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Mitglied der Helmholtz- Gemeinschaft Physics at COSY-Jülich December 2010 | Hans Ströher (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Univ. Cologne) Baryons´10, Osaka (Japan), December 7-11, 2010

Physics at COSY-Jülich

Jan 13, 2016




Baryons´10, Osaka (Japan), December 7-11, 2010. Physics at COSY-Jülich. December 2010 | Hans Ströher (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Univ. Cologne). COSY – COoler SYnchrotron. Cooler and storage ring for (polarized) protons and deuterons p = 0.3 – 3.7 GeV/c Phase space cooled internal & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Physics at COSY-Jülich



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Physics at COSY-Jülich

December 2010 | Hans Ströher (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Univ. Cologne)

Baryons´10, Osaka (Japan), December 7-11, 2010

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21. April 2023 Institut für Kernphysik (IKP) Folie 2

Cooler and storage ring for (polarized) protons and deuterons

p = 0.3 – 3.7 GeV/c

Phase space cooled internal & extracted beams

Injector cyclotron


COSY – COoler SYnchrotron

… the machine forhadron spin physics

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COSY – Experimental Facilities

Hadron physics with hadronic probes

Experimental set-ups:







… the machine forhadron spin physics

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Recent results:

Nucleon-nucleon programDi-proton final states S. Dymov (Friday, Dec. 10)

Strangeness program und (+,0,-) production

Symmetries program0, , ´ decays S. Schadmand (Friday, Dec. 10)ABC effect

Nuclear program production

Polarized (Anti-)protonsSpin transferSpin filtering (at COSY, AD/CERN)

Future Plans:

Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) search


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Di-proton: {pp} in 1S0 state (Epp < 3 MeV)

(i)Inverse photodisintegration: pp {pp}s

(ii)Deuteron breakup: dp {pp}s n (polarized beam)

(iii)Deuteron breakup: dp {pp}s 0 (polarized beam)

(iv)Pion production: pN {pp}s (polarized beam and target)

(v)Deuteron breakup: dp {pp}s n (polarized beam and target)

Recent Results – Di-protons (ANKE)




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Recent Results – Strangeness (ANKE)

Hyperon production in nucleon-nucleon collisions

(i) production: pp K+ p

(ii) 0 production: pp K+ p 0

(iii) Y production: pp K+ p (1405)/0(1385)

(iv) + production: pp K+ n +

(v) - production: pn K+ p -

Eur. Phys. J. A 46 (2010)

Phys. Rev. C 81 (2010)



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Recent Results – Nuclear (ANKE)

Nuclear -production: p A X (K+K-) X

Transparency ratio R mass dependence: A(0.58 +- 0.03)

Momentum dependence of R

Models indicate in-medium -width an order-of-magnitude larger than free

Phys. Lett. B(2010) in print

RNew!< p> =

1.1 GeV/c

Model-dependent analyses(Paryev; Oset et al.)


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Symmetry in 0, and ´decays:

(i)Isospin symmetry 3

(ii)Box anomaly +-

(iii)Transition form factor e+e- and e+e- e+e-

(iv)CPV e+e- +-

(v)Standard Model 0 e+e-

Recent Results – Symmetries (WASA)

Phys. Lett. B677 (2009)

New! New!

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ABC-effect (-puzzle):

low 2-mass enhancement in isoscalar channel

connected with isoscalar NN-pair

correlated with excitation ?

pn d 00 ; dd 00 --- Resonant structure: What is it?

… also have data on pd, dd 3He n, pp {pp}s , pd pd

Recent Results – ABC (WASA)


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Recent Results – Polarization (PAX)

How to produce a beam of polarized anti-protons ?

Test of spin-flip (spin transfer lepton hadron)

COSY experiment: depolarization of a polarized proton beam by unpolarized electrons (of detuned e-cooler)

cross section much too small to provide a viable tool for polarizing anti-protons method of choice: spin-filtering

< 107 b !!

Phys. Lett. B674 (2009)99 (90)% CL

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Plans – Polarized Antiprotons (PAX)

Spin-filtering: repeated interaction of the beam with a polarized target

„low-ß section“

Protons (FILTEX COSY), anti-protons (CERN/AD)


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Cooler and storage ring for (polarized) protons and deuterons

p = 0.3 – 3.7 GeV/c

Phase space cooled internal & extracted beams

Injector cyclotron


COSY – COoler SYnchrotron

… an ideal starting pointfor a srEDM search

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Future plans – EDM

Upper limits for eEDM, µEDM, nEDM, …; new measurements …

NEW: Search for hadronic EDMs of charged particles (p, d,3He) with polarized beams in a storage ring

Why another EDM-experiment ?

New approach

Potentially highly competitive sensitivity (<10-29 e cm)

Neutron and proton: complementarity (CQM)

dn = 4/3 dd – 1/3 du

dp = 4/3 du – 1/3 dd

(If finite dn was found what is dp ?)

Deuteron is more than proton and neutron

dd = dn + dp + dNN

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EDM at COSY – Method (I)

Spin precession in an electromagnetic field

Particles in storage ring with spin along momentum (frozen spin)

Observation of a transversal spin- component in a radial E-field ( d x E ):


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EDM at COSY – Method (II)

Proton: (a = 1.79)

B = 0:

„Magic“ momentum:

purely electrostatic ring !

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EDM at COSY – Method (II)

Proton: (a = 1.79)

magic momentum: pp = 0.701 GeV/c

no magnetic field: BV = 0 T

radial E-field: ER ~ 17 MV/m

ring bending radius : RB ~ 25 m

BNL proposal: two beams, (approved) simultaneously

rotating in the sameradial electric field: cw and ccw

ring circumference:~ 240 mCourtesy: Storage Ring EDM Collaboration

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EDM at COSY – Method (III)

Deuteron: (a = - 0.14)

No „magic“ momentum! combination of a dipole B-Feld and a radial E-Feld such, that the increased orbit compensates the trailing spin relative to the momentum:



1 a


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EDM at COSY – Options

the size of such a ring would be larger than COSY !

the size of such a ring would be similar to COSY


Ring withRB = 25 m

No magicpEDM



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EDM at COSY – Options

the size of such a ring would easily fit into center of COSY


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EDM at COSY – Options

size of ring fits into center of COSY or into existing building

Furthermore: use COSY as injector and cooler


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EDM at COSY – Precursor Experiment

Sibirian Snake

RF Snake RF

RF Snake RF

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EDM at COSY – Workshop

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… has an exciting symmetries and spin physics program

… prepares for ways to produce polarized antiproton beams

… provides test beams for FAIR/HESR/PANDA

… is the place for a (p,d 3He)-EDM search

Thank you for your attention !
