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From Madison Presbyterian Church Pastor’s Message August 2020 Where am I?!” I’ll bet that all of us have asked that question this year. It’s been a literal question, and a metaphorical one. On Sunday mornings, you think, “Where am I?” and the answer is at your computer or kitchen table, or sometimes in the church parking lot. But that’s not the answer you want. During the week, you might still be at that same desk or table, instead of being at work or school, or attending meetings, or visiting friends. Maybe you’ve had to postpone vacation or a family reunion this year. You’re probably not where you ex- pected to be. When you read or watch the news news about protests and unrest, news about outbreaks and infection rates, news about people in conflict or confusion you just want to ask, “Where am I?” These past six months have left many feeling lost and feeling their losses. Can we find our way? How about ... if we lose just one letter? Let’s change “WHERE am I?” to “HERE am I!” Let us find our place, and regain our bearings, right here and right now. You Are Here: Near to God, just the same as always. Your prayer life, your faith walk, your habits of discipleship are just as important (or more important!) now than ever. If it seems that you’re in a place without God, talk to God and say so – God is there. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9 You Are Here: Near to your family in Christ. Reach out to friends if you need them reach out to those who need you! Phone calls, cards, visits, get-togethers outside with masks and physical distancing you might have to be creative, but take the initiative to strengthen your bonds to one another. “Be devoted to one another in brotherly and sisterly love. Honor one another above yourselves” - Romans 12:10 You Are Here: In the midst of this congregation. August is traditionally the time when teams and programs gear up for the fall and that needs to be true this year! What will Fellowship mean this fall? Or Care & Support? Or Stewardship, or Christian Education, or Communications, or Missions or Outreach? Do something you’ve done before. Suggest something we haven’t done. Share an idea about something new– get started on something new. You need this congregation, and this congregation needs you. “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another.” – Hebrews 10:24

Pastor’s Message August 2020

Apr 27, 2022



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Page 1: Pastor’s Message August 2020

From Madison Presbyterian Church

Pastor’s Message August 2020 “Where am I?!” I’ll bet that all of us have asked that question this year. It’s been a literal question, and a metaphorical one.

On Sunday mornings, you think, “Where am I?” and the answer is at your computer or kitchen table, or sometimes in the church parking lot. But that’s not the answer you want.

During the week, you might still be at that same desk or table, instead of being at work or school, or attending meetings, or visiting friends. Maybe you’ve had to postpone vacation or a family reunion this year. You’re probably not where you ex-pected to be.

When you read or watch the news – news about protests and unrest, news about outbreaks and infection rates, news about people in conflict or confusion – you just want to ask, “Where am I?”

These past six months have left many feeling lost – and feeling their losses. Can we find our way? How about ... if we lose just one letter?

Let’s change “WHERE am I?” to “HERE am I!” Let us find our place, and regain our bearings, right here and right now.

You Are Here: Near to God, just the same as always. Your prayer life, your faith walk, your habits of discipleship are just as important (or more important!) now than ever. If it seems that you’re in a place without God, talk to God and say so – God is there.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

You Are Here: Near to your family in Christ. Reach out to friends if you need them – reach out to those who need you! Phone calls, cards, visits, get-togethers outside with masks and physical distancing – you might have to be creative, but take the initiative to strengthen your bonds to one another.

“Be devoted to one another in brotherly and sisterly love. Honor one another above yourselves” - Romans 12:10

You Are Here: In the midst of this congregation. August is traditionally the time when teams and programs gear up for the fall – and that needs to be true this year! What will Fellowship mean this fall? Or Care & Support? Or Stewardship, or Christian Education, or Communications, or Missions or Outreach? Do something you’ve done before. Suggest something we haven’t done. Share an idea about something new– get started on something new. You need this congregation, and this congregation needs you.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another.” – Hebrews 10:24

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You Are Here: In a world (and in a community) that needs you. You can pray, or give, or volunteer – you can take part in a ministry of this church or a program in town.

“Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.” – I Tim. 6:18

Here we are – just where God has placed us, for ‘such a time as this.’ And here we go – into the season and the reason that are unfolding before us. Church Office Updates As Carol Johnson is nearing the end of her time serving as our Church Administrator, we give thanks for all that she has done, with and for this congregation! Make sure to reach out to her to express your appreciation, and to wish her well as she leaves to spend more time with the family and the family business. And if you know of anyone with the necessary skills for the position, please let them know! Our Personnel team has now posted the job in local papers and online at Craigslist and the POJ website, but word-of-mouth may be the best way to find candidates. More information, a full job description, and an application for the part-time Church Administrator position are available from Tom Rees at 540-948-4559.

