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Passion Into Income Mini Course

Jan 15, 2016




Passion Into Income Mini Course
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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

Table  of  Contents  

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 LESSON ONE — Living Your Soul Purpose Choose to Live Passionately and Wealthy By: Garrett Gunderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Six Steps to Your Soul Purpose By: Garrett Gunderson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 LESSON TWO — The Secret to Attracting Money Your Quickest Path to Wealth By: Dr. Joe Vitale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 LESSON THREE — Three Steps Toward an Extraordinary Life Get Connected, Get Real, Get Passionate By: Dan Strutzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Passion to Income Quiz — Increase your chance of finding your passion and your highest income by taking our free quiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..24

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.


Welcome  to  your  Nightingale-­‐Conant  Mini  Course.     In order to get the maximum benefit from this mini course, I encourage you to listen to the accompanying audio component while you review this workbook. In fact, your best results may come by listening to each lesson separately and completing the Action Steps you’ll find in this workbook. For some of the questions we ask, you’ll have an immediate answer. Yet for others, you’ll have to think a bit. We strongly recommend you take the time to answer each question and think about how each idea presented can impact your own life. The reward will be worth it. When the audio has ended, and you’ve completed all Action Steps, you’re one important step away from turning your passion into income — taking the Passion to Income Quiz. At the end of this workbook, you’ll find a link to our quiz. Test how much you’ve learned while you step closer to mastering this mini course. Revisit this workbook in six months. Make note of the progress you have made, and perhaps implement some new tools in your Passion to Income plan. Remember that repetition is key. Each time you read through the material, you fill both your conscious and subconscious minds with life-transforming, proactive messages. Messages that will, in fact, assist you in making trends that most see as negative actually work in your favor.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

Nightingale-­‐Conant  Mini  Course:  

How  to  Turn  Your  Passion  into  Income   Welcome to this Nightingale-Conant mini course titled How to Turn Your Passion into Income. Now take a minute to think about everyone or everything in your life that causes you to exude passion. If you have children, certainly they’re at the top of the list. Your spouse or significant other is right there as well. You would certainly have strong feelings toward your family and friends, maybe even toward a pet or two. After that, maybe it’s the game of golf or another sport or hobby. Perhaps even something as simple as making a pancake breakfast for your family every Saturday. What’s missing from most people’s list — and probably yours — is your career. You may be great at what you do. You may even like your job. But is it your passion? The question isn’t “Are you doing what you enjoy?” The question is “Are you doing what you were naturally meant to do?” If your answer is no, this Nightingale-Conant mini course will change the way you think about your career and income. No longer will it be work. No longer will it seem like a sacrifice. No longer will you loathe Mondays and long for Fridays. Rather, if you take a few minutes to listen to these brief lessons on How to Turn Your Passion into Income, you’ll realize what it means to be completely fulfilled all the time. Plus, you’ll realize the immense income potential that almost always follows those who are passionate about their careers! Get ready to start looking at your career in a whole new light: with passion and an eye toward your future wealth.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.



Living  Your  Soul  Purpose   Your first lesson in this mini course tries to answer one of the most important questions you’ll ever ask yourself: Are you doing what you were naturally meant to do? It’s a shame. Some people go their entire lives without answering that question. While others fully intend to immerse themselves into their life’s purpose, but time and excuses always win out. Take a few minutes and listen as natural-born entrepreneur Garrett Gunderson helps you to answer the question for yourself. And the result of your answer impacts how much wealth you accumulate and just how happy you are every day.

