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1 CONTENT A WORD OF WELCOME ................................................ 2 INTRODUCING THE MOOT ................... ...........................6 DEDICATION TO WILLEM C. VIS ..................................... 7 FRIENDS OF THE MOOT ................................................ 8 MOOT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (MAA) ............................ 10 AWARDS AND PAST WINNERS ..................................... 11 PARTICIPATING TEAMS................................................ 16 DATES AND VENUES .................................................. 25 PARTICIPATING ARBITRATORS ...................................... 28 SCHEDULE - GENERAL ROUNDS .................................. 44 SCHEDULE - ELIMINATION ROUNDS............................... 64 PRESENTATION OF THE FINAL PANEL ............................ 67 IMPRESSUM .............................................................. 72 N.B.: This brochure contains a centrefold with information on membership in the Moot Alumni Association (MAA).

participating arbitrators

Feb 03, 2017



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: participating arbitrators



A Word of Welcome ................................................2

IntroducIng the moot ................... ...........................6

dedIcAtIon to WIllem c. VIs .....................................7

frIends of the moot ................................................8

moot AlumnI AssocIAtIon (mAA) ............................10

AWArds And PAst WInners ..................................... 11

PArtIcIPAtIng teAms ................................................ 16

dAtes And Venues .................................................. 25

PArtIcIPAtIng ArbItrAtors ......................................28

schedule - generAl rounds ..................................44

schedule - elImInAtIon rounds ...............................64

PresentAtIon of the fInAl PAnel ............................67

ImPressum ..............................................................72

N.B.: This brochure contains a centrefold with information on membership in the Moot Alumni Association (MAA).

Page 2: participating arbitrators


A Word of WelCome

We wish to welcome all to Vindobona (commonly referred to asVienna or Wien) in our function as directors of the Willem C. VisInternational Commercial Arbitration Moot. After months of dealing with the niceties of high end wine making, problems associated with costs and document production or discovery and some last minute changes and re-changes in the order of presentationsmost of you have been looking forward to finally come to the oral hearings in Vienna. It is, of course, a challenge for the students to present their arguments for the claimant or respondent in regard to matters they have never thought about before and to do so to lawyers and law professors from other countries. For so many it is also a challenge to present those arguments in a foreign language. And every year the challenge is met in an admirable way. That is one reason why, irrespective of the individual final rankings,everyone who participates is a winner! Notwithstanding thecompetitive elements you should approach the Moot with theOlympic spirit: it is not winning but taking part that is essential.The Moot is not only an intellectual challenge. Over the years ithas developed into a gathering of more than 2000 students fromall parts of the world who have worked on the same problem forthe past six months. It is easy to meet the other students and youwould have missed a wonderful opportunity if you leave at the end of the week without having made many new friends or having deepened the friendship developed at one of the numerous Pre-Moots. The social life that is offered to you this week is as much a part of the Moot as are the arguments.

The Moot is also a gathering of over 900 lawyers, law professorsand other arbitration practitioners from the entire world. Some are

A Word of WelCome

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senior professionals. Others were recently student participantsthemselves. All have come to participate in the excitement andenthusiasm of the students as the challenge of the arguments is met.They know that they are seeing the next generation of colleaguesand are happy to contribute to the formation of that generation.Without their generous support in ranking memoranda and actingas arbitrators the Moot would not be possible.

We should like to close this short welcoming statement with aninvitation. Join us again in Vindobona. Let the Moot become aregular part of your life and help us to maintain its spirits. It is aspecial event bringing together students, lawyers and law professorsfrom all continents who are interested in international commerciallaw and arbitration. A number of careers in international arbitrationand commercial law have started here and friendships were formedwhich cross national and cultural boundaries.

We look forward to seeing many of you at the Dachgeschoss andplease do not hesitate to approach any of us for comments andsuggestions.

A Word of WelCome A Word of WelCome

Dr Christopher Kee prof Dr stefan Kröll Mag patrizia netal

DireCtors of the Moot


enthusiasm of the students as the challenge of the arguments is met. They know that they are seeing the next generation of colleagues and are happy to contribute to the formation of that generation. Without their generous support in ranking memoranda and acting as arbitrators the Moot would not be possible.

We should like to close this short welcoming statement with an invitation. Join us again in Vindobona. Let the Moot become a regular part of your life and help us to maintain its spirits. It is a special event bringing together students, lawyers and law professors from all continents who are interested in international commercial law and arbitration. A number of careers in international arbitration and commercial law have started here and friendships were formed which cross national and cultural boundaries.

We look forward to seeing many of you at the Dachgeschoss and please do not hesitate to approach any of us for comments and suggestions.

A Word of WelCome A Word of WelCome

Dr Christopher Kee prof Dr stefan KröllMag patrizia netalDireCtors of the Moot

Moot utan bakgrund_v4.indd 3 18.3.2015 15.12

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A Word of WelCome

Dear Participants, I wish to add my words of greeting to those expressed by the directors of the Moot. I look forward to meeting the many friends I have made during the past 20 years and especially to making new friends this year.

The students, lawyers and professors who have participated the past 20 years have made it the wonderful event that it has become. The central activity of this week is, of course, the arguments for which you have prepared. But the arguments are only the central activity, they

may not even be the most important part of what this week can offer you.

The Moot has become a platform for many discussions about arbitration oriented at all levels from students for whom this is still a new subject to the most experienced arbitration practitioners. The city of Vienna is a wonderful location and there is much to see and to learn about. Take advantage of the guided tours offered by the Moot Alumni Association. It will be worth your while. Above all else, take this opportunity to meet your new colleagues. You have so much in common, even when they come from places with different ways of doing

things. I am not the only person who has made many new friends at the Moot.

Some of you will go into the field of international arbitration. Some others will engage in international activities that do not directly involve arbitration – perhaps negotiating the contract about which this year’s arguments are focused. Many, perhaps most of you, will not go either route. But whatever the future may hold for you, I hope you remember the Moot as one of the highlights of your legal studies.

prof. eriC e. Bergsten, founDer of the Moot


A Word of WelCome

Dear Participants, I wish to add my words of greeting to those expressed by the new directors of the Moot. I look forward to meeting the many friends I have made during the past two decades and especially to making new friends this year.

The students, lawyers and professors who have participated the past two decades have made it the wonderful event that it has become. The central activity of this week is, of course, the arguments for which you

have prepared. But the arguments are only the central activity, they may not even be the most important part of what this week can offer you.

The Moot has become a platform for many discussions about the CISG and about arbitration oriented at all levels from students for whom this is still a new subject to the most experienced arbitration practitioners. The city of Vienna is a wonderful location and there is much to see and to learn about. Take advantage of the guided tours offered by the Moot Alumni Association. It will be worth your while. Above all else, take this opportunity to meet your new colleagues. You have so much

in common, even when they come from places with different ways of doing things. I am not the only person who has made many new friends at the Moot.

Some of you will go into the field of international arbitration. Some others will engage in international activities that do not directly involve arbitration – perhaps negotiating the contract about which this year’s arguments are focused. Many, perhaps most of you, will not go either route. But whatever the future may hold for you, I hope you remember the Moot as one of the highlights of your legal studies.

prof. eriC e. Bergsten, presiDent of the Moot

Moot utan bakgrund_v4.indd 4 18.3.2015 15.12

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Dear Participants,

After so many months of hard work you are all finally in Vindobona. Some of you are recurring friends and familiar faces, but many of you are here for the very first time.

As you may have been told, in the next week, you’ll meet several people, from different parts of the world, with different backgrounds and different career plans. You will now share, with many past participants of the moot, a unique experience. You’ll certainly make friends. Some will constitute your future professional network, others may become friends for the rest of your life. Some of you may even become moot couples. Indeed, the moot has become quite an important event in the life of many students and professionals, who come back every year, once more as speakers, or as arbitrators or coaches.

The MAA - Moot Alumni Association, provides you another way to keep contributing to the moot, to keep in touch with your network and to have access to interesting opportunities. Among its many projects, it is possible to mention the Vindobona Journal, our very own publication, the participation in UNCITRAL sessions, where delegates from all over the world discuss many issues in fields like arbitration, conciliation, insolvency and securities; and also the International Law Project, through which we assist the further development of the CLOUT and the Pace databases. We also organize many events during the moot week, such as the CISG Conference and the Generations in Arbitration Conference, and many social events ahead.

If you want to know more about the MAA or if you already are a member and wish to contribute to our work, please come talk to us at our table in the Juridicum! We are always looking for new volunteers and ideas.

Finally, as you should know by now, the Moot does not end in the pleadings you’ll have in the coming days. So rest assured that all of you, now alumni of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, are more than welcome to join every year not only the MAA, but also the Moot and its community. Welcome to the moot family! peDro Martini, Maa presiDent

A Word of WelCome

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IntroduCIng the moot

goAl of the mootThe goal of the Moot is to foster the study of international commercial law and arbitration for the resolution of international business disputes through its application to a concrete problem of a client and to train law leaders of tomorrow in methods of alternative dispute resolution.

nAture of the moot

The business community’s marked preference for resolving interna-tional commercial disputes by arbitration is the reason this method of dispute resolution was selected as the clinical tool to train law students through two crucial phases: the writing of memorandums for claimant and respondent and the hearing of oral argument based upon the memorandums -- both settled by arbitral experts in the issues consid-ered. The forensic and written exercises require determining questions of contract -- flowing from transaction relating to the sale or purchase of goods under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and other uniform international commer-cial law -- in the context of an arbitration of a dispute under specified Arbitration Rules.

orgAnIzer of the moot

The Moot is organized by the Association for the Organization and Pro-motion of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Verein zur Veranstaltung und Förderung des Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot). Institutional members of the Association are Pace University, Queen Mary (University of London), Stockholm University, University of Vienna, Austrian Arbitration Association, Aus-trian Federal Economic Chamber, Moot Alumni Association, and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (Secretary of UNCITRAL is a member ex officio).

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IntroduCIng the moot

WIllem cornelIs VIs

1924 - 1993

A world-recognized expert in international commercial transactions and dispute settlement procedure, Willem Vis was born in Utrecht and read law, economics and philisophy at Leyden, Nijmegen, Strasbourg and Magdelen College, Oxford. He graduated from Leyden University and Nijmegen University in the Netherlands.

Professor Vis began work for European co-operation in 1957 as a member of the Council of Europe Secretariat, in its human rights and legal affairs directorates and later, in 1965, became Deputy Secretary-General of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) in Rome. In 1968 he moved to the United Nations Secre-tariat in New York, where he became senior Legal Officer, then Chief of the International Trade Law Branch of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, and the Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

He served as Executive Secretary of the Vienna Diplomatic Confer-ence that adopted the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. He helped craft the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.

He was Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations Com-mission on International Trade Law and served as Chair of its Working Group on International Payments. While on the faculty of the Pace University, School of Law, Professor Vis continued to participate in the development of international commercial law.


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frIends of the moot

orgAnIzerAssociation for the Organization and Promotion of the Willem C. Vis

International Commercial Arbitration Moot

hostUniversity of Vienna, Faculty of Law

co-sPonsorsArbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI)

Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA)

Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (CEPANI)Center of Arbitration and Mediation, Brazil-Canada (CAM/CCBC)

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)Chinese European Arbitration Centre, Hamburg (CEAC)

China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)

Court of Arbitration at the Confederation of LewiatanGerman Institution of Arbitration (DIS)

Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

JAMSKuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA)

London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC)

Swiss Chambers‘ Arbitration InstitutionVienna International Arbitration Centre (VIAC)

Moot Alumni Association (MAA)UNCITRAL

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frIends of the moot

The Willem C. Vis Moot is grateful for the support of

Baker & McKenzie Diwok Hermann Petsche


dordA brugger JordIs

Page 10: participating arbitrators


Founded in 1996, the MAA originates from and is dedicated to the Wil-lem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. Today, the MAA has grown from a mere alumni organization into a world-wide network of leaders in law and business that spans across all continents. Members comprise lawyers, scholars, judges, domestic and interna-tional civil servants, managers, consultants as well as students spe-cializing in widely diversified fields of law and business. They practice in all fields of commercial law, dispute resolution, financial services, media, telecommunications and management consultancy, both in a domestic and an international context. The MAA is a unique network which shares information and know-how with its members.In addition to its commitment to the Willem C. Vis Moot the MAA focuses on the promotion of education in contemporary issues of international commercial law and alternative dispute resolution. The MAA organizes and hosts major international conferences (e.g., Generations in Arbitra-tion). Further, the MAA publishes the Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration, a bi-annual law journal backed by a distinguished Board of Advisors. As a joint international initiative, to-gether with Queen Mary College (London) and Pace University (New York), the MAA launched a case translation project, which provides for CISG cases to be translated into English. In addition, the MAA collabo-rates with the UNCITRAL and Pace University on the CLOUT abstract project. The MAA also publishes a membership news bulletin, in which career opportunities and experiences are shared with its members.From the very beginning, the MAA took an active role in supporting and promoting the Vis Moot East which for the first time took place in Hong Kong in 2004. We invite you to join our growing community. Please feel free to contact any MAA official at the MAA Desk or Lounge available at the various venues in Vienna and Hong Kong. Inform yourself about your benefits of a membership. You may also check out our website at for further information. get InVolVed And mAke the exPerIence... VIsIt And JoIn us At

moot AlumnI AssoCIAtIon AWArds And PAst WInners

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moot AlumnI AssoCIAtIon AWArds And PAst WInners

the AWArds Are nAmed After lumInArIes In InternAtIonAl commercIAl ArbItrAtIon:frédérIc eIsemAnn AWArd

for the law school team that prevails in the oral arguments.PIeter sAnders AWArd for the best memorandum supporting the position of claimant.Werner melIs AWArd for the best memorandum supporting the position of respondent.mArtIn domke AWArd for the best advocate with the highest score in the general rounds.

Past Winners

First Moot 1993/1994Frédéric Eisemann Award: Columbia UniversityPieter Sanders Award*: University of FreiburgMartin Domke Award: Gregor Kirchhof, University of Freiburg

second Moot 1994/1995Frédéric Eisemann Award: University of FreiburgPieter Sanders Award*: University of BaselMartin Domke Award: Chantal Niggemann, University of Freiburgthird Moot 1995/1996Frédéric Eisemann Award: Cornell UniversityPieter Sanders Award*: University of CologneMartin Domke Award: Kay-Jannes Wegner, University of Cologne

Fourth Moot 1996/1997Frédéric Eisemann Award: University of QueenslandPieter Sanders Award: University of CopenhagenWerner Melis Award: Deakin UniversityMartin Domke Award: Camilla Andersen, University of Copenhagen

* Originally the Pieter Sanders Award was bestowed for the best memoranda of both positions.

