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Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

Aug 25, 2020



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Page 1: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before
Page 2: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before
Page 3: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

There is probably no other season that is as chock full of tradition than the season of Christmas. I think tradition is a good thing. It allows us to know what is coming. It allows us to plan. It can be a means of teaching something important.

At our house, we called tradition anything we did one time that everyone liked. Each Sunday this December we will engage in a common tradition in lighting the candles of Advent. We don’t know for sure when this practice began, but most believe it started with a teacher in Germany.

It was 1839, a German Lutheran pastor, named Johann Hinrich Wichern, made a wreath with a wooden cartwheel and greens. Wichern was the founder and headmaster of a residential institution in Hamburg for poor boys. He designed his Advent wreath to teach the boys the meaning of Christmas. He used four white candles for the four Sundays of Advent, and red candles for each of the other days leading up to Christmas. Eventually there were too many candles to light so they condensed it to four candles for each week and one in the middle for Christmas day. It’s not a rigid tradition but rather a means to teach about waiting and anticipation. \.

Advent comes from the Latin word adventus which means “coming.” It is a time of expectancy - waiting for the coming of the Messiah, Christ Jesus. A time where we not only celebrate the First Coming of our Savior, but also a time where we look forward to His Second Coming.

This devotional is a work of love from people in our church. 21 different authors have written devotionals for each day of Advent. It’s a way for us to wait, anticipate, and celebrate Jesus… together.

Looking to Jesus,

Pastor Van

Tradition: the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation

“O God of hope, peace, joy, and love. As Mary and Joseph welcomed you into the world, now help us welcome you into our lives. Give us courage to hope; strength

to seek peace. Fill our spirits with joy; and our hearts with love as we eagerly await your return. Through Jesus Christ, the Lord of all. Amen.”

Page 4: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 1


John 1

his year marked the tenth anniversary of the Hallmark

channels countdown to Christmas. They made a record 40 new movies to be broadcast this past month. How do they do it? Or better asked, WHY do they do it? I don’t have an answer for the HOW, but the WHY question is really simple. WE REALLY LIKE THESE MOVIES. They strum a real chord on our heart strings. These movies target the things we want the most. I might suggest that the themes fall into one of four categories. 1. Someone has no hope, and not enough money. 2. There is some major conflict and they need peace. 3. Someone has lost the Christmas spirit have no joy in the season. 4. Someone has missed out on love, and they find it again. You know the titles. It’s Christmas… Carol. Christmas with Holly. Mingle all the Way. The Christmas Shepherd, Card, List, Prince, Ornament, Melody, Cure, Train, Getaway, Land, or Secret. You can have Christmas at the Palace or at Graceland or in Love or in Evergreen. Regardless of the name, the story is the same. Somebody needs hope, peace, joy or love at Christmas, and when they get it, they are transformed. That’s the Hallmark method.

We can identify with these realities. We want them in our families and we long for them to be in our lives. But we all know that these things don’t come as easily as they are presented in a 90-minute movie. Wouldn’t that be great? Wouldn’t it be great if we could experience true love in the perfect Christmas gift? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could solve our family’s problems with a Christmas carol? Or fix our city’s issues in less than 90 minutes? (Well, maybe it only works in small towns.) The word hallmark simply means a mark that is stamped on articles of gold, silver, or platinum, certifying their standard of purity. It refers to something that is excellent, pure, or distinctive. I would submit that THE image of value, purity and excellence did leave its mark on us. He made his dwelling among us. He was full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) The big reveal at Bethlehem is that we found out HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE do not come in a present, or a song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before the foundation of the earth. Let every heart prepare Him room. - Van Clements


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HOPE"He made His dwelling

among us. He was full of

grace and truth." John 1:14

Page 6: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before
Page 7: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 2

HOPE IN THE WAITING Isaiah 9:1-7 | Romans 15:1-13

don’t like to wait. In fact, I think it’s one of the toughest things in

life to do.

When I was nine or ten, Christmas was just a couple days away and there was a mountain of colorfully wrapped gifts under the tree. It felt like torture to walk past the living room! That night I decided to sneak out of my room after everyone was asleep and open every gift with my name on it.

Unfortunately, my plan backfired, as the gifts weren’t as fun to open when there was no one there to celebrate with. I just couldn’t wait! Waiting is hard. It stretches us. It’s so easy to become impatient, frustrated, weary and discouraged when we are waiting on God and we see nothing. We know he is good and faithful, but doubt and fear can creep in and cause our faith to feel like it’s on shaky ground.

For thousands of years, God’s people waited for the Messiah that was foretold by the prophets. A promised king who would save them and make things right. Generation after generation anticipated his arrival; they waited and waited and waited.

The truth is that God’s timing and our timing are different. When we struggle

with what feels like a forever in-between, he does not. He is the author of time and the creator of life and he has an incredible plan to save his people. Our perspective is limited because of our humanity. We can’t see his big picture. Even when we don’t see or hear or feel him, we can trust that he is with us and at work. He is working out the details of our lives in accordance with His perfect will and timeline.

