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Parramatta Park Trust Professional Services Brief The Paddocks Precinct and Domain Creek Waterway Detail Design Services November 2013 Tender Number PPT 2013/21

Parramatta Park Trust Professional Services Brief

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Parramatta Park Trust

Professional Services Brief

The Paddocks Precinct and Domain Creek Waterway

Detail Design Services

November 2013

Tender Number PPT 2013/21

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3.  THE PROJECT – Paddocks Precinct 4 3.1  Site Context ......................................................................................................... 4 3.2  Project Objectives & Scope ............................................................................... 6 3.3  Additional Background Information ................................................................. 6 3.4  Planning and Heritage Office Approvals .......................................................... 6 


4.  DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES 8 4.1  The Team ............................................................................................................. 8 4.2  Scope of Works and Services ........................................................................... 8 Staging of works ............................................................................................................. 9 Separable Portions ......................................................................................................... 9 Services to be undertaken: ........................................................................................... 10 4.3  Deliverables ...................................................................................................... 12 4.4.   Meetings and Workshops ................................................................................ 12 4.5  Program ............................................................................................................. 13 4.6  Fee proposals ................................................................................................... 13 

PART D 14 

5.  TENDER REQUIREMENTS & CONDITIONS 14 5.1  Code of Practice and Code of Tendering ........................................................... 14 5.2  Program .............................................................................................................. 14 5.3  Evaluation Criteria .............................................................................................. 14 5.4  Information to be provided .................................................................................. 15 5.5  Tenderer’s Warranties and Insurances .............................................................. 15 5.6  Tenderer’s WH&S Compliance........................................................................... 16 5.7  Execution of PPT Conditions of Engagement .................................................... 16 5.8  Tender Documents (Project Brief) ...................................................................... 16 5.9  Confidentiality of Tender Documents ................................................................. 17 5.10  Process Matters .................................................................................................. 17 5.11  Tender to Constitute Offer .................................................................................. 17 5.12  Acceptance of Tender ........................................................................................ 18 5.13  Rights of the PPT ............................................................................................... 18 5.14  Unsuccessful Tenderers ..................................................................................... 19 5.15  Performance Reporting ...................................................................................... 19 5.16  Lodgement of Tenders ....................................................................................... 20 5.17  Timetable for Tenders ........................................................................................ 20 5.18  Enquiries and Site Visit ....................................................................................... 20 


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The Parramatta Park Trust (PPT) seeks tenders from suitably qualified consultants to establish and lead a design team for the design development and detailed design documentation (including engineering) of the Parramatta Park (the Park) Paddocks Precinct. The contract will be for the provision of services as described in Part C of this Professional Services Brief. The successful Tenderer will be contracted under the PPT Professional Services Contractor Agreement (included in Attachment 1).

2. BACKGROUND Parramatta Park is located on the Parramatta River, on a small hill overlooking the City of Parramatta. It is one of Australia's most important cultural landscapes and is inscribed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The Park environment includes historic buildings and archaeological sites, historic views and landscapes, remnant and regenerated Cumberland Plain vegetation, a significant waterway and extensive open fields. The Park offers a relaxing and picturesque setting for families and community groups wishing to enjoy a day outdoors. The Park receives over 1.7 million visits annually for activities such as school and community club sports activities, bike riding, rollerblading, walking, running and playing cricket and football. The Park is venue to major events such as music festivals, Australia Day celebrations, Sydney Symphony in Parramatta Park, the Mother's Day Classic and a variety of community events. Facilities include playgrounds, sporting fields, BBQ and picnic areas and the Parramatta Park Cafe & Event Centre, and the Macquarie Street tea rooms. Managed by PPT under the provisions of the Parramatta Park Trust Act 2001, Parramatta Park Trust aims to conserve the historic values harmoniously co-existing with recreational facilities and integrated with the surrounding environment. Further information on the Park is available at The PPT is engaged in an ongoing Capital Works Program (CWP) with the aim of providing an integrated approach to the Park’s long term management and interpretation of the highly significant landscape. The CWP is being delivered in accordance with overarching master planning and conservation management documents. Particularly relevant is The Draft Paddocks Precinct Master Plan (PMP) by Government Architects Office, 2013 (refer to Attachment 2). The design works which are the scope of this tender will be guided by the design principles identified in the PMP and enable the delivery of the PMP vision by providing the detailed design documentation suitable for the tender and construction. It is noted that the PMP identifies a number of technical studies that would inform the ongoing design and management of the Park’s precincts. The majority of these studies will not be available for this Tender.

