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PBIS? Jenny Glick, M.Ed., BCBA Danielle Stevens, M.Ed., Future BCBA

PBIS?...What can PBIS do for you? PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors you want to see in your classroom: Procedures and routines

Jun 26, 2020



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Page 1: PBIS?...What can PBIS do for you? PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors you want to see in your classroom: Procedures and routines


Jenny Glick, M.Ed., BCBA

Danielle Stevens, M.Ed., Future BCBA

Page 2: PBIS?...What can PBIS do for you? PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors you want to see in your classroom: Procedures and routines

Today’s Agenda:

❏ What is PBIS?

❏ Tier 1 Tips

❏ Tier 2 Tips

❏ Data discussion

❏ Reinforcement strategies

❏ Resources

Page 3: PBIS?...What can PBIS do for you? PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors you want to see in your classroom: Procedures and routines

What is PBIS?

PBIS is an organizational framework for schools/classrooms

to determine how they want to operate as a school-wide

community and a classroom community.

PBIS systems utilize evidence-based interventions that are

used consistently throughout the school/classroom, to teach

pro-social skills and reinforce new skills, improve academic

performance, enhance school safety, decrease problem

behavior, and establish a positive school culture.

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What is our goal through RtI

The goal through Response to Intervention (RtI) is to ensure

that all students get the help they need to learn new skills

and experience success in the educational environment.

The PBIS model is based on the model of prevention of

public health

● 80% of people will respond to general guidance

● 15% will need more a little more support

● 5% will need specialized support (specially designed


Page 5: PBIS?...What can PBIS do for you? PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors you want to see in your classroom: Procedures and routines
Page 6: PBIS?...What can PBIS do for you? PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors you want to see in your classroom: Procedures and routines

What can PBIS do for you?

PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors

you want to see in your classroom:

● Procedures and routines

● Productive social interactions

● Whole-group and individual work norms

● Active student participation and collaboration

● Meaningful student engagement

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What does PBIS look like in your classroom?

Page 8: PBIS?...What can PBIS do for you? PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors you want to see in your classroom: Procedures and routines

Tier 1 tips and tricks

• Early intervention

• Best practice is to intervene BEFORE the target behavior occurs and escalates. This

will allow the intervention to be more effective and manageable.

• Classroom routines and procedures

• This will allow you to set the expectation for the classroom environment

• Post these where all students can see

• Allow students to have input for student by-in

• Teach and allow opportunities for practice

• Classroom jobs

• Campus and school-wide reinforcement system

• Points

• Money

• Teach and model coping skills

• Give choices where possible

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Tier 1 tips and tricks

• Built-in movement breaks (whole class) or opportunities for individual purposeful movement

• Flexible seating

• Allow for natural consequences to occur

• Utilize reflection sheets with students

• Color-coding, highlighting or other built-in supports

• Build in classroom-wide organizational strategies

• Allow opportunities within the day to teach and experience social emotional learning

Page 10: PBIS?...What can PBIS do for you? PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors you want to see in your classroom: Procedures and routines

Teaching them your expectations

When you are discussing classroom or campus rules and procedures on

the first few days of school

● Have the students demonstrate the appropriate way to display this

behavior and non-examples of the behavior

● Practice the rule and procedures

● Explain the reinforcement system for the class/campus

● Utilize phrase or words to help student remember the steps

● Utilize these same phrases and words as a simple cue in order to

prime your students for a transition

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Catching them in the act


• Great job walking quietly!

• Nice job on getting your

pencil out!

• I really liked out you

followed directions

Now you have your system in place and you have been delivering

reinforcement be specific in your verbal praise


• Great job!

• Nice!

• Way to go!

Being specific in your verbal praise tells them EXACTLY what you

want to see in the future


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Tier 2 tips and tricks

Tier two PBIS is intervention that are designed specific to the students who are not responding to

the tier 1 interventions.

When looking at specific student interventions this is when it is important to look at the

FUNCTION of the behavior so that the appropriate intervention can and will be successful.

With tier two students, you will need to adapt your classroom group management with

individualized features to support those more intensive students.

EX: physical arrangement in classroom, routines and types of rewards

Page 13: PBIS?...What can PBIS do for you? PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors you want to see in your classroom: Procedures and routines

Tier 2 Tip #1: Individual cues and prompts

● Create a mode of communication between

teacher and student without calling additional

attention to the student

● Builds student confidence and independence

● Simple and discreet form of redirection in the

instructional environment

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Tier 2 Tip #2: Check-in/check-out

● Provides adult interaction and

support on a regular schedule

● Allows for self-monitoring and

feedback for the student

● Students check in at the

beginning of teach day to

receive a goal sheet and return

at the end of the day to review

the day’s progress.

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Tier 2 Tip #3: Individualized task list or schedule

● Structures and organizes time for the student; tells

them what work is expected

● Encourages task initiation

● Addresses the needs of strong visual learners

● Adds structure to unstructured time

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Tier 2 Tip #4: Organization skills

● Improves work completion and assists in

keeping track of assignments

● Increases student independence and


● Increases success with time management

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Tier 2 Tip #5: Sensory tools

● Provide students with the correct

sensory input in order to increase

concentration and focus

● Increase on task behavior

● Examples: headphones

(background music), providing a

textured area on the student’s

desk, natural lighting, structured

work area, weighted

pencils/erasers, fidget items, and

flexible seating

Page 18: PBIS?...What can PBIS do for you? PBIS campus-wide and classroom strategies allow you to TEACH and REINFORCE the behaviors you want to see in your classroom: Procedures and routines

Tier 2 Tip #6: Structured breaks

● Allow for student cool down time

● Can be teacher or student-initiated

● Can allow student to utilize a nonverbal

signal for the need to take a break

● Allows students to monitor their internal

states and engage in movement/breaks,

as needed

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Tier 2 Tip #7: Social stories and contingency maps

● Provide written examples of expected

student behavior

● Allows for a preventative discussion

about behavior expectations and

social skills instruction

● Provides a visual for students during

the learning process

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Tier 2 Tip #8: Reinforcer/preference surveys

● Creates incentives

● Helps draw attention to and reinforce positive

behaviors and expectations

● Provides students with positive feedback

● Rewards can be activities, privileges or tangible


● Presents positive results and decreased problem


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Tier 2 Tip #9: Self-monitoring strategies

● Improves on task behavior and


● Encourages recognition of internal

states and utilization of coping skills

● Helps student identity triggers or setting

events for problem behavior and

generate ways to decrease the likelihood

of those activities as triggers

● May involve verbal or nonverbal cues to

engage in monitoring behavior

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Tier 2 Tip #10: Behavior charts

● Provides structure, routine, consistency

and organization

● Increases student motivation and effort

● Gives student responsibility

● Improves home / school communication

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Data Collection

● Keep it simple and clear; difficult systems will go unused

● Identify the items that will be your indicators of successful skill acquisition

● Keep data system nearby and easily accessible

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PBIS World -

List of strategies by Tier

Search strategies by presenting behavior of concern

Data tracking strategies


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Books We Love

What great teachers do differently...17 things that matter most

Todd Whitaker

The PBIS team handbook

Beth Baker, M.S. Ed., and Char Ryan, Ph. D.

Positive Discipline in the Classroom

Jane Nelson, Ed.D. and Lynn Lott, M.A.

50 Ways to Improve Student Behavior

Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker