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Pigmented Lesions - Ephelides, Lentigines, Melanocytic Nevi and Melanomas McLean J. Stith, M.D., and John C. Maize, M.D. Ephelides, simple lentigines, and junctional melanocytic nevi are all small, tan to brown macules (Figure 1). An ephelis (freckle) is typically found on sun-exposed skin, usually on the face or dorsal forearms and hands of children or young adults with a fair-skinned phenotype. They darken in response to the sun and fade with UV abstinence. Histologically, the only differences that can be detected in lesional skin as compared to normal surrounding skin are larger-sized melanocytes (which are normal in number) with more prominent dendrites and an increased transfer of larger, darker melanosomes to surrounding keratinocytes (see section 3). Lentigines are classified into two main varieties. Solar lentigines (liver spots, age spots, senile lentigines) also occur in response to sunlight, but are more common in middle-aged or older patients, are thought to be caused by years of cumulative UV exposure, and tend to persist even in the absence of sunlight. They favor sites of maximum sun exposure such as the dorsal surface of the hands and the extensor forearms, vary in color from tan to dark brown, and can be up to 1cm in diameter. Simple lentigines, in contrast, occur at any age, have no predilection for sun-exposed areas or lighter skin types, and do not darken in response to sunlight. Lentigines have a distinct histologic pattern of elongated, club-shaped rete ridges which often anastamose (Figure 2). Solar lentigines typically have a normal number of melanocytes plus increased melanin in the basal layer of the epidermis, overlying a background of solar elastosis (abnormal elastic fibers in the dermis due to cumulative UV exposure). In contrast, simple lentigines typically have an increased number of melanocytes, singly arranged along the basal layer of the epidermis. They may be impossible to distinguish clinically from early nevi and are believed by some authors to occasionally evolve into junctional nevi. Melanocytic nevi are benign neoplasms, histologically distinguished from lentigines or ephelides by the presence of nevus cells, which are melanocytes that group in well-demarcated nests. Acquired nevi tend to first appear in childhood as flat brown macules or minimally elevated papules (Figure 3), usually less than 6mm in diameter. They evolve during adulthood, becoming more elevated and dome-shaped and then eventually fleshy papules or nodules with loss of pigmentation (Figure 4). Further aging of a nevus can lead to a pedunculated skin tag-like lesion or even complete disappearance of the nevus. It is unusual to see melanocytic nevi in individuals older than 80 years of age. Congenital nevi, in contrast, are present at birth or become clinically apparent during early infancy. They may be small, medium or large in size; the latter is often referred to as a giant or garment nevus (Figure 5). Congenital nevi may have irregular or serrated borders and more frequently involve the hair follicles when compared to common acquired nevi. Histologically, nevi are classified depending on the location of the melanocytic nests. In junctional nevi, the nevus cells are at the dermo-epidermal junction just above the basement membrane zone of the epidermis (Figure 6); the clinical correlate is a darkly pigmented flat or minimally elevated nevus. As nevi mature,

Pigmented Lesions - Ephelides, Lentigines, Melanocytic Nevi and ...

May 07, 2015


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Page 1: Pigmented Lesions - Ephelides, Lentigines, Melanocytic Nevi and ...

Pigmented Lesions - Ephelides, Lentigines, Melanocytic Nevi and Melanomas

McLean J. Stith, M.D., and John C. Maize, M.D.

Ephelides, simple lentigines, and junctional melanocytic nevi are all small, tan to brown macules (Figure 1). An ephelis (freckle) is typically found on sun-exposed skin, usually on the face or dorsal forearms and hands of children or young adults with a fair-skinned phenotype. They darken in response to the sun and fade with UV abstinence. Histologically, the only differences that can be detected in lesional skin as compared to normal surrounding skin are larger-sized melanocytes (which are normal in number) with more prominent dendrites and an increased transfer of larger, darker melanosomes to surrounding keratinocytes (see section 3).


are classified into two main varieties. Solar lentigines (liver spots, age spots, senile lentigines) also occur in response to sunlight, but are more common in middle-aged or older patients, are thought to be caused by years of cumulative UV exposure, and tend to persist even in the absence of sunlight. They favor sites of maximum sun exposure such as the dorsal surface of the hands and the extensor forearms, vary in color from tan to dark brown, and can be up to 1cm in diameter. Simple lentigines, in contrast, occur at any age, have no predilection for sun-exposed areas or lighter skin types, and do not darken in response to sunlight. Lentigines have a distinct histologic pattern of elongated, club-shaped rete ridges which often anastamose (Figure 2). Solar lentigines typically have a normal number of melanocytes plus increased melanin in the basal layer of the epidermis, overlying a background of solar elastosis (abnormal elastic fibers in the dermis due to cumulative UV exposure). In contrast, simple lentigines typically have an increased number of melanocytes, singly arranged along the basal layer of the epidermis. They may be impossible to distinguish clinically from early nevi and are believed by some authors to occasionally evolve into junctional nevi.

Melanocytic nevi

are benign neoplasms, histologically distinguished from lentigines or ephelides by the presence of nevus cells, which are melanocytes that group in well-demarcated nests. Acquired nevi tend to first appear in childhood as flat brown macules or minimally elevated papules (Figure 3), usually less than 6mm in diameter. They evolve during adulthood, becoming more elevated and dome-shaped and then eventually fleshy papules or nodules with loss of pigmentation (Figure 4). Further aging of a nevus can lead to a pedunculated skin tag-like lesion or even complete disappearance of the nevus. It is unusual to see melanocytic nevi in individuals older than 80 years of age. Congenital nevi, in contrast, are present at birth or become clinically apparent during early infancy. They may be small, medium or large in size; the latter is often referred to as a giant or garment nevus (Figure 5). Congenital nevi may have irregular or serrated borders and more frequently involve the hair follicles when compared to common acquired nevi.

Histologically, nevi are classified depending on the location of the melanocytic nests. In junctional nevi, the nevus cells are at the dermo-epidermal junction just above the basement membrane zone of the epidermis (Figure 6); the clinical correlate is a darkly pigmented flat or minimally elevated nevus. As nevi mature, the nests of melanocytes gradually are assimilated into the dermis; they are then classified as either compound when the nests are present at the dermo-epidermal junction and within the dermis (Figure 7 and Figure 8) or as intradermal when the nests are exclusively within the dermis (Figure 9). As the nests descend, they become uniformly smaller and are composed of smaller-sized melanocytes which produce less pigment; the surrounding stroma becomes infiltrated by fibrofatty tissue.

Dysplastic nevi

(atypical nevi, Clark’s nevi, nevi with disordered architecture and cytologic atypia) are a subgroup of nevi which have an irregular outline, variable pigmentation, indistinct borders, and can be larger than 6mm in diameter. Often described as having a "fried-egg" appearance, they typically have a dome-shaped central brown papular component surrounded by a flatter zone of light brown or tan pigmentation (Figure 10). They show disordered histological architecture, typified by less circumscription of the nevus cell nests and extension of the junctional nests beyond the intradermal component. Dysplastic nevi also show an increased number of single melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis; pleomorphism of cells; and nests that vary in size, shape, and spacing. The upper dermis usually shows fibrosis and contains a host response of lymphocytes. When multiple dysplastic nevi are present in a patient with a family history of melanoma, they herald an increased risk for the development of melanoma in that patient (Figure 11). The presence of a single or few dysplastic nevi outside the context of a family history of melanoma may or may not portend an increased risk for that patient.

Page 2: Pigmented Lesions - Ephelides, Lentigines, Melanocytic Nevi and ...

Cutaneous melanoma

may arise within a previously existing nevus or dysplastic nevus, but approximately 70% of the time, they arise de novo. Melanomas are classically divided into subtypes based on their clinical and histopathologic features. Histologically, all are typified by large, pleomorphic, and hyperchromatic melanocytes with loss of orderly architecture and maturation. Most commonly, melanomas begin as minimally elevated, asymmetrical pigmented papules or plaques with irregular, sometimes scalloped, borders and variations in color. At this stage they may be difficult to distinguish from dysplastic nevi (Figure 12).

Superficial spreading melanomas typically show the ABCD’s of melanoma (Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variegation and Diameter greater than 6mm). If neglected, the depth of tumor invasion can continue to increase; a clinical correlate would be the development of nodularity within the melanoma. Nodular melanoma classically does not have a macular or plaque phase and presents as a blue or black papule or nodule (Figure 13). The superficial spreading and nodular types of melanoma together account for approximately 80% of all melanomas. Both types occur most commonly in patients with lighter skin phenotypes, and may occur anywhere, but have a predilection for the upper back in men and women and the lower legs in women. Risk factors for developing these variants of melanoma include a family history of melanoma (with or without the presence of multiple dysplastic nevi), the presence of numerous common acquired nevi, and a history of blistering sunburns.

The other subtypes of melanoma, lentigo maligna melanoma and acral lentiginous melanoma, are not correlated with intense, intermittent sun exposure. Lentigo maligna melanoma (Figure 14) accounts for approximately 5% of all melanomas and is most commonly seen at sites of maximum sun exposure in patients with obvious photodamage, e.g., the face, hairless ("bald") scalp, extensor forearms and upper trunk. Acral lentiginous melanomas (Figure 15) comprise 3-8% of all melanomas and by definition arise on the volar skin of the palms or soles and the nailbeds. Acral lentiginous melanomas have no known correlation with sun exposure and are the most common form of melanoma in African-Americans, Asians, and Hispanics.

The most important indicator of prognosis for all subtypes of melanoma is the Breslow depth, which is the maximal thickness of tumor invasion as measured by an ocular micrometer, from the top of the granular layer of the epidermis to the base of the neoplasm. Breslow depth is recorded in millimeters with lesions less than 1.0 mm having an excellent prognosis with infrequent metastases and melanomas thicker than 4mm having a rather poor prognosis with a 5-year survival of approximately 50%. The most common sites of local and/or regional metastases are the draining lymph node basins and the skin between the primary site and these lymph nodes whereas the most common sites of systemic metastases are the lung, liver, brain, and gastrointestinal tract.


1. Maize JC and Ackerman BA. Pigmented Lesions of the Skin. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1987.

2. Rhodes AR. Benign neoplasias and hyperplasias of melanocytes. and Dysplastic melanocytic nevi. In: Dermatology in General Medicine. Freedberg IM, Eisen AZ, Wolff K, et al. (eds.) Fifth edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1999, pp. 1018-1059; 1060-1079.

3. Langley RG, Barnhill RL, Mihm MC, Jr, et al. Neoplasms: Cutaneous melanoma. In: Dermatology in General Medicine. Freedberg IM, Eisen AZ, Wolff K, et al. (eds.) Fifth edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1999, pp. 1080-1116.

4. Elder D and Elenitsas R. Benign pigmented lesions and malignant melanoma. In: Lever’s Histopathology of the Skin. Elder D, Elenitsas R, Jaworsky C, and Johnson B, Jr. (eds.) Eighth edition, Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997, pp. 625-684.

5. Balch CM, Houghton AN, Sober AJ, and Soong S. Cutaneous melanoma. Third edition, St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing, Inc., 1998.

Table 1

Page 3: Pigmented Lesions - Ephelides, Lentigines, Melanocytic Nevi and ...

Lesion type Clinical features Clinical associations Histologic features Natural course

ephelis small brown macule on sun-exposed skin; darken in response to sunlight

occur in children or young adults; fair-skinned phenotype, red or blond hair with blue eyes

melanocytes normal in number, but more prominent with larger darker melanosomes

benign; may fade with abstinence from the sun

simple lentigo

small brown macule; no predilection for sun exposed areas; do not darken in response to sunlight

occur in children or young adults; no phenotypic predilection

elongation, clubbing, and anastomoses of the rete ridges; increased number of melanocytes

benign; may evolve to junctional nevi

solar lentigo brown macule on sun- exposed skin; long-term cumulative sun exposure

occur in adult Caucasian patients with cumulative sun exposure

elongation, clubbing and anastomoses of the rete ridges; melanocytes normal in number but more prominent; solar elastosis in the dermis

benign; may evolve to seborrheic keratoses

junctional nevus

brown macule or minimally elevated papule; usually <6mm

tend to occur in younger patients

nested melanocytes at the dermoepidermal junction

benign; may arise de novo or from a simple lentigo; may evolve to a compound nevus

compound nevus

brown dome-shaped papule; usually <6mm

adolescents and adults nevus cells both at the dermoepidermal junction and in the dermis

benign; evolve from a junctional to an intradermal nevus

intradermal nevus

dome-shaped or pedunculated flesh-colored papule or nodule; usually <6mm

older adults nevus cells only within the dermis; minimal pigmentation; fibrofatty stroma

benign; may involute completely

dysplastic nevus

central brown dome-shaped papular component surrounded by a zone of lighter tan pigmentation; often >6mm

may be inherited; number can vary

less ordered architecturally and cytologically than common nevi

benign; indicate an increased risk for developing melanoma when multiple are present and/or there is a family history of melanoma

superficial spreading melanoma

asymmetric pigmented lesion with variation in color and outline

Caucasians with a family history of melanoma, numerous common nevi and/or multiple dysplastic nevi

aneuploid melanocytes with loss of ordered architecture and maturation


acral lentiginous melanoma

may be flat or raised on palms, soles or nailbeds

no known association with sun exposure, most common type in darker skin phenotypes

same as superficial spreading melanoma on volar skin


lentigo maligna melanoma

same as above, may be flat or raised

occurs on chronically sun-exposed skin, typically head and neck, upper extremities, and upper trunk; associated with photodamaged skin

same as superficial spreading melanoma on a background of solar elastosis


nodular melanoma

blue, black, or red papule or nodule; may have ulceration

same as superficial spreading melanoma

same as superficial spreading melanoma, but with more exophytic and endophytic expansion of melanocytes


Figure Legends

Page 4: Pigmented Lesions - Ephelides, Lentigines, Melanocytic Nevi and ...

Figure 1.  Ephelides, simple lentigines, and junctional melanocytic nevi are all small, tan to brown macules.

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Figure 2. Lentigines have a distinct histologic pattern of elongated, club-shaped rete ridges which often anastamose.

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Figure 3.  Acquired nevi tend to first appear in childhood as flat brown macules or minimally elevated papules, usually less than 6mm in diameter.

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Figure 4.  Acquired nevi evolve during adulthood, becoming more elevated and dome-shaped and then eventually fleshy papules or modules with loss of pigmentation called intradermal nevus.

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Figure 5.Congenital nevi may be small, medium, or large in size; the latter is often referred to as a giant or garment nevus.

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Figure 6.  In junctional nevi, the nevus cells are at the dermo-epidermal junction just above the basement membrane zone of the epidermis.

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Figure 7. An acquired nevus that is elevated and pigmented.

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Figure 8. Photomicrograph of a compound nevus showing nests of cells both at the dermo-epidermal junction and within the dermis.

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Figure 9. As nevi mature, the nests of melanocytes gradually are assimilated into the dermis; they are then classified as intradermal when the nests are exclusively within the dermis.

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Figure 10. Dysplastic nevi, often described as having a "fried-egg" appearance, typically have a dome-shaped central brown papular component surrounded by flatter zone of light brown or tan pigmentation.

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Figure 11. When multiple dysplastic nevi are present in a patient with a family history of melanoma, they herald an increased risk for the development of melanoma in that patient.

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Figure 12.  Most commonly, melanomas begin as minimally elevated, asymmetrical pigmented papules or plaques with irregular, sometimes scalloped, borders and variations in color.   At this stage they may be difficult to distinguish from dysplastic nevi.

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Figure 13.  Nodular melanoma classically does not have a macular or plaque phase and presents as a blue or black papule or nodule.National Library of Dermatologic Teaching Slides

Figure 14.  Lentigo maligna melanoma are not correlated with intense, intermittent sun exposure.

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Page 11: Pigmented Lesions - Ephelides, Lentigines, Melanocytic Nevi and ...

Figure 15. Acral lentiginous melanomas comprise 3-8% of all melanomas and by definition arise on the volar skin of the palms or soles and the nailbeds.

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Questions - Pigmented Lesions

1. A small, tan macule located on sun-exposed skin is called a:

A) Ephelis (freckle)B) Lentigo malignaC) NevusD) Dysplastic nevusE) Melanoma

2. An increased familial risk for melanoma is associated with:

A) Single dysplastic nevusB) Multiple dysplastic neviC) Multiple ephelidesD) Multiple junctional neviE) Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome

3. The most common form of melanoma in African-Americans is:

A) Lentigo malignaB) Lentigo maligna melanomaC) Superficial spreading melanomaD) Acral lentigmous melanomaE) Nodular melanoma

4. The form of melanoma most associated with chronically sun-exposed skin is:

A) Lentigo maligna melanomaB) Nodular melanomaC) Superficial spreading melanomaD) Acral lentiginous melanomaE) Amelanotic melanoma

Page 12: Pigmented Lesions - Ephelides, Lentigines, Melanocytic Nevi and ...

Answers - Pigmented Lesions

1. A small, tan macule located on sun-exposed skin is called a:

        A) Ephelis (freckle)        B) Lentigo maligna        C) Nevus        D) Dysplastic nevus        E) Melanoma

Answer: A) Ephelils (freckle)

2. An increased familial risk for melanoma is associated with:

        A) Single dysplastic nevus        B) Multiple dysplastic nevi        C) Multiple ephelides        D) Multiple junctional nevi        E) Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome

Answer: B) Multiple dysplatic nevi

3. The most common form of melanoma in African-Americans is:

        A) Lentigo maligna        B) Lentigo maligna melanoma        C) Superficial spreading melanoma        D) Acral lentigmous melanoma        E) Nodular melanoma

Answer:  D) Acral lentifmous melanoma

4. The form of melanoma most associated with chronically sun-exposed skin is:

        A) Lentigo maligna melanoma        B) Nodular melanoma        C) Superficial spreading melanoma        D) Acral lentiginous melanoma        E) Amelanotic melanoma

Answer:  A) Lentigo maligna melanoma