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Peter Hargitay Report

Nov 26, 2015



Emanuel R

Peter Hargitay led the Australian bid for 2022 world cup.
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    Peter Hargitay

    1. Background 2. Frank Lowy 3. FIFA 4. Government 5. Peter Hargitay 6. Media 7. Association

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    Table of Contents Peter Hargitay ...................................................................................................................................................... 2

    About Peter Hargitay .......................................................................................................................................... 4

    Peter Hargitay Comment On Australian Loss .................................................................................................... 6

    Peter Hargitay comment on FIFAs decision ...................................................................................................... 8

    Peter Hargitay and Sepp Blatter ....................................................................................................................... 10

    Peter Hargitay retired from UK 2018 world cup bid ....................................................................................... 12

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    About Peter Hargitay Peter J Hargitay-Campbell has had a successful 35-year career in Crisis Communication, Crisis Management, Lobbying and Government Relations. Starting in Switzerland in the mid-seventies as a young consultant when he was hired from university to join the countrys leading firm of the day, he opened his own consultancy in 1980. It grew into a European force within a decade. The Consulting Group Europe rapidly developed through its 15 offices in 13 European countries, specialising in high-profile cases where corporate interests and/or high net-worth individuals required assistance and advice to protect their position and reputation in critical markets throughout Europe and beyond. He sold his Group in 1992 to his individual national partners and moved to the Caribbean where he wrote and produced documentaries and founded a new family with his wife of 18 years, a Jamaican citizen and attorney-at-law. In 2002, he reentered the European markets in a professional capacity and formed ecn Ltd., which is a recognised boutique consultancy for sports politics, lobbying, media and government relations. As an Adviser to high-profile personalities in the eighties, and later, in a similar capacity as Honorary Consul of his native Hungary to the Cantons of Zurich and Zug in Switzerland, he developed in-depth knowledge of government issues, often involving delicate political and socio-political mandates, coupled with a profound knowledge of the international media, a key area of his expertise to this day. He acted as a Special Adviser to Heads of State and Governments in Europe, the Baltics, Latin & Central America, an expertise he maintains also today, with mandates from the Caribbean, Central Asia, the Far East, Middle East and Europe. It is Peter Hargitays solid network of relationships from which clients profit in many more ways than one. As the Special Adviser to the FIFA President in sports political matters (2002-2007), he navigated FIFAs public persona through difficult waters and managed to refocus its perception by the public at large and above all the English media and the body politic to co-create a new picture of the world body, which started to reflect its relevance and influence more appropriately than before, after an intense four years of rebuilding, and until most recent problems (2018/2022 World Cup Bids) resurfaced and cast a difficult light on the organisation yet again. The re-election of the FIFA President in 2002 and his unopposed re-election in 2007 further underline Hargitays successful work for FIFA and its leadership. As a Lecturer at the Centre for International Sports Studies (CIES) for the Masters Degree Programme (Universities of Neuchtel, Bocconi, Milan and de Montfort, Leicester), he continues to share his crisis communication know-how with post-graduate students from around the world (since 2003-present). Today, many of world footballs leaders are his close friends and associates, which has resulted, among other mandates, in ecn having been appointed to advise Russia in its successful Bid for the 2018 World Cup hosting rights. An ongoing mandate by the worlds most powerful football league (the English Premier League) and a close and long-standing relationship with a top Premier League Club and the European Champions, Chelsea FC, further reflect his and ecns knowledge of international

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    football politics, also at league and club levels. True to the traditions of his second home, Switzerland, of which he is a citizen, he always understood the need of many high-profile individuals for discretion and confidentiality, which has led some of the most prominent, to seek his advice when unexpectedly thrust into the public limelight, be that as the result of their business affairs or by virtue of their position in society. It is this market knowledge and know-how that resulted in ecn being contracted by one of Switzerlands oldest private banks as advisers for the banks market development initiatives in the Middle East (where he has relevant relationships with leading families and Royals). More recently, Peter Hargitay developed a joint strategy for F1 and Premier League football and helped form a JV between the Sauber-Ferrari Team and Chelsea Football Club. He applied his vast experience in Formula 1 Racing that he had acquired as Communications Adviser to the Marlboro MacLaren Formula 1 team in the 80s, where he was in charge of media relations for legendary driver Ayrton Senna. Peter Hargitay and his team of dedicated Partners and Associates, all of who are established professionals in their own right - be that in international law, business, banking or politics act at all times discreetly yet forcefully and are guided by the maxim that mediocrity results in failure. While uninterested in amassing a multitude of mandates, Peter Hargitay and his ecn team only consider assignments that offer a substantial challenge. Today, he advises Asian and Middle Eastern clients, continues to be close to FIFA President Joseph Blatter, with whom he consults regularly, as he does with the CEO of FIFA, Jerme Valcke, acts as Special Adviser to a senior Caribbean Minister in Europe and two major State-owned Chinese multinational companies, but to name a few mandates. His access to global media is recognised and his analytic skills often deliver approaches and solutions that are daring and unusual - but always deliver results. Hargitay is a non-executive Board member of several companies, a member of select private clubs and benevolent societies and foundations, holds a private pilot licence and is a recreational chess player and active follower of international politics and events. He has been married for 18 years in his second marriage and has a son from his first marriage who runs ecns entertainment business (feature films, sports documentaries, new media) and who is a partner in ecn.

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    Peter Hargitay Comment On Australian Loss Source:ESPN Abstract Australia losing the bid for hosting World Cup 2022 in the first round was such a major disappointment, considering the efforts that had been made and the assured promises of its win in the bid. The problem was certainly not in the way things were done by the members, who were given the responsibility to ensure that the country won the bid, but rather, the unknown motives of the trustees to vote for the country. It is such a disappointment to know that honesty does not get you anywhere in the modern world. Instead, corruption and connection seem to be the key. The one problem that hindered Australia from winning the bid was the honesty in which they conducted the matter. Their members, who were trusted by Peter Hargitay and his team to represent the Australian interests in the committee, double played them and sadly gave away the bid to another country. It is such a pity that $45 million was spent on the campaign, but only a single vote ran in their favor. Too easy and too costly. Perhaps next time, Australia will have to play a top notch game in order to gain the acceptance vote for hosting the World Cup.

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    Source:ESPN Controversial World Cup consultant Peter Hargitay says Australia's biggest mistake was "playing it clean" during the failed bid. Hargitay, employed by the Australian bid team to gain access to FIFA powerbrokers and strategise for votes, was one of the main go-to men in the nation's failed attempt to host the 2022 World Cup. Just one vote came Australia's way after a $45 million campaign spent on the bombed bid.

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    Peter Hargitay comment on FIFAs decision Source: ESPN Abstract The bidding process for hosting the 2018 and 2022 World Cup contains many loopholes. Voting for 2022 World Cup hosts involved so many controversies in which England became a victim, and now Australia seems to have also fallen victim. The handling of the official voting process was not transparent says Peter Hargitay, and thus, the campaigns conducted by countries like England and Australia went down the drain. The main controversy shed light on how a country like Qatar, who has not been as active in FIFA, won the 2022 World Cup bid while Australia was eliminated in the first round of bidding. Even worse off was England who made such a huge effort to win the bid and never did. The manner in which the voting took place indicates how uncooperative some members of the committee are and the biasness within the committee. Apparently, the preconditions for hosting the World Cup have changed from being a country that is able to handle the World Cup to a country who knows someone in the voting committee. This could jeopardize matters and the welfare of World Cup in the future

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    ESPN A leading member of Australia's World Cup bid delegation has joined England in attacking FIFA members for the way the bidding process was handled. The choice of Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup is set to cause contoversy for some time to come GettyImagesThe choice of Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup is set to cause contoversy for some time Peter Hargitay, who held a controversial consultancy role for Australia's bid to host the 2022 finals - which went to Qatar, claims the decision was not based on sporting factors and also suggested tactical voting saw Australia eliminated in the first round with one solitary vote.

