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SABBADĀNAą ą ą ą DHAMMADĀNAą ą ą ą JINĀTI The Gift of Truth Excels All Gifts 一切布施中,法施最殊胜。 THIS Gift of Dhamma IS PRINTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH Vesak Celebration 2008 BUDDHIST HERMITAGE LUNAS KEDAH, MALAYSIA

Paritta Recitations - Booklet

Oct 25, 2015




Paritta Recitations - Booklet
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Page 1: Paritta Recitations - Booklet

SABBADĀNAąąąą DHAMMADĀNAąąąą JINĀTI The Gift of Truth Excels All Gifts


THIS Gift of Dhamma


Vesak Celebration




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AN APPRECIATION First of all, we wish to record our whole-hearted gratitude and appreciation to

Venerable Sayādaw Dr. Sunanda who has patiently guided us from the initial stages

to the completion of this compilation effort.

Special thanks to Sayālay Cala for her kind assistance in editing this book and also

for providing numerous constructive feedbacks which have improved its quality


Last but not least, a big Sādhu is reserved for all donors and others who have

contributed directly or indirectly to the completion of this noble effort.

Throughout the compilation of this book, we have tried to remain error free in our

transcription. Even then, we would like to ask for forgiveness for any mistakes that

may be discovered later on.

May everyone be bestowed with the blessings of good health, security, happiness and

attain the eternal bliss of Nibbāna in the shortest possible time.


Yours in the Dhamma,

The Compilers

May -2008

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感言感言感言感言 首先, 我们要感激孙南达禅师在此书编辑期间的细心指导。 特别感谢 Sayālay 查乐协助此书的剪辑工作及提供许多建设性的意见。 除此以外,我们也万分感谢所有的布施者以及其他对此书的编辑有贡献者。 在此书编辑方面如有什么错误,请大家多多包涵。 愿大家健康、安全、快乐以及在最短的时间内获得涅槃的永恒极乐。 善哉!善哉!善哉! 编者 阳历二零零八年五月

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This recitation book is compiled in conjunction with Buddhist Hermitage Lunas

Vesak Day celebration for the year 2008. This book contains:

1) The eleven suttas collectively known in Myanmar as ‘The Great Paritta’

• MA�GALA SUTTA (The Discourse on Auspices)

• RATANA SUTTA (The Discourse on Precious Jewels)

• METTĀ SUTTA (The Discourse on Loving Kindness)

• KHANDHA SUTTA (The Discourse of Khandha)

• MORA SUTTA (The Discourse on the Peacock’s Prayer)

• VA��A SUTTA (The Discourse on the Quail’s Affirmation)

• DHAJAGGA SUTTA (The Discourse on the Crest of Banners)

• Ā�ĀNĀ�IYA SUTTA (The Discourse of âñànàñiya) • BOJJHA�GA SUTTA (The Discourse on the seven factors of Enlightenment)

• A�GULIMĀLA SUTTA (The Discourse of Aïgulimàla)

• PUBBA�HA SUTTA (The Discourse on Pubbaõha)

2) The Morning Recitations


3) The Evening Recitations.

This book is meant to complement the Paritta Recitations CD recorded by Venerable

Sayādaw Dr. Sunanda. It is the hope of the compilers that all Buddhists will benefit

from reciting and gain proper understanding with regards to the meaning of these


May the merits accrued from this humble deed be shared with all beings. May they

be well and happy.


With Mettā, Janaka & Cetanā May-2008

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前言前言前言前言 鲁乃佛教修行林接合二零零八年度的卫塞节庆祝为佛友们印刷这本经偈。这本经偈含有∶ 1) 十一首最重要的经偈收集。它们是∶

• 吉祥经 • 三宝经 • 慈爱经 • 护蕴经 • 孔雀经 • 鹌鹑经 • 幢群经 • 阿达那第呀经 • 七觉支经 • 鸯掘摩经 • 布巴那经

2) 早课 与 3) 晚课

这本书的编辑是为了补全孙南达禅师的护卫经光碟,希望它们能为佛友们带来利益。 愿此功德为众生带来快乐。 善哉!善哉!善哉!

编者 阳历二零零八年五月

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Venerable Sayādaw Dr. Sunanda was formerly a medical doctor by the name of Dr. U Than Naung. Bhante is of Chinese-Burmese decent and was born on 29 September 1933

at Ahtaung Village, Kyonpyaw township, Ayeyarwaddy division, Myanmar. His parents

who were devout Buddhists enrolled him for his primary education and Buddhist studies

at the village monastery.

