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CHAPTER 7 Perceptualization of Biomedical Data EMIL JOVANOV University of Alabama in Huntsville Huntsville, Alabama DUSAN STARCEVIC Faculty of Organizational Sciences University of Belgrade Belgrade, Yugoslavia VLADA RADIVOJEVIC Institute of Mental Health Belgrade, Yugoslavia 7.1 Perceptualization 7.2 Sonification 7.2.1 VRML Audio 7.3 Multimodal Viewer 7.3.1 Visualization and Sonification of Brain Electrical Activity 7.3.2 System Organization 7.4 Experiment and Results 7.5 Discussion 7.6 Conclusion References Virtual reality technology (VRT) enabled a new environment for biomedical applications (1–6). Increased computing performance emphasizes the impor- tance of human–computer interface, bound by characteristics of human per- ception. VR technologies shift the human–computer interaction paradigm from a graphical user interface (GUI) to a VR-based user interface (VRUI) (7,8). The main characteristic of VRUI is extension of visualization with acoustic and haptic rendering (1). New interface technology and natural interaction make possible perceptual data presentation. Immersive environments are particularly 189 Information Technologies in Medicine, Volume I: Medical Simulation and Education. Edited by Metin Akay, Andy Marsh Copyright ( 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBNs: 0-471-38863-7 (Paper); 0-471-21669-0 (Electronic)

Perceptualization of Biomedical Data

May 13, 2023



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Page 1: Perceptualization of Biomedical Data


Perceptualization of Biomedical Data


University of Alabama in HuntsvilleHuntsville, Alabama


Faculty of Organizational Sciences

University of BelgradeBelgrade, Yugoslavia


Institute of Mental HealthBelgrade, Yugoslavia

7.1 Perceptualization

7.2 Soni®cation7.2.1 VRML Audio

7.3 Multimodal Viewer7.3.1 Visualization and Soni®cation of Brain Electrical Activity7.3.2 System Organization

7.4 Experiment and Results

7.5 Discussion

7.6 Conclusion


Virtual reality technology (VRT) enabled a new environment for biomedicalapplications (1±6). Increased computing performance emphasizes the impor-tance of human±computer interface, bound by characteristics of human per-ception. VR technologies shift the human±computer interaction paradigm froma graphical user interface (GUI) to a VR-based user interface (VRUI) (7,8).The main characteristic of VRUI is extension of visualization with acoustic andhaptic rendering (1). New interface technology and natural interaction makepossible perceptual data presentation. Immersive environments are particularly


Information Technologies in Medicine, Volume I: Medical Simulation and Education.Edited by Metin Akay, Andy Marsh

Copyright ( 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.ISBNs: 0-471-38863-7 (Paper); 0-471-21669-0 (Electronic)

Page 2: Perceptualization of Biomedical Data

appropriate for improving insight into complex biomedical phenomena, whichare naturally multidimensional (9,10).

The technique of data presentation using variable sound features is calledsoni®cation (11±14). We employed soni®cation to improve insight into spatio-temporal patterns of brain electrical activity (15). Animation on three-dimensional (3-D) models gives insight into spatiotemporal patterns of activity.Visualization is based on topographic maps projected on the scalp of a 3-Dhead model. We present here the use of soni®cation for re®ning temporal cuesor introducing new information channels in the human±computer interface. Inaddition to visualization, which gives predominantly spatial distribution,acoustic rendering improves temporal cues. A novel method of soni®cationimplements modulation of natural sound patterns to re¯ect certain features ofprocessed data, and creates a pleasant acoustic environment. We used theglobal vigilance index as a warning signal for drowsiness during EEG analysis.This feature is particularly important for prolonged system use.

