after I am dead toworry to death In this wiclred world. Alsohave mother's left side examined. That willtell all about ber suffering. Me and motherwould have been better off dead years agowhen father died.

Mother then would not have bad all the suf-fering to go through she has had all theseyears, all for my sake. Mr. Collard, of tbeAmerican Express Company, is a Christian. Ifthere ever was a Christian, he is one. and be de-serves reward. Mr. Herman, of No. 411 Ea?tFourteenth street, New York City, is a gentle-man, and also a man to give good advice.He deserves a reward for his good acts in thisworld. All too things in tbe house let mybrother have charge of. Give some oftoyclothes to the Johnstown sufferers, and someof my books to Mr. Collard in remembrance otme. Good-by- Heuxan Pbobst,


Tie Presents It to Colby University With aLittle Explanation.

Watebville, Me., July 3. At ColbyUniversity commencement dinner to-d-

General Butler presented a large oil portraitot himself in army uniform, painted on tbefield at Dutch Gap. He stated that hisfailure to open Dutch Gap, for which hewas criticised, was not from inability, butbecause the commanders of the Union gun-boats on the James river feared rebel vesselswould come down through it and destroyour squadron, and requested General Butlerto desist from his work to open the gap.

Arrested After Eight Years.St. Louis, July 3. Four negroes, John,

Elias and Burrell Brown, brothers andSam Gllliespie, a brother-in-la- w of theBrowns, were arrested for the kill-ing of seven white men in an election riot atMarion, Londesdale county, Miss., in


Went Agnlnst the Germans.Vienna, July 3. The elections for

members of the Bohemian Diet resulted infi virtnrv for thff rtartr ormnfrerl to the fler- -U1UU UUJtkUbCt '




Constitutional Conventions Will be Held InBoth Sections To-D- ay A Contest far

tbe Officers at One Meeting- ,,420,000 That Must

be Expended.Bismabck, Dak., July 3.

the Constitutional Convention for the newState oKorth Dakota will assemble In thiscity, ana already a large number of the del-egates are on hand and ready-fo- r duty.According to agreement, the Republicans oftbe Territory, who are in the majority, al-

lowed the Democrats to have one-thir- d ofthe delegates to this convention, and therewill be a strong effort to keep up the minor-ity representation idea in the new Constitu-tion. Minority representation is one of thesubjects concerning which there has alwaysbeen something of a fayorable sentiment inthe Territory, but the Bepublican papershave more recently been advocating regularmajority rule.

Just what will appear in the Constitutiondepends on the decision of the Bepublicanmajority. At the present time there is moretime and attention being paid to the ques-tion of the officers of the convention than toany of the principles to be embodied in thenew constitution. The Republicans willprobably settle on the officers by caucus, buttbe Democrats are hoping that there will bea bolt from the decision of tbe caucus, andthat In that way they may be able to secureenough votes to elect at least the presidingofficer.

A dispatch from Sioux Falls says: Manyof the 175 delegates at the South DakotaConstitutional convention, which is pre-paring to pin another star upon Columbia'sbosom, are arriving on the trains that arestreaming in from all directions y.

Tbe people, bv voting to adopt the SiouxFalls constitltution, have left little for themto do. But ambitious brains are seethingwith pyrotechnic oratory' that must beturned loose, while politicians are anxious-ly canvassing the probabilities for the firstcampaign of the new State of South Dakota.It seercs now that Hon. A. J. Edgerton, ofMitchell, will be the president of the con-vention The convention won'tquarrel. It will keep in session, doing notmuch, ifanything, for three weeks or more,using up Uncle Sam's $20,000. Then afterIts committee to divide the territory'smoney and valuables gets back from itsBismarck conference, tbe convention willadjourn.


"President Harrison and Other DistinguishedPeople Gazed at la Kew York.


Kew Yobk, July 3. Mr. Tracy was thefirst of the Woodstock Fourth of July cele-brato- rs

to arrive at the Grand Central sta-

tion this morning. He reached there about9:30 o'clock, and sitting down In the wait-lu- g

room of the Kew Haven Bail way, beginto read a morning paper. President Harri-son and the rest of the party arriveda quarter of an hour later, and ina minute or two were admitted to theSlatiorm outside the waiting room, where

held an informal reception.Among those who shook hands with himwere Collector Erhardt, Colonel Elliott F.Shepard and Josh Choate, who happened tobe going East on the same train. ClarenceW. flowen finally led the party, whichnumbered between 30 and 40 persons, to thetwo drawing room cars of the second sectionof the 10 o'clock express reserved for It T;reach tbe cars the party passed through twolines of colored porters, who stared at thePresident without raising their hats.

