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Part 3 -義大利、托斯卡尼、五漁村、地中海四大島馬爾他、西西里島、薩丁尼島、科西嘉島 28 天之旅 Italian-depth Travel : Nature Wonders of the Mediterranean 4/22(Sun. )4 天羅馬→龐貝古城 POMPEII→拿坡裡 NAPOLI【拿坡裡夜景】 早餐:飯店內用美式 午餐:南義風味料理 晚餐:中式六菜一湯 住宿:4★ Star Hotel Terminus 今日行程安排,上午早餐之後專車來到沉睡千年的龐貝古城,一窺當年因維蘇威(Vesuvius火山爆發而掩埋的羅馬城市, 傍晚搭乘遊輪前往那不勒斯省的首府( 殖民地王國長期的首都):拿波里,今夜安排欣賞拿坡裡的夜景。 綠意盎然的原野風光 值得參考的彩色廠房 南義蕭條的農民 山坡上古老的修道院

Part 3 - 義大利映像

Oct 24, 2014



Shing Ming Tang

2012 Italian-depth Journey in Spring
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Page 1: Part 3 - 義大利映像

Part 3 -義大利、托斯卡尼、五漁村、地中海四大島馬爾他、西西里島、薩丁尼島、科西嘉島 28天之旅

Italian-depth Travel : Nature Wonders of the Mediterranean

4/22(Sun. )第 4 天羅馬→龐貝古城 POMPEII→拿坡裡 NAPOLI【拿坡裡夜景】

早餐:飯店內用美式 午餐:南義風味料理 晚餐:中式六菜一湯

住宿:4★ Star Hotel Terminus


傍晚搭乘遊輪前往那不勒斯省的首府( 殖民地王國長期的首都):拿波里,今夜安排欣賞拿坡裡的夜景。

綠意盎然的原野風光 值得參考的彩色廠房

南義蕭條的農民 山坡上古老的修道院

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龐貝古城各景點的路標 畫家筆下的龐貝古城

西西里的特產酒 : 用於調配雞尾酒之萊姆酒

◎ 拿坡裡(那布勒斯 Naples, 即 Napoli 源自希臘語之新城 Neápolis ):這 2800年歷史古城為義大利南部的重要商港,Campania行省的


四大歷史都城。以 San Januarius為守護聖者的城市,以其豐富的歷史、文化(其天主、基督、東正教教堂高達 448座名列世界第一 )、

音樂( 歌劇、吉他與曼陀林演奏耳熟能詳的名謠)、藝術、和美食而聞名。但也是被戰爭(從古羅馬對抗迦太基之漢尼拔、歐洲各王朝爭

權奪利的戰略要地,至二戰時盟軍的轟炸 )、疫情( 19世紀末的霍亂蔓延,二戰後聯合國首先使用 DDT滅蚊的地區 )破壞最嚴重的區域。

其歷史古城區(Caserta皇宮 以及 Pompeii, and Herculaneum羅馬廢墟)由聯合國教科文組織評為世界文化遺產。

畫家筆下純樸的拿波里 現今則是座停泊大型遊輪的商港

位於碼頭旁的新城區,磚紅色 Capodimonte國家博物館左側的圓頂建築即舊日的皇宮

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碼頭邊城堡,新舊混雜 位於 Palazzo Capodimonte之 Capodimonte國家博物館

左圖 : 新城古堡(Castel Nuovo)於 1282年由法蘭西所興建, 1476年西班牙亞拉岡家族將兩堡壘間改建成文藝復興式樣的凱旋門

右圖 : 皇宮廣場周邊聖卡羅歌劇院


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市中心之温伯特一世拱廊 Galleria Umberto I(紀念義大利王國之國王)與購物中心


門巖上繆思九大女神,象徵遠離霍亂疫情,重建以恢復舊日的輝煌,而以 risanamento (lit. "making healthy again")命名

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温伯特一世拱廊商業廣場之內景,類似米蘭的維托伊曼紐二世拱廊建築, 拱頂四座玻璃帷幕展現巴洛克風格中表現工業革命後的富庶。

四條長廊代表歐洲, 亞洲,非洲和美洲四大洲。壁龕雕刻代表物理與化學

此商業廣場於 1887~91年由 Emanuele Rocco所設計施工

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這狂放不羈、動盪不安( 此地類似黑手黨Mafia幫派組織稱之為 Camorra )、特立獨行;但其居民的海派作風,重人情味,講江湖義氣,

令人又愛又恨。其歷史就如同普雷比席特皇宮(Piazza del Plebiscito )壁龕的列祖列忠雕像般,紀元前七世紀時 Cumae和 Syracuse聯軍擊

潰了 Etruscan伊特魯里亞艦隊並終結它稱霸第勒尼安( Tyrrhenian海的野心後,與博斯普魯斯( Partenope, Palepolis舊城)貿易結合的商埠,

而與雅典維持良好的關係。於紀元前 326年併入羅馬,於 Samnite戰役加入同盟戰線;但其文化與語言與希臘維持著緊密的關聯。公

元 62與 79年的地震造成相當的損毀,但城鎮迅速得以重建恢復昔日的榮景,如 Benevento, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Pozzuoli等古蹟。

於六世紀初 Justinian's 的將領 Belisarius將其納入拜占庭的管轄,直至 1139/40年諾曼人 Ravenna的統治。763 年後 Stephen成為公爵

而為自治州郡。這時期教堂的建築與裝飾顯現與 Naples 及 Ravenna 有緊密的關聯。 568~1139年於 Norman King Roger II of Sicily 統轄

下這南義大利王朝得以維繫。 1189年經王室聯姻,拿波里納入德國 Swabian Hohenstaufen家族斐特烈二世的領土;其後於 1224年著

名的 Frederick II創辦了大學。接著是 13世紀法國安茹( Anjou )王朝查理一世( Charles I , 1266 ~)統治的二百年期間成為行政中心、而遺

留下許多藝術與建築,如 Santa Chiara 及 San Lorenzo Maggiore修道院、Donnaregina與 l'lncoronata教堂的遺跡,15世紀西班牙亞拉岡

阿方索一世( Alfonso I of Aragon, 1422~)統治期間大興土木,興建了 Castelnuovo、1532-33年間 Pedro Alvarez de Toledo總督也更新了都

市建設。奧地利哈布斯堡王朝查爾斯一世、18世紀西班牙波旁王朝查爾斯一世等外族統治與文化融合。1738 年維也納條約承認西班

牙 Philp V之子查理二世為拿波里與西西里王國的法定國王,而以拿波里為首都。義大利半島上的分裂狀態再度定型:西北部的薩丁尼


部屬於教皇統轄;半島的南端-拿坡里王國(即西西里王國)一直由法國的波旁王室( House of Bourbon)旁支統治。如此分裂而且有許

多外國勢力干預的情勢,讓義大利的統一進程更加艱辛!直至 1860年 Ferdinard IV世(即 Ferdinand I, King of the Two Sicilies)被義大利

