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Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township Michigan

Apr 18, 2015



Wesley E Arnold

Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township Warren Michigan, Warren Union Cemetery Warren Michigan Macomb County Michigan based on research which is ongoing. As families donate records I will be able to add a few more. Visit see cemeteries link for more information. Prof Wesley E Arnold humble historian [email protected]
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Page 1: Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township Michigan
Page 2: Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township Michigan

Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township Macomb County Michigan



Prof Wesley Edward Arnold


Library of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data Arnold, Wesley Edward

Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township Michigan

ISBN 0-915935-13-3

Copyright 2012 Wesley Edward Arnold humble historianHowever these records are free for all to use for research or educational use.

Printed in Warren Michigan.

Visit my Historical web site at where there are lots of pictures.See some of my other 40 or so books

Warren Union Cemetery Index

Warren Union Cemetery based on research who is buried there and who might be buried there and graves by location.

St Clement Cemetery Index

St Clement Cemetery burials by year

St Clement Cemetery

St Clement Cemetery records

History of Warren and Center Line a 20 volume compilation

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Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township Macomb County MichiganFor most of the history of our area there were no cemeteries as we know them. Our area had many small single burial spots mostly single plots in the woods. Sometimes burial mounds, enclosures, special gardens were created. (See works by Wilbert B. Hinsdale) All of these were destroyed by pot hunters and plowed under. Many persons died in the wilderness and were eaten by predators simply because there was no one around to help them. Wolves hunted in packs and if you were alone a wolf pack could wear you down. Before fire arms alone you did not have a chance. Probably thousands of persons were buried over time in unmarked graves in Macomb County. Later there were small single family burial locations. For thousands of years persons who died were either buried by family or often if killed in battle were partly eaten by their killers (usually the heart was cut out and eaten by the killer) and the rest of the body was left to be eaten by animals. Sometimes the dead were eaten by animals in the wilderness. After 1700 European settlers buried their dead in shallow graves not far from where they died, often without a casket or stone marker. It they lived in larger communities usually a burial ground was set aside. All of these have been plowed over paved over and built over. Warren's oldest cemetery is in a school playground and parts of it were scattered around the area as fill dirt.

There were a few burial grounds but they had no engraved stone markers that have been discovered. Many of those were overgrown and later plowed and used as farmland. After 1845-1855 most of the dead were buried in one of six places 1 on the farm: 2 The Bidell-Green-Weier Cemetery, 3 The Warren Union Cemetery, 4 The St Clement Cemetery. or in a Detroit cemetery like Mt Elliot, or in Oakland County cemeteries. After 1880 some were buried at Mt Olivet on Van Dyke near Six Mile Road. There were almost no grave stone makers locally until after 1855. Many were buried without a casket or engraved stone marker. Often wooden markers were used. Of course these rotted away over time. See documents listed above for more detains on St Clement Cemetery.Both the St Clement and Warren Union cemeteries date from 1845-1855 but both appear to be preceded by the Bidell-Green-Weier Cemetery which probably began as an Indian mound.

In Warren Township the oldest recorded cemetery burials were at the Warren Union Cemetery, followed by the St Clement Cemetery. But between the A Bunert Farmhouse and the C Bunert Farmhouse Just N of Martin Road and West of Bunert Road, was an Indian mound which was 18 inches tall. It was most likely an Indian burial mound but this is uncertain. This mound existed prior to the settlement of their farm in 1849. It had become overgrown with weeds and shrubs so much that it was not particularly recognizable as an Indian mound and was missed on the early surveys. The settlers certainly were not in the habit of building mounds. The family reported that Indians came around often in the early days. They would read the sun like a clock and would disappear when the sun reached a certain angle. Indian artifacts have been found in the area. Local legends also give credence to the Indian mound theory. This area is generally flat and there is no logical geological explanation for a sand mound given the flatness of the surrounding area. Also considering that there was at least evidence of forty human remains removed from this site and that no archeologist was called in to evaluate the site so that there may have been other evidence that was certainly overlooked. Also consider that several dump truck loads of remains were trucked out of the site before it was discovered that at least one of them contained human bones. The family reported that other families sometimes brought relatives there for burial. I talked with one of the older Weiers and was told that their grand parents told them of a man who carried his dead baby for several miles to have it buried there as it was the only cemetery he knew about. Around this landmark early settlers from several families buried their dead. They probably did not know or care if it was an Indian mound or not. Whether or not it was will probably remain unknown as the evidence was destroyed and removed. Early farmers often raided Indian mounds to get pots. There was a road that led from Martin road directly to this cemetery. I have it on an aerial foto and showing the mound in the 1960s. I shall call it the Bunert-Indian Cemetery for shortness but it was

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supposedly registered on the State of Michigan registry as the Bidell-Green-Weier Cemetery. I saw a 8 mm movie in about 1970 showing three burial vaults in which bones were being piled to be buried at Clinton Grove. It is now located on the southern half of the Briarwood school property. I spoke with the undertaker who performed the last removals. I found newspaper articles. And weirdly also found reports of ghost sightings believe it or not.

By the 1960s it was overgrown with Lilac shrubs that waved in the breeze. The Lilacs were planted by other families to mark the burial places but had become overgrown over the years. The Bunewrt-Weier family was forced by economic reasons to sell the property. The school district would have taken the property anyway as they wanted to build a school there. It was transferred about 1966. Mrs. Ida Weier told the school district that it was a burial ground and wanted all remains to be treated in a Christian manner. Bunert family burials were removed and reinterred at the Clinton Grove Cemetery in Mt Clemens. There were no stone markers, all of the wood markers had rotted away and the little stone pebble markers were displaced so it was not particularly recognizable as a burial ground. But she also warned the principal that it was a burial ground. He called her a crazy lady. During construction a skull and other human bones were discovered. (Per Tri City Progress 4 14-1967) In May of 1969 children playing in the school playground discovered more human remains. Imagine the look of shock on the teachers face when they brought human remains into the classroom. Later the principal went over to Ida Weiers house and wanted to question her about the remains. She reminded him that he had branded her a crazy lady for even suggesting that it was a burial ground.

A contractor or contractors dug a loads of dirt for fill dirt. One of the loads had been dropped it off on someone’s property. The homeowner receiving the fill dirt found sculls and human bones and called the police who contacted the contractor. Imagine asking for fill dirt and getting human remains dropped off in your driveway. The poor truck driver was in trouble. But he just told the police that he doesn't inspect dirt put in his truck he just delivers it where told. It wasn’t very long when that kids were also showing off human remains they dug from the mound. That finally got the officials attention. The school district wanted everything hushed up so no archeologists were called in and in fact it was them who hired a funeral director. The school certainly did not anyone to discover that this was anything other than a single family burial plot. But human remains of at least 40 humans were removed from what was left of the mound and the rest of the area was not explored. Historian Wesley Arnold states that he saw movies of this mound being excavated. William DuRoss the funeral director mentioned that Theuts, Greens, Hessels, and Schoenhers were probably buried there. So it was for sure a pioneer cemetery. Whether or not it was also the remains of an Indian burial ground had not been determined by scientific investigation and will never be never known as the evidence has been removed and scattered. And even though a few bones were removed the balance of the remains of those pioneer families remain underground. This historian does not believe in ghosts but must report many of sightings over the years by homeowners adjacent to the Briarwood School property. Several families and even children have reported sightings and strange happenings there. As a historian I am honor bound to tell the truth. Strange. This historian feels that a plaque should be erected at least on the on a bench on the grass next to the paved path that goes around the ball field that would honor those pioneers buried there in unmarked graves, but I am sure the school district would not want that.

The St Clement Cemetery is located on Engleman West of Van Dyke. The first known recorded burial was March 27, 1854. Over 800 burials date from the nineteenth century and over 1,500 burials prior to1943. These two cemeteries hold most of the remains of the pioneers of Warren. But there were also some local farm burials prior in the 1800s but records of these are lost. One house on what was the old River Road has a stone burial marker marker.

Many record writers should be punished because of their disregard for clear writing and poor record keeping. Hundreds of names are unreadable. There are years without records. 1850-1853, 1855, 1907-1911, 1922-1928 Heard this may have been to careless smoking. No known backup records were made. They wrote in Latin and Latinized peoples names.

Just because a name is listed on the record does not mean that the remains are still in the cemetery or ever were. Many were buried elsewhere or removed. There was a time when each family

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was supposed to maintain the graves by cutting the grass maintaining the stones and wooden markers. Who maintained the rows between the graves? Sometimes no one. The cemetery fell in such a state of unkeptness that the priest felt that the community should use other cemeteries such as Mt Olivet so he encouraged people to have their loved ones buried there. Many folks actually removed their loved ones and moved them out. In some years this cemetery actually had more bodies removed than were buried. Norman Smith former fire chief and a caretaker at the cemetery, related to me that sometimes funeral directors took the bones out but left the casket. Later when digging for a new burial the old casket was rediscovered halting all work until the truth was discovered often causing more grief to families who just lost a loved one. There are few surviving records of removals. And this Cemetery has been closed to burials several times. It is quite possible that on rare occasion families buried loved ones in secret. People sometimes just buried their loved ones and placed a few stones piled onto the grave site. Now over a hundred years later all surface indications are gone. In fact Norman Smith indicated that many grave stones were buried and had to be re erected. There may be yet some stones buried. Back many years ago there were no cement vaults. Mostly wooden boxes sometimes cloth covered. In the very early days it is possible that in times of hardship only a shroud may have been used. After many years the wood boxes rot and cave in leaving a depression. Some of these depressions can still be partly seen in the old part. Several of the old stones need repair, support, revitalization and a coating of stone sealer. I was proud of the folks at St Clement. This is partly why I as an unpaid Historian have devoted hundreds of hours working on this historical project. Lastly these names have to be studied, and revised into correctness based on handwriting, and other records. This will take a few more years of research. With each new priest at St Clements old workers are fired and new ones are hired. This often leads to no continuity particularly in regard to the cemetery. Valuable knowledge is lost. A caretaker at St Clement admitted that in the older parts of the cemetery they go exploring for caskets and stones before they dig. They use a metal rod to probe for a stone or casket. And when they dig they watch for bones because the old wooden coffins have deteriorated into dirt as have some of the bones. Sometimes all that is left is teeth and perhaps a metal button or belt buckle. It was reported in 2011 that St Clement has managed to lose some of its records and Wesley Arnold may now has more old records the they do. The good news is he publishes all of his research for all to see and for free. I went there to do a little research and they refused to give me information on a death that was over 100 years old. They told me that only family members could get this. Well all of the family members are dead. I told them that I was the person who rescued their cemetery record book from the trash 30 years ago and 6 years ago I was the one who filmed their cemetery records and that they are using my CD disk I gave them to look up records even now. But in the last few years they have failed to maintain the records and make back up records. And they have lost some records. Their refusal to share 100 year old records with the very historian who saved their records and put a lot of time and effort in saving their records was unjustified and ignorant. This lack of adequate care of priceless records is the norm around the world. At least St Clement has fairly good records although many are unreadable. The two other Warren pioneer cemeteries have no surviving records at all.

In Warren Township the oldest recorded cemetery burials were at the Warren Union Cemetery, followed by the St Clement Cemetery. St Clement's first recorded burial was March 27, 1854. Over 800 burials date from the nineteenth century and over 1,500 burials prior to 1943. However this was and is a Catholic cemetery centered in Center line. But believe it or not Warren Union Cemetery could actually have more burials as the Warren Union Cemetery has depending on adult vs child 2,600 or more possible burials. That is in the realm of the possible because this cemetery took all faiths, and stillborns, and day old babies and paupers and anyone who died in the Warren Township area several churches. But St Clement was limited to Catholics and one church. The records of Warren Union Cemetery are lost due to great negligence, disrespect and dereliction of duty of those responsible and sad to report that negligence and disrespect continues on to this day. Proof on that is forthcoming.

There were also local farm burials prior to 1850 but records of these are lost. This includes the two burials at the Bunert Farm in a mound allegedly used by Indians for burials.

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A local historian interested in documenting our local history for future generations commenced a several year study of Warren and Warren Union Cemetery by stopping at the Methodist church on Chicago Road and asked to see the cemetery records. That request turned up the response of “what records we have none nor do we have anything to do with the cemetery now.” The historian went to the local Warren Historical Society and they stated they did not maintain records and could not find their records they had and referred me to a private individual whom could not find her “very limited records.” I tried St Paul UCIC Church who owns most of the cemetery and was told they had no records. I later began attending that church did so for over a year and am in the process of joining it. Discovered they have a cemetery committee which consisted of only a couple people. They refused repeated requests to allow me to see their records. This committee appears to be somewhat secretive and does not hold regular meetings. In fact I tried for over a year to attend a cemetery meeting and had important business for them to take care of but this was totally ignored. It seemed that One Ann Pycheck appears to want to keep all of the dealings, decisions etc. only to herself and does not want anyone else involved. It also appears that this committee has ignored needed cemetery business. Example I wanted to tall them a big stone was about to topple and could hurt or kill a child. I have yet to figure out why this person or group is so secretive. They turn a deaf ear to anything they do not want to deal with but in all fairness they do manage to pay one half of the mowing and sometimes kick out money out of their huge cemetery fund to pay for emergency tree cutting. Anyway I was amazed and shocked that this church who has owned most of this cemetery since 1884 has failed to maintain any records.

I went to the Burton Historical Collection and made a copy of the 1938 survey of this cemetery made by the Detroit Genealogical Society which appeared to be done and double checked with a high degree of accuracy by different surveyors a year later. Around that time the local historical society had done the same thing and had someone type up the list which they are selling during cemetery walks with Dorothy Cummings. Since Dorothy has lived near the cemetery for most of her life. I interviewed her to learn what I can to put down in my books for future generations. I found out that she lived away from the Warren area for quite awhile and had not kept records. She was not the responsible person for records. In fact I interviewed many persons and visitors to the cemetery during the many months I was in the cemetery taking measurements and readings. One person told me records were kept on a board but that had rotted out and was trashed. Another told me that a church lady had good records but after she died her kids threw everything out including a big map of where most of the old burials were. Another told me records were destroyed when a church basement flooded. One man told me he suffered two broken legs when a stone fell on him while he was a child. That could happen again to a child there as both St Paul and the Warren Historical Society have ignored my suggestions that we take emergency actions to fix the tilting stones.

Not to brag but just to state a fact I have done more research than anyone else including (and I list them with great respect and honor to them) Gerald Neil, Mike Grobbel, Jack Schram, Harold Stilwell, Pat Hallman and others such as Fred Gemmill (in telling the history of the City of Warren. I collaborated with him on the book Pathways to Freeways. You can recognize my writing in the first quarter or so of the book.) I also greatly helped Martha Burczyk with her Warren history book. Both of those books are nice but very incomplete so since I retired and since my time left here in this world is very short I decided to type up my research and give it to future generations without cost. You can see my books and print out any of the 10,000 pictures you wish or print any of the 4,000 pages. As far as Warren Union Cemetery I have recorded, measured, figured, researched, talked with many visitors and locals. This book is Part 1, Visit my Historical web site at where there are lots of pictures history, historical videos and 800 of the best music pieces of the past all free. There are over 2,000 links on that web site. 600 to pages of history. Plus there is the 20 volume History of the Warren area all free my gift to you and future generations.

The Warren Union Cemetery is located between the Red Run River and Chicago Road East of Ryan Road in the NW corner of Warren Township, Macomb County Michigan. Pioneer farmer PeterGillette sold a parcel of land in 1845 to eighteen families for a burial ground and reserved a lot for his family. The Warren Union Cemetery Association (long gone) was organized in 1852 to maintain the

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cemetery. The plaque which was not based on serious research but someone counting existing grave stones states that Warren Union Cemetery has 325 graves that date from the 19th Century. This statement is so unresearched and misleading that it is an insult to those buried there. Note more recent studies by different researchers indicate perhaps at the very least 500 graves date from 19 Century plus nearly 500 buried after 1900 based on just existing stones plus an additional 500-1,600 unmarked graves just within the now fenced in area.There are many unmarked burials in this cemetery there is no doubt. There are township records, church records, newspaper obits and articles and family records indicating or implying that multiple persons were buried there yet there is now no stone now marking that grave. I am finding these slowly with time as people contact me as a result of my huge history website. If I live longer I intend to add these to this book.

Researchers who have studied this cemetery and other older Michigan cemeteries have found that there are often many more persons buried than there are stones. Millar Cemetery over on 16 Mile has only 54 head stones yet I have been told there are probably over 100 burials there if not more. At another location Archeologist Scott Akridge was amazed when he visited a local cemetery in 2004. "As many as 200 graves are located here," he said, although only six headstones exist. Most of the 180 cemeteries in the county have numerous graves that are unmarked or marked only with unscribed field stones. Many military veterans lie in these spaces.” ( And there are thousands of Civil War soldiers in unmarked graves. (I have identified a few that may be in Warren Union Cemetery.) And many thousands more babies and children in unmarked graves around our country. Every one of you have hundreds of relatives in unmarked graves. You doubt me. OK Where are your great great grandparents uncles aunts and cousins buried?

(Just do a Google search on unmarked graves and see for yourself.)

After looking at my research and others research it is discovered that Warren Union Cemetery may have hundreds of more burials than stones now show. Consider that the original 18-20 families who had lots 10 feet by 30 most did not place stones. That is around 200-400 burials, of which only just about 50 now have stones. This was not considered at all when the uninformed social club that is called the Warren Historical Society chose words for the plaque.Also consider that in the early days this cemetery was expanded many times as lots were sold andwere used and the area was filled up. Consider again that many additional families bought lots but did not place stones when someone died. And consider that many babies died at birth or shortly thereafter and were buried in the back or on top of other burials. This fact has been totally ignored. Where do they think people buried them if not in this the local cemetery?And in those days most had big families and they usually filled up their lots and had to buy additional lots here and elsewhere (We have proof of that from several sources. See what Dorothy Cummings stated her family had to buy additional plots to bury family because Warren Union Cemetery was filled up and no plots were any longer available. And her family is one of the ones who had sold property to expand the cemetery and that was soon filled up.

There were many deaths from many diseases we now have cures for which killed many babies, children and adults. Sometimes there were multiple deaths of children in the same family and somedied within days of each other and were placed in the same grave. And no marker ever put there.

Remember that there were no funeral homes and that the corpse remained in the family home until burial.Burial was carried out quickly before WWII. I have diaries from those days that often show a person died and was most often buried the next day. Families did not want a body even of a loved one in the home for long particularly if they had died of an unknown cause. There were fears that what killed the corpse would kill others. Fluids would leak out of the corpse and there were often terrible odors. Within as little as four hours after death decomposition in different body areas may cause tissue gas to form from the bacteria Clostridium perfringens. This is particularly true if a contaminate is present such as

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vomit, feces, a wound, sores, inflammation, gangrene, etc. The result is a skunk like odor and gasses released. If the house is heated in the winter or if it is summer this is compounded. Decomposition in a part of a corpse can in just a few hours spread to other parts of the body thru fluids and bacteria in the corpse. And ask anyone who has slept with a corpse in the next room spooky to be sure and terrifying to children and some adults. There were no funeral homes and no refrigeration or embalming. So in the old days corpse was buried sometimes the same day or the next day and as soon as a grave could be dug which was by hand using pick and shovel. Church services were held as soon as possible. Sometimes in the family members and diggers were weak or due to rain, snow, frost, cold or otherproblems the grave may not have been dug deeply in the old days before undertakers and machinery. In the old days in rural America, which is what Warren Township was, families buried their own with just a shovel and sometimes with just a shroud. And those who think that every burialwas in a six foot deep 3 foot by 6 foot hole should try digging one to understand the magnitude of the work involved in doing that by hand with only a shovel. Even those who have dug a grave for a family dog in the back yard can attest to the work involved. It was many hours of very hard work. Now days grave heaters thaw the ground in the winter and mechanical diggers do the work in a short time regardless of the weather. Pumps can even pump out the water in the hole. A sexton from another cemetery warned me to be careful digging even for placing a shallow marker. He stated he discovered that sometimes old graves were not dug very deep.

With the wooden casket rotted away human bones were all that is left and as a hand shovel planted them there a hand shovel sometimes unintentionally disturbs them many years later. In the back of Warren Union Cemetery bones were discovered but no one bothered to investigate. Also quite some time ago a skull was found exposed there. The fact is this cemetery has been neglected, ignored, vandalized, eroded, abused and I can testify that very few people care about it.

Stillborn burials were sometimes placed on top of a prior burial or in a shallower grave. Remember this was a very rural area and was mostly farmland. The village itself just had a few little shops but they were way East of here. This was surrounded by farmland and trees so anyone could actually come here and bury a body and probably not be questioned. Of course with time as the area farms were sub-divided that changed. But still people have their drunken doings here and as a caretaker for the church I end up picking up their whiskey bottles and condoms. And as crowded as it is now few calls are made to the police. When I called the police from there once no police came and I gave up after an hour. Just a note. I found that a few have been scared off by the dark thing here but I am not about to research that and can't verify it. Myself and others have felt the children here at least by day. I have given night tours to researchers who could not meet me during the day, can't say we saw anything unusual, but we felt sort of a creepy presence. Perhaps it was within us from seeing too many horror movies. Don't know. There are other reports from others of seeing things there but how much is fact and how much is imagination is very uncertain so unless I see proof or multiple reports of the same thing by multiple persons I treat them as fiction.Also consider that many perhaps hundreds stillborns and newborns graves were and are even today rarely marked. Many were buried on top of regular already used lots. Very few of these were noted on any existing grave stone. Even now many families have baby graves without markers. Consider that the older graves were most often not marked by stones at all and that the older part of the cemetery was considered full by 1945 and many families had to buy lots elsewhere. Consider that there are 2000-3000 grave spaces (depending on grave width and other considerations explained further down) inside the currently fenced area even after subtracting aisles and that there is considerable more cemetery property outside of the current fence at the back. (room for 500-1000 burials considering that many would be stillborns or babies.)

Consider that the “back” of the cemetery where many babies & paupers and possible secretives were buried extended much further than the now fenced in area and was partly changed by the 1950s Red Run project and by erosion since. The fence was erected in 1986. Before that anyone could bury, in reality, wherever they pleased when no one was around. There were many shrubs and trees in the back

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and it was probably possible to bury without being noticed. A small wagon could be pulled out of sight at the back. Recall this was a rural area until WWII.

Families who suffered stillborn or baby deaths did not usually want a big funeral or a stone as there was a stigma about this. The family home served as the funeral home and most families just buried the remains in the cemetery quickly and privately and did not want a marker to remind them of a stillborn or sickly often unnamed baby which would prolong the sorrow of the already guilt ridden grief stricken mother.The sister cemetery St Clement with good records shows 1.5-2 children buried for each adult with only about 6% of child deaths registered at the county. Using that rate suggests the possibility that there could be as many as 1500 babies and children buried there. County Death records for Warren indicate 50% of the recorded deaths were children prior to WWI but when you add in the non registered ones you get the 1.5 – 2 figure which translates into 100-200%. Remember more children than adults died in the old days and many did not make it to age 21.

Add another possibly few hundred or so adults without markers and you have the cemetery up to capacity. As we have been told by the oldsters many times that the cemetery is full. The above makes mathematical since. But no one alive now knows for sure. Additional collection of family records will give us just a few. Also the infant mortality rate back then was very high approximately 200 per 1000 per annum.

Many other old cemeteries have hundreds of now unmarked graves many of which are children. Figure of the 1000 burials in Warren Union Cemetery only 150 show children when county death records of Warren show there are 500 child deaths per 1000 registered deaths average. That shows many unmarked plus when one considers that less than 6% were even registered and considering the actual rate per the sister cemetery which is much higher, and also considering the mortality rate there are hundreds of additional unmarked burials.Researchers have done the math of all of the above and say that there is high probability that hundreds of children and many adults are buried in Warren Union Cemetery without markers.

We should at least recognize the possibility of this.

In fact it is much more likely that there are as many unmarked graves as now marked graves.

This is true of many older cemeteries. Remember this is not a commercial cemetery like Forest lawn or Detroit Memorial where records have been maintained and burial practices standardized.

While I was reading stones on several occasions I met visitors and told them that there were probably many children buried here without markers and that many were killed with much suffering by diseases we have cures for now like whooping cough, scarlet fever, smallpox, diphtheria. One cause of death called summer complaint was just inflammation of the bowel caused by bacteria in the Milk. Remember there was no refrigeration back in the old days but many children died a painful death from it. I even suggested that it would be nice to have a memorial to them. Well I guess someone agreed because a family or families anonymously donated a memorial to the children and pioneers buried here without a marker. This memorial was causing no harm. There was lots of room for it. It even quoted one of the researchers. But not being able to take credit for it that beautiful memorial was without just cause stolen by the grave robber gang.

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They did not even consider research findings or hold a public hearing. And there was no vote of the membership. Families donated this memorial honoring these children and pioneers without markers. Neither that memorial or the cemetery is property of this social club. They have no right to steal a nice and expensive memorial that families have placed there honoring these children many of which suffered terribly in their last days.

The list was on this stone was not meant to be a list of burials but rather an honoring for future generations of these Warren men who served for us. For many of these Warren men this was the only marker naming them. It was based on research of several researchers.

According to the Warren Police, WWJ, and Macomb Daily July 15, 2011 officers of the Warren Historical Society are behind the stealing of at least 5 expensive memorials from Warren Union Cemetery. They do not own the cemetery or the markers, They did this secretly without just cause, without a public hearing, without notification to the membership, police, City Council or even property owners. They robbed Warren's unknown soldier memorial from a grave and they stole a memorial that listed Warren soldiers who are buried there. This was the only memorial showing the names of these soldiers. Nothing was found wrong with these memorials in a meeting held afterward. And they stole the memorial to all veterans and to those who died on attacks on our country and 9-11 ( Including over 400 policemen and firemen) and they stole another that honors our flag and yet another that honors those many children and pioneers buried there without markers. These memorials were causing no harm. There is lots of room for them. They posed no threat. There is nothing disrespectful or wrong about these memorials. The memorials were there to honor men who died and to educate visitors especially young people who no longer learn about history in school. This grave robbing gang actually has a written plan to steal more markers they do not like without notice and several more markers are now gone including an expensive family's epitaph robbed from a grave.