As we celebrate Advent, we are reminded of the birth of a long awaited Savior who arrived at just the right time. God was faithful to his promise to send Jesus and He will continue to be faithful in our lives. Lord, in this Christmas season, when we may feel weary in the waiting, may our hope be renewed. Let the incredible gift you gave the world that night in Bethlehem remind our hearts of your faithfulness and goodness. Help us to anchor ourselves in your love and trust that you are working all things out for our good. Amen. - Lindsay VanderVeen Romans 15:13 NLT “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”


Page 8: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 3


Psalm 34 | Romans 8

ost of the time we define hope with wishing something will

come to pass. I remember that growing up, I would make a wish list for my birthday and Christmas. Later in life, I hoped to get a good job, marry well, have a family, and be successful in life. These were good things to wish for, but this misses the true understanding of hope.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines hope as “a wish or desire supported by some confidence of its fulfillment.” (I learned this in school.) Later in life, I learned hope from a Biblical perspective. It is best defined as a belief grounded in faith and based upon the promises of a God who never lies and who always keeps His word. (I learned this in church.)

Romans 5:1-5 says, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our LORD Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained

access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out His love in our hearts.”

Hope enables people to keep going long after they think they can’t, because it holds promise of better days and brighter horizons. Ecclesiastes 9:4 states, “Anyone who is among the living has hope—even a live dog is better off than a dead lion.” In other words, if you are still breathing, there is hope for you. No matter what you have done or what you are going through, God promises that hope is available to you because of three unchangeable truths from the Bible.

First, God is a God of second chances, forgiveness, and redemption. It is never

“But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?

But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” Romans 8:24b-25 (NIV)


Page 9: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

Finally, God never withholds what is good from you, so you can have hope that He will provide what you need and sustain you through trials. Psalm 34:10 says, “Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” God always has your best interest in mind, so you can trust that He will bring about what He has promised and that His plan will ultimately satisfy your every desire. My HOPE is in Christ alone.

- Bill Russell

My hope is in Christ alone.

HOPEtoo late to get right with the Lord, because He is always ready to transform whatever you give Him into something useable.

Secondly, God has the power to make all things new--even me and you. Lamentations 3:22-23,25 says, “His mercies never fail...They are new every morning... The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him.” God offers you a new beginning every day. Take Him up on His offer. HOPE is in Christ alone.

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Psalm 25:4

"Show me the path where I should walk,

O LORD; point out the right road

for me to follow"

Page 11: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

“Show me the path where I should walk, O LORD; point out the right road for me to follow.

Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.”

Psalm 25:4-5 (NLT)

December 4


Romans 5:1-6 | Isaiah 40:21 | Job 11:18-19

here’s nothing we can do.” Those words robbed all hope

from the hearts of Ida Mae and Billy Steward as they sat stunned, listening to the diagnosis of their newborn son’s heart condition. Only 18 months later, it took his life. In the 1920’s, medical advances for co genital heart problems like Jimmy’s were yet to be made.

Sometimes Granny spoke about Little Jimmy’s death and of her unrelenting grief. Then she would go on to tell how, in desperation, she visited a church where the presence of the Holy Spirit drew her to commit her life to Jesus.

From then on, Granny took everything to God in prayer and established a routine of daily prayer and devotions with Billy and her six children. Friends in her community who often ‘dropped by’ during that time, were welcomed to join in. Her persevering faith was a beacon of hope to many. My dad used to say, he

fought all his battles on his knees, a battle plan he’d learned from his mother, Ida Mae. Little Jimmy’s short life was the catalyst that led my grandmother, an unassuming housewife, living in a small country town, to live a life that taught others to hope in Jesus; thus she established our family’s lineage of faith—a continuing lineage that now spans four generations after Little Jimmy’s life.

We’re all threads in an eternal tapestry woven by the hand of God. Jimmy never knew the powerful impact his life had on our family. Likewise, we may never see the design God weaves from our life’s circumstances; but by persevering in our faith, we gain an eternal perspective—the hope of glory—]eternity with our Lord.

- Sharon Johnson

“T persevering in our faith, we gain an eternal perspective

- the hope of glory...

Page 12: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 5


he Hope of Advent is a picture of the Old Testament patriarchs and

prophets anticipating the soon com-ing of the promised Savior and de-liverer. Their hope was strong. We hope the same today. Hope is future, because hope identifies what we expect to have in the days ahead and still do not possess in the present.

Hope is a significant part of every person. We all hope; we need it. Problems of health, work, education and relationships beg us for hope. Hope encourages us to go further and stick with it longer. Hope is what drives us to work hard and finish a task. Hope is what we all want and desire.

The writer of Hebrews gives us a clue about hope when he says, “faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” Faith and hope fit together. Although your spiritual life is secure because of your faith in Jesus Christ, hope is still in the future because the earthly life we have is only the beginning of our eternal life.

Present circumstances always have the potential to cloud hope. And when those circumstances linger for weeks and months, hope can be destroyed. Here is when a person can be proactive with hope. Hope is tied to faith and faith is tied to truth. Hope that is fixed on false assumptions will never come, but hope that is built on truth will certainly be fruitful.

Here are the stabilizing facts about hope. First, believe in truth that is based on God and His Word. They will never fail. Second, repeat the truth often, because you will need to ward off false truths that will destroy truth and hope. Lastly, never give up. Faith in God and trust in His Word are the key elements in hope.

- Lonny Burke


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HOPE" is the substance of things hoped for

and the evidence of things not seen."

