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Pipelining & Instruction Level Parallelism Mr. A. B. Shinde Assistant Professor, Electronics Engineering, P.V.P.I.T., Budhgaon

Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Apr 05, 2017



Ambadas Shinde
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Page 1: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)



Instruction Level Parallelism

Mr. A. B. Shinde

Assistant Professor,

Electronics Engineering,

P.V.P.I.T., Budhgaon

Page 2: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)


Fundamentals of computer design:

Measuring and reports performance

Instruction level parallelism and its


Concepts and challenges

Overcoming data hazards with

dynamics scheduling

Dynamic branch prediction


Multiple issue processors

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Early Computers3

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Early Computers

First Generation


-Vacuum Tubes

Second Generation



Third Generation –


Integrated Circuits

Fourth Generation


- Microprocessors

Fifth Generation –

Present and Beyond:

Artificial Intelligence


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Fundamentals of Computer

Computer technology has made incredible progress over the last 60


This improvement has come:

From advances in the technology used to build computers and

From innovation in computer design.

During the first 25 years, both forces made a major contribution,

delivering performance improvement of about 25% per year.

The late 1970s (after emergence of the microprocessor):

The higher rate of improvement— roughly 35% growth per year in



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Fundamentals of Computer

Two significant changes in the computer made new architecture:

The virtual elimination of assembly language programming

reduced the need for object-code compatibility.

The creation of standardized, vendor-independent operating

systems, such as UNIX, Linux, lowered the cost.

These changes developed a new set of architectures with simpler

instructions, called RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)

architectures, in the early 1980s.

The RISC-based machines focused on instruction level parallelism and

the use of caches.

The RISC-based computers raised the performance.


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Fundamentals of Computer Design

Growth in processor performance since the mid-1980s.


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Classes of Computers

The 1980s: desktop computer were invented

(based on microprocessors)

Personal computers and workstations

The 1990s: Emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web


Cell phones has been introduced in 2000, with rapid improvements in

functions and sales.

More recent applications used embedded computers.


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Classes of Computers

Desktop Computing:

Desktop computing spans from low-end systems to high-end (heavily

configured workstations)

The desktop market tends to be driven to optimize price


Desktop computers are widely used for applications and



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Classes of Computers


Servers are used to provide larger-scale and more reliable file and

computing services.

Consider the servers running Google, taking orders for CISCO, or

running auctions on eBay. Failure of such server systems is far more

catastrophic than failure of a single desktop, since these servers must

operate 24 x 7.


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Classes of Computers


Servers are designed for efficient throughput i.e. in terms of

transactions per minute or Web pages served per second.

Supercomputers are the most expensive computers, emphasize

floating-point performance.

Clusters of desktop computers, have largely overtaken this class of



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Classes of Computers

Clusters/Warehouse-Scale Computers

The growth of Software as a Service (SaaS) for applications like

search, social networking, video sharing, multiplayer games, online

shopping, and so on has led to the growth of a class of computers

called clusters.

Clusters are collections of desktop computers or servers

connected by local area networks to act as a single larger computer.

Each node runs its own operating system, and nodes communicate

using a networking protocol.

The largest of the clusters are called warehouse-scale computers

(WSCs), in that they are designed so that tens of thousands of servers

can act as one.


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Classes of Computers

Embedded Computers

Embedded computers are the fastest growing computer market.

They range from microwaves, washing machines, printers, networking

switches and all cars contain simple embedded microprocessors — to

handheld digital devices, such as cell phones and smart cards to video

games and digital set-top boxes.

Embedded applications: Minimize memory and minimize power.


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Classes of Parallelism and Parallel Architectures

Parallelism at multiple levels is now the driving force of computer

design across all four classes of computers.

There are basically two kinds of parallelism in applications:

1. Data-Level Parallelism (DLP): Arises because there are many data

items that can be operated on at the same time.

2. Task-Level Parallelism (TLP): Arises because tasks of work are

created that can operate independently and largely in parallel.


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Classes of Parallelism and Parallel Architectures

Data parallelism:

Consider a 2-processor system (CPUs A and B) in a parallel

environment, and we wish to do a task on some data „d‟.

It is possible to tell CPU A to do that task on one part of „d‟ and CPU

B on another part simultaneously, thereby reducing the duration of the


The data can be assigned using conditional statements

As a specific example, consider adding two matrices.

In a data parallel implementation, CPU A could add all elements from

the top half of the matrices, while CPU B could add all elements from

the bottom half of the matrices.


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Classes of Parallelism and Parallel Architectures

Task parallelism:

Task parallelism (function parallelism or control parallelism) is a

form of parallelization of computer code across multiple processors in

parallel computing environments.

Task parallelism focuses on distributing execution processes

(threads) across different parallel computing nodes.

In a multiprocessor system, task parallelism is achieved when each

processor executes a different thread (or process) on the same or

different data.


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Classes of Parallelism and Parallel Architectures

Task parallelism

As a simple example, if we are running code on a 2- processor system

(CPUs "a" & "b") in a parallel environment and we wish to do

tasks "A" and "B”.