Choose  to  Live  Passionately  and  Wealthy  

By:  Garrett  Gunderson   What is the one thing that all of the most powerful and happy people have in common? They live their soul purpose. I cannot emphasize this enough. What percentage of your happiness is lost by not living your soul purpose? How about your energy? How about your peace? You see, peace of mind is when you’re in harmony with your soul purpose. And passion follows purpose. So be clear on your purpose. The clearer you are on your purpose, the more you hone in and are powerful with your perspective. Meaning, when you have a limitless perspective, when you recognize that the world is abundant, what you’re going to find is that there are so many opportunities; which ones do you pay attention to? If you’re not clear about your purpose, and if it’s not in alignment with your purpose, you can get distracted, you can get derailed. You lose that focus, and all of a sudden, it gets complicated. Life is meant to be simple, yet profound.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

The most profound way to live is living your soul purpose. It’s who you are. It’s who you were meant to be. As you get clearer about your soul purpose, you now have vision. So you would be either a natural leader, whether it’s behind the scenes and people can count on you, or whether it is you start to lead and make a difference because of your example. People who live their soul purpose have to understand all five tracks of wealth. Because any track of wealth that isn’t identified and isn’t cultivated, and you’re not a proper steward over, can keep you from expressing your soul purpose. So let’s do a little exercise in the tracks of wealth. Number one, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being it’s ideal, where would you rank your financial life? Number two, with regard to living your soul purpose and expressing your soul purpose, on a scale of 1-10, how would you rank your living your soul purpose? Number three, your mentality. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being that you’re intellectually stimulated, that you’re constantly having ideas, that you live abundantly, how are you doing with your mentality? Number four, in the physical realm, on a scale of 1-10, how is your health, how is your nutrition, how is your physical energy? And number five, in the social realm, on a scale of 1-10, how are your relationships? The thing that I found about soul purpose is that there are really one or two things that are going to happen. Either you’re going to have a forced correction or a course correction. A forced correction is a bankruptcy, it’s a divorce, it’s absolutely a rock-bottom situation in which you think you have absolutely no other choice but to change or take another course. A course correction is kind of like when I flew here. When I flew in to do this recording, the plane wasn’t going a specific direction 90 percent of the time. It was constantly course correcting so that we finally ended at the destination. So a course correction is you’re proactive with your studies, you’re doing a producer power hour, you’re constantly doing these activities in your workbook, you’re engaging in conversations. And you’ll still make certain mistakes, but you can course correct rather than neglecting, having ignorance, and have it finally creep up on you in such a powerful way that you’re forced to correct.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

People find this out at the doctor many times. They had years and years of high blood pressure, and it impacts their health, which inevitably will impact their wealth. And they are forced to correct that if they want to live. And there are other people who understand: I’m going to get a checkup, I’m going to exercise, and they stay ahead of the game. And then they course correct if they get off course. A lot of people ask me if soul purpose really pays off financially. I remember my book Killing Sacred Cows got a review in the New York Post. And they guy said, “Love the concepts, a lot of self-development, helps you to understand certain things financially, but I’m a little worried that if everyone lives their soul purpose, we’d be on beans and rice alone.” You see, there is this myth out there that somehow living your soul purpose means you have to be the starving artist. But the great thing is that whenever everyone else lives his or her soul purpose, the artist becomes someone who can get his or her music out there. Because someone is helping produce it, and someone’s maybe helping write it, someone’s burning it to CD, and it’s getting out there in the world. So we all live our soul purpose, and we become wealthier. The interesting thing about soul purpose is that many people want to delay living it. They think that retirement is going to be that time to live their soul purpose, because they think of family or they think of traveling or experiences as something that helps them enjoy life. And this is in my book Killing Sacred Cows. There was this study done by Dr. Scrully Blotnick, and it says that they made little or no money investing. And what happened was there were these people, and they all wanted to be millionaires, and he took 1,500, and about a third of them dropped out, either due to death, or moving, or whatever it might be. But all of them wanted to be millionaires. So there were 1,057 who finished the study and 83 became millionaires. But what they found was, the people who didn’t become millionaires for the most part were trying to chase the money first and then live their passion. But when Dr. Blotnick’s team interviewed participants at the beginning of the study, the most widely shared impression they found was that great wealth can come to you only as a result of doing things you don’t want to do. And so that’s the obstacle to soul purpose, “Oh, I can do that later.” They also noted that, from the start, they assumed, that chance would pay a part in who became wealthy. Once again, a myth that we uncovered earlier. We found that prosperity was not a game of chance.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

