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Republic of the Phili ppines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION Ci(plale Ctnlrr, B1:gy. Omnbo, 709 Sbmv Blvd., Parig Ci ty Hcalthlinc 441-7444 PHILHEALTH CIRCULAR s. 2012 Jt1 SUBJECT: Updated Documentary Requirements for Member Registration, Amendment and Benefit Ayailment Purs uant to PhilHealth Circular No. 29 series of 2010, all members of the National Heal th I nsurance Program (NH I P) regis tering or amending their member informa tion s hall use the Phill-I ea lth Member Registratio n F o rm (PMRF) at tachi ng th erein th e a ppropria te documentary requirem e nt s for s ubmi s sion to the nearest PhilHealth Office. For a mendments, th e me mb er may al so use th e Member Data R ecord (MDR) on which to wri te legi bly th e ch anges in memb er inf o1mation a nd su bmi t t oge ther wi th the a ppropriate s upp orti ng documents to the n eare st PhiH Iealth Oftlce for updating. The fo ll owing are the d oc umentary requirements for member registration, decla ration of dependents, benefits availment includin g the n ecessary requis ites for amendment to be a ttach ed to the PMRF, MDR or PhilHealth Claim Form 1: PURPOSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Member Regi s tra tion/E nrollme nt Any of the foll owing: A. Birth Certificate; OR B. Any valid ID s/ documents listed in Annex A Fo r Orphans: A. Affidavit of Guardianship, if guardian is relative; OR B. Cer ti fi cate of Fo undling from Civil Regisi:ry, wirh DS\VD Certification, if sponsored by an institution. - 2. Fo r Declaration of Dependents 2.1 Spouse Any of the following: A. Marriage Certificate/ Con tract; OR B. Any va lid J Ds/ document s in Annex A (2d or 2e), whic hever is app li cable c. For Muslims, Affidavit of Marr iage issuetl by the Office of Muslim Affairs thar passed through the Shari' a Court must be registered /aut henticated in the NSO. D. For Indigenous Peoples, Certificate ofTribal Membership issued by or Barangay Ca ptai n AND Certificate o f Confirma tion on the Auth enticity of the Marriage issued by the Regional NCTP. 2.2 Children Any of the fo llowing: 2. 2.1 Legiti mate or A. Birch Certificate; OR ill egitimate below 21 B. Any valid IDs/ do cume nts in Annex A(1.2) AND in A(2) yrs. old 2.2.2 Adopted, bel ow 21 yr s. o ld A. Court Decree/ Resolution of Adoption; AND ?;}.; M A. A.O. I , L MSP/ Date: .Y CERTIFIED T C f)PY '--· -·· ----· -·- .. -·- ··- -

PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION · PDF filePHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION Ci ... Affidavit from rwo(2) Disinreresred Persons, ... Affidavit from t:wo(2) Disinterested

Feb 06, 2018



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Page 1: PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION · PDF filePHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION Ci ... Affidavit from rwo(2) Disinreresred Persons, ... Affidavit from t:wo(2) Disinterested


Ci(plale Ctnlrr, B1:gy. Omnbo, 709 Sbmv Blvd., Parig City Hcalthlinc 441-7444


Jt1 SUBJECT: Updated Documentary Requirements for Member

Registration, Amendment and Benefit Ayailment

Pursuant to PhilHealth Circular No. 29 series of 2010, all members of the National Heal th Insurance Program (NHIP) registering or amending their member information shall use the Phill-I ealth Member Registration F orm (PMRF) attaching therein the appropriate documentary requirements for submission to the nearest PhilHealth Office. For amendments, the member may also use the Member Data Record (MDR) on w hich to write legibly the ch anges in member info1mation and submit together with the appropriate supporting documents to the nearest PhiH Ieal th Oftlce for updating.