尊為國父的 Giuseppe Garibaldi發動革命光復失土。



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為義大利南部地區的人民所熱烈歡迎,他們的旗幟以紅、黑、藍三色為主,這三色後來也被認為是革命的色彩,一直到 1831年才改為



非常恐懼,因而通過一個條例,對參與燒炭黨活動的人判以死刑。然而,組織仍繼續存在,並由 1820年開始發起多次暴動。 1814

年開始,燒炭黨即在拿坡里等地從事革命活動;至 1820年,西班牙兵變,採行君主立憲的制度,促進義大利推動類似的活動。兩西西

里王國的軍隊竟然由燒炭黨的古雷莫.佩佩(GuglielmoPepe, 1783-1855)指揮,進而征服了兩西西里王國所擁有的義大利半島部分,並

讓國王斐迪南一世(Ferdinand I)同意頒佈新憲法。可惜,革命人士無法贏得大眾的支持;翌年,革命旋即被奧地利以「神聖同盟」的

名義而鎮壓。斐迪南一世廢除憲法,並開始有系統地迫害革命者。西西里很多革命支持者,包括米謝勒.阿瑪里(Michele Amari, 1806-1889),


◎龐貝古城:紀元前 9世紀最初是由奧斯坎 Oscans人建立,但最早的史料只能上溯到西元前 6世紀。居民為來自希臘與 Etruscan的移

民,其後西元前 5世紀末被 Samnite族占領此富庶的 Campania行省,以 Nuceria為首都。 其後自西元前 343年起與古羅馬發生三次

艱苦而漫長的戰爭,西元前 298~290年戰敗後龐貝成為古羅馬的「盟邦 publica」,湧入移民。

Samnitic League盛世的紀元前 400年,其中包括亞德莉亞海的 Frentani 族, 掌控義大利半島的海岸.

西元前 91年發生暴動,而被羅馬將軍撒拉(P. Correlius Sulla,西元前 138 - 78)佔領後才真正成為羅馬帝國之一部份。西元前 80年

成為古羅馬屬地並定名為柯內立亞( Cornelia Sulla Pompeianorum).維內里亞( Vesuvian ).龐貝。在羅馬人的統治下,這海運致富的商業

城市曾繁榮一時,人口超過二萬人,有自由人、商人、奴隸和少數的貴族。於公元 62年遭受強烈地震,之後進行重建;但不幸地 79

年 8月 24日清晨維蘇威(Vesuvius )火山爆發長達一晝夜,熊熊火焰夾帶著濃厚的火山灰衝向天空,黑雲蔽天,熾熱的炎漿從山口直向

山腳下的龐貝奔流,所經之處盡成焦土;居民措手不及,瞬間將龐貝城淹沒在厚達 6m火山灰底下,約二千人罹難(主要因瓦斯毒氣中

毒致死 )。所幸這慘劇被羅馬一位目睹此慘案的年輕行政官員小布里尼與駐守於拿波里灣 Misenum海軍軍官叔父間的書信得以流傳;

但缺乏實證。從此變成被人遺忘無人居住的荒野,直到 1709年,那不勒斯當地的貴族開始在這裡挖掘出古物,才又引起人們的注意和


直到 1757年西西里波旁國王之工程師阿爾庫比雷於赫庫蘭尼姆 (Herculanum)考古發現了一塊雕有「龐貝」的石雕後,大家才

恍然大悟原來這裡就是龐貝古城,經過多年的挖掘逐漸呈現全城的輪廓與面貌。龐貝古城的考古歷史如下 :

On March 23, 1748 the Neapolitan abbot Martorelli, aided by the military engineer Roque de Alcubierre, who believed he was on the track of the ancient city of Stabiae, opened the first archeological site at Civita, at the crossroads of The Stabian Way and via di Nola. Coins, objects, statues and frescoes were found and above all the first victim of the eruption emerged: a skeleton! At this stage sporadic and disconnected explorations were made at various points of the area which led to the discovery of the site of the Amphitheatre and of the Herculaneum Gate necropolis with the adjacent buildings. The scant interest of the site led de Alcubierre to move the field of action back to Herculaneum. 1750 saw the lucky discovery of the Villa of the Papyri with its magnificent library of 1800 papyri and the collection of bronze statues. In 1754 digging started in Pompeii again and the Villa of Cicerone at the Herculaneum Gate, already identified in 1749, and the Praedia of Iulia Felix north of the Amphitheatre were explored and then covered over again. Only in 1763, during excavations of the Herculaneum Gate necropolis, was it possible to associate the Civita hill with the ancient city of Pompeii, thanks to the discovery of the inscription of Titus Suedius Clemens, which made explicit reference to the Res Publica Pompeianorum. From 1759 to 1799, under the regency of Ferdinand IV, but especially with the encouragement of his wife Maria Carolina, excavations gained pace, thanks also to better planning on the part of the new director of archeological works Francesco La Vega. Between 1764 and 1766 digging began on the Theatre area, the Triangular Forum and the Temple of Isis, which would be fully brought to light in the first years of the next century. Sites were opened in the north-west part of the city too, where between 1760 and 1772 the insula occidentalis, the House of the Surgeon and the Villa of Diomede, along via dei Sepolcri, were partially explored. The cellar of the latter revealed 18 victims of the eruption, along with a treasure-trove of gold and silver coins. 1798-1815 In 1798, after the defeat of Ferdinand IV, who wanted to march on Rome to rid the city of the French, the army of general Championnet

