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8? f i4J THE DECORATIVE ART As Applied to the Interior Furnish- ings of the Finest Homes. FEEKCH FASHIONS NOW LEAD, Thongh. the Earlier Gallic Styles Are Fast .. JBeing Superseded. EXAMPLES OP TASTEFUL DECOEATION L WRITTEN FOB THE SI8FATCB. NE might almost say that the prevailing taste for light gay in-- I teriors is a witness to the emancipation of the national tempera- ment "We are not a m?msemmeipi I somber people, aL though we are very busy, and commercially disposed. The American housewife was for ft .long time the genius of oar decoration, and pre- scribed dark gilt and brown walls and grained woods, because they did not show dirt. But the new era of wealth has de- posed the American housewife, bought more pails and 'brooms, and engaged men servants. From the style bourgeois it was not surpris- ing that we so rapidly swung into the style bric-a-br- This was directly due to the incursion of Queen Anne architecture, as we fondly beliered it, and in which novelty and unexpectedness were held to be the most desirable qualities. The doors at last seemed to swing open to something alto- gether independent and original, and the most banguine received assurances that we were on the eve of an American style or school of decoration that would be indig- enous and as estimable as the potato. LOUIS XVT. This assurance has not been met The extravagances and eccentricities that were merely personal, not national, were soon spent Restraint and repose have succeeded to'restlessness and are well marked charac- teristics of the best that is now doing in dec- orative interiors. Architects and decorators base their work on well-know- n and ac- cepted styles. In these they work more or less freely and witb more or less apprecia- tion of how they can be adapted to our needs. rBESCH FASHIONS LV TAVOE. Fashion has for the moment dictated the direction in which they work. The pre- ference for the French styles of the eight- eenth centnry is too marked to require any- thing beyond the statement that Louis Seize, Louis Quinze and First Empire are household words. It is not the first time vhat fashion has had an opportunity to justify her commands as something more rational than a caprice. "There is in French styles a certain Gallic piquancy to which we are related, for the American of to-d- is not the same man who came over in the Mayflower or sailed up the James. Moreover, in the most popular of these styles Louis XVL there is some- thing direct and straightforward that com- mands our respect They suit our climate, 1IABIE ANTOINETTE'S and measurably our later manner of build- ing. The only conspicuous example of Louis XIV. styles of which I have any knowledge is the drawing room of Mrs. Potter Palmer, of Chicago. The room is wainscoted and the walls divided by the pilasters, doors and windows into appropriate panels. These are filled with pinkish hned brocade, with borders of embroidered green velvet The pilasters, as all the wood ot the room, are elaborately carved in the accentuated rich forms peculiar to Louis XIV. decoration, and these are enameled in white and gold. The ceiling is divided into medallions, which make in turn nart of the frame for the central panel. This is filled with a mythological subject; painted for Mrs. , Palmer in Paris, and the medallions also contain paintings. AN EXQUISITE INTEBIOB. The lighting or the room makes a unique feature otthe ceiling. It is accomplished by electric lights concealed in colored cups sunk in the wood and in flowers of colored glass suspended by threads from the ceiling and making part of its design. A beautiful detail of the room is the mantel of onyx, richly carved, and above it a mirror elab-- orately framed. The furniture is construct- ed after the models of the period, and is covered with pink brocade and green em- broidered velvet A parquet floor and rich rngs complete the room. ane era wing room of Jin. W . &. Yaaaer- - bilt was the first of a long procession of beautiful rooms inspired by it. The wood- work was imported fm an old dismantled French chateau. It is of oak and has its rich ornament cut in the solid panels. The quality of the wood itself gives it dignity, tor almost all our modern work in kind Is in pine, the ornament being modeled in composition and applied. The joinery of the work has been admirably done, out warps and cracks still testify to its long and honorable descent. The ornament marks the transition between Louis XIV. and Louis XV. styles; the heavy, flowing, con- tinuous forms are interrupted by the straight lines that form the panels. The woodwork is disposed in the form of a dado, and the windows, doors and pilasters divide the wall space into eight panels. Seven of these are filled with old gobelin tapestry, after Boucher, in tints of pale rose, blue and green, that chime in with the lively cream and gold of the wood. TASTEFUL DECOBATIOITS. In the eighth panel is a full length por- trait of Mrs. Vanderbtlt by JIadrazo, which keys in happily with the Test of the room, although under more strict ruling the por- trait, as a piece of decoration in a Louis XV. room, would have been outlawed. Confronting this portrait is a marble man- tel overlaid with figures in gilt bronze, modeled from the styles of the period, and above it, framed in the same manner, is a mirror. The ceiling- - is divided in the usual manner into circles and ellipses, con- nected with outer squares and forming deep panels. These combine to form a frame work lor the great Baudry painting, "The Apotheosis of Fame," which fills an ellipti- cal frame almost the length of the room. This panel is on canvas, and has been placed on a stretcher with such ingenious mechani- cal contrivances that in case of fire it may be quickly removed. The doors are all double, the long, straight panels beingwithout ornament ana simply finished in cream and gold. The handles have been specially designed, and attached to them are bolts of steel that run up and down and, when the door is shut, catch in the frame and floor. The floor of inlaid woods comes-tro- Paris, and the fur- niture, made of pine in the forms of the period, are finished in cream and cold and covered with old tapestries and brocades. STYLE. The windows which complete the room, far the furniture and decoration require no. other accessories, swing in the French fashion on steel frames and are filled in with geometrical forms defined by the leads. The drawing rooms of Mrs. Ogden Goelet and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt were originally decorated in-th- e more personal manner alluded to, but vielded to the dignity and propriety of a declared style. THE YAUDEEBILT DRAWING BOOM. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt's drawing room is made from the spoils of an old chateau. It is paneled in old oak, the ground being painted a water green tint, and the graceful ornament picked out in white. The molding is in dead gold, and makes a most effective frame for the panels. Above each panel is a medallion with carv- ing in relief. The ceiling panel is a paint- ing, it is said, by Huet The subject is, of course, allegorical a beautiful woman in a triumphal car drawn by Cupids wreathed in roses. The mantel is of marbfa overlaid with metal and surmounted by 'a mirror. The room is in fact brilliant with mirrors reflecting its beauty at every turn. The furniture is gilt covered with salmon tinted brocade embroidered in wreaths and bor- dered with blue plush. Mrs. Goelet's music room is in size a novel apartment The walls are paneled in wood, richly carved. The ground is over- laid in cream and the decoration brought BOUDOIB FONTAINBLEAU. out in violet tints, the upper services being gilded. In the cornice Loves holding gar- lands are molded in composition. The over doors make a beautitul feature. There are seven in all, beautiful types of women and children, painted by Chaplin. In the ceil- ing is a painted allegorical panel. The mantel of amethyst marble is supported by female caryatides and the crosspiecels over- laid, according to the fashion of the period,, in bronze figures and garlands. Above the mantel is asuperb mirror elaborately framed. The room is lighted by over 200 candles. These are held by 12 candelabra supported by caryatides attached to pilasters. The floor is a glistening surface in mosaics of white wood. The furniture was made after models at Versailles and is upholstered in gray, brocaded with bouquets. An example of how the usual city room can be remodeled under the inspiration of Louis XVI. styles is that of the drawing loom of Mr. Henry Steers, of New York. The walls are wainscoted wth the usual squares and circles. The space above is divided into panels that are filled with Lyons silk, specially ordered by the archi- tect, Mr. Henry O. Avery, in which the salmon ground is strewn with bunches of roses and mignonette, held together by float- ing ribbons. A NOVEL INTEBIOB. These panels are separated by pilasters, with ornament in relief consisting of inter THE- - lacing wreaths, starting from the frieze. This is a continuous ornament of garlands and ribbons. The ceiling and the cornice are modeled and arranged with dentils and medallions. The framework of the windows and doors and the styles of the ceiling are ornamented with a delicate tulip and ivy pattern, and interlaced wreaths picked out in gold leaf against a cream ground; the moldings are twined with ribbons overlaid with gold. The windows demanded concession. No ray of light can be spared lrom a New York City interior. The heavy central ornament of the frames were removed, leaving the transverse jiece traced with the tulip and ivy design. The flanking pilasters, similar- ly treated,support the large, shell-lik- e orna- ment as an over window, so characteristic a feature of this style. In this case the shell is filled with opalescent glass, chosen to harmonize with the general character of the room. Balancing the transoms for which they serve at the lower end of the room above the double doors is an arch of open bronze work, with spandrels filled in glass, which repeats the roses and mignonette design of the silk panels. This is an instance of a featnre that could not possibly be iound in any of the Louis XVL rooms, which are" furnishing models to this generation, but everyone must admit that it is received kindly into a style which has been well called inhospita- ble. A word should be said of the furniture of this room, which, having tho required forms, was enameled in flesh pink with gold, and recovered with silk matching the panels. The elements of a Louis XVL room are so simple that they may be carried out at ly little expense. Elegant sim- plicity and that feeling of repose which is not the least valuable quality in Louis XVL and kindred styles may be arrived at without carvings, brocades and painted ceilings. Mabt Gat Huhphbies. ART AT HOME AND ABROAD. Me. A. F. King has established himself in his new studio, in the Valmeyer building, on Fourth Avenue, where he has greatly more roomy quarters than the one he lately occu- pied in the Eisner building. On Wednesday last Mr. John W. Beatty at- tached his signature to the first lot of proofs of his etching after his picture, ''Return to Labor." As this work is the first etching ever executed by a Pituburj artist. Sir. Beatty ex- - Eenenced considerable satisfaction in placing upon them, and he expressed him- self as being well pleased with their appear- ance, which indicates both care and skill on the part of the printer. The reverse of the generally accepted picture of genius toiling in a garret and pro- ducing those immortal works of brush and pencil which become the wonder of succeeding is shown by the ubotographs of ye of the most celebrated artists' studios, ex- hibited in Boyd's window. Bougereau, Detaille, Duron, Munkacsy and Geroine are seen at work, amid surroundings that indicate their possession and appreciation of all the luxuries which tend to make life enjoyable. The exhibit of American