Also, we need your help! Could you volunteer to help with office tasks, including copying and mailing? Please let Tom know – this is an immediate need! Nominating Committee Our Congregational Nominating Committee (CNC) consists of Bill Pattie (Chair), Bettie Berry, Bobbie Carroll, Mary King, and Mary Linda McLearen. Charged with preparing a slate of nominations for the office of Elder for terms starting in January, 2021, the team is already at work. This year, the CNC is seeking three candidates, two to serve three-year terms, and one person to fulfill two years of a recently vacated position. This is an important time in the life of our congregation, and the elders on the Session work both to oversee the worship and min-istries of the church right now and also to help guide the congregation towards the future. Have you served as an Elder before, in this congregation or another? Great – your gifts and experience could be a blessing to the church! Have you never served as an Elder or church leader? That’s great too – because new ideas and new energy are needed. Remember – God doesn’t call those who are equipped – God equips those who are called! If you are interested or feel that you have a calling to serve, please contact Pastor Lisa or Bill Pattie. Thank you – May God bless you and may God bless this congregation and its leaders!

In-Person and Livestream Worship scheduled to begin September 6 JULY: The Decision In July, the Session voted to return to onsite, inside worship on Sunday, September 6, provided that Virginia remains in Phase 3 of its reopening plan and that the service will continue to be livestreamed each week for those who are not yet comfortable returning in person. For flexibility in safely distanced seating and practicality for deep cleaning, worship services will be held in the Fellowship Hall.

AUGUST: The Details So many details, so much to do, so many volunteers needed! Please – get involved now to help make this happen! What can you help with? How do we make the Fellowship Hall feel more like a worship space? We will need ushers trained on new, safety-focused procedures. We will need folks to help set up and break down chairs as well as equipment. It’s time for the return of lay readers and singers / musicians! Cameras, computers, microphones, power cords – can you help with the technology?

SEPTEMBER: Everybody Worships – from church and from home ‘What a day of rejoicing there will be!’ (Yes, that lyric is really about when we all get to heaven – but having everyone able to worship at once, in person or online, will be heavenly too!)

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Be in prayer for our church’s WORSHIP ministry – giving thanks that we’ve worshipped (in one way or another) every week since March for all who have been longing for a safe return to worshipping together for wisdom and creativity in planning the return to worship for grace and willingness to try something new as we return for God’s Spirit to be present with all, at home and at church and for God’s protection to be on our church, our community, and our state so that these plans won’t have

to be pulled back

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Madison Presbyterian Church Pastor: Rev. Lisa Salita

[email protected] 804-874-2098

Active Elders Serving on the Session

Class of 2020

Kim Barnes Sharon Weakley

Class of 2021

Bobbie Carroll Rives Wetsel Mike Willis

Class of 2022

John Quinley Pattie Rees Sue Strahan Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship: 10:00 a.m. Church Office Hours: Monday — Thursday 8:30 a.m.—12:30 p .m. Church Administrator: Carol Johnson Phone Number: 540-948-6972 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

August Foods of the Month Toiletries and Cleaning Supplies: Dish soap, laundry detergent,

paper towels, cleanser, deodorant, bath soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, feminine hygiene products etc. Please bring in your donations and place them in the container provided in the Narthex. Donations are then given to Madison Social Services for

distribution to those in Need. Thank you

Transition Team

The MPC Transition Team has been formed. The team: Jane Lamar, Lee Rees, Frank & Mary King and team leader

Audrey Sarate, will collect and share ideas and information within our church family through phone calls surveys

newsletters emails etc.

We will be sending out our first survey in late August in order to gather your ideas to help guide our church into

its future. We desire learn what spiritual needs are necessary to provide vision for our families and this commu-

nity. We will then be the voice of the congregation to the Pastor Nominating Committee.

Please contact anyone of our team members with any suggestion you would like to offer.

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So it’s time for me to say goodbye!

It’s never easy to say goodbye. I have enjoyed my time here at the church. It has been a wonderful experience — getting to know all of you and work with you through many of your community causes. The congregation of MPC has supported the citizens of our county in many ways. It’s been an honor to be part of that. As you all are aware, school has changed dramatically this fall. My kids have opted for distant learning. This means they are home five days a week for school. My family decided that my priority is to support them every way that I can while they navigate this huge change and new ways of learning. (I hope Joey can teach Abby Trig this year. I think that might be beyond my skill level!) The needs of our farming operation are changing as well. Our industry is also see-ing changes and so my skill set fits in more with our marketing and management needs as we go forward. My plan is to still provide support from the financial side to the church until a re-placement is found and I will assist with their training. I can’t thank everyone enough for the kindness and support over the years that I have received. It seems like yesterday I walked through those doors. I will miss all of you so much! Blessings to All! Carol