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Perlis English Language Module Paper 2 Page 1

Jan 06, 2016



Fara Zahari
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PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 1CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENT AND GOOD WRITING1. EXCELLENT WRITINGa) The usage of the language should be excellent and confident throughout.b) Ideas conveyed clearly through a variety of sentence structures, e.g. simple and compound sentences.( according to the syllabus )c) New words used confidently to express ideas.d) Ideas should be well planned , organized and are linked so as to sustain the interest of the reader.e) Pictures and words given as stimulus should be the guidance to construct sentences correctly.f) Accurate use of the spelling and punctuation.g) Legible handwriting.h) Express ideas creatively using similes , proverbs , idioms and metaphors as given in the Year Six textbook.i) Write in a paragraph or paragraphs.2. BASIC WRITINGa) Simple sentences even with minor errors but meaning is still clear.b) Satisfactory presentation of ideas.c) Vocabulary is adequate to convey meaning.d) A few punctuation and spelling errors.e) Good handwriting.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 2TIPS ON ANSWERING THE QUESTION1. Write in paragraphs Introduction- Content- Closure2. Write some introductions for the main character.-name , age , address , school , attitude3. Start writing content with timing e.g.: Last Monday , Last school holidays,One fine sunny day , etc.3. Try to construct sentences using the words given and planned out the story step by step according to the pictures and words given.4. Make up your story using similes , idioms , metaphors , proverbs to make the story more interesting and lively.5. Use Connectors or Linkers to show the flow from a situation to another. 6. Check tenses used for the essay. 7. For closure Show your feelings , express your hope , etc.IMPORTANT POINTS1. Check Tenses.2. Check Spelling.3. Check Punctuation.4. To infinitive5. Flow of ideas and proper sequencing.6. Suitable vocabulary , adjectives , adverbs , linking words or conjunctions.7. Interesting expressions and use of similes and proverbs where possible.8. Writing must be neat and legible.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 3Example of Introduction.1. I have a friend. His name is Aman. He is twelve years old. He studies at SRK Putera. He is kind and helpful.2. Aman is my best friend. He is twelve years old same like me. He studies in the same school with me which is SRK Putera. All the teachers and friends like him as he is kind and helpful.3. Aman is my classmate. We study in the same class which is Year Six Taqwa in SRK Putera. He lives at Taman Gemilang which is just a stones throw away from the school. All the teachers and friends like him very much as he is well known to be kind and helpful.4. A friend in need is a friend indeed is a proverb that is suitable with my story today. Halim , who is a Year Six student of Sekolah Kebangsaan Cemerlang , is well known to be kind , helpful and generous.Example of Content :1. Waktu : Last Sunday , One afternoon , One day , Last school holidays , .2. Sedang : As he was walking home from school , suddenly he saw 3. Simpati : He felt very sympathy , so he quickly rushed to4. Tanpa berlengah: Without any hesitation , he quickly rushed toWithout further delay , ..5. Cedera parah: The cyclist was badly injured.6. Cedera ringan: The motorcyclist was slightly injured.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 4Example of closure :1. Tolong orang: He felt very happy because he had done a good deed.2. Jujur : The man offered him some rewards but he refused toaccept it because he believed that Honesty is the best policy.3. Kenangan : He will never forget that memorable moment.pahit/manis It was an unforgettable occasion /event / incident.4. Seronok/ : They were very tired but happy.Gembira He went home tired but happy.5. Berani : They thanked Ali for his brave action. VOCABULARY THAT DESCRIBE GOOD MORAL VALUES - kind He is very kind.- kindness - The blind man thanked him for his kindness.- kind hearted - He is a kind hearted boy.- brave He is such a brave boy.- bravery The boys father thanked Ali and praised him for his bravery.- polite He is polite and everyone likes him.- politeness His teachers praised him for his politeness.- good deed - The village headman thanked the scouts for their good deeds.- quick action The police congratulated him for his quick action.- thanked Mr Razak thanked and gave him a small reward.- thankful The boys parents were thankful because their son was not hurt.- helpful He is a very helpful boy.- grateful The boys parents were very grateful to Ali for saving their son.- glad He is / was glad.- happy Mak Minah was happy.-happily They returned home happily.- enjoyed They enjoyed themselves and hoped to be there again.- enjoyable They had an enjoyable time camping at the waterfall.- marvelous They had a marvelous time at the beach.- honest He is an honest man.