works at the Paris International Exposition this year will number something over 500, including 160 palntln s in oil. As compared with the exhibit at Paris In 1878, which only amounted to 156 works, the in- crease has been mainly in the matter of etch- ings, engravings and drawings in bUckand white. There is no doubt that American art Is more comprehensive in character at present than it has ever been in former years, and we are certain before long to take the lead in all of the graphic processes. "Early Morning, Near the Potomac," a cleverly handled and well balanced painting by E. A. Poole, may be seen at Boyd's. Mr. Poole paints in a style both original and pleasing, and which is effective without being startling. In this work he has succeeded very well in indi- cating the effect of a softened and diffused light upon the mists of. morning. The work, as a .whole, forms a very pleasant little picture, agreeable in composition and color, while at the same time painted with truth and fidelity to nature. It is also unique and characteristic without being peculiar. The extensive use now being made of wrought iron for exterior decoration in archi- tectural designs Is an evidence of the develop- ment of good taste and judgment,and a proper appreciation of the relative values of materials both' from the standpoint of utility and art A well execnted work in iron has such an appear- ance of strength and endurance that it." may almost be taken as an indication of the pos- session of the same qualities by the people who admire and make a free use of it, and in addi- tion to this it admits of, and in some measure compels, the production of designs of a pecu liar grace and beauty. Evee since its Invention glasshasbeen found to be available for numerous purposes as a decorative material, but 1( was reserved for modern ingenuity to conceive and. carry out the idea of weaving It into cloth. Not long since a Frenchman of an inventive turn of mind discovered that it was possible to make a kind of cloth from glass, or rather from glass and silk, the latter forming the' warp and the former the woof. Tho process of weaving is very slow, and of course the product is expen- sive, but not more so than other fancies in dec- orative novelties in which wealthy people in- dulge themselves. As the pattern of the ma- terial is worked in the glass, which may be of any color or variety of colors desired, its bril- liancy may readily be imagined. The picture by Mr. Bryan Wall, shown in Gillespie's window, is one of the largest and, in some respects, the best marine view which this artist has yet produced. Compared with some of his work which he exhibited not more than a year ago, this picture shows marked im- provement and indicates that be has not yet attained that condition of perfect satisfaction with himself which only too frequently, with rising men, proves a bar to further progress. The picture in question is a sceno on Block Island, showing a sandy beach, with here and there a few scattered boulders and quite a stretch of ocean, with a glimpse of verdure-covere- d shore in the distance. In painting this picture the artist has evidently taken a po- sition at but a slight elevation above the sea level, so that he docs not show a great expanse of water reaching far into the distance, but so n uch of it as is seen Is very well handled and of good color. The beach Is rather barren of in terest. and looks somewhat too hard, but it is probably true to nature, and characteristic of the locality. The uncertainty and indecision manifested by the trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art with regard to the question of opening that institution on Sundays is complicated", if lato accounts are correct by the desire to retain for the museum the favor of many persons both able and willing to become contributors to its material welfare, but who are likely to withhold their aid if there appeared any pros- pect of the exhibitions of art treasures being held on Sundays. Some years ago Mr. W. T. Waltcrs,of Baltimore, offered the institution a girt of 310,000 on condition that it should open its doors to the public on Sunday free of charge for the space of two years' time, but the matter was held under consideration for some months' time and ultimately declined. It is deeply to be regretted that a project which has for its aim the mental and moral improve- ment of thousands of personsshould meet with any opposition. There is no question as to the elevating and ennobling influence of trt exhi- bitions upon the minds of tho masses, and the people who are most seldom brought under this influence, and who would derive from it the greatest benefit are the very ones who can- not attend during the week. The rejection of Mr. Albert Bierstadt's painting, "The Last of the Buffalo,"' by the committee appointed to make a selection of American art works for the Paris Exposition, has given rise to a great deal of comment and .many of those who have seen the picture ad mit their Inability to comprehend this action on the part of the committee, as the work is regarded as" being distinctively American in character, and a masterly production as re- gards technique and execution. Whatever may have led to the rejection of this painting, and whatever may be the mer- its of the case, the picture will certain- ly be sent to Paris. . as the honors which Mr. Bierstadt has taken give him the privilege of entering bis work at the Exposi- tion independently of the consent of the Amer- ican Art Committee, and this privilege he in- tends to exercise. In striking contrast to .this action on the part of the committee standi the appirent determination to send one of the works Dy the celebrated artist Innlss, whether witb his consent or without it When Mr. In- nlss refused to send one of his pictures the committee secured one or his earlier produc- tions which bad passed out of his possession, and sent it on in spite of bis declaration that it was anything but a fair sample or his work and could not be held as representative of bis style. There are usually two sides to a story, but pres- ent indications would seem to justify the con- clusion that the committee had been unneces- sarily arbitrary In both these cases. National taste clearly defined; the sale of Atkinson's extracts is constantly in- creasing, and must exceed a half-millio- n bottles annually. Extbaobdctaby kid glove bargains this week at Eosenbaum & Co.'. ' a W Tvjf1 PITTSBURG - "DISPATCH; WOULD WED A COUNT Bessie Bramble Specifies the Evils Which Overtake the YANKEE GIRLS WHQ MA ERI TITLES Some Peculiarities of Foreign Legislation Affecting THE RELATIONS OF HUSBAND AND WIFE IKEN.S. C.March 20. An American girl who marries a foreigner does so usually with her eyes open. In these days of widely-difins- intelli- gence, there is lit- tle or no excuse for any woman posses- sing average com- mon sense being inveigled into a marriage with a bogus baron or a peanut count. The dazzle of a title, the glitter of a coronet, or even the splendor of the straw- berry leaves of a duke should be discount- ed by the well-know- n fact that in most for- eign countries a woman occupies an inferior position that she is held to be a creature that will serve as an intellectual ornament oran obedient serf to .a husband's whims, caprices and demands. A girl or a woman who aspires to enter the foreign aristocracy should know that under the laws of such countries she will be accounted a nonentity; that, save by special settlement, her property will go into her husband's sole possession; that women are so lightly esteemed that a learned Ger- man professor has announced that this country is going straight to destruction be- cause the women are not subservient enough, that they do not vacate the best chair the minute their husbands appear, and that they do not rush to find their slip- pers and sacrifice themselves in every way to make life comfortable and velvety lor the men. A SACBIFICE Or PBEEDOM. "Women who marry foreigners should know that the freedom, independence, and individual rights of women so largely ac- corded bycustom and public opinion in this country are in continental Europe denied, and are deemed subversive of the peace of marriage. With all this in view, and well known to people who read and have any claim to intelligence as to what is going on in the world, a girl or a woman who is so dazzled by a title as to marry a loreign alleged nobleman has no more claim on sympathy than a man who allows himself to be taken in by a bunco game or any other style of fraud that is constantly being shown up in the daily papers. Titled foreigners who come to this coun- try intent upon matrimony are usually in the parlance of the street ''on the make," They are proposing to sell a share in their title for cash if such title is genuine, and if not, they are swindlers of the meanest sort who count upon the silly ambition and empty-heade- d conceit of girls who have more money than brains or. common sense. The foreign count business has been so often shown up by the papers as a spolia- tion game, or a speculation for revenue onl v, that it seems strange that people in society are so often successfully imposed upon. Still foolish persons are always plentv, and among them are many who long for the distinction of a handle to their names. It will be difficult to recall, or to prove, that any such marriages have been a suc- cess as far as happiness is concerned. American girls are not usually of the "tame cat order." When the gloss and glamour have worn off as they do in the first year of such marriages, human nature shows up in women as strongly as in men. Silly or sensible, American'girls have been brought up to declare independence when any for- eign power attempts to coerce them, or to trample upon their just rights. They re- fuse to submit to the domination, the abso- lute rule of foreign masters, and the result is trouble, misery, and the direst nnhappi-nes- s. Such marriages based as thev are, are usually found to go wrong, whether made in heaven or en earth. AX IRKSOME BONDAGE. The wife, when her fond illusions are dis- sipated, when she finds that the empty honor of a name has no power to give the sweet abiding pleasure and happiness that only wait upon mutual love and respect and that the vain pomp and glory of society can satisfy the soul in its yearning for the sweets of home and the joys of real friend- ship, finds the restraints and formalism and abject submission ot foreign customs irk- some and unendurable to anyone accus- tomed to the freedom of a republic. For- eign women by education, training, man- ners and adaptation are used to tyranny, to being obedient to husbands, to accepting the hardships of a marriage where the husband has everything his own way, to dwelling in humiliation, and becoming, by virtue of trials, either saints or de- ceitful slaves; but American women even those who are ever aping foreign modes of life are possessed usually of too much in- dependence to meekly accept such subordi- nation, and rebellion is, ot course, the nat- ural result Every American woman who marries an aristocratic foreigner and goes abroad to live should investigate the laws "of his country as regards her status as his wife. If she goes blindly into the matter and marries for position and title, while he has an eye and a hand for her money, they may as surely be expected to come to grief as that the sun should rise in the morning or the world go round on ifs axis. A TITLE IS NECESSAET. But, as things go now, a girl in society, with beauty and money, seems to be ac- counted a failure if she marries a plain mister in her own country, rather than a titled spendthrift, an unscrupulous gamester or mercenary adventurer, who has ancestors, and perhaps a tumble-dow- n castle or a blue-blood- pedigree. Foreign education has had much to do with this reverence for a title, and abject re- spect and ardent desire lor a place among the aristocracy of Europe. "Women whose husbands have struck oil or rich luck, and