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The Parish Proclaimer Pentecost 2010 Cathedral Parish of Our Lady & St. Philip Howard, Arundel, West Sussex Published in May 2010


Mar 06, 2016



Steve Jones
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The Parish ProclaimerPentecost 2010

CCaatthheeddrraall PPaarriisshh ooff OOuurr LLaaddyy && SStt.. PPhhiilliipp HHoowwaarrdd,, AArruunnddeell,, WWeesstt SSuusssseexx

PPuubblliisshheedd iinn MMaayy 22001100

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AAllll aabboouutt tthhee PPaarriisshhRev. Canon Tim Madeley - Dean Rev. Mr. David Clifton - Deacon

Rev. Malcolm King - Priest in ResidenceMrs Louise Sharp - Parish Secretary*

CCaatthheeddrraall HHoouussee,, PPaarrssoonn’’ss HHiillll,, AArruunnddeell,, WWeesstt SSuusssseexx BBNN1188 99AAYYTTeell: 01903 882 297 FFaaxx:: 01903 885 335 EEmmaaiill:: [email protected]

WWeebb:: wwwwww..aarruunnddeellccaatthheeddrraall..oorrgg

* Louise works for the Parish: 9am – 12 noon, Monday – Friday

CCaatthheeddrraall MMaassss TTiimmeess

Sunday 99..3300aamm Family Mass on the third Sunday of the month;Children’s Liturgy available other Sundays.

1111..1155aamm Cathedral Choir.

Weekdays 1100aamm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.Saturday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass.

Saturday 1111aamm Benediction.

CCoonnvveenntt ooff tthhee PPoooorr CCllaarreess aatt CCrroossssbbuusshh MMaassss TTiimmeess

Saturday 55..3300ppmm Vespers.66..1155ppmm Vigil Mass (entry at 6pm).

Sunday 44ppmm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.55ppmm Vespers and Benediction.

Thursday 88..3300aamm Mass - for Mass times on other weekdays please call the Convent the night before on 01903 882 536.

SSaaccrraammeenntt ooff RReeccoonncciilliiaattiioonn

Saturday CCaatthheeddrraall:: 10.30am otherwise by appointment.CCoonnvveenntt :: Before/after the Saturday 6.15pm Mass.

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PPeenntteeccoosstt RReefflleeccttiioonn

byCanon Tim

With the conclusion of the great Easter season at Pentecost it is good to reflect whatthis feast means in the life of the Church. There is no better way than to go to theChurch’s own documents to see its teaching:

(156) Eastertide concludes with Pentecost Sunday, the fiftieth day, and its commemoration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the apostles (cf. Acts 2, 1-4), the Church's foundation, and the beginning of its mission to all nations and peoples. The protracted celebration of the Vigil Mass has a particular importance incathedrals and some parishes, since it reflects the intense persevering prayer of theChristian community in imitation of the Apostles united in prayer with Mother ofJesus. (160).

The mystery of Pentecost exhorts us to prayer and commitment to mission and ...arouses faith, hope and charity, in the hearts of the faithful... The same Spirit ennobles the numerous and varied ways of transmitting the Christian messageaccording to the culture and customs of all times and places (161).

The faithful are well used to invoking the Holy Spirit especially when initiating newundertakings or works or in times of particular difficulties. Often they use formulastaken from the celebration of Pentecost (Veni Creator Spiritus, Veni Sancte Spiritus)(162) or short prayers of supplication (Emitte Spiritum tuum et creabuntur). Thethird glorious mystery of the Rosary invites the faithful to meditate on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In Confirmation they are conscious of receiving theSpirit of wisdom and counsel to guide and assist them; the Spirit of strength andlight to help them make important decisions and to sustain the trials of life.

The faithful are also aware that through Baptism their bodies become temples of theHoly Spirit to be respected and honoured, even in death, and they know that the


Email to [email protected] or post to Cathedral House, Parson’s Hill, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9AY

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body will be raised up on the last day through the power of the Holy Spirit. While the HolySpirit gives access to communion with God in prayer, he also prompts us towards service ofour neighbour by encountering him, by reconciliation, by witness, by a desire for justice andpeace, by renewal of outlook, by social progress and missionary commitment (163). In someChristian communities, Pentecost is celebrated as a "day of intercession for the missions"(164).

From the Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy (2001).


Bede's World, Church Bank, Jarrow, Tyne & Wear NE32 3DY

Discover the extraordinary life of the Venerable Bede, creating a rich legacy that iscelebrated at Bede’s World, Jarrow, where he lived and worked 1300 years ago.

You can read more about Saint Bede on page 14 in this Parish Proclaimer!

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LLeeaadd,, kkiinnddllyy LLiigghhtt......A review of Cardinal Newman’s hymn by Father Malcolm

Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom, lead Thou me on!The night is dark, and I am far from home; lead Thou me on!

Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to seeThe distant scene; one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou shouldst lead me on;I loved to choose and see my path; but now lead Thou me on!

I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years!

So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still will lead me on.O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent, till the night is gone,

And with the morn those angel faces smile, which IHave loved long since, and lost awhile!

Meantime, along the narrow rugged path, Thyself hast trod,Lead, Saviour, lead me home in childlike faith, home to my God.

To rest forever after earthly strifeIn the calm light of everlasting life.

Cardinal John Henry Newman who is to be beatified this coming autumn by His HolinessPope Benedict XVI was one time Anglican Vicar of St. Mary the Virgin Church Oxford.During that time he, together with others, published various ‘Tracts’ forming what becameknown in circles as the “Tractarian Movement” or ‘High Church’ Anglicans. They preached inthe University Church causing much consternation within that esteemed body! It was duringthose years that Newman went on a visit to the Continent. Weak with fever and inwardly atconflict with deep religious questions affecting his future, he wrote in his ‘Apologia’ the lines‘Lead kindly Light.’ These have found a place in many Christians though Newman himselfquestioned their suitability for singing. It is a hymn which looks in three different directions –the present, the past, the future – and each strikes a distinctive note: faith, penitence andhope.

Newman published his poem in 1834 entitled ‘The Pillar of Cloud’ based on the Israelites’experience as recorded in the Book Exodus 13, verse 21. This is the imagery that lies behindthe first two stanzas or verses. When he wrote it he felt like a man on a journey overtaken bydarkness and uncertain of his bearings. Wanting to go in the right direction he looked to Godfor guidance and prayed “lead thou me on.” In one form or another, the phrase is repeated asa sort of refrain. The prayer continues –“Keep thou my feet I do not ask to see, the distant


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scene, one step enough for me.” These two lines breathe the spirit of quiet trust. ThoughNewman does not know the way, this man the guide does. The hand that holds him will notfail. He knows too that it is not the distant scene that matters, only the next step. That is sofor each one of us. God guides us a step at a time if we but have faith and trust in him.Seeking the direction sometimes calls us to look down as well as up.

The second verse Newman reflects on the past with shame on how stubborn and self-willedhe has been. In his writings “Apologia” he makes many references that in his youth he driftedthrough life with no religious convictions till he was 15 years of age. He was often rude to hisparents, arrogant and proud. So now in penitence he confesses, “I loved to choose and seemy path but now.” BUT NOW. That indeed was the turning point in Newman’s life when heexperienced the transforming Grace of God. His scale of values changed. Well might he pray,“Remember not past years.” This verse is deeply introspective and represent a bit of soulsearching. And for us there is a time and place to do likewise in our lives, but not to indulgein it too often or too long, for we must take our eyes off ourselves and them fixed on God.We must forget the past and look to the future.

That is what Newman does in the third verse. As he looks ahead his confidence rests on whatGod has already done for him. “So long thy power hath blest me” he gratefully testifies, andhe is certain that the same divine power will continue to lead him on whatever path he musttread. And we do not choose our path in life. We leave that to God if we have faith and trustin Him, for he knows best. All we can ask is that He will go ahead like the Good Shepherd heis to each one of us and lead the way ‘Till night is gone.’

Newman’s final two lines have been answered and questioned as being highly fanciful and


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unconvincing by some, but it is uncertain what Newman meant. In using this hymn as aprayer for ourselves, a hymn which seeks and calls for guidance in life, each one of us must inthe end discover his or her own Angel and thank God for it.

With acknowledgement and appreciation to Frank Colquhoun.

Editor’s note:

The fourth (and final) verse in Lead, kindly Light (p. 5) was written by Edward H. BickerstethJnr. He was an Honours graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge. Bickersteth served as Vicar ofChrist Church, Hampstead, Dean of Gloucester and Bishop of Exeter (1885-1900). He editedthree hymnals and wrote at least 30 hymns of his own.

As mentioned by Father Malcolm, while travelling in Italy as a young priest, John Newman fellill and stayed at Castle Giovanni for almost three weeks. He was well enough to continue hisjourney to Palermo:


“Before starting from my inn, I sat down on my bed andbegan to sob bitterly. My servant, who had acted as mynurse, asked what ailed me. I could only answer, ‘I have workto do in England.’ I was aching to get home, yet for want ofa vessel I was kept at Palermo for three weeks. I began tovisit the churches, and they calmed my impatience, though Idid not attend any services. At last I got off in an orangeboat, bound for Marseilles. We were becalmed for a wholeweek in the Straits of Bonifacio, and it was there that I wrotethe lines, ‘Lead, kindly Light,’ which have since become sowell known.”

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NNeewwmmaann oonn......Courtesy of

Reason and Faith

Here, then, are two processes, distinct from each other,—the original process of reasoning,and next, the process of investigating our reasonings. All men reason, for to reason is nothingmore than to gain truth from former truth, without the intervention of sense; to which brutesare limited; but all men do not reflect upon their own reasonings, much less reflect truly andaccurately, so as to do justice to their own meaning; but only in proportion to their abilitiesand attainments. In other words, all men have a reason, but not all men can give a reason. Wemay denote, then, these two exercises of mind as reasoning and arguing, or as conscious andunconscious reasoning, or as Implicit Reason and Explicit Reason. And to the latter belong thewords, science, method, development, analysis, criticism, proof, system, principles, rules,laws, and others of a like nature.

Conscience and Conversion

The Christian’s faith and obedience are not the same religion as that of natural conscience, asbeing some way beyond it; secondly, [I say] that this way is “not far,” not far in the case ofthose who try to act up to their conscience; in other words, that obedience to conscienceleads to obedience to the Gospel, which, instead of being something different altogether, isbut the completion and perfection of that religion which natural conscience teaches … whatconscience suggests, Christ has sanctioned and explained; to love God and our neighbour arethe great duties of the Gospel as well as of the Law; he who endeavours to fulfil them by thelight of nature is in the way towards, is, as our Lord said, “not far from Christ’s kingdom;” forto him that hath more shall be given.

The Holy Spirit

This is to be justified, to receive the Divine Presence within us, and be made a Temple of theHoly Ghost. God is everywhere as absolutely and entirely as if He were nowhere else; and itseems to be essential to the existence of every creature, rational and irrational, good and evil,in heaven and hell, that in some sense or other He should be present with it and be its life.Thus we are told concerning mankind, that “in Him we live, and move, and have our being.”And He who lives in all creatures on earth in order to their mortal life, lives in Christians in amore divine way in order to their life immortal.

Christian Prayer

This habit of prayer then, recurrent prayer, morning, noon, and night, is one discriminatingpoint in Scripture Christianity, as arising from the text with which I began, “our conversation


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is in heaven.” In a word, there was no barrier, no cloud, no earthly object, interposed betweenthe soul of the primitive Christian and its Saviour and Redeemer. Christ was in his heart, andtherefore all that came from his heart, his thoughts, words, and actions, savoured of Christ.

