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PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    PBLine-of-Sight Sample Team IndicatorReport 15 Total Respondents

    Version 1.0


    Created by: Prana Business LLC

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    Congratulations! You and your organization have just experienced the PBLine-of-Sight business indicator. This simple and non-intrusive tool is

    designed to create insights into the most critical blocking and tackling elements that every company must have in place to ensure alignment and

    strategy execution.

    PBLine-of-Sight uses the Keys to Strategy Execution

    model, which is based on real-world empirical research

    and in-depth consulting experience that spans two

    decades. Additionally, the model combines concepts

    and theories extracted from many of the best strategic

    thinkers in the past half century. It has been put to workby testing and shaping strategies with thousands of

    managers across dozens of mid-cap and enterprise-

    sized firms.

    In addition, PB Line-of-Sight integrates a cutting-edgeassessment and learning approach called Confidence-

    Based Marking (CBM). CBM fuses both a persons

    knowledge of a concept as well as their level of

    confidence in their knowledge into a more complete

    and powerful set of responses to each item presented

    throughout the following report. As each person

    responded to the items in the questionnaire they were

    asked to make a choice between four possiblestatements. As a result, each of their responses was

    then plotted into one of the four quadrants in the


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    PB Line-of-Sight - Sample Team Indicator

    Strategic Understanding

    1. I have a good understanding of the company strategy or game plan.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 8

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 4

    This statement is NOT accurate 1

    I'm really not sure 2

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

    2. My immediate team has a good understanding of the company's strategy or game


    Value CountI am confident this statement is accurate 3

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 7

    This statement is NOT accurate 0

    I'm really not sure 5

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    3. The leadership in our company feels it's important for all employees to have an

    understanding of the strategy.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 3

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 10

    This statement is NOT accurate 1

    I'm really not sure 1

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

    4. Understanding our company's strategy helps team members perform their jobs


    Value CountI am confident this statement is accurate 11

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 1

    This statement is NOT accurate 1

    I'm really not sure 2

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    5. Team members feel a greater sense of purpose when they understand the companys

    strategy and how they contribute to its successful execution.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 12

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 1

    This statement is NOT accurate 0

    I'm really not sure 2

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

    6. My immediate team members know who our main competitors are and how we

    differentiate from them.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 4

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 7

    This statement is NOT accurate 3

    I'm really not sure 1

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3




    Somewhat Aligned


    Not Sure

    Quick Scan Analysis

    Positive Impact & Potential Risks: Strategic Understanding

    The data in this section shows that most team members

    believe that an understanding of the business units

    strategy is important and helps individuals perform their

    jobs more effectively. Although the data doesnt point to

    misalignment necessarily, there could be work done toshore up the scores to ensure more responses in the

    Aligned rating selection. Some of the scores indicate

    that team members may hesitate to make decisions and

    may at times feel confused about priorities. Improving

    an understanding of competitors may help team

    members position the company differently, which could

    increase sales and profitability.


    What are the implications of these scores for the team? If team members were more certain about their knowledge of the strategyand competitors, could that lead to improved performance? What are some steps that could be taken to bolster the scores in this


  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3




    7. The leadership at all levels in our company has sufficient credibility with employees to

    lead the execution of strategy.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 5

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 10

    This statement is NOT accurate 0

    I'm really not sure 0

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

    8. The leaders at all levels in our company help to prepare and move employees through

    change as needed.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 5

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 8

    This statement is NOT accurate 1

    I'm really not sure 1

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    9. Leaders continually communicate the company strategy in a clear, meaningful, and

    actionable way.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 2

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 9

    This statement is NOT accurate 4

    I'm really not sure 0

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3




    Somewhat Aligned


    Not Sure

    Quick Scan Analysis

    Positive Impact & Potential Risks: Leadership

    Leadership capability is one of the most valuable

    intangible assets within a Company. Research shows

    that investors pay a premium for strong leadership

    because its a powerful leading indicator to financial


    The data in this section reveals that team members feel

    that leaders could boost their capacity to move their

    organization through change, which may strengthen

    their credibility. Strategy is not a static element and

    effective execution hinges on the business units ability

    to adjust as needed. Additionally, scores depict the need

    for more effective communication of strategy. A lack of

    communication of strategy can lead to cynicism, which

    can lead to a team culture of compliance versus a culture of commitment.


    What are the implications of these scores on the team or business? If team members perceive the leadership as lacking a strong level

    of change management ability how might that impact the Company in the future? What are some steps that can be taken to improve

    in these areas?