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AWArds And PAst WInners

FiFth Moot 1997/1998Frédéric Eisemann Award: University of MünsterPieter Sanders Award: University of MünsterWerner Melis Award: University of MünsterMartin Domke Award: Biljana Dischlieva, University of Kiel

sixth Moot 1998/1999Frédéric Eisemann Award: Deakin UniversityPieter Sanders Award: University of BaselWerner Melis Award: University of BaselMartin Domke Award: Carmen Klein, University of Cologne

seventh Moot 1999/2000Frédéric Eisemann Award: University of QueenslandPieter Sanders Award: University of HeidelbergWerner Melis Award: University of HeidelbergMartin Domke Award: Jan Stemplewitz, University of Münster

eighth Moot 2000/2001Frédéric Eisemann Award: Monash UniversityPieter Sanders Award: University of FreiburgWerner Melis Award: University of ZagrebMartin Domke Award: Trevor Stockinger, Loyola Law School, L.A.

ninth Moot 2001/2002Frédéric Eisemann Award: National University of SingaporePieter Sanders Award: University of QueenslandWerner Melis Award: University of MainzMartin Domke Award: Marion Alice Jane Isobel, University of Queensland Robina Kaye, University of Montpelliertenth Moot 2002/2003Frédéric Eisemann Award: National University of Juridical SciencePieter Sanders Award: University of BonnWerner Melis Award: University of Cologne

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AWArds And PAst WInners

Martin Domke Award: Andrew Molnar, Deakin University Simun Soljo, University of New South Wales

eleventh Moot 2003/2004Frédéric Eisemann Award: Osgoode Hall Law SchoolPieter Sanders Award: University of Heidelberg University of ZurichWerner Melis Award: National University of SingaporeMartin Domke Award: Alexey Konovalov, Mari State University

tWelFth Moot 2004/2005Frédéric Eisemann Award: Stetson UniversityPieter Sanders Award: University of CopenhagenWerner Melis Award: Humboldt University Martin Domke Award: Charmaine Roberts, University of New South Wales Anna-Maria Tamminen, University of Vienna

thirteenth Moot 2005/2006Frédéric Eisemann Award: Queen MaryPieter Sanders Award: Columbia University University of MunichWerner Melis Award: University of MunichMartin Domke Award: Sonu Dhanju, Osgoode Hall Law School

Fourteenth Moot 2006/2007Frédéric Eisemann Award: University of FreiburgPieter Sanders Award: University of FreiburgWerner Melis Award: University of FreiburgMartin Domke Award: Steven Wayne Hopkins, Southern Methodist University

FiFteenth Moot 2007/2008Frédéric Eisemann Award: Carlos III University of MadridPieter Sanders Award: University of California, Berkeley

AWArds And PAst WInners

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AWArds And PAst WInners

Werner Melis Award: University of HeidelbergMartin Domke Award: Lennart Beckhaus, University of Münster

sixteenth Moot 2008/2009Frédéric Eisemann Award: Victoria University of WellingtonPieter Sanders Award: University of SydneyWerner Melis Award: Stockholm UniversityMartin Domke Award: Oliver Jones, The Honorable Society of Lincoln‘s Inn

seventeenth Moot 2009/2010Frédéric Eisemann Award: King’s College LondonPieter Sanders Award: University of New South WalesWerner Melis Award: University of New South WalesMartin Domke Award: Antonia Füller, University of Freiburg

eighteenth Moot 2010/2011Frédéric Eisemann Award: University of Ottawa Pieter Sanders Award: University of StockholmWerner Melis Award: Queen’s University University of St. GallenMartin Domke Award: Robin von Olshausen, University of Freiburg

nineteenth Moot 2011/2012Frédéric Eisemann Award: NALSAR, University of Law Pieter Sanders Award: Harvard University University of ZurichWerner Melis Award: University of FreiburgMartin Domke Award: Laura Liefländer, University of Hamburg

tWentieth Moot 2012/2013Frédéric Eisemann Award: City University of Hong Kong Pieter Sanders Award: University of Belgrade University of MunichWerner Melis Award: National University of SingaporeMartin Domke Award: Kristen Holman, University of Ottawa

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AWArds And PAst WInners

tWenty First Moot 2013/2014Frédéric Eisemann Award: Deakin University Pieter Sanders Award: Albert-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg Werner Melis Award: University of FribourgMartin Domke Award: Samuel Song, University of San Diego

tWenty second Moot 2014/2015Frédéric Eisemann Award: University of Ottawa Pieter Sanders Award: Humboldt University Werner Melis Award: National Law University, JodhpurMartin Domke Award: Laura Fahrner, University of Freiburg Kelvin Chong Yue Hua, National University of Singapore

AWArds And PAst WInners

Page 16: participating arbitrators


the FolloWing institutions FroM 67 countries are ParticiPatingWith student teaMs this year:

ArgentInA University of Buenos Aires

AustrAlIA Deakin University Edith Cowan University La Trobe University Monash University Queensland University of Technology The University of Queensland University of New South Wales University of Notre Dame University of Notre Dame (Sydney) University of Sydney Victoria University, MelbourneAustrIA University of Graz University of ViennabAhrAIn Royal University for Women University of BahrainbelArus Belarusian State University International University “MITSO” belgIum University of Leuven University of Ghent University of LiègebosnIA And herzegoVInA University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Law University of Sarajevo University of ZenicabrAzIl Faculdade de Direito Milton Campos Federal University of Minas Gerais Federal University of Paraná Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul FGV Rio Law School FGV São Paulo School of Law Foundation Armando Álvares Penteado IBMEC Rio de Janeiro Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

PArtICIPAtIng teAms

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PArtICIPAtIng teAms PArtICIPAtIng teAms

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo Presbiterian Mackenzie University Unicuritiba Universidade de Brasília Universidade Federal da Bahia Universidade Positivo University of Sao Paulo Largo San Francisco University of the State of Rio de Janeiro bulgArIA Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo cAnAdA McGill University University of OttawachIle Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile chInA Beijing Normal University China University of Political Science and Law Dalian Maritime University Peking University School of Transnational Law Shanghai University of Political Science and Law Shantou University Tsinghua University University of International Business and Economics, Beijing Wuhan University Xiamen University Zhongnan University of Economics and LawchInA (hong kong) Chinese University of Hong Kong City University of Hong KongcolombIA Universidad Nacional de Colombia Universidad Pontificia BolivarianacostA rIcA University of Costa Rica croAtIA University of Zagrebczech rePublIc Charles University Masaryk University Palacky University denmArk Aarhus University

Page 18: participating arbitrators


PArtICIPAtIng teAms

University of Aalborg University of Southern Denmark domInIcAn rePublIc Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)egyPt Cairo University estonIA University of TartufInlAnd University of Helsinki University of Lapland University of TurkufrAnce Aix-Marseille University ESSEC Business School HEC Paris Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) Institute for Peace and Development Law (UNS) Paris Bar School University of Montpellier University of Nice University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) University Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I) University Paris Descartes (Paris V) University Paris Est Créteil University Paris Ouest Nanterre la Defense (Paris X)

georgIA Free University of Tbilisi Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) New Vision University Tbilisi State University germAny Bucerius Law School Free University of Berlin Humboldt University University of Bayreuth University of Bielefeld University of Bonn University of Düsseldorf University of Erlangen-Nürnberg University of Frankfurt am Main Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg University of Göttingen University of Hamburg University of Hannover

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PArtICIPAtIng teAms PArtICIPAtIng teAms

University of Heidelberg University of Jena University of Mainz University of Mannheim University of Marburg University of Munich University of Münster University of Osnabrück University of Passau University of the Saarland University University of Tübingen Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg

greece National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

hungAry Central European University ELTE University

IcelAnd Reykjavik University IndIA Amity Law School, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College Government Law College, Mumbai Gujarat National Law University Hidayatulah National Law University ILS Law College, Pune National Academy of Legal Studies and Re- search University (NALSAR) National Law Institute University, Bhopal National Law School of India National Law University Odisha National Law University, Delhi National Law University, Jodhpur O.P. Jindal Global University Panjab University Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA Symbiosis Law School, Pune University of Delhi West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences

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PArtICIPAtIng teAms

IndonesIA Gadjah Mada University University of Indonesia

IrAn, IslAmIc rePublIc of Allameh Tabatabai University

IrAq Baghdad University

IrelAnd Law Society of Ireland

IsrAel Academic Center of Law & Business ItAly Luigi Bocconi University Roma Tre University Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano University of Milan University of Pavia University of Trieste University of TurinJAPAn Doshisha University Hokkaido University Kyoto University Waseda UniversityJordAn University of Jordan kosoVo, rePublIc of ILIRIA College University of Pristina kuWAIt Kuwait International Law School lAtVIA University of Latvia lebAnon Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth mAcedonIA, the former yugoslAV rePublIc of University Ss. Cyril and MethodiusmexIco Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe montenegro University of Montenegro netherlAnds Erasmus University Radboud University Nijmegen The Hague University of Applied Sciences (HHS) University of Amsterdam University of Groningen

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PArtICIPAtIng teAms PArtICIPAtIng teAms

University of Leiden University of Maastricht University of Utrecht neW zeAlAnd University of AucklandPArAguAy National University of Asunción Universidad Católica “Nuestra Senora de la Asunción”PolAnd Jagiellonian University Kozminski Law School University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University of Gdansk University of Silesia University of Warsaw qAtAr Qatar University romAnIA Petru Maior University of Târgu Mures Universitatea Nicolae Titulescu University of BucharestrussIA Lomonosov Moscow State University MGIMO University Moscow State University of Law named by O.E. Kutafin National Research University “Higher School” of Economics”, Moscow National Research University Higher School of Economics, City of Saint-Petersburg People’s Friendship University of Russia Perm State University Russian Academy of Justice Saint Petersburg State University sAudI ArAbIA Dar Al-Hekma University serbIA Novi Sad University University of Belgrade sIngAPore National University of Singapore Singapore Management University sloVAkIA Comenius University sloVenIA University of Ljubljana University of MariborsPAIn Carlos III University

Page 22: participating arbitrators


PArtICIPAtIng teAms

Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF) IE Law School Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid University Center Villanueva University of Navarra sWeden University of Stockholm sWItzerlAnd University of Basel University of Bern University of Fribourg University of Geneva University of Lausanne University of Lucerne University of Neuchâtel University of St. Gallen University of ZurichthAIlAnd Thammasat University tunIsIA Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciencesturkey Ankara University Antalya International University Atilim University Bilkent University Dokuz Eylül University Fatih University Galatasaray University Istanbul Bilgi University Istanbul Sehir University Istanbul University Kadir Has University Koç University Marmara University Yildirim Beyazit University ukrAIne Ivan Franko National University of L’viv Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” National University Odessa Academy of Law unIted ArAb emIrAtes United Arab Emirates University unIted kIngdom Anglia Ruskin University

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PArtICIPAtIng teAms PArtICIPAtIng teAms

Center for Transnational Legal Studies City Law School Honourable Society of the Middle Temple King’s College London Lancaster University London School of Economics Queen Mary College, University of London Robert Gordon University University College, London University of Cambridge University of Edinburgh University of Law (London Moorgate) University of Leicester University of Warwick usA American University Arizona State University Belmont University Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Brooklyn Law School Catholic University Columbia University Cornell University Duke University Florida International University Florida State University College of Law Fordham University George Mason University George Washington University Georgetown University Georgia State University Hamline University Harvard Law School Hofstra University Loyola University New Orleans Loyola University, Chicago New York Law School New York University Northwestern University Pace University Pennsylvania State University Pepperdine University

Page 24: participating arbitrators


Robert H. McKinney School of Law Rutgers University Camden Southern Methodist University St. John’s University Stanford University Stetson University SUNY Buffalo Law School Tulane University University of California, Berkeley University of Denver University of Florida University of Georgia University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Miami University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of San Diego University of Texas at Arlington University of Washington University of Wisconsin Washington University in St. Louis Yale University uruguAy University of Montevideo

uzbekIstAn Westminster International University in Tashkent

PArtICIPAtIng teAms

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PArtICIPAtIng teAms

When there is no official Moot or MAA function, Teams, Coaches and Arbitrators are welcome to gather for food and drinks at Schwarzberg, the official MAA Bar.

schedule oF eventsthursday 17 March14:00–17:30 YIAG meets VIS 2016 “Document Production, Confidentiality and Privilege under the IBA Rules” Schönherr Austria, Schottenring 19, 1010 Vienna20:00 MAA Welcome Party for Moot Participants Palais Eschenbach, Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Vienna

Friday 18 March8:30–16:30 The Annual MAA Peter Schlechtriem CISG Conference Hotel de France, Schottenring 3, 1010 Vienna Registration: 8:30–16:30 MAA - Generations in Arbitration Workshop and Conference

Morning session: “Participants-Perspective: How to advocate in the Vis Competition”Afternoon session: “Expanding Jurisdiction: Joinder of additional Parties in Arbitration“

Hotel de France, Schottenring 3, 1010 Vienna Registration: 18:30–22:00 Official Opening Reception Wiener Konzerthaus, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Vienna

saturday 19 March8:30 Start of the General Rounds Moot Administration: Juridicum - Dachgeschoss (top floor) Venues Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-16 Baker & McKenzie - Diwok Hermann Petsche, Schottenring 25 Dorda Brugger Jordis, Universitätsring 10 University Institute Schenkenstraße, Schenkenstraße 8-109:30–16:00 YAAP-ICC YAF Young Arbitrators Forum “Young Approaches to Arbitration” University of Vienna, Small Ceremony Hall,Universitätsring 1 Registration: [email protected]:00– 17:30 Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) and Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) “One size fits all? A cultural lens on the ideal arbitrator” Demel, Kohlmarkt 14, 1010 Vienna17:30–19:30 Reception for Arbitrators and Coaches Baier Rechtsanwälte, Kärntnerring 12, 1010 Vienna

dAtes And Venues

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dAtes And Venues

sunday 20 March15:00-18:00 University of Vienna/Austrian Arbitration Association (ArbAUT) 4th Annual Bergsten Lecture “Systematic Case Management and the Burden of Proof: Taking Evidence Across Cultural Divides” by Franz Schwarz Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (AFEC)/ Wirtschaftskammer Österreich “Rudolf-Sallinger-Saal”, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, 1045 Vienna Registration: [email protected]:00–22:00 Reception for Arbitrators and Coaches VIAC and ArbAUT, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (AFEC)/Wirtschaftskammer Österreich “SkyLounge“, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, 1045 Vienna

University of Vienna, Small Ceremony Hall,Universitätsring 1 19:00-21:00 MAA Walking Tour – Vienna at Night Start: main entrance of the Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-16 Registration: with MAA21:00-23:00 MAA Goulash Dinner Bermuda Bräu, Rabenstieg 6, 1010 Vienna Registration: with MAA Monday 21 March8:00 Book Presentation/Breakfast Austrian Arbitration Law Dispute Resolution in Austria Café Prückel, Stubenring 24, 1010 Vienna Registration: – 19:00 Leading Arbitrators’ Symposium followed by a reception “Conduct of International Arbitration“ Grand Hotel Wien, Kärntner Ring 9, 1010 Vienna Registration: Visit the United Nations/UNCITRAL Headquarters Vienna International Centre, Wagramer Strasse 5, Vienna 1400 Registration: with MAA 17:00 Evento Club Español del Arbitraje, CEA – Capítulo de Alemania y Austria “Document Production in Ibero-America” Manolos, Volksgartenstraße 1, 1010 Vienna Registration: [email protected]:30 Reception for Arbitrators and Coaches Baker & McKenzie, Schottenring 25

dAtes And Venues

When there is no official Moot or MAA function, Teams, Coaches and Arbitrators are welcome to gather for food and drinks at Schwarzberg, the official MAA Bar.