They found that the 83 people who became millionaires shared certain characteristics. Not only were they persistent, but they didn’t mind handling some of the pettier things at times. I think about this from a mom standpoint. If she’s changing diapers, is that the best expression of her soul purpose? Well, you have to handle certain things; you have to deal with some of the dirty work to express your soul purpose. You might have to build the stage or help be part of building the stage where you get to speak to the millions from. It’s not that it’s just all glamorous the whole time. Another characteristic they found is that these people were increasingly non-competitive towards the people they were working with. So a lot of people think that there is competition in capitalism. You’ve got to win for someone else to lose. But I believe in “co-opetition”. In which you’re still competitive in your soul purpose, meaning you want the best you can possibly put forth, but you’re cooperative by helping others out. I’ve made a lot of money by actually teaching other financial professionals and financial services people the very things I’ve made my money with; the very things I was teaching my clients and I didn’t hold anything back. And interestingly enough, when I first did it, I didn’t charge anything. What Dr. Blotnick also found is that he originally expected the people in the sample to become wealthy by taking the money they got at work, and investing it wisely in such things as stocks, bonds, and real estate. They thought there would be no way for them to become rich just by having more income because they were more knowledgeable and more productive. But it didn’t actually work out that way. More often than not, they made most of their money to become millionaires by their own production, by their own abilities, not by putting it in some stock that was supposed to grow. So in short, what the study actually unveiled was that the main source of wealth for most participants was that they found something they loved to do and they did it well. This was case after case. They did increasingly well occupationally while their pursuit of investment profits proved to be largely a waste of time. In the long run, it was their wealth that made them rich. So what’s the source of true wealth? It’s you. You’re the one that dictates and determines whether or not you’re wealthy. Only you can say that you are broke. Some things that are critical to make sure that you’re living and expressing your soul purpose and that you’re going to be able to invest wisely really comes down to how much

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

time and money you’re spending on your education on an annual basis. And each year it should be accelerating, not decreasing. Too many people, when they finish school, spend less and less money on their education, because they say that they went to school; that’s over. Not you, you’re listening to this program. So you want to keep increasing your education. I found in my life if I put time aside and I put money aside, that those are two critical pieces of the equation for me to be successful anywhere. Have you been attending any seminars? What education or experience have you had to really live your soul purpose? Even with all of these exercises, all of this knowledge, you may still be thinking, “Will I really be able to find my soul purpose and how long will it take? I just don’t know.” Here’s a simple exercise. List the people you admire most. Whom do you admire? And why do you admire them? If you list the things that you admire most in them, what you’re going to find is those are attributes and characteristics that you have too. You cannot admire something in someone else that you don’t recognize exists. And the way that you recognize it exists is through your own experiences. What I’ve found is soul purpose is not only the most profitable thing I’ve found in my life, but the most enjoyable. And it’s not something that’s exclusive to my career — this happens with my family. How can I create traditions? How can I create value? How can I create the space? Whether it’s date night or whether it’s playing with my son. Those are all expressions of my soul purpose. And any day when I’m not living and expressing my soul purpose is a day that wasn’t worth living. Not every single activity, not every single moment is the perfect expression of soul purpose — I still have scarcity creep into my life. But when you’re abundant, you’ll be able to recognize your soul purpose. When you’re abundant, you’ll be able to live powerfully and create massive value. But the best way to be a producer is to be one of those super producers who produce in their soul purpose. That expresses the best they have to the world through their soul purpose. The reason it doesn’t take money to make money, the reason that high risk doesn’t equal high return, is because your soul purpose is already fully formed within you — you just have to recognize it.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

When you recognize it, and you create value with it, it’s inevitable that you’re going to have the life that you want.

Action  Steps   1) How close are you to living your soul purpose? Garrett Gunderson explains that right

now your soul purpose is fully formed within you — you just have to recognize it, and then pursue it.