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    Balanced Metrics

    10. Our immediate team uses other measurements in addition to financial metrics to

    monitor performance.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 10

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 5

    This statement is NOT accurate 0

    I'm really not sure 0

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

    11. Our key performance indicators help team members stay focused on delivering

    unique customer value.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 1

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 10

    This statement is NOT accurate 2

    I'm really not sure 2

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    12. Managers create and link budgets to our company's overall strategy. In other words,

    budgets help them make decisions that support strategy.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 6

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 7

    This statement is NOT accurate 0

    I'm really not sure 2

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

    13. My immediate team has an awareness of and access to measurements and metrics

    that help them perform their jobs better.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 2

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 10

    This statement is NOT accurate 3

    I'm really not sure 0

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3




    Somewhat Aligned


    Not Sure

    Quick Scan Analysis

    Positive Impact & Potential Risks: Balanced Metrics

    Every day team members come to work and have a list

    of tasks they can choose to complete. Effective

    measurements, key performance indicators, and

    individual goals can help team members make choicesabout the most important tasks that relate to

    differentiating the Company.

    The overall scores in this section are solidly placed in the

    Somewhat Aligned area. The data points to areas

    where improvement can occur and have an impact on

    the teams performance. Some team members arent

    confident the business unit uses metrics and KPIs

    effectively. There is also an indication that budgets could

    potentially be aligned more closely with the companys game plan and perhaps individual goals and KPIs could link more closely to

    customer value. Having a clear strategy helps managers and team members make choices about where to skew capital allocations as

    well as their time so the company can continue to create competitive advantage.


    How might these scores be impacting the company? What can be done to improve these scores and ratchet up alignment even more

    in this section?

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    Activities & Structure

    14. Managers use our company's strategy as a tool for helping team members stay

    focused on the critical few tasks that bring the most value to the company.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 4

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 9

    This statement is NOT accurate 1

    I'm really not sure 1

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

    15. We use our knowledge of the company's strategy to help prioritize our daily activity

    and task list.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 1

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 8

    This statement is NOT accurate 2

    I'm really not sure 4

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    16. Our company's organization chart and structure support the strategy.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 6

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 4

    This statement is NOT accurate 2

    I'm really not sure 3

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

    17. My immediate team members understand how their efforts, decisions, and actions

    lead to creating unique customer value.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 2

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 13

    This statement is NOT accurate 0

    I'm really not sure 0

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3




    Somewhat Aligned


    Not Sure

    Quick Scan Analysis

    Positive Impact & Potential Risks: Activities &


    Activities including tasks and projects are the basic units

    of competitive advantage. When team members know

    how their daily tasks contribute to customer value thiscan help create a deeper sense of individual meaning

    and purpose. Team members responses reveal that

    work needs to be done in this area. The scores depict

    that improvements should be made to enhance

    effectiveness by using strategy as a tool for prioritizing

    activities and projects. When individuals have a clear

    understanding of the companys game plan it provides a

    solid context for them to make choices about what to do

    and what not to do.

    The essence of strategy lies in choosing what not to do. Michael Porter


    Could improvements in this area help create a more productive and effectual team? What steps can or should be taken?

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    Human Capital Growth

    18. We receive training which enables us to perform activities that contribute to

    effective execution of our company's strategy.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 1

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 1

    This statement is NOT accurate 12

    I'm really not sure 1

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

    19. We continuously share knowledge and ideas that help create unique customer value

    and contribute to our company's strategy.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 3

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 11

    This statement is NOT accurate 1

    I'm really not sure 0

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    20. Our company attracts and retains team members with the talent and skills needed

    to create competitive advantage.

    Value Count

    I am confident this statement is accurate 5

    I'm somewhat confident this is accurate; I wish I were more confident 8

    This statement is NOT accurate 1

    I'm really not sure 1

    Aligned Somewhat Aligned Misaligned Not Sure

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3




    Somewhat Aligned


    Not Sure

    Quick Scan Analysis

    Positive Impact & Potential Risks: Human Capital


    Oftentimes organizations provide training and

    development programs based on the latest fad rather

    than on what makes the company different. TheSomewhat Aligned and Misaligned scores in this

    section indicate the companys employee development

    and knowledge sharing efforts need more focus around

    strategy. Full Aligned scores would be ideal. Its vital

    that organizations grow their human capital in the areas

    that help shape competitive advantage.


    What are the implications of these scores to the business overall? What are the priority steps that can be taken to bolster these


  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    Market Discipline

    21. Our company creates value for customers in many ways but our core strategy is built


    Value Count Percent

    Operational excellence leading to lowest price for our products and services. 3 20.0%

    Product leadership by continuously updating products and services to keep them on the cutting edge. 3 20.0%

    Customer intimacy, i.e., customizing our products and services to meet each customer's unique needs. 8 53.3%

    Don't know. 1 6.7%

    22. I would characterize my level of certainty in my response to the previous question


    Value Count Percent

    Very Certain 8 53.3%

    Somewhat Certain 5 33.3%

    Not Certain 2 13.3%

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    23. Our company's internal processes...

    Value Count Percent

    Enable the experimentation and creation of new products or services. 3 20.0%

    Are loose and flexible to make us responsive to each customer's unique requirements. 9 60.0%

    Are standardized, simplified, tightly controlled and centrally planned. 2 13.3%

    Don't know. 1 6.7%

    24. I would characterize my level of certainty in my response to the previous questionas...

    Value Count Percent

    Very Certain 5 33.3%

    Somewhat Certain 7 46.7%

    Not Certain 3 20.0%

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    25. The structure of our company...

    Value Count Percent

    Helps divide work into simple and repetitive tasks. 0 0.0%

    Imposes few constraints to stimulate creativity. 3 20.0%

    Is driven by our customer's unique needs and demands. 12 80.0%

    Don't know. 0 0.0%

    26. I would characterize my level of certainty in my response to the previous question


    Value Count PercentVery Certain 7 46.7%

    Somewhat Certain 6 40.0%

    Not Certain 2 13.3%

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    27. The corporate culture of our company...

    Value Count Percent

    Encourages individual imagination and risk-taking. Ensures a mindset driven by the desire to create the future. 2 13.3%

    Ensures a mindset of meeting our customer's specific needs. Thrives on long lasting customer relationships. 11 73.3%

    Ensures a mindset of optimization and discipline. Leaves few decisions to front-line employees. 1 6.7%

    Don't know. 1 6.7%

    28. I would characterize my level of certainty in my response to the previous question


    Value Count Percent

    Very Certain 8 53.3%

    Somewhat Certain 6 40.0%

    Not Certain 1 6.7%

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    Positive Impact & Potential Risks: Market Discipline

    Organizations need to deliver reasonably and adequately on many areas of customer value such as innovation, customization, low-

    cost, etc. However, attempting to be great or differentiate in too many types of customer value can be disastrous. Why? Because

    different types of customer value can require completely different sets of activities that team members must choose to perform.

    Different activities require different skills and abilities as well. Many of those activities can be in conflict with each other. Trade-offs

    must be made by team members. When prioritizing activities, team members need a consistent strategy to serve as the framework

    for decision making and choosing important trade-offs. Without a clear value proposition at the center of strategy team membersdont have a consistent foundation and often choose incompatible activities. This can drive ineffectiveness in the value chain that

    ultimately leads to economic inefficiencies.

    For example: a vice president of sales might be pushing his or her team to emphasize that their company can be flexible and

    customize the product or service. At the same time, a vice president of operations might be stressing the importance of lean

    manufacturing and process optimization as to limit variations and inconsistencies in their product or service. Those two vice

    presidents may actually be limiting the company by emphasizing incompatible activities. Flexibility and customization require

    variation. Process optimization removes variation.

  • 7/30/2019 PB LOS - Sample Team Indicatorv3



    In the report, there is actually a good level of consistency and consensus in the responses across the team regarding the customer

    value proposition. In this case the majority selected Customer Intimacy as the differentiating value proposition. However, work

    should be done to ensure complete consensus and alignment with regards to the value proposition. Additionally, there are quite a

    few responses that show respondents arent fully certain of their selections. This could potentially mean the value proposition is

    implied in the team, business culture, and tone of the workplace but that it isnt articulated often from the Leaders. More consistent

    communication of strategy, including the customer value proposition, may raise the level confidence that everyone in the business

    unit is rowing the boat in the same direction.


    What are the implications of these responses to the team and business unit? Would the organization benefit by communicating the

    customer value proposition to team members more frequently? What can the team do to help unify and align the business around a

    common approach towards creating customer value?


    Product or Service


    Customer Intimacy

    Don't Know

    Very Certain

    Somewhat Certain

    Not Certain