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Page 2: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

i s" S2|


is22 i1

WHAT ARE "S" PARAMETERS?"S" parameters are reflection and transmission coefficients,

familiar concepts to RF and microwave designers. Transmission co-efficients are commonly called gains or attenuations; reflection co-efficients are directly related to VSWR's and impedances.

Conceptually they are like "h," "y," or "z" parameters becausethey describe the inputs and outputs of a black box. The inputs andoutputs are in terms of power for "s" parameters, while they arevoltages and currents for "h," "y," and "z" parameters. Using theconvention that "a" is a signal into a port and "b" is a signal outof a port, the figure below will help to explain "s" parameters.



In this figure, "a" and "b" are the square roots of power; (a,)J isthe power incident at port 1, and (b2)

2 is the power leaving port 2.The diagram shows the relationship between the "s" parametersand the "a's" and "b's." For example, a signal a, is partially re-flected at port 1 and the rest of the signal is transmitted throughthe device and out of port 2. The fraction of a, that is reflected atport 1 is Sn, and the fraction of a, that is transmitted is s,(. Simi-larly, the fraction of az that is reflected at port 2 is $32, and thefraction 5u is transmitted.

The signal bi leaving port 1 is the sum of the fraction of a, thatwas reflected at port 1 and the fraction of a? that was transmittedfrom port 2.

Thus, the outputs can be related to the inputs by the equations:bi = SM 3, -f Su 3i

s» a2

and when a, = 0,b, b,

j = Si. a, -fWhen ai = 0,

Sn — , Su —b,

a, ' ' a, - aiThe setup below shows how su and Su are measured.







-b,— Q 2 =0

i i


"S" parameters are measured so easily that obtaining accuratephase information is no longer a problem. Measurements like elec-trical length or dielectric coefficient can be determined readily fromthe phase of a transmission coefficient. Phase is the difference be-tween only knowing a VSWR and knowing the exact impedance.VSWR's have been useful in calculating mismatch uncertainty, butwhen components are characterized with "s" parameters there is nomismatch uncertainty. The mismatch error can be precisely calcu-lated.

Easy To Measure

Two-port "s" parameters are easy to measure at high frequenciesbecause the device under test is terminated in the characteristicimpedance of the measuring system. The characteristic impedancetermination has the following advantages:

1. The termination is accurate at high frequencies . . . it ispossible to build an accurate characteristic impedance load. "Open"or "short" terminations are required to determine "h," "y," or "z"parameters, but lead inductance and capacitance make these termi-nations unrealistic at high frequencies.

2. No tuning is required to terminate a device in the characteristicimpedance . . . positioning an "open" or "short" at the terminals ofa test device requires precision tuning. A "short" is placed at theend of a transmission line, and the line length is precisely varied un-til an "open" or "short" is reflected to the device terminals. On theother hand, if a characteristic impedance load is placed at the endof the line, the device will see the characteristic impedance regard-less of line length.

3. Broadband swept frequency measurements are possible . . .because the device will remain terminated in the characteristic im-pedance as frequency changes. However, a carefully reflected "open"or "short" will move away from the device terminals as frequencyis changed, and will need to be "tuned-in" at each frequency.

4. The termination enhances stability . . . it provides a resistivetermination that stabilizes many negative resistance devices, whichmight otherwise tend to oscillate.

An advantage due to the inherent nature of "s" parameters is:

5. Different devices can be measured with one setup . . . probesdo not have to be located right at the test device. Requiring probesto be located at the test device imposes severe limitations on thesetup's ability to adapt to different types of devices.

Port 1 is driven and aj is made zero by terminating the 50 ntransmission line coming out of port 2 in its characteristic 50 ^impedance. This termination ensures that none of the transmittedsignal, bj, will be reflected toward the test device.

Similarly, the setup for measuring s,j and sn is:




If the usual "h," "y," or "z" parameters are desired, they can becalculated readily from the "s" parameters. Electronic computersand calculators make these conversions especially easy.

WHY "S" PARAMETERSTotal Information

"S" parameters are vector quantities; they give magnitude andphase information. Most measurements of microwave components,like attenuation, gain, and VSWR, have historically been measuredonly in terms of magnitude. Why? Mainly because it was too difficultto obtain both phase and magnitude information.

Easy To UseQuicker, more accurate microwave design is possible with "s"

parameters. When a Smith Chart is laid over a polar display of s,,or s», the input or output impedance is read directly. If a swept-frequency source is used, the display becomes a graph of input oroutput impedance versus frequency. Likewise, CW or swept-frequencydisplays of gain or attenuation can be made.

"S" parameter design techniques have been used for some time.The Smith Chart and "s" parameters are used to optimize matchingnetworks and to design transistor amplifiers. Amplifiers can be de-signed for maximum gain, or for a specific gain over a given fre-quency range. Amplifier stability can be investigated, and oscil latorscan be designed.

These techniques are explained in the literature listed at thebottom of this page. Free copies can be obtained from your localHewlett-Packard Sales Representative.

References:1. "Transistor Parameter Measurements," Application Note 77-1, February

1, 1967.2. "Scattering Parameters Speed Design of High Frequency Transistor Cir-

cuits," by Fritz Weinert, Electronics, September 5, 1966.3. "S" Parameter Techniques for Faster, More Accurate Network Design,"

by Dick Anderson, Hewlett-Packard Journal, February 1967.4. "Two Port Power Flow Analysis Using Generalized Scattering Param-

eters," by George Bodway, Microwave Journal, May 1967.5. "Quick Amplifier Design with Scattering Parameters," by William H.

Froehner, Electronics, October 16, 1967.

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S-Parameters ....Circuit Analysis and Design


A Collection of Articles DescribingS-Parameter Circuit Design and Analysis


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The designer of high-frequency circuits can now do inhours what formerly took weeks or months. For alongtime there has been no simple, accurate way tocharacterize high-frequency circuit components. Now,in a matter of minutes, the frequency response of theinputs and outputs of a device can be measured ass parameters.

As shown in some of the articles in this applicationnote, an amplifier circuit can be completely designedon a Smith Chart with s-parameter data. Circuit de-sign is greatly accelerated by using small computersor calculators to solve lengthy vector design equations.This leads to some creative man-machine interactionswhere the designer can "tweek" his circuit via thecomputer and see how its response is affected Thecomputer can search through hundreds of thousands ofpossible designs and select the best one. An even morepowerful approach that makes one's imagination runaway with itself is to combine the measuring equip-ment and the computer as in the HP 8541A. Theoret-ically, one could plug in a transistor, specify the typeof circuit to be designed, and get a readout of the op-timal design.

This note consists primarily of a collection of recentarticles describing the s-parameter design of high-frequency circuits. Following the articles is a briefsection describing the rather straightforward techniqueof m e a s u r i n g s parameters. Many useful designequations and techniques are contained in this litera-ture, and amplifier design, stability, and high-fre-quency transistor characterization are fully discussed.

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Section Page

Microwave Transistor Characterization 1-1

! ! Scattering Parameters Speed Design of High Frequency Transistor Circuits 2-1

Ml S-Parameter Techniques for Faster, More Accurate Network Design 3-1

Combine S Parameters with Time Sharing 4-1

V Quick Amplifier Design with Scattering Parameters 5-1

\ i Two-Port Flow Analysis Using Generalized Scattering Parameters 6-1

VII Circuit Design and Characterization of Transistors by Means of Three-Port Scattering Parameters. 7-1



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Julius Lange describes the parameters he feels aremost important for characterizing microwave tran-sistors. These include the two-port s parameters,MSG (maximum stable gain), Gmax (maximum tunedor maximum available ga in) , K (Rollett's stabilityfactor), and U (unilateral gain). The test setups usedfor measuring these parameters are described and atransistor fixture for Tl-line transistors plus a slidescrew tuner designed by Lange are shown. Thearticleconcludes w i t h equations relating y parameters, hparameters, MSG, Gmax, K, and U to the two-ports parameters.

Introduction 1-1S Parameter Measurements 1-2

Gain and Stability Measurements 1-5MSG (Maximum Stable Gain) 1-6GMAX (Maximum Available Gain) 1-6K (Rollett's Stability Factor 1-6U (Unilateral Gain - Mason Invariant) 1-7

Test Fixtures. 1-8Special S Parameter Relationships 1-12

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Julius Lange


Since introduction of transistors with much improved high frequency capabilities,new techniques and hardware for transistor characterization have been developed,Older methods, such as characterization by H or Y parameters, are not suitable above1 GHz since at these frequencies the package parasitics affect the response significantly.Also, test equipment for measuring those parameters directly is not available.

When measurements above 1 GHz are made on discrete components such as tran-sistors or diodes the following basic difficulties arise:

1) Terminals of the intrinsic device (semiconductor chip) are notdirectly accessible; that is, between the device and the measurementapparatus there is interposed a network consisting of packageparasitics, transmission lines, etc. Thus, the device propertieshave to be measured with respect to some convenient externalterminals, and then referred back to the intrinsic device via amathematical transformation. This makes characterization interms of invariant parameters such as maximum available gain(maximum tuned gain), maximum stable gain, and unilateral gainvery attractive.

2) Special care must be taken to ensure that the tuning and dc biasnetworks do not present reactive, that is non-dissipative, impedancesto the transistor at low frequencies causing insufficient loading, whichcan easily result in oscillations. The use of slide-screw tuners and

The majority of the data presented in this paper was developed by TexasInstruments Incorporated under Contract No. DA 28-043 AMC-01371(E) for theUnited States Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.


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characterization in terms of S-parameters greatly alleviates thisproblem.

3) If open or short circuit terminations are desired, as is necessaryfor H, Y, or Z parameter measurements, resonant lines must beused. This causes a high degree of frequency sensitivity whichmakes broadband swept frequency measurements impossible andmay allow the transistor to oscillate. Since broadband 50 Q termi-nations are easily obtainable using standard components, S-parametermeasurements are more practical.

4) The sources of error are multiplied and special attention must bepaid to consistency and accurate calibration. A consistent set ofreference planes must be established and losses and discontinuitiesmust be held to a minimum.


The small signal response of a discrete two-port device is defined in terms offour variables vi, ii, v%, and i%, the voltages, and currents at the input and outputterminals respectively as shown in Figure 1. Any two of the variables can be chosenas the independent variables making the other two dependent variables. This gives riseto the familiar Z, Y, and H parameters. In the S-parameter representation linearcombinations of the currents and voltages are used as the independent and dependentvariables. The independent variables are defined as:


< V

the dependent variables as:



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Figure 1 . Two-Port Relations

Here ZQ is a real impedance called the characteristic impedance. Thus, the S-parametermatrix is defined by:

bl = 12

By slightly changing the definitions, complex values of Zo different for the two portscan be used. But these have theoretical significance only and are impractical formeasurements. Since 50 £1 coaxial transmission line components such as slottedlines and directional couplers are readily available, Zo is generally taken to be 50 ^2.

At times a^ and a2 are referred to as the "incident voltage waves" and b-^ andbo as the "reflected voltage waves". If the device is terminated in Zo at the input and

i - 9 . - ooutput, Sj j and S22

are the input and output reflection coefficients, |S2i|" and ISj^lare the forward and reverse insertion gains, and /S2i and /S^2 are the insertion phaseshifts. Also ail2 is the power available from the generator (internal impedance =Z0)and |b2J 2 is the power dissipated in the load (load=Zo). A derivation of these relation-ships is given in the appendix.


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The S-parameters completely determine the small signal behavior of a device.Formulas for deriving the Y and H parameters and various gain and stability relation-ships from the S-parameters are given in the appendix.

The S-parameters can be measured using commercial test sets such as the -hp-841OA network analyzer. A block diagram of the measurement setups is shown in Figures2 and 3. Figure 2 illustrates the measurement of the transmission coefficients S12 and821. A swept-frequency source feeds a power divider which has two outputs, a referencechannel and a test channel. The device to be measured is inserted into the text channeland a line stretcher is inserted into the reference channel. The line stretcher compen-sates for excess electrical length in the device. Both channels are then fed to the testset which measures the complex ratio between the two signals. This ratio is the desiredparameter.

The reflection coefficients S-,, and 892 are measured using the setup shown inFigure 3. There the swept-frequency source is fed into a dual-directional coupler.One port of the device is connected to the measurement port of the coupler the otherport is terminated in a 50 £2 load. The reference output of the coupler which samplesthe incident wave is fed to the complex ratio test set via a line stretcher. The test out-put which samples the wave reflected from the device is fed directly to the test set.The line stretcher allows the plane at which the measurement is made to be extendedpast the connector to the unknown device.









Figure 2 . Setup for Measuring S-,2 and


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Figure 3. Setup for Measuring S-,-1 and 822

The stretchable lines in the measurement setups, Figures 2 and 3, allow the inputand output measurement planes to be placed anywhere. Care must be taken to ensurethat all four S-parameters are measured with reference to the same planes. Sexlessconnectors such as GR900 or APC-7 are used to establish the reference planes. Theseconnectors allow precision shorts to be placed exactly at the mating planes of theconnectors.

Since S-,-, and S22 are reflection coefficients. They can be measured with aslotted line. This is the most accurate method; it is, however, cumbersome andunsuited for swept frequency measurements. The reflectometer method describedabove is much more convenient. The transmission coeficients, S12 and S2-, cannotbe measured with a slotted line.

Test fixtures and dc bias injection networks used for S-parameter measurementsmust have low loss and very low VSWR. Design principles will be discussed below inthe section on test fixtures .


While it is true that the S-parameters of transistor completely and uniquelycharacterize it for the small signal condition several gain and stability parameters(MSG, GMAX, K, and U) are measured for the following reasons:


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The S-parameters do not give any direct indication of the level of perfor-mance of the device as an amplifier.

Even though these parameters can be calculated from the S-parameters,direct measurement is preferable to calculation by formula becauseof round-off errors.

These parameters are invariant under various transformations. Thismakes them insensitive to header parasitics and reference planelocation. Thus the parameters are the same for the bare chip asfor the packaged device. This allows one to evaluate the intrinsiccapabilities of the chip itself.

Gain and stability parameters are defined below:

1. MSG (Maximum Stable Gain)— is the square root of the ratio of the forwardto the reverse power gain. The only requirement is that the device terminations be thesame for both measurements. MSG is uneffected by input or output parasitics but it issensitive to feedback parasitics such as common lead inductance or feedthroughcapacitance.

2. GMAX (Maximum Tuned Gain-Maximum Available Gain) — is the forwardpower gain when the input and the output are simultaneously conjugately matched.GMAX is only defined for an unconditionally stable device (K > 1, see below). It isuneffected by lossless input or output parasitics but it is sensitive to loss or feedback.

3. K(Rollettts Stability Factor I/) is a measure of oscillatory tendency. ForK< 1 the device is potentially unstable and can be induced into oscillation by the appli-cation of some combination of passive load and source admittances. For K > 1 thetransistor is unconditionally stable, that is in the absence of an external feedback path,no passive load or source admittance will induce oscillations. K is the inverse ofLinvill!s C factor and plays an important part in amplifier design.

For K > 1, K can be computed from the MSG and GMAX by the formula:

_ J_ /MSG GMAX \2 \GMAX " MSG /

For K < 1, K must be computed from the S-parameters as shown in theappendix.


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2/4. U (Unilateral Gain-Mason Invariant^-' is the most unique figure of meritfor a device. It is defined as the forward power gain in a feedback amplifier whosereverse gain has been adjusted to zero by a lossless reciprical feedback network.Because of the feedback loop employed in the measurement of UG, the transistor maybe imbedded in any lossless-reciprocal network without changing its unilateral gain.This makes unilateral gain invariant with respect to any lossless header parasitics orchanges in common lead configuration.

Alternately U can be derived from MSG, K, and 0, the difference betweenforward and reverse phase shift. This difference, being the "phase of MSG" is in-variant under input and output transformations like the MSG itself. The formula forU is!/:

U =MSG - 2 cos 9 + MSG

2 (K - cos 9)


2 (K - cos 6)

Figure 4 shows a setup for measuring MSG, GMAX, K, and U in one simpleprocedure as follows:

Tune for maximum forward gain and record gain (which is GMAX) andphase.

Turn device and tuners around and record gain and phase.

Get gain ratio and phase difference, as described above, and calculateMSG, K. andU.







Figure 4. Setup for Measuring MSG, GMAX, K, U


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Measurements at frequencies above 1 GHz require test fixtures which have lowloss and VSWR. An example which fulfills these requirements is the improved mount

/s>for TI-Line packages shown in Figure 5. This mount contains two low VSWR coaxto stripline adaptors which feed the input and output 50 fi tri-plate strip transmissionlines. These lines are carried to the very edge of the package. Contact to the inputand output leads is made by clamping the flat leads between the striplines and the upperdielectric.

Another important feature of the mount is the grounding scheme. For a three-terminal device in a tri-plate structure, it is very important to ground the device toboth ground planes at the same point. Therefore, the flange of the transistor packageis clamped between the two ground planes. The ground lead of the package serves nopurpose other than mechanical alignment.

When designing tuning and bias insertion networks for use above 1 GHz the lowfrequency response must be taken into account, since most devices have high gain atlow frequencies and will break into oscillations when insufficiently loaded. For S-parameter measurements the device terminations should present 50 fi at least downto 10 MHz. This can best be accomplished by inserting high capacitance dc blocksinto the outer conductors of the transmission lines leadings to the device and providingdc returns through T-pad attenuators. High quality wide-band bias tees can also beused.

For making tuned power gain measurements, such as MAG and U, the specialslide-screw tuner shown in Figure 6 has been built. It consists of a coaxial 50-ficharacteristic impedance slab line (round center conductor; two slabs as outer con-ductor ground return) provided with an anodized aluminum tuning slug whose positionand penetration are adjustable. This tuner has the following advantages over theconventional multiple-stub tuners.

The distance between the device terminals and the tuning elements (movableslugs) can be made very small. This discourages parasitic osilla-tions and extends the usable frequency range to 9 GHz, the limitingfrequency of the connectors.

The tuning elements are "transparent" at dc and low frequencies. Thusthe dc bias elements can be placed outside of the tuning elements ina low VSWR portion of the system. Consequently losses are reducedand made independent of the VSWR of the transistor, making it easyto account for them.


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Figure 5. Improved TI-Line Mount


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If high-capacitance outer blocks and T-pad attenuators are used for biasingthe transistor sees 50 fi at both input and output at low frequencies,resulting in heavy loading which very effectively suppresses oscilla-tory tendencies.

VSWRs as high as 30 have been achieved at 1 GHz while still maintaininglow loss.


1. J. M. Rollett, "Stability and Power-Gain Invariants of Linear Twoports,"IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory, Vol. CT-9, pp. 29-32; March, 1962.

2. S. J. Mason, "Power Gain in Feedback Amplifiers," MIT Research Lab ofElectronics, Tech. Rep. 257; August 25, 1953. Also IRE Trans. . Vol. CT-1,pp. 20-25; June 1954.

3. J. Lange, "A Much Improved Apparatus for Measuring the Gain of Transistorsat GHz Frequencies", IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory, Vol. CT-13,December, 1966.

4. A. Singhakowinta and A. R. Boothroyd, IEEE Transon Circuit Theory, Vol.CT-11 p. 169, March 1964.


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S = output reflection coefficient2

l2a | = • B ' • ' = power available from generator

2 2' = Y ' V ' = output P°wer

|S | = forward transducer (insertion) gain



1, = i - Y v,1 E B 1

Conversion Formulas

( 1 + S 1 0

12(21) -S'2 (211 7 -1

-S12S21 + (1 + V ( 1 + S 2 2 >


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1+ s s — s s11 22 12 21

2 S12

2 _S




1/2 (S S ) -1

K IS /S - Re (S S )| 21/ 12 l 21/ 12'


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Fritz Weinert's article gives the neophyte a particu-larly good under standing of s parameters and how theyrelate to transistors and transistor circuit design.Weinert lucidly explains how to design a stable ampli-fier for a given gain over a specified bandwidth. Heconcludes by discussing the accuracy and limitationsof his measuring system.

S Parameter Definitions 2-2Physical Meaning of S Parameters 2-2Three Step Amplifier Design on the Smith

Chart 2-6Stability Criterion 2-8

Using the Smith Chart 2-9Using S Parameters in Amplifier Design 2-9

Unilateral Circuit Definitions 2-10Measuring S Parameters 2-11Accuracy and Limitations 2-11

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Design theory Electronics

Scattering parameters speed designof high-frequency transistor circuits

At frequencies above 100 Mhz scattering parameters

are easily measured and provide information difficult to obtain

with conventional techniques that use h, y or z parameters

By Fritz WeinertHewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, Calif.

Performance of transistors at high frequencies hasso improved that they are now found in all solid-state microwave equipment. But operating transis-tors at high frequencies has meant design problems:

• Manufacturers' high-frequency performancedata is frequently incomplete or not in proper form.

• Values of h, y or z parameters, ordinarily usedin circuit design at lower frequencies, can't bemeasured accurately above 100 megahertz becauseestablishing the required short and open circuitconditions is difficult. Also, a short circuit fre-quently causes the transistor to oscillate under test.

These problems are yielding to a technique thatuses scattering or s parameters to characterize thehigh-frequency performance of transistors. Scatter-ing parameters can make the designer's job easier.

• They are derived from power ratios, and conse-quently provide a convenient method for measuringcircuit losses.

• They provide a physical basis for understand-ing what is happening in the transistor, withoutneed for an understanding of device physics.

• They are easy to measure because they arebased on reflection characteristics rather than short-or open-circuit parameters.

The author

Fritz K. Weinert, who joined thetechnical staff of Hewlett-Packardin 1964, is project leader in thenetwork analysis section of themicrowave laboratory. He holdspatents and has published paperson pulse circuits, tapered-linetransformers, digital-tuned circuitsand shielding systems.

Like other methods that use h, y or z parameters,the scattering-parameter technique does not requirea suitable equivalent circuit to represent the tran-sistor device. It is based on the assumption that thetransistor is a two-port network—and its terminalbehavior is defined in terms of four parameters, Sn,s,._., So! and sL-2, called s or scattering parameters.

Since four independent parameters completelydefine any two-port at any one frequency, it is pos-sible to convert from one known set of parametersto another. At frequencies above 100 Mhz, however,it becomes increasingly difficult to measure the h,y or z parameters. At these frequencies it is difficultto obtain well defined short and open circuits andshort circuits frequently cause the device to oscil-late. However, s parameters may be measured di-rectly up to a frequency of 1 gigahertz. Once ob-tained, it is easy to convert the s parameters intoany of the h, y or z terms by means of tables.

Suggested measuring systems

To measure scattering parameters, the unknowntransistor is terminated at both ports by pure re-sistances. Several measuring systems of this kindhave been proposed. They have these advantages:

• Parasitic oscillations are minimized because ofthe broadband nature of the transistor terminations.

• Transistor measurements can be taken remotelywhenever transmission lines connect the semicon-ductor to the source and load—especially when theline has the same characteristic impedance as thesource and load respectively.

• Swept-frequency measurements are possible in-stead of point-by-point methods. Theoretical workshows scattering parameters can simplify design.

2-1Reprinted from Electronics September 5, 1966 © (All Rights Reserved) by McGraw-Hill lnc./330 W. 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10036

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Scattering-parameter definitions

To measure and define scattering parameters thetwo-port device, or transistor, is terminated at bothports by a pure resistance of value Z0, called thereference impedance. Then the scattering param-eters are defined by Sn, s12, sai and saa. Their phys-ical meaning is derived from the two-port networkshown in first figure below.

Two sets of parameters, (ai, bi) and (a2, ba), rep-resent the incident and reflected waves for the two-port network at terminals 1-1' and 2-2' respectively.Equations la through Id define them.


In matrix form the set of equations of 2 becomes


The scattering parameters for the two-port networkare given by equation 2.

bi = Sn ai .+ s,2 a2

b2 = &2\ ai H- SK a2




where the matrix

s =S|2



( • l )

is called the scattering matrix of the two-port net-work. Therefore the scattering parameters of thetwo-port network can be expressed in terms of theincident and reflected parameters as:

Sn = -a2 = 0

S]2 —

822 =




= 0

a, = 0


a2 = 0

In equation 5, the parameter su is called the inputreflection coefficient; s^ is the forward transmissioncoefficient; s^. is the reverse transmission coeffi-cient; and s^ is the output reflection coefficient. Allfour scattering parameters are expressed as ratiosof reflected to incident parameters.