List your top five passions in life. Take some time to think about what it is that makes you happiest and most fulfilled. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ 2) Now, go back and look at each of your top passions. How could you turn each into

a career, into a business opportunity, and into wealth? This may take some deep thought — but when you’re ready, record your plans below.

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

3) As Garrett Gunderson alluded to in the mini course, list the five people you admire most. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Now write down what you admire most about them. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ If you haven’t picked up on it yet, Garrett Gunderson’s goal is pretty straightforward. He has a formula that has worked for him and thousands of others. And his goal is to simply give you the tools to live your happiest, most fulfilling life. In the following excerpt from his bestselling audio program, he continues that quest. You won’t want to miss the tips he gives that will lead you to your soul purpose.

Six  Steps  to  Your  Soul  Purpose  

By:  Garrett  Gunderson   So I’m encouraging you. Follow what you love and have your soul purpose be something that you integrate into your life and that you really start to express, because if you don’t, life is going to pass you by. If you don’t, you’re going to miss out of on a lot of wealth.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

So ultimately, what’s going to make you the happiest? Is it what you’re passionate about in life that will serve you the most? Or is it doing what society has told you is the safest, which is just doing what someone else says is a good job? And the way to live your soul purpose is:

• Doing the producer power hour. • Being committed to value creation versus just hungry to earn more money. • Being committed to gratitude, and understanding that gratitude as the doorway to

abundance. • Finding mentors in your life and being able to engage with those mentors, either

by modeling them and watching them, by listening to programs, or by actually spending one-on-one time.

• Developing your dream map so you’re very clear about what you want in life. • And really having a commitment to education. Accelerating that education as time

goes on, because applied knowledge is true wisdom and power. Declaration is different from affirmation because declaration is saying that you’re going to do something. And the most powerful declarations are what I would call an impossible game. The impossible game creates a little bit of fear because you don’t know how you’re going to accomplish it, but it creates a little bit of inspiration. So you say something not knowing exactly how you’re going to get there, but you tell people. And you tell people that you are in the abundance mindset. And you declare it out loud — this is what I’m going to do. When I set my vision for my life to revolutionize the financial industry, that now it’s something about self-development. And it’s about a plan and a blueprint. That is a part of my declaration. I’m declaring that to you. Has it happened yet, no, but I’m committed to it. So declaration verbalizes your commitment. So have you pictured all of the rewards and enjoyment you’ll get out of life if only your career followed your passion and your passion followed your career? In just this one lesson, Garrett Gunderson has given you a head start to finding your soul purpose. Now it’s time to run the race and start making it real. You’ll find everything you need to do just that in Garrett Gunderson’s 10-CD and DVD audio and video program called New Rules to Get Rich. This innovative program puts you on a course to live a purposeful, passionate, and prosperous life. CLICK HERE to open your eyes to unprecedented wealth doing what you absolutely love with Garrett Gunderson’s New Rules to Get Rich program.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.



The  Secret  to  Attracting  Money   Well, after that first lesson, you’re probably energized and ready to sink your teeth into your soul purpose and start making piles of cash. But perhaps you aren’t quite sure how to marry your passions and your career. That’s perfectly understandable — for some people, their entire lives are spent with that one goal in mind. I’m here to tell you that not only can it be done, you can actually begin today! You may remember Dr. Joe Vitale from the blockbuster film titled The Secret. Well, today he wants to share with you a proven step-by-step plan to turn your life’s passions into an impressive supplemental income. He’ll tell you about one person who went from being broke to making thousands of dollars each day. And this incredible transformation took just about a week.

