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Part VII References, Music Examples, Index

Part VII References, Music Examples, Index978-3-642-11838-8/1.pdf · Aebersold J: VOLUME 1|\HOW TO PLAY JAZZ & IMPROVISE". Jamey Aebersold Jazz 2000 4. Agawu V K: Playing with Signs.

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Page 1: Part VII References, Music Examples, Index978-3-642-11838-8/1.pdf · Aebersold J: VOLUME 1|\HOW TO PLAY JAZZ & IMPROVISE". Jamey Aebersold Jazz 2000 4. Agawu V K: Playing with Signs.

Part VII

References, Music Examples, Index

Page 2: Part VII References, Music Examples, Index978-3-642-11838-8/1.pdf · Aebersold J: VOLUME 1|\HOW TO PLAY JAZZ & IMPROVISE". Jamey Aebersold Jazz 2000 4. Agawu V K: Playing with Signs.
Page 3: Part VII References, Music Examples, Index978-3-642-11838-8/1.pdf · Aebersold J: VOLUME 1|\HOW TO PLAY JAZZ & IMPROVISE". Jamey Aebersold Jazz 2000 4. Agawu V K: Playing with Signs.


1. Adorno Th W: Der getreue Korrepetitor (1963). Gesammelte Schriften, Bd. 15,Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1976

2. Adorno Th W: Zu einer Theorie der musikalischen Reproduktion. Suhrkamp,Frankfurt/M. 2001

3. Aebersold J: VOLUME 1—“HOW TO PLAY JAZZ & IMPROVISE”. JameyAebersold Jazz 2000

4. Agawu V K: Playing with Signs. Princeton University Press, Princeton 19915. Bars I: Extra Dimensions in Space and Time (Multiversal Journeys). Springer,

Heidelberg 20096. Beran J and Mazzola G: Timing Microstructure in Schumann’s Traumerei as an

Expression of Harmony, Rhythm, and Motivic Structure in Music Performance.Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 39, Issue 5/6, 99-130, 2000

7. Bowden M: THE SECRET HISTORY OF MILES DAVIS IN THE 1980s. complete1.htm

8. Bresin R and A Friberg: Synthesis and decoding of emotionally expressive musicperformance. IEEE SMC ’99 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 4 pp. 317 - 322, 1999

9. Buteau Ch: Motivic Topologies and Their Signification in Musical Motivic Anal-ysis. Masters Thesis, U Laval/Quebec 1998

10. Buteau Ch: Motivic Spaces of Scores Through RUBATO’s MeloTopRUBETTE.In: Perspectives in Mathematical and Computational Music Theory, MazzolaG, Th Noll, E Lluis-Puebla (Eds.): Verlag epOs-Music, Osnabruck, pp. 330-342,2004

11. Biok H-R: Zur Intonationsbeurteilung kontextbezogener sukzessiver Intervalle.Bosse, Regensburg 1975

12. Camurri A et al.: EyesWeb: Toward Gesture and Affect Recognition in In-teractive Dance and Music Systems. Computer Music Journal, 24:1, pp. 5769,2000

13. Cavailles J: Methode axiomatique et formalisme, Hermann 193814. Chatelet G: Figuring Space. Kluwer 200015. Cherlin M: Schoenberg’s Musical Imagination. Cambridge University Press 200716. Clynes M: Secrets of life in music. In: Analytica, Studies in the description and

analysis of music in honour of Ingmar Bengtsson, Royal Swedish Academy ofMusic, No 47 pp. 3-15, 1985

17. Czerny C: Klavierschule. 1840

DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-11838-8, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 G. Mazzola, Musical Performance, Computational Music Science,

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256 References

18. Crelle A L: Einiges uber musicalischen Audruck und Vortrag. 182319. Csikszentmihalyi M: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper and Row,

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34. Frank H: RUBATOr Broadcast. ORF2: Modern Times, Jan. 10, 199735. Friberg A: Generative Rules for Music Performance: A Formal Description of a

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38. Friberg

39. Friberg A: rules.html

40. Friberg A: ritard.htm

41. Gabrielsson A: Timing in Music Performance and Its Relation to Music Expe-rience. In: Sloboda J (Ed.): Generative Processes in Music. Calderon Press,Oxford 1988

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References 257

43. Goldin-Meadows S: Hearing Gesture: How Our Hands Help Us Think. HarvardUniversity Press 2003

44. Gottschewski H: Tempohierarchien. Musiktheorie, Heft 2, 199345. Gould G: The Glenn Gould Reader. Alfred A. Knopf, New York 198446. Hardenberg F von (Novalis): Heinrich von Ofterdingen. 180247. Hatten R: Interpreting Musical Gestures, Topics, and Tropes. Indiana University

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258 References

67. Lazarus, R S: Emotion and Adaptation. Oxford University Press, New York1991Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Music and Dance, Roehampton University 2005

68. Lewin D: Generalized Musical Intervals and Transformations (1987). CambridgeUniversity Press 2007

69. Lewis C I: Mind and the World Order. Dover 199170. Lipscomb S and G Mazzola: Appreciation of complex musical sound: The influ-

ence of a visual performance component. Proceedings of the SMPC 200771. Listenius N: Musica... 153772. Liszt F: De la situation des artistes (1835). Liszt’s Gesammelte Schriften, II.

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74. Mazzola G et al.: A Symmetry-Oriented Mathematical Model of Classical Coun-terpoint and Related Neurophysiological Investigations by Depth-EEG. In: Har-gittai I (ed.): Symmetry II, CAMWA, Pergamon, New York 1989

75. Mazzola G: Geometrie der Tone. Birkhauser, Basel 199076. Mazzola G and E Hunziker: Ansichten eines Hirns. Birkhauser, Basel 199077. Mazzola G: presto Software Manual. SToA music, Zurich 1989-199478. Mazzola G: Synthesis. SToA 1001.90, Zurich 199079. Mazzola G and Muzzulini D: Tempo- und Stimmungsfelder: Perspektiven

kunftiger Musikcomputer. In: Hesse H P (ed.): Mikrotone III. Edition Helbling,Innsbruck 1990

80. Mazzola G and Zahorka O: The RUBATO Performance Workstation onNeXTSTEP. In: ICMA (ed.): Proceedings of the ICMC 94, San Francisco 1994

81. Mazzola G: Inverse Performance Theory. In: ICMA (ed.): Proceedings of theICMC 95, San Francisco 1995

82. Mazzola G et al.: Analysis and Performance of a Dream. In: Sundberg J (Ed.):Proceedings of the 1995 Symposium on Musical Performance. KTH, Stockholm1995

83. Mazzola G: Semiotic Aspects of Musicology: Semiotics of Music. In: Posner Ret al. (Eds.): A Handbook on the Sign-Theoretic Foundations of Nature andCulture. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and New York 1998

84. Mazzola G: The Topos of Music. Birkhauser 200285. Mazzola G and S Muller: Constraint-based Shaping of Gestural Performance.

Proceedings of the ICMC 03, ICMA 200386. Mazzola G and S Mller: The Extraction of Expressive Shaping in Performance.