We veterans who survived wars speak for the soldiers buried there. We veterans went through hell, were wounded, saw friends die, heard the pain filled screams of mortally wounded men, put friends body parts into body bags, accompanied friends caskets home. We served our country with honor and integrity. We feel it is wrong to steal soldiers memorials and especially ones which show soldiers honored service to future generations for whom they fought and died. They at least earned their name on a granite memorial and this grave robbing gang has no right to steal soldiers memorials they don't own out of our cemetery. Now visitors including young people will not be able to see who these soldiers were. Now many of our soldiers have no marker at all because the only one they had was stolen.

This was not an action by the full historical society rather just a few persons. The membership had not been informed or asked to vote on this. Taking property that is not yours is called stealing and when it is worth several thousand dollars it is grand larceny. This has to be stopped.

Disrespecting our soldiers who were killed or put their lives on the line for our freedom is wrong. Stealing memorials that name our soldiers is worse than disgraceful. They are robbing our history left for our young people who no longer are taught history in school. No one should be allowed to steal memorials they don't own out of a cemetery they don't own. We veterans feel that they have disrespected our soldiers, our flag and those who died on attacks to our country. It has been over a year and they have made no effort to replace them. These memorials were donated without cost to the city possibility by out of town descendents of those buried there.

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We are asking that these memorials be replaced. It is the right thing to do.

Another way to look at this is that it was a big mistake. They have the opportunity now to rectify the mistake by returning the memorials to the cemetery or creating their own granite memorials. They then become historical heroes by respecting our Warren soldiers and those who died by allowing the soldiers names to be listed on a granite stone in their home town Warren village with their kin. This also fulfills the missions of the Warren Historical Commission, the society and Village Commission to preserve our history and educate future generations. These groups have the opportunity to preserve our American Heritage by educating our young people on the sacrifices our soldiers and pioneers made by respecting and honoring them. By so doing they become American Heroes. We Veterans and Friends of History and many of their own membership encourage them to to the right thing. But if they choose to disrespect our soldiers and veterans and those who died defending our freedom and on attacks on our country let it be known that we will mount a campaign against this little grave robbing gang and there are hundreds of us. And we veterans are not going to allow men and women who died to be disrespected and their history stolen from our local cemetery. Attention attorneys we are looking for attorneys who are willing to help us fight this cause. We are willing to do fund raising to pay you. We are looking for banks or organizations who are willing to accept donations directly to them for this cause. None of us is to accept funds rather they are to go directly to the banks. History will note whether these disrespectors of those who died for our freedom shall be known as the Warren grave robbing gang, or shall be known as Historical Heroes who preserved our American Heritage, educated future generations and respected our soldiers and those who died on attacks on our country.

They also stole an expensive black granite memorial to Warren's Unknown soldier right off of a grave. Back in the 1940s the Detroit Memorial Society did a detailed survey of this cemetery and noted a soldiers grave marked by a flag here. Through the years the records were lost in a flood of the church basement. Now we don't even know the family name.

And they stole an expensive polished granite memorial to all veterans and those who died in attacks on our country including 9-11. This memorial preceded one placed by the Warren Village commission which only honors those buried here. The old one here at the right also reminded our young visitors that our country has been attacked more than once and that we should be vigilant. This is something they need to know and are not taught I school. Since young people are no longer taught history many do not know about Pearl Harbor or 9-11. Many were too young or not born yet. They also stole a stone that honored the flag that these men died for and what it stood for it said: Our flag stands for Liberty, Justice Free Speech - Press, Maintain our Freedoms... This memorial tells young people what our flag stood for to thousands of our soldiers who died for securing our freedom. Many of our young people today have no idea what our flag stands for. So it does a needed job. These memorials were causing no harm. They posed no threat. There is nothing disrespectful or wrong with them. These memorials were given to these hometown soldiers, without cost to the city, honoring these our Warren boys.

Those stones belong to these Warren boys who died. It is wrong to steal these memorials from the cemetery and would be wrong to sell them.One cannot disrespect our soldiers any more then remove their memorials from a cemetery. This gave Warren a black eye and showed great disrespect for our soldiers and they have made Warren the

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laughing stock of hundreds of people who care about preserving our history. Nothing was found wrong with the memorials at a meeting held later.These are the only people we know of that have stolen stones from this cemetery. If you don't

like a stone you can't just rip it out. And there was no vote of the membership or a public hearing that showed sufficient cause for their removal. Now it has just been discovered that there are even more stones missing. What a disgrace to our city and great disrespect to our soldiers and their families. But to steal a children's memorial also that honored the suffering of children and our pioneers. This is just wrong. The police won't do anything as they think the historical society did this and they do not have the manpower to investigate. But the Historical Society did not do this rather two men and three others done in secret without a vote of the membership or public notice.

These memorials were not hurting anything, were fine decent memorials. There was lots of room for them. The families who donated these memorials probably live out of town and are unaware of what has happened. I know I had met several out of town visitors during the many hours I have spent there as researcher and caretaker of this cemetery. These grave robbers have never fought in a war and have no respect for those of us who served or the young men who died in the service of our country.

The Warren Historical Society is now a laughing stock among researchers and local peopleinterested in history. But worse they have disrespected our soldiers.

No one rips stones off of a grave and no patriotic citizen would rip out memorials belonging to our fallen soldiers and those who died on 9-11. These memorials were not their property nor is this cemetery. They have stolen memorials belonging to soldiers who gave their lives for our freedoms. These memorials were also for the education of our young people who no longer get taught history in school. One of the memorials they stole was the only one naming many of our soldiers who died. Now these brave Warren farm boys have no marker at all with their names anywhere and they will be forgotten. There is no greater disrespect to our soldiers than to steal their memorials from a cemetery.This is the most shameful event in Warren's history.

Also they have made up some unnecessary and unreasonable rules for the placing of stones in a cemetery they do not own. They even state that they now will remove more grave stones without warning. One rule states all stones must have a 42 inch deep foundation using 5-6% air entrainment of concrete even for a thin flat marker. This means that a simple four inch flat headstone requires this huge unreasonable foundation which in several cases will mean that the contractor may actually desecrate remains because in the old days not all remains were buried below this level. Even today the top of a vault is often only about four feet down. What if a baby is buried on top of this? Remember this is not a modern commercial cemetery. This is a rural farmers cemetery. They do not allow people to leave flowers on a stone or grave without a receptacle. This is unreasonable to loved ones and creates unnecessary work for me a caretaker. We don't need more plastic, glass and metal to get cut up by the mower and become a danger to children and people's feet.

If they are so concerned about foundations there are many stones that have fallen over (like Metro which may weigh half a ton) and some that are on the verge and they have done nothing about this. I brought this to their attention over a year ago and even suggested they have a company fix a few of the taller monuments that are teetering on the verge of falling over and possibly hurting someone especially children who lean and may pull on them. A child could actually be killed there it is so dangerous. I met a man there who had two legs broken by a falling stone there when he was a child.The people responsible for the records through time most likely varied in their duties integrity and accepting of responsibility. But is clear that several folks along the way were negligent in their duty and responsibility. This is most disgraceful. It is not uncommon for rural cemeteries to be neglected and records lost but there was a village here. This is absolutely inexcusable. As a soldier and veteran I will work until I die to respect our soldiers and their honor. But I am old and in poor health and all I can do is write books and speak to people because it seems no one cares. We soldiers die and low lifes like these rip out our gravestones and destroy our history. I fully earned the right to speak for our soldiers. To rip out soldiers memorials is desecration and treason.

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History of Warren Union CemeteryJune 21 1845 Peter Gilette sold a piece of property 9 rods north and south and 12 rods east and west for $12 to establish a burying ground. Sold to: Isaac and Oliver Barton, F Ames, W Davy, A Dennison, Halsey, A Hitchcock, J Hoxie, S Royce, R. Smith, C Smith, W Torey, J Scott, A Haight, E Johnson, W Jenny, O Murry, and others. (I have to get deed to finish this) The original cemetery was 294 square feet or .625 acres. It was divided into lots 10feet by 30 feet. But soon more land was added. More land was purchased in 1854, 1877 and 1885 making the total 1 acre. I have deeds, maps and other documents relating to this cemetery in my document book. Some of them show which piece of land was added when and where.

There arises the question of how many grave spaces are in the land area of this cemetery. That is not easy to answer. Sure in a modern cemetery you can plan out in advance how wide and long the graves will be and what aisles and paths there will be but in 1845 we only have the size of a lot.

There are 49 rows the total width is 533.36 feet divided by 49 gives an average row of 10.88 or about 11 feet that fits fairly well except at the back where things appear to get out of alignment. I took measurements thinking OK a grave is perhaps 3 feet wide and ten feet long and the ends with a three foot aisle but those do not fit. Some lots have graves closer together some are farther apart and the aisles do not all go straight. The human body was smaller back in 1845 and most of the burials were children so that throws things off also. The average body considering that many died at a younger age was as an adult 15 inches wide a child from four inches to 12 inches wide. That is no help. The average coffin in modern time is 28 inches wide but back then would been a little smaller. If the average body was adult was 15 inches than the coffin (widest at the shoulders) was less than 18 inches wide and they could be in times of epidemic fitted one pointing East and one pointing west to fit in the already crowded family lot, at two to a yard width. Remember many coffins were for younger persons and were hand made.

At that time there were 15-20 children buried for each 10 adults. A 10 foot by 30 foot lot can hold from 1-20 adults on just one layer 40 on two layers. Or 10-15 adults and with the room at the bottom am additional 1-120 children. That last number being babies. And with double layer 30 adults and 240 babies Of course this is in physical theory seems impossible but is quite possible. In practice many babies and children were buried at the ends of or on top of an adult burial. The concept of a standard grave size does not fit these old family plots. In a 10 foot by 30 foot at 24 inches 15 adults side by side or with 28 inches width 12.8 adults, with 30 inch width 12 adults and with 36 inches 10 adults side by side with room for children at the end. With a ten foot space there is four feet which means many babies, or several toddlers or a few preteens also would fit in a 10 by 30 lot. Of course we are talking of burials. If there was a family that wanted cremation many many more could be buried or sprinkled on/in that lot. So a 10 by 30 foot lot can have 1-30 adults and 1-240 babies. That are the physical possibilities but what about in practice. Without good records or digging up remains that answer is elusive. It appears most likely that there are probably 10-16 burials in a full 10x30 lot considering several being children or babies. Some lots have less some lots may have more than that. We don't have a way to find. Ground radar may not work on these old graves as caskets and bones disolve. So you see that just figuring the number of graves is not that simple in an old unplanned cemetery where families could bury in any manner they chose.

What about grave width. Again this is not simple. Child coffins are very small. Standard coffin became 28 inches but families often made their own to fit the person. More children died than adults. Consulting history the standard coffin was only 28 inches wide on outside. Several spacings were computed with results below. Remember families were poor and saved everywhere they could so they could bury in narrow or wider space as they chose. The cemetery property is roughly 533.36 wide by 237.75 feet North but the first 27 rows are only about 166 feet North. The northern strip which is about 60 feet wide and goes full length of cemetery was probably used for stilborns, babies and paupers but is now eroded and wild. At 36 inch width that amounts to 3010 total grave spaces, at 30 inches 3721 grave spaces, at 28 inches 3987 grave spaces and at 24 inches 4651 grave spaces. This is total potential graves

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on one layer. Now subtract area behind fence if it is determined that it wasn't used, but it was used at least a little because bones have been sighted in the erosion in past. This was a good place for stillborns, day old nameless babies and paupers and by those who wanted to bury someone and not pay for a grave. Oh come on would you want to keep a body in your house. Row 49 would have 95 graves at 30 inch spacing 79 at 36 inch 101 at 28 inch and 118 at 24 inch grave spacing.Row 28 would have 95 graves at 30 inch spacing 79 at 36 inch 101 at 28 inch and 118 at 24 inch grave spacing.Row 27 would have 66 graves at 30 inch spacing 55 at 36 inch 71 at 28 inch and 83 at 24 inch grave spacing.Row 2 would have 57 graves at 30 inch spacing 47 at 36 inch 47 at 28 inch and 74 at 24 inch grave spacing.Row 1 is not counted as it has been intruded upon by West property owner. And what is cemetery property and what was cemetery property is unknown without a survey. The deed states the line is straight but now his land encroaches into the cemetery for his drainage.Now a study of existing lots shows that many graves average about 36 inches but some are less and some are more.

I have chosen in my computations to use 36 inch width figure because I can just list the graves in yards and because I think it fits the thinking of the people and the times. Families could and did bury closer than that and some farther apart depending on financial needs, weather at burial etc. Charting this out on a map worked fairly well to the 36 inch width.

Now how deep. Even now even states differ Florida minimum is 12 inches but this can be waved by next of kin. Many states use the six foot standard some states are less and private cemeteries also vary. Was that enforced? Well in the 1850s the family itself had to dig the grave or hire someone. If the body had an infectious disease or the family was ill or weak or if the ground was frozen or if it was pouring rain all of that influenced how deep the grave was dug. More than one person including a sexton informed me to be careful in digging around in cemeteries because in a few cases the remains were not far below the surface. Babies and stillborns were often not buried at six feet even today. So to answer the question of how deep are the remains the answer is we don't know and I am not gong to dig to find out. Let them rest in peace. This is why I objected to Warren hysterical society's new rule that all foundations must be 42 inches deep. This could easily put a contractors machine digger into remains. They brushed me off saying suddenly that it would be handled by the committee. What committee? Who appointed them grave police? Who do they think they are to tell a family that they can't put a marker, epitaph or name brick on a family plot that is a hundred years old and have to hire a contractor to dig down 42 inches and aerate the concrete. They are insisting on this but ignore stones seriously tilting that can kill children or hurt people.

On May 24, 1884 the trustees of the Evangelical St Paul's Church purchased the east portion of the cemetery. The name refers to the union of the Methodist and the St Paul's congregations cemetery. A Warren Union Cemetery Association was organized in 1852. The historical marker states it consists of two and one quarter acres. (But it now may be a bit larger than that because the Red Run edge was vacated.) Various parcels of land were added to the cemetery. In addition the easement of the Government land which runs 160 feet from the center of the Red Run River means that no one can build anything on the north side of the cemetery property. All that is allowed is plants. All and any property which had been owned to the North of the cemetery was either sold to become part of the cemetery or abandoned due to the easement which runs up to the cemetery property. Currently this easement is the River, the embankment, mowed weeds about 40 feed wide and the rest up to the cemetery fence is tree and shrub covered and now eroded with much decaying wood and overgrown. If you want to dispose of a body it is the almost perfect place. At a cemetery, out of sight soft ground possible bodies already there, and easy access.

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For over 100 years the cemetery was maintained by family members and the two churches. The Methodist church abandoned the upkeep of the cemetery around the 1960s and are Guilty of betraying the trust of the community by not at least protecting the records. What a shame!

St Pauls kept up their side thru the years but the West side grew into a jungle. The Warren Historical Society began saving the cemetery in the late 1970s.It sponsored the first clean up fix up on Aug 12, 1978. Fotos were in a blue album.Cleanups-fixups were held yearly in May starting in 1979.The Warren Historical Society because of its work was awarded a Distinguished Service Award from Keep Michigan Beautiful in 1988. A girl scout troop from the May V Peck school help (leader Suzanne Thebert help with clean-up on May 22, 1980. May V Peck was the last burial in the west end. Was in 1980. Property owners can still bury relatives there as cemetery property does not expire. Cleanups were held in may in the 1980 .On June 8, 1982 a “Walk thru the Past” tour and picnic was begun. Dorothy wrote her cemetery story.

In 1986 200 letters were sent to surviving residents and current residents requesting contributions. And $3200 was raised.Warren Historical Society voted to contribute all of the profits from their annual Homecoming raffle to the Cemetery fund. In 1986 the raffle made a profit of $1264.With this the Warren Historical Society in 1986 installed a six foot chain fence around the west, north and east sides, a total of 748 feet. Cost of $2,557,00. Also front fence was repaired from car crash. Cost $975.Stones repaired in west end $382.Another repair to front fence from another car crash. $208.Monthly summer mowings at $75 = $450 per mowing plus new power mower and gas weed whip. .$317.Through action of the Warren Historical Society the city was convinced that street lights would help deter vandalism. In summer of 1986 5 new street lights were installed on North side of Chicago Rd in front of Warren Union Cemetery.1987 clean up at east end as Denise Bourjaily the mower had so well cared for West end..Chris singletree again hired to repair some broken stones June 27, 1987. Society paid half St Paul paid other. Total bill $260..Homecoming raffle of 1987earned $845. and was donated to cemetery fund.Dorothy Cummings and Pat Hallman conducted Cemetery Walk Sep 13, 1987. 50 people attended. Souvenir map printed on parchment paper designed by D Cummings and Jerry Schmeisser from Planning Commission.Following death of Harold Stilwell Warren Historical Society voted to install a new sign in h is honor. New sign commissioned $200. Installation free donation from Roger VanderVlucht who owns old Murthum house. In 1987 a young oak tree was donated by Maria Osterloh and planted in the west side of the cemetery by Maria and Dorothy Cummings.In 1987 a young flowering crab tree was donated by Dorothea Peterjohn and planted in the west side by Maria and Dorothy.Dorothy Cummings had a sign painted and tagged the old spruce tree as an Indian Marker Tree. At Christmas time Dorothy put a red ribbon and bow on it. 1987 Mowings total $450.

1988 Dorothy Comings working with St Paul to create an endowment fund for the continuing care of the entire Warren Union Cemetery.Locks installed on all 3 gates for winter 87-88. Since no evidence of vandalism with new street lights we did not repeat this in future years.

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Aug 24, 1988 received Distinguished Service Plaque from keep Michigan Beautiful for the beautification efforts in the cemetery.

1989 the St Paul's Cemetery Trust Fund papers were signed. Trustees: Merle Loch, Marilyn Dopp, & Dorothy Cummings.

1990 Nov 11 New flag pole and flag installed complements of “Woodsmen of America. Work done by Andy Plischenko and June Cox.

1991 May 5 Denise Bourjaily began mowing the entire cemetery.Rat Stilwell had the cemetery sign painted.1992 Sep 19 Dedication ceremony for Michigan Historic Marker. Representatives from Warren Historic Commission presented the marker. Mayor Bonkowski was present to accept and ministers from both St Paul and Methodist church were present. Approx 100 people attended.

1993 June 5 “Matts Lawn Care” took over mowing of cemetery.1994 July Matt sold business to “Showcase lawn Service” owner Joe Machiniak.

1993 April 28 A time capsule closing ceremony was held at 2 PM to celebrate the Centennial of the Village of Warren.1994 April The Grobbel group, 4H Garden Club started the Butterfly Garden in the cemetery. They laid out the “flagstone” cement walk; installed a wooden bench; dug up ground and planted some flowers.

1996 October a Joint work from Warren Historical Society and Warren Garden Club cleaned up and replanted the Butterfly garden. This work has been repeated most years since.

Beginning in 1998 Tom Turmel of Warren has donated and installed as of 1999 28 trees and many shrubs. Before this time most of the cemetery was only grass with only the few big trees and the new Oak and Crab apple tree. As of 2012 one can see that he has transformed the cemetery into a place of beauty. He has done all of this without pay. Fourteen years later a stone plaque was presented to him and was going to be placed in the flower garden at Warren Union Cemetery but will end up in Toms personal garden for fear of the Warren Historical Society stealing that also.

2003 April “Showcase Lawn Service” sold business to “GDM Lawn care” owner June Mead.2010 a Memorial to all soldiers, veterans and those who died on attacks on our country was donated anonymously by families. It urged our young people to be Vigilant and be prepared.

In 2011 the Village commission had extra money in its city account and decided it was going to donate a memorial to veterans interred in the cemetery. It was placed in the cemetery with great fanfare, The dedication was June 15, 2011. Old time military band (5th Michigan Regiment Band) playing, mayor speaking and the Warren Police Honor guard.. Tent set up for shelter. Lots of guests and publicity. This brought a lot of attention to this old cemetery. Perhaps as a result families donated the four memorials mentioned above. The families were probably from out of town and made the donations anonymously. It may be noted that they had almost no idea of who the veterans were who were buried there and had to consult historian Wesley Arnold. They only put veterans on their list who had a stone in his name that was readable. The Historical Society made a big show of this affair and that was OK because it brought publicity to our cemetery. They chose not to honor soldiers and they chose not to honor the soldiers buried here without a marker and some who had markers. As a soldier this was a sign of lack of respect for our soldiers and disrespect for those of them who died in service to our country.

Later in the year a flag was donated by Senator Levin that had flown over the White house. The Historical Society and Levin made a big show of this but totally neglected to mention the dangerous

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conditions in the cemetery and need of repairs. (Stones about to fall over that could harm people especially children.) The huge Metro stone had already gone over and that could have killed a child because it was too heavy for a rescuer to lift off of a child.

On July 14 the five memorials mentioned above were stolen from the cemetery. That evening the theft was discovered by historian Wesley Arnold and Tom Turmel and the police called. The police refused to come as we could not give them an address for the cemetery as it has no address. Besides the 911 operator probably thought it was a prank call. Who reports stones stolen from a cemetery? So a police report was made late that night. The next morning I was awakened by the Macomb Daily reporter wanting facts on the theft. I was amazed how could he even know about this. It seems they check police reports in search of news to put in the paper. He requested he meet me at the cemetery which I did and was showing him where the 5 stolen stones had been when News 4 showed up with Bora Kim and I had to try to convince them that this was no prank that perhaps $4,000 worth of new beautiful granite markers had been stolen but could not come up with any reason. They could be resurfaced and sold was the only explanation that seemed logical. WWJ called me and I could only tell them what I knew. Well soon it was on the TV and Radio and I was driving my car and turned on news radio 950 to hear myself stating that it just doesn't make any sense at all why anyone would seal an Unknown Soldier and veterans memorials out of a cemetery. And they were granite not bronze so the motive wasn't to sell them for metal value. When I got home my phone was ringing and it was WWJ who told me that a woman (Sue Kefler) had called and confessed to having the stones removed. I called the Warren police and Lt Brock confirmed that Sue had called them and told them she had the stones removed. The Warren police not knowing what to do just treated this incident as a dispute among historical society members, so no police action was taken. The story did hit the Macomb Daily the next day 15 July.

In 2012 it was discovered that additional memorials had been stolen including a an Epitaph stone robbed off of a family grave and others. This has got to be stopped. Since the police won't do anything and since the families who donated these are probably from out of town all I can do is publicize this in my books and website. It is my hope that one of these families who donated these memorials will see this and sue the H out of them hopefully putting a stop to this. It would be best of these folks just admitted they made a mistake and returned the memorials or replaced them. Families are warned not to place expensive stones at Warren Union Cemetery for fear of them being stolen. They need to be told by some authority that this is just wrong and gives our city a black eye. If they do not replace them their may be a court action on this issue. Many of us veterans and some others are just not going to let our soldiers be disrespected.

Persons buried at Warren Union Cemetery

Below is a list of persons buried in Warren Union Cemetery from Warren Township records. Note death records only give name of cemetery. At the end of this document is an additional list of persons who may be buried here. This is not a wish list but a probable list. As this is from obituaries, death records, family records, township records, etc. In the old days John Beebe for example of a famous person from Warren history lived here most of his life, raised his children here, they got married here, his wife and some of his children are buried here. His son was the village undertaker also. He was the Township supervisor, ran the toll gate, had a business here for many years. His church service was in or near the cemetery. No records have been discovered indicating that he was buried anywhere else. The logical conclusion is that he is probably and most likely buried here. Is there a record not any longer as it has been lost by negligence. That is why his name will be with many others who are probably here.

Fred Austin Reddick b Troy township Oakland Co. Feb 4, 1875 d oct 27, 1937 son of Frank Austin Reddick of Belleville One & Fannie Janette Wilson, Troy. Husband of Mazie Reddick. Inspector Ford

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motor Co. informant Lloyd F Reddick. Died in Warren Michigan.

William Henry Smith b Vermont, d Dec 25, 1898 aged 41 son of A Smith and Sarah J Sentus of Vermont. Married- physician. Gunshot wound to head. Dr Geo G Robinson-Undertaker, P Dusenbury, Utica.

Transit permit from Detroit #393 to bring for burial at Warren, Mi Thos R ? Hutton aged 39, who d at Detroit, jan 16, 1891 of Heart failure. Undertaker, Blake-medical attendant, Hal. C Myman, MD(order dated Jan 17, 1891.

Jacob Rickabus b Belgian d Jan 19, 1899 age 38-3-9 to St Clements cem parents unknown Married farmer

Jesse Mason b Mi d Feb 22, 1899 age 38-9-5 buried M Cem Warren son of J C Mason b Mass & L Davy, England, married-druggist

Ester Beebe, b England d April 1, 1899 age 70-1-30 burial ME Cem at Warren Mi dau of Chas Davy & Liddy Gravy, England. widowed-housekeeper

Lambert Diselrod b Mi d Apr 1, 1900 age 1-3-0 son of John G Diselrod & Minnie Wilson of MI

Willie Lyons b Mi d Nov 16, 1901 ag 22-0-15 son of W?C Lyons & Lillie Beebe, Mi single.

Charles Clayton Reddick b MI d Nov 30, 1901ag 0-0-1 son of ? Reddick Mi & ?arnes Kelly Ill.

Christian Buhl b Germany apr 11, 1852 d Feb 21, 1930 son of Ludwig Buhl & Maria Saner of Germany. Husband of Christina Buhl. Retired farmer Informant Wm Buhl, New Haven Mi res. Next to Methodist Church on 7th St Warren always in memory of FAC

Christina Buhl b Germany Jan 11, 1853 d May 8, 1928 dau of William Schrieber & ? of Germany. Wife of Christ Buhl.

Harry Didier (infant) b June 13, 1930 d June 13, 1930 son of Guy W didier of Bay Co Mi & Annie Mitchell of England

Frank A Reddick b Belleville, Ont May 11, 1849 d Jan 9, 1931 son of John Reddick & Elizabeth Reddick of Ont Canada Retired farmer. Husband of Fannie J Wilson.

John Metro b Warren Sep 12 no yr, d June 10, 1931 ag 75 yrs. Son of Joseph Metro of France & Mary Jane Winecoup of Penn retired butcher. Husband of Della Metro lived at 8833 Chicago Rd near Warren Village.

Mary Steffens b Feb 9, 1830 d Sep 22, 1932 dau of Paul Mildebrant of Germany wife of Ernst Steffens.