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Page 15: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 6


Romans 8

“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons,

by whom we cry, ‘Abba, Father!’” Romans 8:15 (ESV)

doption” is a scary thing for both the one being adopted and

for those doing the adoption. Fear is a normal emotion during this time of making final decisions. Everyone involved seems to be intimidated with the process, but at the same time excited and full of HOPE for the future. Colossians 1:5

I know from personal experience these emotions. We adopted Jodi when she was nearly four years old. She came with scars from being abused as a baby, when her mother would place her on a hot burning wood stove to dry her wet diapers. She had already experienced rejection from her foster parents who “didn’t want her anymore.” She felt she needed to ask permission before taking each bite of food. Smiling didn’t come naturally. When asked to smile, she would twist her face from side to side.

We saw HOPE in the eyes of this little Indian girl once she realized she was at home and accepted into our family—now her forever family. Adoption was the vehicle to give her HOPE.

God has given us HOPE through the process of adoption into His family. We who have accepted the Christ Child can now experience HOPE. Now we belong and are accepted, scars and all. Jodi was given a new name and we are also promised a new name. Revelation 2:17, Isaiah 62:2b. We are heirs to all of the promises of God. Jeremiah 29:14 NKJ. Feeling confident and loved, Jodi would run into my arms squealing, “Daddy, Daddy!” We cry out, “Abba Father!” (Dear Daddy!) as we anticipate the second coming of our Lord. Romans 8:23-25

- Randy Wood


Page 16: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 7

A SEAT AT THE TABLEEphesians 1:5

magine for a moment you are looking at God’s holiday table. All of

the saints are welcome. The turkey is perfectly marinated, the potatoes are swimming in puddles of butter, and there’s an entire table covered with pies. A heavenly scent of spice of rich gravy wafts towards your nose. Where do you see yourself?

If you had asked me the same question a few years ago, I would’ve said the kid’s card table attached to the “real deal.” Because of my own internal struggle with hope, it was difficult to see myself as completely accepted into God’s kingdom. It was one of the first holidays without my mom and I felt stuck in my healing process.

I knew that God’s hope was still true, but it was hard to accept it. I shared this thought with a trusted friend, and she helped me realize how flawed my thinking was. She renewed my hope in a God who knows and cares for each one of us.

There’s a seat at God’s holiday table for each one of us. Everyone who accepts Christ has fully entered His Kingdom. His hope is good news for pastors, single moms, engineers, foreign exchange students, and each person reading this devotional. Everyone can find hope in Him.

God is saving you a seat. - Katrina Larson


Everyone can find hope in Him.

Page 17: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before
Page 18: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

December 8


John 16

am no expert on peace. In fact, I have struggled with anxiety for

most of my life. Although I am not an expert, I do know what it is like to desperately desire authentic peace.

This passage in John has always been one of my favorites, but I had never noticed Jesus’ offer of peace until recently. I think I connected with this verse so much because it feels so real to me. We all know life is hard, there is suffering, there is pain; we face trials and hardships. And yet in all the mess of life, Jesus says there is still hope. He has overcome.

It’s interesting that earlier in John 16, Jesus tells his disciples that he is going away, and that life will be very difficult for them, but reassures them that he will return. It’s in his returning that they are able to find peace. Jesus does not say that you will win the lottery, get your dream job, and go on vacation to Hawaii. No, instead Jesus explains that their enemies will rejoice, and they will mourn. I can imagine the disciples thinking, “Thanks Jesus, that’s real comforting.”

In the midst of their sorrow, Jesus offers Himself as their source of peace. This is completely counter-cultural. The things I look to, to give me peace, are the exact opposite of what Jesus is explaining will happen.

Notice that it is in Jesus’ and the promise of his return that his disciples could have peace. As the difficult things of life came, they could have peace because they had placed their hope in Him who would return. This Advent season, we have this same peace because our hope is in Him who will return. And as the trials of life come, we can rest in knowing He cares for us, that He is in control, and that He will make it right.

This is not wishful thinking or an empty promise. Jesus has proven Himself by doing what He said he would. He died, He was buried, and He rose again. Jesus overcame death. It is in this truth that my soul is able to take a deep breath, my heart finds rest and I can experience peace.

- Alana Moyer


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Page 21: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 9

WRITTEN IN THE STARSIsaiah 40:26; Isaiah 9:6

ow do you find peace in the dark months of winter?

I find peace this time of year by looking at the stars. The God who created those same stars, created me.

God’s story started a long, long time ago and He chose to write that story in the stars. In the first book of the Bi-ble, God promises Abraham that his descendants will be more numerous than the stars. Many years later, God places one very bright and vibrant star in the sky. This same star leads the wisemen towards baby Jesus. Jesus is Abraham’s descendent. God used the night sky as both a promise of his coming peace, and a fulfillment of that peace.

“For a child is born to us, A son is given to us; And the government is upon His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6.

The night sky in winter reminds me to follow that same Prince of Peace. To align my heart and mind towards His peace, instead of giving in to the pressures of the holiday season. God knows my name and He knows what direction my life will take. If He can keep track of all the stars in the sky, then I can trust Him with the many unknowns of my future.


The God who created those stars, created me.

Page 22: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 10

PEACE ON EARTH Luke 19:1-8 | Isaiah 9:6

eace out! That’s today’s version of glad tidings. The world yearns

for peace and we sincerely seek it. Elusive and rare, peace has always been a treasure. We have peaceful moments and peaceful thoughts, but we long for lasting peace. Luke 19:1-8 tells us that Zacchaeus, who was rich but unpopular, may have pondered, “where can I buy this peace?” Zacchaeus knew that Isaiah 9:6 said “His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace.” Zacchaeus sensed the Spirit of the living Messiah. Jesus accepted the invitation to eat together and Zacchaeus received the gospel of peace firsthand.

