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Part 6. Anti-epileptic drugs and anticonvulsant drugs ( 抗抗抗抗抗抗抗抗抗 )

Part 6. Anti-epileptic drugs and anticonvulsant drugs ( 抗癫痫药和抗惊厥药 )

Jan 02, 2016



Henry Welch
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Page 1: Part 6. Anti-epileptic drugs and anticonvulsant drugs ( 抗癫痫药和抗惊厥药 )

Part 6.Anti-epileptic drugs and

anticonvulsant drugs (抗癫痫药和抗惊厥药 ) 

Page 2: Part 6. Anti-epileptic drugs and anticonvulsant drugs ( 抗癫痫药和抗惊厥药 )

(A) Antiepileptic drugs (抗癫痫药 )

1. General concept of epilepsy: Epilepsy is a chronic disease of brain, there are abnormal focus in the brain of epileptic patients. The morbidity of epilepsy is 3‰ ~10‰ in the world. The morbidity is 4.8‰ in China, there are about 6 million epileptic patients now. 癫痫是慢性反复发作性短暂脑功能失调综合征。

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There are abnormal focus in the brain of epileptic patients.

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2.Classification of epileptic seizures:

(1)Generalized seizures (全身性发作 ) (2)Partial seizures (局限性发作 ) (3)Unclassified seizures (未能分型的发作 )

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3. Four types of the most common epileptic seizure:

(1)Grand mal(大发作 ): 2’~5’ Tonic-clonic seizures(强直阵挛性发作 ) Status epilepticus(癫痫持续状态 )

(2)Petit mal(小发作 ): 5’’~30’’ Absence seizures(失神性发作 )

(3)Simple partial seizures: 20’’~60’’ (单纯局限性发作 ) (4)Complex partial seizures ——

Psychomotor seizures: 30’’~2’ (精神运动性发作 )

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Complex partial seizures ——Psychomotor seizures

(精神运动性发作 )

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4. Mechanisms of antiepileptic drugs:

There are two general ways in which drugs might reduce seizures: (1)Action on lesion neurons of focus to inhibit production of abnormal discharge of focus; (抑制病灶区神经元异常放电 ) (2)Action on normal neurons around the focus to inhibit diffusion of abnormal discharge from focus. (遏制异常放电向正常组织扩散 )

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5. Difficulty for treatment of epilepsy: (1)ADRs more: ADRs of antiepileptic drugs are more;(2)Compliance(顺应性 , 依从性 ) with medication is a major problem: Because of the need for long-term drug therapy together with unwanted effects.

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6. Anti-epileptic drugs in commom use:

(1)Sodium phenytoin(苯妥英钠 ); (2)Phenobarbital(苯巴比妥 ), Primidone(扑米酮 ); (3)Ethosuximide(乙琥胺 ); (4)Benzidiazepines(苯二氮卓类 ); (5)Sodium valproate(丙戊酸钠 ) ; (6)Carbamazepine(卡马西平 ).

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Sodium phenytoin(苯妥英钠 , Dilantin, 大仑丁 )

1. Pharmacological effects: (1)Membrane stabilization(膜稳定 ): ①blocking voltage-dependent Na+ channel (电压依赖性钠通道 ), to reduce Na+ influx.

Membrane stabilization of phenytoin is apparent on all excitable cell membrane, including cell membrane of central and peripheral nerve(中枢和外周神经 ), and myocardium(心肌 ).

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Blocking voltage-dependent Na+ channel, to reduce Na+ influx.

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②blocking voltage-dependent Ca2+

channel, to inhibit Ca2+ influx. ③inhibiting calmodulin kininase (钙调素激酶 ). ④selectively inhibiting PTP(强直后增强 , post tetanic potentiation)------反复高频电刺激的后果 (2) Enhancing GABA function: To inhibit GABA re-uptake in terminal of central nerves, to lead to postsynaptic membrane super-polarization, enhancing GABAergic function.

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2. Clinical uses: (1)Prevent & treat epileptic seizures ①effective for: grand mal (大发作 ), simple partial seizures (单纯局限性发作 ),

psychomotor seizures (精神运动性发作 )

②and effective for: status epilepticus (癫痫持续 )

but ineffective for petit mal (小发作 ).

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(2)Cerebral neuralgia(脑神经痛 ): Such as trigeminal neuralgia(三叉神经痛 ) & glosspharyngeal neuralgia (舌咽神经痛 )

The curative effect is relative to stabilization of the cell membrane of those nerves.

(3)Anti-arrhythmia(抗心律失常 ): The curative effect is relative to stabilization of the myocardial cell membrane also.

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3. Pharmacokinetics: (1)Absorption: po. Slowly, irregularly. Bioavailability vary in different preparation. im. Alkalinity is potent, irritant. (强碱性,刺激性大 ) (2)Plasma protein binding rate: about 90 %, ——Drug interaction !

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(3)Metabolism: ● in liver, its ability of elimination is limited, Cp > 10 g/ml, zero kinetics, t1/2 .

Its effective Cp (血药浓度 ) is 10 g/ml, close to toxic concentration(20 g/ml).

——Dosage individualization ! ●Can induce hepatic microsomal enzymes (肝微粒体酶 )

——Drug interaction !

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4. Adverse reaction: more ! ADRs of phenytoin (苯妥英钠 ) depend upon the route and duration of exposure as well as dosage.

(1)Gastrointestinal reaction: po. nausea (恶心 ), vomiting, epigastric pain (腹痛 ), etc. because its alkalinity is potent, irritant. (强碱性、刺激性 )

(2)Allergy: skin rash, granulocytosis(粒细胞减少 ), thrombocytopenia(血小板减少 ), aplastic anemia(再生障碍性贫血 ), etc.

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(3)Toxic reaction: ●Acute toxicity: iv: speed, inhibit heart, Bp po: overdose CNS symptoms, when Cp ≥ 20 g/ml: vertigo(眩晕 ), headache, ataxia (共济失调 ), and nystagmus(眼球震颤 ), etc.

when Cp ≥ 40 g/ml: Mental confusion(精神错乱 ). when Cp ≥ 50 g/ml: Coma(昏迷 )

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●Chronic toxicity: ①Gingival hyperplasia(齿龈增生 ); ②Hematological reactions: such as megaloblastic anemia(巨幼红细胞贫血 ), should be treated with formyl- tetrahydrofolic acid(甲酰四氢叶酸 ); ③Hepatic damage(肝脏损害 ); ④Osteomalacia(骨质软化 ); ⑤Teratogenesis(致畸作用 ).

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(4)Drug interactions: ①Plasma protein binding rate is about 90%, drug interactions with oral anticoagulants(口服抗凝血药 ), phenylbutazone(保泰松 ), etc.

②Chloramphenicol(氯霉素 ) and isoniazid(异烟肼 ) can inhibit hepatic microsomal enzymes, to increase Cp of phenytoin.

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③Phenybarbital(苯巴比妥 ) and carbamazepine(卡马西平 ) can induce hepatic microsomal enzymes, to decrease Cp of Phenytoin (苯妥英钠 ).

④Phenytoin can induce hepatic microsomal enzymes, to enhance the metabolism of corticosteroids (皮质类固醇 ) and contraceptives.

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Phenobarbital(苯巴比妥 ) effective for: Grand mal (大发作 ), po Status epilepticus (持续癫痫 ), im or iv

Primidone(扑米酮 , 去氧巴比妥 , 扑痫酮 )

effective for: Grand mal Simple partial seizures (单纯性局限性发

作 ) adjuvant treatment for: Psychomotor seizures(神经运动性发作 )

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Ethosuximide(乙琥胺 ) Effective for petit mal. Its toxicity is very small, the first-chosen drug( 首选药 ) for petit mal (小发作 ).

Benzodiazepines (苯二氮卓类 ), BZ Diazepam (地西泮,安定 ) iv: Status epilepticus

Nitrozepam (硝西泮,硝基安定 ) po: Clonic seizures (小发作、肌症挛性发作 )

Clonazepam (氯硝西泮 ) & clobazam(氯巴占 ): petit mal.

Sodium valproate(丙戊酸钠 ) Effective for all seizures, but its liver damage limited its clinical use.

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(卡马西平 , 酰胺咪嗪 )1. Pharmacological effect: to inhibit Na+ channel, decrease Na+ influx,

to reduce seizure foci excessive discharge, and enhancing GABAergic function also.

2. Clinical uses: ●Pschomotor seizures & grand mal. ●Cerebral neuralgia(脑神经疼痛 ): The curative effect for trigeminal neuralgia

(三叉神经痛 ) is better than phenytoin. ●Mania(躁狂症 )

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Choice of drugs to treat epilepsy: Grand mal: sodium phenytoin (苯妥英钠 ), phenobarbital (苯巴比妥 ), primidone (扑痫酮 ), carbamazepine (卡马西平 ) Petit mal: ethosuximide (乙琥胺 ), clonazepam (氯硝西泮 ), clobazam (氯巴占 ) Psychomotor seizures: sodium phenytoin (苯妥英钠 ), or + primidone (扑痫酮 ) Simple partial seizure: the same drugs as grand mal.

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Choice of drugs to treat epilepsy:Status epilepticus: iv.diazepam (地西泮 ), or im phenobarbital (苯巴比妥 ), or iv sodium phenytoin (苯妥英钠 )

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(B) Anticonvulsant drugs (抗惊厥药物 )

▲ iv. Diazepam; ▲ im. or iv. Phenobarbital; ▲ pr. Chloral hydrate (水合氯醛 ).