Archie Lyons b Detroit May 3, 1859 d Dec 15, 1935 son of Archie Lyons Mi & Amelia Delezenne, NY. Husband of Lillian Beebe. Father of Merton Lyons. Res corner Fillmore & Mound rds Warren Mi. FAC

Nathaniel Ames b MI d April 24, 1934 ag 74-3-5 son of ? Husband of Sarrie Ames. Farmer

Fredericka Steins b Germany Sep 19, 1858 d July 20, 1934. dau of ? Fredericka Forgwardt of Germany. Wife of Henry Steins. Informant Earl Steins.

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Caroline Meynert b Germany Nov 10, 1848 d 21 1935, dau of Louis Zeiby ? Of Germany Wife of Gustav Meynert. Mother of Fred Meynert, boat builder, FAC

Wright Tharrett b Mar 22, 1843 d jan 24, 1928 ag 82-10-2 Van Dyke MI son of John Tharrett of England & Mary tyson of Eng.

Michael Wills married b Hamtramk, MI May 4, 1852 d May 21, 1826 son of Henry wills & Catherine Wilson both of Germany. Wife Catherine Berger.

William Pennow b Germany Apr 6, ? d June 18, 1926 age 80-2-12 son of Gottlieb Pennow & Firudia of Germany. Widowed laborer.

Hannah D Moore b Warren Dec 24, 1867 d Jan 22, 1928 bur OakView, dau of George Heartline & Fredicka Ecksteine of Germany. Wife of Calvin B Moore.

Ben Johnson Marshall b Ithica MI Mar 3, 1870 d May 27, 1940 son of ? & Sarah Cleveland of Mi. Husband of Jennie Crabtree. Was a butcher in general store. Informant Edw Mills, 5731 Chicago Rd Warren.

William Ramus b Wayne Co Mi May 25, 1869 d Jul 26, 1940 son of ? Worked at Warren brick yard. Informant son Fred Ramus.

Note many stones are difficult to read so families should check the original stone.This list also includes recordings made in 1938, 1940, 1997 and Wesley Arnold’s 2004 and 2010 studies. This is a list of stones and the people buried nearby. Both the stones and the bones below are slowly returning to dust. Stones are listed by Lot Rows starting as S W corner and proceeding East. Lot rows run South to north. The* symbol means that it was listed on a walk thru prior to 2004. In some cases the stone no longer exists but I have listed the person buried nearby.Example of numbering: R2-9ur translates to Row 2 nine yards North ur = unreadable Hs = head stone fs = foot stone cs = corner stone us = unknown kind of stone partly buriedStones are numbered in order from South to North as of June 2010. Names are listed on the stone. More means there are more difficult to read words. If there is no number in front of name stone is gone. People buried there are listed if known.

Row 1 from W most SW stone Landmark is Remington George medium size gray stone

Row-yards from south fence. If no number location is unknown.1-2 Remington George D Jun 5, 1880 Apr 16,1918* in SW corner 4 feet from s Fence1- head stone unreadable 1-3 Remington Catherine Nov 1, 1882 Dec 5, 1936*1-3 head stone unreadable 1-9 unmarked grave and old well or drainFor Additional information on old over 3,000 Warren families contact Historian Wesley Arnold

1-10 Langel corner stone1-11 Langel Arthur Joseph Oct 4, 1904 Nov 21,1923*1-12 Langel Warren J 1912 19331-13 Langel Monument gray by fence1-14 Langel Joseph M 1877 1945*1-15 Langel Cordelia M 1876 1948*unmarked grave

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1-17 Langell corner markerThe fence curves in. There is cemetery property on other side of fence and possible graves.Totals: probable persons based on stones 6 ; total graves 48 ; total unmarked graves 41

Row 2 from W. Landmark is BERGER BIG TALL gray STONE 15 feet from south fence2-6 Berger Nicholas 1836 1920* CIVIL WAR VETERAN V12-1 Berger Johanna 1840 1899*2-7 head stone FATHER2-8 head stone MOTHER2-9 head stone BABY PROBABLY R2 Berger Esmelia female 3m 1893 Summer Complaint 2-16 foot stone 2-17 foot stone 2-18 flat stone face down may be under grass to West needs careful read

2-19 Gesch Monument lists Lottie & Ferdinand Gesch Lottie nee Gesch Jul 23, 1874 Oct 8, 1902 father Ferdinand Gesch* Mar 1842 Jul 1879

2-22 unreadable Gesch mother b 1874 d 1902Gesch Emilie*Gesch Martha*Gesch Ferdinand Gesch 1842 1879*stone face down

2-27 BIG STONE Metro Monument now face down listed Phebe Stella, Geo, RichardMetro Phebe 1869-* STONE FACE DOWNMetro Geo 1867 1920*Metro Stella 1893 1895*Metro Richard 1891 1892*

Metro, Frank b Warren d Jul 24, 1898 ag1-10-13 son of Jos Metro of Warren and Agnes Giddly, Detroit. Metro Missing Marker

2 MISSING MARKERSTotals: probable persons based on stones 15 ; total graves 48 ; total unmarked graves 33

Row 3 from W. Landmark is Reddick big gray stone (Skinner on back) 4 yards from fence3-4 Reddick-skinner monument

Reddick Tom 1865 1940*Reddick Emma B 1865 1948*Reddick Melvin A 1904 1951*other side Skinner Monument listed are Alonzo, Electa, Id Jother side Skinner-Reddick Alonzo May 21, 1826 Sep 6,1898*Skinner-Reddick Electa J 1837 1910*Skinner-Reddick Ida dau or A & EJ Skinner Oct 23, 1879 ag 20 yrs 4 mos*

3-7 base monument gone ond monument had inscription “We miss thee, yes, no tongue can tell, How much we loved thee, nor how well”Motherunreadable unreadableseveral unmarked graves3-15 Mother3-16 Father ur

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3-17 Crawford-Tanner monument Tanner Ida A Apr 23, 1871 d Jan 15, 1896 dau of David & Alice Wilson*“Half blown the rose, half withered and died. Sweet perfume lingers around us still, and Mid the

thorns at its faced side, But one bud remains to fill the place now left.”{Tanner Ida d Jan 15, 1896 marr 25 bright disease rec 271 }

Crawford J M Nov 30 1824 Jan 31, 1912* CIVIL WAR VETERANCrawford Elizabeth wife of J M Crawford Oct 8, 1830 Jan 12, 1908*

Crawford had six small stones Mother Father, Ida, baby Emma One stone had lodge marker FGB and R N A*

3-19 FATHER3-25 Giff Effenie d Jun 15,1888 ag 70 yr 2 mo 15ds plus four graves Father, small stone E Giff Giff Thistherod William 1881“Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding, O'er the spoils that death has won, We would at this solemn meeting, calmly say “Thy will be done, Though cast down, we are not forsaken, Though afflicted not alone, Thou didst give and now has taken, Blessed lord, Thy will be done.”3-29 Distlrod monument east3-29 west Thistherod William Dec 28, 1881 ag 4 1m 5d white stone presented from Grandpa Giff*Diselrod Lambert Feb 2, 1844 Apr 7, 1892 ag48 2mo 5d*3-29 Diselrod Effie 1873 1944 Distelrath Lydia 1885 1923unmarked graveNote another Lambert Diselrod b Mi d Apr 1, 1900 age 1-3-0 son of John G Diselrod & Minnie Wilson of MI is buried in an unmarked grave here at the Warren Union Cemetery

MARKER MISSING LAMBERT DISELROD D1900Totals: probable persons based on stones 25; total graves 48; total unmarked graves 23

Row 4 from W. Landmark is John Gamble tall old gray stone4-5 Gamble monument

Gamble John d Feb 5, 1895 ag62 7mo * “At Rest”Gamble Infant children of J & I Gamble, had small stone father*

several unmarked graves

4-8 Gillett James H 1859 1907

Gillett Emma E 1863-1950 unmarked is a stone face down MARKER MISSINGunmarked grave

4-13 Walker Louis C 1869 May 7, 1898 ag 22-10-11 son of B Walker & Mary Hoyt single laborer*4-14 Walker George B 1837 1914*4-15 Walker Mary J 1843 1924*unmarked grave

4-16 Halsey C Frank 1860 1938*4-18 Halsey Edith M 1865 1938*stone under ground4-20 La Croix Julie 1888 1938*4-21 La Croix Edith Anna 1905 1917*4-24 square corner stones Kircher4-26 Gotlieb Kirchner red stone4-25 flat face down no words needs to be cleaned and re read NEEDS READ4-27 Kirchner Gottlob Father 1852 1927 tall gray* SERIOUS TILT

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Kirchner Marie Justine wife of Theo Kirchner Feb 25, 1824 Sep 6 1885*4-28 Distelrath Lydia E 1885 19234-29 Distelrath Lambert H 1886 19294-30 Distelrath monument only one side has wordsDistelrath Kirchner Lydia E 1885 1923 “Mother”*had two foot stone marked Mother 2 graves had IOOF emblemstone under groundunmarked gravefence 33.5 yardsTotals: probable persons based on stones 17; total graves 48; total unmarked graves 31

Row 5 from W. Landmark is Cole tall gray granite 7 yards from S fence5-4 head stone FATHER had IOOF emblem5-6 head stone MOTHER5-7 Cole monument tall gray

Cole Wm 1848 1908? CIVIL WAR VETERAN Cole Wm L b1840 d no year on stone*Cole Viola C his wife 1845 1909*

Cole Elvin ag 3 1867 1870*Cole Clara R May 9, 1869 Jun 3, 1884 *

5-9 foot stone Clarathere are several unmarked graves here5-24 corner stone 5-25 Tatro Francis 1843 1885 low stone5-26 Schuster Loretta nee Tatro 1846 1931*5-27 Tatro monument Francis Tatro d Oct 19, 1883 ag 39 10mo CIVIL WAR VETERAN

5-28 Harwood Ahas 1790 Dec 10, 1867 ag 78* 5-29 Tatro Francis 1843 d1883 ag39*

Harwood Minard 1851 1926* MARKER MISSINGHarwood Daisy B 1876* MARKER MISSING

5-34 fenceTotals: probable persons based on stones 11 ; total graves 48; total unmarked graves 37

Row 6 from W. Landmark is Halsey low gray granite medium size tree 2 yards from S fenceHalsey Hiram 1852 1933*6-2 Halsey Hiram C 1832 19336-3 Halsey Edith A 1858 1946*at least ten unmarked graves 6-12 foot stone6-13 Elvin

6-14 Hoard monument words on 3 sides tall Hoard Levi Jun 24, 1807 Jan 20, 1888* CIVIL WAR VETERAN Hoard Lucina wife of Levi Hoard Sep 7, 1807 Oct 28, 1886 * Hoard G W Aug 1, 1878 Nov 1910 on Hoard monument*Hoard Elizabeth Sep 12, 1885 Jun 1, 1901 on Hoard monument co record shows dau of John

Tharrett & Maria Tyson of Eng. Married*Walker Gusta B wife of C E Walker Mar 16, 1872 Jun 18, 1900 on Hoard monument* and co

records ag 29-3-2 dau of Hoard b Mi, & Elizabeth Tharrett or NY state. Married.Walker Lewis C b May 18, 1900 d Jun 27, 1901 on Hoard monument ag 1-1-9 son of Chas

Walker & Gusta Hoard Mi*

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6-16 PA6-17 unreadable and Hoard small stones mother father pa ma Mama* missing or unreadable 6-20 Osborne Maria 1860 1925*6-21 Osborne Clinton E 1855 1902*Near Osborne small marker Clifton* MARKER MISSINGstone underground6-24 Wilson William 1818 1904* {Wilson William Mar 22 1904 marr 85 6 21 senile-- b Canada farmer John Wilson unk}stone underground6-25 Wilson Margaret 1835 1917*6-27 Wilson John H 1859 1934*6-29 Wilson Lizzie 1863 1951*6-30 Wilson Mary 1866 1931* Warren township record d Apr 12, 1931 ag 35-1-2 dau of Henry Jessop & Elizabeth White of England. Wife Thomas T Wilson.6-32 Wilson Thos T 1868 1934*6-34 fenceTotals: probable persons based on stones 20; total graves 48; total unmarked graves 28

Row 7 from W. Landmark is Evarts low standing light gray about 2 yards from fence7-2 Evarts Wallace Oct 26, 1885 ag 76 yrs* leaning not bad7-3 Evarts Permaniah Penininh wife of Wallace O Jun 18, 1808 Nov 14, 1900 footstone mother*{Evarts Permaniah 1890 Nov 14 ag82 widow Paralysis rec 237}7-4 Evarts Alison A May 27, 1886 ag 38 yrs 3 mos* “Farewell Friend” in this space are four unmarked graves had foot stone Alison

7-9 Hoxsey James son of E Hoxsey Aug 27, 1854 Mar 22, 1887* 7-9 head stone FATHER7-14 head stoneHoxsey Thos son of James no date *Hoxsey James died of consumption4 graves clearly outlined on Hoxsey lot two unmarked graves

7-15 Pereira monument big gray monument Pereira M J Jan 20, 1843 May 2, 1919* CIVIL WAR VETERANPereira Cordelia his wife MJ Dec 18, 1843 Dec 2, 1899 *Pereira Frank A Apr 20, 1884 Jun 20,1928*Pereira Arthur L Mar 4, 1906 Jan 20, 1914 *

had stones Mother, IOOF, K of C unmarked grave

7-18 Pearsall Monument BIGPearsall Ira C Nov 3, 1891 ag 56 yrs 10 mo 26 days* is only name on monument

foot stone W P, Father 7-20 unreadable tall markerWilliam son of Iria and Anna Pearsall d Sep 9, 1876 ag 2 yrs 1 mo* MARKER MISSINGthere are about 10 unmarked gravesfour corner markers 7-25 Peck Monument big gray no names7-26 Buckley John L uncle* 1890 May 12 ag 33 married farmer b MI John & Margaret of Warren Drownded Macomb County Record 239 per Wes Arnold historian

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7-27 Buckley Sarah aunt* {Buckley Sarah A 1889 Mar 8 widow ag 73 record No 254 cancer in chest b NY }7-28 Peck Celia J wife 1853 1927*7-29 Peck Roy E 1881 1902*7-30 Peck Harold E 1888 1902*7-31 Peck Martha R wife 1860 1878*7-32 Peck Edward H 1857 1941*7-33 Peck May V 1885 1980*7-34 fenceTotals: probable persons based on stones 22; total graves 49; total unmarked graves 27

Row 8 from W. Landmark is Tharrett Monument Big BIG gray 5 yards from fence8-2 unreadable8-3 stone unreadable 8-4 stone unreadable \

8-3 Tharrett Robert Jan 29, 1837 Sep 5, 1906 BIG* + foot stone FATHER {Tharret Robert Sep 3 1906 marr 69 8 3 cause ?cranatatic Insufficiency b MI farmer John/Maria}8-4 Tharrett Diana wife of Robert Sep 21, 1843 Nov 3, 1912* + foot stone MOTHER 8-5 Tharrett Monument big tall 8-7 Tharrett Julia dau of R & D d Apr 17, 1874 ag 1yr 28 ds* 5 ft stones unreadable , Mother Father from here to VanFleet are 12 unmarked graves or unused8-15 VanFleet monument tall SERIOUS TILT VanFleet Frederick d Sep 27, 1888 ag 73* VanFleet Judiah H Mar 21, 1846 May 27, 1864 ag 18 VanFleet Frankey Oct 15, 1861 Oct 4, 1863* just under 2 years VanFleet Theodore F Jun 23, 1842 Sep 18, 1864 ag22 CIVIL WAR VETERAN 8-16 4 lot corners T8-16 Theodore also had stones, Judiah, Frankey8-16 MOTHER Edna L 1873 1931 8-17 LaDoucour monument no words BIG BIG 8-19 LaDoucour Edna L Mother 1873 1931*8-20 LaDoucour Dr Edward W Father 1869 1927*Twp record b Blissfield, Lenawee Co Mi Aug 13, 1868 d Warren Jul 16, 1927 Wife Edna. Son of Joseph of Canada. Was M.D. In Warren Had son Harold who m Carrie and had children F C8-21 LaDoucour Ralph E 1918 1924*stone underground8-24 STONE BENCH8-31 Brandon Hazel 1886 1948*8-32 Brandon Daniel S 1883 1953*8-34 fence 34Totals: probable persons based on stones 16; total graves 49; total unmarked graves 33

Row 9 from W. Landmark is Cartwright worn white sandstone about 2 yards from fence9-2 John F son of F W & E d Feb 19, 1869 Cartwright ag 2yrs 4 mos 24 ds 9-2 foot stone J F C9-4 Murthum monument tall gray worn

Murthum Minnie A wife of Wm Apr 22, 1884 ag 19 & 1 day*“A loved one has gone from our circle On Earth we will meet her no more, She has gone to her home in heaven, And all her afflictions are o'er.

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unmarked grave William MurthumHad Addl stones Freddie, Minnie A9-6 Cartwright BIG DARK GRAY MONUMENT

Cartwright Frederick W 1843 1911*Emma Cartwright 1844 1938

9-8 head stone Emma Cartwright Emma wife of Frederick 1844 1938*9-9 head stone Frederich Murthum-Cartwright 4 lot corners marked C*

9-13 Tharrett John d Apr 22, 1876 ag77 3ms*“affliction sore I long have bore Physician skill were vain, till Christ the chief, he brought relief, and eased me from my pain9-14 Tharrett Maria d Aug 7, 1889 ag 80 7ms 3 ds* widow ag 82 record 282 b England Pralysis of Heart Macomb County Record “Mother, you have gone and left us and we miss you in our house, But we hope again to meet you, where no parting will be known.” 9- J & M and had stone MT9-13 Tharrett Theadore son of J & M d Jul 27, 1860 ag 11 yrs 4 mo 19 ds *9-14 five stones unreadable ??lett ? W 1835 aged 2 yrs worn needs careful read and another stone underground

9-17 Big Tharrett monument greyTharrett Willie R son of A & E d sep 17, 1885 ag2 3 ds* “Good Bye”Tharrett Willie R 1883 Sep 17, 1885 ag 2 yrs 3 ds*Tharrett Alonzo 1845 1903*Tharrett Ella 1849 1929* township record b Norwalk, Conn Apr 11, 1840 Sep 21 1929 dau of

James M Hoit & ? of Conn wife of Alonzo Tharrett9-17 Theodore, son of J & M Tharrett d Jul 27, 1860 ag 11 yrs 4 ms 19 ds.

9-20 Smith George A 1845 1923*9-21 Smith Dora 1859 1895* {Smith Dora June 27 1896 fe marr 35 tumer b Canada rec 273}this area has 6 unmarked graves 9-28 Hearn Sarah 1849 1929*9-27 Hearn Robert 1851 1927* three unmarked graveshad Hearn corners9-30 fenceTotals: probable persons based on stones 18; total graves 49; total unmarked graves 31

Row 10 from W. Landmark is Smith BIG big gray about 4 yards from fence10-2 foot “PAPA”10-4 Smith big gray monument

Smith W H MD Oct 4, 1856 Dec 26, 1899*had stones Papa, lodge marker FGBunmarked grave with lodge marker RNA

10-6 Hoxsey Bertha M 1872 1923 umarked grave10-7 big gray monument Halsey

Halsey Nathan W Oct 3, 1826 Jan 27, 1910* head stone FATHER Halsey Harriett E Mar 3, 1838 Feb 12, 1908 on Nathan stone*


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10-9 FATHERstone undergroundunmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 4; total graves 50; total unmarked graves 46

Lot Row 11 from W. Landmark is Harwood big gray monument 3 yards from fence11-3 Harwood new BIG gray monument

Elizabeth b 1837 d 1925 wife of unmarked grave of Arnold Harwood Aug 25, 1816 May 21, 1914 MARKER MISSING11-6 unreadable 11-6 Old Harwood monument

Harwood Children of A* E G Harwood all on tall monument* several children died Harwood Alma E d Jul 11, 1882 ag18yrs 7ms 23ds *Harwood Byron E d Aug 14, 1884 ag 17ys 11 mo 23ds*Harwood Elmer d Dec 9, 1861 ag 6mo*Harwood Elizabeth 1837 1925* MARKER MISSING

Harwood Elvira wife of A Harwood d Nov 13, 1858 ag36yrs 9ms* MARKER MISSING11-6 Alma, 11-6 Byron11-7 Evira11-7 Harwood Elmira d Sep 22, 1851 ag 2yrs 4ms 21ds dau of A & E G Harwood*11-9 Elmer11-10 8 foot stones unreadable

11-14 Hoxsey Almeda dau of Edward and Margaret Jun 15, 1851 Dec 17, 1856 ag5 ys 6ms 8ds* has foot stone MH needs help SERIOUS TILT11-16 Hoxsey tall big monument

Hoxsey Edward Jul 26, 1827 May 6, 1896* + foot stone {Hoxey Edward May 7 1896 marr 68 Cancer of Stomach b MI farmer rec 289 }

Hoxsey Margeret d Jul 25, 1884 wife of Edward ag 50yrs 8mo 23d* 11-16 foot stone Margaret 11-16 stone laying on face can't readtwo corner stones unreadablefive unmarked graves11-20 Hoxsey Catherine wife of George d Dec 21, 1875 ag 83 foot stone Catherinefoot stone E G11-21 Hoxsey George d Apr 12, 1867 ag 67yrs 4 mo 7 ds*five unmarked graves 11-27 Gillett Peter died May 13, 1862 age 73* west side had foot stone PG11-27 Sylvester Royce stone on east side11-29 Gillett Sally wife of Peter Gillett d Apr 16, 1851 age 60 yrs* had foot stone SG11-30 Gillett Mary dau of P & S d Feb 28, 1863 ag 39 yrs 4mos 21ds*lot had Gillett stones Mother, Father, George*11-31 head stone George Jame wife of Fredrick banks d Sep 4, 1874 ag 74 stone broken on ground foot stone JB

MARKER MISSING11-32 head stone unreadable 11-33 Gillett monument tall Gillett monument tall shows Gillett William Nov 20, 1813 May 25, 1894*

Gillett Jane Jan 11, 1817 May 17, 1897 on Wm monument* Totals: probable persons based on stones 18; total graves 50; total unmarked graves 32

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Row 12 from W. Landmark is Barton tall pink stone12-5 foot stone unreadable12-6 foot stone unreadable12-7 Barton monument tall pink monument

Barton Oliver Jan 31, 1822 Mar 15, 1897*Barton Frances M wife of Oliver born Apr 13, 1826*also lists John and ChloeBarton Chloe d May 16, 1850 ag 69 yrsJohn H Barton d Dec 5, 1856 ag 76 yrs

had stones MOTHER, FATHER JHB, OB foot stone JHBtwo unmarked graves two stones undergroundfour unmarked graves 12-13 Davy Isaiah May 4, 1822 May 31, 1891*12-16 Davy Willie R son of Isaiah & Sophronia d Mar 13, 1855 ag 5 ys 9ms 18ds*12-16 Davy Izora A dau of Isaiah & Sophronia d Mar 3, 1855 ag 3 ys 7ms 6ds*12-17 Denizon James Orison son of Avery and Mary d Mar 18, 1842 ag 20 ys 2m 6d*unmarked grave12-19 Denison David A W son of David T and Augusta A ag7 mo*unmarked grave12-20 Denison David son of Avery & Merck Denison

Denison David son of David and Mercy L djUL 26 1853 ag27 9 6* MARKER MISSING “His dying words “Farwell dear friends, I leave you here, With her to me who is most dear, For health decline and I must die and go to Mansions in the sky, I leave you in the hands of God, who purchased you with His own Blood, Though I must bid you all goodbye, I hope to meet you in the sky.”12-21 Denison Elsey Hough wife of D A d Oct 23, 1840 ag 24 5ms 1 dy* “Farewell my dear husband, the Lord bide me come, Farewell my dear sistersI am now going home . Bright angels are whispering, so sweet in my ear, away to my Saviour, my spirit shall steer. I am going, I am going, but what do I see, 'Tis Jesus in glory appears unto me, To Heaven, to Heaven, I am going, I'm gone, All glory, Oh Glory, 'tis finished, 'tis done.”six unmarked graves 12-27 Royce Sylvester W d Jul 12, 1862 ag 47ys 7ms + foot stone five unmarked graves 12-27 Mary J Royce d Dec 12, 1867 ag 48y 11m 6ds had foot stone Our Mother two unmarked graves

12-29 Wood Sylvia A Nov 10, 1838 Sep 3, 1880 on the Mary Barr stone* and daughter Mary A Barr Oct 23, 1860 Jun 9, 1881 only 19 ys old12-31 Walker Archie Hoyt 1891 1911*12-32 Walker Burrett 1889 1920*12-33 Walker Burrett Sr 1866 193612-34 Walker Etta 1870-1948unmarked graveTotals: probable persons based on stones 18; total graves 50; total unmarked graves 32

Row 13 from W. Landmark is Ames BIG BIG GRAY STONE13-3 Ames Elton M Jun 9, 1867 Nov 5, 1867*13-4 Ames big gray stone13-5 Van Antwerp Sarah wife of Wm d 1867 ag 75y flat on ground + footstone S A*

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Van Antwerp Brother*unmarked grave13-6 Ames Milo Aug 4, 1840 Dec 7, 1920* 13-7 Ames Cordelia W May 5, 1842 Jun 2, 1916*Ames Polly wife of Smith Ames 1855 ag 48y by M Ames*Ames Smith husband of Polly d 1858 ag 51y by M Ames*

BELOW TWO MARKERS MISSINGAmes, Polly wife of Smith Ames d feb 15, 1855 ag 48y 5m 12d stone Polly by M AmesAmes Smith husband of Polly died Feb 3, 1859 aged 51y 4m 27d by M Ames13-9 flat face down needs careful read NEEDS READINGunmarked grave13-9 foot stone unreadable

13-10 Van Antwerp Dan’l eldest son of Wm & Sarah d Mar 8, 1859 ag 47y 4m 16d* SERIOUS TILTSarah wife of William d Sep 4, 1867 ag 75 7m 4d foot stone SA stone flat near front fenceA light from our household is gone, a voice that we loved is stilled,a vacant place is in our house, that never can be filled. “Brother in the solemn trust, we comment thee dust to dust, in that faith we wait til risen, Thou shalt meet us all in heaven.”four unmarked graves possible unmarked grave

13-19 Norris John N *May 18, 1824 -1891 Aug 9 widower 67 blood poison b NY farmer Macomb County rec 225

Norris Amanda May 27, 1821 Jan 4, 1890 on John Norris stone*four unmarked graves 13-17 Brown Lydia Barclay d Sep 9,1864 ag 19y 7m 19d*