The President passed at onoe into the carhe was to occupy, but the members oi hisCabinet stayed outside to gossip with Col-onel Shepard and the other Kew Yorkersuntil the train, moved off, which it did at10.-0- o'clock exactly. The Colonel removedhis hat as it did so, but his example was notfollowed.

The occupants of the two reserved cars,beside President Harrison and SecretariesTracy and Koble, were Mrs. Koble, Con-gressman McKinley; Will Carleton, Mrs.Carleton, Justice Miller, Senator Hiscock,Llspenard Stewart,Lieutenant Mason, JohnF. Plummer, James M. Varnum, George O.Holt, W. E. D. Stokes, Mrs. Wllmerdlng,the Misses Brookman and Miss EthelMoore, of Brooklvn; President Gates, ofButger's College; Charles Butler, Dr. Will-iam Hayes Ward, John F. Salisbury, Mrs.Salisbury, Adjutant General Lucius A.Barbour-o- f Connecticut, who wore his uni-form; Henry C. Bowen, Mrs. and MissBowen, Herbert Walcott Bowen andClarence W. Bowen.


A Wealthy Widower, Forced to Fight forIlls Second Bride, Wins Her.


Louisville, July 3. Mr. C B. Har-mon, a wealthy widower of Maxwell,Washington county, and Miss Unite Kim-berli- n,

a young lady of the same place,eloped to Louisville this morning andcrossing to Jeffersonville, were married.Mr. Harmon had to carry off his bride al-

most by force from her relatives. The daybefore yesterday, while Miss Kimber-lin'- s

father was absent, Mr. Har-mon, who had long been her suitorand had been objected to by her parents,called and asked her to marry him. Sheagreed, but her mother and sisters, whowere present, objected and attempted tocarry he': off by force to her room. Mr.Harmon, likewise laid hold of her, and at-tempted to pull her away from them andinto his buggy which was waiting in frontof the house.

Between the two parties the young ladycame near being torn to pieces, but as shelent her own strength to that of her lover,the latter prevailed and drew her from thegrasp of her mother and sisters, carryingheroff in triumph to his bnggy. He placed herIn It, sprang in himself and dashing off toLebanon, took the first tram to this city.Last night they telegraphed to Mr. Kimber-li- n

that they had just been made man andwife.

A WICKED PHYSICIAN. 'Damaging Ri velatioua Concerning Dr.

Sugene n'nm, of Ralelgb, N. CfSPECIAL TELXOBAK TO TOE DISPATCH. 3

Baleiob, July 3. The city is excitedover the investigation of charges againstDr. Eugene Griisam, Superintendent of theKorth Carolina Insane Asylum. Thismorning Mrs. Perkitison, wife of an

at the asylum, gave damagingtestimony as to Dr. Grissam's immorality.Miss Ella Edwards, at theasylum, also gave similar testimony, notonly concerning Dr. Grissam's conducttoward female employes o( the institution,bnt also toward one of tbe patients. A mannamed Hogan. an old employe of theasylum, gave testimony as to the superin-tendent'! cruelty to patients, and JamesWest who has been employed as engineer atthe asylum for 11 years, gave evidence ofhis personal knowledge of great misappro-priation of supplies.

A Refuge far the Popo la Spain.Madbid, July 3. The Impartial asserts

that the Government, having received a tel-

egram from the Vatican authorities inquir-ing whether the Pope would be allowed aplace of refuge in Spain in the event of hisbeing obliged to leave Borne, Premier Sa-g's sta, after consultation with the Queenand Mfnintry, replied in the rffirraative,granting the Pope an asylum in Valencia.



Dynamiter Phillips Ends His Good

Work and Then Resigns.


And Philadelphia's City Engineer is Com-fn- g

to Help Things.


Mr. McClelland Bala Dream la Which He Foresaw

the Disaster.

