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Personal Growth, support and pastoral care

Jun 25, 2015




personal growth, support and pastoral care
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  • 1. Welcome toWIFI = tcn1jc2drf3

2. Personal growth, support &pastoral care 3. This is your life.....How would youwant to beintroduced?Personal growth, support &pastoral care 4. Personal growth, support &pastoral careOne of the dangers of ministry is that weendlessly meet the needs of others withoutgiving time to some of the important thingsthat God has called us to. (Tools for reflectiveministry, p21)Can anyone relate to this? 5. Personal growth, support &pastoral careBiblical overview...Genesis 1:5; 1:8; 1:13; 1:19; 1:23; 1:31It was evening, it was morning Day 1; wasevening, it was morning Day 2...How come Gods days were in reverse to ourdays? 6. Personal growth, support &pastoral careCreation principle: God created out of a restfulstate.Human principle: We work our butt off...and restif we have time. With constant access to workthrough our mobile phones and othergadgets, even when we are resting. 7. QuestionsPersonal growth, support &pastoral careWhat do you start your day with rest or work?Did God work out of his rest or rest out of hiswork?Do we work out of our rest, or do we rest out ofour work? 8. Gen 2:2-4Personal growth, support &pastoral careBy the seventh dayGod had finished his work.On the seventh dayhe rested from all his work.God blessed the seventh day.He made it a Holy DayBecause on that day he rested from hiswork,all the creating God had done. 9. Personal growth, support &pastoral careDay 7 what did God actually do?How did God rest on day 7?What sorts of things did He do?Did He sit there all day doing nothing?Did he sit there all day working?If not...what did He do? 10. Personal growth, support &pastoral care Rest is a Godly principle. We need to recognise the importance of restand make it a daily part of our lives. We are most creative when we work out ofrest rather than resting out of work. God the Trinity had each other to rest with.We too need to find other people who we canrest with. 11. Personal growth, support &pastoral careExodus 18:13-27 Moses andthe Father-in-lawtalk....What lessons can we learn from this passage about Personal Growth, Support andPastoral Care? 12. Personal growth, support &pastoral careLessons from the Father-in-law... Why do you sit alone? (v14) From morning to evening... (v14) compareGenesis 1: It was evening, it was morning... Because the people come to me to inquire ofGod... (v15) 13. Personal growth, support &pastoral care What you are doing is not good. You willsurely wear yourself out, both you and thesepeople with you. For the task is too heavy foryou; you cannot do it alone. Now listen to me.I will give you counsel, and God be with you!(v17-19) Do those around you feel as if they can offer youadvice? Do you listen to it? 14. Personal growth, support &pastoral careThe wisdom of our parents... So Moses listened to hisfather-in-law and did allthat he had said. Then Moses let his father-in-law depart, and he wentoff to his own country. 15. Any thoughts / questions? 16. JesusPersonal growth, support &pastoral care From your knowledge of Jesus, how did hesupport himself, develop his own personalgrowth, and what boundaries did he put inplace? Try and give Biblical examples. 17. Personal growth, support &pastoral care Luke 2:52 (MSG) - And Jesus matured, growingup in both body and spirit, blessed by bothGod and people. How many years did Jesus mature for? Do we give ourselves the same amount oftime to mature in both body and spirit? 18. Personal growth, support &pastoral careJesus...fully God yet fully human... He could still only be in one place at one time. He still needed to spend time on his own withhis father (Matt 14:23, Mark 6:45, Luke 6:12) He still needed a core group of friends to dolife with (John 6:3, Matthew 17:13) He enjoyed a good party (John 2) He wept and allowed himself to grieve whenhe was upset (John 11:35) 19. Personal growth, support &pastoral careMatthew 5:1-2 (MSG) When Jesus saw his ministry drawing hugecrowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who wereapprenticed to him, the committed, climbedwith him. Arriving at a quiet place, he satdown and taught his climbing companions 20. Personal growth, support &pastoral care Who are we apprenticed to? Who do we climb with to learn from? Which books are we reading / sermons arewe listening to / lives we are watching /people we are surrounding ourselves with? 21. Personal growth, support &pastoral careWhat does it look like in reality?What things have we already put in place for ourown personal growth, support and pastoralcare?What has worked for us as individuals which wecould recommend to others?What areas do we struggle with? 22. Personal growth, support &pastoral careBen Tanner:1) Be militant about your day off2) Your worth does not come from what peoplethink of you3) Keep enjoying your relationship with God 23. Personal growth, support &pastoral carePatrick Raegan safeguards Plan your time off in advance and then protect it (write days / evenings offin your diary and treat them like any other important appointment thatcant be broken). Be accountable. Have someone safe you can be vulnerable with, let offsteam to and who will check up on how youre doing. Give thempermission to challenge you in this area. Be disciplined and choose not to check emails late at night/on your dayoff. It may be helpful to see a counsellor, especially if you already feel burntout. Study what the Bible has to say about rest to remind yourself of itsimportance and to keep guilt at resting away. Find times when it is just you and God, without any agenda or anyone elseto worry about. Book in a retreat once a term. Taken from 24. QuestionsPersonal growth, support &pastoral care Whats challenged you from todays session? What areas of personal growth, support and pastoralcare do you need to develop for yourselves? Who do you need to apprentice to or climb with tolearn from? What are the difficult questions and issues you need toreflect upon? Do we empower our young people and fellow adults tobe able to say yes so that we can say no? 25. Personal growth, support &pastoral careThoughts to take home... Do you create time to rest on a daily basis? Just because you can, should you? Why are you doing this? For whose benefit are you doing this? If it is all there is, thirsty people will drink dirtywater and very thirsty people will drink verydirty water. What type of water are youdrinking?