made a pile, have an idea that their chil- dren must be "eddicated in Europe" to fit them for high life. A French maid, a smattering ot languages a little music and Worth gowns fit their daughters for this programme. Such marriage is duly pa- raded in the papers the people at home are greatly impressed with the alleged splen- dor of the match. But the sequel is usually sad. The victim of a bogus baron or a counter- feit count finds little sympathy sometimes not so much as might be given from a cen- sorious world, or the Grundies therin. Served her right she should have known better she should have been content with a good American she should not have al- lowed her ambition to override her common sense are the remarks thrown in liberally when the crisis has been reached. Friends, too, are nnkind. Having by force ot in fluence and approval aided and abetted such society hesitates none the less to denounce it when'failure follows. BAD ENOUGH, AUYWAY. Onr girls should remember that a real Count is bad enough. Even if he has a bona fide castle and real estate and a re- spectable rent roll, he has drawbacks in education and training that make him an undesirable match lor an Intelligent, inde- pendent American girl, who is accustomed to be a law unto herself, nnless be has lived in this country long enough to know that obedienoe, submission and' subjection are not the virtues in marriage that ensure the &nrwF STJM)AY; 'MAKCH '"24' highest happiness in this or any other country. The word "obey" has not yet been strfoken out of the marriage service, but, in eflect, it is as good as gone in this country. Women still repeat it in a perlnnctory manner, just as men gabble over oaths of office without much reference to their spirit or intention. Judge Story says somewhere that "the fossil footprints of feudalism are seenin the laws which make every family a barony, a monarchy or a despotism, of which the husband is the baron, king or despot, while the wife is the dependent, sen' or slave.'" Such laws still stand on the statute books of this country, but the advance of civilization, the growth of the higher law of humanity has in large degree made them obsolete. The family in the .United States partakes of the character of its Republican institutions. The law of might is changing to right The man now, who would say in this country with Petruchio of his wife: "She is my goods, my chattels; she is my house, my household stuff, my field, my barn, my ox, my ass, my anything, and I will be master of what is my own," would find himself set down as a cowardly fellow, and would speedily discover that his wife had Something to say in the matter. The day has gone by when men held by law and custom that it was a wife's solemn duty to "lie down on the floor and let yonr hus- band trample on you if he will." woiiEjr "will be women; But while such is true of onr republic to a large degree, the condition of women un- der the monarchies and despotisms of conti- nental Europe is still a system under which men are trained to become selfish tyrants and women obedient servants. Such being the case American girls have only themselves to blame if by marriage they become citizens of such countries and are compelled to live under such restrictions and unhappy conditions. The tinsel ot a title will not suffice for happiness. It may tickle the vanity of the society girl and make her the envy of her set for a time, but the sober realities of life coonshow that it is better to put trust in a good, plain Ameri- can citizen. ' But though a fool be brayed in a mortar yet will his foolishness not depart from him,, says the Psalmist. Even with numer- ous examples before them, it is as likely as not that our society girls will still be on the lookout for a coun or a baron or a titled foreigner to whom they can recommend themselves by beauty or wealth. But let it be understood that they go into such specu- lation with their eyes open and as a matter of business. No sympathy is likely to be given them when they come to grief. Suf- fering in spirit and a fall in pride may be necessary to bring out the best in them, as cutting is to display the brilliance of a dia- mond. The experience of Pittsburg society in foreign connts has not been a happy one, but whether the moral of the late lessons will have any effect on the rage for titles and castles that do ,not materialize remains to be seen. Bessie Beamble. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. Benjamin Hill, residing south of Clinton, I1L, while boring for water yesterday struck a powerful vein of natural gas. Btones were thrown out and the wheels of an engine were turned by the escaping gas. j Advices are at hand from Panama. Sus- pension of work on the canal has left Colon full of empty houses, stores and shops, of which she already had plenty, owing to the removal inland of workmen's camps as the work progressed. As an outcome of the differences between Harris & Sons ana the Lasters' Protective Union, the firm has begun packing its ma- chinery preparatory to moving their entire business from Marblehead, Mass. The firm has employed 150 bands. A badly decomposed body, found in the Charles river, at Waltbam, Mass., has been identified by-M- Frank Handy, of the Boston Transcript, as that of his sister, Lucy K. Handy, who had been missing from her home in Dorchester since early in January. Assistant District Attorney Park says Ives and Stayner will be tried for grand larceny early in April. It is understood that Wood- ward, who is under indictment for connection with the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton con- spiracy, has made some important admissions to the District Attorney, and he may be used as a witness for the prosecution. Among the passengers on the steamship Australia, which arrived at Ban Francisco from Honolulu was CUus Spreckels, who has been paying an extended visftrto his sugar plantations in Hawaii. He stated .that the crop of the plantations will exceed the esti- mates by about 3,000 tons.-- -- The crop or the island', it is stated, will be about 125.000 tons, or the largest in the history The report sent out early in the week from Big Sandy, Mont, giving an account of the gold excitement m Sweet Grass Hills, and stating that such large numbers were flocking' to the new field as to seriously threaten fam- ine, is untrue. The Sweet Grass placers have been worked for a number Of years, and while considerable gold has been and is being taken out there has been no rush to the hills since 1873. Herrvon Hortig Krnger, who a year ago was the editor of the International Consol- idated Press, of Berlin, is now living in New Haven, Conn., and is the editor of t te Republikaner, a small German sheet Kruger was obliged to flee from Germany on account of his connection with the publication of the diary of Emperor Frederick. His prop erly was connscaiea, ana nis partner, rroi. Geffcken, was imprisoned for several months. The bagging trust which caused 'a good deal of excitement and excited much oppo- sition on the part of cotton planters and others last year, and which expired by limitation last December, it is announced, has practically been reorganized and-wil- l be run or managed by the same parties as before. The plan of operation will not exactly be the same as last year, however, and prices are not expected to be pushed np so high, but it is alleged that it will not be long before they reach 10 cents per pound. The Wagner palace Car Company is building at its shops, in Buffalo, an entire new equip- ment for the New York Central's Chicago lim- ited train. The most novel feature of the new train will be a car containing ten enclosed com- partments or staterooms, which will afford to the occupants theutmostprivacyand seclusion. Folding doors between the rooms will permit them to be arranged en snite for the accommo- dation of families or large parties. Each car will have a buffet and a weil-fllle- d bookcase. The new train is expected to be ready for ser- vice early next month, The French line steamship La Champagne, which sailed for Havre yesterday, took out a valuable cargo of freight. Since Thursday vast quantities, of boxed pictures and paintings have been stowed in the vessel's hold. Tbey were contributions of resident artists to the American art exhibit at the coming Paris In- ternational Exposition. The value of the paint- ings shmped y foots up over $200,000. The most costly work in the collection was Mnn-kaczy- 's masterpiece. "Christ Before Pilate," which Postmaster General Wanamaker has loaned to the Exposition. Kansas is about to develop a small Okla- homa excitement all her own. On the north- ern border of Shawnee county, in which To-pe- is situated, lie the Pottawottamie and Klckapoo Indian reservations, 11 miles sqnare, containing 75,000 acres. The last Legislature passed strong resolutions urging Congress to make an appropriation looking to the opening for homesieads of this tract Word has been received from Congressman Morrill saying that he secured the passage of a measure which appropriates $5,000 for the purpose of negotiating witb the Indian tribes interested. This will open for settlement nearly 500 home- steads, and will be of inestimable value to the surrounding counties: There is a queer case on trial at Richmond, Va. When William A. Thomas died he left a $300,000 estate to Bettle Lewis, a mulatto, his natural daughter. White cousins of the dead man attempted to dispossess her, therefore the entire estate is now locked up. Thomas leftno will, and in the absence of such instrument it was supposed that his legal kin would get his fortune. When Thomas found he was about to die be called Bettle to his side and gave her his bank book and keys to a deposit box. He died in the presence of a colored female wit- ness, and be told bis daughter that he wanted her to have his fortune, and that she must un- der no circumstances surrender these keys, wblch belonged to a box which contained all bis seenrities. After a long legal light the court decided to appoint a receiver to take charge of the estate while the litigation is pending. There are sensational developments in con- nection with the bill passed by the recent In- diana General Assembly requiring uniformity in the sci eening and weighing of coal, And such inspection as would prevent cheating of miners. There was a strong lobby Influence against the hill from the mine operators, and the miners were equally zealous in its advo- cacy. The House passed the bill, and it came up for third reading In' the Senate on the closing night of the session. Some amend- ments were maae by the Senate, and when it was sent to the House for concurrence In the changes, like some other bills in which the lohby was greatly interested, it mysteriously disappeared. No one has any idea who did the work. The defeat of the bill will cause much disappointment among the miners of the State, as it was a measure which they were more in- terested In than any other that came before the Legislature. FACES AND. FIGURES. Evelyn Malcolm Discusses the Mystic Subject of Cosmetics. COMPLEXIONS MADE TO 0RDEB. Danger to Health Lurks in All Forms of Arsenical Compounds. SOME MFFEBENT IDEAS OF BEABTI rwnriTKr Ton toe dispatch. HE Hottentot belle hangs a bangle in her lip and paints her nose sky-blu- the Malay beauty files her teeth close to 'the gums and stainsthem black; the Saltan's favorite paints her eyelids and colors her finger nails with henna. The enlightened woman does none of these things, She understands the law of beauty better than the be- nighted Hottentot, better than the indo- lent beauty of the harem. Nevertheless, according toner light, she follows the same instinct, and "for ways that are dark and for tricks that are vain" to enhance her beauty or hide her blemishes, civilized wo- man is not one whit different from her less fortunate sister. This sweeping statement admits without doubt of many exceptions. It would be a very sad state of affairs if there were no girls whose cheeks boasted