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Paul Warren's collection

Jul 06, 2018



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  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Poetry Series



    - poems -


    Publication Date:



    Publisher: - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    PAUL WARREN(09/11/1956)


    42 years veteran with the South Australia Police. Grew up in Adelaide in the

    western suburbs. Like poetry particularly Australian with Banjo Patterson and

    Henry Lawson in particular. Like to tell a story with writing of poems and to draw

    them from my own experiences mainly. Currently serving in Road Safety

    Education mainly educating young South Australians in using our roads safely.


    I want to tell the stories from my years of policing. Pedophiles, murderers and

    family violence must be told to support those in need and who are campaigning

    against it. - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia - A Country Road


    On a country road by the shade of a gum tree

    We stop and look about the scene so to see

    The breeze makes the gum leaves glisten in the sun

    It's paradise to live in when your life is as one

    With natures call for the planet for us all

    There is no hustle and bustle of a city at call


    As I sit on the fallen tree's log

    And watch the trickling stream it's no slog

    How could you leave the warm summer breeze

    In the shade of a gum tree on a ground that does please

    When your mind wanders at work time

    It goes back to that country road so sublime.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia - A Kangaroo In The Suburbs


    On the radio this morning there was an alert

    Watch for a kangaroo at Glenunga to hurt

    Whilst you are driving on your way out

    It isn't all that unusual but your safety you should not flout


    We have a koala who lives in a tree down the street

    Who you see once in a while when he wants to greet

    But you know what concerns me

    Is taking the brown snakes out of the bed when it's sleep to be!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia - Dusk In The Desert


    The sun departs and the heat deceives

    The darkness falls and the colour leaves

    As the sun's in its final struggle to hold sway

    With a purple, gold, red and dark blue display


    The kangaroos wake and bound away free

    The wedge tail eagle settles in a tree

    The bright pink galahs squawk and settle down

    In a dead gum tree on the billabong ground


    The wild donkeys haw haw in the night

    Wild camels and horses run away in fright

    Dusk in the desert is nature's beauty made

    The darkness wins as the colours fade


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia - Kangaroos


    When God designed kangaroos

    Was there not much left to choose?

    Little arms to hold gums leaves but no clout

    And strong back legs for bounding about


    Then there's the pouch for the joey to thrive

    With a strong heavy tail in balance to jive

    They live only in Australia so as a traveller

    Go to the Land Down Under in the never never


    People remember Skippy as the one

    And kangaroos on our national coat won

    They look so friendly and will always be

    Part of Australia for the world to see.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia - Look Out For Emus


    Riding my motorcycle along a fire track

    The the dust and the heat looking forward and back

    All of a sudden bursting from the left side

    An emu run out from the bush too close to decide

    We looked at each other deep in the eyes

    And sucked in some big ones in complete surprise

    I veered left and finally ended eating some dust

    The Emu stopped and turned preservation a must


    The last I saw him his legs were pumping away

    It was very obvious he didn't want to stay

    So I dusted myself off and looked at the bike

    I straightened the handlebars to the right

    I stepped over the bike and rode done the track

    Thinking I was lucky and not looking back

    The moral to the story is so plain to see

    When riding on tracks look out for emus who wish to flee


    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Australia – On The Beach


    Gazing out on an aqua blue sea on a golden sunny day

    With a cool breeze in your face is such a happy stay

    As the surf rolls to the beach the children happily play

    With boats anchored out to the horizon in a fishing display

    And on the waves they body surf back to the beach

    Wind surfers fly on top of the waves with the water out of reach

    Girls in bikinis and men in board shorts walk along the water

    The scene I see is peaceful as a paradise ought a

    The day ends with the sun dipping slowly into the sea

    One perfect day on an Australian beach is where I want to be.


    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Australia - Stop The Boats


    What does it mean in the list of quotes

    We have stopped the boats!

    Is it that no more people will die?

    Or is it that they don't jump the line in a lie?


    What do we do now that they have stopped?

    This policy should now be to the world shopped?

    Does the world now follow our lead

    And not bother about others now in their need?


    I think we should show some kindness now

    We have enough to take some in and not call a foul

    What do do here now should guide us to the light

    And not be ones to whom the right way is a fight!


    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Australia - The Baby Brown


    I came outside and walked to the front yard

    The neighbour's kittens were playing hard

    As I walked close it became quite clear

    They had a baby brown snake very near


    You could see it was a baby brown

    From the dark brown stripe on the head down

    I manoeuvred around and with a shovel picked it up

    Putting it in the gully and running right up the cut


    Australia's wildlife can be so scary to deal

    But just remember the danger can be real!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia - The Big Red


    We started off early on the Hay Plain

    On a hot Summer's day in Summer's frame

    Just past the cotton fields standing straight

    Was a big red kangaroo who decided we had to wait

    So we slowed and stopped with the sun behind him

    And he eyed us off whilst deciding to begin

    He proudly stood up on hind legs and tail

    At nine feet tall that certainly wasn't a fail

    So he slowly turned and left the road

    Whilst in the king of the bush mode


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia – The Brown Snake


    We were cadets who as part of the training went

    To the Adelaide Hills in hiking and compass sent

    Dropped from Echunga to find our way back

    The groups of four were walking by map a fact


    We decided to follow the compass bearing

    And so took off in single file a direction sharing

    To the wire fence the first in line climbed

    As he was stepping to the ground a snake to find


    It was curled up in the sun

    And when seen made us all run

    I can still see us now running and yelling

    About a brown snake we were loudly telling


    The moral of the story is for all

    Before walking in fields with grass that’s tall

    Look out before placing your foot down

    For brown snakes who are curled up on the ground!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia – The Budgie Has Flown


    The Pretoria Guard stood strong by

    But some had defected to a candidate near-by

    The Captain’s pick could not carry him through

    Even Sir Phillip from the Palace couldn’t make his sky blue


    So the budgie has to slip out the side

    And clear out his office and to the backbenches slide

    It would seem that the fate of us all

    Is to see a new Prime minister without a captain’s call


    Perhaps in the end as Nixon did ride

    A helicopter from Parliament with peace signs inside?

    What do we learn from this whole thing?