The Mass and the Sacraments

In truth, our Merciful Saviour has done much more for us than reveal the wonderful doctrinesof the Gospel; He has enabled us to apply them. … What an inactive useless world this wouldbe, if the sun’s light did not diffuse itself through the air and fall on all objects around us,enabling us to see earth and sky as well as the sun itself! … Such would have been our religious state, had not our Lord applied and diversified and poured to and fro, in heat andlight, those heavenly glories which are concentrated in Him. He would shine upon us fromabove in all His high attributes and offices, as the Prophet, Priest, and King of His elect; buthow should we bring home His grace to ourselves? How indeed should we gain, and know wegain, an answer to our prayers—how secure the comfortable assurance that He loves us personally, and will change our hearts, which we feel to be so earthly, and wash away oursins, which we confess to be so manifold, unless He had given us Sacraments—means andpledges of grace—keys which open the treasure-house of mercy.

Development and Doctrine

We must know concerning God, before we can feel love, fear, hope, or trust towards Him.Devotion must have its objects; those objects, as being supernatural, when not represented toour senses by material symbols, must be set before the mind in propositions. The formula,which embodies a dogma for the theologian, readily suggests an object for the worshipper.

The Catholic Church

This then is the special glory of the Christian Church, that its members do not depend merelyon what is visible, they are not mere stones of a building, piled one on another, and boundtogether from without, but they are one and all the births and manifestations of one and thesame unseen spiritual principle or power, “living stones,” internally connected, as branchesfrom a tree, not as the parts of a heap. They are members of the Body of Christ. That divineand adorable Form, which the Apostles saw and handled, after ascending into heaven becamea principle of life, a secret origin of existence to all who believe, through the gracious ministration of the Holy Ghost. This is the fruitful Vine, and the rich Olive tree upon and outof which all Saints, though wild and barren by nature, grow, that they may bring forth fruitunto God.


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PPeenntteeccoossttaall WWoorrddsseeaarrcchhCourtesy of

Wordsearch copyright of Jane Pinder 2007 Clipart (c) McCrimmons used with permission.

PPrroovveerrbbss ffrroomm aa cchhiilldd’’ss ppeerrssppeeccttiivvee

You can take a horse to water but... how?

Don’t bite the hand that... looks dirty.

You can’t teach a dog new... maths.

Where there’s smoke, there’s... pollution.

A penny saved is... not much.

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry have to blow your nose.

Children should be seen and not... spanked or grounded.

A bird in the hand is... going to poo on you.


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16 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2010

Saturday, 18 September in London at 5pmThe Pope will give an address and give Benediction.

Sunday, 19 September in Coventry at 10amAt this Mass, the Pope will beatify Cardinal Newman.

Both events are ‘ticket only’ and coaches will need to be booked.Access to both events is by coach only, for security reasons. If you want to come along, please sign the lists at the back of the Church.

More information will be in the Weekly Newsletter!

CCaatthheeddrraall GGiifftt SShhoopp

Our Gift Shop is in urgent need of volunteers for the following times:

Tue/Fri/Sat/Sun afternoons, 1.30 - 4.30pmThursday mornings, 10.30am - 1.30pm

If you can help at any of these timesplease call the Parish Office on 01903 882 297

or Linda Monet, Gift Shop Manager, on 01903 788 330.

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EEaasstteerr iinn MMaallttaaby Ruth Johnston

I went to stay with dear Maltese friends for Easter. What a wonderful time to be there!

It started on Wednesday before Maundy Thursday when, in Kalkara, it is tradition to celebrate‘Our Lady of Sorrows’ by carrying her statue round the streets after Mass.

Maundy Thursday morning, Renald took me around a lot of churches, where everyone wasbusy building the ‘Altar of Repose’ for the reserved host to rest after the Last Supper Mass.They were magnificent affairs with banks of exotic flowers. On Good Friday morning he tookme to see more altars further inland, including Milena and Rabbat. There were crowds of people sitting in front of the altars in quiet contemplation.

After Mass on Good Friday afternoon in Cospicua, the doors of the church were closed andwe got little Andrea dressed ready to take part in the huge procession. At 5.30pm, with theband playing, Roman soldiers with members of the Sanhedrin marched up to the door andbanged it for entry. They went in and very shortly after, the doors opened again for the procession. First a piper and a drummer, followed by the Ark of the Covenant and I thinkMelchizedek, then gradually all the nine statues interspersed with living re-enactments - Jesus,the disciples, the crowds of people and soldiers. It was a magnificent spectacle and we walkedall around Cospicua, which is very hilly. It took until 9.30pm to go round and back to thechurch. Unfortunately the whole of Malta was plunged into a power cut from 7pm to around10.15pm, but that stopped nothing as all the streets were lined with votive candles with someof my photos rather dark as a consequence.

The Vigil Mass on Saturday was lovely and there were four infant baptisms. Easter Sundaymorning at 9.30am and the streets were packed for the procession of the Risen Christ, led bythe priests in their berettas and the servers. The statue bearers ran through the streets withthe Risen Christ... everyone cheered and clapped, throwing confetti and tick-a-tape as well asreleasing balloons. The priests stopped at one of the smaller churches to pray whilst the statue bearers rested outside. When the priests re-emerged, they gave all the young serversEaster eggs and figoli - a local Easter cake made from two layers of sweet pastry with a layer ofalmond paste through the middle iced and decorated with a small half egg.

The crowd was asked to hold up their Easter eggs and figoli, which the priests blessed andthen sprinkled with holy water, to much applauding and cheering. I said to one priest how Iwished Easter Sunday was so joyous in England. Then the statue bearers ran again followedby the crowds. I was so sad that I had run out of film after Good Friday as this was such awonderful celebration and the crowds so enormous. Easter is such a moving celebration and atruly wonderful time in Malta.


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The Roman Soldiers approaching the Church The statue of Jesus bearing the thorned crown

The procession continues with the priests The scourging at the pillar

The piper and drummer The Ark of the Covenant

Melchizedek Jesus emerging with His disciples


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SSaaiinntt BBeeddee TThhee VVeenneerraabbllee by Mary Corbyn

Bede wrote of himself: “It has ever been my delight to learn or teach or write.” Others havecalled him ‘Venerable’ and honoured him as the ‘Light of the Church’ during the years knownas the Dark Ages.

Born at Wearmouth in Northumberland, he was received into the Monastery of St. Peter atthe age of 7, to be educated in the Service of God; this was his vocation which he pursuedwith utmost diligence and devotion for the rest of his life.