of the freshness acqnired only from innocent applications of cold water. Nevertheless in all the large cities of this country and Europe cosmetics form an important part of the average woman'a.toilet. Every drug clerk will tell yon of the large trade in pastes, powders and hair washes. A certain rnanufactnrer of Paris does an enormous business in his face powder alone. A DANQEBOT3 BEATTTDTCEB. Arsenic is sold under different nameSj and its effects may be noticed every day on the faces of very young girls, who, it appears, are the only ones silly enough to buy it These arsenical preparations remove every spot and freckle from the skin if taken in sufficiently large doses, and leave it not only smooth, but dazzlingly white the whiteness of wax, not a natural flesh tint Ii continued they shatter the constitution and eventually destroy every vestige of former beauty. If commenced and used only for a short time health may be saved, but the skin, still preserving its waxen ap- pearance, slowly turns yellow, deepening in color till it reaches a genuine jaundice hue. The moral is shun arsenic in any form as you would a plague. Your physician will tell yon that although it is sometimes given as medicine, it is never given in quantities sufficient to affect the skin. When it does the result is ruinous. Not more than three years ago there was a small store on upper Sixth avenue, New York, kept by an old and very interesting Frenchwoman. She sold everything that could possible be required on the most arti- ficial woman's toilet table. One winter night, during the ball season, I stopped in to buy some manicure articles, and found her just commencing operations on a "subject, " as she called customers of this kind. PEEPAETNG FOB A BALZi. The subject's eyes were closed as she lay back in a chair in a curtained niche. At a sign from the Frenchwoman I took a chair at a little distance, where I could not be seen, and watched her process. It was cer- tainly as astounding as interesting. She first dipped a silk sponge in warm and just an line rwWW fW K?, water' and bathed the face and.neck, and then dried vyg?ntly with a soft cloth. This done, she covered every inch of skin from forehead to boom with a grease that resembled white glue; over that she rubbed in a delicate, flesh-colore- d powder; then penciled brows and lashes with a tiny camel's-hai- r brush, shaping the former with her practiced thumb and forefinger; touched the, edges of the lids with a faint-blu- e powder, drew a delicate network of veins on temples and shoulders, colored the cheeks a faint but enduring pink, the lips a deep red. That was all. The subject stood np at length, a veritable work of art, and looked in the mirror with complacent admiration. The work was cer- tainly done with an astonishing nicety, but in the simulated, unchangeable blnsh there was nothing of nature, and her smile, as she hurried out to the cab waiting for her, was as false as the shadows under her eyes. The Frenchwoman gave her shoulders an as she dropped the easily earned ten-doll- ar bill into her cash box. NO OBJECTION TO A LITTLE POWDER. One so often hears the expression,"Surelr no one can object to a little powder." There are not many who do. A little powder is innocent and harmless. But a girl often commences with "a little powder to take the shine off," but ends by carrying a powder puff in her pocket, with which she dusts herself at every opportunity, ap- parently blissfully unconscious that her nose seems made of chalk. As for rouge ' one does not meet many women in a day's walk who have not at least a soupcon of color on the cheeks. The masculine eye cannot detect it always, but a woman is never imposed upon. A natural color shows through the skin, and there is no rouge, no artist can give this effect but nature. Then should not a woman take further interest in her appearance than to be clean, to have her hair well brushed, her nails trimmed? She certainly should. A woman should do everything reasonable to improve her face or form but cosmetics, besides being vulgar, are injurious, and in stead of improving tend to destroy good looks. Cleanliness is tne nrst essential to preserving beauty of skin and outline. The entire body should be bathed every morn- ing. If a person is too delicate for this a sponge bath will answer almost as well, and can never injure if the body is well dried after it Diet comes next Avoid greasy food, rich gravies, pastrv, etc. Don't eat much butter. Never drink beer. FRESH AIB A SPECIFIC. Fresh air and exercise are the only cos- metics which will have a lasting effect American girls do not walk half enough. If they have a short distance to go, say a mile, even halt a mile very often, they take a car. English and, Irish girls think nothing of walking ten miles. According to some this climate is too trying to permit of such violent exercise, but at least tbree miles a day in fine weather cannot be too much if one feels "veil. A very simple and excellent way to make the skin clear and smooth is as follows: At night use the prepared mixture of vaseline and cold cream on the face and lips; rub it in well with the fingers, then wipe thor- oughly, as sufficient is left in the pores without leaving the face greasy. In the morning wash with plain brown soap, rinse carefully in warm water and tben in cold; this softens the skin but keeps the muscles firm, and if a little bay rum of the best quality is used after the skin becomes as smooth as a piece of velvet In drying the face rub it upward. This is said to prevent wrinkles, or at least to postpone them, but its truth can only be tested us time goes on. Powder can be used if desired. The least injurious is the simplest plain drop chalk. To improve the hair brush it for 20 minutes every night and braid loosely on retiring. Washing the hands in water diluted with vinegar will make them white. Two good recipes for removing freckles are: The juice of watermelons or slices of fresh cu- cumber. Nothing, however, will be of much benefit to the skin unless the first principles of, health are observed and the stomach is kept in good order. A woman with a cold in her head can never be interesting either therefore beware of getting your feet wet, and don't go out infold weather with un- derclothing fit for a spring day and a little jacket weighing about three pounds. Don't' expect to have bright eyes if you TURCOMAN CURTAINS, of PICTURES at away none in for on that will free " for the Davis 10 &H GjeSpPF. 3- r- M - -- i !!, . --r1V !l thU'Jf teeth ofafl east wind TMont over?, yonr face. To be graceful, don t wear gro- tesque bustles wd, tightly drawn skirts. in the-worl-d animate The most are men and women. And yet God meant them them to be graceful. Every- thing in nature is w. If 7 haT? fTer watched a kitten's movements, the a buzzard makes in flying, the repressed, strength in the dignified step of a mastiff, the dainty, arch movement of thorough- bred's nect, you must know this. But mm and women have degenerated in their mo- tion; they are careless. They patter or slouch or limp or shuffle, as a general thing, from sheer According to some- - writers on the subject women should be feline in movement taking tie cat and the panther for models in the act of wauc- - "to avoid a jerky step practice a contimioM mov. mei from the waist,not from the knee, lifting the foot parallel to tho groandynet-bringin- g it down heel or toe. first J.n t may not give onethe T" ding" step, so often ascribed to heroines la novels, but it will enable the walker to get over the ground with an easy, light sao-tio- n. ,y A lively expression is a great attractioa, and the homeliest face is never uninterest- ing with it Let the eyes portray wharthe lips utter, and don't let a smile play aboat ' the mouth while the eyes remain unsympa- thetic and expressionless. says: "In a face is none of the best there may lie some air of probity and trust, as, on the contrary, I have seen between two beautiful eyes menaces of a dangerous and : malignant nature." Evelyn MATCOtM. Alvrays Keep the Upper Hand of Disease Changes of temperature are apt to cause -- dangerous sickness; in the apo- plexy is to be feared. When you have a ia the head, feel dizzy, feverish, rheumatic or sick at tne stomach, take at once three to ten of Bbandeeth's Fills. Such slight affection. are only the harbingers of disease or suddea prostration, and the thing to do is to master the trouble at once. Never let a little sickness . get the better of you. Drive it out of dDors immediately. Let there be no compromise, al- - , ways have with you a box of Bbasdbxtr'S Pills, and you are prepared to fight the worst form of sickness in its lncipiency. aa HOPPER BROS. & CO., THE PIONEERS OF LOW PRICES, Have These Few Remarks to Make to the' Beacon Lights. Mr. Harris announces the first appear- ance of the beautilnl spectacular melodrama in Pittsburg at his theater Monday, March 25. Lights" has met with great success upon the Western and in the matter of scenery and mechanical effects nothing will be found lacking. "Beacon Lights" is mounted sec- ond to no other attraction now before the public. The scenery deserves recognition lrom an artistic standpoint, being perfect representations of the places and localities wherein the action is laid. Although the preliminaries to the presentation of the have been so extensive and costly, we await the reception of "Beacon Lights" with the utmost confidence and without a single mis- giving. "We believe that the play will meet the wants ot the public, and the field' in which we are the pioneer is as vast as it fertile. Every one should go and see "Bea- con Lights," the greatest play of its kind on the road. No Advance In Carpets At Edward Groetzinger's. "We paid mora for the spring stoik than the goods sold at last season, but will sell all grades at old rices. Mammoth carpet and curtain S ouse, 627 and 629 Penn avenue i Nevr Spring- - Goods. Our new stock of choice spring goods-o- f the latest and most fashionable patterns for gentlemen's wear has just been received, and is now ready for inspection. For a suit or overcoat go toPitcairn's,.-No- . 434 "Wood street ihs -- . Misses' fine 4 B. embroidered kid gloves, 75c, worth $1 00, at Eosenbaum & Co.'s Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. Tresa Business Chance. "Walter Anderson has opened ont at his new place, 70O Smithfield street, with a fine stock of woolens for gentlemen's garments.',; a. M7 - SO, j 'J QUALITY, and'-plent- for OIL CLOTHS, etc. any part of it. Havej down prices. Any and aDj -- ..rfsai Readers of This Ad.: If you are not aware of the popularity of the above firm or the esteem in which they are held by their many friends and customers, look over their immense storerooms, see the quantity and quality of the goods carried by them in stock. " HEAR THE EAST TERMS OP PAYMENT THAT THEY GIVE, ' Remark what a nice selection of goods and at such low prices. Observe the treatment accorded you, whether a buyer or a looker. We are here for a good, share of everybody's trade and if we don't merit it, then we do not deserve it. Now we are not bragging when we say that we have the largest selection of : BEDROOM FURNITURE, In medium priced goods, held by any house in Pittsburg or Allegheny. Our line of . PARLOR FURNITURE, which is strictly our own make, is the pride of the city. We do say, without ' fear Of contradiction, that for the money you can get a better Parlor Suit elsewhere, at the same time getting goods fresh from the hands of the upholsterer. Not shop worn, but covered clean and bright, in any goods you may desire. - OTTIR, CARPETS are second to the city, either PRICE or everybody, made and laid the shortest notice. RUGS, LACE Remember we furnish your house complete, opened elegant goods delivered of charge. pain or 307 'WOOD STREET. 30J1 Sole Agents New High Ann Sewing Open Saturday Night Until P. M. nngraceful thing thoughtlessness. "pantheresque, Montaigne which commencing "Beacon circuit, play good-fittin- g Machine. hera,-tha- n the

Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-03-24 [p 14] f i4J THE DECORATIVE ART As Applied to the Interior Furnish-ings

Apr 19, 2018



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Page 1: Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-03-24 [p 14] f i4J THE DECORATIVE ART As Applied to the Interior Furnish-ings





As Applied to the Interior Furnish-

ings of the Finest Homes.


Thongh. the Earlier Gallic Styles Are Fast.. JBeing Superseded.



NE might almost saythat the prevailingtaste for light gay in-- Iteriors is a witness tothe emancipation ofthe national tempera-

ment "We are not am?msemmeipi I somber people, aL

though we are verybusy, and commercially disposed. TheAmerican housewife was for ft .long timethe genius of oar decoration, and pre-

scribed dark gilt and brown walls andgrained woods, because they did not showdirt. But the new era of wealth has de-

posed the American housewife, boughtmore pails and 'brooms, and engaged menservants.

From the style bourgeois itwas not surpris-ing that we so rapidly swung into the stylebric-a-br- This was directly due to theincursion of Queen Anne architecture, aswe fondly beliered it, and in which noveltyand unexpectedness were held to be themost desirable qualities. The doors at lastseemed to swing open to something alto-gether independent and original, and themost banguine received assurances that wewere on the eve of an American style orschool of decoration that would be indig-enous and as estimable as the potato.


This assurance has not been met Theextravagances and eccentricities that weremerely personal, not national, were soonspent Restraint and repose have succeededto'restlessness and are well marked charac-teristics of the best that is now doing in dec-

orative interiors. Architects and decoratorsbase their work on well-know- n and ac-

cepted styles. In these they work more orless freely and witb more or less apprecia-tion of how they can be adapted to ourneeds.

rBESCH FASHIONS LV TAVOE.Fashion has for the moment dictated the

direction in which they work. The pre-ference for the French styles of the eight-eenth centnry is too marked to require any-thing beyond the statement that LouisSeize, Louis Quinze and First Empire arehousehold words. It is not the first timevhat fashion has had an opportunity tojustify her commands as something morerational than a caprice.

"There is in French styles a certain Gallicpiquancy to which we are related, for theAmerican of to-d- is not the same man whocame over in the Mayflower or sailed up theJames. Moreover, in the most popular ofthese styles Louis XVL there is some-thing direct and straightforward that com-mands our respect They suit our climate,


and measurably our later manner of build-ing.

The only conspicuous example of LouisXIV. styles of which I have any knowledgeis the drawing room of Mrs. Potter Palmer,of Chicago. The room is wainscoted andthe walls divided by the pilasters, doors andwindows into appropriate panels. Theseare filled with pinkish hned brocade, withborders of embroidered green velvet Thepilasters, as all the wood ot the room, areelaborately carved in the accentuated richforms peculiar to Louis XIV. decoration,and these are enameled in white and gold.The ceiling is divided into medallions,which make in turn nart of the frame forthe central panel. This is filled with amythological subject; painted for Mrs.

, Palmer in Paris, and the medallions alsocontain paintings.

AN EXQUISITE INTEBIOB.The lighting or the room makes a unique

feature otthe ceiling. It is accomplished byelectric lights concealed in colored cupssunk in the wood and in flowers of coloredglass suspended by threads from the ceilingand making part of its design. A beautifuldetail of the room is the mantel of onyx,richly carved, and above it a mirror elab--orately framed. The furniture is construct-ed after the models of the period, and iscovered with pink brocade and green em-broidered velvet A parquet floor and richrngs complete the room.

ane erawing room of Jin. W. &. Yaaaer--

bilt was the first of a long procession ofbeautiful rooms inspired by it. The wood-

work was imported fm an old dismantledFrench chateau. It is of oak and has itsrich ornament cut in the solid panels. Thequality of the wood itself gives it dignity,tor almost all our modern work in kind Isin pine, the ornament being modeled incomposition and applied. The joinery ofthe work has been admirably done, outwarps and cracks still testify to its long andhonorable descent. The ornament marksthe transition between Louis XIV. andLouis XV. styles; the heavy, flowing, con-tinuous forms are interrupted by thestraight lines that form the panels. Thewoodwork is disposed in the form of a dado,and the windows, doors and pilasters dividethe wall space into eight panels. Seven ofthese are filled with old gobelin tapestry,after Boucher, in tints of pale rose, blueand green, that chime in with the livelycream and gold of the wood.


In the eighth panel is a full length por-trait of Mrs. Vanderbtlt by JIadrazo, whichkeys in happily with the Test of the room,although under more strict ruling the por-

trait, as a piece of decoration in a LouisXV. room, would have been outlawed.Confronting this portrait is a marble man-tel overlaid with figures in gilt bronze,modeled from the styles of the period, andabove it, framed in the same manner, is amirror. The ceiling- - is divided in theusual manner into circles and ellipses, con-nected with outer squares and forming deeppanels. These combine to form a framework lor the great Baudry painting, "TheApotheosis of Fame," which fills an ellipti-cal frame almost the length of the room.This panel is on canvas, and has been placedon a stretcher with such ingenious mechani-cal contrivances that in case of fire it maybe quickly removed.

The doors are all double, the long,straight panels beingwithout ornament anasimply finished in cream and gold. Thehandles have been specially designed, andattached to them are bolts of steel that runup and down and, when the door is shut,catch in the frame and floor. The floor ofinlaid woods comes-tro- Paris, and the fur-niture, made of pine in the forms of theperiod, are finished in cream and cold andcovered with old tapestries and brocades.


The windows which complete the room, farthe furniture and decoration require no.other accessories, swing in the Frenchfashion on steel frames and are filled inwith geometrical forms defined by the leads.

The drawing rooms of Mrs. Ogden Goeletand Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt wereoriginally decorated in-th- e more personalmanner alluded to, but vielded to thedignity and propriety of a declared style.


Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt's drawingroom is made from the spoils of an oldchateau. It is paneled in old oak, theground being painted a water green tint,and the graceful ornament picked out inwhite. The molding is in dead gold, andmakes a most effective frame for the panels.Above each panel is a medallion with carv-ing in relief. The ceiling panel is a paint-ing, it is said, by Huet The subject is, ofcourse, allegorical a beautiful woman in atriumphal car drawn by Cupids wreathedin roses. The mantel is of marbfa overlaidwith metal and surmounted by 'a mirror.The room is in fact brilliant with mirrorsreflecting its beauty at every turn. Thefurniture is gilt covered with salmon tintedbrocade embroidered in wreaths and bor-dered with blue plush.

Mrs. Goelet's music room is in size anovel apartment The walls are paneled inwood, richly carved. The ground is over-laid in cream and the decoration brought


out in violet tints, the upper services beinggilded. In the cornice Loves holding gar-lands are molded in composition. The overdoors make a beautitul feature. There areseven in all, beautiful types of women andchildren, painted by Chaplin. In the ceil-ing is a painted allegorical panel. Themantel of amethyst marble is supported byfemale caryatides and the crosspiecels over-laid, according to the fashion of the period,,in bronze figures and garlands. Above themantel is asuperb mirror elaborately framed.The room is lighted by over 200 candles.These are held by 12 candelabra supportedby caryatides attached to pilasters. Thefloor is a glistening surface in mosaics ofwhite wood. The furniture was made aftermodels at Versailles and is upholstered ingray, brocaded with bouquets.

An example of how the usual city roomcan be remodeled under the inspiration ofLouis XVI. styles is that of the drawingloom of Mr. Henry Steers, of New York.The walls are wainscoted wth the usualsquares and circles. The space above isdivided into panels that are filled withLyons silk, specially ordered by the archi-tect, Mr. Henry O. Avery, in which thesalmon ground is strewn with bunches ofroses and mignonette, held together by float-ing ribbons.


These panels are separated by pilasters,with ornament in relief consisting of inter

THE- -

lacing wreaths, starting from the frieze.This is a continuous ornament of garlandsand ribbons. The ceiling and the corniceare modeled and arranged with dentils andmedallions. The framework of the windowsand doors and the styles of the ceiling areornamented with a delicate tulip and ivypattern, and interlaced wreaths picked outin gold leaf against a cream ground; themoldings are twined with ribbons overlaidwith gold.

The windows demanded concession. Noray of light can be spared lrom a New YorkCity interior. The heavy central ornamentof the frames were removed, leaving thetransverse jiece traced with the tulip andivy design. The flanking pilasters, similar-ly treated,support the large, shell-lik- e orna-ment as an over window, so characteristic afeature of this style. In this case the shellis filled with opalescent glass, chosen toharmonize with the general character of theroom. Balancing the transoms for whichthey serve at the lower end of the roomabove the double doors is an arch of openbronze work, with spandrels filled in

glass, which repeats theroses and mignonette design of the silkpanels. This is an instance of a featnre thatcould not possibly be iound in any of theLouis XVL rooms, which are" furnishingmodels to this generation, but everyonemust admit that it is received kindly into astyle which has been well called inhospita-ble. A word should be said of the furnitureof this room, which, having tho requiredforms, was enameled in flesh pink withgold, and recovered with silk matching thepanels.

The elements of a Louis XVL room are sosimple that they may be carried out at ly

little expense. Elegant sim-

plicity and that feeling of repose which isnot the least valuable quality in LouisXVL and kindred styles may be arrived atwithout carvings, brocades and paintedceilings. Mabt Gat Huhphbies.


Me. A. F. King has established himself inhis new studio, in the Valmeyer building, onFourth Avenue, where he has greatly moreroomy quarters than the one he lately occu-pied in the Eisner building.

On Wednesday last Mr. John W. Beatty at-

tached his signature to the first lot of proofsof his etching after his picture, ''Return toLabor." As this work is the first etching everexecuted by a Pituburj artist. Sir. Beatty ex- -

Eenenced considerable satisfaction in placingupon them, and he expressed him-

self as being well pleased with their appear-ance, which indicates both care and skill onthe part of the printer.

The reverse of the generally acceptedpicture of genius toiling in a garret and pro-ducing those immortal works of brush andpencil which become the wonder of succeeding

is shown by the ubotographs ofye of the most celebrated artists' studios, ex-

hibited in Boyd's window. Bougereau,Detaille, Duron, Munkacsy and Geroine areseen at work, amid surroundings that indicatetheir possession and appreciation of all theluxuries which tend to make life enjoyable.

The exhibit of American works at the ParisInternational Exposition this year will numbersomething over 500, including 160 palntln s inoil. As compared with the exhibit at Paris In1878, which only amounted to 156 works, the in-

crease has been mainly in the matter of etch-ings, engravings and drawings in bUckandwhite. There is no doubt that American art Ismore comprehensive in character at presentthan it has ever been in former years, and weare certain before long to take the lead in allof the graphic processes.

