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Photonic crystal heterostructures and interfaces Emanuel Istrate* and Edward H. Sargent Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G4 Published 16 May 2006 Photonic crystal heterostructures, like their semiconductor quantum electronic counterparts, generate complex function from simple, well-understood building blocks. They have led to compact photonic crystal-based waveguides and record-quality-factor resonant cavities. Here the progress on the experimental realization of photonic crystal heterostructure devices, and on the development of convenient, intuitive, and computationally efficient models of devices that unite multiple finite-sized photonic crystal media to engineer photon localization and guidance is summarized. DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.78.455 PACS numbers: 42.70.Qs, 73.21.b, 42.25.Gy, 42.25.Fx CONTENTS I. Introduction 455 II. Review of Semiconductors and Photonic Crystals 456 III. Experimental Realizations of Photonic Crystal Heterostructures 457 A. Self-assembly 457 B. Autocloning 458 C. 2D crystals 458 D. Other methods 459 IV. Photonic Crystal Heterostructure Devices 459 A. Resonant cavities 459 B. Waveguides 460 C. Graded heterostructure cavities and waveguides 460 D. Other structures 460 E. Similarities and differences from semiconductors 461 V. Modeling and Designing Photonic Crystal Heterostructures 462 A. Methods for infinitely periodic and arbitrary structures 462 B. Transfer, scattering, and R-matrix methods 463 C. Calculation of interface states 464 D. Envelope approximations 464 1. k · p theory in photonic crystals 465 2. The envelope equation 465 3. Envelope boundary conditions 466 4. Other comments 466 5. Multiple-scale techniques 466 E. Analysis using Wannier functions 467 1. Wannier-like envelope equations 467 2. Localized Wannier function bases 468 F. Photonic crystal effective medium boundary conditions 469 1. Snell’s law equivalent 469 2. Reflection, transmission, and diffraction coefficients found using the complex plane-wave expansion method 470 3. Transmission and reflection coefficients calculated with transfer matrices 472 4. Device analysis using effective medium boundary conditions 473 G. Defect analysis and design based on symmetry and momentum considerations 475 H. Analysis methods for semiconductor devices 475 VI. Conclusions 477 References 477 I. INTRODUCTION Semiconductor heterostructures are made by combin- ing at least two materials that have distinct band struc- tures. Heterostructures such as quantum wells confine electronic wave particles on the quantum length scale, enabling refined control over electronic states and car- rier transport. Heterostructure engineering is now widely practiced, producing the most efficient semicon- ductor lasers Tsang, 1982, highest-speed transistors Hafez and Feng, 2005, and novel quantum electronic devices Sakaki, 1982; Capasso et al., 1989; Heiblum and Fischetti, 1990. Photonic crystals John, 1987; Yablonovitch, 1987artificial materials with a periodic modulation of their dielectric constant Joannopoulos et al., 1995—display many properties analogous to semiconductors, including the appearance of pass bands, band gaps, and a complex dispersion relation. Early resonant devices based on photonic crystals, however, have differed from the het- erostructures typically found in semiconductor devices. The first photonic crystal device proposals and demon- strations were based on much smaller point and line de- fects. Recently, photonic crystal heterostructures have been introduced, and they have been shown to extend many of the attractive features of their semiconductor counter- parts into the optical domain. Heterostructures have led to low loss photonic crystal waveguides, record resona- tor quality factors, and high-efficiency add-drop filters. As with semiconductors, photonic heterostructures can be either abrupt or graded. Semiconductor heterostructures are usually modeled *Electronic address: [email protected] REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, VOLUME 78, APRIL–JUNE 2006 0034-6861/2006/782/27 ©2006 The American Physical Society 455

Photonic crystal heterostructures and interfacesPhotonic crystal heterostructures and interfaces ... C. Calculation of interface states 464 ... tures, leading to the concept of band-gap

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Page 1: Photonic crystal heterostructures and interfacesPhotonic crystal heterostructures and interfaces ... C. Calculation of interface states 464 ... tures, leading to the concept of band-gap

Photonic crystal heterostructures and interfaces

Emanuel Istrate* and Edward H. Sargent

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto,Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G4

�Published 16 May 2006�

Photonic crystal heterostructures, like their semiconductor quantum electronic counterparts, generatecomplex function from simple, well-understood building blocks. They have led to compact photoniccrystal-based waveguides and record-quality-factor resonant cavities. Here the progress on theexperimental realization of photonic crystal heterostructure devices, and on the development ofconvenient, intuitive, and computationally efficient models of devices that unite multiple finite-sizedphotonic crystal media to engineer photon localization and guidance is summarized.

DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.78.455 PACS number�s�: 42.70.Qs, 73.21.�b, 42.25.Gy, 42.25.Fx


I. Introduction 455

II. Review of Semiconductors and Photonic Crystals 456

III. Experimental Realizations of Photonic Crystal

Heterostructures 457

A. Self-assembly 457

B. Autocloning 458

C. 2D crystals 458

D. Other methods 459

IV. Photonic Crystal Heterostructure Devices 459

A. Resonant cavities 459

B. Waveguides 460

C. Graded heterostructure cavities and waveguides 460

D. Other structures 460

E. Similarities and differences from semiconductors 461

V. Modeling and Designing Photonic Crystal

Heterostructures 462

A. Methods for infinitely periodic and arbitrary

structures 462

B. Transfer, scattering, and R-matrix methods 463

C. Calculation of interface states 464

D. Envelope approximations 464

1. k ·p theory in photonic crystals 465

2. The envelope equation 465

3. Envelope boundary conditions 466

4. Other comments 466

5. Multiple-scale techniques 466

E. Analysis using Wannier functions 467

1. Wannier-like envelope equations 467

2. Localized Wannier function bases 468

F. Photonic crystal effective medium boundary

conditions 469

1. Snell’s law equivalent 469

2. Reflection, transmission, and diffraction

coefficients found using the complex

plane-wave expansion method 470

3. Transmission and reflection coefficients

calculated with transfer matrices 4724. Device analysis using effective medium

boundary conditions 473G. Defect analysis and design based on symmetry and

momentum considerations 475H. Analysis methods for semiconductor devices 475

VI. Conclusions 477References 477


Semiconductor heterostructures are made by combin-ing at least two materials that have distinct band struc-tures. Heterostructures such as quantum wells confineelectronic wave particles on the quantum length scale,enabling refined control over electronic states and car-rier transport. Heterostructure engineering is nowwidely practiced, producing the most efficient semicon-ductor lasers �Tsang, 1982�, highest-speed transistors�Hafez and Feng, 2005�, and novel quantum electronicdevices �Sakaki, 1982; Capasso et al., 1989; Heiblum andFischetti, 1990�.

Photonic crystals �John, 1987; Yablonovitch, 1987�—artificial materials with a periodic modulation of theirdielectric constant �Joannopoulos et al., 1995�—displaymany properties analogous to semiconductors, includingthe appearance of pass bands, band gaps, and a complexdispersion relation. Early resonant devices based onphotonic crystals, however, have differed from the het-erostructures typically found in semiconductor devices.The first photonic crystal device proposals and demon-strations were based on much smaller point and line de-fects.

Recently, photonic crystal heterostructures have beenintroduced, and they have been shown to extend manyof the attractive features of their semiconductor counter-parts into the optical domain. Heterostructures have ledto low loss photonic crystal waveguides, record resona-tor quality factors, and high-efficiency add-drop filters.As with semiconductors, photonic heterostructures canbe either abrupt or graded.

Semiconductor heterostructures are usually modeled*Electronic address: [email protected]


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by separating the spatial variation of the structure intotwo distinct length scales on which the potential energyvaries. Atomic periodicity, with its potential profile un-dulating on the angstrom scale, produces a band struc-ture conveniently distilled in terms of band edges andeffective masses. Individual regions made up of a par-ticular type of crystal, with linear dimensions on the or-der of multiple nanometers and above, are then treatedas quasihomogeneous materials. Semiconductor quan-tum wells, for example, are reduced to finite-depthsquare wells.

This intuitively tractable approach, rooted in themathematics of the multiple scale method, is equally at-tractive in the case of photonic crystal-based devicesthat deviate from periodicity. Several such methods havebeen introduced including envelope approximations,methods based on Wannier functions, tight-binding ap-proximations, and methods based on interface reflectionand transmission coefficients.

This article reviews proposed and demonstrated het-erostructure devices, along with successful demonstra-tions of single heterojunctions. Many of the methodsused in the design and analysis of heterostructures arealso applicable to other photonic crystal structures. Forthis reason we will review methods used to considerphotonic crystals with deviations from periodicity for de-vices involving both heterostructures and junctions be-tween photonic crystals and other media. At the sametime, contrasts and similarities with analogous methodsdeveloped for semiconductors will be described.


Photonic crystal heterostructures form a natural ex-tension to the analogy between semiconductors andphotonic crystals. In this section a brief review of semi-conductor heterostructures will be given.

Infinitely periodic crystals have attractive featuressuch as a complex dispersion relation that includes al-lowed and forbidden bands. They are, however, of lim-ited practical use in isolation because, as described bythe Bloch theorem, allowed modes propagate much theway plane waves do in a homogeneous medium. To pro-duce a sufficiently functionally sophisticated device, it isnecessary to differentiate material properties in spacewithin the heart of a device. The fermionic nature ofelectrons makes available two methods that can producesuch a differentiation in semiconductors: altering thecarrier concentration through doping or varying theband structure by changing the semiconducting material.The former produces homojunctions, whose discoveryled to the fabrication of diodes and transistors. The lat-ter produces heterostructures.

Semiconductor heterostructures, invented by HerbertKroemer �Kroemer, 1957, 1963� and Zhores Alferov,have played an essential part in the development ofhigh-speed transistors and semiconductor lasers �Alf-erov, 2000�, earning their inventors the Nobel Prize in2000. They are formed by the junction of two or more

semiconductors in a single crystal �Sharma and Purohit,1974�. By using semiconductors with different band gapsand electron affinities, considerable freedom is obtainedin selecting the band arrangements of resulting struc-tures, leading to the concept of band-gap engineering�Capasso, 1992�. Moreover, ternary and quaternarysemiconductors allow a continuous tuning of the bandgap.

Since a heterostructure is composed of multiple semi-conductors, it has different band gaps in different re-gions. Charge carriers in the conduction and valencebands experience different potential energies in differ-ent areas of the structure. As a result, heterostructuresprovide a convenient method to engineer the confiningpotential for charge carriers, giving rise to manyquantum-mechanical structures such as wells and barri-ers. This forms the basis of most electronic and opto-electronic devices employing heterostructures. A varietyof devices have been proposed and demonstrated, as re-viewed by Weisbuch and Vinter �1991� and Mitin et al.�1999�, and summarized below.

One of the simplest structures that can be fabricatedusing heterostructures is a quantum well, obtained byinserting a low-band-gap semiconductor between twohigher-gap materials. Carriers will see a lower potentialin the center region, and will be confined there, just likea particle in a finite potential well. Electrons and holesexist in this structure only at certain resonant energies.This band arrangement is used in semiconductor lasersto reduce the energy spread of carriers participating inthe gain mechanism. Similar structures form resonanttunneling barriers �Chang et al., 1974�, used in transistorstructures to select the energy of charge carriers injectedacross the device �Capasso et al., 1989�.

A periodic alternation of two semiconductors formsa superlattice �Esaki, 1986�. The name is derived fromthe fact that the superperiod structure develops its ownset of allowed and forbidden bands—known asminibands—on top of the underlying semiconductorbands. Superlattices are therefore used to separate aband of the semiconductor into several minibands. Thisallows transitions to occur within the conduction bandonly, or alternatively in the valence band. These intra-band transitions have been used with great success inquantum cascade lasers �Capasso et al., 2002�, whichemit light in the midinfrared region, a range of frequen-cies where conventional interband transitions are diffi-cult to control for emission.

Heterostructures are also used to improve the high-speed performance of transistors. In bipolar junctiontransistors, a higher-band-gap material can be used inthe emitter compared with the material used in the baseand collector regions. It allows the base of the transistorto be doped more heavily while maintaining a goodemitter injection efficiency. The higher doping in thebase reduces its resistance and gives the transistor ahigher cutoff frequency. Such transistors are called het-erojunction bipolar transistors �Kroemer, 1982�. Theyare one of the original motivations for the developmentof the heterostructure �Kroemer, 1957�.

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The high-frequency response of field-effect transistorscan also be increased using semiconductor quantumstructures. A channel with a high carrier concentrationcan be obtained in a lightly doped material by creating aquantum well and doping only the barriers. The chargecarriers will be captured by the well, resulting in a chan-nel with the mobility of an undoped material in a regionwith a carrier concentration similar to that of a heavilydoped semiconductor, maximizing both elements neededfor a large drift current. Such devices are called highelectron mobility transistors �Fritzsche, 1987�.

Photonic crystal have many characteristics similar toelectronic semiconductors, such as the appearance ofbands and band gaps. As is the case with semiconduc-tors, most functional devices rely on careful spatial dif-ferentiation of material properties. Photons in a crystal,however, do not have a completely analogous role toelectrons. Concepts such as Fermi levels and equilibriumcarrier concentrations are not directly extensible to thephotonic case. As a result, differentiation of materialproperties in a device through nonuniform doping can-not be achieved. For this reason, photonic crystal de-vices use either heterostructures—the subject of thisreview—or smaller point and line defects.