The founder of Monkwearmouth Monastery was St. Benedict Biscop who, as Abbot, placedyoung Bede under the care of Ceolfrith, a monk who, in his turn, became Abbot of the neighbouring Monastery at Jarrow, dedicated to St. Paul and also founded by Benedict Biscop.When Ceolfrith moved there to take up his appointment, the 9-year-old Bede went with himand remained at the Monastery of St. Paul at Jarrow until his death in 735.

By any standard, Bede’s scholarship was outstanding both for its scope and for its meticulous


Picture courtesy of Peter Woodward at

Born in 673

Died in 735

Feast Day

27 May

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attention to the rigour of the written word, noting sources and references throughout. AtJarrow, Bede learnt Latin, Greek and Hebrew, studied the Scriptures and the writings of theChurch Fathers, while observing the daily round of monastic life – the prayers and Offices ofthe Church. He produced studies and directions for the singing of the Gregorian chant, recently established within English monasticism and encouraged by Benedict Biscop followinghis visits to St. Peter’s in Rome.

Bede is best known in the wider world of history and general scholarship for his great work –‘The Ecclesiastical History of the English People’ – “gathered,”he wrote, “from ancient documents or from the traditions of the elders or from my own knowledge.” But all was subordinate to scripture to which he devoted “all my pains,” producing many translations,commentaries and homilies on the books of the Old and New Testaments. He is known tohave compiled a Book of Hymns and a martyrology, as well as summaries of world history, asit was then understood, from the Creation to his own lifetime. From his own account, welearn that in his nineteenth year he was admitted to the Diaconate and in his 30th, to thepriesthood. At the conclusion of his great work, ‘The Ecclesiastical History of the EnglishPeople,’ he wrote: “And I pray Thee, loving Jesus, that as Thou hast graciously given me todrink-in with delight the words of Thy knowledge, so Thou wouldst mercifully grant me toattain one day to Thee, the fountain of all wisdom, and to appear forever before Thy face.”

It is clear from contemporary records – mostly those of the monks who acted as his scribes –that he was greatly loved and respected for his gentleness and piety. During his final illness,many of them read to him at his bedside as well as continuing to take dictation, right to thevery last sentence.

Soon after his death, the title of Venerable came to be associated with him and this was confirmed by decree at the Council of Aachen in 835. Centuries later, in 1849, CardinalWiseman and the English bishops referred to this decree when presenting their petition toRome that Bede be formally declared Doctor of the Church. This was, in fact, established byPope Leo XIII in 1899 with a Feast in his honour to be kept on 27 May – the day of his death.Bede was buried at Jarrow, but his remains were later removed and placed in the same coffinas those of St. Cuthbert. In 1370 they were again removed and laid to rest in the GalileeChapel of Durham Cathedral. The inscription on his tomb reads:


With acknowledgements to an article in Catholic Life of September 2002.


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PPrrooccllaaiimmeerr CCrroosssswwoorrdd PPuuzzzzllee 99by Chris Dinham

Clues Across Clues Down

1. Area within London (7) 2. Praise (4)8. Animal or plant with no pigment (6) 3. Flow with a rushing sound (4)9. Edible marine bivalves (7) 4. Ring the bell (4)

11. Every forty-eight months (4,4) 5. Sneaks off (5,4)15. Major prize as a result of professional 6. “Lick image” (anag.) - it suddenly appears before

studies (8,5) your eyes! (4,5)16. Riding skills (13) 7. Famous Paris Church ((5,4)17. Continued repeated musical phrase (8) 10. Description of they who are at the top (9) 21. Public face veil worn by Muslim 12. Where bread etc is cooked (9)

women (7) 13. The worth of property or other goods (9)22. Pieces of cutlery (6) 14, Logic; hypothesis (9)23. Palace or official residence reception 18. It’s sworn (4)

room (7) 19. Bogus; unreal (4)20. Docile, or gentle, or friendly (4)



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SStt.. PPhhiilliipp HHoowwaarrdd CCaatthhoolliicc HHiigghh SScchhooooll NNeewwss

Trips Abroad

We were delighted to take twenty-four Year 9 and 10 students to Santander in Spain from the17-21 March. We flew to Spain and stayed in a hotel in the beautiful medieval village ofSantillana del Mar. The students very much enjoyed a range of activities, from visiting thecaves El Soplao, with its unique type of stalagmites, to intensive Spanish classes, a town trailof Santander, a visit to the market and walks around El Sardinero and the Magdalena peninsula. They also had the opportunity to sample churros con chocolate; and, before leaving on Sunday, they attended Mass in the Cathedral of Santillana del Mar, and then theyenjoyed a meal of tapas in a local restaurant.

The students took every opportunity to practise their Spanish, as they bought souvenirs,stamps, cards, drinks and ice creams. They thoroughly enjoyed their trip, and they were veryenthusiastic about all the activities in which they participated. Thank you to Mrs Topham andMr D O’Brien for coming on the trip and for their help during our stay.

Also in March 2010, twenty-nine 6th Form students of Ancient History and/or TheatreStudies, led by Mr Alan Collins and Miss Nicole Ansell, went on a fieldtrip to Greece. Theyflew out to Athens, where they spent a couple of days visiting the main sites such as theParthenon and the Theatre of Dionysos, where all the great Greek plays were first performed.They then went on a coach tour round Greece, stopping at Delphi, Olympia (where theOlympic Games were first held in 776BC), Mycenae and Epidauros Theatre, where some of thedrama students tested out the perfect acoustics by performing a scene from Sophocles’‘Antigone. Returning to Athens, they went to the National Archaeological Museum to seesome of the amazing things found at the sites they had visited.

Despite a “last minute” scare about possible airport strikes, they all returned safely havingexperienced what many of them described as the “best trip ever.”

Wow, we did it again!

Once again, the young people of St Philip Howard Catholic High School made a deep impression on the judges of the 2010 Arun Youth Community Awards nominations. In factyou could say that we “WOWED” them this year!

On Wednesday 31 March 2010 at the Windmill Theatre in Littlehampton and in front of several local dignitaries and councillors, representatives from the Rotary Club and friends andparents, students from our school were given due recognition for their courage and theirvoluntary and community work.