"Early Morning, Near the Potomac," acleverly handled and well balanced painting byE. A. Poole, may be seen at Boyd's. Mr. Poolepaints in a style both original and pleasing, andwhich is effective without being startling. Inthis work he has succeeded very well in indi-cating the effect of a softened and diffusedlight upon the mists of. morning. The work, asa .whole, forms a very pleasant little picture,agreeable in composition and color, while atthe same time painted with truth and fidelityto nature. It is also unique and characteristicwithout being peculiar.

The extensive use now being made ofwrought iron for exterior decoration in archi-tectural designs Is an evidence of the develop-ment of good taste and judgment,and a properappreciation of the relative values of materialsboth' from the standpoint of utility and art Awell execnted work in iron has such an appear-ance of strength and endurance that it." mayalmost be taken as an indication of the pos-session of the same qualities by the people whoadmire and make a free use of it, and in addi-tion to this it admits of, and in some measurecompels, the production of designs of a peculiar grace and beauty.

Evee since its Invention glasshasbeen foundto be available for numerous purposes as adecorative material, but 1( was reserved formodern ingenuity to conceive and. carry outthe idea of weaving It into cloth. Not longsince a Frenchman of an inventive turn ofmind discovered that it was possible to make akind of cloth from glass, or rather from glassand silk, the latter forming the' warp and theformer the woof. Tho process of weaving isvery slow, and of course the product is expen-sive, but not more so than other fancies in dec-orative novelties in which wealthy people in-

dulge themselves. As the pattern of the ma-terial is worked in the glass, which may be ofany color or variety of colors desired, its bril-liancy may readily be imagined.

The picture by Mr. Bryan Wall, shown inGillespie's window, is one of the largest and,in some respects, the best marine view whichthis artist has yet produced. Compared withsome of his work which he exhibited not morethan a year ago, this picture shows marked im-provement and indicates that be has not yetattained that condition of perfect satisfactionwith himself which only too frequently, withrising men, proves a bar to further progress.The picture in question is a sceno on BlockIsland, showing a sandy beach, with here andthere a few scattered boulders and quite astretch of ocean, with a glimpse of verdure-covere- d

shore in the distance. In paintingthis picture the artist has evidently taken a po-sition at but a slight elevation above the sealevel, so that he docs not show a great expanseof water reaching far into the distance, but son uch of it as is seen Is very well handled andof good color. The beach Is rather barren of interest. and looks somewhat too hard, but it isprobably true to nature, and characteristic ofthe locality.

The uncertainty and indecision manifestedby the trustees of the Metropolitan Museum ofArt with regard to the question of opening thatinstitution on Sundays is complicated", if latoaccounts are correct by the desire to retainfor the museum the favor of many personsboth able and willing to become contributorsto its material welfare, but who are likely towithhold their aid if there appeared any pros-

pect of the exhibitions of art treasures beingheld on Sundays. Some years ago Mr. W. T.Waltcrs,of Baltimore, offered the institution agirt of 310,000 on condition that it should openits doors to the public on Sunday free ofcharge for the space of two years' time, butthe matter was held under consideration forsome months' time and ultimately declined. Itis deeply to be regretted that a project whichhas for its aim the mental and moral improve-ment of thousands of personsshould meet withany opposition. There is no question as to theelevating and ennobling influence of trt exhi-bitions upon the minds of tho masses, and thepeople who are most seldom brought underthis influence, and who would derive from itthe greatest benefit are the very ones who can-not attend during the week.

The rejection of Mr. Albert Bierstadt'spainting, "The Last of the Buffalo,"' by thecommittee appointed to make a selection ofAmerican art works for the Paris Exposition,has given rise to a great deal of comment and

.many of those who have seen the picture admit their Inability to comprehend this actionon the part of the committee, as the work isregarded as" being distinctively American incharacter, and a masterly production as re-gards technique and execution. Whatevermay have led to the rejection of thispainting, and whatever may be the mer-

its of the case, the picture will certain-ly be sent to Paris. . as the honorswhich Mr. Bierstadt has taken give him theprivilege of entering bis work at the Exposi-tion independently of the consent of the Amer-ican Art Committee, and this privilege he in-

tends to exercise. In striking contrast to .thisaction on the part of the committee standi theappirent determination to send one of theworks Dy the celebrated artist Innlss, whetherwitb his consent or without it When Mr. In-nlss refused to send one of his pictures thecommittee secured one or his earlier produc-tions which bad passed out of his possession,and sent it on in spite of bis declaration that itwas anything but a fair sample or his work andcould not be held as representative of bis style.There are usually two sides to a story, but pres-ent indications would seem to justify the con-clusion that the committee had been unneces-sarily arbitrary In both these cases.

National taste clearly defined; the saleof Atkinson's extracts is constantly in-creasing, and must exceed a half-millio- n

bottles annually.

Extbaobdctaby kid glove bargainsthis week at Eosenbaum & Co.'.

' a




Bessie Bramble Specifies the Evils

Which Overtake the


Some Peculiarities of Foreign Legislation



IKEN.S. C.March20. An Americangirl who marries aforeigner does sousually with hereyes open. In thesedays of widely-difins-

intelli-gence, there is lit-

tle or no excuse forany woman posses-

sing average com-

mon sense beinginveigled into a

marriage with a bogus baron or a peanutcount. The dazzle of a title, the glitter of acoronet, or even the splendor of the straw-berry leaves of a duke should be discount-ed by the well-know- n fact that in most for-

eign countries a woman occupies an inferiorposition that she is held to be a creaturethat will serve as an intellectual ornamentoran obedient serf to .a husband's whims,caprices and demands.

A girl or a woman who aspires to enterthe foreign aristocracy should know thatunder the laws of such countries she willbe accounted a nonentity; that, save byspecial settlement, her property will go intoher husband's sole possession; that womenare so lightly esteemed that a learned Ger-

man professor has announced that thiscountry is going straight to destruction be-

cause the women are not subservientenough, that they do not vacate the bestchair the minute their husbands appear,and that they do not rush to find their slip-pers and sacrifice themselves in every wayto make life comfortable and velvety lorthe men.


"Women who marry foreigners shouldknow that the freedom, independence, andindividual rights of women so largely ac-

corded bycustom and public opinion in thiscountry are in continental Europe denied,and are deemed subversive of the peace ofmarriage. With all this in view, and wellknown to people who read and have anyclaim to intelligence as to what is going onin the world, a girl or a woman who is sodazzled by a title as to marry a loreignalleged nobleman has no more claim onsympathy than a man who allows himselfto be taken in by a bunco game or any otherstyle of fraud that is constantly being shownup in the daily papers.

Titled foreigners who come to this coun-try intent upon matrimony are usually inthe parlance of the street ''on the make,"They are proposing to sell a share in theirtitle for cash if such title is genuine, andif not, they are swindlers of the meanestsort who count upon the silly ambition andempty-heade- d conceit of girls who havemore money than brains or. common sense.

The foreign count business has been sooften shown up by the papers as a spolia-tion game, or a speculation for revenueonl v, that it seems strange that people insociety are so often successfully imposedupon. Still foolish persons are alwaysplentv, and among them are many who longfor the distinction of a handle to theirnames.

It will be difficult to recall, or to prove,that any such marriages have been a suc-cess as far as happiness is concerned.American girls are not usually of the "tamecat order." When the gloss and glamourhave worn off as they do in the first year ofsuch marriages, human nature shows up inwomen as strongly as in men. Silly orsensible, American'girls have been broughtup to declare independence when any for-

eign power attempts to coerce them, or totrample upon their just rights. They re-fuse to submit to the domination, the abso-

lute rule of foreign masters, and the resultis trouble, misery, and the direst nnhappi-nes- s.

Such marriages based as thev are,are usually found to go wrong, whethermade in heaven or en earth.

AX IRKSOME BONDAGE.The wife, when her fond illusions are dis-

sipated, when she finds that the emptyhonor of a name has no power to give thesweet abiding pleasure and happiness thatonly wait upon mutual love and respectand that the vain pomp and glory of societycan satisfy the soul in its yearning for thesweets of home and the joys of real friend-ship, finds the restraints and formalism andabject submission ot foreign customs irk-some and unendurable to anyone accus-tomed to the freedom of a republic. For-eign women by education, training, man-ners and adaptation are used to tyranny, tobeing obedient to husbands, to accepting thehardships of a marriage where the husbandhas everything his own way, to dwelling inhumiliation, and becoming, by virtue oftrials, either saints or de-ceitful slaves; but American women eventhose who are ever aping foreign modes oflife are possessed usually of too much in-dependence to meekly accept such subordi-nation, and rebellion is, ot course, the nat-ural result

Every American woman who marries anaristocratic foreigner and goes abroad to liveshould investigate the laws "of his countryas regards her status as his wife. If shegoes blindly into the matter and marries forposition and title, while he has an eye and ahand for her money, they may as surely beexpected to come to grief as that the sunshould rise in the morning or the world goround on ifs axis.

A TITLE IS NECESSAET.But, as things go now, a girl in society,

with beauty and money, seems to be ac-counted a failure if she marries a plainmister in her own country, rather than atitled spendthrift, an unscrupulous gamesteror mercenary adventurer, who has ancestors,and perhaps a tumble-dow- n castle or a blue-blood-

pedigree.Foreign education has had much to do

with this reverence for a title, and abject re-spect and ardent desire lor a place amongthe aristocracy of Europe. "Women whosehusbands have struck oil or rich luck, andmade a pile, have an idea that their chil-dren must be "eddicated in Europe" to fitthem for high life. A French maid, asmattering ot languages a little music andWorth gowns fit their daughters for thisprogramme. Such marriage is duly pa-raded in the papers the people at home aregreatly impressed with the alleged splen-dor of the match. But the sequel is usuallysad.