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3. THE PROJECT – Paddocks Precinct

3.1 Site Context The Park is located on the western edge of the Parramatta Central Business District (see Figure 1). It attracts visitor numbers of 1.7 million annually. It is significant as the largest area of open space in the Parramatta Local Government Area comprising 86 hectares. It comprises woodland, open grasslands, cultural plantings, a golf course, two playgrounds, three cafes (The River Café, Macquarie tea rooms, and Lachlan’s at Old Government House) and five gatehouses that mark the main entrances. Old Government House, The Dairy and the gatehouses are the key heritage built elements within the Park. There are also equally significant cultural landscape elements such as The Crescent and important Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal archaeology.

Figure 1: Parramatta Park Location

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The Park is of National significance as recognised by its listing on the State Heritage Register and the National Heritage Register. The Old Government House and Domain is one of eleven sites that together form the Australian Convict Sites which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2010. The inclusion of Parramatta Park on the World Heritage listing carries a responsibility for the Trust to manage the landscape values of the site by studying the visual impact of the current urban environment and any projects liable to affect those values. It should be noted that the eastern section of the Paddocks is within the World Heritage Boundary and the western section is within the World Heritage buffer zone. The Paddocks Precinct comprises the West Domain, Salter’s Field, the Cattle Paddock, Coleman’s Oval, the Picnic Ground and part of the ridgeline at the top of The Crescent (see Figure 2). It shares a boundary with the suburb of Westmead, Cumberland Hospital and the Great Western Railway Line. The area of the precinct is 29.6 hectares, the largest of all the precincts in the Park. The precinct is defined by its long edges - perimeter fence and road, Domain Creek and ridge line vegetation. These elements create long, narrow expanses of open grass. The precinct’s current programs are a children’s playground, large scale events, active and passive recreation, including extensive use by school groups and sporting clubs. There is a vehicle entrance from Park Avenue, entering next to the Queens Road Gatehouse. Many pedestrian links to the wider area are made through the precinct, with high volumes of pedestrian and vehicle movement. The precinct is adjacent to The Dairy precinct, Pitt Street precinct, The Crescent precinct and the River Edge precinct.

01. Westmead Hospital 02. Wisteria Gardens 03. Cumberland Hospital 04. Female factory 05. Footbridge 06. Weir 07. Domain Creek 08. The Dairy 09. Riverside Cafe 10. Pedestrian footbridge 11. Pedestrian underpass 12. Vehicle crossing 13. Playground 14. Coleman Oval 15. The Picnic Ground 16. Salter’s Field 17. West Domain 18. Cattle Paddock 19. Queens Road Gatehouse 20. Long Avenue 21. Interpreted footprint of Mrs Macquarie’s Bark Hut 22. Rail line 23. Bandstand 24. Gravel paths along ridge line 25. The Crescent 26. Parramatta River 27. Parramatta Stadium 28. Little Coogee

Figure 2: The Paddocks Precinct

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3.2 Project Objectives & Scope The key project objectives are:

To protect and enhance the heritage values of the Parramatta Park and associated cultural landscape

To prepare the detailed design documentation suitable for the tender and construction of the landscape features identified by the PMP, including:

o A regional playground o Trial and pedestrian networks o Provision of public amenities (a separate process is already in train for the design

development of the shelters and toilet blocks designs) o Development of passive recreational areas for picnic and relaxation o Development of active recreation areas to accommodate large school groups and

community sports groups especially Coleman Oval, north of West Domain and Cattle Paddock

o Development areas to accommodate events and festivals especially the Cattle Paddock and Coleman Oval (small low impacts events)

o Carparking areas o Design treatment to improve the Park’s interface with adjacent residential areas (i.e.

entries, boundary treatment and pedestrian underpass) To prepare fit for purpose and cost effective design and technical documentation To assist obtaining the necessary heritage and environmental approvals required to carry out

the works. No DA is required. To complete construction works (Stage 1) by September 2014

The design works will be guided by the design principles identified in the PMP. The preferred tendered will be appointed as a lead consultant to manage and coordinate all technical services required, and work proactively with the heritage consultant in securing the necessary Heritage approval required to carry out the works, and to liaise with key stakeholders in particular the Heritage Office, Office of Environment and Heritage, and the Federal Department of Environment.

3.3 Additional Background Information The following documents provide additional contextual background:

Godden Mackay (1995). Parramatta Park Archaeological Zoning Plan. Sydney, Parramatta

Park Trust Parramatta Park Trust (2008). Parramatta Park Conservation and Management Plan.