T he followin g are the d ocumentary requirements for member registration, declaration of dependents, benefits availment including the necessary requisites for amendment to be attached to the PMRF, MDR or PhilHealth Claim Form 1:


1. Member Registration/Enrollment

Any of the following: A. Birth Certificate; OR B. Any valid IDs/ documents listed in Annex A

For Orphans: A. Affidavit of Guardianship, if guardian is relative; OR B. Certificate of Foundling from Civil Regisi:ry, wirh DS\VD

Certification, if sponsored by an institution. -2. For Declaration of Dependents

2.1 Spouse Any of the following: A. Marriage Certificate/ Contract; OR B. Any valid JDs/ documents in Annex A (2d or 2e) ,

whichever is applicable c. For Muslims, Affidavit of Marriage issuetl by the Office of

Muslim A ffairs thar passed through the Shari' a Court must be regis tered/authenticated in the NSO.

D. For Indigenous Peoples, Certificate ofTribal Membership issued by or Barangay Captain AND Certificate o f Confirmation on the Authenticity of the Marriage issued b y the Regional NCTP.

2.2 Children Any of the following: 2.2.1 Legitimate or A. Birch Certificate; OR

illegitimate below 21 B. Any valid IDs/ documents in Annex A(1.2) AND in A(2) yrs. old

2.2.2 Adopted, below 21 yrs. o ld

A. Court Decree/ Resolution of Adoption; AND

?;}.; 1-'~ALTH

~.~ MA. TER~rAOlT A.O. I , ~f LMSP/


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2.2.3 Stepchild/ reo below 21 yrs. old

2.2.4 Mentally or physically disabled, 21 yrs. O ld and above

:2.3 Parents 2.3.1 60 yrs. old and above

2.3.2 Stepparents 60 yrs. old and above

2.3.3 Ado ptjve parents, 60 yrs. o ld and above

3. For Amendment

B. Any of the following: 1. Birth Certificate of adopted child; OR 2. Any two (2) valid IDs/documents in Annex A:

a. One from 1.2 AND b. O ne from 2

A. Marriage Certificate between natural p:uem and stepmother/stepfather, AND

B. Any of the following: 1. Birth Certificate of adopted child; OR 2. Any two (2) valid TDs/ documents in Annex A:

a. O ne from 1.2 AND b. One from 2

A. Medical Certificate from attending physician stating and describing extent of disability; AND

B. Any of the following: 1. Birth Certificate o f adopted child; OR 2. ~y two (2) valid ID s/documents in Annex A:.

a. One from 1.:2 AND b. O ne from 2

Any of the fo llowing: A . Birth Certificate of both regis trant and parent; OR B. Any valid documents listed in Annex A (2) of BOTH

regis trant and parent

ALL of the following: A. Marriage Certificate/Contract between bio logical parent

and stepparent; AND B. Birth Certificate of stepparent or Annex A (1.1); AND C. Birth Certificate o f member or ANY document listed in

Annex A (2) proving relationship of member and biological parent

A. Court Decree/Resolution of Adoptio n o f member; AND B. Any of the fo iJO\.ving:

1. Birth Cenificate of Adoptive parenr; OR 2. Any valid ID/ document of adoptive parent listed in

Annex A (1.1)

3.1 Name and Date of Birth of Any of the following: Member and/or dependenr/s A. Birth Certificate; OR

D. A.ny v ilid ID I document listed in Annex A

3.2 Civil Status Any o f the follo wing: A. Marriage Certificate/Contract; B. Court Decision; C. Death Certificate; OR D . Any valid document listed in Annex A (2d) or Annex A


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4. For Benefi t Availment

-U Member A. Appropriate PhilHealth Claim Form 1; AND B. Any of the following:

1. PhilHealth Identification Card (PIC); 2. PhilHealth Number Card (PNC) together with any

valid ID/ document listed in Annex A; OR 3. Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program ID

4.2 Dependent I \ . Appropriate PhilHealth Claim Form 1; AND B. PNC, or Any photo bearing valid ID; AND c. Any of the following:

1. Member Data Record (MDR) reflecting name of dependent patient; OR

2. Any valid document listed in Ann ex A (2)

4.3 Acceptable proof of Qversea§ Wo rkers P rogram M e mbers: contributions Any o f the following:

A. Validated Remittance Forms of banks and remittance centers;

B. Official Receipt issued by recognized remittance centers; OR

c. Validated Payment Slip

E mployed M embers: A . Duly signed Phi1Hea1th Claim Form 1 (CF1); OR B. E mployer Certification

Individually P aying M ember: Any of the following:

A. Phill-Jealth Official Receipt (POR); B. PhilHealth Agent's Receipt (PAR); c. Printed proof of payment from Phi!Health website; D . Certificate o f Premium Payment (CPP); E. Validated Bayad Center Payment Form; F. Validated Payment Receip t of ACAs; G. Validated Acknowledgement Receipt of ACr\ s; I l. Sendout Form from 'MLhuiller ( for online transaction); I. Sendout Form Remote Transaction from 'MLhuiiLicr (for

offlin e transaction); .J. Validated Payment Slip; OR K Validated PhilHealth Premium Order Slip (PPOS) and

P oint-of-Sale Generated Receipt (POS-G R)

I\Ll concerned institutions shall require fro m transacting individuals/ memb ers only those applicable documents mentio ned in the foregoing enumeration.

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T lus Circular shall take effect fifteen (1 5) days from publication in any newspaper of gcncntl circulation and shall be deposited thereafter with the N atio nal r\drnirustrative Registe r at the Uruversiry o f the Philippines Law Center.

All o ther previous issuances inconsisten t with this Circular are hereby amended and/ or repealed acco rd ingly.

DR. EDU ?t'JY.. \ BANZON President an~ecucive O fficer 10/10/!~

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1. Proof of Identicy and Age 1.1 For 18 yrs old and above a. Baptismal Certificate

b. GSIS/SSS Members' ID c. Passpo rr d. Driver's License e. Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID f. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance g. Police Clearance h. Voter's ID I. Postal ID

l· Senior Citizen's Card k. Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (0\'\.'WA) ID I. ·overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) TO m. Alien Certi fication of Registration/Immigrant Certification

of Registration n. Tdemificarion Cards Issued by Recognized Government

Institutions/ Agencies/ Corporations 0. Certificate fro m the National Council for the Welfare of

D isabled Persons (NC\X'OP)

P· Department of Social Welfare and Development (DS\VD) or Local Social Welfare Development Officer (T .S\X'DO) Certification

q. Integrated Bar of the Philippines Identification Card r. Company IDs issued by private entities or instinnio ns

registered with or supervised or regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), Securities and E xchange Commission (SEC) o r Insurance Commission (I C)

s. Barangay Certification, subject for validation t. r\ ffidavit from rwo(2.) Disinreresred Persons, subject for


1.2 For minors below 18 yrs. old a. Certificate o f live birth (newborns) b. Baptismal Certificate c. School ID d. Passport c. Police Clearance f. Alien Certification of Registration/ ! mmigrant Certific:llion

of RegiHration g. Certificate from the National Counci l for the \'\'clfare of

Disabled Persons (NCWDP) h. Department of Social \'\'elfare and Development (DS\'\'D)

o r Local Social Welfare Development Officer (1 .S\X-'00) Certification

1. Integrated Bar of the Philippines Identification Card

J· Barangay Certification, subject for validat.ion k. Affidavit from rwo(2) Disinreresred Persons, subject for


~1;;1 ~EALTH

~·~ MA. TCijAr UIAOIT 11.0. " · · ucf. :::l M(; f?{

Date: V1' 1Y -- ----c- . , L. . ··-

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2. Proof of Relationship a. Ccrrificate o f live birth (for newborns) b. Baptismal Cerrificate c. Department of Social Welfare and De\'elopment (DS\X-'D)

o r Local Social Welfare Development Officer (L~\X'DO) Cerrifica t.ion

d. Barangay Certification, subject for validation e. Affidavit from t:wo(2) Disinterested Persons, subject for



Affidavits administered by the following o fficials authorized to administer oath, as provided in Administrative Code of 1987, as amended (Republic Act 6733, Section 41 ), shall be accepted as valid supporting documents:

1. Members and Secretaries of bo th houses of the Legislative Body 2. Members of the Jucliciary · ' 3 . D epartment Secretaries 4. Governo rs and Vice Governo rs 5. City /Municipal Mayors 6. Bureau/ Regional Di1·ectors 7. Clerks o f Court 8. Register of Deeds 9. Other Civilian Officers in the Public Service of the Philippine government whose

appointments are vested upon the President and are subject to confirmatio n by the Commissio n o n Appointments

10. All oth er Con stirutional Officers 11 . Public Notaries