    To take not for granted others, as your song you sing!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia - The Great Nothing


    Drive north of Port Augusta down Pimba way

    You reach the Great Nothing you know straight away

    The Stuart Highway is straight as a die

    As it reached to the horizon and up to the sky

    Millions of years ago it was the Artic Sea

    With aquatic dinosaurs and as cold as can be


    It was winter and so there was no angry sun

    Where the plain stretched forever with no hills to be won

    It was as flat as it could be and on the horizon far

    You could see the curvature of the earth from afar

    Every so often a Road Train passed by

    With a prime mover and three trailers on the fly


    We stopped for a rest and saw a wedge tail eagle

    Perched on a stunted tree keeping watch quiet regal

    They say that they watch you as close as they can

    As they are hunters needing eye sight quite grand

    Then it rose up and took to the wing

    With a two metre wing span a magnificent thing


    So we moved on and went to the Coober Pedy town

    And saw that the townspeople lived underground

    They mined the fire in the stone opal ore

    And provided supplies from the main supermarket store

    We stayed in an underground motel

    And slept the night soundly and well


    The next day we moved on through the great OutbackSeeing nothing but rocks and scrub as a fact

    Stopping and seeing wild zebra finches to drink

    At a road side stop whilst we had a rest and a think

    Then to the Breakaways an eerie place

    With the Dingo Fence stretching for miles to face


    We continued on and to Ernabella town

    And met the local police who came down

    We spoke to the local school class - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    About road safety and keeping the safety brass

    We watched a football carnival game

    And handed out prizes for footballers fame


    I spoke to one of the local coppers over a billy tea

    Who told me when patrolling the outback you’d see

    Wild donkeys who the local aborigines wouldn’t hunt

    As the donkeys carried Mary into the Bethlehem front

    It was the same with the wild camels living around

    Because they carried the wise men over Holy ground


    He told me when camping on long range patrol time

    To keep you clean with no dirty uniform grime

    Walk around in your jocks with the campfire its fine

    Doing all the chores you have a mind

    The only thing is to have your uniform handy

    To put it straight on for visitors just dandy!


    That night he cooked for us roast kangaroo tail

    And it was great with a taste that did not fail

    So we packed up and left them next day

    After having a great three day stay

    Back to Adelaide across the Great Nothing again

    With some experiences for us to comprehend


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia - The Port Adelaide Roads.


    As you look out from Largs North

    From the beach toward the sea forth

    You can see the buoys clearly mark

    The Port Adelaide roads for ships apart


    On a busy day you see the ships sail through

    Taking cargo in and out of Outer Harbour true

    How many ships have plied their way made

    Through the St Vincent Gulf to Port Adelaide


    Over the years you can see mighty warships visiting

    And the grand bicentennial fleet with canvas sailing

    During the summer you now watch cruising liners

    Who come to visit for our fine wine and as diners.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Australia – The Queen Visits In The 60’s


    I remember lining up on the Port road

    With flag in hand and excitement sowed

    Other school children were standing around

    And after the Queen passed we were half-holiday bound


    So we waited and looked and looked and waited

    It seemed forever as our excitement dissipated

    Until in the distance there was a roaring motorcycle sound

    Of police escorts and a black limousine bound


    Seated in the back I could see the Queen

    As she waved the Queen wave and we hoped to be seen

    In a couple of seconds it was all over and done

    And we filed off to our half-holiday duly won.


    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Australia - The Storm


    The wind moans up on high

    As dark clouds race across the sky

    The house on the hill shudders in the wind

    You see the rain storm across the plain begin


    The sun hides behind the black cloud

    As the temperature drops and the storm is proud

    You can feel the electricity in the air power up

    As the Lightning flashes and the darkness is corrupt


    The rains lashes the windows as they rattle loud

    The hours slowly pass as does the cloud

    The rain drains away as the gutters flow

    Nature's elixir of life is ready for god's sow.


    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Australia - The Yorke Peninsula


    The gum leaves glisten in the afternoon sun

    As the warm breeze makes them move as one

    The stubble stands lopped off as the harvester passes

    The farmer sits in an air conditioned bliss as he masters

    The hot machinery when the sun marches across the sky

    The crows take to the wind as they rise up on high


    I look around and see the light blue summer sky

    With wispy white clouds stretch out on by

    The deep blue ocean on the distance horizon

    Gives a hint of a refreshening breeze that's now gone

    The Australian summer is king of what I can see

    As the golden sunshine makes a paradise to be.


    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Brave Women 1 – Gill Hicks


    Gill Hicks was a South Australian living her life in London town

    As a Publishing Director of a culture magazine Blueprint round

    On 7 July 2005 her life changed in a subway tunnel explosion

    When Muslim terrorists detonated a bomb in great subversion

    She was cruelly maimed it seemed at once that her life was ended

    To Hospital only as ‘One Unknown’ her identity not comprehended


    She fought so hard and survived the day but her legs were lost

    And was left to piece together her life with this great cost

    A brave woman has rose to battle for right against the wrong

    An MBE and South Australian of the year she proudly sings her song

    Working hard for others she labours for charities sake

    And knows that she has beaten evil in the life she does make.


    Hail a brave Australian who we are all proud of!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Brave Women 2 - Rosie Batty


    What makes pure evil I wonder about

    For a father to kill a son in a shocking bout

    To live through the violence of a domestic kind

    Is pure hell and hard for the right for you to find

    What did he think on that terrible day

    To go to cricket and bash his son's life away


    What terrible news to give to a loving mother one

    To take from her her most precious loving only son

    Although he then took his own faded life

    How could you look to forgive him for this unending strife?

    So she picked up the pieces of a shattered dream

    And told the world about it and what it did mean


    She campaigns now for those who haven't a voice

    Who have stayed in abusive relationships with lesser choice

    Than to stay there and take it from evil people

    And show the world what should be our mettle

    As Australian of the year she strongly stands proud

    And say what needs to be said to all out loud


    Australia stands for all people not to live in fear

    And have domestic violence from now on disappear!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Brave Women 3 – Vivian Bullwinkel


    In 1941 a Kapunda nurse decided to join the Australian Army at War

    She wanted to show the Anzac Spirit as it had been done before

    She was posted in the Malay Peninsula as the Imperial Japanese landed

    As they swept down the country on Singapore they were stranded

    In February 1942 the last group of nurses were evacuated

    On the SS Vyner Brooke out to sea the Japanese had waited


    They attacked from the sun and the ship went down

    And Vivian drifted for hours on the Banka Strait around

    Until she landed on Banka Island beach in the morning

    Finding the other nurses then the Japanese came without a warning

    They made them wade into the sea and machine gunned them

    With no mercy shown the nurses whom themselves could not defend


    Vivian was badly wounded and amongst the others feigned death

    When the Japanese went she waded into the shore the last one left

    With another wounded British soldier they hid from the Japanese

    Fearing that if the Japanese knew they had survived it would not please

    The British soldier died and she surrendered keeping the secret in safety made

    So three years a prisoner before the war ended surviving this evil grade


    In the end of war crimes trials she told the evil story

    That did not cover those Japanese soldiers in any glory

    After her heroic times she continued her nursing career

    In the military and civilian life with an OA and MBE no fear

    Her life was filled with philanthropy a great lady it is given

    Passing on in 2000 a great Australian in her way of living!