Every year we remember the birth of Jesus. We love to share joyful music and festive foods. We spend energy, time, and money in hopes that peace will join us in our traditions. We pray for peace on earth but – what about our peace? David’s advice in Psalms 34:14 is, “Depart from evil and do good. Seek peace and

pursue it.” We strive to be peaceful most of the time, but sometimes… what to do? In Hebrews 12:14, we’re told to “follow peace with all men.”

When Jesus returns, we’ll see peace. Isaiah 2:3-4 says, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord… that He may teach us His ways and that we may walk in His paths… and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war anymore.” Now, that’s peace.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” That reminds me of what it says in Proverbs 3:13 and 17, “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding.” and “Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace.”

- Jeanne Lyons


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Page 25: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 11


John 14:27

y heart clenched as my husband showed me his leg, the calf swollen

to twice its normal size and blazing red.

“How long has it been swollen like that?” I could hardly get the words to come out. When a diabetic has a problem like this, it can be life threatening.

“About five days. The doctor gave me antibiotics, but he said if it got worse, to go to the emergency room.”

We rushed to the hospital.

My mind spun tales of him losing his foot like the neighbor had, or his leg, because my aunt had lost both her legs. Even worse, people died from cystitis infections. Our neighbor’s friend had recently. I prayed and texted our family.

After hours of waiting in the hospital bed, the physician arrived. He had my husband remove his sock, and Jim’s foot looked like half of it had been chewed to bits.

My husband had stepped on a nail, but didn’t think it broke the skin. It had, with disastrous results.

The doctor turned to me. “How long have you know his foot was this way?” “I saw it for the first time when you did.” Was he blaming me?

The doctor seemed shaken, a reaction that didn’t build my confidence. A sudden peace swept over me, a realization that God had this. Everything would be okay. Jim wouldn’t lose his foot, or his leg, or end up with permanent damage.

You know it’s God when machines are beeping and monitors are everywhere, and the doctor doesn’t have a clue what to do. But God always does. He says to be anxious for nothing.

The physician didn’t do anything except send us an enormous bill. Our God? He totally healed Jim.

God is our one and only hope for peace. He cares about us, and He’s al-ways there, even in the most desperate circumstances.

- Marilyn Rhodes


Page 26: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 12


John 14:27

have been called the grandkid “whisperer” by my kids. I have

usually been able to console and settle down the most difficult grandchild and get them to fall asleep! It is sometimes not possible, and it’s always a challenge. And I must admit, I have an ulterior motive. If Grampa can get the little one to go to sleep, I will also probably get a nap out of the deal!

Here’s my secret. I hold the frustrated and crying child close to me, and begin to whisper softly into their ear, “Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace,” over and over again. I follow that up with “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” over and over again.

There is something about just speaking those words into their little ears that will more-often-than-not settle down the most agitated child. God sent His Son into the world to give us peace. He wants us to walk and enjoy that peace. If we will settle down and let us hold Him close, He keeps whispering into our spiritual ears, “I give you peace, the kind of peace only I can give. It isn’t like the peace this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.” John 14:27 (Contemporary English Version).

He continues to whisper over and over again, “Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace!” Remember in this advent season, He is the Prince of Peace.

- Steven Sonner


He is the Prince of Peace!

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Page 29: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 13


Matthew 8:23-27 | Mark 4:35-41 | Luke 8:22-25

t was the night of Christmas Eve, 2017. Emma had been born three

days prior after a successful C-section. We were headed home, which for us was the spare room at the Clements’ house, because our apartment was up three flights of stairs. The Clements were so excited for this Christmas because the whole family was going to be spending the night in the house—something that hadn’t happened in years.

That evening we shared a wonderful meal, opened presents in our new PJs and passed around the sleepy baby. Petey the pup took on a very watchful, protec-tive role over Emma. Everyone was full of food and full of joy. One by one we said good night and slipped into bed.

Less than an hour later, Emma woke up with a hungry cry and Alyson went to sit up to feed her. Apparently, the dosage of pain medication the doctor told us to give her was significantly less than what she was used to receiving in the hospital. Alyson cried out and froze, unable to move without feeling unbearable pain. We spend the better part of a half hour trying to figure out

how to get her sitting up, all the while Emma’s cry turned from hungry to angry. Petey was upstairs barking madly, because his little princess was in trouble. Erica came down to help us with Emma while I helped Alyson, and Van was up trying to calm Petey.

After everyone’s tears dried and the chaos settled, we found a better sleeping solution for Alyson and Emma. I laid down on the couch across from the chair Alyson was propped up in. Emma slept soundly in the bassinet beside me. In that moment, as the glow of the warm fireplace danced on the ceiling, I experienced a peace inside of me. It felt like a bowl of hearty soup, or a tight hug, like a healing breath. I remembered that story about the disciples in the middle of the sea, stuck in a storm. They freaked out even though the God of the universe was on the boat with them. “Peace,” he said, and it became quiet. In that moment, I knew everyone was going to be okay. The God of the universe is in the boat with me.

- Zachary Ropp


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December 14


Philippians 4:4-6

e are fast approaching the celebration of Jesus’ birth and we

are observing the custom of Advent, which helps prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus. For the four weeks that lead to the birth of Jesus, we will be focusing on the virtues of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. These four parts of life are descriptive of Jesus and His love for mankind. The Christ candle is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas day and it reminds us that Jesus is the Center...The Light of The World!