- honesty The passenger thanked the driver for his honesty. PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 5PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 6INTRODUCTION:Encik Jamal is my uncle. He is forty years old. He lives at Taman Aman Jaya. He is kind and friendly.CONTENT :Picture 1 :bus driver morning drives pupils- schoolEncik Jamal is a _______________ .He goes to work early in the ________ . He _____________ the ____________ to ___________.Picture 2 :afternoon school rest short napIn the ____________ , he sent some of the pupils back home after _________. He took a ___________. Sometimes , he took a ______________. Picture 3 :evening took children home finished 8. oclock read sleepIn the _____________, he _________the____________________. He _____________ his work at ________________. At night , he __________ newspaper. Then , he went to _______________. CLOSURE : He was very happy with his work. All the pupils like him very much as he is kind and gentlePERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 7ACTIVITY 2 ;Rewrite the whole story into paragraphs.______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 8- Aiman sister living room vacuumed carpet dusted furniture -- grandfather bedroom-cleanedmirror wiped bedside lamp- kitchen mother grandmother refrigerator wiped stove -- bathroom father washed sink -Practice 1 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 9-businessman has factory workers big office -- business overseas always travels -- home family - eveningPractice 2 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 10walking bus saw fell - lightningtold incident -agree- went tools cleaned cooperated -- happy satisfied can use -Practice 3 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 11Rina sister home heard strange noise - bushesbag bushes moving noises cat treated cruellymother vet observation clinic week allowed keep cat named - SweetyPractice 4 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 12Faridah -mother-stopped-stallvegetables- Puan Rosnah put-basket -in front basket took a step backwards allow man pass tripped basket fell -bananaembarrassed - did not go market many weeksPractice 5 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 13AH -Wei and May Lin playing puppy-did not notice -gate-opensuddenly - puppy dashed out house Ah Wei ran - puppyKamal coming around the corner avoid knocking fell drain not hurtPractice 6 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 14morning Mr Mohan breakfast stall handphone - beside plate boy -grabbedran after shouted Thief! Thief! young man heard ran after - caughtpolicemen arrived snatch thief- away patrol carPractice 7 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 15friendly - likes job happy customers enjoy -foodMr Tan - sell noodles Lucky Restaurant work morning marketbuy fresh vegetablespeople breakfast or lunch enjoy delicious side dishes price -reasonablePractice 8 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 16storm-rained heavily wind strongly lightning- tree roof houserushed out hurt house belongings - damagedstorm over repair house gratefulPractice 9 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 17Amir -operation thanked friends- gratefulAmir hospital examined doctoroperation family- poorteacher classmates raised funds sold food add jobs parents -donatedPractice 10 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 18Practice 11 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.Jasmin friend- walked- homeschool-footballPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 19Practice 12 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 20Practice 13 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 21pupils teacher Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Putera visited old folks home - bus last Friday30-minutes destinationwelcomed -person- in- charge swept- wiped windows- fedactivities- sang danceentertained clapped - happy4 p.m.- left-waved shook criedhugged sad promised- came next time - enjoyable - timePractice 14 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 22Practice 15 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.-campingcaught---PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 23Practice 16 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 24Practice 17 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.okPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 25Practice 18 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.3 p.m.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 26Malaysians cyber flag using 10430 diskettes 6.71 meters wide- 12.96 meters long worked hardtook twelve days make giant cyber flag- proudPractice 19 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 27test- did not study difficult scared - faildecided copy answer friend teacher - suspected caught cheating sentheadmaster warned - lessonPractice 20 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 28camping waterfall classmates pitched - excited- sleeping woke up saw ghost - screamed- friends- came branch laughed -gratefulPractice 21 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to helpyou. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 29afternoon field saw fighting -afraidcalled teacher stop advised - ashamedapologize hugged promise -quarrel - happyPractice 22 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 30went early children drew -beautifulcycled saw notice take part mother shop materials brushes -paintPractice 23 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.won- received- trophy-happy- proudPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 31passerby stopped sent hospital -warded - thankedAmin woke up late cycled fast -busy roadsuddenly car banged behindfelt - injuredPractice 24 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 32Mr Wee family live Johor Bahru - bungalowMr Wee engineer wife teacher they two childrenfamily- likes visit Singapore go there oftenPractice 25 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 33Practice 26 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 34Mohan Ravi Saidi good friends fishing - lakeRavi used worm bait threw line -lakeSaidi shouted loudly happy had caught big fishPractice 27 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 35three houses completely burnt no one - injuredfire broke out Kampung Aman last - nightfire brigades ten minutes fireman five hours put out - firePractice 28 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 36Hassan walking past pond heard someone screaming - helpsaw- girl drowning pond jumped pond rescued herpeople came help Hassan- praised him being brave boyPractice 29 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 37Practice 30 : Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the space provided.Yesterday held locals tourists came watch parade soldiers uniforms marched saluted king school children- school bands spectator- enjoyedPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 38EXTRA NOTESSAMPLE OF PUPILSWRITINGSAMPLE 1 : Living two doors away from my house is my classmate, Azlan. He is twelve years old and he studies at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Perlis in the same class with me. We always walk to school together as our school is just a stones throw away from our residences. All the teachers and friends like him very much as he is clever , kindhearted and helpful. His parents love him very much as he is the apple of his parents eyes. Not to forget , he also has a golden heart.Last school holidays , Azlan decided to go for a picnic with his friends at a waterfall. They went there by bicycles. They were very excited because it was their first time to go there without their parents. Out of the blue , Azlan noticed a girl fell into the water and was about to drown. She shouted for help loudly. Without further delay , Azlan who is good at swimming , jumped into the river and quickly pulled the poor girl to the riverbank for safety. It was a brave and quick thinking action. The girls parents were pleased and thanked Azlan for his brave act. They praised him for saving their daughters life. He felt as proud as a peacock because he had done a good deed. His friends came and praised him too. Azlan did not want to blow his own trumpet as he is very good at swimming and had a medal for helping people. He just kept quiet and smiled to his friends.Azlan was as happy as a king as he had done a good deed. He always believes that one good deed deserves another. It was an unforgettable day for Azlan.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 39SAMPLE 2 : ( UPSR 2012 )Last school holidays , the pupils of Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Seri Pelangiwent to the National Museum located in the heart of town. They were eager to go there as this was their first experience to go for a school trip. Before they boarded the bus , they waved to their parents. As the students made themselves comfortable in the bus, the driver went to the other side of the bus. He squatted down and arranged the bags meticulously in the luggage compartment. After everything was settled , he hopped to the drivers seat and started the journey. As the parents waved goodbye to their kids who were whisked away by the bus , something caught their eyes. A vibrantcoloured bag was left lying on the ground. They shouted to the driver who was driving the bus but no one heard them. Without any hesitation , one of the parents who had a heart of gold took the bag and darted as fast as lightning towards the bus.Fortunately , he got to the bus in the nick of time. The bus stopped immediately. The driver went out of the bus to know what had happened. The parent who was breathless , told the driver that a student had left his bag. Out of the blue, a student went out of the bus to claim his bag. He thanked the parent profusely. After he claimed his bag , they continued their journey. The parent was over the moon because he had done a good deed that day.PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 40SAMPLE 3 : ( UPSR 2011 )I have many friends all around the globe and one of them is Qistina. She grows up in a filthy rich family. However , she