Computer Music Journal, Vol. 27(1), MIT Press, 200387. Mazzola G: Musical Interpretation via Vector Fields: A New Human Work-

station on the NEXTSTEP Environment. In: Friberg A et al. (Eds.): SMAC93 Proceedings of the Stockholm Music and Acoustics Conference 1993, KTH,Stockholm 1994

88. Mazzola G: La verite du beau dans la musique. Delatour 200789. Mazzola G and M Andreatta: From a Categorical Point of View: K-nets as

Limit Denotators. Perspectives of New Music, Vol. 44, No. 2, 200690. Mazzola G and Andreatta M: Diagrams, Gestures, and Formulas in Music. Jour-

nal of Mathematics and Music 2007, Vol. 1, no. 1, 2007.

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References 259

91. Mazzola G and P B Cherlin: Flow, Gesture, and Spaces in Free Jazz—Towardsa Theory of Collaboration. Springer Series Computational Music Science, Hei-delberg et al. 2009

92. Mazzola G et al.: Topos Theory for a Creative Analysis of Boulez’s Structures.In: Naimpally S, G Di Maio (Eds.): Quaderni di Matematica, Theory AndApplications of Proximity, Nearness and Uniformity, Vol. 23, 2009

93. Mazzola G: Categorical Gestures, the Diamond Conjecture, Lewin’s Question,and the Hammerklavier Sonata. Journal of Mathematics and Music Vol. 3, no.1, 2009


95. McNeill D: Gesture and Thought. University of Chicago Press 200596. Merleau-Ponty M: Phenomenologie de la perception. Gallimard 194597. Milmeister G: The Rubato Composer Music Software: Component-Based Imple-

mentation of a Functorial Concept Architecture. Springer Series ComputationalMusic Science, Heidelberg 2009


99. Montagu J: “metronome.” In: The Oxford Companion to Music, Alison LathamA (ed.). Oxford Music Online, http://

100. Moog R: MIDI, Musical Instrument Digital Interface. Audio Eng. Soc. 34, no.5, 1986


102. Muller S: Pianist’s Hands: Synthesis of Musical Gestures. PhD Thesis, Univer-sity of Zurich, Zurich 2004

103. Muller S and G Mazzola: Constraint-based Shaping of Gestural Performance.Proceedings of the ICMC 03, ICMA, Ann Arbor 2003

104. Muller S and G Mazzola: The Extraction of Expressive Shaping in Performance.Computer Music Journal, Vol. 27(1), MIT Press, 2003


106. Thomas Noll Th et al.: Computer-Aided Representation, Analysis and Con-veyance of Musical and Music-Theoretical Structures, KIT-Report 149, FinalReport of the Interdisciplinary Research Group KIT-MaMuTh for Mathemati-cal Music Theory at the Technical University Berlin (1998-2003) 2004

107. Petsche H et al.: EEG and Thinking: Power and Coherence Analysis of Cogni-tive Processes. Austrian Academy of Sciences, 1998

108. Pfeifer R and Ch Scheier. Understanding Intelligence. MIT Press 1999109. Pfeifer R and J Bongard: How the Body Shapes the Way We Think: A New

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111. Repp B: Diversity and Commonality in Music Performance: An Analysis ofTiming Microstructure in Schumann’s Traumerei. J. Acoustic Soc. Am. Vol. 92,1992

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113. Reti R: The Thematic Process in Music (1951). Greenwood Press, Westport 2nded. 1978

114. Riemann H: Der Ausdruck in der Musik. Leipzig, 1883115. Riemann H: Musikalische Dynamik und Agogik. Leipzig 1884

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260 References

116. Ries F: Biographische Notizen uber L. van Beethoven (1838). New edition byKalischer A Ch, 1906

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119. Sachs C: Rhythm and tempo; a study in music history. Norton, New York 1953120. Sachs K-J: Der Contrapunctus im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert. AMW, Franz

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130. Stange-Elbe J: Analyse- und Interpretationsperspektiven zu J.S. Bachs Kunstder Fuge mit Werkzeugen der objektorientierten Informationstechnologie. Ha-bilitationsschrift (manuscript, avaliable in several German libraries), Osnabruck2000

131. Sundberg J, A Friberg, L Fryden: Rules for automated performance of ensemblemusic. Contemporary Music Review, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 89-109, 1989

132. Sundberg J: Music Performance Reseach. An Overview. In : Sundberg J, NordL, Carlson R (eds.): Music Language, Speech and Brain. London 1991

133. Sylvester D: Interviews with Francis Bacon. Pantheon Books, New York 1975134. Tanaka A, Tokui N, and Momeni A: Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, Facili-

tating Collective Musical Creativity, 2005135. Thalmann F: Musical Composition with Grid Diagrams of Transformations.

Master’s Thesis, University of Bern, Bern 2007136. Todd N P M: Towards a Cognitive Theory of Expression: The Performance and

Perception of Rubato. Contemporary Music Review 4, 1989137. Todd N P M: The Dynamics of Dynamics: A Model of Musical Expression. J.

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References 261

143. Valery P: Philosophie de la danse. Oeuvres, tome I, Vairete, “Theorie poetiqueet esthetique”, pp. 1390-1403, Gallimard, 1956

144. Wagner R: Uber das Dirigieren (1869) (Translation: On Conducting. Dover,1989)

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146. Wanderley M and M Battier (Eds.): Trends in Gestural Control of Music. IR-CAM - Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris 2000

147. Wang C Ch: Effects of Some Aspects of Rhythm on Tempo Perception. Journalof Research in Music Education, Vol. 32, No. 3 pp. 169-176, 1984

148. Widmer G: Modeling the Rational Basis of Musical Expression. Computer MusicJournal Vol. 18, 1994

149. Wieser H-G and Mazzola G: Musical consonances and dissonances: Are they dis-tinguished independently by the right and left hippocampi? NeuropsychologiaVol. 24 (6), pp. 805-812, 1986

150. Wieser H-G and Mazzola G: EEG responses to music in limbic and auditorycortices. In: Engel J Jr, Ojemann G A, Luders H O, Williamson P D (eds.):Fundamental mechanisms of human function. Raven, New York 1987

151. Wittgenstein L: Tractatus Logico Philosophicus = Logisch-Philosophische Ab-handlung, Wilhelm Ostwald (ed.), Annalen der Naturphilosophie, 14, 1921

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Music Examples

A good example is the best sermon

In this book, a lot of examples may be invoked to illustrate the theoreticaland practical discourses. We have however only included those examples in thefollowing list that we consider being not only of pedagogical value, but alsocrucial for understanding our thoughts. The list uses two kinds of references:1) references to Internet documents, 2) references to original documents ofpublished music, where the first kind is not available for technical or legalreasons. The second kind is marked by an asterisk (*). The examples arelisted in the order they first appear in the book.

1, page pythagorean.m4a

2, page pythagorean.m4a

3, page meantone.m4a

4, page meantone.m4a

5, page well.m4a

6, page well.m4a

7, page slendro.m4a

8, page slendro.m4a

9, page equal.m4a

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264 References

10, page equal.m4a

11, page

12, page 66*Alois Haba: Streichquartette Gesamtaufnahme. Bayer, 2007

13, page

14, page 137*Anton Webern: Complete String Trios & Quartets (Arditti quartet).Disques Montaigne, 2000

15, page ritard.htm

16, page

17, page 166*Miles Davis: The Complete Concert 1964: My Funny Valentine + Fourand More (Live). Columbia 1964/Sony 1992

18, page

19, page

20, page G Deadpan.aiff

21, page G Final.aiff

22, page deadpan.aiff

23, page finish.aiff

24, page 235*Argerich, Marta: Kinderszenen, Kreisleriana. Deutsche Grammophon 1984

25, page 235*Horowitz, Vladimir: Kinderszenen, Op. 15 Scenes from Childhood. Origi-nal recording 1974, Sony Classical/Legacy 2003

26, page 240*Gould, Glenn: Ludwig van Beethoven, op. 57. Originally released 1970,Sony Classic, 2008

27, page 241*Gould, Glenn: Piano Sonata No. 29 in B-flat Major, Op. 106 ”Ham-merklavier”. Original recording 1970, Sony Classical 1993

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A, 60C, 79D, 156Dir, 162E, 48G, 79, 129, 182H, 62Hz, 59I, 60I(L), 67If#/g, 138

J(℘)(X)−1∆, 73Kb, 219L, 67LX(f), 162M , 129, 230P , 59PM , 230Qw(E,D), 161, 191S, 48, 156S(H), 63Sp, 152T , 156T (E), 49X(G,M), 129XP , 70Z(∂, µ), 197∆, 81Λ, 162ΩXω , 222Π, 164Ψ , 164RED, 78

REHLD, 89, 229

REH , 70

RP., 81

Reh, 70

Ts(E,D), 78

Ts(X), 73

Z12, 138

Tsw(E,D), 161

TsP., 81

TsΛ,Dir, 162

δ, 164

γ, 164

γPhysical(t), 129

γSymbolic(t), 129

b, 220∫XTs, 82

C, 83, 87

D, 89

N (X), 151

νi, 153

∂I(L,C), 79

∂S(H,G), 79

∂T (E,D), 78

∂Tw(E,D), 160

Ct, 60

PARA, 149

dB, 67

℘, 28, 44, 148, 159, 227, 229

℘−1(P ), 227

℘L, 67

℘EHL, 70

℘score, 127

b f , 220

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266 Index

d, 60, 156e, 48h, 62n-dimensional

cube, 82o, 61p(t), 60q, 61riem, 156s, 156speed(E), 49speed(H), 62speed(S), 49speed(e), 48t, 61, 156valton,riem(Chi), 156w, 149w(t), 59wε, 155wε(M), 155prestor, 19312-tempered tuning, 60, 64, 6618th century, 183

Aa tempo, 51ABAB

form, 170absolute

tempo, 51accelerando, 51, 193acoustics

musical -, 22, 60action

gestural -, 127motor -, 125

activationaxis of -, 99

activityelectrical -, 101

adagio, 51adjacent

tempi, 51Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund, 11, 15,

73, 83, 95, 105, 118, 121, 122, 130,135, 137, 138, 141, 142, 145, 192

advancementtime-space, 169

Aebersold, Jamey, 170

aesthesic, 23agent, 35

aesthetical, 23aesthetics, 95affect, 121affine

transformation, 199Africa

music of -, 53Agawu, Kofi, 33agent

aesthesic -, 35musical -, 199neutral -, 34poietic -, 35

agogics, 33, 146, 158, 203, 205, 213, 236primavista -, 207

agogis, 192AgoLogic, 193, 194air

pressure, 59algebraic

geometry, 230algorithm

matching -, 84, 228amplitude, 60analysis, 5, 93, 248

by synthesis, 144, 197contrapuntal -, 147factor -, 205Fourier -, 106harmonic -, 147, 155, 188, 191, 197,

205, 209melodic -, 147, 209metrical -, 150, 199, 210motivic -, 154, 188, 191, 201, 210music -, 149musical -, 135neutral -, 137of performance, 132principal component -, 223rhythmical -, 147, 188, 191, 201, 209Schenkerian -, 192sonic -, 211

analyticaldata, 188epressivity, 94expression, 135performance, 135, 138, 208

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Index 267

rationale, 217, 229, 242

rubette, 188

tool, 150

vector, 222

weight, 5, 148, 149, 188, 230

andante, 51

anger, 109, 132


bow -, 181

anticipation, 170

Appassionata, op.57, 32, 240


linear -, 71

archicortex, 104


evolutionary -, 192

Argerich, Marta, 6, 201, 235, 236

Aristotle, 36, 96

Aron, Pietro, 65

arpeggio, 70, 195


music, 95

work of -, 83

articulation, 77, 79, 108, 132, 146, 160,203

field, 161

artist, 30, 36, 97


level, 193

phantasy, 74

presence, 38


paratextual -, 33

audience, 27, 30, 34, 94, 97, 248


cortex, 59

nerve, 59

auto-incompetence, 239


work, 14


hierarchical -, 219


of embodiment, 37

of semiotics, 37

of activation, 99

of pleasantness, 99

time -, 31

Bb.p.m., 52Baboushka

principle, 26Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 13Bach, Johann Sebastian, 6, 66, 144, 198,

208, 211, 240, 242background

formal -, 169Bagatelle op.126,2, Beethoven, 122balance, 40Ballad Tempo, 53bandwidth, 219, 220bandwidths

hierarchy of -, 220Barenboim, Daniel, 195bass, 210bebop, 171Beethoven, Ludwig van, 14, 16, 32, 53,

106, 115, 131, 140, 240, 242behavior

expressive -, 98human -, 97

Benedetti Michelangeli, Arturo, 126Bengtsson, Erling Bløndal, 18Benjamin, Walter, 15, 73Beran

operator, 222Beran, Jan, 217, 227, 229, 231Bezzuoli, Giuseppe, 96BigBang

Rubette, 199, 200rubette, 188

Binet, Alfred, 17biological

motion, 164Blake, William, 231blue

note, 170Boccherini, Luigi, 174body, 40, 116, 130, 132

gesture’s -, 130motion, 132musician’s -, 37of sounds, 37of time, 37, 40, 116, 166

BoesendorferMIDI -, 201

Boulez, Pierre, 188

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268 Index

boundingrectangle, 133

bowangle, 181contact point, 181pressure, 181velocity, 181

Bowden, Marshall, 172Brahms, Johannes, 52brain

emotional -, 104human -, 165potential, 101

Brendel, Alfred, 205, 217Bresin, Roberto, 163Buteau, Chantal, 150, 187

CC Major Mass op.86, Beethoven, 53cadence, 101calculus, 74calm

music, 111Camurri, Antonio, 132, 133carpus, 127Carter, Ron, 172Cartesian

product, 70, 82, 88, 89category

emotional -, 99mimetic -, 119of modules, 187

causalinfluence, 232

Cavailles, Jean, 7, 37Celibidache, Sergiu, 83, 84cell

performance -, 83, 87, 159, 188, 248Cent, 60central

perspective, 12centur

18th -, 183Chatelet, Gilles, 122change

loudness -, 79changes

chord -, 167characteristic

gesture, 116charge

harmonic -, 191chart, 138, 183, 228Childre, Doc, 97Chopin

rubato, 70, 193–195Chopin, Frederic, 18, 195chord

changes, 167harmonic

weight of a -, 157neapolitan -, 101

christianizationof music, 118

circlecolor -, 229

circumplexmodel, 99, 110, 113

classpitch -, 138

ClassicRubato, 187

classicismViennese -, 140

cluster, 101Clynes, Manfred, 105, 112, 118, 123cochlea, 59cognitive

science, 164coherence

EEG -, 101interhemispheric EEG -, 102local EEG -, 102

collaborativemusic, 173space, 199

colorcircle, 229field, 85

Coltrane, John, 93comes, 210communication, 22, 23, 192

inter-rubette -, 187multi-agent -, 34, 166of musical contents, 173rhetoric -, 241