Parramatta Park Trust NSW Public Works and Services Landscape Design Group (2002). Parramatta Park and

landscape Masterplan. Parramatta Park Trust National Trust & Parramatta Park Trust (2009). Old Government House and Domain

Management Plan. NSW Government Rosen, S. (2003). Government House Parramatta 1788-2000: A History of the Governors,

their home and its Domain, Parramatta Park. Sydney, Caroline Simpson publisher Steele. D. (2013). Archaeology at Parramatta Park 1999-2012: Overview of DSCA

Archaeological Projects & Future Heritage Management Recommendations. Parramatta Park Trust

3.4 Planning and Heritage Office Approvals Heritage approvals from the NSW Heritage Office and the Department of the Environment (EPBC referral) will be required prior to the commencement of construction works.

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The heritage applications will be prepared by a Heritage Consultant to be included as part of the Tenderer team. The successful tendered will be require to work cooperatively with the heritage authorities. This successful Tenderer will be responsible for the preparation and management of the Heritage approvals and preparation of all the design documentation necessary to support the application(s); and to ensure that the final detail design documentation to be delivered as part of the scope of services (Actions 2 and 2a of the works as described in part C of this Tender) are in compliance with any Heritage approval requirements.

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4.1 The Team Due to the tight timeframe and interdependent deliverables a strong project management focus will be required to guide the team and meet the program. To deliver this outcome, PPT envisages that the consultant team will have the following capabilities;

A Landscape Architect to lead and manage the design process for all project Stages A play equipment design specialist An engineering and services team including lighting, civil, structural, water, sewer, electrical

and stormwater services An Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Heritage Consultant with broad experience in managing

heritage investigations and approvals for similar projects A bush-regeneration consultant with experience in restoration works and able to provide

advice on practical design outcomes A quantity surveyor

This list is a guide only and tenderers are required to assemble the sub consultant team to suit their methodology as appropriate for this project using all the skills required to achieve the project’s objectives. Survey and geotechnical service will be separately appointed by PPT. The successful tenderer will be required to directly engage any sub consultants they require to complete the works and these fees are to be included in the proposal. The successful tenderer will be responsible for managing and coordinating these sub consultants for the duration of the project, along with any coordination required with other technical experts appointed by PPT to ensure a consolidated set of construction plans is complete.

4.2 Scope of Works and Services The key design matters to be addressed as part of this Tender scope of works are:

Provide a regional play destination that offers a diverse range of play experiences; it may include inter-generational, inclusive, adventure, heritage and/or environmental themes

Provide an internal circulation network (pedestrian, road, parking and cycle) which improves connectivity between the different areas of the precinct as nominated in the PMP, as well as with other locations within the Park and adjacent residential areas

To reactivate the interaction with the Domain Creek and where appropriate provide access to the water edge

All roads and drainage infrastructure should be designed both conceptually and detailed in a way to visually reflect and enhance the character of the Park natural setting

Develop designs for entrance elements/gateway features to improve the interface with the residential areas along Park Avenue

Identify locations for the provision of ancillary services (i.e. toilet facilities, way finding and interpretative signage, bubblers, and others as require)

Provide required utilities to service the site including electricity, connections to sewer, stormwater and others as required to deliver the final design taking into account archaeological constraints

Capture Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal cultural/historical reference in design projects in the Precinct

Incorporate sustainability as a fundamental principle in the design Consider life cycle costing in developing the design, especially with regard to operational and

maintenance costs

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This is not an exhaustive list, and it is expected that others design matters will arise during the design development process. To assist with the scoping and programing of the works, one of the key tasks to be undertaken at the project’s outset is to -in liaison with PTT- establish a works Priority Action Plan (PAP) in response to the PMP. It is PPT’s view that the development of the regional playground would act as a catalyst for the roll out of other programs, and hence it will be the focus of the Stage 1 works as described below.

Staging of works The Trust envisages that both the design and construction works will be delivered in a number of stages.

Stage 1: New regional playground which could include relocation and re-use of exiting play equipment. Total construction budget of approximately $1M including design and contingency.

Stage 2: As defined by the PAP and may include a combination of work for both the Paddocks Precinct and Domain Creek Waterway. Approximate construction budget $6M

Stage 3: As defined by the PAP and may include a combination of work for both the Paddocks Precinct and Domain Creek Waterway. Approximate construction budget $6M

A preliminary cost plan based on the full scope of the PMP estimates a total capital investment of approximately $13M. Works for Stages 2 and 3 will be subject to PPT securing funding for the works.

Separable Portions The proposed contract for the services will include three distinct separable portions. Each Separable portion includes a number of Actions to be completed. Separable Portion 1: Stage 1

Action 1 – Review the PMP and other relevant background material in order to define a PAP, and prepare a Landscape Concept Master Plan (LCMP) in collaboration with PPT.

Action 2 - Preparation of a Detailed Landscape Plan (DLP) for Stage 1 works only. Action 2a - Preparation of ‘For Construction’ documentation (suitable for tendering and

construction) for Stage 1 works only. The full scope for the detail documentation of Action 2a will be subject to the outcomes of the finalisation of Action 2, including staging advice, costing information and the available budget and any recommendations provided by the consultant team.

