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Parkour Trng Course

Apr 03, 2018



David Nahhas
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  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    How to Train for Parkour

    Parkour combines walking, running, and acrobatics (acrobatics are used in free running mostly, but some

    people just stick parkour and free running together) with jumping skills to get your from one point to another. Itis a way of "flowing" between places to get there in a shorter time than if you took the normal route. It is

    physically demanding and should be practiced only within the limits of your physical condition and ability; so

    you know how to do the tricks, but not how to train for it?

    Step one : Get a good pair of sneakers. Parkour can depend a lot on what sneakers you have. Consider

    getting good sneakers with grip (for climbing), they should be sturdy so they don't break after 2 jumps. They

    should also be light enough so that they don't weigh you down. Also make sure that the soles are not too thickto promote bad landing techniques and for more feel to the environment

    Specialist parkour sneakers are starting to appear on the market, which are designed with the grip, support and

    stability needed for hard impacts as well as traction for a variety of running surfaces. K-Swiss, inov-8 and

    Vibram Five Fingers are all popular choices. The K-Swiss Ariake sneakers are also commonly used. So are the

    K- Swiss Tubes (similar to the Ariake).

    You will as well figure out soon enough that you destroy sneakers fast enough and that it's not worth spending

    big amounts of money on it. So buy cheap sneakers, and when you destroy them, get a new pair. Grip and

    durability are not as important as technique, but make sure the sneakers do have some traction, as it will make

    climbing a bit easier.

    2.Train with your body weight. Nothing else will train you to really move and push your body through theenvironment.

    1. 3

    3.Runfrequently. You should run at least 7-10 miles (11-16 Kilometers) per week. Running is a big part ofparkour, and you should be able to run long distances, as well as sprint fast.

    2. 4
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    4.Optional: Lift weights. Strength is another important aspect of parkour. You can't just hang on the wall, youhave to somehow climb over it. The best way of training you muscles, of course, is by doing the climbing itself.Try again and again, and soon enough your muscles will adjust and adapt, making the movement easier foryou.

    5.Learn to stretch and condition your body properly. Parkour can be a dangerous sport if you are notconditioned, so you should know how to stretch properly. Of course, stretching is a very important thingyou should do. you should stretch when you warm up. If you do not warm up before you stretch you canlose up to 30% muscle strength and power. Make sure you stretch as you could get hurt without it,especially your arms and legs.

    1. 6

    6.Eat a healthy diet. Lean proteins, vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds, and unprocessed foods are best forparkour athletes (traceurs). Drink plenty of water, at least 64 ounces per day. Many traceurs consume at leastone gallon daily

    Warning :

    If you're just starting out, don't get on the rooftops as quickly as possible.

    Always weight-lift with a spotter in case anything goes wrong.

    Edit Things You'll Need

    Shoes Weights (optional)

    Reference :
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    Welcome to a beginners rough guide on beginning your Parkour training.

    Firstly to practise Parkour you must have basic motor functions and strength,

    nothing else is required apart from maybe some running shoes if you don't want to go barefoot (some do

    train like that).

    Anyway, to begin with you need to break down each of the different ways of moving,

    this can easily be done by using Georges Hbert's 'Mthode naturelle' as a guide, in this he

    explains that human movement is compromised of;




    Quadrupedal movement (crawling)


    With this as a guide you can build usefull skill

    and you can see that these are the things you must train to be able to

    practise parkour as parkour is the art and discipline of efficient human movement.

    With that in mind I will list below the basic movements and techniques found

    to be most efficient and usefull in Parkour and which must be trained constantly

    to the point at which they become as familiar as walking.


    Jumping (standing, precision and running)


    Rolling (a safe painless roll diagonaly accross the back)

    Vaulting (any passement over an obstacle that is fast, simple and safe)

    Balancing (walking, standing, running and crawling)

    Catching Yourself (from a jump or from a fall)

    Reference :
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    When we do our parkour training, we want to mix up different styles of workouts and exercises.

    That way the training is always changing and keeps your muscles guessing.You dont let the

    exercises get dull and boring and you see fast muscle building results.

    Here is an example of one parkour training drill I personally use in my parkour workouts.


    This is a quick and simple parkour drill that targets the legs, core, and upper body. So you get a full

    body workout in a short period of time. This drill also develops your precision jump(one of the most

    important moves in parkour).

    You will also get fatigued during this drill so you will practice your precisions under pressure. So just

    like a real life situation when you might have to use parkour when you have expensed a lot of

    energy due to adrenaline or stress.

    You are going to train for this critical moment.

    QM is a quadrapedal movement- an exercise not seen often but used a lot with parkour training.

    Its one of the best full-body exercises that targets all muscle groups in one motion.

    You are going to walk on all fours, using your feet and hands. Make sure to keep your back straight

    and hands and feet inline. Always use good form while doing this parkour exercise so you dont

    create bad habits or pull a muscle.

    We are going to start out with 50 quick QM steps. So move very fast, using good form. If you need

    to slow down to use good form, do so. You can QM backwards and forwards if youre in a tight

    space.Then immediately after you finish 50 QM steps go directly into precision jumps.

    Precision Jumps The name pretty much says it all. Precision jumps are where you jump with

    precision. You want to jump and stick the landing where ever your target landing area is.
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    Proper Precision Landing

    You dont need much to work precision jumps. You can use a side walk lines, curbs, 2 strips of tape,

    anything where you jump from one specific place to another.

    The distance of the jump depends on what your comfortable doing. Pick a distance that you can

    jump to that isnt too easy but doesnt take all your effort either. I go with about a 7-8ft. distance.Now when you jump, land as soft as you can on your toes and absorb with your legs. Make sure not

    to bend past 90 degrees in the knees. Try to stick your landing and not fall to one side or the other.

    Turn and jump back.

    Do this 25 times. Then go directly back to QM. Repeat for 4 rounds.

    Thats a short parkour training workout you can start doing RIGHT NOW.

    Try it out and tune it to your body and athletic ability. Some of us might need to start out with 30 QM

    steps and 10 precisions or 100 QM steps and 30 precisions. Start building your parkour base!



    Shoes for Parkour

    When looking for the best shoes to train Parkour there are a few things that should be taken intoaccount, certain things to look for, and other things to avoid. Sometimes the best shoes fortraining can be as little as $20 rather than a gimmicky Parkour specific shoe that can be over$200 and not actually be that good for Parkour at all.



    Ideally the shoe should be as light as possible, when your running around all day the less weightyou carry the longer you can continue to train. Generally, less added weight to the body isbeneficial because it will allow more natural and free movement.


    There are a couple of factors that need to be considered when looking at the sole of a shoe:
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    Despite what some may believe, a thick sole is not advisable in a Parkour shoe. Thick soles cansometimes assist in promoting poor technique. Thick soles generally provide a lack of sensitivitybetween your feet and the environment you interact with. This lack of sensitivity allows somepeople to attempt drops that they are not yet ready for. Having thinner soles allows you to feel

    the impact of landings. This is beneficial as it forces you to maintain correct technique so as toavoid injury.


    Shoes with a one piece sole will be the most effective as they do not tear away in chunks asmany soles that are glued together in segments tend to do.

    Examples of one piece soles
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    As soles similar to the ones in the image above wear down, some of the individual parts ofrubber (shown in red) will rip off while others stay on, exposing the padding which will wearthrough very quickly and provide less traction. Most people tend to want to avoid this.

    ArchesArches are preferable when choosing a shoe, these work as a safety mechanism when performingprecision landings. Sometimes when landing on an edge our feet slip forward, by having an archin the shoe you can drop the heels and the edge of the landing tends to lock into the foot arch.Theonly exception to this rule would be when wearing a thin soled flexible shoe like the Feiyue orDunlop volleys, due to the exceptional flexibility and sensitivity of these shoes you can use thenatural arch of your foot for safety.

    One thing to avoid is shoes that have hard plastic in the arches (shown in the above image inblue) as this can cause slippage when climbing, and if you happen to land on a metal rail with thehard plastic arch part it will cause you to easily slip off.


    The rubber that the sole is manufactured from will generally affect how long the shoe lasts andits ability to grip. Softer compounds tend to supply more grip but wear down more quickly.While harder compounds last longer, their grip can be ineffective at times allowing you to slipdown on arm jumps.


    Weight Lifting MythsLet's first clear up some of the misconceptions about strength training and the truth behind these

    myths. This first myth is the "biggie" and it has prevented many of you from weight lifting (especially

    women). It sounds a little something like this; "I don't want to lift weights because I don't want to get

    big and bulky." It's a shame that a lot of people think like this because it is so far from the truth. Let's

    explore that myth a little. When you think of weight lifters, you probably think of body builders, right?

    You think of the men and women on ESPN parading around in little swimsuits with big bulky muscles

    popping out all over the place. There are three reasons for this:
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    These people are an extremely minute percentage of the population.

    That is their livelihood and they spend 4 to 5 hours a day in the gym.

    Some of them are using performance-enhancing drugs (steroids, etc.) to look like that

    So if you can get that image of the "bodybuilder" out of your head and think in terms of the average

    everyday person, you will see why the myth about getting bulky is just that, a myth! What we're going

    to talk about next I will try to explain to you in an easy to understand way, without using any medicalor professional terminology. When you lift weights your body builds muscle. The more muscle you

    have, the more calories you burn (even at rest). The more calories you burn the less you weigh. It's

    as simple as that! Let me give you an example of this that might make it a little easier to understand.

    We'll talk about 2 women in this example. Let's say you and your best friend are sitting on the couch

    watching some T.V. You personally strength-train 3 times a week, but your friend does not. After an

    hour of watching T.V goes by, who will have burned more calories? The common answer to that would

    be that you both burned the same (almost nothing), since you weren't doing anything. But the actual

    answer would be that you burned more calories, and I'll tell you why for one simple reason. The more

    muscle you have, the more calories you burn!

    Now you might say to yourself, "But if I lift weights, my muscles will get bigger and I will appear big

    and bulky." This does have a tendency to happen to men sometimes, and that is because of the malehormone testosterone. But what also happens to men, just like the women, is that they will get rid of

    the fat and replace it with lean muscle. So the lean added muscle will now be there instead of the soft

    jelly-like fat. With that said, keep this in mind. Evan though men have more testosterone, it would still

    be very difficult for a man to get big and bulky. You would have to train like a real bodybuilder in

    order for this to occur. Being genetically blessed doesn't hurt either. And if you did see yourself

    starting to "bulk" up a little, and that's not what you want, just decrease the amount of weight you are

    lifting. Very simple. Women on the other hand, do not have enough testosterone to even come close

    to "bulking up". Which brings us to another myth. That myth being one of the most popular in the

    world of exercise, which is, "Muscle weighs more than fat."

    How ridiculous is that saying? That's like the old joke, "Which weighs more--10 lbs. of steel or 10 lbs.

    of feathers?" Hopefully by now you know that the answer to that question is that they both reallyweigh the same. 10 lbs. is 10 lbs. no matter what it is made of. Let's go over this in a little more

    detail. Muscle is much more compact and dense than fat. It actually takes up less space than fat does

    because of that. That makes sense, right? Fat, on the other hand, is very soft and jelly-like and is a lot

    bigger than muscle. By that I mean it takes up more space than muscle does. Let me give you

    another example to clarify this a little more.

