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PETROLEUM & BLACK GOLD RESOURCES By: Jeromy Olsen Biology 3 rd period 4-25-11

Petroleum & Black gold resources

Feb 22, 2016




Petroleum & Black gold resources. By: Jeromy Olsen Biology 3 rd period 4-25-11. Petroleum . It’s a non-renewable resource, and it is found deep within rock formations. The word Petroleum means “ Rock oil.” It is very flammable. Now sense you have an idea.  . What is it used for?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Petroleum & Black gold resources


By: Jeromy OlsenBiology

3rd period 4-25-11

Page 2: Petroleum & Black gold resources

Petroleum It’s a non-renewable resource, and it is

found deep within rock formations.

The word Petroleum means “ Rock oil.” It is very flammable. Now sense you have an idea.

Page 3: Petroleum & Black gold resources

What is it used for? When people hear the word Petroleum

many start thinking of the gas used within cars.

But it is also used within the house. It’s the one thing everyone uses in ones

day to day. Computers, Stove, Cookware, Hangers,

Clothing, Outlet covers, Sports balls, Hose, Cooler, and Gas Grill.

Page 4: Petroleum & Black gold resources

What is the effect of the use of this resources on the earth?

Negative Effect: Pollution. Oil Spills. Non-point source. Petroleum-


Oil Spills

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What is the effect of the use of this resources on organisms?

If an oil spill takes place it depends on the area, what animals are there, the type of oil spilt, the timing of breeding cycles & seasonal migrations, & even the weather at sea.

Each of oil spill have an negative effect on organisms.

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How is this turned into useful energy?

Its removed from the ground and than sent to a refining plant by pipelines, or ships.

Different parts of the oil are taken a part from the producing of different items, and gases.

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What are some of the dangers of transporting Petroleum?

There are high dangers of transporting petroleum. Such dangers are environmental damages, to plants, animals, and habitats.

Land will also become unusable to growing food. Which are owned by farmers.

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An actual incident that caused damage to the environment?

Not to long ago, there was an oil spill out in the ocean. The oil was spilt by a pipeline that blew up, and caused great damage to the environment. It had an effect on sea wild life.

Animals, and plants here damaged.

Obama took action using ships, and other means to try, and stop the oil from reaching farther out into open sea, and onto open beaches.

The ships were sucking up water, and processing out the oil. Than pumping the clean water back into the ocean.

Page 9: Petroleum & Black gold resources

Black gold (crude oil) What is it used for?

Gasoline Diesel fuel Jet fuel Bunker fuel Plastics Synthetic rubber Synthetic fibers Fertilizers/

pesticides paint

Photographic film Food additives Medicine Dyes Make up Detergent candles

Page 10: Petroleum & Black gold resources

What is the effect of the use of this resource on the earth?

There are good effects and there are bad effects.

The negative ones are pillion within our air, and the causing of global warming.

Positive effects are: we use this to make “make-up, Dyes, and other useful things to help make life easier.

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What is the effect of the use of this resource on organisms?

A negative effect this resource has on organisms is air pillion and trash that is left out by humans that are made from black gold.

Page 12: Petroleum & Black gold resources

How is this turned into useful energy?

Its pumped out of the ground two miles deep. Than its packed into barrels, and placed onto a truck, train, or ship. Its taken to a refining plant were its broken down and produced to what we use it for today.

Page 13: Petroleum & Black gold resources

The dangers of transporting? If a ship sinks, or a

truck flips, or even if the train comes off the riles. The dangers are high. It can cause damage to the environment, and habitats within that area.

Animals, and plants, and land for farming become damaged.

Page 14: Petroleum & Black gold resources

an actual incident that caused damage to the environment?

A while back there was a ship that was releasing oil form the hull. It had lost tons of oil, and caused damage to the sea life in that area.

The government took actions to stop the spill and to clean it by using ships that sucked up the water. Processed out the oil and released it back into the sea.