    © Paul Warren Poetry 

    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Childhood - Disneyland


    Do you remember on Sunday night?

    The weekend was over but that was alright

    Bathed and into clean pyjamas we all sat

    In front of the TV sitting together on the mat

    It didn’t matter that it was black and white

    To see Disneyland and its stories was just right!


    Davy Crockett, Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse

    To us they were all adventures and really grouse

    It was for just an hour but you would never miss

    To have a racoon skin cap with a tail would be bliss

    My memories of childhood that are so sweet now

    The 60’s forever step up and take your bow!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Corruption - The Code Of The West


    He rode into town that day

    Came to join in the cowboy way

    He carried a gun and wanted to be

    Fast on the draw and tough to see


    The Code of the West

    For us cowboys is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town


    The other deputies in the territory

    Had been around and knew the story

    Don’t cross us or you’ll go down

    Take you lick and stand our ground


    The Code of the West

    For us deputies is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town


    One night the deputies caught them dead

    They robbed a bank and out of town they tread

    The deputies recovered the money down

    But took their cut and rode back into town


    The Code of the West

    For us deputies is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town 

    Later on for a favour given an older deputy

    Gave his protection outside his duty

    To beat the law for a gambler friend

    This was hard for the Governor to comprehend


    The Code of the West

    For us deputies is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection



    The Governor came to clean up the mess

    He told them they should not guess

    To tell the truth about it all

    There is no need to make a judgement call


    The Code of the West

    For us deputies is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town


    The Governor said the oath for this office made

    Is greater than your marriage grade

    But still not one of the deputies spoke

    The Code of the West would not be broke


    The Code of the West

    For us deputies is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town


    But the town had enough

    Of the deputies and their ugly stuff 

    They told the Governor it had to stop

    To clean the mess had been a flop


    The Code of the West

    For us deputies is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town


    The town told the Governor of the gamblerWho had settled and now was not a rambler

    Attracting this sort into the town

    Meant the town's folk didn’t want them round


    The Code of the West

    For us deputies is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town


    So the Governor decided to fix this up - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    And not let the older deputy continue to sup

    On providing protection in his game

    He was charged and became one of ill fame


    The Code of the West

    For us deputies is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town


    The deputy lost his badge and went to jail

    The evidence of the town’s folk did not fail

    The other deputies were left to ponder

    And the price of ill-gotten gains to launder


    The Code of the West

    For us deputies is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town


    The young deputy was left alone to think

    And not from his duty forever to shrink

    You see when a deputy’s power is under review

    Does this power corrupt is something over to chew.


    The Code of the West

    For us deputies is the best

    Don’t let your mates down

     ‘Cause we are the sheriffs of this town


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Death - Counting The Cost


    We spoke together quietly one afternoon of his son now lost

    I came to realise as he spoke of his struggling with its cost

    His son was young and just starting with his own life’s journey

    What happened made him question if as a father he was worthy

    His son was one night partying making mistakes which cost his life

    Drinking, madly driving and not wearing a belt was his list of strife

    Lost control of the car rolled over onto to him halfway out of the door

    His life was squashed from him and his story became no more.


    As we spoke together I could see the strain in his half-closed eyes

    At his quiet times now the thoughts of his only son back to him flies

    If he’d worn the belt, not drunk or driven would it have ended in that way?

    His son would be with him together and for the future he would stay

    It had been a year past since it happened and his mind became at ease

    Until his son’s birthday dawned and his thoughts then turned for him to grieve

    How do I tell the world about it who haven’t listened to his saddened tale

    The need to drive safely together and not experience a tale so grave!

    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Death - Did You Hear The News?


    Did you hear the news?

    As everyone gave their views

    Do you know what happened?

    It was his son who used the weapon

    Stabbed him in the chest and back

    Then he ran off into the black


    There was silence then

    While we all tried to comprehend

    Why a son would do this to his own father

    I am sure that given a choice now he’d rather

    Not have done such a violent act

    And we would have been spared this fact


    So what happens now?

    The seeds of the tragedy he did plough

    Have us all wondering how we’ll cope

    When all is lost without any hope

    Of making proper sense of this

    In the loss of Phil Walsh whom we’ll miss


    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Death - Jacob’s Ladder


    They say just before you die

    You have a chance through your life to fly

    To re-visit the main events that mattered

    That are presented through your life so scattered


    To remember the first friend you made

    Or when you first gained a sporting grade

    When you met your first true love

    Or the first job which fitted like a glove


    As you climb on each rung of Jacob’s ladder

    You shouldn’t find that you get sadder

    It is your stair case to a heaven sent

    And know that your final reward is meant


    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Death - Shed A Tear


    One cold dark lonely night in the day’s early hour

    We went to Strathmont Centre for Coronial power

    One of residents there had passed on

    Gone in his sleep he hadn’t suffered long

    We did all the things required by the law

    The resident nurse could have done no more


    When it was at an end and we loaded the van

    The nurse shed a tear for that handicapped man

    You see to others his life was not worth such a lot

    He had Downs Syndrome and simply living life’s plot

    But sometimes it seems to me that what counts in the end

    To see grief in your passing from one who is counted as a friend


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Death - Tears Are Not Enough


    A man demanding white supremacy stands with a gun

    Church goers cower as bullets speak their evil done

    A grand-mother, coach and preacher breathe their last

    Tears are not enough surely the day of the gun has past

    Time to honour the dead again as their President calls

    How many times should this happen in freedom’s halls?


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Death - The Last Call


    An icy road is such a long drive home

    The car is warm it’s been so far to roam

    My baby is here who is the love of my life

    I lose control and the car slides in strife

    Off the bridge and into the water is bleak

    Upside down and my daughter so meek

    Why don’t they come the danger so real

    The water is so cold my body I can’t feel

    Help me I’m in here save us loudly I yell

    My daughter from the water’s swift swell

    They pull her out and she lives after all

    The puzzle is how in my death I did call?