    If you were to take 10 lbs. of fat and 10 lbs. of muscle and roll each of them into a ball, the 10 lbs. of

    fat might be the size of a bowling ball. In comparison, the 10 lbs. of muscle would be about the size of

    a baseball. Let's take this a step further and use you and your friend in an example. You and your

    friend, for argument sake, are both 5' 5" tall and both weigh the exact same weight of 130 lbs. Your

    friend, as we mentioned, does not lift weights or do any kind of strength training. Her dress size is a

    size 12. You, on the other hand, lift weights and follow a strength-training program 3 times a week.

    Your dress size is a size 8. If you and your friend were standing side by side people would definitely

    think that you weighed less than your friend. But in reality you both weigh exactly the same. How can

    that be? It all relates back to what I said earlier. Muscle does not weigh more than fat, it weighs the

    same. It is more compact than fat and it takes up less space. So you, the strength trainer, have more

    muscle than your friend does which means you will take up less space.

    That's why it's also not a good idea to let the scale be your judge of your progress. You can very well

    have lost weight, but it won't show up on the scale sometimes. A good indication of progress is how

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    your clothes fit. If you are getting smaller, or should we say more compact/dense, you will notice that

    your clothes are getting a little looser. Well all right you say, "I'll lift weights, but I'm only lifting light

    weights and doing lots of repetitions." This is another mistake a lot of you are making. Now I'm not

    saying that this is the wrong way to lift, but it is not the optimal way to go about strength training if

    you are looking to lose weight and change your body. So, is it all right for you to lift heavy weights

    and fewer repetitions? ABSOLUTELY!! There's another statement you need to clear your head of---"I

    shouldn't lift heavy weights because that is for bodybuilders." You absolutely can and should be liftingheavy weights if you want to change your body! Let's take a moment now to recap some of the main

    ideas we have just covered;

    Lifting weights will not make you bulky (it will make you leaner and more toned)

    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat; it's simply more compact and denser than fat. (Remember,

    muscle actually takes up less space than fat)

    The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn (even at rest!).

    Now you are well informed of why strength training will help you look and feel great. Hopefully this

    cleared up any confusion you might have had and now you are ready to "hit the weights."

    Reference :

    Parkour clothing

    What should you wear to do parkour?

    In Parkour, you may you may wonder what would be thesafest clothes to wear, what clothes wont restrict yourmovement and weather or not you have to wear protectivegear. Well this is the parkour-online guide to what youshould wear to do parkour!

    Unlike most other sports doing parkour doesnt require youbuying expensive equipment. You can do parkour wearingalmost anything. However, you do need a decent pair oftrainers.

    TrainersWhat I look for when buying parkour trainers, is four things.They have to be grippy, hard wearing, comfortable anddurable. Really there is no way of seeing weather the shoesare grippy until you try them, and with most shoes theamount of grip varies depending on the surface of the wall. Ifa shoe is hard wearing it will probably look it, if it lookscheap and nasty it wont last very long. Especially because ofthe stress it will be put through during parkour.

    Comfortability is a key factor; if you are wearing shoes thatare uncomfortable it might affect your ability. Also check thatthe size of the shoe is right. Too big or too small might makethem prone to slipping off, and that can lead to injury. Butalways remember, parkour ruins shoes so dont expect themto last years.

    Your Parkour Clothing

    What you wear when doing parkour is entirely up to you.Some people find loose fitting flowing clothes suites them.Others find skin-tight under armour is best. What ever suitsyou is fine, along as it is easy to move in. As far asprotective gear goes. You dont need it. Occasionally youmight find people pad their shoulders up when rolling onconcrete but thats about it. I think it is best just to have youand the environment. No plastic or rubber in the way. If youare not concentrating or make a mistake without protectivegear its going to hurt. Not having it keeps you aware of thisdanger and forces you to concentrate on what youre doing.

    JD stock good Parkour Clothing

    Related ArticlesParkourShoe
  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course



    1. 1

    As you jump, look down to spot where your landing will be.



    Jump upwards while finding your landing spot.

    As you jump upwards and forwards (not straight down), Bring your knees up towards your chest. Thereason is that it helps make sure your posture is right and ready for landing. The knees are bent in readiness

    for the impact, so you can "bounce" out of the landing. Bring your hands up to stabilize your posture.

    3. 3

    Extend your legs, but leave them bent.
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    Point your toes and extend your legs to meet the ground before you land, so the balls of your feet hit

    the ground first. Your knees should still be bent, though, when you hit the ground.

    4. 4

    As you land, bend your knees.

    As soon as your feet make contact with the ground, bend your knees but do not go further than 90


    5. 5

    Perform a diagonal roll.

    Rotate your body-weight forwards, and move into a diagonal roll (left shoulder to lower right back or

    vice versa). If this is done correctly, the downwards momentum from the jump is redirected forward into a

    ninja-like runaway.

    Edit Tips

    When you roll, you should roll from one shoulder to the opposite hip (right shoulder goes to theground, and you roll to your left hip; left shoulder goes to the ground then roll to your right hip). Thisprevents you from putting your spine in danger.
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    Nobody is ever too good not to drill the basics. Drill these until they become second nature beforeeven contemplating moving on to more ambitious stuff. Most importantly, until you are of a competentlevel and very comfortable with your abilities, all maneuvers should be practiced at ground level.

    Wearing thick clothing can reduce some of the impact of the fall. But do not wear clothing too thickthat it limits your ability to move.

    Wear supportive shoes. These can reduce injury by absorbing the shock and impact of landing.