Action 2b – Construction design supervision – assist the Trust during construction of Stage 1 works only and provide design advice as required during construction.

Separable Portion 2: Stage 2

Action 3 - Preparation of a DLP documentation suitable for tendering and construction of Stage 2 works.

Action 3a - Construction design supervision – assist the Trust during construction of Stage 2 works only and provide design advice as required during construction.

Separable Portion 3: Stage 3

Action 4 - Preparation of a DLP documentation suitable for tendering and construction of Stage 3 works.

Action 4a - Construction design supervision – assist the Trust during construction of Stage 3 works only and provide design advice as required during construction.

In responding to this brief, the Tenderer shall clearly identify any scope change required in order to achieve the project Objectives based on their own methodology for the delivery of the services.

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Services to be undertaken: The successful Tenderer will be responsible for carrying out the Services necessary to deliver the works and to ensure designs compliance with all relevant standards, regulations and legislation. In order to achieve the project Objectives, the consultant is expected to undertake and provide the following services for each Separable Portion. In completing the tasks identified below, the consultant will at all times liaise with PPT representative and will at all times fully understand the current development proposal, work co-operatively with all Project Team members and stakeholders, and pro-actively manage the resolution of issues which may arise during the course of the commission. Separable Portion 1: Stage 1 Action 1 – Priority Action Plan (PAP) and Landscape Concept Master Plan (LCMP)

Detail review of the PMP and other relevant background information to develop a pragmatic and achievable PAP. In doing so, the preferred Tenderer will need to liaise closely with PPT and give due consideration to program and cost matters associated with the delivery of the PAP

Based on the PMP, the preferred Tenderer will prepare a LCMP covering the whole precinct. The LCMP will be a strategic document aimed at confirming the design principles underpinning the works for all project Stages. It will provide strategic design direction to ensure a holistic approach and an integrated design outcome

The LCMP is to contain sufficient information (including civil and technical services) to prepare a preliminary estimate of cost for budgeting purposes, as well as an indicative staging plan.

Prepare a preliminary Estimate of Cost (EoC) for the whole precinct Taking into consideration the outcomes of the PAP and LCMP, the EoC is to include a

package of works breakdown for each of the project Stages Action 2 – Detailed Landscape Plan (DLP)

Attend a minimum of two site meeting(s) with PPT to explore design opportunities and themes Prepare a DLP for the regional playground based on background information and outcomes of

site meeting(s). The DLP should detail the proposed structure and character of the playground and include

photomontages of proposed ideas. It will also identify the location of any ancillary services and/or structures* (i.e. cafe, shelters, toilets, way finding and interpretative signage, and others as required).

As a minimum the DLP will include but not be limited to: o Coloured Landscape Plans showing landscape design and elements, hard and

softscape elements including landscape/play features, roads, carparking, water management

o Sections / elevations illustrating key landscape features and levels o Conceptual architectural drawings showing proposed style of landscape/play

elements including shelters and toilets o Suggest flora/planting species o Precedent (before and after) images and photomontages showing desired landscape

character and proposed hard and soft landscape treatments Prepare detailed cost estimate for Stage 1 works Liaise with Federal and State Heritage authorities to confirm documentation and approval

requirements Prepare and manage the submission(s) to obtain Heritage approvals Prepare a safety in design report in accordance with the NSW WHS Act and Regulations 2011 Meetings and liaison with sub consultant team as required Attend workshops with PPT in Parramatta to review and develop the DLP

The items to be included in the detail documentation for construction (Action 2a) for Stage 1 works (construction budget of $1M) will be determined by the design team and PPT following the initial budget estimates determined during Action 1.

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*Note: architectural build from designs ancillary services are not part of this Tender’s scope of services. A separate design process is already in place for the design of signage, picnic shelters, and toilet blocks. The detail designs, technical specifications and a detailed cost estimate for these elements will be provided to the preferred Tender to be incorporated in their designs. However, the preferred Tenderer will be responsible for the preparation of footing designs and services (i.e. electrical, water, sewer and storm water) as required. Action 2a – Preparation of ‘For Construction’ Documentation

Prepare Landscape Drawings for construction including: o Cover sheet with key and location plan o Setout and surface finishes plan o Planting plan o Construction sections and elevations o Landscape Details o Playground designs and obtain an independent certification

Prepare Technical Specification for the works Meetings and liaison with sub consultant team as required Provide further cost estimates based on refined design work at 50% and 80% design

completion Attend meetings with WSPT at WSPT’s offices in Parramatta Note: The ‘For Construction’ documentation is to be provided at 50%, 80% and 100% stages

for review by PPT. The preferred Tender will be responsible for the quality assurance and fit for purpose compliance of all the landscape, playground, civil and engineering/technical designs

Action 2b – Construction design supervision

Allow for 12 site visits during construction Provide design advice and respond to requests for information from the contractor as required

(assume 100 hours)

Separable Portion 2: Stage 2 Action 3: Preparation of DLP documentation suitable for tendering and construction of Stage 2 works.