Your  Quickest  Path  to  Wealth  

By:  Dr.  Joe  Vitale   Well, I have good news for you. If you’ve been sitting there wondering just where to begin your business. Or you’ve been struggling for an idea for your business, or an idea for a product, or an idea for a service. Or any sort of idea about how to attract more money into your life and you just can’t quite see it, I’ve got good news. And it’s the whole idea of selling information. Now this is really huge, especially on the Internet, where I’ve been specializing and selling information products for the past 20-something years. And it’s very simple to do. What you’re going to do is look at your own passions, your hobbies, your experience, and your education to find out what you’ve been doing that other people would be interested in finding out how to do themselves.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

And in this case, once you put it down in writing, you sell that information to them. So hear me out, because this is really fascinating and really juicy and is a great money-making opportunity for anybody, including you. There was a woman who came to visit me one time when I was living in Austin, Texas. And she had heard about the Internet, heard about me, and she really couldn’t believe you could make money online. And we had lunch, and I answered all of her questions. And she was really very skeptical and she kept saying things like she didn’t see how she could make money online, that she was only in her twenties, she had no real experience, no real education, no real unique background. How could she make any sort of information product, any digital product on the Internet? So I listened to her and asked her a few questions. I said, “What do you like to do?” Well, she likes to do biking. “What are you interested in?” “Well, I’m interested in raw foods.” And what are your passions, what are your experiences, what have you done for hobbies? And she said, “Well, I taught myself how to play guitar.” And I listened to all of this and thought she might have been able to do an ebook on raw foods, maybe a raw foods cookbook. She could have done something on biking, maybe secret biking trails of Texas or the Austin area. But, when I heard that she taught herself how to play guitar, my ears perked up, and I thought, “Now that sounds interesting.” And I looked at her and asked, “How did you teach yourself to play guitar.” And she said, “I taught myself to play it in one weekend.” And I thought, wait a minute, “You taught yourself how to play guitar in one weekend?” She said, “Yeah, it’s just my own method, and I taught myself to play it because I wanted to play a few songs, and now I can play the guitar. And I started in one weekend.” I said, “Have you ever taught this to anyone else?” And she said, “No, there are lots of guitar instruction books out there.” And I said, “That doesn’t matter. People always want to learn new things. If there’s an audience for a particular service or product or hobby, there’s a built-in demand for more information within that particular category.”

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

Well, I love guitars, I collect guitars, I’m always looking for better ways to play guitar. So I’m not much different from the audience that would want to learn how to play the guitar in one weekend. So I urged her to write down her method. She was a little resistant, but she trusted me. She looked at my life, my lifestyle, and my name on the Internet, and she figured this Joe Vitale knows how to make money on the Internet. I’ll listen to him. So she wrote up a little ebook which she called Stripped Down Guitar. And in that ebook she explains how she taught herself how to play guitar in one weekend. And she walked people through how they can learn to play guitar themselves. And I read it and I loved it. I thought it was very simple, very conversational. The book was not very long, and that’s the beauty of ebooks; they don’t have to be very detailed. Get to the point, teach people what you promised to teach them, and stop. I told her to add a few photographs to the book because it will help people visualize what she was trying to explain. And I told her to convert her Word document into a PDF, since a PDF document is the most recognizable form whether you’re reading a document on a Mac computer or PC computer — most everyone can read a PDF document. So she took her Microsoft Word book, turned it into a PDF document, and showed it to me. And I said, “This is an information product.” I then told her how to put up a website. And she put up a website by going to and buying the domain for, and then paying to have a website put up to sell her particular ebook. I then told her to go to Clickbank at It’s a place where people can buy a particular product, and Clickbank will process the order and send you the credit card orders every couple of weeks. So I explained all of this to her, and I said, “Let’s tell the world about your ebook.” So she began to market it and promote it. And I told my list about it so she could get some sales. She knew to go online to Google Groups and she was able to type in “guitar instruction” or “guitar classes.” And Google would bring back to her all of the different places where people are interested in guitars, and guitar instruction, guitar playing. She would then go to those different groups and just mention that she came out with this book. I don’t remember what she charged for the ebook — it might be around $19.95 or $29.95 — but she began to make thousands of dollars a day.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