    Wearing knee pads, elbow guards and wrist guards, although completely optional, can be useful, butonly if they don't limit your movements.

    As a guide, this is not meant as a series of moves to be ticked off but instead acts as a route tobecoming a better free-runner/Traceur, for those starting out and seasoned pros alike.

    Before attempting the jump, it is necessary to be able to do adiagonal roll.

    It is a good idea to first practise the roll on a mattress, or on grass first because if your timing isincorrect on a mat, very little injury will be sustained.

    It is sudden deceleration -- and the extreme forces that come with it -- that causes injury from falls. Theidea is to spread the impact over time and space -- pointing your toes and bending your kneesallows you to absorb the shock over a longer period of time, and slapping the ground diverts some ofthe impact away from your legs



    1. How to Pick What to Wear for Parkour1

    Know what you are doing. Parkour comes in a lot of different forms, so depending on what you are doing, youwill need clothes to suit your style, smarts, and skill level. For this article, we are going to focus on regular

    parkour (freerunning).



    Top. As the caption at the top of this article states: The pro's have the knowledge and skill to have lighter, less'protective' gear. So, i guess the percentage of people reading this article are novices, so i will focus on theirarea. For the top layer, a simple short - sleeved t-shirt (any pattern) And a hoodie. Depending on the weather, asimple beanie hat or baseball cap will keep you warm, and also giving your head an extra layer of protection.

    3. 3
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    For pants, just a simple pair of tracksuit bottoms that you can easily maneuver your legs in. DO NOTpick jeans. In my opinion, jeans are NOT practical for any type of sport, as they are tight and restrict your legsfrom the full movement they need.

    4. 4

    Have some good Shoes. This is the hard one. Most shoes would be suitable for freerunning, should they be intheir prime. By this, they should be a new(ish) pair, fresh out of the box. It would be advised you don't use oldpairs, as the grips wear down over time. A good, reliable type of shoe are Timberlands, as they have grip, andare not too heavy. Heavy shoes can slow you and your tricks down, which could result in injury.

    5. 5

    Remember, be safe


    How to Get Started in Parkour or Free Running

    Edited by Manlier Me, Ben Rubenstein, Versageek, Jack Herrick and 157 others




    If you've seen people doing crazy jumps over railings and through cities, these trained experts are probably

    practicing either parkour, orFree running. Parkour is a form of movement that stresses efficiency and speed,

    requiring you to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Free Running is similar, but it also involves

    aesthetic movements such as flips, spins and many other forms of flair. Read on to find out how to get started

    in either of these two methods.
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    Edit Steps

    Teach Yourself

    1. 1

    Get in shape. You must have endurance.Work on basic calisthenics like push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups andsquats. These are the basic building blocks for practicing parkour. Experts say you should be capable ofperforming 25 push-ups, 5 pull-ups and 50 full squats before you formally get started in parkour.



    Practice landing and rolling moves. Parkour entails a lot of vertical movement and high jumps can be painfulif you don't know how to land properly or safely fall, Then end with a move.
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    3. 3

    Practice vaulting, jumping and climbing maneuvers. These more difficult maneuvers are designed to getyou up and around obstacles in the urban landscape. As you begin to practice more frequently, you will learn

    which moves you prefer and develop your own unique style for practicing them.
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    4. 4

    Practice regularly. Like all sports, parkour requires regular training to be effective, otherwise your skills willdrop off. Practice at least two or three times a week, and make sure to maintain your basic skills while moving

    on to more difficult maneuvers.
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    5. 5

    Use self-exploration. Begin to drill the techniques that you have created, establish new ways of movingthrough experimentation, and find new paths and environments to master through self exploration. When you

    are in tune with yourself, no one knows what works better for your body than you.
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    6. 6

    Pick a point and do whatever it takes to get there. Start with a slow, safe pace. Trace a path between twopoints over and over until you are a master of your territory. You should notice a gradual increase in your

    speed, endurance, and the ease with which you transition between obstacles.
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    o This progression can take hours, days, and even years depending on the path you choose,

    your natural ability, and several other factors. The important thing is to continue progressing no matterhow slowly. This method is the essence of Parkour, and will lay the foundation to understanding it.

    7. 7

    Develop your personal style. Approach obstacles in a way that is unique to your body and abilities. Thecommon movements employed by others do not necessarily make sense for you. That is precisely why it doesnot make sense to rely on videos as a way to learn. Once you have overcome this mental obstacle and risenabove the poor standards set by many others, you can take your training in many different directions.
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    Group Training and Coaching

    1. 1

    Start training with other people. Getting together with a small group (2-4 people) can shed new light on yourtraining regimen. New people offer new ways to move, different paths to take, and constructive criticism of yourmethods. Since you have already developed your own style, the ideas offered by new people can only expandyour possibilities.
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    2. 2

    Use training as a collaboration. Be sure that ideas are not stifled and no individual person sets the bar ofwhat should work for everyone. This method works best as a creative discovery between friends. On the other

    hand, if you followed someone elses method from the beginning, you could be stuck with a style that does notactually make sense for you.
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    o Remember that while large gatherings have the potential to be an extension of the smaller

    training and discovery sessions, too often they devolve into a roaming herd that quickly grazes overobstacles while looking for the next big trick. Understanding Parkour through self discovery is the sureway to avoid falling victim to this Personal experience makes a traceur and his Parkour unique.

    3. 3

    Get a Parkour coach. This option can be helpful to someone who does not know how to condition themselvesor prevent injury. However, experimenting by yourself first is highly recommended. By entrusting your earlydevelopment to a stranger, you run the risk of following a path that is completely wrong for you. A good coachwill help you get started and drill you in the essential moves necessary to begin parkour and will also teach youhow to stay safe. A good coach will set you down the path of discovery and help you form your own style, whilea bad coach will set you down their own path.
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    o As Parkour gets more popular, an increasing number of people are trying to cash in as

    coaches. Be wary of anyone who does not offer their services for free at least part of the time. A coachwho is still connected to the community through free outdoor training sessions is a good bet.