Friends are passing over. Also had foot stone LBB13-18 Brown Amanda Hall wife of N Hollister d Oct 23,1876 ag 61-2-4*stone broken on ground

had foot stone AHBpossible unmarked grave N Hollistereight unmarked graves 13-26 Ames Franklin Dec 6, 1803 Feb 22, 1880*possible unmarked grave wife of Franklin Ameseight unmarked graves 13-33 Morehead Charles Adair Sep 16, 1865 ag24* inscription NEEDS CAREFUL REREAD

NEEDS MARKERTotals: probable persons based on stones 15; total graves 50; total unmarked graves 35

Row 14 from W. Landmark is Barr tall white stone 4 yards from fence14-4 Barr Margarett wife of R C Barr d Feb 6, 1884 ag78y* NEEDS CALKINGtwo unmarked graves 14-7 Barr Orlando D son of D C and P O Barr d Sep 15, 1863 ag1-9-28* had foot stone ODBten unmarked graves 14-7 foot stone unreadable 14-8 Barr Mary A dau of RC & M Barr d Nov 8, 1850 ag 1y-6m-13d*

14-8 Barr Mary S 1860 1881*SEE 12-29 “A mother and a wife most dear A faithful friend lies buried here” She was an affectionate wife and mother, a dutiful daughter and good sister. Her loss is deeply felt by allBarr Nancy E dau of R. C & M Jan 17, 1846 ag2 8ds* on tall monument

14-9 Barr Reuben C d Jan 7, 1873 aged 70y 10m* NEEDS CALKING

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Go Home dear friend, Wipe off your tears, Here I must lie, Till Christ appears.Seven unmarked graves 14-14 Minns Robert Osborn son of Phillip and Mary Jane Aug 10, 1868 Jan 31, 1873 ag4y 5m 21d

had foot stone RGM* [Minns Robert Osborn Jan 31 1873 4y 5m cont cough]14-15 Minns Philip d Nov 25, 1889 ag74y 3m 14d*unmarked grave14-16 Minns Elisha W son of P & M J Minns d Aug 26, 1872 ag 2 mo 15 ds* [Minns Elisha O aug 26 1872 2m Scarlet Fever]14-16 Minns Mary Jane wife of Philip dau of E W & M Halsey d Jun 8, 1872 ag42*She was an affectionate wife and mother, a dutiful daughter and good sister. Her loss is deeply felt by all. Foot stone MJM

14-18 Halsey Mary Jane wife of Philip Minns dau of E W & M Halsey d Jun 18, 1872 ag42 1 m 26d *14-18 Elisha W Halsey d Aug 7, 1874 ag 88y 7m 9d also stones MOTHER, FATHER possible [Halsey Elisah d1891 Aug 3 male 81 married old age b NY Farmer Macomb County rec 234]epitaph N H Lauria b Mar 4, 1874 d Jan 23, 1878 ag 3ys 8 mos 19ds had stone NHL MARKER MISSINGM E Lauria b Mar 17, 1877 d aug 24, 1877 ag 5 mo 7ds had stone MEL MARKER MISSINGthree unmarked graves

14-22 Halsey Charley C son of N W and H E Halsey d Dec 8, 1859 ag 3ys 26ds*six unmarked graves 14-26 Cole Marilla wife of Moses Cole d May 11, 1864 ag 25ys 6mos 16ds had head stone unmarked grave Moses Coleunmarked grave14-27 Smith Harriet wife of Robert D d Feb 5, 1860 ag 51 8m 16d*unmarked grave14-28 Smith John B son of R D & H d Sep 7, 1858 ag 26 5m 13d had stone JBS*14-29 Gamble John son of B G d Aug 6,1869 ag 3mo 2ds*14-30 head stoneunmarked grave unmarked grave had marker “Evelyn” MARKER MISSING14-33 Smith Robert D Jan 11,1803 Jan 10, 1889 ag 86* [MCDR Smith Robert D Jan 18 1888 86 md paralysis]14-34 Smith Esther G Apr 14, 1811 Sep 23, 1899 had stones Mother & corner stones S*foot stone Spalding lot had 4 corners marked S14-35 west Gamble Benjamin G 1843 1900 big gray stone CIVIL WAR VETERANold record Gamble stated Benjamin G Jan 16, 1843 Feb 6, 190014-35 east On Govt stone Co H 2nd Mich Cavalry B G Gamble [Benjamin enlisted Sep 15, 1861 in Warren for 3 years at age of 19. Mustered out Oct 2, 1861 due to gun shot wound in right leg. He was discharged for disability at Detroit Jan 15, 1864.]14- stone old unreadable 14-37 Spaulding Sadie Gamble wife of Burr Maynard Spaulding Sep 11, 1849 Sep 20, 1916*14-38 Spaulding Burr Maynard Aug 22, 1849 Jan 15, 1926*14-39 corner stone “S”Totals: probable persons based on stones 22; total graves 51; total unmarked graves 29

Row 15 from W. Landmark is MASON BIG DARK GRAY MONUMENT 4 yards from fence15-4 Mason J F May 17, 1862 Feb 22, 1899 had small stone Father*15-5 head stone FATHER

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15-8 Mason Willie J son of J G and E Mason b Mar 5, 1867 d Feb 15, 1871* Mason R Eltie son of J G & E Mason Aug 18, 1869 Jan 27, 1871 on Willie stone*[MCdeath

records show Mason Robert Feb 7 1871 1y 6m Scarlet Fever ]ten unmarked graves 15-19 several broken stones unreadable unmarked grave wife of J Mason

Halsey Olive A wife of Silas E Halsey d Sep 15, 1854 ag19* or 49 yrs 4m unmarked grave Silas E Halsey MARKER MISSINGten unmarked graves 15-31 Wilson baby of B and A Wilson*nine unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 7; total graves 51; total unmarked graves 44

Row 16 from W. Landmark is Hoyt TALL PINK GRANITE MONUMENT 16-3 foot stone unreadable16-5 Hoyt Ellen b Jan 29, 1815 Aug 20, 1895 on James stone*

Hoyt James W Dec 8, 1815 Dec 13, 1890 on Ellen stone 16-6 head stone FATHER also had Mother marker* 16- big treeeighteen unmarked graves 16- stone fragments unreadable 16-18 Royce Silvenus B d Dec 26, 1865 ag 51yrs 13ds* Rest sweetly, thou departed one, though sorrow fills this heart of mine, Ere long, life's tedious journey done, my spirit freed will seek out thine. unmarked grave spouce of Sylvenus Royce

16-19 Bowden Margaret wife of B T Bowden d Dec 5, 1882 aged 55yrs 7 mos 4 dys*16- stone fragments unmarked grave B T Bowden

16-21 Gregory, Solomon died May 14, 1864 aged 75 yrsGeorge S son of Salmon and Maria Gregory who died Feb 21, 1961 in the 28th year of his agehad stone Son ? John? ag73 six unmarked graves 16- stone fragments and 2 foot stones at water tap16- Kingscott John d Mar 25, 1863 ag 65 6mo 22ds stone JK* SOLDIER16- 28 Kingscott Barbara Ann wife of John Kingscott d Mar 21, 1862 ag 66 7d* stone BAK In the Christian's home in Glory, there remains a land of rest, There my Savior's gone before me, to fulfill my soul's request, Where is rest for the weary. NEEDS MARKER16-26 unreadable NEEDS MARKER16-27 Hitchcock ? D 18? ?217? NEEDS MARKER16-28 Hitchcock Louisa C wife of B F Hitchcock & dau of J & B Kingscott d Feb 28, 1863 ag27 8m 5d * also had stone LCH MARKER MISSINGhad stone hilich?? Albbisa C wife of ? 1831? [might be Rebecca Watson] NEEDS READalso several stones by fencesixteen unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 12; total graves 51; total unmarked graves 39

Row 17 from W. Landmark is Glazier TALL WHITE STONE 3 yards from fence17-3 Glazier Jennison F d Dec 7, 1869 ag 65 10ms 29ds*Rest thee loved one, rest thee calmly, Glad to go where pain is o'er, Where they say not, in the

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night time, I am weary any more.17-4 Glazier Electra wife of Jennison F d Oct 3, 1892 ag 85y 9m 3d*A precious one from us is gone, a voice we love is stilled.A place is vacant in our home, which never can be filled.God in his wisdom has recalled the boon his love had given.And though the body slumbers here, the soul is safe in heaven.Two unmarked graves 17-17 Sheire Laura E wife of Monroe Sheire & dau of J F & E Glazier d Nov 27, 1853 ag 17 10m 27d* The dear companion of my life has gone, I mourn but murmur not that life is done, I sadly say, Lo where this marble weeps, a wife, mother, sister, daughter sleeps. Monroe, Erected by her husband. unmarked grave Monroe Sheireten unmarked graves 17-17 Jones James Henry son of Northup and Mary d Jul 30, 1840 ag 10yrs* had stone NJunmarked grave NEEDS MARKER17-19 Jones Lucy wife of Samuel Jones d Aug 13, 1847 ag 19 8m 26 ds* had stone LJunmarked grave NEEDS MARKER17-21 Jones Mary wife of Northup d Jun 5, 1855 ag 63* had stone “our Mother” & MJtwo unmarked graves NEEDS MARKERJones Northup d Aug 17, 1841 ag 58y 4m 29d stone broken on ground* Actually the man's name was spelled Northrup Jones but it is spelled Northup without the second r on his stone. He was one of the very earliest settlers. Listed in 1881 Hist of Macomb County NEEDS MARKER unmarked grave Samuel Jonesfourteen unmarked graves 17-26 Van Meer Ella d 1916 17- foot stone STONE UNDER GRASS NEEDS READ

17- Van Meer Elgin d 1917 17- foot stone17-42 Masten Herbert Jr Jan 2, 1917 Jan 6, 1917*17-43 Masten Herbert Sr 1871 1938*

17- white flat stone unreadableTotals: probable persons based on stones 11; total graves 51; total unmarked graves 40

Row 18 from W. Landmark is STANLEY TALL WHITE OLD STONE 5 yards from fence18-4 head stone MOTHER18-5 Stanley monument tall white old stone Stanley Catherine Aug 1, 1805 Dec 25, 1884 on Washington stone*tall white old stone

Stanley Washington d Feb 7, 1883 ag76y 6m 5d tall white old stone*18-5 East. Stanley our Dau Elsie E Feb 2, 1897 Apr 29, 1897* little lamb stone [2m 27ds]18-6 Stanley Bernard B our son Jan 24, 1895 Oct 9, 1896* little lamb stone [1y 8m 15d]{Stanley Bernard Oct 9 1896 1y 8m croup James & Christine Stanley }18-7 west. head stones FATHER and MOTHER 18-8 west. Stanley Benjamin E d Apr 5, 1863 ag 31y 2m 22d* TILTED

18-13 east. Stevens Merrill L 1912 1975 WWII VETERAN18-14 east. Stevens Fred W 1894 1959 18-15 east. Stevens Sylvia A wife of Wm Richards Oct 19, 1900 Oct 12, 1931*18-16 east. stone FLAT FACE DOWN18-16 Stevens Claribel wife of L M Simpson May 6, 1897 Mar 16, 1923*18-18 Stevens Ormal D Dec 10, 1898 killed in France July 19, 1918 WWI VETERANAmerican Legion Marker* The following found on a note: “The son Ormal Stevens killed in WWI was

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a constant tragedy to his parents. John slowly died of TB during my days in Warren. He was a fine looking lad and delightful companion. His folks built a little house in the yard of their home for him and tried to do all they could but he would not strictly follow the doctors orders. Bernice Stevens was my school teacher in the lower grades at Utica. She married Neil Kennedy who was for long years station agent for the M RR at Warren, then was transferred to Wayne Michigan. They built a house on the west side of the street running N &W starting just east of the city hall. Had several children. A fine woman, tall & handsome. Nele was short and slight. Other daughters Helen and also a son Nook. The Stevens home for long years was on east side of Chicago road about a block from the sharp bend coming from the RR track crossing ease. Mrs Ormal Stevens Sr was a Rickabus. Ormel Stevens Sr was drawing some furniture from --- RR depot to the village with his horse drawn dray and --- helping him was another local man all of whom with son were very profitably employed. During the work a man made a slighting remark about Stevens son when Stevens climbed back over the load and enraged he engaged in a struggle which ended when they both fell off the wagon. Ormal never ceased to call them a family of slackers.”18-19 big Stevens monument 18-20 Stevens John E Aug 19, 1907 Apr 4, 1928* from Twp record son of Ormal & Sarah A Rickabus. Mechanic.18-21 Stevens Ormal B Sep 15, 1868 Feb 29, 1936* son of John b Stevens Canada, & Agnes Cromie, b Ireland. Occupation Night Watchman. Husband of Sarah Rickabush. From township record. 18-22 Stevens Sarah A Jul 4, 1873 Apr 21, 1955six unmarked graves

18-26 Corey George W Corey d Oct 6, 1862 ag 49y 11m 4d stone on ground*18-28 west. Corey William H son of Geo W & Narcissa b Jun 10, 1849 June 26, 1851 ag 2y 16d*unmarked grave MARKER NEEDEDCorey Polly M wife of Geo W dau of Abr'm Freeland d Aug 14, 1844 ag 22y* MARKER NEEDED unmarked grave Narcissa Corey 18-28 west. Hitchcock Henry L d July 18, 1862 ag 34y 1m 8d stone on ground footstone H L H* unmarked grave wife of Henry Hitchcockand another unmarked grave18-30 west.Hitchcock Thomas d Mar 21, 1868 ag73y 4m 22d*eight unmarked graves 18-32 Children's Memorial “In Memory Of The Hundreds of Children And Adults Buried in This Cemetery Who Have No Marker” Was stolen/removed by the grave robber gang in July 201118- Hitchcock Nelly A wife of Thomas * d April 27, 1874 ag 68y 24d MARKER NEEDED18-37 west Hitchcock Melissa consort of Orley May 1,1816 Sep 10,1846 ag 30y 4m* in backSleep, dearest sister. Had stone MHunmarked grave Orley Hitchcock18-42 west.Davy Henry Oct 18, 1871 Dec 3, 1906* PIONEER FAMILY IOOF emblem18-42 east. Flynn J C M D 1850 1910 had stone Father & Forester's emblem* IOOF

Flynn Annie E 1849 1942 Flynn Ellen Hanna 1833 1902*

18- stone unreadable18- unreadable18- unreadable18- unreadable Richards Simpson *three unmarked graves Jay ? flat stone weathered unmarked grave Wi ?? weathered unmarked grave Totals: probable persons based on stones 24; total graves 52; total unmarked graves 28

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Row 19 from W. Landmark is West Gate and drive two little Stanley lambs at left

Row 20 from W. Landmark is Gray worn standing stone 2 feet tall to N East20-4 Gray Isaiah T Apr 16, 1852 Jan 11, 1885* standing stone 2 feet tall unmarked grave wife of Isaiah4 unmarked graves on lot and unreadable stone Morris Robert d 185120-4 Morris Cyrena E wife of Robert d Mar 15, 1854 ag 54 stone flat on ground*I loved her on earth, May I meet her in heaven.Twenty unmarked graves Davy George son of Charles & Eliza J d Jan 4, 1849 ag 6 mo stone broken and flat on ground*

MARKER NEEDEDTotals: probable persons based on stones 4; total graves 52; total unmarked graves 48

Row 21 from W. Landmark is Case monument tall white stone N east of drive 25' from fence21-7 Case Chloe wife of Emanuel Case d Jan 1, 1881 ag 61 on Case monument *Emanuel Case 1812 1898 father MARKER NEEDED21-8 foot stone Case Deborah small marker unmarked grave Mother unmarked grave small marker*seven unmarked graves

21-13 Wright Robert C d Feb 20, 1867 ag 49 marking defaced flat on ground made in Detroit had stone RCW also foot stone in ground21-14 Wright Anna M wife of Robert C Wright, England Apr 5, 1830 Mt Clemens Dec 12, 1894 flat on ground broken, also footstone in groundTo live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.21-16 Davy Rev Charles, Pioneer d Mar 22, 1883 aged 85y 10m*21-16 foot stone C D21-16 stone face downsix unmarked graves 21-17 Davy Lydia wife of Charles d Apr 23, 1872 ag 78 5m 6d*21-21 Child's Epitaph stone said something like Day is Gone is now missing It was a new large polished Black granite memorial. All I remember was that it was sad. But it was stolen. How sad when a family can't even leave an epitaph for this child who only lived a year. It is wrong to steal someone's epitaph especially one for a child.21-23 Higgin Ross C 1911 1912*21-23 foot stone and four additional unmarked graves Heartsig G George son of W E &C d Feb 5,1857 ag3-1-11stone GCH * MARKER NEEDEDHeartsig CatherineS dau of Louise&Catherine d July11,1876 ag10 mo15 ds* MARKER NEEDEDHeartsig Mary E dau of L & A d Mar 14, 1852 ag 1 mo 6ds* MARKER NEEDED21-24 head stone MOTHER [Wilson]21-25 Wilson John d May 27, 1867 ag 71* + foot stone FATHER 21-26 Wilson monument tall old worn at far east side of row Wilson John Mar 31, 1796 May 27, 1867* PIONEER FAMILY

Wilson Jane Nov 12, 1807 Sep 15, 1887*21-26 MOTHER [Wilson]21-27 head stone FATHER [Wilson] plus 2 small markers matching monument 21-28 Lewis Hartsig d 1862 aged 33

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21-29 Heartsig Sara M dau of L & A d Oct 1, 1855 ag 3 mo* MARKER NEEDEDunmarked grave21-30 Hartsig L A Marin? daughter of Louis & Catherine d 1871 MARKER NEEDED21-31 Big Hartsig monument

Hartsig Catherine wife of Louis Dec 6, 1842 Jul 23, 1909* {Hartsig Catherine Jul 23 1909 widow 66 7 17 Bright Disease b Germany George Busch b Germany mo Unk}

Hartsig Angeline wife of Louis May 10, 1828 Feb 17, 1862 ag 33 broken*Hartsig Louis Dec 13, 1825 Apr 9, 1905*

21-33 Unknown Soldier Grave of Unknown Soldier in area Was stolen by the grave robber gang in July 201121-34 Ebert George Aug 19, 1855 ag 49* MARKER NEEDEDSusan Ebert d Mar 13, 1870 ag 71y 10d Erected by her son Jonas. stone SE* MARKER NEEDED“Jesus has called Our dear Mother home, Her flesh lies mouldering in the tomb, God grant her offspring may be blest, and meet her in eternal rest.”old stone Ruban d Mar 13 1870 ag 4 cory? NEEDS CAREFUL READ unreadable 21-37 unreadable21-37 Son of Charles & Hannah d 1901 ag 29 from record Harrington, Charles d Nov 30, 1901 ag 29-1-12 son of Chas Harrington, York State & Celestia Robesson, Mi single MARKER NEEDED unmarked grave Celestia Harrington21-37 Harrington Charley son of Charles and Celestia d Nov 30, 1901 ag 29 224*Case Emanuel 1812 1898 Father*Totals: probable persons based on stones 22; total graves 52; total unmarked graves 30

Row 22 from W. Landmark is Hoxsey low gray stone 2 yards from fence22-2 Hoxsey Abigal C 1865 1929 low gray stone22-6 Lionel Cline flat NEEDS CAREFUL READCline Alice dau of M & E d d Nov 1, 1861 ag 18 mo* NEEDS CLEAN AND READ unmarked grave The Cline parentstwo unmarked graves22-19 our baby no namenine unmarked graves 22-27 stone MJMtwenty unmarked graves 22-29 head stone unreadable22-38 head stone GE by big stump22-40 Reddick Lloyd F Army veteran 1893 1976* VETERAN M J M 1872 unmarked grave unmarked grave unmarked grave 22-46 fenceTotals: probable persons based on stones 7; total graves 53; total unmarked graves 46

Row 23 from W. Landmark is Jenny big gray stone 15 yards from fencefourteen unmarked graves 23-13 Jenney Annie L wife of W N May 13, 1865 Oct 15, 1906*23-15 Jenney monument big gray monument

Jenney Almon D Sep 25, 1816 Dec 15, 1910* on Jenny Jenney Zaida N wife of Almon Mar 17, 1823 May 15, 1907*

23-17 head stone FATHER 23-18 head stone MOTHER

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23-19 Jenney Leonard D 1861 1885 ag 24y 10m 10d * Our Brotherfour unmarked graves 23-23 Jenney Horace P 1809 1849* unmarked grave unmarked grave 23-28 Reddick monument off center of row on west side

Reddick Myrtie G Jun 27, 1881 Mar 25, 1885* stones MGR BR MOTHER Reddick baby Nov 30, 1886 Jan 28, 1887*

23-26 Warrenner monument tall gray worn stoneWarrenner John Jun 1,1821 Nov 25, 1896* had foot stone FATHER

23-27 Warrenner Sarah Ann wife of John 1824 Oct 2, 1853 ag 26y 10m 20d * tall gray worn 23-28 Warrenner Sharlott W 2nd wife of John 1825 d Apr 8, 1862 ag 33y 1m 8d*unmarked grave23-30 Warrenner Lydia wife of John 1826 d Feb 22, 1882 ag 56 10 ms* stone LWWarrenner John G or C son of John and Lydia d Feb 24, 1871 ag 5y 1m 13d* stone Jony

23-33 Reid Neil W Jun 15, 1899 Aug 2, 1918 WWI Soldier killed in France* VETERAN23-35 Reid J Melvin Dec 30, 1866 Dec 25, 1931 Lodge markers IOOF and VFW RNA*23-36 Reid Mary V 1868 1956 four unmarked graves 23-42 MOTHER*23-43 Willis monument big gray monument

Willis Catherine d May 24, 1896 ag79* big gray monument Willis Henry Oct 10 1848 Aug 31, 1911*

23-43 east. MOTHER Wills Katherine 1867-194723-44 head stone Henry unmarked grave Henry23-44 east. Willis Michael 1852 1926* Totals: probable persons based on stones 16; total graves 53; total unmarked graves 37

Lot Row 24 from W. Landmark is Benson tall gray monument 3 yards from fence24-1 head stone FATHER24-2 head stone MOTHER24-3 Benson monument tall gray stone

Benson Orin Jun 17, 1802 Nov 10, 1876* on Benson MonumentHe walked with God and was not For God took him.

Benson Lydia M Sep 23, 1814 Feb 4, 1892*She died as she had lived trusting in God.

24-4 Stones DB, Ira, Mary, MOTHER, FATHER 24- Benson Ira F 1836 1910*24- Benson Mary E 1843 1904*24-4 head stone unreadable unmarked grave 24-6 foot stone unreadable unmarked grave unmarked grave24-5 Ellen Kidd 1845 1893 Mother MC rec 236 Kidd Ellen Sep 30 1893 single 52 Consumption b England par Thomas Hearn of Cady Mi & unknown unmarked grave Mr Kidd Is possible Civil War Veterantwenty unmarked graves 24- Barton C Lucinda dau of R and E A d Oct 5, 1856 ag 1yr 8 m 13 ds*24-37 Emma L 1861 1947 Rufus H 1852 1924 big red granite low six unmarked gravesTotals: probable persons based on stones 9; total graves 53; total unmarked graves 44

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Lot Row 25 from W. Landmark is Ames FLAT WHITE almost a yard FROM FENCE25-1 east. Langell small square stone flat25-1 Ames Willie son of J & L L Ames d Mar 22, 1862 ag 10 days* unmarked graves

25-2 Burke Francis J 1914 1967*25-4 Burke Myles J Sr 1880 1968*25-5 Burke Annie M 1881 1974 unmarked grave

25-7 Eugenia Langell nee Horsey 1880 194525-8 Frank A Langrill 1873 1916five unmarked graves Langrill25-12 Langill corner stone whitesix unmarked graves 25-14 bench

25-16 Soden Baby stone plus footstone* unmarked grave Soden unmarked grave Soden

25-18 Chipchase George 1840 1909* Chipchase Amelia 1844 1919*

unmarked grave25-25 Hoard Mary E dau of L & L d Mar 28, 1866 stone on ground ag 16 11ms 28ds* stone

MSHHoard Levi son of Gurdin W d Apr 11, 1856 ag 3yrs 11mo 6 ds stone LH25-28 Soden Margaret wife of Eugene d Mar 24, 1904 ag 49* IOOF marker25-30 Our baby white flat foot stone not markedhead stone FGB unmarked grave unmarked grave with lodge markerEugene Soden unmarked grave25-31 Soden Ellenor wife of Eugene d May 13, 1879 ag 27y 9m 13d stone ES*

25-33 Walker Dawn 1877 19--*25-34 Walker Ned 1872 1926*

25-35 Stanley Elijah Jan 13, 1832 Oct 19, 1906 ag 73* Stanley Caroline wife of Stanley Sep 1, 1837 Mar 28, 1901* dau of David Rinthes & Lilian

Grodel, married markers Mother Husband25- unreadableExtine Geo D Feb 15, 1867 ag 2* stone GDE unmarked grave Extine unmarked grave Extinefive additional unmarked graves 25-41 Matthews Esther L 1925 1925* unmarked grave Mr Matthewsunmarked grave unknownTotals: probable persons based on stones 20; total graves 53; total unmarked graves 33

Row 26 from W. Landmark is McDowall old GRAY 21/2 feet high 8 yards from fence

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26-8 McDowall Rev Ebenezer born in Fredericksburg, Canada West Jan 3, 1807 June 19, 1862 died in Warren*seven unmarked graves

26-14 Bartels Christopher d Dec 8, 1887 ag 26y 3m * had cedar hedge26- foot stone “C S”two unmarked graves 26-17 Bartels Henry Oct 1, 1849 Mar 21, 1881 Our Brother stone HB*26-18 Bartels Elle dau of J & H d Aug 11, 1877 ag 17 17 ds*26-19 top of Bartels monument26-21 Bartels monument + stone MOTHER

Bartels Johannah wife of H d Sep 13, 1886 ag 55 5mos26- foot stones Mother* CGB, HB26- Bartels Charles G son of H & J d Oct 12, 1859 ag 1mo*26- Bartels Harmon son of H & J d Mar 5, 1856 ag 1 mo 6 ds*six unmarked graves no stones

Elias Beach d Oct 2, 1854 ag77y 8 m 5 dsflat on ground MARKER NEEDEDHannah wife of Elias Beach d Mar 18, 1862 ag 82 yrs 3ds `MARKER NEEDEDfour unmarked graves 26-27 stone unreadable26- stone unreadable26- stone unreadable