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headed for Naples: the king escaped, the French conquered the city and proclaimed the Partenopean Republic. Championnet, a highly cultured man who knew all about the discoveries at Pompeii, ordered excavations to be renewed in the southern quarter where a house, then named after him, was discovered (Reg. VIII, Ins. 2, civ. 3). The Partenopean Republic was short-lived and by June 1799 the French had abandoned Naples; but Ferdinand IV did not return to the city till 1802. In this space of time, political problems and a shortage of funds caused the dig to be suspended. Only with the arrival of Giuseppe Bonaparte in 1806 was interest in Pompeii revived. The king increased the number of diggers (to about 500) under the direction of the minister Cristoforo Saliceti. At this early stage, random surveys were made until the Curator of the Royal Portici Museum, Michele Arditi, was appointed to work out a plan for expropriating private land in the archeological area of Pompeii. Arditi also tried to avoid isolated digging, concentrating efforts in the area around the Herculaneum Gate where the House of Sallust was discovered. In 1808, Giuseppe Bonaparte became king of Spain and left his post to Joachim Murat. Both he and, in particular, his wife Caroline, immediately put their enthusiasm for archeology into practice. The queen moved to Portici from where she kept a personal eye on the dig, giving continual encouragement and funds to the workers, who at this stage numbered 624! It was under the illuminated auspices of queen Caroline that the plan to identify and unearth the city walls took shape; it was an idea that had already been aired by La Vega and Arditi, and aimed at discovering the actual extent of the city. In this ten-year period, they dug per topographic area, in order to link excavations in the southern part of the city (the Theatre district) with the Herculaneum Gate area to the north and the adjacent insulae, trying also to explore the central part of the Forum. The most important discoveries included the Basilica and the House of Pansa (Insula Arriana). 1815-1860 With the return of Ferdinand of Bourbon to the throne of Naples, after the Congress of Vienna, excavations slowed down once again. His scant interest in archeology caused a setback compared to the Murat period: expropriated land was actually put up for sale again and the workforce was reduced to such an extent that by 1818 there were only 13 diggers left. However, considerable work was dedicated to recovering the buildings of the Forum, the Theatre district and those around the Herculaneum Gate. The following years, between 1820 and 1830, were particularly fortunate for Pompeii, not only because Francois I - who had succeeded his father - was much more interested, but above all because the systematic exploration of via di Mercurio and of the insulae of regio VI, led to the discovery of a series of architecturally interesting houses with rich pictorial decorations. This decade culminated in the sensational discovery of the mosaic depicting Alexander the Great and the magnificent mosaics of the whole House of the Faun (1830-32). Thanks to Francois I, excavations started up at Herculaneum again, after a standstill of about half a century. His successors - Ferdinand II and Francois II, who only ruled for a year - did not show the same enthusiasm for Pompeii, except to turn it into a local curiosity and pleasure spot, a sort of open-air museum where distinguished guests could be taken, such as Alexandre Dumas in 1835, Pio IX in 1849 and Prince Maximilian in 1851. There were important discoveries in this period too: in 1845 most of regiones VI and VII along The Abundance Way were brought to light, up to the eastern boundry of The Stabian Way, and work was started on unearthing via della Fortuna and via di Nola and the adjacent insulae. Another important factor, which should not be underestimated, was the new railway line, completed around 1840, which enabled people to reach Pompeii from Naples, entering the site at the Marine Gate. Buildings excavated between 1815 and 1860 : Basilica (1813-19), Temple of Apollo (1816-20) , Forum (1820), Building of Eumachia (1820), Macellum and north and east side of the Forum (1821-22), Temple of the Fortuna Augusta (1824), Forum Baths (1824) , House of the Tragic Poet (1824) , Via di Mercurio (1825), House of the Large Fountain (1826), House of the Small Fortune (1827), Completion of excavations at the Insula Arriana (House of Pansa) (1827), Completion of excavations at the Amphitheatre (1827), House of the Dioscuri (1828-29), House of Meleager (1829-30), House of the Centaur (1829-30), House of the Faun (1830-32), House of the Figured Capitals (1832), House of the Painted Capitals (1832-33), House of the Labyrinth (1834), House of Apollo (1835), House of Orpheus (1843-49), Walls at the Marine Gate (1850), Stabian Baths (1854-59), House of the Citharist (1858), 1860-1910 After the unification of Italy, work started again with both improved excavation and restoration methods and with greater human and financial resources. This radical change was also due to the fortunate choice of Giuseppe Fiorelli as director of archeological works and curator of the Museum, a job he undertook with systematic discipline and to which he brought a totally new approach. He completed old work in regio VII by fully excavating the insulae, unearthed the insulae flanking The Stabian Way and the buildings beside the Stabian and Marine Gates. When Fiorelli was moved to the Kingdom's General Directorate for Antiquities and Fine Arts in 1875, the architect Michele Ruggero, who had been his assistant since 1864, took over as director of works. This was without doubt one of the most active periods for Pompeii, both in terms of new excavation methods and of the resulting discoveries. Once Fiorelli had understood the urbanistic layout of Pompeii, excavations continued towards the north-eastern quarters of the city along via di Nola. One of the most complex and meritorious undertakings was the excavation of the House of the Silver Wedding, with the reconstruction of the atrium and of the so-called 'Corinthian room', and of the terrace houses at the southern end of the city. The most important discoveries include: the famous 'wax tablets' (accounting documents) in the house of the banker L. Caecilius Jucundus; the statue of the Satyr with leather bottle and the painting of Bacchus and Vesuvius in the House of the Centenary. Ruggero should also be remembered for having promoted the first deep samplings (in 1884, 1888, 1889) in the Doric Temple and Forum areas, made by the Germans Duhn and Jacobi, and the first investigations to identify the ancient coastline (in 1878). In the following period, the post of director was taken over by Giulio de Petra, famous above all for having deciphered the 'wax tablets'. From the time he took office up to the end of the century work continued on clearing the northern parts of the city (regiones V and VI) which led to the discovery of the House of the Vettii. Between 1897 and 1898 the stretch inside the city wall between towers X and IX was cleared. Special attention was paid to the suburban area of Pompeii to the north of the Vesuvian Gate, to try to identify the Pagus Augustus Felix suburbanus (a suburban settlement of the imperial age). The first excavations contracted to private individuals date back to this period, including, for example, a dig commissioned to Gennaro Matrone along the Sarnus canal to try to find the port of Pompeii (in 1899-1901). The beginning of the new century was marked by bitter controversy about awarding excavation contracts to private individuals and thereby scattering artefacts and paintings far and wide, such as the case of the silver treasure found in the villa of Publius Fannius Sinistor at Boscoreale (excavated from 1894 to 1900) which was sold to the banker Rothschild. De Petra was unjustly involved in the scandals and briefly replaced by Ettore Pais. In 1905 Antonio Sogliano took over as director of works, promoting an ambitious and articulated plan of action that he never managed to complete. It involved exploring Pompeii underground in order to identify the pre-Roman ages (Mau-Dorpfeld samplings of 1902-6) and the excavation of the necropolises outside the Nolan and Vesuvian Gates and the Samnite tombs in the Villa of the Mosaic Columns outside the Herculaneum Gate. Buildings excavated between 1860 and 1910. Discoveries made by Fiorelli : House of Siricus (1862), House of the Hanging Balcony (1862), Marine Gate (1863), Vicolo del Lupanare (1863), House of M. Lucretius Stabia (1871) , Temple of Venus, House of Epidius Sabinus, House of the Citharist, House of Epidius Rufus, Discoveries made by Ruggero: House of L. Caecilius Jucundus (1875-76), Central Baths (1877-78), House of the Centenary (1879-80) , House of