complexnumber, 38

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Index 269

composer, 27, 30, 33, 34, 97, 105, 117,123

real-time -, 34compositional

formula, 192comprehension, 34computer-generated

performance, 108concept

of presence, 38spatial -, 122

concertpitch, 63

conditionsgeometric -, 183

connotation, 27consonance, 104consonant

interval, 61constant

diagonal field, 74diagonal field, 81

constraintgeometric -, 129musical -, 129physical -, 129

constraintsgeometric -, 127mechanical -, 127


bow -, 181content, 24, 83context

global -, 44historical -, 216local -, 44

continuouscurve, 130time, 48weight function, 150

contrapunctus III/Kunst der Fuge, 209,211

contrapuntalanalysis, 147theory, 64

conversationtopos of -, 175


gestural -, 122core

emotion, 99correlate

physiological -, 125cortex

auditory -, 59Corti organ, 59Cortot factor, 205Cortot, Alfred, 201, 223counterpoint, 140, 175, 183, 210

Fuxian -, 104Courtier, Jules, 17covering

nerve of a -, 138, 151Cowan, Sara, ixcreative

performance, 38process, 35

Crelle, August Leopold, 13crescendo, 79critic, 239critique

music -, 227, 252Cryer, Bruce, 97CSI (Composer, Score, Interpreter), 28,

94cuben-dimensional -, 82

cubicspline, 150

cuesperformance -, 132

cultureWestern -, 105

curvecontinuous -, 130integral -, 82mamma -, 195tempo -, 158, 195, 205

Czerny, Carl, 6, 13, 70, 85, 130, 193–195

DDahlhaus, Carl, 48, 174dance, 36, 40

of philosophy, 36philosophy of -, 36

dancer, 116Danuser, Hermann, 11, 16, 136

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270 Index

dataanalytical -, 188

daughter, 188, 207, 231, 235LPS, 196tempo, 195

Davis, Miles, ix, 3, 163, 165–169deadpan, 198decomposition

Fourier -, 29orthonormal -, 23

deep-frozengesture, 127

definitioninfinitesimal -, 73of gesture, 130

definition ofperformance, 28

definitiveperformance, 117

deformation, 169deictic

morpheme, 83Delacroix, Eugene, 69denaturation

sacred -, 119denotator, 147, 187, 199deployment

gestural -, 192depression, 103depth

EEG, 104derivation, 162Desain, Peter, 48, 193description

verbal -, 98deus ex machina, 95development, 137, 139

genealogical -, 192diachronic

distance -, 31diagram, 89differential equatio

ordinary -, 89differentiation

rule, 144diminution

rhythmic -, 171directed

graph, 130

Director Musices, 108, 143, 163, 164, 249discrete

time, 48disklavier, 18dispositio, 12dissonance, 104distance, 199

diachronic -, 31synchronic -, 31

distributedidentity, 40

distributor, 209divertimenti, 174dominant, 155

metrically -, 152drama

musical -, 242dramaturgy

emotional -, 121drum

roll, 193duration, 46, 77

performance of -, 78physical -, 60

dux, 210dynamical

symbol, 67dynamics, 108, 132, 146

primavista -, 207symbolic -, 67


inner, 59eardrum, 59education, 251

jazz -, 170music -, 200oral -, 13performance -, 85

EEG, 101coherence, 101depth -, 104interhemispheric - coherence, 102local - coherence, 102localization, 101

Eimert, Herbert, 193elasticity

temporal -, 169

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Index 271

electricalactivity, 101

Ellington, Duke, 53elocutio, 12embodiment, 22, 25

axis of -, 37gestural -, 14, 166

emergencetime-space, 168

emergentproperties, 39

emotion, 5, 93, 97, 98, 132, 248core -, 99

emotionalbrain, 104category, 99dramaturgy, 121expression, 163expressivity, 191meaning, 105performance, 108rationale, 217

emotivelife, 110

empiricalevidence, 100research, 84tradition, 16

encodingfunction, 164

ensemblerule, 144

epilepsy, 103epressivity

analytical -, 94gestural -, 94, 105semantic -, 95semiotic -, 164

Epstein, David, 53ERP, 101Espresso

Rubette, 84, 129, 200rubette, 228

essenticform, 105

ethnographyof tempo, 52

ethnology, transversal -, 31etude

method, 170

etymology, 31


space, 64

Euler, Leonhard, 63

European Art Music, 53

Evans, Bill, 112


empirical -, 100


logical -, 192

stemmatic -, 193


architecture, 192

ex movere, 122


music, 111

experiment, 209, 251

performance -, 212, 213


strategy, 211, 212, 214


in performance theory, 217

with expressive performance, 96

expert listener, 95

exposition, 137, 139

expression, 24, 93

analytical -, 135

emotional -, 163

facial -, 98

mapper, 132

of expression, 119, 130

rhetorical -, 95, 177


behavior, 98

performance, 28, 228, 230

experiments with -, 96

theory, 96, 248

theory, 4, 93, 95

expressive performanc

principles of -, 161


emotional -, 191

gestural -, 132, 191

rhetorical -, 30, 94

semantic -, 94

semiotic -, 28

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272 Index

FF-horn, 181facial

expression, 98fact, 25, 29factor

analysis, 205family

life, 231of violins, 175, 176, 178, 183

Fantasiermaschine, 17Faster Uphill, 144father, 197feelings, 98female

listener, 101fermata, 158, 221Ferretti, Roberto, 230feuilletonism, 240FFT, 19fiber, 164, 227, 230, 233, 236

problem, 227field, 188

articulation -, 161color -, 85constant diagonal -, 74, 81interpolation, 229Lie-type -, 231operator, 148, 159, 188, 192parallel -, 78, 160performance -, 4, 81, 84, 149, 200,

229, 248vector -, 70, 162

fifth, 61, 63voice, 175, 184

fifthsparallel of -, 183

finalinfluence, 232performance, 192ritard, 124

Final Ritard, 144finger, 127Finscher, Ludwig, 5, 173, 176first

interpreter, 32observer, 32species, 183

flow, 37

semiotic - process, 39

flying carpet, 232, 235

form, 147

ABAB -, 170

essentic -, 105


background, 169

structure, 169


compositional -, 192

fortissimo, 67

Foster Jenkins, Florence, 239

four part

texture, 175


pulse, 105


analysis, 106

decomposition, 29

spectrum, 181

theorem, 22

fourth, 61

frame, 188, 247

of the performance, 82

free jazz, 3, 37, 38


of interpretation, 32

freezing process

gesture -, 28

Freischutz, 19


gesture theory, 122

frequency, 59

Friberg, Anders, 107, 132, 135, 143, 163,164, 193

Friedrich, Caspar David, 32

Fryden, Lars, 135, 143


encoding -, 164

Riemann -, 135, 156


of performance theory, 251


counterpoint, 104


mapper, 132

value, 156

fuzzy mapper, 109

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Index 273

GGoller, Stefan, ix, 84Gabrielsson, Alf, 18, 50, 110Galilei, Galileo, 49, 96gamba, 176Garbers, Jorg, 187gender, 101genealogical

development, 192inheritance process, 46tree, 46, 195

generalposition, 177, 178, 183

generality, 200generative

rule, 163Generative Theory of Tonal Music, 34,


operator, 161geometric

conditions, 183constraint, 129constraints, 127language, 121parameter, 180representation, 120

geometryalgebraic -, 230

GERMmodel, 163

Gesange der Fruhe, op. 133, 109Gestalt, 53gestural

action, 127coordinate, 122deployment, 192embodiment, 14, 166epressivity, 94, 105expressivity, 132, 191interface, 199network, 200performance, 121philosophy, 121process, 199rationale, 217, 242symbol, 127vibration, 121

gesturality, 200

gesture, 5, 25, 29, 37, 40, 93, 98, 115,117, 118, 242, 248

characteristic -, 116deep-frozen -, 127definition of -, 130freezing process, 28mimic -, 121of gestures, 123philosophy, 130physical - curve, 127symbolic -, 127symbolic - curve, 127theory, 115, 121

French -, 122mathematical -, 129

gesture’sbody, 130skeleton, 130

gesturesmorphism of -, 131thawing to -, 28

glissando, 62, 79global

context, 44metric, 152rhythmic, 152technical

parameter, 180God, 243Gottschewski, Hermann, 18, 50Gould, Glenn, 32, 126, 211, 214, 240,

243gradient, 162grammar

performance -, 241graph

directed -, 130Riemann -, 156

groupsymmetry -, 210

groupingrule, 144

Guarneri, 181Gumpert, Hans Ulrich, 193

HHaba, Alois, 66Hammerklavier Sonata op. 106, 19, 131,


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274 Index

Hancock, Herbie, 172hand, 127

pianist’s -, 126, 130happiness, 109, 132happy

music, 111Happy Birthday to You, 174Harmo

Rubette, 156, 201rubette, 209

harmonicanalysis, 147, 155, 188, 191, 197, 205,

209charge, 191modulation, 30relation, 175weight of a chord, 157

harmony, 108, 156, 183Hatten, Robert S, 115Hawking, Stephen, 38Haydn, Joseph, 106, 173, 175, 184Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 13Heinitz, Wilhelm, 19hemisphere

right -, 102Hentoff, Nat, 93herarchies

of tempi, 56Hertz, 59Heschl gyri, 59Heusen, Jimmy Van, 166hierarchical

averaging, 219hierarchy

of bandwidths, 220of sound parameters, 46of spaces, 78parallel -, 197performance -, 89, 162, 188, 248piano -, 89tempo -, 193, 195

High Loud, 144historical

context, 216root, 174

historyof tempo, 52, 54performance -, 198

Hjelmslev, Louis, 26

Hohlfeld, Johann, 17Holdman, James, ix, 66holistic

music processing, 102Honing, Henkjan, 48, 193Horace, 191Horowitz factor, 205Horowitz, Vladimir, 6, 126, 201, 205,

217, 223, 235, 236human

behavior, 97brain, 165voice, 13, 177

Hus, Jan, 217hypercube of musical

oniontology, 26hypergesture, 123, 131

II Thought About You, 163, 166, 168,

170I, the, 120ideality, 15idelogical positions, 95identical

reproduction, 119identity, 135

distributed -, 40imaginary

time, 38time-space, 38, 166

imperfection, 192, 193impression, 34Impromptu, op.29, Chopin, 195improvisation, 5, 14, 35, 38, 163, 165,


process, 167space, 167time-space, 166

improviser, 34, 37, 39independent

linearly -, 64, 177position, 177

ineffable, 98infinite

message, 239infinitely

small, 74

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Index 275

infinitesimaldefinition, 73

influencecausal -, 232final -, 232

inheritance, 196, 233initial

performance, 82, 83, 188, 247set, 83, 247

innerear -, 59score, 166

innervationmimic -, 119

inprovisation, 248input

symbolic -, 148instructor, 84instrument, 45instrumental

interface, 28, 37parameter, 180variety, 183vector, 181, 182

instrumentation, 174integral

curve, 82inter-rubette

communication, 187interaction

matrix, 233interface

gestural -, 199instrumental -, 28, 37


EEG -, 102interiorization, 122intermodal, 116internal

movement, 125interpolation

field -, 229interpretation, freedom of -, 32Interpretationsanalyse, 16interpreter, 27, 30, 119, 121interpreter, first -, 32interval

consonant -, 61

microtonal -, 62intonation, 58intrinsic, 98inventio, 12Invention for two voices, F major, BWV

779, J.S. Bach, 144inverse

performance, 6theory, 227, 235

inversion, 138, 210retrograde-, 202, 210

Iowa Piano Camera, 18ISC (Impression, Schematization,

Comprehension), 34, 94, 95isomorphism, 111

classes of melodies, 113istesso tempo, 51

JJanosy, Zotlan, 18Jackendoff, Ray, 34, 95, 150, 151Jacobian, 229

matrix, 72Java, 187jazz, 3, 5, 35, 37, 53, 166, 192, 247

education, 170free -, 3, 37, 38standard, 167whitened -, 37

JoachimKaiser, 240

joystick, 123Jupiter Symphony, Mozart, 151Juslin, Patrick N, 97, 108, 163just

tuning, 60, 63, 64

Kkairos, 40Kaiser

Joachim -, 240Kalix, Adalbert, 19Kant, Immanuel, 21kernel

Naradaya-Watson -, 219smoothing, 220symbolic -, 159, 188, 247

keyboardmusic, 16

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276 Index

piano -, 127Kinderszenen, 6Kinderszenen, op.15, 201, 206King, Emily, ixKlavier-Cembalo, 17Koelsch, Stefan, 101Kopiez, Reinhard, 11, 16, 106Kronman, Ulf, 124, 164KTH, 201, 248

rules, 148school, 197, 217system, 144, 147, 163, 191, 192

Kungliga Tekniska Hgskolan (KTH), 143Kunst der Fuge, 6, 154, 198, 208, 215

contrapunctus III/-, 209, 211Kuriose Geschichte, op.15/2, 206


notation, 36Laban, Rudolf von, 36Langer, Susan, 110Langner, Jorg, 106language, 110, 122

geometric -, 121law

Weber-Fechner -, 60Lawrence, David Herbert, 227Lazarus, Richard S., 99lead sheet, 37, 166leaf, 197, 207, 230, 231length