is the only child in her family. Therefore , her life is filled with loneliness. Her parents who are as busy as a bee gave her an adoring female cat named Mimi on her twelfth birthday. Presently , Mimi is her only friend to keep her company.The weather was fine and humid for everyone to fo their leisure activities on the fateful day.As usual , Qistina took her beloved pet , Mimi for a stroll at the garden. There , she met her boon companion Eliza who is famously known as an animal lover. She had a cat too. She took good care of it. Qistina was very excited to meet Eliza there as she had a great story to tell her. Therefore , they released their cats for a while.Like the other cats , Mimi and its new friend were playing around the garden actively. Qistina and Eliza were busy chatting without keeping a watchful eye on their cats.Mimi which was energetic , quietly stalked on a bird until the top of the tree. Qistina was worried about her cat. It was Mimis worst nightmare as it was truly frightened. In the twinkling of an eye , Elizas brother broke into the scene with his bravery. He put his heart and soul to save Mimi. After a few minutes ,Qistinas cat was saved by a brave big brother , Aiman. She thanked him as she was touched by his kind gesture. She gave him some money as a token of appreciation. Having a noble heart , he refused it. Qistina hugged Mimi and she was happy indeed. It was a memorable day for all of them. Indeed , one good turn deserves another. PERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 41VERBS ( ACTION WORDS )IRREGULAR VERSPRESENT TENSE - VERBSMEANING CONTINUOUS TENSEPAST TENSEPERFECT TENSEHas/have/had1. be being was / were Been2. begin mula beginning began begun3. bend bengkok bending bent bent4. bite gigit biting bit bitten5. blow tiup blowing blew blown6. break pecah breaking broke broken7. bring bawa bringing brought brought8. build bina building built built9. burn bakar burning burnt burnt10. buy beli buying bought bought11. catch tangkap catching caught caught12. choose pilih choosing chose chosen13. dig gali digging dug dug14. do buat doing did done15. draw lukis drawing drew drawn16. dream mimpi dreaming dreamt dreamt17. drink minum drinking drank drunk18. drive memandu driving drove driven19. dry kering drying dried dried20. eat makan eating ate eaten21. fall jatuh/rebah falling fell fallenPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 4222. fly terbang flying flew flown23. forget lupa forgetting forgot forgotten24. give beri giving gave given25. go pergi going went gone26. grow tumbuh/membesar growing grew grown27. hear dengar hearing heard heard28. hide sembunyi hiding hid hidden29. hold pegang holding held held30. lie baring lying lied lain31. ride menunggang riding rode ridden32. ring bunyikan ringing rang rung33. rise naik rising rose risen34. see lihat seeing saw seen35. sing nyanyi singing sang sung36. swim berenang swimming swam swum37. take ambil taking took taken38. tear koyak tearing tore torn39. throw baling throwing threw thrown40. wake bangun waking woke woken41. write tulis writing wrote writtenPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 43PRESENT TENSE-VERBSMEANING CONTINUOUS TENSEPAST TENSEPERFECTTENSE42. hang gantung hanging hung hung43. lay bertelur / alas laying laid laid44. learn belajar learning learnt learnt45. leave tinggalkan leaving left left46. lend pinjamkan lending lent lent47. lie bohong / tipu lying lied lied48. lose hilang losing lost lost49. make buat making made made50. meet jumpa meeting met met51. feed beri makan feeding fed fed52. feel rasa feeling felt felt53. fight lawan fighting fought fought54. find jumpa finding found found55. say kata saying said said56. sell jual selling sold sold57. sleep tidur sleeping slept slept58. sweep sapu sweeping swept swept59. send hantar sending sent sent60. shine sinar / suluh shining shone shone61. shoot tembak shooting shot shot62. shrink kecut shrinking shrunk shrunk63. sit duduk sitting sat sat64. spell mengeja spelling spelt spelt65. spend membelanja spending spent spentPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 4466. spill tumpah spilling spilt spilt67. stand berdiri standing stood stood68. stick lekatkan sticking stuck stuck69. sting sengat stinging stung stung70. tell beritahu telling told told71. teach mengajar teaching taught taught72. think berfikir thinking thought thought73. come datang coming came come74. run lari running ran run75. become menjadi becoming became become76. cost harga costing cost cost77. cut potong cutting cut cut78. hit pukul hitting hit hit79. put letak putting put putPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 45PRESENT TENSE -VERBSMEANING CONTINUOUS TENSEPAST TENSEPERFECT TENSE80 read baca reading read read81 beat pukul beating beat beaten82 clap tepuk clapping clapped clapped83 drop jatuhkan dropping dropped dropped84 hop lompat hopping hopped hopped85 pin menyemat pinning pinned pinned86 plan rancang planning planned planned87 shop membeli belah shopping shopped shopped88 slip tergelincir slipping slipped slipped89 stir mengacau stirring stirred stirred90 