Physical meaning of parameters

The implications of setting the incident param-eters ai and a^ at zero help explain the physical


G1 v,, b1



hM - **




~ o "'

Scattering parameters are defined by this representation of a two-port network. Two sets of incident and reflectedparameters (al( bi) and (a.., b^) appear at terminals 1-1' and 2-2' respectively.






L— 0-



J!* tij


By setting a equal to zero the s ; , parametercan be found. The Zo resistor is thoughtof as a one-port network. The conditiona;.- = 0 implies that the reference impedanceR« is set equal to the load impedance Z,,.By connecting a voltage source, 2 EM,with the source impedance, Z«, parameterSai can be found using equation 5

2-2Electronics | September 5, 1966

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meaning of these scattering parameters.By setting a-_. = 0, expressions for su and s^ can

he found. The terminating section of the two-portnetwork is at bottom of page 79 with the parametersaL. and bj of the 2-2' port. If the load resistor Z0 isthought of as a one-port network with a scatteringparameter

82 =Rfl2


where R02 is the reference impedance of port 2,then as and b-2 are related by

a2 = 82 b2 (7)When the reference impedance R(W is set equal tothe local impedance Z0) then sa becomes

Z o — / (8)

so that an = 0 under this condition. Similarly, whenai = 0, the reference impedance of port 1 is equalto the terminating impedance; that is, R,>i = Zu.The conditions ai — 0 and aL. =- 0 merely implythat the reference impedances R,,i and R.,2 arechosen to be equal to the terminating resistors Zn.

In the relationship between the driving-point im-pedances at ports 1 and 2 and the reflection coeffi-cients sn and Siia, the driving-point impedances canbe denoted by:

7 _Yl. 7 M^>in ~ T j "out ~ll I'J

From the relationship


Sn =a2 = 0

I [(Vi/VZo

which reduces to


S-22 —Z0,,t




These expressions show that if the reference im-pedance at a given port is chosen to equal the portsdriving-point impedance, the reflection coefficientwill be zero, provided the other port is terminatedin its reference impedance.In the equation

821 =.'i, a2 = 0

the condition a^ = 0 implies that the reference im-pedance R0i> is set equal to the load impedance Rj,center figure page 79. If a voltage source 2 E,,i isconnected with a source impedance R()1 = Z0, ai

can be expressed as:


Since aL. — 0, then

a2 = 0 =

from which



y._v*iO *VZo / VzoFinally, the forward transmission coefficient is ex-pressed as:

8-2, = (14)

Similarly, when port 1 is terminated in R0i = Z<>and when a voltage source 2 E()2 with source im-pedance Zu is connected to port 2,

S|2 —V,


Both si- and s-i have the dimensions of a voltage-ratio transfer function. And if Rm = Roa, then s12

and SLM are simple voltage ratios. For a passivereciprocal network, s^ = stL..

Scattering parameters Sn and s^ are reflectioncoefficients. They can be measured directly bymeans of slotted lines, directional couplers, voltage-standing-wave ratios and impedance bridges. Scat-tering parameters S I L ; and SL>I are voltagetransducer gains. All the parameters are frequency-dependent, dimensionless complex numbers. Atany one frequency all four parameters must beknown to describe the two-port device completely.

There arc several advantages for letting Ru] =ROL> = Zn.

• The SM and SL.J parameters are power reflectioncoefficients that are difficult to measure undernormal loading. However, if R<>i = Roi> — Zo, theparameters become equal to voltage reflectioncoefficients and can be measured directly withavailable test equipment.

• The s ] L > and s^ are square roots of the trans-ducer power gain, the ratio of power absorbedin the load over the source power available. Butfor R,,i = ROJ — Zn, they become a voltage ratioand can be measured with a vector voltmeter.

» The actual measurement can be taken at a dis-tance from the input or output ports. The meas-ured scattering parameter is the same as the param-eter existing at the actual location of the particularport. Measurement is achieved by connecting inputand output ports to source and load by means oftransmission lines having the same impedance, Z«,

2-3Electronics Septembers, 1966

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25 'C





100 Mhz0.62 <0.0115 <9.0 <0.955 <



300 Mhz0.305 <0.024 <3.85 <0.860 <


590 Mhz0.238 < -119.0°0.0385 < +110.0°2.19 < +66.0°0.830 < -26.0°

1,000 Mhz0.207 <+175.0°0.178 <+110.0°1.30 < +33.0°0.838 < -49.5°

100 C 100 MhzSi, 0.690 < -40°Si2 0.0125 < +76.0°Szi 8.30 < +133.0°S2Z 0.955 < -6.0°

100 C 500 MhzSn 0.260 < -96.0°s,a 0.0435 <+100.0°521 2.36 < +69.5°522 0.820 < -28.0°

300 Mhz0.372 <0.0254<3.82 <0.880 <


1,000 Mhz0.196 <+175.0°0.165 <+103.0°1.36 < +35.0°0.850 < -53.0°

Scattering parameters can be measured directly using the Hewlett-Packard 8405A vector voltmeter. It covers thefrequency range of 1 to 1,000 megahertz and determines SM and s]a by measuring ratios of voltages and phasedifference between the input and output ports. Operator at Texas Instruments Incorporated measures s-parameterdata for Tl's 2N3571 transistor series. Values for VCB = 10 volts; lc = 5 milliamperes.

as the source and load. In this way compensationcan be made for added cable length.

• Transistors can be placed in reversible fixturesto measure the reverse parameters sL>2 and 812 withthe equipment used to measure sn and s2i.

The Hewlett-Packard Co.'s 8405A vector volt-meter measures s parameters. It covers the fre-quency range of 1 to 1,000 megahertz and deter-mines 821 and Siu by measuring voltage ratios andphase differences between the input and outputports directly on two meters, as shown above. Adual-directional coupler samples incident and re-flected voltages to measure the magnitude andphase of the reflection coefficient.

To perform measurements at a distance, the setup

2-4Electronics I September 5, 1966

on page 86 is convenient. The generator and theload are the only points accessible for measure-ment. Any suitable test equipment, such as a vectorvoltmeter, directional coupler or slotted line canbe connected. In measuring the s2i parameter asshown in the schematic, the measured vector quan-tity V2/E0 is the voltage transducer gain or for-ward gain scattering parameter of the two-portand cables of length LI and La. The scatteringparameter s2i of the two-port itself is the samevector V^/Eo but turned by an angle of 360° (Li -fL2)/X in a counterclockwise direction.

Plotting Sn in the complex plane shows theconditions for measuring Sn. Measured vector TIis the reflection coefficient of the two-port plus

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Amplifier design with unilateral s parameters

Step 1


Step 2180








10 0.5


From the measured data transducer power gain is plotted as decibels versus frequency. From the plot anamplifier of constant gain is designed. Smith chart is used to plot the scattering parameters.

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To design an amplifier stage, asource and load impedance com-bination must be found that givesthe gain desired. Synthesis can beaccomplished in three stages.Step 1

The vector voltmeter measuresthe scattering parameters over thefrequency range desired.Step 2

Transducer power gain isplotted versus frequency using

equation 19 and the measured datafrom step 1. This determines thefrequency response of the uncom-pensated transistor network so thata constant-gain amplifier can bedesigned.Step 3

Source and load impedances mustbe selected to provide the propercompensation of a constant powergain from 100 to 500 Mhz. Sucha constant-gain amplifier is de-

signed according to the following;•Plot Siie on the Smith chart.

The magnitude of SH* is the lineardistance measured from the centerof the Smith chart. Radius fromthe center of the chart to any pointon the locus of Sn represents areflection coefficient r. The value ofr can therefore be determined atany frequency by drawing a linefrom the origin of the chart toa value of Sn* at the frequency of

Step 3100



Source impedance is found by inspecting the input plane for realizable source loci that give proper gain. Phaseangle is read on the peripheral scale "angle of reflection coefficient in degrees."

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interest. The value of r is scaledproportionately with a maximumvalue of 1.0 at the periphery of thechart. The phase angle is read onthe peripheral scale "angle of re-flection coefficient in degrees."Constant-gain circles are plottedusing equations 24 and 25 for GI.These correspond to values of 0,— 1, —2, —4 and —6 decibels forsn° at 100 and 500 Mhz. Con-struction procedure is shownon page 83.

• Constant-gain circles for 822*at 100 and 500 Mhz are con-structed similarly to that below.

• The gain Go drops from 20 dbat 100 Mhz to 6 db at 500 Mhz, anet reduction of 14 db. It is desir-able to find source and load imped-ances that will flatten this slopeover this frequency range. For thiscase it is accomplished by choos-ing a value of ri and r-2 on theconstant-gain circle at 100 Mhz,each corresponding to a loss of— 7 db. If this value of r\ and r^falls on circles of 0-db gain at 500Mhz, the over-all gain will be:At 100 Mhz,GT(db) = Go + G, + G2

= 20 - 7 - 7 = +6 db

At 500 Mhz,G-r(db) = 6 -4- 0 4- 0 = +6 db

• A source impedance of 20ohms resistance in series with 16picofarads of capacitance is chosen.Its value is equal to 50 (0.4 — j2)ohms at 100 Mhz. This pointcrosses the ri locus at about the— 7 db constant-gain circle of GI asillustrated on page 83. At 500Mhz this impedance combinationequals 50 (0.4 - - jO.4) ohms andis located at approximately the+ 0.5 db constant-gain circle. Theselection of source impedance is aniterative process of inspection of



Load impedance is found by inspecting the output plane for loci that give proper gain.

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the input ri plane on the Smithchart. The impedance values atvarious frequencies between 100and 500 Mhz are tried until an im-pedance that corresponds to anapproximate constant—gain circlenecessary for constant power gainacross the band is found.

• At the output port a Gz of-6 db at 100 Mhz and +0.35 dbat 500 Mhz is obtained by select-ing a load impedance of 60 ohmsin series with 5 pf and 30 nano-henries.

• The gain is:At 100 Mhz,

GT(db) = G0 + G, + G2= 20 - 7 - 6 = +7 db

At 500 Mhz,6 + 0.5 + 0.35 = +6.85 dbThus the 14-db variation from 100to 500 Mhz is reduced to 0.15 dbby selecting the proper source andload impedances.

Stability criterion. Important inthe design of amplifiers is stability,or resistance to oscillation. Stabil-ity is determined for the unilateralcase from the measured s param-eters and the synthesized sourceand load impedances. Oscillations

are only possible if either the inputor the output port, or both, havenegative resistances. This occursif Sn or s22 are greater than unity.However, even with negative re-sistances the amplifier might bestable. The condition for stabilityis that the locus of the sum of in-put plus source impedance, or out-put plus load impedance, does notinclude zero impedance from fre-quencies zero to infinity [shown infigure below]. The technique issimilar to Nyquist's feedback sta-bility criterion and has been de-rived directly from it.

Amplifier stability is determined from scattering parameters and synthesized source and load impedances.

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input cable L! (the length of the output cable hasno influence). The scattering parameter sn of thetwo-port is the same vector TI but turned at anangle 720° LI/A in a counterclockwise direction.

Using the Smith chart

Many circuit designs require that the impedanceof the port characterized by sn or the reflectioncoefficient r be known. Since the s parameters arein units of reflection coefficient, they can be plotteddirectly on a Smith chart and easily manipulatedto establish optimum gain with matching networks.The relationship between reflection coefficient rand the impedance R is

r = R — (16)

The Smith chart plots rectangular impedancecoordinates in the reflection coefficient plane. Whenthe Sn or 822 parameter is plotted on a Smithchart, the real and imaginary part of the impedancemay be read directly.

It is also possible to chart equation 1 on polar

coordinates showing the magnitude and phase ofthe impedance R in the complex reflection co-efficient plane. Such a plot is termed the Charterchart. Both charts arc limited to impedances hav-ing positive resistances, \r}\ < 1. When measuringtransistor parameters, impedances with negativeresistances are sometimes found. Then, extendedcharts can be used.

Measurement of a device's s parameters pro-vides data on input and output impedance andforward and reverse gain. In measuring, a deviceis inserted between known impedances, usually 50ohms. In practice it may be desirable to achievehigher gain by changing source or load impedancesor both.

An amplifier stage may now be designed in twosteps. First, source and load impedances must befound that give the desired gain. Then the imped-ances must be synthesized, usually as matchingnetworks between a fixed impedance source orbetween the load and the device [see block dia-gram top of p. 87].

2L ,+i

ZIN* ~Z0

"~ Z ,N + Z 0

S parameters can be measured remotely. Top test setup is for measuring s^; bottom, for Su. Measured vector V2/E,.is the voltage transducer gain of the two-port and cables U and U. The measured vector ri is the reflection coefficient

Annmnri^fa nQft^rc -fi-ir r. a n H c naramotorc ara nlnttoHIS ine VOIlaUc uaiisuu^ci yam ui uic inu-|jui L anu vavi^^ 1-1 u»w •-

of the two-port plus input cable U + L2. Appropriate vectors for fi and s parameters are plotted.

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To design an amplifier stage, source and load impedances are found to give the gain desired. Then impedances aresynthesized, usually as matching networks between a fixed impedance source or the load and the device. Whenusing s parameters to design a transistor amplifier, it is advantageous to distinguish between a simplified orunilateral design for times when s,2 can be neglected and when it must be used.

When designing a transistor amplifier with theaid of s parameters, it is advantageous to dis-tinguish between a simplified or unilateral designfor instances where the reverse-transmission param-eter s1L> can be neglected and the more generalcase in which s2i must be shown. The unilateraldesign is much simpler and is, for many applica-tions, sufficient.

Unilateral-circuit definitionsTransducer power gain is defined as the ratio

of amplifier output power to available sourcepower.

GT =



For the unilateral circuit GT is expressed in termsof the scattering parameters su, s2i and Sia withs12 = 0.

GT — Gfl.Gi.Ga (18)where:

Go = 182112 = transducer power gain forR, = Z0 = R2 (19)

G] = -ii - N2

1 - r, s,,(20)

= power gain contribution from change ofsource impedance from Z0 to Ri

Ti =— Zo

Ri -f- Zo(21)

= reflection coefficient of source impedancewith respect to Z0

G2 =1 ~

— r2 822(22)

= power gain contribution from change ofload impedance from Z0 to R2

R2 ~h Zo

= reflection coefficient of load impedancewith respect to Z0

2-10Electronics | September 5, 1966


In designing an amplifier stage the graphicalprocedure shown at the bottom is helpful. Themeasured values of parameter Sn and its complexconjugate sn* are plotted on the Smith chart to-gether with radius distances. Center of the constant-gain circles located on the line through Sn* and theorigin at a distance

G! [SnJ 1

" G1B,« |_ l - | sn | 2 ( l - G,/G,m«)

The radius of circles on which GI is constant is


Poi -- G./d »„ (1 -|B,, 2)

If the source reflection coefficient ri is made equal

R, ±R01+jx1


v°The two-port network is terminated at the ports byimpedances containing resistance and reactance.Expressions for the transducer power gain can then bederived in terms of the scattering parameters.


A graphical plot helps in design of an amplifier stage.Here the measured parameters sn and su* are plottedon a Smith chart. The upper point is Su*.

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to Sn*, then the generator is matched to the loadand the gain becomes maximum (Gimax). Constant-gain circles can be constructed, as shown, in 1- or2-decibel increments or whatever is practical usingequations 9 and 10.

If the source impedance RI or its reflection coeffi-cient is plotted, the gain contribution GI is readdirectly from the gain circles. The same method isused to determine G2 by plotting^;., S22*> constant-gain circles and ry.

Examples for the design procedure are given ingreater detail in Transistor Parameter Measure-ments, Hewlett-Packard Application Note 77-1. Theprocedure is outlined in "Amplifier design with uni-lateral s parameters," beginning on page 82.

Measuring s parametersS-parameter measurements of small-signal tran-

sistors require fairly sensitive measuring equip-ment. The input signal often cannot exceed 10 milli-volts root mean square. On the other hand, widefrequency ranges are required as well as fast andeasy operation. Recent advantages in measuringequipment have provided a fast and accurate meas-uring system. It is based on the use of a newly de-veloped instrument, the H-P sampling vector volt-meter 8405A [see photo p. 81], and couplers.

The vector voltmeter covers a frequency rangeof 1 to 1,000 Mhz, a voltage measurement range of100 microvolts full scale and a phase range of±180° with 0.1° resolution. It is tuned automat-ically by means of a phase-locked loop.

Directional couplers are used to measure reflec-tion coefficients and impedances. A directional cou-pler consists of a pair of parallel transmission linesthat exhibit a magnetic and electric coupling be-tween them. One, called the main line, is connectedto the generator and load to be measured. Measure-ment is taken at the output of the other, called theauxiliary line. Both lines are built to have a welldefined characteristic impedance; 50 ohms is usual.The voltage coupled into the auxiliary line consistsof components proportional to the voltage and cur-rent in the main line. The coupling is arranged sothat both components are equal in magnitude whenthe load impedance equals the characteristic im-pedance of the line.

Directional couplers using two auxiliary lines inreverse orientation are called dual-directional cou-plers. A feature of the unit is a movable referenceplane; the point where the physical measurementis taken can be moved along the line connecting thecoupler with the unknown load. A line stretcher isconnected to the output of the first auxiliary line.

The referencf plane is set closer to the transistorpackage than the minimum lead length used withthe transistor. Additional lead length is then con-sidered part of the matching networks. The influ-ence of lead length is also measured by changingthe location of the reference plane.

Measurement of sn parameter is made when theinstrument is switched to one of two positions. Thequotient VB/VA equals the magnitude of Sn. Its

phase is read directly on the 8405A meter. Whenswitched to the alternate position, the s2i parameteris read directly from the same ratio.

Accuracy and limitations

When measuring small-signal scattering param-eters, a-c levels beyond which the device is con-sidered linear must not be exceeded. In a grounded-emitter or grounded-base configuration, input volt-age is limited to about 10 millivolts rms maximum(when measuring sn and s2i). Much higher voltagescan be applied when measuring 822 and s)2 param-eters. In uncertain cases linearity is checked bytaking the same measurements at a sampling ofseveral different levels.

The system shown is inherently broadband. Fre-quency is not necessarily limited by the publishedrange of the dual directional couplers. The couplingfactor K falls off inversely with frequency belowthe low-frequency limit of a coupler. The factor Kdoes not appear in the result as long as it is thesame for each auxiliary port. Since construction ofcouplers guarantees this to a high degree, measure-ments can be made at lower frequencies than arespecified for the coupler.

The system's measurement accuracy depends onthe accuracy of the vector voltmeter and the cou-plers. Although it is possible to short circuit thereference planes of the transistors at each fre-quency, it is not desirable for fast measurements.Hence, broadband tracking of all auxiliary arms ofthe couplers and tracking of both channels of thevector voltmeter are important. Tracking errors arewithin about 0.5 db of magnitude and ±3° of phaseover wide frequency bands. Accuracy of measuringimpedances expressed by s l t and SL.-J degrade forresistances and impedances having a high reactivecomponent. This is because sn or sya are very closeto unity. These cases are usually confined to lowerfrequencies.


Charter, P.S., "Charts for Transmission-Line Measurements andComputations," Radio Corp. of America Review, Vol. Ill, No. 3, Jan-uary, 1939, pp. 355-368.Smith, P.M., "An Improved Transmission Line Calculator," Elec-tronics, January, 1944, pp. 130-325.Alsbert, D.A., "A Precise Sweep-Frequency Method of Vector Im-pedance Measurement," Proceedings of the IRE. November, 1951,pp. 1393-1400.Follingstad, H.G.. "Complete Linear Characterization of Transistorsfrom Low through Very High Frequencies," IRE Transactions onInstruments, March, 1957, pp. 49-63.General Radio Experimenter, "Type 1607-A Transfer-Function andImmitance Bridge," May, 1959, pp. 3-11. General Radio Experi-menter, "Mounts for Transistor Measurements with the Transfer-Function Bridge," February-March, 1965, pp. 16-19.Mathis, H.F., "Extended Transmission-line Charts," Electronics,Sept. 23, 1960, pp. 76-78.Leed, D., and 0. Kummer, "A Loss and Phase Set for MeasuringTransistor Parameters and Two-Port Networks Between 5 and 250Me," Bell System Technical Journal, May, 1961, pp. 841-884.Kurokawa, K., "Power Waves and the Scattering Matrix," Instituteof Electronic and Electrical Engineers Transactions MicrowaveTheory and Techniques, March, 1965, pp. 194-202.Leed, D., "An Insertion Loss, Phase and Delay Measuring Set forCharacterizing Transistors and Two-Port Networks between 0.25and 4.2 Gc." Bell System Technical Journal, March, 1966, pp. 340-397.Hewlett-Packard Journal, "The RF Vector Voltmeter," Vol. 17, No-9. May, 1966, pp. 2-12.

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Richard W. Anderson describes s parameters andflowgraphs and then relates them to more familiarconcepts such as transducer power gain and voltagegain. He takes swept-frequency data obtained with anetwork analyzer and uses it to design amplifiers. Heshows how to calculate the error caused by assumingthe transistor is unilateral. Both narrowband andbroad band amplifier designs are discussed. Stabilitycriteria are also considered.

Two-Port Network Theory 3-1S Parameters 3-2

Definition 3-2Relation to Power Gains 3-3

Network Calculations with Scattering Param-eters 3-3Signal Flowgraphs 3-4Nontouching Loop Rule 3-4Transducer Power Gain 3-4Power Absorbed by Load 3-4Power Available from Source 3-4

Measurement of S Parameters 3-5Narrowband Amplifier Design 3-6Broadband Amplifier Design 3-7Stability Considerations and the Design of

Reflection Amplifiers and Oscillators 3-9Useful Scattering Parameter Relationships . . . . 3-11

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S-Parameter Techniques for Faster,More Accurate Network Design

LINEAR NETWORKS, OR NONLINEAR NETWORKS Operatingwith signals sufficiently small to cause the networks to

respond in a linear manner, can be completely characterizedby parameters measured at the network terminals (ports)without regard to the contents of the networks. Once theparameters of a network have been determined, its behaviorin any external environment can be predicted, again withoutregard to the specific contents of the network. The newmicrowave network analyzer described in the article be-ginning on p. 2 characterizes networks by measuring onekind of parameters, the scattering parameters, or s-param-eters.

S-parameters are being used more and more in microwavedesign because they are easier to measure and work with athigh frequencies than other kinds of parameters. They areconceptually simple, analytically convenient, and capableof providing a surprising degree of insight into a measure-ment or design problem. For these reasons, manufacturersof high-frequency transistors and other solid-state devices arefinding it more meaningful to specify their products in termsof s-parameters than in any other way. How s-parameterscan simplify microwave design problems, and how a designercan best take advantage of their abilities, are described inthis article.

Two-Port Network TheoryAlthough a network may have any number of ports, net-

work parameters can be explained most easily by consider-ing a network with only two ports, an input port and anoutput port, like the network shown in Fig. 1. To characterizethe performance of such a network, any of several parametersets can be used, each of which has certain advantages.

Each parameter set is related to a set of four variablesassociated with the two-port model. Two of these variablesrepresent the excitation of the network (independent vari-ables), and the remaining two represent the response of thenetwork to the excitation (dependent variables). If the net-work of Fig. 1 is excited by voltage sources Vj and V2, the

network currents I[ and I, will be related by the followingequations (assuming the network behaves linearly);

+ YaV,

+ y22v2

(1)( 2 )

In this case, with port voltages selected as independentvariables and port currents taken as dependent variables, therelat ing parameters are called short-circuit admittanceparameters, or y-parameters. In the absence of additionalinformation, four measurements are required to determinethe four parameters yn , y2 l , y,,, and y2,. Each measurementis made with one port of the network excited by a voltagesource while the other port is short circuited. For example,y,,, the forward transadmittance, is the ratio of the currentat port 2 to the voltage at port 1 with port 2 short circuitedas shown in equation 3.

>'•_•] =I ,

(3)VL. = 0 (output short circuited)

If other independent and dependent variables had beenchosen, the network would have been described, as before,by two linear equations similar to equations 1 and 2, exceptthat the variables and the parameters describing their rela-tionships would be different. However, all parameter setscontain the same information about a network, and it isalways possible to calculate any set in terms of any other set.

Port 2

Fig. 1. General two-port network.


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S-ParametersThe ease with which scattering parameters can be meas-

ured makes them especially well suited for describing tran-sistors and other active devices. Measuring most otherparameters calls for the input and output of the device to besuccessively opened and short circuited. This is difficult todo even at RF frequencies where lead inductance and capaci-tance make short and open circuits difficult to obtain. Athigher frequencies these measurements typically requiretuning stubs, separately adjusted at each measurement fre-quency, to reflect short or open circuit conditions to thedevice terminals. Not only is this inconvenient and tedious,but a tuning stub shunting the input or output may cause atransistor to oscillate, making the measurement difficult andinvalid. S-parameters, on the other hand, are usually meas-ured with the device imbedded between a 5012 load andsource, and there is very little chance for oscillations tooccur.

Another important advantage of s-parameters stems fromthe fact that traveling waves, unlike terminal voltages andcurrents, do not vary in magnitude at points along a losslesstransmission line. This means that scattering parameters canbe measured on a device located at some distance from themeasurement transducers, provided that the measuring de-vice and the transducers are connected by low-loss trans-mission lines.

Generalized scattering parameters have been defined byK. Kurokawa.1 These parameters describe the interrelation-ships of a new set of variables (ai( bj). The variables a j andb j are normalized complex voltage waves incident on andreflected from the i1'1 port of the network. They are definedin terms of the terminal voltage V,, the terminal current l { ,and an arbitrary reference impedance Zj , as follows

| K. Kurokawa, 'Power Waves ant! the Scattering Matrix,' IEEE Transactions on Micro-wave Theory and Techniques, Vol. MTT-13, No. 2, March, 1965.

(4 )


where the asterisk denotes the complex conjugate.

For most measurements and calculations it is convenientto assume that the reference impedance Zj is positive andreal. For the remainder of this article, then, all variables andparameters will be referenced to a single positive real imped-ance Z0.

The wave functions used to define s-parameters for a two-port network are shown in Fig. 2. The independent variablesa{ and a-, are normalized incident voltages, as follows:

V\ 4- I,Zn voltage wave incident on port 1a. — —

- Vu

V., + I.,Z,, _ voltage wave incident on port 2a., — —


Dependent variables b, and b. are normalized reflectedvoltages:

voltage wave reflected (orV, — I,Z(, emanating) from port 1 Vr:" ~ ~ =

voltage wave reflected (orV., — I.,Z(1 emanating) from port 2 Vr3— == — — — — -= — — —

The linear equations describing the two-port network arethen:

b j = SnEj 4- s12a;;

b., — S21a1 + s22a2

The s-parameters sn, s22, s.,,, and s^ are:

— Input reflection coefficient with


( ID

a., = 0 the output port terminated by a (12)matched load (Zr = Z(, setsa, - 0).

Fig. 2. Two-port network showing incident (a,, a2) andreflected (bi, b-) waves used in s-parameier definitions.

= Output reflection coefficienta, — 0 with the input terminated by a (13)

matched load (Zs = Z0 andVs = 0).


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— Forward transmission (insertion)a- = 0 gain with the output port (14)

terminated in a matched load.

= Reverse transmission (insertion)= 0 gain with the input port

terminated in a matched load.(15)

Notice that



V' -Z1.


Zt - Z0/ -\- /£-.\ T £,tl



bs =Zs + Zo


Z s - Z oZs + Zo





Si I S22

where 2.^ = —~— is the input impedance at port 1.M Fig. 3. Flow graph of network of Fig. 2,

This relationship between reflection coefficient and imped-ance is the basis of the Smith Chart transmission-line calcu-lator. Consequently, the reflection coefficients s^ and s,.can be plotted on Smith charts, converted directly to imped-ance, and easily manipulated to determine matching net-works for optimizing a circuit design.

The above equations show one of the important advan-tages of s-parameters, namely that they are simply gains andreflection coefficients, both familiar quantities to engineers.By comparison, some of the y-parameters described earlierin this article are not so familiar. For example, the y-param-eter corresponding to insertion gain s,, is the 'forward trans-admittance' y,,, given by equation 3. Clearly, insertion gaingives by far the greater insight into the operation of thenetwork.

Another advantage of s-parameters springs from the sim-ple relationships between the variables a,, a,, b,, and b2, andvarious power waves:

Hence s-parameters are simply related to power gain andmismatch loss, quantities which are often of more interestthan the corresponding voltage functions:

., _ Power reflected from the network inputPower incident on the network i n p u t

., _ Power reflected from the network outputPower incident on the network output

Power delivered to a Z,, load

Power available from Z() source

Transducer power gain with Z,, load and source

Power incident on the input of the network.: Power available from a source of impedance Z,,

Power incident on the output of the network.Power reflected from the load.

Power reflected from the input port of the network.Power available from a Z,, source minus the powerdelivered to the input of the network.

|bL,|- = Power reflected or emanating from the output of thenetwork.

= Power incident on the load.= Power that would he delivered to a Z,, load.

- = Reverse transducer power gain with Z(, load andsource.

Network Calculations with Scattering ParametersScattering parameters turn out to be particularly conven-

ient in many network calculations. This is especially true forpower and power gain calculations. The transfer parametersSn. and s.., are a measure of the complex insertion gain, andthe driving point parameters sn and s2:! are a measure of theinput and output mismatch loss. As dimensionless expres-sions of gain and reflection, the parameters not only give aclear and meaningful physical interpretation of the network


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performance but also form a natural set of parameters foruse with signal flow graphs---1. Of course, it is not necessaryto use signal flow graphs in order to use s-parameters, butflow graphs make s-parameter calculations extremely simple,and I recommend them very strongly. Flow graphs will beused in the examples that follow.

In a signal flow graph each port is represented by twonodes. Node an represents the wave coming into the devicefrom another device at port n and node b,, represents thewave leaving the device at port n. The complex scatteringcoefficients are then represented as multipliers on branchesconnecting the nodes within the network and in adjacentnetworks. Fig. 3 is the flow graph representation of thesystem of Fig. 2.

Fig. 3 shows that if the load reflection coefficient rr, iszero (ZL = Zn) there is only one path connecting b1 to a,(flow graph rules prohibit signal flow against the forwarddirection of a branch arrow). This confirms the definitionof s,,:

aL, = rLb, = 0

The simplification of network analysis by flow graphs re-sults from the application of the "non-touching loop rule!'This rule applies a generalized formula to determine thetransfer function between any two nodes within a complexsystem. The non-touching loop rule is explained in foot-note 4.

JJ . K. Hunton, 'Analysis of Microwave Measurement Techniques by Means of SignalFlow Graphs,1 IRE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. MTT-8,No. 2, March, 1960.3 N. Kuhn, 'Simplified Signal Flow Graph Analysis, ' Microwave Journal, Vol. 6, No 11,Nov., 1963.

Using scattering parameter flow-graphs and the non-touch-ing loop rule, it is easy to calculate the transducer powergain with arbitrary load and source. In the following equa-tions the load and source are described by their reflectioncoefficients FL and rs, respectively, referenced to the realcharacteristic impedance Z0.

Transducer power gain

Power delivered to the loadPower available from the source Pav8

PL = P(incident on load) — P(reflected from load)

= ib3 |2(l- rj")


GT —


h.( I =00 - rLs)

Using the non-touching loop rule,


— Su rs — s.J2 r,, - s,, sr_, rL rs 4- sn rs s,2 r,,


) (1 s->2 FL) S2isi2 "L "s

(l - I ' V ^ M i - |iV)- sn rs) (1 - s2, r,,) ~ s21s12 rL rs"


Two other parameters of interest are:

1) Input reflection coefficient with the output terminationarbitrary and Zs = Z0.

The nontouching loop rule provides a simple method for writ ing the solutionof any flow graph by inspection. The solution T (the ratio of the output variableto the input variable) is


i — « rSl>2 1L

where Tk = path gain of the k1* forward path

A = 1 — (sum of all individual loop gains) + (sum of the loop gainproducts of all possible combinations of two nontouching loops)— (sum of the loop gain products of all possible combinationsof three nontouching loops) + . . . .

A^ = The value of A not touching the hth forward path.

A path is a continuous succession of branches, and a forward path is a pathconnecting the input node to the output node, where no node is encounteredmore than once. Path gain is the product of all the branch multipliers along thepath. A loop is a path which originates and terminates on the same node, nonode being encountered more than once. Loop gain is the product of the branchmultipliers around the loop.

For example, in Fig. 3 there is only one forward path from bs to b, and itsgain is s,,. There are two paths from bs to b,; their path gains are s^s,,lY andsn respectively. There are three individual loops, only one combination of twonontouching loops, and no combinations of three or more nontouching loops;therefore, the value of A for this network is

A = i - <SH rs + s3l s,31\ rs + sn rL) + (s,.The transfer function from bs to b3 is therefore

b, s,,

sn \\ rs).


- sn ^ (19)

2) Voltage gain with arbitrary source and load impedances

V"Av = -V,

. b a ( l

V r l

V, = (a., H- b,) v% = V f , + Vr,

s31(l-s2ar,J(l +s'n)


On p. 23 is a table of formulas for calculating manyoften-used network functions (power gains, driving pointcharacteristics, etc.) in terms of scattering parameters. Alsoincluded in the table are conversion formulas betweens-parameters and h-, y-, and z-parameters, which are otherparameter sets used very often for specifying transistors at

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1700 MHz

Fig. 4. S parameters of 2N3478 transistorin common-emitter configuration, meas-ured by -hp- Model 8410A NetworkAnalyzer, (a) SM. Outermost circle onSmith Chart overlay corresponds to ]su| =1. (b) s;!. Scale /actor same as (a), (c) Su.(d) S2t. (e) s-i with line stretcher adjusted toremove linear phase shift above 500 MHz.

100 MHz

100 MHz 1700 MHz

( b )


-30 dB




+ 20°


+ 9CT

( C ) (d) (e)

lower frequencies. Two important figures of merit used forcomparing transistors, f t and fmax, are also given, and theirrelationship to s-parameters is indicated.

Amplifier Design Using Scattering ParametersThe remainder of this article will show by several examples

how s-parameters are used in the design of transistor ampli-fiers and oscillators. To keep the discussion from becomingbogged down in extraneous details, the emphasis in theseexamples will be on s-parameter design methods, and mathe-matical manipulations will be omitted wherever possible.

Measurement of S-ParametersMost design problems will begin with a tentative selection

of a device and the measurement of its s-parameters. Fig. 4is a set of oscillograms containing complete s-parameter datafor a 2N3478 transistor in the common-emitter configura-tion. These oscillograms are the results of swept-frequencymeasurements made with the new microwave network ana-lyzer described elsewhere in this issue. They represent theactual s-parameters of this transistor between 100 MHz and1700 MHz.

In Fig. 5, the magnitude of s.., from Fig. 4(d) is replottedon a logarithmic frequency scale, along with additional dataon s21 below 100 MHz, measured with a vector voltmeter.The magnitude of s.,, is essentially constant to 125 MHz,and then rolls off at a slope of 6 dB/octave. The phase angle

of s21> as seen in Fig. 4(d), varies linearly with frequencyabove about 500 MHz. By adjusting a calibrated linestretcher in the network analyzer, a compensating linearphase shift was introduced, and the phase curve of Fig. 4(e)resulted. To go from the phase curve of Fig. 4(d) to that ofFig. 4(e) required 3.35 cm of line, equivalent to a pure timedelay of 112 picoseconds.

After removal of the constant-delay, or linear-phase, com-ponent, the phase angle of s^ for this transistor [Fig. 4(e)]varies from 180'at dc to+ 90° at high frequencies, passingthrough-1-135° at 125 MHz, the -3 dB point of the magni-tude curve. In other words, s^ behaves like a single pole inthe frequency domain, and it is possible to write a closedexpression for it. This expression is

1 + j« ( 2 1 )

where T 0 = 112 ps

"0 - 2- X 125MHz

s,10 = 11.2 = 21 dB

The time delay T,, — 112 ps is due primarily to the transittime of minority carriers (electrons) across the base of thisnpn transistor.


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< 21



*V^ U



100 MHz




IGHz 1



LT.3162 3




Fig. 5. Top curve: |s2, from Fig. 4 replotted on logarithmicfrequency scale. Data below 100 MHz measured with-hp~ 8405A Vector Vollmeter. Bottom curve: unilateralfigure of merit, calculated from s parameters (see text).

Narrow-Band Amplifier DesignSuppose now that this 2N3478 transistor is to be used in

a simple amplifier, operating between a 5Qi2 source and a50li load, and optimized for power gain at 300 MHz bymeans of lossless input and output matching networks. Sincereverse gain s,., for this transistor is quite small — 50 dBsmaller than forward gain SL.,, according to Fig. 4 — there isa possibility that it can be neglected. If this is so, the designproblem will be much simpler, because setting s ]2 equal tozero will make the design equations much less complicated.

In determining how much error will be introduced byassuming s,., = 0, the first step is to calculate the unilateralfigure of merit u, using the formula given in the table onp. 23, i.e.

u = 2)d - s322)|


A plot of u as a function of frequency, calculated from themeasured parameters, appears in Fig. 5. Now if GTll is thetransducer power gain with s,, = 0 and GT is the actualtransducer power gain, the maximum error introduced byusing GTu instead of GT is given by the following relation-ship:

(1 (1 -u)2 (23)

From Fig. 5, the maximum value of u is about 0.03, so themaximum error in this case turns out to be about ±0.25 dBat 100 MHz. This is small enough to just i fy the assumptionthat s12 = 0.

Incidentally, a small reverse gain, or feedback factor, s,-,is an important and desirable property for a transistor tohave, for reasons other than that it simplifies amplifier de-

sign. A small feedback factor means that the input character-istics of the completed amplifier will be independent of theload, and the output will be independent of the source im-pedance. In most amplifiers, isolation of source and load isan important consideration.

Returning now to the amplifier design, the unilateral ex-pression for transducer power gain, obtained either by set-ting s,2 = 0 in equation 18 or by looking in the table onp. 23, is


1 -s,

When SM and s22 are both less than one, as they are in thiscase, maximum GTll occurs for rs = s*M and r, = $*,,.,(table, p. 23).

The next step in the design is to synthesize matching net-works which will transform the 501! load and source imped-ances to the impedances corresponding to reflection coeffi-cients of s*n and s*22, respectively. Since this is to be asingle-frequency amplifier, the matching networks need notbe complicated. Simple series-capacitor, shunt-inductor net-works will not only do the job, but will also provide a handymeans of biasing the transistor — via the inductor — and ofisolating the dc bias from the load and source.

Values of L and C to be used in the matching networksare determined using the Smith Chart of Fig. 6. First, pointscorresponding to sn, s*n, s-J2, and s*.j:, at 300 MHz areplotted. Each point represents the tip of a vector leadingaway from the center of the chart, its length equal to themagnitude of the reflection coefficient being plotted, and itsangle equal to the phase of the coefficient. Next, a combi-nation of constant-resistance and constant-conductance cir-cles is found, leading from the center of the chart, repre-senting 50H, to s*n and s*22. The circles on the Smith Chartare constant-resistance circles; increasing series capacitivereactance moves an impedance point counter-clockwisealong these circles. In this case, the circle to be used forfinding series C is the one passing through the center of thechart, as shown by the solid line in Fig. 6.

Increasing shunt inductive susceptance moves impedancepoints clockwise along constant-conductance circles. Thesecircles are like the constant-resistance circles, but they areon another Smith Chart, this one being just the reverse ofthe one in Fig. 6. The constant-conductance circles for shuntL all pass through the leftmost point of the chart rather thanthe rightmost point. The circles to be used are those passingthrough s*n and s*22, as shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 6.

Once these circles have been located, the normalizedvalues of L and C needed for the matching networks arecalculated from readings taken from the reactance and sus-ceptance scales of the Smith Charts. Each element's reac-tance or susceptance is the difference between the scale read-ings at the two end points of a circular arc. Which arc cor-responds to which element is indicated in Fig. 6. The finalnetwork and the element values, normalized and unnormal-ized, are shown in Fig. 7.


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Broadband Amplifier DesignDesigning a broadband amplifier, that is, one which has

nearly constant gain over a prescribed frequency range, is amatter of surrounding a transistor with external elements inorder to compensate for the variation of forward gain s^with frequency. This can be done in either of two ways —first, negative feedback, or second, selective mismatching ofthe input and output circuitry. We will use the secondmethod. When feedback is used, it is usually convenient toconvert to y- or z-parameters (for shunt or series feedbackrespectively) using the conversion equations given in thetable, p. 24, and a digital computer.

Equation 24 for the unilateral transducer power gaincan be factored into three parts:

where G«, = s,, -

1 -G, =s,,i\


When a broadband amplifier is designed by selective mis-matching, the gain contributions of G! and G^ are varied tocompensate for the variations of G(1 = |s21 - with frequency.

Suppose that the 2N3478 transistor whose s-paramctcrsare given in Fig. 4 is to be used in a broadband amplifierwhich has a constant gain of 10 dB over a frequency rangeof 300 MHz to 700 MHz. The amplifier is to be driven froma 50i2 source and is to drive a 50n load. According to Fig. 5,

s21 2 = 13 dB at 300 MHz

= 1 0 d B a t 4 5 0 M H z

_ 6 dB at 700 MHz.

To realize an amplifier with a constant gain of 10 dB, sourceand load matching networks must be found which will de-crease the gain by 3 dB at 300 MHz, leave the gain the sameat 450 MHz, and increase the gain by 4 dB at 700 MHz.

Although in the general case both a source matching net-work and a load matching network would be designed,G,1I l l l 3 t (i.e., G, for rs = s*n) for this transistor is less than1 dB over the frequencies of interest, which means there islittle to be gained by matching the source. Consequently, forthis example, only a load-matching network will be designed.Procedures for designing source-matching networks areidentical to those used for designing load-matching networks.

The first step in the design is to plot s*.,., over the requiredfrequency range on the Smith Chart, Fig. 8. Next, a set ofconstant-gain circles is drawn. Each circle is drawn for asingle frequency; its center is on a line between the centerof the Smith Chart and the point representing s*L... at thatfrequency. The distance from the center of the Smith Chartto the center of the constant gain circle is given by (theseequations also appear in the table, p. 23):

1 - s. - g,)where

-=G 2 (1 -

Fig. 6. Smith Chart for 300-MHz amplifier design example.


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The radius of the constant-gain circle is

/K1C • 1 IA ,7 v L.£SOQ £L] V^




L2 : 501.'


1562^ (0.3 x 109)


= 83nH

2- (0.3 x 109) (3.5) (50)-3pF

Li = 501.01 rtH = 26 nH

Fig. 7. 300-MHz amplifier with matching networksfor maximum power gain.


For this example, three circles will be drawn, one forG, = - 3 dB at 300 MHz, one for G, = 0 dB at 450 MHz,and one for G.. = +4 dB at 700 MHz. Since for thistransistor is constant at 0.85 over the frequency range [seeFig. 4(b)], G, max for all three circles is (0.278)-', or 5.6 dB.The three constant-gain circles are indicated in Fig. 8.

The required matching network must transform the cen-ter of the Smith Chart, representing 5012, to some point onthe — 3 dB circle at 300 MHz, to some point on the 0 dBcircle at 450 MHz, and to some point on the +4 dB circleat 700 MHz. There are undoubtedly many networks thatwill do this. One which is satisfactory is a combination oftwo inductors, one in shunt and one in series, as shown inFig. 9.

Shunt and series elements move impedance points on theSmith Chart along constant-conductance and constant-resistance circles, as I explained in the narrow-band designexample which preceded this broadband example. The shuntinductance transforms the 50S2 load along a circle of con-stant conductance and varying (with frequency) inductivesusceptance. The series inductor transforms the combinationof the 50S2 load and the shunt inductance along circles ofconstant resistance and varying inductive reactance.

Constant resistancecircles - Transformationdue to L

y. /^V>- €-/A'<P//G2= +


circle - Transformationdue to L shunt

Fig. 8. Smith Chart for broadband amplifier design example.


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Optimizing the values of shunt and series L is a cut-and-try process to adjust these elements so that

— the transformed load reflection terminates on the rightgain circle at each frequency, and

— the susceptance component decreases with frequencyand the reactance component increases with frequency.(This rule applies to inductors; capacitors would behavein the opposite way.)

Once appropriate constant-conductance and constant-resist-ance circles have been found, the reactances and suscep-tances of the elements can be read directly from the SmithChart. Then the element values are calculated, the same asthey were for the narrow-band design.

Fig. 10 is a schematic diagram of the completed broad-band amplifier, with unnormalized element values.

Stability Considerations and the Design of ReflectionAmplifiers and Oscillators

When the real part of the input impedance of a networkis negative, the corresponding input reflection coefficient(equation 17) is greater than one, and the network can beused as the basis for two important types of circuits, reflec-tion amplifiers and oscillators. A reflection amplifier (Fig.1 1) can be realized with a circulator— a nonreciprocal three-port device — and a negative-resistance device. The circula-tor is used to separate the incident (input) wave from thelarger wave reflected by the negative-resistance device. Theo-retically, if the circulator is perfect and has a positive realcharacteristic impedance Z,,, an amplifier with infinite gaincan be built by selecting a negative-resistance device whoseinput impedance has a real part equal to — Z0 and an imagi-nary part equal to zero (the imaginary part can be set equalto zero by tuning, if necessary).

Amplifiers, of course, are not supposed to oscillate,whether they are reflection amplifiers or some other kind.There is a convenient criterion based upon scattering param-eters for determining whether a device is stable or potentiallyunstable with given source and load impedances. Referringagain to the flow graph of Fig. 3, the ratio of the reflectedvoltage wave b[ to the input voltage wave bs is

Fig. 9. Combination of shunt and series inductances issuitable matching network for broadband amplifier.

Inductance calculations:

I" L«,,«From 700 MHz data. - - - = j{3.64 -0.44) = j3.2

(3.2) (50)= 2? (0.7)

From 300 MHz data,

50(1.3) (2-) (0.3)

Fig. 10. Broadband amplifier with constantof 10 dB from 300 MHz to 700 MHz.

Two port withs'n 'I

(Real part of inputimpedance is


Fig. 11. Reflection amplifierconsists of circulator andtransistor with negative inputresistance.

-bs " l -r8s'n

where s'n is the input reflection coefficient with rs = 0(that is, Zs = Z0) and an arbitrary load impedance ZL, asdenned in equation 1 9.

If at some frequency

rss'n = 1 (25)

the circuit is unstable and will oscillate at that frequency. Onthe other hand, if


, rs

the device is unconditionally stable and will not oscillate,whatever the phase angle of l's might be.

Fig. 12. Transistor oscillator is designed by choosingtank circuit such that rTs'M = 1.


Page 42: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

Fig. 13. Smith Chart for transistor oscillator design example.

As an example of how these principles of stability are ap-plied in design problems, consider the transistor oscillatordesign illustrated in Fig. 12. In this case the input reflectioncoefficient s'H is the reflection coefficient looking into thecollector circuit, and the 'source' reflection coefficient rs

is one of the two tank-circuit reflection coefficients, rTl orrT,. From equation 19,

S'n = Sn 4 T-tc' r*•>? A L

To make the transistor oscillate, s'n and rK must be adjustedso that they satisfy equation 25. There are four steps in thedesign procedure:

—Measure the four scattering parameters of the transistoras functions of frequency.

—Choose a load reflection coefficient rL which makes s'j,greater than unity. In general, it may also take anexternal feedback element which increases s1L. s.2l tomake s'n greater than one.

—Plot l/s'u on a Smith Chart. (If the new networkanalyzer is being used to measure the s-parameters ofthe transistor, l/s'M can be measured directly by re-versing ihe reference and test channel connections be-tween the reflection test uni t and the harmonic fre-quency converter. The polar display with a Smith Chartoverlay will then give the desired plot immediately.)

—Connect either the series or the parallel tank circuitto the collector circuit and tune it so that rT1 or rT:! islarge enough to satisfy equation 25 (the tank circuitreflection coefficient plays the role of rs in this equa-tion).


Fig. 13 shows a Smith Chart plot of l/s'u for a high-frequency transistor in the common-base configuration.Load impedance ZL is 200ft, which means that rL referredto 50ft is 0.6. Reflection coefficients rTl and rT, are alsoplotted as functions of the resonant frequencies of the twotank circuits. Oscillations occur when the locus of TTI orrT:, passes through the shaded region. Thus this transistorwould oscillate from 1.5 to 2.5 GHz with a series tunedcircuit and from 2.0 to 2.7 GHz with a parallel tuned circuit.

—Richard W. Anderson

Additional Reading on S-ParametersBesides the papers referenced in the footnotes of the

article, the following articles and books contain informationon s-parameter design procedures and flow graphs.—F. Weinert, 'Scattering Parameters Speed Design of High-

Frequency Transistor Circuits; Electronics, Vol. 39, No.18, Sept. 5, 1966.

—G. Fredricks, 'How to Use S-Parameters for TransistorCircuit Design; EEE, Vol. 14, No. 12, Dec., 1966.

—D. C. Youla, 'On Scattering Matrices Normalized to Com-plex Port Numbers; Proc. IRE, Vol. 49, No. 7, July, 1961.

—J. G. Linvil l and J. E Gibbons, 'Transistors and ActiveCircuits; McGraw-Hill, 1961. (No s-parameters, but goodtreatment of Smith Chart design methods.)

Page 43: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

Transducer Power Gain = Power delivered to loadPower available from source

Useful ScatteringParameter Relationships





Di — •*]!&] "T" Sj^a^

Input reflection coefficient with arbitrary ZL

n e> T

s' — s +a 11 — ai i l 1 -

Output reflection coefficient with arbitrary Zs

S 22 — S22 ~T _ " r» ^ 11 1 K

Voltage gain with arbitrary ZL and Zs

v, s2," •rL)

s22rL)(i +S 'n)

Power Gain =Power delivered to loadPower input to network

(1 - s \-) 4-snl ' '


2 (1 - [j*(\*x\a-

2)D 3) - 2 Re (r, N)

Available Power Gain —Power avail able from netw o r kPower available from source

(i —U

(1 - 101-1 — 7IJJI / i

C i . -1C

r s2 )d - |rL*)

- s22rL) -

Unilateral Transducer Power Gain (Su = 0)

GT« =

G,, = |s21

1 - r

( , . -

Maximum Unilateral Transducer Power Gain whens,, < 1 and s.,., < 1

1(1- 811


2 ) ( 1 — s22|)2

max *-*2 max

/"^-*i max —

1 -

This maximum attained for rs = s*n and rL = s*.,a

Constant Gain Circles (Unilateral case: s,, = 0)

—center of constant gain circle is on line between centerof Smith Chart and point representing s*n

—distance of center of circle from center of Smith Chart:

-__ Si1 - su |2(l -gi)

—radius of circle:

Pi =-

where: i — 1, 2

and gs = -

l - -g,)





R. A. ERICKSON, Art Director

Unilateral Figure of Merit

u =1(1 - - |s22>)f

Error Limits on Unilateral Gain Calculation

(1 + u-) - GTU " (1 - u2)


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Conditions for Absolute StabilityNo passive source or load will cause network to oscillate ifa, b, and c are all satisfied.

a. |sn| < 1, s22 < 1

b . " " " " " " "



'S M


»22 I)

> 1

> 1

Condition that a two-port network can be simultaneouslymatched with a positive real source and load:

K > 1 or C < 1

C = Linvill C factor

Linvill C Factor

i/"-i- IV

K = -!-̂

Source and Load for Simultaneous Match

5r -4|M|2

rml =N" B 3 ± B22 - 4 |N |2

2 - |DI2

D -

Where B, = 1 + s^ 2 - s2

B2 = 1 4- 8 2 2 2 ~~ si

Maximum Available Power Gain

I fK> 1,

C = Linvill C Factor

(Use minus sign when El is positive, plus sign when Bj isnegative. For definition of B j see 'Source and Load forSimultaneous Match; elsewhere in this table.)

— S11S22 S12S21

M = sn — Ds*2,

N = s.,2 - Ds*n

s-parameters in terms ofh-, y-, and z-parameters


2z-" <zn+l)(z I 2+l)-z1 2 Z i ,

-=' Cfe+lXfe+D-ZAi

(z,, + 1) (Zj, + 1) - Z.A.

(i - y,i)(i +y22)+yi !y2t(i -r yn) (i i y2i) y^yii

"" (1 + yn) (1 + yw) - y,^,

, _ (hn-l)(h2 ,+ l)-h i sh21

s 2h,,

, _ -2h2,(bn + lXhi+l) boh

(h,i -f- 1) (h^2 +1) — hj-Jijj

h-, y-, and z-parameters interms of s-parameters

_ ( l+^d-O+W," (1 - 5,0 (1 - S2J) - S13S21

(I — Sn) (1 — S22) — S1:S2I


, _ _ ( ! + s:!) (1 - s,0 + srjs2123 (^1 c ^ / 1 < = ^ c cV 1 sllV V1 *2V S1«2I

_ (1 +S;2)(1 -Sj + SjjSj,

11 f l + s ) f l 4- s ) — s ,s.

(1 + sj (1 + s22) - s12s,,

*^ ( l - L ^ W J - L g ) gj;

». _ (1 + s,,)(l -J-s^-s.sS;,

"'= n _ c ui -i-s ^-i-s sV sll/ \l T 3;̂ ; -p aj2a2,

h —

n s....) (1 s ) s s(1-S,,)(1+SJ + S,A,

The h-, y-F and z-parameters listed above are allnormalized to Z0. If h', y', and z' are the actual

parameters, then

V = ,,Z,,

Z,/ = Z,gZ0

1' = ̂

y"'~ z"y,/ = -&1-

y"' = "zT

h,/ = hnZ0

h,.' = h]=

h=I' = hsi

Transistor Frequency Parameters

f t = frequency at which |h f l , |

= |h21 for common-emitter configuration] = 1

W = frequency at which GA Inax = 1


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This article describes how s parameters were used inconjunction with a small time-sharing computer forthe design of thin-film amplifier circuits. LesBesserdescribes in clear detail how he approached the prob-lem from both a circuit and a programming standpoint.He took advantage of the fact that one set of parameterscan be used to calculate another set. The numeroustransitions between s, y , z, and x parameters werereadily done on the small computer. Finally he showshow his theoretical design utilizing s-parameter dataagrees extremely well with the actual amplifier per-formance.

Introduction 4-1Selection of Circuitry 4-3

Amplifier Specifications 4-3Design Considerations 4-3The Approach to the Problem 4-3

Combining Two Port Networks 4-4Shunt Feedback 4-4Series Feedback 4-4Cascading Two Ports 4-4

Programming the Problem 4-5Outline of the Computer Program 4-5Program Explanation 4-6

Stability 4-7Design Evaluation 4-7

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Electronic Design 16Combine s parameters with time sharingand bring thin-film, high-frequency amplifier designcloser to a science than an art.

High-frequency amplifier design traditionallyhas followed the route of an art rather than ascience. The engineer would carry out approxi-mate calculations and then make his amplifiercircuit work by means of a tricky layout, shield-ing, grounding and so on.

The concept of the s parameters (see box)and the advent of computer time-sharing to-gether are signaling an end to these trial anderror techniques. And high time, too. Such tech-niques could not have helped approach, for ex-ample, the theoretical maximum performance ofa transistor—a feat that required, in addition totime sharing and use of the s parameters, twoother advances as well: thin-film hybrid circuitsand lossless wideband matching networks. Andeven more specifically, s parameters and thin-filmcircuits have also been behind the designs of sev-eral wideband amplifiers for frequencies of from10 kHz to 2 GHz, with 20 to 30 dB of gain.Each amplifier covers at least 4 to 5 octaves. In mostcases, the first breadboard measurements wereso close to the design values that only minoradjustments had to be made before turning theprototypes for production.

Why s parameters and thin-film circuits?

The conventional parameters—it, z and h—arehard to measure at frequencies above 100 MHz.This is because all of them require that openand short circuits be established and call forlaborious and tedious measurements.

Then, commonly-used models of transistors donot truly represent the actual devices. Thus,when the inaccurate \j, z, or h parameters areused in an inaccurate transistor model it is onlynatural to get inaccurate results.

S parameters, on the other hand, even in theGHz region, are measured easily and accuratelyby direct readout. Swept measurements of thes parameters can be made today with existinginstruments (see photo) and the results easilyobserved on polar displays such as the familiar

Les Besser, Project Supervisor, Hewlett-Packard Co., PaloAlto, Calif.

Smith chart or any other suitable graph.Mathematically, s parameters lend themselves

nicely to matrix manipulations. A circuit of anycomplexity is built by adding and cascading two-port blocks. Since these blocks contain real ele-ments that can be measured accurately, no ap-proximations are used.

A designer cannot normally expect an ampli-fier above 500 MHz to give really accurate re-sults with discrete components, because thephysical dimensions of the components are ap-proaching the order of magnitude of the elec-trical wavelengths. Thus, for 500 MHz or higher,microcircuits would be his natural choice.

However, for amplifiers below 500 MHz, too,microcircuits have definite advantages. The thin-film technique reduces size, parasitic reactancesand long-term costs, and at the same time im-proves design accuracy, reliability, heat dissipa-tion, and repeatability.

Accordingly, rather than utilize a conven-tional design routine, suppose we follow the out-line given below in adapting the s-parameter ap-proach and the thin-film circuits to be used:

1. Use s parameters throughout. All high-fre-quency measurements are done with s param-eters, from taking the parameters of the activedevices to evaluating the complete amplifier.Measurement errors can be reduced to as low as2 to 3 per cent even in the GHz region. Magni-tude and phase are both measurable.1 Sweptmeasurements and visual polar display of thes parameters are possible.

Some of the leading transistor manufacturersalready are supplying s-parameter informationfor their products. Vector voltmeters, networkanalyzers, and other test equipment permit thedesigner to obtain the s parameters from 1 MHzup to 12.4 GHz both swiftly and accurately. Atypical wideband system to measure transistor(discrete or chip form) s parameters can be cali-brated into the GHz region in a few minutes, andthe s parameters can be read directly withoutany additional tuning or adjustment (see photo).

2. Work with parameter matrices. Build up thecircuits step by step by adding and cascadingtwo-port blocks.- Keep converting the param-eters11 (x, y, z and s) to the form that offers the

ELECTRONIC DESIGN 16, August 1, 19684-1

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What are s parameters?S parameters1- are reflection and transmis-

sion coefficients. Transmission coefficientsare commonly called gain or attenuation; re-flection coefficients are directly related toVSWR and impedance.

Conceptually, s parameters are like h, y,or z parameters insofar as they describe theinputs and outputs of a black box. But theinputs and outputs for s parameters are ex-pressed in terms of power, and for k, y, andz parameters as voltages and currents. Also,s parameters are measured with all circuitsterminated in an actual characteristic lineimpedance of the system, doing away withthe open- and short-circuit measurementsspecified for h, y or z parameters.

The figure below, which uses the conven-tion that a is a signal into a port and 6a signal out of a port, explains s parameters.



r~' I

111 „sll




- b 2


In this figure, a and 6 are the square rootsof power; (a,)- is the power incident at port1, and (&:•)- is the power leaving port 2.The fraction of a, that is reflected at port 1is $,,, and the transmitted part is s-.i. Simi-larly, the fraction of a. that is reflected atport 2 is s,,., and s,, is transmitted in thereverse direction.

The signal 6, leaving port 1 is the sum ofthe fraction of a, that was reflected at port1 and what was transmitted from port 2.

The outputs related to the inputs are61 = $n «i 4- s,, a,, (1)b.2 = $21 «i -h s- a-. (2)

When port 1 is driven by an RF source, a>is made zero by terminating the 50-0 trans-mission line, coming out of port 2, in itscharacteristic impedance.

The setup for measuring s,, and 5-ji is this:



^J h ,r 0



\ .

t b

50 I

n . =0

If a.. = 0, then:SM = 6i/a,, So, = 62/a, (3)

Similarly, the setup for measuring s^ ands,.> is this:







5 Q j

RF SOURCE J-• • . sIf a, = 0, then:

s,, = b,/a,, s-,, = 6,/a, (4)Another advantage of s parameters is

that, being vector quantities, they containboth magnitude and phase information.

By definition, $,, and s.,., are ratios of thereflected and incident powers, or exactly thesame as the reflection coefficient, f, com-monly used with the Smith chart. The inputand output parameters of a two-port devicecan be presented on a polar display withoutany transformation (see photos in text) andthe corresponding normalized impedancescan be readily obtained on the same chart.Impedance transformation and matchingcan be done either graphically or analytical-ly. Mismatch losses that occur between anyport and a 50-fi termination can be calcu-lated. For example,

PMI^U-,, = = 10 log,,, (1 - - I '2),where P.,, is the mismatch loss in dB at anygiven port having a reflection coefficient. F.When the s parameters are known, $M ors,. can be substituted for F.

The transducer power gain of the two-portnetwork can be computed by

G T = s 3 12 (5)

or in dBGT = 10 log,,, ( (6)

simplest operation at every step. Since there areno approximations, the calculations will not intro-duce any additional error. This approach alsoeliminates the need for conventional transistormodels, which not on]y do not truly represent thedevice, but require h parameters that can be ac-curately measured at frequencies above 100 MHzonly with great difficulty.

3. Use on-line time sharing, and let the com-puter do all the work. With the help of a fewsimple "do-loops" the optimum values of the cir-cuit elements can be readily determined. Time

sharing offers extraordinary flexibility. The de-signer need not wait until his program is return-ed from the computer center; and prograrnchanges can be done by teletypewriter and theresults seen within seconds.

A completely automated network analyzer sys-tem was recently developed.1 Here a small computercontrols all calibrations and measurements and alsosolves the circuit program. Its automatic calibrationeliminates practically all uncertainties and human-factor errors to bring an unprecedented accuracyinto microwave-circuit design. The maximum

ELECTRONIC DESIGN 16, August 1, 19684-2

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A complete s-parameter test setup good for frequencies upto 12 GHz includes an HP 8410A/8411A Network Ana-lyzer ($4300) and an HP 8414A Polar Display ($1100),both housed in the top frame. In the center is an HP 8745AS-Parameter Test Set ($3000) and under it an HP 8690ASweeper ($1600). If you are willing to sacrifice the con-

venience of polar display and swept measurement, youcan get by with just the Vector Voltmeter (HP 8405,$2750), top of the shelf to the left. It will work up to1 GHz. A photo of a Smith chart overlay (white grid) ofS22 over a 100 to 400 MHz range obtained by the author,Les Besser, is shown on the right.

magnitude of errors can be as low as 0.1%—andthis is almost entirely due to the standard shortsand terminations that are used to calibratethe system.

Selecting the circuitry

The amplifier we are designing must meet thefollowing specifications (all measurements aremade in a 50-H system, i.e., 50-H load and a 50-Hsource):

• Forward gain at 10 MHz: 20 dB ±0.5 dB.• Gain flatness 10 kHz — 400 MHz: ±0.5 dB.• Reverse gain (isolation) : < —30 dB.• Input and output VSWR: < 1.5:1.These specifications may be expressed in terms

of the s parameters by using the following re-lationships for a two port network:

1. Input, output reflection parameters (su and$.,..) are:

\s\== (S -- 1) ' (S + 1),where S is the VSWR of the port that is beingspecified while the other port is terminated inthe characteristic line impedance, i.e., 50 H; and

2. Forward and reverse gain parameters (s.}and s,.j) are:

s ^log,', (G/20),where G is the network gain in dB, when boththe driving source and the terminating load havethe characteristic line impedance.

Thus the above specifications become, in termsof the s parameters:

< 0.2< 0.03

: 10 ±0.600.55

< 0.2The stated 20-dB wideband gain requires a

voltage gain-bandwidth product of 4 GHz. This isimpractical with a single stage, and may be im-possible to achieve. An expensive transistor wouldbe needed, and even with this transistor thespecified isolation and stability could imposesevere limitations. There are, however, severallow-cost transistors (for example, HP-1, HP-2,2N3570) on the market with the guaranteed //of 1.5 GHz. If mismatch losses are kept to aminimum value, two such transistors cascadedin a feedback circuit can provide 20-dB gain andmeet the above gain-flatness specifications with-out requiring adjustment. Feedback, of course,reduces the circuit's sensitivity to componentparameter variations and changes, and helpsmaintain flat-gain response through a wide rangeof frequencies. Of the various feedback arrange-ments the most stable consists of separate com-plex shunt and series feedbacks for each tran-sistor (rather than over-all feedbacks aroundboth). This approach also permits the designer toobtain the parameters of a single stage, and thusfind a conjugate interstage match that assuresmaximum power transfer.

If the feedback circuit includes purely resistiveelements, or if it includes reactive elements toreduce the effect of the feedback at the higher fre-

ELECTRONIC DESIGN 16, August 1, 19684-3

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quencies, the bandwidth can be increased.

Combining two-port networks

It was mentioned earlier that the networkparameter matrices should be continuously con-verted to the form that offers the simplest meansfor combining the various circuit elements. Be-sides the s parameters, three other parametermatrices are used (Fig. 1). The admittance Yand the impedance Z parameter matrices do notrequire an explanation, but the JV-parametermatrice, which is used to cascade the two-portnetworks, does. Here is how it was derived:

The transmission parameters", T, are common-ly used to cascade two-port networks. In termsof the s parameters:

5.,, __ (s...,T - '

In the case of unilateral design (sr> = 0), thevalue of T would go to infinity. A more meaning-full form called X matrix is obtained1' where s^rather than s,, is in the denominator. Thismatrix, which has a finite value for all activedevices, is defined as:

Y — T { T rT\ -iA. - — J*t \Ltl ) ,





Y'=VH *2

fa ^2


Y" -

y" v"Jn y\z

"'2\ '"22



z' =2il Z',2

Z2l JZ2


z"--zl"l z','2

ZZI '22


*2I X22

XTOTAL=<X'> * (X11)

1. Feedback is added and two-port networks are cas-caded by means of admittance (a), impedance (b) andmodified transmission (c) parameters. See text for thederivation of the X-parameter matrix.

ELECTRONIC DESIGN 16. August 1, 19684-4

Set up the program

The computer program for this design waswritten for the GE time-share BASIC languagethrough remote teletype outlets. It consists of acontrol section and several subroutines for thevarious conversions. The BASIC language han-dles matrices by simple (MAT READ, MATPRINT, etc.) commands. However, at the presenttime it does not offer complex variable operation.A special subroutine therefore was developed inthe following manner to enable the computer tooperate with complex matrices:

It can be proved7 that any complex numbercan be represented by a 2 X 2 matrix for theduration of some mathematical operations, if, atthe end, the matrix is "retransformed" in a com-parable manner to the initial transformation. Forexample:

It can also be proved that the matrix operationwill not change if all matrix elements are re-placed by their equivalent matrices.

Now the real and imaginary parts of a complex2 x 2 matrix form a 4 X 4 matrix. After the opera-tions, this 4 X 4 matrix yields results in the originalcomplex form

-x'X'r' 3% 11 —

Since all calculations are done in matrix form,the passive'network elements should be expressedin matrix form. The method is illustrated inFig. 2, which deals with finding the equivalent Zmatrix of a resistive "T." Here, in the matrixform, we have

Z =



(TV, + r t.) TV

^ ( rb

!• *. ra rb „ L2

Vi |rc V2

.1 12. An equivalent Z matrix for a common resistive "T"is derived (in text) using the symbols defined above.All operations involve matrices; accordingly, the readershould familiarize himself with matrix algebra.

Step-by-step computerized design

We can now proceed with a description ofthe steps required to design an amplifier stage.

Note that since all the steps below are illus-trated pictorially, the schematics sometimes willnot change in converting matrices, say, S to Y.

Page 51: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

1. Read in frequency.2. Read in transistor s parameters in matrix

form, STI.



I _ _ J

3. Convert device S matrix to Y matrix, Sri-»* 7*1-

4. Set up Y matrix for complex shunt feedbackelement, Y,-.

5. Add shunt feedback, Yra = Y,, + Y T ] .

9. Convert Z matrix of device with feedbacks toX matrix, ZT« -*XTi.

, r-il


XT,- -r=-=r - - -i





10. Set up X matrices for base and collector biaselements (may be complex), XBt X<-.




I — l ' '! :i i 'i i

YTZr ' n

i e1 !i V.k—

»-̂ >


L_ .J

6. Convert Y matrix of device and shunt feed-back to Z matrix, YT.. ->ZTi*

7. Set up Z matrix for complex emitter feed-back element, ZK.


i j8. Add emitter feedback to device with shunt

feedback, Zr-> = ZB -f ZTl.


l 1 1

11. Multiply X jnatrices of bias elements by de-vice and feedback matrices,Xr, = -- (X,,) * (XT})

XT-A = (XT.,) '' ( A C ) .

i i



n i- -T-



i— ̂ ^

— o

1)1 S U , N I f ) . A u g u s t I .


Page 52: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

12. Set up X matrices for input and output match-ing elements (lumped or distributed), X.tfJ, X^.

LT_ _ j I I

13. Multiply matching elements and device,V f Y \ % f Y \•"• T4 :^= \ •<* If 1 / V A. 7*3 )

Y - ( Y i * t y \•A Tr> — ' •"• r-i ) V-" J/j / •



_ J

14. Convert over-all X matrix to 5 matrix, XT*>-or^.

15. Print out:• 5 parameters of amplifier.• Maximum available gain.• Transducer power gain (G r) .• Circuit (mismatch) losses.• Stability factor.• Unilateral figure of merit, U.

(This outline should be followed for each stageof the amplifier. Afterward the stage should beoptimized and its X matrices multiplied togetherto obtain the over-all parameters).16. Go to next frequency (step 1).17. End.

A sample printout for two cascaded stages op-erating at 100 MHz is shown below.



ON AT l^:2b SF WED D5/22/b8 TTY 13





F= 100 MHZ

? SF WED 05/22/b8




G MAX= lD3.bb8 20.15b7 DBU= 1.15*72 E-3STABILITY FACTOR = 2.1f31fa


8.332*S E-2 -tS.2713 2.28023 E-2 -b

10.1282 -fa3.5fOR 5.S8QES E-2 -fat. 777

Note that the maximum gain is given as20.1567 dB, while the GT = 20.1109 dB. The dif-ference is due to the mismatch losses. The inputmismatch loss, for instance, is printed out as3.02588 E-2 dB. The E-2 notation stands for 10--.Subtracting the input and output mismatch loss-es from the maximum gain results in the otjtain-ed GT value.

Also note that the stability factor is well overone and that the s-parameter values are well with-in the specified limits.

Understand the program

The shunt and series feedback networks of thesingle stages should be determined first. Withthe help of two "do-loops" in steps 4 and 7 thefeedback elements are varied and the trends ofthe resultant changes in sn, s^ and the maximumavailable gain are printed out. The values of thefeedback elements are selected to give flat re-sponse of maximum available gain, with an abso-lute value equal to the specified transducer gain,GT, and the lowest possible set of values fors,, , -s':,L . A good flat response of max imum avai l -

able gain within the frequency range of theamplifier indicates that the circuit will providethe required gain if and only if it is properlymatched both at the input and the output.

It is advisable to keep the magnitudes of both suand s-.-. below 0.5 (the lower the better). Other-wise the wideband match will become rather dif-ficult, requiring a ladder network of severalsections.

After selecting the feedback networks the cor-responding s,, and s-,-2 should be plotted on aSmith chart and the matching networks deter-

ELECTRONIC DESIGN 16, August 1, 19684-6

Page 53: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

mined/- U5 n of the first stage and s-_. of the secondstage are matched to have magnitudes smallerthan 0.2, as specified earlier. S,, of the first stageis matched to the conjugate value of sn of thesecond stage. Again, the "do-loops" will help toarrive at the optimum values.

The importance of this technique cannot beoveremphasized. Using conventional design tech-niques, most engineers will accept far less satis-factory matches without much hesitation ratherthan face the difficulties involved in trial anderror. For example, consider the case in whichtwo stages are cascaded, each having a VSWRof 2.5:1 at the input and output (magnitudes ofsu and s-^ equal to 0.43). The mismatch lossescan total 3.5 dB—and yet in many instances theywould still be acceptable.

In our own case, however, the s-.-. of the un-matched amplifier was 0.49 at 400 MHz, whichwould result in a 1.2-dB mismatch loss when theamplifier is terminated by a 50-(1 load. After thethree-element matching network is placed intothe output circuit, !s,J becomes less than 0.08over the complete frequency range of the ampli-fier. The maximum value of the mismatch lossis reduced to 0.04 dB.

Once the matching networks are determined,the component values should be fed into step 12and the over-all response of the amplifier check-ed. At this point the transducer gain G, is tohave a flat response. If the unilateral approachis not followed (s,L. ̂ 0), the output match willaffect the input impedance and the input matchmay affect the output impedance. However, evenhere only minor changes of the component valueswill be needed, which the computer will do simul-taneously. The circuit is ready to be built.

Stability and final measurements

Stability is of vital importance; the designershould be certain that the amplifier will be un-conditionally stable. Although the Linvill stabili-ty factor,10 C, defines a necessary condition forstability, it alone does not guarantee absolutestability for all passive load and source imped-ances.

In terms of the s parameters, the general con-ditions for stability" require that

k = 1/C > 1where

Table. S parameters at 100 MHz.

1 + 811 S22 — Siz «2i2 \Sr>

2 —S,!

5,i 2 s- -

In addition, the quantity1 -|- S, , - S-L. "

must be greater than zero.Only when both the above conditions are ful-

filled can the circuit be considered to be uncon-ditionally stable for all possible combinationsof source and load impedances. If the amplifier





< 0.2




< 0.03




(10 +0'6 -i-0.55}




< 0.2



shows tendencies toward instability, the gain-bandwidth product of the circuit may have to bereduced or the phase of the matching networkschanged.

The efficiency and accuracy of the design arereflected in the close correlation between the com-puter-predicted and measured parameter valuesobtained on the first prototype (see table).

The thin-film process asserted itself throughthe unusual repeatability of the first five labora-tory prototypes. The magnitudes of all s param-eters were found to be within ±2 per cent. ••

References:1. "Network Analysis at Microwave Frequency," HP

Application Note No. 92.2. Franklin F. Kuo, Network Analysis and Synthesis,

2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1966.3. Seshn, Balabanian, Linear Network Analysis, Wiley.4. Richard A. Hackborn, "An Automatic Network

Analyzer System," Microwave Journal, May 1968.5. C. G. Montgomery, R. H. Dicke, E. M. Purcell, "Prin-

ciples of Microwave Circuits, MIT Radiation LaboratorySeries, Vol. 8, Boston Technical Publishers, Inc., Lexing-ton, Mass., 1964.

6. George E. Bodway, Hewlett-Packard Internal Publi-cation.

7. Luis Peregrino, Russ Riley, "A Method of Operatingwith Complex Matrices in the Time-Sharing Computer,"Hewlett-Packard Internal Publication.

8. Gerald E. Martes, "Make Impedance MatchingEasier," Electronic Design, July 5, 1966.

9. J. Linvill and J. Gibbons, Transistors and ActiveCircuits, McGraw-Hill, MC, New York, 1961.

10. Ibid.11. George E. Bodway, "Two-Port Power Flow Analysis

Using Generalized S Parameters," Microwave Journal,May 1967.

12. "S Parameter Test Set," Hewlett-Packard Tech-nical Data, March 1967.

Test your retention

Here are questions based on the mainpoints of this article. They are to help yousee if you have overlooked any importantideas. You'll find the answers in the article.

1. What is the main advantage of sparameters over h, y, or z parameters?

2. Can you define each s parameter interms of their physical significance?

3. Why is it desirable to have s^ as smallas possible?

4 . What is unconditional stability?



Page 54: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)



William H. Froehner's article shows howto design anamplifier from scattering parameter data. He showsthe s parameters can be used to reliably predict thegain, bandwidth, and stability of a given design. Twodesign examples are included. One is the design ofan amplifier for maximum gain at a single frequencyfrom an unconditionally stable transistor. The secondis the design of an amplifier for a given gain at asingle frequency w h e n the transistor is potentiallyunstable.

S Parameter Definitions 5-2Amplifier Stability 5-4

K (Stability Factor) 5-4Stability Circles 5-4Constant Gain Circles 5-6

Designing a Transistor Amplifier for MaximumGain at a Single Frequency 5-6Matching the Output 5-8Matching the Input 5-8

Designing a Transistor Amplifier for a GivenGain at a Single Frequency 5-10Picking a Stable Load 5-10Matching the Output 5-11Matching the Input 5-11

Page 55: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)


Quick amplifier designwith scattering parameters

By William H. FroehnerTexas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas

Reprinted for Hewlett Packard Company from Electronics, October 16, 1967.

Copyright 1967 by McGraw-Hill Inc. 330 W. 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036


Page 56: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

Design theory

Quick amplifier designwith scattering parameters

Smith chart and s parameters are combined in

a fast, reliable method of designing stable transistor

amplifiers that operate above 100 megahertz

By William H. FroehnerTexas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas

Bandwidth, gain, and stability are the most im-portant parameters in any amplifier design. Design-ing for one without considering the other two canmean a mediocre amplifier instead of one with highperformance. A reliable technique for predictingbandwidth, determining gain, and assuring stabilityuses scattering or s parameters.

Scattering parameters make it easy to charac-terize the high-frequency performance of transis-tors. As with h, y, or z parameter methods, noequivalent circuit is needed to represent the tran-sistor device. A transistor is represented as a two-port network whose terminal behavior is definedby four s parameters, Sn, 812, 821, and 822.

For designs that operate under 100 megahertzthe problem of accurately representing the transis-tor is not acute, because transistor manufacturersprovide relatively complete data in a form otherthan s parameters. However, at frequencies above100 Mhz the performance data is frequently incom-plete or in an inconvenient form. In addition, h, y, or

Looking backThis is the second major article on scattering param-eters to appear in Electronics. In the first, "Scatteringparameters speed design of high-frequency transistorcircuits/1 [Sept. 5, 1966, p. 78], F.K. Weinert de-scribed how to use the technique in a special casewhere the input impedance is matched to the load.This condition always results in an unconditionallystable amplifier. In practice, this ideal condition is notalways possible.

In this article, author W. H. Froehner describes howto use the technique more generally—when the inputimpedance is not matched to the load and thescattering parameter sia does not equal zero.

z parameters, ordinarily used in circuit design atlower frequencies, cannot be measured accurately.But s parameters may be measured directly up toa frequency of 12.4 gigahertz. Once the four s pa-rameters are obtained, it is possible to convert themto h, y, or z terms with conventional tables.

Defining the terms

Because scattering parameters are based onreflection characteristics derived from power ratiosthey provide a convenient method for measuringcircuit losses. Representing a network in termsof power instead of the conventional voltage-cur-rent description can help solve microwave-trans-mission problems where circuits can no longer becharacterized using lumped R, L, and C elements.

When a network is described with power para-meters, the power into the network is called in-cident, the power reflected back from the load iscalled reflected. A description of a typical two-portnetwork based on the incident and reflected poweris given by the scattering matrix. To understandthe relationships, consider the typical two-portnetwork, bottom of page 101, which is terminated atboth ports by a pure resistance of value Z0> calledthe reference impedance. Incident and reflected\vaves for the two-port network are expressed bytwo sets of parameters (ai,bi) and (a2,b2) at ter-minals 1-1' and 2-2' respectively. They are

:+ VZJi

~V Z J i

= input power to the (la)load applied at port 1

= reflected power fromthe load as seen fromport 1


5-2 Electronics I October 16, 1967

Page 57: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

7C+ Vzj2

vg __lrT~~ VZ0I2

power to the (Ic)load applied at port 2

= reflected power fromthe load as seen from (Id)port 2

Hence, the scattering parameters for the two-portnetwork are given by

bi = Sn&i ~r Si2a2

b2 = S21&] ~r S22a2

Expressed as a matrix, equation 2 becomes

Sll 812(3)



21 S22.

where the scattering matrix is


w =S22_

Thus, the scattering parameters for the two-portnetwork can be expressed as ratios of incident andreflected power waves.

Sii =

s2I =

812 —

S» = a 2


The parameter sn is called the input reflectioncoefficient; s2i is the forward transmission coeffi-cient; Siu is the reverse transmission coefficient;and sL>2 is the output reflection coefficient.

By setting a2 = 0, expressions for Sn and 521can be found. To do this the load impedance Z0 isset equal to the reference impedance RML- Thisconclusion is proven with the help of the termi-nating section of the two-port network shown abovewith the a-2 and bo parameters. The load resistorZ0 is considered as a one-port network with a scat-tering parameter

Z0 —(6)

Z0 + RML

Hence a2 and b2 are related by

az = &2b2 (7)When the reference impedance RML is set equal tothe load impedance Z0, then s2 becomes

Lie, /*o /n\

Z0 + Z0

I I,

E V1




i'_L 3?'

Defining the s parameters. Ratios of incident wavesai, ai> and reflected power waves bJt b= for ports 1 and2 define the four scattering parameters.





A— y—





2 O

2' O

Impedance matching. By setting a2 equal to zerothe engineer can determine the Sn value. Thecondition a2 — 0 implies that the referenceimpedance RMS is set equal to the load impedance Zo.

so that a2 = 0 under this condition. Likewise,when ai = 0, the reference impedance of port 1 isequal to the terminating impedance; RMS = Z0.

By defining the driving-point impedances atports 1 and 2 as

Z, = -p-; Z2 = ^L (9)ll J.2

su and s22 can be written in terms of equation 9.

b,sn =


i[(v,/Vz0) + Vz0ij(10)


In the expression

821 =

The condition a- — 0 implies that the referenceimpedance RMi. is set equal to the load Z0. If avoltage source 2EV is connected with a source im-pedance RMS = Z0, as seen on page 102, ai can beexpressed as


Since a2 = 0, then a2 = 0 = \

= =- Vz0i2from which


b2 = 5 VZ0


821 = - (13)

Electronics I October 16, 1967 5-3

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2 Z


Z n = R »

Finding s.;. By connecting a voltage source,2Ei, with the source impedance, Z0fparameter Sn can be evaluated.

Similarly when port 1 is terminated in RMS = Zoand a voltage source equal to 2E2 having an im-pedance of Z0 is connected to port 2


Both 512 and s2i are voltage-ratios and thereforehave no dimensions. For a passive network, s21 =Si2. Parameters sn and 822 are reflection coefficientsand are also dimensionless.

Stabilizing an amplifier

Since the s parameters are based on reflectioncoefficients, they can be plotted directly on a Smithchart and easily manipulated to establish optimumgain with matching networks. To design anamplifier the engineer first plots the s-parametervalues for the transistor on a Smith chart and then,using the plot, synthesizes matching impedancesbetween a source and load impedance.

Stability or resistance to oscillation is mostimportant in amplifier design and is determinedfrom the s parameters and the synthesized sourceand load impedances. The oscillations are only pos-sible if either the input or the output port, or both,have negative resistance. This occurs if su or $22are greater than unity. However, even with nega-tive resistances the amplifier might still be stable.

For a device to be unconditionally stable Sn ands22 must be smaller than unity and the transistor'sinherent stability factor, K, must be greater thanunity and positive. K is computed from

1+ A |2 _ Sn |2 _S22

218318121 (15)

Plotting circles

Stability circles can be plotted directly on aSmith chart. These separate the output or inputplanes into stable and potentially unstable regions.A stability circle plotted on the output plane in-dicates the values of all loads that provide negativereal input impedance, thereby causing the circuitto oscillate. A similar circle can be plotted on theinput plane which indicates the values of all loadsthat provide negative real output impedance andagain cause oscillation. A negative real impedanceis defined as a reflection coefficient which has amagnitude that is greater than unity.

The regions of instability occur within the circles

whose centers and radii are expressed by

center on the input plane = ral

a*Su 2 - |A | 2

radius on the input plane = Rti


center on the output plane = r^

- !Al 2

radius on the output plane =


C2 = 822 — Asn*A = 811822 — S12s2l

8228128212 A







In these equations the asterisk represents thecomplex conjugate value. Six examples of stableand potentially unstable regions plotted on theoutput plane are on the opposite page. In all casesthe gray areas indicate the loads that make thecircuit stable.

The first two drawings, A, and B, show the pos-sible locations for stability, when the value of K isless than unity; C and D are for K greater thanunity. When the stability circle does not enclosethe origin of the Smith chart, its area providesnegative real input impedance. But when the sta-bility circle does enclose the origin, then the areabounded by the stability circle provides positivereal input impedance.

Drawings E and F indicate the possible loca-tions for stability when the value of K is greaterthan unity and positive. If the stability circle fallscompletely outside the unity circle, the areabounded by this circle provides negative real inputimpedance. But if the stability circle completelysurrounds the unity circle then the area of thestability circle provides positive real input im-pedance.

When K is positive

The design of an amplifier where K is positiveand greater than unity is relatively simple sincethese conditions indicate that the device is uncon-ditionally stable under any load conditions. All thedesigner need do is compute the values of RMS andRML that will simultaneously match both the inputand output ports and give the maximum powergain of the device.

Reflection coefficient of the generatorimpedance required to conjugatelymatch the input of the transistor = RMS

= Ci"VBi*-4|Ci|2|d|'


5-4 Electronics I October 16, 1967

Page 59: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

lability examples




Controlling oscillation. Stability circles are superimposed on the output plane. Load impedances chosenfrom gray areas will not cause oscillation. Colored areas represent unstable loads.

Electronics I October 16, 1967 5-5

Page 60: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

where! = 1 + SH 2 - 822 (24)

andReflection coefficient of that load im-

pedance required to conjugatelymatch the output of the transistor = RML




B2 = 1 + 822 2 - Sn 2 -



and Ci and C2 are as previously defined.If the computed value of BI is negative, then the

plus sign should be used in front of the radical inequation 23. Conversely, if BI is positive, then thenegative sign should be used. This also applies inequation 25 for BS- By using the appropriate signonly one answer will be possible in either equationand a value of less than unity will be computed.

The maximum power gain possible is found fromthe relationship

ISgl I VK 2- 11 (27)

Once again the plus sign is used if Bt is negativeand the minus sign if BI is positive. This maximumpower gain is obtained only if the device is loadedwith RMS and RML expressed as reflection coeffi-cients. These values are plotted directly on a Smithchart that has been normalized to the referenceimpedance, (Z0 — 50 ohms, in this case). Theactual values of RMS and RML are read from theSmith chart coordinates and multiplied by Z0. Alossless transforming network can then be placedbetween the transistor and the source and loadterminations to obtain the maximum gain.

If a power gain other than GMAX *s desired, con-stant gain circles must be constructed. The solu-tion for contours of constant gain is given by theequation of a circle whose center and radius are

The center of theconstant gain circleon the output plane = ro2 = G

B2GC2* (28)

The radius of the constant gain circle onthe output plane = R02

(1-2K181,821 G +



|A|* (30)


(32)and Gp = desired total amplifier gain (numeric)

After a load that falls on the desired constantgain circle has been selected, a generator im-pedance is selected to achieve the desired gain.

Go = 821

The value for the generator impedance that simul-taneously matches the input load is given by

r2A (33)


r2 = the reflection coefficient of the load picked.

To prove stability

With the following example it can be demon-strated that when a positive K is greater than unity,the amplifier will always be stable.

Objective: Design an amplifier to operate at750 Mhz with a maximum gain using a 2N3570transistor. The bias conditions are VCE = 10 voltsand Ic — 4 milliamperes. Scattering parametersfor this transistor were measured and found to be

8n = p.277 /-59.00

su = 0.078 Z93.00

821 = 1.920 /64.0°822 = 0.848 Z-31.00

Solution: Compute the values for the maximumgain, and the load impedances RMS and RMI>

A =Ci =

- 812821 = 0.324 Z-64.8C

- AS22* = 0.120 Z-135.4°Sn

2 _ 2- A| 2 = 0.253C2 = S22 - Asn* = 0.768 Z -33.8°

= 1+] 822A

2 .

2 _





2 „

2 _

A ]

D2 = 822 2 - |A | 2 = 0.614

Since BI and B2 are both positive, the negative signis used in the following:

G M A x = | s 2 1 | K - V K 2 - 1= 19.087 = 12.807 db

RMS =- 4 Ci


- 0.730 Z 135.4°

B2- VB22 - 4


= 0.951/33.8°RMS and RML are plotted on the Smith chart on theopposite page. The actual values of RMs and RMLcan now be read from the Smith chart coordinatesas Z8 and ZL.

RMS = Za = 9.083 4- j 19.903 ohmsRML = ZL = 14.686 + j 163.096 ohms

These results were obtained with a computer anddo not represent the actual reading of the coordi-nates on the Smith chart.

A lossless matching network can now be insertedbetween a 50-ohm generator and the transistor toprovide a conjugate match for the input of thetransistor. To conjugately match the output of thetransistor a lossless matching network can be in-serted between the transistor and a 50-ohm load.With the transistor's input and output conjugately

5-6 Electronics I October 16, 1967

Page 61: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

Strip-line design

3.42cm 0,12%)t2N3570


r^,000 pf

5.05cm0.18% X







, 0.250 %X


4.97cm 0.1775%X



0.715cm0.0256 %X

( I.OOOpf

•=• +10v

Design example. Graphical plot of a 750-Mhz amplifier design using a 2N3570 transistor. Completedcircuit uses strip lines to match the input and output to the transistor.

Electronics I October 16, 1967 5-7

Page 62: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

matched, a maximum power gain is achieved.In this example Teflon transmission lines, using

-fa" Teflon Fiberglas p-c board, were chosen formatching the input and output. The values for thelines are determined as follows:

Output circuit

Step 1. Transform RUL to 50± jz ohms or 20± jbmmhos using the relationship

Input circuit

Step 1. Transform RMS to 50 ± jz ohms or 20 ±jb mmhos using the relationship


jb =- GB)2

1 -|RMS


RML2 (Y0 H


- IR2 - (Y0 -ML




whereGs — real part of the source admittance which

in this case is 20 mmhos. Hence,

jb = (Q.73Q)2(20 + 20)2 - (20 - 20)2

- (0.730)2


jb = reactance of the parallel stubY0 = characteristic admittance of the transmission


GL = real part of load admittanceIn this case Y0 and GL = 20 mmhos. Hence,

= ±42.8 mmhos

jb-(0.951)2(20 + 20)2 - (20 - 20)2 t/s

1 - (0.951)2

= ±123.5 mmhos

The negative sign was chosen for a shorted induc-tive stub to keep the over-all length below A/4.

Step 2. Find the lengths for elements 3 and 4.

tan/3L =

therefore,0L = 9.2C



Jb 123.5= 0.162



X =


velocity of light 300 X 106 meters/secfrequency

= 40 cm/hz


L = -~- X 40 cm = 1.02 cm

For element 4

L4 = (1.02) (0.7) = 0.715cm

750 X 106 hz/sec

where A on Teflon Fiberglas

For element 3

Ye- YL

" = (0.7) (A(ree air)

20 - (20 - j 12320 + (20 - j 123

.5) 1

.5) J= 0.953 Z 162C


162° - 33.8C

720°(40) (0.7) = 4.97cm

The positive sign was chosen for an open capacitivestub to keep its length below A/4.

Step 2. Find the lengths of elements 1 and 2.


20= 0.467



j3L = 65°

and the length of element 1 is


= 5.05 cm


(40) (0.7)

20 - (20 + j 42.8)20 + (20 + j 42.8)

= 0.730 Z-1370

Thus the length of element 2 is


-137° - 135.4C



X 4 0

Since a positive angle is required, add 360°, then


(40) (0.7) = 3.42cm

The completed circuit is on page 105.If a gain other than GMAx had been desired, a

constant gain circle would be required. For ex-ample, suppose a power gain of 10 db is desired.Thus,

GP = 10 dband

G0 = 132! 2 = 3.686 = 5.666 db

5-8 Electronics I October 16, 1967

Page 63: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

Discrete-component design






Design example. Graphical plot of a 500-Mhz amplifier design using a 2N3570 transistor. Matching isachieved with discrete components whose values are determined from the Smith chart plot.

Electronics October 16, 1967 5-9

Page 64: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)


G = G, = 2.713 = 4.334 db

Now by computing the center

G1*02 —

and radius

D2GC2* = 0.781 Z33.851C

- 2K s12S21 G + s12s.i 2G2)"2

= 0.136


A 2 = 0.614

a constant gain circle, which shows all loads forthe output that yield a power gain of 10 db, canbe constructed directly on the Smith chart on page107. The RML picked in this example was 0.567Z 33.851°, and read off the Smith chart coordinatesas 89.344 -f j 83.177 ohms. The source reflectioncoefficient required with this load is

RMS =— RML&22

= 0.276 Z93.329C


Za = 41.682 + j 24.859 ohms.

Since K is greater than unity and BI is positive,unconditional stability is assured for all loads.

Alternate design

When the value of K is less than unity, a loadmust be chosen to assure stable operation of theamplifier. To accomplish this a stability circle isplotted on the Smith chart and examined to deter-mine those loads that may cause oscillation. Aslong as a load is picked that does not fall in thearea of the stability circle, stable operation isassured.

When K is less than unity, the gain of a poten-tially unstable device approaches infinity by defini-tion. Therefore, equations 23, 25, and 27 cannot beused. Instead, a Gp must first be chosen and thenthe same procedure as used for K > 1 is followed.

The amplifier must be protected from oscillatingby careful selection of the load impedance as dem-onstrated in this example.

Objective: Design an amplifier using a 2N3570transistor that lias a power gain of 12 db at 500Mhz. The bias conditions are VCE — 10 volts andIc •=. 4 milliamperes. The s parameters are

s,i = 0.385 Z-55.00

Si2 = 0.045 Z90.00

821 = 2.700 Z78.00

822 = 0.890 Z-26.50

Solution: Compute the values of G, RMs, and RML.

A = sU822 - s12S2i = 0.402 Z -65.040°Ci = Sn - ASM* = 0.110 Z-122.395°

= 1 + su A - = 0.195

B2 =D2 =

K =

1 + SMSal2-

1 + A

2 _


2 _A 2 = 1.483

2 = 0.6312 _



2 _ 8a 2- n ono

G = -~ = 2.174 or 3.373 db

Since K is less than unity it is necessary to pick aload that does not cause oscillation. To accomplishthis, first consider a stability circle on the outputplane. This circle has a center at

rfl2 =S22

and a radius of

RB2 =8128212 A

= 1.178 Z29.881C

= 0.193

and is represented as the unstable region on theSmith chart on the previous page. As long as anoutput load is not picked that lies in the unstableregion, stable operation is assured.

The constant gain circle that yields 12.0 db ofpower gain now has a center at


C2* = 0.681 Z29.881C

and a radius of

(1 + 2K s12S2i G + s12s2l 2G2)"2

D2G= 0.324

By constructing this constant gain circle, an out-put load is again chosen. The RML chosen on thecircle had a reflection coefficient of 0.357 L 29.881°,and was read off the Smith chart coordinates as85.866 + j 35.063 ohms. The source reflection co-efficient required for this load is

RMS —Sn —

1 — RM 1,822= 0.373 Z64.457C


Z8 = 52.654 j 41.172 ohms

Now a look at the stability circle plotted on theinput plane is required to see if the value of RMSassures stable operation. The circle on the inputplane has a center at


Sn2 _


and a radius of

RSI =Sn 2~L_ A

C2 = 82, - Asu* = 0.743 Z -29.881C

= 8.372 Z- 57.605°

- = 9.271

Only a portion of the input stability circle isshown due to its size. The shaded area is unstable.

Since RMS does not fall inside this circle andRML does not fall inside the output circle stableoperation is assured.

The complete circuit, bottom of page 107, was

5-10 Electronics I October 16, 1967

Page 65: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

constructed from this data. Values for the matchingcomponents were obtained using the followingprocedure.

Output circuit

Step 1. Transform RML to 50 ± jz ohms or20 ±: jb mmhos. Since individual components areused for matching it is necessary to convert RMLto its parallel equivalent circuit by adding — 180°to a positive angle, or +180° to a negative angle.


RML] = 0.357 Z- 150.119°

Using the formula

1 + RMLlI L -

where Y0 — 20 mmhos

YL = 10 - j 4.08 mmhos

Converting the YL admittance to an impedanceyields ZL = 100 — j 245 ohms.

Step 2. Compute the value for the capacitorfrom the relationship

Xfl = V(RP - R8)R,where

Rp = real part of ZL = 100R9 = load impedance = 50


Xc = V2500 = 50


1d = -o-fvr = 6-38 pf

Step 3. Compute L! from

v R8 + Xc (5Q)2 + (50)2


The total XL is

(XLl)(XL)ALT = = 71

(XLl + XL)


XL = 245 ohms = imaginary part of ZL


= 0.023 tth

Input circuit

Step 1. Transform RMs to 50 ± jz ohms or20 ± jb mmhos. To do so convert RMS to its par-allel equivalent circuit by adding — 180° to apositive angle, or +180° to a negative angle.


RMSl = 0.373 Z- 115.543°

Using the formula

Y8 -(1 + RMS)(1 — RMS)

where Y0 = 20 mmhosCompute Ys. Thus,

Ya = 11.8 - j 9.4 mmhosor

ZB = 84.7 - j 106.4 ohmsStep 2. Compute £,%

Xc2 = V(RP - R,)R8


Rp = real part of Zs = 84.7 ohmsR8 = source impedance = 50 ohms


Xc2 = 41.6 ohmsand


= 7-66 pf

Step 3. Compute L^

Rs2 + Yc2 (5Q)2 + (41.6)2

~X^~ 41.6

= 102 ohms

(XLl)(XL)XLT = Tv~w~v^r = 52-2 onms



XL — imaginary part of Zs = 106.4 ohms


L* = ^Lf = °-017 ^hZTTI

Bandwidth, the third important design factor, isdependent on the Q of the circuit. There are nomagic formulas for accurately predicting band-width in all cases. Many LC combinations providethe same complex impedance at the center fre-quency but yield different Q's and bandwidths.

If the inherent bandwidth, Q, of a transistorloaded with a particular LC combination yields abandwidth that is greater than desired, adding LCelements narrows the bandwidth and keeps the gainconstant. But if the inherent bandwidth is nar-rower than desired, a gain reduction or different LCcombination changes the bandwidth.

The author

William H. Froehner, who startedworking at Tl in 1964, designs highfrequency measurement and testequipment. In the last 18 months hehas been applying the scatteringparameter technique to designhigh frequency amplifiers.

Electronics I October 16, 1967 5-11

Page 66: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)



Dr. George Bodway's article, first published as aninternal HP report in April, 1966, was the first ana-lytical treatment on the practical characterization ofactive semiconductor devices with s parameters.

Dr. Bodway shows the relation between generalized sparameters and those measured on a transmissionline system with a real characteristic impedance. Hethen shows how these s parameters are related topower gain, available p o w e r gain, and transducerpower gain. Stability and constant gain circles arederived from the s parameters. Bodway then shows,both mathematically and graphically, how stability andgain are considered in amplifier design.

Introduction 6-1

Generalized Scattering Parameters 6-1Expression for Power Gain 6-2Expression for Available Power Gain 6-2Expression for Transducer Power Gain 6-2

Stability of a Two-Port Network 6-3Stability Conditions 6-3Stability Circle Defined 6-3

Conjugate Matched Two-Port 6-4Relation to Stability 6-4

Power Flow 6-5Unilateral Case 6-5

Unconditionally Stable Transistor 6-6Constant Gain Circles 6-6

Potentially Unstable Transistor 6-6Constant Gain Circles 6-6Stable Regions 6-6

Error Due to Unilateral Assumption 6-6

Transducer Power, Power, and AvailablePower Gains for Matched Generator and Load. 6-7

Power Gain and Available Power Gain in theGeneral Case.. . 6 - 8

Page 67: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)


Vol. 10, number 6

May 1967





George E. BodwayHewlett-Packard

Palo Alto, California


The difficulty of measuring the com-monly accepted amplifier design par-ameters, such as the admittance or yparameters, increases rapidly as thefrequency of interest is extended above100 MHz. When the desired par-ameters must be referred either to ashort or an open above 1000 MHz,a wideband measurement system be-comes essentially impossible. A con-venient way to overcome this problemis to refer the measurements to thecharacteristic impedance of a trans-mission line. A set of informativeparameters which can readily be meas-ured in terms of the traveling waveson a transmission line are the scatter-ing or "s" parameters.

To illustrate the bandwidths possi-ble, two measurement systems havebeen set up which measure the scat-tering parameters (amplitude andphase) without adjustments or calibra-tions of any kind (once the system isset up) over the frequency ranges10 MHz to 3-0 GHz and 1.0 - 12.4GHz.

There are then many advantagesfor having a design available in termsof the easily measured scattering par-ameters. One important advantage isthat the matching networks are alsomeasured in terms of scattering par-ameters, for reasons of simplicity at thelower frequencies, and at higher fre-quencies because of necessity. At mi-crowave frequencies many of thepassive elements in a design are open,shorted or coupled sections of trans-mission line which can be representedas a reflection coefficient on a SmithChart. Thus, the process of design isreadily served by a procedure involv-ing reflection coefficients rather thanimpedance. Having measured both theactive device and associated passiveelements in terms of one set of par-ameters, much feeling for the import-ance of each measured parameterwould be lost by converting all theparameters to another set and proceed-ing with the design from there. An-other significant advantage is In theresulting simplicity of understandingand the intuitive insight one maythus gain from a design based on thegeneralized scattering parameters. Be-cause of this, the design method isbeing used at frequencies far belowthe microwave region. The reason forthis simplicity is that the parametersused for the design are inherentlypower flow parameters.

This paper attempts to formulatea theory which can be simply appliedto the measured s parameters in orderto synthesize a desired power transferversus frequency for a linear two port.In addition to obtaining and display-

ing the three familiar forms of powerflow, the power gain G, the availablegain GA and the transducer gain GTversus the load and generator imped-ances, the potential stability, or in-stability as the case may be, is com-pletely and simply specified graphical-ly in terms of the measured quantities.A stability circle is defined for boththe input and output planes (genera-tor and load Smith Charts) whichsimply and completely defines the net-work both with respect to potentialinstability and with respect to thenature of constant power flow con-tours.


The power waves and generalizedscattering matrix were defined veryelegantly in a paper by K. Kurakawa.1

These parameters were introduced pre-viously by Penfield,2'3 and also byYoula4 for positive real reference im-pedances. These parameters will bepresented here in a form consistentwith the rest of the paper. It is possi-ble that the usefulness of these par-ameters was not realized or used pre-viously for transistor circuit designbecause of the slow, tedious job ofmeasuring them accurately with a slot-ted line or a bridge.

The power waves are defined byEquations [ l(a) , (b)] and Fig. 1.

V, +2,1,


V.-2,*!,2\/ ReZ, [Kb)]

M a y , 1 9 6 7

Equation (1) defines a new setof variables a i ( bj, in terms of an oldset, the terminal voltages and currentsVi and Ii. This change of variablesaccomplishes two things: for one, theai and b| have units of (power)1/2

and a very precise meaning with re-spect to power flow; second, the re-lationship between the variables ai,bi will now depend on the terminalimpedances of the network.

The expression for the reladon be-tween the a/s and b/s is defined by

bi = St] a] (2)

where Su is an element of the general-ized scattering matrix and bi and a tare, respectively, the components of thereflected and incident power wavevectors.

If Zj is real and equal to the char-acteristic impedance of transmissionlines connected to the ports of a net-work, then the definition of" a^ bi re-duces to that of the forward andreverse traveling waves on the trans-mission lines and s reduces to themicrowave scattering matrix. There-


Page 68: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

Fig. 1 — Representation of an n portnetwork defining voltages, currentsand reference impedances at eachport.

fore the advantages of remote trans-mission line techniques can be usedto measure the properties of the net-work and determine rhe generalizedscattering matrix.

The physical meaning of the powerwaves 3j, bj and the generalized par-ameters Sjj are demonstrated by thefollowing equations (Fig. 2) . Theresults follow from Equation (1) andcircuit relations indicared by Fig. 2.

a2 = 0 (4)

|b2|2 = I2|2 ReZ2|

= PL for real part Z2 positive= —PL for real part Z2

negative (5)

where PI, is the power delivered tothe load.


= Pa for real part Zi positive

= Pe for real part Zinegative (6)

where Pa is equal to the power avail-able from the generator and Pe is theexchangeable power of the generator,


Re(V1I1*) (7)

Using the relations above forand |bi 2 the following significantand useful physical content of thegeneralized scattering parameters isevident. With the real part of Zi andZ2 positive, the forward scatteringparameter* is identically equalto the transducer power gain of thenetwork.

. |ba

= transducer power gain(8)

* The word "generalized" will be deleted,but h to be understood throughout theremainder of the paper.


r. plane

Fig. 2 — Two port model showing volt-ages, currents, load and generatorimpedances and power waves.

When either the load or generatorimpedance consists of negative realparts, appropriate negative signs mustbe used. In the remainder of thispaper (unless stated otherwise) wewill assume that the real parts of Z,and Z2 are positive, in order to keepthe repetitions in bounds. Neverthe-less negarive real loads and generatorimpedances come up quite often suchas when cascading potentially un-stable stages and are treated in thesame way.

Similarly we have

Fig. 3 — Circle defined by rs2 and pa2

divides r.. plane into a stable andpotentially unstable region of opera-tion. If s, j | . 1 , the inside ofthe circle indicates those loadswhich provide negative real inputimpedance (jsn ' | > ' ) • The hea-vier weight circle defines the unitcircle on the Smith Chart.

Because of the close relationshipbetween power flow and the general-

Power reflected from the input of the networkPower available from a generator at the input port

for the real part of Z, positive.

Placing the generator at the outputport, we observe that



|si2]2 = reverse transducer

power gain (10)

,2 _ Power reflected from rhe output of the devicePower available from a generator at the output port (11)



• del Ivered lo the ne twork


To repeat, for "positive real" loadand generator impedances, s^ - and

2 are the forward and reverse trans-?r power gains, while sn " and- express the difference between

power available from a generator andthat which is delivered to the networknormalized to the power availablefrom rhe generator.

In addition to the transducer powergain [sjt]", there are rwo other usefulmeasures of power flow for a twoport network; these are given by

G =Power delivered to load

Power into two port

ized scattering parameters we mightexpect that transistor amplifier design,which is intimately concerned withpower flow, could be intuitively clearand straightforward in terms of theseparameters.

The generalized scattering par-ameters are defined in terms of specificload and generator impedance. Tomake broadband measurements, theparameters are usually referred to 50ohms. Then, to proceed with the de-sign or to utilize the measured par-ameters, we must have an expressionfor the generalized scattering par-ameters in terms of the measuredparameters and arbitrary generator andload impedances. The new scatteringparameters for arbitrary load and gen-erator are given by


Power available at the outputPower available from the generator 1 —|SM

t h e i c r o w a v e

(14)j o u r n a l

Page 69: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

Sn' =J* [ ( l - r 2S2 2 ) (su-f i*)+r 2s 1 2s 2 1 ]

o ' —

S22 —





[ ( 1 — rx s

[d-r lSl

[(l-r lS l

[(!-*[(l-r lSl

T ) (1— r 2 s 2 a ) — iM

s l2[l- n 2 ]i)(l-r lSn)-r ti

c |"1 — r 21^21 L •*• *2 J

i) (1— r 2 s 2 2 )— rir

S]i/ (S22"~"^2 ) ~T ̂ i

i) (1 — r 2 s 2 2 )— f i t

2 Si2 S'jlJ

, s,, s«]

2 Si2 S2iJ

Sl2 S2lJ

2 Sia S2lJ








The three forms of power gain cannow be expressed in terms of a givenset of scattering parameters (s) andarbitrary load and generator imped-

instability; one in which the inputand output impedances of the deviceare insured of having a positive realpart and stability thereby guaranteed,and a second which allows the inputand output impedance to have neg-ative real parts, but only to the extentthat the total circuity is still stable."

The question of stability must beinvestigated at all frequencies ofcourse, but design for a specific gainor amplifier response versus frequencyis usually required over some morerestricted frequency range. If this

— c 'I2 —T — S2l I (21)

G =• ( 1


GA =s21'


A — Sn s22 Si2 821

C^j Su ZA s22





An important consideration in design-ing transistor amplifiers is to insurethat the circuit does not oscillate. Atwo port network can be classed aseither being absolutely stable or po-tentially unstable, it is desirable toconsider two types of loading and bythis means two degrees of potential

specific range is restricted to absolutestability, then the design is simplifiedconsiderably. However, this in turnseverely restricts the potential useful-ness of the device. The two alternativeconsiderations, for potentially unstablefrequency ranges, offer increased po-tential use for a given device. Theyalso necessitate a corresponding in-crease in the complexity of the design.The information we desire concerningstability can then be summarized asfollows. It is necessary to know overwhat frequency ranges the two portis potentially unstable; and in thosefrequency ranges where the device is

GEORGE E. BODWAY received a BS in 1960, an MS in 1964and a PhD in Engineering Physics in 1967 from the Universityof California at Berkeley. He is presently Project Supervisor ofthe thin film microcircuit research, development and processingin the Microwave Division of Hewlett Packard. Before thisposition Dr. Bodway was a research engineer working with solidstate microwave circuit design.

M a y , 1 9 6 7

potentially unstable, we desire in-formation about which loads and gen-erator impedances provide stable oper-ation. The answers to these questionsare approached by considering Equa-tions (15) and (18) with ri = 0 andr2 as a variable.

Consideration of Equation (18)shows that ifr2 still gives

>1, then any passive>1 and the network

is potentially unstable for all loads r2and the given r^ Stability with respectto the output port will be attainedby insuring that the positive real partof r2 is greater than the negative realpart of the output impedance. Forthe conditionof

, the magnitudeis less than one for a passive

Consideration of Equation ( 15 )shows that the whole r- plane can beseparated into two regions, one forwhich the input impedance is positivereal and a second for which the inputis negative real. The regions can belocated by requiring to be lessthan one. The solution for r2, separ-ating the two regions, is given by theequation of a circle in the r^ planewhere the center and radius of thecircle are

C.*'— A



respectively, and C, = s-22

An example of the stable and po-tentially unstable regions is indicatedin Fig. 3 where the shaded part orinside of the circle corresponds tothose loads which provide a negativereal input impedance.

The region of the ra plane whichprovides a positive real input imped-ance is obtained as follows: if theinput impedance is positive real withr2 = 0, and if the circle includes theorigin, then the inside of the circleindicates a positive real input imped-ance; whereas if the circle excludesthe origin, then the inside of the circleindicates a negative real input. If theinput is negative real with r2 — 0, thenthe converse is true.

In the same manner the load can beassumed fixed and the stability in-vestigated as a function of rL. Thesame results are obtained with a cor-responding stability circle defined byEquations (27) and (28) with twosreplaced with ones.

* The generator rt and load rt are assumedpositive real in Equations (21) through(23). For negative real loads or genera-tors appropriate negative signs are re-quired.


Page 70: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

The circles defined by Equations(27), (28) and corresponding equa-tion for the input plane (TI) were ob-tained by setting ri = 0 and r2 = 0 re-spectively. A simple intuitive argu-ment can show that the circle in ther2 plane is invariant to rx and thecircle in the i^ plane is invariant tochanges in r2. In particular, if theinput impedance is positive real, ,thenthe input reflection coefficient has amagnitude less than one; if the inputimpedance is negative real, the inputreflection coefficient will have a mag-nitude greater than one; both state-ments are obviously independent ofthe generator impedance, as long as itis positive real. The converse is trueif the generator impedance is neg-ative real.

The condition for a two port to beabsolutely stable can now be obtained.A two port network is absolutelystable if there exists no passive loador generator impedance which willcause the circuit to oscillate. This isequivalent to requiring the two stableregions to lie outside the unit circlesin the r, and r2 planes when the originsare stable. This is satisfied if

\paz~ rs2|| > 1





The stability circles would normallybe superimposed on the generator(TI) and load (r2) planes, uponwhich the constant gain circles havealready been constructed. The threedifferent degrees of stability are theneasily distinguished: first, if the twounstable regions lie outside the unitcircles, the device is unconditionallystable; second, if the unstable regionslie inside the unit circles, but all loadand generator impedances are chosento lie outside these two regions, thenetwork is assured of having positivereal input and output impedances, andstability is assured. The third situationarises when T] or r2 are allowed to bein one or both unstable regions. Thennegative real input or output imped-ances exist, and it is necessary to makesure the positive real generator or loadis sufficiently positive real to insurea stable system.

It is also appropriate to point out atthis time that the section on stabilitycan quite readily be used to designoscillators.


The load and generator impedancewhich simultaneously conjugate match-


Fig. 4 — Contours of constant gain G1 and constant Isn'| indicating gain and matchobtained for various generators r1. |snj was taken as 0.867 at —45°.

es a two port can be expressed in termsof the s parameters by solving theair of equations which result when

l and s22' are both set equal tozero.*

The solution of this pair of equa-tions for T! and r2 provides the loadand generator impedances (rml andrm2) which will simultaneously matchboth the input and output ports.

nitude less than one is obtained fromEquations (42) and (43) using theplus sign for BI negative and theminus sign for Bj positive. On the

B,other hand if

2C,is less than unity,

then both solutions will have a mag-nitude equal to unity.


rml =2|C1|

The condition

pressed as

> can be ex-

(42) (44)

= C2B2±VB2



1 J- I A |2_ o 2 — Ic IK — _!. I n I — I


\^i Su

B2 = l+


s22 Sll


HAPC2 — s2 2— A su

Equations (42) and (43) give twosolutions for rml and two for rm2. Con-

B,sidering the ith load if2C,

is larger


The two solutions for rmi and the twofor rm2 result in two pairs of solutionsfor a load and generator which simul-taneously match the two port network.

The simultaneously matching pairscan be summarized as follows: forK < 1 both generator and load for

each pair have a magnitude equal toone; for K > 1 and K positive thenone solution has both rml and rm2 less

than unity, then one solution will havea magnitude less than unity and theother will have a magnitude largerthan unity. The rmi which has a mag-

* The matched generator and load can alsobe obtained readily from GA

f(rmi) — 0,and G'(rms) = 0.

t h e m i c r o w a v e j o u r n a l

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Fig. 5 — plot of s , , vs. frequency for a transistor in common base showing fre-quency ranges over which the input is positive and negative real with 50 -- onthe output. Where the curve is dashed, the real part is read off as negative.Any generator placed on the device which lies outside the shaded region providesa total positive resistance at all frequencies. The circles indicate contours ofconstant gain at 1.6 GHz.

Fig. 6 (a) — Set of curves giving theradii of constant power gain circlesas a function of the load |r,mj withkm as a parameter. This set of

curves provides circles of positivepower gain for K > 1.

Fig. 6 (b) — The curves shown forvarious values of |Km| ;> 1 can beused to obtain constant power gaincircles on the r.,"1 plane. This graphgives the radii of stable power gainfor the casetive.

K >1 and K nega-

than one and the other solution hasboth greater than unity. For K| > 1and K negative then, both solutionsconsist of one r t > 1 and the otherki < i.

The condition that a two port net-work can be simultaneously matched

M a y , 1 9 6 7

with a positive real generator andload* is therefore given by

K > 1 (46)

Equation (45) for K is invariant tochanges in load and generator imped-ance, and is given in terms of the h

parameters by



= k 7 = C-1 (Linville factor)


If |K| > 1 then

| (K±VK2-1)|


|s12m|2 = |(K±VK2-1)|

(49)where the plus sign applies when B! isnegative and the minus sign occurswhen B! is positive.

The physical significance of K isstressed by repeating that (C-1 = k =K) > 1 is the condition that a twoport can be simultaneously matchedby a positive real generator and load.This is only a necessary condition forabsolute stability. A necessary andsufficient condition for absolute stabil-ity is K > 1 and BA positive.


Unilateral Case

In this section the feedback termSis is assumed to be sufficiently smallin some sense so that we can set itequal to zero. The sense of being smallis defined later in terms of a trans-ducer power gain error which resultswhen using the unilateral design.

For s12 = 0 we obtain the followingequation for GT

1-]— GO GI G2

—r2s2 2 |2


Go is the transducer power gain givenby the original s2J parameters (for ex-ample the measured GT). GI and G2are contributions to the transducerpower gain due to changes in genera-tor and loads respectively.

If and are less than one,then Equation (31) attains a finitemaximum at TI = Sn* and r2 = s22*which is given by

i 11l« 'I 2 —I -*"! |u max i

= M.A.G. = Gu(32)

Equation (32) can be expressed in

* The conditions under which a two portcan be simultaneously matched were givenpreviously in Reference 1.


Page 72: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

terms of the h parameters. The equiva-lent expression is

1 C 'S21|h2

4(Reh n ) (Reh22)(33)

In addition to Equation (32) for GU)we also desire the gain for conditionsother than that of conjugate match.The behavior of G(versus TI can beobtained by letting

Gi = = constant


and solving for r-t. At this point it isconvenient to break the discussion intotwo sections, Case 1, in which Su] <1and Case 2, in which Su|>l.

Case 1

In this case the resulting expressionfor Ti, the reflection coefficient of thegenerator impedance with respect tothe complex conjugate of the referenceimpedance,* is an equation of a circleon a Smith Chart. The centers of thecircles for different gains are locatedon a line through the origin and SH.*The circle at TI — Su* of course re-duces tj a single point. The locationof the center of the circle and theradius of the circle are given by roi andpoi respectively. A circle of constantgain also corresponds to an input re-flection coefficient Sj / of constant mag-nitude.

Defining a normalized gain

gi G,(35)

the center and radius of each circleand the magnitude of the correspond-ng reflection coefficient

constant gt is given byfor

= center


where 0 < g! = • <1

Circles of constant gi are illustratedin Fig. 4. The circle which goesthrough the origin is always the zerodecibel circle for GI. In other words,inside this circle Gi>l, and outside

Case 2

If values of |sn|>l are encounteredwhen measuring a transistor it is con-


Fig. 7 — Return loss circles indicating constant gains G ,, or C ,., as a function offj01 or r,m respectively.

venient to place (sn'1)* on a SmithChart with a dotted line where Su >1, and S j j with a solid line for theranges where SH <1. Where the dot-ted line occurs the resistance is nowread off as negative resistance. In bothcases the reactive part is read off asgiven on the Smith Chart. As we shallsee this achieves two objectives. Forone, it makes the curves for the devicecontinuous on the inside of the SmithChart; second, it makes the design forCase 2 correspond very closely to thatof Case 1. A Smith Chart plot forSi i > 1 is given in Fig. 5 for a micro-wave transistor.

The contribution to the total trans-ducer power gain provided by GI isagain given by Equation (34).

The location and radii of constantgain circles, as well as the correspond-ing S i / , are given again by Equa-tion (36) except that now

s2 i '2 t rue is given by



(1-rjSn) (1—

The ratio of the true gain to theunilateral gain is bounded by

Ic f\-ja21 I t rue~ ~



We can define a unilateral figure ofmerit u where

i I |2| l-i 2|


- co < g < 0 (37)and the maximum gain GI mai is nowinfinite at

r i= [(s,,-1)*]*=s i,-1 (38)

As mentioned earlier, it is desirableto know in what sense Si« is small, orhow adequate the unilateral design is.The actual transducer power gain

u has the following physical signifi-cance for Snl and s22\ less than one.The ratio of the actual transducerpower gain to the transducer powergain obtained by the unilateral design

* From now on ri will simply be calledthe generator and the load. The actualload and generator impedance are givenby Equation (20).

t h e m i c r o w a v e j o u r n a l

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is bounded by1-u

and fl+upfor any generator and load impedancewhich have a magnitude equal to orless than Sn andls22 respectively.

Transducer Power Cain, Power Cain andAvailable Power Cain Referred toMatched Generator and Load

If |K is greater than one, a particu-larly simple design procedure willevolve because the number of scatter-ing parameters which occur in Equa-tions (15) through (18) is reducedfrom four to two by definition. Withmatched load and generator imped-ances on the network, the matchedscattering parameters sm are given bySum = s22

m = 0 and


Ar- [l-(fim)*] (1~

A m —2 —


] (1- r2m2)1 /2

The Linville design,8'0 with transducergain a function of the load but keep-ing the input matched (G t = G) foreach value of the load, is obtainedsimply by requiring* that Sn' = 0.This is satisfied if

m c m\ # (59)

The new set of scattering par-ameters for the matched input is now

Si2m =[1— rml


o m —B21

where rml and rm2 were given pre-viously by Equations (42) and (43).

The scattering parameters s' can nowbe expressed as a function of arbitraryload and generator impedances r^™1

and r^m which are referred to thematched impedances rml and rm».

-rml Sn) ( 1 -rm2 s22) — rml rm2 s12 S21]2]



a function of only r2m, the load, and

is given by



7f-'\m4-7 *-,]_ ~A*nii

7 mJ-7 **->2 ~*jma



Zmi is equal to the matched generatorimpedance, and Zm2 is the matchedload impedance. On a Smith ChartZjm is obtained from by readingoff the coordinates, multiplying by thereal part of Zml, and adding the ima-ginary part of Zmi , in particular.


Km =

= RB11r-H(Rml (54)

where r and x are the Smith Chartcoordinates. The constant conductanceand reactance coordinates of the SmithChart are still preserved in Zt


The new s' parameters for arbitraryload and generator are now givert by

The transducer power gain indicatedby Equation (62) can be expressedas the product of two terms; one aconstant, the matched gain, Gm, andthe second, G i in2, a function of theload r-m.

If K > 1 and Km < 1 (Bi pos-itive) the device is unconditionally

^m (l-r1mroms,2


A mi m c m c m"\-

A2m ( I — r!m r2

m s12m s2 l


/ - (A2m )* [-(ra


msg lm]

A2m ( 1 — r!m r2

m s12m s2l






stable, and constant power gain circlesfor Gim2 concentric with the origincan be constructed. Any circle otherthan the origin represents a gain whichis less than the gain obtained underthe simultaneous matched conditions.The radius of a circle for a givengain is

1-J1- K (65)


" gm (66)

and 0 < gm < 1.For K > 1 and Km > 1 (Bi nega-

tive), the device is potentially un-stable and the transducer power gainunder matched generator and loadrepresents the minimum power gainobtainable under matched input con-ditions. Constant gain circles canagain be constructed in the r2

m plane.The circles are again concentric withthe origin. The radius of the circlein this case is also given by Equation(65) but now gm goes to infinity at

1KM1 (67)

and the network is potentially unstableoutside of this region.

For K > 1 but K negative, stablegain is obtained only for Km > 1(Bi positive) and only for

A2m (1_ r2mKm|2)


d-r2") / i - K m2 \r


•] (63)

The gain Gm' is a function only ofthe magnitude of r2

m, the load, and it

is therefore possible to displayGm


a function of r2m with Km as a par-

ameter. If on this plot the load co-ordinate (r2

m) is physically equal tothe radius of a standard Smith Chart,and the vertical scale is specified indecibels, then the constant gain circlesfor a given K,n can be located onthe r- plane [Fig. 6(a) K > 1, Fig.6(b) K< -1].

With Equation (57) it is also pos-sible now to display the transducerpower gain for any load and any gen-erator by means of two universal setsof curves. The transducer power gainEquation (57) can be expressed asthe product of four terms.

M a y , 1 9 6 7

* The available power gain GA can betreated in a manner parallel to that whichfollows jor C by setting |j£2'j = 0.


Page 74: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

— Gm Gim G2 (68)

Gm is the matched gain, Glm is a func-tion of only the generator r!m, G2m isa function of only the load r2

m, andGi2m is an interaction term betweenthe generator and load.

G2 m=(l- |*2m |8)

— r m r. TI r2





Equations (70) and (71) simplyrepresent constant return loss circleson the T!™ and r2

m planes and aretherefore universal (Fig. 7). Constantgain circles represented by Equation(72) are given in Fig. 8 where theposition from the origin is given byf = r m r m KM r2 "-m-

For |K I < 1 the transducer powergain can still be given by the universalcurves of Figs. 7 and 8. To accomplishthis, the scattering parameters are nor-malized to T! = Sn* and r2 = S22*.The transducer power gain is thengiven by the product of four termssimilar to Equation (68). The vectorf to be used in Fig. 8 is now the sumof three terms.

Constant power gain and availablepower gain circles are given in thenext section for any value of K in-cluding JK| < 1.

Power Cain and Available Power

Cain in General Case

A constant power gain G and avail-able power gain GA, Equations (22)and (23) , give the equation of a circleon the r2 and TI planes respectively.

Equations (22) and (23) can beexpressed as

(73)G = g2

GA = |s2i|2 gi (74)


and gi is given simply by interchang-ing the indices 1 and 2. A discussionof one, g2 in this instance, then sufficesfor both g2 and glf

The radius and location of a con-stant gain circle for g2 is given by


Fig. 9 — The sixpossible locationsfor the instabilitycircle in the out-put plane. Theshaded regions in-dicate the valuesof r which pro-vide a negativereal input- impe-dance for |su|< 1. Also indi-cated on the fig-ures are the signsof the power gainin the variousregions. The cir-cles of equal sizefor all cases arethe unit circles(inside the Smithchart) for r2;outside of thiscircle r, is nega-tive real and in-side positive real.

( A )

( B )


< A ' J

I B ' )

( C x )

9(A)Input unconditionally stable; simultaneousmatched load positive real. r2">| < 1;k > 1; D2 positive; km < 1.

9(B)Input potentially unstable; simultaneousmatched loads positive real. [r2J < 1;k > 1; D2 positive; km ;> 1.

9(0Input potentially unstable. lraj = l; |k|<l;D, positive.


Input unconditionally stable; simultaneousmatched load positive real. Ir2m] < 1;k > 1; D2 negative; km < 1.

9(B')Input potentially unstable; simultaneousmatched loads positive real. |r2J < 1;k > 1; D2 negative; kra > 1.

9(C')Input potentially unstable. |r2m[ = l; |k|<l;D2 negative.


(1- Sii2) + ra

1 — |r22 ( ] s 2 2


2 HAl 2 ) -2Rer 2 C 2

Pg_(1 — 2K|s12s2 |s12 s21|2 g2

2) 1/2

U+D 2 g 2 )(75)


respectively, where

D2 - s222HA|2 (77)

For g2 = oo the radius pg and locationrg reduce to the stability circle in ther2 plane.

The gain at which ps = 0 is of in-terest and is given by

gao -1312 3211


It is very informative at this timeto give the six different possible loca-tions for the stability circles, since theirlocation indicates the general natureof the constant gain circles. Fig. 9corresponds to an If snthen the shaded and unshaded regionssimply change roles. The primed andunprimed cases are physically the sameand just correspond to a positive ornegative D2. The three pairs of casescorrespond to these separate physicalsituations: In case A the device is un-conditionally stable, the matched loads

t h e c r o w a v e j o u r n a

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I S , , S t , l

Fig. 8 — Constantgain circles givingcontribution tototal transducerpanel gain dueto interaction termCi2m as a func-tion of the gen-

erator r^, theload r. m and the

device km.

Fig. 10 — Constant

gain circles < g . , >for a set of sparameters whichsatisfy case C ofFig. 9. Cain g2

is given as a nu-merical ratio, notin dB. Circlesare plotted on the

r2 plane. sn —0.707/0°;s22 =

0.707^/0°; s,2

s,, = 02 /0°.

Fig. 11 — Constantgain circles forcase B' of Fig. 9.The inside of theheavily lined cir-

cle provides posi-tive real inputimpedance, s , , —-0.707; $22 =

0.707; s12 •„ =1.2; rm2=(3.53,


are positive real and g2o is a maximumgain; for case B the loads are positivereal but the device is potentially un-stable and g20 is a minimum gain; thethird case C corresponds to a poten-tially unstable device and also to thesituation where the matched loads arepure imaginary and g20 is complex.

The sign of G is also given in Fig. 9for the different regions. Equations(22) and (23) are valid for fr, < 1and |r2| < 1 only and it is necessaryto return to the original definition toobtain the correct signs.

If |K| > 1 (case A, B) then con-stant power gain circles can be ob-tained from the previous section with-out having to calculate their radii and

M a y , 1 9 6 7

location, but if K < 1 (case C) thatprocedure fails and it is necessary touse Equations (75) and (76).

An example of the constant gaincircles for both case B' and C is givenin Figs. 10 and 11.

As indicated previously, to realize(Gt = G), it is necessary to place theproper generator impedance on theinput for each r2. The proper valueis given by

* — sii —ra A" l-r2s22 (79)


It has been shown that a two port canbe analyzed completely in terms of an

easily measured set of parameters> "thegeneralized scattering parameters." Inthe first section the generalized scat-tering parameters were presented andfundamental power flow relations de-veloped. In the section on power flow,an analysis of power flow was givenfor the case when Si« is sufficientlysmall so that it can be neglected andthe unilateral design is formulated.This leads to the case in which s12 isnot assumed zero and general powerflow relations are obtained and dis-played in unique and very informativegraphical form. Closely tied to powerflow are questions of stability whichare also thoroughly discussed.

The potential use of these par-ameters has only been touched on;some work that is under way dealswith the set of equations similar toEquations (26) - (29) for a three portnetwork. For example, a transistorwhich has Z,, on all three leads can bedefined by an easily measured ( 3 x 3 )matrix. From these original 9 valuesall 12 s parameters for any two portconfiguration is given by a single equa-tion using different sets of 4 of theoriginal 9 matrix elements.

Possibly more importanr is the factthat the rwo port, parameters for anyconfiguration and a common lead feed-back, are also then given by an equa-tion of the same form but which in-cludes the feedback impedance.

The practical use of the measure-ment system also seems unlimited.


The author wishes to express his ap-preciation to everyone who assisted inpreparing and editing this manuscript.Particularly Sydney Ncih, Ross Snyderand the late George Frederick for theirtechnical assistance; also RoseanneCaldwell and Mee Chow among othersfor preparing the manuscript.


1. Kurokawa, K., IEEE Trans. - MTT,March 1965, p. 194.

2. Penfield, P., Jr., "Noise in NegativeResistance Amplifiers," JRE Trans. • CT,Vol. CT-7, June I960, pp. 166-170.

3. Penfield, P., Jr., "A Classification ofLossless Three Ports," IRE Trans. • CT,Vol. CT-9, September 1962, pp. 215-223.

4. Youla, D. C., "On Scattering MatricesNormalized to Complex Port Numbers,"Proc. JRE, Vol. 49, July 1961, p. 122.

5. Hower, M. M., 1963 1SSCC Digest ofT.P., p. 90.

6. Stern, A. P., "Stability and Power Gainof Tuned Transistor Amplifiers," Proc.IRE, Vol. 45, March 1957, pp. 335-343.

7. Rollett. J. M., "Stability and PowerGain Invariants of Linear Two Ports,"JRE Trans. - CT, Vol. CT-9, March1962, pp. 29-32.

8. Linville, J. G. and L. G. Schimpf, BellSystems Tech. Journal, Vol. 35, July1956, p. 818.

9. I-inviIIe and Gibbons, "Transistors andActive Circuits," McGraw-Hill BookCo., Inc., New York, 1961.


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This article defines the three-port parameters of atransistor with or without arbitrary terminations inthe transistor leads. Dr. Bodway then relates thethree-port parameters to the more familiar two-portparameters for common emitter, base, and collector.He next shows that all the two-port equations have asimilar form and can be mapped into constant gaincircles on a Smith Chart. The variation of two-portparameters, specifically for a common emitter con-figuration, is analyzed with respect to series or shuntfeedback. Finally, he describes the equipment usedto measure three parameters of transistor chips.

Introduction 7-1Three-Port Scattering Parameters 7-1

Definition 7-1For Arbitrary Termination of Transistor

Leads 7-1Obtaining Two-Port Parameters from Three-Port Parameters 7-3Common Emitter 7-3Common Base 7-3Common Collector 7-3

Properties of the Two-Port Equations 7-3Shunt Feedback 7-4Application of Three-Port S Parameters 7-4

Common Emitter with Series Feedback 7-5Common Emitter with Shunt Feedback 7-5

Three-Port Measurement System 7-5

Page 77: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)





Hewlett-Packard Co.Palo Alto, California

Vol - 1 1 , number 5

May 1968


There are two requirements for the effective use oftransistors, solid-state devices, and passive components.First, their characteristics must be precisely measured;second, a design capability must exist in terms of themeasured quantities. Scattering (s) parameters satisfythese requirements from both a measurement and designpoint or view. They are particularly useful in themicrowave frequency range.

Ordinarily, s-parameters of an active three-terminaldevice are determined by two-port measurements, con-necting the common lead to ground. Unfortunately,the physical length between the device and the groundplane usually introduces a serious parisitic common-lead inductance, especially if the spacings are made largeenough to obtain a very accurate 50-ohm system. Thesame reason that scattering parameters are measured athigh frequencies (i.e. because accurate shorts and opensare difficult to achieve at these frequencies) necessitatesmeasuring three-terminal parameters and thus, reducingconsiderably the errors due to this parasitic common-lead inductance.

Three-port admittance or impedance transistor para-meters have been discussed before,1 but they have neverbeen as useful or as desirable as the three-terminal scat-tering parameters at microwave frequencies. Whenmaking three-port measurements, all three ports areterminated with 50 ohms. Bringing three 50-ohm trans-mission lines up to the device eliminates the common-lead inductance, ensures accurate reference planes, andresults in a very stable measurement system. (Four-portmeasurements can be made in the same way for 1Ctransistors where the substrate is the fourth terminal.)A 50-ohm termination also approximates the final cir-cuit environment more closely at microwave frequen-cies than the open or short terminations required byh, y, or 2 parameters.

This paper discusses the theory of three-port scatter-ing parameters and shows how previously complicateddesign procedures can be performed very simply inthese terms. For example, all of the two-port para-meters in any common configuration (CB, CE, CC)with any series feedback and any shunt feedback canbe determined by using one single transformation andone matrix transformation. The two-port parameterswith series feedback are related to the 9 measured quan-tities by 12 equations all identical in form, that is, theequations look alike. They only use different variablesand consequently, only one equation has to be solved.Having only one equation to solve has been a tremen-dous help in tying a small desk top computer into themeasurement system for instantaneous device characteri-zations and circuit design.


Parameters for the three terminals of a transistor areshown schematically in Fig. 1, where the three terminalsare all referred to a common ground. The incident andreflected power waves2 can be represented by the three-port scattering matrix

S12 Sis

S22 823

832 833 (1)where s(j

2i ^= } represents the transducer power gainfrom port j to port i, and s^ 2 represents the availablegenerator power that is reflected from the device at theith port.*

The measured parameters are referred to the charac-teristic impedance of the three transmission lines thatterminate the device. To be of universal use, the para-meters for arbitrary termination of the transistor leadsare required as a function of these arbitrary termina-tions and the original measured parameters and arbi-trary reference impedances. The expression for the newscattering parameters is given by

' = A-1(S-rt)where (2)

f i* )

(1- ri 2)l/2 istheii*

element in a diagonal matrix.



*, rt — transpose of the diagonal matricesA, F, respectively.


The nine new scattering parameters in terms of theoriginal parameters and arbitrary reference impedancesare given by

s/11= — r3s33)

T~ r2r ~T


* For a detailed consideration of the physical interpretation ojsij, see References 2, 3 and 4.

M a y , 1 9 6 8 7-1

Page 78: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

A2*Si/ = ^FTT~(I — |ri|2) [s1=(1—ras38) +r8Si3s32]


Fig. 1 — Incident and reflected waves (a, b respectively) fora transistor imbedded in a structure where all three leadsare terminated by the characteristic impedance Z0 of atransmission line.


— I TiSn r2$22 13833 ""f^j^ \SnS22 !

1 ^ 1^3 (811833 812821) \^)

(7)L\Z3 — S22S33 523832

The other seven expressions are obtained by exchangingthe indices on the above equations.

Although the set of equations represented by (4)and (5) can be used for computer analysis, it is un-wieldy to manipulate and does not convey very muchinsight into what is taking place. A far more usefuland rewarding approach has been to leave two of theports terminated by Z0 and allow the third port to bearbitrarily terminated. The two-port parameters areobtained in this manner by treating the common leadas arbitrarily terminated in a series impedance differentthan Z0. The maximum available gain, isolation, sta-bility and other characteristics are simply related to thetwo-port parameters and thus, can be evaluated as afunction of this series lead impedance.

To avoid any confusion with indices, an obvious con-vention has been adopted for labeling the three-portscattering parameters for a transistor:

s =Sbc


where, for example, sbb is the driving point reflectioncoefficient of the base with the emitter and collectorboth terminated by Z0. Similarly, scb is the transducerpower gain for the collector port when driving thebase. scb is of particular significance for a device, beingsimilar to h2i when using h-parameters and to s2i whenconsidering two-port s-parameters. The frequency atwhich scb goes through 0 dB is defined as fa and repre-sents a minimum value for fmax. The other parametershave similar meanings.

The nine elements of matrix (8) are not all inde-pendent because we are considering a three-terminaldevice. In fact, there are only four independent para-meters; if these are known, the others can be found,being related by the condition:

Fig. 2 — Incident and reflected waves for a transistor incommon emitter configuration with an arbitrary impe-dance Z (. in the emitter lead. (9)

This relation follows from a similar relation for they-parameters where


7-2 t h e c r o w a v e j o u r n a l

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for example,

Scb ~ 1 Seb Sbb* (11}

From Equation (4) it is now possible to obtain theexpressions for the two-port parameters, with any feed-back element as a common-lead impedance. See Fig. 2.

Obtaining Two-Port Parameters From

Three-Port Information

The two-port parameters for the three possible con-figurations are given by three sets of Equations: (12a),(12b), and (12c).

Common Emitter


Sre Sbc T

_— Sbb T

• — se — se

i _Sec '

— Se — se


Common Base

Sfb = See +


= See +'

_Scc i



If TJ is replaced with — ], this is the same as groundingthe common lead; consequently the above series ofequations give the normal two-port parameters.

Before discussing the properties of Equation (12)series, several interesting observations can be made.First, it has been recognized previously that the gainin the common emitter configuration can be increasedby adding a capacitor in series with the emitter. It canbe shown from typical data for see that when Ze iscapacitive, |(l/re)-see can be made a minimum, andsfe attains a maximum value. The disadvantage is thatthe other parameters also increase; in fact, sie and s2e(the input and output reflection coefficients in commonemitter configuration) become greater than unity andthe device is very unstable.

It can also be observed from typical data that aninductance in the common-base lead will usually cause|l/rb)-sbb to diminish and the common-base gain toincrease.

Another application of the equations is to find acommon-lead impedance which will minimize the re-verse transducer power gain. For example, the valueof rb which makes srb = 0 is given by Equation (13)and a similar expression holds for the other two con-figurations.

rb = (13)

Common Collector

If the magnitude of rb < 1, then the element is passiveand a neutralized device can be obtained.

We have touched briefly on some special applicationsof Equations (12). Because of the relative simplicity,a considerable amount of information can be obtainedvery quickly, particularly if the significance of the two-port parameters, with respect to desired circuit response,is kept in mind. The accuracy of the derived two-portparameters for a given accuracy in the original meas-ured parameters can also be monitored easily.

Properties of Equation (12)

Equations (12a, b and c) are all of a single formwhich we can express as

s = a + (14)— c

Src — Sbe ~T


— sc


where a, b and c are related to the measured three-port parameters. Equation (14) is a complex equationrelating the variables s and r; it is a standard equationin complex variable theory. Manipulating Equation (14)shows that the relationship between r and s is a bilin-ear transformation:

ij— Z0

i + Z0* -

_ a + r (b — ac)1 — re (15)

M a y , 1 9 6 8 7-3

Page 80: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

There are two ways of looking at Equation (14)for s as a function of r. One is similar to that con-sidered for the two-port transducer power gain. Inthis case, we can display circles of constant magnitudeof s on the r plane. For s,e, those are common emitterconstant-gain circles as a function of the common-leadimpedance instead of the load or generator. The radiusana center of the constant-gain circles are given by(16) and (17) respectively:




= s

f = c g 2 +a*b

The other way to handle Equation (14) is to mapthe r plane onto the s plane. It is well known that,for the bilinear transformation, circles on the r planemap into circles on the s plane. This is significant sinceit means that the Smith Chart for the r plane can bemapped onto the s plane, giving both the magnitudeand phase of s for each complex value of r. Precisiondepends only on how many circles are mapped onto thes plane. This technique gives an exceedingly broadpicture of what is going on.


Not only can the effects of a common lead impedancebe characterized by the set of Equation (12), but alsoshunt feedback can be handled in precisely the same way.

All three leads in the three-port measurement systemare referred to a common ground through a charac-teristic impedance 2^, The parameters measured formthe three-terminal scattering matrix. It is then possibleto make a simple transformation to a new 3 x 3 scat-tering matrix where the ports are referred to one an-other (Fig. 3).

The two-port parameters with any shunt element inany configuration are then given by the same trans-formation as the series case [Equation (12)]. Theseries and shunt feedback transformation can be com-bined resulting in the analysis of very complicatedcircuits.


An example of the use of the preceding three-porttransformation will be described in order to demon-strate the capability and usefulness of the approach. Theexample chosen, because of its wide applications, willshow how the two-port common emitter parametersat 1 and 2 GHz vary with either series or shunt feed-back elements.

Fig. 4 is used as a reference for the mapping ofcircles from the r plane to circles in the s plane. Forexample, Point 1 is a short circuit and the values ofthe transformed parameters that occur at Point 1 arethose that exist with a short as a series or shunt element.

Fig. 3 —- A three-terminal device imbedded in a networkwhich can be used to readily evaluate the effects ofshunt feedback.

Fig. 4 — Points on the r plane (r defined by Equation 3)identified for location on the s plane for the series andshunt mapping. Note the circles which go through 1-6,2-6, 3-6, 4-6 and 5-6 are constant r circles, while thosethrough 7-6, 8-6, 9-6 and 10-6 are constant inductivereactance circles and the corresponding circles through11-6, 12-6, 13-6 and 14-6 are capacitive reactancecircles.

7-4 t h e c r o w a v e j o u r n a l

Page 81: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

The graphs 5 through 8 display how the above theorycan be applied to synthesizing the performance oftransistor circuits. The example given is for a micro-wave small signal transistor with an f t of about 4 GHzand an fmax of about 6 GHz. The transformation for1 and 2 GHz for series feedback are given by Figs. 5and 6 and for shunt feedback by Figs. 7 and 8.

Figs. 5 through 8 have a very general nature, inthat, essentially all high frequency, small signal tran-sistors behave similarly. Some of the information con-tained in Figs. 5 through 8 will be discussed in orderto provide examples of the meaning and use of thegraphs as well as to point out some of this generalinformation.

Common Emitter Configuration With Series Feedback

Let us see what happens to slE or the input impedanceas the common lead impedance varies (Figs. 5a and6a), Point 1 represents a short circuit and the result-ing input reflection coefficient is that of the groundedcommon emitter stage. As resistance is added in theemitter (moving from Points 1 through 6) slE movesessentially on a constant resistance line of a few ohmsin the direction of increasing series capacitance. Simi-larly increasing inductance (Points 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)results in essentially an increase in the real part of theinput impedance; the reactance, being relatively con-stant.

In the case of s2E (Figs. 5d and 6d) the effect ismore complicated; the magnitude of s2E increases withincreasing L, R or C. With inductance or resistancein the emitter, the output impedance becomes morecapacitive and, for values of R less than Point 4, thereal part decreases while it increases for inductive loads.

The transducer power gain in a Z0 system s2E - de-creases for either a resistor or inductance in the com-mon lead. The effect is less at higher frequencies fora given device; for example, a resistance indicated byPoint 4 results in a gain which is the same at both 1and 2 GHz. The very serious effect small inductancescan have at high frequencies could be illustrated byevaluating the drop in gain if, for example, a 100mil lead length were used with this chip. This wouldcorrespond to about 12.5 ohms of inductance, or justpast Point 7 at 1 GHz (Fig. 5b), and 25 ohms on Point8 at 2 GHz (Fig. 6b). The drop in gain is significant.The effect is, of course, much more serious as you moveup in frequency to the 4-6 GHz range which is thepresent practical limit for useful transistor operation.A capacitive emitter impedance, in general, increasesthe transducer power gain, but also causes an increasein slx and S22 resulting in instability. Notice also thatthere does not exist a positive real value of impedancewhich will neutralize the device at 1 or 2 GHz.

Common Emitter With Shunt Feedback

In this case Point 6 (Figs. 7 and 8) or an open circuitcorresponds to the grounded emitter configuration. Thevalues for the parameters obtained with an open shuntimpedance (Point 6, Figs. 6 and 8) should, of course,be identical to that for a short circuit emitter seriesimpedance (Point 1, Figs. 5 and 6).

The input impedance slE is relatively independentwith either capacitive or resistive feedback (Figs. 7aand 8a). This is because of the low input impedanceinto the device. The value of slE is much more sensi-tive to inductive shunt feedback as indicated by movingfrom an open circuit Point 6 through Points 10, 9,8, 7 and 1 corresponding to lower values of inductiveimpedance.

s2i2, the transducer power gain, decreases with re-sistive or capacitive shunt feedback. For example, acollector base capacitance of 1.5 pf causes a drop ingain from Point 6, Figure 7b, to Point 14 and a dropto Point 13 in Fig. 8b. Also the effect of reducing thecollector base capacitance, for example, by reducingthe base pad size can be easily ascertained. As induc-tive shunt feedback is added, the gain increases to verylarge values until very small values of inductance arereached when the gain begins to drop approachingessentially zero with a short circuit.

The reverse gain s12 increases with any shunt feed-back. It changes a relatively small amount for capaci-tive or resistive feedback, but changes more drasticallyfor inductive feedback.

Point 5, (Figs. 7b and 8b, 100 ohms) gives a gain!2 of about 5 dB at 1 and 2 GHz with about 15

to 10 ohms of input impedance with 45-60 ohms ofoutput impedance and a low reverse feedback s12 < 0.2.More gain could be obtained over this frequency rangeby using inductive peaking in the shunt feedback.

The same gain, about 5 dB, can be obtained at both1 and 2 GHz with about 50 ohms (Point 4) of seriesfeedback (Figs. 5b and 6b).

In this case the input impedance is about 10 ohmsbut with about 60 ohms to 30 ohms of capacitive reac-tance (Figs. 5a and 6a). The output impedance is 10-20 ohms with 60-150 ohms of capacitive reactance. Thereverse feedback goes from 0.2 to 0.4. Additional gaincan be obtained with capacitive series peaking.

This technique has been exceptionally useful in ob-taining a thorough understanding of the behavior ofsmall signal devices in amplifier and oscillator circuitsfrom low frequencies to the very highest frequenciesat which transistors will presently operate. The tech-nique has been used to advantage as an initial or roughsynthesizing tool and also as a precise and generalanalysis technique for very complex circuits.

Although not illustrated, these transformations areparticularly well suited for considering distributed im-pedances. For example, a transmission line terminatedby a lumped element is represented on the r plane asa circle about the origin with frequency. This circlealso maps onto the s planes as a circle.

Three-Port Measurement System

The three-port measurement system is just an extensionof the two-port system, but what we will describe herein detail is the unique three-port broadband system forthe measurement of unbonded transistor chips.

A schematic of the system is shown in Fig. 9 andphotographs of the actual setup in Figs. 10, 11, 12,13 and 14. The signal is directed incident on one portand measured reflected from this port and transmitted

M a y , 1 968 7-5

Page 82: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

out the other two ports. Next the second port is drivenand then the third, resulting in the measurement of the9 scattering parameters. The switching of the signaland measurement ports is controlled by electrical sig-nals triggered either manually or by a computer. Thesignals are detected by a sampler and compared againsta reference. The resulting output is displayed on apolar chart, oscilloscope, etc., or can be fed directly toa computer.

Transistor chips are presently being measured on aproduction basis for use on hybrid integrated circuitson this equipment. A chip can be measured from 0.1to 12.4 GHz on this equipment. Almost any informa-tion about the device can be obtained; fmaz' S2i|2> etc.,or performance in an amplifier or oscillator. This in-formation can also be obtained as a function of thedc bias conditions. The loading, testing, calculating,unloading and sorting can be done routinely in lessthan 2 minutes per device. The device is then readyto be bonded down on a microcircuit. It is assurednot only that the device will work but that the circuitwill perform as required with a very high yield evenwith many devices per circuit.


A practical and accurate technique for measuring un-bonded transistor chips from 0.1 to 12.4 GHz has beendescribed.

In order to accomplish this, a new set of parameters,the three-terminal scattering parameters for a transistor,are utilized. Not only can the conventional two-portparameters be obtained simply from the measured quan-tities, but also the paper shows how the effect of addinga series or shunt impedance to the device can be obtainedmathematically by using a simple extension of the basicequation involved.

The data for a conventional microwave transistor isutilized for showing how a mapping technique can beapplied which shows visibly at a single glance, at a

particular frequency, the effect of adding any series orshunt feedback element. The data and general effectsshown are typical of any microwave small signal tran-sistors and the many figures shown are therefore ofgeneral use for reference information.

The equipment used to accomplish the measurementof transistor chips is described including a descriptionand pictures of the techniques used to make contact tothe transistor chips.

In this paper and one previously published, the foun-dation has been laid for the precise measurements oftransistor chips in terms of useful microwave parametersas well as describing powerful design tools particularlybut not limited to the precise but simple design of micro-wave hybrid thin film circuitry. The utilization of thismaterial in designing microwave circuits such as oscil-lators and amplifiers will be described in forthcomingarticles.


The author wishes to express his appreciation to every-one who assisted in preparing and editing this manu-script. Particularly to Mee Chow for the considerableeffort required in preparing the artwork, Joan McClungand Roseanne Caldwell for preparing the manuscriptand to Larry Rayher for editing the paper.


1. Linville and Gibbons, "Transistors and Active Circuits," Mc-Graw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1961.

2. Bodway, George E., "Two-Port Power Flow Analysis of LinearActive Circuits Using the Generalized Scattering Parameters,"Hewlett-Packard Internal Report, April 1966.

3. Bodway, George E., "Two-Port Power Flow Analysis UsingGeneralized Scattering Parameters," the microwave journal,Vol. 10, No. 6, May 1967.

4. Kurokawa, K., IEEE Transactions - MTT, March 1965, p. 194.

GEORGE E. BODWAY received a B.S. in I960, an M.S. in 1964and a Ph.D. in Engineering Physics in 1967 from the Universityof California at Berkeley. He is presently the Section Managerresponsible for the Microcircuits and Solid State Program for theMicrowave Division of the Hewlett-Packard Company.

7-6 t h e c r o w a v e j o u r n a I

Page 83: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)


Figs. 5a, b, c and d - Common emitter series feedback impedance mapped ontothe s-parameter planes at 1 GHz. The shaded regions correspond toinductive impedance while the colored areas are capacitive.


Page 84: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)


Figs. 6a, b, c and d — Common emitter series feedback impedance mapped ontothe s-parameter planes at 2 GHz. The shaded regions correspond toinductive impedances while the colored areas are capacitive.


Page 85: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)


Figs. 7a, b, c and d — Common emitter shunt feedback impedance mapped ontothe s-parameter planes at 1 GHz. The shaded regions correspond toinductive impedances while the colored areas are capacitive.


Page 86: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

7 111213

Figs. 8a, b, c and d — Common emitter shunt feedback impedance mapped ontothe s-parameter planes at 2 GHz. The shaded regions correspond toinductive impedances while the colored areas are capacitive.


Page 87: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)

hp 8410

Fig. 12 — This is a close-up view of the fixture used formeasuring chips with the cover removed for loading.

* son . .• N •

Fig. 9 — Schematic of the rf system used to make the three-port measurements.

Fig. 13 — This is a close-up picture of the fixture. Thethree center conductors can be observed converging atthe center.

Fig. 10 — This is a photograph of the first system built tomeasure the three-port scattering parameters of tran-sistor chips.

Fig. 11 — This figure shows the system in more detail.Apparent in the photograph is one of the phase shifters,bottom, the sampler on the left, a microscope at the top,a positioner for making contact to the transistor, right,and the three signal ports terminating in the transistorchip fixture in the center.

Fig. 14 — This photograph was taken through a microscopeand shows one center conductor making contact to thecollector (plated gold on the back of the chip) and thebase and emitter contacts. This device has contact padsof about 1 mil on a side. Devices with pads 1/2 milon a side are handled routinely.

M a y , 1 9 6 8 7-11

Page 88: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)



Today's interest in s parameters results from theease with which these vector quantities are measured.One of the standard circuits for measuring s param-eters of transistors consists of two dual directionalcouplers, two biasing tees, and a fixture to hold thetransistors. The operation is quite straightforward.

Consider the circuit shown below.














50ft ;LOADJ

s = 5 16 - 611 A / TB ^A

The RF source sends a signal down the 50ft systemtoward the test device (transistor). The signal out ofA is proportional to the signal incident on port 1 of thetest device. The signal out of B is proportional to thesignal reflected from port 1, and the signal at C isproportional to the signal transmitted through the testdevice and out of port 2. The 50ft system on the port2 side is terminated in the 50ft load. As a result, thesignal at D is zero because none of the signal out ofport 2 is reflected back at the test device.

The ratio B A is the magnitude of sn, and the phasedifference between B and A is the phase of sn. Like-wise, C and A determine S2i- Either the 8405A Vec-tor Voltmeter or the 8410A Network Analyzer is usedto detect these coupler outputs.

Similarly, the setup shown below measures 3^2S22- The major difference between these two setupsis that the 50ft load and the RF source have been inter-changed.



\f\\ Tj ( DEVICE




n • \ft \\




12 D


Page 89: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)







These circuits can be constructed from individual com-ponents or supplied in a single box. When the circuitis contained in a single box, the tedious job of con-necting coax circuitry disappears, and s-parametermeasurements can be made by pushing a button. Thisis the case with the HP 8745A S Parameter Test Set.

The figure below shows diagrams of two different sparameter systems.


















The first system makes swept-frequency measure-ments from 110MHz to 2 GHz using an 8410A NetworkAnalyzer. The minimum transistor drive signal re-quired by this system is 22.5 mV.

The second system makes single-frequency measure-ments using the 8415A Vector Voltmeter. The vector

voltmeter is more sensitive than the network analyzer.The minimum transistor drive signal required by thissystem is 5 mV. This additional sensitivity will com-pensate for coupler rolloff in the s parameter test setbelow 100 MHz. As a result, this system can be useddown to 14 MHz and still preserve the same transistorsignal levels required by the network analyzer systemat 110 MHz.

Page 90: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)





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Page 91: from the original 1968 Application Note (14.8 Mb)




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Ttlei. 31617

F 31700 BliinacTtl (61) 15 12 29Telei 51957

GERMAN FEDERALREPUBLICHewlett-Packard GmbHVertnebtientrale FrankfurtBernerstraue 117Pottfach 560 1400 6000 Franktnr( 56Ttl: (0611)5004-1Caeie HEWPACKSA FrankfurtTtlei 41 12 49 In

Htwlett-Packard Gmb1

Ve rlnebiburo Bob line

0-7030 BMIMltn. Wurtkmbe'ITtl 107031)66 72 17Cable HEPAK BobnnftnTelei 72 6S 719 bbn

Hewlett-Packard GmbHVtrlritbibiiro Ou)»ldorlVoielsanier Wtf 310-4000 DuillldirfTel i0211 63 lo 11 15Telti 15/16 533 hpdd B

Hewlett-Packard GmbHVerlnebsbgro Hamburi

0 2000 Hamburi 1Ttl: 10411)24 13 93Cable HEWPACKSA Hambu'iTtlti: 21 63 032 hphh d

Hf * It 1 1 Packard GmbH

Mtlltndorltr Strasie 30 1000 NMiMntr - KleeteldItl (0111)5506 26


PO. Bon 1152CY.tllciiialei 45621/29

ETHIOPIAAfncin Siletpowtr I Aiency

Private Lid., CoP 0 Boi 71161/59 Cunnin|him SIAMU At ItlTtl 12215Cablt: ASACO Addlubibi

HONG KONGSchmidt 1 Co. (Honf Kon| ltdP.O. Boi 2971 5 1 1 Pnnce'i Builrjinf15th Floor10. Chiller Road

Tel 240161, 232735Telti. HM766 SCHMCOCable 5CHMIOTCO Hon| Koni

INDIABlut Star Ltd.Kllturi Bui id incslamshedii Tata RdItmba) JOO 070Tel 29 SO 21Ttlti: 37S1Cable BLUEFROSI

Blue Star LtdUui414/2 Vlr Savlrkar Mar|PrabhadeviBimkat 400 025lei 45 7 3 0 1

lelti 3751Ciblt BLUESTAR

Blue Stir Ltd14 40 Ci>H LinesKanpur 201 001Tel 6 11 82Catlt BLUESTAR

Blut Slar, ltd7 Hare StrtttP 0 Boi 506Calcutta 700 001Tel. 23 0131Telei 655Cable BLUESIAR

Blue Star LtdBlut Slar Home.34 ftin| Roadiiipat NifirNtW Delhi 110 024Ttl 62 32 76


Blut Star. Ltd.Blut Stir Hoult

Tel 51473Telei 430Ciblt: BlUESTAR


Vertnebiburn Munchen

1SAR Center

IWtll B r rhnHewlett Packard GmbHvertriebtburo BerlinWilmeridorfer Stratie 113/114;.](:•::> lerim * 12Tel CJ l : 3137046Telei 11 3405tipblnd


11. Ermou SlreelGR Altwm 126Tel 3230-303. 3230 305Cable RAKAR AthentTtlei 21 5962 rkar ji

IRELANDHewlett Packard Ltd.224 Balh RoadGBSHlllh. SL14DS. BucksTel Sloufh 10753) 13141Cable: HEWPIE SloufhTtlei 841413

Hewlett Packard Ltd.Iht CnfloniStamford New RoidAltriiKkam. Cheihire, En|lindTel (061) 9281626Telti 668068

ITALYHewitt (Packard Itiliani 5 a AVia Amerigo Veipucci 2120124 MilanTtl (2i 6251 110 lineiiCable HEWPACKIT MlimTelti 32046

Hewlett Packird itaiiina S.p A.PIJIII Marconi. 251 00144 Rimt - Eur

Cable HEWPACKIT RomeTelei 61514


Blut Star, ltd1-1 117 1

Sec underload 500 003Tel 7 6 3 9 1 . 7 7393Cable BLUEFR05T

Blue Stir, Lid.23 24 Second line B*irhMidrn 600 001Te l . 2 39 55Tele i 379Cablt BlUESTAR

Blut Star, LtdIB Karter BurtfalowDindH Roadiamihtdpiir 831 001Tel 31 04Cable BLUESTAR

INDONESIABah Bolon Tradinf Coy NVD la Ian Merdtka 29linduntTtl J915 51560Cable. ILMUTelei 01-809


A.enut Sonyi 130P O Boi 1212" Ithtran

Tel 13 1035-39Cable MULTICORC TehranTelti 2891 MCI IN

ISRAELElectronic i I EntinHring

Oil. of Motorola Itratl Ltd17 Aminidn StrtttTel Ail.

Tel 36941 (3 linesCablt BASTEL Tel-Avi,Telei 33569

JAPANlokofawi Hewlett Packard Ltd

1 S9-1 Yoyo i iMiibu.i ku. TakuTel: 03-1702211/92Ttle.: 232-2024YHPCable YHPMARKET lrjn 23 721

Yokoiiwa Htwlttt-Pacurd LidNuti Ibarati Bldf22-1 Kllufl1 bar a| i ShiOiaUTtl: (0726)23 1641Ttlti 5332-385 YHP OSAKA

Yokoiawt-Hewlett-Pickard Ltd

No'^Ki'miiailfima-ctioNakamura-ku, H*|*]rt CityTel- (052) S71-SI7I

Nitto Bldf.2-4-2 Sninohara-KitaKohoku kulakatama 222Tel 045-437,1504Ttle. 312-1204 YHP YOK

Tel (49166 4062

Ttl (11)53 1264Tele. 32046 via Milan

LUXEMBURGHtwlttl Packard BtneluiS A . ' N VAvtnut de Col-Vert . 1.(Grotnkna(lian)B 1170 BruitiliT e l - (03 02' 7 2 2 2 40Cable PALOBEN Brunei!Telti 21 494

NETHERLANDSHewlett-Packard Benelux N VWeerdeilem 117P 0. Bo. 7125Nl Amilirdim. 21011Tel 020 42 77 77. 44 29 €6Clble PALOBEN AmiterdamTelei I1216htpanl

NORWAYHewlett Packird Norit A SNtmien 11Boi 149N 1344 KailvmTtl- (02) 13 13 60lelti 16621 hpnai n


Mtclncoi S I MRua Rodnio da Fonitci 103P O . Boi 2531P Lilian 1

Cable TELECTRA LiibonTelei 1591


Chuo Bld(.Rm. 601 3.2-ChomeIZUMI-CHO.Mitt. 310


P.O. Boi 18311NaKtbl. KtnriTth 57726Cablt: PROTON


1 PO Boi 1103Dae Kyung Bld| , Bfi Floor107 Stionf Ro.Chonfro-Ku. it HiTtl (4 l ines' 73-1924 7Cablt AMTRACO Stoul

LEBANONConitintln E. MacridnP.O. Boi 7211RL-RtirutTil 220146Cittlt: ELECTRONUCLEAR Beirut

MALAYSIAMECOMB Mllirill Ltd2 Loroni 11 '8ASection 13Ptlllinj 11,1. StliniorCable MECOMB Kuala Lumpur

MOZAMBIQUEAN. Concaliti, Ita162. Av 0 LUIIPO. 801 107lavrtnct MarqutiTtl 27091, 27114Telei 6 203 Neiun MoCible NECON

NEW ZEALANDHewlett Packard IN J I Ltd94-96 Onon StrtttP O Boi 9443Courtenay Place.wtllinfUnTel 59-559

Clble HEWPACK wtn,n|ion

Htwlttt-Packird ,N Z ' ltd

?67 Pakurania HijhwiyBoi 51092PakuranfaTel 569-651Cablt HEWPACK, Auckland

NIGERIATEIL (Matacon D>viiion]

P 0 Boi 5707lajJHTtl 14545Cable THETEIL Laiat


lerei No 1t Madrid 16

Ttlei 23515 hot

Milineiido 21-23r larttlani 17Ttl 11] 203 62 00Ttlei 52601 npbt e

SWEDENHewlett Packard Svtrlft ABEnifhtttvlcen 1-3FackS-161 . Brg-imj ..Ttl 1081 98 11 SOCatlt: MEASUREMENTS

StockholmTelei 10721

Hewlett. Packlid Sverrie AB

5411 41 Mil MaiTtl <03I)27 68 00,01

SWITZERLANDHewlett Packard (Scfiwei; AGZurcherilriut 20P.O. Boi 64CH-8952 Schl.eren ZurichTtl. <0119B It21 24Cable HPAG CHTelei 53933 hpjf cfi

Hewltlt Packard (Schwtiil AG9. Che mm Lou is Pic tnCH-1214 Vernier— CtrieiaTel 1022)41 49SOCable HEWPACKSA Gene, JTeiei: 27 313 hpia c<i


Satlik Sol No. 15/1

P.O Boi 437 Btyo|lu1R lilanbulTth 49 40 40Cable TELEMATION Itlanbul

Mulhlo * Compmr. Ltd.

Kirackl 3Tel: 511027, 512927

Mushho t Company. Ltd3 IB. Sattllite TownRawalpindiTtl 41924Cable FEMUS Rawalpindi


Development Corp. Bldf.A, aii Avenue. Mikati, RualC C P O Boi 1021Makali, RitalTtl 86 18-17, 87 76-77.

67-16-11, 17-1845. 8191 71.13 11-12 13-12-12

' .': " UF'-'i' Manila


10 12. Jalan KilaniRed Hill indust ru l Eitatt

Tel- 647151 (7 HMDCible MECOMB Sinupore

Hewlett Packard Far EaitArei Ofi icePO. Boi 17Aitiandra Poit OllictSmiapare 3Tel 633022Cable HtWPACK SINGAPORE

SOUTH AFRICAHewlett Packard South Af r ica

(Pt».l. Ltd.P.O. Boi 31716

30 Dt Beer StreetI«Kannti»i»tTil 725-2010, 725 2030Telti: 0226 JHCable: HEWPACK Johanntiburf

Htwlttt Packard South A f r i c a(Pt> ), Lid.

Cape Tg*nTtl 26941 3 3Cable HEWPACK Cipt Towntelei 0006 CT

Hewlett Packird South A f r i c aPit . Ltd

641 Ridie Road. DurbanP 0 Boi 99a, n fmi SituTel B16102Telti 567954Cibte HEWPACK


224 Balh HoldGBSItmh, SLl 40$. Bucki

Ciblt: HEWPIE SlouihTelei: 841413

Hewitt! Packard Ltd.' Tht Craltoni"Stamford Ntw RoadCB iltrintkam. ChtthlrtTtl: |061!921-862fiTeiei 661061

Hewlett-Packard Ltd'i 'Misteredaddrtu for V.A.T. purpoitionljr:70, Fintbury Pa*em.ntBndtn. EC 2A 15]*

SOCIALIST COUNTRIESPLEASE CONTACT:Hewlett Packard Gei.m.b.H.Handti i kil 52/3P.O Boi 7A-I20S VrtunaPh: 102221 31 66 06 lo 09Cable: HEWPACK v^nnaTelei: 75923 hewpak a


P 0. Boi 15CH 1217 Metnn 2 Ctneva

SwilierlandTel. (022)41 5400Cable HEWPACKSA GenevaTtlti 2 24 86

TAIWANHewlttt Packard Taiwan

Sec. 1Ovtntat i- u raneeCorp. Bid i 71 h Floor

Tel 319160.1,2. 375121EH 240 -249

Telti; TP124 HEWPACKCable HEWPACK Taipei

THAILANDUNIMESACo., ltd.Chonikamee Building56 Sunwoniie ROMBatiiktkTel: 37956. 31300, 31307,

17540Cable UNIMESABtnfkok

UGANDAucanda Tilt-Eltctnc Co.. Ltd.

KampalaTel: S7279Cible COMCO Kampala

VIETNAMPtninsulir Tridin( in;P.O. Boi HI216 Hi(n-Vuon(lalitiTel 20-805. 93398Ciblt PEN1RA. SAIGON 242


P.O. Boi 2792luakaZambia. Cen t ra l AfnciTel. 73793Cible ARJAYTEE, Lgiika


Co-ordination O'lice lorMediterrantan and MiddleEn! Optratloni

1-00144 Rome-Iur. ItalyTel: (6) 59 40 29'Cablt: HEWPACKIT RomtTele. 61511


3200 Hillnew Ave.Paio Alto. Calitorn.a 94104Ttl: ;:•> 326-7000

(Feb. 71 493-1501)TWX 910-373-1267Cable HEWPACK Palo AliaTelei 034-8300. 014-1493

E 7-73

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HEWLETT [hpl PACKARD •5952-nqift