Our multimodal interactive environment for biomedical data presentationis based on a VRML head model with soni®cation used to emphasize temporaldimension of selected visualized scores. We applied VRML language as astandard tool for VR applications in the Internet environment (16). The VirtualReality Modeling Language (VRML) is a ®le format for describing interactive3-D objects and worlds, applicable on the Internet, intranets, and local clientsystems. VRML is also intended to be a universal interchange format for in-tegrated 3-D graphics and multimedia. VRML is capable of representing staticand animated dynamic 3-D and multimedia objects with hyperlinks to othermedia such as text, sounds, movies, and images. VRML browsers, as well asauthoring tools for the creation of VRML ®les, are widely available for manydi¨erent platforms. Therefore, we picked VRML as the platform for Internet-based information systems. In our system, the VRML world is controlled byJava applets.


Perceptualization is an emerging trend in biomedical data presentation. VRsystems already employ e½cacy of auditory and tactile techniques for extendingvisualization and creating immersive environments. The main design issue ofVR applications is the user interface. Bernsen (17) proposed a model of human±computer interface with the following layers: Physical representation, input/Output representation, and internal computer representation. A two-step trans-formation process is required for human±computer interaction. For the input,it is abstraction and interpretation, and for the output representation andrendering.

The physical input media are kinaesthetics (body movement input), acoustics(voice input), and graphics (video capture). The output media are graphics,


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acoustics, and haptics. In addition, some VR and multimedia systems involvesmell output (18).

For example, movement of the ®nger generated on an input device (key-board) is a physical representation, pressed character keys. During the abstrac-tion phase, larger symbolic forms, like words and numbers, are recognized. Toretrieve the concept behind the representation, the computer uses an interpre-tation. On the output side, the ®rst transformation process is the representationof the information using some representation modality. Bernsen (19) recognized20 representational output modalities. For instance, it is possible to present textusing di¨erent modalities: narration, written text, moving text, moving lips(possibility to lip-reading), and haptic text such as Braille. The second trans-formation output process is rendering to the representation that the outputdevice can handle.

Technology and tools for multimodal presentation are commercially avail-able owing to the progress of multimedia and VR hardware and software. Thesuccess of VR applications mostly depends on the interaction paradigm of theuser interface design space (8). Unfortunately, multimedia and VR technologyapplied in the human±computer interface does not guarantee a successfulpresentation.

Limited resources of previous-generation information systems establishedthe concept of optimal resource use, which implies nonredundancy. As a con-sequence, conventional applications still rely on the principle of using minimalresources to mediate the information. Therefore, the presentation modality ismostly unimodal. Simultaneous presentation of the same information in di¨er-ent modalities creates a seamless loss of resources. However, our natural per-ception is based on redundancy. For example, using mouse as pointing devicewe are not aware of additional sensory modalities used as feedback: We see thecursor movement, perceive the hand position, and hear the mouse click.

Redundancy of the human±computer interface should be realized using amultimodal presentation. The main issue in the design of multimodal presen-tation is the level of redundancy. Low-level redundancy increases the cognitiveworkload, whereas a high redundancy irritates the user. There is an appropriatemeasure of the multimodal redundancy for a given application.


Early soni®cation applications mostly used the so-called orchestra paradigm, inwhich every data stream had an assigned instrument (¯ute, violin, etc.) (12, 20).Data values were then represented by notes of di¨erent pitch. The main advan-tage of this approach is possibility to apply standard MIDI support, using thesystem application programming interface (API). Unfortunately, the proposedapproach often lead to a cacophony of dissonant sounds, which made it hard todiscern prominent features of the observed data streams.


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Multimodal data presentation is a complex problem, because of the natureof cognitive information processing (21). E½ciency of soni®cation, as acousticpresentation modality, depends on other presentation modalities. The mostimportant advantages of acoustic data presentation are faster processing thanvisual presentation; easier to focus and localize attention in space, which isappropriate for sound alarms; good temporal resolution (almost an order ofmagnitude better than visual); additional information channel, releasing thevisual sense for other tasks; possibility of presenting multiple data streams.

However, all modes of data presentation are not perceptually acceptable.When applying soni®cation, one must be aware of the following di½culties ofacoustic rendering: di½cult perception of precise quantities and absolutevalues, limited spatial distribution, Dependent sound parameters (pitch dependson loudness), Interference with other sound sources (like speech), Absence ofpersistence, dependent on individual user perception. It can be seen that somecharacteristics of visual and aural perception complement each other. Therefore,soni®cation naturally extends visualization toward a more holistic presentation.

There are many possible ways of presentation, so the system must providethe ability to extract the relevant diagnostic information features. The mostimportant sound characteristics a¨ected by soni®cation procedures are asfollows.

. Pitch is the subjective perception of frequency. For pure tones, it is basicfrequency; and for sounds, it is determined by the mean of all frequenciesweighted by intensity. Logarithmic changes in frequency are perceived as alinear pitch change. Most people cannot estimate the exact frequency ofthe sound.

. Timbre is the characteristic of the instrument generating sounds that dis-tinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume. The sametone played on di¨erent instruments will be perceived di¨erently. It couldbe used to represent multiple data streams using di¨erent instruments.

. Loudness or subjective volume is proportional to physical sound intensity.

. Location of the sound source may represent information spatially. Asimple presentation modality may use balance of stereo sound to conveyinformation.

Although mostly used as a complementary modality (22), sound could serve asa major human±computer interface modality (23). Aural renderings of picturesand visual scenes represent important and promising extensions of naturallanguage processing for visually handicapped users. The same technology isdirectly applicable in a range of hands-free, eyes-free computer systems.

7.2.1 VRML Audio

The VRML speci®cation allows creation of virtual worlds with spatialized, 3-Dlocalized audio sources for achieving a sense of immersion and realism in a


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virtual environment. Perception of the sound source position is implementedusing head-related transfer function (HRTF) algorithms (2,16). The soundnode speci®es the spatial presentation of a sound source in a VRML scene asfollows:

Sound {

exposedField SFVec3f direction 0 0 1 # (-,)

exposedField SFFloat intensity 1 # [0,1]

exposedField SFVec3f location 0 0 0 # (-,)

exposedField SFFloat maxBack 10 # [0,)

exposedField SFFloat maxFront 10 # [0,)

exposedField SFFloat minBack 1 # [0,)

exposedField SFFloat minFront 1 # [0,)

exposedField SFFloat priority 0 # [0,1]

exposedField SFNode source NULL

®eld SFBool spatialize TRUE


The sound is located at a point in the local coordinate system and emits soundin an elliptical pattern. Two ellipsoids are de®ned with minFront, minBack,maxFront, and maxBack parameters. The ellipsoids are oriented in a directionspeci®ed by the direction ®eld. The shape of the ellipsoids may be modi®ed toprovide more or less directional focus from the location of the sound. Thesource ®eld speci®es the sound source for the sound node. If the source ®eld isnot speci®ed, the sound node will not emit audio. The source ®eld must specifyeither an AudioClip node or a MovieTexture node.

The intensity ®eld adjusts the loudness of the sound emitted by the soundnode. The intensity ®eld has a value that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 and speci®es afactor that is used to scale the normalized sample data of the sound sourceduring playback. The priority ®eld provides a prompt for the browser to choosewhich sounds to play when there are more active sound nodes than can beplayed at once owing to either limited system resources or system load. Thelocation ®eld determines the location of the sound emitter in the local coordi-nate system.


We implemented the environment for monitoring brain electrical activity con-sisting of 3-D visualization synchronized with data soni®cation of EEG data.Visualization is based on topographic maps projected on the scalp of 3-D headmodel. Soni®cation implements modulations of natural sound patterns to re¯ect


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certain features of processed data, and create pleasant acoustic environment.This feature is particularly important for prolonged system use.