    Common Methods For Succeeding in Parkour

    1. 1

    Tread lightly. Some surfaces take damage more easily than others. Be respectful of where and how youinteract with your environment, and take responsibility if you accidentally damage something. Check out thesurface you are on or will be going on before trying anything remotely dangerous on it.
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    2. 2

    Get the proper gear. You won't need much. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and an outfit you'recomfortable moving and exercising in.
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    3. 3

    Begin by choosing A and B. Try to trace a path from A to B. Go through the path and do everything that feelsnatural in that situation. Parkour is not a set of vaults, movements or "stunts." It is a way of moving.
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    4. 4

    Develop flow. This is what separates traceurs from your average trickster or acrobat. Flow is the flawlesstransition from one obstacle to the next, to the point where there might as well not be any obstacles at all. Flow

    can be practiced simply by adding good form and correct technique, thus creating fluidity to all of yourmovements. This includes soft landings (as opposed to stomping down or falling).
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    5. 5

    Exercise regularly. Make sure to keep yourself in peak physical condition. Traceurs and traceuese use mostof their body in order to navigate any obstacle. This level of involvement requires total body fitness.
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    6. 6

    Practice regularly. Find a spot that you can come to every day to train. Good areas include diverse obstacles(walls, rails, etc). Your overall goal is to find creative ways to make it through the "sea" of obstacles using your

    body in any way necessary.
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    Edit Tips

    Wear comfortable clothing. This does NOT mean jeans. Jeans are totally inappropriate for parkour asthey greatly restrict leg movement and are actually rougher than most people think.

    Make sure that all your gear is tight and fixed. You don't want any mishaps. Avoid large jumps until you learn how to properly deal with the smaller jumps.

    Practice on the floor so that when you transfer the skills into the more difficult locations, you know whatis and isn't physically possible.

    Only stretch after warming up your muscles. Stretching tense muscles will actually decrease strengthand effectiveness by as much as 30%.

    Always warm up and stretch. Try to stretch all the muscles in your body. Loosen all joints (especiallythe knees and ankles). A good way to do this is by rotating each joint.

    If your hands hurt (sting) after a session of Parkour/Freerunning, it's probably a good thing. When theyheal up, they will be tougher the next time and you will be able to train for longer without your handsgiving up on you.

    Be aware that you might get seriously injured performing these movements.

    Take a break when you are sore. This means that your muscles have broken from the strain, as withany good workout, and need to rest. Go grab an energy bar and take it easy.

    If you are an asthmatic, make sure that you are not wheezy, as it could drastically effect your run.

    Although there are certain tricks that one can incorporate, finding your own way over any givenobstacle will allow a higher level of diversity and give you greater options.

    While it is important that you take your training seriously and that you try to develop your own style,there are certain basic things that you need to know before you can truly reach your full potential.

    Stay safe at all times! Know your limits.

    Practice speed and endurance. Parkour is about moving and quickly adapting to your environment.Going slow isn't Parkour.
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    Edit Warnings

    Before doing a jump or other stunt check if you have everything secure. You don't want your cellphoneto fall out when you jump.

    Always carry a cellphone. If you or someone else is injured badly, then you will want the emergencyservice access! This is especially important if you are alone.

    Don't do anything big when hungry, thirsty or tired, as you may fall into a faint.

    Scout your route. You don't want to go up and over a wall, only to find something sharp/toxic/hot/deepetc. on the other side

    The best judge of your abilities is you. If you think that something is out of place or not right, just stopand get someone to help you.

    If there is a jump ahead that you're not sure you can make, don't try it!

    Don't bug other people when they're about to do a big jump - they'll just get agitated and might fail thejump as a result.

    You might fall and hurt yourself, so be as careful as possible when starting out.

    Be aware of how dangerous this discipline can be. If you are just starting out, stay off rooftops andkeep everything within your control. A major part of the discipline of Parkour is slow progression, andbody control. Be safe and in control.

    == Things You'll Need ==

    A pair of good running shoes with grip and shock absorbers.

    Light, comfortable clothes

    Climbing gloves if you have soft hands.

    Water to drink.

    good muscles

    good balance

    good speed

    .food if you are faraway from home

    Reference :

    How to Do a Tic Tac 270 Wall Climb in Parkour

    Edited by Sondra C, Lucas Halbert, Ben Rubenstein, Krystle and 22 others

    Pin It


  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    So you've learnedhow to run up and over a wall. A variation of that move is the Tic Tac 270, where instead of

    going over the wall straight ahead, you climb the one perpendicular to it. Here's how to get the 270 degree twist

    to work for you!

    Edit Steps

    1. 1

    Click to enlarge

    Jog parallel to the wall you plan to climb. If you prefer to kick off with your right leg, your climbing wall

    should be on your right (and vice versa).


  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    Click to enlarge

    Leap at the wall ahead of you at a distance which will allow you to get your foot planted high enough.

    3. 3

    Click to enlarge

    With your leading foot on the wall, turn your head away from your climbing wall, which in this

    illustration is the left.

    4. 4

    Click to enlarge

    Twist your upper body to follow the rotation of your head. Your arms should be in position to catch the

    target wall.
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    5. 5

    Click to enlarge

    Kick downwards, not away from where you're going, so that you can get the height you need. By this

    time, your arms should be high to catch that wall, and protect your face in case you over-rotate.

    6. 6

    Click to enlarge

    Catch the ledge. This will be tricky and take a lot of practice.

    7. 7
  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    Click to enlarge

    Hang on tight. A good grip helps, as the momentum of your body will carry you sideways. Let it.

    8. 8

    Click to enlarge

    Once your body has swung sideways and starts to swing back, use the momentum to help get your leg

    between your body and climb over the wall.

    Edit Tips

    When you're running to the wall you're going to kick off of, keep your eye on the spot where you'regoing to put your foot.

    If you wish to preserve your hands, gloves are suggested.

    Edit Warnings

    The skin on your hands may tear during these exercises due to lack of callouses.

    While this is a pretty basic wall climb, care must be taken, or you can get seriously hurt! It is best to trythis when you have others with you, watching and catching you if you should fall. As with any sport ofthis type, you must be cautious at all times, and in good physical condition.




  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    Sports and Fitness

    Individual Sports


    How to Run up a Wall and Flip

    Edited by Sondra C, Jack Herrick, Krystle, JCMasterpiece and 98 others

    Pin It



    Have you ever seen an action hero star or video game character run towards a wall, take a few steps on it, and

    flip backwards? Did you silently wish to yourself that you could do the same? Believe it or not, while difficult and

    risky, it is possible to run up a wall and flip. The move is called a Wall Flip. After plenty of training and

    experience, you can attempt these steps to complete this incredible (and dangerous) move.

    Edit Steps

    1. 1

    Gather experienced spotters who know how toproperly spot a wall flip.

  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course



    Check the condition of the wall look for a sure grip and stable surface.

    3. 3

    Run at the wall.

    Run at the wall with moderate speed. Looking at the spot you are going to put your feet is very important.

    When you are learning this move, you'll need more speed, but once you've got it down pat, you can try it with

    less speed as it becomes easier.

    4. 4

    Plant your weaker foot.

    Plant your weaker foot about a meter (yard) away from the wall and keep looking at the spot you're

    going to place your second foot on the wall. This should be aboutchest height, although practice will show

    you where works best for you.

    5. 5
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    Push into the wall.

    Push up the wall with your stronger foot, while you continue to look at that spot. The longer you look at

    it, the higher you will go. Keep your chest and head as high as possible for as long as possible as this will give

    you more height on the rotation.

    6. 6

    Lean back.

    Lean back! This is very important. If you don't lean back, you won't make it around. Aim for the horizon. Make

    sure to keep your legs going around. If they stop rotating, so do you.

    7. 7

  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    Look at your position. At this point you should be horizontal, with your trailing (weaker) leg thrusting upwards

    to provide the power of the rotation. This is essential. Continue to push your raised (stronger) foot downwards

    against the wall to extend the upward motion.

    8. 8

    Lean your head back

    Lean your head back also! A general rule of rotations is that your torso follows your head. Arm positioning is

    not important, and is just dependent on personal preference. Your ankle does a small flick to complete the


    9. 9

    Look at your landing point.

    Look at your landing and force your legs around to it. Keep your eyes open to spot it correctly! This is hang

    time, with a small tuck to control the rotation (tight tuck for a quick rotation, open makes it slow).

    10. 10
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    Bend your knees.

    Bend your knees to absorb the landing and retain balance. This is a very high impact move, even on grass,

    so don't overdo it.

    11. 11

    Resume running.

    Practice a swift turn-around, or you could do a backwards recovery (which is even more difficult, but

    great if you can pull it off).

    Edit Video

    Edit Tips

    Supporting (spotting) is important when learning this move, but sometimes they get in the wayespecially for people who are not used to flips. Still, if you are a beginner, trying this without someoneexperienced to help you, critical and occasionally even potentially fatal injuries can occur.

    Start using a wedge shaped mat placed up against a wall with another flat mat below, if possible.
  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    Envisioning making it IS important. If you can't see it happening and put the full effort into fulfilling thatvision, you probably won't. Have confidence.

    If you want to do two steps on the wall: place your first foot lower then you would with a one step flip,this way you can push yourself upwards so you can place your second foot higher.

    Focus on becoming horizontal, and really drive that leg skywards to get the rotation over with asquickly as possible.

    Try placing a trampoline against a wall and doing a rebound flip off of it. You get the height you needto practice without needing to run all the way up the wall.

    Train your senses on how to react upside-down, and in the air. This is important to get used to as itbrings more confidence and a better general sense of aerial position.

    Edit Warnings

    Set up a safe landing, grab some people to spot you, and go for it 100%. Do not get halfway up thewall and decide that you aren't mentally prepared to do it yet, this is how most tumbling injuries occur.Don't run at the wall until you are fully committed to completing the move.

    Seriously, this can be dangerous. Follow all precautions if you are new at it, and don't try to impressyour friends by attempting it when you're drunk.

    These directions assume the prior ability of being able to perform a back flip . If you do not know thenecessary conditions in which it takes to fully rotate through a successful back flip, do not attempt thewall flip. Learn the back flip first on a trampoline or some mats.

    Always remember to make sure that the wall you are doing this on is solid. If it's not, you could easilyput your foot into or through it, and if you get your foot caught, you could be dangling upside down withno way of getting your (broken) foot out on your own.

    The wall flip is inherently dangerous and can cause severe injuries, even paralysis or death ifimproperly executed. Never attempt to learn this without having two trained people who can supportyour falls and considering the risks (e.g., surface conditions, distance to a medical facility, skill ofspotters, previous injuries).

    Always warm up and stretch before attempting the wall flip.

    Edit Things You'll Need

    Good shoes with treads.