26-30 McCoy Ellen S wife of John d Apr 1, 1890 ag 85y 6m 5d*26-31 McCoy John d Apr 10, 1874 ag 71ys 10 m 26d*[md Killed by cars ]26-33 McCoy Everett W Apr 21, 1834 Aug 16, 1872 Our Brother*five unmarked graves

26-37 Young Ellen E wife of Christopher C d Jun 18 1855 ag 23y 1d * had stone EEY26-38 Young Charles H son of CC & EE d Jan 23, 1854 ag 2 mo 19d*unmarked grave probably Christopher Young unmarked grave extra lot26-38 flat stone “usinda? d1856 she” NEEDS CAREFUL READfive unmarked graves

26-41 Norris W Emmit 1855 1928 Father Clarence Walter*Twp record b Clinton Co Mi Mar 6, 1855 d Jan 7, 1928 son of John N & Amanda Emmons, New York NY. Husband of Harriet Halsey. Retired farmer26-42 Norris Hattie A 1861 1937 Mother*Norris Harriette A b Dec 1861 d May 29, 1937 aged 75-5-5 dau of John Halsey and Elizabeth Parton of NY. Wife of Walter E Norris res 5521 Garden Ave. Mo of John Norris, Yale Mi.Norris Sidney T ag 5 days*Walter Norris unmarked gravepossible unmarked grave of Clarence Walter Norris and spouseother unmarked gravesTotals: probable persons based on stones 19; total graves 54; total unmarked graves 35

Row 27 from W. Landmark is Hartlin low stone flat 20 feet from fence27-3 unmarked grave outlined in cement 27-4 unmarked grave outlined in cement27-6 Hartlin low stone

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27-6 Hartlin Elisobet frau von John d Jan 18, 1867 ag 54* TILTING27-6 Hartlin Elizabeth 1813-1867 wife of John new stone27-6 old standing unreadable27-6 west. foot stone

27-9 Busch monument tall big stoneBusch Anna Margaretha Dec 28, 1801 May 26, 1888*Busch John Frederick Nov 26, 1835 Mar 25, 1864* tall monument Busch John George Apr 20, 1805 Nov 30, 1895*

C B 27-10 head stone MOTHER 27-11 head stone FATHER 27-14 Pereira Charles son of M J & C May 16, 1866 July 5, 1866* unmarked grave Parents of Charles unmarked grave Parents of Charles27-15 head stone unreadable unmarked grave 27- head stone unreadable unmarked grave 27-16 head stone unreadable unmarked grave 27- baby augusta or bushe...may27-18 Pearsall Adelia d May 25, 1876 ag 2y 7m had foot stone AP

above stone had round top rectangle chunk out of it27-21 Elegty wife of Daniel Pearsal d Feb 28, 1860 ag 48 27-22 unreadable 27-23 Daniel Pearsal Dec 16, 1804 Oct 13, 1874 had stone DP

twelve unmarked graves 27-27 Wilson Franklin H son of Moses & Anna d Apr 27, 1864 ag 30ys 10 mo 19ds foot stone unmarked 27-28 Wilson Moses b Nov 6, 1803 Landaff, Putnam Co NH, d Feb 22, 1838 Warren Mi*eighteen unmarked graves Green Jennett dau of R & L May 16, 1867 ag 11ms 16ds * NEEDS MARKER27-42 Rickabus monument

Rickabus Sarah H Oct 1, 1824 Oct 21, 1900*Cordy George Jan 6, 1864 Nov 19, 1895 on Rickabus monument*

27- old stone unmarked grave NEEDS CAREFUL READtwo unmarked graves27-41 George27-42 MOTHER27-44 fenceTotals: probable persons based on stones 20; total graves 54; total unmarked graves 34

Row 28 from W. Landmark is row just east of historical marker and flag pole 28-5 Historic Marker28-11 Big Rock28-21 Flag Pole28-22 “Memorial To All Veterans We Honor Your service Remember Those Who Died on 9-11 and Other Attacks Be Vigilant Be Prepared” Was stolen/removed by the grave robber gang in July 201128-22 A Memorial Listing 30 Warren Veterans Partial List Many Fought and Died in USA Was stolen/removed by the grave robber gang in July 201128-22 Our flag Stands For Liberty Justice Free Speech – Press Maintain Our Freedoms Was

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stolen/removed by the grave robber gang in July 2011

28-28 Wells Hannah L dau of John and Eliza d Jun 7, 1856 ag 1yr 4m*28-34 Cement Bench28-35-40 Butterfly Garden

28-44 Weig Heinrig Aug 11, 1849 Oct 2, 1882*Weig John Friedrich 1879 sep 6, 1895 also small markers Heinrig, John, Father*Ruth, FranzCarstrn no space Feb 20, 1818 Nov 16, 1890*

28-44 east Rath Friedrich Feb 14, 1815 Aug 23, 1878 ag 63yr 6m 9ds*

28-47 Ege Dhihe worn broken NEEDS CAREFUL READunmarked grave28-49 Keil Katherina Eho Gattin of Ludwig b in Rulisheim Hesson-Darmatadt Aug 21, 1814 Mar 28, 1881 ag 66 3m 17d-- *

Ludwig Keil Mar 12, 1820 Apr 24, 1885

28-51 Maerz Heinrich Ph Maers Mar 30 1835 Jan 6, 1892*Maerz Ludwig 1820 1885*Maerz Goorg W Oct 6, 1879 Jun 16, 1883*

marker FATHERunmarked grave plain marker28-54 foot stone28-55 fence corner Totals: probable persons based on stones 12; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 54

Row 29 from W. Landmark is Panzer red stone 3 feet high 10 feet from fence29-3 Panzer William F 1888 1938* 29-4 Panzer Charles Nov 11, 1842 Dec 18, 1922*

Panzer Susanna Jan 2, 1848 Aug 19, 1903*six unmarked graves29-8 corner stone “strich”29- corner stone 29-9 head stone MOTHER

29-11 Strich Maria Mar 22, 1851 Nov 12, 1902small marker Mutter* and lot corners Strich

29-13 Warner Ida M Mar 21, 1884 Oct 14, 1923*six unmarked graves 29-21 Muller Christian Dec 23, 1842 Feb 14, 1892*six unmarked graves 29-23 George J Measel son of J & C Measel Jul 1, 1880 Dec 12, 1892four unmarked graves 29-28 Muller Christiana Aug 12, 1852 Jun 24, 1888 stone Mutter*four unmarked graves 29-31 Pinnow Gottlieb Jul 25, 1813 Aug 16, 1887 stone Vater*29-32 ten stones piled up foot stones, corner stone, one W P needs careful read 15 unmarked graves 29-35 bench29-43 foot stone

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29-45 Heipel J Jan 20, 1822 Apr 9, 1904* Civil War VeteranHeipel Mary wife of J Jan 8, 1826 Oct 16, 1920*

stone MOTHER Heipel George d Dec 12, 1873 ag 6 yr 11m 11dWillie d Jan 12, 1873 ag 3y 3m 13 d see more Heipel in row 3029-49 stone needs careful read 29-54 Follhardt Henry d Mar 10, 1879 ag 33y 2m 23d*m tunnel29-54 foot stone HF Totals: probable persons based on stones 13; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 53

Row 30 from W. Landmark is Miesel 1 ½' tall old gray monument 10' from fence30-3 Miesel Gottfried Dec 28, 1840 1922*30-4 Miesel Godfried 1849 needs careful read tall gray

Miesel Margerethe L May 13, 1850 Nov 7, 1899*Miesel Maggie E Jul 9, 1884 Oct 11, 1891 + small marker Mother Maggie*

30-5 head stone unreadable30-6 head stone unreadable

30-9 Ernst (Schmidt) *30-10 Wilhelmine (Schmidt)*30-11 Schmidt BIG GRAY MONUMENT Ernst Jan 31 1849 Jan 14, 1912*

Wilhelmine Mar 28 1858 Sep 4, 1919*Baier Emma Sep 16, 1890 Mar 26, 1915 on Schmidt monument*

30-12 Emma five unmarked graves 30-16 Pennow Walter M 1924 1928 “beloved son”* but Twp record states b Nov 11, 1924 d Oct

12,1923 son of Wm Pennoe & Lizzie Barg of Warren 30-17 Pennow Betty Jean 1926 1933 “beloved daughter” * township record bAug 9, 1926

d Feb 2, 1933 dau of Wm Pennow of Warren & Lizzie Barg of Macomb County.30-18 Pennow Lizzie 1900 2001 *

Pennow William 1895 1977 *six unmarked graves 30-22 Marsall Ben J 1869 1940*30-24 underground 30-28 head stone FATHER 30-29 head stone MOTHEReight unmarked graves 30-30 Dill John Sep 4, 1819 Dec 28`, 1902

Dill Johanna Seine frau Oct 12, 1823 Jan 11, 1908 * tall monument 30- Mutter30- Vater 30- Elizabetaseven unmarked graves 30-35 Langermann Frederick 1845 1902*30-36 head stone FATHER Langermann30-37 Langermann Dorothy L 1844 1903 * big monument

Langermann Fred 1883 1932*30-39 head stone MOTHER30-40 Hilliard Ida Jun 18, 1880 on Langermann lot *four unmarked graves 30-43 smit Emma children of Jacob & Mary 1860 1956*

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Heipel Edward children of Jacob & Mary 1865 1941*big tree branch watch your head I didn't ouch! crash!30-44 Siegle J F Jun 25, 1825 Feb 26, 1907*

Siegle Christina wife of J F May 28, 1824 Jun 2, 1899*30-45 head stone unreadable30-48 unreadablefour unmarked graves 30-48 corner stones 30-50 base30-50 west. FATHER30-51 Qualmann Johann May 11, 1848 Apr 16, 1923* tall monument

Qualmann Auguste A K Jun 12, 1876 Jul 27, 1876 27d* 30-52 base30-53 Qualmann Heinrich J C Feb 2, 1880 May 18, 1890 * foot stone HJHQ Qualman Henry 1890 May 18 ag 11y b MI John/Sophie Diphtheria Macomb County Record 249

Qualmann Sophia May 19, 1846 Feb 5, 1902 * {Qualmann Sophia Feb 5 1902 marr 55 8 11 diabedies b Germany Henry Fosel Margaret Gano Germany}30-54 corner stones30-52 head stone MOTHER30-58 broken stone unreadable unmarked grave may be Fasel were inside qualman enclosureFasel Joachim H H Feb 21, 1818 Sep 13, 1882* foot stone MOTHER NEEDS MARKERFaser Joachim J H Jun 16, 1848 Feb 28, 1884* foot stone FATHER NEEDS MARKERFasel Catharina M Mar 8, 1800 Apr 27, 1880 & 14 was written above the 1800* NEEDS MARKER unmarked grave spouse of Fasel

30-59 Schmidt Theodore 1838 1922 * big monument by fence Schmidt Sophia 1838 1919 *

30-60 fence

Totals: probable persons based on stones 31; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 35

Row 31 Landmark is Warren Union Cemetery Sign on fence or Schiebel31-3 Schiebel Joseph 23 1850 1952* low red stone 8” high almost 2 yards from fence31-4 Schiebel Sophia 1853 1934 *31-5 head stone unreadable31-6 Schiebel tall old monument

Schiebel Wilhelmina on Adam stone Dec 23, 1885 Jun 1, 1886*Schiebel Adam Aug 8, 1883 Nov 8, 1892* foot stone Adam

three unmarked graves 31-9 head stone Wilemina31-10 head stone Veilchen31-11 head stone Mutter31-13 head stone Vater31-14 Zoellner Carl Jun 28, 1830 Mar 30, 1911* big monument

Zoellner Caroline Mar 8, 1842 Apr 12, 1921 *Zoellner Carl F Dec 19, 1865 Dec 24, 1927 *

31-15 head stone Carl (Zoellner Carl F)*fifteen unmarked graves 31-26 Schneider Elizabeth 1862 1919*

Schneider George Sr Dec 15, 1833 Nov 28, 1910*Schneider Martha seine Gattin geboren Koch May 20, 1838 Apr 10, 1911*

31-28 Vater

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31-29 Mutter31-31 Elizabetheighteen unmarked graves 31-43 Rose Mary M 1874 1901 *31-43 Rose John 11-25 or bible verse?eighteen unmarked graves 31-32 Jacob big big monument

Jacob Charles Sr Oct 21, 1841 Dec 19, 1909* big monument civil War VeteranJacob Anna on Charles stone Jun 19, 1850 Oct 18, 1919 *

31- unreadable31- unreadable31-54 several corner stones with J31-57 Hartlein Maria Apr 10, 1871 Oct 5, 1874 stone MH31-59 east. Busch Rosa Lena Aug 30, 1862 Aug 12, 1875 * 31-60 located by North fence stone RLB31-58 west. Eckstein F Jul 3, 1810 Nov 12, 1890 * CIVIL WAR VETERAN

Eckstein Mary wife of F Oct 1, 1817 Apr 28, 1894 *31-59 head stone unreadable could be MOTHER 31-60 head stone unreadable could be FATHER 31-61 fenceTotals: probable persons based on stones 22; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 44

Row 32 from W. Landmark is Kusch tall gray monument old worn 6 yards from fencesix unmarked graves 32-6 Kusch Johann Karl Jan 11, 1885 Jul 6, 1886* 5mo32-8 big tree32-11 Behrns Henry F Dec 23, 1849 Jul 28, 1930 *

Behrns Bertha wife of Henry Nov 12, 1860 Aug 30, 1901* 32-13 head stone MOTHER32-14 head stone FATHER32-15 DeGrandchamp Emma B 1885 1957* 32-16 Sampson Agnes B 1881 1963 *32-18 Behrns Joachim Jun 11, 1808 Apr 2, 1888*32- Behrns Sophia geb Engel Jan 2, 1820 Apr 1, 1891* NEEDS MARKER32-18 head stone FATHER32-18 head stone MOTHER32-19 head stone unreadable32-20 head stone unreadable32-29 Karn Peter 1855 1897* {Karn Peter Jan 10 1898 ag42 5m marr Consumption b Germany farmer Peter/Mary Apple Macomb County rec 183}

Karn Katherine 1857 1951*32-24 Emig Louise H 1894 1969* missing in whgs book

Emig Alvin L 1887 1973*32-26 Armour Marie A 1882 1980*six unmarked graves 32-32 Thompson Helen nee sinn 1897 1942*four unmarked graves 32-35 Stiens Luis son of Otto & Julia Jan 14, 1899 Aug 24, 1900*32-36 Stiens Frederick son of O R & J Jan 25, 1898 July 28, 1898*32-36 son of Julia baby 32-37 Stiens Julia 1874 1935 *32-39 Stiens Otto R 1870 1942*

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Stiens Willhelmine geb Schwanbeck Nov 25, 1825 Aug 20, 1886*ten unmarked graves 32-49 Kulp Amelia 1885 1965*32-51 Rose William A 1887 1919*32-51 west head stone FATHER (Jacob)31-43 Rose Mary C 1856 1930* BIG DARK RED stone 31-43 Rose John* this is in row 31 but likely related bible verse?32-52 west head stone MOTHER (Jacob)32-52 Rose Mary C 1856 1930*32-53 Rose William C 1843 1930*unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 25; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 41

Row 33 from W. Landmark is Grimms flat stone next to tall monument 33-2 Grimms Louisa 1858 1907 33-3 Grimms Frederick E Apr 19, 1856 Jul 6, 1926 Masonic Emblem* low stone33-4 Grimms tall old monument

Grimms Louisa on Frederick stone Dec 31, 1853 Aug 4, 1907*Grimms Frederick E 1856 1926 Masonic emblem

33-5 Baby Grimes Anna Grimms Oct 6,1881 Apr 29, 1893* lamb [11]33-7 Grimms Johannes Feb 13, 1887 Apr 22, 1893*lamb [6ys]33-10 Crimes Edward W Sep 16, 1890 Jan 25, 1919 Died in Service

Am Legion Masonic emblem* + corner stones “Grimes” WWI VETERAN33-13 Grimms Henry Aug 19, 1880 May 3, 1943 *33-14 Grimms Mary Feb 27, 1874 Nov 13, 1955*33-18 Steins monument 33-19 head stone 33-20 stone unreadable 33-23 Beier Elmer Jun 4, 1901 Jan 21, 194

Beier Minnie Apr 20, 1863 Jan 6,1922 *33-25 Mini low stone 5* 33-25 Beier Fred Nov 27, 1859 Nov 29, 1944*33-27 Beier TALL OLD MONUMENT Beier Walter son von F & M 26 Nov, 1893 Jan 17, 1895*

Beier Ida Apr 26, 1828 Feb 14, 1907*Beier August K Feb 25, 1826 Apr 25, 1893 *Beier Wilhelmina Apr 20, 1863 Jan 6, 1922*

33-28 FATHER33-30 MOTHER 33-31 Walter might be Boeningsixteen unmarked graves 33-43 Boening Edward A 1877 1961*33-44 head stone unreadable 33-45 west. Boening Mother 1852 1937*33-45 east. Boening monument tall33-46 Boening Father 1848 1920*33-47 foot stone unreadable33-47 Boening Wilhelm 1888 1918* Father33-48 Boening monument Big Gray monument 33-49 east. Boening Julius 1882 1883*33-49 west. Boening Albert 1879 1879*33-25 Boening Walter Sep 20, 1902 Sep 30, 1906*

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Boening G E Jun 6, 1821 Apr 28, 1901* stone FATHER NEEDS MARKERsBoening Ernestine W geb Klatte on G E stone Jul 22, 1824 Sep 23, 1886* stone MOTHER 33-50 Lorenz Elizabeth Dec 17, 1823 Feb 3, 1884* Hertlein Marie 1871 1874* note Hartlines in row 41, 43, 48 NEEDS MARKERtwelve unmarked graves

Lot Row 34 from W. Landmark is Berz LOW DARK GRAY FLAT STONE 3' from fence34-1 Berz Ada P J 1873 1967 *34-3 head stone FATHER34-4 east. Berz George P 1845 1931 *

Berz Mary J 1852 1923*34-5 MOTHER west.34-6 Berz Otto son of G P & M 1878 May 17, 1881 ag 2 5m 13ds* Berz Emma May 1, 1884 Jun 5, 1892 on Otto stone *four unmarked graves 34-11 head stone unreadable 34-12 Berz old tall monument gray

FATHER Berz George B Oct 16, 1811 Mar 16, 1893 *MOTHER Berz Elizabeth M Oct 16, 1811 Jan 22, 1904 Mother*

34-Berz Emma E 1884 1892*34- Berz Otto E 1878 1881 *34-14 head stone unreadable

34-15 Schuster Eliza 1842 May 6, 1885 Mother*34-16 Schuster Edward 1837 1923 Father K P lodge marker*34-17 Schuster Eliza wife of E 1842 May 6, 1885 “Mother” ag 43 * tall monument 34-18 Schuster Frank J 1874 1942

34-22 Strich George 1828 1888*34-23 Steirs Mary 1853 1895 *34-24 Strich Sophia 1827 1905*34-25 Strich big gray marker

34-28 Oswald Amanda Keller 1894 1952 “She lived but for others”*34-29 Noyes Dora Keller 1889 1944 *34-30 Keller Anna frau von O Keller P Farror May 4, 1860 Feb 1, 1897*

Keller Otto Pfarror Jan 23, 1858 Jun 14, 1938 *34-30 east. head stone MOTHER 34-31 Keller Arnold Oct 12, 1900 May 10, 1902*34-31 Arnold34-32 Vater34-33 stone unreadable also had 3 markers “Arnold”, MOTHER, FATHER

34-37 Busch Louis E 1869 1948* BIG RED monument Busch Caroline wife of Louis E 1872 1904 * had stone MOTHER Busch Amelia wife of Louis E 1875 1917* Louis E 1869 1948 also B corner markers

34-35 Caroline34-36 Amella34-38 Louiseleven unmarked graves

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34-49 west. Our Baby born and died Aug three unmarked graves 34-51east. Otto Hanekow Sep 14, 1897 Aug 13, 192034-52 west. Hanekow Minnie 1866 193634-53 east Hanekow Wilmelm H E Jul 4, 1836 May 31, 1903 Old tall monument

Hanekow Wilmelmine C Aug 22, 1838 Feb 28, 1907 Hanekow Otto our baby b & d Aug 4, 1924

34-54 west. Hanekow William 1865 1934unmarked graveTotals: probable persons based on stones 32; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 34

Row 35 from W. Landmark is Lee Berz flat stone dark gray West of gate35-3 Berz, Lee E 1898 1969 *35-7 Big tree stump head stone unreadable35-6 MOTHER 35-9 head stone FATHERfive unmarked graves 35-10 Meirow stone tall worn 1867-1926 wife 1844-1888

Meirow L Jun 17, 1837 Jun 4, 1920 under spirea bush*Meirow Sophia wife of L Mar 4, 1844 Jan 30, 1888*

35-11 Meirow Mary dau 1868 1924*35-12 Meirow Herman W 1883 1966*

35-15 head stone unreadable35-16 head stone unreadable35-17 Gladey 1833 needs careful read tall worn monument needs reread study

Gladey 1833Gladey T C Jan 8, 1836 Dec 29, 1914*Gladey Maggie der Frau Apr 30, 1835 Dec 17, 1901*Gladey Retta Schr_ber Jun 8, 1797 Jan 13, 1893*

five unmarked graves 35-22 Mother Dorothea Wieg 1849 1929* 35-24 Husband Theodore 1875 1948 * [Wieg]35-25 Wieg big marker BIG GRAY no nameseight unmarked graves 35-32 Zorn Whelmine 1871 1961

William 1871 195435-32 Zorn red tribute markerthree unmarked graves 35-35 Bower Emma wife of M J Nov 25, 1868 May 26, 1896 *35-36 Bower Michael J 1862 1935 *35-37 Bower Katherine E wife of M J b Dec 2, 1868 d Jan 5, 1944 tall red stone

Bower Emma 1868 1896* reread35-39 Bower Katherine 1868 low red marker35-40 Bower Jean Ellen 1934 1955 * low marker

35-43 Scheer William Apr 1, 1848 Sep 2, 1883 also small stone William*Scheen William J Nov 30, 1814 Dec 29, 1893* stone FATHER Scheer Chatherine b Jun 24, 1820 * stone MOTHER

35-45 head stone unreadable

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35-46 head stone unreadable35-47 head stone unreadable

35-51 Dehn Friedrich J Sep 24, 1824 Jun 11, 1885* tall stone Lange Friedricke Dehn geb Lange Apr 7, 1833 Mar 1, 1895 *

35- head stone unreadable35-52 Albert Hacker Jan 30, 1876 Jun 20, 195235-53 George Hacker Mar 1, 1899 Jul 4, 1947three unmarked graves 35-57 mother Marie Schuer 1889-192935-58 Wiss? Schuer worn needs careful readunmarked gravesTotals: probable persons based on stones 32; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 34

Row 36 from W. Landmark is Right Middle Drive Lee Berz to left, Big Berz monument to left, water meter in drive

Row 37 from W. Landmark is Baitinger FLAT STONE DARK GRAY to North East of gate37-1 head stone M.A.37-4 Baitinger Frieda J Oct 3, 1895 Mar 16, 1946*37-6 Baitinger our baby Dianne Gillis Sept 24, 1939 Sep 25, 1939*37-7 Baitinger Gottlieb E Sep 22, 1895 Sep 9, 1930*

Baitinger Mein Liber GHatto Unsor Guter Vater*four unmarked graves 37-11 Eckstein Lambert L Sep 17, 1842 Mar 25, 1926* gray old tall stone

Eckstein Augusta L wife of Lambert L d Nov 12, 1890 ag 45yrs37-12 head stone FATHER37-14 head stone MOTHER37-15 head stone FATHER37-16 head stone MOTHER37-18 west. big big Eckstein monument 37-18 east. Cook John N Aug 14, 1823 Aug 20, 1892 ag 69 6 ds CIVIL WAR VETERAN

Cook Margaretha Apr 15, 1834 Jun 8, 1901* Cook Henry W Jun 28, 1857 Jun 29, 1893 ag 36 1 d*

four unmarked graves 37-22 head stone FATHER37-23 head stone MOTHER37-25 big Busch monument gray John Busch 1845 1912*

Busch Elizabeth 1850 1923*37-26 Busch Caroline 1871 1945 eight unmarked graves 37-31 Miller Wilhelm F Dec 2, 1815 Mar 6, 1906* BIG GRAY monument

Miller Maria C Dec 22, 1818 Mar 17, 1906*37-32 Masch Louise Mar 12, 1865 Oct 17, 1903 *five unmarked graves 37-37 water pipeseven unmarked graves 37-43 head stone Karl Lorenz Grossvater*37-44 head stone Frederick Lorenz37-43 Lorenz Ernest Jun 27 1832 Mar 22, 1912* BIG GRAY stone CIVIL WAR VETERAN {Lorenz Ernest Sr Mar 22 1912 widower 79 3 25 Heart problem }

Lorenz Hanna on Ernst stone Mar 22, 1844 Apr 11, 1911* BIG GRAY stone

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Lorenz Friedrich bruder small marker*37-46 MUTTER37-47 umarked grave old stone unreadable Hecker? Darling infant? small marker*37-23 head stone unreadable 37-51 Frederick Hecker old TALL dark gray MOSS COVERED monument

Hecker Friedrich Apr 2, 1844 Dec 19, 1892*Bower Mary Apr 4, 1819 Mar 2, 1890 on Hecker plot*

37-52 head stone unreadable37-53 head stone FATHER37-54 head stone MOTHER37- Zaldert Hacker 1876 195237- head stone unreadable37- head stone FATHER 37-56 stone underground37-56 stone underground37-57 west. Eberhart Liene frau von Jacob nebst Kind Apr 15, 1863 Jun 10, 1881*

Eberhart 1854-1884 needs careful read37-57 west. Ide Bermon37-57 Hacker Dorothea Frau von Georg Hacker May 14, 1812 Feb 26, 1881*37-57 head stone FATHER

37-39 Barg Idi Hermini Jul 14, 1884 Oct 7, 1884 tochter von Carl & Sophia*37-58 Barg Joe Sep 19, 1875 Jul 2, 1896 * TALL RED monument

Barg Sophia Aug 22, 1845 Dec 20, 1900*Barg Chas Mar 3, 1845 Mar 7, 1928*

37-59 unreadable six unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 33; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 27