Principally, there are two possible multimodal data presentations. The sim-plest one signals state transitions or indicates certain states and is often im-plemented as a sound alarm. The second one presents current values in a datastream. Additional modes of presentation may be employed as redundantmodes of presentation to emphasize certain data features or to introduce newdata channels. Redundant presentation creates arti®cial synesthetic perceptionof the observed phenomena (24). Arti®cial synesthesia (Greek, syn, ``together''and aisthesis, ``perception'') generate sensory joining in which the real infor-mation of one sense is accompanied by a perception in another sense. Multi-sensory perception could improve the understanding of complex phenomena bygiving other clues or triggering di¨erent associations. In addition, an acousticchannel could facilitate new information channels without information over-loading. Audio channels could be also used as feedback for positional control,which could be a signi®cant aid for surgeons in the operating room. Just asmusicians use aural feedback to position their hands, surgeons could positioninstruments according to a preplanned trajectory, preplaced tags or cues, oranatomical models. In a DARPA-®nanced project, Wegner et al. (25) devel-oped a training surgical simulator. Multiple parallel voices provide independentchannels of positional information, used as a feedback during simulation orsurgical operation.

Soni®cation of EEG sequences was also applied to detect short-time syn-chronization during cognitive events and perception (26). Each electrode wasassigned a di¨erent MIDI instrument, and EEG synchronization was perceivedas synchronous play during data soni®cation.

7.3.1 Visualization and Soni®cation of Brain Electrical Activity

Visualization provides signi®cant support for understanding of complex pro-cesses. Possible insight into brain functions could be facilitated using visualiza-tion of brain electromagnetic activity, observing either its electric componentrecorded on the scalp (EEG) or magnetic ®eld in the vicinity of the head(MEG). EEG has been routinely used as a diagnostic tool for decades. The morerecent MEG has been used to complete the picture of underlying processes,because the head is almost transparent for magnetic ®elds, but its inhomo-genities (caused by liquid, bone, and skin) considerably in¯uence EEG recordings.

Topographic maps of di¨erent parameters of brain electrical activity havecommonly been used in research and clinical practice to represent spatial dis-tribution of activity (27). The ®rst applications used topographic maps thatrepresented the activity on two-dimensional (2-D) scalp projections. They usu-ally represented a static picture from the top view. EEG brain topography isgradually becoming clinical tool. Its main indication is to facilitate determina-tion of brain tumors, other focal diseases of the brain (including epilepsy, cere-brovascular disorders, and trauma), disturbances of consciousness (narcolepsy


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and other sleep disorders), vigilance (anesthesia, of coma, intraoperative brainactivity). It is a valuable tool in neuropsychopharmacology to estimate thee¨ects of drugs acting on nervous system (hypnotic, psychoactive drugs, anti-epileptics, etc.). In psychiatry, EEG brain topography has been used to identifybiologic traits of certain disorders, such as depression and schizophrenia, earlyonset of Alzheimer disease, hyperactivity with or without attention de®cit dis-orders in children, and autism, (27±29). EEG is used also as a therapeuticaltool: Apart from its use in various biofeedback techniques in therapy of tensionheadaches and stress disorders, there have been attempts to use it in more se-rious diseases such as epilepsy (30).

Recent advances in computer graphics and increased processing powerprovided the means for implementing 3-D topographic maps with real-timeanimation. 3-D visualization resolves one of the most important problems intopographic mapping: projection of the scalp surface onto a plane. The otherproblems of topographic mapping are interpolation methods, number andlocation of electrodes, and score to color mapping.

Whereas in CT and PET images every pixel represents actual data values,brain topographic maps contain observed values only on electrode positions.Consequently, all the other points must be spatially interpolated using knownscore values calculated on electrode positions. Therefore, a higher number ofelectrodes makes possible more reliable topographic mapping. Electrode settingis usually prede®ned (like the International 10±20 standard), although for someexperiments custom electrode settings could be used to increase spatial resolu-tion of speci®c brain regions. Finally, color representation of data values mayfollow di¨erent paradigms such as spectrum (using colors of visible spectrum,from blue to red) and heat (from black through yellow to white) (27).