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dAtes And Venues

tuesday 22 March 17:45-18:30 MAA Entertainment Program Announcement of Teams in Elimination Rounds Austria Center Vienna, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz, 1020 Vienna Metro: U1, Stop: Kaisermühlen/Vienna International Center18:30–21:00 Reception for Arbitrators and Coaches Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Seilergasse 16, 1010 Vienna20:00 Round of 64 arguments (first half) Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna

Wednesday 23 March8:00/11:00 Round of 64 arguments (second half) / Round of 32 Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna14:00/17:30 Round of 16 / Quarter-Final Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna18:00–21:30 Reception for Arbitrators and Coaches KNOETZL, Herrengasse 1, 1010 Vienna21:00 MAA Farewell Party Bollwerk, Wagramer Str. 79, 1220 Vienna

thursday 24 March9:00 Semi-Finals Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-1613:00 Final Round Reed Messe Congress Center, Messeplatz 1, 1020 Vienna Metro: U2, Stop: Messe/Prater15:00 Awards Banquet (registration Moot Administration) Reed Messe Congress Center, Messeplatz 1, 1020 Vienna Metro: U2, Stop: Messe/Prater

dAtes And Venues

When there is no official Moot or MAA function, Teams, Coaches and Arbitrators are welcome to gather for food and drinks at Schwarzberg, the official MAA Bar.

Page 28: participating arbitrators


the FolloWing arbitrators are registered to ParticiPate in the Moot:

PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Mr Samar Abbas, United KingdomDr Amel Abdallah, Oman

Ms Adineh Abghari, Islamic Republic of IranProf Kristen Adams, United States of America

Ms Sabina Adascalitei, RomaniaMs Hülya Adigüzel, Turkey

Mr Kavon Adli, United States of AmericaMs Julia Jeanine Aeschbacher, Switzerland

Mr Cahit Agaoglu, TurkeyMr Tobias Aggteleky, Switzerland

Miss Leonor Agüera Jaquemet, FranceMr Arttu Ahava, Finland

Ms Johanna Ahola, FinlandMr Iain Aitchison, United KingdomMr Adebayo Folahan Ajayi, Nigeria

Prof Dr Sebnem Akipek, TurkeyDr Orkun Akseli, United Kingdom

Miss Aisha Al-Bualy, OmanMs Sahar Alaviani, Islamic Republic of Iran

Mr Nuno Albuquerque, PortugalMr Sergey Alekhin, France

Ms Elina Aleynikova, Russian FederationMr Hossein Ali, Islamic Republic of Iran

Ms Yasmin Ali, GermanyMrs Yana Alimova, Russian FederationMr Wesam Alkawka, State of Palestine

Ms Zaakira Allana, United KingdomMrs Roxane Allot, SwitzerlandDr Noora AlShamlan, Bahrain

Dr Markus Altenkirch, GermanyMs Ada Sofie Altobelli, Switzerland

Mr Diego Alvarez, MexicoMr Ken Alwyn, United States of AmericaMs Heidi Lindberg Andersen, Denmark

Mr Alan Anderson, United States of AmericaMs Olga Andreeva, Russian Federation

Mr Alexey Anischenko, BelarusMr Stefan Antonic, Serbia

Ms Mariana Antonovych, UkraineMs Tainá Moreira de Araújo, Brazil

Ms Athena Arbes, United States of AmericaMr Pedro Arcoverde, Brazil

Mr Murray Armes, United KingdomMs Lisa Arpin-Pont, France

Dr Manuel Arroyo, SwitzerlandDr Christian Aschauer, Austria

Mr Peter Ashford, United KingdomMr Frank Astill, Australia

Ms Maria Athanasiou, CyprusMs Katharina Auernig, Austria

Mr Thierry P. Augsburger, SwitzerlandMs Katerina Augustinova, Czech Republic

Ms Barbara Azoulay, FranceMr Bruno B. de A. Teixeira, BrazilMr Ovidiu-Paul Babus, Romania

PD Dr Ivo Bach, GermanyMs Aleksandra Baczykowska, Poland

Mr Bill Baker, United States of AmericaMs Mariam Bakradze, Georgia

Dr Crina Baltag, RomaniaMr Andrius Bambalas, Lithuania

Mrs Zaira Andra Bamberger, RomaniaMs Ruxandra Bancu, RomaniaMr Surya Kiran Banerjee, IndiaMrs Krystle Baptista, Venezuela

Mr Abinash Barik, United KingdomMr Marc Barmscheid, GermanyMr Jonathan Barnett, AustraliaMr Marcos Barradas, Mexico

Ms Esperanza Barron Baratech, SpainMr David Bartos, United Kingdom

Ms Ece Bas Suzel, Turkey

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PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Mr Saionton Basu, IndiaMs Jorun Baumgartner, Germany

Mr Muhammet Enes Bayraktar, TurkeyMr Ben Beaumont, United Kingdom

Mr Horst Becker, GermanyMs Jessica Beess und Chrostin, United

States of AmericaDr Reza Beheshti, Islamic Republic of Iran

Ms Lisa Beisteiner, AustriaProf Gary F. Bell, Canada

Ms Kirsten Bender, United States of Americalawyer Roger Benrubi, France

Mr Christoph Berchtold, SwitzerlandEur Ing Professor Geoffrey Beresford Hart-

well, United KingdomMr Luis Bergolla, United States of America

Prof Eric Bergsten, United States of AmericaMr Lino Bernard, Germany

Mrs Renata Berzanskiene, LithuaniaMr Abhinav Bhushan, IndiaMr Stephan Biehl, Germany

Dr Catherine Bigley McGovern, United States of America

Mrs Bojana Bilankov, SerbiaDr Peter Binder, AustriaMr Tobias Birsak, Austria

Mr Jan Willem Bitter, NetherlandsMs Lene Bjerre, Denmark

Professor Andrea Bjorklund, United States of America

Mr Michael Blackwell, United States of America

Mr Jeremy Bloomenthal, United States of America

Ms Firuza Bobokulova , UzbekistanDr Anne-Florence Bock, SwitzerlandDr Rouven Bodenheimer, GermanyMs Mileslava Bogdanova, Bulgaria

Ms Ewelina Bogiel, PolandMs Alice Boldis, Germany

Ms Olga Boltenko, Russian FederationMr Michael J Bond, United States of AmericaMr Stephen Bond, United States of America

Ms Kateryna Bondar, SwitzerlandMs Laura Bongiorno, France

Mr Michael Bookman, CanadaMs Guley Bor, Turkey

Mr Julian Bordacahar, Argentina

Mr Cristian Boruzi, FranceMs Felicia Boyd, United States of America

Mr James Boykin, United States of AmericaMr Domenic Brand, SwitzerlandMs Séverine Brasseur, FranceDr Laura Bräuninger, Germany

Mr Fernando J. Breda Pessôa, BrazilMr David Brennan, United States of AmericaMs Lorraine Marie Brennan, United States of

AmericaMr Sebastian Brinkmann, Germany

Ms Alba Briones, SpainMr Valerio Brizzolari, Italy

Prof Dr Eckart Brödermann, GermanyMr Maximilian Th. Broese, Germany

Mr Matthew Brown, United States of AmericaMs Katharina Brueckner, Austria

Ms Martina Brunetti, ItalyProf Dr Christoph Brunner, Switzerland

Ms Michela Brusadin, ItalyDr Jennifer Bryant, Germany

Mr Matthias Brzezinski, AustriaMs Dafina Buçaj, Republic of Kosovo

Ms Caroline Bühler, AustriaMs Karin Bühler, Switzerland

Mr Maximilian Bülau, GermanyMs Veranika Buracheuskaya, Belarus

Page 30: participating arbitrators


PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Mr Daniel Burghelea, RomaniaMs Anna-Katharina Busolt, GermanyAssociate Professor Petra Butler, New

ZealandMs Amanda Butros, BrazilMr Vicu Buzac, Romania

Mr Florian Cahn, GermanyProf Dr Yusuf Çaliskan, Turkey

Mr Bob Cammaert , BelgiumMs Giulia Carbone, France

Prof Dr Guido Carducci, ItalyMs Gillian Carmichael Lemaire, United

KingdomMr Philip Carr, SwitzerlandMrs Cecilia Carrara, Italy

Dr Michael Cartier, SwitzerlandMr Bernardo Cartoni, ItalyMs Mayra Carvalho, BrazilMr J. Brian Casey, Canada

Mr Ondrej Cech, Czech RepublicMiss Cansu Fatma Celik, Turkey

Mr Çagri Cem, TurkeyMr Steven Certilman, United States of

AmericaMr Sahib Chadha, India

Ms Janet Checkley, United States of AmericaAsst Professor Siyuan Chen, Singapore

Prof Dr Manjiao Chi, ChinaMr Michelangelo Cicogna, ItalyMs Catelli Cinzia, Switzerland

Mr Ivan Cisar, SlovakiaMr Björn Clausen, Germany

Ms Gypsy Clement, United States of AmericaMr Kevin Clement, United States of AmericaAssociate Professor Dr Carson Clements,

United States of AmericaMr Hamish Clift, Australia

Mr David Coddon, United States of America

Ms Ana Coimbra Trigo, PortugalMr Tony Cole, United Kingdom

Mr Benclinov Constantin, RomaniaMr André Corterier, Germany

Ms Gabriela Cosío Patiño, MexicoMiss Camile Costa, Brazil

Dr Anne-Marie Cotter, CanadaDr Maurice Courvoisier, Switzerland

Mr Michael Crowley, AustraliaMr Domenico Cucinotta, Australia

Miss Michelle Curth, United States of Ame-rica

Mr Douglas D., BrazilProf Anthony Daimsis, CanadaMiss Amanda Dakoure, Canada

Mrs Alana Daley, CanadaMr Martins Dambergs, Latvia

Ms Polina Danilenko, Russian FederationMr Robert Davidson, United States of

AmericaMs Maria Davies, United Kingdom

Professor Emeritus George Dawson, United States of America

Ms Gaëlle de Cannière, SwitzerlandMr Diederik de Groot, NetherlandsMs Emmely de Haan, NetherlandsMr Marijn De Ruysscher , BelgiumMs Cheryl De-Souza, SwitzerlandProf Pablo Debuchy , Paraguay

Mr Ali Dehdashti, Islamic Republic of IranMs Maria Beatrice Deli, Italy

Ms Marie-Isabelle Delleur, FranceMr Simon Demaurex, Switzerland

Dr Dalma R Demeter, AustraliaMs Lara Demirci, Germany

Ms Nur Demirci, TurkeyMs Can Deng, China

Me Caroline Derache, France

Page 31: participating arbitrators


PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Prof Toni Deskoski, MacedoniaMr Michael Devine, United Kingdom

Ms Dilber Devitre, IndiaMr Richard DeWitt, United States of America

Mr Jayems Dhingra, SingaporeMr Shashi Dholandas, United States of

AmericaMr Vladimir Diaconita, Romania

Mr Ignacio Diaz, SpainDr Alexandra Diehl, Germany

Ms Thera Dieleman, NetherlandsMs Valentina Dimitriou, Cyprus

Dr Mariel Dimsey, AustraliaMr Stefan Dinu, Romania

Mrs Liliane Djahangir, CanadaDr Vladimir Djeric, SerbiaMrs Tanja Djokic, Slovenia

Ass Prof Dr Milena Djordjevic, SerbiaMrs Biljana Djuricin, Montenegro

Mr Bogdan-Alexandru Dobrota, CanadaMr Martin Doe, Canada

Dr Vangel Dokovski, MacedoniaMr Žiga Dolhar, Slovenia

Ms Christina Doria, CanadaMs Sanja Došen, Serbia

Ms Hana Doumal, FranceMr Christian Drews, Germany

Mrs Miriam Driessen Reilly, IrelandDr Klára Drlicková, Czech RepublicMr Sascha Drobnjak, Switzerland

Mr Olexander Droug, UkraineMr Sergii Drug, UkraineMs Wenting Du, China

Ms Carolyn Dubay, United States of AmericaMr Deya Dubey, Singapore

Professor Barry Hart Dubner, United States of America

Ms Agnieszka Duda, Poland

Mr Arnis Dumani, Republic of KosovoMr Hew Dundas, United Kingdom

Mr Filippo Paolo Durazzo, ItalyMs Derya Durlu Gürzumar, Turkey

Dr Mateja Durovic, SerbiaMr Chanakya Dwivedi, IndiaMr Andrew Dwyer, Australia

Mr Stephen Dyason, AustraliaMr Morten Dybro, DenmarkMr Björn P. Ebert, GermanyMr Alberto Echarri, Spain

The Hon Sir Bernard Eder, United KingdomMs Chloe Edworthy, United Kingdom

Mr Julian M. Egelhof, GermanyMr Jan-Heinrich Ehlers, Germany

Mr Arno Eisen, GermanyDr Jalal El Ahdab, France

Ms Yara Elbaramawy, EgyptMrs Marion Eloit, France

Mr Petrit Elshani, Republic of KosovoMr Prof Dr Siegfried H. Elsing, Germany

ProfDr Frank Emmert, GermanyMs Louise Engberg, Denmark

dr Márk Erdélyi, HungaryMr A.Tahir Erdogan, TurkeyMs Muge Erdogmus, Turkey

Dr Istvan Erdos, HungaryMs Mirjam Jasmin Escher, GermanyMr Constantin Eschlboeck, Austria

Dr Jörn Eschment, GermanyMr Marcelo Escobar, Brazil

Mr Francisco Esparraga, AustraliaMr José Angelo Estrella Faria, BrazilMr Vojtech Faltus, Czech Republic

Ms Fatemeh Fannizadeh, SwitzerlandMs Ania Farren, United Kingdom

Mr Georgios Fasfalis, GreeceMrs Janice Feigher, France

Page 32: participating arbitrators


PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Lady Laura Feldman, United KingdomDr John Fellas, United Kingdom