Many different methods have been introduced for thefabrication of photonic crystals, some producing two-dimensional and others three-dimensional crystals. Pho-tonic crystal fabrication methods can be divided intothree broad categories: micromachining and growth us-ing semiconductor processing techniques �Yablonovitchet al., 1991; Krauss et al., 1996; Robbie et al., 1996;Painter et al., 1999; Lin et al., 2001; Sato et al., 2002;Kawakami et al., 2003; Lidorikis et al., 2004�, self-assembly of three-dimensional crystals �Jiang, Bertone,et al., 1999; Kumacheva et al., 1999�, and holographicexposure of photoresist �Campbell et al., 2000�. Hetero-structures have been fabricated successfully with severalof these methods.

A. Self-assembly

The fabrication of photonic crystals by self-assemblyhas become a widespread method, since it produceslarge volumes of high-quality crystals rapidly �Wong etal., 2003�. If made of glass spheres, the resulting crystalsare referred to as artificial opals in view of their similar-ity with natural opals. The fabrication of self-assembledcrystals is done in two steps. First, a monodispersed so-lution of polymer �Lovell and El-Asser, 1997; Kalininaand Kumacheva, 1999� or silica �Stöber et al., 1968; vanBlaaderen and Vrij, 1993� spheres is produced in a suit-able solvent, such as water or ethanol. Many of the de-velopments in this area have been reviewed by Xia et al.�2000�. The spheres are then induced to assemble into anordered array. A variety of methods exist, but thehighest-quality crystals are obtained by assembling the

array on a substrate placed vertically in the solution.This is accomplished by convection forces in the menis-cus between the solution and substrate. Two-dimensional crystals were first obtained on a horizontalsubstrate surrounded by a Teflon ring. A dispersion ofspheres in water placed inside the ring forms a positivemeniscus, with the thinnest layer at the center. Duringevaporation, the water flux toward the center results incrystal growth starting at this point �Denkov et al., 1993�.Later the arrangement was changed to a vertical sub-strate that is lifted slowly out of the solution, still relyingon the positive meniscus to create a two-dimensionalcrystal �Dimitrov and Nagayama, 1996�. The samemethod was then used to obtain three-dimensional pho-tonic crystals �Jiang, Bertone, et al., 1999�. While mostself-assembly methods produce crystals oriented alongthe �111� direction, large defect-free domains of �100�-oriented crystals were obtained recently �Jin et al., 2005�.

If desired, the resulting crystal can be inverted by fill-ing the voids between the spheres with various materi-als, such as silica �Velev et al., 1997; Ye et al., 2002�,titania �Wijnhoven and Vos, 1998�, zirconia �Schroden etal., 2002�, carbon �Yan, Ziou, et al., 2005�, and gold�Landon et al., 2003�. Many of the results have beensummarized by Velev and Kaler �2000�. One of the mostimportant classes of materials for infiltration, however,are high-index semiconductors, such as silicon. Theirhigh index of refraction results in a complete photonicband gap in a colloidal crystal �Blanco et al., 2000; Vla-sov et al., 2001�.

Although point defects can be placed randomly in acolloidal crystal by mixing a small volume of dopantspheres into the monodispersed solution �Vlasov et al.,2001�, the controlled placement of defects is more diffi-cult. As a result, research effort has instead concen-trated on heterostructures. Large-area line defects wereobtained recently through a combination of self-assembly and photolithography �Vekris et al., 2005; Yan,Zhou, et al., 2005�. Controlled placement of point de-fects was also demonstrated recently using a nanoim-printing technique �Yan, Chen, et al., 2005�.

Heterostructures are fabricated using self-assembledcrystals by repeating the assembly process with differenttypes of spheres �Jiang et al., 2001; Egen et al., 2003;Wong et al., 2003�. The first photonic crystal is depositeddirectly on the substrate. Subsequent crystals use previ-ous layers as a substrate. They differ in the dielectricconstant and size of the spheres. An image of a hetero-structure in a colloidal crystal heterostructure is shownin Fig. 1.

Heterostructures between self-assembled opals do notrequire lattice matching at the interface. As a conse-quence, crystals differing in sphere diameter can bejoined in a heterojunction. Sometimes, however, a smallgap can appear between the two crystals �Gaponik et al.,2004�, which will have an impact on the optical proper-ties of the junction.

Heterostructures have also been produced by modify-ing a single self-assembled crystal. Through nonuniforminfiltration of air voids in the crystal, the band structure

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can be modified locally. This can be obtained throughinfiltration only near the surface of the crystal �Ro-manov et al., 2000�. Alternatively, a uniformly infiltratedcrystal can be obtained first, which is then patterned. Apoly�methyl methacrylate� �PMMA� photonic crystal isfirst infiltrated with silica. The resulting crystal is thenpatterned using electron-beam lithography, to whichPMMA is sensitive. Upon development, the exposed ar-eas will contain an inverted silica opal, while unexposedareas still contain the PMMA crystal infiltrated withsilica �Galisteo-Lopez et al., 2004�. Using nonuniform in-filtration, photonic crystal heterostructures are obtainedwith a lattice-matched junction.

B. Autocloning

The autocloning technique is a versatile method usedto fabricate three-dimensional photonic crystals for vis-ible and infrared wavelengths �Kawakami, 1997�. Alter-nating layers of two materials, such as silica and tanta-lum oxide, are deposited on a patterned substrate.Deposition is achieved by sputtering and sputter-etchingat the same time. Conditions are chosen in such a waythat the substrate pattern is not washed out by subse-quent layers, but a periodic modulation is preserved,shown as a cross section in Fig. 2. A three-dimensionalcrystal is obtained by combining a substrate pattern pe-riodic in two dimensions with alternating layers whichare periodic in the third dimension.

Photonic crystal heterostructures have been fabri-cated successfully with autocloned crystals. Heterostruc-tures in the horizontal directions are obtained by chang-ing the periodicity of the substrate pattern. Since thispattern is produced lithographically, there is completefreedom in the arrangement of periodic sections. Junc-tions in the vertical direction are obtained by changingthe thicknesses of the two alternating layers �Kawakamiet al., 2003�. Examples of both cases are shown in Fig. 3.Since horizontal and vertical heterostructures can becombined as desired, optical modes can be completelyconfined in all three directions in such a device.

C. 2D crystals

The most widely used implementation of photoniccrystals are two-dimensional crystals fabricated usinglithographic techniques. Usually, a periodic array ofholes is etched in a semiconductor slab waveguide. Re-fractive index guiding is used to keep light in the slab.Triangular lattices are encountered most often, due tothe large photonic band gaps that they form, althoughsquare lattices are also used. Alternatively, crystals con-sisting of arrays of dielectric cylinders in air were alsodemonstrated �Tokushima et al., 2004�. Since crystals aredefined through lithography, usually electron-beam li-thography, there is complete freedom to introduce anydeviation from periodicity necessary for device opera-tion. This freedom has been used to fabricate photoniccrystals with point and line defects, which act aswaveguides and resonators, respectively, as well as com-binations of the two.

The lithographic process can also be used to producephotonic crystal heterostructures, by changing the latticeconstant, hole size, or even lattice geometry in the crys-tal. This can be done either abruptly �Song et al., 2003,2004� or gradually to produce a graded heterostructure�Srinivasan et al., 2003�. An example of an abrupt het-erojunction is shown in Fig. 4.

It should be noted that graded heterostructures canalso be obtained with photonic crystals fabricated by au-tocloning, and also with infiltrated opals, by slowly vary-ing the infiltration amount.

FIG. 1. An example of a heterostructure using colloidal crys-tals.

FIG. 2. A photonic crystal fabricated using the autocloningtechnique. Reprinted with permission from Sato et al., 2002.Copyright 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

FIG. 3. A photonic crystal heterostructure waveguide fabri-cated using autocloned photonic crystals. The dashed lines rep-resent the positions of the junctions. Both horizontal and ver-tical junctions are shown. Reprinted with permission fromKawakami et al., 2003. Copyright 2003, IEEE.

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D. Other methods

For millimeter waves, photonic crystal heterostruc-tures have been fabricated by varying the spacing be-tween directly placed spheres �Yano et al., 2001�. Peri-odic two-dimensional arrays of vertical cavity surfaceemitting lasers �VCSELs� have also been interpreted asphotonic crystals. By changing the periodicity of thesecrystals, heterostructures were obtained, which wereused to control the modes of the laser array �Guerrero etal., 2004�.


Photonic crystal heterostructures provide the neces-sary variation in material properties to turn a photoniccrystal raw material into a functional device. In particu-lar, they result in a spatial variation of the crystal disper-sion relation. Usually, photonic crystal devices are de-signed in such a way that light at the frequency ofinterest will encounter a stop band in certain areas and apass band in others. In this way, the stop bands are usedto confine light to certain parts of the device, while thedispersion characteristics of the crystals in the passbands are used to fine-tune the propagation properties.

Heterostructures, compared to junctions betweencrystals and other media, have the advantage that theamount of variation between the two crystals can bechosen to be quite small. As shown in this section, this isnecessary to achieve certain device properties such asconfinement and minimization of radiation losses, espe-cially in two-dimensional crystals. Often, this smallvariation will necessitate larger device areas than for theusual point and line defects. Heterostructures accommo-date this conveniently, as will be seen in the next ex-amples.

A. Resonant cavities

The fabrication of photonic crystal resonant cavitieswith high-quality factors is one of the most importantpractical achievements of photonic crystals. The simplestheterostructure cavities are modeled after the semicon-ductor quantum well and provide a direct demonstration

of the quantization of energy levels in a confined system.Using photonic crystal heterostructures, resonant cavi-ties can be obtained by enclosing a thin photonic crystalslab between two crystals with different band gaps, asshown schematically in Fig. 5�a�. The two crystals arechosen in such a way that, at the frequency of interest,the center crystal presents a pass band, while the sidecrystals have a band gap, confining light to the centerregion. An electromagnetic mode will be allowed in thecavity if it has a frequency corresponding to a resonantstate. Using band diagrams similar to those in commonuse for semiconductor devices, the band alignment andposition of the resonant states can be represented asshown in Fig. 5�b�.

Resonant cavities are used to select electromagneticmodes of specific frequencies. As such, most photoniccrystal heterostructure cavities function like resonantdouble barriers since the entire structure is embedded ina uniform medium where light propagation is allowed.This medium also contains the optical source and detec-tors. Light will not be able to traverse the barrier crys-tals unless it can resonate in the center well, at whichpoint it will tunnel resonantly through both barriers. Thetransmittance through the entire device reaches unity,similar to the transmittance through a Fabry-Perot eta-lon. The width and strength of the barriers determinethe quality factor of the resonator and correspondingtransmission linewidth.

Photonic crystal heterostructure cavities have beenused to demonstrate a record-level quality factor of600 000 �Song, Noda, et al., 2005�. The structure is fabri-cated using two-dimensional photonic crystals in a semi-conductor slab. The cavity is formed by a photonic crys-tal waveguide traversing two heterojunctions, so thatlight is only allowed in the center section of the wave-guide. No waveguide mode exists at that frequency inthe barriers. Heterostructures are employed rather thanpoint defects in order to engineer the reflecting proper-ties of the barriers. It was found that a gentle confine-ment of the mode in the cavity leads to a reduction ofthe field components with a propagation vector that canradiate out of the slab. A Gaussian profile of the fieldenvelopes is ideal. In earlier attempts, holes surroundinga point defect were moved in order to provide the gentle

FIG. 4. A photonic crystal heterostructure fabricated litho-graphically in a semiconductor slab. The arrow shows the po-sition of the junction. Reprinted with permission from Song etal., 2004. Copyright 2004, American Institute of Physics.

FIG. 5. Example of a resonant cavity realized using photoniccrystal heterostructures. �a� Refractive index profile. �b� Banddiagram. The dashed line represents the frequency of a reso-nant state.

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confinement, leading to quality factors of 45 000 �Aka-hane et al., 2003�. The Gaussian profile was notachieved, however. By using a heterostructure with thewell and barrier crystals almost identical, a nearly idealmode profile was obtained. It was found that the disper-sion relation for the imaginary part of the propagationvector in the barriers is highly nonparabolic, approxi-mating a step function. This leads to strong attenuationat frequencies close to the band edge, resulting in asmall increase of the modal volume compared to apoint-defect cavity and high-quality factor at the sametime.

As was already known from semiconductors, photoniccrystal heterostructures can be either abrupt or graded.In a graded structure, the crystal properties varysmoothly, with no apparent discontinuity. Resonant cavi-ties based on graded heterostructures have also beendemonstrated, again taking advantage of the many de-grees of freedom available to optimize the resonatorquality factor �Srinivasan, Barclay, and Painter, 2004�. Aquality factor Q of 40 000 was obtained.

Photonic crystal heterostructure resonators have alsobeen used with periodic VCSEL arrays �Guerrero et al.,2004�. The confinement properties of the resonator wereused to control the intensity of each VCSEL in the array,giving a direct optical image of the cavity modes, and ofthe similarity between photonic crystal resonators andsemiconductor quantum wells. More recently, couplingbetween two heterostructure cavities was demonstratedin a similar structure �Lundeberg et al., 2005�.

B. Waveguides

Photonic crystal waveguides are a special case of reso-nant device, where light is confined in two lateral direc-tions, and is allowed to propagate in the third direction.Traditionally this was achieved by placing line defects inan otherwise uniform crystal. Photonic crystal hetero-structures, however, are also suitable for this function.The required structure is again similar to that shown inFig. 5�a�. Light in the center crystal, which acts as thecore, will be blocked by the side claddings, and can onlypropagate in the vertical direction. Here again, photoniccrystal heterostructures have the advantage of offeringmore degrees of freedom in tuning the dispersion rela-tions of both the core and cladding. As a consequence,single-mode propagation can be obtained in a guide witha wider core, allowing more efficient end coupling to thewaveguide.

One of the first demonstrations of high transmissionthrough a photonic crystal waveguide used heterostruc-tures �Lin et al., 2000� with two-dimensional triangularphotonic crystals of air holes in a GaAs slab. The wave-guide core is made of a three-period-thin photonic crys-tal, surrounded by claddings which are made of twocrystals with smaller holes. As is usually the case forphotonic crystal waveguides, the claddings present aband gap at the wavelength of operation, while the coreallows propagation. As mentioned above, the waveguidewas made wide enough, which helped efficient coupling

to conventional waveguides. A homogeneous core ofthis width produces a waveguide with a large number ofmodes. Using the heterostructure, the confinement ofthe mode in the core is made weaker, such that even thewide core used only leads to three modes. The guide canoperate as a single-mode guide over significant fre-quency ranges. The increased width of the core reducesboth coupling and radiation losses, reaching a guidingefficiency of 100% at certain frequencies.

Autocloned photonic crystal heterostructures, such asthe cross section shown in Fig. 3, can be used to producephotonic crystal waveguides �Kawakami et al., 2003;Miura et al., 2003� that use photonic stop bands to con-fine light in all three directions. This reduces losses dueto leakage out of the plane. As before, the use of het-erostructures allows a much wider core and reduces cou-pling losses to other waveguides. Autoclonedwaveguides also have the advantage that the periodicityof the crystals can be reduced to two or even one dimen-sion in parts of the device where full 3D periodicity isnot necessary. This can be done, for example, in the coreof the waveguides, and reduces scattering losses.

C. Graded heterostructure cavities and waveguides

While the above examples have covered abrupt het-erostructures, graded heterostructures have also beenemployed in waveguides and resonators. Fabrication hasbeen demonstrated using two-dimensional crystalsetched in semiconductor membranes. The graded struc-tures, such as the one shown in Fig. 6, minimize radia-tion losses in resonant cavities �Srinivasan, Barclay, andPainter, 2004; Srinivasan, Barclay, et al., 2004�, by reduc-ing the intensity of the mode components with momen-tum values below the light line. Grading of the crystalparameters along a line-defect waveguide was used todesign waveguides optimized for evanescent coupling tooptical fibers �Barclay et al., 2003�, and in order to local-ize light in certain sections of the guide �Baba et al.,2004�.

D. Other structures

Other than the formation of resonant cavities andwaveguides, junctions between photonic crystals can

FIG. 6. A graded photonic crystal resonator. Reprinted withpermission from Srinivasan, Barclay, and Painter, 2004. Copy-right 2004, Optical Society of America.

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also be used for a number of other purposes. An arrayof photonic crystals of differing lattice constants with apoint defect in each section was used as a multichanneladd-drop filter �Song et al., 2005b�. The varying latticeconstant resulted in a different resonant wavelength ineach defect, while maintaining similar quality factors. Awaveguide traversing all photonic crystal sections wasused to couple light to the point defects. Heterostruc-tures are also used as wavelength-selective mirrors. Aline-defect waveguide traversing this heterojunction willhave different cutoff frequencies on two sides of thejunction, resulting in a wavelength-dependent reflectioncoefficient. This was used to improve the efficiency ofadd-drop filters using point-defect resonantors. Nor-mally, the efficiency of these filters is limited to either50% or 25% since some of the light coupled from awaveguide to the resonator will couple back. Thewavelength-selective heterostructure reflector can beused to reflect this light back to the point defect �Song etal., 2005a�. A drop efficiency higher than 80% was dem-onstrated �Takano et al., 2005�.

A cascade of photonic crystal heterostructure reso-nant cavities leads to a photonic superlattice, with itsown set of allowed and forbidden minibands �Istrate etal., 2002�. These can be used to engineer complex opticalfiltering functions. Colloidal photonic crystal hetero-structures have been used to fabricate such photonic su-perlattices by alternating the growth of two photoniccrystals �Rengarajan et al., 2001�. The separation of theindividual photonic bands into miniband pass and stopbands, expected from semiconductor superlattices, wasobserved.

Junctions between different photonic crystals also ap-pear naturally when waveguides with different orienta-tions are needed. Photonic crystal lattices only allowline-defect waveguides to be fabricated in a very smallnumber of directions. Lattices of different symmetries,however, allow waveguides in different directions. Mul-tiple cladding crystals can be used, with the waveguidecrossing from one to the other as needed, in order toaccommodate the necessary bends in a photonic circuit�Sharkawy et al., 2002�.

Junctions between crystals of different dimensionalityhave also been proposed �Chutinan et al., 2003; Chuti-nan and John, 2004�. It is well known that three-dimensional photonic crystals can exhibit a completeband gap and inhibit propagation in all directions. Two-dimensional crystals do not have this ability. They can beprocessed, however, with better control especially whensmall defects must be introduced. It would, therefore, bebeneficial to enclose an optical circuit fabricated in atwo-dimensional crystal between two three-dimensionalcrystals, in order to reduce the out-of-plane loss inherentin most two-dimensional implementations.

Finally, photonic crystal heterostructures have alsobeen proposed for the simple task of increasing thewidth of stop bands. By cascading photonic crystals withslightly different stop bands, a structure with a widereffective stop bandwidth is obtained �Zhang et al., 2000;

Wang et al., 2002�, in a way similar to the use of chirpedgratings for wide-band reflectors in optical fibers.

E. Similarities and differences from semiconductors

A surprisingly high number of similarities has beenfound between photons, governed by the wave equation,and electrons obeying Schrödinger’s equation, due inlarge part to the similarities between these two equa-tions. Differences appear, however, as a consequence ofthe fermionic nature of electrons and bosonic nature ofphotons, and also because electrons have a scalar wavefunction compared to vectorial photons. It is interestingto note, however, that the vectorial properties of pho-tons lead to two orthogonal polarizations, analogouswith the two spins of electrons �Bhandari, 1990�.

The analogies between photons and electrons havebeen investigated in detail �van Haeringen and Lenstra,1990�. For photonic crystals, the fundamental analogy isbetween Anderson localization of electrons �Anderson,1958� and localization of light in disordered media�John, 1987�.

Several pairs of analogous experiments have been per-formed on electrons and photons. The quantized con-duction of point contacts has been observed for elec-trons in a two-dimensional electron gas �van Wees et al.,1988� and for photons in a narrow slit �Montie et al.,1991�. Tunneling of electrons between two neighboringsemiconductor quantum wells has been observedthrough its submillimeter wave emission �Roskos et al.,1992�. Its optical equivalent—coupling of light betweentwo parallel waveguides �Yariv and Yeh, 1984�—iswidely used in many optical systems. Bloch oscillationshave been observed for electrons in semiconductor su-perlattices �Feldmann et al., 1992; Waschke et al., 1993�.A similar effect is predicted for photons in chirpedBragg gratings �Wilkinson, 2002�, chirped photonic crys-tals �Malpuech et al., 2001�, and in arrays of curved op-tical waveguides �Lenz et al., 1999�.

One must be careful, however, in observing the limitsof the analogies between electrons and photons. Semi-conductor resonant double barriers �Chang et al., 1974�are widely assumed to be analogous to the opticalFabry-Perot interferometer. Space-charge buildup in theelectronic device, however, leads to hysteresis in thecurrent-voltage relationships �Eaves, 1990�, which doesnot exist in the optical equivalent. This example showsthat electron transport results in changes in the energybands. Such changes in energy levels due to the move-ment of charge carriers also affects band alignments andband offsets at a junction. In semiconductors, the energylevels on two sides of a junction influence each otherthrough the process of reaching thermal equilibrium be-tween the two carrier populations. The band offsets canbe changed by doping the materials, which sets up slopesin the bands in order to return to a constant Fermi en-ergy. A balance must form between the tendency of car-riers to diffuse away from regions of high concentrationand resulting electrostatic forces which oppose this dif-fusion. This is the well-known effect that gives rise to a

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built-in potential in p-n junctions. The situation is differ-ent in photonic crystals where the absolute positions ofbands are determined by the crystal periodicity and re-fractive indices.

Electrons in semiconductors are constantly exchang-ing energy with the lattice through collisions. Thermali-zation is an important aspect in the operation of mostelectronic devices. It is possible for electrons to changeenergy levels, and jump from one band to another. Thisallows, among others, the injection of current into aquantum-well laser over the barriers of the well. Elec-trons will be captured by the well and will relax into itslowest level.

The motion of photons, however, is more closely re-lated to ballistic electron transport. Photons do not usu-ally exchange energy with the surrounding material, ex-cept through emission and absorption or throughnonlinear interactions at high intensities. As a result, thefrequency of light in a heterostructure will normally notchange. One must inject light at the frequency of inter-est in a device. As was mentioned above, however, theacceleration of waves in Bloch oscillation experimentscan be simulated through chirping of the optical lattice�Wilkinson, 2002�.


A. Methods for infinitely periodic and arbitrary structures

Analysis and design of photonic crystal devices is usu-ally done using numerical methods. A few analytic ap-proximations exist for evaluating the position and widthof stop bands in one-dimensional photonic crystals.Even when using computers, numerical simulations ofphotonic crystals are challenging since the entire deviceto be simulated consists of many photonic crystal unitcells. Each cell must be represented with high accuracyin both its shape and position.

Photonic crystal modeling tools can be divided intothree broad categories. Methods in the first category as-sume an infinitely periodic crystal, for which they com-pute the band structure and Bloch modes. In the secondcategory are general electromagnetic solvers that findthe transmittance and reflectance or resonant modes ofarbitrary structures. In the third category are more effi-cient methods developed for specific photonic crystalconfigurations.

The methods in the first category are fairly efficient,since only one photonic crystal unit cell needs to be rep-resented. They provide the positions of pass and stopbands, and are often used to obtain rapidly informationabout the general behavior of the crystals, such as thefrequency ranges where light is allowed or forbidden, aswell as the dispersion encountered by a wave. Since theyare based on the assumption that the crystal is infinite,however, they cannot be used for the accurate simula-tion of most photonic crystal devices, which are of finitesize and contain deviations from periodicity.

The most common algorithm to compute photonicband structures is the plane-wave-expansion method�PWEM� �Ho et al., 1990; Busch and John, 1998�. Thedielectric profile of the crystal is expanded in a two- orthree-dimensional Fourier series. The electromagneticmode is expressed as a superposition of plane waves.Inserting these two elements into the wave equationtransforms it into a matrix eigenvalue equation with themode frequencies as the eigenvalues and mode profilesas the eigenvectors.

Band structures can also be found using the finite dif-ferences in time domain �FDTD� method by findingresonant states when applying periodic boundary condi-tions with a complex phase shift �Chan et al., 1995�. Theband structure has also been calculated using transfermatrix methods �Pendry, 1996�. While the precedingthree methods are applicable to any implementation ofphotonic crystal, other methods have been developedfor more specific cases, such as a scattering matrixmethod based on Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker �KKR� tech-niques for photonic crystals made of spheres �Stefanouet al., 1992, 2000�.

The methods in the second category have the freedomto represent arbitrary structures, and are therefore thetools of choice for photonic crystal devices, such aswaveguides or resonators. They are also able to computethe response of photonic crystal heterostructures. Sincethey ignore the periodicity of the crystal, however, theyare quite inefficient, requiring significant computationalresources. This is especially true for heterostructures,where large periodic areas are found often. The mostwidely used tool in this category is the FDTD method�Yee, 1966; Taflove and Hagness, 2000�, which is basedon a discretization of Maxwell’s equations on a finitegrid.

Arbitrary structures can also be considered using thetransfer matrix method. Originally developed for one-dimensional problems �Yeh, 1988�, it has also been ex-tended to higher dimensions �Pendry and MacKinnon,1992; Bell et al., 1995�. The structure is divided into ho-mogeneous units, with the electric and magnetic fieldsrepresented on a fine lattice. Transfer matrices are usedto relate fields on neighboring planes in this lattice. Aswith FDTD simulations, the transfer matrix equationscan be used together with the Bloch theorem to yield aneigenvalue problem for the band structure of a crystal.

It should be noted that most methods used to find theband structure of crystals can also be used to find themodes of photonic crystal waveguides and other reso-nant cavities, by introducing a periodic supercell�Johnson et al., 1999�. In directions without periodicityan artificial periodicity is introduced, with a periodlarger than the dimensions of the mode confined in theresonator. The artificial periodicity makes it possible torepresent the structure with a spatial Fourier series,while large periods ensure that resonators will not becoupled together. Therefore, the modes of the periodicarray of resonators will be the same as the modes of anisolated resonator.

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The PWEM deployed on a supercell belongs to thesecond category, since the periodic unit is made largeenough to cover the entire device. The method is, how-ever, more efficient with structures that are naturally pe-riodic in one or two dimensions, such as waveguides. Insuch cases, the artificial periodicity is introduced only indirections where natural periodicity is missing.

The third category is a result of the effort to findmethods that are more efficient than those in categorytwo, but do not have the requirements of infinite peri-odicity from the first category. These methods usuallyimpose restrictions on the types of structures that can beconsidered. For example, they may only be applicable toa certain type of photonic crystal, or may be limited tocertain types of defects. The following subsections willpresent a survey of such methods.

While the discussions in the previous sections haveconcentrated on photonic crystal heterostructures, manyof the modeling tools are applicable to devices usingboth heterostructures as well as point or line defects. Asa result, this review includes methods applicable to bothtypes of photonic crystal devices.

Due to the striking similarity between semiconductorsand photonic crystals �van Haeringen and Lenstra, 1990;Gaylord et al., 1993�, many of the analysis methods forsemiconductor devices have been transferred to the pho-tonic case. A review of the relevant analysis methodsdeveloped for semiconductor quantum structures isgiven in Sec. V.H.

B. Transfer, scattering, and R-matrix methods

A large number of methods has been introducedbased on transfer and scattering matrices. Common toall of them is the representation of the device as a set ofadjacent parallel layers, with the relationship betweenfields on the two sides of the layers described by a ma-trix equation. Neighboring layers can be combined bycombining their matrices, the end result being a matrixrelating fields on the two sides of the new larger layer.This is repeated until a matrix is found that relates fieldson the two sides of the entire device. In this discussion,the parallel layers will be assumed to lie in the x-y plane,and the evolution of the fields in the z direction will beinvestigated.

The most common method is the transfer matrixmethod �Pendry, 1996� mentioned already in Sec. V.Afor arbitrary structures. In the x-y plane, fields arestored on a rectangular grid for each layer of the struc-ture. Transfer matrices are used to relate fields on adja-cent layers. This method can be described as belongingto the third category, as well as to the second one, be-cause transfer matrices can be obtained for layers corre-sponding to one photonic crystal period in the z direc-tion. With such matrices, results for large photoniccrystal volumes can be obtained quickly by repeatedlyapplying this matrix. A different matrix is only neededwhere deviations from periodicity are encountered. Pe-riodic sections of the crystals are therefore considered inan efficient manner, while deviations from periodicity

are permitted. The matrices provide the reflection andtransmission spectra directly, or can be used to find theresonant frequencies and mode shapes of resonant struc-tures �Yeh, 1988�.

The transfer matrix method �TMM� described aboverepresents the dielectric constant and fields in real space,as opposed to reciprocal space, in all three directions.This gives it the greatest flexibility to consider arbitrarystructures. An alternative implementation of the TMMcontinues to describe the structure in real space alongthe z direction. In the x-y plane, however, the structureis expressed in Fourier, or reciprocal, space �Li and Lin,2003�. This assumes that the structure is perfectly peri-odic in the x and y directions: each layer behaves like atwo-dimensional diffraction grating, diffracting each in-cident wave into a number of directions, both transmit-ted and reflected. The transfer matrices relate the inci-dent and diffracted waves on the left-hand side of thelayer to the incident and diffracted waves on the right-hand side. Rather than storing fields on a grid in thex-y plane, as is done by the real-space TMM, the ampli-tudes and phases of the different diffraction orders arestored.

Matrix-based methods can be used to compute theresponse of photonic crystal heterostructures directly�Jiang, Niu, and Lin, 1999�. Furthermore, for planar andparallel heterointerfaces that preserve the lattice period-icity, reciprocal-space methods can be used in an effi-cient manner. These methods can also be used to de-couple the interaction between different areas of adevice. By representing the field profiles in each layer asa superposition of waves with a component of theirpropagation vector in the positive z direction, and somein the negative z direction, it is easy to separate theincoming and reflected waves from a section of the de-vice. This makes it possible, for example, to calculate thereflection coefficients from semi-infinite photonic crys-tals �Li and Ho, 2003�. Such coefficients are very usefulin the intuitive understanding of photonic crystal de-vices, as will be discussed in detail in Sec. V.F.3.

Transfer matrix methods often suffer from stabilityproblems when applied to thick photonic crystals. Wavepropagation in the transfer matrix approach is describedusing familiar complex exponentials. Evanescence instop bands, however, is given by real exponentials, bothpositive and negative. Positive exponentials pose stabil-ity problems. Over the width of a photonic crystal, theycan amplify near-zero field amplitudes, which appeardue to numerical errors, to very large, unphysical, val-ues.

A number of variations on the transfer matrix havebeen proposed to eliminate the stability problems. Acomparison of some of these has been published �Li,1996�. One solution is to replace the transfer matrix by ascattering matrix. The transfer matrix relates fields onone side of a layer to fields on the other side. With scat-tering matrices, the incident waves on a layer from bothsides are related to the outgoing waves. In the scatteringmatrix framework, layers cannot be simply combined bymatrix multiplication, but recursive algorithms exist for

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this purpose �Li, 1996�. In return, exponential terms areavoided in the matrices, leading to a stable algorithm �Liand Ho, 2003; Li and Lin, 2003�.

The R-matrix methods are similar in concept. Theyuse a matrix to relate the electric fields on both sides ofa layer to the magnetic fields. The matrix, therefore, rep-resents an impedance of layers. As with the TMM, fieldsin the x-y plane have been represented in both recipro-cal space �Elson and Tran, 1995� and real space �Elsonand Tran, 1996�. In a similar way to the scattering matrixmethod, the R-matrix method does not have stabilityproblems due to exponentially growing components.

For photonic crystals made of arrays of spheres, scat-tering and transfer matrices can be calculated efficientlyusing KKR-based methods �Stefanou et al., 1992, 1998;Yannopapas et al., 2001�. The scattering of light fromeach plane of spheres is computed analytically, usingspherical harmonics, while interactions of waves scat-tered by each plane are calculated using transfer or scat-tering matrices.

C. Calculation of interface states

Interfaces are an important part of many photoniccrystal devices, based both on heterostructures as well aspoint and line defects. In heterostructures, heterointer-faces appear at every junction. In line-defect devices,such as waveguides, interfaces between photonic crystalsand homogeneous materials appear at the junctions be-tween the core and claddings. Most resonant photoniccrystal devices do not rely on interface states directly;confinement is formed instead by pairs of photonic crys-tal reflectors. Interface states do appear, however, undercertain circumstances. These are states bound to the in-terface between two semi-infinite materials. They decayexponentially in both of these materials. In the casespresented here, either one or both of these materials is aphotonic crystal.

Interface states can affect strongly the transmission oflight between two media. It was found that these statescan be used to overcome the diffraction limit for lightemerging from an aperture of the same size as the wave-length �Kramper et al., 2004; Moreno et al., 2004�. It istherefore important to know the frequency bands wheresuch states appear, their dispersion relations, and modeprofiles. Bound surface modes are also important formany devices, due to the possibility of light couplingfrom nearby waveguides into these modes. Such cou-pling was investigated theoretically in a two-dimensionalphotonic crystal of air holes �Lau and Fan, 2002�, be-tween a double-trench photonic crystal waveguide coreand neighboring photonic crystal surfaces. Later mea-surements of the waveguide transmission �Vlasov et al.,2004� were found to be in good agreement with the dis-persion of surface modes.

Interface states between a photonic crystal and homo-geneous material were first studied �Meade et al., 1991�for a three-dimensional Yablonovite crystal �Yablono-vitch et al., 1991�. The analysis was done with a plane-wave method on a supercell. Such states must have

propagation vectors that are large enough to preventradiation into air. Their frequency must correspond to aphotonic crystal band gap to prevent radiation into thecrystal. Besides these conditions, interface modes werefound to be dependent on the interface properties, inparticular on the position in the unit cell where the in-terface is placed. Bound interface states do not appearfor every surface termination, but at any frequencybound states will appear at least for some terminations.Similar simulations for two-dimensional crystals of di-electric rods in air have found surface modes only if thecrystal is terminated with a plane that cuts through thecylinders. This was confirmed experimentally �Robert-son et al., 1993� at microwave frequencies using a prismcoupling setup to excite surface modes. For crystals ofair cylinders etched in a dielectric, surface modes werefound even when the interface plane does not cutthrough the cylinders �Ramos-Mendieta and Halevi,1999�.

Similar simulations were performed for heterointer-faces between two different two-dimensional photoniccrystals �Lin and Li, 2001�. Again a supercell of two crys-tals was considered using a plane-wave expansion. It wasfound that heterostructures formed by changing the fill-ing fraction of the crystals while maintaining latticematching do not support states. States may appear, how-ever, if two crystals are shifted with respect to each otherby half a lattice constant, or if they are separated fromeach other by a similar amount.

Previous simulations on a supercell require significantcomputing resources, due to the large cells that must beconsidered. One of the most important parameters forthese modes, however, is the decay length into the crys-tal. This decay length can be obtained directly from thecomplex band diagram of crystals in the band gap �Ste-fanou et al., 1992; Suzuki and Yu, 1995; Hsue et al., 2004;Istrate et al., 2005�. This will be described in more detaillater.

D. Envelope approximations

The envelope approximation is used often for theanalysis of semiconductor heterostructures, since it al-lows such devices to be understood with quantum-mechanical methods developed for much simpler quan-tum structures, without taking into account intricatedetails of the crystalline atomic potential. An effectiveSchrödinger equation is obtained in which confining po-tentials are determined by band offsets at the hetero-junctions. The energy states of electrons in the hetero-structure are then obtained from these equations, inwhich there remains no explicit dependence on the po-tential variations on the scale of the crystal lattice pe-riod. Phenomena accessible in this approximation in-clude quantum-confined discrete quantum-well states,interband and intraband transition matrix elements,resonant tunneling, and the formation of superlatticesubbands �Bastard, 1988; Weisbuch and Vinter, 1991;Coldren and Corzine, 1995�.

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The envelope approximation has been applied suc-cessfully to photonic crystal structures. Since it considersthe envelope of the potential profile, instead of its finevariation, the results will also only provide the envelopesof modes in the devices, instead of the true wave pro-files. This, however, is acceptable in almost all cases,since the envelope gives sufficient information aboutquantities of interest, such as mode frequencies andquality of confinement.

1. k ·p theory in photonic crystals

In the electronic domain, the envelope approximationrelies on the k ·p theory to calculate band curvatures andfrom there the effective masses. When using k ·p theory,the Hamiltonian for a state in the neighborhood of apropagation vector k0 is expressed as a perturbation ofthe Hamiltonian at k0. The modes are also expressed assuperpositions of states at k0, with the assumption thatthese states form a complete set. This is indeed so forthe electronic case, but is not true for photonic crystals.A larger number of basis states, including some unphysi-cal solutions of the wave equation, must be used in thephotonic case, as was found from a rigorous k ·p theorydeveloped for photonic crystals �Sipe, 2000�, summa-rized here.

The modes of periodic dielectric structures are foundfrom the wave equation �Joannopoulos et al., 1995�, writ-ten here in terms of the magnetic field,

� � � 1

��r�� � H�r�� = ��


H�r� , �1�

where ��r� is the periodic dielectric constant, H�r� is themagnetic field vector, � is the frequency of the mode,and c is the speed of light in vacuum.

As opposed to the Schrödinger equation for electrons,which only produces physical solutions, the wave equa-tion also produces some unphysical solutions of zero fre-quency. The physical solutions must also satisfy the di-vergence condition, which requires the fields to betransverse,

� · H�r� = 0. �2�

This requirement does not have an equivalent in semi-conductor theory where the wave function is scalar.

Photonic crystal Bloch modes form a complete set forthe expansion of modes at neighboring propagation vec-tors only if unphysical solutions are also included �Sipe,2000�. In other words, the entire set of solutions of thewave equation must be used, including those that wouldnormally not be associated with photonic bands.

For numerical calculations, however, where the ex-pansion is truncated to a finite number of basis func-tions, the zero-frequency solutions can be neglected,since they only provide small corrections, similar to thecorrections from other remote bands.

In semiconductors, the k ·p theory results in a param-eter known as the effective mass, which describes thecurvature of the bands, as summarized in Sec. V.H. Thisparameter has units of mass and determines the accel-

eration of Bloch waves in the crystal under the influenceof external forces. For photonic crystals, similar param-eters can be extracted from the Bloch modes. In analogyto the semiconductor case, the term “effective” is usedsometimes to describe these parameters. In this case,however, these terms are unrelated to a physical mass.They only serve as parameters in the dispersion relationencountered by photons.