Isochronous representation of observed processes preserves genuine processdynamics and facilitates perception of intrinsic spatiotemporal patterns of brainelectrical activity. However, animation speed depends on perceptual and com-putational issues. Commercially available computer platforms can create ananimation rate in the order of tens of frames per second, depending of imagesize and score calculation complexity (31). Although animation rates can go upto 25 frames/s, the actual rate must be matched with the information-process-ing capabilities of the human observer. Otherwise, problems such as temporalsummation and visual masking may arise (32). Both e¨ects occur if the framerate is too high, when details on adjacent maps interfere, creating false percepts.The most important computational issues for real-time execution are complex-ity of score calculations, image size, and animation rate.

7.3.2 System Organization

Our ®rst visualization prototypes have clearly shown the necessity of theexperimental environment in which di¨erent perceptual features could be easilyset and their diagnostic value explored. We developed Tempo in Visual C�� forthe Windows 95/NT operating system (33). The program was developed to test


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the user interface and the most important perceptual features of visualization,e.g., animation control and speed, evaluation of scores, color mapping (look-uptables), background properties, scene lighting, and model evaluation.

The system consists of three parallel execution threads: data acquisition,score calculation, and score visualization. They are synchronized by means ofthe critical sections, and could be executed in parallel on di¨erent processors.Even in a single processor system, data acquisition is usually supervised by anintelligent controller on a A/D board; score calculation could be performed byadd-on DSP processor, and the graphic coprocessor could handle visualizationtasks.

EEG data could be retrieved either on-line (from the A/D converter board)or o¨-line (from the ®le). We implemented an input ®lter standard EEG ®lesgenerated by Rhythm 8.0 (Stellate System) and then implemented the ASTMEEG ®le format standard (34). Sound processing relied on Microsoft DirectX

concept, intended to provide faster access to system resources and lower pro-cessing latency. DirectSound facilitates low-latency mixing, access to accel-erated sound hardware, and real-time control of reproduction parameters. Wedeveloped software support for soni®cation as a library, which uses standardDirectSound procedures. Custom procedures make possible the use of naturalsound patterns, stored as WAV ®les. For instance, we found the sounds of acreek or bees to be a naturally pleasant basis for soni®cation. Applicationmodulates pitch, volume, and balance of the selected sound pattern accordingto the values of data stream to be soni®ed. The VRML-based applicationmmViewer was developed for distributed Web-based information systems. Theonly requirement for the target system is a VRML browser, supported by mostWeb browsers. The user interface of mmViewer is given in Figure 7.1.


EEG signals vary as a function of the state and of the area of the brain. Thesesignals re¯ect spatiotemporal patterns of brain electrical ®elds that consist of aseries of short-lasting quasi-stationary epochs corresponding to brain functionalmicrostates (35).

The state of drowsiness is classically associated with the disappearance of theoccipital a rhythm and the appearance of some rhythmic and semirhythmic yactivity (36). It has been shown that there may exist several variations of thispattern, including persistence of the occipital a waves into the drowsy state orthe emergence of other EEG patterns that are more complex and variable thanthe wakeful EEG patterns (37). Recognition of these patterns is critical to theinterpretation of the EEG both in clinical practice and in psychophysiologicalstudies, because episodes of drowsiness may reveal abnormal rhythms and dis-charges not otherwise manifest. On the other hand, some normal patterns ofdrowsiness are a common hazard for misinterpretation. Transition form fullwakefulness to sleep involves complex functional changes in the brain cortical


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activity, which produces diverse EEG patterns. These patterns may containimportant information concerning brain physiologic and patophysiologic pro-cesses, such as epilepsy, disorders of sleep and cognition, and aberrations ofaging process (36).

