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The magazine for the international power industry January 2013 2013 Buyers Guide The most comprehensive directory of companies serving the global power industry
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The magazine for the international power industry

January 2013


Buyers GuideThe most comprehensive directory of companies serving the global power industry

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JANUARY 2013/// VOLUME 21/// ISSUE 1

Buyers Guide

4 Chief Editor’s Welcome

24 Products and Services Index

28 Products Listing

44 Services Listing

50 Company Contact Information

92 Ad Index

Power Report

6 There is a new energy landscape

The balance of power in the global energy markets is changing. In f ve years’ time the world will have new leaders in both oil and gas production, and electricity demand will expand by over 70 per cent by 2035. Kelvin Ross studies the f ndings of the International Energy Agency’s annual global forecast to f nd out what this means for the power sector.

Talking Point

12 In this month’s Talking Point, we ask players in the international power sector what single driver – be it policy, regulation, innovation, access to f nance or something else – will most inf uence the market this year?


16 Carbon capture: for use or storage?

As a solution to the power sector’s carbon dioxide emissions issue, carbon capture and storage could now be bolstered by the environmental and commercial benef ts of carbon capture and utilisation.

Coming up in February’s issue

Russia’s Power SectorBased on interviews conducted with four leading f gures in the Russian electricity sector, we explore its reform process and more importantly its progress, and f nds out whether some of the main challenges facing the industry, such as the tariff regime, are being properly addressed.

International nuclear investmentA state-of-the-industry look at the global nuclear sector, and in particular where international companies are looking to invest and why. It also includes an examination of what the UK’s recent Energy Bill means for the British nuclear industry and the foreign companies that supply and invest in it.

HRSG cycling and effective lifecycle management Heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) are increasingly being required to operate in cycling mode according to market demands. Consequently, operators now have to manage this asset in a way that has to strike a balance between risk to reliability and availability and the potential f nancial returns from having a more operationally f exible power plant.

Free Product InfoYou can request product and service information from this issue. Simply click on the link below that will provide you access to supplier companies’ websites, product information and more

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An investment of $64trn is needed in renewablesbetween now and 2035, says the IEA

Credit: Siemens

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4 Power Engineering International January 2013

Chief Editor’s Welcome


I am delighted to present to you Power

Engineering International’s 2013 Buyers

Guide, which we hope will once again prove

an invaluable tool when making the right

plant equipment and services purchasing

decisions – a key objective as we continue to

face economically challenging times.

Over the last 12 months we have been

working hard to compile the most accurate and

up-to-date product and services information

and company contact details through our

questionnaires and telephone research.

However, nothing is ever prefect, so if you spot

any errors or omissions, please contact us at

[email protected] so that we can continue

to strengthen the information provided.

Our Buyers Guide is divided once again

into three main sections: a Products listing, a

Services listing, and a directory of companies’

contact information. Your can f nd the Index

on p.24 & 26.

In the Products and Services sections,

which start on p.28 and extend to p.49, you

will f nd an extensive, although not exhaustive,

list of companies that serve the global power

industry, with each company listed under the

product or service heading and subheading

relevant to their business.

Our annual Buyers Guide aims to highlight

as many companies as possible that are

involved in supplying equipment and services

to all sectors of the global power generation

industry – ranging from coal and gas-f red

power facilities to the latest wind and solar

farms, and from large-scale hydroelectricity to

nuclear power – as well as companies serving

the industry’s associated T&D sector.

The section featuring the contact details

of the companies is arranged alphabetically

and starts on p.50. It features full mailing

addresses and contact information such as

telephone numbers, email addresses and

website URLs, if supplied.

As in previous editions of the Buyers Guide

we also provide a selection of interesting and

diverse articles.

The International Energy Agency (IEA)

published the latest edition of its World Energy

Outlook (WEO) report in November last year.

This highly-respected annual publication

takes an in depth and comprehensive look

at the global energy sector and assesses how

its various component parts will evolve up

to 2035.

According to the report, the balance

of power in the global energy markets is

changing. And within f ve years the world

will have new leaders in both oil and gas

production, plus electricity demand will

increase by over 70 per cent by 2035, primarily

fuelled by non-OECD countries. For this issue,

we have reviewed the main f ndings of the

2012 WEO and assess the implications for the

global electricity sector (p.6–10).

The IEA predicts that coal’s share of global

primary energy demand will fall to less than

25 per cent in 2035; however it will remain the

second most important fuel behind oil, and

most importantly, the backbone of electricity

generation, particularly in China and India.

Thus, coal’s continued importance in

producing secure and affordable electricity

once again emphasizes the importance of

moving carbon capture and storage (CCS)

to commercialisation as quickly as possible.

However, specif c issues continue to hamper its

large-scale deployment, not least high energy

costs and uncertainty over the geology of

storage sites, as well as high-capital costs,

which are a particular challenge in the

current economic climate, and signif cant

public concern over storage site locations.

All this begs the question, is there an

alternative to storing carbon dioxide? Should

we be looking at reusing it rather than putting

it into the ground, and thereby adding a

commercial value to capturing the carbon

emissions in the f rst place? Starting on p.16,

we investigate the current status of carbon

capture and utilisation (CCU), and assess

CCU’s viability to help drive CCS forward.

Finally, in our regular Talking Point feature,

we asked a number of players in the

international power industry what single driver

– be it policy, regulation, innovation, access to

f nance or something else – will most inf uence

the market this year? And we received quite

diverse answers – see p.12.

I hope this year’s Buyers Guide proves

useful to you and I very much wish you a

successful and prosperous 2013 whatever

business area you are in.

Electricity demand will increase by over 70 per cent by 2035, primarily fuelled by non-OECD countries like China and India

Heather Johnstone

Chief Editor

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6 Power Engineering International January 2013

Power Report: Global forecast

The balance of power in the global energy markets is changing. In f ve years’ time the world will have new leaders in both oil and gas production, and electricity demand will expand by over 70 per cent by 2035. Kelvin Ross studies the f ndings of the International Energy Agency’s annual global forecast to f nd out what this means for the power sector.

Wind and hydro dominate new renewables

installations outside the OECD

Credit: Siemens


Power Report: Global forecast

The foundations of the global

energy system are shifting

substantially, with implications

for everybody. This stark claim

was made by Fatih Birol, chief

economist at the International

Energy Agency (IEA). He was speaking at the

launch of the World Energy Outlook (WEO),

the IEA’s annual publication that makes

projections for the energy sector up to 2035. He

said “there is a new landscape” forming, and

added that it has “signif cant consequences

for everybody”.

One of the factors driving this shifting

landscape is “resurgent” oil and gas

production in the US, Canada and – less

obviously – Iraq, “a country with huge

potential”. He adds that by 2017, the United

States will be the world’s largest oil producer,

surpassing Saudi Arabia, and by 2015 it will

be the “clear leader in global gas production,

overtaking Russia”.

In North America, this gas boom is being

fuelled by the surge in shale gas production,

which has resulted in a wide gap in gas prices

in the US compared to Europe and Asia and

means the US “is moving to a different rhythm

to the rest of world” when it comes to gas.

Birol also stresses that the centre of gravity

of world energy use is moving east. The share

of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-

operation and Development) countries in

global energy use is declining sharply. In 1995,

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8 Power Engineering International January 2013

Power Report: Global forecastPower Report: Global forecast

two-thirds of global energy was consumed by

OECD countries. By 2030, the IEA estimates that

that f gure will have dropped to one-third. The

rise in consumption of non-OECD countries will

be led, unsurprisingly, by China, India and the

Middle East, driven by economic growth and

a rise in the middle classes in those countries.

Yet Birol stresses that 1.3 billion people still

have no access to electricity.

North America is moving to a ‘different rhythm to the rest of world’ thanks to shale gas

Electricity demand

The IEA forecasts that electricity demand will

expand by over 70 per cent between 2010

and 2035, or 2.2 per cent a year on average.

More than 80 per cent of growth comes in

non-OECD countries, with over half in China

(38 per cent) and India (13 per cent) alone.

Up to 2035, average electricity prices

increase by 15 per cent, driven by higher

fuel prices, a shift to more capital-intensive

generating capacity, carbon pricing in

some countries and growing subsidies for

renewables. There are signif cant regional

price variations, with the highest prices

persisting in the European Union (EU) and

Japan, well above those in the US and China.

In net terms, global generating capacity

expands by almost three-quarters, from

5429 GW in 2011 to 9340 GW by 2035. Gas and

wind together account for almost half of this

increase, followed by coal and hydro at about

15 per cent each. Solar photovoltaic (PV)

capacity also expands rapidly, at a rate more

than two-and-a-half times that of nuclear,

though generation from solar PV increases by

half that of nuclear, ref ecting the much lower

average availability of these plants.

As mentioned before, the bulk of growth in

electricity use to 2035 will come in non-OECD

countries, which have a projected share of

incremental global demand of over four-f fths.

At an average of 5.2 per cent per year,

electricity demand in India grows faster than

in any other region, due mainly to strong

population and economic growth. Average

annual demand per capita increases by

three-quarters in non-OECD countries, from

almost 1600 kWh in 2010 to 2800 kWh in 2035.

Yet per capita demand in the OECD remains

far higher, though it increases much more

slowly, from 7800 kWh in 2010 to 8700 kWh in

2035. In sub-Saharan Africa, consumption

remains extremely low, at only 500 kWh per

capita in 2035. Although the number of people

with access to electricity worldwide increases

signif cantly, 12 per cent of the population still

lacks access to electricity in 2030, compared

with 19 per cent in 2010.

Natural gas

The IEA predicts a steady expansion of natural

gas through to 2035, growing at an annual

average rate of 1.6 per cent. Although it rises

worldwide, its growth is far more pronounced

in non-OECD countries. In China, demand rises

from 130 billion m3 (bcm) in 2011 to 545 bcm

in 2035, while the Middle East and India see

growth to 640 bcm and 180 bcm respectively.

In all, non-OECD countries account for 80 per

cent of the overall increase in global natural

gas  demand.

The IEA states that the world’s resources

of natural gas can easily keep pace with

this increasing demand for the fuel. In 2035,

Russia will continue to hold massive resources

of natural gas, while output in Brazil, Iraq and

East Africa will rise dramatically.

Regardless of how government policies

evolve, the power sector will remain the

main driver of gas demand in most regions.

However, the IEA stresses that the extent of gas

use will depend heavily on its price, both in

absolute terms and relative to the cost of coal.

Natural gas used mainly in combined-

cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) is expected to

remain the preferred option for new power

stations, due to a combination of economic,

operational and environmental reasons:

CCGTs have relatively high thermal eff ciency,

are quick and cheap to build, f exible to

operate and emit less carbon dioxide and

local air pollutants than other fossil fuel-based


Unconventional gas

While everyone is aware that unconventional

gas will play a key role in meeting rising natural

gas demand, the IEA estimates it will account

for close to half of the increase in global gas

production between 2011 and  2035.

Most of this rise is accounted for by shale

gas and coalbed methane, with the former

making up about 14 per cent of total gas

production in 2035 and the latter 7 per cent.

The bulk of this increase comes from just three

countries – China (30 per cent), the US (20 per

cent) and Australia (12 per cent).

While the effects of the shale gas boom

in the US are well documented and often

held up as a model to copy, the IEA cautions

that the prospects for unconventional gas

production worldwide remain uncertain.

This is for several reasons, but in particular

because of growing public concerns about

the environmental and social impact of

hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking’, the method

by which shale gas is extracted. A failure to

address and resolve these concerns could

Solar PV capacity grows fast under the IEA’s

forecast, outstripping new nuclear capacity

Credit: Siemens

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10 Power Engineering International January 2013

Power Report: Global forecastPower Report: Global forecast

hinder the development of unconventional

gas in many parts of the world, says the IEA.

Other challenges, including an adverse

f scal and regulatory framework, limited access

to pipelines and markets, and shortages of

expertise, technology and water, which is vital

for fracking, could hold back production.

CoalIn the past decade, coal has met 45 per cent

of the growth in global energy demand.

The IEA forecasts global coal demand

growing by 0.8 per cent a year to 2035, with

growth slowing sharply after 2020 as recently

introduced and planned policies to curb its

use take effect.

While coal’s share of global primary

energy demand falls to less than 25 per

cent in 2035, it still remains “the second most

important fuel behind oil and the backbone

of electricity generation”. Its use grows in all

major non-OECD countries, with China and

India alone accounting for nearly 75 per

cent of this growth, with India passing the

US by 2025 as the world’s second largest

coal user. Meanwhile, coal use in all major

OECD countries will drop dramatically. Coal

demand in the US fell 4.5 per cent in 2011

and continues to drop as the shale gas boom

displaces the need for coal.

The IEA also notes that as around one-third

of the 340 GW of coal-f red capacity is more

than 30 years old and relatively ineff cient –

and coal-f red generation faces more stringent

pollution standards – many older plants may

become subject to accelerated retirement.

It also highlights that there has been

hardly any net increase in coal-f red capacity

since 2000, while the last decade saw a near

doubling in gas-f red capacity to 425 GW.

RenewablesThe IEA forecasts that electricity generation

from renewables will nearly triple from

2010 to 2035, reaching 31 per cent of total

generation. In 2035, hydropower provides half

of renewables-based generation, wind almost

one quarter and solar PV 7.5 per cent.

Biofuels use more than triples from

1.3 million barrels of oil equivalent per day

(mboe/d) in 2010 to 4.5 mboe/d in 2035.

The IEA calculates that investment in

renewables of $6.4 trillion is required between

now and 2035. The power sector accounts for

94 per cent of this sum – wind ($2.1 trillion),

hydro ($1.5 trillion) and solar PV ($1.3 trillion) –

with the remainder in biofuels.

Investment in OECD countries accounts

for 48 per cent of the total, focusing mainly

on wind and solar PV, while in non-OECD

countries most investment is in hydro and

wind. Renewable energy subsidies jumped to

$88 billion in 2011, up 24 per cent on 2010, and

they need to hit almost $240 billion in 2035 to

achieve the trends projected by the IEA.

An investment in renewables of $6.4 trillion is required over 2012–2035

Cumulative support to renewables for

power generation amounts to $3.5 trillion,

of which over one quarter is already locked

in by commitments to existing capacity,

and about 70 per cent is set to be locked

in by 2020.

While vital to the growth of the industry,

subsidies for new renewables capacity

need to be reduced as costs fall to avoid

them becoming an excessive burden on

governments and end-users.

NuclearThe shadow of Fukushima continues to hang

over nuclear power in many countries in the

IEA’s forecast, notably – and unsurprisingly –

Japan, where following the disaster in March

2011 all reactors were shutdown for stress tests

to review their safety.

To date, only two units have restarted while

in September, Japan released the Innovative

Strategy for Energy and the Environment,

which includes a goal of reducing reliance

on nuclear power.

The IEA assumes that all existing reactors

except those at Fukushima Daini and Daiichi

are re-commissioned over the next few years.

Their lifetimes are limited to 40 years in the

case of reactors built before 1990 and 50 years

for those built more recently. It also assumes

that no new plants – apart from two already

under construction – are built by 2035. As

such, the IEA forecasts total nuclear capacity

in Japan will fall from 46 GW in 2011 to 24 GW

in 2035, and the share of nuclear in electricity

generation drops from 26 per cent in 2010 to

20 per cent in 2020 and 15 per cent in 2035.

Meanwhile, nuclear power output grows

at roughly the same pace as projected in

the 2011 WEO, with the exception of the US,

where some plants are due for retirement

and the effect of unconventional gas means

that fewer new plants are likely to be built.

As a result, US nuclear capacity reaches

120 GW in 2035, which is 5 GW lower than

the projection in the 2011 WEO. Installed

capacity in 2035 in the EU is also revised

down, from 129 GW to 120 GW, as a result

of the reduced competitiveness of nuclear

power and slightly higher retirements.

In China, it is expected that a moratorium

on new approvals will be lifted and the nuclear

programme will proceed as planned.

At present, there are 64 reactors under

construction in the world, totalling 66 GW

of  capacity.

Transmission & distribution (T&D)Finally, the IEA predicts that the total length

of the T&D system worldwide will increase by

25 million km to around 93 million km in

2035. Distribution networks, delivering power

over short distances from substations to

households, businesses and small industrial

facilities, account for about 88 per cent of

this increase, while transmission grids, moving

power over long distances from generators

to local substations near the f nal customers,

account for the remainder.

The IEA stresses that “robust T&D grids are

critical to system f exibility and are particularly

important for accommodating the increasing

contribution of variable renewables”.

Cumulative investment in T&D from 2012

to 2035 is estimated to be $7.2 trillion, with

f nance from non-OECD countries making up

more than three-f fths of this, and China alone

accounting for 40 per cent. Meanwhile in the

OECD, the majority of T&D investment will be

spent on replacing and refurbishing assets

rather than building new ones, as power

markets in these countries are relatively mature.

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Shale gas inf uences the outlook for all fuelsCredit: Shell

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12 Power Engineering International January 2013

Talking Point

In this month’s Talking Point, we ask players in the international power sector what single driver – be it policy, regulation, innovation, access to f nance or something else – will most inf uence the market this year?

Answer: Shale gas

It is impossible to underestimate the inf uence

that US shale gas has had on the power

sector globally in 2012, and will continue to

have in 2013.

The inf uence is not merely the direct

inf uence that shale gas has on the North

American energy sector, with low prices,

reduced carbon emissions and energy

independence, but the direct and indirect

implications this has across the rest of the

world. These inf uences can be split into three:

• Economic – Abundant shale gas reserves

not only skew America and other economies

towards gas, but they encourage, in the

short term at least, an increase in the

burning of coal and oil as demand and

prices drop. This does not, at least in the

developed world, lead to investment in new

coal and oil but it does, alongside the low-

carbon prices where they exist, encourage

fuel switching in the short term, with the

consequent environmental impacts. Lower

energy prices globally do not encourage a

frugal use of these resources.

• Environmental – In North America the switch

to shale gas has undoubtedly achieved

a welcome reduction in greenhouse

gas emissions – which have been about

double the per capita emissions of Europe

and four times those of China. But the

impact on the environment – through the

use of toxic chemicals in fracking – is not

benign and in more densely populated

areas of the world will need to be strictly

and expensively controlled. Shale gas is

still a carbon intensive fuel and cannot,

without other technologies such as carbon

capture and storage, be part of a global

low-carbon power sector.

• But the most invidious impact is political.

Political envy and emulation – hoping

that shale gas discoveries will herald a

glorious new age of gas elsewhere – has

had a damaging impact on policies.

Even in countries where the development

of shale gas is likely to be expensive and

environmentally damaging, politicians in

an economic bind are tempted to shape

their policies to replicate the shale gas

boom of North America. This is likely to

mean a detrimental ditching of emissions

targets and other, more appropriate,

technology developments in the hope

that shale gas will create a spur in growth

and jobs. In most cases, and in particular

in most of Europe, this is plain wrong. And

investment in other low-carbon energy

has been stymied at a great cost to both

the economy and the climate. So North

American shale gas will continue to be

the most inf uential driver on the power

market in 2013 and we will need politicians

with clear vision and strong leadership to

ensure that it becomes part of a solution

to 21st century energy needs and not a

new problem.

Loic Douillet, Marketing Vice-President, Alstom

Answer: Global economic outlook

In terms of demand for new capacity, what

will most inf uence the 2013 power market is

likely to be the global economic outlook.

From experience, GDP growth remains

the overall number one driver of the new-

build market, with a kind of ‘double effect’:

not only does it shape the level of investors’

conf dence in the future, but additionally it is

What single driver will most inf uence the power market in 2013?

Jill Duggan, Policy Director, Doosan Power Systems

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14 Power Engineering International January 2013

Talking Point‘physically’ driving electricity demand growth.

This correlation is usually strong for

emerging economies. In China, 1 per cent

of GDP growth is driving approximately 1 per

cent more electricity consumption growth

and essentially 10 GW of additional capacity

usually ordered. In industrialised countries,

the correlation of electricity consumption

to GDP is less intensive, and retirement and

renewable incentive schemes are inf uencing

investment levels to a greater extent.

All in all, in 2013 the demand for new

build will remain strong for all plant types

in emerging countries thanks to expected

resilient GDP growth. In industrialised countries,

with many facing a weak GDP outlook and

overcapacity, we will see limited investment

in thermal power generation but a better

renewables market as long as incentives

are maintained.

Dr Jon Moore, Director of Commuications,Intelligent Energy

Answer: Energy infrastructure

The global energy infrastructure is ageing

and under extreme pressure from increasing

demand. The short-term cost of updating

or replacing the current infrastructure is

prohibitive, which necessitates the need

for a smart approach to maximise existing

and new infrastructure, although a smart

approach will have to be combined with

a pragmatic vision of future energy needs,

infrastructure capabilities and the energy mix.

The ambitious EU carbon reduction

and energy targets for 2020 require a

modernisation and expansion of Europe’s

energy infrastructure to simply meet its core

energy policy objectives of competitiveness,

sustainability and security of supply.

• A greater share of renewables in the energy

mix requires increased storage of electricity

to provide more intelligent and f exible


• Reduction of energy consumption targets

will require smarter control of the grid

infrastructure and the ability of consumers

to adopt smart consumption habits;

• Improvement of supply security will be

driven by infrastructure and network

expansion – smart electricity transmission

systems, storage systems, pipeline network.

These targets and objectives can only be

achieved with regional alignment on policy

and investment. Europe requires an estimated

investment of €200 billion within the next ten

years for the construction of gas pipelines

and electricity grids.

Current investment levels are not enough

to achieve this level of energy infrastructure

modernisation. Policy measures must

also enable speedy permits for critical

infrastructure construction projects.

In 2013, European leaders will vote on the

much needed regulation to enable the trans-

European energy infrastructure. This will be

a huge step towards energy supply stability

across the region – one that will also create

positive ripples for the European economy

and jobs market.

Consumers and energy suppliers will also

benef t from lower costs driven by greater

competition. The foundations of a smarter

connected energy infrastructure will make

a start.

Matti Rautkivi, General Manager, Liaison Off ce, Wärtsilä Power Plants

Answer: Gas policies

According to the Environmental Investigation

Agency and the International Energy Agency,

the role of gas generation will increase in 2013

and beyond. I fully agree with them. Eff cient

and f exible gas generation is needed for

variable renewables generation integration,

especially in Europe, and affordable gas – with

shale gas possibilities – makes investments in

gas generation attractive also outside the US.

Even though the opportunities for gas

generation seem to be obvious, there lies

great political uncertainty around gas

generation investments. Therefore, I would say

that policies around gas will be the single

driver most inf uencing the power market

in 2013.

In the EU, high gas prices, low spark

spreads, and subsidised renewable

generation have made the position of gas

generation challenging. This has raised

discussion on plant closures leading to

potential reliability risks. The EU and several EU

Member States have understood the need to

secure competitiveness of gas generation,

since f exible gas generation is needed to

back-up increasing renewable generation.

Consequently, political decisions on capacity

mechanisms, f exibility markets and internal

energy markets will shape the EU market

in 2013.

Contrary to Europe, gas is cheap in the

US. Current low domestic gas prices keep

attracting new investments in gas generation,

but simultaneously investments in gas

infrastructure are postponed while awaiting

information on the gas export policy, which

will have a major impact on long-term

domestic gas price levels.

Political decisions on gas exports in the

US, and shale gas development outside the

US, will affect gas prices and gas generation

development globally.

Increasing gas availability and lower gas

prices will shift energy policies from coal

towards gas in economies like China and

India, which are still witnessing 8–10 per cent

annual growth in power consumption in 2013.

An affordable, reliable and sustainable

power system will remain an objective in 2013

and beyond. As politicians in different markets

have now understood the potential of gas to

meet these objectives, we will witness several

political decisions to boost investments in gas

generation in 2013.

Answer: Regional developments

Dr Roland Fischer, Chief Executive, Fossil Power Generation Division, Siemens

After a few years of a robust power market,

2013 will be a tough year for the power

industry, but in the mid and long term we

expect the market to show a strong growth.

Over the next 20 years, today’s fossil power

generation capacity will be doubled.

Power plants with a total capacity of close

to 6000 GW were installed throughout the

world by 2011.

Page 17: PEI enero 2013 15Power Engineering International January 2013

Talking Point

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Siemens estimates that new power plants

with a total capacity of 7000 GW will be

built until 2030. More than 70 per cent of this

to-be-added capacity will be located in six

key regions of the world: the US, Europe, China,

India, Russia and the Middle East.

Energy systems in all continents are

currently being transformed and the power

market is undergoing major changes – and

at an ever-faster pace. Furthermore, the

markets are very diversif ed and are driven by

different regional needs, for example strong

demand growth in countries like China and

India, replacement of ageing equipment in

the US, availability and cost of fuel, and last

but not least environmental issues.

Germany’s energy transition is just one

example of how quickly the energy system

is having to adapt to new challenges.

Consequently, all these aspects are leading

to requirements for different technical and

commercial solutions.

It is essential to be present in these markets,

to be close to the customers, as well as to

know and understand their specif c needs.

Richard Postance, Power & Utilities Partner, Ernst & Young

Answer: Sustainability vs affordability

The balance between affordability,

sustainability and security evolves as ever

around the globe. In Europe, the weak

growth prospects and the scarcity of new

ideas are increasing the pressure to move

from sustainability to affordability in the

short term.

Looking beyond Europe, shale gas seems

to offer “lower carbon” than coal, lower cost

and improved security with diverse global


However, the risks of narrow portfolios are

clear to all – particularly when viewed over

the lifetime of power assets.

The strike price achieved in the UK by

the government for the f rst of the proposed

nuclear f eet in the f rst quarter of this year will

provide a critical data point for the future of

this balance in the UK, in Europe as a whole

and the broader international markets.

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The Lodi Energy Center in the US

Credit: Siemens

Page 18: PEI enero 2013

16 Power Engineering International January 2013

Carbon emissions control

Rising concern over the

power sector’s emissions has

brought CCS into increasing

prominence. In March 2013,

the UK is expected to choose its

f rst major CCS power project,

which will also be the world’s f rst not to be

associated with enhanced oil recovery (EOR)

and the f rst to pipe its emissions offshore.

The decision will throw a spotlight onto CCS

in Europe and prime further development in

a sector where progress has often been slow.

For its advocates, CCS is the only low-

carbon power technology that can compete

with nuclear in scale and consistency.

Through their baseload applications, CCS

projects should also deliver huge emissions

savings at a lower cost per unit than

intermittent rival technologies such as solar

and wind.

Campaigners also underscore that,

instead of being stored, captured CO2 can

be put to use. Turning a climate change

threat into a raw material for a new

sustainable carbon cycle would clearly be a

technological triumph. But is it feasible and

how much carbon could be consumed?

The emergence of CCU

In fact, with the exception of EOR, utilisation

processes are yet to be fully commercialised,

and the quantities of CO2 they utilise are

insignif cant. Yet algal biofuels and carbon-

based material production – as well as

EOR – could increasingly add value to CCS

projects, particularly those for smaller-scale,

high concentration industrial emissions,

where capture is currently not required.

On paper, CCS certainly makes good

sense as an emissions reduction option

for the power industry. Excluding it as a

technology would increase global green

investment costs to 2050 by 40 per cent,

according to the International Energy

Agency (IEA). What is more, CCS or CCU is

the only known way of dealing with emissions

from unavoidable sources such as steel and

cement production.

Carbon emissions control

As a solution to the power sector’s carbon dioxide (CO

2) emissions issue,

carbon capture and storage (CCS) could potentially be bolstered by the environmental and commercial benef ts of carbon capture and utilisation (CCU), f ndsJeremy Bowden.

Carbon capture: for use or storage?

Capturing carbon dioxide from thermal plant emissions and, ideally, putting it to use

could offer an economical route to a low-carbon economy

Credit: Drax

Page 19: PEI enero 2013


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Page 20: PEI enero 2013

18 Power Engineering International January 2013

Carbon emissions control

Despite this, the IEA complains that

CCS is often excluded from the supportive

policies and funding targeted at low-carbon

technologies, which means governments

may fail to follow the least cost route to

lower emissions. High up-front costs also

weaken the appeal of CCS, which in some

circumstances can lack the energy security

benef ts offered by wind or solar, and is also

unfashionable among environmentalists.

Globally, eight large-scale EOR-driven

CCS projects currently store about 23 million

tonnes of CO2 per year (mntCO


according to the Global Carbon Capture

and Storage Institute (GCCSI). Although

concern over unreliable storage was largely

responsible for halting another eight projects

in 2012, none of these existing plants has

experienced reservoir leakage.

A further eight projects are under

construction, including two linked to power

plants. These will raise storage to more than

36 mntCO2/year by 2015, or about 70 per cent

of the IEA’s CCS target for the year. Looking

further ahead, though, CCS is expected to fall

increasingly short of the agency’s objectives.

While CCU could improve the economics

of CCS projects, it operates on a different

scale, says Professor Peter Styring of Sheff eld

University in the UK. While a utilisation

advocate, he estimates that CCU could

absorb just 10 per cent of emissions.

“There’s no competition between

utilisation and storage, because each has a

separate main purpose,” he says. “Utilisation

is not so much about controlling emissions,

it is more about ensuring a secure carbon

chemical supply chain in the future.”

As well as to mitigate climate change,

governments seek to achieve economic

stability, establish sustainable industries,

maintain employment and ensure energy

security, he adds.

“Currently the most prof table use of CO2

is to make Asprin,” he says. “But the world’s

demand would be satisf ed by a partial off

take from a small waste plant in Sheff eld. On

the other hand the synthetic kerosene and

diesel markets are huge.”

Using CO2 for transport fuels could provide

an alternative to the hydrogen-based energy

system many expect to replace fossil fuels,

saiys Professor Styring. And using CO2 in

aviation fuels could be essential because

no other fuel, including hydrogen, has yet

proved technically viable, he adds.

He believes that intermittent renewables

could provide energy to produce fuels based

on CO2 during periods of low grid demand. In

this way, CO2 utilisation would effectively store

intermittent renewable energy, both in terms

of carbon and electrons.

Dr Ward Goldthorpe, CCS programme

manager for the UK Crown Estate, considers

that utilisation could improve project

economics by attaching a value to the CO2.

“Using some of the carbon as a raw material

or for EOR is welcome to help facilitate

storage projects. They are certainly not

mutually exclusive. We need to juggle in a bit

of everything,” he said.

Enhanced gas recovery, coalbed

methane injection and uses in other

unconventional hydrocarbon development

could also be complementary to CCS, he


So far only the EU has a structural incentive

for CCS through the emissions trading

scheme (ETS), but prices are well below

the levels needed for private development,

given the costs and perceived investment

risk of the relatively untested technology.

Additional subsidies are being provided

through competitive process in the UK

and EU, while other governments including

Canada, Australia, China and the US have

also sponsored development by more than

$20 billion globally to date.

CCU deserves similar backing, saus

Professor Styring. Whenever CCS is proposed,

CCU should be considered, and CCU should

also be promoted more by organisations like

the IEA and United Nations, in his view.

UK edges ahead in CCS

The UK is taking a leading role in CCS with

a comprehensive support policy combining

a subsidy for early plants, with guaranteed

long-term market-linked power prices.

CCS is earmarked to meet 7 gigatonnes

(Gt) of carbon savings within a legally-

binding target of 42 Gt to 2050 under a least

cost scenario. The UK’s Energy Technology

Institute estimates a 1 per cent per year GDP

saving to 2050 through using CCS rather than

renewable technologies to meet the targets.

What is more, the UK’s recent decision

to back shale gas development and push

ahead with new gas-f red power plants has

knock-on implications for CCS, making it

even more critical to the country’s binding

emissions reduction strategy.

In the UK, the CCS Cost Reduction Task

Force (CRTF) predicts the sector will be able

to generate electricity at a levelised cost

approaching £100 ($160)/MWh by the early

2020s, and at a cost signif cantly below that

soon after.

Costs will fall though transforming existing

large offshore hydrocarbon gathering

structures into CO2 storage clusters (including

EOR operations), which would take gas from

multiple onshore CO2 emitters through large,

shared pipelines, with high usage, says

Dr Goldthorpe.

“Third party access regulations will be

based on those of oil and gas in the UK, which

is one of the most eff cient and competitive

regimes in the world,” he adds. “Access to

storage is more diff cult. The UK is unique in

reforming markets to achieve results, which is

why the f rst [EU] power-to-storage project will

be here.”

The CRTF also expects capture costs to

fall following the f rst couple of projects, while

dedicated funding through the new Green

Bank, along with rising private f nance as

investor conf dence improves, should bring

down capital costs. Longer term, the CRTF

expects EOR in some central North Sea oil

f elds to further improve economics.

At the end of the f rst quarter of 2013,

the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate

Change (DECC) is expected to provide

funds of up to $1 billion to one or more of

four projects vying to be the f rst large power-

to-storage project in the UK and across the

world without EOR.

The subsidy is aimed at kick-starting

the industry, which requires heavy up-front

investment if it is to be cost competitive by

the 2020s. Two of the projects will need new

pipelines to offshore storage sites, while the

other two will use existing pipeline infrastructure.

Three of the projects take CO2 from coal-

f red power stations and one from a gas-f red

station, which could be the world’s f rst gas-to-

CCS project. Funding is also expected to come

from the European Commission.

“The project chosen in March will be the

f rst not associated with EOR worldwide at

commercial scale. It will also be the f rst to

collect the gas onshore for deposit offshore,”

says Dr Goldthorpe. “Eventually the central

North sea will be able to offer storage to

Europe where coal use is on the rise.”

The UK’s electricity market system – which

allows for guaranteed payments around

Page 21: PEI enero 2013

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Page 22: PEI enero 2013

20 Power Engineering International January 2013

Carbon emissions control

market-linked Contract for Difference (CfD)

feed-in tariffs (FiTs) – has created the best

environment globally for power-linked CCS,

says Dr Jeff Chapman of the UK Carbon

Capture and Storage Association (CCSA).

While costs are expected to be above

£100/MWh in the f rst projects, even this is far

below the equivalent solar price. And once

transport and storage networks are started,

costs are expected to fall sharply, he adds. “It

is being realised that we cannot do without

fossil fuels in the near term, and CCS tackles

that and global warming at the same time.”

Industrial strategy

Dr Chapman sees national environmental

policy as dictated as much by economic as

environmental considerations. “The UK has

backed CCS, Germany didn’t. It went for a

failed industrial strategy tailored around solar

manufacturing that has been undercut by

the Chinese. Our strategy complements UK

strengths in oil and gas engineering, and

could provide a home for all the CO2 that

the current ramp up in German coal use

is creating.”

On the other hand, Professor Styring

laments the lack of UK interest in utilisation.

“If the development of CO2 utilisation were a

100-metre race, the Germans already have

a 20-metre head start. They have invested

heavily in utilisation techniques creating a

centre of excellence in Germany,” he says.

Yet he also sees policy as ref ecting nations’

efforts to play to their strengths through

industrial development strategies.

For Dr Goldthorpe, though, the UK is

overlooking the commercial aspects of

CCS and CCU. “Elsewhere, carbon projects

have proceeded on the basis of synergistic

business models, whereas in the UK it is

in response to carbon reduction targets

enshrined in law, and is simply CCS.” In his

view, a carbon tax of $70–100/tonne would

put enough value on UK carbon to ensure its

disposal until EOR became easier to work into

projects from 2020.

Professor Stuart Haszeldine of Edinburgh

University also sees a need to bolster the

commercial case for CCS. “The UK has

3–7 billion barrels of additional oil that could

make the [CCS] proposition more attractive”.

But lengthy new pipelines will be required

and developers are restricted to existing wells

by the cost of digging new ones, he adds.

New platforms may also be needed

and f ow control remains a problem, says

Dr Goldthorpe.

The UK CCSA warmly welcomed recent

UK energy legislation, saying it provided that

“much needed investment certainty” for

CCS. But there were no special incentives

for carbon utilisation in the bill – all the

competing projects are pure storage, with

EOR seen only as a medium-term goal.

CCS makes a patchy start

Despite promising credentials, CCS is behind

schedule. Meeting the IEA’s global emission

targets requires that 130 CCS projects are

on-stream by 2020. As well as the 16 now

operating or under construction, only another

51 projects are planned for then, according

to the GCCSI. Worse yet, although some

industrial CCU projects exist, no CCS projects

have been developed for iron, steel or

cement manufacturers. “The lack of traction

of CCS is due to a lack of traction on climate

change,” says Dr Goldthorpe. But others see

specif c issues for CCS: high energy costs and

uncertainty over storage sites, as well as high-

capital costs that are particularly disabling in

the wake of the banking crisis.

Public protests have curtailed at least

three CCS projects worldwide. But more

projects have been scuppered by technical

glitches, largely associated with uncertainty

over storage capacity and leakage.

“Capture can be repeated but storage is

different every time,” says Sheila Banes of

geology f rm Senergy.

Reservoir integrity represents the longest

lead time for any CCS project, with certifying

for each site requiring several years, although

no operating CCS sites has yet recorded

any leakage, and most experts believe CO2

is likely to behave much like other gases

in petroleum formations, with which they

are familiar.

Some governments – notably Germany

– also reject CCS. “The German government

has directed no funds towards CCS for three

reasons: a lack of storage, public perception,

and it couldn’t f nd a way to make it

prof table,” says Professor Styring.

For Dr Goldthorpe, initial project f nancing

has run up against Europe’s f nancial and

banking crisis. “It’s all fallen on its face a bit

[in Europe],” he says. Peripheral countries are

unable to match EU funds, leaving projects

languishing on the drawing board, he adds.

“The component technologies [of CCS]

are understood, the issue for CCS is the size of

upfront capital costs, but as the infrastructure

is put in place costs will fall.”

New technology is steadily bringing down

CCS’s high capture costs, although not as

quickly as early optimists had predicted.

Capture costs are expected to fall to €35–50

($40–70)/tonne of CO2 (tCO

2) in the early

2020s from €50–70/tCO2 now, according

to the GCCSI. The UK’s DECC is targeting

a capture cost of less than $40/tCO2 for

“second generation technologies” and less

than $10/tCO2 captured for “transformational

technologies”. These goals assume 90 per

cent CO2 capture, compared to current

capture levels around 65–80 per cent in

coal-f red plants.

The other costs are highly variable.

Transportation costs depend on distance,

existing infrastructure and ownership, while

storage costs relate to the ease of injection

and monitoring at reservoirs. But if CCS did

Algal biofuels and chemicals based on captured CO

2 could add much-needed value to CCS projects

Credit: RWE

Page 23: PEI enero 2013 21Power Engineering International January 2013

Carbon emissions control

get going as planned, experts expect suitable storage sites including

depleted oil and gas f elds to soon be used up, giving an idea of the

huge volumes involved.

Current projects

Eight CCS projects are currently operating, including two offshore

natural gas processing developments with saline reservoir storage,

two CO2 EOR projects, and BP’s gas processing and storage project

in Algeria. All these projects are run by oil companies, who add value

to the CO2 by f nding a prof table use for it (i.e. EOR), are keen to show

green credentials and have deep enough pockets to meet the high-

capital costs.

In the US, Southern Company’s post-combustion 582 MW Plant Barry

– which derived added value from EOR – recently became the world’s

largest integrated CCS coal-f red project. Of the eight projects under

construction and listed by the GCCSI, two were selected for support

under the US Department of Energy’s Clean Coal Power Initiative, and

both involve EOR. In CCU, the US is funding a range of projects that

include making carbonates with f ue gas from aluminium smelters

and cement plants, as well as producing plastics and algal biofuels

through coal-f red sources.

In August, Australia brought on stream a large algal biofuel plant

fed with CO2 from a neighbouring ethanol plant. Germany and Spain

host similar plants and even India now has an algal project in the

state of Orissa, which takes CO2 from a state aluminium plant.

But a huge reliance on coal-f red generation in developing nations

– particularly China and India – makes large-scale CCS vital for global

emission cuts. So far, only 19 developing countries are looking at CCS,

mostly linked to EOR and with little impact on emissions, according to

the GCCSI.

China is an honourable exception, hosting f ve of the nine new

projects announced last year. Chinese support for CCS is also strong

through the country’s 12th Five-Year Plan. The Huaneng Group, the

country’s largest generator now has two CCS pilot projects underway.

But for emerging economies the IEA’s global emission reduction

targets look especially challenging. To hit the agency’s goal, a

staggering 70 per cent of CCS deployment by 2050 will need to occur

in developing countries.

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For thermal power plants, CCS could prove vital

amid tightening environmental regulations

Credit: Drax

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Buyers GuideDirectoryThe most comprehensive directory of companies serving the global power industry

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24 Power Engineering International January 2013

Products and Services Index


Acoustic panels and coatings 28

Actuators 28

Additives 28

Agitators 28

Air cleaners, dryers and filters 28

Air compressors 28

Air conditioning and refrigeration 28

Air heaters and preheaters 28

Air pollution monitors and CEMS 28

Alignment and balancing equipment 28

Ammonia storage systems 28

Analyzers 28

Annunciators and alarms 28

Ash-handling equipment and systems 28

Automatic transfer switches 28

Automatic voltage regulators 28

Baghouses/fabric filters 28

Batteries and accessories 28

Bearings 28

Blowers 28

Boilers 28

Bolts 30

Borescopes, videoscopes, fiberscopes 30

Bucket elevators 30

Bulk material handling systems 30

Burners and ignition systems 30

Cable and cable equipment 30

Cable assessment testing 30

Cable life extension 30

Castings 30

Catalysts 30

Catalysts, oxidation 30

Cathodic protection systems 30

Chemicals 30

Chimneys/stacks 30

Cleaning equipment 30

Clutches 30

Coal 30

Coatings/lining materials 30

Cogeneration systems 30

Combined cycles 30

Combustion 30

Combustion air flow measurement 30

Combustion control and

optimization systems 30

Communication equipment 30

Compressors 30

Computer hardware 30

Computer-aided design and

engineering 30

Computer software 32

Condensate polishing systems 32

Condensers 32

Controllers 32

Control panels and consoles 32

Control systems 32

Converters 32

Conveyors and conveyor accessories 32

Cooling towers 32

Corrosion prevention products 32

Couplings 32

Dampers 32

Data acquisition systems 32

Deaerators 32

Desuperheaters 32

Detection systems 32

Diagnostic systems 32

Distributed generation equipment

and systems 32

Drives 32

Dry sorbent injection systems 32

Dryers 32

Ducts 32

Dust control and collection

equipment 32

Economizers 32

Electrical hardware 34

Electrical test equipment 34

Electrostatic precipitators 34

Elevators 34

Enclosures and on-site buildings 34

Energy management systems and

analyzers 34

Energy storage 34

Engine-generators 34

Evaporators 34

Excitation 34

Expansion joints/breechings 34

Fabric filter systems 34

Fans 34

Fasteners 34

Feeders 34

Feedwater heaters 34

Filters and filtration systems 34

Fire detection 34

Fire protection equipment 36

Flowmeters 36

Flue gas conditioning 36

Flue gas desulfurization 36

Fluid drives 36

Fluidized-bed combustion systems 36

Foreign material exclusion systems 36

Fuel 36

Gas turbine inlet cooling 36

Gas turbines 36

Gas turbine parts, components and

accessories 36

Gasification systems 36

Gaskets/packings 36

Gauges 36

Gears 36

Generators 36

Grinding equipment 36

Heat detection 36

Heat exchangers 36

Heat recovery systems/HRSGs 36

Heat/steam tracing 37

Heaters 37

Hoists 37

Hose 37

Hydraulic fluids 37

Hydraulic systems, accessories 37

Hydro generators 37

Hydro turbines 37

Hydro-electric generating systems 37

Hydrogen supply and on-site

production 37

Identification, signage, marking

and tagging systems 37

Indicators 37

Inductors 37

Inspection equipment 37

Instruments, measuring 37

Insulation 37

Inverters 37

Ladders, handrails and platforms 37

Leak detection 37

Level control and monitoring 37

Lighting 37

Liners and linings 37

Lube-oil systems 37

Lubricants 37

Machinery equipment 37

Maintenance equipment and

supplies 38

Manometers 38

Mercury control equipment and

supplies 38

Metals 38

Meters 38

Microturbines 38

Mist eliminators 38

Mixers 38

Monitoring equipment 38

Motor control centers 38

Motor starters 38

Motors and accessories 38

Multipollutant emissions control 38

Nitrogen oxide control systems 38

Noise measurement and control 38

Non-destructive evaluation

and testing 38

Nuclear 38

Oil 38

Products and Services


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26 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies ListingProducts and Services Index

Opacity monitors 38

Paints and protective coatings 38

pH monitoring instruments 38

Pipe 38

Piping 38

Power conditioning/power quality 38

Power supplies 38

Power transmission 38

Pressure monitoring, measuring 38

Pressure vessels 38

Programmable controllers 38

Protective equipment 38

Pumps 38

Rail car handling systems 39

Recorders 39

Rectifiers 39

Regulators 39

Reheaters 39

Relays 39

Remote monitoring 39

Renewables 39

Rental equipment 39

Reverse osmosis systems 39

Safety equipment 40

Sampling hardware 40

Scaffolding and shoring 40

Scales 40

Screens 40

Scrubbers 40

Sealants 40

Seals 40

Security systems 40

Sensors 40

Separators 40

Shredders 40

Silencers 40

Simulators 40

Simulators, engineering 40

Simulators, training 40

Sludge removal and handling 40

Solar power equipment 40

Solid waste fuel handling 40

Sootblowers 40

Spray nozzles 40

Stacker-reclaimers 40

Standby power systems and UPS 40

Steam generators 40

Steam separators and traps 40

Steam turbines 40

Steam turbine parts, components and accessories 40

Steel 40

Stokers 40

Storage systems 40

Strain gauges 40

Strainers 40

Substations 40

Superheaters 40

Supervisory control systems 40

Surge suppressors 40

Switches 40

Switchgear 40

Tachometers 40

Telemetering devices 40

Temperature monitoring and measuring equipment 40

Temporary buildings 40

Tensioners 40

Test equipment 40

Thermometers 40

Thermowells 40

Tools 42

Torque conversion 42

Transducers 42

Transformers 42

Transmission/substation equipment 42

Transmitters 42

Tube equipment 42

Tubing 42

Vacuum pumps 42

Vacuum systems 42

Valve actuators 42

Valves 42

Vibration 42

Voltage regulators 42

Waste-to-energy 42

Wastewater treatment 42

Water intake systems 42

Water treatment systems 42

Wear resistant coatings and parts 42

Weighing systems 42

Welding 42

Wind power 42


Accident investigation 44

Aftermarket parts and services 44

Air compressors, overhaul and repair 44

Air pollution control services 44

Alignment/balancing 44

Analytical testing 44

Baghouse/fabric filter rebuilding and repair 44

Battery testing, maintenance, monitoring 44

Bearings 44

Boiler/pressure vessel services 44

Bulk handling systems, service and repair 44

Calibration 44

Carbon dioxide removal 44

Cleaning services 44

Coating application 44

Cogeneration 44

Combustion byproducts consulting/marketing 44

Combustion diagnostics and testing 44

Computer-aided drafting 44

Condensers 44

Construction and installation services 44

Construction management 44

Consulting 44

Control system design and maintenance 44

Cooling tower services 44

Corrosion control and monitoring 44

Diesel engines 44

Electrical testing services 44

Electrostatic precipitators 44

Emergency/crisis management 44

Employment 44

Engineering and design services 44

Environmental services 46

Equipment rental 46

Erection services 46

Expert testimony 46

Fans 46

Feedwater heaters 46

Filter services and maintenance 46

Flue gas conditioning 46

Fuel supply (coal, oil, gas) 46

Gas turbine inlet cooling 46

Gas turbines 46

Gear repair 47

Generators 47

Heat exchangers 47

Heat recovery/HRSGs 47

Heat treating 47

Inspection services 47

Instrumentation and control systems 47

Insulation contracting 47

Laboratory services 47

Life extension services 47

Lube oil 47

Machining 47

Maintenance services 47

Management consulting 48

Mechanical failure analysis 48

Metal fabricating and machining 48

Metallizing 48

Monitoring 48

Motor testing, analysis, repair 48

Noise monitoring and control 48

Nondestructive evaluation and testing 48

Nuclear 48

Outage services 48

Personnel/staffing 48

Piping 48

Power project development 48

Process control 48

Project management 48

Pumps and compressors 48

Operating services 48

Repair services, general 48

Research and development 48

Safety 48

Scrubbers 48

Sootblower maintenance 48

Spare parts 48

Stacks 48

Staffing 48

Start-up and commissioning 48

Steam generators, maintenance and repair 48

Steam generators, nuclear 48

Steam turbines 48

Support services, on-site 49

Testing 49

Trade association 49

Training and education 49

Transportation 49

Transportation heavy haul, heavy lift 49

Used equipment for sale 49

Valves 49

Vibration control 49

Weld testing 49

Welding 49

Wind power 49

Page 29: PEI enero 2013




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Page 30: PEI enero 2013

28 Power Engineering International January 2013

Products Listing

Acoustic panels and coatings

FAIST Anlagenbau GmbHSound TechnologiesTechnicon Acoustics

ActuatorsAeroderivative Gas Turbine

Support IncARCA Regler GmbHAUMA Riester GmbH & Co KGCBS ArcsafeHEINZMANN GmbH & Co KGHOERBIGER - Altronic Engine