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The awards are divided into two categories: Individual Awards and Group Awards. TimMagilton and Katie Van Driel received their individual awards. Our small Anti-Knife CrimeCampaign Group, War On Weapons, (WOW for short) consisting of Megan Brodie, NaomiEasterbrook, Jasmine Markwick and Jasmine Van Zijl, won the Group Category Section. Wecheered on Katie Emms and Harlan Geraets as they collected awards for their hard work withArun Youth Council. There were also several other SPH students whom we did not nominate,who also received awards for their community work with other local organisations.

However, the highlight of the evening came shortly afterwards when the Chairman of InspireLeisure (who sponsor this event) announced the 2010 overall winner of all of the nomineesfor this year. He told the audience that the Inspire Leisure Trustees had decided to award thehonour to WOW! Jasmine, Naomi and Jasmine proudly accepted their trophy and appeareddelighted with their award. They posed for photographs and explained to a curious journalisthow and why the group was originally formed and their proposals to take their ideas forwardin the future.

Golden Jubilee Booklet : “From bricks to gold”

Many people have enjoyed reading our Golden Jubilee booklet, “From Bricks to Gold” whichcharts over 50 years of the school’s life. It includes numerous photographs in both black andwhite and colour as well as historical text and humorous anecdotes.

A few copies remain to purchase from student reception for a mere £5. Once these bookletsare sold it will not be re-printed. Details of how to order your copy by post can be obtainedfrom our school’s website:

All members of the school community last summer are included in this book.


CCoommeeddyy wwiitthh tthhee CClleerrggyy

At the beginning of Lent a Catholic man feels called to return to the Church afterten years of being away. Tentatively he ventures into the Confessional box.

He finds a comfy armchair pulled up next to a fully equipped bar with Guinness on tap.On the shelf of one wall is a dazzling array of the finest cigars and chocolates; on the

other wall a shelf is stacked with computer and car magazines.

He hears a priest come in and begins, :Father, forgive me, for it’s been a very long timesince I’ve been to Confession. I must admit that the Confessional box is much more

inviting than it used to be.” “Get out, you’re on my side,” the priest replies.


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SStt.. PPhhiilliipp’’ss CCaatthhoolliicc PPrriimmaarryy SScchhooooll NNeewwss

Down Our Way...our Study of Arundel

The summer term began outside for Years 3 and 4 who enjoyed their historic tour of Arundelas a stunning start to their new curriculum topic. Warmer than some days in August the children began by looking at their own school, which is a listed building, and moved past St. Mary’s Hall and Mary Gate Inn learning a wealth of information from expert historian PaulUllson. The Castle and the Cathedral were the main focus, however, they learnt many fascinating facts on the way e.g. the period certain plants came from, window tax and theintroduction of letter boxes. Walking by the river helped the pupils to focus on settlements,trade, transport and leisure and finally what used to be the poor houses and old brewery werepart of the return journey to school. The crocodile of blue uniforms drew interest and smilesfrom local people and visitors as the children tried to record the wealth of information on gridsattached to their clip boards.

Some of the pupils recorded the information that spanned from Roman, Tudor and Victorianto modern times using digital photography to be used back at school during InformationCommunication Technology lessons. The photo above was taken by Toby Wells.

Back at school Canon Tim developed the children’s learning further by taking a lesson aboutthe Cathedral. Excitedly the children made different parts of the impressive building by forming areas of the Cathedral using themselves as the key elements, thereby recreating theCathedral in the classroom! Using the information the children will be creating a multimediapresentation using video clips and photos that they have taken. If you have any copies of documents or photos that you would like to give the school to help the children with theirresearch on Arundel, please send or give them to the school.

N.B. Please send copies only as the school will not be able to return individual items.


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KKeeeepp TTaakkiinngg TTHHEE TTAABBLLEETTTThhee AAbbuussee--SSccaannddaall -- PPiicckkiinngg uupp tthhee PPiieecceess

by Michael Winters

Where are we now... what of the future?

Here we are in May 2010, the first cases of abuse were discovered ten or more years ago, andyet some countries even now are reporting for the first time that cases of abuse are being discovered in their area. When will this stop?

The first case which I have known about happened in our Diocese of Arundel and Brightonwhere, after being discovered as an abuser and having been moved to a ‘safe’ appointment, apriest of the Diocese re-offended. This led Bishop (now Cardinal) Cormac to seek independentlegal advice as to what action to take so as to avoid future cases of abuse (whether by theclergy or by the laity). The advice of the resulting ‘Nolan Report’ was adopted unilaterally bythe Dioceses in England and Wales and I understand subsequently by other Dioceses elsewhere as well. Well done, Cardinal Cormac!

More recently, the Bishops of England and Wales under the lead of Archbishop VincentNichols have publicly apologised to all the victims in the country on behalf of the Church.Well done again!

Similar apologies have been made and have been welcomed in some other countries, but theChurch has suffered criticism in those countries where there has been no apology from theChurch at a high level, merely financial compensation. It is particularly distressing that inIreland this criticism had been directed not only at the local church, it had also been aimed atthe Vatican and even at Pope Benedict himself.

What the Pope actually had done was to call all Irish Bishops to Rome so as to hear first handwhat had been happening, and what action had been taken by the Bishops. He subsequentlypublished a strong statement deploring the actions taken by some of those Bishops, whichincluded binding the victims to secrecy by oath so as to protect the standing of the Church.He then instructed the Bishops as to their future actions, but he himself made no apology tothe victims.

He also instructed the members of the Irish Church, both clerical and lay, as to their futurespiritual life. This has been thought to be ill-judged. A letter (from a priest) in The Tablet of8th May asked the question: “Why are the innocent laity now being asked to make reparationand atonement for crimes that only bishops, priests and religious have committed? What significant reparation and atonement will our religious leaders make for a crisis that has beensolely of their making?”