We estimated vigilance in humans solely from EEG recordings, by means ofpower spectrum analysis and its indexes (38). This research showed that auto-matic detection of fast ¯uctuations (on the order of a few seconds) of the vigi-lance is possible. The state space created by the variables used enabled a suc-cessful separation of the states of alertness and drowsy wakefulness.

In this example we focused on changes in the distribution and amplitude ofa and y activity in healthy adult subjects. We used topographic mapping (16recording sites) to examine EEG changes during the transition from wakeful-ness to drowsiness to reveal how the brain as a whole changes its activity and tode®ne regional and hemispheric di¨erences.

Electroencephalograms were recorded in an electromagnetically shieldedroom on a Medelec 1A97 EEG machine (Medilog BV, Nieuwkoop, TheNetherlands). Band-pass ®lter limits were set at 0.5 Hz and 30 Hz; Ag/AgClelectrodes, with impedance of <5 kW were placed at 16 locations (F7, F8, T3,T4, T5, T6, Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, C3, C4, P3, P4, O1, O2) according to the inter-

Figure 7.1. mmViewer, a VRML-based multimodal viewer.


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national 10-20 system as an average reference. The EEG output was digitizedwith 12-bit precision at a sampling rate of 256 Hz per channel using the A/Dconverter Data Translation 2801. Records were analyzed o¨ line on artifact-free segments.

Figure 7.2 shows EEG waveform during onset of drowsiness. The ®rst 2 s ofthe recording belong to the fully awake state, and the rest of the signal belongsto the drowsy period. Topographic maps of changes in a (7.5 to 13 Hz) and yrhythm power (4 to 7 Hz) are given in Figure 7.3. Our research showed thestrength of the index y=a power ratio (ITA) for identi®cation of drowsy EEGperiods (38). Figure 7.3 shows the ITA during a short period of drowsiness. Wepresent the change in the spatiotemporal pattern of electrocortical activity asseries of topographic maps, taken in 0.25-s steps.

Figure 7.2. EEG wave forms during onset of drowsiness. Awake state, 22 to 24 s;drowsy state, 25 to 27 s.


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In the fully awake state, there is characteristic posterior (parieto-occipital)maximum of a power, and scarcity of y power. With the transition to thedrowsiness, a power gradually increases symmetrically over the posterior re-gions and retains its normal distribution. In the same period, y power shows ahuge increase over both hemispheres, accentuated over the right hemisphere.Apparently, this pattern is stable during whole period of drowsiness, showing agradual decrease toward the end of the period. However, power changes are notso uniform in the spatial and temporal domains during drowsiness. There isanother pattern of subtle regional changes in power spectrum that can be re-vealed only by further analysis.

We used ITA as derived parameter to expose those subtle EEG changes.Figure 7.4 shows the evolution of changes from the initial period with a broadincrease of y over both the frontal and the central regions, followed by promi-nent increment over the right parietal region, spreading to the left hemispherewith a maximum over the left temporal region. The next step is a di¨use in-crease in y over the same regions, with the maximum over the right central-parietal region, followed by a further bilateral increase with a clear accentua-tion over the right hemisphere, sparing the occipital regions. A return to theawake state is accompanied by a decrease of ITA, retaining its local maximumover the left temporal-parietal and right temporal region. It is obvious thatthere are many subtle and fast changes during this short period of drowsiness,starting as one pattern and ®nishing as a completely di¨erent one. The ITAindex much better quali®es this spatiotemporal pattern, but the overall patternof changes is too fast and complicated for visual interpretation only. Therefore,we calculated an average ITA index over the hemispheres (Fig. 7.5), as datareduction and generalization of brain electrical activity. The essence of the

Figure 7.3. Spatial change in a (top) and y (bottom) powers from the awake (t � 23 s) tothe drowsy (t � 26 to 27 s) states.


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Figure 7.4. Spatial ITA corresponding to Figure 7.2. View from the right (top) and left(bottom) sides.

Figure 7.5. Normalized average ITA values for the right hemisphere from the drowsyperiod (25 to 27 s).


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analysis was detection of the drowsy period, which is easily evident from theaverage ITA index.

We used the soni®cation of the average ITA index as an additional infor-mation channel for the human observer, to draw attention to the short periodsof drowsiness. Human attention is decreased during prolonged mental e¨ort,such as the analysis of a long-term EEG recording in outpatient clinical prac-tice or intensive care units (39). During examination of long EEG records,physicians need to sustain a high level of concentration, sometimes for morethan 1 h. Monotonous repetition of visual information induces mental fatigue,so that some short or subtle changes the in EEG signal may be overlooked.This requires attention to on target events (spikes, drowsiness, etc.) by anotherinformation channel. The auditory channel is the most suitable, because it has amuch better temporal resolution and prevents the information overload of thevisual channel. We have found that the most suitable soni®cation is mappingITA to a continuous and natural sound pattern.


Our positive experience from this experiment was that the performance of com-mercially available systems was good enough to support real-time visualizationfor most calculated scores, so that human perceptual bandwidth became a majorbottleneck. For example, on a PC PentiumPro 166 MHz machine, with 64 MBRAM/512 KB L2 cache and Windows NT operating system, the animationspeed for 320� 240 pixel 3-D maps is 10 frames/s (31). Therefore, visualizationof EEG/MEG scores could be executed even on standard PC platforms. It isparticularly important in a distributed environment to allow multiple site eval-uation of stored recordings.

Unfortunately, there are no obvious design solutions to a given problem. Itis hard to ®nd the most appropriate paradigm or sound parameter mapping fora given application (40). Therefore it is advisable to evaluate di¨erent visual-ization and soni®cation methods and ®nd out perceptually the most admissiblepresentation. Moreover, creation of user-speci®c templates is highly advisable,as perception of audiovisual patterns is personal.

The selection of scores for a multimodal presentation is another delicateissue relying on human perception. Scores selected for an acoustic renderingmay be used either as a new information channel (soni®cation of symmetry inaddition to visualization of EEG power) or a redundant channel of visualizedinformation. When introducing additional channels, one should be careful toavoid information overloading. Redundant multimodal presentation o¨ers thepossibility to choose the presentation modality for a given data stream or toemphasize the temporal dimension for a selected stream. In our example, thesoni®cation method proved valuable in the dynamic following of some param-eters of brain electrical activity that would be otherwise hard to perceive.

Finally, the new generation of programming environments signi®cantly re-


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duce implementation e¨orts, providing support for the most frequently usedfunctions. For example, there is no need to support a change of viewpoint in aVRML-based model, because it is supported directly by the VRML viewer. Aproposed VRML-based visualization and soni®cation environment requiresonly a standard Web and VRML browser; therefore, it is applicable both tostandalone workstations and to distributed telemedical applications. Furtherdevelopment of our environment shall incorporate real head models derivedfrom MRI recordings, which will enable functional mapping of brain activity toanatomic regions.


Complex biomedical processes require sophisticated analysis environment.However, physiological characteristics of human perception limit the numberof perceived parameters and their dynamics. Multimodal data presentationcould increase throughput, introduce new data streams, and improve temporalresolution. In our environment, graphics remains the primary physical media;acoustics sound is an extended information channel. Owing to the lack of gen-eral insights into VRUI design space, the art of designing multimodal parame-ters is still required. For every application, multimodal parameters must bechosen to maximize the separation of changes in the perceptual domain.

In our 3-D EEG visualization environment, soni®cation has two functions.Acoustic rendering could create synesthetic extension of a selected data channelor present a new parameter. In the presented environment, visualization is usedto show animated 3-D topographic maps of brain electrical activity. Soni®ca-tion is employed either as a synesthetic presentation of a selected visualizedscore or to render complex biomedical data derived from an input dataset.Soni®cation improved the possibility of assessing the genuine dynamics andperceiving the inherent spatiotemporal patterns of brain electrical activity.


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