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Death - The Search For Immortality


    The search for immortality

    We all would like a place in eternity

    The question is how are we remembered

    After our deaths to have our memory extended


    Will it be for deeds done

    For stories written or great deeds won

    Perhaps it might be you answered a call

    Or circumstances that made you stand tall


    I think in the end your name on a stone

    Or in a file recording you have gone

    Is the best that we can hope for in the end

    And know that it will be for the world to comprehend


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Death - Were You Standing There Looking At Me?


    Were you standing there looking at me?

    When I was alone watching death take thee

    As I was standing looking at you some more

    On the operating table with your blood on the floor

    Was that the end of it all then

    It was over with no need to pretend

    Were you standing there looking at me?


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Death Of A Friend - Allan


    Straight, true and always keen of eye

    You would notice him as he walked by

    Best at football, cricket and the tennis game

    We grew up together and he had local fame

    Playing football he received a knock in the head

    This meant X-rays and so to the hospital he tread


    On checking the X-rays there was a worrying sign

    Abnormalities that showed he wasn’t at all fine

    His diagnosis was grave for Hodgkin’s disease

    This news for the family didn’t put them at ease

    What this meant for him was chemo and radiation

    But when this was over there was no resulting elation


    I remember when he died at 18 far too young

    To the funeral thinking of old times that were fun

    How can you feel when death stares at you first

    You look around and feel your heart will just burst

    When death meets one so young it is hard to reconcile

    It’s been forty years since that day and it still is so vile.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Death Pondered


    We went into the Hospital that night

    I heard a woman screaming in fright

    You see she didn’t want to die

    She was so scared and couldn’t see why

    You see some aren’t given the choice

    To go quietly in their bed without voice


    A motorcyclist switched bikes with a mate

    Testing each other and for him his Fate

    Were not kind and he skidded along at speed

    Until contacting a telegraph pole to bleed

    His last words to the world was all scream

    And this happening was a nightmare so extreme


    I don’t know if the grim reaper prowls around

    Wielding a sickle taking souls as they are found

    Sometimes it seems hard to find a reason for it

    It must be all in God’s plan as the only real fit

    I hope that in the end when it comes to my time

    That to pass on then will be perceived as no crime


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Earth - The Clear Blue Sky


    Last night the sky flashed lightning bright

    The thunder and the rain lashed the night

    The wind howled and rattled the glass

    It was not a night to be out at last


    The breaking dawn and the sun’s warmth grew

    The clouds were gone the sky is azure blue

    A fresh breeze blows and the air is clear

    On god’s green earth it is renewed no fear.


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    Clive James once decided to rate the 20th Century in a way

    Rating who was the most famous person in that century to say

    After going through each decade and looking at what they did

    People such as Pele, Picasso and Charlie Chaplin were on the grid

    Then JFK, Louis Armstrong and Elizabeth Taylor were out for mapping

    Others such as Mohammed Ali, the Beatles and D H Lawrence not napping

    Then the infamous such as Mussolini and Hitler were touted as there

    And people such as Elvis, Lady Di and John Lennon we did care

    When it came down to who we remember and the most famous of all

    It was the evil dictator Adolph Hitler who got history’s call

    I have thought of it since and pondered what history remembers most

    Are those who murder and drive hate are etched in their boast

    If Fame needs to be measured by the impression you leave

    Its the number of people affected by you and their time left to grieve.


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    Fame - Speeches


    What makes something said in an oratory way

    That which is remembered and is quoted to stay

    Was it Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address after that battle?

    When touting that liberty and justice for all was the rattle

    Or was in Churchill’s fighting on the beaches and landing ground

    Gave the British a stiffer back to fight a world war so profound

    Do we remember JFK’s ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ at the wall made

    Or Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ that will not fade

    And we remember Kevin Rudd’s apology to the stolen generation

    Have all these speeches built for us all a greater nation?

    When we remember those words spoken so well

    Will linger in our minds and our hearts will proudly swell.


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    Family - Daughters Are Smarter Than Fathers


    In the end I have realized it is so true

    After my conclusion from this I drew

    When it is measuring your brain-power

    Daughters beat fathers at what-ever the hour


    When wanting me to make up my mind

    The right words it’s easy for her to find

    She has studied me so closely to relate

    To get what she wants without further debate.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Family - She Reminds Me Of Me


    When she gets angry and has to walk away

    And can't speak or calm down in my way

    They say when she smiles she has a smile

    That people say is my smile on her dial


    She likes to lead and not follow around

    Which is like me when I'm holding my ground

    But in the end you will always see

    My daughter whom I love forever like me.

    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Family - The Visitor


    He was a blacksmith well below her expectation

    Her family cast their critical eye in low anticipation

    She played a sweet violin when his father met her

    In secret they decided on a life as one together

    The Depression hit hard and his smithy was lost

    Drinking heavy with his family last was the cost

    Out of the house some nights when it was bad

    Huddled on a park bench was all that they had.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live

    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    By now the family had two brothers and a sister

    The Depression ensured times were quite sinister

    The family plan was to weather the hardest time

    His father packed up and to the country was fine

    An uncle’s fruit block to put them into the groove

    This change for the boy was for him a bold move

    The sons fished out their father’s stocked scrape

    Next a car one steering one the accelerator and brake.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live

    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    His mother stayed with her man and the drinking boutsA staunch Christian she was and there were no outs

    The years rolled along and they all became older

    The sons helped their mother and both became bolder

    The father settled some and found work on the wharf 

    As the time went along it seemed to be a better course

    Then she was with child in danger to go to full term

    Her doctor’s advice to terminate was his concern.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live - The World's Poetry Archive

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    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    A true Christian wouldn’t end it and her decision was final

    When the child was born the family was left with denial

    She passed and a close aunt found him ironing in tears

    What now to do with the children was a decision with fears

    His sister to one aunt, the baby brother to another

    The boy was left with his father as to take him a bother

    Until one day his father’s brother could stand it no more

    He took him home to leave him there with his father a flaw.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live

    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    His future was uncertain an early end to his school

    Loading wool at the warehouses was the rule

    A love of wood working was the next twist

    His skills learnt working with his Uncle on his list

    The war was raging and his brother he did follow

    Into the Navy his move to counter his sorrow

    First training in Melbourne was next on the programme

    It was the first time from home as very young man.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live

    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    One night in his bunk a restless sleep he was havingDeep in the night his mother appeared to give warning

    In his ear she whispered the danger not to deny

    It will happen tomorrow the ones before you will die

    The next morning it was Bofors gun drills for the watch

    They were lined up in groups for the gun crews to match

    It was a serious drill and the ammunition was real

    The misfire in the breach the group before him did kill.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live - The World's Poetry Archive