Mr Markus P Fellner, AustriaMr Daniel Felz, United States of America

Mr Marcelo Fernandez, BoliviaMr Richard Fernyhough, United Kingdom

Mr Alexander Fessas, CyprusMr Aleksei Filonov, Belarus

Ms Eliane Fischer, SwitzerlandMr Tomas Fitzgerald, Australia

Mr Louis Flannery, IrelandLect Dr Cristina Florescu, Romania

Dr Dalia Foigt, LithuaniaMs Vanessa Foncke, BelgiumProf Marcel Fontaine, Belgium

Ms Anna Förstel, AustriaMr Fabricio Fortese, Sweden

Mr Alexis Foucard, FranceMr Clément Fouchard, France

Ms Athina Fouchard Papaefstratiou, GreeceMr Todd Fox, United States of America

Mrs Shona Frame, United KingdomMr Paul Frankenstein, United States of

AmericaMs Nora Fredstie, Norway

Mr Daniel Freitas Drumond Bento, BrazilMs Carol J. A. Frey, Switzerland

Mr Mark Friedman, United States of AmericaMs Sandra Friedrich, Germany

Mr Jan Frohloff, GermanyMr Peter Fu, United States of America

Ms Simone Fuchs, SwitzerlandMs Yulia Gabidulina, Russian Federation

Dr Simon Gabriel, SwitzerlandMr Rafael Gagliardi, Brazil

Mr Osvaldo Galeano, ParaguayMr R. David Gallo, United States of America

Mr Ross Galvin, Ireland

Prof Lauro Gama, BrazilMr Puneeth Ganapathy, India

Mr Nicolas Gangi, FranceDr Sarah Ganz, Germany

Mr Emmanuel Garcia, United States of America

Dr Risham Garg, IndiaMr Shashank Garg, India

Mr Anton Garmoza, Russian FederationMr Joe Garvey, Ireland

Mr Santiago Gatica, UruguayMs Ayse Gauthier, Canada

Mr Craig Gaver, United States of AmericaMr Lucas Gavronski, BrazilMs Catrice Gayer, Germany

Ms Reyna Ge, AustraliaMrs Crina Gealatu, Romania

Mr Björn Gehle, AustraliaDr Ana Gerdau de Borja, BrazilMs Rusudan Gergauli, GeorgiaMr Stefan A Gerlach, GermanyDr Andreas Geroldinger, Austria

Ms Shiva Ghahremani, Islamic Republic of Iran

Ms Elena-Mihaela Gheorghe, RomaniaMs Mihaela Gherghe, RomaniaMs Nata Ghibradze, Georgia

Mr John Gilbert, United KingdomProfessor Clayton Gillette, United States of

AmericaMr Henrik Gisloev, Denmark

Mr Ted Gleason, United States of AmericaMr Lutfi Goktas, Turkey

Mr Gregor Golob, SloveniaMaître Michel Gonda, Belgium

Mr Alexander Gordon, United States of America

Dr Diego Brian Gosis, Argentina

Page 33: participating arbitrators


PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Mr Stephen Gottlieb, FranceDr Anastasios Gourgourinis, Greece

Mr THOMAS Granier, FranceMr Yannick Greimann, Germany

Mr Andrey Gribanov, Russian FederationMr Alexander Grimm, Germany

Mrs Anna Grishchenkova, Russian Federa-tion

Ms Maria Gritsenko, UkraineMs Maika Grosbusch, Luxembourg

Mrs Annemarie Grosshans, GermanyMr Shelby Grubbs, United States of America

Mr Jeffrey Gruder, United KingdomProf Dr Daniel Gruenbaum, BrazilMr Bruno Guandalini, Brazil

Ms Corina Gugler, AustriaMs Biset Sena Gunes, Turkey

Mr Garðar Víðir Gunnarsson, IcelandMr Platon Guryanov, Russian Federation

Mr Jaba Gvelebiani, GeorgiaMr Eric Hacker, United States of AmericaThe Lord David Hacking, United Kingdom

Dr Ralf Hafner, GermanyMr Wolfgang Hahnkamper, Austria

Ms Dima Haijar, EgyptMr Fadi Hajjar, Lebanon

Dr Heidrun Halbartschlager, AustriaMr Thomas Halket, United States of America

Dr Slavomír Halla, Czech RepublicDr Anna Halustyik, Hungary

Mr William Hamby-Hopkins, United States of America

Mr Mohamed Hamed, EgyptMr Frank Hamming, NetherlandsMr Jorian Hamster, Netherlands

Mr Mike Han, SwitzerlandMr Philipp Hanusch, AustriaDr Richard Happ, Germany

Ms Tali Har-Oz, IsraelMr Tomasz Hara, Poland

Professor Jeffrey Harrison, United States of America

Mr James Hart, United KingdomMiss Jennifer Hartzler Frederix, United States

of AmericaDr Sven Hasenstab, GermanyMs Janine Häsler, Switzerland

Prof Felipe Hasson, BrazilJudge William Hastings, New Zealand

Mr Henri Hätönen, FinlandProf Nikitas Hatzimihail, Cyprus

Mr Sam Haubold, United KingdomMr Florian Haugeneder, AustriaMr Christoph Hauser, Austria

Mr Wulf Gordian Hauser, AustriaMgr Tomasz Heczko, Czech Republic

Mr Ivo Heger, Czech RepublicMr Manfred Heider, AustriaMr Peter Heink, Germany

Mr Andreas Heinrich, GermanyMs Susan Hekman, Netherlands

Mr Juho Hellgren, FinlandMr Rudolf Hennecke, Germany

Dr Peter Henning, GermanyMr Duarte Henriques, Portugal

Mr Campbell Herbert, New ZealandMr Tilmann Hertel, Germany

Prof Dr Katharina Hilbig-Lugani, GermanyMs Elizabeth Hincapie, Colombia

Ms Triinu Hiob, EstoniaMr Peter Hirst, United Kingdom

Ms Holly Hoch, United States of AmericaMr Maximilian Hocke, Germany

Mr Julius Hoffmann, AustriaMag Marc Hoffmann, Liechtenstein

Mr Michael Hofstaetter, Austria

Page 34: participating arbitrators


PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Mr Simon Hohler, SwitzerlandMr David Holloway, United Kingdom

Ms Kristen Holman, CanadaMr Malcolm Holmes, AustraliaMr Jörn Hombeck, GermanyMr Michal Homza, Slovakia

Mr Pascal Honerkamp, GermanyMs Sophie-Isabelle Horst, Germany

Dr Günther Horvath, AustriaDr Alexandra Horvathova, Slovakia

Dr iur Alain Hosang, SwitzerlandDr Sara Hourani, United KingdomMr Michael Howe, United Kingdom

Mr Michal Hrušovský, SlovakiaProf Dr Peter Huber, GermanyMr Jakob Huebert, Germany

Mr Tomas Hulle, Czech RepublicMr Andrii Humenchuk, Ukraine

Dr Jan Hupka, GermanyMr Prasad Hurra, India

Mr Nader Ibrahim, EgyptMr Lucian ILIE, Romania

Mr Marius Iliescu, RomaniaMs Petya Ilieva, Bulgaria

Mr Timofey ILin, Russian FederationMs Saara Ingström, Finland

Mr Dimitrios Ioannidis, United States of America

Mrs Alexandra-Luiza Ionescu, RomaniaMs Maria Ivakina, Russian Federation

Ms Iva Ivanov, SerbiaMr Roger B. Jacobs, United States of

AmericaMr Ali Jafari, Islamic Republic of Iran

Mrs Nadja Jaisli, SwitzerlandMs Jasmin Janné, Finland

Ms Magdalena Jaworska, PolandMs Dominika Jedrzejczyk, Poland

Mr Leonardo Jelmini, SwitzerlandMr Jeffrey Jeng, United States of America

Ms Coraline Jenny, SwitzerlandMr Felipe Jensen, Brazil

Mr Paw Fruerlund Jensen, DenmarkMr Vishwam Jindal, India

Mr J. Brian Johns, United States of AmericaProfessor Doug Jones, Australia

Mr William Jones, United KingdomDr Marko Jovanovic, SerbiaDr Christoph Just, GermanyMrs Jennifer Juvénal, France

Ms Yasemin Kabaklioglu, TurkeyMr Tobiasz Kaczor, Germany

Ms Aysin Kadirbeyoglu, TurkeyMs Sanna Kaistinen, Finland

Ms Jean Kalicki, United States of AmericaMs Carol Kalinoski, United States of America

Mrs Ani Kamenova, BulgariaMr Mark Kantor, United States of America

Mr Casper Gammelgaard Kaptain, DenmarkMr John Karantonis, AustraliaMr Gordon Kardos, Germany

Ms Liana Kartsivadze, GeorgiaMr Sebastian Kasper, Germany

Mrs Ilma Kasumagic, Bosnia and Herzegovi-na

Mr Emmanuel Eugenio Kaufman, ArgentinaProfessor Dr Timothy Kautz, United States of

AmericaMrs Cansu Kaya Kizilirmak, Turkey

Maitre Neil Kearney, United States of Ame-rica

Ms Ute Keinhorst, GermanyMs Astrid Keller, Switzerland

Dr Moritz Keller, GermanyMs Aoife Kelly-Desmond, Ireland

Page 35: participating arbitrators


PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Mr Jackson Shaw Kern, United States of America

Professor Dr Christian Kersting, GermanyMs Ann Catherine Kettlewell, Mexico

Mr Vardan Khachatryan, ArmeniaMr David Khachvani, GeorgiaMs Rebecca Khan, Philippines

Ms Victoria Khandrimaylo, Russian Federa-tion

Ms Shruti Khanijow, IndiaMs Krystyna Khripkova, Ukraine

Mr Paul Killian, United States of AmericaMrs Sanna Kiviranta-Kontio, Finland

Mr Paul Klaas, United States of AmericaMr David Klebs, Germany

Dr Sebastian Kneisel, GermanyDr Lutz Kniprath, Germany

Mr Ljuben Kocev, MacedoniaMMag Erik Koch, Austria

Prof Dr Robert Koch, GermanyMr Maksym Kodunov, Ukraine

Ms Pascale Koester, SwitzerlandProf Benoit Kohl, BelgiumDr Angela Kölbl, Germany

Ms Luíza Kömel, BrazilMag Michael Komuczky, Austria

Mr Michal König, PolandMs Fatima Konokova, Russian Federation

Dr Christian W. Konrad, AustriaMr Bernhard Kopeinig, Austria

Mr Nico Köppel, GermanyDr Zbysek Kordac, Czech Republic

Mr Alexander Korobeinikov, KazakhstanMr Matej Kosalko, SlovakiaMs Ana Kostava, Georgia

Dr Andrey Kotelnikov, Russian FederationMr Michael Kottmann, Switzerland

Mr Csaba Kovacs, Romania

Dr Anna Kozmenko, SwitzerlandMs Sarah Kraft, Germany

Mr Roman Kramarik, Czech RepublicMr Werner Kranenburg, Netherlands

Dr Claudia Krapfl, GermanyMr Kenneth Kraszewski, United States of

AmericaDr Susanne Kratzsch, GermanyMr Florian Kremslehner, Austria

Mr Marc Krestin, GermanyMs Magdalena Krzysztoporska, Poland

Dr Stanislav Kuba, Czech RepublicMr Tamás Kubassek, Hungary

Mr Joachim Kuckenburg, FranceMs Basak Küçük, NetherlandsMs Leena Kujansuu, Finland

Mr Maxim Kulkov, Russian FederationMs Silke Kumpf, Germany

Mr Maximilian Kunzelmann, GermanyMr Matthias Kuscher, United Kingdom

Ms Innhwa Kwon, AustriaMs Maria Labno, PolandMr Pavel Lacko, Slovakia

Ms Archana Lakhotia, IndiaMr George Lambrou, Greece

Dr Simone Lamont-Black, GermanyMiss Nefeli Lamprou, United Kingdom

Dr Johannes Landbrecht, GermanyMr Phillip Landolt, Switzerland

Mr Peter Langrock, United States of AmericaMs Elena Lapina, CanadaMr Kiryl Laptseu, Belarus

Professor Darren Latham, United States of America

Mr Rohan Lavkumar, IndiaDr Michael Lazopoulos, SwitzerlandMs Amanda Lee, United KingdomMr Michael Lee, United Kingdom

Page 36: participating arbitrators


PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Mr Michael Lee, AustraliaMr Matthias Leemann, Switzerland

Ms Helen Lehto, FinlandMr Timothy Lemay, Canada

Ms Wiebke Lemmer, GermanyDr Federico Lenci, Italy

Mr antonello leogrande, ItalyMr Florin Leuca, Romania

Mr Alexander G. Leventhal, United States of America

Ms Sara Lewis, United States of AmericaMs Jing Li, China

Mr Markus Lieberknecht, GermanyMs Anina Liebkind, Sweden

Mr Nickolas Likhachov, UkraineMr Benson Lim, Singapore

Mr Jonathan Lim, SingaporeMs Camila Lima, Brazil

Mrs Bronwyn Lincoln, AustraliaMr Adrian Lingens, Germany

Ms Xi Liu, ChinaMs Anna Lohmann, GermanyDr Ulrich Lohmann, Germany

Ms Madina Lokova, Russian FederationDr Alexander Loos, Germany

Mr Marco Lorefice, ItalyMr Greg Lourie, Germany

Ms Trisha low, United States of AmericaMr John Lowe, United States of America

Mr Ludovic Loyer, FranceMr Flavio Javier Loza Vargas, Bolivia

Ms Carol Ludington, United States of Ame-rica

DDr Rainer Lukits, AustriaMr Alexander Lütgendorf, Austria

Mr Tobias Lutzi, GermanyMr Sergey Lysov, Russian Federation

Mr Moritz Maassen, Germany

Ms Dana MacGrath, United States of Ame-rica

Mr Andrei Machalou, BelarusMr Karol Macias, PolandMs Cansu Macit, Turkey

Mr Mihai Macovei, RomaniaMs Penny Madden, United Kingdom

Mr Mohamed Madkour, EgyptMr Martin Magal, SlovakiaMrs Athar Magouri, TunisiaMs Hebatalla Makky, Egypt

Ms Milagros Evans Malaya, PhilippinesDr Artemis Malliaropoulou, Greece

Mr Brandon Malone, United KingdomMr Uday Manaktala, India

Mr Yuri Mantilla, BrazilMs Sandra Marcovici, Romania

Mr Dmitry Marenkov, Russian FederationMs Oriane Marion, FranceMr Lars Markert, Germany

Mr Wojciech Marszalkowski, PolandMr Pedro Martini, Brazil

Mrs Anna Masser, GermanyMr Luca Mateescu, Romania

Ms Eleonora Mateina, BulgariaMs Anne Matthew, Australia

Prof Dr Felix Maultzsch, GermanyMr Zannis Mavrogordato, United Kingdom

Mr Carl Ulrich Mayer, SwitzerlandProfessor John McDermott, United States of

AmericaMr Marc McLaren-Caux, CanadaMr William McLaughlin, IrelandMr Peter McQueen, AustraliaMs Katalin Meier, Switzerland

DDr Werner Melis, AustriaMr Pedro Abraham Merino, Spain

Ms Nastja Merlak, Slovenia

Page 37: participating arbitrators


PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Ms Sinem Mermer, TurkeyMr Zlatan Meškic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ms Angelynn Meya, United States of AmericaDr Olaf Meyer, Germany