of a local meter, 150lense

model, 108Lerdahl, Fred, 34, 95, 150, 151level

artistic -, 193mental -, 166

Lewin, David, 116Lewis, Irving, 98Lie

operator, 162, 234, 251Lie derivative, 162Lie-type

field, 231life

emotive -, 110family -, 231

limbicsystem, 103

limbs, 130line

melodic -, 167linear

approximation, 71map, 72

linearlyindependent, 64, 177

Lipschitz, 82Lipscomb, Scott, 95liquid

lymphic -, 59Lisp, 143listener, 34, 227

female -, 101male -, 101

listeningprocedure, 164

Listenius, Nikolaus, 12Liszt, Franz, 16Livingstone, Steven R, 110local

coherenceEEG -, 102

context, 44meter, 150, 199, 201, 209

length of a -, 150maximal -, 150

performancescore, 188, 196

technicalparameter, 181

local deviation oftempo, 51

localizationEEG -, 101


performance grammar, 165locally constant

tempo, 50logarithm, 60

of tempo, 222logic, 192logical

evolution, 192tree, 193

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Index 277

loop, 131loudnes, 67loudness, 60

change, 79physical -, 67

LPS, 188, 196, 232daughter -, 196mother -, 196top -, 196

lymphicliquid, 59

MM.M. (Maelzel’s Metronome), 51Macsai, Janos, 18Mobius

strip, 165, 197Muller, Stefan, 84Mac OSX, 187machine, 34Maelzel’s metronome, 51Maelzel, Johann Nepomuk, 52major

third, 61, 63male

listener, 101mamma

curve, 195manifold, 129map

linear -, 72mapper

expression -, 132fuzzy -, 132video -, 132

Maqammusic, 66

Marceau, Marcel, 115Massinger, Philip, 135matching

algorithm, 84, 228problem, 228

mathematicalgesture theory, 129

Mathew, Max, 29matrilinear, 196matrix

interaction -, 233Jacobian -, 72

multi-agent -, 35Riemann -, 156

maximallocal meter, 150

Mazzola, Christina, vMazzola, Guerino, 135, 146, 187, 188,

199, 207Mazzola, Silvio, ixmeaning

emotional -, 105measure

physiological -, 98measurement

of performance, 18mechanical

constraints, 127model, 124ritard, 124

Medium Swing, 53Medium Up, 53Meistersinger, 19Melo

Rubette, 155, 187, 201melodic

analysis, 147, 209line, 167weight, 198, 203, 205

melodiesisomorphism classes of -, 113

melody, 108, 154Melodyne, 19, 218memoria, 13Mendelssohn, Felix, 106mental

level, 166reality, 22score, 83

Mercer, Johnny, 166message

infinite -, 239metasystem, 27meter

local -, 150, 199, 201, 209metered

time, 167method

etude -, 170methodology

Rubato -, 192

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278 Index

metricglobal -, 152

metricalanalysis, 150, 199, 210profile, 153, 209time, 48weight, 149, 213

metricallydominant, 152

MetroRubette, 152, 187, 199, 201

metronomeMaelzel’s -, 51

metronomictime-space, 168

microstructure, 105microtonal

interval, 62MIDI, 18, 24, 60, 67, 78, 84, 128, 188,

195, 218Boesendorfer, 201pitch, 67velocity, 128

Milmeister, Gerard, 187mimesis, 119mimetic

category, 119mimic

gesture, 121innervation, 119

modelcircumplex -, 99, 110, 113GERM -, 163lense -, 108mechanical -, 124

modularity, 191, 199modulation

harmonic -, 30tonal -, 183

modulescategory of -, 187

Mohr, Horst, 18Molino, Jean, 23, 34, 83molto-adagio, 52Momeni, Ali, 34Monteverdi, Claudio, 12Moonrise over the Sea, 32morpheme

deictic -, 83

morphismof gestures, 131

Morsy, Karim, 188mother, 231

primary -, 231LPS, 196performance, 188primary -, 197tempo, 195

motif, 154, 202motion, 126

biological -, 164body -, 132neurophysiological -, 125

motivatedsemiotics, 27

motivessimilarity of -, 154

motivicanalysis, 154, 188, 191, 201, 210similarity -, 202weight, 209, 213, 235

motoraction, 125

movement, 122internal -, 125principle, 164

Mozartpiano sonata KV 331, 51string quartet KV 458, 102Wolfgang Amadeus, 51, 106, 115

Mozart, Leopold, 13multi-agent

communication, 34, 166matrix, 35

multitouchspace, 131

musicanalysis, 149art -, 95calm -, 111christianization of -, 118collaborative -, 173critique, 227, 252education, 200exciting -, 111happy -, 111keyboard -, 16Maqam -, 66

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Index 279

of Africa, 53processing

holistic -, 102sad -, 111solemn -, 111theory, 247thinking -, 37universal function of -, 105Western -, 49, 116

music N, 29musical

acoustics, 22, 60agent, 199analysis, 135constraint, 129drama, 242ontology, 21performance, 40romanticism, 19sign, 118time, 120

musical contentscommunication of -, 173

musicianperforming -, 126

musician’sbody, 37


kernel, 219narrative, 98neapolitan

chord, 101neighborhood, 155neocortex, 104nerve

auditory -, 59of a covering, 138, 151

network, 199gestural -, 200

Neubacker, Peter, 19neumatic

notation, 119neume, 127neumes, 28neurophysiological

motion, 125neuroscience, 23

neutralagent, 34analysis, 137niveau, 37, 199, 228

neutral level, 23NeXT, 202NEXTSTEP, 187, 198, 207Nietzsche, Friedrich, 36niveau

neutral -, 37, 199, 228Noll, Thomas, 150non-tempered

tuning, 60notation, 118

for parameter spaces, 69Laban -, 36neumatic -, 119tempo -, 52

noteagainst note, 175blue -, 170symbol, 127

numbercomplex -, 38rational -, 64


programming, 147objectivity, 15Objevtice C, 187observer, 116observer, first -, 32octave, 60, 61, 63ODE, 89OFF, 78, 128offset, 46, 78Oh, My Darling Clementine, 112ON, 78, 128oniontology, 22

hypercube of musical -, 26performer’s -, 37

onset, 43, 78ontology

musical -, 21openness, 200OPENSTEP, 209operator, 188, 207, 230, 248, 249

symbolic -, 148, 166

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280 Index

Beran -, 222field -, 148, 159, 188, 192generic -, 161Lie -, 162, 234, 251performance -, 159physical -, 148, 159, 160, 188, 192,

198, 204primavista -, 159, 189, 231scalar -, 188shaping -, 148split -, 159splitting -, 188symbolic -, 159, 160, 188tempo -, 160, 188, 191, 204, 205, 235

operatorsvariety of -, 161

oraleducation, 13

orchestraWagner -, 174

orchestration, 174ordinary

differential equation, 89original, 120orthonormal

decomposition, 23ossicles, 59out of time, 169output

physical -, 148

PPan, I-Yi, ixparadigm

similarity -, 154parallel

field, 78, 160hierarchy, 197of fifths, 183

parametergeometric -, 180global technical -, 180instrumental -, 180local technical -, 181sound color -, 180space, 81, 149, 183

parameter spacenotation for -, 69


attribute, 33partials, 22path

of Riemann parameters, 156Peirce, Charles Sanders, 98percept

of self-motion, 125Performance

Rubette, 166rubette, 188, 191

performance, 184cues, 132score

local -, 196analysis of -, 132analytical -, 135, 138, 208cell, 83, 87, 159, 188, 248computer-generated -, 108creative -, 38definition of -, 28definitive -, 117education, 85emotional -, 108experiment, 212, 213expressive -, 28, 228, 230field, 4, 81, 84, 149, 200, 229, 248final -, 192frame of the -, 82genealogical theory of -, 89gestural -, 121grammar, 241

locally linear -, 165hierarchy, 89, 162, 188, 248history, 198initial -, 82, 83, 188, 247inverse -, 6measurement of -, 18mother -, 188musical -, 40of duration, 78operator, 159primavista -, 159, 192procedure, 164research, 11rule, 191science, 251score

local -, 188software, 108

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Index 281

theory, 3, 12, 127, 136, 146, 164, 165,173, 187, 227, 247

experiments in -, 217future of -, 251

transformation, 4, 28, 44, 159, 247performer, 34, 36, 37, 51, 84, 117, 199performer’s

oniontology, 37performing

musician, 126period, 59, 235perspective

central -, 12Petsche, Hellmuth, 101phantasy

artistic -, 74phenomenological

property, 98philosophical

tradition, 12philosophy

dance of -, 36gestural -, 121gesture -, 130of dance, 36

physicalconstraint, 129duration, 60gesture curve, 127loudness, 67operator, 148, 159, 160, 188, 192, 198,