The second virtue that we study here is Peace. Peace can be found throughout our lives and in so many different ways. When the children quit fighting, when the dog takes a nap after finishing his kibble, when the bills are paid. But the peace we are talking about is much more profound. It is Peace in the midst of tragedy. It is deep down quiet when you have just received incredibly bad news. And Peace is the absence of fear when the headlines scream “War.” “Fraud.” “Hurricane!”

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again. Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything. But in every-thing, by prayer and petition, with thanks-giving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:4-7 When I was in elementary school, we had regular fire drills and, incorporated into those drills, was a time where we practiced getting under our desks as quickly as possible. We were told that, at any time, we could have an earthquake or be attacked by bombers. It was best to be under something when the attacks came. We had to be ready to deal with...whatever IT was that could be attacking. No matter what I was doing, that fear was nagging me.

When I was fifteen, I learned that Jesus loves me, died for me, and will carry all of my sorrows and fears. I accepted what


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He had done for me and I gave Him my life with all of its abilities and all of its fears and shortcomings as well. And, in return, I got Peace. It is the Peace that passes understanding that Jesus spoke about in His Word. That Peace has carried me through the death of a child and many personal difficulties. Life challenges still hurt, but Jesus gives peace instead of fear. And, best of all, Jesus wants to give that Peace to everyone....just for the asking. - Merrillin Emery

PEACE"...And the PEACE of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." PHILIPPIANS 4:7

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December 15


he story of Elizabeth and Mary (Luke 1:3-56) is so intriguing!

Elizabeth was a barren, elderly woman, the wife of Zechariah the priest. It was his turn to serve in the temple and Gabriel, the arch angel, appeared to him and told him his wife would conceive and that they would become parents after all this time. In fact, this child would be very special and prepare the way for the Messiah to come. Mary too, had a visit from Gabriel concerning a visitation of the Holy Spirit, that would result in her becoming pregnant as well. It wasn’t long before she decided to go and see her cousin, Elizabeth. Upon her arrival, a very amazing greeting took place! The baby within Elizabeth leapt for joy! AND Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she began to prophesy to Mary about the favor of the Lord. Can you just imagine these two women encouraging each other because of the babies they were carrying? Both of them were experiencing pregnancy for the first time. One quite a bit older than the other, but nonetheless, pregnant, with life inside! Cousins, sharing their thoughts and great wonderment at what was about to happen.

Wonderment, that God would choose them for such a world-changing event! Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months, so they had ample time to discuss what they were participating in. I am sure the Joy was building with the anticipation!

This God-inspired Joy has the ability to expand mind, soul, and body. Even today, with Christ living in us, we too can experience it. I am sure it must be connected back to this event with these two women long ago! Elizabeth birthed John, who prepared the way, and Mary birthed the Messiah, who came to take away the sins of the whole world. They brought Jesus to the world back then and we can do the same by the word of our testimony. As we share the Joy of our salvation, we are participating in the soon return of the King of Kings! We must surrender our lives to the task of sharing the good news of Jesus, so we can welcome Him back. He is coming soon! Christ in me should bring Great JOY! Share it this season!

- Sandi Grubbs


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JOYAs we share the JOY of our Salvation, we are participating in the soon return

of the King of Kings!

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And the angel said t them

"Fear not, for behold,I bring you

GOOD NEWS of GREAT JOY that will be for


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December 16

WE ARE OVERJOYEDLuke 2:8-20 | 1 John 2:2

s kids, we always gathered at my Aunt and Uncle’s house for

Christmas Eve. Their house nestled into the hill overlooking my grand-parents’ farm on the Siuslaw river. The year my cousins, Julie and Jeff, and I were about eight years old, we went outside and stood at the edge of the hill looking out into the night at my grandparents’ house. We could bare-ly see it through the freezing fog, but their Christmas lights were sort of vis-ible, and we thought it looked so beau-tiful. As we continued to stare down, we saw Santa and his reindeer on their roof!!! All three of us started hootin’ and hollerin’ and ran inside as fast as we could to tell the grown-ups. We grabbed our parents’ hands and pulled them outside to see. When we finally got them out to the edge....the fog had swallowed up Grandma and Grandpa’s house again and we could only faintly see the lights twinkling. Our parents walked away chuckling about kids seeing things, and told us to “get inside--it’s freezing out here!”

Oh... but we cousins knew that we had been specially chosen by Santa to witness an incredible sight... a Christmas miracle! We were overjoyed!

On a dark night over two thousand years ago, another rag tag group saw an amazing sight. An angel appeared to a group of shepherds watching their flocks at night and the glory of the Lord shone all around them. The angel told them news of great joy.... a Savior had been born! Then an entire crowd of angels appeared and began praising God. The angel told the shepherds where to find the baby, so they said, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

After they saw the Messiah, they spread the word! They returned home hootin’ and hollerin’ - glorifying and praising God for what they had seen and heard! (Luke 2:8-20). Those shepherds had been specially chosen by God to be witnesses of a miracle! And they were overjoyed!!

That joy is for us today! We have been specially chosen by God to experience the miracle of the Savior. “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” (1 John 2:2) We are overjoyed!

