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Performance and Scalability of xrootd Andrew Hanushevsky (SLAC), Wilko Kroeger (SLAC), Bill Weeks (SLAC), Fabrizio Furano (INFN/Padova), Gerardo Ganis (CERN) Jean-Yves Nief (IN2P3), Peter Elmer (U Wisconsin) Les Cottrell (SLAC), Yee Ting Li (SLAC) Computing in High Energy Physics 13-17 February 2006 xrootd is largely funded by the US Department of Energy Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 with Stanford University

Performance and Scalability of xrootd

Dec 30, 2015




Performance and Scalability of xrootd. Andrew Hanushevsky (SLAC), Wilko Kroeger (SLAC), Bill Weeks (SLAC), Fabrizio Furano (INFN/Padova), Gerardo Ganis (CERN) Jean-Yves Nief (IN2P3), Peter Elmer (U Wisconsin) Les Cottrell (SLAC), Yee Ting Li (SLAC). Computing in High Energy Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Performance and Scalability of xrootd

Performance and Scalability of xrootd

Andrew Hanushevsky (SLAC),Wilko Kroeger (SLAC), Bill Weeks (SLAC),

Fabrizio Furano (INFN/Padova), Gerardo Ganis (CERN)Jean-Yves Nief (IN2P3), Peter Elmer (U Wisconsin)

Les Cottrell (SLAC), Yee Ting Li (SLAC)

Computing in High Energy Physics

13-17 February 2006 xrootd is largely funded by the US Department of Energy

Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 with Stanford University

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Architecture Overview Performance & Scalability

Single Server Performance Speed, latency, and bandwidth Resource overhead

Scalability Server and administrative


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authentication(gsi, krb5, etc)


lfn2pfnprefix encoding

Storage System(oss, drm/srm, etc)

authorization(name based)

File System(ofs, sfs, alice, etc)

Protocol (1 of n)(xrootd)

xrootd Plugin Architecture

Protocol Driver(XRD)

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Performance Aspects

Speed for large transfers MB/Sec

Random vs Sequential Synchronous vs asynchronous Memory mapped (copy vs “no-copy”)

Latency for small transfers sec round trip time

Bandwidth for scalability “your favorite unit”/Sec vs increasing load

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Raw Speed I (sequential)

Disk Limit

Sun V20z2x1.86GHz Opteron 244

16GB RAMSeagate ST373307LC73GB 10K rpm SCSI

sendfile() anyone?

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Raw Speed II (random I/O)

(file not preloaded)

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Latency Per Request

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Event Rate Bandwidth

NetApp FAS270: 1250 dual 650 MHz cpu, 1Gb NIC, 1GB cache, RAID 5 FC 140 GB 10k rpmApple Xserve: UltraSparc 3 dual 900MHz cpu, 1Gb NIC, RAID 5 FC 180 GB 7.2k rpm Sun 280r, Solaris 8, Seagate ST118167FCCost factor: 1.45

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Latency & Bandwidth

Latency & bandwidth are closely related Inversely proportional if linear scaling present

The smaller the overhead the greater the bandwidth Underlying infrastructure is critical

OS and devices

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Server Scaling (Capacity vs Load)

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ESnet routed ESnet SDN layer 2 via USN

SLAC to Seattle

BW Challenge

Seattle to SLAC

•SC2005 BW Challenge•Latency Bandwidth

•8 xrootd Servers•4@SLAC & 4@Seattle•Sun V20z w/ 10Gb NIC•Dual 1.8/2.6GHz Opterons•Linux 2.6.12

•1,024 Parallel Clients•128 per server

•35Gb/sec peak•Higher speeds killed router•2 full duplex 10Gb/s links•Provided 26.7% overall BW

•BW averaged 106Gb/sec•17 Monitored links total

I/OBandwidth (wide area network)

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xrootd Server Scaling

Linear scaling relative to load Allows deterministic sizing of server

Disk NIC CPU Memory

Performance tied directly to hardware cost Underlying hardware & software are critical

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Overhead Distribution

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OS Effects

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Device & File System Effects

CPU limited

I/O limited

1 Event 2K

UFS good on small readsVXFS good on big reads

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NIC Effects

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Super Scaling

xrootd Servers Can Be Clustered Support for over 256,000 servers per cluster Open overhead of 100us*log64(number servers)

Uniform deployment Same software and configuration file everywhere No inherent 3rd party software requirements

Linear administrative scalingEffective load distribution

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Cluster Data Scattering (usage)

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Cluster Data Scattering (utilization)

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Low Latency Opportunities

New programming paradigm Ultra-fast access to small random blocks

Accommodate object data Memory I/O instead of CPU to optimize access

Allows superior ad hoc object selection Structured clustering to scale access to memory

Multi-Terabyte memory systems at commodity prices PetaCachePetaCache Project SCALLASCALLA SStructured CCluster AArchitecture for LLow LLatency AAccess

Increased data exploration opportunities

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Memory Access Characteristics

Block size effect on average overall

latency per I/O (1 job - 100k I/O’s)

Scaling effect on average overall

latency clients (5 - 40 jobs)

Disk I/O

Mem I/O

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System performs far better than we anticipatedWhy? Excruciating attention to details

Protocols, algorithms, and implementation Effective software collaboration

INFN/Padova: Fabrizio Furano, Alvise Dorigao Root: Fons Rademakers, Gerri Ganis Alice: Derek Feichtinger, Guenter Kickinger Cornell: Gregory Sharp SLAC: Jacek Becla, Tofigh Azemoon, Wilko Kroeger, Bill Weeks BaBar: Pete Elmer

Critical operational collaboration BNL, CNAF, FZK, INFN, IN2P3, RAL, SLAC

Commitment to “the science needs drive the technology”