    A solid (and non-slippery) wall

    Spotters (people to help you and make sure nothing goes wrong)

    Mats or another soft landing area (optional)





    Sports and Fitness

    Individual Sports

  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    How to Run Up and Over a Wall

    Edited by Sondra C, Jack Herrick, Kazim_Hilaba, Krystle and 61 others




    You might not be able to run through walls, but you can still satisfy your superhero fantasies by running up and

    overthem! With proper safety precautions and training, and using a corner where two walls meet, you can pull

    off this acrobatic feat.

    Edit Steps

    1. 1

    Run towards the wall with a little speed. You will want to use long, even strides. Imagine you're beingchased.
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    Take off with your left leg. The take-off is about a meter and a half from the wall, but varies according topersonal taste.
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    3. 3

    Put your right foot on the wall and kick outwards to gain height. If you kick downwards, you will loseyour forward momentum and fall to the ground.
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    4. 4

    Raise your left leg up after kicking with your right to gain height. This raises your center of gravity over thefoot on the wall in order to give it that extra weight for traction.
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    5. 5

    Kick outwards with the foot on the wall and look up at the target ledge, with your original take-off legpreparing to come up in a cat-leap style grab.

    o Make sure your right leg (or vice versa if you switched around) is driving upwards and to the

    side so that you can get it high in the next stage.o This is the important part, because it lends speed to your climb (the hardest bit of this move to

    get fluid).

    6. 6

    Get your left leg high on the wall, so as to get your elbows above the ledge (cat-leap style grab). Byhaving your shoulders and elbows high, you don't have to rely on your lats and biceps to get you up - yourmomentum has done that work.
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    7. 7

    Get your leg on the wall by leaning on the arm you got up in the previous step.
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    8. 8

    Scramble up and move on.
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    1. 1

    If you are a lefty, you might have to use the opposite sides as to what's given above.

    Edit Video

    Edit Tips

    You can also run up a single wall. When you place your right foot on the wall, propel yourself straightupwards. Take a second step with your left foot, again, straight upwards. Reach for the ledge and grabit, and pull yourself up. If the wall is too high for 2 steps, take 3. One step should be sufficient toactually grab the top of the wall, any more steps than this without grabbing the top usually end up inpushing you away from the wall.

    Don't put your foot too high or low on the wall, as this won't give you enough traction. Try to lift yourfoot to about mid-thigh level

    Go faster for best results!

    This move requires practice, so don't expect to get it on your first try.

    If you wear a tank top when you wall run, you may scratch up your arms badly. To avoid this, don't useyour elbows, and be careful with your climb-up technique.
  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    This will not help you much , it is better to watch a video , practise and learn tricks of trade by gradualexperience using the internet only as guide.

    Edit Warnings

    Even under the safest conditions, this move could cause serious injury. Always do it with caution.

    Do not do this when wet, unless you feel confident in what you're doing. Make sure to practice thetechnique thoroughly in the dry first, and always remember to test the grip of your shoes on wet wallsbefore attempting wall scales.

    Be aware of your shoes' traction ability. If they don't have enough traction you may end on yourbackside!

    Edit Things You'll Need

    Padding for your protection while practicing

    Cushion for practice landing


    A wall or two

    Any pair of sneakers will work but parkour shoes are recommended.





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    Individual Sports


    How to Spot a Wall Flip

    Edited by Sondra C, Jack Herrick, Mike, Tom Viren and 17 others



  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    The steps involved with awall flipare really simple, although it might not seem like it. However, learning it can

    be quite risky, and so support (spotting) is very much recommended. This is normally done with two people on

    either side, then cut down to one, and then none - all before progressing to concrete. Parkour skills, good grip,

    concentration and trust in your supporters are essential.

    Edit Steps

    1. 1

    Look at the basic supporting (spotting) position in the photo above. In this case, the left arm (right if onother side) supports the back, and the right arm controls the rotation by pushing the back of the flipper's thigh.



    Keep your arms out of the way while the flipper runs up toward the wall.

    Keep your arms out of the way while the flipper runs up toward the wall. If you're waving them around

    while they're trying to concentrate on the move, you're asking for trouble.
  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    3. 3

    Watch as the flipper launches the wall.

    Watch as the flipper launches the wall. The supporter's left (or right, depending on side) arm is placed

    underneath by the shoulder blades. The other arm is lower down, keeping close to the thigh closest to that


    4. 4

    Learn this move as this is where the left arm is important.

    Learn this move as this is where the left arm is important. If the flipper bails out, the left arm is there to

    control the descent. Basically, the left arm keeps a person in the air, while the right arm in this picture is just

    touching the thigh ready to provide additional thrust if needed

    5. 5
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    Make sure that the right arm will push the thigh around (if the thighs complete the rotation, the flipper will be landing on

    anything but their head, which is an improvement on potential neck injuries).

    Make sure that the right arm will push the thigh around (if the thighs complete the rotation, the flipper

    will be landing on anything but their head, which is an improvement on potential neck injuries).

    Knowing how much to push is really a matter of judgement; if your friend is about to become a few inches

    shorter, give a good, steady push across your body, and possibly even downwards as the rotation finishes

    (imagine a large circle in front of this supporting position, you would be drawing it counter-clockwise).

    Just get those legs between the head and the ground.

    6. 6

    Watch as his feet land on the ground.

    Watch as his feet land on the ground.

    7. 7
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    Edit Video

    Edit Tips

    When you're standing perpendicular to a wall, the arm furthest from it goes under the flipper, and thehand closest to the wall guides the thighs around. Use the arm around the shoulder blades to keep therotation nice and high (approximately about shoulder to head height for an average flip). The thighhand is probably the most important, because if the head is going towards the ground, it is up to thedrive from that arm to complete the rotation and get the flipper the right way up.