It is possible to tell CPU "a" to do task "A" & CPU "b" to do task 'B"

simultaneously, thereby reducing the runtime of the execution.

The tasks can be assigned using conditional statements.


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Defining Computer Architecture

The Computer designer faces the problems:

To maximize performance while staying within cost, power, and

availability constraints.

Instruction set design, functional organization, logic design, and


The implementation may encompass integrated circuit design,

packaging, power and cooling.


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Defining Computer Architecture

Instruction Set Architecture:

Class of ISA —

ISAs are classified as general-purpose register architectures, where

the operands are either registers or memory locations.

All recent ISAs have load-store architecture.

Memory addressing —

All desktops and servers uses byte addressing to access memory



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Defining Computer Architecture

Instruction Set Architecture:

Addressing modes — Specifies registers and constant operands, &

the address of a memory object.

1. MIPS addressing modes are Register, Immediate (for constants),

and Displacement,

2. The 80x86 supports those three plus three variations of


Types and sizes of operands — Like most ISAs, MIPS and 80x86

support operand sizes of 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, and IEEE 754

floating point in 32-bit and 64-bit.

MIPS = Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages, is basically RISC


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Defining Computer Architecture

Instruction Set Architecture:

Operations — The categories of operations are data transfer,

arithmetic logical, control and floating point.

Control flow instructions — All ISAs, supports conditional branches,

unconditional jumps, procedure calls, and returns.

Encoding an ISA — There are two basic choices on encoding:

fixed length and variable length .

All MIPS instructions are 32 bits long.

Variable length instructions can take less space than fixed-length



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Trends in Technology

Integrated circuit logic technology —

Transistor density increases by about 35% per year. Increases in die

size are less predictable and slower. The combined effect is a growth

rate in transistor count on a chip of about 40% to 55% per year.

Semiconductor DRAM — Capacity increases by about 40% per year,

doubling roughly every two years.

Magnetic disk technology — Prior to 1990, density increased by

about 30% per year, doubling in three years. It rose to 60% per year

thereafter, and increased to 100% per year in 1996. Since in 2004, it

has dropped back to 30% per year.

Network technology — Network performance depends on switches

and transmission system.


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Trends in Power in Integrated


Initially power must be brought in and distributed around the chip.

Second, power is dissipated as heat and must be removed.

For CMOS chips, energy consumption is due to switching

transistors, also called dynamic power.

The power required per transistor is proportional to the product of the

load capacitance of the transistor, the square of the voltage, and the

frequency of switching:

Mobile devices care about battery life more than power, so energy is

the proper metric, measured in joules:


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Trends in Power in Integrated


Example: Some microprocessors today are designed to have

adjustable voltage, so that a 15% reduction in voltage may result in a

15% reduction in frequency. What would be the impact on dynamic


Answer: Since the capacitance is unchanged, the answer is the ratios

of the voltages and frequencies:

thereby reducing power to about 60% of the original.


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Trends in Power in Integrated


The increase in the number of transistors switching, and thefrequency of switching, dominates the decrease in load capacitanceand voltage, leading to an overall growth in power consumption andenergy.

Power is now the major limitation, therefore most microprocessorstoday turn off the clock of inactive modules to save energy and dynamicpower e.g. if no floating-point instructions are executing, the clock of thefloating-point unit is disabled.

Although dynamic power is the primary source of power dissipation inCMOS, static power is becoming an important issue because leakagecurrent flows even when a transistor is off:

Static Power is Calculated by:


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Trends in Cost

Although there are computers where cost tends to be less important—

specifically supercomputers.

In the past 20 years:

The technology improvements to lower cost, increased

performance, was a major theme in the computer industry.

Yet an understanding of cost and its factors is essential for

designers to make intelligent decisions about whether or not a new

feature should be included in designs.


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Trends in Cost:

The Impact of Time, Volume, and Commodification

Cost of a manufactured computer component decreases over time

even without major improvements in the implementation technology.

One example is that the price per megabyte of DRAM has dropped

over the long term by 40% per year.

Volume is a second key factor in determining cost.

Increasing volumes affects cost in several ways.

First, they decrease the time needed, which is proportional to the

number of systems manufactured.

Second, volume decreases cost, since it increases manufacturing



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Trends in Cost:

Cost of an Integrated Circuit:

Although the costs of integrated circuits have dropped exponentially, the

basic process of silicon manufacture is unchanged.

The cost of a packaged integrated circuit is


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Trends in Cost:

Example: Find the number of dies per 300 mm (30 cm) wafer for a die

that is 1.5 cm on a side.

Answer: The die area is 2.25 cm2.



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Trends in Cost:

However, this only gives the maximum number of dies per wafer.

The critical question is:

What is the fraction of good dies on a wafer number, or the die yield?

It is assumed that the defects are randomly distributed over the wafer

and the yield is inversely proportional to the complexity of the fabrication



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Trends in Cost:


Find the die yield for dies that are 1.5 cm on a side and 1.0 cm on a

side, assuming a defect density of 0.4 per cm 2 and α is 4.


The total die areas are 2.25 cm 2 and 1.00 cm 2 . For the larger die, the

yield is

That is, less than half of all the large die are good but more than two-

thirds of the small die are good.


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Measuring, Reporting and

Summarizing Performance


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Measuring Performance

When we say one computer is faster than another, what do we


The user of a desktop computer may say a computer is faster when a

program runs in less time,

While an administrator may say a computer is faster

when it completes more transactions per hour.

The computer user is interested in reducing response time — the

time between the start and the completion of an event (execution time).

The administrator of a large data processing center may be

interested in increasing throughput — the total amount of work done

in a given time.


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Measuring Performance

Consider two different computers, X and Y.

The phrase “X is faster than Y” is used to mean that the response

time or execution time is lower on X than on Y for the given task.

In particular, “X is n times faster than Y” will mean

Since execution time is the reciprocal of performance, the following

relationship holds:

The throughput of X is 1.3 times higher than Y, signifies that the number of

tasks completed per unit time on computer X is 1.3 times the number

completed on Y.


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Measuring Performance

Execution time can be defined in different ways like

wall-clock time,

response time, or

elapsed time,………which is the latency to complete a task.

The response time seen by the user is the elapsed time of the

program, not the CPU time.

To evaluate a new system the users would simply compare the

execution time of their workloads.


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Reporting Performance

Reporting Performance Results

The reporting performance measurements should be for

reproducibility — list everything another experimenter would need to

duplicate the results.

A SPEC (Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation)

( benchmark report requires an extensive description of

the computer and the compiler flags, as well as the publication of both

the baseline and optimized results.


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Reporting Performance

Reporting Performance Results

In addition to hardware, software, and baseline tuning parameter

descriptions, a SPEC report contains the actual performance times,

shown both in tabular form and as a graph.

A TPC (Transaction Processing Council) benchmark report is even

more complete.

These reports are excellent sources for finding the real cost of

computing systems.


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Summarizing Performance

Summarizing Performance Results

A straightforward approach to computing a summary result would be

to compare the arithmetic means of the execution times of the

programs in the suite.

An alternative would be to add a weighting factor to each benchmark

and use the weighted arithmetic mean as the single number to

summarize performance.

Each company might have their own set of weights.


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Summarizing Performance

Summarizing Performance Results

Rather than pick weights, we could normalize execution times to a

reference computer by dividing the time on the reference computer by

the time on the computer being rated.

SPEC uses this approach, calling the ratio the SPECRatio.

For example, suppose that the SPECRatio of computer A on a

benchmark was 1.25 times higher than computer B; then you would



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Summarizing Performance

SPECRatio is a ratio rather than an absolute execution time, the mean

must be computed using the geometric mean.

(Since, SPECRatios have no units, comparing SPECRatios

arithmetically is meaningless.)

The formula is


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Summarizing Performance

Example: Show that the ratio of the geometric means is equal to the

geometric mean of the performance ratios, and that the reference

computer of SPECRatio matters not.

Answer: Assume two computers A and B and a set of SPECRatios for


That is, the ratio of the geometric means of the SPECRatios of A and B is

the geometric mean of the performance ratios of A to B.


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Pipelining (Concept)

Lets, consider the example of washing a car:

Suppose washing, drying & polishing of car requires 30 minutes each.

To wash, dry and polish:

1 car will take 1.5 hrs

4 cars will need (1.5 hrs x 4) 6 hours…


After washing the first car, it is sent for drying at the same time second

car was taken for washing.

Washing of second car and drying of first car was done simultaneously;

and will be done/over at same time.

When washing of second car and drying of first car is over, then first car

was sent for polishing, washed car is sent to drying and third car was

taken for washing.

The total time to complete all three operations for 4 cars is ___.


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What is Pipelining?

In computing, a pipeline is a set of data processing elements

connected in series, so that the output of one element is the input

of the next one.

Pipelining is an implementation technique whereby multiple

instructions are overlapped in execution;

The elements of a pipeline are often executed in parallel or in time-

sliced fashion.

Today, pipelining is the key implementation technique used to make

fast CPUs


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Pipelining Types

Buffered, Synchronous pipelines:

Conventional microprocessors are synchronous circuits that use

buffered, synchronous pipelines.

In these pipelines, "pipeline registers" are inserted in-between

pipeline stages, and are clocked synchronously.

Buffered, Asynchronous pipelines:

Asynchronous pipelines are used in asynchronous circuits, and have

their pipeline registers clocked asynchronously.

They use a request/acknowledge system, wherein each stage can

detect when it's finished.


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Pipelining Types

Unbuffered pipelines:

Unbuffered pipelines, called "wave pipelines", do not have registers in-

between pipeline stages.

Instead, the delays in the pipeline are "balanced" so that, for each

stage, the difference between the first stabilized output data and the last

is minimized.


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Because all stages proceed at the same time, the length of a processor

cycle is determined by the time required for the slowest pipe stage

In a computer, this processor cycle is usually 1 clock cycle (sometimes

it is 2, rarely more).