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the Silver Wedding (1891-93) , Tombs along via Nolana (1886-87) , Tombs along The Stabian Way (1889) Discoveries made between 1893 and 1910 : House of the Vettii (1894-95), House of M. Lucretius Fronto (1895), House of the Golden Cupids (1895; 1903-5) , Stretch of wall between towers X and XI (1897-99), Temple of Venus Pompeiana (1897-98), Samplings at the Temple of Jupiter (1897-98) , Samplings at the Temple of Apollo (1897-98) , Samplings outside the Vesuvian Gate (1897), Castellum aquae at the Vesuvian Gate (1901-2) , House of the Ara Massima (1903) , House of the Gladiators (1899; 1905-6) 1910-1961 After several years of in-fighting among site managers and a stormy period in which an administrative commission presided over the Naples directorate, Vittorio Spinazzola was appointed director of archeological works and he managed to bring his own innovative style to the job. He decided to abandon excavations in the northern area to concentrate on the southern quarters of the city, areas only very partially explored up until then. Spinazzola planned to unite the Amphitheatre with the centre of the city and to proceed with the dig according to the main routes of the city layout. He was also convinced that inadequate excavation systems had destroyed the top floors of the buildings, the presence of which was amply testified by the paintings discovered in Pompeii up until then. In fact, the excavation of The Abundance Way - the main artery of the city - confirmed his hypothesis, bringing to light the fronts of buildings with more than one floor and revealing the productive and commercial aspect of the town, which had so far only been considered for its rich residential properties. The most interesting discoveries included Stephanus's Laundry and Asellina's Thermopolium. In September 1924, Amedeo Maiuri was appointed director of archeological works; he stayed in the job for 37 years until 1961. Thanks both to his versatile activities and to the length of his term in office, this period was one of the most active and innovative in the history of the excavations of Pompeii. Taking over where Spinazzola had left off, he undertook excavations along The Abundance Way, completely and systematically clearing the insulae of regiones I and II from west to east. The purpose was to join up with the area including the Amphitheatre and the Large Gymnasium which were finally completely unearthed. In the immediate suburbs of the city he completed the excavation of the Villa of the Mysteries (1929-30) which had already been started between 1909 and 1910 by the owner of the fund named Item. On top of that, continuing one of Murat's most prestigious undertakings, Maiuri finished isolating the whole circuit of Pompeii's boundary walls (1933-34). In particular, he solved the problem of removing the piles of earth left by previous digs in order to make the whole archeological area usable. He unearthed the whole southern front with the facades of the urban villas of regio VIII (1954) and, proceeding eastwards, the Nucerian Gate necropolis (1936). It should be emphasized that one of the most important aspects of his archeological work was the systematic investigation of the soil of Pompeii by means of stratigraphic samplings, the results of which he regularly published in the magazine "Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità". In this way he managed to give Pompeii not only a reputation as a museum city but also the chronological sequence of the various stages of its history. Buildings excavated between 1910 and 1961. Buildings discovered by Spinazzola : House of Obellius Firmo (1911), House of Aulus Trebius Valente (1915), House of Cryptoporticus (1916), Stephanus's Laundry (1916), Asellina's Thermpolium, House of Paquius Proculus, House of the Ceii, House of Pinarius Cerialis, House of the Moralist, House of Octavius Quartio Buildings discovered by Maiuri : House of di Fabius Amandio (1924-26), House of the Priest Amandio (1924-26), House of the Ephebe (1924-26), House of the Theatrical Pictures (1927), House of Menander (1928-34), House of the Lovers (1928-34), House of the Four Styles (1937-41), Large Gymnasium (1933-35), Villa of the Mysteries (1929-30), Imperial Villa (1943), Necropolis of the Nucerian Gate (1954) 1961-1997 The serious and increasing problems involved in the routine maintenance of the site and in preserving and restoring the buildings and art work forced excavations to slow down after the great progress made by Amedeo Maiuri. Since 1961, when de Franciscis took over as director of archeologicial works (1961), efforts have been concentrated on fully restoring and understanding each building investigated. Digs no longer involve wide areas, but are limited to individual nuclei, and special attention is dedicated to preserving the contexts. The most significant discoveries of the last few years include: the House of C. Julius Polybius, excavated between 1964 and 1977; the town house of M. Fabius Rufus (VII, 16, 22), already explored by Maiuri in 1958 and finally brought to light in the 1970s; and then the Villa of Poppea at Oplontis in 1964. A serious earthquake in 1980 further highlighted the problem of safeguarding and restoring the archeological sites affected in the Vesuvian area. This catastrophic event prompted the Engineering Corps of the Italian army to make a survey of the damage, and a campaign was launched to heighten awareness both nationally and internationally. As a consequence, Pompeii was granted special funds (FIO-BEI) which enabled some particular projects to go ahead, including: excavation and restoration work on regio II, insulae 1, 8, 9, and regio I, insula 20 along via Nocera, which can now be enjoyed by the tourists; the excavation of the Suburban Baths. Since 1987, digging has proceeded in Pompeii in regio IX, in particular in the House of the Chaste Lovers in The Abundance Way. Thanks again to the special funds (FIO-BEI), work started again in 1989 to complete the job of excavating and restoring the numerous insulae of regiones I and II.

龐貝古城景區入口 民居房

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景區導覽圖 老照片留下當時龐貝古城的景觀

目前這裡是世界上唯一構造完全與兩千年前相符的城市,位於 Sarno河谷之平台上,以城牆圍繞( Pappamonte老城牆為紀元前六世紀

初興建),占地面積為 66 km2。 除可容納 5000人的劇院外,古羅馬城市特點為妓院多、酒店多。整座城市有 30家烤麵包房,100多

家酒吧,3家公共浴場,還有用於交易的商店街,人車分離的街道 (中央凸起的人行專用石磚當斑馬線 )、鉛製水管及下水道、栓馬石

柱等公共設施外、鑲嵌在路面夜裡發光引路的熒石、牆上所殘留的 CAVE ( Canem小心惡犬)、競選廣告和刻在大馬路上,指向妓院的那

個引人發噱的男性生殖器路標等等,都將觀眾帶入兩千年前的那個有港口,車水馬龍、熙來攘往和燈紅酒綠的城市情境。接著 1858

年 Giuseppe Fiorelli進行系統性發掘,發明使用白石膏泥灌入屍體固型保存原有形像,真實重現災難來臨剎那死亡的情景。這些展示無

疑給觀眾留下了極為深刻的印象。目前古城遺址四分之三以上已經發掘完畢,顯現出整個城址的規模,東西長約 2600公尺,南北長約







龐貝城只是被維蘇威火山灰燼掩埋的城市之一,沿著那不勒斯海灣的東南岸,總共有 5 座城鎮毀於西元 79 年的火山

爆發,它們從北到南分布於 80 公里的範圍之內:赫庫蘭尼姆 (Herculanum)、奧普隆蒂斯 (Oplontis)、博斯科雷爾 (Boscoreale)、

龐貝 (Pompeii)、斯塔比 (Stabies)。遺址的時光彷彿就凝結在千年之前,如今學術考古陸續延續甚至在海底探勘。

左圖 : Roman fresco with banquet scene from the Casa deiCastiAmanti (IX 12, 6-8) in Pompeii.這些具有考古價值的壁畫也反映當時貴族的


右圖 : Odysseus with the Sirens. Including Parthenope, a siren and mythological founder of Naples.