Row 38 from W. Landmark is Stimm small gray stone38-2 Stimm Gottlieb Mar 27 1814 sep 27, 1894*38-3 head stone needs careful readumarked grave spouse of Gottlieb Stimm

38-4 Schild Wilhelimine Sep 18, 1846 Aug 27, 1919* TALL oldSchild Karl Dec 16, 1836 Jul 5, 1908*

38-5 head stone needs careful readwere stones MOTHER, FATHER four unmarked graves 38-9 Vogt Charles 1877 1945 38-10 Vogt Mathilde Thlie 1884 1959*38-11 Vogt Charles 1830 1889*

Vogt Catherine on Charles stone 1841 1912*two unmarked graves 38-14 head stone FATHER five unmarked graves 38-18 Licht John 1812 1903*38-19 Licht Friedericke 1815 1887*

Schurer Wm Oct 23, 1839 Jan 23, 1898* NEEDS MARKER38-23 Schuer BIG gray monument

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Schurer Marie mother 1849 1929*Schuer senie Frau Friederike geb Lucht Jun 5, 1850 Apr 2, 1919*Schuer Fridrich Sep 27, 1835 Nov 16, 1900 Schuer Friederike 1850 1919 Schurer Dorathe Hanna Oct 18, 1799 zu Woosmer Mecklenburg Schwerin Jul 22, 1893*

38-25 Schurer Rika*38-26 Schurer Friedrich*38-27 head stone MOTHER

38-29 Russ tall worn monument Russ Joachim H Oct 11, 1821 Jul 22, 1898* Mecklenburg SchwerinRuss Lotta L apr 25, 1818 Nov 6, 1906*

38-28 head stone needs careful read had stone JHR38-30 head stone unreadable stone Muttersix unmarked graves 38-35 Kutchey Minnie 1876 1905 erected by her son Paul*

38-35 east. Schunieng Anna Sofie Ellise Mecklenburg 1832 Dec 21, 1891*flat38-36 east. Maas Ida F dau of Maas baby Sep 11, 1874 ag 1yr 3mo*flatMaas Henry J 1872 1929* “Father” NEEDS MARKERMaas Joseph R Sep 2, 1906 Mar 27, 190538-36 unmarked grave broken stone fragments

was first listed in row 40 in 1939

38-37 Kauffmann Charles 1837 1940*38-38 Kauffmann Emma 1872 1946*38-39 Kauffmann Daniel 1899 1977*38-39 Kauffmann Edith 1905 1972*four unmarked graves 38-43 1929-1916 worn needs study38-46 FATHER38-47 Wade monument tall worn difficult to read had four names on it Wade Wilhelmine Apr 27, 1844 Nov 29, 1916* stone mid row to East Wade Hermann Dec 3, 1880 Aug 7, 1881* needs careful read

Wade Karl Sep 24, 1845 Feb 7, 1894Wade Ernest Sep 25, 1875 Dec 11, 1893

38-47 stone unreadable had markers Ernst, and FATHER fourteen unmarked graves Beier or Wade Herman Nov 15, 1880 Aug 15 1881Beier Allmiene Mar 11, 1886 Mar 15, 1895 ` NEEDS MARKER

38-53 Finerock William I 1880 1960*Finerock Mae I 1887 1962*

38- unreadable Pinnow Caroline Tochter von Wilhelm & Hanna Oct 4, 1882 Sep 26, 1885* [3 SAD]38-56 Pinnow Sophia Tochter von Wilhelm & Hanna Oct 18, 1880 Oct 11, 1885*[5] 38-57 William Pennow needs careful read

Hannah Pennow needs careful read38-58 Gabuene Pinnow needs careful read

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Totals: probable persons based on stones 39; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 27

Row 39 from W. Landmark is Remms tall gray old about 4 yards from fenceunmarked graves 39-4 east. Kulp Charles W 1890 1946* red flat stone to East39-4 Remus Wilhelm C F Apr 8, 1824 Apr 11, 1896 ag 72 tall gray old*

Remus Fridericke S M b Jul 15, 1828*seven unmarked graves 39-19 several corner markersthree unmarked graves 39-12 Ackermann Wilhelm May 29, 1834 May 29, 1889*

Ackermann Matilda geb Steffens Jun 6, 1843 Aug 20, 1889*39-13 W A ten unmarked graves 39-15 several more corner markerseight unmarked graves 39- head stone unreadable 39- Stephens Ernst is buried here no marker unmarked grave* NEEDS MARKER

39-25 head stone unreadable probably Hildebrand39-26 Hildebrand P G Mar 12, 1818 Sep 1, 1889* gray medium height

Hildebrand Ellenora on P G stone Apr 28, 1824 Aug 1, 1902*

39-29 Bull Christian 1852 1930*39-30 Bull Christine 1853 1928*39-31 Bull monument big tall gray monument 39-33 Bull Ludwig 1888*

Bull George 1889*39-35 head stone needs careful read 39-36 Krieger Gustie Aug 15, 1833 Jan 10, 1873*four unmarked graves 39-40 Kreger big gray monument five unmarked graves 39-45 Porath William Dec 6, 1821 Aug 16, 1906* big red

Porath Henrietta Feb 26, 1828 Aug 31, 1909* big big red

39-47 Panzer Ernestine frau v Carl Nov 14, 1854 Nov 20, 1879*Panzer Emma E tochter von Carl* Ernestine Sep 5, 1879 Sep 23, 1879*

39-48 needs careful read worn

39-49 Martz Henry Philip Sep 20, 1874 Feb 5, 1909 ag 34*

39-50 Bertha Barg 1880-1922six unmarked graves 39-56 Perry Helen A 1902* no year

Perry Doyle 1899 1962*five unmarked graves 39-57 MOTHER 39-58 Brinkert TALL RED MONUMENT NEAR NORTH END.

Brinkert Margaret May 24, 1838 Jan 5, 1919*Brinkert Friedrich May 7, 1838 Jun 12, 1897*

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Brinker Carl Fred Nov 25, 1870 Apr 16, 1887*39-60 head stone unreadable 39-61 worn white stone by fence needs careful read moss covered 1875 1898? 39-66 fence be careful not to fall in holes! Animal dens.Totals: probable persons based on stones 26; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 40

Row 40 from W. Landmark is Alexander LOW RED about two years from fence40-2 Alexander Levi 1919 1944*40-3 Alexander Ferdinand? 1897 1971*40-4 Alexander Virginia 1912 1971*40-5 Alexander Hugh E USArmy Apr 20, 1923 Nov 16, 1977* WWII VETERANfour unmarked graves 40-9 several corner markersthree unmarked graves 40-12 Mitchell Frederica or Frederick 1862 1941* 40-13 Mitchell Robert 1875 1915* Mitchell Robert B d Oct 31, 1875 ag 40yr 10 m 14 d NEEDS MARKERMitchell Charlesstone FATHER Mitchel Louie Aug 6, 1885 May 20, 1886* NEEDS MARKERMitchell Karl Aug 7, 1857 Oct 3, 1892 NEEDS MARKERGetz Barbara Apr 20 1877 ag 75 yrs 4 mo 16ds*40-15 Getz monument tall old needs careful read

Getz Karl Aug 7, 1857 Oct 3, 1892*40-16 head stone Charley40-17 stone Robert 40-18 Getz needs careful read tall

Getz George B June 14, 1866 Dec 28, 1911* old tall Getz Joseph Sep 7, 1831*Getz Mary wife of Joseph Apr 29, 1826 Apr 23, 1900*

40-20 Getz George Jun 14, 1866 Dec 28, 191140-20 corner stones 40-23 Worn stone needs careful read 40-24 Gillett Emma E on Bittner lot 1863 1950*40-26 Bittner Carl 1829 1901 40-27 Bittner Caroline 1832 1893 40-28 Bittner tall monument

Bittner Charles Oct 29, 1829 Feb 21, 1901* had odd Fellows markerBittner Caroline on Charles stone Jul 29, 1832 Dec 19, 1893*

40-29 Eckstein Clara Sep 30, 1875 Feb 15, 1926*40-30 Eckstein Lloyd Oct 30, 1900 Mar 15, 1926 *40-31 Eckstein William Dec 18, 1866 Nov 11, 1926*

40-33 Mielke Mary May 23, 1875 May 1,1944 red stoneten unmarked graves 40-43 Wolgast Rose 1888 1976*40-44 Wolgast Max 1885 1935*40-45 head stone unreadable

40-46 Beyer Wilhelm on Dora stone Feb 19, 1824 Dec 6, 1899* tall old monument

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Beyer Maria Dora geb Lahz Sep 8, 1830 Feb 22, 1913* Beyer? Edward 1893* NEEDS MARKERBeyer Clara 1893* NEEDS MARKER

Wade Wilhelm Jul 4, 1869 Oct 28 1897*

40-47 head stone unreadable40-48 Borg? Wilhelm 1869 1897*40-49 Malkmas John Feb 10, 1826 Jul 24, 1895*40-51 Agustus Gesch old worn needs careful read 40-52 Malkmas Wm 1878 1955*40-53 Malkmas Conrad 1838 1879* Malkmas Margaret 1842 1920*Malkmas John C Jul 6 1873 Apr 21, 1917 NEEDS MARKEReight unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 38; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 28

Row 41 from W. Landmark is Zorn big big graytwo unmarked graves 41-3 Zorn Herman 1875 1912*41-4 Zorn monument big big gray41-5 Zorn Christian 1849 1922*41-7 Zorn Sophia 1849 1941*three unmarked graves 41-9 Hartlein George L 1841 1913*41-11 Hartlein Fredericka 1837 1919*41-12 Hartlein big big monument grayeight unmarked graves 41-19 Pennow Emma 1892 1976*41-19 head stone unreadable41-20 Pennow Frederich 1887 1969*41-21 underground stone

41-23 Kreger Sarah Jun 18, 1870 Apr 11, 1923*41-24 Kreger William Sep 4, 1867 Feb 2, 192441-25 Mable dau of Wm & S Kreger Nov 25, 1895 Jun 27, 1897*four unmarked graves 41-28 Kreger monument big gray two unmarked graves 41-29 head stone unreadable 41-30 flat needs careful read“21-18- 28 yrs”

41-31 Hartsig Rosa A Feb 23, 1872 Apr 16, 1895 ag 23 1m 23 d tall monument SAD {Hartsig Rose apr 14 1895 mar 23 consumption Charles Steffens Fraser MI rec 243}fifteen unmarked graves 41-43 Rudolff Twin brotherseight unmarked graves 41-49 August Gesch 1876-1909Gesch August BIL of Makmas Dec 23, 1863 Jan 31, 190941-51 Mary Gesch 1869-195341-52 Allen W Gesch 1898-196541-55 Joan B or John G Jul 8 1873 Apr 21 1917 needs careful read

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eight unmarked graves 41-63 fenceTotals: probable persons based on stones 20; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 46

Row 42 from W. Landmark is Bower BIG RED SERIOUS TILTunmarked grave42-3 Bower Lambert 1872 1944* flat 5' from fence42-4 Bower Leonard 1858 1920*four unmarked graves 42-5 Bower BIG RED monument TILTING

Bauer Phillip Jul 22, 1822 Apr 17, 1899 on Katherine stone*Bauer Katherine Jan 7, 1832 Aug 5, 1917*

42-6 head stone MOTHER Bower42-7 head stone FATHER

42-10 head stone unreadable42-12 head stone unreadable Kolster42-12 Kolster big monument

Koester Johann Apr 27, 1823 Feb 13, 1907*Koester Sophia on Johann stone Mar 2, 1821 May 30, 1908*

Westphal Fredrich on Koester lot May 24, 1898 Sep 15, 1900* NEEDS MARKERsix unmarked graves 42-15 head stone unreadable

42-17 head stone Boldt42-18 Boldt Friedrich 1823 tall gray monument TILTING

Boldt Friedrich Feb 8, 1823 Jul 10, 1896* tallBoldt Dorothea on Friedrich stone May 3, 1823 May 14, 1905*

42-18 head stone unreadabletwo unmarked graves 42-20 Barg Henry 1869 1929* corner stones Bfour unmarked graves 42-24 head stone unreadable Ploeger42-26 Ploeger monument big tall red

Ploeger C F Aug 18 1843*Ploeger Mary wife of C F Mar 16 1841*Skinner Louisa on Ploeger stone Oct 3, 1869 May 29, 1898

42-27 Louisa Ploeger42-29 stone underground unmarked grave can see outline of two graves42-30 unmarked grave stone undergroundseven unmarked graves 42-36 Rose Johann Karl Feb 14, 1806 Oct 2, 1893 ag 87y 7m 18d* Macomb County Record Carl old age 87-7-9d farm work single b Germany42-37 head stone unreadable42-39 head stone unreadable42-40 Werth Wilhelmina C M Mar 17, 1876 Dec 12, 1881*

Werth E*42-41 Werth Anna K J Jan 4, 1874 Dec 11, 1881*Small marker Heir rucht Unser Vater*two unmarked graves 42-43 Beyer Herman 1866 1922*42-44 Beyer Amelia 1867 1943*

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42-47 Wolgast Augusta W 1919 1944sixteen unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 21; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 45

Row 43 Landmark is Rickabush low gray to west of East drive 1 ½' tall 3' from fence43-2 Rickabush Mary 1875 1939* township record b Detroit Nov 11, 1875 d May 31, 1939

ag 63-6-20 dau of Frank Sebert & ? of ? Wife of Louis Rickabush. Res 7th st, West side.43-4 Rickabush Lewis 1869 1952*43-5 Rickabush Alger 1915 1963*five unmarked graves 43-10 Wolgast Frank 43-11 Wholgast monument big

Wolgast Frank their son Jan 24, 1883 Sep 1, 1903*Wolgast John Apr 24, 1844 Dec 22, 1918*Wolgast Sophia Feb 21, 1851 Jul 8, 1936*

43-13 head stone MOTHER Wholgast43-14 head stone FATHER Wholgast43-17 Hartlein Charles J 1905 1972*

Hartlein Lillian C 1908 1998*

43-18 Busch John F 1903 1975*43-20 Busch Edward 1873 1938*

Busch Lillie on Edward stone 1876 1947*

43-22 Bohringer Charlotte Oct 9, 1935 Dec 6, 1988 *Bohringer Robert Jr Sep 3, 1934 Jun 5, 1989*Bohringer Chas John Aug 28, 1969*

four unmarked graves 43-27 Busch Elmer E 1898 1978*

Busch Alma E 1900 1986*Busch Mary 1867 1941* NEEDS MARKERBusch Edward 1866 1943* NEEDS MARKERsix unmarked graves 43-33 Well and water pipe43-35 Sieck Edward Jan 16, 1866 Jun 18, 1943*43-36 Sieck Mary Dec 15, 1867 Dec 4, 1941*43-38 Sieck monument big gray43-40 Awey Carl F Jan 10, 1825 Sep 24 1903*four unmarked graves 43-45 Thimian Edward W died in service 1892 1918 WWI VETERAN43-46 Thimian Anna 1871 1925 *43- Thimian Joseph J 1841 1917* stone gone NEEDS MARKER43- Thimian Freda S 1838 1910* stone gone NEEDS MARKER43-48 flat stone unreadable unmarked graves 43-54 Oehmke Fritz Aug 27, 1872 Nov 17, 1914 given by sister Lenaten unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 27; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 39

Row 44 from W. Landmark is East Driveway Gate

Lot Row 45 Landmark is Ortman dark gray stone just to East about 9 yards from fence

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unmarked graves 45-9 Ortman Johann Jul 9, 1888 Oct 30, 1907*45-10 head stone unreadable 45-11 head stone MOTHER 45-12 head stone FATHER 45-14 Ortman Carl Nov 10, 1841 Sep 30, 1909* tall dark gray stone

Ortman Louise Aug 4, 1843 Sep 11, 1931 Louisa*45-15 Boening Carl 1857 1922* red low stone 45-16 Boening Wilhelm 1828 1924* flat stone 45-17 Boening Monument big red45-18 Boening Anna 1869 1951*45-19 Boening Wilhelmina 1834 1906*45-20 Boening Grace A 1905 1906*two unmarked graves 45-22 head stone MOTHER 45-23 head stone FATHER 45-25 Measel John C on Caroline stone 1848 1935*

Measel Caroline nee Kaiser 1856 1918*Measel George J son von J & C 1880 1892* or on foot stone

45-26 Gallmeister Ethel 1906 1981*Gallmeister Otto 1903 1975*

45-29 Dill Carolina 1860 1930*45-30 Dill Frederich 1850 1940*45-31 F Dill monument 2 ½ feet tall gray45-32 Dill John 1857 1951*45-33 Dill frau John 1888 1910*45- Dill Martha wife of John 1888 1910* unmarked graves

45-35 square stone Preisel 45-36 Preisel Cora P 1891 1903*45-37 Preisel John 1847 1920*45-38 Preisel Hannah 1858 1933*45-39 Hartsig Julia E 1887 1929 *45-40 Preisel Viola C 1898 1938*three unmarked graves 45-43 Mehnert Gustav 1846 1908*45-44 Mehnert Caroline 1848 1935* township record b Germany Nov 10, 1848 d Oct 21, 1935 wife of Gustive Mehnert. Dau of Louis Zeibg & ? of Germany.Unmarked grave45-46 Fred Mehnert 1879-1951six unmarked graves 45-51 Qualmann Carl H Apr 27, 1845 May 5, 1914 OLD TALL GRAY monument

Qualmann Auguste W b Jan 25, 1851 unmarked grave45-54 Qualmann Carl J Feb 20, 1878 Jul 19, 1878 has lamb* 45-55 part of head stone needs careful read 45- marker not visible any longer45-55 square marker Qualmansix unmarked graves 45- not visible King Fred 1879 1951* NEEDS MARKER

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45-59 King Fred E 1904 1954*45-62 fenceTotals: probable persons based on stones 30; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 36

Row 46 from W. Landmark is Momrow low red marker 30' from fencesix unmarked graves 46-7 Momrow Raymond E Apr 17, 1926 Aug 12, 1927*nine unmarked graves 46-15 head stone unreadable46-16 head stone unreadable46-17 Schuer monument big

Schuer Louise Oct 6, 1830 Mar 12, 1914*Schuer Joachim Mar 10, 1834 Dec 24, 1911*

four unmarked graves 46-22 Bower Ida Mar 12, 1871 May 8,1948*46-23 Bower John Aug 27, 1870 May 23, 1935*46-25 J Bower monument big46-27 Bower Walter Dec 23, 1895 Dec 13, 1915*four unmarked graves 46-30 Stiens Mother 1858 1934* big red low

Stiens Father 1856 1924*Stiens Mildred 1899 1916*

46-31 stone in ground unreadable46-32 Grafnitz Joseph C 1879 1956* needs careful read unmarked graves 46-40 stone in ground needs careful read

46-49 Abey Richard 1928 1932*Abey Ethel 1925 1925*Abey Otto J 1890 1978* Pvt US Army 1890 1978 VETERANAbey Mary M 1901 1971*

46-50 Mistopocous big low Elsie Dec 20, 1926Peter Mistopocous Feb 2, 1926 Aug 14, 2003 WORLD WAR II Veteran

46- small square stone spelled Qhalman fifteen unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 16; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 50

Row 47 from W. Landmark is Thieme dark gray round 4 yards from fenceunmarked grave47-2 Thieme Margaret small marker*47-3 head stone FATHER 47-4 Thieme Hulda Dec 26, 1863 Dec 11, 1927*

Thieme Arno Sep 15, 1864 Oct 10, 1924*47-5 head stone MOTHERfive unmarked graves 47-10 Strauss Emile H E 1863 1915*47-11 Strauss Carl 1865 1944*47-12 Strauss Edwin 1905 1972*47-13 Strauss Elsie 1904 1969*47-14 Strauss big red marker no one listed on itthree unmarked graves 47-22 Degurski Otto Mar 16, 1864 Feb 25, 1932*

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seven unmarked graves 47-24 Diehl William Nov 23, 1858 Jan 25, 1918 under tree*47-26 Rugenstein Ida 1884 1971*

Rugenstein Charles 1878 1963 47- small stone unreadablenine unmarked graves 47-33 Gloede Lena Aug 14, 1874 Warren Township, Mar 14, 1921* big

Gloede John Nov 15, 1864 Feb 22, 1945*Gloede Florence W Apr 7, 1914 Apr 14, 1968* NEEDS MARKER47-35 Dobberowsky Lydia Stewart 1904 1988* pink stone

Dobberowsky Herbert C 1906 1942*twenty unmarked graves 47-37 Arnold Sophia C Jan 17, 1907 Jan 8, 1988*47-54 Boening Frederich 1880 1977*47-55 Hughes Rose 1886 1955*eight unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 20; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 46

Lot Row 48 from W. Landmark is Miller big gray stone 4 yards from fence48-4 Miller Margaret Meinrow nee Miller May 26, 1909 Dec 15, 1936*48-5 Miller monument big gray stone48-6 Miller John A Oct 6, 1878*48-7 Miller Garrie Getz wife of John A Miller Jul 11, 1887 Apr 31, 1917*48-12 Hartlein Frederick E Dec 25, 1917 Dec 17, 2002 48-13 Hartlein Fred 1881 1965*

Hartlein Olga 1886 1966*48-14 Hartlein baby dau of Fred and Olga Dec 2, 1914* no name on stone48-18 Keller Helen M 1892 1964*

Keller John A 1890 1973*fourteen unmarked graves 48-30 Presnell Julia 1906 1989*

Presnell Robert 1904 1979*48-33 Warren Beulah May 18, 1938

Jack Warren Sep 25, 1934 Mar 25, 1981 red stoneeighteen unmarked graves 48-49 Ervine Rose 1894 1943*48-50 Ervine George July 13, 1899 May 17, 1965*48-52 Jackson Brian Royal on Ervine lot Jun 9, 1954 Jul 19, 1956*eight unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 16; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 50

Row 49 from W. Landmark is Hoxsey – Getz big gray stone 5 yards from fenceunmarked graves 49-5 Hoxsey – Getz big gray stone

Hoxsey Glenn 1910 1985* NEEDS MARKERHoxsey Marian 1910 1987* NEEDS MARKER

49-7 Getz Anna wife of Edward Hoxsey Jun 17, 1890 Dec 29, 1922*49-8 corner stone “M”eight unmarked graves 49-16 Wilson David 1846 1934* township record b Owen Sound, Ont Jun 6, 1845

d Mar 14, 1933 son of William Wilson & ? of Canada. Husband jof Mary Schutt. Retired flour-feed miller res 5711 Fillmore St.

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49-18 Wilson Mary 1860 1945*49-19 Abey John on Wilson lot 1883 1949*49-40 Thomas Clara 1909 1994*49-42 Thomas Velma 1933 1942*49-43 Weiss Michael 1876 1943*49-45 Sobieck Amilia Weiss 1882 1972*49-47 corner stone unreadable unmarked graves Totals: probable persons based on stones 10; total graves 66; total unmarked graves 56

These stones above are the remaining stones of a 167 years of neglect, weathering and vandalism. Also note that until 1986 this cemetery had no fence at all. Just in 2011 at least seven stones were stolen out of this cemetery that we know of.Note on Soldiers and Veterans it is very probable that there are additional soldiers/veterans buried in thiscemetery. Many widows did not have funds to buy a marker for their soldier husband. Some veterans died in poverty as some do even today.

Prior to Civil War

KINGSCOTT, JOHN W is buried in Warren Union Cemetery. He was an early Warren township official and was listed in the official 1850 US Census as a US soldier. In those days the life of a US soldier was often one of suffering and sacrifice. That is why he should be listed on a historical stone. Otherwise he will be forgotten.

Much of the following research was done and Transcribed by Robert and Cheryl Allen. They have done a lot of other historical work and we owe them a dept of gratitude. Thank You

Civil War Veterans at Warren Union Cemetery Warren MichiganMuch of this research was done by Mr and Mrs Allen

BENSON, IRA F Priv A 22 MI Inf. 8/21/1862 6/1/1864 1 9 10 Sterling Warren buried in Warren Union Cemetery. He also had two brothers that fought in the Civil War

Berger Nicholas Born Nov 6, 1840 (Ger) Enlisted in Company G 52d Pennsylvania Infantry July 9, 1963. Mustered July 9, 1863. Mustered out Sept 1, 1863. Location not stated. There was a 52 Pennsylvania unit that served for a 3 year period. There was also a militia unit designated the 52 Penn Infantry which was organized on July 9, 1863 and was mustered out as a unit on Sept 1, 1963. It was the militia unit in which this veteran served.

Cole William L Born March 1840 (NY) Enlisted in 23 Independent Battery, New York Light Artillery, Nov 23, 1861 at Niagara County NY for 3 years at age 22. Mustered Nov 25, 1861. Re-enlisted Jan 1, 1864. Mustered out July 14, 1865 at Fort Porter, Buffalo, NY. According to special veteran census of 1890, this veteran suffered from diarrhea as a result of service in war. In addition this veteran's soldiers home record indicated that he suffered from some level of deafness also. This veteran died in the Soldiers Home, Grand Rapids, MI. D 1927.

Cook John N Born Aug 14, 1823 (Ger) Enlisted in company G 14th MI Infantry, March 26, 1864 atSterling, for 3 years, age 40. Mustered March 26, 1864. Wounded in action at Jonesboro, Georgia, Sept 1, 1864. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability atIndianapolis, Indiana, June 16, 1865 from Company F 17th regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps. Widow

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Margaret filed request 9/8/1892. Record lists this veteran's surname as Cook or Koch.The pensioner's roll of 1883 lists a wound on the left hand. He also suffered deafness. D Aug 20, 1892.

Crawford James M Born Nov 30, 1824 (NY). Enlisted in company I 8th MI Cavalry April 10, 1863 stSterling MI, for 3 years, at age 38. Mustered April 23, 1863, Transferred to Company F July 20, 1865.Mustered out at Nashville Tenn Sept 22, 1865. According to special veteran census 1890 he suffered from rheumatism and heart disease as result of the war. D Jan 31, 1912.

Eckstein Frederick Born July 3, 1810 (Saxony) Enlisted in Battery H 1st MI Light Artillery Oct 21, 1861 at Detroit for 3 years at age 44. Mustered Dec 24, 1861. Discharged for disability at New Madrid, MO Aug 1862. Widow Mary filed request 1/28/1891. Record of service lists his surname as Extine. The pension of record is under surname of Eckstein. Pension record also indicates service in Co A 2nd Veteran Reserve Corps. D Nov 12, 1890.