The pipeline designer’s goal is to balance the length of each pipeline


If the stages are perfectly balanced, then the time per instruction on the

pipelined processor is


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Implementation of a RISC Instruction Set

How RISC instruction set is implemented without pipelining?

RISC instruction takes at most 5 clock cycles.

This basic implementation to a pipelined version, resulting in a much

lower CPI.

Unpipelined implementation is not the most economical or the highest-

performance implementation.

Implementing the instruction set requires the introduction of several

temporary registers that are not part of the architecture


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Implementation of a RISC Instruction Set

Every instruction in this RISC subset can be implemented in at most 5

clock cycles. The 5 clock cycles are as follows.

1. Instruction fetch cycle (IF):

Send the program counter (PC) to memory and fetch the current

instruction from memory. Update the PC to the next sequential PC by

adding 4 (since each instruction is 4 bytes) to the PC.

2. Instruction decode/register fetch cycle (ID):

Decode the instruction and read the registers corresponding to register

source specifiers from the register file.

Decoding is done in parallel with reading registers, which is possible

because the register specifiers are at a fixed location in a RISC

architecture. This technique is known as fixed-field decoding


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Implementation of a RISC Instruction Set

Every instruction in this RISC subset can be implemented in at most 5

clock cycles. The 5 clock cycles are as follows.

3. Execution/effective address cycle (EX):

The ALU operates on the operands prepared in the prior cycle,

performing one of three functions.

Memory reference:.

Register-Register ALU instruction:

Register-Immediate ALU instruction:

In a load-store architecture the effective address and execution cycles

can be combined into a single clock cycle.


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Implementation of a RISC Instruction Set

Every instruction in this RISC subset can be implemented in at most 5

clock cycles. The 5 clock cycles are as follows.

4. Memory access (MEM):

If the instruction is a load, memory does a read using the effective

address computed in the previous cycle. If it is a store, then the memory

writes the data from the second register read from the register file using

the effective address.

5. Write-back cycle (WB):

Register-Register ALU instruction or Load instruction: Write the result

into the register file, whether it comes from the memory system (for a

load) or from the ALU (for an ALU instruction).


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Simple RISC pipeline

IF = instruction fetch,

ID = instruction decode,

EX = execution,

MEM = memory access, and

WB = write back.


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Simple RISC pipeline

Pipeline as a series of data paths shifted in time

IM = instruction memory,

DM = data memory, and

CC = clock cycle


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Performance Issues in Pipelining

Pipelining increases the CPU instruction throughput — the number

of instructions completed per unit of time — but it does not reduce the

execution time of an individual instruction.

In fact, it usually slightly increases the execution time of each

instruction due to overhead in the control of the pipeline.

The increase in instruction throughput means that a program runs

faster and has lower total execution time, even though no single

instruction runs faster.


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Performance Issues in Pipelining

Imbalance among the pipeline stages reduces performance.

Pipeline overhead arises from the combination of pipeline register

delay and clock skew.

The pipeline registers add setup time, (time that a register input must

be stable before the clock signal).

Clock skew, also contributes to the lower limit on the clock cycle.

Once the clock cycle is as small as the sum of the clock skew and

latch overhead, no further pipelining is useful.

(there is no time left in the cycle for useful work)


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Performance Issues in Pipelining

Example: Consider the unpipelined processor in the previous section.

Assume that it has a 1 ns clock cycle and that it uses 4 cycles for ALU

operations and branches and 5 cycles for memory operations. Assume

that the relative frequencies of these operations are 40%, 20%, and

40%, respectively. Suppose that due to clock skew and setup, pipelining

the processor adds 0.2 ns of overhead to the clock. Ignoring any latency

impact, how much speedup in the instruction execution rate will we gain

from a pipeline?

Answer: The average instruction execution time on the unpipelined

processor is

Average instruction execution time = Clock cycle × Average CPI

= 1 n s × ((40% + 20%) × 4 + 40% × 5)

= 1 n s × 4.4

= 4.4 ns


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Performance Issues in Pipelining

In the pipelined implementation, the clock must run at the speed of

the slowest stage plus overhead, which will be 1 + 0.2 or 1.2 ns; this

is the average instruction execution time.

Thus, the speedup from pipelining is

The 0.2 ns overhead essentially establishes a limit on the effectiveness of

pipelining. If the overhead is not affected by changes in the clock cycle,

Amdahl’s Law tells us that the overhead limits the speedup.


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Pipeline Hazards

There are situations, called hazards, that prevents the next

instruction in the instruction stream from executing during its

designated clock cycle.

Hazards reduce the performance gained from pipelining.

There are three classes of hazards:

1. Structural hazards arise from resource conflicts when the hardware

cannot support all possible combinations of instructions simultaneously

in overlapped execution.

2. Data hazards arise when an instruction depends on the results of a

previous instruction, because of overlapping of instructions.

3. Control hazards arise from the pipelining of branches and other

instructions that change the PC.