Magnesium sulfate(硫酸镁 )1. Pharmacological effects po: can not be absorption, —— catharsis(导泻作用 ). iv, im: ● CNS depression ● muscle relaxation ● vasodilatation

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2. Clinical Uses: ●Anti-convulsion: im, or iv gtt.; ●Treatment of hypertensive crisis (高血压危象 ): im, or iv gtt.

3. Adverse reactions: ●Respiratory depression; ●Hypotension. Those ADRs can be antagonized by iv. calcium preparation.

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Part 7. Drugs of anti-Parkinson’s disease(抗帕金森病药 ) anddrugs of treatment of senile dementia(治疗老年性痴呆药 )

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(A)Drugs of anti-Parkinson’s disease(抗帕金森病药 )

(B)Drugs of treatment of senile dementia(治疗老年性痴呆药 )

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1. Clinical symptoms of PD: (1)resting tremor(静止震颤 ), (2)rigidity(肌肉僵直 ), (3)bradykinesia(运动迟缓 ), (4)dysmnesia(记忆障碍 ), (5)dementia(痴呆 ), etc.

(A)Drugs of anti-Parkinson’s disease(抗帕金森病药 )

Parkinson’s disease = PD

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2. Neural mechanism of PD: There are two kinds of neuron in striatum(纹状体 ):

Dopaminergic neuron, Cholinergic neuron.

Insufficiency of the function of dopaminergic nerves

the function of cholinergic nerve is relatively dominant.

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3. The drugs of anti-PD:

Ⅰ. Dopamine mimetics (拟多巴胺药类 )

Ⅱ. Central anti-choline drugs (中枢抗胆碱药类 )

Ⅲ. Others(其他类 )

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Ⅰ. Dopamine mimetics(拟多巴胺药 )Levedopa(左旋多巴 , L-dopa)

1. Pharmacokinetics (1)Absorption po: absorbed fast in intestine, Bioavailability: 41±16%; Cmax: 0.5~2 hr; (2)Elimination t ½: 1.4±0.4 (1~3) hr; In blood, 95% L-dopa is transformed to DA by DOPA decarboxylase(多巴脱羧酶 ), DA is destroyed by MAO (单胺氧化酶 ) and COMT (儿茶酚胺 -O-甲基转移酶 ), less than 1% L-dopa penetrates the CNS.

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2. Effects and clinical use:

CNS L-dopa Dopamine(DA)

L-dopa is the single most effective agent in the treatment of PD. Characteristics of its effect: ①After po 2-3 weeks, the curative effect takes place; ②The curative effect for younger and low-grade patient is well.

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3. Adverse reaction The most ADR are caused by DA. (1)GI reactions nausea, vomiting, etc. Owing to DA

activating D2 receptor of CTZ. (2)Cardiovascular reactions DA activating 2 receptor of heart. (3)Undesirable on/off fluctuations (不随意摇动 ): in 2~4 months. (4)Psychonosema(精神障碍 ) isomnia(失眠 ), hallucination( 幻觉 ),

delusion( 妄想 ), mania(躁狂 ), etc. (5)Drug interaction: B6, Mao inhibitor (单胺氧化酶抑制剂 ), chlorpromazine (氯丙嗪 ), reserpine ( 利血平 ), etc.

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Carbidopa(卡比多巴 ) It is an inhibitor of DOPA decarboxylase (脱羧酶抑制剂 ) and cannot cross blood-brain barrier.

Merits of combined treatment of Carbidopa and L-dopa:

①can decrease the effective dose of L-dopa and enhance the curative effects of L-dopa;

②significantly decrease cardiac toxicity of L-dopa;

proportion of Carbidopa and L-dopa is 1 : 10.

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Ⅱ. Central anti-choline drugs (中枢抗胆碱药 )

Trihexyphenide(苯海索 , Artane, 安坦 )

Artane can enter CNS and block M receptor of nigro-striatal ( 黑质 -纹状体 ) pathway, to reduce the effects of ACh.

Peripheral effects of anticholine of Antane is weaker than Atropine, about 1/3 ~ 1/10.

The curative effect of Antane to PD is lower than L-dopa.

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Ⅲ. Other drugsAmantadine(金刚烷胺 )

It is an antiviral agent used for the prevention and treatment of influenza A2, it has anti-PD actions too.

The mechanism of action is not clear: ①It might alter DA release or re-uptake; ②Anticholinergic properties also may contribute to its therapeutic action.

Its curative effect is weaker than L-dopa and stronger than Artane.

It is used as initial therapy of mild PD.

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