SolutionsLinde AGPrecision Engine Controls CorpSIPOS Aktorik GmbHSTEJASA Agregados Industriales


Voith Turbo GmbH & Co KG

Young & Franklin Inc

AdditivesAlbemarle CorpThe Dow Chemical CoIMERYSTurbotect Ltd

AgitatorsSemi-Bulk Systems IncTMR Turbo Misch & Ruehranlagen


Air cleaners, dryers and filters

Camf l Farr Power Systems GmbHDef tec SPRLGEA Filtri Gasparini AssociatesLectrodryerParker domnick hunterUT99 AG Oil Mist Eliminators

Air compressorsDoosan Infracore Portable PowerGravitational Systems

Engineering IncPetrotech Inc

Air conditioning and refrigeration

Aerof n CorpArmstrong-Hunt IncKTI-Plersch Kaeltetechnik GmbHLuvata Söderköping Ab

Air heaters and preheatersAerof n CorpArmstrong-Hunt IncGaumer ProcessGEA Renzmann & Grünewald

GmbHHOTSTART Manufacturing IncHowden North America IncWahlco Inc

Air pollution monitors and CEMS

Lenox Instrument Co

Alignment and balancing equipment

Data Physics CorpFixturlaser AB

Ammonia storage systemsGaumer ProcessWahlco Inc


air pollutionAMETEKLenox Instrument Co

CO2Hitech Instruments

conductivityEmerson Process ManagementSWAN Analytical Asia Co LtdSWAN Analytische Instrumente


dissolved oxygenSWAN Systeme AGDr Thiedig & Co KG

fuel/ashCBP Engineering Corp

hydrogen purity and purgeHitech Instruments


oxygenHitech Instruments

portable diagnostic equipment

AlbercorpData Physics CorpElcon International ABSWAN Systeme AGUnited Process Controls

sampling and analyzing systems

Emerson Process Management

Endress+Hauser Instruments International AG

Dr Thiedig & Co KGYokogawa Europe BV

steam and water analyzing systems (SWAS)

Emerson Process ManagementEndress+Hauser Instruments

International AGDr Thiedig & Co KGYokogawa Europe BV

water chemistryEmerson Process ManagementEndress+Hauser Instruments

International AGDr Thiedig & Co KG

otherElcon International ABMega-Fabs Motion Systems LtdUnited Process Controls

Annunciators and alarmsAMETEK Power InstrumentsPuleo Electronics Inc

Ash-handling equipment and systems

AUMUND Foerdertechnik GmbHClyde Bergemann Power GroupColumbian TecTankColumbia Steel Casting Co IncDiamond Power International IncFLSmidth IncMagaldi Power SpASchenck ProcessSeparation Technologies LLCTank Connection Aff liate GroupUnited Conveyor CorpVooner FloGard Corp

Automatic transfer switches

Woodward GmbH

Automatic voltage regulators

ABB IncBasler Electric France SASBRUSHMega-Fabs Motion Systems Ltd

Baghouses/fabric filtersClyde Bergemann Power GroupGE Power & Water - Air FiltrationHamon

Batteries and accessoriesAlbercorp


journalMichell BearingsPAN Metallgesellschaft

Baumgärtner GmbH & CoKGTurbo Parts LLC

oil filmPAN Metallgesellschaft

Baumgärtner GmbH & CoKGWaukesha Bearings

rolling elementPAN Metallgesellschaft

Baumgärtner GmbH & CoKGTurbine Technics Inc

otherAeroderivative Gas Turbine

Support IncMECOS AGPAN Metallgesellschaft

Baumgärtner GmbH & CoKG

BlowersClyde Bergemann Power GroupContinental Fan Canada IncMECOS AG


auxiliaryBono Energia SpABosch Industriekessel GmbHCleaver-Brooks Engineered Boiler

SystemsNebraska BoilerRentech Boiler Systems IncVictory Energy Operations

dry sorbent injection systems

Clyde Bergemann Power GroupNol-Tec Systems Inc

field-erected powerAnsaldo Caldaie SpAHurst Boiler & Welding Co IncMetso PowerRentech Boiler Systems IncSTF SpA

fluidized bedMagaldi Power SpAMetso Power

heat recovery/waste heatAnsaldo Caldaie SpAAPROVIS Energy Systems GmbHThe Babcock & Wilcox CoBono Energia SpABORSIG GmbHCleaver-Brooks Engineered Boiler

SystemsCMI EnergyHurst Boiler & Welding Co Inc

Products Listing

Page 31: PEI enero 2013

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30 Power Engineering International January 2013

Products Listing

Nebraska BoilerNooter/Eriksen IncRentech Boiler Systems IncSTF SpAVictory Energy Operations

packageThe Babcock & Wilcox CoBono Energia SpACCI Thermal Technologies IncHurst Boiler & Welding Co IncIndeck Power Equipment CoInternational Power Machinery

CoNationwide Boiler IncNebraska BoilerRentech Boiler Systems IncVictory Energy OperationsWabash Power Equipment Co

rentalIndeck Power Equipment CoNationwide Boiler IncVictory Energy Operations

tubingPlymouth Tube CoZeleziarne Podbrezova

otherBosch Industriekessel GmbH

BoltsBoltight LtdHYTORCObo Bettermann GmbH & Co KGThor Precision Inc

Borescopes, videoscopes, fiberscopes

Borescopes-R-UsLenox Instrument CoMachida Inc

Bucket elevatorsBEUMER CorpJeffrey Rader Corp

Bulk material handling systems

BEUMER CorpClyde Bergemann Power GroupGE Power & Water - Air FiltrationJeffrey Rader CorpLoibl Allen-Sherman-Hoff GmbHMagaldi Power SpANol-Tec Systems IncProcon EngineeringSchenck Process

Burners and ignition systems

BFI Automation GmbHClyde Bergemann Power GroupDe Jong Combustion BVDetroit Stoker CoDURAG GroupLenox Instrument CoMaxon - a Honeywell CoMicrofusione Stellite SpANATCOM


XERVON Energy GmbHZeeco Inc

Cable and cable equipment

Cable Labels USAEbo SystemsHouston Wire & Cable CohvGrid-tech IncSuperPower IncTech Products IncTurbine Technics Inc

Cable assessment testingCable Labels USAhvGrid-tech IncUtilX

Cable life extensionCable Labels USAUtilX

CastingsColumbia Steel Casting Co IncDoosan Heavy Industries &

Construction Co LtdIndependent Forgings & Alloys

LtdIngersoll RandPrvni Brnenska Strojirna Velka

Bites asSchmidt Clemens GmbH Co KG

CatalystsCormetech IncDuct BalloonEmeraChemHaldor Topsoe A/SHaldor Topsoe Inc

Catalysts, oxidationBlackthorn Environmental LtdEmeraChem

Cathodic protection systems

AMETEK Solid State ControlsTi Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd

ChemicalsIMERYSRochem Technical Services

Chimneys/stacksATCO Emissions Management

IncBraden Manufacturing LLCCommonwealth Dynamics IncDuro Dakovic Kompenzatori ddHadek Protective Systems bvSEIRISSound TechnologiesSTEJASA Agregados Industriales


Cleaning equipmentIMERYSRochem Technical ServicesSpecialised Overhaul Service P/LZOK International Group Ltd

ClutchesHilliard Corp


handling and preparationAUMUND CorpAUMUND Foerdertechnik GmbH

Columbian TecTankESI EurosiloHAUK & SASKO

Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbHJeffrey Rader CorpSAMSON Materials Handling LtdSCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH

Coatings/lining materialsBlome InternationalCBP Engineering CorpHadek Protective Systems bvProEnergy Services

Cogeneration systemsAlturdyneBNL Clean Energy GroupDresser-Rand Co LtdDuro FelgueraGEGE - Jenbacher Gas EnginesGravitational Systems

Engineering IncHurst Boiler & Welding Co IncIberdrola Ingenieria y

ConstruccionLahmeyer International GmbHMTU Onsite Energy CorpSiemens EnergySKODA POWERSKODA POWER Pvt Ltd

Combined cyclesAnsaldo Energia SpABechtelBNL Clean Energy GroupDoosan Power Systems AmericasDoosan Power Systems LimitedDuro FelgueraGEIberdrola Ingenieria y

ConstruccionLahmeyer International GmbHMitsubishi Power Systems Europe

LtdShaw Group UK LtdSiemens EnergySKODA POWERSKODA POWER Pvt LtdXERVON Energy GmbH


control and optimization systems

CBP Engineering CorpGE Intelligent PlatformsSAS Global Corp

pressure monitoringMeggitt Sensing Systems

systems and burnersBromford Technologies LtdDetroit Stoker CoOUESTime


Zeeco Inc

Combustion air flow measurement

icenta Controls Ltd

Combustion control and optimization systems

Ansaldo Thomassen BVCBP Engineering CorpClyde Bergemann Power GroupDURAG GroupEmerson Process ManagementGE Intelligent PlatformsIMERYSLenox Instrument CoLoesche Energy Systems LtdUnited Process ControlsZeeco Inc

Communication equipment

Amphenol Fiber Systems International

Crystal Group IncEncore NetworksH&L Instruments LLCLiteway IncTelbit AG


airAtlas Copco Construction Mining

Technique USA LLCBORSIG GmbHDoosan Infracore Portable PowerGravitational Systems

Engineering IncIngersoll RandKobelco Compressors America

IncPetrotech IncTurbocam Europe Ltd

gasAtlas Copco Construction Mining

Technique USA LLCBORSIG GmbHDresser-Rand Co LtdGEGravitational Systems

Engineering IncIngersoll RandKobelco Compressors America

IncMECOS AGMinco UK LtdPetrotech IncSAMPI SpATST-Turbo Service & Trading


Computer hardwareCrystal Group IncEncore Networks

Computer-aided design and engineering

AVEVA Solutions LtdBentley Systems IncDEE Development Engineers LtdGlobal Training Solutions IncHTRI Asia-Pacif cHTRI EMEAManitoba HVDC Research

CentreProSim IncSimTech GmbHUniversity of GenevaWalter Dow Associates Ltd

Page 33: PEI enero 2013

PENNGUARD® Block Lining System



Tel: +31 (0)10 4051461

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Hadek is the expert on power plantchimney and ductwork protection, and a global distributor of thePennguard® Block Lining System.

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Tomorrow’s chimneydesign: lighter, cheaper,built to last

The New Chimney Design from Hadek is a revolution in powerplant chimney construction.

It’s slim and lightweight, but built to last – even in seismicregions. It’s normally around five months faster and 20% less expensive to build than traditional chimneys.

The design is simple: a smooth reinforced concrete shell, withthe Pennguard® Block Lining System applied directly to itsinside surface. So there’s no need for a separate internal flue.

Why is the New Chimney Design the future?

It’s low maintenance, with minimal risk of component failure.It’s long-lasting – the Pennguard® lining has a projected servicelife of at least 20 years. It has outstanding seismic tolerance.Also it is designed specifically for a wide range of operatingconditions including low temperature FGD operation.

Make the New Chimney Design part of your plans. Contact Hadek now: +31 (0)10 4051461, [email protected]

Pennguard® is a registered trademark of Henkel KGaA and is used with their permission

This advertisement is not to be considered a warranty concerning product performance

Concrete shell

Ambient temperature




Pennguard® Block Lining System protects against acid condensate, high temperatures and thermal shock

Flue gas stream





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32 Power Engineering International January 2013

Products Listing

Computer software

enterprise resource planning (ERP)

AVEVA Solutions Ltd

generaldataVoiceHAUK & SASKO

Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbHManitoba HVDC Research

CentreUniversity of Geneva

maintenanceCrestchic Ltd

performance, diagnostic, optimization

ABB Pte LtdEmerson Process ManagementGP Strategies CorpProcess Plugins IncSimTech GmbH

supply chain/e-procurement

HAUK & SASKO Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH

thermal analysisHTRI Asia-Pacif cHTRI EMEA

trainingEmerson Process ManagementGP Strategies CorpGSE Systems Inc

Condensate polishing systems

Ovivo UK Ltd

CondensersBabcock Power IncClyde Bergemann Power GroupFRITERM TERMIK CIHAZLAR SAN

Ve TIC ASSPX Heat Transfer


airflowicenta Controls Ltd

energy managementAguidrovert Solar SL - Energia

Termica Fotovoltaica Y Biomasa

CRE TechnologyKingsine Electric Automation (HK)

Co LtdWoodward GmbH

meters and instrumentsAMETEKEndress+Hauser BVVaisala OyjYokogawa Europe BV

temperature monitoringAMETEKBFI Automation GmbHDynamic Ratings IncRonan Engineering CoSAT Infrared Technology Co LtdUnited Process Controls

Control panels and consoles

Basler Electric

Cable Labels USACRE Technologyeyevis GmbHGas Turbine Controls CorpGorman-Rupp CoSchweitzer Engineering

Laboratories Inc

Control systems

allCrystal Group IncDynamic Ratings IncGE Intelligent PlatformsNATCOMVoith Hydro Holding GmbH &


analogGas Turbine Controls CorpHEINZMANN GmbH & Co KGLiteway IncTrihedral Engineering Ltd

digitalABB Pte LtdABB Switzerland LtdAllen-Sherman-HoffBasler ElectricBasler Electric France SASBeckwith ElectricEmerson Process ManagementGas Turbine Controls CorpHEINZMANN GmbH & Co KGLiteway IncMega-Fabs Motion Systems LtdOPTEC CommunicationsPetrotech IncPrecision Engine Controls CorpTrihedral Engineering LtdVoith Turbo GmbH & Co KGWoodward GmbH

remoteBasler ElectricCRE Technology


frequencyABB Switzerland LtdELIN Motoren GmbHMajorpower CorpMECOS AGPower Conversion

Conveyors and conveyor accessories

Allen-Sherman-HoffBEUMER CorpCable Labels USALoibl Allen-Sherman-Hoff GmbHNol-Tec Systems IncSchenck Process

Cooling towers

componentsGEA 2H Water Technologies

GmbHHamonLufkin Industries IncREKO PRAHA asSPIG SpA

systemsHamonREKO PRAHA as

test equipmentREKO PRAHA as

Corrosion prevention products

ATI Nuclear EnergyBlome InternationalThe Dow Chemical CoMembranaREKO PRAHA asSolcon Industries LtdTi Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd

CouplingsLufkin Industries IncVoith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH

Voith Turbo GmbH & Co KG

DampersAarding Thermal Acoustics BVATCO Emissions Management

IncBraden Manufacturing LLCCamf l Farr Power Systems GmbHClyde Bergemann Power GroupDuct BalloonLisega SEProcess Equipment - Barron

IndustriesSTEJASA Agregados Industriales

SAWelland & Tuxhorn AG

Data acquisition systemsAMOtronicsEmerson Process ManagementEndress+Hauser BVGeokon IncH&L Instruments LLCLiteway IncTrihedral Engineering Ltd

DeaeratorsArtes Ingegneria SpAGeokon IncKansas City DeaeratorMembrana

DesuperheatersArtes Ingegneria SpACopes-VulcanLeslie Controls IncWahlco IncWelland & Tuxhorn AG

Detection systems

flameBFI Automation GmbHPIA IncTurbine Technics Inc

leakProcon EngineeringRonan Engineering Co

Diagnostic systemsAMOtronicsClyde Bergemann Power GroupDiamond Power International IncKingsine Electric Automation (HK)

Co LtdSohre Turbomachinery IncVibroSystM Inc

Distributed generation equipment and systems

ABB IncASCO Power TechnologiesBasler ElectricBeckwith ElectricDynamic Ratings IncEPG Enginuity Portable Grideyevis GmbHGE - Jenbacher Gas EnginesMid America Engine IncMTU Onsite Energy CorpPower Developments

International FZCO


dampersSIPOS Aktorik GmbH

electronicMega-Fabs Motion Systems LtdSolcon Industries Ltd

fluidHowden North America IncVoith Turbo GmbH & Co KG

mechanicalVoith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH

variable speedABB IncABB Pte LtdABB Switzerland LtdELIN Motoren GmbHHowden North America IncPower ConversionSIPOS Aktorik GmbH

Voith Turbo GmbH & Co KG

otherSolcon Industries Ltd

Dry sorbent injection systems

FLSmidth IncKuttner LLC (also Kuttner North

America)Nol-Tec Systems IncUnited Conveyor Corp


DuctsAarding Thermal Acoustics BVFabricated Plastics LtdSEIRIS

Dust control and collection equipment

BWF America IncGE Power & Water - Air FiltrationIndustrial Accessories Co-IACKuttner LLC (also Kuttner North


EconomizersClyde Bergemann Power GroupMetso PowerNationwide Boiler Inc

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34 Power Engineering International January 2013

Products Listing

Electrical hardware


circuit breakersABB Inc

connectorsAMETEK HCC IndustriesDaniels Manufacturing CorpHouston Wire & Cable Co

terminalsAMETEK HCC IndustriesDaniels Manufacturing Corp

wiringDaniels Manufacturing CorpHouston Wire & Cable Co

otherCrystal Group Inc

Electrical test equipmentAMOtronicsComRent International LLCCrestchic LtdDoble Engineering CoElcon International ABGlobal Training Solutions IncLightning Eliminators &

Consultants IncSohre Turbomachinery Inc

Electrostatic precipitatorsClyde Bergemann Power GroupHamonSPX Heat Transfer

ElevatorsAlimak Hek ABAlimak Hek IncAUMUND CorpAUMUND Foerdertechnik GmbH

Enclosures and on-site buildings

electricalABB Pte LtdCCI Thermal Technologies IncPrecision Quincy Corp dba PQ

SheltersSchweitzer Engineering

Laboratories IncSurround Technologies Inc

machineryATCO Emissions Management

IncCamf l Farr Power Systems GmbHFAIST Anlagenbau GmbHPrecision Quincy Corp dba PQ

SheltersSurround Technologies Inc

personnelFAIST Anlagenbau GmbHPrecision Quincy Corp dba PQ

SheltersSurround Technologies Inc

Energy management systems and analyzers

Emerson Process Management

Energy storage

flow batteriesAguidrovert Solar SL - Energia

Termica Fotovoltaica Y Biomasa

magneticSuperPower Inc

pumped storagePower ConversionVoith Hydro Holding GmbH &


otherBNL Clean Energy Group


cooling systemsE Beaudrey et Cie (Beaudrey)KTI-Plersch Kaeltetechnik GmbH

dieselABZ Aggregate-Bau GmbH &

Co KGAKSA Power GenerationAlturdyneAtlas Copco Construction Mining

Technique USA LLCCapstone Turbine CorpDresser-RandEPG Enginuity Portable GridInternational Energy Systems

(1983) LtdMAN Diesel & TurboMid America Engine IncMTU Onsite Energy CorpMWM GmbHRing Power CorpE Van Wingen NV

emissions controlEmeraChemGlobal Emissions Systems IncMTU Onsite Energy Corp

gasAKSA Power GenerationCapstone Turbine CorpCentrax LtdDresser-RandGEGE - Jenbacher Gas EnginesHOERBIGER - Altronic Engine

SolutionsInternational Power Machinery

CoKawasaki Gas Turbine Europe

GmbHMAN Diesel & TurboMid America Engine IncMTU Onsite Energy CorpMWM GmbHE Van Wingen NV

load banksComRent International LLCCrestchic LtdRing Power Corp

partsBasler ElectricSincro/IMD

EvaporatorsAquatech International CorpLuvata Söderköping Ab

ExcitationABB IncABB Switzerland LtdBasler ElectricBasler Electric France SASBELTRAME CSE srlSolcon Industries LtdUnison

Expansion joints/breechings

Belman Production A/SBraden Manufacturing LLCDuro Dakovic Kompenzatori ddEagleBurgmann KE A/SFrenzelit North America IncJohn Cardwell LtdMcGuffy Industries IncProcess Equipment - Barron


Fabric filter systemsClyde Bergemann Power GroupUT99 AG Oil Mist Eliminators


forced-draftBoldrocchi SRLContinental Fan Canada IncDaltec Canadian Buffalo

Manufacturing LtdFlaktWoodsHowden North America IncNorthern BlowerProcess Equipment - Barron


gas-recirculationBoldrocchi SRLDaltec Canadian Buffalo

Manufacturing LtdFlaktWoodsNorthern BlowerProcess Equipment - Barron


induced-draftBoldrocchi SRLContinental Fan Canada IncDaltec Canadian Buffalo

Manufacturing LtdFlaktWoodsHowden North America IncNorthern BlowerProcess Equipment - Barron

IndustriesREKO PRAHA as

overfire-airBoldrocchi SRLDaltec Canadian Buffalo

Manufacturing LtdNorthern Blower

otherContinental Fan Canada Inc

FastenersBoltight LtdDaniels Manufacturing CorpMUBEA IncNord-Lock IncObo Bettermann GmbH & Co KGTurbo Parts LLC

FeedersArtec SpAAUMUND CorpAUMUND Foerdertechnik GmbHSAMSON Materials Handling Ltd

Feedwater heatersGaumer ProcessKansas City DeaeratorSPX Heat Transfer

Filters and filtration systems

airAAF InternationalAAF LtdBraden Manufacturing LLCBWF America IncCamf l Farr Power Systems ABCamf l Farr Power Systems GmbHContec GmbHDahlman Filter TechnologyDef tec SPRLEMW Filtertechnik GmbHEnvipure Pte LtdEverest Sciences IncFAIST Anlagenbau GmbHFreudenberg Filtration

Technologies KGGEA Filtri Gasparini AssociatesLectrodryerNordic Air Filtration A/SNorthern Technical LLCPeerless Europe LtdSPX Flow TechnologyTurbine Technics Inc

dryBWF America IncDef tec SPRLGEA Filtri Gasparini Associates

fuelCCI Thermal Technologies IncHilliard CorpPlenty FiltersSAMPI SpA

gasBollf lter CorpContec GmbHGaumer ProcessGEA Filtri Gasparini AssociatesPlenty Filters

liquidBeaudrey American ServicesBWF America IncContec GmbHDahlman Filter TechnologyThe Dow Chemical CoFreudenberg Filtration

Technologies KGNidecon Technologies OyOrival Water FiltersOvivo Middle East LLCPlenty Filters

oilBollf lter CorpINTERNORMEN Technology GmbHPlenty Filters

slurry/sludgeHilliard Corp

otherBlackthorn Environmental LtdBollf lter Corp

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36 Power Engineering International January 2013

Products Listing

BWF America IncDef tec SPRLOrival Water FiltersQUA Group LLCUT99 AG Oil Mist Eliminators

Fire detectionAP Sensing GmbHMeggitt Sensing Systems

Fire protection equipmentColumbian TecTankMarioff Corp OyTank Connection Aff liate Group

FlowmetersCarlos Bertschi SRLDURAG GroupKRAL AGOmega Engineeering IncRacine Flow Meter GroupSAMPI SpASwagelok Co

Flue gas conditioningBabcock Power Environmental

IncBlackthorn Environmental LtdClark-Reliance CorpThe Dow Chemical CoFLSmidth IncFuel Tech SrlWahlco Inc

Flue gas desulfurization

dryBabcock Power Environmental

IncNol-Tec Systems IncNooter/Eriksen IncSOLVAir Solutions/Solvay

Chemicals Inc

wetBabcock Power Environmental

IncDuct BalloonESI EurosiloHamonSPX Flow TechnologySTF SpAZCL Composites Inc

otherESI EurosiloHitachi Power Europe GmbHSemi-Bulk Systems Inc

Fluid drivesSemi-Bulk Systems Inc

Fluidized-bed combustion systems


Foreign material exclusion systems

LINK Tools International (USA) Inc


handling equipmentAUMUND Foerdertechnik GmbHClyde Bergemann Power GroupContinental Controls CorpGorman-Rupp CoOUESTimeSAMPI SpA

SAMSON Materials Handling LtdSAS Global CorpSCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH

treatment systemsAPROVIS Energy Systems GmbHMaryn International Ltd

otherMaryn International LtdTurbotect Ltd

Gas turbine inlet cooling

air-cooled refrigeration systems

AAF InternationalDectron Internationale IncEverest Sciences IncSPIG SpATAS Energy Inc

cooling coil assembliesAerof n CorpBraden Manufacturing LLC

cooling towersSPIG SpA

evaporative/foggingAAF LtdAxEnergy LtdBraden Manufacturing LLCCamf l Farr Power Systems GmbHDectron Internationale IncEverest Sciences IncFP Turbomachinery BVFP Turbomachinery Consultants


inlet heating systemsBraden Manufacturing LLC

turnkey systemsFP Turbomachinery BVFP Turbomachinery Consultants

GmbHHitachi Power Europe GmbHMcGuffy Industries Inc

water-cooled refrigeration systems

AAF LtdEverest Sciences IncTi Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd

wet compressionAxEnergy Ltd

Gas turbinesAlturdyneAnsaldo Energia SpAApplied Gas TurbinesCapstone Turbine CorpClyde Bergemann Bachmann

IncDresser-RandDresser-Rand Co LtdEuroturbine BVGEGlobal Training Solutions IncHitachi Power Europe GmbHInternational Energy Systems

(1983) LtdInternational Power Machinery

CoKawasaki Gas Turbine Europe

GmbHLM Alternatives IncMAN Diesel & Turbo SEMAPNA GroupMid America Engine Inc

Minco UK LtdMitsubishi Power Systems Europe

LtdOPRA TurbinesPower Developments

International FZCOPratt & Whitney Power SystemsSiemens AG Energy SectorSiemens EnergyTST-Turbo Service & Trading

GmbHWabash Power Equipment Co

Gas turbine parts, components and accessories

Allied Power Group LLCAnsaldo Thomassen BVArmstrong-Hunt IncBELTRAME CSE srlBraden Manufacturing LLCBromford Technologies LtdEagleBurgmann KE A/SEuroturbine BVFIAV L MAZZACCHERA SpAFrenzelit North America IncGaumer ProcessGEGEA Filtri Gasparini AssociatesGEA Renzmann & Grünewald

GmbHHARCO Laboratories IncKawasaki Gas Turbine Europe

GmbHLM Alternatives IncMaximum Turbine Support IncNord-Lock IncPratt & Whitney Power SystemsPrecision Engine Controls CorpProcess Plugins IncPrvni Brnenska Strojirna Velka

Bites asPSM - an Alstom CoScherzinger Pump TechnologyScore Energy Gas Turbine

ServicesSound TechnologiesThermo Electric CoThor Precision IncTurbine Technics IncTurbocam Europe LtdUnisonUT99 AG Oil Mist EliminatorsWood Group GTS

Gasification systemsBoson Energy SA

Gaskets/packingsEagleBurgmann KE A/S


gauge glassesClark-Reliance CorpOrion Instruments LLC

liquid levelAMETEKClark-Reliance CorpDiamond Power International IncOrion Instruments LLC

pressureGeokon IncSwagelok Co

GearsAllen Gears

Lufkin Industries IncPhiladelphia Gear, a Timken

BrandRENK AGSSS Gears LtdTriveni Engineering & Industries

LtdVoith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH

GeneratorsABB Oy Motors and GeneratorsAKSA Power GenerationAlturdyneAnsaldo Energia SpAApplied Gas TurbinesBRUSHBRUSH HMA BVBRUSH SEM sroCalnetix Power SolutionsDFME Sp zooDONAKO SADoosan Infracore Portable PowerEPG Enginuity Portable GridFIAV L MAZZACCHERA SpAGEGenerPro ABHitachi Power Europe GmbHIndeck Power Equipment CoInternational Energy Systems

(1983) LtdMarelli Motori SpAMid America Engine IncSiemens AG Energy SectorSuperPower IncWabash Power Equipment CoWasserkraft Volk AG

Grinding equipment

classifiersLoesche Energy Systems Ltd

crushersAllen-Sherman-HoffGundlach Equipment CorpJeffrey Rader CorpUnited Conveyor Corp

pulverizersColumbia Steel Casting Co IncLoesche Energy Systems LtdSAS Global Corp

otherGundlach Equipment CorpTriangle Engineering

Heat detectionAP Sensing GmbHBandweaver Ltd

Heat exchangersAguidrovert Solar SL - Energia

Termica Fotovoltaica Y Biomasa

ALZ GmbHAMETEK Fluoropolyer ProductsAPL Apparatebau GmbHAPROVIS Energy Systems GmbHArmstrong-Hunt IncBowman Heat ExchangersFACO SpAGEA Energietechnik GmbHGEA Renzmann & Grünewald

GmbHLuvata Söderköping AbSPX Flow TechnologySPX Heat Transfer

Page 39: PEI enero 2013 37Power Engineering International January 2013

Products Listing

Heat recovery systems/HRSGs

APROVIS Energy Systems GmbHBabcock Power IncBowman Heat ExchangersCleaver-Brooks Engineered Boiler

SystemsClyde Bergemann Power GroupDuct BalloonEnergomash (Belgorod) - BZEM

JSCMAPNA GroupNebraska BoilerNooter/Eriksen SrlRentech Boiler Systems IncSEIRISXERVON Energy GmbH

Heat/steam tracingBandweaver Ltd

HeatersAMWEI ThermistorArmstrong-Hunt IncCCI Thermal Technologies IncGaumer Process

HoistsAlimak Hek IncThern Inc USA

HoseBuckley Industrial

Hydraulic fluidsThe Dow Chemical CoExxonMobil Lubricants &

Petroleum SpecialtiesLubrication Engineers Inc

Hydraulic systems, accessories

Aguidrovert Solar SL - Energia Termica Fotovoltaica Y Biomasa

Boltight LtdHydratightHydratight Ltd

HYTORCVoith Hydro Holding GmbH &


Hydro generatorsDFME Sp zooDONAKO SAVoith Hydro Holding GmbH &

Co KGWasserkraft Volk AG

Hydro turbinesVoith Hydro Holding GmbH &

Co KGWasserkraft Volk AG

Hydro-electric generating systems

DFME Sp zooFranco Tosi Meccanica SpAWasserkraft Volk AG

Hydrogen supply and on-site production

Sko-Die Inc

Identification, signage, marking and tagging systems

Tech Products Inc


flowAMETEKEndress+Hauser Instruments

International AGicenta Controls LtdMagnetrol International IncRacine Flow Meter Group

levelAMETEKClark-Reliance CorpEndress+Hauser Instruments

International AGFozmula Ltdicenta Controls Ltd

Magnetrol International IncOrion Instruments LLC

pressureEndress+Hauser Instruments

International AGRacine Flow Meter Group

temperatureEndress+Hauser Instruments

International AGHARCO Laboratories IncRacine Flow Meter GroupSAT Infrared Technology Co Ltd

InductorsEFD Induction GroupTrench Ltd

Inspection equipmentFSI Technologies IncH&L Instruments LLCMachida IncSAT Infrared Technology Co Ltd

Instruments, measuringAlbercorpAMOtronicsBandweaver LtdCarlos Bertschi SRLEmerson Process ManagementEndress+Hauser BVEuroturbine BVGlobal MonitoringHART Communication

FoundationOrion Instruments LLCRacine Flow Meter GroupSAT Infrared Technology Co LtdSohre Turbomachinery IncTechnidiea CorpTEMTO Technology Co LtdVaisala Oyj

InsulationAarding Thermal Acoustics BVFrenzelit North America Inc

InvertersABB Oy Motors and GeneratorsAMETEK Solid State ControlsIngeteam Power Technology SAMajorpower CorpSputnik Engineering AG


Ladders, handrails and platforms

Surround Technologies Inc

Leak detectionBandweaver LtdOmega Engineeering IncProcon EngineeringPure Technologies Ltd

Level control and monitoring

Clark-Reliance CorpFozmula LtdGlobal Monitoringicenta Controls LtdMarkland Specialty Engineering

LtdOrion Instruments LLCRonan Engineering Co

LightingDoosan Infracore Portable PowerTEMTO Technology Co Ltd

Liners and liningsColumbia Steel Casting Co Inc

Lube-oil systemsGEA Renzmann & Grünewald

GmbHLincoln GmbHVISA Petrochemical Products Ltd

LubricantsThe Dow Chemical CoExxonMobil Lubricants &

Petroleum SpecialtiesLincoln GmbHLubrication Engineers Inc

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38 Power Engineering International January 2013

Products Listing

Maryn International LtdShell LubricantsVISA Petrochemical Products Ltd

Machinery equipmentHYTORCLincoln GmbHLINK Tools International (USA) Inc

Maintenance equipment and supplies

HydratightHydratight LtdHYTORCLincoln GmbHMachida IncMaryn International LtdRochem Technical ServicesThern Inc USA

ManometersTechnidiea Corp

Mercury control equipment and supplies

Babcock Power Environmental Inc

FLSmidth Inc


alloysAerodyne Alloys LLCOutokumpu StainlessSAS Global Corp

castingsPrvni Brnenska Strojirna Velka

Bites as

corrosion-resistantAerodyne Alloys LLCHoesch Schwerter Prof le GmbHOutokumpu StainlessPAS Technologies IncPlymouth Tube CoTi Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd

heat-resistantAerodyne Alloys LLCHoesch Schwerter Prof le GmbHOutokumpu Stainless

stainless steelAerodyne Alloys LLCHoesch Schwerter Prof le GmbHOutokumpu StainlessPlymouth Tube Co

MetersAMETEKKingsine Electric Automation (HK)

Co Ltd

MicroturbinesAlturdyneCapstone Turbine CorpMECOS AGTurbec SpATurbocam Europe Ltd

Mist eliminatorsHilliard CorpSolberg International Ltd

MixersLightnin, an SPX Brand

Monitoring equipment

combustion controlAMETEKBFI Automation GmbHEmerson Process ManagementHOERBIGER - Altronic Engine

SolutionsPIA Inc

continuous emission monitoring equipment

AMETEK Power InstrumentsDURAG GroupIndustrial Accessories Co-IAC

temperatureAMETEKAP Sensing GmbHDynamic Ratings IncFozmula LtdSAT Infrared Technology Co LtdThermo Electric CoVibroSystM Inc

generalAP Sensing GmbHArtec SpADynamic Ratings IncMeggitt Sensing Systems

Motor control centersABB IncGlobal Monitoring

Motor startersABB IncELIN Motoren GmbH

Motors and accessoriesABB Oy Motors and GeneratorsDFME Sp zooDONAKO SAELIN Motoren GmbHMarelli Motori SpA

Multipollutant emissions control

Albemarle CorpBabcock Power Environmental

IncCallidus Technologies by

HoneywellFuel Tech SrlSOLVAir Solutions/Solvay

Chemicals Inc

Nitrogen oxide control systems

catalytic combustion systems

Callidus Technologies by Honeywell

Cormetech IncEmeraChem

chemicalsSOLVAir Solutions/Solvay

Chemicals Inc

SCRATCO Emissions Management

IncBabcock Power Environmental

IncBraden Manufacturing LLCCallidus Technologies by

HoneywellCormetech Inc

Haldor Topsoe A/SHaldor Topsoe IncNationwide Boiler IncRentech Boiler Systems IncSTF SpAWahlco Inc

otherCallidus Technologies by


Noise measurement and control

Blackthorn Environmental LtdFAIST Anlagenbau GmbHTechnicon Acoustics

Nondestructive evaluation and testing

condition monitoringAMOtronicsData Physics CorpEndress+Hauser BV

oil analysisDoble Engineering Co


ultrasonicK C Engineering

visualMachida Inc


containment filtrationAAF International

fuel supply and handlingAREVAWestinghouse Electric Co

instruments, monitoringGeokon IncRonan Engineering Co

reactor monitoring and instrumentation

AREVARonan Engineering Co

sampling systemsMarkland Specialty Engineering

LtdDr Thiedig & Co KG

steam-supply systemsWelland & Tuxhorn AG

waste processing and handling



cleaning systemsMinco UK Ltd

conditioning equipmentShell Lubricants

heatersGaumer ProcessHOTSTART Manufacturing Inc

oil/water separatorsHilliard CorpImbibitive TechnologiesZCL Composites Inc

Opacity monitorsDURAG Group

Paints and protective coatings

Blome International

pH monitoring instrumentsEmerson Process Management


abrasion-resistantAllen-Sherman-HoffCBP Engineering Corp

cleaning equipmentMole Master Services CorpSpecialised Overhaul Service P/L

fittingsFabricated Plastics Ltd

jointsClyde Bergemann Bachmann

IncEagleBurgmann KE A/SFrenzelit North America Inc

preparation equipmentESCO Tool

snubbersLisega SE

supports, hangersLisega SE

otherTriangle Engineering

PipingBristol PipingDEE Development Engineers LtdFabricated Plastics LtdSchwarze - Robitec GmbHThompson PumpUnisonUnited Conveyor CorpVictaulicZCL Composites IncZeleziarne Podbrezova

Power conditioning/power quality

ABB Oy Motors and Generators

Power suppliesAMETEK Solid State ControlsGaia Converter IncMajorpower Corp

Power transmissionAllen GearsSiemens AG Energy Sector

Pressure monitoring, measuring

AMETEK Power InstrumentsCarlos Bertschi SRLOmega Engineeering Inc

Pressure vesselsAPL Apparatebau GmbHGaumer Process

Programmable controllersGE Intelligent PlatformsHART Communication


Page 41: PEI enero 2013 39Power Engineering International January 2013

Mega-Fabs Motion Systems LtdMicont-Valves BVSTI SRL

Protective equipment

floor protectionBlome International

PumpsAndritz AGBran & LuebbeBuffalo PumpsClydeUnion Pumps, an SPX brandFELUWA Pumpen GmbHFlowserve CorpFlowserve Corp FCDGorman-Rupp CoGoulds PumpsJohnson PumpKRAL AGKSB AktiengesellschaftMicont-Valves BVProcess Plugins IncSAMPI SpASPX Flow TechnologyThompson Pump

Rail car handling systemsAUMUND CorpFLSmidth IncSAMSON Materials Handling LtdSCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH

RecordersAMETEK Power InstrumentsERLPhase Power Technologies

RectifiersGaia Converter IncIRT Integrated Rectif er

Technologies Inc

RegulatorsBasler ElectricGaia Converter IncMicont-Valves BVSwagelok Co

ReheatersCompetitive Energy Insight IncGaumer Process

RelaysBasler ElectricBasler Electric France SASBeckwith ElectricERLPhase Power TechnologiesGlobal Training Solutions IncKingsine Electric Automation (HK)

Co LtdSchweitzer Engineering

Laboratories IncSolcon Industries LtdWoodward GmbH

Remote monitoringAmphenol Fiber Systems

InternationalEncore NetworksGlobal MonitoringGoulds PumpsMeggitt Sensing SystemsMicont-Valves BVProcon EngineeringSohre Turbomachinery IncTEMTO Technology Co LtdVaisala OyjVibroSystM Inc


biomass/biofuelsAPROVIS Energy Systems GmbHAREVABoson Energy SACompetitive Energy Insight IncDresser-RandIngeteam Power Technology SALinde AGOUESTimePratt & Whitney Power SystemsS&B Engineers and ConstructorsSolar India IncSTF SpAE Van Wingen NV

fuel cellsABB Inc

geothermalVooner FloGard Corp

hydroMavel Americas IncPower ConversionTes VSETIN sroWasserkraft Volk AG

photovoltaicsAE Solar EnergyIngeteam Power Technology SALuvata Söderköping AbSMA Solar Technology AGSolar India Inc

solarAE Solar EnergyS&B Engineers and ConstructorsSiemens AG Energy SectorSMA Solar Technology AGSolar India Inc

solar thermalIngeteam Power Technology SALinde AG

waste-to-energyBoson Energy SACapstone Turbine CorpElectraThermOUESTimeSOLVAir Solutions/Solvay

Chemicals IncE Van Wingen NV

windAmerican Wind Energy

AssociationAREVAIngeteam Power Technology SALuvata Söderköping AbNordex SESiemens AG Energy SectorSiemens Wind Power A/SSolar India IncTes VSETIN sroVestas Wind Systems A/S

wind resource analysisAmerican Wind Energy

AssociationExxonMobil Lubricants &

Petroleum SpecialtiesVestas Wind Systems A/S

Rental equipmentApplied Gas TurbinesBorescopes-R-UsComRent International LLCDoosan Infracore Portable PowerEPG Enginuity Portable Grid






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Page 42: PEI enero 2013

40 Power Engineering International January 2013

Products Listing

ESCO ToolESI Inc of TennesseeGaumer ProcessHYTORCNationwide Boiler IncTechnidiea Corp

Reverse osmosis systemsEnergy Guard Water


Safety equipmentHaws IntegratedK-Sun CorpLightning Eliminators &

Consultants IncMarioff Corp OyNord-Lock IncSnap-on IndustrialTech Products Inc

Sampling hardwareMarkland Specialty Engineering


Scaffolding and shoringAlimak Hek Inc


Screenseyevis GmbHHydrolox

ScrubbersBabcock Power Environmental

IncEnvipure Pte LtdFabricated Plastics LtdGaumer Process

SealantsFlexitallic Ltd

SealsFlexitallic LtdFlowserve CorpFlowserve Corp FCDFrenzelit North America IncIDG-Dichtungstechnik GmbHK C EngineeringSKF Sealing Solutions Austria

GmbHTurbo Parts LLC

Security systemsTEMTO Technology Co Ltd

SensorsAMETEKAMWEI ThermistorFozmula LtdFSI Technologies IncHARCO Laboratories IncHEINZMANN GmbH & Co KGMeggitt Sensing SystemsOmega Engineeering IncTEMTO Technology Co LtdThermo Electric CoUnisonUnited Process Controls

SeparatorsGundlach Equipment Corp

ShreddersGundlach Equipment Corp

SilencersATCO Emissions Management

IncCommonwealth Dynamics IncCU Services LLCMcGuffy Industries IncSMS Silencers IncSound TechnologiesSTEJASA Agregados Industriales


SimulatorsGSE Systems IncRheinmetall Defence ElectronicsUniversity of Geneva

Simulators, engineeringGSE Systems IncManitoba HVDC Research

CentreRheinmetall Defence Electronics

Simulators, trainingGlobal Training Solutions IncGSE Systems IncManitoba HVDC Research

CentreRheinmetall Defence Electronics

Sludge removal and handling

Markland Specialty Engineering Ltd

VISA Petrochemical Products Ltd

Solar power equipmentABB Oy Motors and GeneratorsAguidrovert Solar SL - Energia

Termica Fotovoltaica Y Biomasa

AREVACommonwealth Dynamics IncPower ConversionPower Technology Components

LtdSENERSMA Solar Technology AG

Solid waste fuel handlingSAMSON Materials Handling LtdSCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH

SootblowersClyde Bergemann Power GroupDiamond Power International Inc

Spray nozzlesAxEnergy LtdFP Turbomachinery BVFP Turbomachinery Consultants

GmbHKansas City DeaeratorRochem Technical Services

Stacker-reclaimersSCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH

Standby power systems and UPS

AMETEK Solid State ControlsApplied Gas TurbinesInternational Energy Systems

(1983) LtdMTU Onsite Energy Corp

Steam generatorsCleaver-Brooks Engineered Boiler

SystemsCMI Energy

Hurst Boiler & Welding Co IncIndeck Power Equipment CoInnovative Steam Technologies

(IST)Nebraska BoilerNEM BVNießing Anlagenbau GmbHWabash Power Equipment Co

Steam separators and traps

CU Services LLC

Steam turbinesAnsaldo Energia SpADoosan Power Systems AmericasDoosan Power Systems LimitedDresser-Rand Co LtdGEHitachi Power Europe GmbHInternational Energy Systems

(1983) LtdInternational Power Machinery

CoM+M Turbinen-Technik GmbHMAPNA GroupMitsubishi Power Systems Europe

LtdPetrotech IncSiemens AG Energy SectorSiemens EnergySKODA POWERSKODA POWER Pvt LtdSpilling Energie Systeme GmbHTGM Kanis Turbinen GmbHFranco Tosi Meccanica SpATriveni Engineering & Industries

LtdTST-Turbo Service & Trading

GmbHWabash Power Equipment Co

Steam turbine parts, components and accessories

Ansaldo ESG AGBELTRAME CSE srlFIAV L MAZZACCHERA SpAFuel Tech SrlGEGEA Renzmann & Grünewald

GmbHProcess Plugins IncSound TechnologiesFranco Tosi Meccanica SpATurbocam Europe LtdTurbo Parts LLCUT99 AG Oil Mist Eliminators

SteelAerodyne Alloys LLCHoesch Schwerter Prof le GmbH

StokersDetroit Stoker Co

Storage systems

hoppersMole Master Services CorpSemi-Bulk Systems Inc

silosColumbian TecTankESI EurosiloIndustrial Accessories Co-IACJeffrey Rader CorpLoibl Allen-Sherman-Hoff GmbHMole Master Services CorpTank Connection Aff liate Group

tanksColumbian TecTankFabricated Plastics LtdKTI-Plersch Kaeltetechnik GmbHMole Master Services CorpTank Connection Aff liate GroupZCL Composites Inc

Strain gaugesGeokon IncOmega Engineeering Inc

StrainersCCI Thermal Technologies IncOrival Water FiltersPlenty Filters

SubstationsSurround Technologies IncTelbit AGTrench Ltd

SuperheatersMetso Power

Supervisory control systems

ASCO Power TechnologiesEmerson Process ManagementHAUK & SASKO

Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbHTrihedral Engineering Ltd

Surge suppressorsAMWEI ThermistorRaycap Inc

SwitchesABB IncASCO Power TechnologiesCBS Arcsafe

SwitchgearABB IncABB Oy Motors and GeneratorsASCO Power Technologies

TachometersFSI Technologies Inc

Telemetering devicesEncore Networks

Temperature monitoring and measuring equipment

AMETEKAMWEI ThermistorBandweaver LtdFozmula LtdHARCO Laboratories IncThermo Electric Co

Temporary buildingsPrecision Quincy Corp dba PQ


TensionersBoltight LtdITH Engineering Inc

Test equipmentAMETEKCrestchic LtdData Physics CorpDoble Engineering Co

Page 43: PEI enero 2013

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Page 44: PEI enero 2013

42 Power Engineering International January 2013

Products Listing

ThermometersAMETEKAMWEI Thermistor

ThermowellsThermo Electric Co


handDaniels Manufacturing CorpHYTORCSnap-on IndustrialThern Inc USA

powerBoltight LtdClimax Portable Machining &

Welding SystemsHYTORCITH Engineering IncSnap-on IndustrialThern Inc USA

Torque conversionHydratightHydratight LtdSnap-on Industrial

TransducersFSI Technologies IncSensor Developments IncTelbit AGWoodward GmbH

TransformersABB Oy Motors and GeneratorsAMETEK Solid State ControlsBasler ElectricComRent International LLCInternational Power Machinery

CoSuperPower IncTelbit AGTrench Ltd

Transmission/substation equipment

ABB Oy Motors and GeneratorsBasler ElectricDensit ApSH&L Instruments LLCImbibitive TechnologiesPower MachinesPrecision Quincy Corp dba PQ

SheltersTech Products IncTelbit AG

TransmittersAMETEK Power InstrumentsAmphenol Fiber Systems

InternationalLiteway IncYokogawa Europe BV

Tube equipmentESCO ToolSchwarze - Robitec GmbH

TubingAMETEK Fluoropolyer ProductsPlymouth Tube CoSchwarze - Robitec GmbHSwagelok CoZeleziarne Podbrezova

Vacuum pumpsVooner FloGard Corp

Vacuum systemsVooner FloGard Corp

Valve actuatorsAUMA Riester GmbH & Co KGFlowserve CorpLeslie Controls IncRotork plc


ballApollo ValvesSPX Flow TechnologySwagelok Co

butterflyApollo ValvesClyde Bergemann Bachmann

IncGoulds PumpsKSB AktiengesellschaftMaxon - a Honeywell CoMeggitt Control Systems

checkApollo ValvesKSB AktiengesellschaftWeir Power & Industrial

controlApollo ValvesARCA Regler GmbHContinental Controls CorpCopes-VulcanDresser IncFlowserve Corp FCDHOERBIGER - Altronic Engine

SolutionsLeslie Controls IncMaxon - a Honeywell CoMicont-Valves BVPrecision Engine Controls CorpWelland & Tuxhorn AGYoung & Franklin Inc

diaphragmGoulds Pumps

fuel meteringContinental Controls CorpMaxon - a Honeywell CoMeggitt Control SystemsPrecision Engine Controls Corp

gateClyde Bergemann Bachmann

IncEverlasting Valve CoKSB AktiengesellschaftMaxon - a Honeywell CoUnited Conveyor CorpWeir Power & Industrial

globe angleCopes-VulcanMeggitt Control SystemsWeir Power & Industrial

isolationEverlasting Valve CoScherzinger Pump TechnologyYoung & Franklin Inc

needleDr Thiedig & Co KG

nuclear qualifiedCopes-VulcanFlowserve CorpDr Thiedig & Co KGWelland & Tuxhorn AG

plugImbibitive TechnologiesMeggitt Control SystemsTurbo Parts LLC

positionersARCA Regler GmbHFlowserve Corp FCDSIPOS Aktorik GmbHYoung & Franklin Inc

relief safetyApollo ValvesDresser Inc

solenoidHEINZMANN GmbH & Co KGHOERBIGER - Altronic Engine

SolutionsLeslie Controls Inc

sphericalSchenck Process

otherCU Services LLCDresser IncEverlasting Valve Co


analysisCEMB SpAData Physics CorpHTRI Asia-Pacif cHTRI EMEA

controlCEMB SpATechnicon Acoustics

monitoringCEMB SpAVibroSystM Inc

Voltage regulatorsBELTRAME CSE srlMajorpower Corp

Waste-to-energyBNL Clean Energy GroupXERVON Energy GmbH

Wastewater treatmentAquatech International CorpBNL Clean Energy GroupMarkland Specialty Engineering

LtdSWAN Systeme AGZCL Composites Inc

Water intake systemsBeaudrey American ServicesE Beaudrey et Cie (Beaudrey)

Water treatment systems

chemicalsEnergy Guard Water

TechnologiesGE Power & WaterTi Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd

demineralizers/deionizersDectron Internationale IncThe Dow Chemical CoEnergy Guard Water

TechnologiesEnvipure Pte LtdNationwide Boiler Inc

desalinationAquatech International CorpThe Dow Chemical CoEnergy Guard Water

TechnologiesFlowserve CorpGE Power & WaterGravitational Systems

Engineering IncOvivo Middle East LLCOvivo UK Ltd

flocculationGE Power & Water

ion exchangeAquatech International CorpDectron Internationale IncThe Dow Chemical CoMembrana

microbiologicalGE Power & WaterGEA 2H Water Technologies


reverse osmosisAquatech International CorpThe Dow Chemical CoEnergy Guard Water

TechnologiesEnvipure Pte LtdGE Power & WaterNationwide Boiler IncOvivo Middle East LLCOvivo UK Ltd

softenersNationwide Boiler Inc

otherGEA 2H Water Technologies

GmbHMembranaThern Inc USA

Wear resistant coatings and parts

Artes Ingegneria SpABlome InternationalColumbia Steel Casting Co IncNord-Lock IncQUA Group LLC

Weighing systemsProcon Engineering


equipmentAlimak Hek ABClimax Portable Machining &

Welding SystemsIPWL LtdSincro/IMDSnap-on IndustrialZeleziarne Podbrezova

Wind powerABB Oy Motors and GeneratorsClimax Portable Machining &

Welding SystemsDFME Sp zooGEHYTORCNRG Systems IncOPTEC CommunicationsSiemens Wind Power A/SVestas Wind Systems A/S

Page 45: PEI enero 2013


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Page 46: PEI enero 2013

44 Power Engineering International January 2013

Products ListingServices Listing

Services Listing

Accident investigationGenassist International LLPO’Donnell Consulting EngineersTopomaster Ltd

Aftermarket parts and services

Allen-Sherman-Hoffap+mBEUMER CorpBraden Manufacturing LLCCommonwealth Dynamics IncDef tec SPRLDetroit Stoker CoE.ON AnlagenserviceGE Power & Water - Air FiltrationIndeck Power Equipment CoLinde AGLoesche Energy Systems LtdPratt & Whitney Power SystemsSPX Heat TransferSulzer Turbo ServicesPT Sulzer Turbo Services IndonesiaSulzer Turbo Services Rotterdam

BVSulzer Turbo Services Venlo BVTurboCareYoung & Franklin IncZeeco Inc

Air compressors, overhaul and repair

Stork Technical Services GmbH

Air pollution control services

Albemarle CorpBabcock Power Environmental

IncBlackthorn Environmental LtdEmeraChemEnvipure Pte LtdFuel Tech SrlGE Power & Water - Air FiltrationKiewitMech-well Industries LtdUniversal Accoustic & Emission


Alignment/balancingFixturlaser ABPRÜFTECHNIK Alignment SystemsVoith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH

Analytical testingTexas OilTech Laboratories Inc

Baghouse/fabric filter rebuilding and repair

Industrial Accessories Co-IAC

Battery testing, maintenance, monitoring


BearingsK C Engineering

Boiler/pressure vessel services

cleaningCMI EnergyGeorge H Bodman IncMetso Power

inspectionAnsaldo Caldaie SpACMI EnergyFMT GroupGenassist International LLPHSB Global StandardsKansas City Deaerator

maintenanceAnsaldo Caldaie SpACMI EnergyESCO ToolFMT Group

overhaulAnsaldo Caldaie SpARentech Boiler Systems IncXERVON Energy GmbH

Bulk handling systems, service and repair

AUMUND CorpBEUMER CorpMagaldi Power SpASchenck Process


Carbon dioxide removalCMI EnergyMembrana

Cleaning servicesCMI EnergyGeorge H Bodman Inc

Coating applicationHardwear Pty Ltd

CogenerationAnsaldo ESG AGDynamic Systems IncGE - Jenbacher Gas EnginesNEWPOLYGENSTEJASA Agregados Industriales

SATopomaster LtdVireo Energy Financial

Combustion byproducts consulting/marketing

Competitive Energy Insight IncGP Strategies Corp

Combustion diagnostics and testing

OUESTimePSM - an Alstom CoZeeco Inc

Computer-aided draftingProSim IncTopomaster LtdWalter Dow Associates Ltd


cleaningBeaudrey American ServicesE Beaudrey et Cie (Beaudrey)Ovivo Middle East LLCOvivo UK LtdSpecialised Overhaul Service P/L

repairRetubeCo Inc

retubingRetubeCo Inc

Construction and installation services

FMT GroupFortescue Metals Group LtdGraycorKiewitSPIG SpAStrabag AGTIC - The Industrial CoURSVisser & Smit Hanab

Construction managementGraycorKiewitSargent & Lundy LLCThe Shaw Group IncSkireStrabag AGURSWalter Dow Associates Ltd

ConsultingBWD Turbines LtdE4techFrako CapacitorsGeorge H Bodman IncLightning Eliminators &

Consultants IncSargent & Lundy LLCThe Shaw Group IncSkireSMA Solar Technology AG

URSVireo Energy Financial

Control system design and maintenance

Crystal Group IncEmerson Process ManagementGE Intelligent Platforms

Cooling tower servicesSPIG SpA

Corrosion control and monitoring

ATI Nuclear EnergyStructural Integrity Associates Inc

Diesel enginesMTU Onsite Energy CorpNEWPOLYGEN

Electrical testing servicesCITI - North America Corona

Inspection Training InstituteDoble Engineering CoPowertech Labs Inc

Electrostatic precipitators

rebuildingFMT Group

Emergency/crisis management

Genassist International LLP

EmploymentIronworker Management

Progressive Action Cooperative Trust

Engineering and design services

consultingASE Optics LLCBurns & McDonnellCitec Engineering Oy ABDoble Engineering CoE4techENERCON Services IncEnergoprojekt-Katowice SAFichtner GmbH & Co KGGalletta Engineering CorpGenassist International LLPHAUK & SASKO

Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbHInterEnergy SrlKiewitManitoba HVDC Research

CentreMech-well Industries LtdMicro Waterjet LLCO’Donnell Consulting Engineers

Page 47: PEI enero 2013

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Page 48: PEI enero 2013

46 Power Engineering International January 2013

Services Listing

Onsite hv Solutions Americas IncOPTEC CommunicationsPaul C Rizzo Associates IncPure Technologies LtdQuanta ServicesS&B Engineers and ConstructorsSchweitzer Engineering

Laboratories IncSENERStructural Integrity Associates IncSuperPower IncTeshmont Consultants LP

flow modelingBabcock Power Environmental

IncFuel Tech SrlHTRI Asia-Pacif cHTRI EMEAMech-well Industries LtdPaul C Rizzo Associates IncProSim IncTeshmont Consultants LP

generalBurns & McDonnellCRE TechnologyEnergoprojekt-Katowice SAESI Inc of TennesseeFortescue Metals Group LtdGalletta Engineering CorpInterEnergy SrlKiewitO’Donnell Consulting EngineersPaul C Rizzo Associates IncQuanta ServicesS&B Engineers and ConstructorsSENERSerdula Systems LtdSTEAG Energy Services GmbHTeshmont Consultants LPURSWalter Dow Associates LtdWestinghouse Electric Co

modification and retrofit projects

ABB Switzerland LtdBasler Electric France SASBeaudrey American ServicesE Beaudrey et Cie (Beaudrey)Beckwith ElectricBurns & McDonnellDetroit Stoker CoENERCON Services IncEnergoprojekt-Katowice SAGalletta Engineering CorpImbibitive TechnologiesKiewitLoesche Energy Systems LtdMetso PowerPaul C Rizzo Associates IncS&B Engineers and ConstructorsSAS Global CorpThe Shaw Group IncSKODA POWERSKODA POWER Pvt LtdSTEAG Energy Services GmbHTurboCareUniversal Accoustic & Emission

TechnologiesZachry Engineering Corp

owner’s engineeringBurns & McDonnellENERCON Services IncESI Inc of TennesseeFichtner GmbH & Co KGGalletta Engineering CorpGenassist International LLP

KiewitNEWPOLYGENOPTEC CommunicationsSENERSTEAG Energy Services GmbHTeshmont Consultants LPZachry Engineering Corp

plant designApplied Gas TurbinesBurns & McDonnellCitec Engineering Oy ABENERCON Services IncEnergoprojekt-Katowice SAESI Inc of TennesseeFATA EPCFichtner GmbH & Co KGInterEnergy SrlKiewitLinde AGO’Donnell Consulting EngineersQuanta ServicesSargent & Lundy LLCSENERThe Shaw Group IncSTEAG Energy Services GmbHZachry Engineering Corp

reliability analysisOnsite hv Solutions Americas IncQuanta ServicesTeshmont Consultants LPUtilX

risk assessmentPaul C Rizzo Associates IncPure Technologies LtdQuanta ServicesSerdula Systems LtdStructural Integrity Associates Inc

Environmental services

consultingBabcock Power Environmental

IncE4techENERCON Services IncFichtner GmbH & Co KGGE Optimization & ControlSargent & Lundy LLCURS

monitoring, air qualityENERCON Services IncGE

monitoring, water qualityENERCON Services Inc

permittingENERCON Services IncFichtner GmbH & Co KG

remediationClean HarborsENERCON Services IncSOLVAir Solutions/Solvay

Chemicals Inc

site surveysENERCON Services IncGE Optimization & ControlHaws Integrated

testingTexas OilTech Laboratories Inc

Equipment rentalComRent International LLCDynamic Systems IncESI Inc of TennesseeGorman-Rupp Co

HydratightHydratight LtdRing Power CorpTechnidiea Corp

Erection servicesCommonwealth Dynamics IncGraycor

Expert testimonyCraigie Engineering Sales &

Services LtdE4techPowertech Labs IncStructural Integrity Associates Inc


maintenanceFMT Group

rebuildingBoldrocchi SRLDaltec Canadian Buffalo

Manufacturing LtdFlaktWoods


Feedwater heaters

maintenance and inspectionFMT GroupKansas City Deaerator

retubingRetubeCo Inc

Filter services and maintenance

Camf l Farr Power Systems AB

Flue gas conditioningBabcock Power Environmental


Fuel supply (coal, oil, gas)VISA Petrochemical Products Ltd

Gas turbine inlet cooling

design/engineeringAAF InternationalAxEnergy LtdEverest Sciences IncFP Turbomachinery BVFP Turbomachinery Consultants


maintenance/repairAAF InternationalAxEnergy LtdGE Optimization & ControlMcGuffy Industries Inc

Gas turbines

blade repairAllied Power Group LLCAnsaldo Thomassen Gulf LLCBWD Turbines LtdChromalloyH&L Instruments LLCLiburdi Turbine Services IncMitsubishi Power Systems

Americas IncMTU Maintenance Berlin-

BrandenburgPAS Technologies IncPower Machines

Pratt & Whitney Power SystemsPrvni Brnenska Strojirna Velka

Bites asPSM - an Alstom CoScore Energy Gas Turbine

ServicesTurbotect Ltd

installationap+mFMT GroupGraycorMitsubishi Power Systems

Americas IncPower Developments

International FZCO

maintenanceAeroderivative Gas Turbine

Support IncAllied Power Group LLCAnsaldo Thomassen BVap+mChromalloyDectron Internationale IncFixturlaser ABFP Turbomachinery BVFP Turbomachinery Consultants

GmbHITH Engineering IncLM Alternatives IncMitsubishi Power Systems

Americas IncMTU Maintenance Berlin-

BrandenburgRochem Technical ServicesSulzer Turbo ServicesSulzer Turbo Services Houston IncPT Sulzer Turbo Services IndonesiaSulzer Turbo Services Rotterdam

BVSulzer Turbo Services Venlo BVTurboCareWood Group GTS

overhaulingAeroderivative Gas Turbine

Support IncChromalloyLM Alternatives IncMitsubishi Power Systems

Americas IncMTU Maintenance Berlin-

BrandenburgPAS Technologies IncScore Energy Gas Turbine

ServicesWood Group GTS

rebuildingAeroderivative Gas Turbine

Support IncMitsubishi Power Systems

Americas Inc

servicingAllied Power Group LLCAnsaldo Thomassen BVap+mChromalloyExxonMobil Lubricants &

Petroleum SpecialtiesFMT GroupGELM Alternatives IncMTU Maintenance Berlin-

BrandenburgPratt & Whitney Power SystemsStork Technical Services GmbHTST-Turbo Service & Trading


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Services Listing

Gear repairAllen GearsHardwear Pty LtdLufkin Industries IncVISA Petrochemical Products LtdVoith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH


designJEUMONT ElectricNational Electric CoilPower MachinesSENSOPLAN GmbH

maintenanceBRUSHMarelli Motori SpANational Electric CoilPower MachinesPowertech Labs IncRing Power CorpSENSOPLAN GmbHSheldon Andrews IncStork Technical Services GmbHTurboCare

rebuildingJEUMONT ElectricNational Electric CoilRing Power CorpSENSOPLAN GmbHSheldon Andrews IncSko-Die Inc

repairBRUSHGEJEUMONT ElectricMarelli Motori SpANational Electric Coil

Ring Power CorpSENSOPLAN GmbHSheldon Andrews Inc

rewindingBRUSHJEUMONT ElectricMarelli Motori SpANational Electric CoilPowertech Labs IncSENSOPLAN GmbHSulzer Turbo ServicesSulzer Turbo Services Houston IncPT Sulzer Turbo Services IndonesiaSulzer Turbo Services Rotterdam

BVSulzer Turbo Services Venlo BV

Heat exchangers

coil upgradingAerof n Corp

inspectionHSB Global Standards

rebuildingAerof n CorpRetubeCo Inc

retubingESCO ToolRetubeCo IncZeleziarne Podbrezova

tube cleaningBeaudrey American ServicesE Beaudrey et Cie (Beaudrey)Ovivo Middle East LLCOvivo UK LtdSpecialised Overhaul Service P/L

tube pluggingJEUMONT Electric

Heat recovery/HRSGsCMI EnergyKuttner LLC (also Kuttner North

America)Mech-well Industries LtdNEWPOLYGENNooter/Eriksen Inc

Heat treatingHydratightHydratight Ltd

Inspection servicesAnsaldo ESG AGBuckley IndustrialCMI EnergyGEHSB Global StandardsLightning Eliminators &

Consultants IncTopomaster Ltd

Instrumentation and control systems

calibrationSensor Developments Inc

maintenanceGas Turbine Controls CorpHART Communication

FoundationSWAN Systeme AG

repairGas Turbine Controls Corp

Insulation contractingVisser & Smit Hanab

Laboratory servicesBWD Turbines LtdExxonMobil Lubricants &

Petroleum SpecialtiesTexas OilTech Laboratories Inc

Life extension servicesABB Pte LtdBWD Turbines LtdExxonMobil Lubricants &

Petroleum SpecialtiesGEMaryn International LtdShell LubricantsURSUtilX

Lube oilExxonMobil Lubricants &

Petroleum SpecialtiesShell Lubricants

MachiningBromford Technologies LtdHydratightHydratight LtdMicro Waterjet LLC

Maintenance servicesAnsaldo Energia SpAAnsaldo ESG AGEndress+Hauser BVExxonMobil Lubricants &

Petroleum SpecialtiesGEHydratight






FACO SpAvia SS. Trinità, 16/a28040 Varallo Pombia (NO)Tel. (+39) 0321 968 211Fax (+39) 0321 957


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48 Power Engineering International January 2013

Services Listing

Industrial Accessories Co-IACMetso PowerMWM GmbHPIA IncTIC - The Industrial CoTopomaster LtdTorresol EnergyURSWamar International Co

Management consultingE4techInterEnergy Srl

Mechanical failure analysis

ExxonMobil Lubricants & Petroleum Specialties

Metal fabricating and machining

DEE Development Engineers LtdDynamic Systems IncHydratightMetso PowerSko-Die IncTIC - The Industrial Co

MetallizingKingsine Electric Automation (HK)

Co Ltd

MonitoringCITI - North America Corona

Inspection Training InstituteElcon International ABEncore NetworksPIA IncPSM - an Alstom CoSchweitzer Engineering

Laboratories IncVibroSystM Inc

Motor testing, analysis, repair

ELIN Motoren GmbHSensor Developments Inc

Noise monitoring and control

Red Acoustics LtdTechnicon AcousticsUniversal Accoustic & Emission


Nondestructive evaluation and testing

acoustic emissionUniversal Accoustic & Emission


cable assessment testingUtilX

eddy currentPure Technologies Ltd

oil analysisLubrication Engineers IncTexas OilTech Laboratories Inc

ultrasonicK C EngineeringStructural Integrity Associates Inc

otherATI Nuclear EnergyBuckley Industrial

Nord-Lock IncPure Technologies LtdSensor Developments IncTurbotect LtdUniversal Accoustic & Emission



decontaminationENERCON Services Inc

designAREVADoosan Heavy Industries &

Construction Co Ltd

dismantlementENERCON Services Inc

engineeringBromford Technologies LtdDoosan Heavy Industries &

Construction Co LtdENERCON Services IncSargent & Lundy LLCStructural Integrity Associates Inc

in-service inspectionAREVAHSB Global Standards

plant decommissioning studiesENERCON Services Inc

radiation protectionENERCON Services Inc


services, generalENERCON Services IncGEGP Strategies CorpThe Shaw Group IncURSWestinghouse Electric Co

waste handling and disposal services

ENERCON Services Inc

Outage servicesAREVAClimax Portable Machining &

Welding SystemsCMI EnergyGEHydratightHydratight LtdMetso PowerSIPOS Aktorik GmbHURSWestinghouse Electric Co

Personnel/staffingENERCON Services Inc


cleaningMole Master Services Corp

designGalletta Engineering Corp

inspectionHSB Global Standards

repairClimax Portable Machining &

Welding Systems

Power project development

Competitive Energy Insight IncDEE Development Engineers LtdDoosan Heavy Industries &

Construction Co LtdEnergoprojekt-Katowice SAPower Developments

International FZCO

Process controlEmerson Process ManagementHART Communication

FoundationTrihedral Engineering Ltd

Project managementDoosan Heavy Industries &

Construction Co LtdDynamic Systems IncFATA EPCGEPower Developments

International FZCOURSWalter Dow Associates LtdZachry Engineering Corp

Pumps and compressors

overhaulingAndritz AGFixturlaser ABThompson PumpWood Group GTS

rebuildingAndritz AGThompson Pump

repairAndritz AGThompson Pump

Operating servicesDynamic Systems IncGESerdula Systems Ltd

Repair services, generalAnsaldo ESG AGAnsaldo Thomassen BVBorescopes-R-UsClydeUnion Pumps, an SPX brandE.ON AnlagenserviceFlexitallic LtdFMT GroupGoulds PumpsHardwear Pty LtdHydratightHydratight LtdLiburdi Turbine Services IncStork Technical Services GmbHSulzer Turbo ServicesSulzer Turbo Services Houston IncPT Sulzer Turbo Services IndonesiaSulzer Turbo Services Rotterdam

BVSulzer Turbo Services Venlo BV

Research and development

NEWPOLYGENUniversity of Geneva

SafetyLightning Eliminators &

Consultants IncSerdula Systems LtdTech Products Inc

ScrubbersBabcock Power Environmental


Sootblower maintenanceClyde Bergemann Power GroupDiamond Power International Inc

Spare partsClydeUnion Pumps, an SPX brandGE - Jenbacher Gas EnginesK C EngineeringMetso Power


design and engineeringClyde Bergemann Bachmann


rebuildingDuct Balloon

StaffingTransGlobal Energy Inc

Start-up and commissioning

Metso PowerSerdula Systems LtdShell LubricantsTIC - The Industrial CoURSZachry Engineering Corp

Steam generators, maintenance and repair

HydratightHydratight LtdPowertech Labs IncTransGlobal Energy IncURS

Steam generators, nuclearTransGlobal Energy IncURSWestinghouse Electric Co

Steam turbines

aligningFixturlaser ABTMS Turbomaschinenservice


blade repairHardwear Pty LtdPower MachinesTMS Turbomaschinenservice


installationFMT GroupGraycorTMS Turbomaschinenservice


maintenanceDresser-Rand Co LtdGEGE Optimization & ControlHelmut Mauell GmbHITH Engineering IncSKODA POWERSKODA POWER Pvt LtdStork Technical Services GmbHSulzer Turbo ServicesSulzer Turbo Services Houston IncPT Sulzer Turbo Services Indonesia

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Services Listing

Sulzer Turbo Services Rotterdam BV

Sulzer Turbo Services Venlo BVTMS Turbomaschinenservice

GmbHFranco Tosi Meccanica SpATST-Turbo Service & Trading

GmbHTurboCareWood Group GTS

overhaulingMcGuffy Industries IncTMS Turbomaschinenservice

GmbHFranco Tosi Meccanica SpA

Support services, on-siteBechtelCraigie Engineering Sales &

Services LtdExxonMobil Lubricants &

Petroleum SpecialtiesFlexitallic LtdGE Optimization & ControlGP Strategies CorpHelmut Mauell GmbHHydratight LtdHYTORCSiemens AG Energy SectorSTEAG Energy Services GmbHStructural Integrity Associates Inc


generalAneCom AeroTest GmbHBuckley IndustrialHelmut Mauell GmbHOnsite hv Solutions Americas IncSensor Developments Inc

Trade associationDutch Gas Turbine Association

VGTEuropean Power Plant Suppliers

Association (EPPSA)European Turbine NetworkEUTurbinesIndependent Power Producers


Training and educationAlbercorpAmerican Association of Boiler

Assessment IncBeckwith ElectricBWD Turbines LtdCITI - North America Corona

Inspection Training InstituteFlexitallic LtdGSE Systems IncInternational Generator Technical

CommunityKOAMI-Korea Association of

Machinery IndustryMTU Maintenance Berlin-

BrandenburgRheinmetall Defence Electronics

TransportationAir Bridge CargoBigLift Shipping BV

Transportation heavy haul, heavy lift

Air Bridge CargoBechtelHelmut Mauell GmbHStrabag AG

Used equipment for saleCraigie Engineering Sales &

Services LtdTechnidiea Corp


reconditioningCopes-VulcanE.ON Anlagenservice

repairingClimax Portable Machining &

Welding SystemsContinental Controls Corp

E.ON AnlagenserviceHardwear Pty LtdLeslie Controls Inc

Vibration control

balancingCEMB SpA

monitoringCEMB SpAE.ON Anlagenservice

Weld testingO’Donnell Consulting EngineersTriangle Engineering

WeldingDEE Development Engineers LtdDONAKO SA

Wind powerBechtelCompetitive Energy Insight IncNRG Systems IncOPTEC Communications

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50 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies Listing

AAF InternationalGas Turbine Div, Power and Industrial, 9920 Corporate Campus Dr, Suite 2200, Louisville, KY 40223, USA, +1-502-637-0132, [email protected], www.aafgtsolutions.comContact: Inside Sls, Lee ColemanOffers a line of air pollution control equipment, including dust collectors, scrubbers, pulse-jet baghouses, gas turbine air f ltration, lube oil f ltration, acoustic solutions, packaged inlet air chillers, and services.

AAF LtdBassington Industrial Estate, Cramlington, Northumberland NE23 8AF, UK, +44-1670-713-477, [email protected], www.aafintl.comSince 1921, one of the market leaders in the design, manufacture and service of air f ltration and noise control products for gas turbine, diesel engine and compressor applications worldwide.

Aalborg Energie Technik A/SAlfred Nobelsvej 21F, Aalborg East 9220 Denmark, +45-96-328-600, [email protected], www.aet-biomass.comAn engineering and contracting company which supplies and provides service on complete biomass f red boilers, combined heat and power (CHP) and power plants in the size 25–170 MWth.

Aarding Thermal Acoustics BVIndustrieweg 59, CS Nunspeet NL-8071 The Netherlands, +31-341-252-635, [email protected], www.aarding.comOffers products and services for sound absorbing and muff ing, sound insulation and thermal insulation.

ABB IncPower Electronics Div, 10300 Henri Bourassa Blvd W, St Laurent, QC H4S 1N6, Canada, +1-514-332-5350, [email protected], Dir Sls/Svc NAM, Derek MonkABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact.

ABB Inc1206 Hatton Rd, Wichita Falls, TX 76302, USA, +1-940-397-7000, [email protected], Mktg Comms, Steven JonesOffers a variety of high-quailty OEM and industrial controls, automation controls, electrical products, systems and services to meet your electrical and equipment requirements.

ABB Inc(div of Analytical Products), 843 N Jefferson St, Lewisburg, WV 24901, USA, +1-304-647-4358, [email protected], Mktg/Comms Mgr, Sandra FarrenProvides solutions that combine analyzers, advanced process control, process, and application knowledge to create value for customers. These include laboratory, on-line delite analyzers and more.

ABB Oy Motors and GeneratorsWind Power Generators Div, PO Box 186, Helsinki FI-00381 Finland, +358-10-22-11, [email protected], Sls Mgr, Timo HeinonenIn the wind power sector, ABB is the largest worldwide supplier of electrical solutions and technology, and the market leader in generators, converters, motors, transformers, circuit breakers, contactors and HVDC. Has built 30,000 generators for wind in 30 years. Offered doubly-fed in 1997, direct drive in 1999, medium-speed in 2000, and high-speed PMG in 2003. Offers powers up to 20 MW.

ABB Pte LtdPower Systems Div, 2 Ayer Rajah Crescent, 139935 Singapore, +65-6776-5711, [email protected], Mktg Comms Mgr, Gloria EngOffers power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact.

ABB Switzerland LtdDept ATPE, Austr, Turgi 05300 Switzerland, +41-58-589-2486, [email protected], state-of-the-art UNITROL static excitation systems and automatic voltage regulators for all types and sizes of power plants. Provides solutions for new installations and modernization.

ABB Turbo Systems LtdBruggerstr 71a, Baden CH-5401 Switzerland, +41-58-585-7777, [email protected], turbocharging for large diesel and gas engines.

ABZ Aggregate-Bau GmbH & Co KGGutenbergstr 11, Henstedt-Ulzburg D-24558 Germany, +49-4193-90360, [email protected], www.abz-power.comManufactures diesel generator sets applicable for a wide range of stationary and mobile power solutions.

AcousticEyePO Box 205, Leusden 3830 AE The Netherlands, +31-207-084-784, [email protected], www.acousticeye.comAcousticEye has developed a breakthrough acoustic-based inspection technology that enables inspection of every tube.

AD Tubi Inossidabili SpAVia Adige 2, Casnate con Bernate (CO) 22070 Italy, +39-031-396-341, [email protected], www.adtubi.comManufactures austenitic/superaustenitic, superferritic, duplex/superduplex, nickel alloys and titanium welded tubes. Power heat transfer is our specialty including condensers, feedwater heaters and heat exchangers.

Advanced EnergyAE Solar Energy Div, 1625 Sharp Point Dr, Ft Collins, CO 80525, USA, +1-541-323-4143, [email protected], Energy is a global leader in innovative power and control technologies for high growth thin-f lm manufacturing and solar power generation.

Advanced Specialty Gases135 Catron Dr, Reno, NV 89512, USA, +1-775-356-5500, [email protected], www.advancedspecialtygases.comContact: Pres, Dave SteinOffers rare and specialty gases, including sulfur hexaf uoride, halocarbon refrigerant gases, and specialty gas mixtures.

Advance Tank and Construction CoPO Box 219, 3700 E County Rd, Wellington, CO 80549-0219, USA, +1-970-568-3444, www.advancetank.comA fully integrated industrial construction company that specializes in the design, fabrication and erection of carbon and stainless steel above ground storage tanks and other plate structures.

AEM - Anhaltische Elektromotorenwerk Dessau GmbHDaheimstr 18, Dessau-Roßlau 06842 Germany, +49-340-203-200, [email protected], www.aemdessau.deContact: CEO, Reiner StorchManufactures asynchronous and synchronous motors (squirrel cage and slip-ring rotors) as drive for cranes, pumps, compressors, fans/blowers, crushers, conveyors, dredgers, cement mills and many more.

Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Support Inc1141 S Rogers Cir, Suite 11, Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA, +1-561-994-0000, [email protected], www.agtsi.comContact: Pres, Alan MibabDistribution of gas turbine parts and component repair for GE LM2500, LM5000, and LM6000, PWPS GG4/FT4 and GG8/FT8, as well as other OEM engines.

Aerodyne Alloys LLC350 Pleasant Valley Rd, South Windsor, CT 06074, USA, +1-860-289-6011, www.aerodynealloys.comSupplies high-temp specialty alloys to aerospace, oil and gas, and power generation industries. Offers bar, plate and near net shapes, nickel, cobalt, titanium, stainless, alloy X, NACE and GE specs.

Aerof n Corp(sub of AMPCO Pittsburgh Corp), 4621 Murray Pl, Lynchburg, VA 24502, USA, +1-434-845-7081, [email protected], www.aerofin.comContact: VP Engr/Ch Eng, Gary CarrollAerof n is a leading manufacturer of heat exchanger coils and related heat transfer equipment. Qualif cations include ASME section VIII-U stamp, ASME section III-N or NPT stamp and more.

Companies Listing

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52 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies Listing

AE Solar Energy(sub of Advanced Energy Industries Inc), 20720 Brinson Blvd, Bend, OR 97701, USA, +1-541-312-3832,

Agency for Rational Energy Use and Ecology - ARENA-ECOPO Box 36, Kyiv 02140 Ukraine, +380-44-585-1560, [email protected], www.arena-eco.comContact: Exec Dir, Sergey SurninInvolved in activities aimed at energy eff ciency and environmental protection.

Aguidrovert Solar SL - Energia Termica Fotovoltaica Y BiomasaMiguel de Cervantes 20, Zaragoza 50006 Spain, +34-976-302135, [email protected], www.aguidrovert.comContact: Comms Dir, Miguel GutiérrezSupplies solar thermal, photovoltaics, biomass, geothermal, LEDs, wind and other energy renewal products (panels, collectors, boilers, water tanks, exchangers, pumping units, heatsinks, expansion vessels, batteries, inverters, regulators, windmills and absortion chillers).

Air Bridge Cargo(div of Volga-Dneper Group), Bldg 17, Krylatskaya St, Business Ctr Krylatsky Hills, Bldg 4, Moscow 121614 Russian Federation, +7-495-7862613, [email protected], www.airbridgecargo.comProvides air cargo transportation. ABC offers complex solutions for cargo deliveries that link the world’s largest manufacturers with consumers and business partners all over the world.

Air Liquide Industrial US LP2700 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 1800, Houston, TX 77056, USA, +1-877-855-9533, [email protected],

AIRTECH WLLIED Div, Bldg 400, Rd 1507, Block 115, Bahrain International Investment Pk, Al Hidd Bahrain, +97-31-767-5599, [email protected], www.airtech.comContact: Div Mgr, Jerald ManuvelDesigns, manufactures, installs, commissions and maintains industrial process equipment i.e (plate, pipe, structural) for oil and gas, petrochemical, desalination, power, steel and aluminum smelters.

AKSA Power Generation19 Tongjiang N Rd, Changzhou New District, Changzhou China, +86-519-851-502-05, [email protected], www.aksapowergen.comManufacures diesel generating sets in the range of 10–2.500 kVA. AKSA Power Generation has an experience of 30 years in genset business and belongs to Kazanci Holding of Turkey.

Albemarle CorpMercury Control Div, 451 Florida St, Baton Rouge, LA 70801, USA, +1-225-388-7402, [email protected], www.albemarle.comAlbemarle Mercury Control Div is an emission control solution provider to the coal-f red utility, cement kiln, and industrial boiler markets, supplying a variety of products, equipment and services.

Albercorp3103 N Andres Ave Ext, Pompano Beach, FL 33064, USA, +1-954-623-6660, [email protected], www.alber.comContact: Sls Mgr, Mark ScachettiAlber offers a full line of stationary battery monitors and test equipment, battery diagnostic systems, capacity test systems, resistance testers, hydrometers, and load banks, plus seminars on battery maintenance and testing.

Alimak Hek ABPO Box 720, Skelleftea SE-931 27 Sweden, +46-910-87000, [email protected], www.alimakhek.comContact: BA Mgr Ind’l Elevators, Mats HedlundDevelops, manufactures, markets, and services permanently-installed rack and pinion driven access and goods/passenger lifts for industrial environments. Typical installations are in derricks, hull columns and f are towers of offshore platforms.

Alimak Hek Inc12552 Old Galveston Rd, Suite A-160, Webster, TX 77598, USA, +1-713-640-8500, [email protected], www.alimakhek.comContact: Mktg, Brie TerrySupplies rack and pinion vertical access equipment, including industrial elevators, material and construction hoists, and work and transport platforms. Local service and support.

Allen GearsAtlas Works, Station Rd, Pershore, Worcestershire WR10 2BZ, UK, +44-1386-552-211, [email protected], www.allengears.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Samantha PaulAllen Gears designs, manufactures, and provides aftermarket services for epicyclic and parallel shaft gearboxes in the range of 1 to 50 MW for generator, pump, and compressor drives.


(div of Diamond Power International Inc), 457 Creamery Way, Exton, PA 19341, USA, +1-484-875-1600, www.a-s-h.comRecognized as the world’s premier supplier of material handling systems and equipment, Allen-Sherman-Hoff can meet the needs of customers with the most advanced technologies.

Allied Industrial MarketingW62 N248 Washington Ave, Suite 208, Cedarburg, WI 53012, USA, +1-262-618-2403, [email protected], www.alliedindustrialmarketing.comContact: Pres, John Houdek

Allied Power Group LLC10131 Mills Rd, Houston, TX 77070, USA, +1-281-444-3535, [email protected], www.alliedpg.comContact: Sls Mgr, Dan BartlettSpecializes in the repair and supply of IGT components for large GE and Westinghouse turbines. Offerings include exchanges, JIT inventory, supply, poolings, and long-term inventory management and repair programmes.

Alturdyne660 Steele St, El Cajon, CA 92020, USA, +1-614-440-5531, [email protected], www.alturdyne.comContact: Pres, Frank VerbekeOffers custom assembly of power equipment, including pumps, generators, and compressors using diesel, gas, or gas turbine engines to 5000 hp. Experts in acoustics, emissions, and thermodynamics for engines.

ALZ GmbHBurenkamp 4, Dorsten-Wulfen D-46286 Germany, +49-2369-90-9130, [email protected], www.alz-gmbh.deALZ GmbH acts as a successful and reliable partner in heat transfer since 1989. Our engineering and manufacturing comprise the complete project planning, thermal design, construction, fabrication, and more.

AMBITERMOZona Industrial de Cantanhede Lote 37, Cantanhede 3060-197 Portugal, +351-231-410-210, [email protected], www.ambitermo.comDevelops and designs boilers and energy recovery systems.

American Association of Boiler Assessment IncPO Box 310, Brooks, KY 40109, USA, +1-502-562-0022, [email protected], www.aa-ba.orgAABA is a nonprof t certifying organization promoting the standardization of boiler inspection practices worldwide. AABA offers professional certif cation as well as personal and corporate memberships to boiler professionals.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME3 Park Ave, New York, NY 10016, USA, +1-800-843-2763, [email protected], www.asme.orgContact: Mgr, Annette MissouriServes 125,000 members worldwide. Offers a broad range of products and services including codes and standards, mechanical engineering magazine, public short courses, and on-site training.

American Wind Energy Association1501 M St NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20005, USA, +1-202-383-2500, [email protected], www.awea.orgContact: Admin Asst, Christian NesterThe American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) is the national trade association of the US wind energy industry. Membership includes turbine manufacturers, wind project developers, utilities, insurers, f nanciers, researchers, and academics.

AMETEKTest & Calibration Instruments Div, 8600 Somerset Dr, Largo, FL 33773, USA, +1-727-536-7831, [email protected], www.chatillon.comContact: Prod Mgr, Scott CroneProducts include mechanical gauges, digital gauges, mechanical stands, pneumatic actuated universal testers, digital stands, load cells, grips and f xtures, software, and material testers to 300 kN.

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AMETEKDrexelbrook Div, 205 Keith Valley Rd, Horsham, PA 19044, USA, +1-215-674-1234, [email protected], www.drexelbrook.comContact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Bev RaisnerOffers level measurement sensors and systems for liquids and solids in a wide variety of applications. Technologies used include radar, ultrasonic, RF, TDR, magnetostrictive, hydrostatic, and wireless.

AMETEKHunter Spring Div, 820 Penna Blvd, Feasterville, PA 19053, USA, +1-215-355-6900, [email protected], www.ametekhunterspring.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Mike HollowayThe world’s leading specialist in the design and manufacture of monitors and analyzers for industrial IR temperature measurements, combustion eff ciency, and environmental pollutant emissions.

AMETEK Fluoropolyer Products455 Corporate Blvd, Newark, DE 19702, USA, +1-302-456-4431, [email protected], www.ametekfpp.comContact: Inside Sls/Bus Support Svcs, Frank VitoSpecializes in high-purity and highly corrosion resistant products to serve chemical processing, metalworking, semiconductor, power generation, aerospace, and other industrial applications.

AMETEK HCC Industries4232 Temple City Blvd, Rosemead, CA 91770, USA, +1-626-443-8931, www.hccindustries.comContact: Div Mgr Strat Mktg, Rob WinterburnHCC is a leading designer and manufacturer of highly engineered hermetic connectors, terminals, headers, and microelectronic packages for sophisticated electronic applications exposed to harsh environments.

AMETEK Power Instruments255 N Union St, Rochester, NY 14605, USA, +1-585-263-7700, [email protected], www.ametekpower.comContact: Prod Mgr, Steve BleierOffers revenue/panel meters, power quality monitors, annunciators, fault recorders, substation monitors, pressure transducers, communication f ber-optic/access multiplexers, narrowband power-line carrier for power measurement, power recording, power quality and alarm monitoring.

AMETEK Process Instruments150 Freeport Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15238, USA, +1-412-828-9040, [email protected], www.ametekpi.comContact: Comms Spec, Kim MontaniManufactures process analyzers and instrumentation servicing worldwide markets. Experience in designing new analyzers that help customers achieve higher levels of productivity and quality.

AMETEK Solid State ControlsSolidstate Controls Div, 875 Dearborn Dr, Columbus, OH 43085, USA, +1-614-846-7500, www.solidstatecontrolsinc.comContact: Prod Mgr Battery Monitoring Sys, Britt HafnerOffers solutions to power protection problems for power generation and other industrial process control applications. Products include families of UPS systems, inverters, battery chargers, and other related electrical distribution equipment.

For more information, enter 27 at

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Companies Listing

AMOtronics(sub of Data Acquisition), Otto-Blumenthal-Str 25, Aachen 52074 Germany, +49-241-8867-128, [email protected], www.amotronics.deContact: Sls/Mktg Dir, Martin HessingServes worldwide energy providers, circuit breaker manufacturers and high power R&D labs. Offers manual/automatic circuit breaker, transformer tests according to STL/IEC with f ber-coupled data.

Amphenol Fiber Systems International1300 Central Expwy N, Suite 100, Allen, TX 75013, USA, +1-214-547-2400, [email protected], www.fibersystems.comContact: Mkt Dir, Mike DabrowskiManufactures f ber-optic interconnect solutions and systems that withstand the harsh environments of the power industry.

Ampirical Solutions LLC661 River Highlands Blvd, Covington, LA 70433, USA, +1-985-809-5240, [email protected], www.ampirical.comContact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Dave MitchellOffers design and design/build (EPC) with PE licensure in 80% of the US, specializing in high-voltage substations, switchyards, and transmission lines.

AMWEI Thermistor11-502 Songpingshan, Langshan Rd Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518057 China, +86-755-2657-0111, [email protected], www.amwei.comContact: Sls Mgr, Rosa YuManufactures PTC and NTC thermistors (thermally sensitive resistors) and thermistor temperature sensors probe, thermistors for overcurrent overload protection, temperature sensing measurement protection, inrush current suppressing limiting, heating, and soft switching.

Andritz AGPumps Div, Stattegger Str 18, Graz 8045 Austria, +43-316-6902-2133, [email protected], Sls/Mktg Mgr, Guenter HaidenDevelops and manufactures customized and standard centrifugal pumps for the energy sector for processes including cooling water, f ue gas desulphorization and auxillary pumps as well as reactor coolant pumps.

AneCom AeroTest GmbHFreiheitstraße 122, Wildau 15745 Germany, +49-3375-922-610, [email protected], www.anecom.deACAT offers high-quality services in the f eld of gas turbine development with a focus on aerodynamic and acoustic testing of gas turbine components. ACAT can offer the complete package.

Ansaldo Caldaie SpALargo Buffoni 3, Gallarate (VA) 21013 Italy, +39-0331-738-111, [email protected], www.ansaldoboiler.itContact: Comms Dir, Steve WhyleyProviding utility boilers (subcritical through to ultra-supercritical), HRSGs behind GTs to 260 MWe, biomass and waste-to-energy boilers, infurnance NOx emission reduction, rehabilitation, fuel conversion, and retrof ts of existing boilers.

Ansaldo Energia SpAVia N Lorenzi 8, Genova 16152 Italy, +39-010-6551, [email protected], www.ansaldoenergia.itContact: VP Bus Dev, Paolo ArrighettiProvides plant engineering for turnkey power plants, including process, mechanical, civil, installation and start-up engineering, helping customers def ne the features of new power plants.

Ansaldo ESG AG(div of Ansaldo Energia Group), Althau 1, Wurenlingen CH-5303 Switzerland, +41-56-297-4050, [email protected], www.ansaldoesg.comContact: Sls Mgr, Mark Kooister

Ansaldo Thomassen BV(div of Ansaldo Energia Group), Havelandeseweg 8D, PO Box 95, Rheden 6990 AB The Netherlands, +31-26-497-5800, [email protected], www.ansaldothomassen.nlContact: Sls Mgr, Mark KooisterInnovative solutions for industrial gas turbines worldwide which include f eld maintenance, repairs, remanufacturing, training, f exible service agreements, upgrade packages, own-designed control, and monitoring systems and spare parts.

Ansaldo Thomassen Gulf LLCGas Turbine Industrial Workshop Div, (div of Ansaldo Energia Group), ICA D III, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, +971-26-270-954, www.ansaldothomassengulf.comContact: Sls Mgr, Mark Kooister

ap+m1811 Corporate Dr, Boynton Beach, FL 33426, USA, +1-561-732-6000, [email protected], www.apm4parts.comContact: Pres/CEO, Tina TromiczakThe largest worldwide independent stocking distributor of aeroderivative and heavy industrial gas turbine parts - meeting the parts and technical services needs of operators and repair shops around the world.

APL Apparatebau GmbHGewerbestr 14, Hopfgarten, Tyrol A-6361 Austria, +43-0-5335-2256-0, [email protected], www.apl-apparatebau.comContact: Man Dir, Markus WidnerAPL Apparatebau is a supplier of innovative solutions in the f eld of heat exchangers and pressure vessels.

Apollo ValvesPO Box 247, Matthews, NC 28106, USA, +1-704-841-6000, [email protected], www.apollovalves.comContact: Ind’l Prods Mgr, Mike GreenApollo Valves manufactures ball valves, pressure reducing valves, backf ow preventers, safety relief valves, actuators, and other f ow control devices in ISO 9001:2000 registered facilities.

APPA Consult GmbHClemens-Holzmeister Str 4, Vienna A-1100 Austria, +43-1-236-9060, [email protected], www.appa.atNew investment in new or existing power plants need a reliable partner. APPA can take over parts of or entire development works.

Applied Gas Turbines(div of Mid-America Engine Inc), 2500 State Hwy 160, Warrior, AL 35180, USA, +1-205-647-4312, [email protected], www.appliedgasturbines.comContact: Sls Mgr, Art Sigler

Applied Plasma Physics AsBedriftsveien 25, Sandnes N 4305 Norway, +47-51-60-22-00, [email protected], an air pollution control system based upon cold plasma.

APROVIS Energy Systems GmbHOrnbauer Str 10, Weidenbach D-91746 Germany, +49-9826-6583-0, [email protected], www.aprovis-gmbh.deContact: Prod Mgr, Michael KalbSupplier of exhaust heat recovery solutions in CHP plants and of gas treatment solutions.

AP Sensing GmbHHerrenbergerstr 130, Boeblingen 71034 Germany, +49-7031-309-6610, [email protected], www.apsensing.comAP Sensing is your solution provider in the distributed temperature measurement (DTS) market. The DTS products address different markets like f re detection, power cable monitoring and oil and gas production.

Aquatech International Corp1 Four Coins Dr, Canonsburg, PA 15317, USA, +1-724-746-5300, [email protected], www.aquatech.comContact: Reg Sls Mgr E Canada, Matt SonnenburgAquatech is global leader in water technology for industrial and infrastructure markets with a focus on solving water scarcity challenges through desalination, water reuse, and zero liquid discharge.

ARCA Regler GmbHKempener Str 18, Toenisvorst 47918 Germany, +49-2156-7709-0, [email protected], www.arca-valve.comContact: Sr Eng, Harald SeidlerManufactures control valves and steam reformers. The product range consists of globe, butterf y, hygienic and sterile valves in various sizes.

AREVA33 rue La Fayette, Paris Cedex 09 France, +33-134-960-101, [email protected], www.areva.comAREVA supplies solutions for power generation with less carbon. Its expertise and unwavering insistence on safety, security, transparency and ethics are setting the standard.

AREVA7135 Minstrel Way, Suite 102, Columbia, MD 21045, USA, +1-434-832-3702, [email protected], Dir Bus Mktg NA, Donna BowenAREVA provides its customers with solutions for carbon-free power generation in North America and worldwide as a leader in nuclear energy and a signif cant, growing player in renewable energies.

Armstrong-Hunt IncHeat Transfer Group Div, (sub of Armstrong International Inc), 648 Moeller St, Granby, QC J2G 8N1, Canada, +1-450-378-2655, [email protected], NA Sls Mgr, Michel PoulinOffers combustion air preheat steam/f uid coils, heavy-duty upgrades and new installations, heavy-duty unit/door heaters for building heating systems, tank heaters for heavy oil heating and custom heat exchangers.

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Companies Listing

Artec SpAVia Mistrali 5, Rubbiano/Soligniano 43040 Italy, +39-0525-305817, [email protected], www.artecimpianti.itARTEC is an Italian company leading the plasma and thermal spray production market with a complete offering of equipment. Able to supply customers with complete and customized equipment.

Artes Ingegneria SpA(sub of Cannon Group), Via Resistenza, 12, Peschiera Borromeo (MI) 20068 Italy, +39-02-5530-2848, [email protected], www.bono.itContact: Mktg Mgr, Alessandra LeniDesigns/manufactures water and waste water treatment packages specif cally for the power generation market including demineralisation plants (reverse osmosis/ion exchange/EDI), deaerators and condensate polishing.

ASCO Power Technologies50 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA, +1-800-800-2726, [email protected], VP Mktg, Don BlackmanOffers automatic transfer switches and power systems designed to safeguard data and telecommunications networks, industrial processes, and critical installations, such as healthcare facilities and f nancial transaction centers.

ASE Optics LLC(sub of Rochester Precision Optics), 850 John St, West Henrietta, NY 14586, USA, +1-585-303-1574, [email protected], www.aseoptics.comContact: Founder/Gen Mgr, Christopher CottonProvides optical engineering talent for world-class optical systems. Creates applied engineering solutions for a wide range of applications. Focuses on innovative, cost-effective designs.

ATCO Emissions Management Inc(formerly ATCO Structures & Logistics - Environmental Systems and Noise Management), 260 Holiday Inn Dr, Unit 1, Cambridge, ON N3C 4E8, Canada, +1-519-220-0600, [email protected], www.atcoem.comContact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Mike BuetowSupplies GT intake and exhaust silencers, bypass diverters and stacks, simple-cycle catalyst systems, proprietary anti-icing systems, acoustical enclosures/barriers/buildings, acoustical consulting and related systems and equipment such as f lter houses.

ATG Electronics Corp18215 Pasadena Ave, Suite A-102, Lake Elsinore, CA, USA, +1-951-245-6222, [email protected], www.atgelectronics.comDesigns, produces, distributes and licenses LED illumination and decoration lighting. Established in 1999 and formed partnerships with companies in California.

ATI Nuclear Energy(sub of Allegheny Technologies Inc), 1600 Old Salem Rd NE, PO Box 460, Albany, OR 97321-0460, USA, +1-541 967 6959, [email protected], Mktg Spec, Ellaina DavisManufactures zirconium, hafnium, niobium, titanium and nickel-based alloys, stainless, tungsten heavy alloys and other essential metallics. ATI collaborates with major companies in nuclear power construction, management and supply markets.