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    Peter Hargitay and Sepp Blatter Source: Amandala Abstract Scandals are prevalent throughout FIFA and the principles doctoring them seem not to settle for stepping down from their positions. FIFA is not the corruption-free zone portrayed to the world that would likely convince people who do not dig into the matters of the organization. The cases of betrayal, bribe and corruption seem to surround FIFAs most esteemed officials. It is quite difficult to distinguish truth from rumor in FIFA simply because the motives of FIFA officials are not transparent. Peter Hargitay is said to be on a mission to detract attention from Blatter who is effortlessly aiming at reforming FIFA. The two gentlemen seem to be playing games against each other, but looking closer into the matter reveals that more than once they collaborate in order to achieve mutual goals.

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    Amandala Sepp Blatters attempts to convince the world he wants to reform FIFA are being master-minded by Peter Hargitay, the crisis manager who worked to polish the image of sanctions buster and tax dodger Marc Rich and of the Union Carbide company after the appalling industrial disaster in Bhopal, India, that cost thousands of lives.

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    Peter Hargitay retired from UK 2018 world cup bid Source: Dailymail Abstract Peter Hargitay can be pleasedthe successes he currently enjoys and those he will continue to enjoy is something that he has had to work for. The various roles that Hargitay has played in FIFA make him a prestigious man in the organization. Everyone wants to have him and better yet, why would you ever get rid of him. His experience as a personal adviser for FIFA President Sepp Blatter and to various countries competing for hosting the World Cup make him a valuable asset in matters concerning FIFA. After learning that his role in Englands 2018 World Cup bid campaign was under threat, Hargitays only other option was to collaborate with other interested parties. It seems that FA wanted to replace him, but they could not as he knew their strategy as well the approach they were planning to take. Actually as there was an agreement in place he could sue them too. Even after FA chairman Lord Triesman spoke to FIFA president Blatter, no positive outcomes seemed result from it. You have got to give it to Hargitay he knows his game and he is good at it.

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    Dailymail Top football strategist Peter Hargitay, who presented England's 2018 World Cup bid to the FA board last month, learned his role in the campaign was under threat after narrowly escaping the South China earthquake. The former personal adviser to FIFA president Sepp Blatter was in a plane this week with FIFA powerbrokers Mohamed Bin Hammam and Jack Warner which flew out of an airport obliterated by an afterquake 15 minutes later.

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    Peter Hargitay Says That Australia's World Cup 2022 bid was without financial inducements Source: goal Abstract When Australia lost in the first round of bidding for hosting 2022 World Cup, it came as a huge surprise to many. In the history of World Cup tournaments, hosting was customarily awarded to countries that have been active in FIFA with a commendable FIFA ranking. The reforms that have been made in the recent past seem to be responsible for such surprises, and Frank Lowry did not seem to understand this. The saying to make more money you must be willing to use some seem to be especially true in FIFA. It should be common sense that some people in the modern world should be motivated first before they begin working the worlds current trend of prepaid services are the in thing. To point it out bluntly, the reason why Australia did not win the bid was because they did not provide the motivation for the members who were expected to vote for them in the committee. It is that simple. Everything else was played right and clean but sometimes we learn the through worst ways, but hey it is not the end says Peter Hargitay

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    goal Australia's 2022 World Cup consultant Peter Hargitay says the nation's biggest mistake was "playing it clean" during their attempt to earn the right to host the event. Only one vote managed to come Australia's way in the voting process last week in Zurich, when Qatar were awarded the right to host the tournament. Hargitay remained coy when asked whether he believed there had been some form of financial inducement to FIFA committee members.

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