Preparation of landscape, civil and engineering design documentation suitable for tendering and construction

Action 3a: Construction design supervision

Allow for 12 site visits during construction Provide design advice and respond to requests for information from the contractor as required

(assume 100 hours)

Separable Portion 3: Stage 3 Action 4: Preparation of DLP documentation suitable for tendering and construction of Stage 3 works.

Preparation of landscape, civil and engineering design documentation suitable for tendering and construction

Action 4a: Construction design supervision

Allow for 12 site visits during construction Provide design advice and respond to requests for information from the contractor as required

(assume 100 hours) The scope of works does not include tendering or contract administration of the construction process. PPT will engage a Project Manager to undertake this work.

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4.3 Deliverables Action 1 – PAP and LCMP in the form of a short report, including indicative cost and proposed

staging. Action 2

o A1 / A3 coloured drawings: 3 x hard copies, 1 x digital copies (CAD and ‘pdf’ format on disk/MSB)

o Detailed costing information o Detailed Staging Plan o Written design philosophy/analysis work to support any drawings

Action 2a

o A1/A3 Landscape Documentation package: 8 x hard copies, 8 x digital copies (‘pdf’ format on disk/MSB)

o Landscape Technical Specification: 8 x hard copies, 8 x digital copies (‘pdf’ format on disk/MSB)

Action 2b

o Construction design supervision, site instruction, responses to RFI’s etc. Action 3 and 4:

o A1/A3 Landscape Documentation package: 8 x hard copies, 8 x digital copies (‘pdf’ format on disk/MSB)

o Landscape Technical Specification: 8 x hard copies, 8 x digital copies (‘pdf’ format on disk/MSB)

o Detailed costing information o Detailed Staging Plan o Written design philosophy/analysis work to support any drawings

Action 3a and 4a: o Construction design supervision, site instruction, responses to RFI’s etc

At the completion of the project all CAD drawings and PDF’s developed for the project must be provided to PPT on a consolidated disk/MSB.

4.4. Meetings and Workshops The Tenderer is to make allowance to attend the following meetings to be held at Parramatta:

Inception Meeting / workshops: up to 10 hrs Fortnightly Design coordination meetings: 10 x 1.5hr Liaison with Heritage authorities as required

It is envisage that the meeting will be attended by preferred Tender key personnel only; attendance by other technical consultants on a need basis. The agenda for the meeting will be coordinated between the successful Tender and PPT’s representative. Time to prepare for and to follow up actions arising from the meetings should be included in the Tender lump sum price The meeting allowance nominated above should be considered to be over and above any other coordination meetings required with the technical team; which should be included in the Tender lump sum price. Throughout the course of the commission, the success Tender will provide a fortnightly progress updates on a dot point format via email. As a minimum the weekly update will include:

key tasks completed in the period forecast of key tasks to be completed in the following fortnight status of the program any project risks and proposed contingency measures

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4.5 Program The current program key milestone dates are provided below. Task Date Tender Process Submission due 29 November 2013 Consultant team appointed 24 December 2013 Separable Portion 1 Inception meeting Workshop 1 7 January 2013 Action 1 complete 31 January 2014 Design Development Workshop 2 20 February 2014 Action 2 complete 14 March 2014 Action 2a: Tender Documents 30 April 2014 Heritage Approvals February – May 2014 Construction Tendering and appointment of contractor May – June 2014 Action 2b June - September 2014 Separable Portion 2 Action 3 and 3a 2015 Separable Portion 3 Action 4 and 4a 2016

4.6 Fee proposals Tenders are to provide a Tender price for works to be undertaken as per Schedule A “Price Schedule” (refer to Returnable Schedules, Appendix 3). PPT will reserve the right to directly negotiate with the successful Tender the extension of their engagement to deliver the works for Separable Portion 2 (Stage 2) based on their performance during the delivery of the works for Separable Portion 1 (Stage 1); and for Separable Portion 3 (Stage 3) based on their performance during the delivery of the works for Separable Portion 2 (Stage 2) if applicable.