And the punch line comes along because somebody who bought her ebook came to her and said, “I loved your ebook so much that I want to buy the rights to it and distribute it myself.” And she sold the rights to her ebook for $10,000. Now this is pretty remarkable considering when you consider that when the lady first came to me, she had no idea what to write about. She had no clue how to make a PDF or ebook. She had no idea what Clickbank was or GoDaddy. She had no idea that she personally could attract money from something she was doing as a pastime or a passion for herself. She was truthfully broke when she came to me. She admitted to me that she was actually borrowing money from her parents in order to pay her bills. Then she went from zero to making thousands of dollars a day to making a $10,000 payday. Now I don’t know how much $10,000 means to you, but it means a lot to me, and it meant a lot to her. That was like winning the lottery, and that’s what happens when you start creating information products. You actually create products that sell while you sleep. You can charge whatever you want for an ebook because it’s information and people are paying to get the solution. They don’t care how big it is or how fancy it is; they just want the problem solved. Now you have to understand an ebook is not a printed book. It’s something you read on your computer, a digital file, sometimes a text file, usually a PDF file. Which means to you and me, there’s nothing to print, there’s nothing to warehouse, there’s nothing to ship. This is in many ways an invisible product, but it’s very real to the person buying it. And there’s something else happening here. It’s instantaneous gratification. You instantly get the customer’s money, and the customer instantly gets the product. It all happens in real time. That was Dr. Joe Vitale basically giving away the golden goose by giving you detailed directions to turn your passion into income. That tip alone has made thousands of people wealthy throughout the world. But the best part is that this single tip is just one of dozens Dr. Joe Vitale wants to share with you in his newest program The Secret to Attracting Money. In this bestselling audio and video program, Joe combines the proven Law of Attraction with his own experience and insights on attracting more money into your life. CLICK HERE to discover how to attract money easily and effortlessly by harnessing the astounding power of the Law of Attraction with Dr. Joe Vitale’s The Secret to Attracting Money program.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

Action  Steps   1) There’s no doubt that in all of your life experiences, you have talents, skills, and

ideas that people would appreciate discovering — and they would pay money to learn it.

Think about 3 things you do well that could be an asset in other peoples’ lives. Remember, it can be a hobby, a business strategy, a sport, or anything. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 2) Now that you have your talents in mind, take a few minutes to think about how you

could turn the strategies and secrets of one of them into an ebook. Write a brief outline of the subject matter of your ebook. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.



Three  Steps  Toward  an  Extraordinary  Life   Now you have the knowledge, the plan, and the fire in your belly to turn your passion into income — and then turn your income into wealth. You’re closer to living an extraordinary life. You see, the goal at Nightingale-Conant is to give you free resources to help improve your complete self — from the inside out. And in our vast experience, people’s wealth has been closely connected to their hearts and their minds. In this mini course, Dan Strutzel will tie it all together so you’ll grow wealthy — not only with money, but with purpose, experiences, and relationships.

Get  Connected,  Get  Real,  Get  Passionate  

By:  Dan  Strutzel   I did preserve my belief in one large-scale conspiracy theory. It is the worldwide conspiracy to keep each and every one of us from living an extraordinary life. Now to begin, I need to define terms. By extraordinary, I mean a life of deep and lasting fulfillment, purpose, and joy. I mean a life where one has few regrets and a collection of unforgettable moments upon which to reflect. Now you might ask, “Who is behind this conspiracy? And how are they keeping us from living an extraordinary life?” Well, in many ways, every one of us is behind the conspiracy. And it comes from our desire to construct our lives from what I call a bottom-to-top philosophy. We all want to get to the top. In many ways, the whole idea of the top is the metaphor of the American dream. When we leave school and enter the workforce, we are trained by the media, merchants, advertisers, and, truth be told, many personal development experts and gurus, to pursue the two “gets.” Number one, get rich, and number two, get noticed.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

We all fall prey to the major tool of the conspiracy: measurement. After all, the only way you can determine if you’ve gotten to the top is to measure whether you’ve reached the highest pinnacle of the success mountain. Money is something you can measure. Simply count the amount of money you have, and you can measure how close to the top of the mountain you are. You can also measure how well-known you are by how many people know of you, by counting the number of entries for your name in Google, the number of articles written about you in major publications, and the number of people who are vying for your time. But as you’ll soon see, there are many problems with a bottom-to-top philosophy, where success is subject purely to measurement. First, anything that cannot be easily measured gets ignored. As a result, many of the most precious moments in life, those not easily tallied as a steppingstone to success, cannot be appreciated. Second, life is always a pursuit to get somewhere, namely, up to the top, rather than to be somewhere, namely, where you are now, in this present moment, the only moment that exists. And third, both of the “gets” are lies. They do not necessarily lead to an extraordinary life. A recent study by financial expert Jean Chatzky, outlined in her book The 10 Commandments of Financial Happiness, reinforced earlier studies of wealth and happiness. Her conclusion showed that happiness and fulfillment do increase for someone moving from poverty to a middle-class existence. But beyond a surprisingly low level of income, approximately $50,000, there is not measurable increase in happiness and fulfillment. Getting noticed doesn’t fare any better in the fulfillment department either. There’s always someone who is better known, always someone whose star is rising faster. Relying on popularity for fulfillment is like betting your extraordinary life on the craps table at Vegas. Some days you’re up, and some days you’re down. But the odds are stacked against you. Now this is not to say that wealth and recognition are not important. Indeed, in their proper context, they are vitally important. But truth be told, getting rich and getting noticed are byproducts of extraordinary living. To seek them directly, with a fervent, if not obsessive focus, is too likely to lead one to an unbalanced life, where even money and applause will not satisfy.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

So if getting rich and getting noticed don’t lead to an extraordinary life, where does an extraordinary life come from? And how can you assure that your life will be truly fulfilling, purposeful, and joyful? Well, the first step is to reorient your life philosophy from a bottom-to-top approach to what I call a timeline approach. With this approach, rather than building a life from bottom to top, you work from the end back. At the very left-hand side of the timeline is your current life state, your current age, the current state of your family life, your occupation, your dreams, your desires, your anxieties, hopes, and fears — in short, your life as you know it now — all exist at the far-left end of the timeline. Then, at the far-right end of the timeline is the day before your death. You might imagine what age you think you are, where you live, how you feel, and what your dreams, desires, anxieties, hopes, and fears will be at that point in your life. Now comes the most important part of all: Sit down in a quiet place, close your eyes, and try to imagine yourself at that time in your life sitting at the kitchen table in your home with a cup of coffee and enough time to think about the life you have lived. Imagine as best you can that you are reflecting back on the most rewarding, fulfilling, and joyful times in your life. Those things that made life truly worthwhile. And if you can, imagine any regrets that you might have, especially if you continued to live on your current life path. After doing this exercise for about 15 minutes, open your eyes. Get a pen and a piece of paper and write down the lessons that you learned. After you’ve done this, compare these lessons with the reality of your current life state. Reflect on how you might reorient your life to be more consistent with the most rewarding, fulfilling, and joyful aspects of your life one day before your death. Even more, reflect on how you might eliminate those activities, habit patterns, and beliefs that led to the greatest regrets you had in your older age. I have found that this strategy is a far more powerful goal-setting strategy than any I’ve ever considered, because it begins at the place where our lives will be evaluated, at the very end of our journey. It nearly assures that our life will be deemed extraordinary. But for those of you who had trouble visualizing just how you might feel about your life many years from now, I’d like you to supply you with a new list of “gets” that my research revealed about people who had the luxury of reflecting on their lives before they left their earthly existence. These three “gets” provide a road map to an extraordinary life.

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

Number one, get connected. Study after study shows that more than 80 percent of our happiness comes from our relationships with other people, and more specifically, the six closest relationships in our life. Yet, very few of us, especially men, have ever read a book on how to establish closer, more fulfilling relationships. Don’t leave it to chance. Make your connections to others and to God your top priority in life. And if you’re looking for a single guideline to get you on the right track, remember Earl Nightingale’s maxim: Our rewards in life will always match our service. Make service to others your aim, and not only will you have enough close relationships to share the joys, trials, and tribulations of life, but you’ll also have more wealth, both tangible and intangible, than you ever dreamed of. Service to others is not only great for building personal relationships, it’s good business. Number two, get real. Tom Peters, in a recent business lecture, made one of his classic, witty, yet insightful comments when he said, and I paraphrase, the blessing of being in your mid-60s is that when you speak, you no longer care about being invited back. His important point was that the blessing of age was the freedom it gives you to say what you mean and act how you truly feel, without much concern about what others think. What a lesson this is for you and me in our path to an extraordinary life. Where would you live? Whom would you spend time with? What occupation would you have? And what political party, if any, would you belong to? What beliefs would you hold, if you truly put aside what others thought and went with your own instincts? Think about this hard at a very deep level. If we’re truly honest with ourselves, there are probably one or two areas of our lives that need to get real. And number three, get passionate. The only thing we will spend our time on, especially the day before our death, is that which we are most passionate about. I know, for me, I’ll have a cup of gourmet coffee in hand, the Notre Dame victory march playing in the background, my bookshelf of nonfiction classics and Nightingale-Conant programs behind me, my God looking down above me, and my wife and three precious children at my side. All the things I spend time on now because it’s what I should do, ought to do, or am expected to do will be long gone. We can’t totally eliminate all of the mundane activities of life. But we can make a commitment to spend the majority of our time with the people and on the things that truly matter. And the best news of all is that living by these three “gets” actually nets you five. It nearly assures that the byproducts of getting rich and getting noticed will be yours. The truth is that the timeline exercise is not just a fun technique for young people to reflect on their old age. For some people on our planet, even very young people, today is the day

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

before their death. None of us have a guarantee on the number of days we’ll live. Let this reality liberate you to lift the veil of the grand conspiracy. Get connected, get real, get passionate, and live an extraordinary life.

Action  Steps   1) If 80 percent of our happiness comes from the six most important relationships in

our lives, take a minute to think about your “closest six”. Record who they are. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________________________________ 2) Are you 100 percent true to yourself? Think about how you spend your days, who you spend your time with, and what you do for a living. Is there any area of your life in which you aren’t being totally honest with yourself perhaps where you are fulfilling someone else’s expectations, but not your own? If you think of any, please list. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

3) Take a minute to think about your greatest passions — what truly brings you the most happiness. Jot them down. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Now, is your time filled with enough of those passions? Think of a few ways you could re-arrange your schedule in order to incorporate more of your passions into your life. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I hope you enjoyed listening to our mini course titled How to Turn Your Passion into Income. If you quit your job today and found a way to make ends meet doing what you absolutely loved to do, you would probably live a pretty enjoyable life. On the other hand, if you found a career that could make you wealthy beyond belief, but it wasn’t what you loved, you would still have a good life. Now imagine combining the two: A great paying career doing what you were always meant to do. Now you’re living an extraordinary life!

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It’s your dream. It’s your time. Let’s get started.

Want  to  MASTER  this  Mini  Course    and  MASTER  your  life?  


Take  the  Passion  to  Income  Quiz   Are you ready to start pursuing your passion and increasing your income at the same time? Take our fast, fun 25-question Passion to Income Quiz to give yourself the right start! CLICK HERE to START the quiz! I hope you enjoyed listening to our mini course titled How to Turn Your Passion into Income. More importantly, I hope you were able to take away a few ideas that will give you the privilege of doing just what you want for a living while making a better living. As much as we covered in this mini course, we’ve simply skimmed the surface. If you wish to delve deeper into tying your passion and your income together — we recommend you click on the wealth-building program links found throughout this PDF document.