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Annulling: Kepmentan No. 555/Kpts/TN.240/9/1986 XXX THE STATE GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA No. 60, 2010 REGULATION OF MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE NO 13/PERMENTAN/OT.140/1/2010 REGARDING THE REQUIREMENTS OF RUMINANT SLAUGHTERHOUSES AND MEAT CUTTING PLANTS WITH THE GRACE OF GOD THE ALMIGHTY THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE Considering: a. that to ensure food products of animal origins specifically carcasses, meat and ruminant internal organs that are safe, healthy, intact and halal requires a compliant Slaughterhouse (RPH);

Permentan No. 13 Tahun 2010 - Unofficial English Translation

Oct 23, 2014



Nizar A. Badib

Unofficial English Translation of Permentan No. 13 Tahun 2010
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Page 1: Permentan No. 13 Tahun 2010 - Unofficial English Translation

Annulling: Kepmentan No. 555/Kpts/TN.240/9/1986 XXX



No. 60, 2010


NO 13/PERMENTAN/OT.140/1/2010






Considering: a. that to ensure food products of animal origins specifically

carcasses, meat and ruminant internal organs that are safe,

healthy, intact and halal requires a compliant Slaughterhouse


b. that the activities of slaughtering ruminant animals pose a risk of

spread and/or infection of contagious animal diseases such as

zoonotic diseases and/or meat borne diseases that threatens

human heath, animals and the environment;

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c. that based on the aforementioned considerations in a and b and

pursuant to Article 61 paragraph (3) Law No 18 of 2009 regarding

Livestock and Animal Health, also Government Regulation No 38 of

2007 regarding Distribution of Government Management between

Government, Provincial Government, and Regency/Municipality, it

is deemed necessary to stipulate provisions regarding The

Requirements of Ruminant Slaughterhouses and Meat Cutting

Plants in a Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture.

In view of: 1. Law No 7 of 1996 regarding Food (State Gazette No 99 of 1996,

Supplemental State Gazette No 3656);

2. Law No 8 of 1999 regarding Cunsumer Protection (State Gazette

No 42 of 1999, Supplemental State Gazette No 3821);

3. Law NO 32 of 2004 regarding Regional Government (State Gazette

No 125 of 2004, Supplemental State Gazette No 4437);

4. Law No 18 of 2009 regarding Livestock and Animal Health (State

Gazette No 84 of 2009, Supplemental State Gazette No 5015);

5. Government Regulation No 22 of 1983 regarding Public Veterinary

Health (State Gazette No 28 of 1983, Supplemental State Gazette

No 3253);

6. Government Regulation No 69 of 1999 regarding Labelling and

Food Advertisement (State Gazette No 54 of 1999, Supplemental

State Gazette No 3952);

7. Government Regulation No 102 of 2000 regarding Indonesia

National Standards (State Gazette No 99 of 2000, Supplemental

State Gazette No 4020);

8. Government Regulation No 28 of 2004 regarding Food Safety,

Quality and Nutrition (State Gazette No 107 of 2004, Supplemental

State Gazette No 4424);

9. Government Regulation No 38 of 2007 regarding Distribution of

Government Management between Government, Provincial

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Government, and Regency/Municipality (State Gazette No 82 of

2007, Supplemental State Gazette No 4737);

10. Government Regulation No 50 of 2007 regarding Implementation

Procedure of Regional Cooperation (State Gazette No 112 of 2007,

Supplemental State Gazette No 4761);

11. Presidential Decree No 84/P of 2009 regarding Formation of United

Cabinet II;

12. Presidential Decree No 10 of 2005 regarding Organization and

Duties of Echelon I of the Ministries of the Republic of Indonesia;

13. Presidential Decree No 47 of 2009 regarding Formation and

Organization of State Ministries;

14. Minister of Agriculture Decree No 58/Permentan/OT.210/3/2005

regarding the Implementation of National Standards in Agriculture


15. Regulation of Minister of Agriculture No 299/Kpts/Kp.140/7/2005

regarding Organization and Procedure of the Ministry of Agriculture,

“jis” Regulation of Minister of Agriculture No

11/Permentan/OT.140/2/2007 and Regulation of Minister of

Agriculture No 22/Permentan/OT.140/4/2008;

16. Minister of Agriculture Decree No 341/Kpts/Kp.140/9/2005

regarding Organization Divisions and Procedures of the Ministrry of

Agriculture in conjunction with Regulation of Minister of Agriculture

No 12/Permentan/OT.140/2/2007;

17. Regulation of Minister of Agriculture No 381/Kpts/OT.140/10/2005

regarding Certification Guidelines for Veterinary Control;




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Article 1

For the purpose of this Regulation:

1. Large ruminants are curd chewing cattle comprising of large ruminant cattle,

such as bovine and oxen, as well as small ruminants, such as lamb and sheep.

2. Slaughterhouses which from hereon after will be mentioned as RPH is a facility

or a building compound with specific design and requirements for the purpose of

slaughtering animals for general public consumption.

3. Meat Cutting Plants which from hereon after will be mentioned as is a facility or a

building compound with specific design and requirements for the purpose of

distribution of carcasses, separation of meat from bones, and the cutting up of

meat in accordance with the carcass topography for producing meat for general

public consumption.