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5. TENDER REQUIREMENTS & CONDITIONS 5.1 Code of Practice and Code of Tendering All Tenderers must comply with the Goods and Services Procurement Policy Frameworks for NSW Government Agencies (Procurement Board 1 July 2013), NSW Code of Practice for Procurement (2005) and Implementation Guidelines to the NSW Code of Practice for Procurement: Building and Construction. This information is available from NSW Procurement website. Lodgement of a Tender will be evidence of the Tenderer’s agreement to comply with the documents for the duration of the Tender period and any Tender that may be accepted. If any Tenderer fails to comply with the documents, its failure may be taken into account by the PPT when considering this or any subsequent Tender and may result in this or any subsequent Tender being passed over.

5.2 Program The successful Tenderer will be expected to meet the program milestones as shown in Section 4.4. A project program is to be submitted showing how the Tender intends to meet the proposed milestones. The Program will need to correlate to the proposed methodology. Alternatively the Tender will need to submit an amended design and approvals program and clearly identify any revised milestones. A final design and approvals program will be submitted by the successful Tender within a week of appointment.

5.3 Evaluation Criteria

The following Evaluation Criteria will be used as the basis for the evaluation of Tenders: Experience and Technical Skills

Strong design experience in open space and recreation projects

Demonstrated experience in leading a consultant team

Demonstrated technical skills of the individuals working on the project and the make up of the sub consultant team

Time commitment of the role of team members, including key senior personnel

Tenderers should provide at least 3 examples of specific, relevant projects that each of the nominated team members have worked on

Skills in working in a multi disciplinary team environment

Experience in developing clear and concise construction documentation

Experience in working in a sensitive Heritage site Time Performance

Demonstrated ability to deliver projects in a timely manner

Field and office resource capability to drive project and complete multiple tasks ahead of critical times

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Acknowledgement of key milestones and completion dates

The ability of the methodology to comply with the project program, identify key program risks and proposed mitigation measures


Clarity and completeness of proposed methodology

Ability of the proposed methodology to achieve the required outcomes

Identify roles and responsibilities of each individual team member and interaction(s) between them

Identification of key project risks and how these will be mitigated Value of Financial Offer The Value of Financial Offer is the proposed total cost to complete the project.

Ability to demonstrate that the approach and proposed methodology for the delivery of the services represents value for money

Note that PPT is not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender on the basis of financial offer alone. The price to non-price evaluation weighting will be: Price: 40% Non-price: 60%

5.4 Information to be provided

a Tender proposal that addresses each point of the evaluation criteria in detail and demonstrates the Tender’s capability to undertake the works identified in the Scope of Works and Services (maximum 10 pages)

Recent examples (within the last 3 years) of ‘Concept Landscape Master Plan’ and ‘Detailed Landscape Plans’ documentation prepare by the Tenderer that demonstrate the quality of work to be provided for this project

a description of the role of key team members (maximum 3 pages), including o a CV ‘snap shot’ for each key team member o a short statement demonstrating the value add the bring to the project

all returnable schedules (refer to Attachment 3) must be fully completed and clearly note any qualifications

5.5 Tenderer’s Warranties and Insurances

Tenderer’s Warranties as a Tender

By lodging a Tender a Tenderer represents and warrants to the PPT that, as at the date of the Tender: . all information and records to be supplied by the Tenderer in, and in relation to, its Tender are and

will be true and accurate in all material respects;

. the Tenderer is a solvent legal entity and is under no form of administration or legal disability to contract of any kind; and

. the Tenderer has no conflict of interest or anticipated conflict of interest in entering into the Professional Services Contractor Agreement and doing all things required of it under the PPT’s Conditions detailed in the Professional Services Contractor Agreement which has not otherwise been disclosed in writing to the PPT prior to or at the time of lodging its Tender.

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Insurance Coverage PPT requests that Tenderers establish and maintain adequate insurance coverage for the following categories:

Professional Indemnity Insurance (minimum cover of $5M) - the Trust has determined that this project is high risk which requires a minimum of $5M PI insurance coverage;

Public Liability Insurance (minimum cover of $20M);

Workers Compensation.

Copies of current Insurance Certificates of Currency are required to be submitted with your Tender for all specified insurances. 5.6 Tenderer’s WH&S Compliance Tenderer’s WH&S requirements

By lodging a Tender a Tenderer represents and warrants to the PPT that, as at the date of the Tender and throughout the provision of services: . The Tenderer has an established and approved WH&S Management system developed to comply

with the NSW Work Health & Safety Act and Regulations.

. The successful Tenderer will be required to submit a Safety Work Methods Statement to the PPT, satisfying WH&S requirements and regulations prior to commencement of services.