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左圖 : 自由身成為富商貴族的(House of the Faun )宅院,如四合院般以寬敞中庭為中心,牆上有龐貝紅的飾壁畫,圍繞中庭的有廚房、


右圖 : 此多利克式石柱、地面鋪設彩色菱形地磚的阿波羅神廟,可追朔至紀元前 575~550年,為龐貝古城最早的廟宇。右側有複製


農神之家( House of Faun )後成為貴族居所蓄水池中複製的農神銅雕 邱比特(宙斯)神殿

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圖中左側為兩主街道交會廣場的法庭 Forum及商業交易所的方形會堂,原先棕色的 Tufa石柱於帝國時期擴建換成白色的石灰岩,中間

則是邱比特(宙斯)神殿,供奉於羅馬聖地 Capitoline的三神,Jupiter, Juno & Minerva (或之後稱為 Juipter, Mars and Quirinus)。分別是神明

之首的天神 Jupiter ( 即古希臘的宙斯 Zeus ), 代表戰士的女神 Juno(即古希臘的 Hera, 聖名為Matronalia )與代表農事的'女神的Minerva

( 即古希臘的 Athena,其心愛的是貓頭鷹代表智慧). 其歷史可追朔至紀元前二世紀及前 80 年的 Sullan 時代。

Jupiter for the ritual and augural authority of the Flamen Dialis (high priest of Jupiter) and the chief priestly colleges, with Neptune (dominion over the sea ) and Pluto (dominion over the Underworld ) which represents the priestly class。 Mars, with his warrior and agricultural functions,

represents the power of the king and young nobles to bring prosperity and victory through sympathetic magic with rituals like the October Horse and the Lupercalia。 Quirinus as the deified form of Rome's founder Romulus and his derivation from co-viri ("men together")

representing the combined military and economic strength of the Roman people.

火山灰瀝中的殘骸( 以石膏加以固型,得以保存)


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居民生活聚會場所三溫暖澡堂 Caldarium of the Thermae

建於紀元前 80年之三溫暖公共澡堂( Forum Baths即午後的社交聚會所)牆面上華麗且細膩的雕刻與地面拼貼的磁磚畫外,有蒸氣間

( caldarium )、溫水間( tepidarium )及涼水間(frigidarium ),且設有更衣室( apodyterium)、按摩室、美容室等,最裡面也設有女士專用浴


三溫暖公共澡堂內水池中的蒸氣出口 原始的車道,若有二塊凸起的石塊則為單行道,四塊則為雙行道


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烈日下大家在噴水池前補充水分 權貴 House of Pansa庭院中的古典立柱


麵包店(House of Baker )中的碾麥石磨、爐灶與水罐 Acedes Genii Augsti石雕

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鉛製飲水管 東方人的模樣

現今經常舉辦演奏會可容納五千座席的馬蹄形露天大劇院(Teatro Grande, Great theater)導遊小丁手握圖文並茂的講義講解

劇院座位分三區,底層大理石是包留給議會首長及重要人士。表演節目包括 Atellanae ( Oscan語的通俗鬧劇)、伴隨舞蹈與音樂的歌劇

( Plautus, Terentius等劇目 )

圓形競技場 與導遊小丁 Andrew合影

我們並特別安排當地自學中文的專業導遊小丁,圖文並茂的講解早期羅馬帝國暴君尼祿( Nero )時代都市建築與居民的日常起居。其主

要景點有可容納二萬人的圓形競技場,五千座席的馬蹄形露天大劇院(Teatro Grande, Great theater)與較新的 Teatro Piccolo , 法庭所在之

大會堂 basilica, Temple of Apollo, Temple of Jupiter( Tempio di Giove ), 紡紗守護神 Edificio di Eumachia, 農牧神之屋(House of Faun, Casa

del Fauno), 海之門, 豐饒女神大道, 與三溫暖公共浴室( StabianThermae), 烘培屋 Bakery ( house of the Chaste Lovers ), 市場Macellum,

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妓院( brothel, Lupanaro的春宮圖



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House of the Vettii (Casa deivettii)這間聞名的豪華民居隸屬於奴隸以酒商致富而變身的自由人 Aulus Vettius Conviva與 Aulus Vettius


器或表演,中堂擺設著代表社稷家神的三個女人的圖案 (Lares),女人身上纏繞著蟒蛇,神灶下也有一條逼真蠕動的蟒蛇;最令人意外

地,還有一幅壯漢的畫像,披肩的袍服露出陽具,右手扶著女人誇大的乳房,乳頭伸出一隻釣具,把男人的陽具往上釣起來), 維提奧





House of the Vettii (Casa deivettii)內的壁畫


希臘神祇 羅馬人物 特徵

宙斯 Zeus 朱庇特 Jupiter天神之父,也是眾神之神,地上萬物的最高統治者。用雷霆和叫做“埃奎斯”的神盾治理天和地。同時,


Kronus撒旦 Saturn 農神,宙斯之父

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赫拉 Hera 朱諾 Juno 宙斯的妻子,神聖的婚姻女神,掌管婚姻,捍衛家庭。赫拉相當冷靜並且擁有美好的身材。性格特徵是


海克力斯 Hercules 宙斯與情婦所生兩名兒子(海克力斯和伊克力斯)之ㄧ。天后赫拉非常嫉妒,曾派 2條毒蛇去毒殺他,

他看到蛇哭起來,但 2條蛇居然被嬰兒海格力斯活活捏死;後來在赫拉的詛咒下,海格力斯發瘋殺害了自己 3個無辜的兒子,痛不欲生的他再也不

能與妻子 Megara蜜格拉相處,為了贖罪,他不得不替 Mycenae邁錫尼國王 Eurystheus歐律斯透斯服役十幾年。拒絕了惡德女神要他走享樂道路的

誘惑,聽從美德女神的忠告,決心在逆境中不畏艱險,為民除害造福。他在 12年中完成 12項英勇業績,有關海格力斯英勇無畏,敢於鬥爭的神話


美杜莎Medusa 蛇髮女怪,她愛上宙斯其中一個兒子柏修斯,雅典娜也同時愛上柏修斯並嫉妒美杜莎,所以將美杜莎的


袋,一頂狗皮盔。後來商神赫爾默斯 (Hermels) 也借給柏修斯青銅盾牌.智慧女神雅典娜又教柏修斯,把青銅盾牌當鏡子,從鏡子裡間接可以看到





越利比亞。神袋裡的顱血滴了下來,滴在沙漠上,沙漠生出了各類彩蛇。飛經 Atlas的國土,在國王的林園裡停了下來,這裡長滿了碩實的金果,想

在這樹林裡過夜休息,卻被 Atlas 的國王拒絕了。柏修斯就把美杜莎的頭顱指向國王,Atlas 國王馬上立地成石,身體變成了山,頭髮變成了森林,


雅典娜 Athena 密涅瓦Mineva主管勝利、智慧和技藝的戰爭女神。她是從父親宙斯的腦袋裡誕生的女神,少言寡語,極具智慧,外表


福波斯·阿波羅 Apollon阿波羅 Apollo太陽神,狄安娜的孿生哥哥,同時也是音樂、預言、弓箭、醫療之神。阿波羅是男神中最英俊的,他快樂、


阿爾忒彌斯 Arthemis狄安娜 Diana 月亮和狩獵女神,又是美麗而純潔的處女神。她非常迷人,思維敏捷,做事果斷,奔跑迅速,因此總是不


阿瑞斯 Ares 瑪斯Mars 戰神。總是一身盔甲,長相英俊,但因脾氣暴躁喜歡大喊大叫眾神都不太喜歡他,但偏偏愛與美的女神


阿弗洛狄忒 Aphrodite維納斯 Venus愛和美的女神。就是人們常說的維納斯。她擁有白瓷般的肌膚,是個金髮碧眼的美人。她是優雅和迷人的


Eros 邱比特 Cupid 維納斯的兒子,愛與愛慾之神

Eos Aurola黎明女神

赫菲斯托斯 Hephaestus伏爾甘 Vulcan維納斯的丈夫,手藝異常高超的鐵匠之神。他又駝又瘸,是眾神中最醜陋的神。但他的心地非常善良。

赫耳墨斯 Hermes 墨丘利Mercury宙斯的隨從,牧童和遊子之神。他是位兼具才華和魅力的神,常帶著惡作劇般的微笑,行動迅速,是


赫斯提亞 Hestia 維斯太 Vista 宙斯的大姊,爐灶、火焰女神。謙讓、隨和、心地善良,深受眾神的愛戴。

女灶神的故事可追溯到西元前 8世紀,羅穆盧斯和雷姆斯兩兄弟是火神女祭司和戰神所生。最初是國王的女兒負責守護聖火,後來交到聖女這群女

祭司身上,6位處女在女祭司圓形神殿確保聖火燃燒不滅,來自貴族家庭 10-14歲的女孩有資格參選女祭司,被選中後將服務 30年,分 10年學習、



波薩東 Poseidon 尼普頓 Neputon海神,僅次於宙斯的強大的掌權者。波塞冬具有強大的力量,但他是一個頭腦簡單的神。他的兵器是三


德墨忒爾 Demeter 賽爾斯 Ceres宙斯的二姊,穀物豐收女神、大地女神。她有著溫和的態度、熱情的笑容,但她很膽小。


哈迪斯 Hades 普魯托 Pluto 宙斯的大哥,冥神

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◎拿坡里夜景 :這被形容既愛又恨的拿波里。有著號稱世界三大夜景之一、與香港太平山及紐約曼哈頓其名,我們將搭乘纜車登山,

從高處鳥瞰夜裡被燈火裝飾的拿坡裡港以及舊城古堡( Castle Nuovo, 1282年)。

溫伯特一世拱廊附近的帶齒軌道的登山纜車站指示牌 坡度約 30 的候車月台


位於半山腰舊城 Vomero區的纜車終點站內與站外

親親我我浪漫的情人約會 老夫老妻就留張合影吧

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正巧五月正是拿波里的 Maggio deiMonumenti( May of Monuments )音樂祭。聽男高音卡羅素 ( Enrico Caruso )獨特的嗓音吟唱以吉他與曼陀鈴

伴奏之民謠『歸來吧,蘇連多 Torna a Surriento』,『我的太陽 O Solo Mio』 ,及『聖塔露西亞 Saint Lucia』,觀賞音樂劇『媽媽咪啊 Mamma

Mia』享用此浪漫的情境將令人永生難忘。這也是女星蘇菲亞羅蘭的故鄉。狂歡後總是伴隨著悲哀,這條 Amalfi Drive的海岸山路崎嶇


當然到了披薩的故鄉,就要品嘗最道地的拿坡里披薩。最知名拿坡里披薩是以蕃茄、mozzarella 起士加上羅勒葉,烤窯溫度需超過

四百度 60~90秒;成為經典的瑪格麗特披薩(Pizza Margherita)。至於為什麼叫瑪格麗特披薩? 據說是 1889年時瑪格麗特皇后到拿坡里

遊玩,一位叫 Raffaele Esposito 的師傅製作出來給皇后品嘗三種材料的顏色,這與義大利國旗相呼應,其美味又讓皇后讚不絕口,從


另外值得一提的是可欣賞或選購Meissen瓷土的義大利最著名的 Capodimonte皇家御用瓷器,於 BasilioLiverino欣賞或購買由馬達加



4/23(Mon.)第 5 天拿坡里→卡布里島 CAPRI【藍洞】→阿瑪菲海岸線AMALFI→蘇連多地區 SORRENTO

早餐:飯店內用美式 午餐:卡布裡里魚排風味 晚餐:飯店內用風味料理

住宿:5★ Grand Hotel La Sonrisa

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今日行程安排,隨同當地德裔帥氣的小伙子導遊 Stefy上午 8:35前往碼頭搭乘遊艇前往蜜月之鄉:卡布里島,位於那不

勒斯灣南部,索倫托半島外的一個小島,長久以來就以風景秀麗聞名,是著名的文人雅士的旅遊勝地。此面積僅 10 km2,

譽為歡愉、藍色、睡美人之島,號稱是同性戀眼中的天堂(Garden of Eden);鎮上的烏伯特二世廣場( Piazza Umberto)日夜瀰漫

著熱鬧氣氛,到處可見別出心裁的個性小店,如位於維托艾曼紐大道(Via Vittorio Emanuele)上Antonio Viva依量身訂做的皮鞋、

Carthusia-Profumi個人喜好所調配的香水、Canali家族所生產以棕櫚葉包裝的萊姆皮甜酒( limoncello)以及咖啡小館。或者在

Giardini di Augusto , Villa Jovis山丘上欣賞海景。對離經叛道的人們而言,就如同與浮士德簽下誘惑墮落的賣身契,不受任何

道德教條的束縛。中午用餐後換搭 13: 50的遊艇參觀聞名遐邇的藍洞,並遊覽卡布里島上美麗的風景。

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濱海大道 白色為主的海濱旅館

在意大利南部到處可見猶如蘑菇或傘的地中海松 Italian Stone Pines(或 Stone Pine/Umbrella Pine)


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位於山頂老城區 Anacapri 之巴洛克式 Santa Sofia 教堂牆上的戰爭烈士紀念銘

這座白色外牆的 Santa Sofia 教堂, 如同置身於愛琴海島上;是於 1510 年將原有的 Parish Church of Santa Maria di Costantinopoli教堂

改建而成,供奉守護老城區的聖人 Sant'Antonio,Chiesa di San Carlo與Madonna del Buon Consiglio。

盛裝繞境遊行祝福時的 Chiesa di San Carlo與Madonna del Buon Consiglio 烈士紀念銘上的銅雕


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Sant'Antonio 守護老城區的聖人 白色為主色調的內殿


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以火山灰為底配上彩繪陶藝品的招牌 各種可愛的彩繪瓷器玻璃禮品店