204output, 148pitch, 62reality, 22, 193ritard, 124space, 44time, 38, 47

physiologicalcorrelate, 125measure, 98

pianissimo, 67pianist, 126pianist’s

hand, 126, 130piano

hierarchy, 89keyboard, 127roll, 18

space, 229piano roll, 50Pianoforte Schule, 193pitch, 43, 58, 60

class, 138concert -, 63MIDI -, 67physical -, 62symbolic -, 62

pixel, 132pleasantness

axis of -, 99poiesis, 228poietic

agent, 35poietical, 23polarity, 100politically incorrect, 242Pollini, Maurizio, 195, 217polygonal approximation

of tempo, 55polyphony, 175position

general -, 177, 178, 183independent -, 177spatial -, 48

potentialbrain , 101time, 48

power, 102precision, 74prehistory

of string quartet, 174presence, 40

artistic -, 38concept of -, 38

presheaf, 187pressure

air -, 59bow -, 181

prestissimo, 52prima-vista, 89primary

mother, 197, 231Primavista

Rubette, 158rubette, 188weight, 157


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282 Index

agogics, 207dynamics, 207operator, 159, 189, 231performance, 159, 192weight, 204

principal componentanalysis, 223

principleBaboushka -, 26movement -, 164

principlesof expressive performance, 161

private, 98problem

fiber -, 227matching -, 228

procedurelistening -, 164performance -, 164X-ray -, 120

process, 25, 29creative -, 35genealogical inheritance -, 46gestural -, 199improvisational -, 167reshaping -, 198thematic -, 154unfreezing -, 127

productCartesian -, 70, 82, 88, 89

profilemetrical -, 153, 209

programmingobject-oriented -, 147

progressionrhythmical -, 169time-space, 168

projectSYVAR -, 18

projection, 88, 89pronuntiatio, 13propagation

quasi-sexual -, 197properties

emergent -, 39property

phenomenological -, 98psoftware

performance -, 108

psychoacoustics, 60psychological

reality, 22psychology, 97pulse, 105

four-note -, 105puppeteer, 243Puttke, Martin, 37Pythagoras, 60

Qqualia, 98Quantz, Johann Joachim, 13quartet

string -, 173quasi-sexual

propagation, 197quasi-walking-latin-ballad, 53quatuor concertant, 174quatuor dialogue, 176quintet

string -, 183

Rrallentando, 51random

variation, 164rational

number, 64rationale, 227

analytical -, 217, 229, 242emotional -, 217gestural -, 217, 242

realtime, 48

real-timecomposer, 34

realities, 22reality

mental -, 22physical -, 22, 193psychological -, 22symbolic -, 193

recapitulation, 137, 139recorder, 174rectangle

bounding -, 133rehearsal, 46, 192Reichhardt, Johann Friedrich, 176

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Index 283

relationharmonic -, 175

relative localtempo, 51

relative punctualtempo, 51

Renbarger, Cory J, ixRepp, Bruno, 6, 19, 201, 205, 206, 222,

223, 235representation

geometric -, 120reproduction

identical -, 119research

empirical -, 84performance -, 11

reshapingprocess, 198

Reti, Rudolf, 154retrograde, 202, 210retrograde-inversion, 202, 210rhetoric

communication, 241rhetorical

expression, 177expression, 95expressivity, 30, 94tradition, 13transfer, 95

rhetorics, 93, 248Rhoades, Lisa, ix, 101, 167, 168rhythm, 108rhythmic

diminution, 171global -, 152

rhythmicalanalysis, 147, 188, 191, 201, 209progression, 169

Riemannfunction, 135, 156graph, 156matrix, 156parameter

spath of -, 156theory, 155

Riemann, Hugo, 12, 15, 149, 150, 155,209

Ries, Ferdinand, 173, 175right

hemisphere, 102ritard, 164

final -, 124mechanical -, 124physical -, 124

ritardando, 51, 158roll

drum -, 193romanticism

musical -, 19root

historical -, 174Rubato, 5, 84, 96, 146, 150, 154, 187,

191, 207, 208, 215, 249Classic -, 187Composer, 187, 199methodology, 192

rubatoChopin -, 70, 193–195

Rubette, 187, 199analytical -, 188BigBang -, 199, 200, 188Espresso -, 84, 129, 200, 228Harmo -, 156, 201, 209Melo -, 155, 187, 201Metro -, 152, 187, 199, 201Performance -, 188, 191Primavista -, 158, 188

RubettePerformance -, 166rule

differentiation -, 144ensemble -, 144generative -, 163grouping -, 144performance -, 191

rulesKTH -, 148

Rulle, 143Russell, James A., 99

SSachs, Curt, 52sacred

denaturation, 119sad

music, 111sadness, 109, 132Saint Augustin, 36, 115Saint Victor, Hugues de, 130

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284 Index

scalaroperator, 188

schematization, 34Schenker, Heinrich, 15, 135Schenkerian

analysis, 192Schilling, Gustav, 12, 13schizophrenia, 103Schoenberg, Arnold, 37, 94, 183school

KTH -, 197, 217Schubert, Franz, 106, 115Schumann, Robert, 6, 65, 94, 106, 109,

122, 176, 184, 201, 206, 235science

cognitive -, 164performance -, 251

score, 27, 31, 33, 43, 62, 105, 119, 127,135, 150, 154, 157, 164, 192, 197,199, 200, 214, 227, 242

inner -, 166mental -, 83

Seashoretest, 18

Seashore, Carl, 11, 18Sechs Bagatellen fur Streichquartett

op.9, Webern, 137Seipp, Rosina, 18self-motio

percept of -, 125self-report, 98semantic

epressivity, 95expressivity, 94

semantics, 93semi-tone, 60semiotic

structure, 14epressivity, 164expressivity, 28flow process, 39

semiotics, 22axis of -, 37motivated -, 27

sentograph, 112, 123series

time -, 219Sessions, Roger, 116set

initial -, 83, 247Shaffer, L. Henry, 18shaping

operator, 148strategies, 5vector, 222

shifttemporal -, 169

shifter, 83, 118, 120Shorter, Wayne, 172sign

musical -, 118signification, 24similarity

motivic -, 202of motives, 154paradigm, 154

simplex, 152simultaneous

tempi, 55sister, 231, 233sisters, 235skeleton

gesture’s -, 130Sloboda, John A., 97small

infinitely -, 74smoothing

kernel -, 220solemn

music, 111sonata

theory, 137sonic

analysis, 211soprano, 210sore, 14sound, 59

colorparameter, 180

space, 177, 178, 182speech, 175

sound parameterhierarchy of -, 46

soundsbody of -, 37

space, 37, 120, 121, 166collaborative -, 199Euler -, 64

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Index 285

improvisational -, 167multitouch -, 131parameter -, 81, 149, 183physical -, 44piano -, 229sound -, 177, 178, 182symbolic -, 44tangent -, 229

space-time, 120, 130spaces

hierarchy of -, 78span, 210spatial

concept, 122position, 48

spatialization, 31, 119species

first -, 183spectrum, 220

Fourier -, 181speculum musicae, 64speech

sound -, 175spline, 203, 205

cubic -, 150split

operator, 159splitting

operator, 188spontaneity, 38sponteaneity, 166standard

jazz -, 167Stange-Elbe, Joachim, 207–209, 214–216statistics, 218stemma, 192, 197, 204, 207, 213, 214,