    Edit Warnings

    Be extremely careful when attempting or learning the techniques as the the moves are potentiallyrisky, and injuries are possible. A wall flip should only be attempted by very experienced Parkourpractitioners with two spotters ready to help.





    Sports and Fitness

    Individual Sports

  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    How to Become an Urban Ninja

    Edited by MoD, Sondra C, Urban ninja, Jonathan E. and 48 others




    An Urban Ninja is the term given to a graffiti artist who is skilled at Parkour and infiltration, and is capable of

    tagging either a highly visible public place or well-guarded private property without being detected. Ever wanted

    to be one? This guide gives basic advice, but don't attempt this unless you're already good at parkour.

    Edit Steps

    1. 1

    Find a place where you can leave your tag. Ideally, this is a place where many people can see your tag. Forexample, a large flat or a shopping mall. Subway cars are a classic location, but train-yards are very well-guarded nowadays.
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    Start working out a route you'll take from your house(or any other check point) to your target. Since thisis done at night, you'll want to watch out for things like lamp posts, blocks of well lit houses, surfaces that makea lot of noise, etc. You could try using Google maps for some extra help.

    3. 3

    Make sure you have the right clothes. Dark blue and dark grey work the best. Also take a piece of chalk orstickers with your tag written on them to leave your tag. Unless you're already used to using stencils, don't doanything with paint. Proper hand-sprayed graffiti is only for the truly brave and experienced. When it's dark,sneak all the way to your target, avoiding all sorts of light and sound. Leave your tag on the target.
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    4. 4

    Sneak back home. It's a good idea to take a different way back than the way you came. Never return to thescene of the "crime". Use Google Street View.
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    Edit Tips

    Use dark clothing, but not black, since it can make you stand out at night. Dark blue is better.

    Learn Parkour. It will help you climb high walls if you have to.

    Try a not so heavily guarded area. Watch out for cameras!

    Try to be as silent as possible.

    Try going the route you plan to take during the day and try to remind things to look out for (i.e. lampsthat go on if you walk past them)

    Stay in well shaded areas but try to look casual in case you get spotted.

    Watch out for street lamps and other lights as these will instantly give you away

    Play to your surroundings, there is nothing wrong with a nice ninja suit and tie in a business setting.

    Edit Warnings

    Defacing private property and trespassing are both prosecutable crimes. This guide is not intended toencourage or condone anything illegal.

    Edit Things You'll Need

    Dark clothing.

    Chalk or another form of tool to write on a wall silently.


    Knowledge of the area

    Reference :




    Sports and Fitness

    Individual Sports


    How to Do Parkour Safety Rolls

    Edited by David, Carolyn Barratt, Peeyush Gautam, Teresa and 1 other



  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course


    The safety roll is one of the most basic parkour moves used to minimize wear and tear on the body from

    landing from heights. Done correctly, it can be performed even on concrete at high speeds.

    Edit Steps

    1. 1

    Find a place with grass. Grass is the best place to roll in as it is forgiving and you won't hurt yourself startingout.



    For this tutorial, the roll will be done over the left shoulder.

    3. 3

    Stand with your left foot slightly forward and right foot slightly back.

    4. 4

    From here crouch and place your hands on the ground in front of you with your right hand in front ofyour left hand. Lean forward.

    5. 5

    Allow the forearm to fall onto to the ground. This should stop you falling and hurting your shoulder which isa common mistake.
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    6. 6

    From here push with the left leg to give yourself momentum. Roll over the left arm and onto your shoulder.This should be a diagonal movement across your back. Do not let your head touch the ground.

    7. 7

    You should be able to use your momentum to get up and continue running along.

    8. 8

    Then you jump and break your neck like a dummie.

    Edit Tips

    When you start to feel confident that your roll is good enough to try on concrete, have a go.

    Repetition is the key, try again and again till you master it

    Edit Warnings

    As you begin performing rolls on concrete, PROGRESSION is the the key. Know your limits. Do notattempt things which are too difficult at that time.





    Sports and Fitness

    How to Dress for Parkour, Free Running, or


    Edited by Taken2forever, Teresa
  • 7/29/2019 Parkour Trng Course





    The way you dress, especially when you are still learning could be the deciding factor on whether or not you fall

    flat on your face. Read on to find out "How to Dress for Parkour, Free Running, or Tricking".

    Edit Steps

    1. 1

    Get a good pair of running shoes. Generally, any pair of running shoe will work. But, many free runners, etc.use shoes that have a flat bottom, are light in weight, have lots of cushioning, and have lots of grip on manysurfaces. These are not at all necessary, but are just something to take into consideration.



    Depending on the temperature where your adventures will take place, you should dress with thenecessary layers. This should include a pair of cheap sweat pants, a plain t-shirt, and a sweat shirt if it issuper cold. Cheap sweat pants can be brought at Walmart, Dollar General, or pretty much any generalconvenience store. You want them to be as cheap as possible so you can replace them easily if you happen torip them.

    3. 3

    Wear a beanie or other hat to give you a little bit of protection for your head. You can also use Athletic

    tape on your palms and cheap sweat bands on your wrists to protect yourself from scrapes.

    Edit Tips

    Search for good deals in your area to make sure you aren't overpaying.
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    Buy multiple pairs of sweat pants and other equipment ONLY AFTER you believe that you want tostick with your new pastime.

    Edit Warnings

    Never try things you aren't 110% sure of yourself. This is a general rule of thumb to keep from hurtingyourself.

    NEVER...EVER dress in jeans. Jeans will restrict your ability to flow and will only decrease yourmobility.

    Edit Things You'll Need


    Sweat pants


    Sweat Shirt Athletic Tape

    Cheap Sweat Bands (for your wrists)

    Reference :