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    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    He was posted to a ship the Arunta its tribal name

    Out on the ocean in a destroyer wasn’t a game

    The Japanese were beaten but some wouldn’t stop

    They had to be hunted down to finish their mop

    To the Pacific and then onto Japan was the cruise

    To Nagasaki after the bomb for him did not amuse

    He didn’t know it then but the radiation had started

    It would take forty years for his life to be martyred.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live

    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    Back to the sea with the American Seventh Fleet

    Action stations stand to the guns was their feat

    It was his time for a rest and he laid on deck to sleep

    She came to him again with a smile to complete

    Another warning she gave of a China Sea typhoon

    The danger would come on the morrow quite soon

    The next day other ships were lost in the storm

    It would be near but his promised safety the norm.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live

    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    One night on a long watch the heat was stiflingAsleep on the gun turret top was not trifling

    Action stations and the ship turned to the call

    Down to the deck and onto his back he did fall

    It was the end of his service for Australia at sea

    Back to his family home returned he did agree

    Planning his life with his love he was married

    His thoughts of his mother he always carried.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live - The World's Poetry Archive

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    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    There was a life together and a family they built

    Five sons in a row was what the union did yield

    I was at the middle point and grew to a man

    I started my life and my own family was the plan

    But my father’s war service wasn’t finished just yet

    The radiation from the bomb meant cancer he did get

    My father did not see a son who was my first born

    The great blessing was tempered with his death so forlorn.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live

    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    We were new parents with a new life to charter

    I needed some support prayed to speak to my father

    That night of restless tossing and of turning

    He appeared to me with the advice I was yearning

    There was a look of sadness and he shook his head

    There would be a problem in our future to tread

    This visit was to tell my son has health issues too clear

    My father’s warnings came to me like his mother's did so dear.


    You will find in the end the love you give

    Means those who pass will always live

    In your heart and close by your side

    When they’re needed to turn the tide.


    © Paul Warren Poetry 

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    Football - Rowe And Bickley – Ex-Crows


    I sit and listen to Stephen Rowe

    And he goes for the Crows I know

    Once upon a time he played AFL

    For the Crows and Norwood he tells

    But what I don’t get from him

    Is what balanced argument he does bring


    And now he has Bickley a mate you hear

    Again he played for the Crows for him so dear

    But what we now need is a soothsayer

    And when will there be an ex-Power player?

    I don’t think it will not happen now

    Especially in a parochial Adelaide plough?


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    Friend - Mark Of The Outback


    I know a man who was one with his people’s pride

    Whose life was for service with thoughts of self aside

    His blood flows red as the glow of the Centre’s soil

    He will be remembered always for his enduring toil

    For our hope and reconciliation for all Australians as his prize

    More than wearing the blue remembered as being always wise

    When his task is finished and a judgement called is done

    As Mark of the Outback altogether he will always be as one!


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    To find a true friend is a difficult thing

    Whom you can confide in and on the phone ring

    You need to nurture and treasure the find

    And when you have one treat them kind


    People will pass through this mortal coil

    And some will bring your blood to boil

    But the other ones treat them well

    As friends together your heart will swell.


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    Fun - Apples Are Dangerous


    On sitting at my desk today

    My apple was in delicious display

    So I bit into it and now I find where the label ought to be

    There now is half a one I see

    Will it be able to pass on through?

    Or will I forever inside be branded Lenswood true blue?


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    Fun - Cat Videos


    When sitting in the lunch room today

    I was shown the latest cat video in display

    This one had a moggy not bright

    Who had found skating a flip flop was alright


    Watching it made me ponder what will be left

    In a hundred years or two my thought is bereft

    That someone will be analysing what we did

    And all there is our cat videos on the grid.


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    Fun - Cats Are Crazy


    We have a cat at home who just lies around

    He is fluffy and white and not mentally sound

    Sleeping soundly is his forte with food as his hobby

    When he walks along he looks quite fat and flabby

    He doesn’t go out because he likes to be clean

    During the light of day he is very rarely seen

    At night he prowls around and practices creeping

    He scares the dog when out at him he goes leaping.


    I think that he if tested a vet would find him psychotic

    The way he struts around he seems to be quite myopic

    He hunts down socks, fluffy toys and his rubber mouse

    Running fast and pushing them all around the house

    He comes into his element when the sun goes down

    Doing the stray cat strut without making a sound

    The thing the scares me about him most of all

    When I wake up in bed and stares me out to enthral!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Fun - Conspiracy Theories


    Hitler got out of the Third Reich living in South America until today

    Pope John Paul was murdered foul his coffee was poisoned all the way

    Kennedy was shot twice from the grassy knoll not from the Book Store bay

    Armstrong didn’t walk on the moon no-one can survive in the stars away

    9/11 was not Al Qaeda it was the CIA stretching its muscles all along

    Elvis did not die in Grace-lands he’s still around singing all his songs

    The Roswell saucer crashed that night the aliens they will still disavow

    The Malaysian jet did not fall to the ground they have it on an island now

    Bigfoot, Yeti and the Yowie still prowl the wilderness walking without a care

    Atlantis survived and is still a factor in ocean ship disappearances there.


    I hear all these legends and start to wonder how we could agree

    The world is as we know and all those things were never meant to be

    I was told once that you’d be surprised at what you cannot see

    There are many things in this world that would be a surprise to me

    Pausing to ponder what it means would send a bloke a bit insane

    Still all the explanations that are given for some seem a bit inane

    Sometimes I would hope that some of these strange wondrous things

    Would be correct and in believing them there would be for me no strings

    Still if everyone believes them no History channel programs would there be

    Sitting home at night what would you watch, from the room you would flee!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Fun - Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers


    Do you remember sitting in a dark Friday Night

    When Deadly Earnest was an awesome sight

    He would host a B-movie feast at that time

    And we would find them all just fine


    The one I liked most to this very day

    Was Earth vs. The Flying Saucers in a scary display

    It was made in the 50’s when space was new

    And the thoughts of our alien neighbours grew


    It was a story of a scientist with a beautiful wife

    Who found himself in a bit of strife

    The rubber aliens spoke to him

    And what happened next was an inter-planetary hymn


    The war was on with heat ray arms

    And alien faces that knew no charms

    Their rays melted all at a touch

    All that was left was a melted puddle of mush


    In the end in Washington there was a showdown

    The scientist finding a way to bring the saucers down

    Our own ray gun made them wobble then crash

    They saved the world with their flying fleet a smash


    At the end of the film there was a beach scene made

    With the scientist and his wife showing we had made the grade

    But the final question was posed in the scene

    Had we really won or was it all just a dream? 