5.7 Execution of PPT Conditions of Engagement Formal Instrument of Agreement

The successful Tenderer must execute the PPT’s completed Conditions of Engagement and deliver it to PPT within the time specified in the Notice of Acceptance or if no time is specified in the Notice of Acceptance, within 7 days of the date of the Notice of Acceptance. Successful Tenderer Still Bound

If the Successful Tenderer does not execute and return the PPT’s completed Conditions of Engagement to the PPT within the time required in the Notice of Acceptance (or these Conditions of Tendering) the Tenderer is bound to perform the Services for the PPT pursuant to the PPT’s completed Conditions of Engagement as if it had been executed by both parties on the Acceptance Date. 5.8 Tender Documents (Project Brief) Discrepancies in Tender Documents

Should a Tenderer find any discrepancy or error in or omission from any of the Tender Documents, it should notify the PPT in writing as soon as possible. No Obligation to Notify Discrepancy

The PPT is under no obligation to notify Tenderers of any discrepancy or error in or omission from the Tender Documents discovered by or notified to the PPT before or after the Closing Date. Right to Amend Tender Documents The PPT may amend the Tender Documents (including by extending the date or time for closing of the Tender) at any time before the Closing Date by written addendum issued in identical form to each Tenderer. Any addendum issued will become part of the Tender Documents.

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No explanation, elaboration of, or amendment to the Tender Documents will be effective unless it is in the form of a written addendum issued by the PPT. Non-complying Tenders

Tenders not complying with the requirements of the Tender, or which offer conditions varying from those set out in these Tender Documents, or Tenders which are incomplete or not correctly submitted, will be regarded as non-compliant and the PPT may exclude them from consideration in its absolute discretion.

5.9 Confidentiality of Tender Documents Non-disclosure

A Tenderer must not disclose Tender Documents to any person who is not an employee, supplier or sub-contractor of the Tenderer involved in preparation of the Tender unless it has obtained the PPT’s prior written consent. No Copying or Giving Away

A Tenderer must not provide any part or any copy of any part of the Tender Documents or their Tender to any person unless:

it is provided for the purpose of preparing a Tender; and

the person has agreed not to allow any part or copy so provided to be seen by any other person.

Reservation of Rights

The PPT reserves all copyright and other rights of the nature of industrial and intellectual property in any and or all of the Tender Documents and no permission, licence or authority is granted by the PPT to any person to use any of the Tender Documents for any purpose other than lodgement of a Tender in accordance with the Tender Documents.

5.10 Process Matters The WPPT reserves the right to:

Terminate the evaluation process for whatever reason without recourse from the proponent.

Negotiate, or not negotiate, with any proponent.

5.11 Tender to Constitute Offer Irrevocable Offer

Any Tender lodged will constitute an irrevocable offer by the Tenderer to the PPT. The Tenderer agrees that the contents of its Tender (subject to any post-Tender alterations agreed in writing by the PPT) will form a binding description of the offer by the Tenderer.

Time Limit

Each Tender lodged with the PPT remains open and capable of acceptance until 3.00 pm on the Validity Date. No Revocation, Withdrawal or Variation

Except with the prior written consent of the PPT, a Tenderer must not withdraw or revoke its Tender before 3.00 pm on the Validity Date but may withdraw its Tender by written notice to the PPT after that time provided the Tender has not been accepted by the PPT in the meantime.

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The PPT may seek compensation for the withdrawal of a Tender prior to 3.00 pm on the Validity Date. Compensation will be the cost involved in the evaluation of the Tender until the date of notification of withdrawal and any subsequent evaluation of other Tenders caused by the withdrawal. Exclusion of Variation etc

No purported variation, alteration or amendment to or of the Tender Documents by a Tenderer shall bind the PPT, provided always that the PPT may in its absolute discretion accept any form of Tender.

5.12 Acceptance of Tender Time off Acceptance and Manner

A Tender shall not be deemed to be accepted unless and until the PPT serves on the Tenderer a Notice of Acceptance and the PPT completed Conditions of Engagement duly executed by the PPT. Service

The Notice of Acceptance, together with the executed PPT’s Conditions of Engagement, may be delivered to the address for service of the Successful Tenderer nominated in its Tender, or sent by prepaid post to such address. Date of Service

The date of service of the Notice of Acceptance will be:

where the Notice of Acceptance is served personally on the Successful Tenderer or left at the address for service of the Tenderer specified in its Tender, the date upon which the Notice of Acceptance is handed to the Tenderer or left at the address for service of such Tenderer, as the case may be; or

where the Notice of Acceptance is sent by prepaid post to the Successful Tenderer, the date of posting of the Notice of Acceptance.

Parties Bound

Upon acceptance of a Tender by the PPT (by service of a Notice of Acceptance, and whether as originally submitted or as varied following negotiations after submission of the Tender), the Successful Tenderer is bound by the PPT’s completed Conditions of Engagement.