Gamble Benjamin C Born Jan 15, 1843 (Eng) Enlisted in Company H 2nd MI Cavalry Sept 15, 1861 atWarren for 3 years at age 19. Mustered Oct 2, 1961. Discharged for disability (gun shot wound in right leg) at Detroit MI Jan 15, 1864. Widow Isabella filed request 2/23/1900. Guardian Isabella Trudell filed request 10/5/1903. D Feb 6, 1900.

HEIPLE, JACOB He is listed in the Civil War Census

Hoard Levi Born June 24, 1807 (NY). Enlisted in Company L, 8th MI Cavalry, as wagoner, Feb 28, 1863 at Chesterfield for 3 years at age 44. Mustered April 23, 1863. Discharged on surgeon's certificate for disability at Camp Nelson, Kentucky, Aug 4, 1864. This veteran probably shaded the truth when enlisting. From birth date, as indicated by his cemetery headstone, he would have actually been about 52 or so when enlisting. In addition the 1960 federal census lists him as being born about 1808 and lists his age as 52. D Jan 20, 1888. Is buried in Warren Union Cemetery.

JACOB, CHARLES Privt H 41 IL Inf. From Warren. Is buried in Warren Union Cemetery

Lorenz Ernst Born June 27, 1832 (Ger). Enlisted in Company H, 2nd MI Cavalry, as Corporal, Sept 3, 1861 at Erin, for 3 years at age 28. Mustered Oct 2, 1861. Promoted Sergeant March 1, 1862. Discharged at expiration of term of service at Nashville, Tenn Oct 22, 1864. Record of service list him as Lorenze, Ernest. D March 22. 1912. 9/20/1862 9/20/1865 Is buried in Warren Union Cemetery.

Pereira Manuel J Born Jan 20, 1843. (OH). Enlisted in Company L 8th MI Cavalry as Corporal Feb 28,1863, at Lenox for 3 years at age 19. Mustered April 23, 1863. Transferred to Invalid Corps Jan 15, 1864. discharged at Indianapolis Indiana Aug 1865 from Company G 17th Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. According to veteran census 1890, this veteran suffered from having right ear injured. D May 2,1919. He is buried in Warren Union Cemetery.

Tatro Francis Born about 1843 (MI). Enlisted in company H 2nd MI Cavalry, Sept 3, 1861 at Warren for 3 years age 18. Mustered Oct 2, 1861. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps April 10, 1864. Another listing was 10/11/1864 3 1 8. Widow Loretta filed request 12/3/1883. According to pensioners roll of 1883 he was wounded in left hand as a result of the war. D Oct 19,1883. Warren Not only is he buried here but he has more than one stone.

Several Civil War Soldiers/Veterans were from Warren but we don't know whether their remains are buried here. A search of many other cemeteries did not prove they were buried anywhere else. Since this was the closest cemetery to where they lived, and since in the old days people were usually buried in the closest cemetery it is most probable that they are here. They were poor farmers whose widow may not

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have had money for a memorial and there were no stone cutters in this rural area.

COOLEY, OSCAR Privt G 20 IL Inf. 1/1/1862 2/16/1863 1 1 16 from Warren Research is in progress. He might be buried here.

GAMBLE, CHARLES U.S. Sol. from Warren-Sterling. He might be buried here. Research is in progress

HALSEY, SILAS was a Civil War soldier and was an early businessman in Warren Township. The Macomb County Military Index shows Halsey, Silas E from Civil War Army source MRGAR. It appears that this Silas may be buried in Warren Union Cemetery and a another one is buried elsewhere. Has family is buried in Warren Union Cemetery including his wife so it is highly probable that he is also buried here.

HARTMAN, JOHN from Warren Lost a thumb

KIDD, CHARLES Privt H 8 OH Inf. 1861 1861 3 Warren Warren suffered Deafness. Research in progress. Other Kidd family members are buried at Warren Union Cemetery. It is possible he may be buried here also. He has not shwn up at any other local cemetery.

METRO, JOSEPH Priv K 8 MI Inf. 2/1863 5/1863 Warren Some family is buried at Warren Union Cemetery so it is not without possibility he is buried here also.

MOOR, WM Privt G 16 MI Inf. 3/28/1865 7/8/1865 3 0 20 From Warren-Roseville. Research in progress.

OPFER, FREDERICK Priv A 1 MI Art. 5/31/1861 5/31/1864 3 0 0 from Warren-Fraser. He had a farm at 13 Mile Road near Hayes.

SMITH, JOHN Privt I 3 MI Inf. 4/4/1865 4/4/1866 1 from Warren. Might be buried in Warren Union Cemetery as there are other relatives here. More research needs to be done. But he has not showed up at any other local cemetery. We need to find Smith family members.

STANLEY, JAMES Priv A 22 MI Inf. 4/5/1865 8/25/1865 3 20 from Sterling- Warren. Suffered Chronic Diarrhea. There are Stanley family members buried at Warren Union Cemetery. He might be buried there also.

Van Fleet Theodore F. Born June 23, 1842 (Pruss). Enlisted in company A, 22d MI Infantry Aug 11, 1862 at Pontiac for 3 years at age 20. Mustered Aug 14, 1862. Taken prisoner at Chickamauga, Georgia Sept 20, 1863. Died while a prisoner of war Sept 18, 1864. Pension request filed by father 9/17/1879. D 1864 Researchers state Considering where this veteran died, the headstone for this veteran may be a memorial headstone.

Back in 1940 The Detroit Society for Genealogical Research did a detailed walk thru of Warren UnionCemetery. They noted that a flag indicating a soldiers grave was located in strip 20 and in the fifth plot.This is now located to the North of the Davy plot and to the West of the Heartsig plot of strip 21.As a historian I have also been told that there was an unknown soldier at Warren Union Cemetery but noone has told or shown me where. The soldier buried there was not an unknown soldier at the time of burial. He certainly is now because no one alive knows who he was because the records were lost in a flood of the church basement. We veterans think he should still be honored. Whether we know his name or not. We feel it was certainly wrong for a grave robber gang to rob his stone off of a grave. It was not their property and they do not even own the cemetery.

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We veterans have served our country and have lost friends in wars and we feel the grave robbers have disrespected our soldiers. They are now a laughing stock of folks who like history and have given Warren a black eye. Shame on the officers their husbands of the Warren “Hysterical” society who are responsible for these shameful actions.

The following are additional names some of which are probably buried in Warren Union Cemetery I have listed other locations when I found them there. Buckley Sarah A 1889 Mar 8 widow ag 73 record No 254 cancer in chest b NY IN WUCR7-27Berger Mary 1889 Apr 6 ag 9 rec255 par Chas & Catherine Berger inflammation of brain POSSIBLE WUC Giesler Frank 1889 Nov 4 ag 68 rec 256 blood poisonAckerman William 1889 Mar 26 ag 55 farmer son of Geo Cancer in stomachVoylit Chas 1889 May 5 ag 59-6 b Germany inflamation of LungsMiller Christine 1899 June 24 ag37 b Germany cause confinement POSSIBLE WUC Miller Wiliam 1889 Sept 5 ag 2m14d par Christian & Christine Summer Complaint POSSIBLE WUC Rumeper Anthony 1889 July 2049 widower b Germany Farmer cause FineHagen Henry 1889 aug 20 ag18y10m single snoof Henry & Mary Inflamation of bowlesHenst or Henlt John 1889 Aug 28 ag3mo par Frank & Unineni

Follows Wes Arnold negative 3205 page 12 year 1889Elliott Barbara 1889 July 10 ag 2d record 265 Joseph & catherine cause unknownParsh Peter 1889 Aug 24ag 66 married b Germany Farmer John & Margaret cause Bright diseaseWeimert Lizzie 1889 June 25 ag 2m Carl & Mary cant read causeWarslnier or Manshuer Caroline 1889 May 17 ag 52 married b Germany inflamation of bowlesWarslnier or Manshuer Fredericck 1899 May 23 married ag 52 Cause Cunmmm SuicideCeredo ? Jhn 1889 Aug 10 married ag78 heart diseaseWarner Mary 1889 Jan 1 ag 8 Joseph & Caroline Diptheria POSSIBLE WUC Warner Louisa 1889 Jan 2 ag 5Y8M Joseph & Caroline diphtheria POSSIBLE WUC Delor unknown 1889 Mar 18 female white still bornSouts Mary 1889 Mar 26 ag 14M crmuuuifes Parents Wm & Maggie sieds Schuste unknown 1889 Nov 10 Female White Par Julnn schulte & Mary schulte stillbornHelelsbrand Paul 1889 sept 1 b Germany farmer Heart disease Paul & Rose Heldebrand GermanyRESHOOT 3307 FUZZY p 311Miesel Louis 1889 Oct 14 ag50y8m married farmer John & Rose Lymthoid femes possible WUCGill Anna 1889 Oct 30 ag17 2 single John & Affa Gill diphtheria POSSIBLE ST CLEMENTSN?aubre Julia 1889 Aug 15 ag49 married Bter denika emily denicke Belgium ConsumptionPrieles ? Henry 1889 “Uos” 10 ag 3y4m Henry Prieles Mary inflamation of bowlesLyones Clifton 1889 Sept 29 ag 3mo A C Lyons Cilly Lyons unknown causeTharrett Maria 1889 Aug 7 widow ag 82 record 282 b England Pralysis of Heart IN Warren Union Cemetery 9-14Arnold, blank 1889 Sept 10 female white in Romeo Edward &Mattie Arnold Michiganabove neg 3208 below 3309 RESHOOT FUZZYV or H ollman – 1890 June 11 Male W single ag?Doebler Carl 1890 Dec 17 single 1m 14d Wm Doebler Anna b Warren Lung Fever Robeck Anna 1890 Mch 14 ag 70 widow b Germany cause unknownSchoenberg Mary 1890 apr 7 ag 62 married b Grermany DysentaryRocko George 1890 Sept 24 ag 6M august Rocka Mary Germany/Mi heart failureSpringer Eddie 1890 Sept 6 ag 10M Geo Springer Mary Germany/MI inflamation of bowlesSteffens Mary 1890 May 11 ag 7dEvarts Permaniah 1890 Nov 14 ag82 widow Paralysis rec 237 IN Warren Union Cemetery R7-3Smith Mary 1890 May 30 ag 34 married b NY Paralysis POSSIBLE WUC

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Tharrett Josephine 1890 Apr 26 married ag 26 Joseph Metro Mary Metro Warren Inflamation of lungs possible Warren Union Cemetery for Josephine.Operficius Mary 1890 Feb 25 ag 29y 6m married Henry Prigel Mary Erin MI cause La GrippeWeingartz Joseph 1890 Sept 30 ag 8 Michael & Emma Weingartz Warren Typhoid Fever PROBABLE ST CLEMENTSWeingartz Anna 1890 Oct 31 married ag 36 par Peter J Wolff & Mary Typhoid fever PROBABLE ST CLEMENTSGroesbeck Anna 1890 Oct 31 ag36 cause consumption b Canada OntarioGroesbeck Mary E 1890 Dec 24 ag 1y7m par L J & Anna consumption PROBABLE ST CLEMENTSrec 226 below Wesley Arnold's image 3211Tharrett Loren M 1890 aug 23 single ag26 teacher Robert Tharrett & Diana Warren TyphoidFever POSSIBLE WUC Hogh or Hoyt James W 1890 Dec 13 ag 75 married b Connt farmer YellowJaundice Norris Amanda 1890 Jan 4 ag 69 b NY married ConsumptionBuckley John L 1890 May 12 ag 33 married farmer b MI John & Margaret of warren Drownded rec 239 IN Warren Union Cemetery 7-26 Gill Peter 1890 Apr 3 ag 79y2m21d married gravel in bladder b France rec 240 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTSGill Elizabeth 1890 June 1 ag78y1m married b France Dropsy PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Measel Daniel 1890 Mch 27 ag 45y6m married farmer Jacob & Elizabethboth deadYelloJaunidice POSSIBLE WUCStumifs – 1890 Sept 30 Stillborn Peter & Bertha StumfsStauch Jascob 1890 Nov 25 ag84 widower Bavaria Cooper Heart DiseaseMarch baby 1890 Sept 17 ag 2d female Fred & Mary unknownShaldron Wm 1890 sept 26 ag 26 single laborer Chas & Vergil Shaldron ConsumptionEluart Francis 1890 Sept 27 ag 6y4m Frank & Francis Scarlet Fever rec 247 img3211

Wes Arnold's negative 3213 followscan't read b Bavaria Cooper Heart diseaseMarch – 1890 Sept 17 ag 2d Fred Mary cause unknownShaldron Wm 1890 Sept 26 single ag 26 Chas Vergil Shaldron ConsumptionElwart Francis 1890 Sept 20 female ag6y4d Frank. Francis scarlet fever rec 247Rose August 1890 Feb 13 ag 1mo Chas/Matilda cause unknownQualman Henry 1890 May 18 ag 11y b MI John/Sophie Diphtheria IN Warren Union Cem 30-53Esnren Sophie 1890 Mch 18 ag 33 married b Germany ChildbirthWasmund Almra 1890 Aug 27 ag 16 Fred/Elizabeth Wasmund Typhoid FeverVanloo Lena 1890 June 15 ag1y6m d in Hantramck cause unknownBoehm Rose 1890 Aug 14 ag 2m Wm & Henrietta consumptionLerve or Lewe Joseph 1890 Apr 6 ag2y Oscar & Anna Lerve drownedGeorge, Ernma 1890 Mch 28 ag 15John & Mary George heart disease

Wes Arnold's image 3215 starts record 218 page 39Measel Maggie 1891 Oct 11 ag 7 Diphtheria par Gotfreid & Maggie Warren POSSIBLE WUC Schulz Minnie 1891 Aug 22 ag 13mo smmmlHallman stillborn 1891 Oct 1 male stillborn Jacob & AnnaKline Mary 1891 March 14 ag 95 widow old age born GermanyKeisler Frderika 1891 July 13 ag 36 married cause unknown par Carl & Frederika EngelAve stillborn 1891 Aug 12 Fritz Ave Minnie AveHalsey Elisah 1891 Aug 3 male 81 married old age b NY Farmer rec 234 possible Warren Un CemNorris John N 1891 Aug 9 ag 67 widower blood poison b NY farmer rec 225 IN WrnUnCem 13-19Rodka Christ ? 1891 Sept 17 ag 67 widower Dropsey b Germany farmerDesgrandchamp Anna 1891 Oct 17 ag 5 Diphtheria parents Henry and Maggie of WarrenTromblley Petre 1891 May 20 ag 38 married Heart disease b Mi parents Edward b Gros Pte JeliaHeisner Edward 1891 May 28 17mo Consumption Gustiv Heisner & Lizzie of Warren

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Hetlen L L 1891 Jan 16 ag 39 married Blood poison b Canada TELEGRAPHING pat John & Justine b London CanadaCarpenter Joel 1891 Nov 17 ag 30 single consumption labor par Jack & Arlene of UticaBartels Otto 1891 July 27 ag 26 married heart disease farmer par Herman Bartels Jennia of Warren POSSIBLE WUC Rubenett Mary 1891 Feb 26 ag64 married La grippe b GaemanySpankie Julia 1891 Sept 4 ag 6mo summer Complaset par Jacob & Antonette Spankie of WarrenWolff John 1891 Aug 1 ag 8y 9m bits 7 Cramps par Anthony & Joanna of WarrenKlaukie Anna 1891 Dec 15 asg 10y 2m bright disease par Louis & Mary Klaukie of WarrenDedenbach stillborn 1891 Oct 12 female Goek Augusta 1891par Michael & AppolniaRecherd John 1891 Nov 12 ag 5mo consumption b Arkansas par Peter Richert bFort Smith ArkGoik Augusta 1891 Sep 19 ag 7y 1m female inflamationBohmer sophia 1891 apr 6 ag 70 single

Wes Arnold image 3217 page 40 first record 241Kochie Anna 1891 June 20 ag 74 widow Disease of Heart b BatvariaRinke Mary 1841 Dec 20 ag 12 Typhoid Fever par Joseph & Mary of WarrenVanDamme Mary 1891 July 16 ag 6m summer comiphel par Rine & Jennie of WarrenVerhoven Vitoraer Henry J 1891 Aug 12 married ag 39 typhoid fever par Henry & Isabelle of DetroitMullen John 1891 Feb 26 ag 71 married Consumption farmingHessell Jacob 1891 Oct 18 ag 66 widower Consumption Prussia farming Possible Bunert CemeteryBladkett Adeltech 1891 Feb 17 male single age 2mo Congestion of Lungs far Alfred & Matglne Blackett of WarrenOplsfcius stillborn 1891 Aug 16 male 1 day cause unknown par John Mary Opfufcius of WarrenBlackett Norman 1891 Mar 9 ag 8mo Measels par Walter Blackett Rose of WarrenMeasel Jacob 1891 July 5 ag 23y 11m single Typhoid Fever par Daniel & Doethea Measel of Warren POSSIBLE WUCVerHoven Mary 1891 Dec 14 ag 2y 6mo Diptheria par Henry Verhoven Lizzie of WarrenGuum Anna 1891 Oct 17 ag 73y 4 mo widow paralysis b Germany par Bruene Beuenr of GermanyEsmen William 2mo summer complaint rec 226 1892 Rotarius Joseph 3y scarlet fever PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Rotarius Mary 1y 1m scarlet fever PROBABLE ST CLEMENTSsb= still born note there are manyMinde Ida 21y 4m Typhoid Fever Kern Anna 62 cancerSoatman Minnie 75 La Grippe Mass John 83 La GrippesbHeisner Ernstine 24 Child Birth Vohs Frank 32 Blood PoisoningBathu John 8 Diphtheria Gipperich Anthony 9 Brain FeverKuser John 6 Dropsey Progoshie Auguse 13y 10m falling tree

neg 3221 1892 rec 241Rickibus Paul 7y 10m Scarlet Fever Frank & Rose POSSIBLE WUCStrich Lydia 17mo Colera Henry Minnie POSSIBLE WUCSchreibre Frederika 95 Old AgeSchoenherr Mathias 1m 7d canker sonKaltz Gertrude 73 female complaint PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Kaltz John J 78 La Grippe PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS

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Kaltz Henry 74 Bright Disease PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Engel Wand 2m Whooping Cough Henry Henritta POSSIBLE WUCBerger Nielie 7m Frtz Charles Mary POSSIBLE WUCNutro Richard 1y 3m FrtzJorirn Robert 8m inflammationBorhun Joseph 1y 7m Scarlet FeverPeck Roy Feb 16 1892 11m Scarlet Fever E H Peck Rose IN Warren Union Cemetery 7-14Peck Perl E daughter 4y Scarlet Fever E H Rose POSSIBLE Warren Union Cemetery R7Miller Clara 5m Brain FeverMeasel Margart 51y female complaint POSSIBLE WUC

Wes Arnold negative 3223 entry 206 year 1893Berger Esmelia female 3m Summer Complaint POSSIBLE WUCKott Martha 74 DropsyHarlman Frank 17y 6m malarial feverHallman Felix 15m consumptionRose Carl male 87y 7m 9d Old Age Oct 2 1893 b Germany single farm work rec 210 IN Warren Union Cemetery 42-36Sherer Wieliden 19y inflamation of lungs see Warren Union Cemetery R 35 POSSIBLE WUCYastock Anna 1893 60 heart problemThuret Peter 2m 9d May 18 1893 inflamation of lungs par John Emma POSSIBLE WUCUlrich Ludwig 49 suicide by hanging farmer unknown par fm b germanysbsb

Wes Arnold neg 3225 year 1893 and 3227Herzog Mary 35 consumptionKlinghouner Catherine ag 65 insanityPensien John 77 1893 heart diseaseMarsh Fred 50 consumptionJackson Isaac 37 Aug 2 1893 married Laborer par James Emma suicide by hanging POSSIBLE WUC Kramer John 59 Heart Diseae Walpf Maggie 47 coupisne enbGrubrman Mary 54 Bright Disease Brocke Euuua 20m Scarlet Fever Moore Oliver rec 226 June 5 1893 widower 80y 11m 21d Disease POSSIBLE WUCHorn Anna 81 0 0 married June 15 1893 Old AgeMetro Joseph 65 Dec 18 1893 married paralyzing stroke POSSIBLE WUC Drges Mathias 40 married Crushed under a horse

Wes Arnold negative 3227Halsey Magdelich ag 90 Old Age POSSIBLE WUC Keiser frank 11m Summer Complaint Brozoskie Fo male 1d crampsVohs John 75 La Grippe sbKidd Ellen Sep 30 1893 rec 236 single 52 Consumption b England par Thomas Hearn Cady Mi & unknown see IN Warren Union Cemetery 24-5 Gelach Elizabeth 1d FitssbMarsh Louis 37 Consumption Miller Christian 52 widower consumption

Wes Arnold negative 3229 1893 page 69

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Beyrr? Edward 3m Summer Complaint Wennan Emelia BeyrrWolff Sophie 8m Sclded Heard PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Lehuand Mary 35 Typhoid Fever Weig Leuisa 26 Lvd 1894 Sterling Heart problemWeig Herman 16m Feb 1894 inflammation of lungs par Henry Lerua POSSIBLE WUC Rinke Andrew Jan 1 6 1894 ag61 inflamationRelese Theadore 1m 7d cause Fitssb

neg 3233 year 1893 red 237Berger Lawrence Apr 1894 ag 9m inflammation of lungs Charles Catherine POSSIBLE WUC Meckler John 66 inflammation of lungs Zimmerman John ag 84y 2m no causesbEngel Minnie 19 inflammation of heart POSSIBLE WUC Hoste Celia 3m burial site unknownSricker Jacob 62 Heart Disease Rick Ella 5m stomach crampsRumpea Jacob 73 Consumption Smitz Joseph 87 Consumption Halsey John M 67 enargement of liver POSSIBLE WUC Sterunc Gotlich widower 81 cause unknown

neg 3235 1894NEED RESHOOT TOPPeck or Reck Ella rec 225 June 2 1894 ag 5m stomach cramps POSSIBLE WUC Rumupea Jacob 73 Consumption Smitz Joseph 87 ConsumptionHalsey John W 67 enlargement of liver POSSIBLE WUC Sterner Gotlich widower 81y 6m unknownBeebe Charles April 22 1894 age 30 married fever of brain undertaker POSSIBLE WUC Gerlach Ben 17 Bright Disease Smith Leverne 87 widower aplexySchroeder John 46 Bright Disease 4dKlein Mauda 8 Fits

Wes Arnold image 3237 year 1895Weinert Charles 4m Summer Complaint Charles MarySchuster Catherine 80 Feb 25 1895 widow La Grippe

Arnold neg 3238 1895 rec 240-Kaltz Frank Nov 4 1895 ag52 marr suicide by hanging PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Kaltz Nancy Dec 19 1895 46 widow exhaustion PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Kramer Amanda Feb 21 1895 ag17 single consumption PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Hartsig Rose apr 14 1895 mar 23 consumption Charles Steffens Fraser MI rec 243 IN Warren Union Cemetery 41-31Stagel Mary mar ag 73 La GrippeStolzenfeldt Walter 3d fitsYoung Mary June 18 1895 mar 63 suicide by drownding POSSIBLE WUC Groesbeck Jary J Mar 31 widow 58 malaria feverMinde Christine Jan 29 1895 widow 86 old ageSchnell frederick mar 68 Paralytic strokeGill George 1895 mar ag 51 inflammation of lungs PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS

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Dergrandschamp Grace 3mo La Grippe PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Gill abbie 1895 female marr 51 Yellow Jaundice PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Bierman Mary 1895 2mo unknownBierman Tracy female mar 29 ConsumptionFerneion Frederick 1895 single 32 epeleptic fitsHoste Francis 2d unknHoste Lawrence 1895 7d unknSpankie Lee 3 mo CroupKline Fredericke female marr ag60 6m smallpoxFox Josephine 36 marr Dropsey of heartGeise Henry single 76 Dropsey of heartMellman Paul 1895 single 30 Bright Disease

Wes Arnold negative 3240 pg 96Christell Michael 1895 single 23 Typhoid Fever b GermanyMetre Stella 1895 Cholera inflemation 2y Steffens Ernst Dec 1895 marr 89 Consumption POSSIBLE WUC rel AckermanG?roellinger Oliver S male marr 65 Abces of liverCromie James 1895 mar 64 appendicitisBrin or Bun Jerome 1895 male marr 31 Catark of stomachMitchell Rbt mar 40 accidental shooting POSSIBLE WUC Davy Charles Dec 16 1895marr 88 Consumption b England rec 271 farmer IN WUC 21-5Hajt Ellen 1895 female widow 80y 7m Stroke b ScotlandEngelhert John C 1895 male single 61 Dropsy of Heart Miller Maggie 1895 single 19 insanity par Peter/Maggie POSSIBLE WUC Wes Arnold neg 3241 1895Wegand Frank1896 1y 5m Inflamation of brain PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Lambert Roseanne 1896 mar 88 Dropsy of HeartMiller George Dec15 1896 2y 4m diphtheria Fa dead Mary Miller POSSIBLE WUC Neg 3242 1886Miller Jacob Nov 30 1896 marr 35 gasoline explosion burnt to death farmer Peter/Margaret POSSIBLE WUC Christill Christine 1896 fe marr 67 Typhoid Fever Otto Anthony 1896 male single 3m cramps par Jacob Mary Otto Otto Jacob 1896 1d burial site unknown Davy Eliza J Oct 26 1896 female single 68 Bultae Paralysis rec 267 POSSIBLE WUC Wills Catherine 1896 widow 79 Paralysis b GermanyStanley Bernard Oct 9 1896 1y 8m croup James & Ernestine Stanley rec 269 IN WrnUnCem 18-6Sinn Armilin female sep 3 1896 2y Croup Louis Sinn Armelia SinnTanner Ida Jan 15 1896 marr 25 bright disease David /Alice Wilson of Warren rec 271 In Warren Union Cemetery 3-17Lyons Rose Aug 8 1896 8m water on brain Arelne Lyons Lullie Lyons rec 272 POSSIBLE WUC Smith Dora June 27 1896 fe marr 35 tumer b Canada rec 273 IN Warren Union Cemetery 9-21Puffpaff Aloune 1896 3y 11m diphtheria Christ Puffpaff NilhdminaHerekel Lusuia 1896 fe marr 80 hear diseaseHovey Edward 1896 marr 68 cancer of stomachBolt Fritz 1896 widow 74 ? rupture of bowels b GermanyRoberts Elizabeth 1896 marr 28 confinement mo elizabeth CrottelRoberts Edith 1896 15d fa Thomas Roberts unknRamus William 1896 marr 62 dropsy of heart b ger Shmidt Agusta 1896 single 28 Consumption Spanke Theodore 1896 1y 6m whooping cough par Michael Matilda