    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Fun - Flat Pack Furniture


    It’s easy flat pack is the way to go they said

    Just take it home and it is easy they said

    Lay it out on the floor before assembly they said

    The tool for the screws is in the pack they said

    I should have read the instructions I said.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Fun - Flat Pack Furniture Part 2


    So I finally decided to read the instructions on the page

    It seemed that you needed to be a Star Wars sage

    The wording was done by Master Yoda to say

    An example was ‘On the floor the parts to lay’ 

    Then the ‘Figures included to follow you should’ 

    In the end I was no wiser in that I could

    no way known

    have completed the assembly as shown.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Fun - Holes In My Belt


    I’ve been on a diet it is plain to see (I hope)

    No cakes, milkshakes or pies for me (how sad)

    I can’t bear it when I front for my meal (can’t miss it now)

    I sometimes think what I eat is not real (no fat, no sugar, no taste)

    Food is a pleasure I now miss every day (the flag is at half-mast)

    To find what I crave there must be a way (my stomach complains)

    After it is all considered the most annoying part (certainly there are others)

    Is between belt holes with falling trousers wearying my heart! (each step

    needing to hitch up)


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    Fun - I Like To Drive A V8


    I like to drive a V8

    I know it’s not fashionable but it’s great

    I like the acceleration and the fact

    When driving it looks like you know where it’s at


    I don’t need to hoon around

    But I know I can stare the hoons down

    That’s what you get with nothing to prove

    And know that as you drive you’re in the groove


    As I said I like to drive a V8

    And a Holden at that mate

    I would think when my time is here

    I will spend eternity behind the V8 wheel so dear!


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    Fun - I Vant To Suck Your Blooooooood


    There was Bela Lugosi in the black and white

    Whilst peering over his cape for a fright

    Then there was Christopher Lee

    For Hammer Horror as terror can be

    Now it seems that Robert Pattinson

    In Twillight is the tormented sexy one

    Who sparkles like a diamond in the brightening sun


    I am sure if Bram Stoker was alive to see

    What his Dracula creature has turned out to be

    He was supposed to be pure evil and one to fear

    Not someone attending High School and held so dear

    I would think that vampires would not play baseball

    But be looking for fair maidens to drink blood from them all.


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    Fun - I Want An Overactive Thyroid


    I don’t want a tape worm sucking away inside

    For that would certainly dent my inner pride

    My choice would be for an overactive thyroid

    And to have my fat from my body to be devoid

    Why can’t I be thinner for all my friends to see?

    A stolen mirror’s look would always satisfy me!


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    Fun - I've Got A Man Cold


    I've got a man cold I'm not very well

    And when I see others I have to tell

    My nose is all runny

    It's so sad and not funny

    I can't go to work like this to others I tell

    I let everyone know I'm in my private hell


    When I tell all the ladies they only laugh hard

    It seems that they can take it better than the males in their yard

    I don't think I'm made for childbirth it would be no fun

    When I'm sick I'm told I complain a ton

    So think of me as I sit here with hot water bottle under my rug

    I think that to make it better I need a hug!


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    Fun - Ode To My Moustache


    Moustaches are now out of fashion

    For they have lost their toughness notion

    Just think of the 70s the tough guys all had them

    Remember McCloud, Barney Miller and Magnum

    Now you need a charity purpose worth growing

    Instead just tough, stately and all knowing!


    When considering it all for today

    For me it’s all baldness and grey

    Alas the time of the moustache has passed

    For my moustache the dye has been caste

    I remember it all so fondly but now I must say

    As a porn star I think you would all run away


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    Fun – Oh For The Days Of My Youth


    In earlier times it seemed to me

    I couldn’t wait for the latest to see

    A new movie with a twist or story

    That would leave you wanting more of its glory

    But now as I listen to the latest music fad

    Or hear of a movie it makes me quite sad

    There is nothing new to be seen

    Not even a new story that is crispy clean.


    Once there was Star Wars where space was an ace

    Or the Beatles who sung with good grace

    Better still disaster movies in tragedy rung

    And of course a new song that was sweetly sung

    Now there is Snoop Dog with terrible rhythms

    Or Enimem loudly making faces and hand signs

    So I am left with the oldies radio channel

    And dreams of Jedi Knights dressed in white flannel.


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    Fun - Shoe Shopping


    It was 3.30 in the Sunday afternoon

    When to Tea Tree Plaza we did zoom

    Groceries to buy and a pair of shoes to choose

    We went to the Shoe Store for selection views


    I know what I want when I see it she did say

    I knew I was in trouble then right away

    So I stood there and saw a parade of shoes

    Each one to try on I was not amused


    The shops close at 5 I had to say

    She said I think I know which ones that I will pay

    So I looked on them and they had a familiar ring

    They were the first ones the shop assistant did bring!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Fun - The Borg


    Whilst watching Star Trek with Captain Picard

    They were fighting cyborgs in their universe marred

    The Borg fly their cube spaceships and look to destroy

    Federation Starships that against them deploy

    One thing that puzzles me with the Borg

    Do they have toilets especially designed for cyborgs?


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    Fun - The Jesus Lizard


    I've just watched a lizard that runs on top of the water

    You would think it would sink like any weight oughta

    But this is a lizard that fascinates me

    And runs on top of the water as light as can be

    It's called the Jesus Lizard because it's a fact

    Running on the water is not a fact to detract


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    Fun - The Legend Of Lego


    On the coast of Cornwall on a stormy day

    The people of the village walked the beach searching away

    After a storm they are looking to find

    Pieces of coloured plastic in the surf so fine


    It seems that one stormy night a ship out of Denmark

    Lost a container over the side and into the dark

    So now when the tide and full moon is just right

    Lego bricks bubble to the surface in their escaping flight


    So when you go to the Cornish Coast on holiday

    Look to the crashing surf and sand for you may

    Find Lego Batman, Robin or Superman

    And rescue these Superheroes in a grand plan.


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    Fun - The New Pill


    They say in the future all you need to do

    To lose weight is to pop a pill or two

    In today's fast food world

    To find a pill in science held

    To eat hamburgers and such

    It might also be a Golden Arches pill to munch!


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    Fun - The Zombie Apocalypse


    Will you survive the Zombie Apocalypse?

    When with each bite you go into a life eclipse

    You need to look for a place with high fences

    And shoot them in the head for your defences


    Where did the virus come from that's caused the plague?