From 1947 to 1951, he attended St. John’s Diocesan School in Yangoon (Rangoon). He

enrolled for higher education in 1951 and was admitted to the Institute of Medicine. In

1958, he was conferred with the Bachelor of Medicine and the Bachelor of Surgery. He

served in various hospitals for ten years before furthering his studies in Dermatology and

Venereology at the Vienna University, Austria. He returned to Myanmar as a Consultant

Dermato-Venereologist at the Rangoon General Hospital for another eight years from

1969 to 1977.

During his service in 1972, he started to practise vipassanā meditation at the Mahāsī Meditation Centre under the guidance of the Most Venerable Mahāsī Sayādaw U Sobhana Mahāthero and his chief disciples, as a part time meditator in the evenings. In

1977, he resigned from the government service to devout more time to vipassanà meditation and the propagation of the Dhamma. He assisted meditation teachers of the

Mahāsī Meditation Centre as an interpreter and translator for foreign meditators.

On 29 September 1995, he renounced the household life and was ordained as a monk at

the Sasanamalavisodhani Sīma at the Mahāsī Meditation Centre. He was given the name

‘Sunanda’ which means “a delightful son”. Later, Venerable Sunanda accompanied the

meditation masters as a translator and interpreter on foreign missions to Europe, USA

and Asia.

In 2004, Venerable Sunanda was invited to the Buddhist Hermitage Lunas, Kedah as its

resident meditation teacher. Bante is a sincere, dedicated, active and approachable


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尊敬的孙南达禅师以前是一位医生,名为乌坦銮。禅师拥有中、缅血统,在一九三三年九月廿九日出生于缅甸阿耶瑶哇底府坤耀镇的阿达温乡村。他的双亲是虔诚的佛教徒,他年幼时就被送入乡村佛寺接受小学教育和学佛。 从一九四七年至一九五一年,他就读于仰光市主教区的圣约翰学校。在一九五一年,他被录取进入医学院升造。在一九五八年,考获医学士学位。他在几间医院服务了十年后,便到奥地利维也纳大学升造,专攻皮肤病和性病。毕业后,回缅甸仰光中央医院,从一九六九至一九七七年,前后当了八年的皮肤病和性病专门顾问。 在一九七二年在医院服务时,到玛哈斯修禅中心,在最尊敬的玛哈斯乌苏峇纳大长老和他的首席徒弟门的指导下,在傍晚时分,当一名临时的修禅者。在一九七七年,他辞掉政府工作,把更多的时间放在修禅和传播佛法上。他到玛哈斯修禅中心協助禅师们指导修禅,成为外国来学习禅修人士的翻译员。 在一九九五年九月廿九日,他放弃住家生活,在玛哈斯修禅中心的萨散纳玛拉维素坦尼戒坛(Sasanamalavisodhani Sīma)剃度出家。他被赐于‘孙南达’(Sunanda)

这个名字,其意义是“讨人喜欢的孩子”。后来,尊敬的孙南达陪同他的禅修老师到欧洲、美国和亚洲,当一名翻译员。 在二零零四年,尊敬的孙南达接受邀请,到吉打鲁乃佛教修行林当一名驻寺的禅修老师。禅师是一位很诚恳、献身、积极、平易近人的佛学导师。


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CONTENTS 目目目目 录录录录









TI – SARA�A 第 - 沙拉那…4



MAHĀPARITTA PĀ�I 马哈马哈马哈马哈巴巴巴巴利利利利迖迖迖迖 巴利巴利巴利巴利





RATANA SUTTA 拉他那 苏达…26


METTĀ SUTTA 密迖 苏达…42



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MORA SUTTA 莫拉 苏达…56



VA��A SUTTA 哇打 苏达…60






Ā�ĀNĀ�IYA SUTTA 阿达那第呀 苏达…84


A�GULIMĀLA SUTTA 昂故利马拉 苏达…104


BOJJHA�GA SUTTA 波张卡 苏达…108



PUBBA�HA SUTTA 布巴那 苏达…116



MA�GALA SUTTA 芒咖拉 苏达…16





ABHAYA–PARITTAąąąą 阿巴呀–巴利当…140




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MARANA - SATI 马拉那-沙第…148


TI – LAKKHANA 第–拉卡那…150


PA��HĀNA 巴达那…152





PATTHANĀ 巴搭那…178








LIST OF DONORS 布施者芳名…182

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Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa. (Recite this verse 3 times)

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THE FIVE PRECEPTS Yes, Venerable Sir

May I request to observe the five precepts

together with the Three Refuges,

out of your compassion, please give me the precepts.