The work of clearing the jam at the stonebridge at Johnstown has progressed so wellthat Major Phillips feels free to leavf.General Hastings will soon be through.The Governor's commission begins to dobusiness. Last night's flood floats a houseand reveals more bodies. A gentlemannamed McClelland saw the dam break andJohnstown washed away in a dream.

rrnon a statt cobkesposdext.iJohnstown, July 3. Major Phillips,

the engineer in charge of the work at thebridge, this evening sent a letter to Adju-tant General Hastings, stating that thework was about completed and there was nofurther need of his services. If the arrange-ment was satisfactory to tbe officers of theState his connection with the work wouldbe severed after 6 o'clock this evening. Theriver has been cleared of the greater pirt ofthe obstructions, and any contractor cannow take hold of the work and complete itGeneral Hastings receiyed the Major's resig-nation, and expressed much regret that thelatter had made up his mind to go home.He will town several days longer toassist General Hastings in the work. Gen-eral Hastings will also have to get away inabout a week, and It is expected that all theState's officers will be relieved from dutyabout that time. The General will neces-sarily have to be present at the Third, orCentral, Brigade encampment, which willbe held, beginning the 13th instant Theofficers are sticking faithfully to their posts,but theylire wearyof their positions.

To-da- y General 'Hastings officially closeda contract with Hoover, Hughes & Co. forthe erection of 200 two-stori- houses, at acost of $250 each. The buildings will beleased totheresidentsof the town, to be usedas dwellings. The lease will run for 18months, and at the expiration of that timethey willjbe given to the lessees for the con-sideration of $1.

A conference was held y between Ad-jutant General Hastings, CommissionerCummins and Mr. Johnston, of the FinanceCommittee. The question of how to givethe houses to the people and make sure thatthey would not be taken from them was dis-cussed at great length. It was stated that ifthe people were given a clear title tothe dwellings creditors or others might comein and take them from the poor people.It was then decided to lease them, andregular contracts will be made out Com-missioner Cummins stated to-d- that hehad visited the different places ot registryand was much pleased with the work. Hethought the reports when submitted to theState Commission at Cresson, Tuesdaynext, would be In every way satisfactory.If the latter proves to be the case the com-mission will authorize the distribution offunds according to the returned blanks. Ifthe basis is not satisfactory, another regis-tration will fcewide. It is very probable,however, that the 'people will be jinglingbright silyer dollars in their- - pockets twoweeks hence. '.

The committee on temporary businessstands, met this afternoon, and decided tohave a drawing for the best locations y.

Three hundred more portable houses arrivedMcSwigan.


The Conemaagh Rises Four Feet In OneHoar-an- Floats a House. -

rrnoM a statp cohhisfoxdent.Johnstown, July 3. A quarter of an

inch cord had to be tied around two of theportable honses In Woodvale last night toprevent them from floating away with thewater in the Conemaugh, which rapidlyrose to an alarming height and overswept,the banks. The heavy rains in the mount-ains caused the river to swell and cover agreat portion of its former bed. The houseswere being erected close to the water's edge,and the small flood carried one of themalong the bank sbout 30 feet A clothesline was secured, and the "doghouse," as thesmall portable buildings are called, wascorralled before it could be carrieddown into the gorge. The two houses arebeing put together for the use of E. O.Thomas.

The newest flood washed ont the cellars ofeight houses, and covered Bailroad street toa depth of one-fo-ot in Cambria City. Insome of the cellars people who had nohomes were living, and they lost considera-ble provisions and what little goods theyowned were damaged. The names of thepeople who were flooded ont the second timeare John Karl, Thomas McBride, FrankStein, Alex. Hess, John Hecker, JohnWard, Mrs. Clark, George Bulyon and aHungarian family. The cause of the flood,was a heavy downpour of water from themountain side, and the clogged sewers couldnot carry off the water. The temporarybridges were almost carried away by thewater, which rose four feet in one hoar.The officers at general headquarters had alltheir papers, documents, etc., in shape to beremoved at a moment's notice. All of thebridges were more or leas damaged, andvehicle travel was suspended on one ofthem. MCBWIGA2T.


The People of Johnstown Propose to AskAssistance From the Nation.


Johnstown, July people ofJohnstown will doubtless call upon Con-

gress to dredge the Conemaugh river andStony creek. General Hastings has ad-

vised such a course. In a conference of theCitizens' Committee, he said he feared theLegislature wonld not have the power toappropriate money to dredge the channel ofthe river and widen its banks. All thework done in the valley, he said, wouldhave to be sanctioned by the Board ofHealth, in order to be paid for by the State.He thought the Government ought to dothe work, and expressed the belief that ifCongress were appealed to it wouldmake an appropriation which would besufficient to put the river within banks thatwould not be overflowed by every rain-storm. The citizens, acting upon GeneralHastings suggestion, have requestedSamuel Bmedley, Chief Engineer and Sur-veyor of the city of Philadelphia, to comehere and make a careful survey of the tworivers. Mrl Smedley has agreed to comeand will probably be here the latter part ofthis week. When he submits the result ofbis work to the citizens they will forwardthe papers to Washington with an appealfor an appropriation from Congress todredge the river and straighten its courseand to widen the banks. Inasmuch asCongress made appropriations to relieve thesufferers from the Charleston earthquake,the sufferers in Florida and from othergreat calamities, the Johnstown people feelsure that they will Teceive the assistance


as b BVESTJo

yNlC Ti

they propose to ask for. It Is estimated,that it would take from $500,000 to $800,000to make the proposed changes in the river.


Rubbish Washed Away and a. Nnmber ofBodies Brought to View,

Johnstown, July 3. The rains of lastnight And to-d- filled the streams to over-

flowing, and in consequence much of therubbish in the bottom creeks was disturbedand a great deal of it was floated downstream. At the stone bridge much of thestuff that had been loosened was parried off,

which has helped the prosecution of thework there largely. It was also thought anumber of bodies were carried down stream,as several were found along the banks atCambria City. Eight bodies were brought tothe morgue and among those identi-fied were little Sammy Young-- , a Johns-town Tribune carrier boy, and nephewof Mr. Frank L. Bridges, ofBraddock. The body of Miss Jane Potts,daughter ot James Potts, wasalso" identified y. It is thought thatwDen the waters fall a number of otherbodies that have been dislodged by theswift current of to-d- will be found. Someprogress was to-d- made on the work ofclearing up the wreck at the point, butthere is still a vast amount of labor to beperformed. Tbe cleaning of the beds ofthe rivers will save a great deal of time.At the bend In Stony creek, below the siteof the Franklin street bridge, there is agreat deal of rubbish, and many dead peo-

ple will undoubtedly be found there.


O. L. MeClellnnd's Prophetic Vision of theGreat Disaster at Johnstown.

Johnstown, July 3j O.iL. McClelland,formerly a storekeeper in the Seventh ward,relates a most remarkable dream which hehad during Thursday night. "Just asplainly as if I were looking at, it withmy open eyes, and in possession ofall my senses," said Mr. McClelland,"I saw the breastwork of a dam give way, agreat body of water sweeping houses inevery direction, hundreds of peopledrowned, and houses floating up the Stonycreek toward the Seventh ward, felling tbetown." Mr. McClelland says he related hisdream to his family at the breakfast tableFriday morning, but they paid no more at-

tention to it than to simply remark that itwas "very singular." ,

Afterward, the same morning, Mr. Mc-

Clelland says he told his dream to Mr.Adam Hnebner, Mr. Charles Scott. Mr.John Fritz, Jr., Mr. Charles Benford andothers, all of whom thought the dream"very strange," and some of them said inview or the fact that the river was thenoverflowing Its banks, that "it might cometrue," and. sure enough it did, only inmore terrible magnitude than that picturedto Mr. McClelland in his slumbers. Mr.McClelland is now employed at the Walnutstreet headquarters of the Bed Cross.


The Johnstown Small Boy's Ardor TJnsnp-press- ed

by the Great Disaster.rrSOK X 6TATF COBBXSrOXDEXT,

Johnstown, July 3. Although no gen-

eral celebration of the Fourth will breakthe Sabbath-lik- e quietude of Johnstown, thesmall boy Is showing that thewater could not wash away his enthusiasmover the fizz of the pinwheel and the crackof the firecracker. To-nig-ht they are boom-

ing away in a style to ruffle the old eagle'sfeathers. There 'will be no demonstrationexcept a small one. Major Phillips is ar-

ranging for, a salute in the morning. Workwill be continued as usual.