Atlas Copco Construction Mining Technique USA LLC3700 E 68th Ave, Commerce City, CO 80022, USA, +1-800-732-6762, www.atlascopco.usContact: Bus Line Mgr Drilling Solutions, Scott SlaterIs responsible for the sales, after sales service and rental of equipment for exploration, oil and gas drilling, related consumables, and compressors and boosters.

Atlas Copco Gas and Process DivSchlehenweg 15, Cologne 50999 Germany, +49-223-696-500, [email protected], www.atlascopco-gap.comGas and Process develops, manufactures and markets large, customized gas and process compressors, turbo expanders and cryogenic submerged motor pumps. Products are used primarily by the oil and gas industry.

AUCOTEC AGOldenburger Allee 24, Hannover 30659 Germany, +49-511-6103-0, [email protected], www.aucotec.comAUCOTEC develops engineering software for the entire life cycle of machines, plants and mobile systems. AUCOTEC solutions include f ow diagrams via process control and electrical engineering and more.

AUMA Riester GmbH & Co KGAumastr 1, Müllheim, Baden-Wuerttemberg 79379 Germany, +49-7631-809-0, [email protected], www.auma.comManufactures electric actuators, valve gearboxes and master stations for valve automation. Dense network of subsidaries worldwide, customer support for selecting and commisioning the devices and after sales service.

AUMUND Corp(div of AUMUND Group), 1825 Barrett Lakes Blvd, Barrett Lakes Center II, Suite 520, Kennesaw, GA 30144, USA, +1-770-226-9578, [email protected], www.aumund.comContact: Man Dir, Geoff ConroyHas extensive conveyor equipment range, including apron feeders, plate and chain conveyors, bucket elevators, wagon tipplers, as well as LOUISE products for reclaim and handling of coal and lime.

AUMUND Foerdertechnik GmbH(div of AUMUND Group), Saalhoffer Str 17, Rheinberg 47495 Germany, +49-2843-72-0, [email protected], www.aumund.comContact: Sls/Proj Eng, Felix JaekelSupplies conveyor equipment, including apron feeders, plate and chain conveyors, bucket elevators, LOUISE products for reclaim and handling of coal, lime, FGD-gypsum ash and f lter dust.

Andritz Energy & Environment GmbHWaagner-Biro-Platz 1, Raaba/Graz A-8074 Austria, +43-316-501-0, [email protected], www.andritz.comSupplies thermal energy generation and environmental protection technology systems.

AVEVA Solutions LtdHigh Cross, Madingley Rd, Cambridge CB3 0HB, UK, +44-1223-556-655, [email protected], www.aveva.comContact: Comms Mgr, Kate MagillAVEVA is a leader in engineering design and information management solutions for the power industry. For more than 45 years, it has delivered business critical software solutions.

AW Chesterton Co860 Salem St, Groveland, MA 01834, USA, +1-978-469-6446, [email protected], www.chesterton.comContact: Mgr Mktg Rsch/Prod Support, John SousaImplements value-driven hydropower solutions around the world. Since 1884, solutions include advanced turbine shaft sealing, leak-free polymeric sealing, advanced reinforced coatings and industrial lubricants and MRO chemicals.

AWS Schäfer Technologie GmbHOberhausener Straße 8, Wilnsdorf 57234 Germany, +49-27-39-87-00-30, [email protected], specialist for pipe-forming and manufacturing machines. Most of our machines are delivered to customers in the f eld of energy, oil and gas and power plant industries.

AxEnergy Ltd(member of Walter Meier Group), Talstr 35-37, Pfaeffikon, Schwyz CH-8808 Switzerland, +41-55-416-6670, [email protected], www.ctfog.comContact: Pres, Philippe SchuermannDesigns evaporative, fogging, wet compression, high fogging and upstream cooling systems for the power generation market. Suitable for all types and sizes of the gas turbine.

The Babcock & Wilcox Co13024 Ballantyne Corporate Pl, Charlotte, NC 28277, USA, +1-800-222-2625, [email protected], www.babcock.comThe Babcock & Wilcox Co (B&W) is a leading international provider of advanced clean energy technology solutions and service.

Babcock Power Environmental Inc(sub of Babcock Power Inc), 5 Neponset St, Worcester, MA 01606, USA, +1-508-852-7100, [email protected], www.babcockpower.comContact: VP Bus Dev, Joe LangoneOffers f ue gas desulfurization scrubbers and mercury removal solutions, as well as SCRs through its aff liate Riley Power Inc, that enhance the environmental performance of electric utility and industrial facilities.

Babcock Power Inc55 Ferncroft Rd, Suite 210, Danvers, MA 01923, USA, +1-978-646-3300, [email protected], www.babcockpower.comThrough its various subsidiaries, is a leading worldwide supplier of technology, equipment, and aftermarket services for heat exchangers, HRSGs, steam generators, and environmental products.

BAE Batterien GmbHWilhelminenhofstr 69/70, Berlin 12459 Germany, +49-30-53001-661, [email protected], www.bae-berlin.deBAE Batterien GmbH is a traditional manufacturer of high-quality industrial batteries located in Berlin, Germany. The product range comprises batteries for stationary, solar photovoltaic, traction and railway applications.

Balcke-Dürr GmbHErnst-Dietrich-Platz 2, Ratingen 40822, Germany, +49-2102-1669-0, [email protected], www.balcke-duerr.comOffers comprehensive competence in boiler services, heat exchangers, air preheaters, f lters, and dedusting systems. Innovative international teams of experts and constant R&D are the basis of our global power strategy.

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Companies Listing

BAND-IT IDEX Inc4799 Dahlia St, Denver, CO 80216, USA, +1-303-320-4555, [email protected], IDEX, a global manufacturer of stainless steel clamping systems, has a new patent pending boiler tube shield clamp system that allows quick and easy installation of new sacrif cial shields.

Bandweaver Ltd(sub of Bandweaver Technologies Shanghai Ltd), Langford Locks, Kidlington, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX5 1FP, UK, +44-20-7144-0326, [email protected], Int’l Sls Dir, Chris ConwayProvides long range DTS technology and dynamic cable rating software for monitoring temperature on high-voltage power cables. Also provides FBG based optical monitoring systems for substations and more.

Barlage GmbHZum Dunenberg 20/AM Gleis 5, Haselunne-Flechum 49740 Germany, +49-5962-939-169, [email protected],

Basler Electric12570 State Rt 143, Highland, IL 62249, USA, +1-618-654-2341, [email protected], www.basler.comContact: Dir Mktg, Larry PerezBasler designs and manufactures voltage regulators, genset controllers, synchronizers, and multifunction protective relays and new DECS-2100 digital excitation control system controls generators with continuous excitation current up to 10,000 ADC.

Basler Electric France SASPAE Les Pins, Wasselonne F-67319 France, +33-3-88-87-10-10, [email protected], www.basler.comContact: Dir Sls, Philippe NockSpecializes in generator/motor excitation control solutions including digital excitation systems, voltage regulators (AVR), digital protection systems, protective relays, automatic synchronizers, genset control devices, generator control renovation, and technical training.

Bassi Luigi & CoVia Buttirone N 1, San Rocco Al Porto (LO) 26865 Italy, +39-03-775-6023, [email protected], www.bassiluigi.comProduces f ttings special pieces and prefabrication, as well as engineering for oil and gas plants, petrochemical, nuclear plants, critical and super critical piping.

Beaudrey American Services343 W Drake Rd, Suite 240, Ft Collins, CO 80526, USA, +1-970-201-1573, [email protected], www.beaudreyas.comBeaudrey AS is an engineering services and sales off ce for water intake screening and condenser protection equipment manufactured by E Beaudrey & Cie (Beaudrey).

E Beaudrey et Cie (Beaudrey)14 Blvd Ornano, Paris 75018 France, +33-1-42-57-14-35, [email protected], www.beaudrey.comSpecializes in the design, manufacture, installation and service of fully customizable intake water screening equipment, f sh protection screens and condenser protection equipment.

BechtelBechtel Power Div, 5275 Westview Dr, Frederick, MD 21703, USA, +1-301-228-8609, [email protected], www.bechtel.comContact: Mgr Mktg, Carol RitzBechtel is the world’s number one choice for engineering, construction, and project management. Our diverse portfolio encompasses energy, transportation, communications, mining, oil and gas, and government services.

Beckwith Electric6190 118th Ave N, Largo, FL 33773, USA, +1-727-544-2326, [email protected], www.beckwithelectric.comContact: Sr Mktg Mgr, Hugo MonterrubioProducts for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power including tapchanger and capacitor controls, protective relays, motor bus transfers and synchronizing systems.

Belman Production A/SOddesundvej 18, Esbjerg N 6715 Denmark, +45-7515-5999, [email protected], www.belman.dkContact: Sls/Projects Dept Coord, Michael LøvgreenManufactures expansion joints and bellows. Installs, repairs, replaces and supervises expansion joints. Supplies metallic f exbile hoses and rubber expansion joints.

BELTRAME CSE srlVia San Pio X, 104, Galliera Veneta 35015 Italy, +39-049-596-5127, [email protected], www.beltramecse.comContact: Mktg/Sls, Corrado SimonatoProvides systems and apparatus for the control and managing of energy designed for hydro and thermal power plants, diesel power plants, biomass power plants, alternative and renewable energies. Static Exciters

Bentley Systems Inc685 Stockton Dr, Exton, PA 19341, USA, +1-610-458-5000, VP, Arthur SawallBentley is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure.

Beran Instruments Ltd(div of Condition Monitoring Group (CMG) Ltd), Hatchmoor Industrial Estate, Torrington, Devon EX38 7HP, UK, +44-1805-624-304, [email protected], Sls Eng, D AffleckOffers on-line condition monitoring and automated vibration transducer calibration systems.

BERTSCHenergy Josef Bertsch Gesellschaft mbH & Co KGHerrengasse 23, Postfach 61, Bludenz Austria, +43-555-261-350, [email protected], www.bertsch.atStarting from our basic business, steam generating boilers and process equipment construction in our own manufacturing facility, BERTSCHenergy offers a wide range of energy generating solutions.

BEUMER Corp191 Chambers Brook Rd, Branchburg, NJ 08876, USA, +1-732-560-8222, [email protected], www.beumer-nowterm.comDesigns and supplies overland conveyor systems (pipe/curved troughed belt conveyors) to protect and transport raw materials and byproducts (limestone, coal, ash, and more) cleanly, eff ciently, and adaptively.

BEUMER Group GmbH & Co KGOelder St 40, Beckum 59269 Germany, +49-2521-24-0, [email protected], www.beumergroup.comThe BEUMER Group is an international leader in the manufacture of intralogistics for conveying technoloy especially troughed and pipe conveyors feeding energy generating works with coal, rubbish and more.

BFI Automation GmbH

Eggerscheidter Str 57, Ratingen, NRW 40883 Germany, +49-2102-9682-0, [email protected], www.bfi-automation.deContact: Dir Sls/Svc, Michael ThomasOffers a wide range of f ame monitoring systems and bus compatible compact f ame controllers for multiburner and fuel applications. Provides special f ame scanners for gas turbines and sulpher recovery systems.

BigLift Shipping BVPO Box 2599, Amsterdam 1000 CN The Netherlands, +31-2-4488300, [email protected], www.bigliftshipping.comContact: Gen Mgr Mktg/Sls, Robert op ten NoortWorldwide ocean transportation of heavy lifts and project cargos.

Bilf nger Power System GmbHDuisburger Str 375, Oberhausen D-46049 Germany, +49-20-845-751-747, [email protected], www.power.bilfinger.comBilf nger Power System GmbH is a leader in the f elds of steam generators, piping technology, energy and environmental technology, and mechanical apparatus and plant engineering.

BIS Gerber GmbHRevierstr 3, Dortmund D-44379 Germany, +49-23-199-520, [email protected], www.bis-gerber.comBIS Gerber offers high-quality products and solutions for technical noise control and f ltration including systems for industrial plants and a wide variety of gas turbines.

Blackthorn Environmental LtdForum House, Stirling Rd, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7DN, UK, +44-870-010-1800, [email protected], www.blackthorn.netContact: Mgr, Julian HammondBlackthorn specializes in reducing toxic exhaust emissions from internal combustion engines. We design and supply a range of products including catalytic converters, diesel particulate f lters and SCR denox.

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Companies Listing

Blome International1450 Hoff Industrial Dr, O’Fallon, MO 63366, USA, +1-636-379-9119, [email protected], www.blome.comContact: Lining Spec, Andy Bernard

BMT Group LtdGoodrich House, 1 Waldegrave Rd, Teddington TW11 8LZ, UK, +44-20-8943-5544, [email protected], www.bmt.orgProvides a multidisciplinary consultancy operating globally, serving clients in energy and more.

BNL Clean Energy GroupDammstr 19, Zug ZG 6300 Switzerland, +41-417 232 582, [email protected], www.bnlce.comContact: Pres/CEO, Mikael RuedlingerOffers zero emission clean energy plants and thermal power stations for biomass, coal, fossil fuels and waste.

Boecker Maschinenwerke GmbHLippestr 69-73, Werne 59368 Germany, +49-2389-7989-0, [email protected], www.boecker-group.comBoecker is a German based company with experience in manufacturing of lifting equipment for over 50 years. The elevators are tailor-made and designed for the challenges of various market categories.

Boldrocchi SRLVia Trento e Trieste 93, Biassono 20046 Italy, +39-039-2202-1, [email protected], www.boldrocchi.itContact: NA Rep, Bruce GallagherInternational manufacturer of custom, built-to-specif cation fans with a capability to 9000 hp, serving the power, petroleum, and cement industries since 1909. Manufacturing to North American and international standards.

Bollf lter CorpSiemensstr 10-14, Kerpen 50170 Germany, +49-2273-562-514, [email protected], www.bollfilter.deBollf lters protect important parts such as valves, pumps and bearings from contamination and accumulation of mud. They are installed into the pressure line or suction line.

Boltight LtdUnit 2, Junction 10 Business Pk, Bentley Mill Way, Walsall, West Midlands WS2 0LE, UK, +44-845-500-5556, [email protected], www.boltight.comContact: Sls, Chris HowellManufactures hydraulic bolt tensioners. Provides gas turbine casing and compressor through bolt tightening. Offers steam turbine casing, hydro and nuclear bolt tightening. Offers quick delivery, quality, customized, and reliable tooling.

Bonhag Associates314 Poverty Ln, Lebanon, NH 03766-2705, USA, +1-603-448-5180, [email protected], www.bonhagassociates.comProvides engineering, analysis, design, commissioning and troubleshooting.

Bono Energia SpA(dif of Cannon Group), Via Resistenza 12, Peschiera Borromeo I-20068 Italy, +39-02-553-028-48, [email protected], www.bono.itBono Energia specializes in the design and manufacturing of industrial boilers, waste heat recovery boilers, thermal oil heaters, hot water heaters, and boilers for biomasses and alternative fuels.

Borescopes-R-Us2686 Davidson Graveyard Rd, Clarksville, TN 37043-8204, USA, +1-931-362-4009, [email protected], www.borescopesrus.comContact: Sls, Bill FrenchBorescopes-R-Us supplies borescopes and videoscopes, as well as borescope repair and rental service.

BORSIG GmbHEgellsstr 21, Berlin D-13507 Germany, +49-30-4301-01, [email protected], www.borsig.deThe BORSIG Group offers customized solutions for a wide range of applications including pressure vessels, heat exchangers, industrial boilers, compressors, membrane technology, power plant engineering, power plant service and more.

Bosch Industriekessel GmbHNürnberger Straße 73, Stammhaus, Gunzenhausen 91710 Germany, +49-9831-56-0, [email protected], heating boilers, hot water boilers, and steam boilers in Germany, and has produced over 100,000 boiler systems since the company was founded in 1865.

Boson Energy SA29 Blvd du Prince Felix, Luxembourg LU-1513 Luxembourg, +352-20-40-40-20, [email protected], www.bosonenergy.comProvides sustainable distributed energy solutions and small-scale CHP to energy entrepreneurs and various industries utilizing local biomass with technology, complete systems and methods supported by education and training.

Bowman Heat ExchangersChester St, Birmingham B6 4AP, UK, +44-121-359-5401, [email protected], Sls Mgr, Jamie PrattBowman supplies exhaust gas heat exchangers as well as units suitable for reclaiming thermal energy from jacket water, charge air and oil, making them ideal for CHP systems.

Braddock Metallurgical Aerospace Services507 Industrial Way, Boynton Beach, FL 33426, USA, +1-561-622-2200, www.braddockmt.comProvides customers with an ongoing exceptional level of heat treating quality and service.

Braden Manufacturing LLC(sub of Global Power Equipment Group), 5199 N Mingo Rd, Tulsa, OK 74117, USA, +1-918-272-5371, [email protected], www.braden.comContact: VP Sls, Jeff TrostBraden designs and manufactures gas turbine inlet ducts and silencers, SCR and CO catalyst systems, f lter houses and f lter elements, exhaust ducts, exhaust stacks and silencers, enclosures, and diverter dampers. The company offers installation and retrof t capabilities.

Bran & Luebbe(div of SPX), 611 Sugar Creed Rd, Delavan, WI 53115, USA, +1-262-728-1900, [email protected], www.branluebbe.comContact: Dir Ind’l Sls, Allen DaniszewskiBran & Luebbe, an SPX brand, has been a worldwide leader in metering, analyzing and processing liquids. Is one of the world’s foremost manufacturers of metering pump systems.

Brand Industries LtdGraf-Adolf-Platz 12, Dusseldorf D - 40213 Germany, +49-211-3023-4827, [email protected], www.brand-industries.comBrand’s expertise is in the manufacturing of large scale projects for the energy, construction and infrastructures industries, particularly in the f eld of power plant projects.

Brentwood Europe sroV Celnici 1031/4, Prague 110 00 Czech Republic, +420-233-324-253, [email protected], www.brentwoodindustries.comBrentwood Europe sro is the European part of Brentwood Industries Inc, a leading manufacturer of cooling tower high performance f lm f lls, low fouling f lls, and high eff ciency drift eliminators.

Brinkmann & Niemeijer Motoren BVEngelenburgstraat 26, AM Twello 7391 The Netherlands, +31-571-276-900, [email protected], www.bnmotoren.nlManufactures gensets, pump sets, hydraulic units, soundproof canopies and containers.

Bristol Piping390 Bristol Metals Rd, Bristol, TN 37620, USA, +1-423-989-4700, [email protected], www.brismet.comBristol Metals, our pipe manufacturing group, is dedicated to being a world-class producer of welded stainless steel pipe.

Bromford Industries – AlcesterUnit 9 Kinwarton Farm Rd, Arden Forest Industrial Estate, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 6EH, UK, +44-1789-400-340, [email protected], complex sheet metal, industrial gas turbine components, fabrications and assemblies including combustion cans, transition pieces, seals, baff es, core plugs, air tubes, impingement plates and pressings.

Bromford Technologies LtdBromford Industries Ltd, Pegasus House, Bromford Gate, Birmingham B24 8DW, UK, +44-121-683-6200, [email protected], Bus Dev Mgr, Wes AllenProduces complex sheet metal components and assemblies in a range of exotic materials for performance critical gas turbine combustion and cooling applications.

Bronswerk Heat Transfer BVStationsweg 22, Nijlkerk 3862 CG The Netherlands, +31-33-2472500, [email protected],

BRUSHFalcon Works, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 1EX, UK, +44-1509-611-511, [email protected], www.brush.euBRUSH is the largest independent manufacturer of turbogenerators in the world. We design and manufacture turbogenerators, transformers, PRISMIC power management and excitation systems and services with excellent aftermarket solutions.

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58 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies Listing

BRUSH HMA BVPO Box 3007, Ridderkerk 2980 DA The Netherlands, +31-180445500, www.brush.euBRUSH HMA BV, part of the international engineering group Melrose Plc, is a manufacturer of high-voltage generators from 10 to 65 MVA.

BRUSH SEM sroEdvarde Benese 39/564, Plzen 30100 Czech Republic, +420-3782-10747, www.brush.euBRUSH SEM sro, part of the international engineering group Melrose Plc, is a manufacturer of high-voltage generators from 10 to 1100 MVA, synchronous motors and power management systems.

Buckley IndustrialUnit 1 Catheralls Estate, Buckley, Flintshire CH7 3PS, UK, +44-1244-544-080, [email protected], Gen Mgr, Steve DransfieldManufactures, supplies, and tests all types of industrial f exible hose. Specializes in pressure testing and internal inspection of stainless-steel f exible hose to prevent unscheduled turbine outages.

Buffalo Pumps874 Oliver St, North Tonawanda, NY 14120, USA, +1-716-693-1850, [email protected], www.buffalopumps.comBuffalo Pumps is a manufacturer of centrifugal pumps for demanding and critical applications. We are the leader supplying heavy-duty, cost-competitive lube oil pumps to the power generation industry.

Burmeister & Wain Energy A/S - BWELundtoftegårdsvej 93A, Kgs Lyngby DK-2800 Denmark, +45-39-45-20-00, [email protected], www.bwe.dkContact: Sec’y Sls Div, Camilla OrtmannDesigns, supplies, installs and commissions HRSGs, industrial boilers and more.

Burns & McDonnellEnergy Div, 9400 Ward Pkwy, Kansas City, MO 64114, USA, +1-816-333-9400, [email protected], www.burnsmcd.comContact: VP Environmental, David LangfordAn internationally recognized, 100% employee-owned design/build, architectural/engineering, consulting f rm specializing in power generation, transmission and distribution, and air pollution control facilities.

Buschjost GmbHDetmolder Str 256, Bad Oeynhausen D-32545 Germany, +49-57-317-910, [email protected], www.buschjost.deA leading company in the f eld of process and all-media valves, Buschjost offers uncompromising quality in every area of work and a partnership-based relationship with every customer.

BWD Turbines Ltd1-601 Tradewind Dr, Ancaster, ON L9G 4V5, Canada, +1-905-648-9262, [email protected], www.bwdturbines.comContact: VP, Joe DaleoBWD Turbines provides independent component repair engineering, remaining life assessment, metallurgical analysis, failure analysis, and quality assurance services. The popular course, Superalloys for Gas Turbines, is presented twice each year.

BWF America Inc7543 Empire Dr, #340, Florence, KY 41042, USA, +1-859-282-4550, [email protected], www.bwf-america.comContact: Sls Mgr, Jeff Bernstein

Cable Labels USALake Mary Blvd, Lake Mary, FL 32746, USA, +1-407-435-4659, [email protected], www.cablelabelsusa.comCable Labels USA provides the most cost effective cable labeling products to ensure successful completion of projects based on sensible engineering and budgetary requirements.

CAD/CAM Services Inc1529 Brooklane, Suite 201, Celina, TX 75009, USA +1-800-938-7226, [email protected],

Caldwell Tanks Inc(sub of Caldwell Inc), 4000 Tower Rd, Louisville, KY 40219, USA, +1-502-964-3361, [email protected], www.caldwelltanks.comContact: VP, John Kraft

Callidus Technologies by Honeywell7130 S Lewis, Suite 335, Tulsa, OK 74136-5488, USA, +1-918-496-7599, [email protected], www.callidus.comContact: SCR Mgr, Chris FergusonCallidus Technologies designs and manufactures selective catalytic reduction and catalytic oxidation systems for the power and process industries. Also provides installation services, start-up, operator training, aftermarket services, and f ow modeling.

Calnetix Power Solutions2901 SE Monroe St, Stuart, FL 34997, USA, +1-772-219-9449, [email protected], www.calnetixps.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Wendy HoltManufactures microturbine power generation and waste heat recovery electric generation equipment.

Camf l Farr Power Systems ABPO Box 155, Boras Sweden, +46-33-178-500, [email protected], www.camfilfarr.comContact: Area Sls Mgr N America, Dave FlakeAuxiliary equipment for rotating machinery with focus on systems for air inlet, acoustic enclosures and ventilation, diverter dampers and exhaust. Also retro# ts, upgrades and # lter changes. Part of the Cam# l Farr group.

Camf l Farr Power Systems GmbHMary-Somerville-Str 2, PO Box 330220, Bremen 28359 Germany, +49-421-47-886-0, [email protected], offer complete air solutions for protecting turbomachinery, inlet, acoustic and exhaust systems, enclosures, diverters, dampers and aftermarket service. Our of# ces are located in Germany, Sweden and Canada.

Canbar Inc250 Woolwich St S, Unit 5, PO Box 267, Breslau, ON N0B 1M0, Canada, +1-519-648-2278, [email protected]: Sls/Eng Mgr, Andy RathWater and corrosive materials tank and pipeline manufacturer.

Canyon Hydro5500 Blue Heron Ln, PO Box 36, Deming, WA 98244-9309, USA, +1-360-592-5552, [email protected], www.canyonhydro.comContact: Ch Eng, Brett BauerDesigns and manufactures hydropower turbines, and provides replacement and refurbishment of existing system components. The company specializes in Pelton and Francis systems and can provide full water-to-wire packages.

Capstone Turbine Corp21211 Nordhoff St, Chatsworth, CA 91311, USA, +1-818-734-5300, [email protected], www.capstoneturbine.comContact: Reg Sls Dir, Americas, Justin RathkeCalifornia-based Capstone Turbine Corp is the world’s leading producer of low-emission and low-maintenance microturbine systems, and was # rst to market with commercially viable microturbine energy products.

Carlos Bertschi SRLAv Roque Saenz Pena 943, Buenos Aires C1035AAE Argentina, +54-11-4326-2405, [email protected], Mgr, Carlos BertschiOffers measure and control instruments, f ow, level, pressure, temperature and dam monitoring.

CBP Engineering Corp(div of The Greenbank Group), 185 Plumpton Ave, Washington, PA 15301, USA, +1-724-229-1180, [email protected], www.cbpengineering.comContact: Sls Dir, Don HalulkoCBP Engineering is a world leader in the design and application of abrasion resistant materials for ash and materials handling. Products include cast basalt, alumina ceramic and silicone cabinets.

CBS ArcsafeShenley Brook End, 27 Cressey Ave, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK57EL, UK, +44-7770-500-577, [email protected], www.cbsarcsafe.comOffers remote circuit breaker racking systems.

CCI, an IMI Severe Service Co26, Via Leopardi, Milano 20123 Italy, +39-02-365-848-20, [email protected], www.ccivalve.comCCI is a global leader in the design and manufacture of severe service control and isolation valves for the severe service applications of power, oil and gas and nuclear industries.

CCI Thermal Technologies Inc5918 Roper Rd, Edmonton, AB T6B 3E1, Canada, +1-780-466-3178, [email protected], www.ccithermal.comA leader in the development and manufacturing of industrial heating and # ltration solutions, featuring the Cata-Dyne, Ruffneck, Caloritec h, Norseman, DriQuik and 3L Filters brands.

CEATI International Inc1010 Sherbrooke St W, Suite 2500, Montreal, QC H3A 2R7, Canada, +1-514-866-5377, [email protected], www.ceati.comContact: Dir Bus Dev, Chris Hayes

CEMB SpAcasella postale 220, Via Risorgimento, 9, Mandello Del Lario (LC) 23826 Italy, +39-0341-706111, [email protected], www.cemb.comContact: Comms Dir, Enrico Coti ZelatiManufactures portable equipment for vibration analysis, balancing, and laser alignment. Monitoring and supervisory measurement of mechanical vibration for the protection of rotation machines. Offers vibration consulting, training, and more.

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60 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies Listing

Centrax LtdGas Turbine Div, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 4SQ, UK, +44-162-635-8000, [email protected], www.centraxgt.comManufactures and markets a range of gas turbine powered electrical generator sets from 3.9 to 64 MWe. Uses turbines manufactured by Rolls-Royce and Siemens for cogeneration, base load, standby and emergency.

Century Corp/IBT EUROPE GmbHDr. Franz Palla Gasse, 21-2, Klagenfurt Austria, +43-463-500-045, [email protected], www.ibteurope.atCentury Corp is a South-Korean company specialized, since 1968, in the production of high-tech refrigeration machines for the nuclear and industrial sectors, and is currently world leader in HVAC equipment.

Chell Instruments LtdFolgate House, Folgate Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk NR28 0AJ, UK, +44-1692-500-555, [email protected], produces pressure, vacuum and gas f ow measurement and control solutions designed by engineers for use by engineers.

Chemviron Carbon(sub of Calgon Carbon Corp), Zoning Industriel de Feluy, Zone C, Feluy, Hainaut B-7181 Belgium, +32-64-511-811, [email protected],

Chromalloy3999 RCA Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410, USA, +1-561-935-3571, [email protected], www.chromalloy.comContact: VP Mktg/Corp Comms, Andrew FarrantIs a total provider to owners and operators of industrial gas turbines worldwide, offering an employee skill base in excess of 2000 years of OEM experience in turbine maintenance solutions.

Citec Engineering Oy ABSilmukkatie 4, PO Box 109, Vaasa FI-65101 Finland, +358-63240-700, www.citec.comContact: Sls/Mktg Dir, Conny EklundProvides multi-discipline engineering and consulting for the power and energy industry.

CITI - North America Corona Inspection Training Institute16 Einsteing St, PO Box 4016, Nes Ziona 74000 Israel, +888-950-5557, [email protected], CITI Coord, Hannah BarzilayTrains on all subjects involved with corona inspection, predictive maintenance and reliability.

Clark-Reliance Corp16633 Foltz Pkwy, Strongsville, OH 44149, USA, +1-440-572-1500, [email protected], www.clarkreliance.comContact: Prod Mgr, James KolbusManufacturers and global suppliers of Reliance boiler-trim instrumentation, Jerguson level gages and controllers, Jacoby-Tarbox sight-f ow indicators, Magne-Sonics, Anderson Separators, National Filtration Systems and HYCOA air, gas and liquid f ltration products/services.

Classic Filters LtdSextant Pk, Neptune Close, Rochester, Kent ME2 4LU, UK, +44-1634-724-224, [email protected],

Class Instrumentation Ltd837 Garratt Ln, London SW17 0PG, UK, +44-20-8333-2288, [email protected], www.classltd.comContact: Tech Dir, Ken Hawes

Claudius Peters ProjectsSchanzenstr 40, Buxtehude 21614 Germany, +49-4161-7060, [email protected], www.claudiuspeters.comIn the f eld of materials handling and processing, from stockyard, pneumatic conveying, silo and grinding Claudius Peters are experts in the coal, ash, limestone and bulk handling industries.

Clean Harbors42 Longwater Dr, Norwell, MA 02061-9149, USA, +1-781-792-5000, [email protected],

Cleaver-Brooks Engineered Boiler Systems6940 Cornhusker Hwy, Lincoln, NE 68507, USA, +1-402-434-2000, [email protected], www.cleaverbrooks.comContact: VP Sls/Mktg, Rocky Bahramzad

Climax Portable Machining & Welding SystemsAm Langen Graben 8, Düren 52353 Germany, +49-2421-9177-0, [email protected], www.climaxportable.comContact: Dir European Sls, André RomboutsClimax provides on-site machining and welding solutions, engineering consulting, and customized training. We offer standardized portable tools and innovative custom solutions based on extensive experience within the power sector.

Climax Portable Machining & Welding Systems2712 E Second St, Newberg, OR 97132, USA, +1-503-538-2185, [email protected], www.climaxportable.comContact: NA Sls Leader, Gary Corso

Clipper Windpower Inc6305 Carpinteria Ave, Suite 300, Carpinteria, CA 93013, USA, +1-805-576-1142, [email protected], www.clipperwind.comContact: Leader, Mary GradyOffers wind power plant developers, operators, consultants, engineering and design.

Clyde Bergemann Bachmann Inc(sub of Clyde Bergemann Power Group), 416 Lewiston Junction Rd, PO Box 2150, Auburn, ME 04210-2150, USA, +1-207-784-1903, [email protected], www.cbbachmann.comContact: Pres/CEO, Mike SellingerOffers innovative technologies high-performance air-gas handling systems, including custom designed and fabricated dampers, diverters, expansion joints, stacks, and exhaust components. ISO 9001-2008.

Clyde Bergemann Power GroupSchillwiese 20, Wesel 46485 Germany, +49-281-815-101, [email protected], www.clydebergemannpowergroup.comContact: Pres/CEO, Franz BartelsLeading global provider supplying systems and solutions for the energy services market including boiler eff ciency, on-load boiler cleaning, materials handling, air pollution control, air-gas handling, energy recovery, and f ring solutions.

ClydeUnion Pumps, an SPX brand149 Newlands Rd, Glasgow G44 4EX, UK, +44-141-637-7141, www.clydeunion.comContact: BD Mgr Water/Ind’l, Celine BaudetDesigns and manufactures innovative pumping solutions for water and industrial, nuclear and conventional power, upstream and downstream oil industries. Incorporates over 140 years of engineering expertise in over 50 countries.

CMI Energy1 Ave Greiner, Seraing Belgium, +32-4330-2428, [email protected], www.cmigroupe.comContact: Comms Mgr, Laurence PetitSpecializes in the design, supply and construction of heat recovery steam generators for combined cycle electrical power stations, cogeneration, ISCC and industrial applications. Also develops solar steam generators.

Coen Co Inc/Hamworthy Combustion951 Mariners Island Blvd, Suite 410, San Mateo, CA 94404, USA, +1-800-445-0912, [email protected], www.coen.comSpecializing in the design, manufacture, servicing and maintenance of combustion systems. Offers COEN, TODD and Hamworthy combustion brand products for power and marine applications.

Columbian TecTank(div of CST Industries), 9701 Renner Blvd, Suite 150, Lenexa, KS 66219, USA, +1-913-621-3700, [email protected], www.columbiantectank.comContact: VP Sls, Sam SkobelColumbian TecTank offers a wide variety of liquid and dry storage solutions, including demineralized water, raw water, f re protection water and wastewater, f y ash, lime, and coal.

Columbia Steel Casting Co Inc10425 N Bloss Ave, Portland, OR 97203, USA, +1-503-286-0685, [email protected], www.columbiasteel.comContact: Prod Engr Mgr, Steve Marsac

Commonwealth Dynamics Inc95 Court St, Portsmouth, NH 03801, USA, +1-603-433-6060, [email protected], www.comdynam.comA recognized leader in the design, construction and maintenance of concrete chimneys, steel stacks, and other tall structures. Servicing clients in the US and around the world.

Competitive Energy Insight Inc12025 Blue Diamond Ct, San Diego, CA 92131, USA, [email protected], www.ceinsight.comContact: Pres, Steve ProvolCEI provides world-class economic analysis software and consulting services for investments in energy projects, providing analysis from the perspective on any stakeholder in any project or transaction.

ComRent International LLC7640 Investment Ct, Unit A, Owings, MD 20736, USA, +1-410-257-3000, [email protected], www.loadbanks.comContact: Pres, Clay TaylorOffers rentals, sales, and services of load banks for testing generators, turbines, UPS systems, PDUs, batteries, and fuel cells. Also provides electronic loads, transformers, switchgear, test equipment and more.

ComRent West250 Clark Ave, Pomona, CA 91767, USA, +1-909-622-2137, [email protected], www.comrentwest.comContact: COO, Raul Martinez

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Companies Listing

Contec GmbHAegidienberger Str 69, Bad Honnef 53604 Germany, +49-222-498-930, [email protected], www.contec-umwelt.deContec is your reliable partner for innovative and individual solutions in the f elds of f ltration, separation and level measurement control.

Continental Controls Corp8845 Rehco Rd, San Diego, CA 92121, USA, +1-858-453-9880, www.continentalcontrols.comContact: Sls, Daniel LemireManufactures a full-line of gas turbine fuel valves and gas engine air fuel ratio controllers. Provides fuel control for gas engines and gas turbines.

Continental Fan Canada Inc12-205 Matheson Blvd E, Mississauga, ON L4Z 3E3, Canada, +1-905-890-6192, [email protected], www.continentalfan.comContact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Bruce GoverWith many years of experience providing rugged and dependable fans, we simplify our customers’ design process by working with them to develop custom fan models for their wind turbine applications.

CONVAL265 Field Rd, PO Box 1049, Somers, CT 06071-1049, USA, +1-860-749-0761, [email protected], www.conval.comContact: VP Global Sls/Mktg, Michael HendrickManufacturers of high-pressure, high-temperature valves and accessories for the world’s most demanding applications.

Copes-Vulcan(an SPX Brand), 5620 West Rd, McKean, PA 16426, USA, +1-814-476-5800, [email protected], www.copesvulcan.comContact: Sls Americas-Engineered Valves, Richard WolfeCopes-Vulcan, an SPX brand, has been providing valves to the power industry since 1903. Copes-Vulcan is recognized worldwide as a leader in valves and desuperheaters for critical service applications.

Cormetech Inc5000 International Dr, Durham, NC 27712, USA, +1-919-620-3000, [email protected], www.cormetech.comContact: Mktg Spec, George WensellCormetech is recognized as the world’s leading developer, manufacturer, and supplier of catalysts for SCR systems. Cormetech’s homogeneous honeycomb, titania-based ceramic catalysts are integral to the high performing SCR.

Craigie Engineering Sales & Services Ltd45 Hamnavoe, Stromness, Orkney Islands KW16 3JQ, UK, +44-780-291-6577, [email protected], Man Dir, Mike CraigieSpecialists in the appraisal/valuation, sourcing, marketing and relocation of surplus power plant and ancillary equipment.

Cranf eld UniversityEnvironmental Science and Technology Dept, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AL, UK, +44-1234-754-086, [email protected], Short Course Off, Lesley RoffAddresses issues affecting the national climate change and energy agendas. Offers research, education, training and consultancy in energy security, renewable energy, power generating capacity, and resource eff ciency.

Crestchic Ltd2nd Ave, Centrum 100, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire DE14 2WF, UK, +44-1283-531-645, [email protected], Sls Mgr, Richard RendersManufacturers of loadbanks AC and DC for sale or rental, for testing diesel gensets, turbines, ground power units, and uninterruptable power systems, for military and civil applications in shipyards and airports.

CRE Technology130, Allée Charles Victor Naudin, Sophia Antipolis, Biot 06410 France, +33-4-92-38-86-82, [email protected], www.cretechnology.comContact: Sls Mgr, Richard HamonCRE Technology provides the engine and genset industry with standard products and dedicated solutions in power control, protection, and paralleling.

Critical Power Exchange LLC3808 N Sullivan Rd, Bldg 29A, Spokane, WA 992616, USA, +1-877-315-4176, [email protected], www.criticalpower.comContact: Dir Mktg, Steve LuedtkeSpecializing in the asset recovery and supply of power and cooling system equipment since 1993, including generators, UPS units, PDUs, A/Cs, transformers, raised access f ooring, and f re suppression gas.

Crystal Group Inc850 Kacena Rd, Hiawatha, IA 52233, USA, +1-319-378-1636, [email protected], www.crystalrugged.comContact: Pres, Scott KongableCrystal Group Inc, an employee-owned small business, designs/manufactures rugged, industrial-grade servers, displays, storage, embedded, and networking equipment for mission critical applications. All products are built to meet/exceed the toughest environmental challenges.

CST Covers(div of CST Industries), 498 N Loop 336 E, Conroe, TX 77301, USA, +1-936-539-1747, [email protected], www.cstcovers.comContact: VP Sls, John Delaney

CST Industries9701 Renner Blvd, Suite 150, Lenexa, KS 66110, USA, +1-913-621-3700, [email protected], www.cstindustries.comContact: Mktg Dir, Steve Rowland

CST Power(div of CST Industries), 879 W 190th St, Gardena, CA 90248, USA, +1-620-423-7103, [email protected], www.cstindustries.comContact: Bus Dev Mgr, John Farris

CU Services LLC725 Parkview Cir, Elk Grove, IL 60007, USA, +1-847-439-2303, [email protected], www.cuservices.netContact: Gen Mgr, Ramsey CronfelManufactures plug resistant orif ces for steam line drains, recirculation systems for boiler feed pumps, and silencers for steam vents.

DAEYOUNG C&E Co LtdGa-1-5, Gangneung Science & Industrial Complex, Gangneung, Gangwon Korea, +82-33-650-9014, [email protected], www.cnedrc.comDAEYOUNG C&E specializes in the manufacturing of de-NOx catalysts for SCR systems used in stationary applications such as power plants, industrial boilers, incinerators, ref neries, and more.

Dahlman Filter Technology(div of Dahlman Industrial Group), Nordzee 8, 3144 DB, Maassluis 3140 AK The Netherlands, +31-10-599-1111, [email protected]: Dir Sls, Erik van der KuijDahlman is a designer and manufacturer of f ltration equipment for the oil and gas industry, (petro) chemical industry and other industries.

Dale Power Solutions PlcSalter Rd, Eastfield Industrial Estate, Scarbough, North Yorkshire YO11 3DU, UK, +44-1723-514-141, [email protected], www.dalepowersolutions.comOffers upgrades, refurbishments for generating sets and more.

Daltec Canadian Buffalo Manufacturing Ltd465 Laird Rd, Guelph, ON N1G 4WI, Canada, +1-519-837-1921, [email protected], www.canadianbuffalo.comContact: Gen Mgr, Mark GloverProvides custom designed centrifugal fans and blowers to the power generation industry. We specialize in new fan applications, engineered rotor retrof ts, rebuilds, and performance and reliability upgrades.

Danfoss A/SLundenvej 1, Nordborg DK 6430 Denmark, +45-7488-4517, [email protected], www.danfoss.comProvides research, development and production, sales and service of mechanical and electronic components for several industries.

Daniels Manufacturing Corp526 Thorpe Rd, Orlando, FL 32824, USA, +1-407-855-6161, [email protected], www.dmctools.comContact: Sls Mgr, Gary MooreDMC is the leading manufacturer of mil-qualif ed crimp tools, wiring maintenance kits, and insertion/removal tools. DMC also supplies backshell assembly tools, crimp pull testers, and SAFE-T-CABLE, the time-saving Lockwire substitute.

Darchem EngineeringIronmasters Way, Stillington, Stockton-on-tees TS21 1LB, UK, +44-1740-632-788, [email protected],

Data Physics Corp1741 Technology Dr, Suite 260, San Jose, CA 95110, USA, +1-408-437-0100, [email protected], www.dataphysics.comContact: VP Sls/Mktg, Per LindbergProvides advanced vibration analysis solutions for rotating machinery diagnostics. SignalCalc Turbo is a highly portable solution for turbomachinery vibration testing in the power generation, oil and gas, and industrial sectors.

dataVoice101 W Main St, Allen, TX 75013, USA, +1-972-390-8808, [email protected], www.datavoiceint.comContact: VP Sls/Mktg, Denna SandovalUtilities trust our innovative, easy-to-use browser-based solutions for outage management, work force management and VoIP IVR to deliver the best eff ciency, reliability and customer satisfaction.

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62 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies Listing

Dectron Internationale Inc3999 Cote-Vertu, Montreal, QC H4R 1R2, Canada, +1-514-336-3330, [email protected], www.dectron.comContact: Prod Mgr, Adel HomsyManufacturer of patent-pending on-line compressor blade cleaning systems for gas turbines. Dectron Internationale produces hyper-pure deionized water from moisture in air for daily on-line wash to maintain blade prof les at peak eff ciency.

DEE Development Engineers LtdPlot 5327 & 6412, Prithla, Tatarpur Rd, Village Tatarpur, Distt Palwal, Haryana 121102 India, +91-1275248271, [email protected], www.deedevelopment.comContact: Sr Mgr Strat/Bus Dev, Deeptanshu BansalProvides services like designing, engineering, and pipe fabrication. Manufactures carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel pipe spools for power, process and original equipment manufacturers (OEM) piping systems.

Def tec SPRLFiltration Div, 16 Rue Michel Verbeck, Waterloo B-1410 Belgium, +32-23-540610, [email protected], www.defitec.comContact: Dir, Benoit DeffenseDef tec offers replacement air f lters for gas turbines and processes metallic f lter elements for oil and gas systems.

DEIF (UK) LtdDEIF A/S, 8 Acorn Business Pk, Heaton Ln, Stockport, Cheshire SK4 1AS, UK, +44-161-429-4940, [email protected], www.deif.comContact: Man Dir, Roger WattersonManufactures and supplies protection relays and associated equipment including G59/switchboard instruments/transducers/generator controls and power management systems.

De Jong Combustion BVGravelandseweg 390, Schiedam NL-3125 BK The Netherlands, +31-10-446-9222, [email protected], www.dejongcombustion.comContact: Man Dir, Sven ReichrathDe Jong Combustion is specialized in the design, engineering, manufacturing and supply of combustion equipment for a broad range of applications. Our products meet the highest standards for industrial installations.

Dekomte de Temple Kompensator-Technik GmbHWalinusstr 13, Seligenstadt D-63500 Germany, +49-618-221-014, [email protected], www.dekomte.comDekomte manufactures, installs and maintains all types of metal and fabric expansion joints, especially high-tech joints for the power industry.

Densit ApSGasværksvej 46, PO Box 220, Aalborg DK-9220 Denmark, +45-9816-7011, [email protected], www.densit.comDensit fulf lls the needs of specif c market segments for reinforcement of areas exposed to severe demands which are critical to the end user’s activities.

Detroit Stoker Co1510 E First St, Monroe, MI 48161, USA, +1-734-241-9500, [email protected], www.detroitstoker.comContact: Dir Contract Sls, Tim LoviskaDesigns and manufactures solid fuel combustion systems, repairs parts, and provides service.

DFME Sp zooFabryczna 10, Wroclaw 53609 Poland, +48-71-356-54-00, [email protected], www.dfme.plContact: Sls/Tech Dir, Maciej WawrzyniakIndependent manufacturer of high output generators and motors from Poland. Has an in-house design shop, manufacturing facility and test station. Over 60 years of history under the Dolmel and DFME brands.

Diamond Power International Inc

2600 E Main St, PO Box 415, Lancaster, OH 43130-0415, USA, +1-740-687-6500, [email protected], www.diamondpower.comContact: Gen Mgr Sls, Louis MangelliDiamond Power International Inc develops new technologies that advance boiler cleaning and ash-handling systems. Diamond Power delivers integrated solutions to the utility, pulp and paper, and industrial markets.

DNV KEMA Energy & SustainabilityUtrechtseweg 310, PO Box 9035, Arnhem The Netherlands, +31-263-569-111, [email protected], www.kema.comDNV KEMA is a knowledge leader specializing in high-quality services to the energy value chain. Offers business and technical consulting, operational support, measurement and inspection, and testing and certif cation.

Doble Engineering Co85 Walnut St, Watertown, MA 02472, USA, +1-617-926-4900, [email protected], www.doble.comContact: Reg Sls Dir, Asia Pacific, Louis LeeDoble provides diagnostic instruments, knowledge, consulting and testing services to the electric power industry, partnering with our clients to improve the performance of their power systems and operations.

DONAKO SAFabryczna 10, Wroclaw 53-609 Poland, +48-71-355-85-81, [email protected], Sls Dev Mgr, Mateusz ZeleznikManufacturer of components for electrical machines, in particular high output generators and motors stator, rotor and pole laminations and stacked cores, and all types of tooling and welded structures.

Doosan Power Systems Americas5 Paragon Dr, Montvale, NJ 07645, USA, +1-201-746-8200, www.doosanpowersystems.comContact: VP Sls/Mktg, Paul ArmstrongDoosan Portable Power is a leading global manufacturer of construction equipment. Products offered include generators, air compressors, lighting systems, security, light construction equipment, and truck-mounted equipment.

Doosan Power Systems LimitedDoosan House, Crawley Business Quarter,Manor Royal, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9AD UK, +44-1293-612-888, [email protected],

Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co Ltd465 Gangnam-Daero, Seoul 137920 Korea, +82-2-513-6114,

Doosan Infracore Portable Power1293 Glenway Dr, Statesville, NC 28625, USA, +1-704-883-3586, [email protected], www.doosanportablepower.comContact: Generator Prod Mktg Mgr, Todd Howe

The Dow Chemical CoLiquid Separations Div, 2030 Dow Center, PO Box 1206, Midland, MI 48642, USA, +1-989-832-1560, [email protected], www.dow.comOffers Filmtec membranes and Dowex ion-exchange resins for water treatment.

DP CleanTechVestkraftgade 1, 3. sal, Esbjerg DK-6700 Denmark, +45-73-644-850, [email protected], www.dpcleantech.comEstablished in 2004, DP CleanTech designs, engineers, manufactures and commissions biomass and waste-to-energy power plants, providing complete solutions for turning waste materials into clean energy.

DREHMO GmbHIndustriestraße 1, Wenden 57482 Germany, +49-2762-612-311, [email protected], www.drehmo.comContact: Mktg/Svc Mgr, Kai EwaldDREHMO offers conventional and compact actuators with integral control and smart type, microprocessor-based integral control actuators.

Dresser Inc16240 Port NW Dr, Houston, TX 77041, USA, +1-832-590-2303, www.dresser.comContact: Dir Mktg, Karen MinyardDresser Consolidated is a worldwide leader and full service provider of dependable pressure relief valve solutions. We design, engineer, manufacture, market, and service the critical equipment.