5.13 Rights of the PPT Right To Cancel/Evoke Request For Tender

The PPT reserves the right at any time, whether before or after the Closing Date, to cancel or revoke its invitation to Tender and in that event no prospective Tenderer or Tenderer has any right to claim or demand against the PPT. Separate Tenders

The PPT reserves the right to accept a separate Tender or separate Tenders for any one or more separable parts of the services the subject of the invitation to Tender. The PPT may also accept all or any part of a Tender subject to satisfaction of stipulated conditions to which the Tenderer may be asked to agree.

Right to Negotiate

The PPT reserves the right to negotiate with Tenderers after the Closing Date. The PPT may negotiate with Tenderers to vary their Tenders on any grounds relevant to the PPT obtaining the best commercial and technical result from the Request for Tender. The PPT may withdraw from such negotiations at any time and commence negotiations with any other Tenderer without any obligation to

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invite proposals, Tenders, offers or submissions from any other Tenderer in respect of the terms which are the subject of such negotiation or variation. Request for Further Information

The PPT may request any Tenderer to supply further information if the particulars supplied by the Tenderer in the Tender are insufficient to enable the PPT to evaluate the Tender to its satisfaction. Tenderers must supply any further information requested by the PPT within 2 days or as otherwise agreed with the PPT’s nominated contact officer after receipt of a written request for that information. The PPT may also request the Tenderer to attend an interview. Any information supplied by the Tenderer in response to a request for further information or at an interview will, if so required by the PPT, be deemed to form part of the Tenderer’s Tender. Right to Alter Terms and Conditions

Without limiting the generality of Clause 5.13 of the Conditions of Tendering, after the Closing Date the PPT may alter or accept alterations to any of the terms and conditions of a Deed to be entered into by the PPT with a Tenderer at any time, without, in its absolute discretion, notice to any other Tenderer.

5.14 Unsuccessful Tenderers No Redress

Any person lodging a Tender which is unsuccessful is not entitled to any redress against the PPT. Any decision by the PPT in relation to the Invitation to Tender will be final and (subject to legal rights which cannot be excluded, released or modified) no unsuccessful Tenderer has any redress against the PPT as a result of the PPT exercising any or all of its rights in relation to the invitation to Tender. No Obligation to Give Reasons

The PPT is not obliged or required to give any reasons to any unsuccessful Tenderer or to disclose any matter in relation to the Successful Tenderer. Tenderer’s Costs

The PPT is not responsible for and will not pay for costs, expenses or losses which may be incurred by any Tenderer (whether successful or otherwise) in the preparation of a Tender or negotiations arising in relation to a Tender.

5.15 Performance Reporting

15.1 Please note that the PPT may conduct performance reporting on project contractor engagements. A confidential performance report will be prepared at the conclusion of the contract and when finalised, you will be given feedback on our assessment and provided with an opportunity to comment on the assessment.

15.2 The Contractor authorises the PPT to make information concerning the Contractor

available to other NSW Government Agencies. Such information may include, but is not limited to, any information provided by the Contractor to the PPT and any information relating to the Contractor’s performance under the contract.

The Contractor acknowledges that information about the Contractor from any source,

including substantiated reports of unsatisfactory performance, may be taken into account by NSW Government Agencies considering whether to offer the Contractor future opportunities for NSW Government work.

The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the communication of such information

to any NSW Government agency is a communication falling within Section 30 of the Defamation Act 2005 (NSW).

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The Contractor releases and indemnifies the PPT and the State of New South Wales from any claim in respect of any matter arising out of such communications. Without limitation of the above, the Contractor releases the PPT and the State of New South Wales from any claim it may otherwise have for any loss to the Contractor arising out of the Contractor’s performance under the contract by the PPT, the communication of information relating to such assessment to any NSW Government Agency, or the use of such information by the recipient.

5.16 Lodgement of Tenders Tenders must be lodged by 3:00pm on the Closing Date. Tenders must be submitted online at the etender portal by the Closing Date. PPT may, in its absolute discretion, either consider or reject late Tenders. If a Tenderer wishes to lodge a correction or additional information following submission of a Tender, the correction or additional information must be submitted before the Closing Time on the Closing Date. PPT may, in its absolute discretion, either consider or reject any such correction or additional information. All Tenders must be submitted in standard electronic formats which include Microsoft Office suite, PDF or other compatible programs.

5.17 Timetable for Tenders Relevant dates for this invitation to Tender are: Closing Date for Tenders: 04 December 2013

Closing Time of Tenders: 3:00pm

Validity Period of Tenders: 3 months

5.18 Enquiries and Site Visit All enquiries are to be sent in writing via email to: [email protected] with the Tender Reference PPT2013/21 included in the email’s header. There will not be a formal site visit as apart of the Tender, however Tenders are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the site. For the Park opening hours please visit: