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Perforce @ SAP Vladimir Velinov Build Engineering Team SAP Labs Bulgaria

Perforce @ SAP Vladimir Velinov Build Engineering Team SAP Labs Bulgaria.

Apr 06, 2015



Krimhilde Rappe
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Page 1: Perforce @ SAP Vladimir Velinov Build Engineering Team SAP Labs Bulgaria.

Perforce @ SAP

Vladimir Velinov Build Engineering Team

SAP Labs Bulgaria

Добър вечер на всички в залата, казвам се Владимир Велионв. Работя в SAP Labs Bulgaria и представлявам екип, който в някои фирми се нарича Build services, в други Build Engineering Services, а при нас го наричаме Production.С какво се занимаваме? Накратко - с фактическото произвеждане на нашите софтуерни продукти. За целта разработваме и подържаме инфраструктура, която дава възможност на нашите активни девелопери да генерират код, който после ние сглобяваме. Между другото, доста приличаме на енергото, когато всичко е наред никой не се сеща за нас, като се появят проблеми, е тогава телефоните ни загряват и настава лудницата.Инфраструктурата включва Version control системи, сървъри за билдване, тестови системи за валидация на софтуерните компоненти. Картината се допълва от голям набор front-end системи осигуриаващи цялостната логистика на Production процесите.Екипа ни в София има за задача, да подържа Java частта от цялостната Production инфраструктура, тъй като имаме и ABAP част (език разработен от SAP). Също така се опитваме да направим живота на девелоперите по-лек, е на моменти по-скоро го уложняваме.Ние сме част от големия екип на Production-a, разпилиян 4 места по света.
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Perforce SCM

Сега, няколко думи за това какво ще съдържа презентацията. 3 основни части: - Първата ще засегне, какво представлява Perforce системата, как работи и някои по-характерни особености и понятия за нея. Също така Накрая ще направя кратко сравнение между Perforce и вече представените преди това CVS, SVN и VSS.- Във втората част ще хвърля свeтлина на това, как в SAP използваме Perforce.- В третата част ще направим кратко демо с моя колега Краси Семерджиев и ще ви покажем част от ежедневните проблеми, с които се сблъскват девелоперите.- Накрая че оставим няколко минутки за въпроси. Ако някой все пак не разбира нещо по време на презентацията нека пита, без да се притеснява.Тъй като времето е ограничено няма да се задълбочавам в детайли.***Преди да продължа искам да попитам - "Някой чувал ли е за Perforce преди този семинар?"- "Добре, а има ли такива, които са използвали Perforce?"Супер, надявам се да ви бъде полезна презентацията
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Perforce SCM


Преди да преминем към същността на Perforce искам да уеднаквя терминологията. Всяка различна SCM система си има вариации на използваните термини и затова ще хвърлим един поглед на термините използвани от perforce-a.
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Glossary of terms

Perforce (P4) calls it… Other SCMs…

add check in, extract part

branch codeline, project, stream

changelist changeset

client workspace project, view, sandbox, family + release + component + work area

depot repository, archive

edit check out (for edit)

head revision tip revision, head

integrate merge, branch

resolve merge

revert uncheckout, undo checkout, unlock revision or part

submit checkin, put

sync check out tip, refresh, extract part, get version

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How Perforce works

Master file repository

Какво представлява Perforce? Система за управление промените при разработката на софтуерни продукти. Последните няколко години се наложи като едно от-най добрите решения на пазара в този сектор. Над 3000 фирми за разработка на софтуер я използват, като SAP е най-големия им клиент, което от време на време помага, особено когато имаме нужда от фикс за наште сървъри.Сега от техническа гледна точка. Стандартно клиент-сървър приложение. Комуникацията между клиентската и сървърската част се осъществява посредством стандартна TCP/IP връзка използвайки протокол разработен от Perforce Inc. Сървъра пази както самите файлове така и мета информацията свързана с тях. На сервера може да има повече от едно депо (repository), в зависимост от нуждите на разработващите девелопери. Например, ако разработвате няколко отделни продукта, може да поместите сорсовете на всеки продукт в отделно депо.Клиента, бил той GUI или command line се използва от девелоперите да могат да достъпват данните на сървъра.
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Perforce server


Integration history


Client workspaces

Сега малко по-подробен поглед на сървърската част. Физически това е само един изпълним файл. Инсталацията на сървъра де факто е копиране в дадена директория.От функционална гледна точка сървърската част може да я разделим на 2 части - база данни с мета информацията, където се пазят описанията с промените, changelists, integration history, Label, client workspaces, etc. Малко по-късно ще се спрем по-подробно на тези понятия. За база се използва Berkely DB, която е интегрирана в самия сървър т.е. не се налага инсталацията на отделна база.- Депата (repository), където се пазят същинските файловете или тъй наречените Version файлове. Наричат се така, защото съхраняват всичките промени направени на файла за даден bracnh. Като медод на съхранеие за текстовите файлове се използва т.нар. reverse RCS или това означа, че се пази последната модификация на файла цяла, а предходните се описват като промени. Например, ако искате да изтеглите някоя по-стара версия на файла сървъра взима последната и на база описание на междинните версии сглобява тази която ви трябва. За не-текстови файлове се използва gzip за всяка версия на файла.Използва се файловата система на операционната система.
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P4 users and clients