- Diana Lassen


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December 17

JOY TO THE WORLD Isaiah 56:6-7 | Psalm 119:111 | Ezra 7:27

e wait in great anticipation to celebrate the birth of Jesus and

we welcome the joy we share with angels and shepherds. Traditional food and decorations add excitement, as many nations celebrate Jesus, the embodiment of joy. Isaiah 56: 6-7 says, “And foreigners who bind themselves to the lord to serve him, to love the name of the Lord, and to worship him, all who keep the sabbath without desecrating it and who hold fast to my covenant – these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer.”

King David found joy in obedience to the Lord. In Psalm 119: 111 he vowed, “Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end.”

Perhaps our joy has been darkened by memories that make it hard to celebrate. Queen Esther’s sorrow was turned to joy as she was bold enough to ask her king for help. Danger was imminent, so she organized a fast with urgent prayer. God granted the victory. Esther 8: 16 says, “the Jews had light, and gladness, and joy,

and honor.“ Their bitterness and sorrow had turned to joy, and today they still celebrate Purim by giving gifts to the poor.

Ezra was sent by Cyrus, who was Esther’s son and now the King of Persia, from Babylon to Jerusalem to build a new temple. Ezra 7: 27 says, “Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers, which has put such a thing as this in the King’s heart, to beautify the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem.” Because Ezra proclaimed he was a servant of God, the priests, Levites and exiles were able to dedicate the temple with great joy.

The magnetic power of God changes kings, queens, and shepherds. When Jesus was born, the angels sang “Joy to the world.” Now we wait for His return. Jesus promised, “I will see you again.” Let joy come over you as you realize we are always in His presence.

- Jeanne Lyons


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JOYLet JOY come over you

as you realize we are always in His presence.

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Page 39: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 18


Matthew 2 | Daniel 2

he visit of the wise men (Matthew 2:1-12) is the miraculous

traditional story of the birth of Jesus. Matthew’s inclusion of this story in his gospel sets a major theme—a king, upon which he lays the foundation of a new kingdom and the new covenant.

But who were these wise men (magi)? How was it that they could rejoice with such an exceedingly great joy? How should their visitation of the newborn King of the Jews impact us today?

Matthew provides us some key-words and phrases that help not only identify who these men were, but also how they had ended up in Jerusalem asking about a newborn king. First, Matthew identifies the visitors as magi, or wise men. These men were a select group of experts known for their knowledge and wisdom of the world. They were in a class of various groups that in ancient times served as counselors in the imperial court of a king (Daniel 2:2). Next, Matthew tells us they were ‘from the east’. This recalls the 70 years of exile in Babylon. Finally, Matthew reports that these wise men take note of a ‘star’ and wind up in the capital city of Israel, Jerusalem. The star and Israel are found in the Jewish Torah where Balaam prophesies over the

children of Israel on their way to the promised land (Numbers 24:15-24). But how did the magi know this prophecy? No doubt when we read how Daniel saved many in King Nebuchadnezzar’s court from being executed, Daniel’s book, the Torah of Moses, became a book of wisdom passed down to later generations of wise men (Daniel 2:1-49).

What overpowering and continual joy they must have experienced as they saw this prophecy fulfilled and as they paid tribute to the child Jesus! They had found themselves to be witnesses of the new King of the Jews.

Their joy can be ours! As they participated in the first coming of Jesus, we look forward to the second coming of Jesus to this earth! In faith, though we see him not, we rejoice with inexpressible joy and full of glory as we look for him (1 Peter 1:8). We shall not all die, but be caught away to be with Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4:3-12). For He will change our mortal bodies to be fashioned like his body (Philippians 3:21). And because of this, everyone who has this expectancy purifies himself, even as he is pure (1 John 3:3).

- David Buttavavoli


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December 19

THE PINK CANDLE Psalm 137:4 | Philippians 4:4

salm 137:4 asks, “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?” The

setting for that question is when the people of Israel were being taken into Babylon as captives. Along the way, the Babylonians, knowing of Israel’s reputation for being musicians and songsters, asked them to “sing us one of the songs of Zion.” And thus, the above response. They added, “we have hung our harps on the willows by the rivers of Babylon and wept.” Their joy was gone.

Maybe, for some reason, your joy is gone during this Advent season. Perhaps to you, things are feeling wrong, hard, and even painful. One of the traditional scriptures for this week is Paul’s letter to the Philippians, and one of the main themes of the letter is Joy. Again and again, Paul tells the reader to rejoice and to be joyful. “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.” You may say, “Paul wrote that two thousand years ago and he had no idea how I am feeling right now. I will NOT rejoice!” Your circumstances may even be causing you to say, “Why, God? How do I rejoice when I feel nothing other than confusion, pain, anger, and hurt?” At times like this, asking “Why?” may be a most powerful

prayer. Paul also told the Philippians “In everything, in prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.”

Paul is not telling us to “forget it, suck it up, it’s OK.” He is telling us to pray and in the midst of it, you might find something you never thought possible, another of Advent’s words... “Peace.”

So this week, we light the Joy candle. Notice it is not purple, like the oth-ers, but pink. Purple is the color of penitence. Somewhere back there, amid the darkness of winter and Advents past, the people needed to have a glimpse of what was coming. A change was made and the third candle is now pink, a mix between the purple of Advent and the white of the Christ candle.

This Sunday is called Gaudete Sunday, Latin for “rejoice.” So if this speaks to you, just as when the white Light of Jesus mixes with the purple of pain and transforms it, may the Light of Christ break through your pain and bring the Joy that seems so elusive, but in fact, is waiting for you to find it.

- Cliff Emery


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"May the God of HOPE f ill you with all JOY and PEACE as you trust in him, so that you may

overflow with HOPE by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT."

ROMANS 15:13

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December 20

TRUE JOYPsalm 28:7 | John 10:10 | Romans 15:3

f you were asked to define joy, would you think gladness,

happiness, or delight? I recently heard Pastor Mark Batterson define Joy as an art form of appreciating what you have and being intentional with gratitude. This would mean that joy is not necessarily tied to our circumstances. Joy and happiness are quite different from each other. Happiness is more external, while joy comes from within. We can have unpleasant circumstances and still have the joy of the Lord, as he is the source of that joy. Psalm 28:7 says, “The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me and my heart is filled with joy.” He helps me.... I don’t have to create this joy on my own. Jeremiah 15:16 says, “When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, Lord God Almighty.” I have seen evidence of this gift of Joy in my life. When I fix my eyes on Him and His word, not on me and my weakness, I’m filled with a Joy that can truly override whatever circumstance I may find myself in. His Joy gives me a supernatural strength.

Many of us love a good Hallmark movie this time of year. The picture- perfect Christmas setting, the relationship that always works out in the end. But is that reality? That’s why true Joy can only come from Jesus, as he gives us Joy far greater that anything this world can offer. He is greater than our biggest dreams or Christmas wishes. He is the fulfillment in scripture that says, “I have come that you might have life, and have it to the fullest.” John 10:10 I love Romans 15:13, which so beautifully encompasses many elements of Advent: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” That is my Christmas prayer for you this year. May you have Joy overflowing as we celebrate the source of true Joy in our lives, Jesus Christ.

- Rhonda Cottrell


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December 21

THE JOY OF SIMPLICITYPhilippians 4:4, 12 | Luke 2:8-12

t was the coldest winter in years on the east coast, and we were a

continent away from our relatives. My young family and I were living in a 200 year-old house that dated back to colonial America. It was an odd shaped structure with 12 foot-high ceilings and 14 foot-long rooms, each of which was only 8 feet wide. It was so cold that ice formed on the inside of the windows. The heating system did not work very well, so we wore our cold weather gear both inside and outside. I was a starving graduate student and had to rely on food stamps to provide food. In a word, we were poor!

Christmas was just a few days away and, because of our scant resources, we had to re-invent our celebration. We came up with a plan. My wife constructed Christmas ornaments out of baked dough. She created candy cane, star, and bell-shaped ornaments, and painted them with fingernail polish. We waited until just before Christmas, then went out and brought home a heavily discounted Charlie Brown tree. It was about 9 feet tall with few branches. Perfect! It stood tall in our high ceiling

living room and our homemade ornaments decorated its mostly bare branches. Our two-year-old son was transfixed by the snow outside, so we managed to scrape together enough money to buy him a toboggan as a gift. A holiday apple cider recipe was our special beverage. Two outings highlighted the season. The first was trudging through the ice and snow to a nearby church to attend a midnight Christmas Eve service, and the second was tobogganing through the snow on Christmas day. In all its simplicity and improvisation, it was a joyous Christmas. Here is the takeaway. Joy comes from within. It is a matter of the heart and mind (not circumstances). The Apostle Paul said, Rejoice in the Lord always. A few verses later he added, I have learned the secret of being content…in every situation (Philippians 4:4, 12). Remember the angelic announcement of Joy came first to shepherds of humble estate (Luke 2:8-12). If you will accept it, the Lord will bring you too Joy, regardless of your circumstances.

- Stan Steward


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Page 46: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before

December 22

A LOVE OF LIFERomans 8:28

om, the little boy is dying, and he’s going to take his twin

sister with him.”

My daughter called, desperate for help. She lay confined to a hospital bed and was only 24 months pregnant. The boy’s placenta cord couldn’t get enough nutrients. I learned if one twin died, the other would probably follow, and that little boys had a much harder time as preemies than girls. We immediately asked more than fifty people to pray, always believing our God is the giver of life. It was especially frightening because our daughter had lost two other infants. The babies hung on and we prayed continually. The hospital staff gave worst case scenarios daily, a litany of all the debilitating diseases they could be born with. We received a call that our daughter’s kidneys had shut down, and she was in renal failure. Now her life as well as those of her twin unborn children lay at risk.

After an emergency C-section, they were born and weighed one pound, eight ounces, and one pound, thirteen ounces at 28 weeks. My husband and I rushed to see our daughter. She had gained fifty extra pounds with the preeclampsia and

had swollen almost beyond belief. We were ushered to the NICU. Each baby lay in a private incubator, connected to multiple tubes. I touched the side of their heads with one finger, praying for their lives. As I did, a deep wave of overwhelming love enveloped me, along with tears of pure joy.

We could have lost our daughter and the twins, but God, in His priceless mercy, gave us another gift: pure love. A love for our grandchildren we had never experienced before, a love of life.

“…For those who love God all things work together for good.” Romans 8:28 (ESV)

- Marilyn Rhodes


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"This is real LOVE... not that we loved God,

but that he loved us and sent His Son as a sacrif ice

to take away our sins."

1 John 4:10

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December 23


1 John 4:10

uring the advent season we are often reminded of the arrival

of a human being, a baby specifically. But this point in time also heralded the arrival of a deeper expression of God’s love, one that we would see personified through the grown-up incarnation of Jesus. Through our experiences serving and living abroad, we have been the recipients of deep and sacrificial love. I (Faith) remember on one of my trips to serve in the Cambodian orphanages. I was treated to a lavish feast by the orphanage. They prepared chicken and vegetables for my team members and I.