    Which ended the world even though the start was vague

    What weapon do you need a samurai sword, rifle or other blade

    You will need something for your defence to be made


    So in the end find some people who are good survivors

    And are good with their weapons without any errors

    Who know when it's time to move on

    And kill any zombies that will attack all along


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    Fun - What Goes Together


    Children playing with puppy dogs

    Cold wet days and burning logs

    Ice cream melting and chocolate bars

    Wind in your hair and V8 cars

    Action movies and winning large

    Dancing and with friends having fun

    Action movies and winning begun

    Hot summer days and a cooling breeze

    Favourite songs and lovers to please

    All these things go together well

    And for you to smile and forever dwell


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    Fun - Why Should It Grow There?


    Why should it grow there?

    And to top it off people stare

    Given the choice certainly not there

    While there is plenty of room on the top of my head

    It chooses to grow out of my ears and nose instead

    And now I use mini clippers and other devices

    To be like I was before hair became one of the vices


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    Fun- Modern Enchantment


    What would witches need for today

    When casting a spell in a brew right away

    What modern concoctions would they bring?

    Instead of eye of newt perhaps eye of TV screen

    When needing a substitute for feather of crow

    It would be part of raptor jet wing

    With wire of computer and blue tooth ring

    All mixed together in a microwave oven

    Instead of a cauldron forever bubblin'

    And at the end what spell would enchant

    Perhaps it would be unmetered wi-fi to grant!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Ghosts – The Final Thankyou


    There was a paramedic whose business was saving lives

    And going to situations to treat those in peril to help their fight to survive

    One day he went to a young lady who had overdosed on illicit heroin

    They worked on her at the scene and in the ambulance on the way in

    To the Royal Adelaide Hospital with lights and sirens all the way

    But she was pronounced dead by a doctor and they had to give it all away


    So the day ended and he went home to his wife

    And told his wife how it happened and how it ended her troubled life

    So they retired for the night and were getting ready for their bed

    When this girl appeared before them with a tear in her eye she shed

    She just stood there before them and pointed to her heart

    And then vanished as she appeared with a sudden start


    They sat down on the bed and couldn’t believe their eyes

    And talked it through in their complete surprise

    What they came to realise was she had returned to see him

    And to thank him for what he did in her parting hymn

    Perhaps there was also a twinge of sadness for how it had occurred

    And how she had wasted her time on earth in her final word.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Ghosts - The Girl In The Bikini


    It was a hot summer night in the backyard pool

    The summer night party was ending in the morning cool

    Most people had left with just a few left talking too

    A good time was had by all the night through


    They saw her walk from the house

    In a bikini swim suit as quiet as a mouse

    She wasn't recognised and good looking

    Into the pool she jumped without misgiving


    But no one saw her come out

    She disappeared without a shout

    As the months went on she was seen again

    As the ghost in the bikini to comprehend


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Ghosts - The Lady On The Veranda


    There was an old house in Port Adelaide

    With a return veranda as it was made

    On the northern end of the veranda sight

    There was an old swing for a warm night


    It was said in the evening seated on the seat

    A lady in a summer dress sat looking neat

    But you see the story I heard from the town

    Was she had died when the Spanish flu was around


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Ghosts - The Sailing Ship In The Bay


    Some summer nights in the Tasmanian sky

    When the summer heat promises a temperature to fly

    The Aurora Australis lights up in an intense colour sheet

    And it's when the ghost ship drifts across the bay discreet


    The moonlight shines straight through the sails

    And they say a woman stands on the deck and wails

    The story they say is that long ago one summer night

    The master was with the woman below the deck in love's flight


    But the ship sailed on into the rocks and was lost

    The woman and the master drowned at the shipwreck's cost

    So now on those summer nights the ship sails again

    With the woman wailing about what she could not defend


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Grief - A Lost Baby On The Beach


    Where is the light of good for all to see?

    What is it that we strive to do or be?

    Is it the truth or justice for all or just for all to be free?

    Why should the ones who suffer most be too young to see?

    When we go to bed at night should it be as a righteous one?

    Or should we just look after ourselves to see that we have won?

    Surely all who live on this earth are entitled to live in the sun?

    Or should we look to others grief and thank god it was not my son?


    May the little ones be gathered up and rest now within god's grace.


    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Grief - It’s Time To Put My Burden Down


    The time slips by so quickly but the memories remain the same

    Your first steps and your laughter are always in my mind’s frame

    I treasure the pictures taken with each one a memory held so dear

    You are part of me and I feel you now so clear to me and so near

    The day you left was no different, the last words we spoke the same

    If I knew then what I now know I would hold you and stay I would exclaim.


    It’s time to put my burden down

    I have loved you all along

    Thinking of you has ground me down

    I want to sing your song.


    I go to our special places and want to see you standing there

    Without you being with me these places are now not quite as fair

    There are memories of you all around I still see you every day

    I want to remember you as sunshine and not in cloudy grey

    I’ll be seeing you there and know that you are alright now

    I know there is no end and you will be waiting to show me how.


    It’s time to put my burden down

    I have loved you all along

    Thinking of you has ground me down

    I want to sing your song.


    The long days wasted without you have made their mark on me

    The grief I feel for you in the night whilst searching for the key

    To find an end to the saddest times to soothe my aching heart

    I know you did not want to go away the thought tears me all apart

    You would not want me to feel this way it’s time for healing nowThe memories of the happy times will give me all the know-how.


    It’s time to put my burden down

    I have loved you all along

    Thinking of you has ground me down

    I want to sing your song.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Grief – Martin Bryant Still In Prison


    I looked with interest of the photograph of him

    In a prison for life and to see he's kept in

    It’s good to see he hasn’t weathered well

    Let him be left in his private hell

    I think of the people he slaughtered at Port Arthur

    And I weep for them whose life did not go farther

    Most of all those little girls he chased and shot

    We cannot go back and change what they got

    But rot in Hell

    Is for Martin Bryant to forever dwell.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Grief – On Hearing Bad News


    Just today a friend phoned to say

    His partner had cancer and needed treatment straight away

    What do you say to such devastating news?

    It is certainly a situation that no-one would choose


    Just a moment in time that can be wordless

    What words can make it better in this mess?

    Except I hope it is not worse than you could think

    And that she will get well and not be brought to the brink.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Grief - When Does It End


    What makes for this world?

    Where violence is upheld

    And people lose their life

    When others are troubled by inner strife


    Do we cower away and let might have its way?

    Or should you stand tall and know right away

    We weep for those lost again

    Surely there needs to be an end to the mayhem


    We all have an obligation to look after each other.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Grief - Wipe Your Tears


    Wipe your tears, sit down and rest a while

    The rays of sunshine will caress your face

    And children playing will only make you smile

    Know those you loved are with you in this place.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Haiku - Gentle Breeze


    Gentle Breeze blow

    Caressing cooling my hot face

    The eagle soaring


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Haiku – Live Each Day Well


    Death walks with us all

    We do not know where it leads

    So live each day well


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Haiku – Love Is Comfort


    Wait and ponder why

    Hatred for some is the norm

    When love is comfort


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Haiku - The Morning Sun


    Golden light chases night

    As the world wakes anew now

    Leave your bed jump in


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    Haiku - The Promise


    A promise leaves your lips

    As it floats to me sweetly

    Is it now too late


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    Haiku - The Stream


    The stream is flowing

    Towards the sea giving life

    Which choice is for you


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    Haiku - Time To Live


    Take the time to live

    Do not wait to live your life

    Happiness is yours


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    Haiku – Walking Home


    Walking the path home

    Quiet and feeling so alone

    Ducks swim in a pond


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Haiku – Your Path Forward


    Blue sky forever on

    Stretching to the horizon

    Is your path planned?


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Hope - What Will It Be Like When I See You Again?


    What will it be like when I see you again?

    Will I hug and kiss you with your head on my shoulder to bend?

    Will the sun be always shining, will there be a bright warming light?

    Will we always be together forever, will everything be alright?

    Will all the trouble and strife I have seen be gone for all time?

    Will what I hoped for when you left me be finally mine?

    What will I say when I see you again, will I be lost for my words?

    Or when it happens would I know that all these questions are absurd?


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

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    Inspirational - Will You Stand With Me?


    When I need back up and there is evil around

    Will you stand with me?

    When it is not safe and I need to stand my ground

    Will you stand with me?

    When the odds aren’t in our favour and others threaten harm

    Will you stand with me?

    When I don't fit in and need around your comforting arm

    Will you stand with me?

    When I'm at my lowest ebb and feel I can't possibly win

    Will you stand with me?

    When I need some comforting words to turn grief into grin

    Will you stand with me?


    I will stand with you and be there until the end

    And by standing together we will be friends!


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

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    Law – Citizen’s Juries


    It seems lately the buzz words are

    If you have a problem that may bar

    Someone’s love of life or pursuit of happiness

    Announce a Citizen’s Jury to clean up the mess


    In theory the way is quite clear

    For all to contribute without any fear

    But in practice all that you get

    Are groups of self-interest with lips that are wet


    These people attend meetings to have their say

    And ensure in the report they have their way

    So what you get in the end for us all

    Is law or procedure which seems a bad call


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

  • 8/17/2019 Paul Warren's collection


    Law - The Truth And The Facts


    The truth is what happened for all to see

    Then the lawyers get to it and work it to be

    The rules made it into the facts to be followed

    And see what's admissible for the court to be swallowed


    So by the time that the judge and jury see it

    The truth and the facts are apart a fair bit

    So forget about what the television shows

    In true life the agreed facts really goes


    © Paul Warrne Poetry


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    Life - Do You Miss The 70's?


    Body shirts, flared trousers and platform shoes

    Long permed hair, maxi skirts and halter tops all to choose

    Happy days, Knight rider, Lucille Ball on television

    Led Zeppelin, CCR and then Disco in splendid vision


    Every lad wanted a muscle car and be the first from a traffic light

    And there was Mohamed Ali in the Rumble in the Jungle fight

    We were all young looking for adventure and the best time found

    We did not worry much except where the next party was bound


    Where did we lose it all to be in the state we are today?

    Perhaps we remember it as a happy time to wile away

    After all that's said and done I remember it as sunshine all the way

    With music on the AM radio you had no choice to play.


    © Paul Warren Poetry



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    Life - Does The Light In Your Eyes Look To Disguise


    Does the light in your eyes look to disguise

    What was done in your name to get their prize

    Do you stand there and smile when you truly despise

    Perhaps I read too much in your eyes


    Does what you say to hide what you really think

    When I'm not around does your oratory stink

    Do you go home at night with a glass and a smirk

    Whilst you plot your next move and the turn of the dirk


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    Life – Don’t Sit Down

    Sitting down is unhealthy for you

    You need to stand up for your health to be true

    Standing up doesn’t age your body fast

    The benefits from this will last

    It’s another healthy list item

    So the advice is not to go ahead and fight them.


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    Life - Don't Let The Darkness Win


    Don't let the darkness win

    Let's not let hatred step in

    There is hope in this world for peace

    Let others find sanctuary and wars release


    If the world could see tolerance and understanding

    We all would be better off demanding

    This instead of demonstrating against others to meet

    We don't need genocide to be complete


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Life - I Need Someone To Say That It Will Be Ok


    I need someone to say that it will be OK

    To feel their supporting hand in my dismay

    I need the warmth of their touch

    To feel that it will pass and not matter so much

    I need to see the sunshine again

    To feel that I have hope with no need to pretend

    I need to know that the world is a good place

    To feel that there is good in this human race.


    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Life - I'm Chasing A Rainbow


    I'm chasing a rainbow for a sunny day

    It always seems to be further away you see

    And the rain will always go away

    But the rainbow is out of reach for me


    The better things seem beyond my grasp

    Perhaps the road ahead has more rain than sun

    When the little I do receive does not last

    It seems harder now than when I first began


    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

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    Life - I'm Tired And Torn


    When times are bad

    And the world seems sad

    I'm tired and torn

    To where I find it hard to go on


    When the days are long

    And the bad times are strong

    I'm raggered and wrung out

    To where there is no help about


    When I miss you

    And there is heart ache through

    I'm in despair and demonised

    To where it's hard for others to sympathise

    © Paul Warren Poetry


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    Life - Last Day


    If today was my last day

    Would I approach it differently?

    Would I make peace with the world?

    Would I finally get what is coming to me?

    Would I say that I love you and I am happy?

    Would all the little annoyances now matter?

    Would it be a day fulfilled or would I have regrets?

    Would these questions all be answered or would they remain?


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    Life - Listen Softly


    Listen so softly

    Their voices are there

    Whispered words that drift on the wind

    I hear them again


    As I did once

    When I was young

    And thought the world would not change

    I hear them again


    Calling me home

    But I must remain

    Today is here as there will be tomorrow

    I hear them again


    And I must stay.

    © Paul Warren Poetry


    PAUL WARREN - The World's Poetry Archive

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    Life - Lord Let Me Win Please


    From the time when I co