P4 users Unique name (case sensitive)

Can be organized in groups

Security is managed by protection tables (admins only)

P4 Clients (client workspace) Mapping P4 server depot -> local FS

Have a local root

Client view of depot

Stored in Server DB and keeps the file versions on developers FS

Write permission is enabled when you edit file and disabled when you submit changes

Line ending (CR/LF) is determined automatically

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P4 File management

File structure - herarchical Example: //depot/project/release/…

File operations Add - add new file to depot

Edit - modifies existing file

Delete – marks file as deleted

Obliterate – physically delete file (admins only)

Branch/Integrate – merge changes from another branch

File types Base types – text, binary, symlink, unicode, apple

File type modifiers

Storage method

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P4 Changelists

What are changelists? Logical units to organize your changes Atomic change transactions Ensure consistency of your work – related changes in files are checked in together Unique numbers

Creating changelists Default changelist Lock/unlock files or shared locks

Submiting changelists Enter some description

Resolving conflicts Manual – merge tool Auto resolve

Properties Number (unique) Description – text info List of affected files user@client Timestamp

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P4 Jobs

Basic defect tracking mechanism Description


Link to a changelist(s)

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P4 Labels

Snapshot of current state of set of files Use names instead of numbers

Can be used when creating releases

Can be used to restore older releases

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Branching Managing changes between two or more sets of related files

Inter-File branching

Uses codelines (file sets)

Source -> Target codeline

Low overhead - Lazy copy

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Integration Propagate changes between two or more codelines

Keep track of fixes

Integration history

Next: Revision graph

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Revision graph

Dev codeline

Released codeline

New feature codeline

Perforce има много удобен начин на проследяване на integration history-to на файловете.На примерната картинка е даде
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Revision graph – Real life example

Dev codelines

Milestone codelines

New feature codelinesDelivery codelines

Special customer codelines

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Perforce vs. CVS

Attribute CVS Perforce

Branching and merging CVS offers branching, but requires manual tracking of merge history.

Perforce branching automatically tracks the history of all branching operations.

Distributed development No performance solutions for remote development are available.

The Perforce Proxy offers caching for remote users.

Atomic transactions Doesn’t have an atomic change mechanism and cannot group changes to related files.

Changelists - enabling users to track file versions associated with a feature addition or issue resolution.

Scalability and performance

Metadata is appended and maintained in the content of each file.

Centralized metadata records all user and file activity.

Defect tracking Not part of CVS; need to use a separate defect tracking solution.

Perforce provides a basic defect tracking - jobs, and integrates with several 3rd party defect tracking systems.

Integration with related tools

Integrations are available via the open source community.

Many third-party tools are designed specifically to work with Perforce.

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Perforce vs. Subversion

Attribute Subversion Perforce

Branching and merging Subversion offers branching, but requires manual tracking of merge history.

Perforce branching automatically tracks the history of all branching operations.

Distributed development No performance solutions for remote development are available.

The Perforce Proxy offers caching for remote users.

Platform dependencies Compatibility issues exist with line ending of files in Unix and Windows environments.

Line ending issues are solved automatically.

Scalability and performance

Limited due to file binary diff versioning process.

Architected for speed, which scales linearly.

Defect tracking Not part of Subversion; need to use a separate defect tracking solution.

Perforce provides a basic defect tracking - jobs, and integrates with several 3rd party defect tracking systems.

Integration with related tools

Integrations are available via the open source community.

Perforce integrates with most leading IDEs, build tools, Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, and many others.

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Perforce vs. Microsoft VSS

Attribute VSS Perforce

Platform dependencies Works over network shares - slowing response times. Limited to Microsoft platforms only.

Client/server architecture. Response times are much faster for most operations.

Scalability and performance

MS recommends that VSS DB doesn’t exceed 3 to 5 GB, for perf. and stability reasons.

The Perforce repository can scale to the multiterabyte range easily.

Atomic transactions Doesn’t have an atomic change mechanism, and cannot group changes to related files.

Changelists - enabling users to track file versions with a new feature or issue resolution.

Branching and merging Limited support. Branching relationships aren’t maintained.

Perforce branching automatically tracks the history of all branching operations.

Distributed development Doesn’t offer a scalable distributed development solution.

The Perforce Proxy offers caching for remote users.

