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BY OLIVIA MCCONNEY Photos From My Serengeti Safari

Photos from my serengeti safari olivia

Jan 21, 2015




This is my presentation for mr piers
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  • 1. Photos From My Serengeti Safari
    By Olivia McConney
  • 2. Day 1: Wild Animals
    The picture is in the wet season. You can tell because the grass is very green and the trees have leaves spread out on it, not just 1 or 2 from an occasional rain.
    Blue skies with occasional clouds scattered in the sky. Clouds contain water which rains down, waters the grass which is then eaten by the animals in the area.
    Tall tree with lots of branches and leaves to shade the below area. This keeps the water from evaporating from the grass.
    During December and January there are the most zebra births. The newborns have fresh grass because of the short rainfall.
    Zebras with stripes on their bodies for camouflage from predator.
    Climate Alert:
    Rainfall can be from about 508mm to 1,200mm.
  • 3. Day 2: Animals Drinking from Water Source
    DuringFebruary wildebeest kill many newborns that are feeding from the short grass plains.
    Wildebeest with horns to kill prey.
    Water which animals drink. Water carries seeds from plants to different areas which then grow a new plant in that area.
    During the month of April the wildebeest are evenly spread out across the plains because of the heavy rainfalls nurturing the grass.
    This picture is during the rainy season because there is water covering the grass, not just in 1 or 2 spots.
  • 4. Day 3: Sausage Tree
    Climate Alert:
    The evenings between June and October are the coldest.
    During March the clouds roll in from the south and bring with them heavy rainfall.
    The branches provide shade for the area below and provide a place for animals to sleep when it gets hot.
    Lions sleeping in the trees because it is to hot to sleep on the ground.
    Lions can go for 4 to 5 days without water if necessary.
    Thick bark protects tree from fires which pass through the area.
    If the lion has lighter fur it is in a hot climate but if it has darker fur it is in a cooler climate.
  • 5. Day 4: Maasai People
    Each person in the Maasai tribe has a job. Women make the houses, supply water, milk the cattle, collect firewood, and cook. The warriors provide security and the boys herd the livestock.
    During July morning temperatures drop as well as in August.
    Only the Maasai people are allowed to live in Serengeti but only if they follow the traditional beliefs and life of their culture. Also the number of people who live in Serengeti along with their cattle are limited.
    Maasai people rely on meat, milk, and the blood from cattle for food. They do not kill the cattle when getting the blood as cattle are seen as how much you are worth but they do stick a pin in the cattles neck and collect the blood, then patch up the wound on the cattle with mud.
    The number of cattle people have is limited because the cattle would eat all the grass which would decrease the number of impala. With no impala the lions would turn on the humans for food.
    In the mornings the elder announces what everyone is to do that day.
    Maasai houses are made of mud, grass, sticks and cow dung.
  • 6. Day 5: The Impala
    These are the female impala; they do not have horns.
    Impala are found where there is a significant source of water.
    The animals start migrating to the Grumeti Controlled Area during June because of the ending of rain.
    Impala eat grass shoots during the wet season but when it is dry they usually eat herbs and shrubs.
    Animals start heading back home during November because of the rains coming to Serengeti National Park.
    Young impala are killed by jackals and small cats. When they are in fear of danger they perform a jumping move and criss cross over the predator. When they do their kick with their hind legs they release a scent which makes it easier for them to stay together.
  • 7. Day 6: Elephant by Sausage Tree
    This picture was taken somewhere between December and June because that is the only time that Kigelia Africana grow.
    Elephants tend to tear up trees because they find more nutrients in the trees the grass.
    Elephants spend 16 hours of the day eating and eat as much as 495 pounds of food everyday.
    Elephants have big ears to cool themselves off when it gets really hot. Unfortunately elephants have very poor hearing.
    Elephants can break down trees which are up to 4 years old.
    Elephants are herbivores and eat any type of vegetation.
  • 8. Day 7: Cheetah
    A cheetahs fur helps it to camouflage into its surrounding.
    Cheetahs have a tear mark running from the eye to the mouth which helps it shield away the sun.
    Cheetahs can run 75 mph so that they can catch food.
    Since the cheetah runs so fast they have large noses which help them take in oxygen.
    Tall grasses help hide the cheetah while it hunts down other prey.
  • 9. People Who Helped Me Take the Pictures (Resources)