4. An animal is a beast or wildlife in which it’s cycle of life is all or partially on land,

in water and/or in the air, in confinement as well as in the wild.

5. Ruminant carcass is part of a healthy ruminant’s body of halal butchering,

excorticated, viscerated, head and feet removed from tarsus/carpus section

downwards, reproduction organs and udder, tail and excess fat, which can be hot

carcass, chilled carcass or frozen carcass.

6. Meat is part of the carcass skeletal muscle which is proper, safe and suitable for

human consumption, comprising of pieces of bonelet cuts and boneless meat,

which can be fresh meat, chilled or frozen carcass.

7. Fresh chilled carcass or meat is carcass or meat which undergo a cooling

process after slaughter such that the temperature of the carcass or meat is

between 0ºC and 4ºC internally.

8. Fresh frozen carcass or meat is carcass or meat which has undergone a freezing

process in a blast freezer with an internal carcass or meat temperature of at least


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9. Edible offal are the contents of abdominal and chest cavity of ruminant cattle of

appropriate and correct halal butchering which is safe, proper and suitable for

human consumption which can be cold or frozen offal.

10.Ante-mortem inspection is the inspection of the health of the animal prior to

slaughter conducted by an official inspector.

11.Post-mortem inspection is the inspection of the offals and carcass after slaughter

conducted by an official inspector.

12.The butchering of an animal is the activity that produces meat product comprising

of ante-mortem inspection, slaughtering, concluding the slaughter and post-

mortem inspection.

13.The slaughter of an animal is the activity of killing the animal until complete

demise, the method of slaughter in accordance with animal welfare principles

and the Islamic Syariah.

14.Managing the meat product is the activity of aging, distribution of carcass,

distribution of meat pieces, freezing, cooling, transporting, storage and other

activities for selling of the meat.

15.An official veterinarian is a government veterinarian appointed by the

Governor/Regent/Mayor to conduct public health sector supervision at the RPH

and/or UPD.

16.The veterinarian with technical responsibility is the veterinarian appointed by the

RPH and/or UPD Management based on recommendation from the

Governor/Regent/Mayor responsible for ante-mortem and post-mortem

inspection as well as supervising veterinarian public health at the RPH and/or


17.Contaminated area is the area with high levels of biologic, chemical and physical


18.Clean area is the area with low levels of biologic, chemical and physical


19.Disinfecting is the application of chemical agents and/or physical actions to

reduce/eliminate microorganism.

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20.Containtment shed is the shed used to contain the animals prior to slaughter and

is the location to conduct ante-mortem inspection.

21. Isolation shed is the shed used to isolate animals delayed for slaughter due to

contracting a disease or suspection of contracting certain diseases.

22. Zoonosis is a disease infection which is contracted naturally from animals to

humans and vice versa.

23.Public Veterinary Health which hereon after abbreviated as Kesmavet are all

matters pertaining to animals and animals products which directly or indirectly

affects human health.

Article 2

This Ministerial Regulation is intended as a reference and legal basis governing the

public and regional governments in establishing and developing RPH and UPD.

Article 3

The scope of this regulation covers Requirements of RPH; Requirements of UPD;

Requirements for Hygiene-sanitation; Supervision of Public Veterinary Health; RPH

Permits; Permits and types of businesses of Animal Slaughter Business; Human

Resource; Transitional Provisions; and Closing Provisions.



First Part

RPH Technical Requirements

Article 4

An RPH is a public service unit in providing safe, healthy, intact, and halal meat, also

facilitates in conducting:

a. The correct slaughtering of animals (complying with public veterinary health, animal

welfare and religious syariah);

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b. Inspection of animals prior to slaughter (ante-mortem inspection) and carcass

inspection, and offals (post-mortem inspection) to prevent the infection of zoonotic

diseases to humans;

c. Monitoring and survailance of animal and zoonotic diseases found during ante-

mortem inspection and post-mortem inspection to prevent, control, and eradicate

infectious animal and zoonotic diseases at the origin of the animal.

Article 5

(1) To establish a slaughterhouse it is mandatory to comply with administrative

requirements and technical requirements.

(2) Administrative requirements pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be in accordance with

prevailing laws.

(3) Technical requirements pursuant to paragraph (1) encompasses:

a. Location;

b. Supporting facilities’

c. Basic building construction and design;

d. Equipment.

Second Part

Location Requirements

Article 6

(1) The RPH location has to be in accordance with General Regional Spatial Plan

(RUTRD) and Detailed Regional Spatial Plan (RDTRD) or regions which are specified

for agribusiness areas.

(2) The RPH areas must comply with requirements no less than as follows:

a. is not a flood prone area, not contaminated by smoke, stench, dust and other


b. will not disturb nor pollute the environment;

c. at a lower elevation from human settlements;

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d. have access to clean water in order to conduct slaughtering and sanitation

activities as well as disinfection;

e. not in the vicinity of metal and chemical industries;

f. have adequate land for RPH expansion;

g. physically segregated from the location of swine RPH or segregated by walls

with a minimum height of 3 (three) meters to prevent the traffic of humans,

equipment and produce between the RPH’s.

Third Part

Requirements of Supporting Facilities

Article 7

The RPH must be equipped with supporting infrastructure which at least covers:

a. good access roads to the RPH that is passable by vehicles hauling the animals

and meat vehicles;

b. water source which complies with water quality standards and of adequate

supply at least 1.000 liters/cattle/day;

c. adequate electric power and continuous availability;

d. solid and liquid waster handling facilities.