Dresser-RandBarrio De Oikia, 44, PO Box 30, Zumaia, Gipuzkoa 20759 Spain, +34-943-865205, [email protected], www.guascorpower.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Edurne ZabaletaManufactures diesel and gas engines for marine propulsion and auxiliary equipment, electric power generation, cogeneration, containerized modules for power generation, engines operating on biogas, lean gases and syngas.

Dresser-Rand10205 Westheimer Rd, West 8 Tower, Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77042, USA, +1-713-354-6100, [email protected], www.dresser-rand.comA leading provider of rotating equipment solutions, Dresser-Rand designs, manufactures and services a wide range of technologically advanced equipment that includes compressors, steam and gas turbines

Dresser-Rand Co Ltd(div of Dresser-Rand Group), Werrington Pkwy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE4 5HG, UK, +44-1733-292-200, [email protected], www.dresser-rand.comContact: Sls Dir Steam Turbines, Ray BowellDresser-Rand designs, manufactures, sells and services a range of technologically advanced centrifugal and reciprocating compressors, steam and gas turbines, expanders, gas engines, portable ventilators, CHP systems and control systems.

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Companies Listing

Duct Balloon(sub of GR Werth and Associates Inc), 8909 W Cermak Rd, North Riverside, IL 60546, USA, +1-630-564-7471, [email protected], www.ductballoon.comContact: Pres, Gary WerthOffers portable inf atable isolation barriers for use in duct work to create a temporary barrier or provide auxiliary sealing to leaky dampers.

Duraf ex Inc765 Industrial Dr, Cary, IL 60013, USA, +1-847-462-1007, [email protected], www.duraflexinc.comContact: VP Mktg, Jennifer Jones-ReynoldsDuraf ex Inc is a custom and standard manufacturer/service provider of highly engineered metal to rubber bellows and expansion joints including edge-welded, hydroformed, exhaust assemblies and f exible connectors for engineered piping.

DURAG GroupKollaustr 105, Hamburg 20146 Germany, +49-40-554218-0, [email protected], www.durag.deDevelops and provides combustion technology equipment, igniters, combustion chamber video and thermography, environmental monitoring systems, continuous emission monitoring systems, ambient monitoring systems, and tunnel sensors.

Duro Dakovic Kompenzatori dddr Mile Budaka br 1, Slavonski Brod 35000 Croatia, +385-35-446-256, [email protected], www.duro-dakovic.comContact: Proj Engr, Robert MecProduces cyclindrical and rectangular expansion joints from stainless and carbon steels up to 1000 mm.

Duro FelgueraParque Científico Tecnológico, C/ Ada Byron, 90, Gijón - Asturias 33203 Spain, +34-985-199-352, [email protected], www.durofelguera.comWith 50 gas-f red power generation facilities constructed worldwide, Duro Felguera is one of the leading Spanish specialists in executing turnkey power plants on a main contractor basis or in collaboration.

Dutch Gas Turbine Association VGTPO Box 261, De Meern NL-3454 ZM The Netherlands, +31-30-669-1966, [email protected], www.vgt.orgContact: Man Dir, Anne-Marie HeyThe Dutch Gas Turbine Association VGT is a trade association with the goal to strengthen the technological and commercial position of the gas turbine industry in The Netherlands.

Dynamic Ratings IncN53 W24794 S Corporate Cir, Suite A, Sussex, WI 53089, USA, +1-262-746-1230, [email protected], www.dynamicratings.comContact: Inside Sls/Svc Coord, Rob BushDynamic Ratings is a global supplier of electrical apparatus monitoring, controls and communications equipment. DR provides portable and on-line monitoring and diagnostics of generators, turbines, motors, transformers, switchgear and cables.

Dynamic Systems Inc15331 NE 90th St, Redmond, WA 98052, USA, +1-425-216-1204, [email protected], www.a-barcode.comContact: VP Bus Dev, Rob FreemanOur barcode tracking applications include equipment and tool, inventory, ID badge systems, job tracking, time and attendance, document/f le tracking, capital assets, WIP-work in progress, labels and tags.

DZ Atlantic5426 Robin Hood Rd, Norfolk, VA 23513, USA, +1-757-857-6400, [email protected], www.condenserexperts.comDZ Atlantic (formerly The Atlantic Group), a Day & Zimmermann company, is the world’s premier full-scope, turnkey condenser retubing specialist.

E4techAve Juste-Olivier 2, Lausanne 1006 Switzerland, +41-21-331-1570, [email protected], www.e4tech.comContact: Man Cons, Hermen WesterbeekeAn independent technologically-informed business consultancy in sustainable energy. We provide services relating to technology, policy and business across a wide range of energy areas.

E4tech83 Victoria St, London SW1H 0HW, UK, +44-20-3008-6140, [email protected],

EagleBurgmann KE A/SExpansion Joints Div, (sub of EagleBurgmannn), Park Allé 34, Vejen DK-6600 Denmark, +45-75-36-18-11, [email protected], www.eagleburgmann.ej.comContact: Mktg Coord, Lone SoerensenManufactures fabric, metal, and rubber expansion joints for pipe and duct systems in power generation and gas turbine systems. Engineered solutions for low and high temperature applications.

Ebo Systems(div of NIEDAX Group), Ave Jean Monnet, Industrial Estate, Villers la Montagne 54920 France, +33-38-24-45-773, [email protected], www.ebo-systems.comContact: Sls Mgr, Michel SchneiderExpert manufacturer of f berglass (GRP/FRP) cable trays and cable ladders.

Ecof nConcept GmbHRheinstr 7, Hueckelhoven D-41836 Germany, +49-2433-970-470, [email protected], www.ecofinconcept.deContact: Man Partner, Guido VietenOffers consulting, development, and investments specializing in renewable energies including wind, solar and bioenergy.

e-con Systems India Pvt LtdRishabh Infopark, RR Tower - IV, 7th Fl Super A-16 & A-17, Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032 India, +91-44-42033600, [email protected], www.e-consystems.comContact: Bus Dev Mgr, Lakshmi Narsimhan

EFD Induction GroupBøleveien 10, PO Box 363 Sentrum, Skien NO-3701 Norway, +47-3550-6000, [email protected], www.efd-induction.comEFD Induction designs, makes and maintains induction heating equipment and systems for industrial applications.

Ege Endustriyel Kontrol Ltd StiEge Plaza, Barbaros Cad Kutup Sok, No 8TR-34775 Y Dudullu, Instanbul Turkey, +90-216-527-9615, [email protected],

Elcon International ABHigh Voltage Circuit Breaker Testing Div, Hyttrisvägen 27, Nyhammar SE-770 14 Sweden, +46-410-24654, [email protected], www.elcon.seContact: Pres/CEO, Harald SapiehaElcon develops and manufactures analyzers and test instruments SA10 and SA5 and OLM on-line monitoring equipment for high and medium voltage circuit breakers.

ElectraTherm4750 Turbo Cir, Reno, NV 89502, USA, +1-775-398-4680, [email protected], www.electratherm.comElectraTherm’s Green Machine generates electricity from low temperature waste heat (190–240°F).

ELIN Motoren GmbHElin-Motoren-Str 1, Preding/Weiz 8160 Austria, +43-3172-90606-0, [email protected], www.elinmotoren.atContact: Bus Unit Mgmt Power Plants, Markus SchablerELIN Motoren specializes in the design and production of electrical motors and generators for large thermal power stations, biomass and hydro power plants as well as wind power stations.

Elkem AsaElkem Solar, Hoffsveien 65 B, PO Box 5211, Majorstua, Oslo N-0303 Norway, +47-22-45-0100, [email protected], www.elkem.comContact: Proj Mgr, Cyrus ZahediProduces and supplies high-quality silicon to the electronics industry. Develops PV solar silicon substrates.

Elliott Group901 N Fourth St, Jeannette, PA 15644, USA, +1-724-527-2811, www.elliott-turbo.comManufactures air and gas compressors, steam turbines and power generation equpiment.

EmeraChem1729 Louisville Dr, Knoxville, TN 37921, USA, +1-865-246-3000, [email protected], www.emerachem.comContact: VP/Gen Mgr, James WhitehornAdvanced oxidation catalysts manufacturer for reduction of PM, NOx, CO, VOC (HCs), and SOx.

Emerson Process ManagementRosemount Analytical Div, 2400 Barranca Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92606, USA, +1-949-757-8500, [email protected], www.rosemountanalytical.comContact: Mktg, Bonnie BrownWhatever your goal, reduce installation and maintenance costs, maximize up-time, protect your plant and personnel, or improve process quality, Emerson offers a complete range of Rosemount Analytical products.

Emerson Process ManagementPower & Water Solutions Div, 200 Beta Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15238, USA, +1-412-963-4000, [email protected], www.emersonprocess-powerwater.comContact: Dir Comms, Susan ComiskeyEmerson Power & Water Solutions is a global supplier of advanced process control and information systems and a recognized leader in developing plant-wide control solutions for the power generation industry.

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64 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies Listing

EMW Filtertechnik GmbHWerner-von-Siemens St 9, Diez D-65582 Germany, +49-643-291-810, [email protected], www.emw.deManufactures air intake f lters and systems for gas turbine power stations.

Encore Networks1500 Concorde Pkwy, Suite 1500, Chantilly, VA 20151, USA, +1-703-318-7750, [email protected], www.encorenetworks.comContact: Dir Mktg Svcs, Tony CraneEncore Networks manufactures rugged routers for SCADA and other harsh network environments. Utilities rely on Encore to ensure secure, high-throughput data connections directly to cellular, VSAT or terrestrial networks.

Endress+Hauser BVNikkelstraat 6-12, 1410 AC Naarden The Netherlands, +31-35-695-87-70, [email protected], Sls Eng Power/Energy, Raymon VisserEndress+Hauser is recognized as a leading supplier of industrial measurement and automation equipment, providing services and solutions for industrial processes all over the world.

Endress+Hauser Instruments International AGKaegenstr 2, Reinach CH-4153 Switzerland, +41-61-715-81-00, [email protected], www.endress.comContact: Power Ind’l Mgr, Ravi JethraSupplies industrial measurement and automation equipment, providing services and solutions for industrial processes the world over. Offers comprehensive process solutions for f ow, level, pressure, analysis, temperature, recording and digital communications.

Eneftech Innovation SARue Champ-Colin, Nyon 2C-CH-1260 Switzerland, +41-22-994-0420, [email protected], www.eneftech.comOffers 10 and 30 kW low temperature ORCs. Waste heat recovery from 100 kW to 10 MW heat and micro-cogeneration applications. ORCs can be operated with renwable or fossil energy.

ENERCON Services Inc500 Town Pk Ln, Kennesaw, GA 30144, USA, +1-770-919-1930, www.enercon.comContact: VP Bus Dev, Mike ManskiENERCON is a diversif ed energy consulting company offering engineering, licensing, environmental and management services. An employee-owned company of over 1200 employees and 24 US off ces, ENERCON has international off ces in Belgium and Abu Dhabi. Clients include electrical utilities, the US Federal Government and many Fortune 500 companies. Services include design, engineering, analysis and construction related to power plant retrof ts, plant life extensions, power uprates, and operations. ENERCON is currently focused on developing operating plant solutions for industry challenges such as compliance with new EPA air and water regulations. Our corporate philosophy is fairly simple: Excellence, every project, every day.

Energomash (Belgorod) - BZEM JSC111 B Khmelnitskogo Ave, Belgorod 308002 Russian Federation, +7-4722-261-495, [email protected], www.energomash.ruManufacturing and complex supplies of HRSG downstream gas turbines from 6 to 340 MW, waste heat-to-recovery boilers for metallurgy, oil-and-gas, steam and hot-water boilers, f nned tubes, pipelines, and more.

Energomontaz-Poludnie SAMickiewicza 15, Katowice Poland, +48-32-2008-204, [email protected], www.energomontaz.plSince 1952, Energomontaz-Poludnie has worked within the Polish and global power engineering and industrial construction market. The main business of the company includes erection, modernization, equipment repair services, and power engineering and industrial installations.

Energoprojekt-Katowice SA15 Jesionowa St, PO Box 315, Katowice, Silesia 40-159 Poland, +48-322-089500, [email protected], Mktg/Sls Dir, Jan AntonczykEnergoprojekt-Katowice SA is one of the largest design engineering companies in Poland with 60 years experience. Offers design and consulting services, engineering, procurement, and construction for the power industry.

Energy Guard Water TechnologiesPO Box 3331, Regina, SK S4P 3H1, Canada, +1-306-536-3497, [email protected]: Dist Mgr, Jeremy BradleySupplies water treatment equipment and chemicals for boilers, cooling towers, process water, and reverse osmosis systems. Consultation and troubleshooting services are available.

Envi Con & Plant Engineering GmbHPlatenstr 46, Nürnberg D-90441 Germany, +49-911-480-890, [email protected], www.envi-con.deEnvi Con is an independent engineering company for power plants and waste-to-energy projects. Our core competences include overall design and engineering of large-scale projects and project management.

Envipure Pte Ltd8 Admiralty St, #06-03, Admirax 757438 Singapore, +65-6880-3000, [email protected], www.envipure.comContact: VP, Tommy YeoA global leader in the design, equipment supply and construction of odor-control systems for sewage treatment and sludge treatment plants. Designs and builds plants to produce de-mineralised water for power-plants.

E.ON AnlagenserviceBergmannsglückst 41-43, Gelsenkirchen 45896 Germany, +49-209-601-5289, [email protected], www.eon-anlagenservice.comE.ON Anlagenservice is one of the largest producers/independent service providers for plant technology in Western Europe. We supply state-of-the-art services for various types of power plants and industrial energy facilities.

EPG Enginuity Portable Grid3511 Silverside Rd, Suite 105, Wilmington, DE 19180, USA, +1-205-647-4279, [email protected], www.epginc.usContact: Sls/Gen Mgr, Art Sigler

Eralp Makina kazan Kimya Ve Ekipmanlari San Tic Ltd StiOrganize Sanayi Bolgesi, 3 Cadde No 11, Mustafakemalpasa, Bursa 16500 Turkey, +90-224-632-60-70, [email protected], www.eralpkazan.comEralp is the only manufacturer of HF welded f ntubes in Turkey. Manufactures pressure and nonpressure equipment for power plants, heat recovery systems, steam boilers, and condensers.

ERC Emissions-Reduzierungs-Concepte GmbHBäckerstraße 13, Buchholz idN D-21244 Germany, +49-4181-216-141, [email protected], www.erc-online.deERC GmbH is one of the market and technology leaders with a complete range and all-in-one solutions of combustion optimization and emission reduction.

ERLPhase Power Technologies74 Scurfield Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1G4, Canada, +1-204-477-0591, [email protected], www.erlphase.comERLPhase is an ISO-certif ed manufacturer of digital fault recording systems and protective relays. Learn about our TESLA digital fault recorder or our S-PRO sub-harmonic protection relay.

ESCO Tool(div of ESCO Technologies Inc), 75 October Hill Rd, Suite A, Holliston, MA 01746, USA, +1-508-429-4441, [email protected], www.escotool.comContact: Sls Eng, Jeff MarbleFor over 50 years, ESCO Tool has worked closely with end-users on the toughest tube and pipe cutting and end prep applications in the power generation and metalworking industries.

ESI EurosiloNewtonstraat 26-28, PO Box 1047, Purmerend 1440 BA The Netherlands, +31-299-630-730, [email protected], www.eurosilo.comContact: Sls Mgr, R SpaargarenESI Eurosilo is an independent Dutch company specialized in the turnkey delivery of silo systems for nonfree-f owing bulk solids such as coal, FGD-gypsum, and limestone.

ESI Inc of Tennessee1250 Roberts Blvd, Kennesaw, GA 30144, USA, +1-770-427-6200, [email protected], www.esitenn.comContact: Bus Dev, Jay GarrettDesign, engineering and EPC construction f rm specializing in production of steam and power f ring biomass and other renewable fuels. Capabilities include feasibility studies through complete EPC projects using 3-D design technology.

ESKOMNon-Grid Electrification Div, PO Box 1091, Johannesburg 2001 South Africa, +27-11-800-8111, [email protected], Mgr, Rodney ButtleElectricity utility undertaking nongrid electrif cation of remote rural schools and dwellings.

Esscano Power A/STempovej 42, Ballerup DK-2750 Denmark, +45-4488-0070, www.esscano.dkEsscano Power offer complete damper system solutions for bespoke industrial dampers, with more than 30 years of experience. Steam turbine and rotating equipment specialists with a proven track record.

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66 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies Listing

ETS Power Group3321 SE Gran Pk Way, Stuart, FL 34997, USA, +1-772-781-3883, www.etspower.comETS Power Group is an ISO 9001 certif ed comprehensive provider of OEM equivalent industrial gas turbine spares, repairs, technical expertise and maintenance. We are the preferred option for fully compatible, interchangeable and upgraded gas turbine applications.

Eugen Arnold GmbhCarl Zeiss Str 14, Filderstadt 70794 Germany, +49-7158-90-14-0, [email protected], www.arnoldgroup.comGlobal supplier of insulation products and services.

European Power Plant Suppliers Association (EPPSA)Ave Adolphe Lacomblé 59, Brussels B-1030 Belgium, +32-2743-29-86, [email protected], www.eppsa.euThe European Power Plant Suppliers Association (EPPSA) is the voice, at a European level, of companies both manufacturing components for and constructing turnkey power plants.

European Turbine NetworkRue Saint Georges 30, Brussels 1050 Belgium, +32-2-646-15-77, [email protected],

European Wind Energy Association - EWEARue d’Arlon 80, Brussels B-1040 Belgium, +32-22131811, [email protected], www.ewea.orgThe European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) supports over 700 members in Europe and worldwide, promoting wind energy through its communication and lobbying activities and the organisation of high-prof le industry events.

Euroturbine BVvan Cleefstraat 2, Venlo 6006 CZ The Netherlands, +31-77-320-2640, [email protected], www.euroturbine.euContact: Sr Proj Mgr, Jan HermansEuroturbine is an independent company rendering engineering, consultancy, and supply services to the gas turbine and steam turbine industries worldwide.

EUTurbinesDiamant Bldg, Blvd A Reyers 80, Brussels 1030 Belgium, +49-69-66-03-17-48,

Everest Sciences Inc7737 E 42nd Pl, Suite H, Tulsa, OK 74145, USA, +1-918-270-9965, [email protected], www.everestsciences.comEverest Sciences patented indirect-evaporative hybrid turbine inlet cooling technology allows gas turbines to produce more net power at lower net heat rates than traditional refrigeration, direct evaporation or fogging-based methods.

Everlasting Valve Co108 Somogyi Ct, South Plainfield, NJ 07080, USA, +1-908-769-0700, [email protected], www.everlastingvalveusa.comContact: Gen Sls Mgr, David JenkinsManufacturer of self-laping rotating disc valves to handle abrasive solids and slurries to 1500°F and 10,000 psi. Sizes to 18”.

EWEX-ENGINEERING GmbH & Co KGAm Weinhaus 6, Ratingen D-40882 Germany, +49-210-295-940, [email protected], www.ewex-engineering.deSince 1972 EWEX-ENGINEERING has been the service provider for engineering, construction, commissioning, operation, after sales service for power plants, incinerating plants and industrial plants.

Exlar Corp1470 Lake Dr W, Chanhassen, MN 55317, USA, +1-952-368-3434, [email protected], www.exlar.comContact: Ind’l Mktg Mgr, Tim Mcgee

ExxonMobil Lubricants & Petroleum SpecialtiesMobil Industrial Lubricants Div, 3225 Gallows Rd, Room 6C0631, Fairfax, VA 22037, USA, +1-703-846-1998, [email protected], www.mobilindustrial.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Mike ZinngrabeExxonMobil offers a wide range of high performance conventional and synthetic lubricants that are endorsed for use in nearly 6000 applications by more than 1100 major equipment builders worldwide.

ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemicals BVBAPolderdijkweg, Antwerp 2030 Belgium, +420-221-456-426, [email protected], www.mobilindustrial.comSupplies lubricants for industry with in-depth industry expertise to help.

eyevis GmbHHundsschleestr 23, Reutlingen 72766 Germany, +49-7121-4330-30, [email protected], www.eyevis.deContact: Dir Int’l Sls, Eric Héniqueeyevis is one of the leading manufacturers of large screen display systems consisting of DLP cubes, LCD monitors, graphics controllers, and management software for control rooms.

Fabricated Plastics Ltd2175 Teston Rd, Maple, ON L6A 1T3, Canada, +1-905-832-8161, [email protected], www.fabricatedplastics.comContact: VP Sls, G LandryDesigns, engineers, and custom fabricates chemical and pollution control equipment in reinforced plastics (FRP), thermoplastics, and dual laminate armored thermoplastics. Provides pipes, tanks, scrubbers, columns, launders, ducts, and cooling towers.

FACO SpAVia SS Trinità 16/a, Varallo Pombia 28040 Italy, +39-032-1968-211, [email protected], www.faco.itSupplies heat exchangers with a high and varied technical content, from the simplest water-based batteries earmarked for the comfort industry to complex, cleanable type twin-tube refrigerators for the electro-mechanical industry.

Fagioli SpAVia Ferraris 13, S Ilario D’enza (RE) 42049 Italy, +39-02-57690-466, [email protected],

FAIST Anlagenbau GmbHAm Mühlberg 5, Krumbach, Deutschland 86381 Germany, +49-8282-8880-162, [email protected], www.faist.deSpecializes in sound enclosures and air intake/exhaust systems for gas/steam turbines, generators, compact packages, block heat, and power stations and compressors. International projects and agencies.

FAMET Process Equipment and Machinery Inc15a Szkolna Str, Kedzierzyn-Kozle 47-225 Poland, +48-774-052-000, [email protected], Group offers modern equipment, apparatus and subassemblies for key branches of industry, especially for power plants (also nuclear), wind farms and heat engineering.

FATA EPCPower Div, (div of FATA SpA), Str Statale N 24 Km 12, Pianezza, (TO) 10044 Italy, +39-011-9668-111, [email protected], www.fataepc.comContact: Dir, Catello BonifacioFATA EPC, a Finmeccanica company, is active in the f eld of turnkey realization of power plants (open and combined cycles) in association with Ansaldo Energia.

FELUWA Pumpen GmbHBeulertweg 10, Muerlenbach D-54570 Germany, +49-6594-100, [email protected], www.feluwa.comContact: Mktg, Gisela SteilFELUWA has more than 100 years of company history and is successfully focusing on the development and fabrication of MULTISAFE double hose-diaphragm pumps for solids-carrying, abrasive, aggressive products.

Ferrostaal Industrial Project GmbHHohenzollernstr 24, Essen D-45128 Germany, +49-2018-1801, [email protected], www.ferrostaal.comFerrostaal is an international EPC contractor of CCPP, cogeneration based on NG,HFO, BFG in the range of 100 to 1200 MW, greenf eld and brownf eld.

FIAV L MAZZACCHERA SpAVia Archimede 45/47, Agrate Brianza, (MB) 20864 Italy, +39-039-3310-411, [email protected], www.fiav.itContact: Sls Dept, Annamaria CarabelleseThe Italian company FIAV MAZZACHERA SpA, founded in 1913, and specializing in the production of special drawn steel prof les, is a f rm reference for all constructors in the energy sector.

FIBRAC Insulating SpAStrada Piozzo 4/A, Carrù (CN) 12061 Italy, +39-02-9011-850, [email protected], www.fibrac.itManufacturer of high temperature insulating basaltwool f ber products. Main products include stitched mattresses, basaltic needle mat, preformed pillows for silencers, loose wool.

Fichtner GmbH & Co KGSarweystr 3, Stuttgart 70191 Germany, +49-711-8995-0, [email protected], www.fichtner.deWith approximately 2000 employees, Fichtner offers engineering and consultancy services in the f eld of thermal power plants, renewable energies, energy transmission and distribution, energy economy, climate protection and environmental technologies.

Fixturlaser AB(sub of Elos AB), PO Box 7, Mölndal SE-431 21 Sweden, +46-31-706-28-00, [email protected], www.fixturlaser.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Hans SvenssonSupplier of laser based measurement instruments for shaft alignment of rotating machinery. Our systems are user friendly tools minimizing the number of operations during alignment, thus speeding up the process.

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Companies Listing

FlaktWoods1701 Terminal Rd, Suite B, Niles, MI 49120, USA, +1-716-845-0500, [email protected], www.flaktwoods.comSpecializes in new centrifugal and axial fans, retrof ts, repairs, and service for main service fans and other process fans for utility applications.

Flexenergy Inc9400 Toledo Way, Irvine, CA 92618, USA, +1-949-616-3300, [email protected],

Flexican Bellows & Hoses Pvt Ltd283 GIDC Estate, Makarpura, Vadodara, Gujarat 390 010 India, +91-265-3043200, [email protected], www.flexicanbellows.comContact: NA Rep, Ramesh Amin

Flexitallic LtdScandinavia Mill, Hunsworth Ln, Cleckheaton BD19 4LN, UK, +44-1274-851-273, [email protected], www.flexitallic.euContact: Mktg Mgr, Kathryn PayneFlexitallic is the international market leader in the manufacture and supply of high-quality, high-value industrial static sealing products, delivering industrial gaskets on a global scale.

Flowserve Corp5215 N O’Connor Blvd, Suite 2300, Irving, TX 75039, USA, +1-972-443-6500, www.flowserve.comContact: Pres/CEO, Lewis KlingFlowserve is one the world’s leading providers of f uid motion and control products and services. Operating in 56 countries, the company produces engineered and industrial f ow solutions.

Flowserve Corp FCD1900 A Saunders St, Raleigh, NC 27603, USA, +1-919-832-0525,

Flowserve GestraMunchener Str 77, Bremen 28215 Germany, +49-421-3503, [email protected],

FLSmidthKarl-Koch-Str 1, Wadgassen 66787 Germany, +49-6834-4700, [email protected], is your one source for equipment, systems and services for the power, cement, and minerals industries.

FLSmidth IncPneumatic Transport Dept Div, 2040 Ave C, Bethlehem, PA 18017, USA, +1-610-264-6800, [email protected], Mkt Mgr Power, Dave EscottDesigns and supplies pneumatic conveying systems for power, cement, and minerals markets. Services include system design and engineering, FLSmidth manufactured components, R&D research and testing, f eld service and more.

FluorFluor Centre, 140 Pinehurst Rd, Farnborough GU14 7BF, UK, +44-125-229-1000, [email protected], www.fluor.comFluor’s Power Group is an industry leader in providing state-of-the-art fossil, nuclear and renewable power generation facilities. Fluor has a highly successful track record in all phases of power generation.

FMT GroupLinzer Str 275, Wels 4600 Austria, +43-7242-62888-0, [email protected], www.fmt.bizThe FMT Group has set new standards in the f eld of installation and servicing of industrial plants. FMT is your partner along the entire life-cycle of power and boiler plants.

Fortescue Metals Group LtdLevel 2, 87 Adelaide Ter, East Perth WA 6004 Australia, +61-8-6218-8888Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (FMG) is an iron ore production and exploration company with assets located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Fozmula LtdHermes Close, Warwick, Warwickshire CV34 6UF, UK, +44-1926-466-700, [email protected], www.fozmula.comContact: Sls Dir, Paul HoltbyFozmula is a leading manufacturer and supplier of many different types of high-quality liquid level switches, sensors, gauges, and bespoke liquid level control systems.

FP Turbomachinery BVHeliumstraat 148, Zoetermeer 2718 RS The Netherlands, +31-79-3434455, [email protected], www.fpturbo.comContact: Mgr, Michail TsomosOffers TCCS gas turbine compressor off-line/on-line water wash skids and spray nozzles, Turbo-K GT compressor cleaner, and PACT GT inlet fog cooling systems.

FP Turbomachinery Consultants GmbHWiesenstr 57, Emmendingen 79312 Germany, +49-7641-55346, [email protected], www.fpturbo.comContact: Mgr, Oliver Platz

Frako Capacitors(sub of Frako Kondensatoren GmbH), W62 N248 Washington Ave, Suite 208, Cedarburg, WI 53012, USA, +1-262-618-2403, [email protected], www.alliedindustrialmarketing.comContact: Pres, John HoudekConsultant specializing in electrical power quality components, application technical services and solutions for power quality problems.

Franke Industrie AGFranke Str 2, Aarburg CH 4663 Switzerland, +41-62-787-313-1, [email protected], www.industech.chThe supplier of hot gas path parts, components and sub-assemblies in stainless steel, high-grade alloys, heat resistant materials in partnership with market leaders.

Frenzelit North America Inc4165 Old Salisbury Rd, Lexington, NC 27295, USA, +1-336-956-3956, [email protected], www.frenzelit.netContact: VP Sls, Thomas Brown

Frenzelit-Werke GmbH & Co KGPO Box 11 40, Bad Berneck D-95456 Germany, +49-9273-720, [email protected], www.frenzelit.deManufactures technical textiles, gaskets and expansion joints.

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies KGHoehnerweg 2-4, Weinheim 69465 Germany, +49-6201-80-6264, [email protected], www.viledon-filter.comContact: Mktg Mgr/Contamination Control, Antje KlinkFreudenberg’s range of products for turbomachinery include intake air f ltration, compact pocket f lters, cassette f lters, MaxiPleat modular f lter systems, depth and surface-loading f lter cartridges, and complete turnkey air intake systems.

Frham Safety Products Inc318 Hill Ave, Nashville, TN 37210, USA, +1-615-254-0841, [email protected],

FRITERM TERMIK CIHAZLAR SAN Ve TIC ASOrganize Deri San Bölgesi 18 Yol Tuzla, Istanbul 34957 Turkey, +90-216-394-12-82, [email protected], www.friterm.comFRITERM is a manufacturer of custom f nned-type heat exchangers, heat recovery systems, dry coolers, LT-HT radiator coolers and air cooled condensers for industrial, marine and other special applications.

FSI Technologies Inc668 Western Ave, Lombard, IL 60148, USA, +1-630-932-9380, [email protected], www.fsinet.comContact: Cust Svc, Kim JacksonFSI Technologies Inc specializes in machine vision systems, engineering and consulting, smart cameras, lighting, sensors, counters, and rotary encoders. FSI has been a trusted manufacturer of factory automation since 1959.

Fuel Tech SrlVia Marsala 34/A, Gallarate 21013 Italy, +39-03-317-011-10, [email protected], www.ftek.comFuel Tech Inc is a leading technology company engaged in the worldwide development, commercialization and application of state-of-the-art proprietary technologies for f reside treatment and more.

Fugesco Inc80 Leacock, Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 1H1, Canada, +1-514-631-3246, [email protected], www.fugesco.comContact: Pres, Richard ViensDesigns, develops and manufactures high performance mechanical seals for all types and sizes of hydroelectric turbines and pumps. Supplies complete packages, f ltration systems, control panels, monitoring devices and more.

Fujikin (Deutschland) GmbHLeopoldstr 9, Düsseldorf D-40211 Germany, +49-211-350-458, [email protected], www.fujikin.deFujikin ceramic ball valves are designed for safety, durability, reliability and high performance in the power gen industry. Fujikin’s unique technology and design provides high life.

Gaia Converter Inc4038 le Corbusier Blvd, Laval, QC H7L 5R2, Canada, +1-514-333-3169, [email protected], www.gaia-converter.comContact: Gen Mgr, Michel GrenonIncludes more than 3500 references of DC/DC converters, AC/DC converters and front-end modules. Two grades are offered, hi-rel and industrial. Complete architecture for 28 and 300 VDC.

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Companies Listing

Galletta Engineering Corp1300 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, USA, +1-412-261-3357, [email protected], www.galletta.comContact: VP/Mgr Projs, Malcolm MilliganA multi-discipline consulting engineering f rm providing civil, mechanical, electrical/controls engineering, inspections and also project and construction management services to the renewable energy, power generation and industrial sectors.

Gas Turbine Controls Corp466 Saw Hill River Rd, Ardsley, NY 10502, USA, +1-914-693-0830, [email protected], www.gasturbinecontrols.comContact: Sls Rep, Samuel LeytonGTC specializes in the provision of spare parts and repair services for GE Speedtronic, Rolls Entronic and Westinghouse WDPF/Ovation series controls. We stock of over 20,000 cards and parts.

Gaumer Process13616 Hempstead Rd, Houston, TX 77040, USA, +1-713-460-5200, [email protected], www.gaumer.comContact: VP Sls, Mark CrosbyGaumer is a major supplier of electric industrial heaters, heating systems, controls, and fuel gas conditioning equipment to the process industries. Thousands of customers worldwide rely on Gaumer’s heating design.

GE3 Omega Pk, Alton Hants GU34 2QE, UK, +44-1420-541-188, [email protected], Comms, Michelle NavedoProvides air inlet f ltration systems and replacement f lters for gas turbines. Serving oil and gas, power generation and marine industries.

GEHolsterfeld 16, Salzbergen 48499 Germany, +49-5971-980-1756, [email protected], combined cycle technology and cycle installations worldwide.

GE4200 Wildwood Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30339, USA, +1-678-844-6000, [email protected], Mktg/Comms Program Leader, Michael BarkerGE, a leading supplier of power generation equipment and energy delivery technologies, as well as those driven by renewable resources, maintains an installed base in more than 120 countries.

GE Intelligent Platforms2500 Austin Dr, Charlottesville, VA 22911, USA, +1-434-906-9200, [email protected], Ind’l Mgr Power/Energy, William PezallaGE Intelligent Platforms is a global provider of next generation DCS steam cycle solutions for boiler operations. Our advanced process control solution enables optimized, eff cient, and safe energy production.

GE - Jenbacher Gas Engines(div of GE), Achenseestr 1-3, Jenbach 6200 Austria, +43-5244-600-0, [email protected], www.gejenbacher.comContact: Prod Mgr, Thomas ElsenbruchGE Energy’s Jenbacher manufactures gas engines for power generation. Power range is 0.25 to 9.5 MW. Engines run on natural gas, biogas, and special gases.

GE Optimization & Control301 Yamata Rd, Suite 4100, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA, +1-561-999-3103,, a leading supplier of power generation equipment and energy delivery technologies, as well as those driven by renewable resources, maintains an installed base in more than 120 countries.

GE Power & WaterWater & Process Technologies Div, 4636 Somerton Rd, Trevose, PA 19053, USA, +1-215-355-3300, [email protected], water, wastewater, desalination and process systems solutions to optimize performance, safeguard assets, and protect the environment.

GE Power & Water - Air Filtration8800 E 63rd St, Kansas City, MO 64133, USA, +1-816-356-8400, [email protected], to improve the long-term performance of gas turbines through f ltration systems, services and parts.

GEA 2H Water Technologies GmbH(sub of GEA Group), Dieselweg 5, Wettringen, NRW 48493 Germany, +49-2557-9390-19, [email protected], Sls Eng, Ernst-Josef MayerGEA 2H Water Technologies has gradually acquired an established position in the market through its agility and its uncompromising approach to quality.

GEA Energietechnik GmbHDorstener St 18-29, Bochum D-44809 Germany, +49-234-980-2615, [email protected], of the leading players in the dry, wet and hybrid cooling business for power plants.

GEA Filtri Gasparini AssociatesVia Degli Artigiani 14, Brugherio, (MB) 20047 Italy, +39-039-2876-145, [email protected], www.geafiltri.comContact: Export Sls Mgr, Michael RummelinManufacturer of f lter elements (cartridges, cells, bags, panels, and pockets) for many different industrial dedusting applications, such as gas turbine air intakes, gas stations, silo vents, and more.

GEA Renzmann & Grünewald GmbHGEA Heat Exchangers Div, (sub of GEA Group AG), Industriestr 6, Monzingen 55569 Germany, +49-6751-9303-0, [email protected], www.renzmann.comContact: Sls Dir, Wolfgang SiffringManufacturer of heat exchangers for power generation and other industries, auxiliaries for generators, double tube safety heat exchangers for fuel gas preheating, and transformer oil coolers and pumps.

GEDA-Dechentreiter GmbH & Co KGMertinger Str 60, 86663 Asbach-Bäumenheim Germany, +49-90-69-809-0, [email protected],

Geldof MetaalconstructieBroelstraat 20, Harelbeke B-8530 Belgium, +32-56-73-21-21, [email protected], www.geldof.beServes oil and gas, petrochemical and LNG sectors as well as coal, gas f red and nuclear power plants and renewable energy projects with focus on offshore wind farms and biomass.

Genassist International LLPFrancis House, Warren Ct, High St, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 3DW, UK, +44-1438-846-546, [email protected], www.genassistinternational.comContact: Partner, Derek BurtCivil and structural engineers undertaking inspections of coal-f red boiler structures and associated plant worldwide. Specialists in disaster recovery following f res, explosions or collapse of power station structures

GenerPro ABTerminalvagen 24, Vasteras Sweden, +46-21-326-800, [email protected], www.generpro.comManufactures complete generator units or parts thereof together with a spectrum of service and retrof t of electrical machines within the power generating industry.

Geokon Inc48 Spencer St, Lebanon, NH 03766, USA, +1-603-448-1562, [email protected], www.geokon.comContact: Sls Mgr, Chuck ChamleyGeokon Inc, an ISO 9001:2000 registered company, manufactures a full range of high-quality geotechnical instrumentation suitable for monitoring the safety and stability of a variety of civil and mining structures.

George H Bodman IncPO Box 5758, Kingwood, TX 77325-5758, USA, +1-281-259-4006, [email protected], www.boilercleaningdoctor.comContact: Pres/Tech Cons, George BodmanOffers chemical cleaning technical advisory services for boilers and balance of plant systems.

Georg Fischer Piping Systems LtdEbnatstr 111, Schaffhausen Switzerland, +41-52-631-1111, [email protected], www.piping.georgfischer.comContact: Mark Van Den BoschGF Piping Systems meets this worldwide demand by providing safe, corrosion-free plastic piping systems for the transport of liquids and gases for many applications.

GFM Srl (Socio Unico) a Gandini Holding SpA CoVia Lega Lombarda 59, Bonate Sopra (BG) 24040 Italy, +39-03-549-954-01, [email protected], www.gfmsrl.comThe ideal partner for OEMs, we are a reference point for the management and production of mechanical components to be installed on steam turbines, gas turbines, generators and special machines.

GI&E SpAVia Scossicci, 51, Porto Recanati (MC) I-62017 Italy, +39-07-197-491, [email protected], www.gie.itGI&E is a reference point in research and the application of new and alternative solutions for energy production and environmental protection.

Global Emissions Systems Inc1700 McEwen Dr, Unit 1, Whitby, ON L1N 0A2, Canada, +1-905-433-9640, [email protected], www.gesi.usContact: VP, Gary JaroszGlobal Emissions Systems Inc designs and manufactures market leading emissions control technologies that reduce up to 90% of greenhouse gas emissions (CO, HC, NOx, PM) from commercial fuel burning engines.

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Companies Listing

Global Monitoring491 Baltimore Pike #421, Springfield, PA 19064, USA, +1-610-604-0760, [email protected], www.globalmonitoring.comContact: Pres, Steve SanisloGlobal Monitoring is a leading supplier of industrial-grade remote monitoring and control systems used in machine condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, vendor managed inventory, building automation, and energy management

Global Training Solutions Inc3163 Winston Churchill Blvd, PO Box 26067, Mississauga, ON L5L 5W7, Canada, +1-416-806-5777, [email protected], www.globaltrainingsolutions.caProvider of e-learning, CBT and classroom training programs. Topics include NERC compliance, NERC CIP, health, safety and environment, T&D, electrical, coal handling, heat rate, gas turbines, metering, security, substations and steam.

GlobVision Inc780 St Croix, Suite 100, St Laurent, QC H4L 3Y2, Canada, +1-514-855-0455, [email protected], www.globvision.comContact: Bus Dev, Graeme Maag

Gorman-Rupp Co600 S Airport Rd, Mansfield, OH 44903, USA, +1-419-755-1011, [email protected], www.grpumps.comContact: Int’l Programs Mgr, Todd WiseGorman-Rupp manufactures a complete line of industrial pumps for the power industry. Pumps include positive displacement rotary gear, submersibles, straight self-priming centrifugals, and portable engine-driven centrifugals. Complete packaged lift stations.

Goulds Pumps240 Fall St, Seneca Falls, NY 13148, USA, +1-315-568-2811, [email protected], www.gouldspumps.comContact: Mktg Mgr, John MannaProvides pumps for power generation, replacement parts, and service for all power plant rotating equipment. Offers enhanced life cycle solutions, such as predictive monitoring and pump controllers.

GP Strategies CorpEnergy Services Div, (formerly known as General Physics Corp), 6095 Marshalee Dr, Suite 300, Elkridge, MD 21075, USA, +1-800-727-6677, [email protected], Dir Bus Dev, Sid SutherlandGP Strategies Corp provides innovative solutions that improve power plant availability, capacity, and eff ciency. GP’s strategies for real-time asset monitoring (EtaPRO) and workforce development (GPiLEARN) maximize plant performance and prof tability.

Gravitational Systems Engineering IncEnergy Systems Div, (sub of Alacrity Services Inc), 6400 Newman Rd, Clifton, VA 20124, USA, +1-312-224-8152, [email protected], www.gravitationalsystems.comContact: Dir Applied Res/Dev, Gare HendersonOffers OEM of alternative energy industrial, municipal, commercial and military-scaled f uid pumps, gas compressors, and crash mitigation devices

Graycor2 Mid America Plaza, Suite 400, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181, USA, +1-630-684-7110, [email protected], www.graycor.comSince 1921, the Graycor Cos have provided a wide variety of industrial and commercial contracting services, in addition to industrial maintenance services, throughout the US, Canada, Mexico and beyond.

The Greenbank Group UK LtdHartshorne Rd, Woodville, Derbyshire DE11 7GT, UK, +44-870-607-8880, [email protected], www.greenbankgroup.comThe Greenbank Group focuses on research and engineering excellence applying innovation alongside proven technology. Our technologies improve eff ciency and contribute added value in emission reduction.

GSE Systems Inc1332 Londontown Blvd, Sykesville, MD 21784, USA, +1-410-970-7800, [email protected], www.gses.comGSE Systems is a global provider of real-time, dynamic high-f delity operator training simulators, modeling software, and training services for the fossil power, nuclear power, and process industries.

The Gund Co2121 Walton Rd, St Louis, MO 63114, USA, +1-314-423-5200, [email protected], www.thegundcompany.comContact: Rotating Equip Mgr, Marc BarmeierFabricates insulating components for generators, motors, transformers and switchgear. Seven North American facilities and thermoset material understanding provide for unparalled capacity and capabilities.

Gundlach Equipment Corp1 Freedom Dr, PO Box 385, Belleville, IL 62226, USA, +1-618-233-7208, [email protected], www.gundlachcrushers.comContact: Dir Sls/NAFTA, M. G. HambyProvides crushing solutions and equipment for the coal industry and thermal power plants. Crushers include low horsepower roll crushers and Cage-Paktors, plus the NANOSIZ-R for FBB limestone.

Güntner AG & Co KGHans-Güntner-Straße 2 - 6, Fürstenfeldbruck 82256 Germany, +49-8141-242-0, [email protected], www.guentner.euContact: Sls Mgr EPC, Thomas FöstGüntner AG & Co is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of heat exchangers for various applications and industries. Our experience and technologies ensure high quality.

Hackforth Holding GmbH & Co KgHeerstr 66, Herne 44653 Germany, +49-2325-922-0, [email protected],

Hadek Protective Systems bvBeurs - WTC, PO Box 30139, Rotterdam 3001 DC The Netherlands, +31-10-405-1461, [email protected], www.hadek.comContact: Sls Dir, Albert de KreijHadek is a worldwide supplier of acid resistant linings systems for power plant chimneys and f ue gas ducts.

Haldor Topsoe A/SNymollevej 55, Kgs Lyngby 2800 Denmark, +45-452-720-00, [email protected], www.topsoe.comContact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Jens Ole MadsenSupplies catalyst and basic process engineering for optimizing catalyst performance for NOx abatement in gas, oil, and coal-f red boilers, gas and diesel engines, gas turbines, incinerators, and chemical plants.

Haldor Topsoe Inc17629 El Camino Real, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77058, USA, +1-281-228-5000, [email protected], www.haldortopsoe.comTopsoe offers SCR catalysts for all applications ranging from coal-f red boilers to diesel-gensets. Catalysts are produced in Europe and the US.

Hamonrue Emile Francqui, 2, Mont St Guibert 1435 Belgium, +321-039-0500, [email protected], www.hamon.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Dominique FastreOffers engineering and contracting in cooling systems, process heat exchangers, air pollution control (dust collection and f ue gas treatment) and industrial chimneys.

H&L Instruments LLC34 Post Rd, PO Box 580, North Hampton, NH 03862-0580, USA, +1-603-964-1818, [email protected], www.hlinstruments.comContact: Pres, Robert LandmanManufactures electro-optic instrumentation for semiconductor, aircraft and gas/electric-utility industries, including f ber-optic transceivers and modems for safe, reliable, redundant supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.

Hansen International130 Zenker Rd, Lexington, SC 29072, USA, +1-803-695-1500, [email protected], www.hansenint.comContact: Sls Coord, Lisa Beebe

Hansung HF Co Ltd4BA 401-2 Shihwa Industrial Complex, Sunggok-Dong, Danwan-Ku, Ansan-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, Seoul Korea, +82-31-499-7811-2,

Hans von Mangoldt ReactorsW62 N248 Washington Ave, Suite 208, Cedarburg, WI 53012, USA, +1-262-618-2403, [email protected], www.mangoldt.comContact: Sls Eng, John Houdek

HanzaPrecision ABIndustrigatan 8, Box 34, Arjäng 67221 Sweden, +46-573-395-02, [email protected], www.elos.seManufactures gas and steam turbine parts for OEM customers.

HARCO Laboratories Inc186 Cedar St, Branford, CT 06405-6011, USA, +1-203-483-3700, [email protected], www.harcolabs.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Richard HoytDesigns and manufactures thermocouples, on-engine cables, off-engine cables, RTDs and speed sensors for industrial and marine applications, including hardware for GE LM and Pratt & Whitney FT8 and FT4 engines.

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Companies Listing

Hardwear Pty Ltd175 Wellington Rd, North Clayton, VIC 3168 Australia, +61-3-95619555, [email protected], Metallurgist/Bus Dev Mgr, Mehdi SoodiAustralian owned and operated, Hardwear P/L is a pioneer in on-site surface engineering technologies and refurbishment of high value metal components using laser cladding technology.

HART Communication Foundation9390 Research Blvd, Suite I-350, Austin, TX 78759, USA, +1-512-794-0369,

Hauff-Technik GmbH & Co KGIn den Stegwiesen 18, Herbrechtingen 89542 Germany, +49-732-496-000, [email protected], www.hauff-technik.deHauff-Technik is a leading manufacturer of water- and gas-tight cable and pipe sealing systems including rubber press-seals, custom designs and accessories like earthing points and cable ducting systems.

HAUK & SASKO Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbHZettachring 2, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg 706788 Germany, +49-7-11-7-25-89-0, [email protected], www.hauk-sasko.deContact: MA, David SaskoHAUK & SASKO is a German software specialist for the energy and utilities industry. The company is the European market leader in the f elds of material f ow and fuel management.

Haws Integrated1455 Kleppe Ln, Sparks, NV 89431, USA, +1-775-359-4712, [email protected], www.hawsco.comContact: Dir, Casey HayesEngineers and manufacturing professionals focuses on servicing the entire lifecycle of large-scale water tempering, emergency shower/eyewash, and decontamination systems in extreme conditions.

Haynes InternationalHohlstr 534, Zurich CH 8048 Switzerland, +41-44-434-7080, [email protected], www.haynes.chHaynes International Inc, headquartered in Kokomo, Indiana, USA, is a leading developer, manufacturer and marketer of high-performance nickel- and cobalt-based alloys used in corrosion and high-temperature applications.

HEINZMANN GmbH & Co KGEngine & Turbine Management Div, Am Haselbach 1, Schoenau D-79677 Germany, +49-7673-8208-0, [email protected], www.heinzmann.comContact: Man Dir, Markus GromerHEINZMANN products include engine and turbine controls, hydraulic and electronic governors, EFI systems, AFR systems, knock controls, dual fuel systems, power management systems, and engine emission control systems.

Helmut Mauell GmbHAM Rosenhuegel 1-7, Velbert D-42553 Germany, +49-020-53-1-30, [email protected], www.mauell.comOffers control and instrumentation systems, power distribution, station and remote control systems and control room technology for power generating plants.

Hilliard Corp100 W 4th St, Elmira, NY 14902-1504, USA, +1-607-733-7121, [email protected], www.hilliardcorp.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Rob DoudThe Hilliard Corp offers broad lines of motion control products, oil f ltration and reclaiming equipment, industrial gas starters, diesel engines and gas turbines.

Hitachi Power Europe GmbHSchiffer Str 80, Duisburg 47059 Germany, +49-203-8038-0, [email protected], Head PR/Mktg, Helge SchulzHitachi Power Europe GmbH both plans and builds key components for fossil fuel-f red power plants, such as pulverizers, environments engineering systems, utility steam generators, and turbines.

Hitech Instruments(div of Cooper Crouse-Hinds), Great Marlings, Butterfield, Luton LU2 8DL, UK, +44-1582-435-600, [email protected], Prod Sls Spec, Richard NewberryManufacturer of process gas analyzer systems for applications including hydrogen purity, purge gas monitoring and inert gas blanketing in power stations.

HOERBIGER - Altronic Engine SolutionsBraunhubergasse 23, Vienna 1110 Austria, +43-1-740-04-0, www.hoerbiger.comContact: Mktg Comms, André CavalcanteHOERBIGER is active throughout the world as a leading player in the f elds of compression technology, automation technology, drive technology and industrial gas engine products and solutions.

Hoesch Schwerter Prof le GmbHEisenindustriestr 1, Schwerte D-58239 Germany, +49-2304-106-273, [email protected], www.hoesch-profile.comContact: Prod Mgr, Christine AmftHoesch Schwerter Prof le is a manufacturer of special steel prof les and special tube applications.

HOTSTART Manufacturing IncOil & Gas Div, 21732 Provincial Blvd, Suite 170, Katy, TX 77450, USA, +1-509-534-6171, [email protected], www.hotstart.comContact: Mkt Mgr Oil-Gas, Rick CargillDesigns and manufactures engine pre-heaters that improve the reliability of generators and other industrial engines. Heaters provide easy starts, immediate full power, reduced emissions and reduced fuel consumption.

Houston Wire & Cable Co10201 N Loop E, Houston, TX 77029, USA, +1-713-609-2100, www.houwire.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Lance Howland

Howden North America Inc7909 Parklane Rd, Columbia, SC 29223, USA, +1-803-741-2700, [email protected], www.howden.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Dan BryanManufactures and services fans, rotary heat exchangers, replacement elements, as well as Gyrol Fluid Drive hydraulic couplings for variable speed control of fans, pumps, compressors, and conveyors.

HSB Global Standards1 State St, Hartford, CT 06141, USA, +1-860-722-5320, [email protected], www.hsbglobalstandards.comContact: Prod Mktg Mgr, Richard PrendergastProvider of inspection, certif cation, auditing and engineering consulting services for a range of local/international codes and standards, including ASME nuclear/non-nuclear, third-party, international codes, PED notif ed body, and ISO registration.

HTRI Asia-Pacif cWorld Business Garden Marive E 14F, Nakase 2-6, Mihamaku, Chiba 261-7114 Japan, +81-43-297-0353, [email protected], www.htri.netHeat Transfer Research Inc (HTRI) provides engineering software for design and simulation of process heat transfer equipment. Our industrial research and development consortium serves over 1000 corporate members.

HTRI EMEAThe Surrey Technology Centre, 40 Occam Rd, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7YG, UK, +44-1483-685-100, [email protected], www.htri.netHeat Transfer Research Inc (HTRI) provides engineering software for design and simulation of process heat transfer equipment. Our industrial research and development consortium serves over 1000 corporate members.

Huggenberger AGToedistr 68, Horgen 8810 Switzerland, +41-44-72777-00, [email protected], www.huggenberger.comContact: Mktg, Edith Meier

Hurst Boiler & Welding Co Inc100 Boilermaker Ln, PO Box 530, Coolidge, GA 31738-0530, USA, +1-229-346-3545, [email protected], www.hurstboiler.comContact: Mktg Dir, Jeff HurstManufactures steam and hot water boilers, vertical tubeless, vertical tubed, f rebox, scotch marine f re tube, biomass/waste/solid fuel f red boilers, feedwater/deaerator systems, blowdown systems, and automated PLC controls.

Hutchinson TransmissionRue des martyrs, Joue-les-Tours 373404 France, +33-2-47-48-39-99, [email protected], www.hutchinsontransmission.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Sophie EsteveDevelops and manufactures complete drive systems incorporating ribbed belts, linear tensioners, thermo set pulleys, idlers, and decoupling pulleys. As a market leader, Hutchinson is working with the largest OEMs.

hvGrid-tech Inc23 Cardico Dr, Unit 2, Gormley, ON L0H 1G0, Canada, +1-905-888-7771, [email protected], www.hvgrid-tech.comDesigns and manufactures accessories used in underground electrical transmission and distribution cable systems with operating voltages between 69 kV and 350 kV.

Hydratight5001 Moundview Dr, Red Wing, MN 55066, USA, +1-800-283-1937, [email protected], www.hydratight.comContact: Sls Leader USA/Canada, Brian AhrensPatented technology and trained technicians offering portable bolting and machining solutions. Hydraulic torque and tension tools plus cold-cutting, beveling, f ange-facing, line-boring, milling, and heat treating.

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6-8 MAY 2013




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72 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies Listing

Hydratight LtdAxcess 10, Bentley Rd S, Darlaston, West Midlands WS10 8LQ, UK, +44-121-505-0600, [email protected], www.hydratight.comContact: Sls Mgr, Roy SheldonPatented technology and trained technicians offering portable bolting and machining solutions, hydraulic torque and tension tools plus cold-cutting, beveling, f ange-facing, line-boring, milling, and heat treating.

Hydrolox301 Plantation Rd, Harahan, LA 70123, USA, +1-866-586-2825, [email protected], www.hydrolox.comContact: Team Leader, Tim Woodrow

Hydroplus5 cours Ferdinand-de-Lesseps, Rueil-Malmaison, Cedex 92851 France, +33-1-47-16-39-84, [email protected], www.hydroplus.comContact: Reg Mgr, Ugo SpinazzolaDeveloped the Fusegate system, an ideal application that offers highly f exible and versatile solutions for both existing and new dams. Implemented in 14 countries since 1991.

Hyosung Corp Power & Industrial Performance Group119, Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-720 Korea, +82-2-707-7000, www.hyosungpni.comHyosung Corp Power & Industrial Performance Group, a comprehensive energy solution provider, has secured a competitive capability on par with that of top competitors in transformers, switchgear and more.

HYTORC(div of UNEX Corp), 333 Rt 17 N, Mahwah, NJ 07430, USA, +1-201-512-9500, [email protected], www.hytorc.comContact: Pres, Eric JunkersIncrease productivity and eff ciency with HYTORC. Get even and accurate bolt load/joint closure with 24/7 global support and a 100% money-back guarantee.

Iberdrola Ingenieria y ConstruccionRibera de Axpe, 5, Erandio, Vizcaya 48950 Spain, +34-9-46019026, [email protected], www.iberinco.comContact: Bus Dev, Borja Gotxikoa

icenta Controls LtdN Station Yard, Warminster Rd, Wilton, Wiltshire SP2 0AT, UK, +44-1722-741-890, [email protected], in precision f ow meters, level sensors, instrumentation and control to power generation and process industries

ICTC Pvt LtdSt Hattisar, PO Box 660, Kathmandu 660 Nepal, +977-1-4434895, [email protected], Man Dir, Prabin Shrestha

IDG-Dichtungstechnik GmbHHeinkelstr 1, Kirchheim D-73230 Germany, +49-7021-98330, [email protected], www.idg-gmbh.deContact: Tech Dir, Frank KnoefelSeals in FFF design.

IHI CorpToyosu IHI Bldg 1-1, Toyosu 3-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo Japan, +81-3-620-474-19, [email protected], over 500 boilers installed worldwide since 1950, IHI leads power industries by producing high performance plants and high steam conditioned plants with advanced technology, including tower type boilers.

Imbibitive Technologies8 Hiscott St, Suite 1, St Catharines, ON L2R 1C6, Canada, +1-905-641-2323, [email protected], www.imbiberbeads.comContact: Corp Prod Mgr, J. Chris PolisImbiber Beads, the engineered true absorbent (ASTM F716), selectively removes organic liquids from water-discussed in REA Bulletin 655-3 and EPA’s f nal rule for SPCC compliance.

IMERYS100 Mansell Ct E, Suite 300, Roswell, GA 30076, USA, +1-770-645-3705, [email protected], www.imerys-aurora.comContact: Global Prod Mgr, Dave OsbyIMERYS is a leading producer of high-value minerals uniquely engineered for the power and energy industries. Particularly valuable is our newest patented product, Aurora, a deposit and corrosion inhibitor.

Imtech Deutschland GmbH & Co KG Kraftwerks- und EnergietechnikBehringstr 7, Planegg 82152 Germany, +49-89-856-900, [email protected], www.imtech.deImtech has 150 years of excellence in power engineering and cogeneration. Independent of product ties, Imtech offers sustainable and optimized industrial energy solutions for public and private customers.

IndarBarrio Altamira, Poligono Industrial Txara S/N, Beasain (Gipuzkoa) 20200 Spain, +34-943-028-200, [email protected], www.indar.netContact: Mktg/Support Sls Dept, Mireia VillaroDesigns and manufactures synchronous generators and asynchronous and synchronous motors with powers ranging from 1 to 25 MW and voltages of 690V to 15 kV .

Indeck Power Equipment Co1111 S Willis Ave, Wheeling, IL 60090, USA, +1-847-541-8300, [email protected], www.indeck.comContact: Sls Mgr, Mike KesslerIndeck is the most diverse boiler manufacturer in the world. Indeck provides customized equipment specif c to client needs including watertube boilers, hot water boilers, waste heat systems, and rental equipment.

Independent Forgings & Alloys LtdVictoria Forge, Livesey St, Sheffield, South Yorks S6 2BL, UK, +44-1142-343-000, [email protected], is a specialist manufacturer of open die forging and ring and precision bar products, producing forgings up to 10 tons in a wide range of metallic materials.

Independent Power Producers Forum13-15 Hong Shing St, Suite 711, 7th Fl Block E, Guarry Bay, Hong Kong, +852-2894-8105, [email protected], www.ippfpowerasia.comContact: Dir, Priscilla HuiThe Independent Power Producers Forum (IPPF) is a global organization consisting of senior executives and decision-makers from power generation, energy and related f rms that support the industry across Asia.

Industrial Accessories Co-IAC4800 Lamar Ave, Mission, KS 66202, USA, +1-913-384-5511, [email protected], www.iac-intl.comContact: Sls Eng, Brian JonesIndustrial Accessories Co designs, builds, and installs dust collection, bulk material storage, and pneumatic conveying systems. Specialty services include mercury control, baghouse inspections, and all systems replacement parts.

Industrial Info Resources Europe2a Ballybrit Business Pk, Galway Ireland, +353-91-700-500, [email protected], www.industrialinfo.comIndustrial Info Resources (IIR) is the leading provider of global industrial market intelligence. We specialize in database solutions for the power industry, as well as other industrial markets.

Ingersoll RandIndustrial Technologies Div, 800-B Beaty St, Davidson, NC 28036, USA, +1-704-655-4000, [email protected],

Ingeteam Power Technology SAParque Tecnologico de Zamudio, Edificio 106, Zamudio, Vizcaya 48170 Spain, +34-944-039710, [email protected], www.ingeteam.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Itziar Lopez de ArmentiaIngeteam is a global company specialized in power electronics, that supplies electrical equipment to the renewable energies sector. We have already supplied more than 31 GW to the global market.

Innovative Steam Technologies (IST)549 Conestoga Blvd, Cambridge, ON N1R 7P4, Canada, +1-519-740-0757, [email protected], www.otsg.comIST designs and manufactures steam generators for power generation, enhanced oil recovery/SAGD and industrial boiler applications. IST is the world’s leader of once through steam generators (OTSGs).

InopowerStigsborgvej 36, St, Noerresundby Denmark, +45-9632-3828, [email protected], www.inopower.dkIs focused on the development of control systems for energy production and energy distribution, based on decentralized energy production.

INP Deutschland GmbHWerkstr 5, Roemerberg 67354 Germany, +49-6232-6869-0, [email protected], www.inp-e.comINP is an international and independent engineering company offering its customers a wide range of services within the area of construction of power plants and other large industrial plants.

INSET Ltd20 Gorohovaya St, St Petersburg 191186 Russian Federation, +7-812-312-68-04, [email protected], www.inset.ruContact: Dir Gen, I Blyashko

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Companies Listing

Inspecteam HydroUnit 5, The Dairy, The Green, Godstone, Surrey RH9 8DY, UK, +44-1883-742-568, [email protected], www.inspecteam-hydro.comContact: Mktg/Bus Dev Dir, Gael BozecOffers quality surveillance, inspection, testing and expediting of turbine parts, heavy forgings, castings, welded constructions, mechanical components and electrical equipment.

Intercon Enterprises Inc1125 Fir Ave, Blaine, WA 98230, USA, +1-800-665-6655, [email protected], www.intercononline.comContact: Tech Sls/Mktg, Dave Dunbar

InterEnergy SrlVia A Boito 102, Cerveteri (Roma) 00052 Italy, +39-06-9920-6927, [email protected], www.interenergy.itContact: Dir, Alex SorokinEngineering company specializing in sustainable energy, renewables, distributed generation, CHP, trigeneration, rural electrif cation, eff ciency, rational use of energy, energy storage, smart grids, hydrogen, electrical vehicles, investment evaluation, auditing and consulting.

International Energy Systems (1983) Ltd1387 Haywood Ave, West Vancouver, BC V7T 1V4, Canada, +1-604-913-6618, [email protected], www.iesl.comContact: Pres, K Douglas CullenOEM packager of standby and baseload gas turbine generator sets, steam turbines and diesel power plants. Twenty-eight models offered from 200 kW to 18 MW unit sizes.

International Generator Technical CommunityPO Box 370, Columbus, OH 43216, USA, [email protected], www.generatortechnicalforum.orgContact: Webmaster, Jane Hutt

International Power Machinery Co50 Public Sq, Terminal Tower, Suite 834, Cleveland, OH 44113, USA, +1-216-621-9514, [email protected], www.intlpwr.comContact: Pres, Alan KernSince 1918, has bought and sold 50 and 60 cycle new/used pre-owned electrical, gas, steam, power plant equipment, gas/steam turbine generator units, diesel/gas engine generator units, boilers, transformers, and more.

INTERNORMEN Technology GmbHFriedensstr 41, Altlussheim Germany, +49-620-520-940, [email protected], www.internormen.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Suzana VidakovicEstablished in 1972, INTERNORMEN stands for a group of globally active companies in more than 80 countries. Offers f lter technology, f uid management, electronics, system technology, contamination monitoring, software and more.

IPWL LtdUnit 5 Enterprise Centre, Skipton Rd, Crosshills, West Yorkshire BD20 7BX, UK, +44-1535-633-828, www.ipwl-worldwide.comIPWL’s innovative technology is specif cally designed to provide solutions for orbital pipeline welding applications within the oil, gas, water and petrochemical industries.

Ironworker Management Progressive Action Cooperative Trust1750 New York Ave NW, West Lobby, Washington, DC 20006, USA, +1-202-393-1147, [email protected], www.impact-net.orgIMPACT is a labor management partnership designed to provide a forum for union Ironworkers and signatory contractors to address mutual concerns and encourage reasonable balanced solutions.

IRT Integrated Rectif er Technologies Inc15360-116th Ave, Edmonton, AB T5M 3Z6, Canada, +1-780-447-1114, [email protected], www.irtrectifier.comContact: Bus Dev Mgr, Ken RothDesigns, manufactures and supplies rectif ers/control panels for cathodic protection of metal structures.

ITH Engineering Inc5000 Prime Pkwy, McHenry, IL 60050, USA, +1-815-363-4900, [email protected], www.ith.comContact: Gen Mgr, Matt RasperITH GmbH, leaders in bolting technology, manufactures bolt tensioning cylinders, hydraulic torque wrenches, hydraulic pumps, torque multipliers, and large fasteners. ITH can supervise or perform the tensioning of turbines.

Jaquet North America32 W Monroe St, Bedford, OH 44146, USA, +1-440-439-2638, [email protected], www.jacquet.comContact: Gen Mgr, John TaylorOffers products to measure and control speed for turbines and other applications.

Jeffrey Rader ABDomnarvsgatan 11, Spånga, Stockholm 163 53 Sweden, +46-856-475-747, [email protected], www.jeffreyrader.comJeffrey Rader is a leading manufacturer of size reduction and material handling systems for the biomass industry and specializes in fuel receiving, preparation, storage and more.

Jeffrey Rader CorpEngineered Systems Div, TerraSource Global, 215 Pkwy E, Suite A, Duncan, SC 29334, USA, +1-864-476-7523, [email protected], www.jeffreyrader.comContact: Sls Dir, Ted GentileJeffrey Rader Corp is a leader in material handling with equipment for pneumatic conveying, screening and processing, size reduction, storage and reclaim, and vibratory feeders.

Jeremias GmbHOpfenrieder Straße 11-14, Wassertrüdingen 91717 Germany, +49-983-268-6874, [email protected], www.jeremias.deThe Jeremias Group has more than 40 years experience in the f ue industry and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of f ue and chimney systems.

JEUMONT Electric367 rue de l’Industrie, Jeumont 59572 France, +33-3-61-99-96-00, [email protected], www.jeumontelectric.comContact: Mktg Dir, Gerard LescotA leader in electrical power generation and conversion equipment, services and solutions, Jeumont Electric designs, manufactures, and services large electrical generators and motors for a wide range of applications.

John Cardwell Ltd(div of Belman Production A/S), Buildbase Way, Bird Hall Ln, Cheadle Health, Stockport, Cheshire SK3 0SB, UK, +44-161-491-5515, [email protected], Eng Dir, Steve CawleyDesigns and manufactures expansion joints and bellows. Also installs, repairs, replaces and supervises services for expansion joints.

John Crane31 Nash Rd, Trafford Pk, Manchester M17 1SS, UK, +44-161-872-2484, [email protected], www.johncrane.comContact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Louise PalmerA global leader in the design, development and manufacture of products and services for the power industry including mechanical seals and systems, power transmission couplings, f ltration systems and more.

Johnson Controls IncBuilding Efficiency Unit, 507 E Michigan St, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA, +1-404-524-4000, [email protected], Mgr Energy/Sustainability Comms, Steve ThomasJohnson Controls handles the design, engineering, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of your renewable energy technology. Also guarantees the energy production, reducing your risk and increasing your energy security.

Johnson Matthey Catalysts (Germany) GmbHBahnhofstr 43, Redwitz D-96257 Germany, +49-957-481-879, [email protected], www.jmsec.comJohnson Matthey develops, manufactures and supplies catalyst and f lter technologies and systems for the control of gaseous and particulate emissions from a wide range of stationary and marine engines

Johnson Pump(div of SPX), 611 Sugar Creed Rd, Delavan, WI 53115, USA, +1-262-728-1900, [email protected], www.johnson-pump.comContact: Dir Ind’l Sls, Allen DaniszewskiJohnson Pump, an SPX brand, offers a wide range of gear, lobe and centrifugal pumps for a wide range of f uid transfer duties in the power and industrial industries.

KAEFER Isoliertechnik GmbH & Co KGGetreidetraße 3, Bremen 28217 Germany, +49-421-610-9231, [email protected], www.kaefer.comKAEFER is the world’s largest provider of heat, cold and sound insulation, f re protection, interior solutions, and related technologies.

Kansas City Deaerator6731 W 121st St, Overland Park, KS 66209, USA, +1-913-338-2111, [email protected], www.deaerator.comContact: Pres, Mike Koontz

Kawasaki Gas Turbine Europe GmbHNehringstr 15, Bad Homburg Germany, +49-617-273-630, [email protected], www.kawasaki-gasturbine.deContact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Stefan PaulManufacturer of gas turbine generator sets for power or process solutions. Heavy-duty gas turbines available from 600 to 18,000 kWe. Offers custom energy solutions.

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74 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies Listing

K C EngineeringHownsgill Dr, Delves Lane Industrial Estate, Consett, Co Durham DH8 9HU, UK, +44-1207-583-100, [email protected], www.kceng.comContact: Dir, Patrick ChesterDesigns, manufactures and repairs oil f lm bearings for all rotaing equipment.

Kiewit9401 Renner Blvd, Lenexa, KS 66219, USA, +1-913-928-7000, www.kiewit.comContact: Sr VP Bus Dev, John KruseKiewit Power is a competitive power team that partners Kiewit’s premier constructors and engineers to offer clients a one-stop shop for all integrated engineering, procurement, constructive, and startup service needs.

Kinectrics800 Kipling Ave, Unit 2, Toronto, ON M8Z 6C4, Canada, +1-416-207-6000, [email protected], www.kinectrics.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Cheryl Tasker-ShawKinectrics’ industry experts deliver practical life cycle management solutions to help utilities optimize system performance. We offer advanced services and unique, testing facilities for generation and transmission and distribution.

Kinetics Noise Control3570 Nashua Dr, Mississauga, ON L4V 1L2, Canada, +1-905-670-4922, [email protected],

Kingsbury Inc10385 Drummond Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19154, USA, +1-215-824-4000, [email protected], www.kingsbury.comDesigns, manufactures and services f uid f lm thrust and journal bearings for power generation, petrochemical ref neries, marine propulsion equipment and major industrial operations the world over.

Kingsine Electric Automation (HK) Co LtdF4.8-6C TianAn Cyber Pk, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518040 China, +86-136921-77377, [email protected], Mgr, Roger XIAManufactures electric power testers. Offers CE & SGS certif cate, ISO 9001:2008 and patented, 3-year quality warranty on free repair and life maintenance. Exports to over 50 countries.

Kissling AGWeieracherstr 3, Bachenbülach CH 8184 Switzerland, +41-44-308-9797, [email protected], www.kissgear.chKissling AG has been developing, designing and producing reduction gears for the most varied applications since 1925 and is known for high-speed planetary and spur gear units and relaible service.

KITA LogisticsKita Ulastirma Hizmetleri Tic as, Kocman Caddesi No 33, Gunesli, Istanbul Turkey, +90-212-410-0040, [email protected], offers global air, ocean freight forwarding, LCL consolidation, groupage and full trucking, exhibition logistics, customs clearance, distribution and other value added global logistics services.

KOAMI-Korea Association of Machinery IndustryKoami Bldg #13-31, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul 150-729 Korea, +82-2-369-7841, [email protected], www.koami.or.krKOAMI is the leading industrial organization for the Korean machinery sector. KOAMI provides practical help for industrial member companies and actively promotes the sector in general.

Kobelco Compressors America Inc(div of Kobe Steel Ltd), 1415 Louisiana St, Suite 4111, Houston, TX 77002, USA, +1-713-655-0015, [email protected], www.kobelcocompressors.comContact: Sls Mgr, Masa NakamineKobelco screw gas compressors can create tremendous power savings during gas turbine operation. Kobelco’s highly engineered screw compressors can operate to suction and discharge pressure of 1500 psig.

Kohl AG17 AM Scheerleck, Wecker L-6868 Luxembourg, +352-719971-5000, [email protected],

Kontrol Sistemleri Ltd StiEge Plaza, Barbaros Cad Kutup Sok, No 8TR-34775 Y Dudullu, Instanbul Turkey, +90-216-527-9615, [email protected],

Korecentric Ltd26 Kings Hill Ave, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4AE, UK, +44-1732-840-999, [email protected], www.korecentric.comContact: Dir, Mike Gordon

Kraftanlagen München GmbHRidlerstr 31c, München 80339 Germany, +49-896-2370, [email protected], www.ka-muenchen.deKraftanlagen München GmbH is one of the leading European companies in the piping systems and plant construction sector with decades of experience and over 2300 employees.

KRAL AGBildgasse 40, Industrie Nord, Lustenau 6890 Austria, +43-5577-866-440, [email protected], www.kral.atKRAL AG is an international manufacturer of high-quality displacement pumps and f owmeters for liquids. Many power stations are built and modernized using our know-how and our high-quality products.

KSB AktiengesellschaftJohann Klein St 9, Frankenthal 67227 Germany, +49-6233-860, [email protected], www.ksb.comKSB is one of the world’s leading producers of pumps, valves and systems. Our high pressure products give reliable service in primary and secondary circuits of power plants all over the world.

K-Sun Corp370 SMC Dr, PO Box 309, Somerset, WI 54025, USA, +1-715-247-4440, [email protected], www.ksun.comContact: Dir Admin, Linda LawK-Sun Corp offers a line of exclusive stand-alone and PC-compatible electronic label printers, software and supplies used in laboratory, hospital, industrial, manufacturing, research, safety, law enforcement/EMS, wire/cabling, and others.

KTI-Plersch Kaeltetechnik GmbHCarl-Otto-Weg 14/2, Balzheim 88481 Germany, +49-7347-9572-0, [email protected], www.kti-plersch.comContact: Export Mgr, Peter KulczyckiKTI-Plersch is a dynamic and innovative German refrigeration contractor.

KTR Kupplungstechnik GmbHRodder Damm 170, Rheine 48432 Germany, +49-5971-798, [email protected], www.ktr.comWith more than 50 years of experience in power transmission, KTR is a leading supplier of couplings, clamping sets, torque limiters, torque measuring systems, hydraulic components and brake systems.

Kuttner LLC (also Kuttner North America)PO Box 343, Port Washington, WI 53074, USA, +1-262-284-4483, www.kuttnerna.comContact: Pres, Robert FechnerAs a single-source engineering company for process equipment and air emission systems, Kuttner North Amercia provides our customers with the strength of our global technical resources.

Lahmeyer International GmbHFriedberger Str 173, Bad Vilbel 61118 Germany, +49-6101-55-0, [email protected], www.lahmeyer.deContact: Bus Dev Dir, Bernd Metzger

Lazaro Ituarte Internacional SAPolígono Kalzadako (Saratxo), Amurrio, Alava 01468 Spain, +34-945-891-561, [email protected], www.lazaroituarte.comContact: Sls Mgr, Álvaro GallegoLazaro Ituarte, founded in 1928 and incorporated into Valvospain Group in 2006, is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of high pressure valves for the power generation industry.

Lectrodryer135 Quality Dr, Richmond, KY 40475, USA, +1-859-624-2091, [email protected], www.lectrodryer.comManufactures gas dryers and generator auxiliaries for hydrogen cooled generators since 1932. Products include hydrogen dryers, gas optimization systems and more.

Lenox Instrument CoBoiler, Cameras & Borescopes Div, 265 Andrews Rd, Trevose, PA 19053, USA, +1-215-322-9990, [email protected], www.lenoxinst.comContact: VP, Bill LangLenox Instrument Co is a manufacturer of highly reliable f xed and portable furnace/boiler cameras and boiler f ame monitoring systems. Lenox also manufactures precision, rigid, and f exible borescopes and videoscopes.

Leon Heimer S/ABR 101 Norte, Km 53 - Dist Industrial, Paulista, Pernambuco Brazil, +81-3372-8862, [email protected],

Leslie Controls Inc12501 Telecom Dr, Tampa, FL 33637, USA, +1-813-978-1000, [email protected], www.lesliecontrols.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Tina WareLeslie Controls offers zero leakage, high-performance, severe service control valves up to 12” ANSI 4500 class. Applications include steam conditioning, turbine bypass, solenoid fuel shut off and more.

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Companies Listing

Liburdi Turbine Services Inc400 Hwy 6 N, Dundas, ON L9H 7K4, Canada, +1-905-689-0734, [email protected], www.liburdi.comContact: Opers Dir, Lloyd CookeOffers analysis and refurbishment of aero and industrial gas turbine components.

Lightnin, an SPX Brand(div of SPX), 135 Mt Read Blvd, Rochester, NY, USA, +1-585-436-5550, [email protected], www.lightninmixers.comContact: Sls Mgr, Ron MetzLightnin has over 80 years of unsurpassed experience in mixing technology, process knowledge, and technological innovation. Enjoys a global reputation for durable, long-lasting mixers, agitators, aerators, and f occulators.

Lightning Eliminators & Consultants Inc6687 Arapahoe Rd, Boulder, CO 80303, USA, +1-303-447-2828, [email protected], www.lightningprotection.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Joonna SilbermanLightning Eliminators & Consultants Inc (LEC) is dedicated to providing integrated lightning protection products, solutions and services by utilizing innovative patented charge transfer technology, grounding systems engineering and surge solutions.

Lincoln GmbHHeinrich Hertz Str 2-8, Walldorf 69190 Germany, +49-622-733-0, [email protected], www.lincolnindustrial.deContact: Mktg Comms, Diana HobbiesiefkenManufactures centralized lubrication systems and components, lubrication tools and equipment.

Linde AGEngineering Div, Dr Carl-von-Linde-Str 6-14, Pullach, Bavaria 82049 Germany, +49-89-7445-0, [email protected], Mgr Press/Media, Doreen SchuesslerFocuses on promising market segments such as plants for the production of hydrogen and synthesis gas, oxygen and olef n as well as plants for natural gas treatment.

Lindner Group KGBahnhofstr 29, Armstorf 94424 Germany, +49-8723-20-0,[email protected], www.lindner-group.comProvides interior f t-out, facade construction and insulation engineering with more than 45 years experience in “building new solutions,” the development and implementation of of individual, high-quality project solutions.

LINK Tools International (USA) Inc2440 Lakeview Ave, Chicago, IL 52556, USA, +1-888-433-4234, [email protected], www.linktools.comContact: Mktg Dir, Tim BregenzerAll LINK mechanics hand tools automatically lock at every connection, eliminating dropped tools. Third-party tested to improve productivity, increase safety and reduce damage to costly equipment. Works with existing tools.

Lisega SEHochkamp 5, Zeven 27404 Germany, +49-4281-713-0, [email protected], www.lisega.comContact: Dir Int’l Sls, Harald LangeManufactures and sells pipe supports for the international power, process, and oil and gas industry. Provides deliveries from stock for competitive prices thanks to serial production. Full standardized and more.

Liteway Inc166 Haverford Rd, Hicksville, NY 11801, USA, +1-516-931-2800, [email protected], www.liteway.comLiteway uses the latest semiconductor and optical technology to design and manufacture communication products that transport video, audio and data signals over f ber-optic cables.

Lloyds Register EMEA(sub of Lloyds Register), 25 Union Ter, Denburn House, Aberdeen AB10 1NN, UK, +44-1224-267-400, [email protected], Bus Mgr, Daryl AttwoodProvides compliance, integrity and engineering services to the oil and gas industry. Services include verif cation, certif cation and classif cation. Services also includes structures and pipelines, electrical equipment, health, safety, environmental, and more.

LM Alternatives Inc15042 Whittram Ave, Fontana, CA 92335, USA, +1-909-350-7161, [email protected], www.lmalternatives.comContact: Exec VP, Donald Titus

LMF Leobersdorfer Mashinenfabrik AGSudbahnstr 28, Leobersdorf 2544 Austria, +43-2256-9001-245, www.lmf.atA leading manufacturer of high-pressure piston compressor systems for air and natural gas as well as technical and industrial gases.

Loesche Energy Systems Ltd2 Horsham Gates, North St, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5PJ, UK, +44-1403-223-101, [email protected], product portfolio covers the design and supply of cutting-edge solid fuel grinding solutions for the power industry. Loesche’s vertical roller mills and high eff ciency dynamic classif ers are the key to improved plant eff ciency.

Loibl Allen-Sherman-Hoff GmbHArberstr 40, Straubing 94315 Germany, +49-9421-9256-0, [email protected], www.loibl.bizFor more than 50 years Loibl A-S-H GmbH is working in the f eld of bulk material technology for the engineering design, manufacture and assembly of transporting equipment.

Lotus Energy Pvt LtdPO Box 9219, Kathmandu Nepal, +977-1-4418203, [email protected], www.lotusenergy.comManufacturer, integrator, distributor and installer of solar PV home systems kits and components and designing and implementing custom PV solutions for rural off-grid or grid-tied applications.

Lubrication Engineers Inc300 Bailey Ave, Ft Worth, TX 76107, USA, +1-800-537-7683,

Lufkin Industries IncPower Transmission Div, 407 Kiln St, PO Box 849, Lufkin, TX 75902-0849, USA, +1-936-637-5224, [email protected], www.lufkin.comContact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Shawn CalhounLufkin Industries Inc is a global leader in the design and manufacture of high performance precision gearing for the power generation industry. Service and support are available 24/7.

LumaSense Technologies Inc3301 Leonard Ct, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA, +1-408-727-1600, [email protected], www.lumasenseinc.comContact: Dir Mktg, Kristi Ashton

Luvata Söderköping AbHeat Trasfer Solutions Div, Luvata Group, Godsmottagningen - Industrigatan 2, Söderköping 61481 Sweden, +46-121-191-00, [email protected], www.luvata.comContact: Comms Mgr HTS EMEA, Gloria CisintLuvata’s Heat Transfer Solutions division is the leading global manufacturer of f nned pack heat exchangers and coolers for commercial and industrial applications in the HVAC&R market.

Machida Inc(sub of Vision-Sciences Inc), 40 Ramland Rd S, Orangeburg, NY 10962, USA, +1-845-365-0600, [email protected], www.machidascope.comContact: VP Ind’l Div, Jitu PatelManufactures f exible borescopes and engine inspection kits for various engine models.

Magaldi Power SpAVia Irno, 219, Salerno 84135 Italy, +39-089-489-111, [email protected], www.magaldi.comContact: Sls Mgr, Vincenzo QuattrucciThe Magaldi Group, founded in 1929, is the world’s leading specialist in dependable and environmental friendly bulk materials handling, pioneering solutions for demanding problems in power plants and more.

MAGE SOLAR USA720 Industrial Blvd, Dublin, GA 31021, USA, +1-478-609-6790, [email protected],

Magnetrol International Inc5300 Belmont Rd, Downers Grove, IL 60515-4499, USA, +1-630-969-4000, [email protected], www.magnetrol.comContact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Kathleen CacciatoOffers level and f ow instrumentation. Technologies include buoyancy, RF capacitance, ultrasonic products, thermal dispersion, magnetic level indicators, eclipse and horizon guided wave radar, and pulsar burst radar transmitters.

Main-Metall International AGBirkenstr 47, Rotkreuz CH 6343 Switzerland, +41-417-406-400, [email protected], www.main-metall.comMain-Metall manufactures a wide range of high-quality plain bearings and guiding elements for the mechanical engineering and plant manufacturing industries. Offers expert advice, customized solutions and unique designs.

Majorpower Corp7011 Industrial Dr, Mebane, NC 27302, USA, +1-919-563-6610, [email protected], www.majorpower.comContact: Sls/Mktg, Ray KramarcyManufactures DC/AC inverters, DC/DC converters and AC/DC rectif er systems for telecom, utility, and cable industries. Focused on high-reliability, feature-rich power conversion products that meet a variety of critical power applications.

Major Tool & Machine Inc1458 E 19th St, Indianapolis, IN 46218, USA, +1-317-917-2621, [email protected], www.majortool.comMajor Tool & Machine Inc provides turnkey fabrication and precision machining services in the power generation and nuclear industries.

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Companies Listing

MAN Diesel & TurboTeglholmsgade 41, Copenhagen 2450 Denmark, +45-33-85-11-00, [email protected], www.mandieselturbo.comContact: Sr Mgr, Jan HellmannDesign and engineering of low speed HFO and dual fuel diesels in the range of 5–80 MW/engine.

MAN Diesel & Turbo SEStadtbachstr 1, Augsburg 86153 Germany, +49-208-6920, [email protected], www.mandieselturbo.comContact: VP Sls, Eike LiekwegMAN Diesel & Turbo SE is the world’s leading provider of large-bore diesel engines and turbomachinery. It designs two-stroke and four-stroke engines, gas and steam turbines and compressors. The product range is completed by turbochargers, CP propellers and gas engines.

M+M Turbinen-Technik GmbHMilser Str 37, Bielefeld D-33729 Germany, +49-521-977-9960, [email protected], www.turbinen-technik.deM+M Turbinen-Technik designs and manufactures steam turbines and packaged steam turbine generator sets up to 15 MW. Our company has made its reputation by providing our clients with eff cient turbines.

Manitoba HVDC Research Centre(div of Manitoba Hydro International), 211 Commerce Dr, Winnipeg, MB R3P 1A3, Canada, +1-204-989-1240, [email protected], www.pscad.comContact: Mktg/Sls Mgr, Roberta DesserreThe Centre has developed and provides an array of products and services to the power industry (utilities, consultants, educational institutions, etc.) worldwide including the power system simulation software PSCAD (PSCAD/EMTDC).

MAPNA Group231 Mirdamad Blvd, Tehran 19189 5365 Iran, +98-21-8198-2070, [email protected], www.mapna.comMAPNA Group is a conglomeration of a parent enterprise and its 33 subsidiaries engaged in power, oil and gas, railway and other industrial projects.

Marelli Motori SpAVia Sabbionara, 1, Arzignano, (VI) 36071 Italy, +39-0444-479711, [email protected], www.marellimotori.comContact: Prod Mktg Mgr, Marco CiscatoDesigns and manufactures synchronous and asynchcronous generators and motors in low, medium and high voltage from 10 to 9000 kVA for generators and from 0.12 to 6400 kW for motors.

Marioff Corp Oy(div of UTC Fire & Security), PO Box 86, Virnatie 3, Vantaa FI-01301 Finland, +358-9-870-851, [email protected], www.marioff.comContact: Bus Mgr Industry/Energy, Markku VuorisaloMarioff is the provider of HI-FOG water mist systems with a mission to protect people, property and business from f re. HI-FOG is safe for equipment, people, and the environment.

Markland Specialty Engineering Ltd305 Armstrong Ave, Unit 9, Georgetown, ON L7G 4X6, Canada, +1-905-873-7791, [email protected], www.sludgecontrols.comContact: Gen Mgr, Scott LangstaffDesigning and manufacturing sludge blanket level interface detectors (automated desludge pumps), portable sludge guns (spot-check lagoons), suspended solids density meters (optimizes sludge concentration), and automatic duckbill sampling systems, since 1967.

Marmen845 Berlinguet St, PO 33008, Trois-Rivieres, QC G8T 9T8, Canada, +1-819-379-0453, [email protected], www.marmen.qc.caContact: Dir Bus Dev, Eric BellemareOffers high-precision machining, fabrication and mechanical assembly of parts of all sizes.

Maryn International LtdBay 5, 4216-54th Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2C 2E3, Canada, +1-403-252-2239, [email protected], www.maryninternational.comContact: Bus Dev, Greg MinkeManufactures high-performance lubricant additives. Also offers environmental solutions for rail, oil and gas, forestry, agriculture industries and emission reduction additives.

Mavel Americas Inc(div of Mavel as), 121 Mt Vernon St, Boston, MA 02108, USA, +1-617-242-2204, [email protected], www.mavel.czContact: Pres, Jeanne HilsingerCzech-American owned manufacturing and engineering company focusing on providing turbines (Pelton, Francis, Kaplan and micro) for hydroelectric power plants with power from 30 kW to 30+ MW.

Maxiforce Inc10900 NW 30th St, Miami, FL 33172, USA, +1-305-592-7027, [email protected],

Maximum Turbine Support Inc705 S Lugo Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92408, USA, +1-909-383-1626, [email protected], www.maximumturbinesupport.comSpecializes in the supply of parts for GE aeroderivative gas turbines.

Maxon - a Honeywell Co201 E 18th St, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47302, USA, +1-765-284-3304, [email protected], www.maxoncorp.comContact: Gen Sls Mgr, Tim LeeManufactures industrial combustion equipment, including burners, valves, digital burner control products for high eff ciency and complete combustion systems, located in 53 countries worldwide.

McGuffy Industries Inc18635 Telge Rd, Cypress, TX 77429, USA, +1-281-255-6955, [email protected], www.mcguffy.comContact: Dir Mktg/Sls, Michael Plympton

M-CTI Mumme-Cooling Tower International GmbHRudolf-Diesel-Straße 17-25, Wesel D- 46485 Germany, +49-281-3374-7400, [email protected], www.m-cti.deM-CTI is an independent, privately owned company, specialized in design, manufacturing and erection of wet cooling towers, revamping, upgrading and repairs.

Mech-well Industries Ltd7-A, Old Anjirwadi, Mazgaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400010 India, +91-226-6200300, [email protected], www.mechwell.comContact: Dir, Shreyas ShahMech-well Industries Ltd, an Indian company, was established with an aim to provide a wide range of engineering services to power industries and allied industries.

MECOS AGIndustriestr 26, Winterthur CH-8404 Switzerland, +41-52-235-14-14, [email protected], www.mecos.comContact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Bernhard MandelMECOS AG develops and produces magnetic bearing systems for turbomachinery, especially in oil and gas applications. We solve your individual technical problems by covering every phase, from concept to serial production.

Medecity Instruments(sub of Medecity), Jinnah Town, Capital Rd, Sialkot, Punjab 51310 Pakistan, +92-524-266372, [email protected], www.medecity.bizMedecity has been manufacturing top class MacIntosh f ber-optic laryngoscopes from the high grade stainless steel with imported German f ber-optic 5 mm bundles for maximum light.

Mee Industries Inc16021 Adelante St, Irwindale, CA 91702, USA, +1-626-359-4550, [email protected], www.meefog.comMee Industries Inc pioneered the gas turbine inlet fogging concept with its f rst MeeFog installation in 1989. Now with over 700 installations MeeFog is the GT inlet cooling leader.

MegaconOvre Kraknes 17, Bones, Bergen NO-5152 Norway, +47-5511-7510, [email protected], www.megacon.comContact: Sls/Mktg Dir, Tony RobinsonManufactures loss of mains and all generator protection relays.

Mega-Fabs Motion Systems LtdBldg 13 Industrial Pk, PO Box 540, Yokneam 20692 Israel, +972-4-989-1050, [email protected], www.mega-fabs.comContact: CTO, Max SakhartovDevelops and markets software-intensive, programmable, DSP-based motion control products including DSP motion control modules, multiaxis motion controllers, motion systems, drives, motion analyzers, and motion development tools.

Meggitt Control Systems12838 Saticoy St, North Hollywood, CA 91605, USA, +1-818-765-8160, [email protected], www.meggitt.comProvides a full range of capabilities, from custom design through development to full qualif cation. Has pioneered state-of-the-art technologies for power generation and mechanical drive applications.

Meggitt Sensing SystemsVibro-Meter Product Line Div, (sub of Meggitt Group), Rt de Moncor 4, PO Box 1616, Fribourg 1701 Switzerland, +41-26-407-11-11, [email protected], www.meggittsensingsystems.comSupplies advanced protection and condition monitoring systems for power generation, including vibration, combustion and partial discharge monitoring of hydro, steam and gas turbines and generators.

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Companies Listing

Membrana13800 S Lakes Dr, Charlotte, NC 28273, USA, +1-704-587-8888, [email protected], www.liqui-cel.comContact: Mktg Coord, Kerim ElSherifRemove dissolved gases from liquids in f ows of <10 ml/min to hundreds of m3/h. They tolerate high pressures/temperatures and remove O2 to 1 ppb and CO2 to 1 ppm.

Mersen2-3, place des Vosges, La Défense 92400 France, +33-1-46-91-54-00, [email protected], www.mersen.comMersen is an expert in power and signal transmission, working with leading manufacturers and users of rotating electrical machinery.

Metal Improvement Co LLCOtto-Hahn-Str 3, Unna 59423 Germany, +49-2303-91880, [email protected],

Metalock Engineering Germany GmbHGutenbergring 64, Norderstedt 22848 Germany, +49-40-528-45-0, [email protected],

Metso AutomationVanha Porvoontie 229, PO Box 304, Vantaa FI-11301 Finland, +35-20-483-5538, [email protected],

Metso PowerPower Business Line Div, (div of Metso Corp), 3430 Toringdon Way, Suite 201, Charlotte, NC 28277, USA, +1-704-541-1453, [email protected], Nat’l Sls Mgr-Svc, Eric TanguayCapabilities include EPC, coal and biomass-f red CFB and BFB boilers and power plants, lifetime support, including chemical cleanings, manufacturing, 3-D laser, parts, plant maintenance, outage, and related services.

Michell BearingsScotswood Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 6LL, UK, +44-191-273-0291, [email protected], www.michellbearings.comMichell Bearings is a leading designer and manufacturer of whitemetal (or Babbitt) and PTFE faced bearings for a wide range of marine and industrial applications.

Micont-Valves BVSchoolstr 12, Putte 4645DA The Netherlands, +31-164-854-546, [email protected], www.micontvalves.comContact: Man Dir, Gerd BreuningerOffers valves including new generation of automatic control valves, medium actuated intelligent valve sets, valves able to communicate, and minimum f ow valves for centrifugal pumps.

Microfusione Stellite SpAVia G Di Vittorio 24, Pieve Emanuele, (MI) 20090 Italy, +39-029-078-7271, [email protected], www.stellite.itMicrofusione Stellite is a manufacturing services company specialized in components for gas turbines, aerospace, defense and other severe and demanding markets.

Micro Waterjet LLC13420 Reese Blvd W, Huntersville, NC 28078, USA, +1-704-948-1223, [email protected], www.microwaterjet.comContact: Man Dir, Steve ParetteMicro Waterjet LLC offers contract manufacturing services for fast prototyping, no heat affected zones, virtually no deburring, Kerf width of 0.2 mm (0.008”) and ±0.01 mm cutting accuracy.

Mid America Engine Inc2500 State Hwy 160, Warrior, AL 35180, USA, +1-205-590-3505, [email protected], www.maegen.comContact: Sls Mgr, Art SiglerBuys and sells all brands of new and used diesel, natural gas and turbine generator sets (15 kW to 15 MW). Specializes in fast track total power solutions worldwide.

Minco UK LtdThe White House, Mill Rd, Goring on Thames, Berks RG8 9DD, UK, +44-20-8133-3916, [email protected], www.minco.orgGlobal supplier of gas turbine compressor cleaning chemicals. Minco has a range of powerful and effective OEM approved cleaning f uids, for both off-line and on-line washing.

Minimax GmbH & Co KGIndustriesstr 10/12, Bad Oldesloe 23840 Germany, +49-4531-803, [email protected],

Mistras Group Inc195 Clarkesville Rd, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550, USA, +1-609-716-4000, [email protected], www.mistrasgroup.comContact: VP Sls/Mktg, Nick SowaProvides complete NDT inspection and testing services for partners in academic, government, and industries, including oil and gas, petrochemical, nuclear, fossil fuel, aerospace, and civil infrastructure applications.

Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas Inc100 Colonial Center Pkwy, Lake Mary, FL 32746, USA, +1-407-688-6100, [email protected], www.mpshq.comMitsubishi is the diamond edge in wind/geothermal/photovoltiac/gas, and steam turbines/boilers and SCR technologies with dedicated power generation services and parts manufacturing for the Americas.

Mitsubishi Power Systems Europe Ltd20 N Audley St, London W1K 6WL, UK, +44-20-7647-0842, [email protected], www.mhie.comMitsubishi Power Systems Europe Ltd (MPSE) can provide a full range of service menus in the power generation f eld.

Mole Master Services Corp27815 State Rt 7, Marietta, OH 45750, USA, +1-740-374-6726, [email protected], www.molemaster.comContact: Proj Mgr/Eng, Luke BergOffers silo, bin, bunker, tank, process and transportation vessel cleaning, clearing, cleanout services and equipment.

Moog Holding GmbH & Co KgHanns-Klemm-Str 28, Boblingen D-71034 Germany, +49-7031-622-198, [email protected], www.moog.deDesigns and manufacturers high-performance motion control solutions combining electric, hydraulic and hybrid technologies.

Morgan Schaffer Inc8300 St Patrick, Suite 150, Lasalle, QC H8N 2H1, Canada, +1-514-739-1967, [email protected], www.morganschaffer.comLeaders in DGA monitors, Morgan Schaffer manufactures and supports the world’s most precise and accurate transformer monitoring equipment.

Mott MacDonaldVictory House, Trafalgar Pl, Brighton BN1 4FY, UK, +44-1273-365-000, [email protected], www.mottmac.comContact: Principal Hydropower Eng, Eliomar Delgado, PhD

MTS Sensor Technologie GmbH & Co KGAuf Dem Schueffel 9, Luedenscheid 58513 Germany, +49-2351-95-87-0, [email protected], www.mtssensor.comContact: Pub Rel Off, Anke HedfeldMTS Sensors is the worlwide leading manufacturer of magnetostrictive position and liquid level sensors.

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg(sub of MTU Aero Engines), Dr Ernst-Zimmermann-Str 2, Ludwigsfelde 14974 Germany, +49-3378-824-213, [email protected], www.mtu-berlin.comContact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Uwe KaltwasserMTU is an OEM approved depot for maintenance, repair, and overhaul of GE LM2500, LM2500+, LM5000, and LM6000 gas turbines. A dedicated f eld service team is available worldwide.

MTU Onsite Energy Corp100 Power Dr, Mankato, MN 56001, USA, +1-507-625-7973, [email protected], www.mtu-online.comContact: Dir Sls/Appl Engr, Al ProsserProvides diesel-powered generator sets from 30 to 3250 kW, natural gas gensets from 30 to 400 kW, and complete standby and prime power systems.

MTU Onsite Energy CorpMaybachstraße 1, Friedrichshafen D-88040 Germany, +49-7541-90-7006, [email protected], www.mtu-online.comMTU Friedrichshafen is one of the leading suppliers of drive systems of the highest quality for land vehicles, ships and boats, rail applications, diesel and gas engines and gas turbines.

MUBEA Inc8212 Dixie Hwy, Florence, KY 41042, USA, +1-859-538-1073, [email protected], www.mubea-discsprings.comContact: Sls Rep, Laurell Sizemore

Mueller Systems(sub of Mueller Water Products), 10210 Statesville Blvd, Cleveland, NC 27013, USA, +1-704-278-2221, [email protected], www.muellersystems.comContact: Sr Prod Mgr, Darryl CasperProvides smart metering solutions, including advanced AMI/AMR, to optimize the delivery and use of water and energy.

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Companies Listing

MWM GmbH(sub of Caterpillar Inc), Carl-Benz-Straße 1, Mannheim 68167 Germany, +49-621-384-0, [email protected], www.mwm.netContact: Comms/PR, Alimée zu WittgensteinMWM, a Caterpillar company, is one of the world’s leading providers of highly eff cient and eco-friendly energy generation plants. Focused on ecologically advanced solutions for generating clean energy.

Nalco MobotecWinnington Ave, Winnington, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 4DX, UK, +44-771-097-0037, [email protected], www.nalcomobotec.comNalco Mobotec helps energy producers and industry meet tightening air emissions limits for NOx, SOx and PM. We optimize the combustion process and help to mitigate CO2 emissions.

NATCOM(div of Cleaver-Brooks Inc), 8515 Lafrenaie Blvd, St Leonard, QC H1P 2B3, Canada, +1-514-326-2571, [email protected], www.cleaverbrooks.comContact: Pres, Robert St-DenisProvides industrial burners with capacity ranges from 20–400 MMBtu/h burning fuels, such as conventional natural gas to waste stream gases, hydrogen gas, digester gas, and crude to waste oils.

National Electric Coil800 King Ave, Columbus, OH 43212, USA, +1-614-488-1151, [email protected], www.national-electric-coil.comContact: VP Sls/Mktg, Stephen JeneyRepairs, upgrades, and retrof ts high-voltage generators and rotating exciters. Manufactures high-voltage coils/bars, all types and sizes, turbogenerator rotor windings, engineering design, and replacement components. ISO 9001 certif ed quality management systems.

Nationwide Boiler Inc42400 Christy St, Fremont, CA 94538, USA, +1-510-490-7100, [email protected], www.nationwideboiler.comContact: VP Mktg/Sls, Larry DayNationwide Boiler Inc offers a complete line of low NOx package watertube/f retube boilers for rental or sale, feedwater systems, EconoStak economizers, and CataStak SCR systems for 2.5 ppm NOx compliance.

Nebraska Boiler(div of Cleaver-Brooks Inc), 6940 Cornhusker Hwy, Lincoln, NE 68507, USA, +1-402-434-2000, [email protected], www.neboiler.comContact: VP Sls/Mktg, Rocky BahramzadNebraska Boilers, Natcom Burners, and ERI HRSG’s have long been the industry benchmarks for quality and engineering. A complete system offers the best solution, best eff ciency, and lowest emissions possible.

NEM BVKanaalpark 159, PO Box 162, AD Leiden 2300 The Netherlands, +31-71-5792-444, [email protected], www.nem.nlA leading engineering company in the f eld of steam generating equipment. Supplies custom made solutions for industrial, utility and heat recovery steam generators in power generation and industrial applications.

New Componit SrlViale Rimembranze, 5, Cirimido (COMO) 22070 Italy, +39-031-895-580, [email protected], www.newcomponit.comManufactures textile expansion joints, thermal acoustic insulation, and safety shields used in energy production. We offer turnkey solutions and on-site service all over the world.

NEWPOLYGENPO Box 725, Kiryat-Ono 55000 Israel, +972-54-744-02-99, [email protected], www.newpolygen.comContact: CEO, Stanislav SinatovProvides innovative, energy eff cient solutions and services for the power producers, communities, and industries, and performs R&D of advanced (co/tri)generation, multipollutant control, energy saving, and biofuel production technologies.

Nidecon Technologies OyKoivupuispontie 10B, Vantaa 01510 Finland, +358-10-281-0400, [email protected], www.nidecon.comDesigns and manufactures power quality f ltering solutions. Our forte is applications for renewable energy and motor drives.

Nießing Anlagenbau GmbHMarbecker Str 74, Borken D-46325 Germany, +49-2861-945-0, [email protected], www.niessing.deNießing is active in exhaust air and gas systems with a number of complementary product segments including system construction, complete exhaust gas f ues, soundproof ng, silencer systems and more.

Nol-Tec Europe SrlVia Milano 14/N, Gorgonzola, (MI) 20064 Italy, +39-02-951-6875, [email protected], www.nol-teceurope.comNol-Tec Europe is an international leading company in pneumatic conveying of granular and friable products. Nol-Tec has also developed knowledge in mechanical conveying, weighing, dosing and automation.

Nol-Tec Systems Inc425 Apollo Dr, Lino Lakes, MN 55014, USA, +1-651-780-8600, [email protected], www.nol-tec.comSupplies custom-engineered pneumatic conveying, bulk materials handling, and integrated process control systems, specializing in dry sorbent injection systems for SOx and Hg mitigration globally.

Nooter/Eriksen Inc1509 Ocello Dr, Fenton, MO 63026, USA, +1-636-651-1000, [email protected], VP Sls/Mktg, Mike FillaNooter/Eriksen is the world’s leading supplier of heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) for use with gas turbines that range from 30 to 250 MWs. N/E is ISO 9001 certif ed.

Nooter/Eriksen SrlVia Alessandro Volta, 50, Cardano Al Campo (VA) 21010 Italy, +39-033-123-2500, [email protected], wholly-owned subsidiary of Nooter/Eriksen Inc and worldwide leader in the supply of heat recovery systems. Specializes in the design, fabrication and supply of heat recovery steam generators.

Nordex SELangenhorner Chaussee 600, Hamburg D-22419 Germany, +49-40-300-30-1000, [email protected], www.nordex-online.comUnder the brand name Nordex, we offer powerful wind turbines for almost all geographic regions across the globe.

Nordic Air Filtration A/SBergenvej 1, Nakskov 4900 Denmark, +45-5495-1363, [email protected], www.nordic-air-filtration.comSpecialized in industrial and gas turbine air inlet f ltration since 1990.

Nord-Lock Inc(sub of Nord-Lock International), 1051 Cambridge Dr, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, USA, +1-224-875-3333, [email protected], www.nord-lock.comContact: App Eng, Chris TatakThe Nord-Lock bolt securing system uses geometry to safely lock bolted joints in the most critical applications. This wedge-locking system will prevent bolt loosening caused by vibration, offering maximum safety.

Northern Blower901 Regent Ave W, Winnipeg, MB R2C 2Z8, Canada, +1-204-222-4216, [email protected], www.northernblower.comCustom manufacturer of heavy-duty industrial fans.

Northern Technical LLCThe Blyth Community Enterprise Centre, Ridley St, Quayside, Blyth, Northumberland NE24 3AG, UK, +44-167-054-2871, [email protected], www.northern.aeSupplies and maintains components necessary to deliver clean air solutions including air f ltration, air inlet cooling, silencing and exhaust systems for gas turbines.

NRG Systems Inc110 Riggs Rd, Hinesburg, VT 05461-0509, USA, +1-802-482-2255, [email protected], www.nrgsystems.comContact: Sls Mgr, Paul Dawson

NV EnergyPO Box 10100, Reno, NV 89520, USA, +1-775-834-3716,

Obo Bettermann GmbH & Co KGHuingser Ring 52, Menden 58710 Germany, +49-2373-8971613, [email protected], www.obo.deProvides junction boxes, cavity wall boxes with terminals and glands, plastic and metal fastenings, rails and clamp clips, fastening and mounting materials such as nails, bolts, anchors and bolt ties.

O’Donnell Consulting Engineers2940 S Park Rd, Bethel Park, PA 15102, USA, +1-412-835-5007, [email protected], www.odonnellconsulting.comContact: Pres, Bill O’DonnellOffers design and thermal, stress, vibration and fatigue analysis of turbines, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, and other power plant equipment. Expertise in materials, welding and high temperature applications.

OILES Deutschland GmbHBoschstr 3, Ober-Moerlen 61239 Germany, +49-6002-9392-0, [email protected], www.oiles.deContact: Key Acct Mgr, Thomas Dittert

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Companies Listing

Olympus IndustrialStock Rd, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS2 5QH, UK, +44-1702-616-333, [email protected], www.olympusindustrial.comProvides endoscopy systems for remote visual inspection to a range of industries.

Omega Engineeering Inc1 Omega Dr, Stamford, CT 06907, USA, +1-203-359-1660, [email protected], Adv Mgr, Kathy KwiatOffers more than 100,000 products for measurement and control of temperature, heating, humidity, pressure, strain, force, f ow, level, pH and conductivity, and a new line of sanitary products.

Onsite hv Solutions Americas Inc(div of hvGrid-tech Inc), 23 Cardico Dr, Unit 2, Gormley, ON L0H 1G0, Canada, +1-905-888-7770, [email protected], VP, Rafael MinassianOnsite hv Solutions Americas provides leading edge condition assessment testing and diagnostics for installed HV cable systems, as well as acceptance testing and commissioning of new HV cable systems.

Ontario Ministry Of Economic Development900 Bay St, 8th Fl, Hearst Block, Toronto, ON M74 2E1, Canada, +1-416-325-6666, [email protected],

Opal SoftwareUnit 2, 22 Strangways St, Curtin ACT 2605 Australia, +61-405-493-060, [email protected],

Open iT Inc2 Pk Ten Pl, 16300 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX 77094, USA, +1-281-599-3400, www.openit.comOffers software which enables fully customizable usage reporting, granular charge-back for hardware and software usage, and automated, industry-leading license harvesting capabilities across Windows/Unix/Linux platforms.

OPRA TurbinesOpaalstraat 60, Hengelo 7554 TS The Netherlands, +31-74-245-2121, [email protected], www.opraturbines.comContact: Mgr Sls Support/Svc, Frank SandersOffers gas turbines providing 2–10 MW power-solutions. Most eff cient low-emissions simple-cycle in its range. Exceptionally robust, compact and reliable with multifuel. Clean, sustainable power for remote, standby, mobile, cogeneration, district heatin/cooling.

OPTEC CommunicationsPO Box 22169, Cheyenne, WY 82003, USA, +1-307-778-4054, [email protected], www.optec1.netContact: Pres, Tony LongOPTEC specializes in f ber-optic splicing and testing, wind farms, substations, OPGW splicing, cable locating and f ber construction. We have been in the f ber industry for over 28 years.

Orben Wasseraufbereitung GmbH & Co KGIndustriepark Kalle-Albert, Gebaeude C583, Kasteler Str 45, Wiesbaden D-65203 Germany, +49-611-9625-725, [email protected],

ORBINOX SAPoligono Industrial S/N, Anoeta 20270 Spain, +34-943-698-030, [email protected], www.orbinox.comORBINOX, present in more than 70 countries, has over 40 years of experience designing, manufacturing and distributing knife gate valves, dampers, penstocks and valves for hydraulic works.

Orion Instruments LLC(a Magnetrol Co), 2105 Oak Villa Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70815, USA, +1-225-906-2343, [email protected], www.orioninstruments.comContact: Gen Mgr, Don SandersOrion Instruments has created new standards in quality and operability for magnetic level indicators (MLI). Our products combine market-tested MLI design principles with advanced level sensing technology.

Orival Water Filters213 S Van Brunt St, Englewood, NJ 07631, USA, +1-201-568-3311, [email protected], www.orival.comContact: Mktg, R SchwartzOrival’s pressure powered water f lters protect heat exchangers and prevent clogging of nozzles, tubes, and other narrow passages by removing particles down to micron size, of any specif c gravity.

Oschatz GmbHWestendhof 10-12, Essen 45143 Germany, +49-201-1802284, [email protected], www.oschatz.comOschatz is a market leader in the product areas of iron and steel metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, environmental and chemical technologies.

OUESTimePO Box 15249, Fernandina Beach, FL 32035, USA, +1-206-260-5858, [email protected]: Mgr, Xavier HubertOffers marketing studies and technical sales consulting with a focus on the European market for combustion equipment, optimization systems, recovery boilers, alternative fuels, and air pollution control.

Outokumpu Stainless500 Park Blvd, Suite 40, Itasca, IL 60143, USA, +1-847-517-4050, VP Mkt Dev, Poul-Erik ArnvigOutokumpu is an international stainless-steel company. Customers in a wide range of industries use our specialty stainless-steels and services worldwide.

Ovivo Middle East LLCLevel 9, The H Tower, Sheikh Zayed Rd, Dubai United Arab Emirates, +971-4-372-1344, [email protected], www.ovivowater.comSpecializes in the design, manufacture, and installation of Brackett Green, Eimco Water Technologies and C&RC equipment for cooling water intakes, water f ltration, condenser protection, desalination, and wastewater operations globally.

Ovivo UK LtdOgilvie House, 760 The Crescent, Colchester Business Pk, Colchester CO4 9YQ, UK, +44-1206-756-600, [email protected], www.ovivowater.comContact: Key Acct Mgr, Jeremy LeeOvivo, operating globally, specializes in the design, manufacture, and installation of Brackett Green, Caird & Rayner Clark equipment for cooling water intakes, water f ltration, condenser protection, desalination, and wastewater treatment.

P&S Vorspannsysteme AGRietwiesstr 2, St Gallenkappel Switzerland, +41-55-284-64-64, [email protected], www.p-s.chOffers engineering, manufacturing and distribution of multijackbolt tensioners for large diameter bolting. Superior bolting technology allows you to tighten any stud size with a hand torque wrench.

PanGlobal Training Systems Ltd1301-16 Ave NW, Calgary, AB T2M 0L4, Canada, +1-866-256-8193, [email protected], www.powerengineering.orgContact: Pres/COO, Bob ClarkePublishes print and on-line learning resources for power engineering professionals.

PAN Metallgesellschaft Baumgärtner GmbH & CoKGAm Oberen Luisenpark 3, Mannheim 68165 Germany, +49-621-42-303-0, [email protected],

Parker domnick hunter(div of Parker Hannifin Corp), 4087 Walden Ave, Lancaster, NY 14086, USA, +1-716-686-6400, [email protected], Mktg Svc Mgr, Jane SextonManufactures compressed air treatment products and industrial process water chillers.

Parker Hannif n Europe SàrlLa Tuilliere 6, Etoy CH-1163 Switzerland, +41-218-218-500, [email protected], world leader in motion and control technologies offering components and complete system builds. Parker’s key technologies include hydraulics, pneumatics, f uid and gas handling and more.

Parker Hannif n-Precision Cooling SystemsPrecision Cooling Systems Div, 10801 Rose Ave, New Haven, IN 46774, USA, +1-509-552-5112, [email protected], www.parkerprecisioncooling.comContact: Global Bus Dev Mgr, Joe Baddeley

Parsons BrinckerhoffAmber Ct, William Armstrong Dr, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE4 7YQ, UK, +44-191-226-1899, [email protected], www.pbworld.comContact: Proposal Mgr, Eric AdamsOffers global project management and engineering services.

PAS Technologies IncIDA Business & Technology Pk, Carrigtwohill, Co Cork Ireland, +353-21-428-7300, www.pas-technologies.comContact: Sls Mgr, Declan O’LearyPAS Technologies is a specialized service provider to the light/heavy industrial gas turbine (IGT) component industries. Services include hot section airfoil repair, advanced coating technologies, and turbine component manufacturing capabilities.

PATIG GmbHBruchstuecker 11-13, Philippsburg D-76661 Germany, +49-725-693-470, [email protected], www.patig-gmbh.comSince 1991, PATIG GmbH offers system solutions for corrosion and abrasion protection in the whole power plant sector. We use and apply ceramic composite materials and thermal coatings.

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Companies Listing

Paul C Rizzo Associates Inc500 Penn Center Blvd, Suite 100, Pittsburgh, PA 15235, USA, +1-412-856-9700, [email protected], www.rizzoassoc.comContact: Bus Dev/Mktg Mgr, Jill ReedFacilitates hydro, nuclear and fossil projects. Rizzo has extensive experience in performing site characterization for a nuclear power plant (NPP) in accordance with international and USNRC regulations and guidance.

Peerless Europe LtdCardinals Ct Bradford St, Essex, Braintree CM7 9AT, UK, +44-137-655-6030, [email protected], www.peerlessmfg.comPeerless is a global leader in the supply of DeNOx systems with more than 800 units installed worldwide.

P Energy SpaVia Caduti sul lavoro, 15, Fontaniva, (PD) IT-35014 Italy, +39-049-7966-190, [email protected], www.penergy.itSupplies raw material for PV module manufacturers.

PennEnergy Equipment(div of PennWell Corp), 1700 W Loop S, Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77027, USA, +1-713-499-6330, [email protected], www.pennenergyequipment.comWe are the f rst and largest exchange of used and surplus equipment providing timely sourcing and logistics solutions to buyers and sellers of surplus and used capital equipment.

PennWell Professional Education ProductsProfessional Education Products Group, (div of PennWell Corp), 1421 S Sheridan Rd, PO Box 21288, Tulsa, OK 74112, USA, +1-918-831-9421, [email protected], www.pennwellbooks.comContact: Nat’l Acct Exec, Barb McGeeWritten by selected energy experts, PennWell books and videos will help you broaden your expertise and understand related disciplines. They provide quick-glance references, and make excellent classroom and training texts.

Pensotti FCL SpAVia XX Settembre, 30, Legnano (MI) 20025 Italy, +39-0331-446-548, [email protected], www.pensottifcl.comPensotti FCL SpA supplies industrial steam boilers, offering design, manufacturing and construction.

Pentol GmbHDegussaweg 1, Grenzach-Whylen Germany, +49-76-243-000, [email protected], www.pentol.netContact: CEO, Olivier BlauensteinPentol produces fuel oil additives and f ue gas conditioning systems for the power industry to reduce emission and increase eff ciency of power plants.

Perkins Engines Co LtdFrank Perkins Way, Peterborough, Cambs PE1 5NA, UK, +44-1733-583-000, www.perkins.comSupplies off-highway diesel and gas engines in the 4–2000 kW market. The power solutions are trusted by more than 1000 leading manufacturers throughout the world.

Petro Canada385 Southdown Rd, Mississauga, ON L5J 2Y3, Canada, +1-888-284-4572, [email protected], www.petro-canada.caIn addition to fuel delivery, our facilities offer a wide range of services and technologically advanced products including both packaged and bulk lubricants.

Petroproducts asVassbotnen 19, Stavanger 4033 Norway, +47-51-51-70-47, [email protected], www.petroproducts.comSince 2007, Petroproducts has sourced and delivered a wide range of high-quality products to the oil industry. From wrenches to drill cleaning solutions, we can provide the best value.

Petrotech Inc151 Brookhollow Esplanade, New Orleans, LA 70123, USA, +1-504-620-6600, [email protected], www.petrotechinc.comContact: Pres, John KazourSupplier of rotating machinery control systems. Utilizes integrated solutions on an open hardware platform. Provides experience and knowledge, which resides in the software control algorithms.

Philadelphia Gear, a Timken Brand901 E 8th Ave, Suite 100, King of Prussia, PA 19406, USA, +1-610-337-5678, [email protected], www.philagear.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Rob FisherPhiladelphia Gear has a global reputation for the design, manufacture, and overhaul of critical gearbox applications, and for combining engineering know-how with innovative approaches to solving power transmission problems.

Phoenix Contact SpAVia Bellini, 39/41, 20095 Cusano Milanino (MI) Italy, +39-02-66-05-91, [email protected], www.phoenixcontact.itPhoenix Contact is a worldwide leader in the electronics and automation industries. Phoenix Contact GmbH and its subsidiaries operate in several market sectors.

Physics of Semiconductors and Solar Energy (PSES) Laboratory(sub of Ecole Normale Suprieure de Rabat), Rue Mohamed Belhassan El Ouazzani, Rabat 10000 Morocco, +212-537-561-013, [email protected], Prof/Rsch, Abdelfettah Barhdadi

PIA Inc7958 16th Ave, Montreal, QC H1Z 3P5, Canada, +1-514-251-8169, [email protected], www.piacanada.caContact: Pres, Christian FabryDevelops, manufactures and supplies f ame scanners for industrial burners f ring coal, gas, oil and non-standard fuels. UV, IR and UV/IR f ame monitoring. Flame detection specialist. Founded in 1984.

Plenty Filters(div of SPX), 19191 Hempstead Hwy, Houston, TX 77065, USA, +1-281-469-0550, [email protected], www.plentyfiltration.netContact: VP Sls, John StarckPlenty Filters, an SPX Brand, offers a range of industrial f ltration solutions for multiple process industries worldwide. All equipment is available in a variety of design codes.

Plymouth Tube Co29 W150 Warrenville Rd, Warrenville, IL 60555, USA, +1-630-393-3550, [email protected], www.plymouth.comPlymouth is the premier tube manufacturer for the power generation and water processing industries making austenitic, ferritic and superferritic stainless steels from ½” to 2” ODs.

Power Conversion(sub of GE), Culemeyerstr 1, Berlin 12277 Germany, +49-30-7622-0, [email protected], Bus Dev Power Gen, Michael LinekGE drives the world’s energy infrastructure. GE designs and delivers motors, drives, control technologies that evolve today’s industrial processes for specialized sectors such as energy, marine, industry and related businesses.

Power Developments International FZCOJebel Ali Free Zone, PO Box 17204, Dubai United Arab Emirates, +971-4-883-5438, [email protected], www.pdi.aeProvides power generation solutions for 20–120 MW applications utilizing refurbished and warranted GE Frame 5, GE Frame 6 and GE Frame 9 gas turbine generator packages.

Power Machines3a Vatutina str, St Petersburg 195009 Russian Federation, +7-812-346-7037, [email protected], www.power-m.ruContact: Deputy Gen Dir/Sls Dir, Alexey BarvinokPower Machines is Russia’s leading manufacturer and provider of power generation solutions including engineering, production, supply, assembling, service and modernization of equipment for thermal, nuclear, hydro and gas turbine plants.

Powertech Labs Inc12388 88th Ave, Surrey, BC V3W 7R7, Canada, +1-604-590-6612, [email protected], www.powertechlabs.comContact: Bus Dev Mgr, Shannon HallidayPowertech specializes in testing, condition assessment, and failure investigation of generator and motor insulation. Our electrical, mechanical, material and chemistry labs provide one-stop tests and analysis for generator failure investigation.

Power Technology Components LtdPower Systems Div, 295 Lincoln Rd, PO Box 104009, Auckland 0654 New Zealand, +64-9-836-6744, [email protected], Power Sys Mgr, Hamish LittinAssists in building a cleaner world through cleaner energy systems.

Poyry Energy LtdHardturmstr 161, PO Box 8037, Zurich 8037 Switzerland, +41-44-355-55-54, [email protected], www.poyry.comContact: Pres Hydropower, Vilho Salovaara

Pratt & Whitney Power Systems400 Main St, MS 191-13, East Hartford, CT 06108, USA, +1-860-565-3051, [email protected], Mktg Mgr, Lucia MaffucciOffers 25–120 MW gas turbines for quick installation, high-eff ciency mobile power, mechanical drive, simple and combined cycle, and cogeneration. Advanced technology parts, coatings and repairs for heavy-duty gas turbines.

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Companies Listing

Precision Engine Controls Corp(div of Hamilton Sundstrand), 11661 Sorrento Valley Rd, San Diego, CA 92121-1083, USA, +1-858-792-3217, [email protected], www.precisioneng.comContact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Steve DingsdaleManufactures control systems, fuel metering valves, and actuators for industrial and marine gas turbine engines in offshore, pipeline, marine, and power applications.

Precision Quincy Corp dba PQ Shelters1625 W Lake Shore Dr, Woodstock, IL 60098, USA, +1-815-338-2675, [email protected], www.pqshelters.comContact: VP, Steve SwitzerPrecision Quincy Corp is a privately-owned manufacturing company whose products include equipment shelters for the utility, telecommunications, power generation, public safety and railroad industries.

PRé Consultants bvPrinterweg 18, Amersfoort 3821 AD The Netherlands, +31-33-450-4010, [email protected], www.pre-sustainability.comContact: LCA Spec, Michiel Oele

Process Equipment - Barron Industries2770 Welborn St, PO Box 1607, Pelham, AL 35124, USA, +1-205-663-5330, [email protected], www.processbarron.comOffers centrifugal fans (ID, FD, PA), dampers, expansion joints, emergency fan repair, fan performance/eff ciency upgrades, air heaters, ductwork, multiclone dust collectors/replacement parts, ash conveying systems, fuel feed systems and f eld installation/maintenance.

Process Plugins Inc2519 S Shields St, Suite 166, Ft Collins, CO 80526, USA, +1-970-266-8551, [email protected], www.processplugins.comContact: Pres, Joe DevineProcess Plugins provides power plant performance monitoring, modeling, diagnostics, and forecasting tools. Built totally within the OSIsoft platform, the Process Plugins package eliminates the need for third-party software.

Process Technology7010 Lindsay Dr, Mentor, OH 44060, USA, +1-440-974-1300, [email protected], www.processtechnology.comContact: VP Sls, Steve Smith

Procon Engineering(div of National Oilwell Varco UK Ltd), Vestry Est, Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 5EL, UK, +44-1732-781-300, [email protected], www.proconeng.comContact: Sls Mgr-Boiler Acoustic Steam Leak Detection Systems, Joe NaylorProcon Engineering is a leading supplier of turnkey solutions for boiler acoustic steam leak detection, beltweighing, process weighing, and safety critical systems. We operate a 24 hour, 7 day service.

ProEnergy Services2001 ProEnergy Blvd, Sedalia, MO 65301, USA, +1-660-829-5100, [email protected], www.proenergyservices.comProEnergy Services is an integrated service provider to the global energy industry. ProEnergy provides innovative solutions for all phases of a project.

ProSim Inc(sub of ProSim SA), Science Center, 3711 Market St, 8th Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA, +1-215-600-3760, [email protected], www.prosim.netContact: Mktg/Sls Mgr, Isabelle GirardProvides software for utilities management, power plant optimization and more.

Proto Manufacturing Ltd2175 Solar Crescent, Old Castle, ON N0R 1L0, Canada, +1-519-737-6330, [email protected], www.protoxrd.comProvides automated nondestructive residual stress analysis and more.

Proventia GmbHKronaustr 12, Winterthur CH-8404 Switzerland, +41-40-5544-226, www.proventia.comProventia is an international environmental technology group working for clean air by developing and supplying solutions to reduce emissions from machines, vehicles, power plants and ships OEM and retrof tting markets.

PRÜFTECHNIK Alignment SystemsFreisinger Str 34, Ismaning 85737 Germany, +49-89-996-160, [email protected], www.pruftechnik.comPRÜFTECHNIK is an international company active in the measuring and control systems industry. As the inventor of laser shaft alignment, we provide a range of measurement instruments, solutions and services.

Prvni Brnenska Strojirna Velka Bites asPrecision Casting Div, Vlkovska 279, Velka Bites Czech Republic, +420-566-822-111, [email protected], www.pbsvb.czContact: Sls Rep, Tomas ChaloupkaOne of the leading foundries in Europe, manufactures precision investment castings from nickel and cobalt-based superalloys, high-alloyed and low-alloyed steels and high-alloyed cast iron.

PSM - an Alstom Co1440 W Indiantown Rd, Jupiter, FL 33458, USA, +1-561-354-1100, [email protected], www.psm.comContact: VP Strat/Bus Dev, Jeff BenoitDelivers a full scope of turbine services including high technology gas turbine parts with all critical F-Class components, comprehensive reconditioning services, expert f eld services, and f exible LTAs.

Puleo Electronics Inc39 Hutcheson Pl, Lynbrook, NY 11563, USA, +1-516-599-4875, [email protected], www.alarmandcontrol.comContact: Sls, Jane RiveraFocused on monitor and control systems, hardware and software, power distribution and protection systems and interconnection devices used in electronic systems.

Pure Technologies Ltd705 - 11 Ave SW, Suite 300, Calgary, AB T2R 0E3, Canada, +1-403-266-6794, [email protected], www.puretechltd.comContact: Dir Asset Mgmt, Anis SomaniPure Technologies is a world leader in the development and application of innovative technologies for inspection, monitoring and management of physical infrastructure for power plant owners.

PV-Engineering GmbHHugo-Schultz-Str 14, Iserlohn DE-58640 Germany, +49-2371-436648-0, [email protected], www.pv-engineering.deContact: Man Dir, Klaus SchulteOffers PV i-v-curve tracers, peak power measurement and test systems.

QUA Group LLC10 Guttman Blvd, Charleroi, PA 15022, USA, +1-877-782-7558, [email protected], www.quagroup.comContact: Sls Mgr, Joe SilviaQUA’s membrane products include FEDI, the next generation of EDI with patented dual-voltage fractional electrodeionization process and Q-SEP a new level of ultraf ltration with patented cloud point precipitation process.

Qualif ed Prospecting Services3 Alameda Cir, Middletown, OH 45044, USA, +1-513-318-4551, [email protected],

Quanta Services2800 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 2600, Houston, TX 77056, USA, +1-713-629-7600, [email protected], www.quantaservices.comContact: VP Sls/Bus Dev, Dean Strickland

Racine Flow Meter Group8635 Washington Ave, PO Box 081580, Racine, WA 53406, USA, +1-262-639-6770, [email protected], NA Sls Dir, Tracy LagonaManufactures precision f ow meters for a variety of industries with a wide array of technologies, including turbine, variable area, hydraulic testing, differential pressure, vortex shedding, and ultrasonic f ow measurement products.

RAFAKO SALakowa 33, Raciborz Poland, +48-324-101-000, [email protected], Sls Off Dir Env Protection Plants, Jacek CieleckiRAFAKO SA specializes in thermal power plants, power generation and environment protection equipment on turnkey basis including PC, CFB, waste, biomass, HRSG and FGD plants with full service.

Raycap Inc806 S Clearwater Loop, Post Falls, ID 83854, USA, +1-208-777-1166, [email protected], www.raycapsurgeprotection.comContact: VP Mktg, Lisa DuckettRaycap designs and manufactures surge protection devices for AC, DC, RF, telco/data, and backhaul applications, as well as integrated electrical cabinets. Surge protection product lines include Strikesorb, Rayvoss, and ACData.

Red Acoustics LtdAcoustic Consultancy Div, Cottam Ln Business Centre, Suite 3, Cottam Ln, Preston, Lancashire PR2 1JR, UK, +44-1772-722-182, [email protected], Acoustics is an independent consultancy providing professional and cost-effective services and solutions in all aspects of acoustics, noise control and vibration.

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Companies Listing

REKO PRAHA asCeskobrodska 36/816, Prague 9 190 00 Czech Republic, +420-266-310-661, [email protected], www.reko-praha.czContact: Comms Dir, Jan SoukupA leader of Czech and Slovak markets focused on design, construction and overhauls of cooling towers of all types.

REMAZEL Engineering SpAVia Nazioni Unit 10, Costa di Mezzate (BG) Italy, +39-02-660-124-07, www.zambettielumina.comA leader in the design and fabrication of dampers and complete exhaust systems including multi-louver, biplane (tandem), guillotines, diverters, stack dampers, expansion joints, and silencers.

RENK AGGoegginger Str 73, Augsburg 86159 Germany, +49-821-5700-662, [email protected], www.renk.euRENK provides reliable, innovative, leading edge drive technology solutions for the power generating industry including high-speed gears for generator drives, compressors, blowers, planetary gears, epicyclic gears, f exible disk and more.

Rentech Boiler Systems Inc5025 E Business 20, Abilene, TX 79601, USA, +1-325-672-3400, [email protected], www.rentechboilers.comContact: Pres, Jack RentzRentech Boiler Systems offers HRSGs up to 40 MW, SCR systems, industrial boilers to 750,000 pph and all types of waste heat recovery boilers. Also upgrades existing boilers.

RetubeCo Inc6024 Ooltewah-Georgetown Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363, USA, +1-423-238-4814, [email protected], www.retubeco.comContact: Pres, Ed OvermyerRetubeCo provides specialized high production retubing tooling packages, technical assistance, specif cations, planning, and turnkey services to the level necessary to support your particular condenser or heat exchanger retubing/repair project.

Rheinmetall Defence ElectronicsSimulation and Training Div, Brueggeweg 54, Bremen D-28309 Germany, +49-421-457-2398, [email protected], www.rheinmetall-defence.comRDE specializes in the manufacture and supply of electronics equipment and systems. The experience is based on numerous projects, including full scope replica simulators for nuclear and fossil power plants.

Ring Power CorpPower Systems Div, 500 World Commerce Pkwy, St Augustine, FL 32092, USA, +1-904-737-7730, [email protected], www.ringpower-systems.comContact: Asst VP/Used Equip Sls Mgr, Lyndon SchultzRing Power is a world leader in quality engines and generator sets. In addition to new CAT products, Ring Power has the largest inventory of reconditioned, rebuilt, and new surplus.

Rochem Technical Services11 Sun Valley Business Pk, Winnall Close, Winchester S023 0LB, UK, +44-1962-890-089, [email protected], www.rochemltd.comContact: Reg Dir, Bob AugustonWorld leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of compressor cleaning systems for gas turbine and process compressors. Includes nozzle/manifold assemblies, pneumatic and automated delivery skids, chemicals, and performance enhancing systems.

Rolled Alloys125 W Sterns Rd, Temperance, MI 48182, USA, +1-734-847-0561, [email protected], www.rolledalloys.comContact: Mktg Svcs Mgr, Jessica KutzkeRolled Alloys is a global supplier of heat and corrosion resistant, aerospace and titanium alloys. We carry an extensive inventory in plate, sheet, bar, pipe, f ttings and welding consumables, and offer extensive processing capabilities.

Ronan Engineering Co28209 Ave Stanford, PO Box 129 Castaic, Valencia, CA 91355, USA, +1-800-327-6626, [email protected], www.ronan.comContact: Sls Appl Eng, Mahendra DissasekeraManufactures process monitoring and display annunciation systems that enhance plant safety by monitoring critical alarm points. Offers RTUs with advanced, time-stamped, monitoring and solid-state sensors and transducers.

Rotork plcRotork House, Brassmill Ln, Bath, Somerset BA1 3JQ, UK, +44-1225-733-200, [email protected], www.rotork.comContact: Gen Mgr, Richard HolbrookManufactures electric, pneumatic and hydraulic valve actuators and control systems, valve gearboxes, valve accessories and precision control instruments supported by our worldwide service network.

Rubber Design BVIndustrieweg 21, Heerjansdam 2995 BE The Netherlands, +31-78-677-8778, [email protected], www.rubberdesign.nlRubber Design has become one of the international leading specialists when it comes to offering solutions for vibration, noise and shock related problems.

RUD Ketten - Rieger & Dietz GmbH u Co KGFriedensinsel, Aalen 73432 Germany, +49-7361-504-0, [email protected], www.rud.comRUD is a world-class manufacturer of sling- and lashing systems with more than 135 years experience in the branch. The sling and lashing systems guarantee safety when lifting and moving loads.

RWE AGOpernplatz 1, Essen D-45128 Germany, +49-201-12-23725, [email protected], is among Europe’s f ve largest utilities. We are active in generation and transmission as well as the sale and trading of electricity and gas.

Saft12 rue Sadi Carnot, Bagnolet 93170 France, +33-1-49-93-19-18, [email protected], www.saftbatteries.comContact: Comms Mgr, Nicole Haslip

SAMPI SpAIdex FLuid & Metering Technologies Div, (div of Liquid Controls Group), Via Amerigo Vespucci 1, Lucca I-55011 Italy, +39-058-324751, [email protected], www.sampi.itContact: ES Sls Mgr, Giorgio MagniSAMPI is the Italian operation unit of Liquid Controls Group (IDEX) active in EMEA countries for oil and gas, power generation, petrochemical and industrial markets for pumping and metering solutions.

SAMSON Materials Handling Ltd(div of AUMUND Group), Cambridgeshire Business Pk, 1 Bartholomew’s Walk, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 4EA, UK, +44-1353-665-001, [email protected], www.samson-mh.comContact: Man Dir, Andy BlytheSupplies mobile stackers, shiploaders, ecological hoppers and Samson surface feeders for bulk materials reception and bulk cargo handling in ports and terminals requiring a high degree of f exibility.

S&B Engineers and ConstructorsPower Div, 7809 Pk Pl Blvd, Bldg B, PO Box 266245, Houston, TX 77087, USA, +1-713-645-4141, [email protected], www.sbec.comA professionally staffed organization providing EPC services for the power, oil and gas, pipeline, petrochemical, ref ning, biofuels, pulp/paper, and infrastructure industries throughout the continental US. Modular services also available.

Sarens NVAutoweg 10, Wolvertem 1861 Belgium, +32-52-319-319, [email protected], www.sarens.comThe Sarens Group can be described as a ‘specialist of the extraordinary’. Our activities include the transport and handling of heavy goods, rental and operation of cranes and more.

SAR - Environmental TechnologyGobener Weg 31, Dingolfing 84130 Germany, +49-8731-7040, [email protected], www.sar.bizSAR is an independent system supplier with 400 employees at a number of different national and international locations. Since 1985, SAR has implemented projects in power plant and energy technology.

Sargent & Lundy LLC55 E Monroe St, Chicago, IL 60603, USA, +1-312-269-2000, [email protected], www.sargentlundy.comContact: Sr VP, Tom EisenbartComprehensive engineering and design, project services, and energy business consulting for new generation (fossil, nuclear, renewable energy), transmission/substation projects, environmental compliance, existing facility modif cations, and system-wide technical and economic assessment.

SAS Global Corp21601 Mullin Ave, Warren, MI 48089, USA, +1-248-414-4470, [email protected], www.sasglobalcorp.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Justin BennettSAS patented pulverizer/burner technology is the f rst step in a boiler optimization program. Balance fuel pipes, reduce NOx, lower LOI, reduce slagging, and lower SCR costs. 100% guaranteed.

SAT Infrared Technology Co Ltd10 Dongjiang Ave, GETDD, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510730 China, +86-20-8221-8587, [email protected], Mktg Eng, Galaxy ZhuOne of China’s leading civilian thermal imaging system manufacturers, focusing on developing, producing, and marketing infrared cameras.

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Companies Listing

SCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH(div of AUMUND Group), Dorstener Str 360, Herne 44653 Germany, +49-2325-58740, [email protected], www.schade-lagertechnik.comContact: Man Dir, Karl-Heinz FiegenbaumSpecializes in bulk material stockyards and blending technology, supplying longitudinal and circular stockyards and blending bed systems, cantilever, bridge-type, portal or semi-portal reclaimers, stackers, combined stacker/reclaimers, wagon unloading systems.

Schaeff er Technologies AG & Co KGWind Power Div, Georg-Schäfer-Str 30, Schweinfurt 97421 Germany, +49-9721-91-0, [email protected], rolling bearings. With the INA/FAG brands, it has been developing and producing bearing supports for wind turbines for over 30 years.

Schenck Process(sub of Schenck Process GmbH), Carolina Ct, Lakeside, Doncaster DN4 5RA, UK, +44-1302-321-313, [email protected], www.schenckprocess.comContact: Sr Sls Mgr, Steve MilwardMechanical and pneumatic conveying systems for coal, ash and biomass fuels incorporating market leading weighing, screening and feeding technology. Suppliers of the original dome valve design for pneumatic conveying systems.

Schenck Process GmbHPallaswiesenstraße 100, Darmstadt 64293 Germany, +49-6151-1531-2987,

Scherzinger Pump TechnologyBregstr 23-25, Furtwangen 78120 Germany, +49-7723-6506-0, [email protected], www.scherzinger.deScherzinger Pump Technology is your engineering and manufacturing partner for high-quality fuel f ow dividers and valves. Our products are reliable and the arduous heart of high tech in pure form.

Schmidt Clemens GmbH Co KGKaiserau 2, Lindlar 51789 Germany, +49-226-692-507, [email protected], Clemens is a leading producer of special steel components. Primary areas of sales for the group include energy engineering, petrochemicals, the separating technology sector, and extrusion rolling technology.

Schneider ElectricRenewable Energies Div, 8999 Nelson Way, Burnaby, BC V5A 4B5, Canada, +1-604-422-2530, www.schneider-electric.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Lin DeBeaulieuThe Schneider Electric Renewable Energies business is a world leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of advanced power electronic products and systems for the renewable markets.

Schneider Electric35 Rue Joseph Monier, Ruell Malmaison, Cedex 92506 France, +33-4-76-39-83-69, www.schneider-electric.comSpecializes in energy management, offering integrated solutions, making energy safe and more.

Schwarze - Robitec GmbHOlpener Str 460-474, Cologne 51109 Germany, +49-221-89008-0, [email protected], www.schwarze-robitec.comContact: Gen Mgr, Bert ZornAs one of the world leaders in the production and development of CNC controlled tube bending machines, we have more than 80 years experience in manufacturing and maintenance.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc2350 NE Hopkins Ct, Pullman, WA 99163, USA, +1-509-332-1890, [email protected], www.selinc.comServes power utilities and industrial sites worldwide through the design, manufacture, and support of digital protective relays, automation products, services for power system protection, control, monitoring, integration, and automation.

Score Energy Gas Turbine ServicesGlen Testing Facility, Upperton Industrial Estate, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire AB42 3GL, UK, +44-1779-482-300, [email protected], www.turbinetesting.comProvides overhaul, f eld service, supply, service treatment and component repair.

SEIM Srl ItalyVia A Volta 17, Cusago (MI) I-20090 Italy, +39-02-9039-211, [email protected], www.seim.itManufactures lubrication, cooling and f ltering products worldwide. The leading three-screw pump manufacturer in Italy. ATEX approved.

SEIRISChemin de La Julienne, Le Coudray Montceaux 91830 France, +33-1-69-01-20-39, [email protected], www.seiris-sa.comWith 30 years experience, SEIRIS manufactures, supplies and installs expansion joints in power stations all around the world. SEIRIS offers a global solution according to its clients’ particular

Semi-Bulk Systems Inc159 Cassens Ct, Fenton, MO 63026, USA, +1-636-343-4500, [email protected], www.semi-bulk.comContact: VP Sls, Ron BentleyProvides limestone slurry processes for feed to f ue gas desulfurization scrubbers, in coal-f red power plants. We offer three process options to meet any capacity of plant logistics requirements.

SENERSENER Ingeniería y Sistemas SA Div, c/ Severo Ochoa 4, Parque Tecnologico de Madrid, Tres Cantos, Madrid 28760 Spain, +34-91-807-7318, [email protected], clients cutting-edge technological solutions in the specif c activities of engineering, in energy and environment, as well as aerospace.

SENSOPLAN GmbHGewerbestr 6, Hohentengen aH, Baden-Württemberg 79801 Germany, +49-7742-9298-0, [email protected], www.sensoplan.comContact: VP Sls/Projects, Thorsten WasmuthSENSOPLAN is one of the leading providers of services and advanced solutions for large turbo generators in Europe, with off ces and facilities in Germany, Spain and the UK.

Sensor Developments Inc1050 W Silver Bell Rd, PO Box 290, Lake Orion, MI 48359, USA, +1-248-391-3000, [email protected], www.sendev.comContact: Sls Mgr, Ken WincznerDesigns and manufactures strain gauged based force and torque sensors, instruments and complete test systems. ISO 17025 certif ed calibrations for any force and torque sensors.

Separation Technologies LLC1616 Roanoke Rd, PO Box 549, Daleville, VA 24083, USA, +1-718-972-2300, www.proash.comContact: VP Bus Dev, Tom CerulloSeparation Technologies offers a 100% f y ash management solution, producing no emissions, requiring no additional chemicals, replacing coal and cement and reducing CO2 emissions.

Serdula Systems Ltd236 Thomas St, Deep River, ON K0J 1P0, Canada, +1-613-584-2238, [email protected]: Pres, Kenneth SerdulaProvides consulting services from R&D, engineering, operations, and assessments to bid evaluation and feasibility studies to national and international organizations in the nuclear power industry.

SES as TlmaceTovárenská 210, Tlmace 935 28 Slovak Republic, +421-366-382-493, design, manufacture and supply boilers (pulverized coal, CFB, HRSG, biomass and waste-f ring) for thermal power plants and heating power plants.

The Shaw Group IncPower Group Div, 128 S Tyron St, Suite 600, Charlotte, NC 28202, USA, +1-704-343-7500, www.shawgrp.comContact: VP Bus Dev/Mktg, Mike WootonShaw has been providing engineering services, as well as full turnkey power plants, since 1889. Capabilities include engineering, procurement, and construction on coal, gas, nuclear, and geothermal plants.

Shaw Group UK LtdStores Rd, Derby, Derbyshire DE21 4BG, UK, +44-1332-291-122, [email protected], Bus Dev Mgr, Roger HollertonProvides engineering, design, fabrication and installation of pressure vessels.

Sheldon Andrews Inc331 Elmwood Dr, Suite 4-251, Moncton, NB E1A 1X6, Canada, +1-506-532-6246, [email protected]: Pres, Sheldon AndrewsOur company provides service and service contracts on emergency generator systems to hospitals, government, and various other businesses. We also sell related parts and service ASCO transfer switches.

Shell Deutschland Schmierstoff GmbHSuhrenkamp 71 - 77, Hamburg Germany, +49-40-63-24-66-29, [email protected], offers a comprehensive range of specialized and general lubricants, designed to offer excellent performance in tough conditions.

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Companies Listing

Shell Lubricants700 Milam, Houston, TX 77002, USA, +1-713-546-6908, [email protected], Power Sector Mgr, Sandy LaugheryShell offers a comprehensive range of products for the power industry. Shell’s approach to lubrication can play a major role in helping increase equipment availability and reduce your maintenance costs.

SICA SpAVia V Moratello, 2, Legnago (VR) 37045 Italy, +39-0442-274-55, [email protected], www.sicaspa.itWith 50 years expertise, SICA SpA is the leading Italy-based custom steel burner component manufacturer.

Siemens AG Energy SectorFreyeslebenstr 1, Erlangen 91058 Germany, +49-9131-18-0, [email protected], Corp Comms, Monika WoodThe world’s leading supplier of a complete spectrum of products, services/solutions for the generation, transmission, and distribution of power, and for the extraction, conversion, and transport of oil and gas.

Siemens EnergyPower Transmission and Distribution Div, 4400 Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826-2399, USA, +1-919-365-2405, [email protected],

Siemens Wind Power A/SBorupvej 16, Brande DK-7330 Denmark, +45-99-42-22-22, [email protected], on and offshore wind turbines with 2.3 MW and 3.6 MW generator capacities.

Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH & Co KGSiempelkampstr 75, Krefeld D-47803 Germany, +49-2151-9230, [email protected], www.siempelkamp.comWith thermal oil for the press and steam for the ref ner or f ue gases for the dryer, Siempelkamp energy plants provide stable process heat while handling wood resources economically.

SimTech GmbHRiesstr 120, Graz 8010 Austria, +43-316-3862-7820, [email protected], www.simtechnology.comContact: Man Dir, Erhard PerzSimTech provides the heat balance and process modeling package IPSEpro and services for the power and process industries.

Sincro/IMD2822 Old Woodruff Rd, Greer, SC 29681, USA, +1-864-968-0858, [email protected], www.generatorsolutions.usContact: Mgr, Oliver FritzSincro is a leading European manufacturer of alternators and welders. Our machines are manufactured to the highest engineering and quality standards. Offers AC/DC alternators, welders, PMG wind generators and more.

SIPOS Aktorik GmbHIm Erlet 2, Altdorf 90518 Germany, +49-9187-9227-0, [email protected], www.sipos.deContact: Int’l Sls Mgr, Steffen KoehlerSIPOS manufactures electric actuators for industrial valve applications. Specializing in producs and support for the power sector, the company has roots as part of Siemens, giving a 100 year legacy.

SKF Sealing Solutions Austria GmbHGabelhoferstr 25, Judenburg, Styria 8750 Austria, +43-3572-82555-0, [email protected], Head Engr Support, Heimo RehschützeckerSKF is amongst the leading players in the global industrial seals market, providing system solutions with moulded, machined and large diameter seals in many different materials to meet customer requirements.

Skire111 Independence Dr, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, +1-650-289-2600, www.skire.comContact: Dir Power/Utilities, Garrett LyionsOffers practical industry experience managing large-scale construction projects.

SKODA POWER(a Doosan Co), Tylova 1/57, Plzen 30128 Czech Republic, +420-378-185-000, [email protected], www.doosanskoda.czContact: Dir New Build, Radek TrnenyProducer and supplier of SKODA design steam turbines even machine halls (10–1250 MW) and of complex services for fossil and nuclear power plants, combined cycles and renewables.

SKODA POWER Pvt Ltd(div of SKODA POWER Ltd), 2nd Fl, Tower B, DLF Bldg No 8, DLF Phase - II, Gurgaon, Haryana 122 002 India, +91-124-6650500, [email protected], www.doosanskoda.comContact: Man Dir, Braham Bhushan

Sko-Die Inc8050 Austin Ave, Morton Grove, IL 60053, USA, +1-847-965-1130, [email protected], www.skodie.comContact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Bob Blecha

Smaltif ex SpAVia Dell’Industria, 115, San Felice S/P (MO) 41038 Italy, +39-0535-86411, [email protected], www.smaltiflex.itSmaltif ex is a metal enameling factory and manufacturer of enameled and nonenameled heating elements and baskets for rotary air pre-heaters installed in thermal power stations.

SMA Solar Technology AGSonnenallee 1, Niestetal 34266 Germany, +49-561-95-22-0, [email protected], www.sma.deProduces and develops grid-connected inverters, Sunny Boy and more.

SMS Silencers Inc153A Rutherford Rd S, Brampton, ON L6W 3N5, Canada, +1-905-459-1512, [email protected], www.smssilencers.comContact: Sls, Laura PalmerSMS Silencers designs and builds exhaust silencers for diesel and natural gas engines. Products include wall thimbles, f exible exhaust connectors, wye connectors, hardware and rain caps.

Snap-on IndustrialTelford Way, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN16 8UN, UK, +44-1536-413-904, [email protected], Bus Dev Mgr, Ian GoodenoughOffers hand tools, power tools, tool storage, workshop equipment, nuclear FME and aerospace FOD tool control and asset management systems, tools at height safety systems, mobile workshops and tool stores.

SNC-Lavalin Inc1801 McGill College Ave, 12th Fl, Montreal, QC H3A 2N4, Canada, +1-514-393-1000, [email protected], www.snclavalin.comContact: VP Bus Dev (Hydro), John Brown

Sohre Turbomachinery Inc128 Main St, Monson, MA 01057, USA, +1-413-267-0590, [email protected], www.sohreturbo.comContact: Gen Mgr, Thomas SohreOffers shaft grounding brushes with self-cleaning that run dry or in oil. Prevents damage from stray electrical shaft currents. Used for decades to protect turbomachinery and other shafting. Available with silver/gold composite bristles.

Solar India Inc1/2 Old Palasia, 105 Apollo Arcade, Indore (MP), Madhy Pradesh 452018 India, +91-731-2560554, [email protected], www.solarindia.inOffers a total renewable energy solution to providers with a range that varies from biogas to biomass, solar to wind and hot and cold insulation solutions.

Solberg International LtdOil Mist Eliminators, 1151 Ardmore Ave, Itasca, IL 60143, USA, +1-630-616-4900, [email protected], www.solbergmfg.comManufactures high-eff ciency oil mist eliminators, vapor extractors, and crankcase ventilation systems. These are designed to capture vented oil mist emissions from the lube oil systems of turbines and more.

Solcon Industries Ltd6 Hacarmel St, PO Box 635, Yoqneam 20692 Israel, +972-54-4383865, [email protected], www.solcon.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Eli WildawskiDesigns, developments and manufactures industrial electronic systems, primarily soft starters intended for installation in low and medium voltage AC motor control switchgear.

SOLVAir Solutions/Solvay Chemicals Inc3333 Richmond Ave, Houston, TX 77098, USA, +1-713-525-6500, [email protected], www.solvair.usContact: Bus Mgr, Mike WoodSolvay Chemical’s SOLVAir Solutions Group eff ciently and cost-effectively helps remove SOx, HCI, HF, NOx and Hg from f ue gas emissions.

SONVia Cremona 1, Legnano, Milano Italy, +39-033-192-6601, [email protected], www.son-energy.comSON offers consulting, planning and engineering for power plants within the renewable energy sector, as well as innovative products such as the HELIEX screw expanders.

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Companies Listing

Sonnen Systems Inc(sub of KSG), 1445-A South 50th St, Richmond, CA 94804, USA, +1-415-670-9239, [email protected], www.sonnensystems.comSonnen systems Inc is the world’s leading manufacturer of precise, eff cient and high-quality dual-axis tracking systems. With over 11,000 systems installed worldwide, Sonnen is proud to offer leading tracking technology.

Sound Technologies310 Commerce Sq, Michigan City, IN 46360, USA, +1-219-879-2600, [email protected],

Specialised Overhaul Service P/L15 Randall Ct, Collaroy, NSW 2097 Australia, +61-2998-14010, [email protected], www.sostubecleaners.comContact: Mgr, Steven SmithSuppliers of tube cleaning equipment to the power generating industry for more than 25 years. Products include plastic, phosphor bronze, spring steel, and stainless-steel water propelled “bullet” type tube cleaners.

SPIG SpAPiazza San Graziano, 31, Arona, (NO) 28041 Italy, +39-0322-245-401, [email protected], www.spig-int.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Marianna CaputoThanks to a team of specialists, SPIG is able to provide the study, design, engineering and manufacture of new cooling towers and air-cooled condensers, as well as revamping, spare parts and related after sales services.

Spilling Energie Systeme GmbHWerfstr 5, Hamburg 20457 Germany, +49-40-789175-0, [email protected], www.spilling.deContact: Sls Dir, Till AugustinManufactures and supplies modular steam power units for f exible and eff cient local power generation. Beside single and multistage steam turbines, one of Spillings innovations is the unique Spilling steam engine.

Sputnik Engineering AG (SolarMax)Höheweg 85, Biel 2502 Switzerland, +41-32-346-56-00, [email protected], www.solarmax.comContact: Man Dir, Christoph von BergenManufactures grid-connected solar inverters and develops, produces and sells inverters.

SPX13515 Ballantyne Corporate Pl, Charlotte, NC 28277, USA, +1-585-527-1658, [email protected], www.spx.comSPX energizes the power and energy industry with a wide array of customized engineered solutions.

SPX Flow Technology611 Sugar Creek Rd, Delavan, WI 53115, USA, +1-262-728-1900, [email protected], www.spxft.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Carmen ClarOffers APV, Bran+Luebbe, ClydeUnion Pumps, Copes-Vulcan, Dollinger, Hankison, Jemaco, Johnson Pump, Plenty, Pneumatic Products, Lightnin products to the power industry.

SPX Heat Transfer2121 N 161 E Ave, Tulsa, OK 74116, USA, +1-918-234-5505, [email protected], www.spxheattransfer.comContact: VP Sls Americas, Sam NaifehDesigns/manufactures OEM heat transfer equipment for the power industry including feedwater heaters, steam surface condensers, steam direct contact condensers, closed cooling water exchangers, preheaters, rotary preheaters, MSR’s, electrostatic precipitators and aftermarket sales/services.

SSS Gears LtdPark Rd, Sunbury-on-Thames, Midlesex TW16 5BL, UK, +44-1932-780-644, [email protected], Gears Ltd manufactures high power gear clutches for use in single shaft combined-cycle power generation, CHP, synchronous condensing, starting drives, dual drives, turning gears and marine main drives.

Standardkessel-Baumgarte GroupBaldusstr 13, Duisburg D-47138 Germany, +49-203-452-111, [email protected], www.standardkessel.deFounded more than 80 years ago, Standardkessel and Baumgarte are today among the leaders in the f eld of boiler technologies. A success, which is based on intensive research and development.

STEAG Energy Services GmbH(sub of STEAG GmbH), Rüttenscheider Str 1-3, Essen, NRW 45128 Germany, +49-201-801-0, [email protected], www.steag-energyservices.comContact: Head Int’l Bus Dev, Heiko SchierenbeckSTEAG Energy Services offers consulting, project management, design, planning, procurement, and commissioning of power plants, waste incineration plants, district heating systems, high-voltage switchgear, and transmission lines.

STE Energy SpAVia Sorio 120, Padova 35141 Italy, +39-049-2963-900, [email protected], www.ste-energy.comContact: Pres/CEO, Mario Arquilla

STEJASA Agregados Industriales SAC/Albasanz, 34, Madrid Spain, +34-913-270-013, [email protected], www.stejasa.esSupplies gas turbine dampers and complete bypass systems able to operate in the worst wording conditions including multilouvre, tandem, guillotine, diverter, stack dampers for CCPP, DeSOx and DeNOx.

STF SpAVia Robecco, 20, Magenta (MI) 20013 Italy, +39-02-97209-1, www.stf.itContact: Sls Asst, Silvia ColomboSTF designs, supplies, installs and commissions HRSGs, industrial boilers, subcritical and USC boilers, biomass-f red boilers, low Nox burners, condensers, feedwater heaters, S&T heat exchangers, regenerative airheaters and GGHs.

STI SRLVia G Pascoli, 10 a/b, Gorle 24020 Italy, +39-035-29282, www.stistrumentazione.comContact: NA Rep, Bruce GallagherThe company manufactures standard and high capacity linear pneumatic to rotary motion actuators, and very high Cv Hart protocol smart positioners for high speed large volume critical service actuators.

Stork Technical Services GmbHRotating Equipment Div, Econova-Allee 1, Essen, NRW 45356 Germany, +49-201-86671000, [email protected], www.storktechnicalservices.comContact: Sls Mgr/Leiter Vertrieb, Ralf GuentherStork Technical Services offers complete turbine/compressor repair, from overhaul to retrof t. Our customers rely on our quick reaction time and speedy turnaround, combined with in-depth technical knowledge and skills.

Storm Copper Components Co240 Industrial Ln, PO Box 99, Decatur, TN 37322, USA, +1-423-334-4800, [email protected], www.stormcopper.comContact: VP Sls, Charlene MillerStorm Copper Components Co has achieved the highest acclaim from OEMs worldwide, fabricating custom copper connectors for the power and alternative energy markets over 20 years.

Strabag AGWienerbergstr 11/AB, Wien Austria, +43-1-22422-0, [email protected], www.strabag.comOffers a range of services which covers the entire value-added chain in the construction industry, including building construction and civil engineering, transportation infrastructures and special divisions and concessions.

Structural Integrity Associates Inc5215 Hellyer Ave, San Jose, CA 95138, USA, +1-877-474-7693, [email protected], www.structint.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Vicki DouglassStructural Integrity Associates is a leading engineering consulting f rm dedicated to analysis, control, and prevention of structural failures. We serve nuclear power, fossil power, pipeline services and offer legal advice.

Sulzer Turbo ServicesZurchestr 12, PO Box 414, Winterthur 8401 Switzerland, +41-52-262-3444, [email protected], www.sulzerts.comContact: Bus Dev/Mktg, Mike CurranSulzer Turbo Services is the leading, independent, technically-advanced and innovative service provider for all brands of mechanical and electro-mechanical rotating equipment such as gas turbines, steam turbines, compressors, motors and generators.

Sulzer Turbo Services Houston Inc11518 Old La Porte Rd, La Porte, TX 77571, USA, +1-713-567-2700, [email protected], www.sulzerts.comContact: VP Sls N America, Allen Thornton

PT Sulzer Turbo Services IndonesiaKawasan Industri Kota Bukit Indah, Blok A 11, Kav 1C-1D, Purwakarta 41181 Indonesia, +62-264-351-920, [email protected], www.sulzerts.comContact: Gen Mgr Sls, Irfan Zen

Sulzer Turbo Services Rotterdam BVMoezelweg 190, LS Europoort Rotterdam 3198 The Netherlands, +31-181-282-000, [email protected], www.sulzerts.comContact: Gen Mgr, Joris Ringelberg

Sulzer Turbo Services Venlo BVSpikweien 36, AD Lomm NL-5943 The Netherlands, +31-77-473-8666, [email protected], www.sulzerts.comContact: Dir Sls, Edward Nagel

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Companies Listing

SuperPower Inc450 Duane Ave, Schnectady, NY 12304, USA, +1-518-346-1414, [email protected], www.superpower-inc.comContact: Mgr Sls Oper, Eric LordDevelops high temperature, superconducting wire and devices for electric power generation, transmission, distribution and strorage, including power cables, transformers, fault current limiters, SMES and more.

Surrette Battery Co Ltd1 Station Rd, PO Box 2020, Springhill, NS B0M 1X0, Canada, +1-902-597-3767, [email protected],

Surround Technologies Inc14160-256th St, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 1C9, Canada, +1-604-462-8223, www.surrtec.comContact: Gen Mgr, Greg FraserManufactures electrical rooms, sound attenuated enclosures, control rooms, cabs and electrical substations, control consoles and chairs.

Swagelok Co31500 Aurora Rd, Solon, OH 44139-2764, USA, +1-440-349-5934, [email protected], www.swagelok.comContact: Mktg Comms Mgr, Mark RechnerDelivers reliable f uid system components and services, including technical assistance, training, and emergency response. We’re focused on helping create power plants with more capacity, fewer outages, and higher eff ciencies.

SWAN Analytical Asia Co LtdWestgate Tower Level 26 D, 7 Wing Hong St, Kowloon Hong Kong, +852-2743-9034, [email protected], www.swan.chSWAN Systeme AG was stemmed from the SWAN Group in 1991. SWAN engineers analytical systems for power and water plants, from sample intake to computer display.

SWAN Analytische Instrumente AGStudbachstr 13, Postfach 398, Hinwil CH-8340 Switzerland, +41-44-943-63-00, [email protected], www.swan.chContact: Sls Dir, Lukas StaubSWAN is one of the leading manufacturers of on-line analytical instruments.

SWAN Systeme AGStudbachstr 13, Hinwil 8340 Switzerland, +41-943-62-00, [email protected], www.swansystems.chContact: Dir, Manuel SigristSWAN Systeme AG provides engineering services and supplies sampling and analysis systems for the water steam cycle. We also supply related services to EPC contractors and operators of power plants.

Tank Connection Aff liate Group(div of Tank Connection), 3609 N 16th St, PO Box 579, Parsons, KS 67357, USA, +1-620-423-3010, [email protected], www.tankconnection.comTank Connection is the leading manufacturer of bolted, f eld-weld, shop-weld, and hybrid storage tanks and silos for the power industry. We specialize in ash, limestone, coal, and liquid storage applications.

TAS Energy Inc6110 Cullen Blvd, Houston, TX, USA, +1-713-877-8700, [email protected], www.tas.comTAS is a technology company who designs, manufactures and provides clean economic power solutions by focusing on the energy eff ciency and renewable energy markets.

Technicon Acoustics4412 Republic Ct, Concord, NC 28027, USA, +1-704-788-1131, [email protected], www.techniconacoustics.comContact: Sls Mgr, Mark NyeTechnicon Acoustics provides a complete line of materials used to control noise. Products include open and closed cell foam, nonwoven polyester f ber, mass loaded vinyl barrier, and vibration damping material.

Technidiea Corp2121 E Valley Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92027, USA, +1-760-480-4740, [email protected], www.ziplevel.comContact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Curtis BrownlowZIPLEVEL PRO-2000 high precision altimeter replaces rotary lasers to measure elevations with paper-thin precision to 0.005” over unlimited ranges without line-of-sight, distance error, math or factory calibration.

Technopromexport15 bld 2 Noviy Arbat St, Moscow 119019 Russian Federation, +7-495-950-1523, [email protected], www.tpe.ruConstructs and reconstructs energy facilities on a turnkey basis including thermal power, hydroelectric and power plants using renewable energy sources, transmission lines and substations.

Tech Products Inc105 Willow Ave, Staten Island, NY 10305, USA, +1-718-442-4900, [email protected], www.techproducts.comContact: Sls Mgr, Daniel O’ConnorProviding identif cation products to the utility business since 1948 including, substation signs, transmission tower markers and pole markers for your distribution system. Our products are made to last.

Tecnolog SAPower Div, Avenida Naciones Unidas 1815, Lima 01 Peru, +511-337-7271, [email protected], www.tecnologperu.comContact: Man Dir, Edgar GerberOffers in-river/irrigation canals power APIN generators, system-mounted on pontoons with speeds of minimum 1 mt/sec, capacities from 5 KWe to 50 MWe.

Tedom sroVycapy 195, Trebic 674-01 Czech Republic, +420-568-837-111, [email protected], www.tedom.comContact: Comms Dir, Lubos NedvedickyOffers CHP units, biogas and landf ll gas utilisation.

Telbit AGBrunneliweid 16, Hinwil 8340 Switzerland, +41-44-937-2550, [email protected], www.telbit.chContact: Elec Eng, Rene LuescherProvides high-voltage interface (HVI) for ground potential rise (GPR) isolation to protect broadband DSL lines for critical (must not fail) communications systems located within zone of inf uence (ZOI).

Telemetrie Elektronik GmbHBerliner Allee 42, Langenhagen D-30855 Germany, +49-511-978-3960, [email protected], www.datatel-telemetry.comDesigns, develops and manufactures turnkey telemetry systems.

TEMTO Technology Co Ltd2 Bldg, Yangqiao Pk, No 145 Yangqiaozhong Rd, Gulou, Fuzhou, Fujian 350003 China, +86-591-8787-0640, [email protected], www.temto.comContact: Sls Mgr, Nicole FengSupplies cost-effective solutions, service and high-quality custom optics and coatings. Supplies optical lenses, micro lenses, cylinderical lenses, interference f lters, mirrors, prisms, beamsplitters and lens assemblies.

Tentec LtdPlymouth House, Guns Ln, West Bromwich B70 9HS, UK, +44-121-524-1990, [email protected],

Teshmont Consultants LP1190 Waverley St, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P4, Canada, +1-204-284-8100, [email protected], www.teshmont.comContact: Mktg Mgr, Robyn PageTeshmont has over 40 years of AC and DC high-voltage transmission systems experience, and has provided services for projects representing over 50% of the world’s installed capacity of HVDC.

TESI srlVia Piave 20/11, Vermezzo (MI) I-20080 Italy, +39-02-9440501, [email protected], www.tesigroup.comOEM manufacturer for oil and gas and energy sector ignition devices.

Testo LtdNewman Ln, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2QJ, UK, +44-1420-544-433, [email protected], Prod Mgr, Peter SullivanProvides instrumentation for emissions monitoring, pressure, temperature, velocity and humidity.

Tes VSETIN sroJiraskova 691, Vsetin 755 01 Czech Republic, +420-571-812-202, [email protected], www.tes.czContact: Sls Dir, Tomas PavlicaDesigns and manufactures generators and motors up to 15 MVA. Strengths include custom-made designs, a strong European exporter and innovative know-how.

Texas OilTech Laboratories Inc10630 Fallstone Rd, Houston, TX 77099, USA, +1-281-495-2400, [email protected], www.tol-lp.comContact: Dir Lab Oper, Phil SorurbakhshProvides an ISO 9001:2000 certif ed analytical testing laboratory offering over 400 procedures for liquid, gaseous, and solid fuels, new or in-service lubricants and turbine oils. On-site testing services also offered.

TGM Kanis Turbinen GmbHAm Flachmoor 6, Nuremburg 90475 Germany, +49-911-239-568-700, [email protected], www.tgmkanis.comTGM Kanis Turbinen GmbH offers (cycle-)calculation, design, construction, manufacturing, erection, commissioning and service of steam turbines and steam turbo sets.

Thaker SimTech LLC57 W Farms Rd, Canaan, NH 03741, USA, +1-603-632-3767, [email protected], www.thakerllc.comContact: Principal, Amish Thaker

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Companies Listing

Thermo Electric Co1193 McDermott Dr, West Chester, PA 19380, USA, +1-610-692-7990, [email protected], www.te-direct.comContact: CMO, Jose AlbertoGlobal leader in the design and manufacture of industrial temperature sensors. Offers 70 years experience, in-house engineering support, full-line of thermocouples, RTDs, and thermowells and ATEX, CSA, and FM assembly certif cations.

Thermof ow Inc29 Hudson Rd, Sudbury, MA 1776, USA, +1-978-579-7999, [email protected], www.thermoflow.comContact: Pres, Maher ElmasriDeveloper of a comprehensive line of software tools for the design and simulation of gas turbine combined cycles, cogeneration, and conventional steam plants, including plant engineering and cost estimation.

Thern Inc USA5712 Industrial Pk Rd, Winona, MN 55987, USA, +1-507-454-2996, [email protected], www.thern.comContact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Scott ThelenManufactures a variety of hand and power operated davit cranes, gantry cranes, winches, and hoists ideal for lifting, pulling, and positioning lights on high towers, raising telecommunication towers and more.

Dr Thiedig & Co KGPrinzenallee 78-79, Berlin 13357 Germany, +49-30-497769-0, [email protected], www.thiedig.comManufacturer of sampling and analyzing systems and containers including oxygen trace and hydrazine analysers, pH, pH value calculation, degassed Lf, silicic acid and sodium.

Thompson Pump4620 City Center Dr, PO Box 291370, Port Orange, FL 32129, USA, +1-386-767-7310, [email protected], www.thompsonpump.comContact: Inside Sls, Robert HennessyThompson Pump sells and rents an entire line of dewatering pumps, as well as bypass systems, wellpoint systems, and a complete line of pumping accessories.

Thor Precision Inc271 Lakewood Dr, Greenville, SC 29607, USA, +1-864-277-1080, [email protected], www.thorprecision.comContact: VP Sls, Jay ValachovicThor Precision Inc is a provider of gas turbine rotor bolting for frame 3, 5-1, 5-2, 6B, 7E and 9E including compressor, turbine, marriage and load coupling hdwe.

Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd48, Noothancharyur, Madambakkam, Selaiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 126 India, +91-44-22781148, [email protected], www.tianode.comOffers well equipped in-plant facilities and qualif ed engineers to provide quality, economy and delivery of electro-chemical equipment, engineering equipment and turnkey projects.

TIC - The Industrial Co2211 Elk River Rd, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487, USA, +1-970-879-2561, [email protected], www.tic-inc.comContact: Corp Mktg Mgr, Melinda Reed WeberTIC serves a wide range of markets both in the US and abroad, from heavy industrial (power, mining, industrial process, and renewable energy), to environmental water and wastewater treatment.

Titan TrackerCarretera de Gerindote 18, Toledo 45500 Spain, +34-925-77-04-18, [email protected], www.titantracker.esContact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Carlos Garcia

TMR Turbo Misch & Ruehranlagen GmbHBergstr 6, Taufkirchen 82024 Germany, +49-89-6661097-15, [email protected], www.tmr-ruehrtechnik.deContact: Sls, Guido Gutmann



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88 Power Engineering International January 2013

Companies Listing

TMS Turbomaschinenservice GmbHZiegelstr 24, Rednitzhembach 91126 Germany, +49-9122-188-240, [email protected], www.turbomaschinenservice.deTMS has a broad range of experience in turbine service, design and the installation of new turbines. Our know-how ranges from calculation, design, manufacturing, erection, commissioning and after sales service.

Topomaster Ltd10 Democratias Ave, Ayios Dometios, Serifos Bldg, 1st Fl, Nicosia 2370 Cyprus, +357-22-819370, [email protected], www.topomaster.comContact: Dir, Andy YiannakasTopomaster Ltd, an engineering f rm based in Nicosia in Cyprus, provides 3-D laser scanning and 3-D intelligent modelling of plant facilities for asset documentation purposes.

TorcUp Inc1025 Conroy Pl, Easton, PA 18040, USA, +1-888-867-2871, [email protected], www.torcup.comContact: Pres, John KovacsTorcUP Inc manufactures the most advanced line of critical bolting application torque wrenches in the world.

Torishima Pump Mfg Co Ltd1-1-8 Miyata-cho, Osaka 569-8660 Japan, +81-72-690-2308, [email protected], is a pump manufacturer supplying centrifugal pumps to a broad range of applications.

Torquemeters LtdRavenssthorpe, Northampton NN6 8ET, UK, +44-1604-770-232, [email protected], www.torquemeters.comContact: Chris FlavellManufacturers of power measurement electrical equipment.

Torresol EnergyEnergy and Environment Div, SENER Grupo de Ingeniería, Plaza de la Encina 10, Núcleo 2 3º B, Madrid, Tres Cantos 28760 Spain, +34-918-077454, [email protected], www.torresolenergy.comTorresol Energy is a joint venture between the companies SENER and MASDAR, created to promote technological development and the operation of large concentrated solar power plants around the world.

Franco Tosi Meccanica SpAPiazza Monumento 12, Legnano 20025 Italy, +39-0331-522111, [email protected], www.francotosimeccanica.itContact: Mktg/Sls Mgr, Marino DottoFranco Tosi Meccanica SpA has always been the reference standard in the power generation industry and is here to serve your thermal and hydropower generation needs.

TransGlobal Energy Inc2450 Atlanta Hwy, Suite 501, Cumming, GA 30040, USA, +1-678-455-0365, [email protected], www.transglobalenergy.comContact: CEO/Pres, Kevin MorrisProvides engineering, procurement, construction, startup, operations and maintenance of power generation and hydrocarbon facilities worldwide.

Trench Ltd71 Maybrook Dr, Scarborough, ON M1V 4B6, Canada, +1-416-298-8108, [email protected], www.trenchgroup.comContact: Sls/Mktg Group/RSM, Dominic TarascioTrench Ltd provides dry type reactors, instrument transformers, wave traps, relay communications equipment, bushings (power transformers), capacitor voltage transformers, and coupling capacitors.

Triangle Engineering6 Industrial Way, Hanover, MA 02339, USA, +1-781-878-1500, [email protected], www.trieng.comContact: Sls, Dennis YeatonTriangle Engineering manufactures destructive test equipment and weld test materials for procedure and performance qualif cation. In addition, a full range of destructive testing services are available.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd1160 Bedford Hwy, Bedford, NS B4A 1C1, Canada, +1-902-835-1575, [email protected], www.trihedral.comContact: Dir Mktg, Patrick CookeManufactures visual tag system (VTS) software and tools to develop HMI and SCADA systems for PC-based industrial monitoring and control. Supports many DCS features, such as redundancy and application synchronization.

Triveni Engineering & Industries LtdSteam Turbine Business Group Div, Post Bag 5848, 12-A Peenya Indus Area, Bangalore, Karnayaka 560 058 India, +91-80-28391624, [email protected], www.trivenigroup.comContact: Export Mgr, Deepak P Nayak

TST-Turbo Service & Trading GmbHKonrad-Zuse Str 18-20, Moers 47445 Germany, [email protected], www.turbo-service-trading.comContact: Man Dir, Peter GilardoneTST-Turbo Service & Trading GmbH are complete service providers for turbo machinery. The Germany-based company offers producer-independent services and spare parts for steam turbines, gas turbines and compressors to customers worldwide.

Tui Industries Pty Ltd5/14 Argon St, Summer Pk, Brisbane, QLD 4074 Australia, +61-7-3715-7800, [email protected],

Turbec SpAVia Statale, 20/A, Corporeno di Cento (FE) 44042 Italy, +39-051-6831628, [email protected], www.turbec.comContact: Sls Dept, Gilda BenazziTurbec provides innovative heat and power generating solutions based on microturbine technology.

Turbine Technics Inc1200 S Rogers Cir, Suite 10, Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA, +1-561-394-5818, [email protected], www.turbinetechnics.comContact: Pres/CEO, David SimonTurbine Technics is your OEM parts source for the GE LM2500, LM5000, LM6000, and P&W GG8/FT8 aeroderivative gas turbines. Our extensive inventory is available for same day shipping.

Turbocam Europe Ltd(div of Turbocam International), 155 Highlands Rd, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 6JR, UK, +44-1329-845-800, [email protected], www.turbocam.comContact: Bus Dev Mgr, Fred KinchinSpecializes in 5-axis machining of turbine blades and impellers for power generation and aerospace industries. Offers batch or prototype volumes with experience in titanium, aluminum, stainless steel, and wax castings.

TurboCare2140 Westover Rd, Chicopee, MA 01022, USA, +1-413-593-0500, [email protected], www.turbocare.comTurboCare offers comprehensive service solutions including repairs, overhauls, rerates, and replacement parts, for rotating equipment (gas and steam turbines, generators and compressors) manufactured by all major OEMs.

Turbocoating SpA and Artec SpA UNITEDCOATINGS GroupVia Mistrali 7, Rubbiano Di Solignano, Parma 43040 Italy, +39-0525-305-855, [email protected], www.turbocoating.itTurbocoating and Artec belong to UNITEDCOATINGS Group. With more than 300 employees, UNITEDCOATINGS Group supplies equipment, components, coatings and advanced manufacturing services to original equipment manufacturers.

Turbo Parts LLC(sub of Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis LLC), 767 Pierce Rd, Suite 2, Clifton Park, NY 12065, USA, +1-518-885-3199, [email protected], www.turbopartsllc.comContact: Sls Mgr, Chris ManciniWe provide a complete line of steam turbine components and both conventional and advanced design seal systems with custom installation. We also offer reverse engineering services and valve component repairs.

Turbotect LtdPO Box 1411, Baden CH-5401 Switzerland, +41-56-200-50-20, [email protected], www.turbotect.comContact: Sls Dept, Katrin HufschmidOffers fuel additives, vanadium inhibitors, combustion improvers, demulsif ers, lubricity improvers, compressor cleaners, antifreeze agents, compressor washing systems, and consultancy services in metallurgical aspects to the gas turbine industry.

TÜV NORD GroupGroße Bahnstr 31, Hamburg 22525 Germany, +49-40-8557-2262, [email protected], www.tuev-nord.deTÜV NORD Group provides the worldwide power generation industry with inspection, certif cation and consultancy to optimize and safeguard processes during all phases of the life of a power plant.

TÜV Rheinland Services GmbHAM Grauen Stein, Cologne D-51105 Germany, +49-221-806-1906, [email protected],

TÜV SÜD Industrie ServiceWestendstr 199, München D-80686 Germany, +49-895-7910, [email protected],ÜV SÜD Industrie Service provides engineering, testing and consulting services, ensuring the safety, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of plants and systems, infrastructure facilities and buildings.

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Companies Listing

Ultra Photonics IncNo 758, Qi’an Rd, Fuwan Industrial Dist, Fuzhou, Fujian 350100 China, [email protected], www.en.u-photonics.comContact: Sls, Linda ChneManufactures optical components, crystal components and optical assemblies. Ultra Photonics was founded in 2006, and we have a strong team of professional mechanical engineers, polishing engineers, optical engineers and more.

Unaf ex Inc3901 NE 12th Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33064, USA, +1-954-943-5002, [email protected],

Uniserv SA7a Wozniaka Str, Katowice 40-337 Poland, +48-32-359-9102, [email protected], www.uniserv.comProvides complete services in design engineering, construction, erection, complex execution, and repair of industrial structures including natural and mechanical draft cooling towers, industrial chimneys and more.

Unison(sub of GE), 1 Bentley Wood Way, Network 65 Business Pk, Hapton, Burnley BB11 5 TG, UK, +44-1282-831-199, [email protected], www.unisonaviation.comContact: Comm Dir, Quentin HughesManufactures IGT engine components, fabrications, hot gas path components, ignition systems, sensing systems, tubes and ducts, power generators and signal and control harnesses.

United Conveyor Corp2100 Norman Dr W, Waukegan, IL 60085, USA, +1-847-473-5900, [email protected], www.unitedconveyor.comContact: Mktg Comms Spec, Beverly RichardsSpecializes in the design, supply, installation and servicing of ash-handling systems and of other bulk material handling systems, including pneumatic (vacuum and pressure), hydraulic, and mechanical equipment.

United Hydro Power BuildersRm 223 YMCA Bldg, Post Office Loop, Upper Session Rd, Baguio City, Benguet 2600 Philippines, +63-74-304-2597, [email protected]: Pres/Owner, Rodrigo LizardoUnited Hydro Power Builders is a consultant in the design and construction of mini hydro power plants. Prepares feasibility, hydrological, geological studies and drafting works for proposed mini hydro power

United Process Controls8904 Beckett Rd, West Chester, OH 45069, USA, +1-513-772-1000, [email protected], VP Sls Heat Treatment N America, Pat TorokUnited Process Controls is an alliance of four companies all with a strong presence in heat treating and combustion, whose aim is to provide prime control solutions.

Universal Accoustic & Emission Technologies1925 Hwy 51/138, PO Box 411, Stoughton, WI 53589, USA, +1-608-873-4272, [email protected], www.universalaet.comContact: Bus Dev Mgr, Vicki BradfordUniversal provides engineered acoustic, emission and f ltration solutions for power generation markets. Universal has proven expertise in recip engines, gas turbine engines, Tier 4, CARB and RICE NESHAP compliance.

University of GenevaInstitute of the Environment, Energy Group, Battelle Batiment D, Rt de Drize 7, Carouge/GE CH-1227 Switzerland, +41-22-379-06-50, [email protected], www.pvsyst.comContact: Physicist, Andre MermoudPVsyst is a software for the study, modeling and simulation of PV systems (grid-connected, pumping and stand-alone systems). Suited for engineers, researchers and education.


510 Carnegie Center, PO Box 5287, Princeton, NJ 08543-5287, USA, +1-609-720-2000, www.urs.comContact: Group Gen Mgr/Power, Art LemboPlans, designs, engineers, constructs, retrof ts, and maintains power plants and systems that transmit and distribute electricity. Expertise encompasses fossil fuel, nuclear, and hydroelectric power-generating facilities, and alternative renewable energy sources.

UT99 AG Oil Mist EliminatorsSchaubenstr 4, Andelfingen, Zürich CH-8450 Switzerland, +41-52-397-1199, [email protected], Cust Eng, Christian StielerOffers high eff ciency oil mist eliminators for crankcase ventilation of combustion engines (for chp, power plant, marine and off-shore applications) and for lube oil tank ventilation of turbines.

UtilX(a Willbros Co), PO Box 97009, Kent, WA 98064, USA, +1-253-395-0200, [email protected], www.utilx.comContact: VP, Gus DerezesOffers CableCURE cable life-extension technology and CableWISE electrical system condition assessment for maximum reliability at minimum cost. Time-tested and f eld-proven services for a proactive maintenance plan.

Vaisala OyjPO Box 26, Helsinki FI-00421 Finland, +358-9-8949-1, [email protected], Field Sls Eng, Tracy ClelandReliable measurement instruments of oil moisture, humidity, dew point and pressure to protect high-voltage assets and extend asset lifetime. Over 75 years experience with close to 30 off ces worldwide.

E Van Wingen NVDurmakker, PO Box 27, Evergem 9940 Belgium, +32-925-30800, [email protected], www.vanwingen.beContact: Gen Mgr, JP Van WingenOffers power solutions with diesel and gas engines from emergency diesel generators to green cogeneration projects with natural gas, biomass and PPO. Maximum energy eff ciency through combination of mini-CHP and electrical mobility.

VDMA Power SystemsLyoner Str 18, Frankfurt D-60528 Germany, +49-69-6603-1731, [email protected], Power Systems is a trade association for a corporate tomorrow of manufacturers in the power generation plants business.

Vegas Fastener Manufacturing4315 W Oquendo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89118, USA, +1-702-651-9222, [email protected], www.vegasfastener.comSpecialty fasteners manufacturer producing a wide range of custom bolts, hex nuts, hex bolts, screws, sockets, and studs to exact specif cations.

Vestas Wind Systems A/SAlsvej 21, Randers SV 8940 Denmark, +45-97-30-00-00, [email protected], www.vestas.comWind. It means the world to us. We are relentlessly committed to the success of wind, providing everything our partners need to succeed in their wind power ambitions.

VibroSystM IncOn-line Condition Monitoring Div, 2727 Jacques-Cartier Blvd E, Longueuil, QC J4N 1L7, Canada, +1-450-646-2157, [email protected], www.vibrosystm.comContact: Dir Sls/Bus Dev, Marc BissonnetteProvides complete on-line monitoring solutions for large rotating machines including end-winding vibration/temperature, stator bar/shaft vibration, rotor pole/stator temperature, partial discharge and stray f ux, rotor bowing since 1986.

VictaulicPrykelstraat 36, Nazareth B-9810 Belgium, +32-93-811-500, [email protected], www.victaulic.comWith solutions for utility and process applications for coal-f red, simple and combined gas-f red generation, cogeneration, hydroelectric and nuclear plants, Victaulic will help you increase productivity.

Victory Energy Operations10701 E 126th St N, Collinsville, OK 74021, USA, +1-918-274-0023, [email protected], www.victoryenergy.comContact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Gary PersichiniVictory Energy is a full service industrial boiler supplier offering water tube boilers, f re tube boilers, HRSGs, and steam generation equipment, including engineering, aftermarket support and preventative maintenance programs.

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Companies Listing

Villares Metals International BVNieuwe Haven, 15, PO Box 705 -3300 AS, Dordercht 3311 AP The Netherlands, +31-78-6149-933, [email protected], www.villaresmetalsinternational.comSpecial steel producer, commercialization and technical support for European customers in the power generation market segment. Specialized in rolled bars, forged bars and parts, heat treated and machined.

Vireo Energy Financial31569 Sea Level Dr, Malibu, CA 90265, USA, +1-310-314-5126, [email protected], www.vireoenergy.comProvides energy project f nance including PPA f nance, operating and capital leases, debt, equity, tax equity and structured f nance.

VIRGILIO CENA & FIGLI SpAVia Oberda, 39, Brescia 25128 Italy, +39-030-398-561, [email protected], www.cenafittings.comItalian manufacturer of carbon and low alloy steel bends, elbows and returns (made from seamless and welded pipes in standard and heavy wall thickness) and reducers, stockholding, procurement and more.

VISA Petrochemical Products Ltd400 Pavilion Dr, Northampton Business Pk, Brackmills Industrial Estate, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN4 7PA, UK, +44-844-800-7307, [email protected], www.visapetrochemical.comContact: CEO, Ashley AshiruSupplies biogas, landf ll gas and sewage gas and natural gas engine oils, automotive industrial lubricants, oils and greases that are environmental sensitive, recyclable, virtually nontoxic and biodegradable.

Visser & Smit HanabRietgorsweg 6, LJ Papendrecht The Netherlands, +31-78-6417-222, [email protected], www.vshanab.nlVisser & Smit Hanab is leading in EPC related projects in the f eld of waste-to-energy, thermal engineering, underground gas storage, boiler engineering and boiler services.

VKK STANDARDKESSEL Köthen GmbHAm Holländerweg 21-23, Köthen D-06366 Germany, +49-3496-66-0, [email protected], www.vkkstandardkessel.deA medium-sized German boiler manufacturer. Offers design, production, erection and start-up of custom-made industrial boiler plants for the generation of steam, heat and power.

Voith Hydro Holding GmbH & Co KGAlexanderstr 11, Heidenheim 89522 Germany, +49-7321-37-0, [email protected], www.voith.comMore than 40,000 generators and turbines have been installed worldwide by Voith Hydro. We are a full-line supplier for advanced hydroelectric equipment, technology, and services to the renewable energy market.

Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbHHans-Boeckler-Str 7, Sonthofen 87527 Germany, +49-8321-802-502, [email protected], www.bhs-getriebe.deContact: Sr Mgr Strat Sls, Tome StanicSupplies turbo gears, rotor turning gears and couplings for PG. References includes gear units for gas, steam, water turbine and pumping applications up to 170 MW or 100,000 rpm.

Voith Turbo GmbH & Co KG

Voithstr 1, Crailsheim 74564 Germany, +49-7951-32-0, [email protected], www.voith.comSupplies variable-speed drives, f uid couplings, geared variable-speed couplings, variable-speed planetary gears Vorecon and WinDrive, torque converters, gas turbine starting systems, turbo gear units, torque-limiting couplings, actuators/controllers for turbomachinery.

Vooner FloGard Corp4729 Stockholm Ct, Charlotte, NC 28273, USA, +1-704-552-9314, [email protected], www.vooner.comContact: Inside Sls/Appl Eng, Jason DevinneyOffers cast iron and SS vacuum pumps for f y ash conveying, FGD f lter gypsum dewatering f lters and condenser exhausters. Pumps are bolt-in replacements for CL, 904 and AT series.

Vulcan Utility Signs(sub of Vulcan Inc), 901 Vulcan St, PO Box 1850, Foley, AL 36536-1850, USA, +1-800-426-1314, [email protected], Mktg Coord, Cody Pierce

Wabash Power Equipment Co444 Carpenter Ave, Wheeling, IL 60090, USA, +1-847-541-5600, [email protected], www.wabashpower.comContact: Pres, Richard CaitungProvides a selection of power generating equipment, including package boilers, electric generators, diesel, and gas and steam turbine generator units. Also offers pulverizing mills and accessories and engineering and f eld services.

Wahlco Inc2722 S Fairview St, Santa Ana, CA 92704, USA, +1-714-979-7300, [email protected], www.wahlco.comContact: Exec VP Sls/Mktg, Barry SouthamManufactures and supplies SO3 and NH3 f ue gas conditioning (FGC) systems, ammonia systems for SCR plus urea-to-ammonia “U2A” systems for DeNOx and industrial applications.

Wahlcometrof ex29 Lexington St, Lewiston, ME 04240-3511, USA, +1-207-784-2338, [email protected], www.wahlcometroflex.comProvides high-quality isolation equipment. Wahlcometrof ex has built a reputation as a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of dampers, expansion joints and systems.

Walter Dow Associates Ltd139 Mulock Ave, Toronto, ON M6N 1G9, Canada, +1-416-236-8880, [email protected], www.walterdow.comContact: Pres, Bill MarshallSpecializes in engineering/design, CADD drafting, procurement, and construction management of U/G and O/H distribution systems, street lighting design, substations to 230 kV, and cogeneration plants.

Wamar International Co1634 Pineview Rd, Columbia, SC 29209, USA, +1-803-354-4206, [email protected], www.wamar.comWamar provides an extensive lineup of services allowing power plants to generate power more eff ciently, while inventing new ways that help them keep running and maintenance costs to a minimum.

Wasserkraft Volk AGAm Stollen 13, Gutach 79261 Germany, +49-7685-91060, [email protected], www.wkv-ag.comContact: Pres, Manfred VolkManufacturer of Pelton, Francis, Crossf ow and Turgo turbines <20MW, speed and level governors, synchronous alternators <25MVA for all applications and prime movers, switchgears and complete water-to-wire systems.

Waukesha Bearings53-55 The Broadway, Joel St, Northwood HA6 1NZ, UK, +44-192-384-5111, [email protected], www.waukbearing.comWaukesha Bearings supports the power generation industry with the broadest range of products and materials to optimize performance and availability, backed by robust product development.

Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co KGKlingenbergstraße 16, Detmold D-32758 Germany, +49-523-1140, [email protected], www.weidmueller.comWeidmüller positions itself worldwide successfully on a sustained basis as the leading provider of solutions for electrical connectivity, transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.

Weir Power & IndustrialPegasus House, Bramah Ave, Scottish Enterprise Technology Pk, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 0RD, UK, +44-141-308-2800, a.beard@weirservices, www.weirservices.comWeir Power & Industrial, a division of FTSE 100 company The Weir Group plc, delivers excellent engineering solutions to customers worldwide. Weir Power & Industrial designs and manufactures engineered products.

Welland & Tuxhorn AGGütersloher Str 257, Bielefeld 33649 Germany, +49-521-941-80, [email protected], www.welland-tuxhorn.deContact: Head Proj Dept, Manfred PluczynskiW&T is a leading manufacturer of special control valves for power stations as well as industrial, chemical and petrochemical industry and is specialized for steam conversion and bypass technology.

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Companies Listing

Wentylatory Wentech Sp ZooRzemieslnicza 6, Imielin 41-407 Poland, +48-32-318-34-47, [email protected],

The Westex Group20 Courthouse Sq, #219, Rockville, MD 20850, USA, +1-301-605-1000, [email protected], www.westexgroup.comA full-service procurement agent specializing in US brand equipment and materials for the Middle East building, construction, and maintenance industries.

Westinghouse Electric Co1000 Westinghouse Dr, Cranberry Township, PA 16066, USA, +1-412-374-3373, www.westinghousenuclear.comContact: Comms Cons, Karen FischettiProvides a wide range of nuclear plant products and services to utilities throughout the world, including fuel, service and maintenance, instrumentation and control and advanced nuclear plant designs.

Wood Group GTS15 Justice Mill Ln, Aberdeen AB11 6EQ, UK, +44-1224-367-200, [email protected], www.woodgroupgts.comContact: Mktg Dir, Mick ConwayWith more than 25 year experience, Wood Group GTS is a market leader in providing integrated solutions for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of industrial gas, steam, and wind turbines.

Woodward GmbHHandwerkstr 29, Stuttgart 70565 Germany, +49-711-78954-0, [email protected], www.woodward.comContact: Sls Dir Power Gen/Dist, Clemens GrosskinskyWoodward is an independent designer, manufacturer, and service provider of energy control and optimization solutions used in global infrastructure equipment. We serve the aerospace, power generation/distribution, and transportation markets.

The World Alliance for Decentralized Energy - WADE1513 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA, +1-202-667-5600, [email protected], www.localpower.orgContact: Program Dir, Jeff BellProvides an organization whose mission is to accelerate decentralized energy markets.

World Logistics Services Corp6 Hilltop Ct, Rexford, NY 12148, USA, +1-518-952-4847 x301, [email protected], www.wlscorporation.comWLSC is a global transportation/logistics company specializing in over dimensional cargo transportation, warehousing and distribution, project management, customs clearance and formalities, inland transportation and more.

WorleyParsons85-87 Todor Alexandrov, Sofia 1303 Bulgaria, +359-28-106-108, [email protected], www.worleyparsons.comWorleyParsons service capability covers the entire asset lifecycle from identifying the opportunity to the operating phase. We focus on safe and successful project delivery.

wpd Gmbh and Co AGKurfurstenallee 23a, Bremen D-28211 Germany, +49-421-168-66-10, [email protected],

WSP IndustryHeikkiläntie 7, Helsinki FI-00210 Finland, +358-207-86-411, [email protected], is one of the world’s leading environment consultancies. WSP comprises a broad co-operation between different WSP business areas and other external partners, offering comprehensive design and management services.

WULFF Energy Technologies GmbHAn Der Alten B5, Husum 25813 Germany, +49-484-169-7277, [email protected], www.wulff-energy-group.comBoiler and plant engineering and in-house manufacturing company for water tube/smoke tube boilers, waste heat boilers, grate type f ring systems and corresponding components.

XERVON Energy GmbHFriedrich-Ebert-Str 134, Duisburg D-47229 Germany, +49-2065-4221-676, [email protected], www.xervonenergy.comXERVON Energy GmbH numbers among the international leading service providers for energy and power plants. Our roots lie in traditional boiler manufacturing. Our future is in the provision of innovative services.

Yanmar America101 International Pkwy, Adairsville, GA 30103, USA, +1-770-877-9894, www.yanmar.comYanmar America is a recognized global leader in the design and manufacturing of advanced performance diesel engines and diesel-powered equipment for a multitude of market segments.

Yanmar Europe BVBrugplein 11, Almere-de-Vaart 1332 BS The Netherlands, +31-36-549-3200, www.yanmar.euProvides technically advanced, lightweight, compact and frugal diesel engines.

Yokogawa Europe BVEuroweg 2, Amersfoort 3825 HD The Netherlands, +31-88-464-1000, [email protected], Europe is one of eight European competency centres providing reliable solutions for the energy market, employing intelligent process measurmentation to boardroom solutions.

Young & Franklin Inc942 Old Liverpool Rd, Liverpool, NY 13088, USA, +1-315-457-3110, [email protected], www.yf.comContact: Dir New Bus Dev, Eric SohneYoung & Franklin Inc is a long-term, sole source supplier to turbine manufacturers. Our portfolio covers natural gas control and stop valve assemblies, liquid stop and bypass assemblies and more.

YWCT - Custom Cooling TowersHutzot Hayotzer 30, Ashkelon 78100 Israel, +972-8-671-8802, [email protected], www.customcoolingtowers.comYWCT specializes in engineering manufacturing and erection of water cooling towers with unique capabilities of customizing its cooling towers according to any customer needs.

Zachry Engineering Corp1515 Arapahoe St, Tower 1, Suite 900, Denver, CO 80202, USA, +1-303-928-4400, [email protected], www.zhi.comContact: VP, Mike MorrisOffers full-service design engineering, project management, startup, plant betterment, and EPC projects for alternative energy facilities, biomass and fossil fuel power plants, new and retrof t AQCS projects, and substations.

ZCL Composites Inc1420 Parsons Rd SW, Edmonton, AB T6X 1M5, Canada, +1-780-466-6648, www.zcl.comZCL strives to be the leading global provider of environmentally friendly liquid storage solutions, while providing superior returns to our shareholders.

Zeeco Inc22151 E 91 St, Broken Arrow, OK 74014, USA, +1-918-258-8551, [email protected], www.zeeco.comZeeco, trusted worldwide for the design and manufacturing of combustion and environmental solutions for the ref ning, petrochemical, production, power and pharmaceutical industries since 1979.

Zeleziarne PodbrezovaKolkaren 35, Podbrezov 976 81 Slovak Republic, +421-48-645-1111, [email protected], www.zelpo.skContact: Mktg, Marcel AdamcakProduction portfolio includes steel blooms, seamless tubes, precision seamless and welded tubes, large diameter welded steel tubes, tube semi-products and f ttings.

ZOK International Group LtdElsted Marsh, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 0JT, UK, +44-173-081-1920, [email protected], www.zok.comContact: Off Mgr, Lisa MontgomerySpecializes in environmentally responsible cleaning solutions for all gas turbine compressors. For over 30 years ZOK has been manufacturing and distributing water-based products for any type of gas compressor.

Zuccato Energia SrlVia Della Consortia 2, Verona 37127 Italy, +39-045-8378-570, [email protected], www.zuccatoenergia.itZuccato Energia is an Italian f rm specializing in the development, design, production and distribution of small-size renewable energy production and energy recovery plants.

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92 Power Engineering International January 2013

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Solar POWER-GEN aims to offer that brass-tacks information you need to run your business.

We’ve designed 15 conference sessions to educate you on the latest policy, f nance,

technology, market and utility integration issues out there. Our Keynote Session will feature

speakers addressing how the solar industry and utilities can continue to work towards

meeting their own individual goals while working together. Our Plenary Session, Strategic

Investing in the Solar Industry, will feature a roundtable of merger and acquisition specialists

who will explain who is buying whom and why. One of our mega-sessions will address the

developing solar market right over the border in Mexico and the other will take the long look

ahead and explain the innovations on the horizon that may change the solar industry in ways

most of us haven’t even thought of yet.





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