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Personal safety

May 20, 2015



Harold Stallard

This presentation will make you aware of some of the dangers created by the criminal element in our society. It will show you how to avoid certain kinds of situations that present a danger to your safety. And it will give you some options if you ever find yourself caught up in one of these dangerous situations.
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2. STAYING SAFE IN TODAYS WORLD Danger comes at us from all directions. 3. Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! 4. STAYING SAFE IN TODAYS WORLD This presentation will make you aware of some of the dangers created by the criminal element in our society. It will show you how to avoid certain kinds of situations that present a danger to your safety. And it will give you some options if you ever find yourself caught up in one of these dangerous situations. 5. PERSONAL SAFETY Is just thatPERSONAL YOU are the ONLY one who can keep yourself safe. The police cant, the fire department cant, a full time bodyguard cant. You must realize that you and you alone are ultimately responsible for your own safety. 6. PERSONAL SAFETY 7. LOOKING AT PERSONAL SAFETY FROM TWO POINTS Staying out of danger. AVOIDANCEGetting out of danger. SELF DEFENSE 8. AVOIDANCE The best way to avoid a dangerous situation is through awareness. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Know who is near you and who is moving toward you. 9. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Walking or JoggingAvoid dark areas. Avoid going alone. Swing wide at corners or alleys. Tell someone where you are going and what time to expect you back. 10. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Walking or JoggingWalk facing traffic so a car cannot pull up behind youunnoticed. Cover up expensive looking jewelry. If you think someone is following you, check by crossing the street to see if he follows. Carry a possible weaponwalking stick, keys, pepper spray etc. 11. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Vehicles Have your keys readydont waste time beside vehicle. Look in the back seat and floorboard before you get in. Lock the doors as soon as you get in. Beware of vans beside you. You can be pulled into one easier than a regular vehicle. 12. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Vehicles If you are approachedget in fast, lock the doors, do NOT roll down windows. If someone or something looks suspicious or makes you feel uneasy, go back inside and get someone to escort you to your vehicle. Learn to trust your instincts! 13. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS While Driving You are most vulnerable at red lights, stop signs, getting into and out of your vehicle. Keep doors locked and windows up. Keep valuables out of sight. Dont roll the window down far enough to allow someone to reach in while you are stopped in traffic. 14. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS While Driving If bumped DONT GET OUTdrive to a place with people. If stoppedDONT ROLL DOWN WINDOWS OR GET OUT. If someone tries to flag you down, drive on until you come to a service station, or somewhere busy, and call the police. 15. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS While Driving Do not pick up hitch-hikers. After dark, park in a well-lit busy place. Look around before you get out. Trust your instincts, if something feels wrong or you feel uneasy pay close attention. 16. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Public RestroomsUse the handicapped stall when possiblethe door opens out and cant be shoved against you while you are in the stall. Dont set items in the floorset them on the plumbing behind you or on the toilet paper dispenser. 17. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Pocketbooks and Hip PouchesIf it has a shoulder strapDONT PUT IT OVER YOUR NECK. If someone grabs your bag, let it go. If you hang on, you could get hurt. Carry your bag close to you with the clasp facing inwards and KEEP it closed. Carry your house keys in your pocket. 18. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Pocketbooks and Hip PouchesIf you are chasedthrow it down to see if they want it or youeverything in it can be replaced. Wear hip pouch so snap isnt behind you. 19. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Elevators Stand with your back to the wall as close to the door as possible. Dont let someone get behind you if you can help it. While in an elevator, if an uncomfortable situation arises, do NOT press the Stop or CALL buttons! Press several buttons for upcoming floors and exit as soon as the door opens. Make eye contact with a lone passengerget a good look at themlet them see that you can give a good description of them 20. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Home Alone Dont open door to strangersif they want to use the phone DONT invite them inoffer to make call for them. NEVER tell anyone you dont know that you are home alone. Dont give keys to workmen or tradesmen, as they can easily make copies. Never hide an extra key under a mat, in a flower pot, or in any other easily accessible place. Criminals know all the hiding places. 21. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Home Alone If someone is breaking incall 911 and go out a back way to a safe place. If you see signs of a break-in at your homedont go in, call the police and wait for them outside. The criminal could still be insideeven if they have left , you could destroy valuable evidence by going in before the police. If you are selling your home, dont show people around on your own. 22. DANGEROUS SITUATIONS Despite everything youve done to prevent it, you find yourself in deep troubleWhat do you do now? 23. DANGEROUS SITUATIONS Unless youre built like ArnoldOr know the moves like Bruce and Chuck 24. DANGEROUS SITUATIONS Your best option is to disengage and get away. 25. SELF DEFENSE 26. SELF DEFENSE Self-defense is about effectively ending an attack, quickly and with minimum damage to yourself. Self defense isn't about empowerment, personal gain, winning, revenge or teaching those who have hurt you a lesson. If you have those motivations, then you aren't defending yourself, you're fighting. And if you are fighting, you are just as guilty of misconduct as your so-called attacker, because you are both operating from the same selfish motives. 27. SELF DEFENSE Active resistance is intended to distract or temporarily injure your attacker to create an opportunity for escape. To do this you need to ATTACK vulnerable targets on the body. 28. VITAL AREAS TO ATTACK There are three (3) vulnerable areas on the human male body (two 2 on a female) that you can attack without any knowledge of martial arts or fighting techniques.EYES THROAT GROIN 29. VITAL AREAS TO ATTACK EYESAny hard pointed object can be used to attack the eyes. Keys, your finger, a pen or pencil, etc. with a straight in jab or a rake across the eyes should give you a chance to get away. 30. VITAL AREAS TO ATTACK THROATThe same objects used on the eyes will also work on the throat. In addition you can grasp and squeeze with your hand but a hard straight in strike is best. 31. VITAL AREAS TO ATTACK GROINThe groin can be attacked with your hand, fist, elbow, knee, shin, or foot. 32. WEAPONSSome people carry weapons such as guns, knives, or spray chemicals to ward off attackers. Unless you are trained and not afraid to use these weapons, they can be very dangerous. The attacker might be able to turn them against you. Also, some weapons cannot legally be carried, so check with local law enforcement authorities. 33. DEADLY FORCE In Virginia, the use of deadly force is justified ONLY when your life or the life of someone else is in immediate and imminent danger. You must be able to prove that it was actually in danger and not that you just thought it was. Deadly force is that force which is intended to cause or that carries a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily injury. 34. IF YOU ARE ASSAULTED The more details you can give to the police, the better the chances that the perpetrator will be caught. Try to observe characteristics like sex, age, height, weight, race, prominent or unusual features, and color of skin and eyes. In addition, noting identifying characteristics such as scars, tattoos, clothing, limps and traits of speech are all very helpful in finding the culprits. 35. IF YOU ARE ASSAULTED Note behavioral characteristics: How does this person act? Worried, mad, confused, drunk? What was his speech like? Did he have an accent? If others were helping, did they use nicknames? What were the interactions with the other offenders? Was a particular person in charge? Make notes while it is still fresh in your mind. 36. PERSONAL SAFETY REMEMBER Your safety is in your hands The way you think, The way you act, The situations you put yourself in All determine how safe you are. 37. COEBURN POLICE DEPARTMENT 114 FRONT STREET 395-2111 CHIEF SCOTT BROOKS [email protected]