Mr Alexandre Meyniel, FranceMr Burkart Michael, Switzerland

Ms Veronika Michalkova, SlovakiaMrs Giovanna Micheli, Italy

Ms Maike Michels, GermanyMr Alberto Miglio, Italy

Judge James Miller, United States of AmericaMrs Tatiana Minaeva, Russian Federation

Dr Isabel Miranda, BrazilMs Andjela Mirkovic, SerbiaMr Nachiketa Mittal, India

Mr Charbel Moarbes, LebanonMs Annabelle Möckesch, Germany

Ms Badria Modir, Saudi ArabiaMr Bryton Moen, Canada

Professor Gabriel Moens, AustraliaMs Glancina Mokone, South Africa

Mr Martin Molina, SwitzerlandMr Manuel Moling, Italy

Ms Marija Momic, SerbiaMr Juan Montalvo, Ecuador

Ms Laila Morad, FinlandMr Fernando Vinícius Morais, Brazil

Mr Matthew Morantz, CanadaMr Rüdiger Morbach, GermanyMs Tamar Morchiladze, Georgia

Mr José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez, Para-guay

Mr Terry Moritz, United States of AmericaMr Gustavo Moser, Brazil

Dr Olivier Mosimann, SwitzerlandMiss Rebeca Mosquera, PanamaMs Zahra Mousavi, NetherlandsDr Sebastian D. Müller, Germany

Mr Alberto Muñoz Fernández, SpainMs Lucy Munt, Australia

Mr Artan Murati, Republic of KosovoMr Thomas Murmann, Switzerland

Mr Peter F. Murphy, IrelandMr Alain Muster, Switzerland

Ms Aysha Abdulla Mutaywea, BahrainMr Mark Nadeau, United States of America

Ms Monika E. Naef, SwitzerlandMr Brandon Nagy, United States of America

Mr Tomislav Nagy, CroatiaMr Ali Naimi Zaker, Islamic Republic of Iran

Mrs Venisha Nair, SingaporeDr Paulo Nalin, Brazil

Prof Olga Nartova, Russian FederationMr Nima Nasrollahi Shahri, Islamic Republic

of IranMs Edwige Nathan, France

Mr Abdelmadjid Nedjari, FranceMs Elena Neidhart, Switzerland

Ms Amanda Neil, AustraliaMs Amanda Neil, Australia

Mr Heinrich Nemeczek, GermanyMr Stefan Nesic, Serbia

Dr Felix Netzer, GermanyDr Thomas Neumann, Denmark

Mr Eric Ng, China, Hong Kong Special Admi-nistrative Region

Mr Phu Nguyen, Viet NamMrs Mica Nguyen Worthy, United States of

AmericaMr Laurent Niddam, France

Ms Juliette Niersman, NetherlandsMr Nishant Nigam, India

Mr Friedrich Niggemann, GermanyMrs Andrea Nikolic, SerbiaMs Dragana Nikolic, Serbia

Ms Ana-Maria Nistor, Romania

Page 38: participating arbitrators


Mr Jakub Nosek, Czech RepublicMr Philippe Nouel, FranceDr Kyriaki Noussia, Greece

Ms Ljupka Noveska, MacedoniaMr Milos Novovic, MontenegroMr Krzysztof Nowak, Poland

Mr Aksit Berkay Noyan, TurkeyDr Michael Nueber, Austria

Mr Fabio Nunez, PeruMr Ronan O'Reilly, IrelandMr Ralph Obeid, Lebanon

Mr Klaus Oblin, AustriaMs Vasylyna Odnorih, Ukraine

Dr Max Oehm, GermanyMr Marc Ohrendorf, Germany

Mr Ngo-Martins Okonmah, NigeriaMs Gabriela Olteanu, Romania

Mrs Ekin Omeroglu, TurkeyDr Emilia Onyema, United Kingdom

Mr David Oprea, RomaniaMs Tugce Oral, Turkey

Professor Anders Ørgaard, DenmarkMr Faïze Osman, Switzerland

Mr Tolga Ozek, TurkeyMr Osman Erturk Ozel, TurkeyMs Monika Pacocha, Poland

Mrs Andreea Paducel, RomaniaMrs Iva Paic, Serbia

Mr Eduardo Palmer, United States of AmericaMr Kushtrim Palushi, Republic of Kosovo

Mr Andrey Panov, Russian FederationMs de Vienne Paola, France

Ms Raluca Papadima, United States of America

Ms Evdokia Papadopoulos, GermanyMs Eleni Papanikolaou, Greece

Ms Eugenia Papathanasopoulou, GreeceDr Reka Agnes Papp, Hungary

Mr Piotr Paprota, PolandMr Claudio Pasina, Italy

Ms Maria Lucia Passador, ItalyMr Harshad Pathak, India

Ms Lindy Patterson, United KingdomProf Vladimir Pavic, Serbia

Mr Michael Peer, United KingdomMiss Sara Pendjer, Serbia

Dr Nicholas Pengelley, CanadaMs Ana Pepeljugoska, Macedonia

Mr Fernando Perez Lozada, MexicoDott Ida Pernarella, Italy

Mrs Marine Perrot, FranceMiss Maria Irene Perruccio, Italy

Mag DDr Adolf Peter, AustriaMr RA Flavio Peter, Switzerland

Ms Natasha Peter, United KingdomDr Niek Peters, NetherlandsMr Philipp A. Peters, AustriaMs Jurgita Petkute, LithuaniaMr Yaroslav Petrov, UkraineMr Gregorio Pettazzi, Italy

Ms Nadine Pfiffner, SwitzerlandDr Stefanie Pfisterer, Switzerland

Mr Jacopo Piemonte, ItalyMr Jarred Pinkston, United States of America

Mr Jerker Pitkänen, FinlandDr Nikolaus Pitkowitz, Austria

Mr Peter Plachy, SlovakiaMs Katharina Plavec, Austria

Miss Katya Plokhenko, Russian FederationMr James Plotkin, Canada

Dr Michael Pocsay, GermanyMs Sylvia Polydor, Switzerland

Prof Dr Constantine Polyzogopoulos, GreeceMs Julia Popelysheva, Russian Federation

Mr Karl Pörnbacher, GermanyMr Bernard Potsch Moura, Brazil

PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

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Mr Rutger Potter, NetherlandsMrs Mozhdeh Pourmand, Islamic Republic

of IranMs Maria Isabel Pradilla Picas, United States

of AmericaMr Alun Preece, Australia

Mr Blake Primrose, AustraliaMiss Zena Prodromou, Greece

Dr Tom Christopher Pröstler, GermanyMr Felix Prozorov-Bastians, Germany

Dr Michael Pryles, AustraliaMs Maria Psarra, Greece

Mr Dragan Psodorov, SerbiaMr Anastas Punev, Bulgaria

Mr Hendrik Puschmann, GermanyMr Zoltan Puskas, Hungary

Mr Karl Peter Puszkajler, GermanyMr Stan Putter, NetherlandsMr Veton Qoku, Macedonia

Ms Milena Radosavljevic, SerbiaMr Igor Radovanovic, Serbia

Ms Anna Katharina Radschek, AustriaMr Farshad Rahimi Dizgovin, Islamic Repu-

blic of IranMs Justina Rakauskaite, LithuaniaMr S. Kaushik Ramaswamy, India

Mr Justin Rassi, AustraliaMr Philip Ray, United States of America

Dr Angie Raymond, United States of AmericaMr Mathew Rea, United Kingdom

Prof Pierre-Alain Recordon, SwitzerlandMr Terrance Reed, United States of America

Mr Peter Rees, United KingdomMr Ryan Reetz, United States of America

Prof Dr Markus Rehberg, GermanyProfessor John Reifenberg, United States of

AmericaMiss Aisha Riaz, Denmark

Mr Marcelo Richter, BrazilMs Katharina Riedl, AustriaDr Stefan Riegler, Austria

Prof Dr Thomas Riehm, GermanyDr Heinz Rindler, AustriaMr Santtu Rinne, Finland

Mrs Maria Jose Riofrío Casajoana, EcuadorMs Minna Ripatti, Finland

Mr Michail Risvas, United KingdomMr Stuart Ritchie, United Kingdom

Mr Peter Riznik, SloveniaDr Teresa Rodriguez de las Ballell, Spain

Ms Jemima Roe, AustraliaDr Anna Rogowska, PolandDr Michael Rohls, Germany

Mr Giacomo Rojas Elgueta, ItalyMS Nazareth Romero, Spain

Ms Roxana-Maria Rosu, RomaniaMrs Andrea Roth, SwitzerlandMs Félise Rouiller, SwitzerlandMs Cazacu Roxana, Romania

Mr Aritra Roy, IndiaMs Karolina Rozycka, Poland

Avv Dr Mauro Rubino-Sammartano, ItalyMr James Rudge, United Kingdom

Professor Helmut Rüßmann, GermanyMs Sarah Saber, GermanyMr Peter Sadler, Australia

Mr Mohanad Saeed, EgyptMs Säde Sahlman, Finland

Ms Stella Sakellaridou, GreeceMr Arseny Salamatov, Russian Federation

Mr Illia Salei, BelarusMs Francesca Salerno, Italy

Mr Fisnik Salihu, Republic of KosovoMr Jaakko Salminen, Finland

Dr Eugen Salpius, Spain

PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

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PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

Mr Harout Jack Samra, United States of America

Mr Fernando Sanchez, MexicoMr Florin Iulian Sandu, Romania

Mr Fabio Giuseppe Santacroce, ItalyProfr Pablo A Santos Jiménez, Mexico

Mr Jurij Santschi, SwitzerlandMr Akshay Sapre, IndiaMs Poorvi Satija, India

Prof Genevieve Saumier, CanadaMs Andja Savic, SerbiaMs Milica Savic, Serbia

Dr Judith Sawang, GermanyMrs Anna Sazhko Guillard, Ukraine

Mr Jan K. Schaefer, GermanyMrs Tanja Schasfoort, Netherlands

Mr Gustavo Scheffer da Silveira, BrazilDr Markus Schifferl, Austria

Dr Nils Schmidt-Ahrendts, GermanyMr Moritz Schmitt, GermanyMr Yannic Schmitt, GermanyDr Tino Schneider, Germany

Ms Sabrine Schnyder, SwitzerlandMr Tobias Schoenberger, Germany

Professor Dr Ulrich G Schroeter, GermanyMs Yoanna Schuch, AustriaMr Denis Schuetz, Germany

Dr Lukas Schultze-Moderow, GermanyMs Sibylle Schumacher, Germany

Dr Joseph Schwartz, GermanyMs Polina Schwarz, Germany

Dr Erich Schwarzenbacher, AustriaProf Dr Ingeborg Schwenzer, Switzerland

Ms Simona Scipioni, ItalyMs Esther Seeleman, Netherlands

Ms Yildiz Sekban, TurkeyMr Igor Semenov, Ukraine

Ms Olga Sendetska, Ukraine

Mr Mustafa Senel, TurkeyMr Sampsa Seppälä, FinlandMs Barbara Sesser, Austria

Mr Hosam Osama Shaaban, EgyptMr Sameer Shah, India

Ms Hanna Shalbanava, BelarusDr Rajesh Sharma, India

Dr Patricia Shaughnessy, SwedenMs Frederique Shekel, NetherlandsMr Iain Sheridan, United Kingdom

Ms Alexandra Shmarko, Russian FederationMr Ebrahim Shoarian, Islamic Republic of

IranMr Nino Sievi, Switzerland

Mr Kyle Sill, United States of AmericaMs Katarina Simalova, United Kingdom

Mr Mitar Simonovic, SerbiaMs Lidija Simunovic Croatia

Mr Harp Singh, United KingdomMr Sougat Sinha, India

Ms Ada Melania Sîrbu, SwitzerlandMr John Siwiec, CanadaMr Alfred Siwy, Austria

Mr Christian Skadborg, DenmarkMr Jimmy Skjold Hansen, DenmarkMr Martin Slampa, Czech Republic

Ms Nadia Smahi, SwitzerlandMs Anna Smirnova, Russian Federation

Ms Marion Smith, United KingdomMs Tatjana Sofijanic, Serbia

Miss Anna Sokolovskaya, United KingdomMr Darko Soldat, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ms Amanda Sorenson, United States of America

Mr Anton Sotir, UkraineMr Duncan Speller, United Kingdom

Mr Dominic Spenser Underhill, United Kingdom

Page 41: participating arbitrators


Dr Frank Spohnheimer, GermanyMr Petr Sprinz, Czech Republic

Mr Pieter Spuijbroek, NetherlandsMs Mina Sreckovic, SerbiaMr Arjun Sreenivas, IndiaMr Vishal Srinivas, India

Dr Marco Stacher, SwitzerlandMr David Stadtfeld, Germany

Mr Konrad Staeger, SwitzerlandMr Marius-Catalin Stanciu, RomaniaMs Marjana Staninova, MacedoniaMs Hanna Stanisheuskaya, Belarus

Mr Danijel Stankovic, CroatiaMe Olena Stasyk, France

Prof Dr Kasper Steensgaard, DenmarkMr Matei Stefanescu, Romania

Ms Carolina Stefanetti, ItalyDr Christian Steger, Germany

Mr Max Stein, GermanyDr Ben Steinbrück, Germany

Mrs Barbara-Helene Steindl, AustriaMr Peter Stentoft, Denmark

Mr Michael Stephens, United KingdomMr Andriy Stetsenko, UkraineMr Harley Stewart, Australia

Ms Geanina Stingaciu, RomaniaMs Theodora Stoica, Romania

Mr Victor Stoica, RomaniaMs Ioana-Laura Stoicescu, Romania

Ms Dina Stolt, FinlandMr Chris Stomo, Australia

Ms Tanja Stooss, GermanyDr Eva Storskrubb, Finland

Mr Thomas Stouten, NetherlandsMr Christopher Stringham, Germany

Mr Tyler Stubbs, United States of AmericaMr Marius Stucki, Switzerland

Dr Tanja Suchowerskyj, GermanyDr R Sunitha Sundar, India

Ms Caroline Swartz-Zern, United States of America

Mrs Aurelie Swiderek, FranceMrs Anett Szelezsan, Hungary

Mr Maximilian Szymanski, AustriaMiss Vivi Tan, Indonesia

Mr Silvestre Tandeau de Marsac, FranceMs Maria Teder, Estonia

Mr Oleg Temnikov, BulgariaMrs Chloé Terrapon, Switzerland

Mr Manu Thadikkaran, IndiaMr Stefan Thaler, Germany

Mrs Christina Thiele, GermanyDr Chris Thomale, GermanyMs Valériane Thool, FranceDr Paul Tichauer, Canada

Mr John Tieder, United States of AmericaMr Luciano Timm, BrazilMrs Selma Tiric, Austria

Ms Staniella Todorova, BulgariaMs Katriina Toivanen, Finland

Mr Oskar Toivonen, ItalyMs Milica Tomic, Serbia

Mr Zlatan Topic, Bosnia and HerzegovinaMr Seyed Meghdad Torabi, Islamic Republic

of IranDr Gregory Travaini, FranceMs Patrycja Treder, Poland

Ms Elisabeth Tretthahn, AustriaMr Gerald Trieb, Austria

Mr Pierre Trippel, GermanyMr Zehaan Trivedi, India

Mr Valentin Trofin, RomaniaMs Ivanna Tsyba, Ukraine

Dr George G. Tumanishvili, Georgia

PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

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Ms Sherlin Tung, AustriaMs Natascha Tunkel, Austria

Ms Loren Turner, United States of AmericaMr Santtu Turunen, FinlandMr Matus Tutko, Slovakia

Mr Richard Twomey, United KingdomMr Kirill Udovichenko, Russian Federation

Ms Alexandra Ufer, GermanyMr Jirí Uhrícek, Czech Republic

Ms Kaisa Üksik, EstoniaMr Masud Ulfat, Germany

Mr Sergey Usoskin, Russian FederationMs Gökçe Uyar, Turkey

Mr Radu-Sergiu Valeanu, RomaniaDr Leonardo Valladares Pacheco de Oliveira,

BrazilMr Eric van Eyken, Canada

Mr Eric van Ginkel, NetherlandsDr Jacomijn van Haersolte-van Hof, Nether-

landsDr Elisabeth Vanas-Metzler, Austria

Mr Faidon Varesis, GreeceDr Paolo Vargiu, Italy

Mr Marcio Vasconcellos, BrazilMr Edoardo Vassallo, Italy

Mr Zoran Veselinovic, SerbiaMr Ezequiel Vetulli, Argentina

Ms Marija Vicic, SerbiaMrs Maria Vicien Milburn, Argentina

Ms Ema Vidak-Gojkovic, CroatiaDr Mika Viljanen, Finland

Prof Stefan Vogenauer, GermanyMs Bianca Vogt, Germany

Mr Vsevolod Volkov, UkraineMs Christiane von Bary, Germany

Mr Johannes von Billerbeck, Germany

Ms Stine von Förster, GermanyMr Sebastian von Rabenau, GermanyMr Alexander von Reden, Germany

Ms Anna Voronova, Russian FederationMs Taisiia Vorotilova, Russian Federation

Mr Petr Vošahlík, Czech RepublicMr Konstantinos Voulgarakis, Greece

Ms Mag Dipl Soz Wiss Teodora Vrancean, Austria

Ms Vanja Vujnovic, SerbiaMr Jean-Paul Vulliéty, Switzerland

Dr Philipp K Wagner, GermanyMr Rory Walck, United States of America

Mr Christopher Walker, AustraliaProfessor Janet Walker, Canada

Mr Mark Walter, United States of AmericaMs Gretta Walters, United States of AmericaCommissioner Steven Walther, United States

of AmericaMs Charlene Warner, United States of

AmericaMr Tobias Weibel, Denmark

Mr Thomas Weierer, GermanyMr Johannes Weigl, Germany

Mr Harris Weinstein, United States of America

Mr Jonas Weise, GermanyHon Prof Dr Irene Welser, Austria

Mr Jan Wettlaufer, GermanyMr Rory Wheeler, Australia

Mr Robert Whitener, United States of Ame-rica

Mr Martin Wiebecke, SwitzerlandMr Daniel Wilmot, United Kingdom

Dr Stephan Wilske, GermanyDr Andreas Winkler, GermanyMs Nadine Wipf, Switzerland

PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

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Mr Gunnar Witte, GermanyDr Wolfgang Witz, Germany

Mr Juergen Woehler, GermanyProfessor Christian Wolf, Germany

dr Szandra Wolf, HungaryDr Reinmar Wolff, Germany

Dr Venus Valentina Wong, AustriaMr Peter Wright, Canada

Ms Qian Wu, ChinaMiss Cecilia Xu (FCIArb), ChinaMs Simal Efsane Yalcin, Turkey

Mr George Yates, United States of AmericaMr Timo Ylikantola, Finland

Ms Dominique Yong, AustraliaMs Merve Yorganci, TurkeyMr Plamen Yotov, Bulgaria

Mrs Nafiye Yücedag Göztepe, TurkeyMs Zehra Zaidi, United Kingdom

Ms Natalia Zakharova, Russian FederationMs Kaja Zaleska-Korziuk, PolandMr Michal Zathurecky, SlovakiaMr Moritz Zegowitz, GermanyMs Nicola Zeibig, Germany

Mr Maciej Zejda, PolandMr Jeremy Zell, United States of America

Ms Chunlei Zhao, ChinaMs Alicja Zielinska, Poland

Ms Joanna Zielinska, PolandMs Laura Zimmerman, United States of

AmericaMs Ellina Zinatullina, Russian FederationMS Alexandra Zivelova, Czech Republic

Ms Patricia Zivkovic, CroatiaMr Uros Zivkovic, Serbia

Ms Steliyana Zlateva, BulgariaMr Alexander Zojer, Austria

Mr Alexander Zollner, Austria

Mr Tobias Zuberbühler, SwitzerlandMr Bill Zucker, United States of America

Ms Noémie Zürcher, SwitzerlandMr Linus Zweifel, Switzerland

PArtICIPAtIng ArbItrAtors

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sChedule - generAl rounds

saturday, 19 March 2016, 8:30 Baker1 Yale University Universidade Federal da BahiaBaker2 Bucerius Law School University of AalborgBaker3 Federal University of Paraná University of JordanBaker4 Rutgers University Camden Sofia University St. Kliment OhridskiBaker5 Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University University of MilanDorda 1 National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy University of SydneyDorda 2 National Law University Odisha Pontifical Catholic University of ParanáDorda 3 University of California, Berkeley University of SarajevoDorda 4 Robert H. McKinney School of Law University of LeidenDorda 5 University of Hamburg Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA)Sem 10 Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College University of BelgradeSem 20 Humboldt University Thammasat UniversitySem 31 Baghdad University Queensland University of TechnologySem 32 Royal University for Women University of LjubljanaSem 33 Galatasaray University Brooklyn Law SchoolSem 34 Ankara University Peoples Friendship University of RussiaSem 41 Florida International University University of GroningenSem 42 Dar Al-Hekma University Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)Sem 43 University of Vienna University of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Sem 51 Catholic University Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

Sem 52 University of Pavia University of EdinburghSem 61 University of Freiburg National Law School of IndiaSem 62 McGill University University of MariborSem 63 Queen Mary College, University of London Cairo University

U 21 Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financie-ros (CUNEF) Tulane University

U 22 University of Ottawa University of StockholmSCH-HS1 Beijing Normal University Georgia State UniversitySCH-HS2 University of Maastricht University of Osnabrück

SCH-Sem 1 Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo

SCH-Sem 2 Lomonosov Moscow State University Belarusian State UniversitySCH-Sem 3 Federal University of Minas Gerais Radboud University NijmegenSCH-Sem 4 Reykjavik University Universidade PositivoSCH-Sem 5 University of Münster University of Tartu

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saturday, 19 March, 2016, 10:30 Baker1 Bilkent University National Law Institute University, BhopalBaker2 ILIRIA College University of WarwickBaker3 New York Law School University of MannheimBaker4 Kuwait International Law School Peking University School of Transnational LawBaker5 University of Turin Westminster International University in Tashkent Dorda 1 University of the Free State Anglia Ruskin UniversityDorda 2 SUNY Buffalo Law School University of DüsseldorfDorda 3 George Washington University University of TübingenDorda 4 Tsinghua University University of St. GallenDorda 5 Free University of Tbilisi University of BernSem 10 University of Lucerne University Pantheon-Sorbonne (Paris I)Sem 20 Columbia University University of AmsterdamSem 31 Gadjah Mada University Institute for Peace and Development Law (UNS)Sem 32 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Istanbul Bilgi UniversitySem 33 National Law University, Jodhpur Pontificia Universidad Católica de ChileSem 34 St. John's University Moscow State University of LawSem 41 Roma Tre University University of ZurichSem 42 Istanbul Sehir University University of Latvia

Sem 43 Universidad Católica "Nuestra Senora de la Asunción" Free University of Berlin

Sem 51 University College, London Universidad Pontificia Comillas de MadridSem 52 Antalya International University Federal University of Rio Grande do SulSem 61 Gujarat National Law University University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of LawSem 62 University of Bonn Jagiellonian UniversitySem 63 Monash University University of NeuchâtelSem 64 University of Montevideo Florida State University College of LawU 21 King's College London Instituto Brasiliense de Direito PúblicoU 22 University Pantheon-Assas (Paris II) Panjab UniversitySCH-HS1 O.P. Jindal Global University University of BucharestSCH-HS2 IBMEC Rio de Janeiro University of WürzburgSCH-Sem 1 Perm State University New Vision UniversitySCH-Sem 2 ESSEC Business School University of LiegeSCH-Sem 3 Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Hokkaido UniversitySCH-Sem 4 Faculdade de Direito Milton Campos Masaryk UniversitySCH-Sem 5 Allameh Tabatabai University Lancaster University

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saturday, 19 March 2016, 12:30 Baker1 University of Leicester Presbiterian Mackenzie UniversityBaker2 Pace University University of Bielefeld Baker3 University of New South Wales Carlos III UniversityBaker4 University Center Villanueva Kozminski Law SchoolBaker5 Washington University in St. Louis University of JenaDorda 1 Charles University Honorable Society of the Middle TempleDorda 2 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Palacky University

Dorda 3 University Paris Ouest Nanterre la Defense (Paris X) Robert Gordon University

Dorda 4 Petru Maior University of Târgu Mures Paris Bar SchoolDorda 5 UniCuritiba University of Law (London Moorgate)Sem 10 University of Miami University SS. Cyril and MethodiusSem 20 University of Turku University of WashingtonSem 31 Southern Methodist University Xiamen UniversitySem 32 University of Indonesia The Hague University of Applied Sciences (HHS)Sem 33 Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University University of SilesiaSem 34 Law Society of Ireland University of Warsaw

Sem 41 Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law

Sem 42 Aix-Marseille University Koç UniversitySem 43 University of Costa Rica New York UniversitySem 51 University Paris Descartes (Paris V) Symbiosis Law School, PuneSem 52 FGV São Paulo School of Law University of the SaarlandSem 61 University of Graz Stanford UniversitySem 62 University of Florida University of BahrainSem 63 ELTE University Cornell UniversitySem 64 National University of Asunción Marmara UniversityU 21 University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Comenius UniversityU 22 Loyola University, Chicago Erasmus UniversitySCH-HS1 University of Lausanne University of Southern DenmarkSCH-HS2 Victoria University, Melbourne University of Zagreb

SCH-Sem 1 National Academy of Legal Studies and Re-search NALSAR University of Gdansk

SCH-Sem 2 IE Law School University of PittsburghSCH-Sem 3 Belmont University Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di MilanoSCH-Sem 4 Northwestern University Ivan Franko National University of L'vivSCH-Sem 5 University of Buenos Aires Chinese University of Hong Kong

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saturday, 19 March 2016, 14:30 Baker1 Qatar University University of Georgia

Baker2 Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow

Baker3 West Bengal National University of Juridical Science Dokuz Eylül University

Baker4 University of Leiden Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko UniversityBaker5 Loyola University New Orleans University of BaselDorda 1 Dalian Maritime University University of DenverDorda 2 University of Zenica University of MünsterDorda 3 University of Hannover University of AucklandDorda 4 Peoples Friendship University of Russia Yale UniversityDorda 5 Doshisha University University of Frankfurt am Main

Sem 10 Russian Academy of Justice University of International Business and Econo-mics, Beijing

Sem 20 Catholic University of Leuven Baghdad University

Sem 31 Yildirim Beyazit University Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF)

Sem 33 FGV Rio Law School National Law University OdishaSem 34 Universidade de Brasília Reykjavik UniversitySem 41 University of Lapland Humboldt UniversitySem 42 University of Fribourg London School of EconomicsSem 43 Universidade Federal da Bahia University of Cardinal Stefan WyszynskiSem 51 University of Trieste Hamline UniversitySem 52 Brooklyn Law School University of GenevaSem 61 University of San Diego University of HamburgSem 62 Shanghai University of Political Science and Law University of ViennaSem 63 Luigi Bocconi University University of California, Berkeley

Sem 64 Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara Novi Sad University

U 21 Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Singapore Management UniversityU 22 Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana University of GöttingenSCH-HS1 National Law School of India National University Kyiv-Mohyla AcademySCH-HS2 Radboud University Nijmegen Florida International UniversitySCH-Sem 1 Shantou University Rutgers University CamdenSCH-Sem 2 University of Marburg University of GhentSCH-Sem 3 University of Ljubljana Arizona State UniversitySCH-Sem 4 National Law University, Delhi University of NavarraSCH-Sem 5 Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth University of Notre Dame

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saturday, 19 March 2016, 16:30 Baker1 University of Helsinki Gujarat National Law UniversityBaker2 Deakin University IBMEC Rio de JaneiroBaker3 University of Tübingen Center for Transnational Legal StudiesBaker4 Waseda University McGill UniversityBaker5 University of Edinburgh Bucerius Law SchoolDorda 1 University of Mainz Galatasaray UniversityDorda 2 Belarusian State University University of PennsylvaniaDorda 3 University of Tartu International University "MITSO"Dorda 4 University of Jordan Perm State UniversityDorda 5 Florida State University College of Law Atilim UniversitySem 10 Aarhus University University College, London

Sem 20 St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo University of Montpellier

Sem 31 Harvard University University of TurinSem 32 China University of Political Science and Law Faculdade de Direito Milton CamposSem 33 Free University of Berlin Saint - Petersburg State UniversitySem 34 Edith Cowan University ESSEC Business SchoolSem 41 University of Maribor University of Notre Dame (Sydney)Sem 42 Universitatea Nicolae Titulescu University Pantheon-Assas (Paris II)Sem 43 Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences University of FreiburgSem 51 La Trobe University Zhongnan University of Economics and LawSem 52 University of Würzburg Pepperdine UniversitySem 61 National Law Institute University, Bhopal Foundation Armando Álvares PenteadoSem 62 Istanbul Bilgi University National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Sem 63 National Research University Higher School of Economics, City of Saint-Petersburg Robert H. McKinney School of Law

Sem 64 HEC Paris ILIRIA CollegeU 21 University of Bucharest George Mason UniversityU 22 University of Stockholm City Law SchoolSCH-HS1 Central European University University of LucerneSCH-HS2 University of the State of Rio de Janeiro Queen Mary College, University of LondonSCH-Sem 1 Masaryk University University of BayreuthSCH-Sem 2 University of Montenegro Beijing Normal UniversitySCH-Sem 3 Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) Istanbul UniversitySCH-Sem 4 University of Osnabrück Hidayatulah National Law UniversitySCH-Sem 5 University of Utrecht Federal University of Paraná

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sunday, 20 March 2016, 8:30 Baker1 Thammasat University La Trobe UniversityBaker2 Universidade Positivo Antalya International UniversityBaker3 Galatasaray University FGV São Paulo School of LawBaker4 Tbilisi State University Charles UniversityBaker5 University of Ghent University of NiceDorda 1 University of Gdansk St. John's University

Dorda 2 Westminster International University in Tashkent Loyola University, Chicago

Dorda 3 Tulane University Federal University of Rio de JaneiroDorda 4 Robert Gordon University Fatih UniversityDorda 5 Hidayatulah National Law University Federal University of Minas GeraisSem 10 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano University of New South WalesSem 20 University of Liege University of Texas at ArlingtonSem 31 University of Delhi University Paris Ouest Nanterre la Defense (Paris X)Sem 32 Presbiterian Mackenzie University University of TurkuSem 33 Atilim University University of LeidenSem 34 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens George Washington UniversitySem 41 University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski Luigi Bocconi University

Sem 42 University of Warwick National Research University Higher School of Economics, City of Saint-Petersburg

Sem 43 University of Sarajevo Waseda UniversitySem 51 University of Sao Paulo Largo San Francisco Northwestern UniversitySem 52 Universidad Nacional de Colombia Central European UniversitySem 61 Saint - Petersburg State University University of GrazSem 62 University of Jena West Bengal National University of Juridical ScienceSem 63 Government Law College, Mumbai Free University of BerlinSem 64 University of Frankfurt am Main Kuwait International Law SchoolU 21 National Law University Odisha Novi Sad UniversityU 22 Academic Center of Law & Business Georgetown University

SCH-HS1 Cairo University Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe

SCH-HS2 National Law School of India ELTE UniversitySCH-Sem 1 University of Neuchâtel National University Odessa Academy of LawSCH-Sem 2 George Mason University Royal University for WomenSCH-Sem 3 University of Zagreb Pontifical Catholic University of Sao PauloSCH-Sem 4 UAE University Istanbul Sehir UniversitySCH-Sem 5 International University "MITSO" University of Ottawa

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sunday, 20 March 2016, 10:30Baker1 Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) Southern Methodist UniversityBaker2 Comenius University Dalian Maritime UniversityBaker3 Georgia State University University Pantheon-Assas (Paris II)Baker4 Carlos III University Amity Law School, Guru Gobind SinghBaker5 McGill University Baghdad UniversityDorda 1 New Vision University Harvard UniversityDorda 2 University of the Saarland Shanghai University of Political ScienceDorda 3 University Pantheon-Sorbonne (Paris I) Florida International UniversityDorda 4 City Law School Sofia University St. Kliment OhridskiDorda 5 Pepperdine University Petru Maior University of Târgu MuresSem 10 University of Geneva Catholic UniversitySem 20 London School of Economics MGIMO UniversitySem 31 University of Southern Denmark New York Law SchoolSem 32 University of Zurich UniCuritibaSem 33 University of Bahrain Kadir Has UniversitySem 34 Queen Mary College, University of London Université Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthSem 41 University of Passau Symbiosis Law School, NOIDASem 42 Rutgers University Camden University of HannoverSem 43 HEC Paris SUNY Buffalo Law SchoolSem 51 National Law Institute University, Bhopal University of Costa RicaSem 52 University College, London National University Kyiv-Mohyla AcademySem 61 Anglia Ruskin University Roma Tre UniversitySem 62 Honorable Society of the Middle Temple Universidade de BrasíliaSem 63 University of Groningen Dr. Ambedkar Government Law CollegeSem 64 Federal University of Paraná Pace UniversityU 21 Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) Loyola University New OrleansU 22 Chinese University of Hong Kong University of the Free StateSCH-HS1 Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law University of GöttingenSCH-HS2 The Hague University of Applied Sciences Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do SulSCH-Sem 1 University SS. Cyril and Methodius The University of QueenslandSCH-Sem 2 University of Turin University of Bonn

SCH-Sem 3 University of Sydney Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF)

SCH-Sem 4 University of Amsterdam University of TriesteSCH-Sem 5 Queensland University of Technology Doshisha University

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sunday, 20 March 2016, 12:30

Baker1 University of Basel Law Society of IrelandBaker2 University of Milan Catholic University of LeuvenBaker3 University of Lucerne University of Miami

Baker4 University of Pennsylvania Universidad Católica "Nuestra Senora de la Asunción"

Baker5 University of Notre Dame (Sydney) National University of AsunciónDorda 1 University of Denver University of OsnabrückDorda 2 Koç University Columbia UniversityDorda 3 Hofstra University University of PaviaDorda 4 University of Edinburgh Dar Al-Hekma UniversityDorda 5 University of Düsseldorf Shantou UniversitySem 10 Singapore Management University Lomonosov Moscow State UniversitySem 20 Marmara University Washington University in St. LouisSem 31 Hamline University University of StockholmSem 32 Wuhan University University of PristinaSem 33 University of Würzburg University of Buenos AiresSem 41 Peoples Friendship University of Russia Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná

Sem 42 Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences

Sem 43 Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público University of MainzSem 52 Hokkaido University Robert H. McKinney School of LawSem 62 Paris Bar School University of UtrechtSem 64 University of Bucharest Kyoto UniversityU 21 University of Georgia Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko UniversityU 22 University of Law (London Moorgate) Bilkent UniversitySCH-HS2 Arizona State University University of ZenicaSCH-Sem 1 University of Mannheim University of LeicesterSCH-Sem 2 Perm State University Fordham University

SCH-Sem 3 University of International Business and Economics, Beijing University of Florida

SCH-Sem 4 National University of Singapore Tsinghua University

SCH-Sem 5 University of Belgrade Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University

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Baker1 FGV São Paulo School of Law Yildirim Beyazit UniversityBaker2 University of Latvia University of MaastrichtBaker3 Erasmus University National Law University, DelhiBaker4 Moscow State University of Law Hidayatulah National Law UniversityBaker5 City University of Hong Kong IE Law SchoolDorda 1 University of Tartu University of Erlangen-NürnbergDorda 2 University of Texas at Arlington Humboldt UniversityDorda 3 Bucerius Law School University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignDorda 4 University of Wisconsin University of GhentDorda 5 University of Montpellier National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Sem 10 Jagiellonian University Deakin UniversitySem 20 University of Washington University of NeuchâtelSem 31 Peking University School of Transnational Law American UniversitySem 32 University of Bielefeld O.P. Jindal Global UniversitySem 33 ILS Law College, Pune University Paris Descartes (Paris V)Sem 34 University of Munich University of MontevideoSem 41 Brooklyn Law School University of HeidelbergSem 42 Antalya International University University of DelhiSem 43 Duke University Cairo UniversitySem 51 Stanford University University of HelsinkiSem 52 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Pennsylvania State UniversitySem 61 National University Odessa Academy of Law University of LaplandSem 62 Panjab University University of Frankfurt am MainSem 63 University of Leiden King's College LondonSem 64 University of the State of Rio de Janeiro University of MontenegroU 21 Palacky University Istanbul Bilgi UniversityU 22 Center for Transnational Legal Studies University of LiegeSCH-HS1 University of Bern FGV Rio Law SchoolSCH-HS2 Istanbul University George Mason UniversitySCH-Sem 1 Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid University of San DiegoSCH-Sem 2 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro University of ViennaSCH-Sem 3 University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Law National Law University, JodhpurSCH-Sem 4 Universidade Federal da Bahia University of CambridgeSCH-Sem 5 Lancaster University University Center Villanueva

sunday, 20 March 2016, 14:30

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Baker1 Georgetown University Chinese University of Hong Kong

Baker2National Research University Higher School of Economics, City of Saint-Petersburg Aarhus University

Baker3 Fatih University Monash UniversityBaker4 Reykjavik University Government Law College, MumbaiBaker5 University of New South Wales Universidad Nacional de ColombiaDorda 1 University of Aalborg University of Sao Paulo Largo San FranciscoDorda 2 ELTE University Qatar UniversityDorda 3 Novi Sad University University SS. Cyril and MethodiusDorda 4 Amity Law School, Guru Gobind Singh Universidad Pontificia BolivarianaDorda 5 Symbiosis Law School, Pune HEC ParisSem 10 University of Maribor UAE UniversitySem 20 University of Turku Tbilisi State UniversitySem 31 New York University Thammasat UniversitySem 32 Stetson University The Hague University of Applied Sciences (HHS)Sem 33 University of Navarra London School of EconomicsSem 34 University of Graz University Paris Est Créteil Sem 41 University of Warsaw Tulane UniversitySem 42 University of Pittsburgh International University "MITSO"Sem 43 Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA)

Sem 51National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow University Pantheon-Sorbonne (Paris I)

Sem 52 Cornell University University of Cardinal Stefan WyszynskiSem 61 Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College University of SarajevoSem 62 West Bengal National University of Juridical ScienceUniversity of Indonesia

Sem 63 Federal University of Rio de JaneiroNational Academy of Legal Studies and Research NALSAR

Sem 64 Northwestern University University of PassauU 21 Loyola University New Orleans Zhongnan University of Economics and LawU 22 Ivan Franko National University of L'viv Academic Center of Law & BusinessSCH-HS1 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul Free University of TbilisiSCH-HS2 The University of Queensland China University of Political Science and Law

SCH-Sem 1 St. John's UniversityInstituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara

SCH-Sem 2 Universidade de Brasília University of HamburgSCH-Sem 3 Loyola University, Chicago University of FribourgSCH-Sem 4 University of California, Berkeley Institut d"Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po)SCH-Sem 5 Waseda University Aix-Marseille University

sunday, 20 March 2016, 16:30

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Baker1 University Paris Est Créteil University of PittsburghBaker2 University of Zurich Duke UniversityBaker3 Masaryk University Gadjah Mada UniversityBaker4 University of Florida University of BonnDorda 1 University of Auckland Allameh Tabatabai University Dorda 2 New York University Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de JaneiroDorda 3 Pepperdine University Wuhan UniversityDorda 4 Fordham University National Law University OdishaDorda 5 UAE University National University of SingaporeSem 10 University of Groningen Tbilisi State UniversitySem 20 Palacky University The University of QueenslandSem 31 American University University Paris Descartes (Paris V)Sem 32 Anglia Ruskin University Free University of TbilisiSem 33 National Law University, Jodhpur Radboud University NijmegenSem 34 Central European University Victoria University, MelbourneSem 41 University of Heidelberg National Law Institute University, BhopalSem 42 Ivan Franko National University of L'viv Yildirim Beyazit UniversitySem 43 Institut d"Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) University of ZagrebSem 51 Singapore Management University University of TriesteSem 52 MGIMO University University of California, BerkeleySem 61 University of St. Gallen Aix-Marseille UniversitySem 62 University of Marburg ILS Law College, PuneSem 63 University of Cambridge University of Erlangen-NürnbergSem 64 Pennsylvania State University Doshisha UniversityU 21 University of Notre Dame Pontifical Catholic University of Sao PauloU 22 University of Warwick University of LausanneSCH-HS1 Robert Gordon University Lomonosov Moscow State UniversitySCH-HS2 Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul George Washington UniversitySCH-Sem 1 University of Stockholm University of Costa RicaSCH-Sem 2 ILIRIA College Ankara UniversitySCH-Sem 3 University of Silesia Pace UniversitySCH-Sem 4 University of Pennsylvania University of MunichSCH-Sem 5 ESSEC Business School Stetson University

Monday, 21 March 2016, 8:30

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Monday, 21 March 2016, 10:30 Baker1 University of Helsinki University of JordanBaker2 University of Aalborg Benjamin N. Cardozo School of LawBaker3 Kyoto University University of BelgradeBaker5 Kadir Has University City University of Hong KongDorda 1 Law Society of Ireland University of MontpellierDorda 2 Moscow State University of Law Federal University of Minas GeraisDorda 3 Tsinghua University University of Law (London Moorgate)Dorda 4 Gujarat National Law University FGV Rio Law SchoolDorda 5 Dokuz Eylül University University of MaastrichtSem 10 University of Amsterdam University of Notre Dame (Sydney)Sem 20 University of Geneva Instituto Brasiliense de Direito PúblicoSem 31 University of Pavia University of OttawaSem 32 University of Washington UniCuritibaSem 33 Florida International University University of NavarraSem 34 Foundation Armando Álvares Penteado Saint - Petersburg State UniversitySem 41 IE Law School McGill UniversitySem 43 University of Frankfurt am Main King's College LondonSem 51 Hokkaido University Universidade de BrasíliaSem 52 University of Bayreuth University of TurkuSem 61 University of Pristina National Law University, DelhiSem 62 Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University Symbiosis Law School, NOIDASem 63 Honorable Society of the Middle Temple Reykjavik UniversitySem 64 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Qatar University

U 21 Charles University University Paris Ouest Nanterre la Defense (Paris X)

U 22 Washington University in St. Louis Jagiellonian UniversitySCH-HS1 Tulane University University of Bern

SCH-HS2 Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara University of Bielefeld

SCH-Sem 1 Belarusian State University National University of AsunciónSCH-Sem 2 Georgia State University University of GdanskSCH-Sem 3 Carlos III University University of TurinSCH-Sem 4 Kozminski Law School Arizona State UniversitySCH-Sem 5 Cairo University University of Miami

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Baker1 University of Buenos Aires IBMEC Rio de Janeiro

Baker2 University of International Business and Economics, Beijing University of Milan

Baker3 City Law School Kuwait International Law SchoolBaker4 Yale University Roma Tre UniversityDorda 1 Southern Methodist University FGV São Paulo School of LawDorda 2 Hamline University University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of LawDorda 3 Humboldt University University of DelhiDorda 5 Fatih University University of the Free State

Sem 10 Universidad Católica "Nuestra Senora de la Asunción" University of Warsaw

Sem 31 New York Law School Westminster International University in Tashkent Sem 32 University of San Diego Universitatea Nicolae Titulescu

Sem 33 Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

Sem 34 O.P. Jindal Global University University of Sao Paulo Largo San FranciscoSem 41 Presbiterian Mackenzie University Bucerius Law School

Sem 42 Institute for Peace and Development Law (UNS) Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences

Sem 43 University of the Saarland Stanford University

Sem 51 Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superio-res de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe University of Utrecht

Sem 52 Atilim University University of LeicesterSem 61 Faculdade de Direito Milton Campos Center for Transnational Legal StudiesSem 62 University of Montenegro Northwestern UniversitySem 63 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Russian Academy of JusticeSem 64 Royal University for Women Panjab UniversityU 21 Petru Maior University of Târgu Mures Belmont UniversitySCH-HS1 Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná University College, LondonSCH-Sem 1 Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth Rutgers University CamdenSCH-Sem 2 Beijing Normal University Koç University

SCH-Sem 3 Xiamen University National Academy of Legal Studies and Research NALSAR

SCH-Sem 4 Deakin University Comenius UniversitySCH-Sem 5 Government Law College, Mumbai University of Tartu

Monday, 21 March 2016, 12:30

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Dorda 1 Shantou University Palacky UniversityDorda 2 Allameh Tabatabai University University of Southern Denmark

Dorda 3 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano Bilkent University

Dorda 4 University of Montevideo University of PassauDorda 5 Florida State University College of Law University of LaplandSem 10 University of Latvia Georgetown UniversitySem 31 University of Ljubljana University of BaselSem 32 Thammasat University SUNY Buffalo Law SchoolSem 34 Universidade Positivo University of HeidelbergSem 41 Robert H. McKinney School of Law University of ZurichSem 42 University of Texas at Arlington Waseda UniversitySem 43 University of Denver Peoples Friendship University of RussiaSem 51 Harvard University University of Mainz

Sem 52 University of Lausanne Amity Law School, Guru Gobind Singh Indra-prastha University

Sem 61 Queensland University of Technology University of Fribourg

Sem 62 National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow University of Wisconsin

Sem 63 Catholic University of Leuven Pennsylvania State UniversitySem 64 Academic Center of Law & Business Aarhus UniversityU 21 La Trobe University Federal University of ParanáU 22 University of Georgia Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

SCH-HS1 National University Odessa Academy of Law University of Düsseldorf

SCH-HS2 University of Nice Catholic UniversitySCH-Sem 1 University of Zenica Luigi Bocconi UniversitySCH-Sem 2 University of Göttingen HEC ParisSCH-Sem 3 Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Marmara UniversitySCH-Sem 4 New Vision University Universidade Federal da Bahia

Monday, 21 March 2016, 14:30

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Dorda 1 Gadjah Mada University Hofstra UniversityDorda 2 Federal University of Minas Gerais University of TübingenDorda 3 Lomonosov Moscow State University University of JenaDorda 4 Free University of Tbilisi Cornell UniversityDorda 5 University of Münster National Law University, Jodhpur

Sem 10 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College

Sem 31 St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo University of Florida

Sem 32 Free University of Berlin University of CambridgeSem 33 University of Munich Lancaster University Sem 34 Wuhan University Edith Cowan UniversitySem 41 Dar Al-Hekma University American UniversitySem 42 Istanbul University Institut d"Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po)

Sem 43 China University of Political Science and Law University of Notre Dame

Sem 51 Peking University School of Transnational Law University Paris Est Créteil

Sem 52 ILS Law College, Pune Federal University of Rio Grande do SulSem 61 Stetson University University of IndonesiaSem 62 Ankara University Loyola University New OrleansSem 63 Paris Bar School Anglia Ruskin UniversitySem 64 Universidad Nacional de Colombia New York UniversityU 21 University of Mannheim University of SilesiaU 22 University of Trieste MGIMO UniversitySCH-HS1 Duke University University of MarburgSCH-HS2 Victoria University, Melbourne Erasmus UniversitySCH-Sem 1 National University of Singapore University of GroningenSCH-Sem 2 University of Costa Rica Ivan Franko National University of L'vivSCH-Sem 3 Symbiosis Law School, Pune Kadir Has UniversitySCH-Sem 4 University of Sydney University of BayreuthSCH-Sem 5 University of Freiburg University of St. Gallen

Monday, 21 March 2016, 16:30

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Dorda 1 Istanbul Bilgi University Duke UniversityDorda 2 Monash University ILIRIA CollegeDorda 3 Xiamen University Dokuz Eylül UniversityDorda 4 Koç University University of NiceDorda 5 University of Leicester Kyoto UniversitySem 10 King's College London Russian Academy of JusticeSem 20 University of Auckland University of the State of Rio de JaneiroSem 31 Edith Cowan University University of HelsinkiSem 32 Foundation Armando Álvares Penteado Fordham UniversitySem 33 IBMEC Rio de Janeiro Universitatea Nicolae TitulescuSem 34 University of Utrecht University of Pennsylvania

Sem 41 City University of Hong Kong Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara

Sem 42 Dalian Maritime University Fatih UniversitySem 43 Belmont University Carlos III UniversitySem 51 Istanbul Sehir University Harvard UniversitySem 52 University of Bahrain University of GeorgiaSem 61 University of Wisconsin Universidad Pontificia BolivarianaSem 62 Saint - Petersburg State University University of HannoverSem 63 University Paris Descartes (Paris V) University of LatviaSem 64 Hofstra University University Center VillanuevaU 21 Chinese University of Hong Kong Hokkaido UniversityU 22 Hidayatulah National Law University Kozminski Law SchoolSCH-HS1 University of Bonn Symbiosis Law School, PuneSCH-HS2 University of Pristina Antalya International University

SCH-Sem 1 National Law University, Delhi Universidad Católica "Nuestra Senora de la Asunción"

SCH-Sem 2 Columbia University ELTE UniversitySCH-Sem 3 Catholic University Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)

SCH-Sem 4 Institute for Peace and Development Law (UNS) Loyola University, Chicago

SCH-Sem 5 Erasmus University Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid

tuesday, 22 March 2016, 8:00

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Dorda 1 Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA University of WürzburgDorda 2 University of the Free State University of Buenos Aires

Dorda 3 Arizona State University National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow

Dorda 4 University of Ghent ILS Law College, PuneDorda 5 Center for Transnational Legal Studies University of the SaarlandSem 10 University of Law (London Moorgate) University of MontenegroSem 20 University of Jena Gadjah Mada UniversitySem 31 Yildirim Beyazit University University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignSem 32 George Washington University Universidad Nacional de ColombiaSem 33 University of Heidelberg Beijing Normal University

Sem 34 Zhongnan University of Economics and Law West Bengal National University of Juridical Science

Sem 41 Pennsylvania State University Universidade PositivoSem 42 University of Bayreuth Singapore Management UniversitySem 43 University of Passau University of Bucharest

Sem 51 Shanghai University of Political Science and Law City Law School

Sem 52 University of Pittsburgh Paris Bar SchoolSem 61 University of Montpellier University of WashingtonSem 62 Marmara University China University of Political Science and LawSem 63 National University of Asunción Queensland University of TechnologySem 64 Aarhus University Presbiterian Mackenzie University

U 21 National Academy of Legal Studies and Research NALSAR University of Zenica

U 22 University of Liege University of LjubljanaSCH-HS1 University of Basel Federal University of Rio de JaneiroSCH-HS2 SUNY Buffalo Law School University of Maribor

SCH-Sem 1 University of Bielefeld University of International Business and Economics, Beijing

SCH-Sem 2 University of St. Gallen Georgia State UniversitySCH-Sem 3 Tbilisi State University Pepperdine UniversitySCH-Sem 4 University of Bern Southern Methodist University

SCH-Sem 5 Doshisha University Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe

tuesday, 22 March 2016, 10:00

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Dorda 1 University of Neuchâtel Gujarat National Law UniversityDorda 2 University of Düsseldorf Deakin UniversityDorda 3 Cornell University IE Law SchoolDorda 4 University of Lapland Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di MilanoDorda 5 University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University

Sem 10 Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financie-ros (CUNEF) University of Montevideo

Sem 20 University of Fribourg Dar Al-Hekma UniversitySem 31 Kuwait International Law School University of DenverSem 32 Stanford University Faculdade de Direito Milton CamposSem 33 London School of Economics Allameh Tabatabai University Sem 34 University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Law National University of SingaporeSem 41 Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski National Law School of IndiaSem 42 Kadir Has University Wuhan UniversitySem 43 Radboud University Nijmegen Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de JaneiroSem 51 University of Mainz University of Graz

Sem 52 University of Sao Paulo Largo San Fran-cisco Perm State University

Sem 61 George Mason University Peking University School of Transnational LawSem 62 National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Royal University for WomenSem 63 University SS. Cyril and Methodius Stetson UniversitySem 64 Bilkent University National University Odessa Academy of LawU 21 Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law University of LausanneU 22 Jagiellonian University Hamline UniversitySCH-HS1 University of Navarra Academic Center of Law & BusinessSCH-HS2 University of Delhi University of AmsterdamSCH-Sem 1 The University of Queensland University of MünsterSCH-Sem 2 University of Indonesia Robert Gordon University

SCH-Sem 3 University Pantheon-Assas (Paris II) Moscow State University of Law named by O.E. Kutafin

SCH-Sem 4 University of Sarajevo Government Law College, MumbaiSCH-Sem 5 University of Hamburg University of Edinburgh

tuesday, 22 March 2016, 12:00

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Dorda 1 MGIMO University St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Dorda 2 University of Gdansk University of PaviaDorda 3 Panjab University Catholic University of LeuvenDorda 4 Luigi Bocconi University Atilim UniversityDorda 5 University of Osnabrück Petru Maior University of Târgu Mures

Sem 10 Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences Ankara University

Sem 20 Westminster International University in Tashkent University of Sydney

Sem 31 Baghdad University Florida State University College of LawSem 32 University of Notre Dame (Sydney) University of Freiburg

Sem 33 The Hague University of Applied Sciences (HHS) University of San Diego

Sem 34 International University "MITSO" Victoria University, MelbourneSem 41 Qatar University ESSEC Business SchoolSem 42 University of Miami Central European UniversitySem 43 American University Charles UniversitySem 51 Roma Tre University University of Mannheim

Sem 52 University Paris Ouest Nanterre la Defense (Paris X) Law Society of Ireland

Sem 61 University of Tübingen Université Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthSem 62 University of Zagreb Washington University in St. Louis

Sem 63 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul Honorable Society of the Middle Temple

Sem 64 University Pantheon-Sorbonne (Paris I) Istanbul UniversityU 21 FGV Rio Law School Galatasaray UniversityU 22 University of Silesia Masaryk University

SCH-HS1 Amity Law School, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University New Vision University

SCH-HS2 Institut d"Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) University of Marburg

SCH-Sem 1 University of Jordan Brooklyn Law SchoolSCH-Sem 2 University of Maastricht University of LucerneSCH-Sem 3 University of Göttingen University of WarwickSCH-Sem 4 University of Southern Denmark University of GenevaSCH-Sem 5 University of Notre Dame UAE University

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Dorda 1 University of Nice Shantou UniversityDorda 2 Aix-Marseille University Belmont UniversityDorda 3 UniCuritiba University of BahrainDorda 4 University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski Edith Cowan UniversityDorda 5 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile City University of Hong KongSem 10 Lancaster University University of PristinaSem 20 Comenius University University of WisconsinSem 31 University of Warsaw Foundation Armando Álvares PenteadoSem 32 Kyoto University St. John's UniversitySem 33 Georgetown University University of AucklandSem 34 University of Cambridge Institute for Peace and Development Law (UNS)Sem 41 Kozminski Law School University of New South WalesSem 42 University of Milan Columbia UniversitySem 43 University of Hannover Queen Mary College, University of London

Sem 51 Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid National Research University Higher School of Economics, City of Saint-Petersburg

Sem 52 University of Ottawa Belarusian State UniversitySem 61 University of Belgrade Monash UniversitySem 62 Novi Sad University Yale UniversitySem 63 Pace University Dalian Maritime UniversitySem 64 Universitatea Nicolae Titulescu University of Texas at ArlingtonU 21 University of Vienna New York Law SchoolU 22 Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) University of AalborgSCH-HS1 Fordham University Tsinghua UniversitySCH-HS2 Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público Istanbul Sehir UniversitySCH-Sem 1 Russian Academy of Justice O.P. Jindal Global UniversitySCH-Sem 2 Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo Hofstra UniversitySCH-Sem 3 University Center Villanueva University of MunichSCH-Sem 4 Dokuz Eylül University La Trobe UniversitySCH-Sem 5 University Paris Est Créteil Xiamen University

tuesday, 22 March 2016, 16:00

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rounD of 64 JurIdIcum, schottenbAsteI 10-16

tuesdAy, 22 mArch 2016, 20:00 WednesdAy, 23 mArch 2016, 8:00

________________ v. ________________ ________________ v. ________________

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________________ v. ________________ ________________ v. ________________

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rounD of 32 WednesdAy, 23 mArch 2016, 11:00

JurIdIcum, schottenbAsteI 10-16

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sChedule - elImInAtIon rounds

rounD of 16 WednesdAy, 23 mArch 2016, 14:00

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WednesdAy, 23 mArch 2016, 17:30 JurIdIkum, schottenbAsteI 10-16

________________ v. ________________ ________________ v. ________________

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seMi-finals thursdAy, 24 mArch 2016, 9:00

JurIdIkum, schottenbAsteI 10-16 ________________ v. ________________ ________________ v. ________________

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final thursdAy, 24 mArch 2016, 13:00 reed congress center, messePlAtz

u2 messe/PrAter stoP

_______________________ v. _______________________

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AlIce fremuth-Wolf

Alice Fremuth-Wolf is Deputy Secretary General of VIAC since January 2012. Having studied law at Vienna University (Mag. iur. 1995, Dr. iur. 2002), Utrecht University (1994) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LL.M. 1998), she served as assistant professor at the Department of Civil Procedure Law at the Law Faculty of Vienna University. Before opening her own practice in 2004, she worked with major Austrian law firms and acted as party representative and arbitrator in international commercial arbitration cases. Alice Fremuth-Wolf has authored articles and books on arbitration and also serves as a lecturer at the Law Faculty of Vienna University, where she was coach of the Vienna team for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot from 2004-2009.

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gAry born

Gary Born is widely regarded as the world’s leading authority on international arbitration and litigation. He is the author of International Commercial Arbitration (2nd ed. 2014), International Arbitration: Law and Practice (2nd ed. 2015) and numer-ous other works on international dispute resolution. Mr. Born is also the Chair of the International Arbitration Practice Group at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP and has been ranked for the past 20 years as one of the world’s leading international arbitration practitioners. He has participated in more than 600 international arbitrations, including four of the largest ICC arbitrations and several of the most significant ad hoc arbitrations in recent history. He is President of the Singapore International Arbi-tration Centre (SIAC) Court of Arbitration and serves in an advisory capacity at other institutions around the world. He is an Honorary Professor of Law at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland and Tsinghua University, Beijing, and teaches regularly at law schools in Europe, Asia, and North and South America.

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hArry m. flechtner

Harry M. Flechtner is Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, where he has taught domestic and international com-mercial law since joining the faculty in 1984. He has been awarded the University of Pittsburgh School of Law’s Excellence-in-Teaching Award six times, and received the Chancellor’s Teaching Award from the University of Pittsburgh. He teaches abroad frequently, including as a Visiting Professor at the University of Salzburg in 2012 under a Fulbright Teaching and Research grant. Professor Flechtner’s publications on international commercial law include the 4th edition (2009) of John Honnold’s Uniform Law for International Sales under the 1980 United Nations Convention, which he edited and updated. He speaks frequently in the United States and abroad on commercial law topics, and has been cited by the Solicitor General of the United States as “one of the leading academic authorities on the [United Nations Sales] Convention.” Professor Flechtner serves as a National Correspondent for the United States at the United Nations Commis-sion on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). He is a graduate of Harvard College, received his J.D. from Harvard Law School, and was awarded an M.A. in literature from Harvard University.

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Dr Christopher Kee Prof Dr Stefan KröllMag Patrizia Netal

Willem C. Vis InternationalCommercial Arbitration Moot

Schimmelgasse 16/16A-1030 Vienna


[email protected]@[email protected]

Navin Ahuja

Moot Alumni Association [email protected]