Are Trying to Unearth the Secrets of theFamous Wheat Comer That Broke

the Fidelity Bank Some RumorsDenied Sensational Develop-

ments Expected Yet.Chicago, July 3. The Chicago credit-

ors of E. L. Harper, who believe that therewere wealthy parties back of Harper in theFidelity Bank, are making every effort todiscover the identity of the supposed back-

ers. A story, which purports to be an in-

terview with Beceiver Armstrong, of theFidelity Kational Bank, was telegraphedfrom Cincinnati last night to the effect thatsome of the Standard Oil crowd were theparties the Chicago creditors were after, andthat the corner was rnn by the Standard Oilpeople in order to injure the American Cot-

ton Seed Oil Trust by ruining its President,John V. Lewis. Attorney Swift, who rep-resents the American Exchange KationalBank in tbe investigation, it is claimed, hasreceived tbe full history of the deal. Whenasked what the facts were concerning theCincinnati story, Mr. Swift said:

"The story is not correct The famouscorner was not planned in Cincinnati, andJohn V. Lewis was not a party to theoriginal clique which organized the corner.Lewis' connection with the deal was onlythat of a 'Uileron.' Lewis and some othersbought wheat independently after theoperations of the corner were well underway. They bought about 3,000 000 bushels.I would not say that the men who organizedthe corner were not glad to see Lewis ruined.I am sure that they were. Bnt the wheatcorner was not organized with his ruin for amotive. Lewis was a dupe. Harper wasboth a dupe and a rascal. There is nothingin the whole affair which will show to Har-per's credit He organized the FidelityBank by fraud, he increased Its stock byfraud, and he had ruined it before the wheatcorner was run."

"As further facts in the case are broughtont will there be some sensational develop-ments?" was asked.

"That is a hard question to answer. Iwill say this, though: As tbe case proceedsthere will "be but few new names connectedwith the swindle other than those at whichpublic suspicion is now pointing. It willbe proved that the eorner was deliberatelyplanned with the idea that part of those in-

terested should be betrayed that the moneyshould be made when the crash came. Itwill be shown, too, that the condition of theFidelity Bank was known, and it was de-

liberately planned to make the completionof the bank's ruin a part of the scheme."


A Dayton Firm Decides to Join the Ameri-can Strawboard Comaaay.

Dayton, O., July 3. The HawesyCom-pan- y,

of this city, manufacturers of straw-boar- d,

this afternoon deeded all their prop,erty and mills and transacted business andgood will to the trust organized as theAmerican Strawboard Company, capitalstock $6,000,000, O. C. Barber, of Akron,O., president. The 15 largest mills in Amer-ica are In the deal. Their daily productionis300tonsofstrawboards. There are onlyfive Httle mills left out


One Maa Dead and Another UnconsciousWho Touched an Electrlo Wire.


Columbus, July 3. In a crowd of youngmen ht one of them accepted a banterto take hold of an electric light wire, whichwas hanging from a pole. He was pulledup a distance, and was thrown unconsciousto the ground. William Frost endeavoredto pick nim up, and in doing so touched thewire accidentally .with one hand, and wasInstantly killed. It was some time beforeanyone could be found to remove the deador rescue the injured mail.

3s&i&&- - iJkitJs.


.v s-

Win be reatied by ail wfceadvertise to The Djwatcs.It reaches, every boss and11 read ny eTeryoony. nyon are la business 1st the

ubl io know It through THBIISPATCH. '1



. . . . i 1 1ff 'iine supreme uiiicers or tne oraerTonti Make a Mistake ij


Surety Companies See a Loophole and WHlTiRefuse to Make Good - AI


IT- - ...TT..1 M?mrA VJ iWl . RM,rltf- - A T.- IMW WMV..I W0VVY WVVU.M,b .M.W UN .W V f.

May be More. 1

tOn February 18 last the supreme officers

of tbe Order of Tonti knew that TreasurerWright was a defaulter. He offered in set-

tlement $50,000 bonds of an etching cobs-- '

pany. Affairs ran along until a week ago,when the security companies who indorsedWright were asked to settle. They learnedthat the loss had been kept quiet for threemonths and refute to pay.


Philadelphia, July 3. It came oaty that on February 18 last it was

known to the officers of Tonti that Supreme :Treasurer George W. Wright was criminal-ly involved to a large amount, and that theaccounts of the order were in very badshape. On that date there was a consult?tion of the chief officials, and TreasurerWright then and there offered to make goodthe deficit by surrendering to the orderstock held by him in the InternationalEtching and Publishing Company that hada face value of $50,000. Affairs were al--

to run along until a week or so ago,and, as there was no apparent improvement, .

it was deemed expedient to announce that 'Treasurer Wright was a defaulter, and totake steps

looking to a settlementof the amount of defalcation 'with the threesurety companies that had guaranteed that, fWright would faithfully perform his dutiesas custodian of the order's funds. Counsel,for the companies were consulted, and tbeofficers of the order were required to draw-u-

an affidavit setting forth the facts on --

which a warrant was to be issued for thearrest of Wright. When the affidavit wasbeing considered one of the legal lightsasked some questions that were notpromptly answered by Henry K. Wheeler. -