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Rome’s response to criticism was disappointing. As is well known, the Curia is comprisedsolely of clergy, and the laity has no place in it, with not even a direct line of communicationto it. The result of this is that when the lay press makes some appraisal of the Curia, they areregarded as ‘outsiders’. Rome takes on a ‘Fortress Vatican’ attitude and dismisses any criticismwithout hesitation or reservation. In the present instance, the media are regarded as “sillygeese who hiss and spit” (Tablet 27/3/10 p37). They are accused of waging an “obvious andshameful campaign to damage Pope Benedict XVI at all costs”(Tablet 3/4/10 p37). The Popehimself said that he showed “the courage of not allowing oneself to be intimidated by pettygossip.” I find these comments out of place. For my part, I have been surprised and impressedby the generally careful, moderate and accurate reporting in the several papers I had read overmany months now.

What of the future? As I have said before, I am doggedly optimistic. In Vatican II, the HolySpirit inspired the participants to declare that all members of the Church should participateactively and not merely be members of an audience. Whenever I visit a parish where the community is united, with everyone actively involved (which is now the position in most), Icome away smiling in joy.

As regards the clergy, I am so impressed and grateful for the work and presence of the pastoralclergy of bishops, priests and deacons. However, further up the ladder, I am concerned withthe manning and procedures of the Curia. They argue with each other in public, but refuse tolearn from the knowledge and experience of the 99% of the membership of the Church whoare lay. As Bishop McMahon says (Tablet 24/4/10 p36), the Church needs to be “turnedupside down!”

MMyy ttiimmee wwiitthh KKeennnnyy EEvveerreettttby Mike Webster

I think anyone who was brought into this world by a midwife with the name of FlorenceNightingale Robinson must have been born with an in-built sense of humour. And so it waswith Maurice Cole who made his appearance into this world in Seaforth, Liverpool onChristmas Day 1944.

His parents named him Maurice but it wasn’t a name he ever felt particularly comfortablewith, especially as his father Tom was a tugboat mate on the Mersey. Later he changed hisname to Kenny Everett by deed poll. He adopted his stage name from the film-star EdwardEverett Horton, a childhood hero and because a friend told him the name suited him.

Like most youngsters brought up in the in the late 40s/early 50s he and his sister were kept ona tight rein. He was a quiet, subdued child who didn’t like socialising with local children and


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he was happiest at home with his parents and sister. The highlight of the week was when thewhole family gathered around the wireless listening to tales of Dick Barton Special Agent orhis favourite The Goon Show. The Goon’s off-the-wall humour had a major influence onMaurice from his early years and throughout his adulthood.

At the Secondary Modern school, as a rather puny schoolboy, he attracted the attention of theschool bullies; and he found that his sense of humour and in-jokes were a way of deflectingthe attentions of the bullies. As a result his sense of humour developed fast.

The Catholic Church played a big part in his life at this time and every Sunday the family wentto Mass nearby. Maurice joined a Church Youth Group and was first an altar boy and then achoirboy at the Church. He left the Secondary Modern to continue his education at a juniorseminary in Stillington near York. It was run by an Italian Missionary Order, the VeronaFathers.

It was here in September 1956 that I first met Maurice Cole. We had both joined the junior seminary at Stillington on the same day. Stillington Hall was an old country house set in several acres of rolling Yorkshire countryside; it was built in 1734 as a replacement for an earlier building. For a young 12 year old boy it was idyllic.

Wherever Maurice went in the grounds he always had a camera hung around his neck. Evenat the tender age of 11 years he revealed a natural comic sense of humour and was a bornentertainer. As he was a quiet, subdued person who didn’t like socialising with local childrenin Liverpool, the fact that he had a willing, attentive audience gave him the confidence todevelop his sense of humour without being ridiculed. Being a sensitive soul, the quiet, country-house atmosphere was a world away from the rough and tough life in inner Liverpool.It was here that he blossomed. He was actively involved, with others, in writing sketches and


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plays which we performed for the other students. It was a busy, exciting time for us all. Whenwe were involved in “retreats” we would walk round the whole grounds which were an idealplace to spend time of quiet in contemplation, prayer and solitude for up to three days.

But Maurice left under a cloud after rumours later in the press (no doubt orchestrated by hispress people) had it that he had been caught raiding the Sacristy one night and drank thecommunion wine. The truth was a little nearer home in that he was homesick. However it wasalso reported that his parents received a letter informing them that Maurice did not have thenecessary sense of vocation and recommended that he returned to the Secondary Modern atthe end of the holidays.

The four years I spent at the hall and in the village itself were the happiest times of my lifeand the experience will always have a special place in my heart. I still keep in contact withfriends from that time and many of us agree that, but for the vow of celibacy, we would havewished to have become priests but not necessarily missionaries.



CLUES ACROSS1.Synopsis 5.Bold 9.Dining car 10.Tip 11.Permission 14.Alight

15.Scheme 17.Capricious 20.Can 21.Overthrow 22.Leer 23.Stays putCLUES DOWN

1.Side 2.None 3.Pantechnicon 4.Income 6.Outsider 7.Depended8.Cross-country 12.Farcical 13.Dispense 16.Finest 18.Grip 19.Swot

Kenny Everett, Comedian, Radio DJ and TV Entertainer25/12/1944 - 4/4/1995

Photograph courtesy of Capital Radio Archive.

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PPaarriisshh PPeeooppllee:: PPeetteerr HHoonniibbaallllby Colin Swanton

Although living in Worthing, Peter and his wife, Anne have been worshipping at theCathedral since the late 1990s and have become very much involved in Cathedral activities.

Peter was born in what was then Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and at the age of three yearsmoved with his parents to Malawi for four years before returning to Rhodesia. During the fouryears in Malawi, Peter’s mother ran the first class catering for BOAC and East Africa Airlineswhilst his father managed a small duty free concession. In 1973 the family moved to SouthAfrica and Peter was sent to be educated at the Christian Brothers’ College in Pretoria, boarding there between the ages of nine and eighteen.

University followed but after two years he decided that this was not for him and left to jointhe Standard Bank in 1984. Eighteen months later Peter was conscripted into military servicefor two years, doing his basic training in Grahamstown before being transferred to the dogtraining school in Bourkes Luck in the Eastern Transvaal. At the end of his military stint in1987, Peter married Anne and returned to the Standard Bank.

In 1994, the couple decided to move to the UK – Anne, being British, wanted to return home.They settled first in Brighton and lived there for two years before moving to Worthing inFebruary 1996. Shortly after Easter that year Peter mentioned to Anne that he wanted tobecome a Catholic and Anne admitted that she, too, was feeling the same desire for herself.Together, they approached Father Enda Naughton (now retired and living in Ireland) at theEnglish Martyrs Church in Goring and, as they had just missed the RCIA programme for thatyear, he instructed the couple separately. They were received into the Church during the


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Christmas Midnight Mass. In 1998 Anne and Peter attended Midnight Mass at the Cathedraland loved it so much that they started to attend services there. After a while, Peter started inthe ministry of reading, to be followed shortly afterwards by Anne. Since then, Peter andAnne have become one of the team of ‘money counters’ at the Cathedral and are nowMinisters of Holy Communion, a ministry that Peter particularly enjoys. A highlight for bothof them, after being accepted as a Special Minister, was to be invited by Deacon David andMonica for a Passover Feast that they regularly organise. Peter is also a member of the ParishCore Team. He works for the Catholic charity, Missio, in London as the Office Manager. Missiois the Church’s official support organisation for all overseas missions and is best known forthe Red Boxes. One of the things that Peter appreciates most about Missio is that they support every single overseas mission until they are self sufficient; this support lasts for manyyears. He admires all the volunteers in England and Wales who co-ordinate the Red Boxes intheir parishes; especially Betty Barrett and her team in Arundel.

PPooeettiicc LLiicceenncceeby Martin Newell, journalist

A parishioner sent in this press cutting although we are none the wiser what newspaper itcame from. If you are familiar with the following ‘whimsical verse’ (we’re even unsure if it’scomplete, so do let us know) and have an idea where it was published please contact theEditor.

A Gallup survey of 16-24 year olds’ knowledge of English history elicited some surprisinglycreative answers to The New English History...


It all began at HastingsIn nineteen fifty twoWhen William, Duke of Normans,A foreign parvenu,Let loose the sniper’s bulletWhich hampered Harold’s view.Around this time in ScotlandWill Wallace wiped the floorWith Richard Nixon’s armyWho having lost the war,Now signed the Magna Carta,An early sort of truce,At 12.15 near Windsor, The castle of King Bruce,King Albert, known as Lionheart

Who’d found it hard to copeAt Canterbury CathedralSent knights to kill the PopeThe Spanish King, being CatholicDispatched a great ArmadaBut lost it to King ArthurWhose English Fleet was harderThe IRA and Guy FawkesBegan now to conspireTo blow Big Ben to piecesAnd may have caused the fireTo London’s main cathedralWhich had an overhaulKing Henry gave this job toThe architect, St. Paul

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CChhoorraall VVeessppeerrss

Arundel Cathedral hosted Choral Vespers with the Royal School of Church Music MillenniumYouth Choir, transmitted by BBC Radio 3 on 14 April 2010, Here was the programme:

Introit: Alleluia! Rejoice to God our helper (An Easter Sequence) (Leighton)Hymn: Jesus stand among us (Caswell)Responsorial Psalm 141 (David Ogden)Psalm 23 (Leighton)Reading: John 20 vv19-31Alleluia! On the day of my resurrection (An Easter Sequence) (Leighton)Homily: Canon Tim MadeleyMagnificat: Hawes in DAn angel of the Lord descended from heaven (An Easter Sequence) (Leighton)Anthem: Let all the world (Leighton)Hymn: At the Lamb's high feast we sing (Salzburg)Organ Voluntary: Gothic Toccata (Graeme Koehne)

Director of Music: David OgdenOrganist: Daniel Moult.

HHOOMMEElliinnkk MMiinnii BBuuss AAppppeeaallby Rosemary Orpin, Project Fund Raiser

The LCT Homelink Project is working on a large site at Lyminster (near Littlehampton), whichis in the process of being developed into a farm and craft centre - there are also greenhousesand cultivated land for growing plants and vegetables. This enterprise will be a centre for people with learning disabilities, mental health service users, the homeless and vulnerablyhoused, and for the unemployed, where they can learn skills (including catering and cooking)to help them gain qualifications into work. There will also be a play area for children.

LCT Homelink is working with Bognor Housing Trust to provide opportunities for their Serviceusers to join us on our Learning Skills Programme at Meadview. This joint scheme will benefitour Service Users. We will need transport to commute our Service Users. To help us we areasking if you would kindly put a notice in your Church, or your magazine/bulletin to ask ifone of your parishioners would kindly donate a mini bus to the Homelink and BognorHousing Trust.

Thank you in anticipation for your support. Yours sincerely, Rosemary Orpin

The Ark, 1 New Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5AX Tel: 01903 739669 [email protected]


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PPaarriisshh EEvveennttss DDiiaarryy



Thursday 3 9.30am – 5.30pm CORPUS CHRISTI CARPET OF FLOWERS

5.30pm Mass with Bishop Kieran Conry

Approx. 6.30pm Procession to the Castle

Sunday 6 SOLEMNITY: THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRISTMass at 6.15pm at the Convent of the Poor Clares, Saturday 5thMasses at 9.30 & 11.15am in the Cathedral.

5.00pm Vespers and Installation of new Canons

Wednesday 9 12 noon Mass for Jubilarian Priests of the Diocese

Saturday 12 12.30pm Cathedral Choir Young Performers Lunchtime Recital, free entry, retiring collection.

2.00pm Wedding - Tustin/Alcalde

5.00pm Diocesan Mass of Thankgiving for new Catholics

Sunday 13 All Masses Collection for the Missionary Endeavour of the Diocese (Gift Aid)

3.00pm Cathedral Deanery Confirmations

Sunday 20 9.30am ‘Going Forth’ Mass for First Communion children with breakfast in St. Mary’s Hall

Wednesday 23 11.00am Mass with pilgrims from Seaford Parish

Thursday 24 10.00am Mass in the Fitzalan Chapel


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Saturday 26 12.30pm Cathedral Choir Young Performers Lunchtime Recital, free entry, retiring collection.