Fourth Part

Layout, Design and Construction Requirements

Article 8

(1) The RPH compound must be fenced, and must have separate door for the incoming

animals and the outgoing carcasses and meat.

(2) The premises and layout of the RPH must at least comprise of:

a. main building;

b. unloading area for bovine and containment/resting sheds for the animal;

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c. special containment sheds for productive female ruminants;

d. isolation sheds;

e. chilling room;

f. loading area for carcasses/meat;

g. administrative and veterinarian offices;

h. diner and mushola;

i. resting rooms and locker rooms for workers;

j. bathroom and toilet;

k. cadaver and/or produce which can not be used disposal facilities or


l. waste treatment facilities;

m. guard house.

(3) In RPH premises that produce end product of fresh chilled or frozen meat must be

equipped with:

a. deboning room and cutting room;

b. wrapping and packaging room;

c. chiller facilities;

d. freezer and blast freezer facilities;

e. cold storage;

(4) RPH which are export oriented must be equipped with a simple laboratory.

Article 9

(1) The main building as stipulated in Article 8 paragraph (2) point a must have a

physically segregated contaminated area from the clean area.

(2) Contaminated area as stipulated in paragraph (1) comprises of:

a. stunning or laying animal area, slaughter area and blood draining area;

b. post slaughter area (beheading, separating the four legs including metatarsus

and metacarpus, hiding, emptying viscearae);

c. area for green offals;

d. area for red offals;

e. area for head and feet;

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f. area for hide; and

g. loading of offals.

(3) Clean area as stipulated in paragraph (1) comprises of areas for:

a. post-mortem inspection;

b. carcass weighing;

c. loading carcass/meat.

Article 10

The design and basic construction of all RPH premises and equipment must be able to

facilitate good production methods and prevent contamination.

Article 11

The main RPH building must comply the following requirements:

a. the layout is designed such that it is the same direction as the process flow and

has adequate space, so as all slaughtering activities are done in a proper and

hygienic manner, and the dimensions of the rooms are adjusted accordingly

with the slaughter capacity;

b. there is a clear physical segregation between the ‘contaminated’ and ‘clean’


c. must have special area and facilities to conduct post-mortem inspections;

d. lighting must be shielded, easily cleaned and has an intensity of 540 lux for the

post-mortem inspection, and 220 lux for slaughter activity areas;

e. bright painted inner walls and a height of at least 3 meters made with water

proof materials, non corrosive, non toxic, impervious to heavy knocks, easy

cleaning and disinfection as well as non flaky.

f. inner walls must be flat surface and cannot be used to hang or place objects;

g. floors must be water proof, non corrosive, non slippery, non toxic, easy cleaning

and disinfection and sloped for drainage;

h. floor surface must be flat, even, free of crack or crevice, if floor is tiled, distance

between tiles are such that the gaps between tiles are filled with water proof


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i. drainage hole on the floow surface must be covered by filters;

j. intersection between wall and floor must be curved with a radius of

approximately 75 mm;

k. intersection of walls must be curved with a radius of approximately 25 mm;

l. the slaughter and blood draining areas must be designed to able to collect


m. the ceiling must be designed as to not accumulate waste and condensate in the

room, must be bright colored, made from water proof material, non flaky, strong,

easily cleaned, free of cracks or crevices on the ceiling;

n. door and window ventilation must be covered with wire netting to prevent entry

of insects or other insect prevention methods;

o. the construction of buildings must be designed in such a way to prevent the

entry of rats or rodents, insects and birds entering and building nests inside the


p. adequate air flow inside the buildings;

q. door and window sills, as well as the doors and windows must not be made

from wood, made from corrosive proof materials, water proof, impervious to

heavy knocks, easily cleaned and disinfected and the underside must be able to

prevent the entry of rats/rodents;

r. inner part of door and window sills must be even and cannot be used to hang or

place objects.

Article 12

(1) The ruminant unloading area must comply with the following requirements:

a. Equipped with cattle unloading facilities from the cattle loading vehicle which is

designed in such a way the cattle are unharmed due to jumping or slipping;

b. the height of the unloading/loading of bovines is adjustable with the ehight of

the cattle loading vehicle;

c. floors from the cattle unloading location to the containment shed must be non

slippery and able to minimize accidents from occurring;

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d. must comply with animal welfare aspect;

(2) Containment sheds and resting sheds for the animals must comply with at least the

following requirements:

a. temporary animal containment and resting shed is no less than 10 meters from

the main building;

b. has a capacity 1.5 times the daily average animal slaughtered;

c. adequate ventilation (air flow) and lighting;

d. drinking water available to the animals and slope designed in the direction of

the drain for easy cleaning;

e. floor made from strong material (impervious to heavy knocks), water proof, non

slippery and sloping to the direction of the drain as well as easily cleaned and


f. drainage designed for free flowing waste flow;

g. roof made from strong material, non toxic dan can protect the animals from heat

and rain;

h. availability of a gang way from shed to the place of slaughter, equipped with a

strong fence on both sides and the width enough for a single animal so as to be

able to return to the shed;

i. the gang way is directly connected to the main building and designed to have

non contrasting color and lighting so as not to cause stress and fear to the


Article 13

(1) To protect the productive female ruminant population, the slaughtering of productive

female ruminant cattle must be prevented at the RPH.

(2) Female ruminant cattle based on ante-mortem inspection found to be productive

female ruminant cattle must be accommodated in a special shed which complies with

no less than the following requirements:

a. the holding shed of productive female ruminant cattle may be a separate

holding shed or may be part of containment shed but must be clearly marked;

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b. the function of the holding shed is to accommodate productive female ruminant

cattle selected for slaughter at the RPH, as well as to isolate the cattle from

being slaughtered;

c. the holding shed for criteria for productive female ruminant cattle must be the

same as the containment shed;

d. equipped with a holding pen for reproduction status inspection.

Article 14

The isolation shed must comply with no less than the following requirements:

a. located the furthest away from the containment shed and main building, as well as

constructed lower than the other structures;

b. adequate ventilation and lighting;

c. equipped with clean water vessel with a sloping design directed to a drainage for easy


d. floors made from strong material (impervious to heavy knocks), water proof, non

slippery and sloping to the direction of the drain as well as easily cleaned and


e. drainage designed for free flowing waste flow;

f. roof made from strong material, non toxic dan can protect the animals from heat and


Article 15

The chilling room must comply with requirements no less than as follows:

a. chilling room is located in a clean area;

b. the space is adjusted with the number of carcasses produced observing the

distance between carcasses no less than 10 cm, the distance between carcass

with the wall no less than 30 cm, the distance between the carcass with the floor

no less than 50 cm, and the distance between rows no less than 1 meter;

c. the construction of the building must comply with requirements:

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1. the height of the wall of the carcass slaughter and cutting location must be

a minimum of 3 meters;

2. inner walls must be brightly colored, water proof, corrosive proof, non

toxic, impervious to heavy knocks, easily cleaned and disinfected as well

as non flaky.

3. floors are non slippery and sloping in the direction of the drains;

4. intersection between wall and floor must be curved with a radius of

approximately 75 mm;

5. intersection of walls must be curved with a radius of approximately 25 mm;

6. the ceiling must be brightly colored, made from water proof material, good

insulation, non flaky, strong, easily cleaned;

7. the room light intensity is 220 lux.

d. the buildings and layout of the chilling room must comply with the requirements

similar that of the main building;

e. the rooms are designed such that it’s void of water flow or other liquid waste from

other rooms entering the chilling room;

f. the room is equipped with carcass hanging hooks which is designed to prevent

carcasses from making contact with the floor and walls;

g. the room has available a cooling facility with a room temperature range of -4° C

sampai +4° C, 85-90% relative humidity and 1 to 4 meters per second air


h. ensuring the room temperature such that the inner flesh temperature is not more

than +8° C;

i. ensuring the room temperature such that the inner offal temperature is not more

than +4° C;


Article 16

The loading area for carcass and/or meat to the loading vehicle for carcass and/or meat

must comply with the following requirements:

a. can minimize cross contamination between carcasses and/or meat;

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b. the floor height must be adjusted with the height of the carcass and/meat loading


c. equipped with insect control facilities, such as insect adhesive traps;

d. facilitity for cleaning hands.

Article 17

The administration office and Veterinarian office must comply with requirements no less

than as follows:

a. adequate ventilation and lighting;

b. administration office space must correspond with the total number of employees,

designed for work safety and comfort, and provides a meeting room;

c. the office of the Veterinarian must be separate from the administration office.

Article 18

The diner and mushola must comply with requirements no less than as follows:

a. adequate ventilation and lighting;

b. space must correspond with the total number of employees;

c. diner designed for easy cleaning, maintenance and complies with environment

health requirements.

Article 19

Resting rooms and locker rooms for employees must comply with the following


a. adequate ventilation and lighting;

b. located at the employee or visitor entrance;

c. employee resting rooms must be equipped with cabinets for every employee and

provided with a lock for personal items;

d. lockers for workers in contaminated and clean areas must be separate.

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Article 20

The bathroom and toilets must comply with requirements no less than as follows:

a. adequate ventilation and lighting;

b. each contaminated and clean areas must have at least one bathroom and toilet


c. the drainage from the bathroom and toilet must have a special canal towards the

septic tank, and separate from the slaughter sewerage;

d. inner walls and floors must be made from water proof materials, corrosive proof,

easily maintained as well as easily cleaned and disinfected;

e. the number of bathrooms and toilets must correspond with the number of

employees, at least 1 unit for every 25 employees.

Article 21

The cadaver and/or unused products disposal facility or incinerator must comply with

requirements no less than as follows:

a. must be built near the isolation shed;

b. able to dispose cadaver and/or unused products effectively without

environmental contamination;

c. designed for ease of supervision and maintenance as well as complying with

environment health requirements.

Article 22

Waste handling facilities must comply with the following requirements:

a. capacity can adequately handle waste volume produced;

b. designed for ease of supervision, easily maintained, odorless and complying

with environment health requirements.

c. in accordance with recommendations for environmental management efforts

(UKL) from the authoritative Agency for environmental health matters.

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Article 23

The guard house must comply with requirements no less than as follows:

a. established at each entrance and at the gate outside of the RPH compound;

b. adequate ventilation and lighting;

c. roof made from strong material, non toxic dan can protect the guards from heat

and rain;

d. designed to comply with work security and safety requirements, as well as

enabling the guards to observe unhindered the situation surrounding the RPH

from the guard house.