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同樣是珊瑚掛飾 水晶玻璃

珊瑚( Corals ) 為珊瑚蟲群體或骨骼化石,有紅珊瑚、粉珊瑚、黑珊瑚、藍珊瑚、地中海珊瑚、日本珊瑚、喀麥隆珊瑚、中國海南珊瑚等;寶

石級為紅色、粉紅色、橙紅色。而紅色是由於其生長過程中吸收海水中 1%左右的氧化鐵,黑色的珊瑚是由於其含有有機質。 珊瑚的使用可


浪靜旅途平安!因而,羅馬人稱其為“紅色黃金”。 珊瑚與珍珠和琥珀並列為三大有機寶石,是西方的“三月誕辰石”之一。來自地中

海的紅珊瑚當時在日本被稱為 Kowatari(“波斯舶來品”)。

在私釀萊姆酒店中品嘗這酸甜的 limoncello烈酒 今年流行鮮豔色調為主的手提包

當地盛產花卉水果之桌巾 難得一件具有收藏價值的百年紅珊瑚

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中餐廳 La Pigna的掛鐘 海鮮餐廳


依據希臘神話,女妖賽倫 Sirens的故事就發生在蘇蘭多( Sorrento, Surrentum),她們半身是美女,半身是鳥,歌聲猶如天籟般甜美而蠱

惑人心,聽到的人無不想親近她們,因而船隻被暗礁撞沉;而尤利西斯( Ulysses, Odyssey 的拉丁譯名 )命令其水手以蠟塞住耳朵,自


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◎卡布里藍洞(Grotta Azzurra, Blue Grotto ):這岩洞是於 1826年由德國人 August Kopisch所發現,這裡碧藍的水色與奇異的光影如

夢似幻,進入了這個純自然, 無任何人工雕琢的海邊岩洞,必能遺忘現實生活的塵囂,彷彿來到世外桃源一般;我們安排抵達後換乘


貌;因背景為白色富含貝殼的石灰岩 limestone地形,經風化與海水的侵蝕所形成的岩洞,其藍綠色的海水在白色背景的襯托下,折射

度增加因而呈現夢幻般的寶石藍 (想像一下如同在九寨溝湖水的景色, 區別在此洞位於海邊 )。除此之外拿坡里海灣上的 Tiberius亦

是此地貌景觀。當然在內陸許多此自然石灰岩洞( 例如廣西的天坑 )被人雕琢後成為花園的景觀,甚至成為神壇或小教堂。

地攤上卡布里藍洞的風景明信片 宣傳海報

海上遊覽路線圖 於島上碼頭換船

據當地導遊 Stefy詢問船班等待時,告訴我們今天是今年開放入洞遊覽的第一天,真是幸運。排隊等入場的小艇全日不絕,可

能耗費一小時才可入洞,不過逗留在內的時間卻只有 5分鐘。但當天下午回航時,得知因風浪因素而被迫停航。

再換小艇,到藍洞洞口前各船等待退潮瞬間進入洞內 大夥以躺著進入狹窄的洞口

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入洞的瞬間 岩洞內海水清澈見底, 一片寶石藍

藍洞內夢幻般色彩 漂流的野生水母

乘遊艇回到蘇蘭多( Sorrento)的碼頭 山腰上的具有異族風味的碉堡

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蘇蘭多碼頭換接駁車時, 在海灘旁等車


因風浪因素提前打烊的觀光小艇 蘇蘭多的軍徽

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同樣是高低起伏甚大的蘇蘭多 難得一見旗艦級(訓練)艦 觀光海報

與開著 BMW跑車的帥哥導遊 Stefy合影

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包裝紙袋印著觀光地圖的特產萊姆糖 路口的指標

◎阿瑪菲海岸線( Amalfi Drive ):我們安排換乘 25人座的中型遊覽車行駛於人生必去的五十個地方:阿瑪菲海岸( Costiera Amalfitana),

整個 Sorrento省 Picentini hills斷岩絕壁與 Tyrrhenian Sea海岸間,Salerno 海灣至 Sorrento間 37 km蜿蜒海岸線,展現秀麗絕倫宛如天

堂般的 Heaven on Earth風景。

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沿岸陡峭的懸崖地形引人注目的自然形態和氣候的變化加上常年山上溪流入海的泥沙堆積與石灰石岩溶。使得這裡形成 Amalfi, Atrani,

Reginna Maior, Reginna Minor四個美麗的峽灣古鎮,Positano, Praiano, Certaria, Hercle四座小鎮及 Scala, Tramonti and Ravello and hamlets

of Conca and Furore等山城; Atrani, Positano, Ravello蜿蜒曲折的懸崖景緻常常作為電影的取景地,如 Humphrey Bogart主演的戰勝惡

魔(Beat the Devil); Villa Rufolo成為舉辦華格納音樂祭的所在,Villa Cimbrone 成為義大利最美的莊園( manor )。除為重要的旅遊景

點外,Amalfi曾是阿瑪菲航海共和國( Duchy of Amalfi)的首都,威尼斯還在初期發展的 839~1200年間在地中海是一股重要的貿易勢力。

Ravello這浪漫而吸引並駐留無數作家、藝術家的美麗莊園,曾是勞倫斯撰寫查泰萊夫人的情人( Lady Chattrley’s lover)的所在。而阿瑪

菲海岸的文化歷史景觀於 1997年也被列入聯合國教科文組織世界遺產。

陡峭的懸崖當然不時需要維護保養 險峻的 Positano山城

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山路狹窄險峻, 又逢濃霧瀰漫,乞求聖母瑪莉亞保佑一路平安

即使如此, 卻擋不住尋幽踏青遊客的熱潮,在此休息站( 喝杯熱咖啡 )遇上一群重型機車的俠客,與其中來自德國的一對老夫妻閒聊,

真羨慕他們騎著嶄新的 BMW, 輕裝簡從地在此細雨濃霧中遨遊天地。

在路旁休息站旁的攤販買些紫橙、再來杯鮮榨 Limoncello and Lemone萊姆汁或軟糖。

傳統地中海的植被如 myrtle, lentisk, broom, euphorbia等原生樹種得以保留著; 除柑橘、橄欖、葡萄外亦栽植著冬青櫟 holm oak, 榿

木 alder, 櫸木 beech and 板栗 chestnut;以及熱帶的蕨類植物、butterwort, 矮棕櫚樹 dwarf palms and和特有的食肉物種 endemic

carnivorous species.

被美國國家地理雜誌推選與希臘愛琴海小島並列人間天堂( Paradise )


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於 Amalfi登高望遠好景當前,只可惜陰霾之細雨薄霧中無法顯現遠景的維蘇威火山


又是座位於峽谷的地勢險峻的 Ravello小鎮 依山層層疊疊所建的房舍

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阿瑪菲於 6世紀第一次被提及,並很快作為強大航海勢力而獲得了重要地位,藉由國內向外進行穀物、海鹽、奴隸、甚至木材貿易,

以獲得埃及和敘利亞鑄造的黃金和第納爾(一種貨幣),從而購得拜占庭帝國的絲綢並再賣到西方。在 9世紀義大利大部分地方都還是

進行以貨易貨貿易的時候,阿馬爾菲的商人已用金幣買地的。在 8及 9世紀,當地中海貿易復甦的時候,在威尼斯還在初期發展階段,

阿馬爾菲與基達(鄰近阿馬爾菲)分享義大利東面的貿易,而在 848年阿馬爾菲的艦隊援助教宗良四世對抗薩拉森人。

阿瑪菲是一個獨立,有人口 70,000人的共和國,在公元 1000年阿馬爾菲公爵曼蘇一世( 966–1004年)統治時達到了最高峰。在他統治


和國之一。 直至 1073年該城落於阿普利亞的諾曼人之手,但依然授予許多自主權。1131年被納入西西里國王羅傑二世管轄。1135

年和 1137年,阿馬爾菲被比薩奪取,並迅速地降低其重要性,儘管它於 1262年所制定的航海法典 Tavole Amalfitane直至 1570年前仍

為地中海內其它轄區認可。 1343年下城區的大部分被次海嘯摧毀,現今阿馬爾菲的港口的重要性則趨沒落。

路旁的老房子 朦朧的美

阿瑪菲 Arab-Sicilian風味的教堂

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阿瑪菲主教堂( Duomo di Amalfi, 又名聖安德魯主教堂 Saint Andrew's Cathedral )及廣場之噴水池

此座融合 Arab-Norman Romanesque建築樣式的主教堂可追朔至 11世紀,在其左側充滿阿拉伯風格的鐘樓的歷史可以追溯到 12世紀

後期;其鐘樓圓柱核心周圍有四座角塔似乎是卡拉布里亞拜占庭式風格。右側則為修道院。 主教堂門廊與正門是地震後 1891年重建。

教堂內部中殿為巴洛克晚期的裝飾風格與和二側之迴廊。金色鑲邊藻井有 Andrea dell'Asta所繪的四幅大型畫作;分別描繪的聖安德魯

受鞭刑,Manna 的奇蹟,聖安德魯上十字架和在十字架上的聖徒。殿堂左側有一個旋轉樓梯通至地穴;這由紅衣主教 Pietro Capuano

建於 1203年的樓梯是待此教堂整修後安置 1208年 5月 18日第四次十字軍東征後從君士坦丁堡帶來的聖安德魯遺骨 ,地穴墓中仍持


教堂內銅像雕刻其一是由米開朗基羅的一位學徒Michelangelo Naccherino 所雕鑄 ; 另一座大理石雕塑是由 Pietro Bernini所雕的聖史蒂


Amalfi 主教堂三角屋脊由 Domenico Morelli所繪製壯觀的耶穌及其十二位門徒鑲嵌畫“The triumph of Christ” 。

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62階梯上方的主教堂其灰白兩色條狀大理石門廊與正門是地震後 1891年重建

依然保留原始雕花樑柱的銅門 及其主祭壇

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正門入口金色為底的彩繪聖安德魯巨型鑲嵌畫 主祭壇穹頂的壁畫

主祭壇所懸掛的壁畫十字架上的聖徒 聖安德魯遺骨 地穴的紀念碑文

Andrea dell'Asta所繪的四幅大型畫作;分別描繪的聖安德魯受鞭刑,Manna的奇蹟,聖安德魯上十字架和在十字架上的聖徒。

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主祭壇上方的木雕藻井 教堂的特色之一, 主祭壇穹龕內供奉的家徽

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活靈活現,強烈視覺震撼的耶穌受難大理石石雕作品, 作者待考

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蘇蘭多( Sorrento, Surrentum)所推薦的市品嘗當地現烤魚鮮與基督之淚( Lacryma Christi )白酒、Taurasi紅酒或 Greco di Tufo嗆味葡萄酒,

享受充滿地中海陽光的浪漫風情。唱一曲這首中學音樂課必學的合唱曲【歸來吧蘇蘭多! Come Back to Sorrento】,經貓王改名為 Surrender而成為年度暢銷曲;節錄義大利原曲歌詞如下 :

Vir 'o mare quant’è bello, Ispiratantusentimento, Commetu a chi tiene a' mente, Cascetato 'o faiesunnà. Guardagua' chistuciardino; Siente, sie’ stisciurearance: Nu profumoaccussifinoDinto 'o core se ne va… E tu dice: "I’ parto, addio!" T’alluntane da stu core… Da sta terra de l’ammore… Tiene 'o core 'e nun turnà? Ma nun me lassà, Nun darmestuturmiento!Torna a Surriento, fammecampà! Vir 'o mare de Surriento, chetesorotenenfunno: chi ha giratotutto 'o munno nun l'havistocomm'accà. Guardaattuornosti Serene, categuardano 'ncantate, e tevonnotantubene...Tevulesserovasà. E tu dice: "I' parto, addio!" T'alluntane da stu core Da la terra de l'ammoreTiene 'o core 'e nun turnà? Ma nun me lassà, Nun darmestuturmiento! Torna a Surriento, Fammecampà!

聽那海洋的呼吸 充滿了柔情蜜意你的笑語和歌聲 留在我的心底 園內陽光明媚無比 菊花到處放出香氣 對著這麼美的風光 教我怎能不想你

自從你和我別離 悲哀湧進我的心底在這可愛的地方 數著你的歸期歸來吧 歸來 請不要把我忘記歸來吧 歸來 我在等你

Look at the sea, how beautiful it is, it inspires so many emotions, like you do with the people you have at heart. You make them dream while they are still awake. Look at this garden and the scent of these oranges, such a fine perfume, it goes straight into your heart, And you say: "I am leaving, goodbye." You go away from my heart, away from this land of love, And you have the heart not to come back. But do not go away, do not give me this pain. Come back to Surriento, let me live ! Look at the sea of Surriento, what a treasure it is! Even who has travelled all over the world, he has never seen a sea like this one. Look at these mermaids that stare, amazed, at you, that love you so much. They would like to kiss you, And you say: "I am leaving, goodbye." You go away from my heart, away from the land of love, And you have the heart not to come back. But please do not go away, do not give me this pain. Come back to Surriento, let me live!



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行車距離:拿坡裡-8: 35水翼船(約 1小時)卡布裡島-13: 50 Cescab水翼船(hydrofoil, aliscafo約 30分)蘇連多地區

晚間約 8:00,正逢夕陽西下時抵達所住宿的 5星級 Grand Hotel La Sonrisa別莊

Grand Hotel La Sonrisa別莊入口與涼亭

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La Sonrisa別莊的園主可能是娛樂圈的暴發戶,接待堂內有他與多位性感女星之合照


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碩大不同品種的萊姆; 白色大小如文旦,主要使用其果皮精油來調製萊姆酒

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試吃後新鮮香甜飽滿多汁的正港在欉黃地中海甜橙 掉在地上的大萊姆