Yes, Venerable Sir

For the second time, for the third time

May I request to observe the five precepts

together with the Three Refuges,

out of your compassion, please give me the precepts.

三三三三 皈皈皈皈 依依依依 五五五五 戒戒戒戒

尊者, 盼您慈悲 请傳授我五戒 以及三皈依。 尊者, 第二次,第三次 盼您慈悲 请傳授我五戒 以及三皈依。

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PAÑCA SĪLA YĀCANA Aha� Bhante Tisara ena saha Pañca sila� dhamma� yācāmi. Anuggaha� katvā sīla� detha me Bhante. Dutiyampi, Tatiyampi Aha� Bhante Tisara ena saha Pañca sila� dhamma� yācāmi. Anuggaha� katvā sīla� detha me Bhante.

般般般般 扎扎扎扎 西西西西 拉拉拉拉 呀呀呀呀 扎扎扎扎 那那那那 阿航 般爹 第沙拉捏那 沙哈 般扎 西郎 达芒 呀扎咪。 阿奴咖航 咖搭哇 西郎 爹搭 咩 般爹。 嘟第央比,搭第央比 阿航 般爹 第沙拉捏那 沙哈 般扎 西郎 达芒 呀扎咪。 阿奴咖航 咖搭哇 西郎 爹搭 咩 般爹。

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Homage to Him, the Blessed One, the Worthy One,

the Fully Self Enlightened One. (Recite this verse 3 times)

THE THREE REFUGES I go to the Buddha as my refuge.

I go to the Dhamma – His Doctrine, as my refuge.

I go to the Sa§gha – His Holy Order, as my refuge.

For the second time I go to the Buddha as my refuge.

For the second time I go to the Dhamma as my refuge.

For the second time I go to the Sa§gha as my refuge.

For the third time I go to the Buddha as my refuge.

For the third time I go to the Dhamma as my refuge.

For the third time I go to the Sa§gha as my refuge.

礼礼礼礼 赞赞赞赞 佛佛佛佛 陀陀陀陀

礼敬他世尊、阿罗汉、无上正等正觉者(圆满正觉者)。 (唸三次)

三三三三 皈皈皈皈 依依依依 我皈依佛——无上正等正觉者 我皈依法——领悟与爱心之道 我皈依僧——圣洁之僧团 第二次我皈依佛 第二次我皈依法


第三次我皈依佛 第三次我皈依法


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Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa. (Recite this verse 3 times)

TI - SARA�A Buddha� sara a� gacchāmi. Dhamma� sara a� gacchāmi. Sa�gha� sara a� gacchāmi. Dutiyampi Buddha� sara a� gacchāmi. Dutiyampi Dhamma� sara a� gacchāmi. Dutiyampi Sa�gha� sara a� gacchāmi. Tatiyampi Buddha� sara a� gacchāmi. Tatiyampi Dhamma� sara a� gacchāmi. Tatiyampi Sa�gha� sara a� gacchāmi.

那那那那 吗吗吗吗 卡卡卡卡 腊腊腊腊

那摩 达沙 巴咖哇多 阿拉哈多 三吗三布达沙。 (唸三次)

第第第第 ---- 沙沙沙沙 拉拉拉拉 那那那那 布当 沙拉囔 咖扎咪。 达芒 沙拉囔 咖扎咪。 商航 沙拉囔 咖扎咪。

嘟第央比 布当 沙拉囔 咖扎咪。 嘟第央比 达芒 沙拉囔 咖扎咪。 嘟第央比 商航 沙拉囔 咖扎咪。

搭第央比 布当 沙拉囔 咖扎咪。 搭第央比 达芒 沙拉囔 咖扎咪。 搭第央比 商航 沙拉囔 咖扎咪。

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THE FIVE PRECEPTS 1. I take the precept to refrain from killing and harming living beings.

2. I take the precept to refrain from taking what is not given.

3. I take the precept to refrain from wrongful sensual and sexual activities.

4. I take the precept to refrain from false speech.

5. I take the precept to refrain from taking intoxicating drinks and drugs that befuddle

the mind.

May my observance of morality be conducive to the attainment of the path and fruition


Bhante : “Please observe these five precepts together with Three Refuges strictly and with

mindfulness at all times.”

Devotee : “Yes, Venerable Sir.”

Well done! Well done! Well done!

五五五五 戒戒戒戒 1. 我愿持不杀生戒。

2. 我愿持不偷盗戒。

3. 我愿持不邪淫戒。

4. 我愿持不妄语戒。

5. 我愿持不饮用麻醉心智的饮料及毒品戒。


师父 : “愿你可以尊守这五戒以及三皈依, 请时时刻刻保持正念。”

施主 : “是的,尊者”


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1. Pā ātipātā verama i sikkhāpada� samādiyāmi.

2. Adinnādānā verama i sikkhāpada� samādiyāmi.

3. Kāmesu – micchācārā verama i sikkhāpada� samādiyāmi.

4. Musāvādā verama i sikkhāpada� samādiyāmi.

5. Surā – meraya – majja – pamāda��hānā, verama i sikkhāpada� samādiyāmi.

Ida� me sīla�, magga-phala ñā assa paccayo hotu.

Bhante : “Tisara ena saha pañca sīlam, Sādhukam katvā Dhamma� appamādena sampādetha.”

Dāyaka : “Āma Bhante.”

Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!

般般般般 扎扎扎扎 西西西西 拉拉拉拉

1. 巴那第巴他 维拉妈尼 西卡巴当 三吗第呀咪。

2. 阿第那他那 维拉妈尼 西卡巴当 三吗第呀咪。

3. 咖妹书-咪查查拉 维拉妈尼 西卡巴当 三吗第呀咪。

4. 木沙华他 维拉妈尼 西卡巴当 三吗第呀咪。

5. 书拉-没拉呀-妈家-巴妈搭他那,维拉妈尼 西卡巴当 三吗第呀咪。

依当 咩 西朗,马咖-巴拉 芽那沙 巴皆哟 呵嘟。

师父 :“第沙拉捏那 沙哈 般扎 西拉,沙嘟康 卡搭哇 达芒 阿巴妈爹那 三巴爹搭。”

施主 :“阿妈 般爹。”


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马马马马 哈哈哈哈 巴巴巴巴 利利利利 迖迖迖迖 巴巴巴巴 利利利利


护护护护 卫卫卫卫 经经经经 偈偈偈偈

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PRELIMINARY OF PARITTA (Invitation to Devààààs)

1. Ye gods, who are residing in the surrounding of various (ten thousand) universes,

may you come here to this place, and listen to the sacred doctrine of the Lord of

Sages, which can yield the divine bliss and perfect freedom.

2. Oh Happy Ones! This is the time for listening to the Dhamma. (Recite this verse 3 times)

3. Homage to Him, the Blessed One, the Worthy One,

the Fully Self Enlightened One. (Recite this verse 3 times)

4. Those who have achieved tranquility and peace of mind, who have taken refuge in

the three holy gems, here in this world or in other spheres; the deities of terrestrial

and celestial, who always are anxious to accrue and accumulate merits.

护护护护 卫卫卫卫 经经经经 前前前前 偈偈偈偈 ((((邀请众神邀请众神邀请众神邀请众神))))

1. 居住在各个(十千)宇宙的诸天神, 请你们到此处来聚合, 共同聆听导向天乐及解脱的世尊的教法。 2. 诸天神,这是聆听佛法的最佳时刻。


3. 礼敬他世尊、阿罗汉、 无上正等正觉者(圆满正觉者)。 (唸三次) 4. 那些在此世界或其他宇宙经已成就心的寂静及安宁者;


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1. Samantā cakkavā�esu, Atrāgacchantu devatā, Saddhamma� Munirājassa, Su antu sagga-mokkha-da�.... Dhammassavana-kālo aya� bhaddantā! (Recite this verse 3 times)

3. Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato

Sammāsambuddhassa. (Recite this verse 3 times)

4. Ye santā santa-cittā, tisara a-sara ā, ettha lokantare vā, bhummābhummā ca devā,

gu aga agaha a-byāva�ā sabba�kāla�, , , ,

巴巴巴巴 利利利利 达达达达 –––– 巴巴巴巴 利利利利 看看看看 吗吗吗吗 1. 沙满大 查卡哇叻苏, 阿特拉咖参嘟 爹哇大, 沙达芒 母尼拉扎沙, 苏南嘟 沙咖-末卡-当。 2. 达芒沙哇那-卡罗 阿央 巴单大!


3. 那摩 达沙 巴咖哇多 阿拉哈多 三吗三布他沙。


4. 也 三他 三他-及他,第沙拉那-沙拉那, A 搭 罗看他叻 哇,布马布马 扎 爹哇, 故那咖那咖哈那-比呀哇他 沙巴卡兰,

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Those gods (and the King of gods) who are residing on royal Meru, the majestic golden

mountain, and all those virtuous ones may they come here in unity to listen to the noble

words of the Great Sage, which are the basic foundation of contentment and serenity.

5. The demons, the deities and the Brahma-gods in all universes, (may rejoice in)

whichever meritorious praise-worthy deeds we have done with great success and

great satisfaction to all.

6. Having delighted in this sharing of merits, may all be comfortable and may all live

in accord with His Teachings.

7. May there always be temporal as well as spiritual prosperity in the world. May the

gods always guard the religion as well as the world.

居住在宏伟堂皇的须弥山之诸天神(和天王); 以及一切圣者, 盼大众皆能相聚聆听世尊所宣说之知足 与宁静之根本法则。 5. 众宇宙之魔王、 夜叉与梵天神(能随喜)于我们的成就 及带来大满足的善业。 6. 愿大众在欢喜分享功德后, 能身心安适并依照佛法生活。 7. 原世间拥有世俗与精神上的富裕。 愿诸天神护卫此信仰及世间。

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ete āyantu devā, , , , vara-kanaka-maye, merurāje vasanto, santo santosa-hetu�, , , , munivara-vacana�, ssssotumagga� samaggā.

5. Sabbesu cakkavā�esu, Yakkhā devāca brahmano, Ya� amhehi kata� puñña�, Sabba-sampatti-sādhaka�. 6. Sabbe ta� anumoditvā, Samaggā Sāsane ratā, Pamāda-rahitā hontu, Ārakkhāsu visesato. 7. Sāsanassa ca lokassa, Vu((hi bhavatu sabbadā, Sāsanam pi ca lokañ ca, Devā rakkhantu sabbadā.

A 爹 阿阳吐 爹哇,哇拉-卡那卡-马也, 美路拉责 哇三多,三多 三多沙-黑东, 目你哇腊-哇搽囊,所土骂康 沙骂咖。 5. 沙别苏 察卡哇叻苏, 压卡 爹哇 扎 巴腊马诺, 样 肮嘿嘻 卡汤 布央, 沙巴-丧巴第-沙打刚。 6. 沙别 汤 阿努莫帝的哇, 沙骂伽 沙沙内 腊达, 巴吗大-腊嘻大 哄嘟, 阿辣卡苏 V 些沙多。 7. 沙沙那沙 扎 罗卡沙, 物第 巴婉都 沙巴打, 沙沙南 比 扎 罗刊 扎, 爹哇 辣刊都 沙巴打。

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8. May you all and your followers be happy.

May you together with all your relatives be joyful and be free from suffering.

9. May you be able to obtain this protection and be free from the danger of

tyrants, robbers,

human enemies, non-human beings,

fire, flood,

demons, tree stumps,

thorns, evil planets,

epidemic diseases, law-breakers,

heretics, impious men, and be free from the danger of

wild elephants, horses, bulls, dogs,

serpents, scorpions, copper-head snakes, panthers,

bears, hyenas, boars, buffaloes, all kind of beasts,

ogres, devils, etc and also be free from

various dangers and diseases and calamities.

8. 原你及你的追随者都快乐。 原你及你所有的亲属安乐及没有苦恼。 9. 愿你能获得护卫, 远离暴君,强盗, 敌人,非人, 火灾,水灾, 妖魔,残干, 荆棘,邪恶的星体, 传染病,破坏法律者, 异端者,不虔诚的人, 以及远离 野象,野马,公牛,狗, 蛇,蝎,铜头蛇,豹, 熊,鬣狗,野猪,水牛,各类畜牲, 食人魔,魔鬼等的侵犯; 并且摆脱各种恐惧,疾病和灾难。

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8. Saddhi� hontu sukhī sabbe, Parivārehi attano, Anīghā sumanā hontu, Saha sabbehi ñātibhi. 9. Rājato vā corato vā

Manussato vā amanussato vā aggito vā udakato vā

pisācato vā khā ukato vā ka �akato vā nakkhattato vā janapada-rogato vā asaddhammato vā

asandi��hito vā asappurisato vā ca (a-hatthi-assa-miga-go a-kukkura- ahi-vicchika-ma isappa-dīpi-accha- taraccha-sūkara-mahi�sa-yakkha- rakkhasādīhi nānābhayato vā nānārogato vā nānā-upaddavato vā ārakkha� ga hantu.

8. 沙定 哄嘟 苏其 沙别, 巴利哇叻嘻 啊大诺, 啊你卡 苏马那 哄嘟, 沙哈 沙别嘻 芽第比。

9. 腊擦多 哇 措拉多 哇 马努沙多 哇 阿马努沙多 哇 阿吉多 哇 屋大卡多 哇 比沙搽多 哇 卡努卡多 哇 刊大卡多 哇 那卡打多 哇 家那霸大-罗咖多 哇 阿沙当马多 哇 阿三第底多 哇 阿沙不里沙多 哇 参达-哈第-阿沙-密伽-果那-故姑腊- 阿嘻-V 机卡-马你沙巴-第比-阿察- 大拉察-苏卡拉-马兴沙-压卡- 腊卡沙第嘻 那那巴亚多 哇 那那罗伽多 哇 那那-屋巴大哇多 哇 阿辣刊 干汉都。

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a. The meaning of the term “Auspice” has been speculated by gods and men for

twelve years,

however they could not determine as to the actual meaning of it.

b. So, this discourse on the thirty-eight auspices expounds this matter, which can erase

all evils was expounded by the Buddha,

for the benefit and welfare of the whole world.

Come! Let us recite this discourse on the Auspices now.

c. Thus have I heard:-

On one occasion the Blessed Lord was dwelling in Sàvatthi at the Jeta’s grove in the

Jetavana Monastery of Anàthapi��ika. There upon a certain deity whose surpassing radiance illuminating the entire Jeta-


approached the Blessed Lord quite late at night.

吉吉吉吉 祥祥祥祥 经经经经 导言

a. 诸天神与人类用了十二年的时光去思索“吉祥”的含义, 但他们始终不能真正明白。 b. 因此,这部能消除过失与邪恶的三十八个偈语 是由 (佛陀) 所宣说, 以利益于全世间。 来吧!让我们共同诵念此吉祥经文。 c. 如是我闻∶- 有一次世尊安住在舍卫城附近,护法祗树给孤独长者的祗树园精舍; 那时一位非常貌美的天神在深夜里向着世尊趋近。 几乎整个祗园精舍被其光照亮起来。

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a. Ya� ma*gala� dvādasahi, Cintayi�su sadevakā, Sotthāna� nādhigacchanti, A��hatti�sañ ca Ma*gala�.

b. Desita� Devadevena, Sabbapāpavināsana�, Sabbalokahitatthāya, Ma*gala� ta� bha āma he.

c. Eva� me suta�:- Eka� samaya� Bhagavā Sāvatthiya� viharati Jetavane Anāthapi (ikassa ārāme. Atha kho aññatarā devatā abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkantava ā kevalakappa� Jetavana�

obhāsetvā, yena Bhagavā tenupasa*kami;

芒芒芒芒 咖咖咖咖 拉拉拉拉 苏苏苏苏 达达达达


a. 央 茫伽朗 的哇大沙嘻, 金大应苏 沙爹哇卡, 所踏囊 那他伽参第, 阿他定三 擦 芒咖朗。

b. 爹西当 爹哇爹为那, 沙巴巴巴 V 那沙南, 沙巴罗卡嘻大达亚, 芒伽朗 当 巴那马 嘿。

c. A 王 咩 书当:- A 刚 沙麻阳 巴咖哇 沙哇提央 V 哈拉第 皆大哇涅 阿那他兵第卡沙 阿拉咩。 阿他 果 安芽大拉 爹哇大 阿比坎大呀 拉第呀 阿比坎大哇那 给哇拉卡邦 皆大哇南 欧巴些的哇,也那 巴咖哇 爹奴巴山卡咪;

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He respectfully saluted the Lord and stood at one side.

And so standing, he addressed the Blessed One in verse thus:

1. “Many gods and men yearning for happiness,

have speculated about the problem of Auspices.

Please explain to me, what supreme Auspices really are.”

2. “Not to associate with the ignorant (1),

but to associate with the wise (2),

and to honour those worthy of honour (3),

- this is the auspices supreme.

3. To dwell in suitable locality (4),

to acquire merits in advance (5),

and to establish oneself to right action (6),

- this is the auspices supreme.

亲近世尊后恭敬行礼在一边站着。 这站在一边的天神,对着世尊恭问道∶

1. “许多天神与人 在沉思类关于吉祥; 祈求安好快乐, 请告诉我吉祥之最。” 2. “不亲近愚痴人(一), 与智慧者亲近(二), 恭敬应当被恭敬者(三), 这是吉祥之最。 3. 住在适当的环境里(四), 预先有行善业(五), 自己发愿行正道(六), 这是吉祥之最。

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upasa*ka�itvā Bhagavanta� abhivādetvā eka-manta� a��hāsi; eka-manta� �hitā kho sā devatā Bhagavanta� gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:

1. “Bahū devā manussā ca, Ma*galāni acintayu�, Āka*khamānā sotthāna�, Brūhi ma*gala-muttama�.” 2 “Asevanā ca bālāna�, Pa (itānañ ca sevanā,,,, Pūjā ca pūjaneyyāna�, Eta� ma*gala-muttama�. 3. Patirūpadesavāso ca, Pubbe ca katapuññatā, Attasammāpa idhi ca, Eta� ma*gala-muttama�.

乌巴山卡密的哇 巴咖完当 阿比哇爹的哇 A 卡-曼当 阿他西;A 卡-曼当 提大 果 沙 爹哇大 巴咖完当 咖他牙 阿加巴西:

1. “巴呼 爹哇 马努沙 查, 芒哥拉尼 阿今大用, 阿坎卡吗那 嗦他南, 布鲁嘻 芒哥拉-母大芒。”

2. “阿些哇那 查 巴拉南, 班第大南 查 些哇那, 布加 查 布加内呀南, A 当 芒哥拉-母大芒。

3. 巴第入巴爹沙哇嗦 查, 布撇 查 卡大布芽大, 阿大三吗巴尼提 查, A 当 芒哥拉-母大芒。

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4. To have immensity of knowledge (7), to acquire skill in arts and crafts (8),

to be well-trained in discipline (9),

and to have words well spoken (10),

- this is the auspices supreme.

5. To serve your parents (11),

to cherish your wife and children (12),

and to have peaceful occupations (13),

- this is the auspices supreme.

6. Generosity (14), virtuous conduct (15),

to support your relatives (16),

and to perform faultless actions (17),

- this is the auspices supreme.

4. 博学多闻(七)及多艺精巧(八), 及持有戒行(九), 受过好的训导及善於言语(十), 这是吉祥之最。

5. 母亲与父亲有去护持(十一), 孩子与妻子有去爱护(十二), 及操没有矛盾的职业(十三), 这是吉祥之最。 6. 布施(十四),奉公佛法(十五), 善于支持亲人(十六), 无可责难的行为(十七), 这是吉祥之最。

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4. Bāhusaccañ ca sippañ ca, Vinayo ca susikkhito, Subhāsitā ca yā vācā, Eta� ma*gala-muttama�.

5. Mātāpitu-upa��hāna�, Puttadārassa sa*gaho, Anākulā ca kammantā, Eta� ma*gala-muttama�. 6. Dānañ ca dhammacariyā ca, Ñātakānañ ca sa*gaho, Anavajjāni kammāni, Eta� ma*gala-muttama�.

4. 巴呼沙沾 查 西班 查, V 那哟 查 书西奇哆, 书巴西大 查 呀 哇查, A 当 芒哥拉-母大芒。 5. 妈大必嘟-乌巴他南, 布大达拉沙 桑咖呵, 阿那古拉 查 卡曼大, A 当 芒哥拉-母大芒。 6. 达南 查 汤吗查利呀 查, 芽大卡南 查 桑咖呵, 阿那哇加尼 卡麻尼, A 当 芒哥拉-母大芒。

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7. To abstain from evil (18), to refrain from evil (19),

to restrain from intoxicating substances (20),

and to be heedful/mindful in the Dhamma (21),

- this is the auspices supreme.

8. Reverence (22), modesty (23),

contentment (24), gratitude towards those who have been kind and helpful to us (25),

timely perception of the doctrines (26),

- this is the auspices supreme.

9. Patience (27), obedience (28),

to visit the monks (29),

and the timely discussions of the Doctrines (30),

- this is the auspices supreme.

7. 舍离邪恶(十八), 禁此罪恶(十九), 避免麻醉饮品(二十), 及深切专注于佛法(真理)(廿一), 这是吉祥之最。 8. 恭敬(廿二)谦逊(廿三), 知足(廿四)及感恩(廿五), 合时听法(廿六), 这是吉祥之最。

9. 忍耐(廿七), 恭顺(廿八), 得见僧人(廿九), 合时讨论佛法(三十), 这是吉祥之最。

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7. Āratī viratī pāpā, Majjapānā ca sa�yamo, Appamādo ca dhammesu, Eta� ma*gala-muttama�. 8. Gāravo ca nivāto ca, Santu��hi ca kataññutā, Kālena Dhammassavana�, Eta� ma*gala-muttama�.