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Pipeline Hazards

Hazards in pipelines can make it necessary to stall (stop, halt or pause),

the pipeline.

Avoiding a hazard often requires that some instructions in the pipeline

be allowed to proceed while others are delayed.

When an instruction is stalled, all instructions issued later than the

stalled instruction are also stalled.

Instructions issued earlier than the stalled instruction must continue,

otherwise the hazard will never clear.


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Pipeline Hazards

Structural Hazards

If some combination of instructions cannot be accommodated because

of resource conflicts, the processor is said to have a structural


Structural Hazards arise because of:

1. When some functional units are not fully pipelined.

2. When some resource has not been duplicated enough to allow

all combinations of instructions in the pipeline to execute.

For example, a processor may have only one register-file write port, but

the pipeline might want to perform two writes in a clock cycle.

This will generate a structural hazard.


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Pipeline Hazards

Structural Hazards

When a instructions encounters this hazard, the pipeline will stall

one of the instructions until the required unit is available.

Such stalls will increase the CPI from its usual ideal value of 1.

To resolve this hazard, we need to stall the pipeline for 1 clock

cycle. A stall is commonly called a pipeline bubble or just bubble.

The effect of the pipeline bubble is actually to occupy the resources

for that instruction slot as it travels through the pipeline.


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Pipeline Hazards

Data Hazards

A major effect of pipelining is to change the relative timing of instructions

by overlapping their execution.

This overlap introduces data and control hazards.

Data hazards occur when the pipeline changes the order of read/write

accesses to operands so that the order differs from the order seen by

sequentially executing instructions on an unpipelined processor.


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Pipeline Hazards

Data Hazards

Consider the pipelined execution of these instructions:



AND R6,R1,R7

OR R8,R1,R9

XOR R10,R1,R11

All the instructions after the DADD use the result of the DADD


The DADD instruction writes the value of R1 in the WB pipe stage, but

the DSUB instruction reads the value during its ID stage.

This problem is called a data hazard. Unless precautions are taken to

prevent it, the DSUB instruction will read the wrong value and try to use



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Pipeline Hazards

Data Hazards

If an interrupt occurs between the DADD and DSUB instructions, then

WB stage of the DADD will complete, and the value of R1 at that point

will be the result of the DADD.

The AND instruction is also affected by this hazard. The AND instruction

that reads the registers during clock cycle 4 will receive the wrong


The XOR instruction operates properly because its register read occurs

in clock cycle 6, after the register write.

The OR instruction also operates without incurring a hazard.




AND R6,R1,R7

OR R8,R1,R9

XOR R10,R1,R11

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Pipeline Hazards

Minimizing Data Hazard Stalls by Forwarding

The problem of data hazard can be solved with a simple hardware

technique called forwarding (also called bypassing and sometimes


The result is not needed by the DSUB until the DADD produces it.

If the result moved from the pipeline register where the DADD stores

it, to where the DSUB needs it, then the need for a stall can be





AND R6,R1,R7

OR R8,R1,R9

XOR R10,R1,R11

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Pipeline Hazards

Minimizing Data Hazard Stalls by Forwarding

Using this observation, forwarding works as follows:

1. The ALU result from both the EX/MEM and MEM/WB pipeline registers

is always fed back to the ALU inputs.

2. If the forwarding hardware detects that the previous ALU operation has

written to the register corresponding to a source for the current ALU

operation, control logic selects the forwarded result.




AND R6,R1,R7

OR R8,R1,R9

XOR R10,R1,R11

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Pipeline Hazards

Branch Hazards

Control hazards can cause a greater performance loss for MIPS

pipeline than data hazards.

When a branch is executed, it may or may not change the PC to

something other than its current value plus 4.

If the branch is not taken, then the repetition of the IF stage is

unnecessary since the correct instruction was fetched.

One stall cycle for every branch will yield a performance loss of

10% to 30% depending on the branch frequency.


Page 68: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Pipeline Hazards

Reducing Pipeline Branch Penalties

The software can try to minimize the branch penalty using

knowledge of the hardware scheme and of branch behavior.

The simplest scheme to handle branches is to freeze or flush the

pipeline, holding or deleting any instructions after the branch until

the branch destination is known.

It is simple from both sides hardware and software.


Page 69: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Pipeline Hazards

Reducing Pipeline Branch Penalties

Treat every branch as not taken.

(Allow the hardware to continue as if the branch were not


In the simple five-stage pipeline, this predicted untaken scheme is

implemented by continuing to fetch instructions as if the branch

were a normal instruction.

If the branch is taken, however, we need to turn the fetched

instruction into a no-op and restart the fetch at the target address.


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Pipeline Hazards

Reducing Pipeline Branch Penalties

An alternative scheme is to treat every branch as taken.

As soon as the branch is decoded and the target address is

computed, we assume the branch to be taken and begin fetching

and executing at the target address (location).

In some processors — powerful (hence slower) branch conditions —

the branch target is known, and a predicted-taken scheme might make


A another scheme used in some processors is called delayed branch.

This technique was heavily used in early RISC processors.