Miller Burkherdt and the other su-preme officers were present They wereastonished when asked whether or. notthey had agreed on February 18 to acceptfrom Wright the Etching Company's stockin lieu of cosh. They hesitated'and satsilent for at least five minutes and thenwithdrew for consultation, and finallyanswered that they had refused to acceptthe offer made at the time, and offered inproof the assertion that it was so recorded is,the minutes of the Supreme Council. Therewas then left one of the Iwo horns of the--"dilemma lor tne xontt omciais to accept.Either they must say that TreasurerWright's accounts on February 18 were allstraight and did not require the productionof any security, or else that he was a defaulter, and the collateral he offered in theshape of tbe Etching Company s stock wag- -

not suthcientA VEBY BAD PLAY.

The action of the Supreme Couneil in refusing to accept the itching company abonds for the default of Treasurer "WtigtitfIs taken by the suretr'comimnTrs as proofpositive that, on February 18, the SupremeCouncil, the recognized head of the order,knew that Treasurer Wright was a de-faulter. On that date they considered ftproposition from the defaulting treasurer tosecure the order against loss through theEtching Company's stock. That with thisknowledge in their possession they carriedthe defalcation, or permitted TreasurerWright to do so for three months, withouteither notilying the securities or the variouslodges of the organization. In view of these'facts, the snretv comnnnies will refuse topay Wright's shortage, and it is freely pre--ioictea mat ine uroer oi lonu. wnicn nnm--bera its members by the tens of thousands, ,is doomed.


He la Jnst Now Serving an Eight-Ye- ar Sen-


Chicago, July 3. Martin Foy, alias"Dirty Eddy, the man who murdered androbbed Druggist Clark last winter, is laJoliet prison on a charge of burglary. He v

was sentenced from Wheaton, 111.,March, with Bobert Bussell, both for a term.of eight years. The fact that Foy committedthe murder was revealed by Bussell when ha :

was brought to Chicago a few days ago totestify In a burglary case in which twomembers of Fov's gang were on trial. Thepolice have managed to keep Bussell 's

a secret nntil v. whena detective and Cowlln, a restaurant keeper,who was held up on the night of Clark, a 'murder, went to Joliet to identity .toy.Uowiin had no trouble in identifyingas the man who robbed him, and tbe pris-oner trembled like a leaf when he eauehtsight of his victim. In his confession ViBussell said that on the night of February .21 Foy passed Clark's drug store and saw ' ?

Clark counting his money. He immedi- -t

ately summoned bis gang and they went la'and covered Clark with revolvers. Clark.made some resistance and Foy fired, killing 1

him instantly. The gang nn out of tMJstore and, a few days after went to WheatHere Foy and Bussell were arrested frburglary and received sentence.


N. C. Amos Elopes With a. Hrtt m w - .?.. -uin nnn is raiaiix onot,

SrXCTAL, TXXXQBAX TO TOE DUrATSH.1Waco, Tex., July 3. There Js.oaetJ

Locbinvar who came out of1 the West, a

who is now returning on a stretcher witkltwo bullets in his back; His name fa K. G.!Amos, and he ran off with Hiss Ada Beard,!the daughter of J. H. Beard.'The father opposed Ames on account of Ife'youth of the girl. The pair eloped sad"started for the Indian Territory, where agenis no bar to marriage. The father sad 'friend named Crabtree followed. They orehauled Amos, who showed tight He wagishot twice in the affray, and tnenarsuemtook possession of the girl and the lover aadJbrought them here, Amos is believed to be Ifatally shot fl


A Mob Who Confederated With' Them IBetrayThem Meets His Death.

, rsrxcux. txi.eo.iiam to the stsrATew.tOzabk, Mo., July 3. James H. Dewta

an amateur detective of Taney county, 1

a tragic fate Monday night Hehimself into the confidence of two banamed Coombs and Hockstilf and i

into a plot with them' to rob a country i

then he informed the sherihT andsurrounded the store and awaited Mm

bets. Dennis was' to stay outsidewatch. Coombs and Hockstill enteredstore, and the cosse began firintr eaIhey reslized that they had been beteavand retreated urougn the baefcdeer,thev found Dennis. Thcv shot himwounded three ot the posse and eseaptfe