Article 24

The deboning room and cutting room as stipulated in Article 8 paragraph 3 point a, must

comply with requirements no less than as follows:

a. the design and basic construction of the deboning room and cutting room must

be able to facilitate the cleaning and disinfecting process effectively;

b. have adequate ventilation and lighting;

c. designed to prevent the entry and nesting of insects, birds, rodents and other

pests inside the production room;

d. the floor is made from material that is water proof, non corrosive, non toxic,

impervious to heavy knocks, no crevices, non slippery and sloping to the

direction of the drain, easily cleaned and disinfected, non flaky, also of the floor is

tiled, the distance between tiles are as close proximity as possible ans the gaps

between tiles must be covered with water proof filling;

e. the wall must be made from material that is water proof, non corrosive, non toxic,

good insulation, and brightly colored, the inner wall is coated with water proof flat

surfaced material with a height at least 3 meters, no cracks/crevices, easily

cleaned and disinfected as well as non flaky;

f. the inner wall must be flat and no part can be used to hang or place objects;

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g. the intersection between wall and floor must be curved with a radius of

approximately 75 mm, intersection of walls must be curved with a radius of

approximately 25 mm;

h. the ceiling must be designed as to not accumulate dust and waste, minimize

condensation, fungi growth, free of cracks, also easily cleaned;

i. the window and and ventilation must be designed to prevent accumulation of dirt

and waste, easily cleaned and always maintained properly;

j. door and window sills, as well the door and window materials are not made from

wood, made from non corrosive materials, water proof, impervious to heavy

knocks, easily cleaned and disinfected and the underside can prevent the entry

of rats/rodents;

k. inner door and window sills must be even and no part can be used to hang or

place objects;

l. the door is provided with plastic curtains to prevent temperature variance and

designed to close automatically;

m. during the production process the room temperature must be maintained at

≤ 15° C.

Article 25

The design and basic construction of the meat wrapping room must have the same

compliant requirement for the design and construction requirement for the deboning and

cutting room as stipulated in Article 24.

Article 26

The design and basic construction of the blast freezer room must comply with the

following requirements:

a. the room capacity must correspond with the total products that will be frozen;

b. the design and basic construction of the the blast freezer room must have the

same compliant requirement for the design and construction requirement for the

deboning and cutting room as stipulated in Article 24;

c. the rooms are designed such that it’s void of water flow or other liquid waste from

other rooms entering the blast freezer room;

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d. the room is equipped with blast freezer that can reach and maintain the room

temperature under -18° C with 2 meters per second air velocity.

Article 27

The cold storage room must comply with the following requirements:

a. the room capacity must correspond to the number of frozen products stored;

b. the design and basic construction of the cold storage room must have the same

compliant requirement for the design and construction requirement for the

deboning room and cutting room as stipulated in Article 24;

c. the rooms are designed such that it’s void of water flow or other liquid waste from

other rooms entering the cold strage room;

d. equipped with the following cooling facilities:

1. a cool storage room which can reach and maintain a constant meat

temperature at +4° C down to -4° C (chilled meat); -2° C down to -

8° C (frozen meat); or ≤ -18° C(deep frozen), as well as room capacity

must observe a free flowing air circulation;

2. a cool storage room having a visually convenient thermometer or

temperature display.

Article 28

(1) An RPH with export orientation must have a simple laboratory facility for inspecting

and testing products, equipment, water, workers and the production environment

which is required for monitoring the hygiene practice implementation at the RPH.

(2) An RPH with export orientation as stipulated in paragraph (1) is an RPH that has

attained a Sertifikat NKV Level I.

(3) The types of inspection and testing as stipulated in paragraph (1) comprises of

oraganoleptic testing, simple chemical testing, such as initial meat decomposition

and blood completeness test (Malachite Green test), microbe contamination test

such as Total Plate Count (TPC), Coliform, E. coli, Staphylococcus sp., Salmonella

sp., as well as parasite testing.

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(4) The laboratory stipulated in paragraph (1) must comply with requirements no less


a. the location of the laboratory must be neat the veterinarians office;

b. the layout and equipment of the laboratory must consider safety factors and

work comfort;

c. the construction of the floors, walls and ceiling must comply with at least

enclosed in good quality enamel or with epoxcy paint, or other materials which

have a smooth surface, water proof, easily cleaned and disinfected as well as

easily maintained;

d. lighting in the laboratory has an intensity of 540 luxs and provided with protected


e. room ventilation must be adequate, equipped with air conditioners to reduce the

particles in the air and to minimize the temperature variance;

f. for the workers safety, the laboratory is equipped with fire extinguishers, alarm

and first aid kit;

g. having special rooms and facilities for storing samples, equipment and media


h. equipped with hand washing facilities.

Fifth Part

Equipment Requirements

Article 29

(1) All supporting equipment at the RPH must be made from non corrosive materials, ,

easily cleaned and disinfected and easy maintenance.

(2) All supporting equipment and surfaces which come into contact with meat and offals

may not be made from wood and toxic materials, such as aluminium, polyvinyl

chloride/PVC non corrosive, easily cleaned and disinfected and easy maintenance.

(3) All metallic equipment which come into contact with meat and offals must be made

from rust or corrosive proof materials (stainless steel or galvanized metal), strong,

unpainted, easily cleaned and disinfected as well as easy maintenance.

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(4) Lubricants of equipment that come into contact with meat and offals must be rated

food grade.

(5) The hand cleaning facilities must be designed such that it is operated hands free,

provided with facilities such as liquid soap and a dryer, and if using tissue provided

with a trash bin.

(6) Equipment for cleaning and disinfecting rooms and other equipment must be available

in adequate quantities so that the cleaning and disinfection process can be conducted

properly and effectively.

(7) The main building must be equipped with no less than:

a. a restraining box;

b. a cradle;

c. hoist;

d. the rails and hanging equipment designed such that the carcass does not come

into contact with the floor and wall;

e. post-mortem facililites, encompasses:

1. inspection table for heart, lungs, spleen and heart;

2. head hanging equipment.

f. equipment for cleaning and disinfecting activities;

g. weighing scale for the animal, carcass and meat.

(8) The offal room must be equipped with facilities and equipment for no less than:

a. extracting viscarae;

b. cleaning viscarae;

c. handling and processing viscarae.

(9) The deboning and cutting room must be equipped with facilities and equipment no less


a. stainless steel table;

b. ligature from polyvinyl material;

c. bone saw electric;

d. slicer;

e. mincer/grinder;

f. trimming and cutting knives;

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g. hot water facilities for sterilization of knives;

h. metal detector.

(10) To suppert the activity of veterinary public health supervision at the RPH, the

responsible veterinarian at the RPH and/or inspector must be provided with

equipement no less than:

(11) Standard worker equipment in the slaughter process comprises of special work

clothes, plastic apron, head cover and boots which must be provided with no less than

2 (two) sets for each worker.

(12) Every entrance of the main building must have be equipped with cleaning facilities for

washing hands with soap, disinfectants, foot dips and shoe brush provided, the

quantity corresponding with the number of workers.

(13) Equipment for cleaning and disinfecting rooms and equipment must be available in

adequate quantities to ensure that the cleaning and disinfection process can be

conducted properly and effectively.



First Part

Technical Requirements for Meat Cutting Plant

Article 30

(1) UPD is obligated to comply with the administrative requirements and technical


(2) The administrative requirements as stipulated in paragraph (1) shall conform with

prevailing laws.

(3) The technical requirements as stipulated in paragraph (1) encompasses the following


a. location;

b. supporting facilities;

c. basic construction and design of the building;

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d. equipment.

Second Part

Location Requirements

Article 31

(1) The location of the UPD must be in accordance with General Regional Spatial Plan

(RUTRD) and Detailed Regional Spatial Plan (RDTRD) or regions which are

specified for agribusiness areas.

(2) The UPD location must must comply with no less than as follows:

a. is not a flood prone area, not contaminated by smoke, stench, dust and

other contaminants;

b. will not disturb nor pollute the environment;

c. at a lower elevation from human settlements;

d. have access to clean water in order to conduct slaughtering and sanitation

activities as well as disinfection;

e. not in the vicinity of metal and chemical industries;

Third Part

Supporting Facility Requirement

Article 32

The UPD must be equipped with supporting facilities no less than as follows:

a. adequate roads leading to the UPH which is passable by meat loading vehicles;

b. water supply that complies with water quality standards and with adequate and

continuous supply;

c. waste handling facilities and sewerage system designed for free flowing waste

flow, easily supervised and maintained, does not pollute the ground, odorless

and prevented from being a rat or rodents nest.

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Fourth Part

Layout, Basic Construction, and Design Requirements

Article 33

(1) The requirements for buildings and layout of the UPD compound must be no less than

as follows:

a. main building;

1. deboning room and meat cutting room;

2. wrapping room;

3. blast freezer room;

4. cold storage room;

b. carcass loading and meat unloading area to the transporting vehicle;

c. administration office and veterinarian office;

d. diner and mushola;

e. employee resting room and employee locker room to store personal items

bathroom and toilet;

f. guard house;

g. waste handling facility.

(2) UPD compound must be fenced to facilitate guarding and security;

(3) The design and basic construction of the main UPD building must comply with the

requirements as stipulated in Article 24, Article 25, Article 26, dan Article 27.

(4) The design and basic construction of the administration office and Veterinarian office

at the UPD must comply with the requirements as stipulated in Article 17.

(5) The design and basic construction of the diner and mushola at the UPD must comply

with the requirements as stipulated in Article 18.

(6) The design and basic construction of the locker room/change room at the UPD must

comply with the requirements as stipulated in Article 19.

(7) The design and basic construction of the bathroom and toilet at the UPD must comply

with the requirements as stipulated in Article 20.

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Fifth Part

Equipment Requirements

Article 34

(1) All UPD supporting equipment must be made from corrosive proof material, easily

cleaned and disinfected as well easy as maintenance.

(2) All equipment and surfaces which come into contact with meat and offals may not be

made from wood and toxic materials (eg. Aluminium, polyvinyl chloride/PVC),

corrosive proof, easily cleaned and disinfected as well as easy maintenance.

(3) All metallic equipment which come into contact with meat and offals must be made

from rust or corrosive proof materials (stainless steel or galvanized metal), strong,

unpainted, easily cleaned and disinfected as well as easy maintenance.

(4) Lubricants of equipment that come into contact with meat and offals must be rated

food grade.

(5) Equipment for cleaning and disinfecting rooms and other equipment must be available

in adequate quantities so that the cleaning and disinfection process can be conducted

properly and effectively.

(6) Rooms for cutting and butchering carcass and/or meat must be equipped with

machines and equipment no less than:

(7) Standard equipment for workers working in the cutting and butchering carcass and/or

meat rooms include special work clothing, plastic apron, head covering, mouth cover,

gloves, and boots which must be provided with no less than 2 (two) sets for each




Article 35

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(1) The RPH and UPD must be equipped with a hygienic-sanitation facility which can

ensure that the production method of the carcass, meat, and offal implemented is good

and consistent.

(2) The hygienic-sanitation facility as stipulated in paragraph (1) must be able to ensure

that the building, production environment, equipment, and worker work clothing

cleaning and sanitation process can be well implemented effectively.

(3) Every entrance of the main building must have be equipped with cleaning facilities for

washing boots with shoe brushes, and facilities to sterilize the boots with disinfectants

(foot dipping).

(4) The RPH and/or UPD must have facilities to wash hands with warm water, soap and

disinfectants as well as designed to be operated hands free or not direct contact with

the hand.

(5) The hand washing facility as stipulated in paragraph (4) must be equipped with a hand

dryer, if using tissues then a covered non hand operated trash bin must be provided.

(6) To sterilize knives and tool used, water with a temperature of not less than 82° C and

complying with water quality standard requirements must be available, or with other

effective sterilization methods.

(7) Not use dangerous chemicals which is prohibited for use on food.

(8) After every slaughter and carcass, meat, and offal production is complete, a thorough

cleaning and disinfecting process must be conducted.

(9) The cleanliness of the RPH and/or UPD main building surrounding environment must

be maintained periodically, with:

a. maintaining the environment cleanliness from rubbish, waste and food remains;

b. properly maintaining grass and trees;

c. providing temporary trash bin facilities at certain locations.

Article 36

(1) Personal hygiene must be observed at every RPH and/or UPD.

(2) All workers handling carcasses, meat, and/or offals must apply hygienic practices

comprising of:

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a. workers handling meat must be in good health, specifically free from respiratory

diseases and communicable diseases sych as TBC, hepatitis A, typhoid, etc.;

b. must use personal protection items (hair net, boots and proper work clothes);

c. always wash hands using soap and/or sanitizers before and after handling

products and after using the toilet;

d. not engage in activities that may contaminate the products (sneeze, smoke,

spitting, etc.) in the main premises of the slaughterhouse.



Article 37

(1) In ensuring that the carcass, meat and offals produced by the RPH or UPD comply

with the safe, healthy, intact and halal (ASUH) criteria, requires the supervision of the

veterinary community health at the RPH and UPD by an Official Veterinarian or a

Responsible Company Veterinarian which is supervised by the Official Veterinarian.

(2) The veterinary community health supervision activity as stipulated in paragraph (1)


a. animal health application at the RPH;

b. animal health inspection prior to slaughter (ante-mortem inspection);

c. the stunning thoroughness process inspection;

d. offal and/or carcass inspection (post-mortem inspection);

e. the hygiene-sanitation requirement compliance inspection on the production


(3) The Official Veterinarian as stipulated in paragraph (1) has rights and access to enter

the production room, conduct supervision, take samples, investigate, document

inspection, condemning animals/cadavers, carcasses, meat, and offals which do not

comply and considered dangerous for human consumption.

(4) The Responsible Company Veterinarian as stipulated in paragraph (1) has the right to

enter the production room, conduct supervision, take samples, investigate, document

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inspection, condemning animals/cadavers, carcasses, meat, and/or offals which do not

comply and considered dangerous for human consumption.

(5) The ante-mortem inspection as stipulated in paragraph (2) point b is conducted at the

temporary or resting shed of the animal, unless under the advisement of the official

veterinarian and/or the responsible company veterinarian, the inspection is conducted

inside the isolation shed, loading vehicle or other loading equipment.

(6) The post-mortem inspection as stipulated in paragraph (2) point d is conducted

immediately after the completion of slaughter, and inspection is done on the head,

carcass and/or offals.

(7) The hygiene-sanitation requirement compliance inspection on the production process

as stipulated in paragraph (2) point e is conducted on the building sanitation

maintenance, production environment, equipment, production process and personal


(8) Carcasses, meat, and/or offals which have passed ante-mortem and post-mortem

inspection must be stamped by the RPH Responsible Veterinarian which contains

information regarding “Under the Supervision of the Veterinarian” and Veterinary

Control Number (NKV).

(9) A summary of veterinary community health supervision results which state that the

carcass, meat, and/or offals are safe, healthy, and intact is stated in a Meat Health

Statement Letter (SKKD) signed by Official Veterinarian at the RPH or UPD in the

SKKD format, as shown in model 1 format.

(10) A Meat Health Statement Letter as stipulated in paragraph (9) must accompany the

distribution of carcasses, meat, and/or offals.

(11) The Responsible Company Veterinarian has the obligation to create a kesmavet

supervision result report as stipulated in paragraph (2) for the Official Veterinarian.

(12) The Official Veterinarian is obligated to create a kesmavet supervision result report as

stipulated in paragraph (2) for the Regency/Municipal Agency Head.