Page 71: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Performance of Pipelines with Stalls

A stall causes the pipeline performance to degrade from the ideal


Equation for finding the actual speedup from pipelining, starting with the

earlier formula.


Page 72: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Performance of Pipelines with Stalls

Pipelining is decreasing the CPI or the clock cycle time.

The ideal CPI on a pipelined processor is always 1.

Hence, we can compute the pipelined CPI:

If we ignore the cycle time overhead of pipelining and assume the

stages are perfectly balanced, then the cycle time of the two processors

can be equal, leading to


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Performance of Pipelines with Stalls

If all instructions take the same number of cycles, which must also

equal the number of pipeline stages, then the unpipelined CPI is equal to

the depth of the pipeline, leading to

If there are no pipeline stalls, then pipelining can improve performance

by the depth of the pipeline.

If pipelining improves the clock cycle time, then we can calculate the CPI

of the unpipelined processor, as well as pipelined processor.

This leads to…


Page 74: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Performance of Pipelines with Stalls

In cases where the pipe stages are perfectly balanced and there is

no overhead, the clock cycle on the pipelined processor is smaller than

the clock cycle of the unpipelined processor by a factor equal to the

pipelined depth:

This leads to the following


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MIPS Instructions (load and store)


Page 76: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

MIPS Instructions (arithmetic/logical)


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MIPS Instructions (control flow)


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(Instruction-Level Parallelism)


Page 79: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Instruction-Level Parallelism

All processors since about 1985 use pipelining to overlap the execution

of instructions and improve performance.

This potential overlap among instructions is called instruction-level

parallelism (ILP), since the instructions can be evaluated in parallel.


Page 80: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Instruction-Level Parallelism

Instruction-level parallelism (ILP) is a measure of how many of the

operations in a computer program can be performed simultaneously.

Consider the following program:

For Example:

1. e = a + b

2. f = c + d

3. g = e * f

Here, Operation 3 depends on the results of operations 1 and 2, so

it cannot be calculated until both of them are completed. As, operations

1 and 2 do not depend on any other operation, so they can be

calculated simultaneously.

If each operation is completed in one unit of time then three

instructions can be completed in two units of time, giving an ILP of 3/2.


Page 81: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Instruction-Level Parallelism

Instruction-level parallelism (ILP):

Ordinary programs are written and executed sequentially.

ILP allows the compiler and the processor to overlap the execution

of multiple instructions or even to change the order in which

instructions are executed.

How much ILP exists in programs is very application specific.

In certain fields, such as graphics and scientific computing the amount

can be very large.

However, cryptography exhibit much less parallelism.


Page 82: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Instruction-Level Parallelism

There are two largely separable approaches to exploiting (utilizing) ILP:

(1) an approach that relies on hardware to help discover and exploit

(utilize) the parallelism, and

(2) an approach that relies on software technology to find parallelism

at compile time.


Page 83: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Instruction-Level Parallelism

The value of the CPI for a pipelined processor is the sum of the base

CPI and all contributions from stalls:

Pipeline CPI (Ideal pipeline)=CPI + Structural stalls + Data hazard stalls

+ Control stalls

The ideal pipeline CPI is a measure of the maximum performance

attainable by the implementation.


Page 84: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Instruction-Level Parallelism

The simplest and most common way to increase the ILP is to exploit

parallelism among iterations of a loop, which is called as loop-level


Example: A loop that adds two 1000 - element arrays:

for (i=0; i<=999; i=i+1)

x[i] = x[i] + y[i];

Every iteration of the loop can overlap with any other iteration.

Such techniques works by unrolling the loop either statically by the

compiler or dynamically by the hardware


Page 85: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Instruction-Level Parallelism

An important alternative method for exploiting loop-level parallelism

is the use of SIMD in both vector processors and Graphics Processing

Units (GPUs).

A SIMD instruction exploits data-level parallelism by operating on a

small to moderate number of data items in parallel.


Page 86: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)


SIMD machines are capable of

applying the exact same

instruction stream to multiple

streams of data simultaneously.

This type of architecture is

perfectly suited to achieving very

high processing rates


Page 87: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)


SIMD Processable Patterns SIMD Unprocesable Patterns

Example: Brightness Computation by SIMD Operations


Page 88: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

ILP Challenges

Determining how one instruction depends on another is critical &

determining how much parallelism exists in a program and how that

parallelism can be exploited is major problem.

If two instructions are independent, they can execute

simultaneously in a pipeline, provided that pipeline has sufficient

resources (and hence no structural hazards exist).

If two instructions are dependent, they are not parallel and must be

executed in predefined order.


Page 89: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

ILP Challenges

There are three different types of dependences:

Data dependences (also called true data dependences),

Name dependences, and

Control dependences.

An instruction j is data dependent on instruction i if either of the

following conditions are true:

Instruction i produces a result that may be used by instruction j.

Instruction j is data dependent on instruction k, and instruction k

is data dependent on instruction i.


Instruction i

Instruction j

Instruction k

Page 90: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

ILP Challenges

Data Dependences

For example, consider the following MIPS code sequence that

increments a vector of values in memory (starting at 0(R1) and with the

last element at 8(R2) ) by a scalar in register F2.

(For simplicity, ignore the effects of delayed branches.)

Here, each instruction depends on the previous one


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ILP Challenges

Data Dependences

A data dependence conveys three things:

(1) The possibility of a hazard,

(2) The order in which results must be calculated, and

(3) An upper bound on how much parallelism can be exploited.

A data dependence can be overcomed in two different ways:

(1) Maintaining the dependence but avoiding a hazard, and

(2) Eliminating a dependence by transforming the code.

Scheduling the code is the primary method used to avoid a hazard

without altering a dependence, and such scheduling can be done both

by the compiler and by the hardware.


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ILP Challenges

Name Dependences

A name dependence occurs when two instructions use the same

register or memory location, called a name.

There are two types of name dependences between an instruction i

that precedes instruction j in program order:

1. An antidependence: When instruction j writes a register or memory

location that instruction i reads.

2. An output dependence: When instruction i and instruction j write the

same register or memory location.


Instruction i

Instruction j

Page 93: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

ILP Challenges

Name Dependences

Because a name dependence is not a true dependence, instructions

involved in a name dependence can execute simultaneously or be


If the name (register number or memory location) used in the

instructions is changed, then the instructions do not conflict.

This renaming can be more easily done for register operands, where it

is called register renaming.

Register renaming can be done either statically by a compiler or

dynamically by the hardware.


Page 94: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

ILP Challenges

Data Hazards

A hazard exists whenever there is a name or data dependence

between instructions.

Normally, we must preserve program order

The goal of both software and hardware techniques is to exploit

parallelism by preserving program order.

Data hazards, may be classified as one of three types, depending on

the order of read and write accesses in the instructions.


Page 95: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

ILP Challenges

Data Hazards

The possible data hazards are

■ RAW (Read After Write) — j tries to read a source before i writes it,

so j incorrectly gets the old value. This hazard is the most common type

and corresponds to a true data dependence.

■ WAW (Write After Write) — This hazard corresponds to an output

dependence. WAW hazards are present only in pipelines that write in

more than one pipe stage.

■ WAR (Write After Read) — This hazard arises from an

antidependence. WAR hazards cannot occur in most static issue

pipelines. A WAR hazard occurs when there are some instructions that

write results early in the instruction pipeline.

Note that the RAR (Read After Read) case is not a hazard.


Instruction i

Instruction j

Page 96: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

ILP Challenges

Control Dependences

A control dependence determines the ordering of an instruction, i,

with respect to a branch instruction so that instruction i is executed in

correct program order.

Examples of a control dependence is the dependence of the statements

in the “then” part of an “if” statement on the branch.


Page 97: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

ILP Challenges

Control Dependences

S1 is control dependent on p1, and S2 is control

dependent on p2 but not on p1.

In general, two constraints are imposed by control


1. An instruction that is control dependent on a branch cannot

be moved before the branch

2. An instruction that is not control dependent on a branch

cannot be moved after the branch.

For example,

We cannot take a statement before the if statement and

move it into the then portion.


Page 98: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Overcoming Data Hazards

A simple statically scheduled pipeline fetches an instruction and issues

it, unless there is a data dependence.

If there is a data dependence, then the hazard detection hardware

stalls the pipeline starting with the instruction that uses the result.

No new instructions are fetched or issued until the dependence is



Page 99: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Dynamic Scheduling

In dynamic scheduling, the hardware rearranges the instruction

execution to reduce the stalls while maintaining data flow.

Dynamic scheduling offers several advantages.

First, it allows code that was compiled with one pipeline to run

efficiently on a different pipelines, eliminating the need to recompile

for a different microarchitectures.

Second, it enables handling of code when dependences are

unknown at time of compilation.

Third, and most important, it allows the processor to tolerate

unpredictable delays.


Page 100: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Dynamic Scheduling: The Idea

For example, consider this code:

DIV.D F0,F2,F4

ADD.D F10,F0,F8

SUB.D F12,F8,F14

The SUB.D instruction cannot execute because the dependence of

ADD.D on DIV.D causes the pipeline to stall; yet, SUB.D is not data

dependent on anything in the pipeline.

This hazard creates a performance limitation that can be eliminated by

not requiring instructions to execute in program order.


Page 101: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Dynamic Scheduling:

The Idea

In the classic five-stage pipeline, both structural and data hazards

could be checked during instruction decode (ID).

To allow us to begin executing the SUB.D in the above example,

We must separate the issue process into two parts:

- checking for any structural hazards and

- waiting for the absence of a data hazard.

Thus, we still use in-order instruction issue, but we want an instruction

to begin execution as soon as its data operands are available.


DIV.D F0,F2,F4

ADD.D F10,F0,F8

SUB.D F12,F8,F14

Page 102: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Dynamic Scheduling

To understand how register renaming eliminates WAR and WAW

hazards, consider the following example code sequence:

DIV.D F0,F2,F4

ADD.D F6,F0,F8

S.D F6,0(R1)

SUB.D F8,F10,F14

MUL.D F6,F10,F8

There are two antidependences: between the ADD.D and the SUB.D

and between the S.D and the MUL.D.

There is also an output dependence between the ADD.D and MUL.D.

There are also three true data dependences: between the DIV.D and

the ADD.D, between the SUB.D and the MUL.D, and between the

ADD.D and the S.D.


Page 103: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Dynamic Scheduling

These name dependences can all be eliminated by register


For simplicity, assume the existence of two temporary registers, S

and T. Using S and T, the sequence can be rewritten without any

dependences as:

DIV.D F0,F2,F4 DIV.D F0,F2,F4

ADD.D F6,F0,F8 ADD.D S,F0,F8

S.D F6,0(R1) S.D S,0(R1)

SUB.D F8,F10,F14 SUB.D T,F10,F14

MUL.D F6,F10,F8 MUL.D F6,F10,T

In addition, any subsequent uses of F8 must be replaced by the register

T. In this code segment, the renaming process can be done statically by

the compiler.


Page 104: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)


Exploiting more parallelism requires that we should overcome the

limitation of control dependence.

Overcoming control dependence is done by speculating

(guessing) on the outcome of branches and executing the program

as if our guesses were correct.

With speculation (guesswork), we can fetch, issue, and execute

instructions, as if our branch predictions were always correct;

dynamic scheduling only fetches and issues such instructions.

Hardware speculation, extends the ideas of dynamic scheduling.


Page 105: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Hardware-Based Speculation

Hardware-based speculation combines three key ideas:

(1) Dynamic branch prediction to choose which instructions to execute,

(2) Speculation to allow the execution of instructions before the

control dependences are resolved and

(3) Dynamic scheduling to deal with the scheduling of different

combinations of basic blocks.

Hardware-based speculation follows the predicted flow of data values to

choose when to execute instructions.


Page 106: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Hardware-Based Speculation

Speculation allows instructions to execute out of order but to force

them to commit in order execution.

Adding this commit phase to the instruction execution sequence

requires an additional set of hardware buffers.

This hardware buffer (reorder buffer), is also used to pass results

among instructions that may be speculated.

The ROB supplies operands in the interval between completion of

instruction execution and instruction commit.


Page 107: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Hardware-Based Speculation

Each entry in the ROB contains four fields:

- the instruction type,

- the destination field,

- the value field, and

- the ready field.

The instruction type field indicates whether the instruction is a branch

(and has no destination), a store (memory address), or a register


The destination field supplies the register number (for load) or the

memory address (for stores)

The value field is used to hold the value of the instruction result until the

instruction commits.

The ready field indicates that the instruction has completed execution,

and the value is ready.


Page 108: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)




The basic

structure of a FP

unit using


algorithm and

extended to




Page 109: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Hardware-Based Speculation

The hardware structure of the processor including the ROB is shown in


The ROB includes the store buffers. The renaming function of the

reservation stations is replaced by the ROB.

This tagging requires that the ROB assigned for an instruction must be

tracked in the reservation station.


Page 110: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Hardware-Based Speculation

Here are the four steps involved in instruction execution:

1. Issue —

Get an instruction from the instruction queue.

Issue the instruction if there is an empty reservation station and an

empty slot in the ROB.

If either all reservations are full or the ROB is full, then instruction issue

is stalled until both have available entries.

2. Execute —

If one or more of the operands is not yet available, monitor the CDB

(Common Data Bus) while waiting for the register to be computed.

This step checks for RAW hazards. When both operands are available

at a reservation station, execute the operation.

Instructions may take multiple clock cycles in this stage.


Page 111: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Hardware-Based Speculation

Here are the four steps involved in instruction execution:

3. Write result—

When the result is available, write it on the CDB (Common Data Bus)

and from the CDB into the ROB, as well as to any reservation stations

waiting for this result.

4. Commit—

This is the final stage of completing an instruction, after which only its

result remains. (Commit phase is also called as “completion” or



Page 112: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Hardware-Based Speculation

There are three different sequences of actions at commit:

The normal commit case occurs when an instruction reaches the head

of the ROB and its result is present in the buffer.

Committing a store is similar except that memory is updated rather

than a result register.

When a branch with incorrect prediction reaches the head of the

ROB, it indicates that the speculation was wrong. The ROB is flushed

and execution is restarted at the correct successor of the branch. If the

branch was correctly predicted, the branch is finished.


Page 113: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

ILP Using Multiple Issue

To improve performance, we would like to decrease the CPI < 1, but the

CPI cannot be reduced below one if we issue only one instruction every

clock cycle.

The goal of the multiple-issue processors, is to allow multiple

instructions to issue in a clock cycle.

Multiple-issue processors come in three major flavors:

1. Statically scheduled superscalar processors

2. VLIW (very long instruction word) processors

3. Dynamically scheduled superscalar processors


Page 114: Pipelining and ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)

Thank You …

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(This Presentation is Published Only for Educational Purpose)