It sounds commonplace to many of us, but what made this a remarkable gift was who was giving it and what it really meant for them to give it to us. These children had lost their parents from disease and poverty, and themselves often lived on a bowl of rice and water porridge, once a day. That was it. Sometimes they would cry because of their hunger, but they still prayed to God to provide. They had

in a coop a small number of chickens and when we came to work with them, they decided that was the time to give their best.

Who was I to deserve this? Who was I to be teaching them anything about God and love when they seemed to understand it in such a true way? All I could muster within was that God was using me in His grand plan to love, just as I had been loved, even when I felt like I had little to give.

Jesus does the same for us. When we come to terms with the efforts and fractures of our lives, realizing that we yet have immeasurable value in the eyes of our Emmanuel (God with us) and that we have been loved with all He had to give, we are emboldened to share the same sacrificial love with others. “This is real love - not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” (I John 4:10, NLT)

- Jay & Faith Kenton


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December 24

LOVE IS A VERBIsiah 56:6-7 | Psalm 119:111 | Ezra 7:27

n this season, as we explore the four themes of Advent, we approach

the topic of love. Jesus came in human form and “moved into the neighbor-hood”… out of love. Yet, as author Dan White Jr. has said, it seems like the word “love” has “collapsed into greeting card well-wishes, trendy justice hashtags, romantic comedies, and spiritual clichés that appear in our modern worship songs.”

So what does the idea that “God is love” really mean? Is it just words?

No, love is a verb. It involves action. Jesus’ action was setting aside his position and taking up residence among us. Ultimately, his action would lead to his gruesome death and subsequent resurrection. That ultimate payment setting right everything that had been made wrong through our sin.

But he came as a child. An infant. Dependent on his parents for his care during the early years of his life. He grew up through childhood, teenage years, and adulthood. He experienced humanity firsthand by becoming human.

And he showed us how to live. Right here. Right now.

Our goal as Jesus followers is not heaven. Our goal is to become like Jesus. And he left us many examples of how we should live and love. Loving God, loving our neighbors, even loving our enemies. Yet we often fall short in all of these categories. We descend into an “us versus them” mentality, often disdaining and distancing ourselves from people who don’t think like us, don’t act like us, and don’t look like us.

But as John says, they will know us by our love.

That love is not conditional. Again, from Dan White Jr., “We must love the whole indiscriminately. As a follower of Jesus, we should not assess the compatibility we have with others and whether they will become an object of our love. God’s love is indiscriminate, loving the whole. This is perfect love.”

God so loved the world (the entirety of the world) that he sent his son Jesus.

This advent season, may we remember and reflect on Jesus’ indiscriminate, whole, unconditional love.

- Bill Randall


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Come, Thou long expected JesusBorn to set Thy people free;

From our fears and sins release us,Let us find our rest in Thee.

Israel’s strength and consolation,Hope of all the earth Thou art;

Dear desire of every nation,Joy of every longing heart.

December 25

SUDDENLY Psalm 77 | Acts 16:16-40

hese words of Charles Wesley’s time-less Christmas hymn reflect the

longing of the people of Israel for Mes-siah. Songs in the night come in the midst waiting. Sometimes in the midst of storms. When morning hasn’t quite come yet. When you just can’t see the dawn, or the breaking of new day. Our hearts sing songs in the night. Melodies of longing, patience, suffering, hope, and endurance.

Psalm 77 is such a song: the writer Asaph says... I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted. I remembered you, O God, and I groaned; I mused, and my spirit grew faint. You kept my eyes from closing; I was too troubled to speak. I thought about the former days, the years of long ago; I remember my songs in the night. My heart mused and spirit inquired: Will the Lord

reject forever? Will he never show his favor again? Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion? Have you ever felt that way?

Paul and Silas found themselves in a “night song” experience in Acts 16. After they had been severely beaten (flogged), it says in vs. 25, “around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.”

The next verse (v. 26) says “suddenly, there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose.”

That word SUDDENLY, stands out to me. We find it in the Christmas story.


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Luke 2:8“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night. Suddenly, a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying “glory to God in the highest” and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”

It’s another song that happens at night, with some serious light and show. It’s heaven’s response to Israel’s night song… which had been being sung for 400 years or more…

Another Christmas carol sums it up. “O come o come Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourned in lowly exile here. Until the Son of God appear. REJOICE, REJOICE, Emmanuel will come to thee o Israel.”

And here on this night heaven’s choir sings, announcing the arrival of the answer to Israel’s longing….JESUS.

But think about the word suddenly. “Suddenly a great host of heavenly host appeared” … was it suddenly to God? Did he say… I’ve got an idea… let’s send Jesus?

The announcement of Jesus’ birth and the earthquake that hit that Philippian jail were certainly all of the sudden to us, but was it to God?

Here’s the point. What is “suddenly” to us has been planned by God before the foundation of the earth.

Our night songs have such an element of longing in them. A hope that is yet unseen, unrealized. YET, your Father knows the song of your night and he knows the EXACT moment your “suddenly” will happen. The exact moment morning will dawn, and you will see that he has been singing your song with you. - Van Clements


Page 54: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before
Page 55: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before
Page 56: Pastor Van - Willamette Christian Center Home · song, or a last minute miracle. They come in a person. JESUS. He is the gift, the reason for our song, and the miracle planned before