The victim of a bogus baron or a counter-feit count finds little sympathy sometimesnot so much as might be given from a cen-sorious world, or the Grundies therin.Served her right she should have knownbetter she should have been content with agood American she should not have al-lowed her ambition to override her commonsense are the remarks thrown in liberallywhen the crisis has been reached. Friends,too, are nnkind. Having by force ot influence and approval aided and abettedsuch society hesitates none theless to denounce it when'failure follows.

BAD ENOUGH, AUYWAY.Onr girls should remember that a real

Count is bad enough. Even if he has abona fide castle and real estate and a re-

spectable rent roll, he has drawbacks ineducation and training that make him anundesirable match lor an Intelligent, inde-pendent American girl, who is accustomedto be a law unto herself, nnless be has livedin this country long enough to know thatobedienoe, submission and' subjection arenot the virtues in marriage that ensure the

&nrwFSTJM)AY; 'MAKCH '"24'

highest happiness in this or any othercountry.

The word "obey" has not yet been strfokenout of the marriage service, but, in eflect, itis as good as gone in this country. Womenstill repeat it in a perlnnctory manner, justas men gabble over oaths of office withoutmuch reference to their spirit or intention.Judge Story says somewhere that "thefossil footprints of feudalism are seenin thelaws which make every family abarony, a monarchy or a despotism,of which the husband is thebaron, king or despot, while thewife is the dependent, sen' or slave.'" Suchlaws still stand on the statute books of thiscountry, but the advance of civilization, thegrowth of the higher law of humanity hasin large degree made them obsolete. Thefamily in the .United States partakes ofthe character of its Republican institutions.The law of might is changing to right Theman now, who would say in this countrywith Petruchio of his wife:

"She is my goods, my chattels; she is myhouse, my household stuff, my field, mybarn, my ox, my ass, my anything, and Iwill be master of what is my own," wouldfind himself set down as a cowardly fellow,and would speedily discover that his wifehad Something to say in the matter. Theday has gone by when men held by lawand custom that it was a wife's solemn dutyto "lie down on the floor and let yonr hus-band trample on you if he will."

woiiEjr "will be women;But while such is true of onr republic to

a large degree, the condition of women un-

der the monarchies and despotisms of conti-nental Europe is still a system under whichmen are trained to become selfish tyrantsand women obedient servants.

Such being the case American girls haveonly themselves to blame if by marriagethey become citizens of such countries andare compelled to live under such restrictionsand unhappy conditions. The tinsel ot atitle will not suffice for happiness. It maytickle the vanity of the society girl andmake her the envy of her set for a time, butthe sober realities of life coonshow that it isbetter to put trust in a good, plain Ameri-can citizen. '

But though a fool be brayed in a mortaryet will his foolishness not depart fromhim,, says the Psalmist. Even with numer-ous examples before them, it is as likely asnot that our society girls will still be on thelookout for a coun or a baron or a titledforeigner to whom they can recommendthemselves by beauty or wealth. But let itbe understood that they go into such specu-lation with their eyes open and as a matterof business. No sympathy is likely to begiven them when they come to grief. Suf-fering in spirit and a fall in pride may benecessary to bring out the best in them, ascutting is to display the brilliance of a dia-mond. The experience of Pittsburg societyin foreign connts has not been a happy one,but whether the moral of the late lessonswill have any effect on the rage for titlesand castles that do ,not materialize remainsto be seen. Bessie Beamble.


Benjamin Hill, residing south of Clinton,I1L, while boring for water yesterday struck apowerful vein of natural gas. Btones werethrown out and the wheels of an engine wereturned by the escaping gas. j

Advices are at hand from Panama. Sus-pension of work on the canal has left Colonfull of empty houses, stores and shops, ofwhich she already had plenty, owing to theremoval inland of workmen's camps as thework progressed.

As an outcome of the differences betweenHarris & Sons ana the Lasters' ProtectiveUnion, the firm has begun packing its ma-chinery preparatory to moving their entirebusiness from Marblehead, Mass. The firm hasemployed 150 bands.

A badly decomposed body, found in theCharles river, at Waltbam, Mass., has beenidentified by-M- Frank Handy, of the BostonTranscript, as that of his sister, Lucy K.Handy, who had been missing from her homein Dorchester since early in January.

Assistant District Attorney Park says Ivesand Stayner will be tried for grand larcenyearly in April. It is understood that Wood-ward, who is under indictment for connectionwith the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton con-spiracy, has made some important admissionsto the District Attorney, and he may be usedas a witness for the prosecution.

Among the passengers on the steamshipAustralia, which arrived at Ban Francisco fromHonolulu was CUus Spreckels, whohas been paying an extended visftrto his sugarplantations in Hawaii. He stated .that thecrop of the plantations will exceed the esti-mates by about 3,000 tons.-- --The crop or theisland', it is stated, will be about 125.000 tons, orthe largest in the history

The report sent out early in the week fromBig Sandy, Mont, giving an account of thegold excitement m Sweet Grass Hills, andstating that such large numbers were flocking'to the new field as to seriously threaten fam-ine, is untrue. The Sweet Grass placers havebeen worked for a number Of years, and whileconsiderable gold has been and is being takenout there has been no rush to the hills since1873.

Herrvon Hortig Krnger, who a year agowas the editor of the International Consol-idated Press, of Berlin, is now living in NewHaven, Conn., and is the editor of t te

Republikaner, a small German sheetKruger was obliged to flee from Germany onaccount of his connection with the publicationof the diary of Emperor Frederick. His properly was connscaiea, ana nis partner, rroi.Geffcken, was imprisoned for several months.

The bagging trust which caused 'a gooddeal of excitement and excited much oppo-sition on the part of cotton planters and otherslast year, and which expired by limitation lastDecember, it is announced, has practicallybeen reorganized and-wil-

l be run or managedby the same parties as before. The plan ofoperation will not exactly be the same as lastyear, however, and prices are not expected tobe pushed np so high, but it is alleged that itwill not be long before they reach 10 cents perpound.

The Wagner palace Car Company is buildingat its shops, in Buffalo, an entire new equip-ment for the New York Central's Chicago lim-ited train. The most novel feature of the newtrain will be a car containing ten enclosed com-partments or staterooms, which will afford tothe occupants theutmostprivacyand seclusion.Folding doors between the rooms will permitthem to be arranged en snite for the accommo-dation of families or large parties. Each carwill have a buffet and a weil-fllle- d bookcase.The new train is expected to be ready for ser-vice early next month,

The French line steamship La Champagne,which sailed for Havre yesterday, took out avaluable cargo of freight. Since Thursday vastquantities, of boxed pictures and paintingshave been stowed in the vessel's hold. Tbeywere contributions of resident artists to theAmerican art exhibit at the coming Paris In-ternational Exposition. The value of the paint-ings shmped y foots up over $200,000. Themost costly work in the collection was Mnn-kaczy- 's

masterpiece. "Christ Before Pilate,"which Postmaster General Wanamaker hasloaned to the Exposition.

Kansas is about to develop a small Okla-homa excitement all her own. On the north-ern border of Shawnee county, in which To-pe-

is situated, lie the Pottawottamie andKlckapoo Indian reservations, 11 miles sqnare,containing 75,000 acres. The last Legislaturepassed strong resolutions urging Congress tomake an appropriation looking to the openingfor homesieads of this tract Word has beenreceived from Congressman Morrill sayingthat he secured the passage of a measurewhich appropriates $5,000 for the purpose ofnegotiating witb the Indian tribes interested.This will open for settlement nearly 500 home-steads, and will be of inestimable value to thesurrounding counties:

There is a queer case on trial at Richmond,Va. When William A. Thomas died he left a$300,000 estate to Bettle Lewis, a mulatto, hisnatural daughter. White cousins of the deadman attempted to dispossess her, therefore theentire estate is now locked up. Thomas leftnowill, and in the absence of such instrument itwas supposed that his legal kin would get hisfortune. When Thomas found he was aboutto die be called Bettle to his side and gave herhis bank book and keys to a deposit box. Hedied in the presence of a colored female wit-ness, and be told bis daughter that he wantedher to have his fortune, and that she must un-

der no circumstances surrender these keys,wblch belonged to a box which contained allbis seenrities. After a long legal light thecourt decided to appoint a receiver to takecharge of the estate while the litigation ispending.

There are sensational developments in con-nection with the bill passed by the recent In-diana General Assembly requiring uniformityin the sci eening and weighing of coal, And suchinspection as would prevent cheating ofminers. There was a strong lobby Influenceagainst the hill from the mine operators, andthe miners were equally zealous in its advo-cacy. The House passed the bill, and it cameup for third reading In' the Senate on theclosing night of the session. Some amend-ments were maae by the Senate, and when itwas sent to the House for concurrence In thechanges, like some other bills in which thelohby was greatly interested, it mysteriouslydisappeared. No one has any idea who did thework. The defeat of the bill will cause muchdisappointment among the miners of the State,as it was a measure which they were more in-terested In than any other that came beforethe Legislature.


Evelyn Malcolm Discusses the Mystic

Subject of Cosmetics.


Danger to Health Lurks in All Forms ofArsenical Compounds.


rwnriTKr Ton toe dispatch.HE Hottentot bellehangs a bangle inher lip and paintsher nose sky-blu- theMalay beauty files herteeth close to 'thegums and stainsthemblack; the Saltan'sfavorite paints hereyelids and colors her

finger nails with henna.The enlightened woman does none of

these things, She understandsthe law of beauty better than the be-

nighted Hottentot, better than the indo-

lent beauty of the harem. Nevertheless,according toner light, she follows the sameinstinct, and "for ways that are dark andfor tricks that are vain" to enhance herbeauty or hide her blemishes, civilized wo-

man is not one whit different from her lessfortunate sister.

This sweeping statement admits withoutdoubt of many exceptions. It would be avery sad state of affairs if there were nogirls whose cheeks boasted of the freshnessacqnired only from innocent applications ofcold water. Nevertheless in all the largecities of this country and Europe cosmeticsform an important part of the averagewoman'a.toilet. Every drug clerk will tellyon of the large trade in pastes, powdersand hair washes. A certain rnanufactnrerof Paris does an enormous business in hisface powder alone.


Arsenic is sold under different nameSj andits effects may be noticed every day on thefaces of very young girls, who, it appears,are the only ones silly enough to buy itThese arsenical preparations remove everyspot and freckle from the skin if taken insufficiently large doses, and leave it notonly smooth, but dazzlingly white thewhiteness of wax, not a natural flesh tintIi continued they shatter the constitutionand eventually destroy every vestige offormer beauty. If commenced and usedonly for a short time health may be saved,but the skin, still preserving its waxen ap-pearance, slowly turns yellow, deepening incolor till it reaches a genuine jaundice hue.The moral is shun arsenic in any form asyou would a plague. Your physician willtell yon that although it is sometimes givenas medicine, it is never given in quantitiessufficient to affect the skin. When it doesthe result is ruinous.

Not more than three years ago there wasa small store on upper Sixth avenue, NewYork, kept by an old and very interestingFrenchwoman. She sold everything thatcould possible be required on the most arti-ficial woman's toilet table.

One winter night, during the ball season,I stopped in to buy some manicure articles,and found her just commencing operationson a "subject, " as she called customers ofthis kind.


The subject's eyes were closed as she layback in a chair in a curtained niche. At asign from the Frenchwoman I took a chairat a little distance, where I could not beseen, and watched her process. It was cer-

tainly as astounding as interesting.She first dipped a silk sponge in warm


just an line


fWK?,water' and bathed the face and.neck, andthen dried vyg?ntly with a soft cloth.This done, she covered every inch of skinfrom forehead to boom with a grease thatresembled white glue; over that she rubbedin a delicate, flesh-colore-d powder; thenpenciled brows and lashes with a tinycamel's-hai- r brush, shaping the former withher practiced thumb and forefinger; touchedthe, edges of the lids with a faint-blu- e

powder, drew a delicate network of veins ontemples and shoulders, colored the cheeks afaint but enduring pink, the lips a deepred.

That was all.The subject stood np at length, a veritable

work of art, and looked in the mirror withcomplacent admiration. The work was cer-

tainly done with an astonishing nicety, butin the simulated, unchangeable blnsh therewas nothing of nature, and her smile, as shehurried out to the cab waiting for her, wasas false as the shadows under her eyes. TheFrenchwoman gave her shoulders an

as she dropped the easily earnedten-doll- ar bill into her cash box.NO OBJECTION TO A LITTLE POWDER.

One so often hears the expression,"Surelrno one can object to a little powder."

There are not many who do. A littlepowder is innocent and harmless. But agirl often commences with "a little powderto take the shine off," but ends by carryinga powder puff in her pocket, with whichshe dusts herself at every opportunity, ap-

parently blissfully unconscious that hernose seems made of chalk. As for rouge '

one does not meet many women in a day'swalk who have not at least a soupcon ofcolor on the cheeks. The masculine eyecannot detect it always, but a woman isnever imposed upon. A natural color showsthrough the skin, and there is no rouge, noartist can give this effect but nature.

Then should not a woman take furtherinterest in her appearance than to be clean,to have her hair well brushed, her nailstrimmed? She certainly should. A womanshould do everything reasonable to improveher face or form but cosmetics, besidesbeing vulgar, are injurious, and in

stead of improving tend to destroy goodlooks. Cleanliness is tne nrst essential topreserving beauty of skin and outline. Theentire body should be bathed every morn-ing. If a person is too delicate for this asponge bath will answer almost as well, andcan never injure if the body is well driedafter it Diet comes next Avoid greasyfood, rich gravies, pastrv, etc. Don't eatmuch butter. Never drink beer.


Fresh air and exercise are the only cos-metics which will have a lasting effectAmerican girls do not walk half enough.If they have a short distance to go, say amile, even halt a mile very often, they takea car. English and, Irish girls thinknothing of walking ten miles. Accordingto some this climate is too trying to permitof such violent exercise, but at least tbreemiles a day in fine weather cannot be toomuch if one feels "veil.

A very simple and excellent way to makethe skin clear and smooth is as follows: Atnight use the prepared mixture of vaselineand cold cream on the face and lips; rub itin well with the fingers, then wipe thor-oughly, as sufficient is left in the poreswithout leaving the face greasy. In themorning wash with plain brown soap, rinsecarefully in warm water and tben in cold;this softens the skin but keeps the musclesfirm, and if a little bay rum of the bestquality is used after the skin becomes assmooth as a piece of velvet In drying theface rub it upward. This is said to preventwrinkles, or at least to postpone them, butits truth can only be tested us time goes on.

Powder can be used if desired. The leastinjurious is the simplest plain drop chalk.To improve the hair brush it for 20 minutesevery night and braid loosely on retiring.Washing the hands in water diluted withvinegar will make them white. Two goodrecipes for removing freckles are: Thejuice of watermelons or slices of fresh cu-

cumber. Nothing, however, will be of muchbenefit to the skin unless the first principlesof, health are observed and the stomach iskept in good order. A woman with a coldin her head can never be interesting either

therefore beware of getting your feet wet,and don't go out infold weather with un-derclothing fit for a spring day and a littlejacket weighing about three pounds.

Don't' expect to have bright eyes if you


of PICTURES at away

none in foron

that will

free "

for the Davis




- -- i !!, . --r1V !l thU'Jf

teeth ofafl east wind TMont over?,yonr face. To be graceful, don t wear gro-

tesque bustles wd, tightly drawn the-worl-danimateThe most

are men and women. And yet God

meant them them to be graceful. Every-

thing in nature is w. If 7 haT? fTerwatched a kitten's movements, the abuzzard makes in flying, the repressed,strength in the dignified step of a mastiff,

the dainty, arch movement of thorough-

bred's nect, you must know this. But mmand women have degenerated in their mo-

tion; they are careless. They patter orslouch or limp or shuffle, as a general thing,from sheer According tosome- - writers on the subject women shouldbe feline in movement taking tie cat andthe panther for models in the act of wauc--

"to avoid a jerky step practice a contimioMmov. mei from the waist,not from the knee,lifting the foot parallel to tho groandynet-bringin-


it down heel or toe. first J.nt

may not give onethe T"ding" step, so often ascribed to heroines lanovels, but it will enable the walker toget over the ground with an easy, light sao-tio- n.

,yA lively expression is a great attractioa,

and the homeliest face is never uninterest-ing with it Let the eyes portray wharthelips utter, and don't let a smile play aboat 'the mouth while the eyes remain unsympa-thetic and expressionless. says:"In a face is none of the best theremay lie some air of probity and trust, as,on the contrary, I have seen between twobeautiful eyes menaces of a dangerous and :

malignant nature." Evelyn MATCOtM.

Alvrays Keep the Upper Hand of DiseaseChanges of temperature are apt to cause --

dangerous sickness; in the apo-plexy is to be feared. When you have a iathe head, feel dizzy, feverish, rheumatic or sickat tne stomach, take at once three to ten ofBbandeeth's Fills. Such slight affection.are only the harbingers of disease or suddeaprostration, and the thing to do is to masterthe trouble at once. Never let a little sickness .get the better of you. Drive it out of dDorsimmediately. Let there be no compromise, al-- ,ways have with you a box of Bbasdbxtr'SPills, and you are prepared to fight the worstform of sickness in its lncipiency. aa


Have These Few Remarks to Make to the'

Beacon Lights.Mr. Harris announces the first appear-

ance of the beautilnl spectacular melodramain Pittsburg at his theaterMonday, March 25. Lights" hasmet with great success upon the Western

and in the matter of scenery andmechanical effects nothing will be foundlacking. "Beacon Lights" is mounted sec-ond to no other attraction now before thepublic. The scenery deserves recognitionlrom an artistic standpoint, being perfectrepresentations of the places and localitieswherein the action is laid. Although thepreliminaries to the presentation of thehave been so extensive and costly, we awaitthe reception of "Beacon Lights" with theutmost confidence and without a single mis-giving. "We believe that the play willmeet the wants ot the public, and the field'in which we are the pioneer is as vast as itfertile. Every one should go and see "Bea-con Lights," the greatest play of its kindon the road.

No Advance In CarpetsAt Edward Groetzinger's. "We paid morafor the spring stoik than the goods sold atlast season, but will sell all grades at old

rices. Mammoth carpet and curtainSouse, 627 and 629 Penn avenuei

Nevr Spring- - Goods.Our new stock of choice spring goods-o- f

the latest and most fashionable patterns forgentlemen's wear has just been received,and is now ready for inspection. For a

suit or overcoat go toPitcairn's,.-No- .

434 "Wood street ihs -- .

Misses' fine 4 B. embroidered kid gloves,75c, worth $1 00, at Eosenbaum & Co.'s

Cash paid for old gold and silver atHauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. Tresa

Business Chance."Walter Anderson has opened ont at his

new place, 70O Smithfield street, with a finestock of woolens for gentlemen's garments.',;

a. M7 - SO, j 'J

QUALITY, and'-plent- for


any part of it. Havejdown prices. Any and aDj

-- ..rfsai

Readers of This Ad.:If you are not aware of the popularity of the above firm or the esteem

in which they are held by their many friends and customers, look over theirimmense storerooms, see the quantity and quality of the goods carried bythem in stock.



Remark what a nice selection of goods and at such low prices. Observe thetreatment accorded you, whether a buyer or a looker. We are here for a good,share of everybody's trade and if we don't merit it, then we do not deserve it.Now we are not bragging when we say that we have the largest selection of


BEDROOM FURNITURE,In medium priced goods, held by any house in Pittsburg or Allegheny. Ourline of .

PARLOR FURNITURE,which is strictly our own make, is the pride of the city. We do say, without '

fear Of contradiction, that for the money you can get a better Parlor Suitelsewhere, at the same time getting goods fresh from the hands of the

upholsterer. Not shop worn, but covered clean and bright, in any goods youmay desire. -

OTTIR, CARPETSare second to the city, either PRICE oreverybody, made and laid the shortest notice.


Remember we furnish your house complete,opened elegant

goods delivered of charge.



307 'WOOD STREET. 30J1Sole Agents New High Ann Sewing

Open Saturday Night Until P. M.

nngraceful thing







good-fittin- g


hera,-tha- n