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First Part

Permit to Establish a Slaughterhouse

Article 38

(1) Every individual or business that wishes to establish an RPH is required to have a

permit to establish an RPH.

(2) The permit to establish an RPH as stipulated in paragraph (1) is issued by the


(3) The Regent/Mayor as stipulated in paragraph (2) in issuing the permit for establishing

an RPH must observe the technical requirements of an RPH.

(4) The permit to establish an RPH as stipulated in paragraph (1) is not transferrable to

any other individual or business entity without the written consent of the issuer.

Second Part

Slaughterhouse and/or Meat Cutting Plant Business Permit

Article 39

(1) Every individual or business that wishes to conduct an RPH and/or meat cutting

business is required to have a business permit issued by the Regent/Mayor in

accordance with prevailing laws.

(2) The Regent/Mayor in issuing the slaughter and/or meat cutting business permit must

observe the technical requirements in slaughtering and cutting of ruminant cattle meat

in accordance wih prevailing laws.

(3) The slaughter and/or meat cutting business permit is not transferable to any other

individual or business entity.

(4) The slaughter and/or meat cutting business permit maybe revoked, if:

a. the slaughter/and or meat cutting activities conducted in the RPH or UPD do not

have the permit to establish the RPH;

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b. violating the technical requirements in the slaughter/meat cutting of ruminant

cattle as stipulated in prevailing laws;

c. void of slaughter activities consecutively for a period of 6 (six) months after the

issuance of the permit;

d. do not have NVK, after a specified period as stipulated in prevailing laws.

Article 40

(1) Based on the management system, the slaughter and/or meat cutting business can be

divided into 3 (three) types:

a. Type I: Regional government owned RPH and/or and managed by the regional

government and as a public service;

b. Type II: Privately owned RPH and/or UPD and managed by themselves or in

cooperation with other private companies;

c. Type III: Regional government owned RPH and/or UPD and managed together

by the regiobal government and the private sector.

(2) RPH and/or UPD with management system Type II and III as stipulated in paragraph

(1) point b and point c, apart from conducting slaughter of own cattle must provide a

slaughter and/or meat cutting service for the public that requires it.

(3) Based on facility equipment for aging process of carcass, a slaughterhouse business

can be divided into 2 (two) categories:

a. Category I: animal slaughter business in RPH without carcass aging facilities,

that produces warm carcass;

b. Category II; animal slaugher business in RPH with cascas aging facilities, that

produces chilled carcass and/or frozen carcass.

(4) Slaughter businesses of category II as stipulated in paragraph (3) point b must

complement with a chilled facility chain until the consumer level.



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Article 41

(1) Every RPH and/or UPD must be under the supervision of an official veterinarian in the

public veterinary health sector appointed by the Regent/Mayor.

(2) Every RPH must employ at least one veterinarian as an executive and responsible for

technical supervision of public veterinary health at the RPH.

(3) The veterinarian with technical responsibility stipulated in paragraph (2) executing

duties at the RPH within the limits of authority delegated by the official veterinarian.

(4) The veterinarian with technical responsibility stipulated in paragraph (2) is responsible

to the official veterinarian in the public veterinary health sector.

(5) Every RPH apart from employing a veterinarian with technical responsibility amy also

employ at least one keurmaster under the supervision of the veterinarian with technical

responsibility stipulated in paragraph (2).

(6) Every RPH is obligated to employ at least one halal butcher.

(7) An UPD is obligated to employ at least:

a. One person as the technical responsible official

b. One butcher with carcass topography knowledge

(8) The veterinarian stipulated in paragraph (2) point a must comply with at the very least:

a. has specialization in meat inpection that is recognized by the professional

veterinarian organization and verified by the Veterinarian Authority

b. has specialization in the reproductive filed that is recognized by the professional

veterinarian organization and verified by the Veterinarian Authority

(9) The official with technical responsibility stipulated in paragraph (7) point a must comply

with at the very least a food safety security system training certificate.

(10) The meat inspector stipulated in paragraph (2) point b must comply at the very least

with a certificate as a meat inspector referring to guidelines issued by Veterinarian


(11) A halal butcher stipulated in paragraph (2) point c must comply with at the very least

with certification issued by an authoritive institution.

(12) A butcher must at least have certification as a butcher issued by an authoritive


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Article 42

(1) Competence refresher training for all Human Resources stipulated in Article 41 can be

conducted by the RPH Management or the Governor or The Agriculture Minister.

(2) Conducting training as stipulated in paragraph (1) is in accordance with Guidelines

issued by the Director General of Livestock in cooperation with the Human Resources

Agency, Ministry of Agriculture.



Article 43

(1) The operating RPH and/or UPD existing at the issuance of this Regulation that have

yet to comply with the stipulation contained thereof in this Regulation, must adjust

accordingly with this Regulation not more than 5 (five) years effective after the date of


(2) With the issuance of this Regulation, the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No

555/Kpts/TN.240/9/1986 regarding the Requirements of Slaughterhouses and Meat

Cutting Plants, shall become null and void.



Article 44

This regulation shall become effective on as of the day of enactment.

For public cognizance, it is instructed to promulgate this Ministerial Regulation by

published the same in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Issued in Jakarta

on 22nd of January 2010


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Enacted in Jakarta on 2nd February 2010THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS,