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Photo Shop Oc & 3d Effect

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/10/2019 Photo Shop Oc & 3d Effect


    WinX DVD Ripper for Mac or Windows for just $19


    Create a 3D Text Scene Using Photoshop3D,Photoshop,Tutorials


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    In this tutorial well create a realistic 3D text scene usingPhotoshop with a little help from Illustrator for the 3D text.

    You need to have medium to advanced knowledge of Photoshop in order to complete thistutorial.,5,win&r=0.5522069960601911&link=
  • 8/10/2019 Photo Shop Oc & 3d Effect


    To get started, go ahead and download all the images used from the website. Allimages are free to download and here are the links:1,2,3,4

    Lets get started and create a truly awesome 3D effect in just a few short steps. Try it out

    and feel free to post links to your own variations, wed love to see what you come up


    Heres a quick preview of the image that we will be creating:
  • 8/10/2019 Photo Shop Oc & 3d Effect


    Step 1

    On a blank document type the text in Illustrator. Im using the Impact typeface and this

    foreground color: #CCCCCC. Then go to Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel, and set thevalues as shown below. Then copy (Ctrl or Command + C) the 3D text.

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  • 8/10/2019 Photo Shop Oc & 3d Effect


    Step 2

    Lets open Photoshop, create a new document (1280 x 1024 px) and putthisimage as a

    background. Then paste the 3D text (created on Step 1) as a Smart Object.
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    Step 3

    Next, go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects and set the values as shown below. Thisway the text will match the scene lightening.

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    Step 4

    Select the Smart object layer, right click on the layer and select Duplicate Layer >

    Destination: New, and Name: Map. Then go to Layer > Rasterize > Smart object. Savethe document asMap.psdsomewhere in your Desktop.

    Step 5

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    Now, lets save the previous document as Displace texture, delete the raster 3D text

    and pastethisimage on a new layer. This will be our first texture.

    Go To Filter > Distort > Displace, search for map.psd and set both the Horizontal and

    Vertical values to 50. Then, Select all (Ctrl + A or Command + A) and copy the

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    Step 6

    Paste the Rock Texture into a new layer above the 3D smart object. Change the

    Blending mode to Overlay.

    Ctrl (Command) + Click on Smart Object miniature to select the text shape, then Ctrl(Command) + Shift + I to invert the selection, then hit DEL to delete the extra texture (onthe Rock Texture layer).

    Then use the Magic Wand tool to select the front face of the 3D text on the Smart Objectlayer and delete the selection on the Rock Texture layer.

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    Step 7

    Using the Burn Tool, burn some shadows on the Rock Texture layer.

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    Step 8

    Select the Sand dunes layer, select the Clone Stamp tool and holding the Option (Alt)

    key, click somewhere on the sand. Then create a new layer above Rock texture, name itMoreSand and clone the sand on that layer.

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    Step 9

    To improve the texture effect, delete some areas of the Rock Texture layer.

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    Step 10

    Now were going to add some dirt. Open the Displace texture file one more time.

    Pastethisimage into a new layer. Go To Filter > Distort > Displace, search formap.psd and set both the horizontal and vertical values to 50. Then, select all (Ctrl + A

    or Command + A) and copy the selection.
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  • 8/10/2019 Photo Shop Oc & 3d Effect


    Step 11

    Paste the Dirt texture into a new layer. Ctrl (Command) + Click on the 3D text layer

    miniature to select the text shape, then Ctrl (Command) + Shift + I to invert the selection,then hit DEL to delete the extra texture (on the Dirt texture layer).

    Using a soft eraser, delete the bottom of the Dirt texture layer, then improve the resultby using an irregular eraser.

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    Step 12

    Change the Dirt texture blending mode to Multiply and add a small Drop Shadow.

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    Step 13

    To add the grass, go to the Displace texture file and pastethisimage. Apply a

    Displacement map, just like the other textures and finally copy the grass.
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    Step 14

    Paste the grass on the main document, delete the bottom part and using an irregular

    Eraser delete some areas on the borders.

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    Step 15

    Burn some shadows on the Grass texture layer.

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  • 8/10/2019 Photo Shop Oc & 3d Effect


    Step 16

    Add a small drop shadow to the Grass texture layer. Using the Sponge tool, desaturate

    some of the areas of the grass.

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    Step 17

    Paste the grass texture into a new layer on a plane on Vanishing Point filter window (go

    to Filter > Vanishing Point) to match the perspective of the landscape.

    Step 18

    Erase some random areas of the Grass layer, and using an irregular brush delete some

    random areas here and there.

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    Step 20

    Finally add a soft drop shadow to the Grass layer.

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    Step 21

    Lets add more details. Paste this image into a new layer and adjust the Hue/Saturationvalues to match the existing colors. You can call the new layer Hanging plant orsomething like that.

    Step 22

    Using an irregular eraser, delete everything with the exception of the hanging plant, andplace them next to 3D texts corners.

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  • 8/10/2019 Photo Shop Oc & 3d Effect


    Step 23

    Duplicate the Hanging plant layer and go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal. Then

    distort the copy a little bit. Follow this with the use of the burn tool to make the copydarker according to the the scene lighting.

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    Step 24

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    Add as many details as you want. I added a few more hanging plants and a bush.

    Step 25

    Just to create a more dramatic effect apply these two adjustment layers to the entiredesign: a Photo Filter and a Gradient Map (Opacity 35%).

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  • 8/10/2019 Photo Shop Oc & 3d Effect


    Final result

    Now youve got a nice 3D text inside a photograph. Click on the image for a largerpreview. Try it on your own and come up with your own variations.

    Written exclusively for WDD by Alvaro Guzman.

    Have you tri ed the tutor ial? Feel fr ee to post l inks to examples created using th is