stop berhenti stopping stopped stopped91 sweep sapu sweeping swept swept92 take ambil taking took taken93 teach ajar teaching taught taught94 tear koyak tearing tore torn95 tell beritahu telling told told96 throw baling throwing threw threw97 wake bangun waking woke woken98 wear pakai wearing wore worn100 wring memerah wringing wrung wrung101 write menulis writing wrote written102 weep menangis weeping wept weptPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 46PRESENT TENSE -VERBSMEANING CONTINUOUS TENSEPAST TENSE PERFECT TENSE1 add tambah adding added added2 answer jawab answering answered answered3 arrange susun arranging arranged arranged4 bake baker baking baked baked5 bargain menawar bargaining bargained bargained6 bathe mandi bathing bathed bathed7 boil didih boiling boiled boiled8 borrow pinjam borrowing borrowed borrowed9 call panggil calling called called10 camp berkhemah camping camped camped11 cheer sorak cheering cheered cheered12 clean cuci cleaning cleaned cleaned13 clear bersihkan clearing cleared cleared14 collect kumpulkan collecting collected collected15 comb menyikat combing combed combed16 circle bulatkan circling circled circled17 cook memasak cooking cooked cooked18 count mengira counting counted counted19 cover menutup covering covered covered20 cross melintas crossing crossed crossed21 cycle mengayuh cycling cycled cycled22 dance menari dancing danced danced23 decorate menghias decorating decorated decorated24 deliver menghantar delivering delivered deliveredPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 47PRESENT TENSE -VERBSMEANING CONTINUOUS TENSEPAST TENSE PERFECT TENSE25 destroy memusnah destroying destroyed destroyed26 design mencorak designing designed designed27 enjoy gembira enjoying enjoyed enjoyed28 enter masuk entering entered entered29 exercise berlatih exercising exercised exercised30 explore jelajah exploring explored explored31 fail gagal failing failed failed32 fish memancing fishing fished fished33 finish tamat finishing finished finished34 fold lipat folding folded folded35 frighten takut frightening frightened frightened36 gather berkumpul gathering gathered gathered37 greet menyapa greeting greeted greeted38 guide bimbing guiding guided guided39 help tolong helping helped helped40 hope harapan hoping hoped hoped41 introduce perkenal introducing introduced introduced42 iron seterika iron ironed ironed43 join sambung joining joined joined44 lift lifting lifted lifted45 light lighting lighted lighted46 live living lived lived47 march marching marched marched48 move moving moved movedPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 48PRESENT TENSE -VERBSMEANING CONTINUOUS TENSEPAST TENSE PERFECT TENSE49 need needing needed needed50 obey obeying obeyed obeyed51 operate operating operated operated52 paint painting painted painted53 paste pasting pasted pasted54 peel peeling peeled peeled55 pick picking picked picked56 play playing played played57 point pointing pointed pointed58 pollute polluting polluted polluted59 post posting posted posted60 pour pouring poured poured61 practise practising practised practised62 pray praying prayed prayed63 prepare preparing prepared prepared64 press pressing pressed pressed65 punish punishing punished punished66 push pushing pushed pushed67 put putting put put68 rain raining rained rained69 read reading read read70 receive receiving received received71 recycle recycling recycled recycled72 remember remembering remembered rememberedPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 49PRESENT TENSE -VERBSMEANING CONTINUOUS TENSEPAST TENSE PERFECT TENSE73 reply replying replied replied74 report reporting reported reported75 rest resting rested rested76 rob robbing robbed robbed77 rub rubbing rubbed rubbed78 rush rushing rushed rushed79 save saving saved saved80 say saying said said81 scold scolding scolded scolded82 search searching searched searched83 send sending sent sent84 set setting set set 85 sew sewing sewed sewed86 shout shouting shouted shouted87 show showing showed showed88 shut shutting shut shut89 signal signaling signaled signaled90 slap slapping slapped sapped91 spread spreading spread spread92 sprint sprinting sprinted sprinted93 start starting started started94 stitch stitching stitched stitched95 stop stopping stopped stopped96 study studying studied studiedPERLIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE MODULE PAPER 2 Page 50PRESENT TENSE -VERBSMEANING CONTINUOUS TENSEPAST TENSE PERFECT TENSE97 talk talking talked talked98 teach teaching taught taught99 tie tying tied tied100 tire tiring tired tired101 trim trimming trimmed trimmed102 try trying tried tried103 turn turning turned turned104 use using used used105 visit visiting visited visited106 wait waiting waited waited107 walk walking walked walked108 wash washing washed washed109 watch watching watched watched110 water watering watered watered111 wave waving waved waved112 weave weaving weaved weaved113 weigh weighing weighed weighed114 wipe wiping wiped wiped115 work working worked worked116 worry worrying worried worried117 wrap wrapping wrapped wrapped