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Partly Cloudy: The Forecast for Your Technology Tom Hollingsworth @NetworkingNerd CCIE #29213, VCP5

PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Sep 24, 2020



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Page 1: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Partly  Cloudy:  The  Forecast  for  Your  Technology    

Tom  Hollingsworth  @NetworkingNerd  CCIE  #29213,  VCP5  

Page 2: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

What  Is  “The  Cloud”?  •  CompuBng  as  a  service,  not  a  product  •  OS  &  Device  Independent  •  Reliability  and  Scalability  •  Allows  Focus  on  Your  Goals,  Not  Technology  

Page 3: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Haven’t  I  Seen  This  Before?  •  ApplicaBon  Service  Providers  •  Hosted  SoluBons  •  Service-­‐Oriented  Architechture  

Page 4: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Not  A  Dirty  Word  •  *aaS  –  (something)  as  a  Service  •  SaaS  –  ApplicaBon  (Office  365,  Google  Apps)  •  PaaS  –  PlaXorm  (MicrosoZ  Azure)  •  IaaS  –  Infrastructure  (like  Amazon  EC2)  

•  ITaaS  –  IT  Outsourcing  (Managed  Services)  

Page 5: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Public  or  Private?  

Public  Cloud  

•  Hosted  somewhere  else  •  Accessed  via  the  Internet  •  Pay-­‐per-­‐use  

Private  Cloud  

•  Hosted  Internally  •  Secure  access  via  internal  network  •  More  Up  Front  Costs  

Page 6: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Public  Pricing  As  of  2/7/2012  

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Who’s  Data  Is  It?  •  Data  on  someone’s  servers  –  Who  Owns  It?  •  Where  is  your  data  being  stored?  •  Contract  expiraBon,  bankruptcy,  theZ  •  Know  your  rights  before  you  sign  a  contract  

Page 8: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

More  Bandwidth  •  Cloud  services  require  lots  of  bandwidth  •  Low  latency  key  for  certain  apps  •  QoS  can  help  with  contenBon,  not  oversubscripBon  

Page 9: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Disaster  Recovery  •  Cloud  data  is  sBll  not  invulnerable  •  Proper  DR/BC  planning  is  sBll  key  •  Check  contracts  for  outage  windows  and  SLAs  

Widespread  Amazon  EC2  Cloud  Instance  Reboots  Spark  QuesBons,  Concerns  


Page 10: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Do  Your  Homework  •  Cloud  requires  strategy,  not  a  forkliZ  •  Things  are  only  as  secure  as  you  build  them  to  be  •  There  is  no  “One  Size  Fits  All”  cloud  soluBon  •  Be  honest  with  yourself  

Page 11: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

OneNet  Cloud  Offerings  •  OneNet  now  offers  IaaS  cloud  soluBons  •  Host  your  servers  locally  

Page 12: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Weather  Report  •  Cloud  compuBng  is  only  going  to  keep  growing  •  Privacy  issues  with  public  cloud  –  know  what  data  is  criBcal  •  Weigh  per-­‐use  pricing  versus  hardware  costs  

Page 13: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Virtualization  –  More  with  Less  •  70%  of  servers  will  be  virtual  by  2013  according  to  IDC  •  BYoD  driving  VDI  adopBon  

Page 14: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

vSphere  5  –  Key  Features  •  ESXi  –  Fast,  small,  secure  •  Storage  vMoBon  and  DRS  –  Dynamically  move  data  without  impact  

•  Stateless  ESXi  –  Who  Needs  Hard  Drives?  

Page 15: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

VDI  –  Virtual  Desktops  •  VDI  can  extend  legacy  hardware  life  expectancy  •  Full-­‐featured  desktop  experience  for  users  •  Monitoring  capabiliBes  for  administrators  

Page 16: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Virtualization  Forecast  •  If  you  aren’t  doing  it,  you  need  to  be  (try  it,  it’s  free)!  •  Profile  servers  to  determine  virtualizaBon  affinity  •  Crawl,  Walk,  Run  –  Lab,  Small  ProducBon,  Complete  Changeover  

Page 17: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Cloud  Blogs  to  Read  •  Christofer  Hoff  (@Beaker)–  hhp://  •  Joe  Onisick  (@JOnisick  –  hhp://  •  Kevin  Kelling  (@BlueShiZBlog)  –  hhp://  

Page 18: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Virtualization  Blogs  to  Read  •  Jason  Boche  (@jasonboche)  –  hhp://  •  Scoh  Lowe  (@scoh_lowe)  –  hhp://  •  Eric  Seibert  (@ericseibert)  –  hhp://vsphere-­‐  

Page 19: PartlyCloudy · Partly Cloudy Author: Tom Hollingsworth Created Date: 2/23/2012 7:05:54 PM ...

Questions?  Answers?