Tuesday 29 SOLEMNITY OF ST PETER & ST PAULCollection: Peter’s PenceMasses at 8.30am at the Convent of the Poor ClaresMasses 10.00am & 8.00pm in the Cathedral(Bishop Kieran will preside at the 8.30am & 10.00am Masses)


Thursday 1 FEAST: THE DEDICATION OF ARUNDEL CATHEDRALMasses at 8.30am at the Convent of the Poor Clares10.00am in the Cathedral

Saturday 3 7.30pm Angmering Chorale Concert for tickets; visit

Sunday 4 All Masses Collection: Lourdes Appeal & Barbecue

Friday 9 11.30am Sion School Leavers Service

Saturday 10 12.30pm Cathedral Choir Young Performers Lunchtime Recital, free entry, retiring collection.

2.00pm Wedding - Staveley/Sheen

7.30pm Renaissance Choir Concert (for tickets see

Sunday 11 All Masses Collection: The Apostleship of the Sea

Saturday 17 1.00pm Wedding - Anderson/Roy

Thursday 22 10.00am St. Philip’s School End of Year Mass

Friday 23 Organ Recital (see Weekly Newsletter fortiming and contact details)


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Saturday 24 12.30pm Cathedral Choir Young Performers Lunchtime Recital, free entry, retiring collection.

Sunday 25 All Masses Collection: A Day for Life

7.15pm Sussex Festival Choir Concert for details or tickets see orcall Stephen Hope on tel/fax: 01372 741100,email: [email protected]

Saturday 31 1.00pm Wedding - Santos/Holdaway


Sunday 1 7.00pm East Sussex Youth Orchestra concert in aidof RNLI. Tickets/further information from Mrs Thelma Manning, Homestall House, Ashurst Wood, West Sussex, RH19 3PG. Tel. 01342 327 587.

Sunday 8 9.30 & 11.15am Malcolm Sargent Festival Choir

Saturday 21 All day ‘A Day with Mary’ (see Weekly Newsletter)

Saturday 28 2.00pm Wedding - Manning/Hull


UUsseeffuull WWeebb SSiitteess

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PPaarriisshh NNoottiiccee BBooaarrdd


New in stock... a wide range of First Communion gifts!Visit our shop to see what’s available alongside other

religious gifts. Find us in the North Transept by The Shrine to St. Philip Howard.

1 Nov - 31 March: Mon - Sat, 10.30am - 12 noon1 April - 31 Oct: Mon - Sat, 10.30am - 4.30pm

All year: Sunday, after Masses

From the ParishProclaimer Editor

We are really keen to havemore features that will be of

interest to parishioners.

Whether it’s a recent visit toan interesting church (orcathedral) on a trip, your

experience at Lourdes or atanother religious shrine,

or indeed any other interestyou’d like to share with therest of us, please email me!

Alex [email protected]

Congratulations to Fr. Bill Davern (Epsom) and Fr.Tom Treherne (Weybridge) who have been appointedto the Chapter of Canons. Bishop Kieran will installthem at Vespers on Sunday, 6 June at 5pm followedby a reception at St. Mary’s Hall. There will be a lot

of guests so please put this date in your diary as help will be needed! Thank you in advance!

If you are celebrating a specialWedding Anniversary and

would like to be featured in theParish Proclaimer, please callLouise at the Parish Office on

01903 882297.

She will arrange for ColinSwanton, a regular Proclaimer

contributor, to contact you and discuss more about what he can do for you


If you are a new parishioner, we hopethat you will quickly feel at home

with us...

Please make sure that you have completed one of the special forms kept at the back of the Cathedral

(to the left of where the newspapers are displayed)

so that you may be registered on our Parish Database.

QUIET PRAYERAn opportunity to experience 45 minutes’quiet prayer with our church communities.

Every Monday at 2pm at the Baptist Church.All welcome!


We still need volunteersto help with Corpus Christi during the week beginning

Tuesday 1 June.

Please call Louise on 01903 882 297

for details.

Celebrate Conference26-27 June 2010

Cardinal Newman Schoolin Hove

Please call 01273 680 654or visit

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CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss && CCoommmmeemmoorraattiioonnss


27 March - Aliena Mirabelle Wigan (in the Castle Chapel)

28 March - Digby Wilfred Heggadon

28 March - Victor Stanislaw David Lawrie

9 May - Alyana Marie Abad

RReecceeppttiioonn iinnttoo ffuullll CCoommmmuunniioonn aanndd CCoonnffiirrmmaattiioonn

3 April - Graham Smithson


14 May - Andreas Wenzel & Emily Jane Pearce


4th April - Joyce Gertrude Farrell (aged 77 years)

Views expressed in The Parish Proclaimer are not necessarily the views of The CatholicChurch, the Catholic Diocese of Arundel & Brighton, its affiliated companies and charities,

employees thereof or persons otherwise associated directly or indirectly.

All material is provided by Cathedral Parishioners and published in good faith, withoutguarantee.

The Arundel and Brighton Diocesan Trust is a Registered Charity - No. 252878

The Parish Proclaimer has been compiled by Alexander Clouter, a parishioner who happens to be a writer and designer all wrapped into one! Email: [email protected]

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AA PPrraayyeerr ffoorr PPeenntteeccoosstt

Christ Jesus, before ascending into heaven,You promised to send the Holy Spiritto Your apostles and disciples.

Grant that the same Spiritmay perfect in our lives the work of Your grace and love.Grant us the Spirit of Fear Of The Lordthat we may be filled with a loving reverence toward You.

The Spirit of Pietythat we may find peace and fulfillmentin the service of God while serving others;

The Spirit of Fortitudethat we may bear our cross with Youand, with courage, overcome the obstaclesthat interfere with our salvation;

The Spirit of Knowledgethat we may know You and know ourselves and grow in holiness;

The Spirit of Understandingto enlighten our minds with the light of Your truth;

The Spirit of Counselthat we may choose the surest way of doing Your will,seeking first the Kingdom;

Grant us the Spirit of Wisdomthat we may aspire to the things that last forever;

Teach us to be Your faithful disciplesand animate us in every way with Your Spirit.


Courtesy of