230, 236theory, 148

stemmaticevolution, 193

Stimmung, 62strategies

shaping -, 5strategy

experimental -, 211, 212, 214target-driven -, 211, 214

stringquartet, 173

theory, 173

quintet, 183string quartet

prehistory of -, 174theory, 5, 65, 184

string quartet KV 458, Mozart, 102string quartet op.130, Beethoven, 174String Trio op.45, Schoenberg, 94stringendo, 51strip

Mobius -, 165, 197structure

semiotic, 14formal -, 169theory, 3

structures pour deux pianos, 188subdominant, 155submotif, 155substitution

tritone -, 169Sundberg, Johan, 107, 124, 135, 143, 164suspension, 221swing, 171syllogism, 192symbol

dynamical -, 67gestural -, 127note -, 127

symbolicdynamics, 67gesture, 127gesture curve, 127input, 148kernel, 159, 188, 247operator, 148, 159, 160, 166, 188pitch, 62reality, 193space, 44time, 47transformation, 166

symmetrygroup, 210

synchronicdistance -, 31

synthesisanalysis by -, 144, 197

systemKTH -, 144, 147, 163, 191, 192limbic -, 103variable, 232

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286 Index

vestibular , 125SYVAR

project, 18

TTurk, Daniel Gottlob, 13tangent

space, 229target-driven

strategy, 211, 214Taylor, Cecil, 116, 126team, 133Tekniska museet Stockholm, 133tempi

adjacent -, 51herarchies of -, 56simultaneous -, 55

tempo, 33, 47, 48, 62, 124, 132, 164, 193a -, 51absolute -, 51curve, 158, 195, 205daughter -, 195di A-train, 53ethnography of -, 52hierarchy, 193, 195history of -, 52, 54istesso -, 51local deviation of -, 51locally constant -, 50logarithm of -, 222mother -, 195notation, 52operator, 160, 188, 191, 204, 205, 235polygonal approximation of -, 55relative local -, 51relative punctual -, 51theory, 193

temporalelasticity, 169shift, 169

temporal lobe, 59tenor, 210tension, 169test

Seashore -, 18tetractys, 61texture

four part -, 175Thalmann, Florian, ix, 188

thawingto gestures, 28

thematicprocess, 154

theoremFourier -, 22

theoriestuning -, 60

theory, 251contrapuntal -, 64expressive -, 4, 93, 95expressive performance -, 96, 248genealogical - of performance, 89gesture -, 115, 121inverse performance -, 227, 235mathematical gesture -, 129music -, 247of oscillating systems, 106performance -, 3, 12, 127, 136, 146,

164, 165, 173, 187, 227, 247Riemann -, 155sonata -, 137stemma -, 148string quartet -, 5, 65, 173, 184structure -, 3tempo -, 193topos -, 147transformational -, 116

Thiele, Bob, 93thinking

music, 37third

major -, 61, 63timbre, 108time, 36, 115, 120

axis, 31body of -, 37, 40, 116, 166continuous -, 48discrete -, 48imaginary -, 38metered -, 167metrical -, 48musical -, 120out of -, 169physical -, 38, 47potential -, 48real -, 48series, 219symbolic -, 47

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Index 287

time-spacimaginary -, 166improvisational -, 166

time-space, 38advancement -, 169emergence -, 168imaginary -, 38metronomic -, 168progression -, 168

timing, 108Todd, Neil P McAgnus, 124, 125, 164,

193, 206Todd, Neil P. McAgnus, 124Tolstoi, Leo, 163tonal

modulation, 183tonality, 108tonic, 155tool

analytical -, 150top

LPS, 196topos, 187

of conversation, 175theory, 147

torch song, 170TOS, 106totality, 15Traumerei, op.15/7, 152, 155Traumerei, op.15/7, 6, 94, 153, 201, 210,

216, 218, 219, 222, 235tradition

empirical -, 16linguistic rhetorical -, 13philosophical -, 12

transferrhetorical -, 95

transformationaffine -, 199performance -, 28, 44, 159, 247symbolic -, 166

transformationaltheory, 116

transitionweight, 156

transversalethnology, 31

treegenealogical -, 46, 195

logical -, 193trial an error, 144trill, 160tritone

substitution, 169Tschaikowsky, Peter, 103tuning, 58

12-tempered -, 60, 64, 66just -, 60, 63, 64non-tempered -, 60theories, 60

turn, 171

UUhde, Jurgen, 121unfreezing

process, 127Ungvary, Tamas, 123universal

function of music, 105

VValery, Paul, 3, 23, 36, 81, 83, 87value

fuzzy -, 156variable

system -, 232variation

random -, 164variety

instrumental -, 183of operators, 161

Vasari, 12vector

analytical -, 222field, 70, 162instrumental -, 181, 182shaping -, 222

velocity, 67bow -, 181MIDI -, 128

verbaldescription, 98

Verrillo, Ronald T, 164vestibular

system, 125vibration

gestural -, 121vibrato, 180

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288 Index

videomapper, 132

Vienneseclassicism, 140

Viennese schoolsecond, 15

Vinci, Leonardo da, 47viola, 173violin, 173violins

family of -, 175, 176, 178, 183violoncello, 173visualization, 200, 229visuals, 95vocalization, 98voice, 209, 210

fifth -, 175, 184human -, 13, 177

Volk-Fleischer, Anja, 150, 153, 187Vortragslehre, 16

WWolfli, Adolf, 103Wagner

orchestra, 174Wagner, Christoph, 18Wagner, Richard, 33Washington, Dinah, 170Weber-Fechner

law, 60Webern, Anton, 15, 65, 137, 140, 141,

240weight, 191, 199, 201, 210, 232, 249, 251

analytical -, 5, 148, 149, 188, 230

functioncontinuous -, 150

harmonic - of a chord, 157melodic -, 198, 203, 205metrical -, 149, 213motivic -, 209, 213, 235Primavista -, 157primavista -, 204transition -, 156

WeightWatcher, 191, 214Weltanschauung, 95Western

culture, 105music, 49, 116

When I fall in Love, 112whitened

jazz, 37Widmer, Gerhard, 19Wieland, Renate, 121, 122, 130, 131Wieser, Heinz-Gregor, 103Williams, Tony, 172Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 25work, 27

autonomous -, 14of art, 83


procedure, 120

ZZahorka, Oliver, 146, 187, 193, 207Zielinski, Nickolai, ix