Integration with related tools

Only available for IDEs that support the SCC interface.

Many available tools are designed specifically to work with Perforce, including defect tracking tools.

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P4 Installation & Toolset

Installation Download from Trial version supports 2 users/clients Support for most major platforms - Win/UNIX/MacOS

Toolset P4D – Perforce server P4S – Perforce server service (Windows only) P4 – command line client P4Win – GUI for Windows P4V – cross platform GUI P4Web – Web GUI for remote access P4Proxy – Caching for distributed development P4Merge – Perforce merge tool P4Diff – Perforce diff tool

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Perforce SCM


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History of Perforce within SAP

Evaluation of SCM systems

First Perforce server at SAP

Major Hardware investments & performance improvements

P4MS – PerforceManagementSystem running on SAP NetWeaver



Upgrade of all instances


Registered Perforce users


Perforce server instances

Productive move from ClearCase, SCCS into Perforce 1999


Tool infrastructure development & maintenance ’00-’04

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Monthly transfered volume via P4 protocol

North AmericaPalo Alto and satellites






GermanyWalldorf and satellites

SAP's Global R&D Organization








LocationLocation OutbounOutboundd


Bulgaria 31.45 GB 0.68 GB

India 11.70 GB 0.18 GB

Israel 954.55 GB 13.72 GB

Overall 9.31 TB 2.74 TB

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Key figures – User/License growth

Perforce users & licenses


+11.6% users last year











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Key figures – Server growth

Perforce servers


+11,6% users last year


~8 new serversper year












by 31.12.2000 by 31.12.2001 by 31.12.2002 by 31.12.2003 by 31.12.2004 by 31.12.2005* by 12.06.2006

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Key figures – Project & codeline growth

Perforce projects (2nd) & codelines (3rd)










by 31.12.2000 by 31.12.2001 by 31.12.2002 by 31.12.2003 by 31.12.2004 by 17.11.05 by 12.06.2006



~2,000 new projectslast year

+11,6% users last year

~8 new serversper year

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Key figures – File & revision growth

Perforce files & revisions










by 31.12.2000 by 31.12.2001 by 31.12.2002 by 31.12.2003 by 31.12.2004 by 17.11.05 by 12.06.2006



~2.000 new projectslast year

+11,6% users last year

~8 new serversper year

>10 Mio files addedlast year

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Key figures – Current overview

Current overview


~2.000 new projectslast year

+11,6% users last year

~8 new serversper year

>10 Mio files addedlast year

Active Users / Licenses

Server instances

Depots (1st level)

Projects (2nd level)

Codelines unique

Codelines overall (3rd level)



Filesystem consumption

Average number of p4 calls per day









1.80 TB


~27 p4 callsper second

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Hardware setup


Cluster node 1 & 2: FSC PrimePower 450N

– CPU: 4 x 1320 MHz

– Memory: 32GB

– OS: SunOS 9

Cluster node 3 & 4: FSC PrimePower 650

– CPU: 8 x 675 MHz

– Memory: 32GB

– OS: SunOS 9

Shared Storage (SAN): 2 x EMC Clariion CX500 (mirrored)

– Size: 3TB each

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HA Setup

Location ILocation I

Cluster Node 1

Cluster Node 3


2 Fibre Channel SAN switches

Redundant 2 Gbit/s Fibre Channel connections

Location IILocation II

Cluster Node 2

Cluster Node 4


2 Fibre Channel SAN switches

Mirroring filesystem per service

Redundant Gbit/s Ethernet connections

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Production process (development phase)

Dev Submit changes to ‚dev‘ after local test

nightly build, central deployment to test system and test

Release change for transport to ‚export‘

Export Collect changes of ‚dev‘ (gate to patch)

Transport (copy) content to ‚patch‘ in regular intervals (e.g. weekly cycle) using a timestamp

Patch Small group of developers is allowed to

apply fixes for stabilization

approval by Quality Manager(s)

Transport (copy) content to ‚cons‘

Cons (consolidated code line) ready to be used by dependent






collect, synchronize

last call


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Dependencies – single project

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Java projects dependencies – real life example

79 projects

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Depot/Directory Structure




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Real life example for a change list dependency graph

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Source transports between the code lines

Integration Manual transport (p4 integrate) Tools provided by Perforce (p4.exe, P4Win and P4V) Ignores dependencies between changes Used to create identical codelines = full copy e.g. initial creation of (remote)

maintenance codelines out of development codelines (P4MS)

Consolidation Controlled integration Tools developed within SAP based on „p4 integrate“ Takes dependencies between changes into account Allows bundling of changes

– bundle = set of changes that have to be transported together (e.g. c1 and c2) Shows status, user and timestamp of a transport

– N (new), P (consolidation in process), E (error), W (waiting for dependent change), C (consolidated)

No multi-server so far


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Perforce SCM


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