2. The envelope equation

In periodic optical structures, the envelope approxi-mation was first used to model the propagation of opti-cal pulses in nonlinear periodic structures �de Sterke andSipe, 1988�. It calculates the response to slow variationsin refractive index induced by the presence of an opticalpulse, in an otherwise uniform crystal. The approxima-tion was also applied to photonic crystal heterostruc-tures �Istrate et al., 2002�. The objective of this techniqueis to replace the full wave equation, Eq. �1�, with anequation that treats each section of the photonic crystalas a uniform material. In other words, the wave equationis manipulated to remove the dependence on ��r�. Thisdependence will be replaced by effective parameters,similar to the effective mass in the electronic case. Suchan equation can be obtained by following a proceduresimilar to the k ·p calculation in semiconductors. Theelectric field is expanded as a sum of Bloch waves at achosen k vector. This expansion is then inserted into thewave equation, leading to the envelope equation

�W� = ��2�W�. �3�

Here W� is a column vector whose elements W�,n repre-sent the envelopes of the different photonic crystalbands in the heterostructure. �� is the frequency of theheterostructure mode and � is the magnetic permeabil-ity. The matrix operator � has elements

�n,m � − �� �2

�z2 + k0z2 �sn,m + �n,m�1


�z− k0z�

− �n2�n,m� . �4�

Here the heterostructure is assumed to be perpendicularto the z direction. k0,z is the z component of the propa-gation vector at which the k ·p expansion is performed.It is usually absent in such equations for semiconductors,since the expansion is normally performed at the k=0point, where charge carriers accumulate. In photoniccrystals, photons do not accumulate at the band edge.Hence, k0,z must be determined by the frequency of in-terest in relation to the band structure. sn,m and �n,m areconstants derived from the Bloch modes of the infinitelyperiodic photonic crystals �Istrate et al., 2002�. sn,m isobtained in a manner very similar to the effective massof semiconductors, and plays an analogous role in deter-mining the curvature of the bands, since it is multipliedby the second derivative operator. It should be noted,however, that it is not related to a physical mass. �n,mand the entire term involving the first derivative opera-

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tor are new in photonic crystals. It is again a conse-quence of the nonzero value of k0,z, where bands have afinite slope, in addition to the curvature.

Equation �3� can now be solved independently in eachperiodic section of the heterostructure. Its solutions willbe either propagating or decaying exponentials, depend-ing on the presence or absence of a stop band.

3. Envelope boundary conditions

Boundary conditions are required at the junctions, inorder to connect the envelope solutions. For dielectricstructures, the well-known boundary conditions are thecontinuity of the wave and its derivative. This is a resultof the requirement for continuity of both the tangentialelectric and magnetic fields, since the magnetic field isproportional to the derivative of the electric field, andvice versa. Such an approach cannot be taken to obtainboundary conditions for heterostructure envelopes,since the two vector fields have been reduced to a singlescalar function. Boundary conditions can instead be ob-tained �Istrate et al., 2002� using a similar method to theone used to derive the familiar quantum-mechanicalboundary conditions �Cohen-Tannoudji et al., 1977�.

Although the heterointerface separates two differentcrystals, it does not usually also correspond to a materi-als interface. As a consequence, the electric fields at theposition of the junction are continuous. The envelope ofthese fields must therefore also be continuous across theinterface. Assuming an interface at z=0, the continuityis written as

W�,A�0� = W�,B�0� , �5�

In addition to the condition on the envelopes them-selves, a condition is also necessary for their first deriva-tives, in order to satisfy the requirements of a second-order differential equation. The condition to be satisfiedby this derivative at the interface is obtained by integrat-ing Eq. �3� from z=−� to z= +�, and taking the limit of �approaching zero,



�W�dz = lim�→0



W�dz . �6�

The right-hand side of Eq. �6� contains a finite function,integrated over a vanishing interval. Hence it ap-proaches zero. The left-hand integral contains terms in-volving the wave envelope and its first and second de-rivatives. Assuming that the envelope and its firstderivative have no infinite jumps, these two terms van-ish, leaving




� �2

�z2sn,mW�,mdz = 0, �7�

which leads to the condition on the first derivative of theenvelope,



�zW�,m = const. �8�

This set of boundary conditions is similar to those forelectrons in GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctions �Galbraith

and Duggan, 1988�, where the product of effective masstimes the derivative of the wave function must be con-served.

The boundary conditions provide the connection rulesfor the envelope functions on two sides of the interface.Together with the envelope equation, which provides in-formation about the wave inside the uniform sections ofphotonic crystals, they describe the behavior of light inthe entire heterostructure.

Since only envelopes of both the dielectric constantand modes are considered, however, the exact positionof the interface within one unit cell is not taken intoaccount. As such the envelope equations are bettersuited for calculating colloidal crystal heterostructures,where interface conditions are not controlled perfectly.In later subsections, other methods are presented thatcalculate the boundary conditions using the exact posi-tion of the interface in the unit cell.

4. Other comments

The mode envelope equations, shown above in matrixform, are a system of equations with one equation foreach photonic crystal band included in the expansion. Itwas observed that in many cases at frequencies near thefirst stop band, where most experiments are performed,a weak heterostructure does not introduce a significantmixing between bands, since the perturbation that it in-troduces is not strong. As a result, the matrix � in Eq.�3� is nearly diagonal. This means that the heterostruc-ture supports a number of independent modes, one de-rived from each band. The other bands only providesmall corrections. In many instances the system of equa-tions can be reduced to a single equation, by concentrat-ing on the band at the frequency of interest. The otherequations in the system describe modes that will appearat other frequencies, and which usually are of lower in-terest.

The boundary conditions presented above were foruniform crystals separated by abrupt interfaces. The en-velope approximation can also be used with graded het-erostructures, where properties of the underlying crys-tals vary smoothly over many periods. For gradedjunctions it is not possible to break up the structure intoa number of uniform sections. The properties of suchcrystals vary continuously along with the parametersnecessary to compute the envelope, such as the coeffi-cients in Eq. �4�. They must be evaluated at a number ofpoints along the structure, and interpolated for all otherpositions �Istrate and Sargent, 2002�. If the variation issmall, it is possible to include its effects as an additionalslowly varying term s�r� in the envelope equation. This,however, leads to a generalized eigenvalue equation.

5. Multiple-scale techniques

The preceding subsections have described the enve-lope equation, a differential equation to be obeyed bythe envelope of the electromagnetic wave. This equationdoes not depend on the fast variation of the refractiveindex and can therefore be solved much more easily. In

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essence, the envelope equation works by separating twolength scales of the problem—the rapidly varying pho-tonic crystal dielectric profile from the slower hetero-structure variation. This is part of a general class ofproblems in differential equations that are usuallysolved using multiple-scale techniques �Kevorkian,2000�. Developments in the preceding paragraphs werederived in a more intuitive fashion, in a form closelyresembling the k ·p techniques in solid-state physics.This section presents a summary of the wave equationsolution in heterostructures using multiple-scale tech-niques, which are mathematically more general. Regard-less of the method used, equivalent results are obtained.As with the envelope approximation, multiple-scaletechniques have been used to model pulse propagationthrough nonlinear photonic crystals. Results for crystalswith an arbitrary number of dimensions were obtained�Bhat and Sipe, 2001�.

To find the modes of photonic crystal heterostructuresusing multiple-scale techniques �Poon et al., 2003�, coor-dinates are introduced to represent two length scales,

R = �r, X = �x, Y = �y, Z = �z , �9�

where again the heterostructure varies in the z direction.Here the lowercase variables represent fast features ofthe structure, while the uppercase parameters representslower changes. The heterostructure is assumed to be aperturbation to the bulk crystals. The modes and theirfrequencies in the perturbed structure are expressed ascorrections from the bulk values,

�n�2 = �n

2 + ���1� + �2��2� + ¯ , �10�

E = e0 + �e1 + �2e2 + ¯ , �11�

where ��i� represent frequency corrections to differentorders while ei are expansion coefficients of the modes,

e1 = A�Z�Enk, �12�

e2 = l�n

Blk�Z�Elk, �13�

e3 = m�n

Cmk�Z�Emk. �14�

The above equations imply that to the first order of ap-proximation the heterostructure modes are given bybulk modes modulated by an envelope, A�Z�. Higher-order corrections use the bulk modes from other bandsas well. Truncating this expansion at the second orderand using it in the wave equation leads to an equationfor the mode envelope and frequency correction,

��1� = 0, �15�




�X2 +1



�Y2 +1



�Z2 + ��2�A = 0, �16�

where the following definitions are made:




�kx2 ,




�ky2 ,




�kz2 . �17�

Equation �16� must again be solved in each hetero-structure layer separately, and individual solutionsmatched at the interfaces with appropriate boundaryconditions. The parameters mx, my, and mz representeffects of the infinite photonic crystals on the hetero-structure, in a similar way to the use of the sn,m and �n,mparameters from Eq. �3�. They are related to the curva-ture of the bands. As was seen from k ·p theory, there isan equivalence between the information conveyed bythe shapes of the Bloch modes and curvatures of corre-sponding bands.

E. Analysis using Wannier functions

1. Wannier-like envelope equations

The envelope approximation has been derived in theprevious section using parameters extracted from Blochmodes of the photonic crystals. It is possible to obtainsimilar information not from Bloch modes, but insteadfrom curvatures of the photonic crystal dispersion rela-tion. This is a phenomenon also encountered in semi-conductors. The effective masses of semiconductors arenormally defined in terms of the curvature of the bands.Formally, however, they are computed from a k ·p analy-sis which uses the semiconductor Bloch modes insteadof the shapes of the dispersion relations. The envelopeequations presented in Sec. V.D.2 are very similar to thek ·p analysis. The expressions are, however, more com-plex due to the vectorial nature of the electromagneticwaves and the lack of symmetry in photonic crystalBloch modes at arbitrary points in the Brillouin zone, asdescribed below Eq. �4�.

In the present section, an alternative envelope ap-proximation is introduced that uses band curvatures in-stead of Bloch modes to parametrize bulk photonic crys-tals �Charbonneau-Lefort et al., 2002�. As before, thegoal is to simplify the wave equation to a form that doesnot include the periodicity of the crystal directly. Thestarting point is again the wave equation for light in themedium including the fast and slow variations,

��� · � − �2�E� = �2��f�r�1 + s�r��E�, �18�

where E� is the optical mode, �f�r� is the fast componentof the dielectric constant, and s�r� is the slower hetero-structure variation. The background dielectric constantis included in �f. The heterostructure mode is expandedas before in terms of Bloch modes of the bulk crystals,

E��r� = n,k

Wn,kEnk�r�dk . �19�

Wn,k represents the inverse Fourier transform of themode envelopes Fn�r� given by Fn�r�=eik0·rfnk0

�r�, assum-ing they are obtained using a Taylor expansion of theband structure near k=k0. In the previous sections, theBloch modes Enk had been expanded in terms of func-tions at a single propagation vector k0. This is not done

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here, but the above form is used directly in the waveequation, yielding an equation for the envelopes similarto the Wannier equation for electronic states in per-turbed semiconductors �Wannier, 1962�. Making thesame assumptions as before that the heterostructure var-ies in the z direction only, the equation can be simplifiedto

12� �2�n


�kz2 �



�z2 = �n�k0� − ��21 + s�z���fnk0

�z� .


The above equation is for modes in a heterostructure interms of the curvature of the bands of the bulk crystal.There is one solution for each band. The complete het-erostructure mode is given by the summation of bulkmodes of each band multiplied by their envelope func-tions. The above equation neglects band mixing, whichwas found to be almost nonexistent in many cases, asdescribed in the previous section.

The first term in the envelope equation �20� abovecontains the curvature of the energy-momentum rela-tion, represented by the second derivative of �2 with k.It should be noted that the square of the frequency � isused, since the �−k relationship is normally linear in thephotonic case. In analogy with the situation in semicon-ductors, the curvature is called the effective mass for thephotonic crystal,


m* = � �2�n2

�kz2 �


. �21�

It determines the propagation properties of light in thecrystal, in the same way that the effective mass affectselectrons in a semiconductor. It is not, however, relatedto an acceleration.

The envelope approximations shown here and in theprevious section have been used to calculate modes inphotonic crystal quantum wells and superlattices �Istrateand Sargent, 2002; Istrate et al., 2002�, heterostructurewaveguides �Charbonneau-Lefort et al., 2002; Poon etal., 2003�, and more recently square cavities made ofphotonic crystals surrounded by homogeneous materials�Xu et al., 2005�.

A similar Wannier equation for the envelopes ofmodes in photonic crystal devices has been derived�Painter et al., 2003� using magnetic fields, taking intoaccount mixing among degenerate satellite extrema of aband edge. This results in a set of coupled eigenvalueequations for the envelopes. These equations were usedto compute modes of graded photonic crystal resonatorsand waveguides.

2. Localized Wannier function bases

The Bloch modes in photonic crystals are expressedoften as superpositions of plane waves, which are ob-tained directly from the plane-wave-expansion method�PWEM� when computing the band structure. Planewaves form a natural basis for representing Bloch modesof infinite extent. Plane waves, however, are inefficient

for representing tightly confined modes in photonic crys-tal defects. This case appears often in PWEM methodsusing supercells to calculate point-defect modes. Basissets formed of localized functions are a more naturalchoice here. The similarity with semiconductors is againexplored in order to find such a basis set, by transferringthe tight-binding approximation �Ashcroft and Mermin,1976� to photonic crystals. When using a localized basisset, bulk photonic crystal modes are first expressed as asuperposition of the localized functions, centered oneach lattice site. The response of defects is obtained bycalculating the eigenmodes of the perturbed structure.

This approximation uses the orbitals of independentatoms as a basis. For atomic crystals, orbitals are natu-rally confined around each nucleus. Finding a set ofatomic orbitals in the photonic case, however, is morecomplex than in the electronic case, since individualscatters do not produce localized states. Different meth-ods are therefore needed to obtain such a localized setof atomic orbitals. They are normally based on Wannierfunctions, which can be chosen to be well localized. Areview of the different methods has been given by Buschet al. �2003�.

In order to find the Wannier functions for bulk crys-tals, the Bloch modes of the crystals must first be calcu-lated. This is done conveniently using the plane-wave-expansion method. With the bulk Bloch modes known,the Wannier function centered at position R is given by�Albert et al., 2000�

am�r − R� =1


e−ik·R�m�k,r� , �22�

where N is the number of unit cells, used for normaliza-tion, and �m is a generalized Bloch mode of the photo-nic crystal. The wave equation in this basis takes theform


�mm��k�Um�n�k� = ��n�k�c

�Umn�k� , �23�

where Umn are eigenvectors and

�mm��k� = R

eik·R� am* �r��− �2�am��r − R�d2r . �24�

The above integrals are considered to be free param-eters, which are fitted to the solution of the wave equa-tion, trying to match its results to those from the plane-wave expansion. The resulting Wannier functions areindeed well localized, decaying to nearly zero over oneor two lattice constants �Albert et al., 2000�.

Instead of computing the Wannier functions using theempirical tight-binding parametrization shown above,the localization of bands can also be optimized by mini-mizing a spread functional �Souza et al., 2002; Busch etal., 2003�.

The field profiles in the defect modes are expressed inthis basis as follows:

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E�r� = mR

Cm�R�am�r − R� . �25�

The expansion coefficients Cm can be calculated usingthe tight-binding method coupled with either Greenfunctions or supercell approximations.

Since the Wannier functions are so well localized, theamplitudes of the expansion coefficients at different lat-tice sites can be used directly to measure the intensity ofthe defect modes at different points in the structure.

The localized Wannier function basis can also be usedinstead of the plane-wave basis to set up a transfer ma-trix method for two-dimensional structures that are pe-riodic in one direction, but have arbitrary deviationsfrom periodicity in the other one �Albert et al., 2002�.Each unit cell of the device is described by a set of Wan-nier functions related to those in neighboring cells bytransfer matrices.

F. Photonic crystal effective medium boundary conditions

The envelope approximation described in the previ-ous sections is an efficient method to compute the re-sponse of photonic crystal heterostructures. It requires,however, solutions of an equation different from thewave equation. This section introduces an alternate ap-proach for the analysis of interfaces in photonic crystals,which is very similar to our intuitive thinking about theproblem, and also similar to the way in which interfacesbetween homogeneous dielectrics are normally consid-ered.

The method is best described with the example of adielectric slab waveguide, composed of a high-index pla-nar core in the x -y plane enclosed by two claddings.Geometric solutions exist for computing resonant modesin such a structure. In each one of the three layers, thefield profile is expressed in terms of infinite materialmodes. In the uniform materials assumed here, themodes will be plane waves of the form E=E0e±ik·r,where k may be complex. These waves are matched atthe two core-cladding interfaces. Two conditions mustbe satisfied at the interfaces. First, the propagation vec-tor of the plane waves in the plane of the interface mustbe conserved, as required by Snell’s law. Second, theboundary conditions of continuity of the electric fieldand its derivative must be enforced. If these conditionsare applied at the two interfaces, it is no longer neces-sary to solve the wave equation at every point in thedevice, since the modes of the infinite materials are as-sumed to be the correct solutions in each layer.

Such an approach is also possible with photonic crys-tals, if the boundary conditions are provided. This sec-tion will review the methods to calculate the boundaryconditions. The envelope approximation presented inthe previous section, with the boundary conditions de-rived there, appear to be similar to the approach pre-sented in this section. Here, however, no envelopes willbe employed. The true modes of each crystal will bematched at the boundary, resulting in a simpler solution.

At an interface between homogeneous dielectrics it iswell known that for each incident wave a reflected andtransmitted wave will be generated, with the possibilitythat the transmitted wave is evanescent. These wavesare modes of the infinite material. If the propagationvector of the incoming wave is known, Snell’s law can beused to find the allowed propagation vectors for the newwaves. Hence, for photonic crystal interfaces the firststep would be to find the equivalent of Snell’s law. Oncethe propagation or evanescent decay vectors are found,the amplitudes and phases of the waves propagatingwith these vectors must be calculated. This is equivalentto the information provided by the Fresnel coefficientsfor dielectric structures. Their equivalent for photoniccrystals must also be found. These two steps are de-scribed in the following two subsections.

1. Snell’s law equivalent

For homogeneous materials, Snell’s law is based onthe requirement that all waves at an interface have thesame propagation vector in the plane of the interface.This ensures that the wavefronts have the same period-icity on the two sides of the interface,

k�A = k�

B � k� . �26�

The superscripts A and B denote two sides of the inter-face. Besides this condition, the dispersion relations ofthe two materials must be obeyed, which give the al-lowed propagation vectors for each frequency. For ho-mogeneous materials, this is

�k�A�2 = �nA�


− �k��2, �27�

�k�B�2 = �nB�


− �k��2, �28�

where nA and nB are the indices of refraction of the twomaterials. Using these relations, kB can be calculated ifkA is given.

A similar approach can be taken with photonic crys-tals, to calculate the propagation vector of photoniccrystal Bloch modes leaving the interface, in response toan incoming wave �Notomi, 2000, 2002�. Equation �26� isrelaxed to allow propagation vectors to differ by areciprocal-lattice vector. Equations �27� and �28� cannotbe applied directly, but similar conditions can be foundfrom the crystal band diagram: the unknown perpen-dicular propagation vector component, together with thefixed parallel component, must result in an allowed stateat the given frequency. In other words, the perpendicu-lar component is found by computing the equifrequencysurface of the crystal, and searching for points on thissurface with the required parallel wave-vector compo-nent.

It should be noted, however, that the direction of thepropagation vector obtained with the above analysis isnot the direction of power flow in the crystal. Powerflows in the direction given by the gradient of theequifrequency surface �Notomi, 2000� at a given point in

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k space. Sharp changes in the direction of this gradientare responsible for the superprism effect observed inphotonic crystals �Kosaka et al., 1998; Wu et al., 2002�.Knowledge of the exact propagation vector will be re-quired, however, in order to evaluate the amplitudes andphases of the modes excited at the interface.

The above analysis was done first for interfaces corre-sponding to high-symmetry directions in the crystal. Itwas then extended to cover interfaces in arbitrary direc-tions �Yu and Fan, 2004� by considering equifrequencysurfaces in a set of neighboring Brillouin zones. For lightincident from the photonic crystal onto an air interface itwas also found that in special cases total internal reflec-tion may occur, but in general some light will leave thecrystal, again through interaction between the incidentwave vector and equifrequency surfaces in remote Bril-louin zones. This happens even if the incident wave isbelow the light line in the first Brillouin zone.

2. Reflection, transmission, and diffraction coefficientsfound using the complex plane-wave expansionmethod

The preceding subsection describes methods to calcu-late which modes could be excited at an interface, or, inother words, the allowed directions for scattered waves.This subsection and the following one describe methodsto calculate the amplitude and phases of these modes.These determine how much optical power is transmittedacross the interface and how much is reflected. The pa-rameters to be computed are the equivalent of the well-known Fresnel reflection and transmission coefficientsfor dielectric interfaces. The photonic crystal surface,however, may diffract light into multiple directions. In-side the photonic crystal, light of a single frequency mayalso excite multiple propagating and decaying modes.For these reasons, the Fresnel coefficients are conve-niently expressed as a set of diffraction coefficients, re-lating each wave incident on the interface to diffractedwaves.

For generality, the diffraction coefficients are com-puted at an interface between a homogeneous dielectricand a photonic crystal. Heterostructures between twophotonic crystals can then be represented as a three-layer structure with a thin homogeneous layer betweenthe two crystals. Airy formulas are then used to accountfor multiple reflections in this layer. Setting the thicknessof the homogeneous layer to zero provides the responseof the heterostructure. The diffraction coefficients canbe computed using two methods, starting either with theBloch modes of the crystal or with a transfer matrix rep-resentation of the structure. The first method will besummarized here while the second one is the subject ofthe next subsection.

When using the Bloch modes of the crystal, theboundary conditions are found by matching modes ofthe structures on two sides of the interface. In the pho-tonic crystal, modes are the propagating or decayingBloch waves described below. On the other side of theinterface, modes are usually plane waves. At the inter-

face, the well-known electromagnetic boundary condi-tions of continuity of tangential components of the elec-tric and magnetic fields must hold. The superposition ofmodes on two sides of the interface must therefore havethe same profile. In the photonic crystal, the fields areperiodic with the periodicity of the lattice, as requiredby the Bloch theorem. This means that the superpositionof waves on the other side of the interface must have thesame periodicity. Therefore, fields in the plane of theinterface may be decomposed in a two-dimensional spa-tial Fourier series. The fields must be matched for eachspatial Fourier frequency independently, as shown inFig. 7.

In order to provide the necessary information formode matching, the band-structure concept must be ex-tended to include details of the decaying stop bandmodes in crystals. The normal band structure providesextensive information about the propagating Blochmodes, but it does not describe decaying modes. Inmany photonic crystal-based devices, such as resonatorsor waveguides, the stop band properties of the crystalare more important than the pass bands, since they de-termine how light is confined and how rapid the decay is.The band structure can be augmented to include decay-ing modes, with complex propagation vectors. Theimaginary part of these vectors gives the decay constant.The band structure including both propagating and de-caying bands is referred to as the complex band struc-ture of a crystal. It will be used in this section in order toobtain results valid both inside and outside photonicstop bands. Several methods exist to calculate the com-plex band structure. The plane-wave-expansion method�Ho et al., 1990� can be used directly by providing acomplex propagation vector, and trying to obtain a realfrequency eigenvalue �Suzuki and Yu, 1995�. This, how-ever, leads to an extensive search since, in general, com-plex propagation vectors lead to complex eigenvalues. Amethod based on the KKR method and scattering ma-trices has been demonstrated for photonic crystals com-posed of spherical scatterers �Stefanou et al., 1992, 1998�.Complex propagation vectors can also be obtained from

FIG. 7. Graphical illustration of mode matching: The triangu-lar wave represents the field profile just inside the crystal. Ithas the periodicity of the lattice and must be matched to planewaves. The periodic profile is separated in a Fourier series,shown on the right. Each Fourier component corresponds to asuperposition of plane waves in the homogeneous materialshown at the bottom.

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band-structure calculations using transfer or scatteringmatrices �Li and Lin, 2003�, as will be reviewed in thenext section, or through a modification of the PWEM,described in the next paragraphs.

The PWEM must be modified to express propagationvectors as eigenvalues, for given frequency inputs �Is-trate et al., 2005�. Decaying Bloch modes are of impor-tance only near interfaces, since they decay to zero inbulk crystals. Hence, only the component of the Blochwave vector perpendicular to the interface should becomplex. The wave vector is decomposed, therefore,into components perpendicular and parallel to the inter-face. Assuming that the interface is perpendicular to thez direction, this can be written as k=k� + zk�.

For simplicity of notation, the following summary willassume a two-dimensional photonic crystal of cylinderswith the electric field polarized along the cylinder axis.The same derivation can be applied to other polariza-tions or three-dimensional crystals. In the two-dimensional case, the eigenvalue equation for thePWEM can be rewritten as �Busch and John, 1998�


G−G��k + G�2AGk =


c2 AG�k , �29�

where G are the reciprocal-lattice vectors, G−G� repre-sents the Fourier expansion of the inverse of the dielec-tric constant, k is the wave vector of the mode, and AG


is the plane-wave expansion of the mode: E�r�=GAG

k ei�k+G�·r. � is the unknown frequency eigenvalue.Equation �29� can be rewritten in matrix form as

PA =�2

c2 A , �30�

with the column vector A containing the plane-waveamplitudes AG

k . Matrix P contains terms with powers ofk� up to second order. These terms can be isolated andEq. �30� rewritten �Istrate et al., 2005� using a methodfirst published for semiconductor heterostructures�Smith and Mailhiot, 1990�,

k�2 MaA + k�MbA + Mc���A = 0, �31�

Equation �31� can then be manipulated to obtain an ei-genvalue equation for k�, which can be written in blockform as

� 0 I

− Ma−1Mc��� − Ma

−1Mb�� A

k�A� = k�� A

k�A� .


Equation �32� provides both the real and imaginaryparts of the band structure along with the correspondingpropagating or decaying Bloch modes. It has the furtheradvantage that the frequency is the input, simplifyingcalculations for devices where the input frequency isknown. It should be noted that decaying solutions alsoappear outside the photonic crystal pass bands. Thesesolutions represent surface modes.

Other similar methods have been published for isotro-pic �Hsue and Yang, 2004� and anisotropic �Hsue et al.,

2005� materials. It should be noted that the imaginarydispersion relation near the band edge can also be ap-proximated using an analytic continuation of the realdispersion �Kohn, 1959�.

With knowledge of the complex band structure andBloch modes, the diffraction coefficients can be foundby enforcing boundary conditions between the photoniccrystal modes and plane waves in the homogeneous re-gion. These conditions are the continuity of the tangen-tial electric field, along with its first derivative, at theinterface. Since at the interface photonic crystal modeshave the periodicity of the lattice, these fields are de-composed in a spatial Fourier series, with the boundaryconditions enforced between each Fourier order and itscorresponding diffraction order in the homogeneousmaterial. Not all diffraction orders will be propagatingwaves. Most higher orders will be evanescent, confinednear the interface. In the same way, most Bloch modesexcited at the interface will be decaying; only a few, ifany, will be propagating. The modes decaying in bothdirections from the interface serve to adapt the modes ofthe infinite crystals to the interface.

With the interface perpendicular to the z directionand the assumption that one wave is incident on theinterface from the homogeneous material, superposi-tions of plane waves in this material can be written as

E�r� = E0+eik0

+·r + m

Em− eikm

− ·r. �33�

Here the superscripts + and − represent wave propagat-ing toward the interface and away from it, respectively.m counts the diffraction orders. All propagation vectorcomponents along the interface are related byreciprocal-lattice vectors of the periodic surface,

km,�− = k0,�

+ + Gm,� . �34�

In the photonic crystal, the modes are denoted by EjC�r�.

The spatial Fourier components of these modes in theplane of the interface are denoted by Ej,m

C , where mcounts the Fourier orders. At the interface, the usualconditions of continuity of the electric field and its de-rivative must be enforced for each Fourier componentseparately,

Em+ + Em

− = j

CjEj,mC , �35�

km,��Em+ − Em

− � = j

CjFj,mC , �36�

with Em+ =E0

+ if m=0 and Em+ =0 otherwise. Fj,m

C is the zderivative of the mth Fourier component of crystalmode j, taken in the plane of the interface. The aboveequations can be solved for the unknown amplitudes Em

and Cj, which represent the reflection, transmission, anddiffraction coefficients.

From these diffraction coefficients, the most impor-tant value is the specular reflection coefficient. It is realfor reflection outside the stop band, but becomes com-plex with unit magnitude inside the stop band. As an

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example, the reflection coefficient from a semi-infinitetwo-dimensional square photonic crystal of silicon cylin-ders in air is shown in Fig. 8. The cylinders have a radiusof 0.3 lattice constant. The electric field is polarizedalong the cylinders.

The interface conditions for surfaces that do not cor-respond to Miller indices, as well as for input waves thatare not plane waves, have also been calculated �Jiang etal., 2005�. For Gaussian input beams, the equifrequencysurface of the crystal dispersion relation, which is re-sponsible for the direction of propagation in the crystal,can be approximated as a quadratic function �Momeniand Adibi, 2003�. This allows one to calculate an effec-tive refractive index that can be used to compute theangle of propagation of light entering a crystal with theusual Snell equation.

The magnitude of reflection coefficients has beenmeasured by many groups. The reflection phase has alsobeen measured in a few cases. At microwave frequenciesit was measured directly using a network analyzer�Özbay and Temelkuran, 1996�. At optical frequencies itwas measured for a three-dimensional colloidal crystalusing resonance frequencies of a large Fabry-Perot reso-nator �Istrate et al., 2005a�. For a two-dimensional pho-tonic crystal, the standing waves in front of the crystalhave been measured using coupling of the evanescenttail of the mode into a tapered fiber �Flück et al., 2003�.

3. Transmission and reflection coefficients calculatedwith transfer matrices

An alternative method to calculate the response ofsemi-infinite photonic crystals is through the use of scat-tering or transfer matrices �Li and Ho, 2003�, using areciprocal-space representation of the crystal in direc-tions parallel to the interface, and a real-space represen-tation perpendicular to the interface. As before, the firststep is to calculate the band structure of the crystal. It isconvenient to obtain this from the scattering matrix �Liand Lin, 2003�. The structure is separated into thin slicesparallel to the interface plane. It is assumed that all

slices are separated by infinitesimally thin air regions.This allows fields in the air regions to be expressed in aplane-wave basis, the same basis as is used outside thecrystal. As they do not have any width, these air regionswill not affect the electromagnetic modes.

Assuming again for simplicity a two-dimensional pho-tonic crystal with the electric field polarized along thecylinders and the interface parallel to the z direction, theelectric field in the air regions is expanded as

E�r� = m

Em+ �z� + Em

− �z��eikm,�·r� , �37�

where m counts again the diffraction orders, the + and −superscripts denote the waves propagating to the rightand the left, respectively, the � subscript denotes compo-nents in the plane parallel to the interface, and km dif-fers from the incident wave vector k0 by a reciprocal-lattice vector of the periodic slice: km=k0+Gm.

The amplitudes of the plane waves in each air region,Em

+ and Em− , are written as column vectors �i

+ and �i−.

The subscript i counts slices in the crystal. Transfer ma-trices are then computed to relate electric fields in adja-cent slices, assuming that these slices are thin enough tobe approximated as constant in the z direction,


�i− � = Ti��i−1


�i−1− � , �38�

where Ti is the transfer matrix for slice i.In order to obtain the band structure of the crystal,

the transfer matrix for a whole unit cell must be ob-tained by multiplying the transfer matrices for all slicesinside the unit cell. Calling this matrix T, it can be in-serted into the Bloch equation,


�0− � = eik·a3��0


�0− � , �39�

where k is the Bloch propagation vector of the crystal,whose components k� have been used to set up theplane-wave basis. a3 is the lattice vector that does not liein the plane of the interface. Equation �39� forms aneigenvalue equation for the unknown propagation vec-tor perpendicular to the interface, given the frequencyand propagation vector components parallel to the inter-face.

The transfer matrix method described above suffersfrom instability, due to growing exponential functions.This can be avoided by working with scattering matrices,instead of transfer matrices, which provide the followingrelations:

� �i+

�i−1− � = Si��i−1


�i− � . �40�

Scattering matrices for adjacent slices can be combinedusing a recursive algorithm �Li, 1996; Pendry, 1996� toyield a scattering matrix for an entire unit cell. Using theBloch theorem again, the band structure can be com-puted using the following generalized eigenvalue equa-tion:

FIG. 8. Magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficient froma semi-infinite photonic crystal. The inset shows the geometryconsidered.

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�S11 0

S21 − I���0


�0− � = eik·a3�I − S12

0 − S22���0


�0− � . �41�

The transfer matrices computed above relate the elec-tric fields in neighboring unit cells, keeping track ofwhich waves are traveling to the right and which to theleft. It is therefore possible to compute the response of asemi-infinite crystal by considering a single unit cell of acrystal, setting the wave that enters the crystal from thefar end to zero. This is done �Li and Ho, 2003� by firstfinding a matrix D that diagonalizes the transfer matrixfor a unit cell: T=D�D−1, where � is the diagonal ma-trix containing eigenvalues of the transfer matrix. Theeigenvalue equation can then be rewritten as

��0 = ��0, �42�

where �=eik·a3 is the eigenvalue of the transfer matrix.�i is defined as

�i = ��i+

�i− � = D−1��i


�i− � . �43�

Since � is diagonal, the vector � after propagationthrough n unit cells can be written as


�n− � = �n�0 = ��+

n 0

0 �−n ���0


�0− � . �44�

If the crystal is semi-infinite, there will be no reflec-tion from its back facet. Hence, there will be no modespropagating toward the front of the crystal, resulting in�0

−=0. This condition produces the following relationsfor electric fields in front of the structure:

�0+ = D11�0

+, �45�

�0− = D21�0

+. �46�

The reflection of light from the crystal can then be writ-ten as

�0− = D21D11

−1�0+ �47�

and a similar expression can be obtained for transmit-tance into the crystal.

Instead of explicitly setting the reflection from theback facet to zero, as was described above, this reflec-tion can also be eliminated by including a small amountof loss �Botten et al., 2001�. A similar method was alsoderived for photonic crystals composed of a periodic ar-ray of metallic disks �Contopanagos et al., 1999�, usingthe impedance of each lattice plane. The derivation,however, did not include the effects of diffraction intomultiple plane waves. For opal photonic crystals, the re-flection has also been estimated from overlap integralswith bulk modes �Ochiai and Sánchez-Dehesa, 2001�.

The preceding two subsections have described twodifferent methods to compute reflection and transmis-sion coefficients at photonic crystal boundaries, onebased on the Bloch modes of the infinite crystals andone based on transfer matrices. These two methods canbe combined to extract the efficiency of the PWEM

when dealing with large, perfectly periodic areas, whileallowing arbitrary defects �Green et al., 2005�.

4. Device analysis using effective medium boundaryconditions

The methods presented in the previous section allowhomogenization of photonic crystals, replacing each pe-riodic section by an effective medium, characterized byboundary conditions at the interfaces and by their dis-persion relations between the interfaces. Now photoniccrystal devices can be interpreted as a succession of ef-fective materials, some periodic and some homoge-neous.

Calculation of the response of dielectric devices withfew interfaces is done by assuming propagation in planewaves in each material, connected by the well-knownboundary conditions at the interfaces. This approach isnow possible with photonic crystal devices as well.

The simplest case to consider is that of light traversinga photonic crystal slice of finite size �Istrate et al., 2005�.The well-known Airy formula developed for thin dielec-tric slabs can be applied directly, since the reflection co-efficients are known,

r = r12 +t12t21r23e


1 − r21r23e2i� , �48�

where rij represents the reflection coefficient at the in-terface from material i to j and �=k�L is the phasechange of the wave across the photonic crystal, calcu-lated from the photonic crystal dispersion relation. r isthe reflection from the slab. Since Eq. �48� takes intoaccount multiple reflections from the two facets, it rep-resents correctly the resonant transmittance fringes andother surface effects that were observed previously �Sa-koda, 1995a�.

For localized light sources, a similar calculation wasperformed �Yang et al., 2005� where the input fields arefirst decomposed into Fourier components. The transfermatrix method from the previous section was also usedto compute the states of photonic crystal quantum wells�Feng et al., 2005�, again taking into account multiplereflections inside the cavity.

The resonant states of point-defect cavities are calcu-lated in an equally intuitive fashion, starting from therequirement that the wave interfere resonantly with it-self after one round-trip through the cavity. For a defectin a square photonic crystal, the round-trip conditionmust be enforced in two orthogonal directions at once.Inside the defect, light propagates as a superposition ofplane waves. These plane waves must all undergo aphase change of a multiple of 2� after a round trip. Forthe two directions this can be written as

kxLx + �x�kz,�� = l� ,

kzLz + �z�kx,�� = m� , �49�

where l and m are integers. kx and kz are components ofthe propagation vectors in the cavity. They are relatedby the energy conservation requirement kx


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= �n� /c�2. Lx and Lz are the dimensions of the cavity inthe two directions, and �x and �z are the phase shiftsencountered upon reflection from the photonic crystalinterfaces. �x�kz ,�� is the phase change upon reflectionfrom an interface parallel to the z direction. It dependson frequency and also on the angle of the incomingwave. This incident angle is determined by kz. In thesame manner, �z describes reflections at interfaces par-allel to the x direction and depends on kx and �.

The same conditions of constructive interference afterone round trip can also be used for the design of photo-nic crystal waveguides �Istrate and Sargent, 2005b�. Us-ing a ray-optics picture, light travels along the guide byreflecting off two claddings. Since the cladding interfacesare periodic, they may also diffract waves. The modecondition can be found by insisting that all diffractedwaves return after one round trip across the waveguidewith the same amplitude and phase relations.

In most practical devices, when waves diffract at theperiodic interfaces, up to three propagating diffractionorders can appear. The rest will be evanescent with adecay strong enough so that they will not be able tocarry any significant optical power from one claddinginterface to the other one. These evanescent diffractionorders are therefore ignored. The derivation shown hereassumes that three propagating diffraction orders are in-deed present. The equations can be simplified easily ifthere are fewer orders.

The various plane waves in the core of the waveguideare denoted by the complex amplitudes E1, E2, and E3measured at a point just before they reach the claddinginterface. At the interface they will diffract into eachother, as given by the complex diffraction coefficients dijdescribed in Sec. V.F.2 denoting diffraction from planewave i to j. After diffraction at the interface and propa-gation to the opposite cladding, the complex amplitudesof the fields will be denoted by E1�, E2�, and E3�. The twosets of amplitudes are related by

E1� = �E1d11 + E2d21 + E3d31�eikx1L,

E2� = �E1d12 + E2d22 + E3d32�eikx2L, �50�

E3� = �E1d13 + E2d23 + E3d33�eikx3L.

The above set of equations can be written in matrixform by using vectors E and E� to contain the fields Ei

and Ei�, respectively, and the matrix M to relate the two,

E� = ME. �51�

The matrix M essentially describes propagation throughhalf of a round trip. A similar matrix N can be set up tocomplete the round trip, relating the fields E� at thesecond interface to the fields E� at the first interface.The mode condition then requires that E�=E,

E� = NME = E , �52�

which means that the matrix NM must have an eigen-value equal to 1. For symmetric waveguides, whosemodes can be divided into symmetric and antisymmetric

classes, matrices M and N will be equal. The mode con-dition in this case can be simplified by requiring thatmatrix M have an eigenvalue equal to ±1.

In a similar way, the response of photonic crystalwaveguide couplers can be computed using diffractioncoefficients to calculate the even and odd supermodes ofthe couplers, from which the coupling lengths and cou-pling constants are easily obtained. The coupling con-stant can then be used to calculate the coupling from aphotonic crystal waveguide to a point defect lying nextto the guide.

As was seen here, the devices are separated into sec-tions of effective materials connected by boundary con-ditions. Similar structures involving uniform dielectricshave been solved using transfer or scattering matrices,assigning one matrix to each interface and one to eachuniform section. The same matrix formalism can also beapplied to the photonic crystal interfaces described here�Istrate and Sargent, 2005b� to provide a systematic wayof writing the necessary equations for structures withmultiple interfaces.

The above examples have used interfaces betweenphotonic crystals and homogeneous materials. The sametechniques can be used for heterostructure devices. Asmentioned above, such a heterostructure can be de-scribed by a three-layer structure with two photoniccrystals separated by an infinitely thin homogeneouslayer. As the thickness of the center layer vanishes, theresulting transmission, reflection, and diffraction tend tothe correct values for the heterostructure. One problemencountered in this case is that two crystals may havedifferent lattice constants, resulting in different propaga-tion vectors for the various diffraction orders. Thismeans that the Fourier decomposition of the field pro-files in the interface plane will have different compo-nents. A possible solution is to perform the decomposi-tion on a larger section of the interface, correspondingto an integer number of lattice constants in each crystal�Feng et al., 2005�.

The boundary conditions described here replace uni-form photonic crystal sections with effective materials,assuming that the modes of the infinite materials are agood representation of the finite crystals. If these crystalsections become very thin, however, the assumption willintroduce errors. This usually happens for crystals lessthan four layers thick. For such thin crystals, a bettersolution is to combine the reflection and diffraction co-efficients in larger crystals with a scattering matrix rep-resentation in the thin crystals �Green et al., 2005�. Thispreserves both generality and efficiency.

The above interface properties and associated transfermatrices have been calculated for simple planar inter-faces. Similar matrices can also be computed for muchmore complex structures, such as entire sections ofwaveguides and waveguide bends �Mingaleev andBusch, 2003�. This allows complex optical circuits to beassembled from a set of building blocks, such as varioustypes of bent and straight waveguide sections and otheroptical elements. The response of the entire system can

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then be computed easily, if the responses of the indi-vidual sections are known.

G. Defect analysis and design based on symmetry andmomentum considerations

The goal of the preceding sections has been to providesimplified methods to solve the wave equations in pho-tonic crystals with deviations from perfect periodicity. Itis possible, however, to obtain significant informationabout resonant cavities and defects from considerationsof the crystal and defect symmetries. One particular areawhere this information is of value is in the design oftwo-dimensional crystal devices that minimize out-of-plane radiation.

For one-dimensional photonic crystals with a weakmodulation in refractive index, the Bloch modes may beapproximated by sinusoids arranged according to thewell-known requirement that the electric field is concen-trated in the high-dielectric regions at the lower bandedges and in the low-dielectric regions at the upperedges �Joannopoulos et al., 1995�. Even when the dielec-tric modulation increases, many of the qualitative prop-erties of this simple model still hold. Such an approxi-mate representation of the modes is also useful incrystals of higher dimensionality. The symmetries of thecrystal, as given by space group theory, can be used todetermine the shapes of photonic crystal modes �Sa-koda, 1995b�. The same group theory is then used toclassify resonant modes in photonic crystal defects, re-sulting in a set of allowed mode profiles in the defects�Painter and Srinivasan, 2003� based on the symmetry ofthe defect.

The symmetry properties of the resonant states arewell suited to the investigation and reduction of radia-tion losses from two-dimensional photonic crystal reso-nators fabricated in slab waveguides. The bulk Blochmodes in such crystals can be divided in two classes:those above and below the light cone. The ones abovehave a small enough in-plane wave vector to be able tocouple to radiating modes above the slab. Those belowhave a wave vector larger than what is possible forpropagating modes outside the slab. These modes aretherefore well confined to the slab in the absence offabrication imperfections. A similar effect is also seenwith photonic crystal waveguides fabricated in semicon-ductor slabs. Guided modes with propagation constantslarger than what is possible outside the slabs will notradiate �Johnson et al., 1999�, with the mode being con-fined to the slab by index guiding.

For photonic crystal resonators fabricated in two-dimensional crystals, however, it is impossible to com-pletely eliminate radiation. Since the optical mode isconfined to the neighborhood of the defect, it has a lim-ited spatial extent. Its profile, expressed in two-dimensional spatial Fourier space, will have Fouriercomponents small enough to fall in the radiating region.While it is not possible to completely eliminate this ra-diation, it can be reduced to negligible levels. One of thefirst methods that was introduced to reduce radiation

losses required that radiated fields cancel in the far fieldleading to a set of nulls in the far-field pattern �Johnsonet al., 2001�. This was obtained by a cavity mode withodd symmetry, making sure that the spatial Fourier com-ponents near zero vanish. Optimizing a cavity using thisapproach led to a quality factor of approximately 30 000.

Even when using odd modes in the cavities, the mo-mentum distribution of the modes can be further opti-mized to push most of the mode energy to momentumvalues that fall outside the light cone �Srinivasan andPainter, 2002, 2003�. Symmetry considerations are usedto select the best unoptimized mode. This will, for ex-ample, indicate whether the best starting point is a de-fect of increased or reduced dielectric constant, and alsothe best position for the center of the mode. Furtheroptimizations are then performed to distribute the mo-mentum components in the most favorable way whilestill maintaining good confinement in the plane of theslab. The best structures for this purpose have beenfound to be graded photonic crystals, with a gradual in-crease in the strength of the stop band away from thecenter of the defect �Srinivasan and Painter, 2002�, aswell as abrupt heterostructures.

Engineering the Fourier components of the defectmodes has been used for a number of record-breakingquality factor measurements. In a graded photonic crys-tal defect, the quality factor Q was measured to be40 000 �Srinivasan, Barclay, et al., 2004�. Optimizing thepositions of the cylinders in the neighborhood of a pointdefect led to a cavity with Q=45 000 �Akahane et al.,2003�. Using heterostructure cavities for the same pur-pose produced Q=600 000 �Song, Noda, et al., 2005�.

H. Analysis methods for semiconductor devices

Many of the techniques presented earlier have beenderived from developments in semiconductor hetero-structures. This subsection gives a brief review of theanalysis methods for equivalent electronic devices.

Due to the crystalline periodicity, electrons in semi-conductors exist in Bloch states. These states are com-posed of a traveling-wave component modulated by aperiodic function. The relationship between the wavevector of the traveling-wave component and energy isgiven by the semiconductor dispersion relation. Since inmost semiconductors this dispersion relation is parabolicnear the band extrema, similar to the dispersion of freespace, one can approximate the movement of an elec-tron in this material with movement in free space, butwith a different mass, called the effective mass.

The effective mass depends on the semiconductor ma-terial and band. It includes all of the necessary crystalproperties in order to describe the electron motion as aparticle propagating through a region of constant poten-tial, when in fact the electron feels the periodic attrac-tion of all atoms. The effective mass makes it possible toemploy many equations from classical mechanics, suchas Newton’s law of motion, to calculate the accelerationof an electron. By collecting the salient properties of thesemiconductor into a small number of parameters—the

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energetic locations of the band extrema and effectivemasses—many devices can be understood very easily,usually with sufficient numerical precision.

In most cases the parabolic band approximation—required by the effective mass—is valid, especially nearthe band edges where the highest charge-carrier concen-trations are found. Far from the edges, however, thebands deviate significantly from a parabola reducing thevalidity of such approximations.

The effective masses can be measured using cyclotronresonance experiments �Dresselhaus et al., 1955�. Theresults are tabulated for most semiconductors for boththe conduction and valence bands. They can, however,also be computed from the curvature of the dispersionrelation. An easier method, however, is given by the k ·panalysis �Bastard, 1988�, where the effective mass iscomputed from the Bloch modes instead of the bandcurvature. Further improvements to the band curvatureapproximations are given by the Kane �1957� model.

Semiconductor heterojunctions involve two or moresemiconductors which form a single crystal. The poten-tial energy experienced by electrons in such structures isa superposition of the periodic potential due to the crys-tals and the potential steps representing the differencesin band energies across the junction. It is impractical toconsider the potential of all atoms when calculating theproperties of the structure. The envelope approximation�Sai-Halasz et al., 1977; Bastard, 1981� is used to addressthis issue.

As was done with bulk semiconductors, the periodicpotential profile of each crystal can be replaced by amaterial parameter, which is again the effective mass.With this approximation, the only varying potential leftin the problem is that of the heterojunction. In mostpractical cases the number of heterointerfaces is quitesmall leading to simple quantum-mechanical problems,as illustrated in Fig. 9.

When using this approximation, only the envelope ofthe atomic potential energy is used. All other propertiesof the semiconductors are hidden in the effective mass.As a result, one does not obtain the exact wave functionof the electron in the heterojunction, but only its enve-lope. The envelope is usually sufficient to find confine-ment of electrons, resonant frequencies, and most otherparameters of practical interest for an electronic device.

While the envelope approximation can be used effec-tively to compute electronic states in semiconductor het-erostructures, the wave function at the heterojunction,the plane where the two semiconductors meet, is notdescribed well. In usual quantum structures, simpleboundary conditions of continuity of the wave functionand its derivative at an interface are imposed. This is,however, no longer the case when using the envelopeapproximation, since the envelope obeys its own equa-tion instead of the Schrödinger equation. While the en-velope of the wave function must remain continuous, itsfirst derivative does not. Several boundary conditionshave been proposed �Zhu and Kroemer, 1983; Galbraithand Duggan, 1988; Grinberg and Luryi, 1989; Foreman,1998� over the past three decades, each valid for differ-

ent semiconductors, and in different situations.Envelope function approximations express the hetero-

structure modes as superpositions of the bulk modes,modulated by slowly varying envelopes. In particular,decaying wave functions in a semiconductor band gapare expressed as superpositions of traveling solutions,modulated by a decaying envelope. An alternativemethod has been described that uses the true semicon-ductor Bloch modes at every point in the heterostruc-ture �Smith and Mailhiot, 1990�. In the first step of themethod, eigenstates of the bulk material Hamiltonianare found in each semiconductor. Since the electron en-ergy ��� and propagation vector parallel to the interface�k�� are conserved across the interface, eigenstates arecalculated with � and k� as inputs. This will result in aset of Bloch modes which in general have a complexpropagation vector perpendicular to the interface �k��.Eigenstates with real k� correspond to propagatingmodes, while complex values represent decaying modeswhich have significant amplitude only near the interface.This is the case for all modes in the band gap, but alsoappears for energies outside the gap. The imaginary partof k� describes the decay length in the crystal �Smithand Mailhiot, 1986�.

The complex eigenmodes of two crystals, with equal �and k�, are then matched at the interface �Aversa andSipe, 1993�. The condition to be enforced there is thecontinuity of electron flux �Bastard, 1988�. For a givenset of waves incident on the interface, the correspondingset of outgoing waves is obtained. The most significantdifference between this approach and the envelope ap-proximation is that the amplitudes of the bulk Blochmodes are constant. Decay in the stop band is describedby decaying Bloch modes. As a result, there is no enve-

FIG. 9. The use of the envelope approximation and effectivemass in semiconductor structures. �a� True atomic potential.�b� Heterostructure potential and effective mass.

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lope equation to be solved at each point in the hetero-structure.

The use of the k ·p approach described above is basedon the nearly free electron model for semiconductors,where the crystal lattice is assumed to form a small per-turbation from free space. A complementary approachhas also been taken in the tight-binding method. Herethe electronic wave functions are assumed to be verysimilar to those of independent atoms. The effects ofneighboring atoms are treated as perturbations �Ash-croft and Mermin, 1976�. Using this method, electronstates are represented in a basis of functions that arehighly localized at the lattice sites.

Both the effective mass and tight-binding approxima-tions have been applied to photonic crystal devices. Ef-fective masses are useful for devices with large periodicsections, such as heterostructure waveguides. In con-trast, tight-binding approaches are most efficient for de-vices with defect modes of small extent, such as thoseproduced by point-defect resonators and line-defectwaveguides.


Semiconductor heterostructures have revolutionizedoptoelectronics and high-speed electronics through theirability to confine electrons of precise kinetic energies inspecific device areas. Photonic crystal heterostructuresprovide a similar amount of control over the wavelengthand localization of light in photonic crystals. For thisreason they have become an important building blockfor photonic crystal devices. While the initial device pro-posals were based on point and line defects, some of thebest-performing waveguides and resonators were fabri-cated using heterostructures including both abrupt andgraded junctions.

The simulation of heterostructure devices is difficultwith standard tools, due to the large device volumes thatmust be treated with great accuracy. The analogy be-tween semiconductors and photonic crystals, however,has allowed the introduction of several highly optimizeddesign and analysis methods derived from their solid-state counterparts.

While individual heterojunctions and simple deviceshave been demonstrated and reviewed here, improve-ments in the quality of fabricated heterostructures, espe-cially using self-assembled colloidal crystals, will lead tomore complex optical devices. Such heterostructures areexpected to provide a means for the realization of mul-tiple devices, integrated on a common platform, whereactive and passive functions are obtained by selectiveinfiltration of the porous structures with different mate-rials. This will lead to the necessary devices for morecomplex optical systems required in the future.


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481E. Istrate and E. H. Sargent: Photonic crystal heterostructures and interfaces

Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 78, No. 2, April–June 2006