Page 66: Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township Michigan

spanke julia 1896 7y diphtheria spanke Peter 1896 5yrs diphtheriaSpanke Mary 1896 4y diptheria Spanke Julia 1896 11m diphtheria

neg 3243Hallman Clara 1896 6y Paralysis Glass Joseph 1896 single 77 Old AgeHoxey Edward May 7 1896 marr 68 Cancer of Stomach b MI farmer rec 289 IN Warren Union Cemetery 11-16Kramer Leo 1896 14m Deonning PROBAB LE DROWNINGWeagand Susan 1896 3y scalded in hot water Jacob, susan Weagand PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Kaltz raymund 1896 2m Inflamation of brain PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Kaltz Mathias Dec 1896 widower 80 suicide took poison PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Wolff anna 1896 ag bronkchitisBoelem Enis 1896 marr 82 consumption b SwitzerlandRange Mary 1896 marr 78 cancer of wombBuzzell Julis C 1896 marr 60 consumption

neg 3244 1897Miller Leo 1897 8y diphtheria POSSIBLE WUC Gotterhalk John 1897 marr 64 Consumption Saks Margaretta 1897 marr 38 Consumption

neg 3245 1898Burg Furesa widow 72 cancer b GermanyHorn John blush Wm 1898 widower 84Hall Clide 1898 2m coleria infantundKarn Peter Jan 10 1898 ag42 5m marr Consumption b Germany farmer Peter/Mary Apple rec 183 IN Warren Union Cemetery 32-29Menda Ludwig 1898 marr 55y 9 Corn of spine

neg 3246 1898Opther Frederick March 6 1898 marr 61y 5m 16d sucide shooting self b Germ farmer BernardOptherEnright Katherine 1898 marr 59 Heart prob

neg 3247 1898Stager Michael 1898 wodower 84 peralysis b BaveriaMiller Peter 1898 marr 71 La Grippe POSSIBLE WUC

neg 3248 1897 Retike Ricke 1897 female marr 78 heart diseaseHartung Arthur 1897 2y Summer Complaint Peters Antoine 1897 marr 54 Bright Disease Beckuoyek Charles 1897 single 22 accident Gottishalk John 1897 marr 68 Consumption Glass Thoplial 1897 single 19 Typhoid FeverGander Elizabeth 1897 4y Dropsy Krsitmeyer Mary 1897 marr 62 dropsyBrury Elizabeth 1897 marr 68 GoipWebti august 1897 8y diphtheria Wolf Minnie 1897 marr 50 Consumption

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Henke Emma oct 3 1897 ag 10y Scarlet Fever par Frank WilminaHenke Conrad ag 12y Oct 12 1897 Scarlet Fever Frank WilminaHenke Leonard 1897 ag 14y Oct 14 Scarlet Fever Frank WilminaHartman John 1897 marr 73 Old Agebaby burial site unknownHenke Peter 1897 ag 2m Summer Complaint Freidthoff John 1897 marr 84 Old Age

neg 3249 1898 Desgrandchamp Henry marr 43 stroke of Lightening PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Rush John marr ag 72 Cronic RhumanatismMetro Frank R July 19 1898 ag 1y 10m Calera Inflamation par Jos & Agnes Giddly POSSIBLE WUC Sarr Rudy 1898 5m 18d inflamation of stomach Chris Louisia SchultzBeamman Henry 1898 marr 38 appendacitisGorobman? Charley widower ? R was found dead 78

neg 3252 1898 p 147Relese Albert 1898 2m Cloera InflamationRasch Daine 1898 5y 5m Bloody Pox Centerline MI Bertha Geisler

neg 3253 1898 soft focusMalberg Jacob 1898 ag 89 marr c int4estineUnknown Nov 3 1898 gunshot wound to headSimonds William Nov 11 1898 marr 68y 7m 8d injury and drowning b Canada Physician Cramer Joseph H 1898 marr 82 8 6 cancer of face b Germany farmer Maithias, Bronila SchudlHanselhckin dick? Ag36Smith William 1898 41gun shot in head POSSIBLE WUC

neg 3255 1899Rinke Roland 1899 1y 11m Measels par Joseph A Lizzie GillLoring Howard 1899 2y stick Lsyiead Ernest Loring Edith CinnberH N?olingham Peter J widower 77 bronkidasPhelps Harriet 1899 widow 76 Consumption Lafever Amelia 1899 widow 74 arte emdpcp;dosCole Pearl Bertha 1899 10m animnaria par John H Cole Persta Sass POSSIBLE WUC Blackett Thomas 1899 widower 80 Old Age

neg 3257 1899 not clearKufna Julia 1899 marr 46 appoloxy Paul Mason Eva BrickaldiaKlein Margaret 1899 ag 88 genild debility Peter Klein

neg 3258 1899Ziegler Cardman? 1899 marr 78 dropsey John Hollee Martina Kasofler Berger Joanne 1899 marr 28 acute userma POSSIBLE WUC Weingartz Anna Gertrude Jul 3 1899 marr 79 hydopanitis b Germany fa Jos MillerJackson Elizabeth 1899 widow 86 disentry POSSIBLE WUC Zushtke Gerd Lum John 1y 2m thnberg brain Henry Zuhlke Alma WestphalEnglehart George 1899 single 37y 11m gast ulcer

neg 3260 1899Tucker Amelia 1899 marr 57 cithsisPecas Carline 1899 17y 6m Consumption Henry Preasl Mary Gruun

neg 3261 1899Measel Maggie marr 49 dropsey POSSIBLE WUC

Page 68: Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township Michigan

Schultz Eva A 1899 5mo Ertseter Guston Schultz Mary Knappneg 3262 1899

Perira Casdial 1899 marr 55 Catachel dyspipsis fa Daniel Peasal mo SmistBaier William 1899 marr 75 hernia POSSIBLE WUC Holder John 1899 marr 75 brchal enotdman

neg 3263 1900Casnnch Mary Jane 1900 widow 78 embolism Speiler Margaret 1900 marr 53inflmation of stomach

neg 3264 1900Smedt Sophia 1900 marr 77 congestin of lungs Hobsig Agnes May 1900 5m connalmon Martin Hobirg Eliz RittesMinick Cyrell B 1900 1m cholera Infantam Anthony Frances GrobbelVanhause Marie 1900 3m cholera August Vanhause Kate EnglebirdJesip Hubert 1900 marr 63 heart failure Cramer Magline widow 85 heart troubleSchalce Godfred 1900 widower 86 heart troubleMagemann Angeline 1900 male widower 85 found deadConrad Louis 1900 marr 64 distrophy of heart

neg 3267 1900Ellis Daniel 1900 3y 2m Scarlet Fever George M Ellis Mary MinteuForester Anna 1900 marr 81 Cardica failure Detloff Howard 1900 3m eeuton colitis Jacob Detloff Eliz Brockmiller

neg 3268 1900 p203Range John 1900 marr 78 Dropsy neg 3269 1901Kange Henry 1901 widower 77 sinle BebilitySchulte Lusie 1901 4y 3m ceptalmal John schulte Mary RotariarisRuhlmann Margaret 1901 marr 57 cerebral Hemmorage Berhns Bertha 1901marr 40 chronic heptitus

Wes Arnold neg 3270Brann John A 1901 marr ag74 obstruction in liverDiegel Henry 1901 marr 61 Cerebral AbcessEnglebert Barbara 1901 marr 68 Consumption

neg 3271 yr 1901Teisen John Sr 1901 marr 72 endocarditisHalmich Wm 1901 single 24 Consumption

neg 3272Herzog Albert marr 1902 ag88 DropsyQualmann Sophia Feb 5 1902 marr 55 8 11 diabedies b Germany Henry Fosel Margaret Gano Germany IN Warren Union Cemetery 30-53

neg 3274 1902Keller Arnold ? 1902 ag 1y 6m bron he Pneu POSSIBLE WUC Marker Fred 1902 marr 79 apolexyDagen Anna 1902 17 PulmonitisSchmidt John 1902 widower 81 Bright Disease POSSIBLE WUC Vohs Frank 1902 ag 7y bronchitis heart failureSmith Barbara 1902 widow 71 chronic hypertriphy POSSIBLE WUC Winter Lizzie 1902 ag16 Puralent BuicastitisKurtmeyer George 1902 senile dibility

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neg 3275 1902Beahl 1902 single 18y 8m Pulmonary of heartFink Mary E 1902 marr 76 smiality cherne BuftsSmith Catherine 1902 widowed 84 cerebral apoplexy POSSIBLE WUC Englebert Andrew 1902 widower 65 capillary bronchitisMorace Ferdinand 1902 ag 8m 4d Whooping coughBery Benjamin 1902 24 bronchitisHoff Fred B 1902 marr 62 degeneration HeartKaley Mary 1902 widow 80 asthmaWithopp Charlott 1902 marr 28 pulmonary Tuberculosis

neg 3278Aonent Karl Gottleib 1903 78 arsalysisSchultz August 1903 single 17y 10m RR Accident farmer August Caroline ShaffbergMvlicht John C 1903 widower 90 senility

Wes Arnold neg 3280 1903Lambert Daniel 1903 3d brain congestion Daniel ElizabethLleaser Edwin 1903 divorced 53 intestinal nephritis

neg 3281Sprnke Mary 1903 marr 36 Lepsimna

neg 3282Schmidt Christine widow 90 Old Age POSSIBLE WUC Hasekow Wm H C 1903 marr 66 Dropsy D?losal Gotlib 1903 widow 81 disease of heartOtto Jacob 1903 single 73 Bright Disease

neg 3284Justock Bernard 1903 widowed 82 liverDesgrandchamp Jass 1y jaundiceParzauke Joseph 1903 ag 5y 5m diphtheriaParzauke Elizabeth 1903 2y 10m diphtheria

neg 3285 1903Sirgre ? Fvniy 1903 marr 74 cerebral hemmorageRoseman John 1903 marr 70 asthemia

Wes Arnold neg 3286 1904Schartz Elizabeth 1904 ag 11y 2m diphtheria

neg 3287 1904Kern Peter 1904 widowed 77 suicide by poisonNorth Fred 1904 marr 67 influnzaOtto John J 1904 marr 71 bronchitisMoran Charley 1904 ag 4y 8m diphtheria

neg 3288 1904Warner Mary1904 widow 88 Dropsy POSSIBLE WUC neg 3289 and 3290 1904 RESHOOTHoffmayer John A 1904 widower 81 inflamation of stomachRampe Elizabeth 1904 ag 6m entrnatisBunert Aug E G Mar 18 1904 mar 71 8m 21d cause Pathaplige ??of ?head b Germany Gotleib PROBABLE CLINTON GROVE CEMETERYWilson William Mar 22 1904 marr 85 6 21 senile-- b Canada farmer John Wilson unk IN Warren Union Cemetery 6-24

neg 3291 1904Schlass Joseph 1904 marr 68 ConsumptionDelong Henifacha 1904 female 8y 3m measelsDelong Katherine 1904 ag 6y 5m measels

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Gaff John 1904 widowed 85 Bright DiseaseHenke Frank 1904 mar 68 Bright DiseaseS or I ilang S or D elia 1904 single 20 membermann coupeSchoenberg Willard 1904 ag 1m inflamation jauniceHarn Fred 1904 divorced 65 suicide by hangingFoidhoff Anna 1904 widow 85 car dropseyMasch Charles 1904 mar nepbristis POSSIBLE WUC Busch Cardia A marr 82? heart failure POSSIBLE WUC Sinn Amelia 1904 marr 42 pulminary oclusiveRamus Edward 15d immatismRamus Wiliam 1904 ag 8y 10m scarlet fever

neg 3294 1904 Herzig John 1904 single 17 TBGrobble Sophia 1904 ag 8 diphtheria PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Otto John 1904 marr 79 Bright DiseaseStofenfield Ernst 1y 4m chola infinitisMinde baby 21d infantitiusBrohl anna 1904 marr 63 choreaCramer Anna 1904 marr 64 infl heartHeuesmer Arthur 1904 ag 14 rehumatism hitis

neg 3296 1904Vohs Elizabeth widow 88 fermdypiferiaSchmidt Bachea 3d inflamation of heart 1904 POSSIBLE WUC Sergar Louise 1904 marr 40 ulcer of stomachGottschall Caroline 1905 widow 66 pneumoniaSeigar Martin 1905 single 18 apendacitisProctar Elixabeth widor 75 heart disease

neg 3298 1905Minick John 1905 marr 70Minda baby aphisatedRalberg Mary widowed 85 senilityKass Louise 1908 marr 26 heart trouble

neg 3300 yr 1908Miller William 1908 marr 90 senility Possibly in Warren Union Cemetery Orinman Carolina ? 1908 marr 79 ?Enright James 1906 widower 78 typhusO?styberg Mary 1906 widow 76 ?Miller Christine 1906 widow 87 senility POSSIBLE WUC Elwart John 1906 single 19 ? ?

neg 3301 need reshoot 1906 record 13 Marthias charles

neg 3302 1906 start record 15Bolms Laura Susan 1906 7m14d EnteritisTharckat ? John 1906 marr 42 general infectionHerzag Emma 1906 ag 14y 5m Bolils Andmaitis

Wes Arnold's negative 3303 p 305 1906Baikslay Henry 1906 mar 69 Enteritis catarakaBailoly Lizzie 1906 marr 24 burned to deathMalnert Gustave 1906 marr 61 inflamation of bowles

neg 3304 1906Rickenbusch James Edward 1906 ag1y 8m infection POSSIBLE WUC Baker Robin 1906 ag 4m 4d colera infantum

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Miller Mathias 1906 marr 70 carimona POSSIBLE WUC Neg 3305 1906

Nedalius baby 1906 3m 3d cholera infantum par JosephRicha Anna 1906 widow 80 dysentaryS?math ? PorathWilliam 1906 marr 84 senility

neg 3306 1906Tharret Robert Sep 3 1906 marr 69 8 3 cause ?cranatatic Insufficiency b MI farmer John/Maria IN Warren Union Cemetery 8-3Pengr Clara 1906 single 14y 8m gunshot in neck? 3m female sleo calitis Grschash Erstine 1906 marr 70 nighriatisCurew ? Mary 6y 8m intestinal inflamationScharf Marmim 1906 10m dysenteryS or G ahart Joseph 1906 marr 29 ? Typhoid Fever M or W or L arch Wilamina 1906 widow 70 heart failureStanley Elizah 1906 marr 74 chronic nenlitis

neg 3309 1906 retakeC ? uning William 1906 marr 72 betarah of stomachS ?piyer lizabeth 1906 marr 69 simiplegiaS? elander Anna 1906 marr 74 neglritiaFrishaff Daimaert ? D 1906 single 10 plursyP ?adaline August 1906 single 7d Whooping cough

neg 3310 1906Hartsing Karl 1906 marr 50 La Grippe POSSIBLE WUC Kaltz Anna M 1906 widow 69 heart failureMiclike Amanda 1906 single 17 supperstine oriticWes Arnold neg 3312 1807 fuzzyWolf Mary 1807 widow 78 heart troubleGroesbeck Trssey ? Jenny widow 92 sinilityQualmann? Wm 1907 marr 72 heart rerigitation POSSIBLE WUC Distl? Margaret 1907 widow 79 ?Di ? Mary 1907 marr 44 ? diarrahaHenelke? Mannie? 1907 widow 67 bright diseaseBachul Charles 1907 widower 76 austyusSpanke Albina? 1907 1m 3d abces of bowelHunt? Cilia 1907 marr 71 heart probMiller Margaret 1907 widow 72 apoplexeyMeasel George elmer? 1907 1y 1m 22d entenitieMillar Raymond 1907 1y 11m SpaaneJackson Mary 1907 10m 22d cause ? POSSIBLE WUC Hasly? Edina 1907 3y entritisHartnen ? Wido1907 w 86 hemmorage refused to take medicineB?arthiers ? George 1907 single 16 diphtheriaTese ? ? 1907 widower 94 senilityHalsey Mary 1907 widow 71 heart POSSIBLE WUC baby 6m etra galitie? ? 1907 marr ag 61 heart diseaseSeblef ? Peter 1907 marr 79 cerebral hemmorageG?ender Christian 1907 marr 80 senile aaralyris

neg 3314 1907-1908Grobemenn Agusta 1907 marr 65 bronchitisHartzig William 1908 marr 77 cerebral hemmorage POSSIBLE WUC

Page 72: Pioneer Cemeteries of Warren Township Michigan

Grabman ? Charles 1908 widower 68 suicideSpens Viola 1908 2y 1m 20d valuouluaHurth Minnie 1908 marr 60 heart failureBerger Anthony P 1908 1m 22d cropus pnemMcClelland James E 1908 marr 37 murder byDeieslin? Hernian 1908 widower 43 Pula tube Sacks Martin Jr 1908 single 18 accidentalWieg Wilhemina 1908 marr 75 clemie C POSSIBLE WUC Kuss John 1908 marr 78 satistimalRamual Rachael 1908 widow 79 heartSchild Charles 1908 marr 71 chronic heart POSSIBLE WUC Kaiser Charlotte 1908 marr 75 valnulaNadalin Leo 1908 8m 11d ?Boramb Richard 1908 widower 42 ?Wasmond Elmer J 1908 2m 20d ?Gattrckalke Otto 1908 single 27 ?Lefence Charles Philip 1909 ag 1y 11mBathke Raymond Adolph 1909 16y 10m ?Stinmatz Johana 1909 marr 80 ? see 3315 for causes

neg 3316 1909Hund Lena 1909 widow 81 nephatitisTuginsky Wenslow 1909 single 10d connuulainaLefevre Rose 1909 marr 46 uterine hemmorageDensawtl ? Arthur 1909 9m 30d ?Milys ? Rmil 1909 single 21 autmonarzHartsig Chatherine Jul 23 1909 widow 66 7 17 Bright Disease b Germany George Busch b Germany mo Unk IN Warren Union Cemetery 21-31? Viola 8m? Dencitar? Frank single 23 inflamation of bowelParth Henritta 1909 widow 81 diarah Old Age? female single 17 Typhoid Fever Nidiel S?rales 1909 marr 46? ?Girkins ? Barbara ? 1909 Widow 84 Wiegand Gella Christine 1909 8y 10dJeak Charles ? 1909 marr 68Cramer ? Jack? 1909 marr 78Clmnkers? ? 1909 marr 65Smith ? Packial 1909 POSSIBLE WUC C?isker Edward? 2Y 1909autmonarzCihst Christine 1909 widow 74? ? 1909 24 male

neg 3318 fuzzy 1910?Parau?er Henry 1910 single 19y 10m 5d Barta ? Lawrence Frank? 1910 8dH?artwell James 1910 widow 76 aboutMarsh Nalene 1910 marr 34 P?ermarar Rickey? Married 71 1910Garing Bessie Augusta 4m 29d 1910Van Lao Inine 21d 1910Miller Jacob married 71 1910 POSSIBLE WUC Beierman Mary male yes married 78 1910Otto Hearl 2m 22d 1910

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S?chlaf Mary widow 64 1910Nagan Mary marr 64 1910Neusner William marr 72 1910Rinke Leo 2y 4m 1910Altermatt Josephine marr 70 1910Scheryz ? Helga 5m 5d 1910Rumph Franke marr 44 1910Zander Sarline widow 80 1910Peters Rose 2m 25d 1910Paeason Ina single male 73 1910Kaltz Andrew widower 82 1910

neg 3320 1910Mary mary Ellen (yes correct) 22 single 1910Geisler C ? arlara widow 84 1910Ma?sasala Gibart male 2y 6m 1910Beadt Bertha marr 32 1910Hearnn Amanda Tisher marr 32 1910Hill Frederick marr 49 1910Weingartz Sof?iare baby 1910 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Giff Anna widow 98 1911 POSSIBLE WUCTuzinski John 1y 7m 1911Hallmeyer Uaulin females 59 1911Buechel Jeanette single 7y 7m 1911Kutchey Joseph marr 72 1911 POSSIBLE WUCGettiechart William widow 72 1911Runnfa ? Alexander male 9y 1911Grobbel John marr 43 1911Bickman John marr 90 1911Stolzenfeld Dora 1m 1911Springer Josephine widow 85 1911Prieks Mita female 7y 1m 1911Bickman Fredericke widow 80 1911Gosing Paeisne Augusta 4m 29d 1911Grobbel Viola ? 10Y 1m 1911 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Nummer Conrad widower 79 1911Miller Anthony S 1y 1m 1911 POSSIBLE WUC

Wes Arnold negative 3322 1911Miller Andrew E 1y 1m 1911 POSSIBLE WUC Ehens ? Paudha female marr 28 1911Peters Conrad 2m 23d 1911Mills Henry single 63 1911Zimmerman Martina ? Widow 66 1911Schulte Elizabeth widow 83 1911Dachow ? Lawrence 1y 10m 1911Buckolz ? Ray 7y 10m 1911Brickaly Ernin 5y 1m 1911Scheffler Anna 69 1911P or Razanke Wangeloue marr 75Martz Charles marr 42 1911 POSSIBLE WUC Newell Richard marr 60 1912Radoff baby 1912Radoff baby 1912

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Kutchey Maglan 4m 7d 1912 POSSIBLE WUC Martion Clifton 5y 3m 1912Cramer Tillie 24d 1912Mesel Leona 6m 23d 1912Patulski Steve 19 1912Engle Henry C marr 64 1912Hinkey William marr 25 1912Rullman Charles marr 59 1912

Wes Arnold negative 3324 1912Lorenz Ernest Sr Mar 22 1912 widower 79 3 25 Heart problem IN Warren Union Cemetery 37-43Weins Rosa marr 57 1912Otirler Cristina widow 89 1912Jenuine Elizabeth marr 57 1912Hall or Chall Ella Anna 5y 7m 1912Donezalski Mary marr 31 1912Kereyton Julius single 42 1912 Priehs Lauisa marr 32 1912 June 29Priehs baby same date as above June 29 1912Dachow Norma 13y 1912Raeder August marr 47 1912Dama Reno Van marr 51 1912Hartung Augusta widow 88 1913Vasks Herald G baby 1913Wintelman Walter George 2m 1913Schoenherr Mary 10m 1913 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Beyer Mary widow 82 1913 POSSIBLE WUC Wiegand Mary marr 44 1913 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Jacob Elna C 1m 1913 POSSIBLE WUC Smith Rose baby 1913 POSSIBLE WUC Miller Anna widow 47 1913 POSSIBLE WUC Smith Genevauve 11y 4m 1913Smith Ida 6y 3m 1913 POSSIBLE WUC Wes Arnold neg 3325 year 1913Roseman Wilhelmina widow 79 1913Minde Casroline 4m 9d 1913Bendt Johana widow 78 1913Prazowska Edna 1y 5m 1913Jackson William 1y 2m 1913 POSSIBLE WUC Braum Mary Barbara widow 84 1913Grobbel Francis 21 single 1913 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Buechel Joseph J marr 73 1913 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Nass John widower 79 1913Schnell Charlotte widow 81 1913Wolff Charles widower 69 1913Wirgan Maria marr 58 1913Sculte James John baby 1914Otto Lucy widow 82 1914Maran Victor widower 60 1914Daniel Henry widow 84 1914Kaltz Gertrude marr 66 1914 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Schultz George E 20 1914Lorenz Walter 5m 25d 1914 POSSIBLE WUC

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Bolam Ellen marr 61 1914Caplan Samual marr 66 1914Qualmann Charles marr 69 1914 POSSIBLE WUC

Wes Arnold negative 3326 yr 1914Groth George marr 63 1914Metter Edward J baby 1914Weins Joseph J baby 1914Peters Ssylvester T or J 11m 1914Bousson Leona 4m 1914Masch Clarence 2y 8m 1914 POSSIBLE WUC Beste Elizabeth marr 76 1914?S or D mitz John marr 70 1914Kaltz George marr 58 1914 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Brgorwska russell 4m 1914Oelmke Frederick marr 42 Non 17 1914Rumka Joseph 26 single 1914Zrinrisic Frank 11d 1914Koehler Catherine widow 79 1915Preim Leslie Arthur 8y 10m 1915Elward Frances marr 64 1915Sucsat Alzon 1y 1915Masch Walter 1y 6m 1915 POSSIBLE WUC Schmidt stillborn 1915Ryan Mary widow 69 1915Brenker Sofie 1y 2m 1915Heassner Amelia marr 46 1915Rader Fredereck widow 69 1915Fleishaus Angeline married 21 1915Roetmann Henry marr 76? 1915S ?A team William marr 61 1915Robinett Elizabeth marr 59 1915 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Kaiser Christina male widower 86 1915 POSSIBLE WUC Rinke Mary marr 70 1916Gimble Alvin 4d 1916Cramer Daniel marr 60 1916Wiegand Mary single 14y 5m 25d Mar 15 1916Kutchey Frank widower 83 1916 POSSIBLE WUC Hoock Frederick 6m 1916Wolfe Hubert J 1y 1m 1916Kutchey Michael marr 74 1916 POSSIBLE WUC Ulrich Herbert 9m 11d 1916Irwin Homer single about 35 1916Kott Matilda single 24 1916

Wes Arnold negative 3328Krings Gertrude marr 55 1916Rickabus Pauline marr 31 1916 POSSIBLE WUC S or A heeler John widow 77 1916Desgrandchamp Lucelle 6m 12d 1916Schlaf Joseph P marr 41 1916Kaltz Mary marr 72 1916 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Bohm Edward 9y 7m 1916Bohm Peter 6y 11m 1916

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Smith Rose marr 44 1916 POSSIBLE WUC Rinke Magdalena widow 69 1917Rozanka Anna widow 71 1917Busch John widower 75 1917 POSSIBLE WUC Smith baby 0d 1917 POSSIBLE WUC Grobbel Elizabeth widow 87 1917 PROBABLE ST CLEMENTS Brawn Leonard marr 43 1917Brohl Joseph widower 73 1917Berger Barbara widow 78 1917 POSSIBLE WUC Ohnke Elizabeth marr 55 1917Witt Herman Albert 10y 2m 1917

My study is continuing part time. See the document study of who is buried at Warren Union Cemetery for more research.