9. Khantī ca sovacassatā, Sama ānañ ca dassana�, Kālena Dhammasākacchā, Eta� ma*gala-muttama�.

7. 阿拉第 威拉第 巴巴, 马加巴那 查 山牙摩, 阿巴吗哆 查 汤咩书, A 当 芒哥拉-母大芒。 8. 咖拉锅 查 尼哇哆 查, 山嘟提 查 卡大纽大, 卡列呢 汤吗沙哇南, A 当 芒哥拉-母大芒。

9. 坎第 查 嗦哇查沙大, 沙马那南 查 达沙南, 卡列那 汤马沙卡察, A 当 芒哥拉-母大芒。

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10. The practice of self-restraint (31),

chastity or divine state or holy life (32),

to discern the noble truths (33),

to realize the Nibbàna. (34),

- this is the auspices supreme.

11. The mind, which is touched by the (eight) vicissitudes

(changes of fortune) of life,

does not agitate (35),

to be free from sorrow (36), to be stainlessly pure (37),

and to be perfectly peaceful and serene (38),

- this is the auspices supreme.

12. Those who practise these auspices,

are unvanquished (successful) everywhere,

and attain bliss (happiness) everywhere.

To them these are the auspices supreme.”

The end of The Discourse on Auspices.

10. 自我约束(卅一),

清净生活(卅二), 得见圣谛(卅三), 体证涅槃(卅四), 这是吉祥之最。 11. 触到俗缘, 心仍旧稳如不动(卅五), 无忧(卅六), 无染(卅七),安和(卅八), 这是吉祥之最。 12. (谁)有遵行这一切, 他们所到(处), 就会是处处顺利不败, 处处安好快乐, 这就是他们的吉祥之最。” 吉祥经毕。

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10. Tapo ca brahmacariyañ ca, Ariyasaccāna dassana�, Nibbāna-sacchikiriyā ca, Eta� ma*gala-muttama�. 11. Phu��hassa lokadhammehi, Citta� yassa na kampati, Asoka� viraja� khema�, Eta� ma*gala-muttama�. 12. Etādisāni katvāna, Sabbattha maparājitā, Sabbattha sotthi� gacchanti, Ta� tesa� ma*gala-muttama�.” Magala Sutta� Ni��hita�.

10. 大波 查 伯拉吗查利阳 查, 阿利亚沙查那 达沙南, 尼巴那-沙济奇利呀 查, A 当 芒哥拉-母大芒。 11. 布他沙 罗哥汤咩嘻, 济当 呀沙 那 甘巴第, 阿嗦刚 威拉将 给芒, A 当 芒哥拉-母大芒。 12. A 大第沙尼 卡的哇那, 沙巴他 吗伯拉济他, 沙巴他 嗦丁 咖赞第, 当 爹桑 芒哥拉-母大芒。” 芒咖拉 书当 你第当。

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a. Calling to mind all these virtues of the Lord Buddha such as:-

commencing from the time of his Noble Vow (pledged in the presence of Lord

Dipankara, to become a Supreme Buddha) the Tathàgata had fulfilled all the thirty

(Pàramitas) Perfections, that is: the ten (Pàramitas) ordinary Perfections, the ten

(UpaPàramitas) superior Perfections, and the ten (Paramattha Pàramitas) supreme

Perfections; the five Great Sacrifices;

the three modes of Practice, that is, the practice for the welfare of the world, for the

welfare of kinsmen and relatives, and for the benefit of his attainment of


and that he had been naturally conceived in his mother's womb in this last existence;

his nativity; the Great Renunciation; the main practice of meditation; the Conquest

upon (five types of) Death (Màra) being seated under the Bo tree; the Discernment

of Omniscient Wisdom; expounding the sermon of the Rotating of the Wheel of

Law (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta); and the nine supra mundane laws.

三三三三 宝宝宝宝 经经经经 导言

a. 如是忆念佛陀的德行: 自他发宏愿(予燃灯佛足下)要修习成佛, 如来已经圆满了三十波罗蜜, 即: 通常

完美的波罗蜜、卓越完美的波罗蜜和至高完美的波罗蜜; 五大舍; 三所行, 即: 为世间的福利、亲朋戚友的福利及为利益他成就佛道而修行; 于是在他最后一世, 安然的进入母胎后诞生、出家; 经过严峻的修行, 在菩提树

下征服了(五种)魔王; 成就一切知智; 初转法轮及宣说九种出世间法。

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a. Pa idhānato pa��hāya Tathāgatassa dasa pāramiyo dasa upapāramiyo, dasa paramattha-pāramiyo ti samatti�sa pāramiyo, pañca mahāpariccāge, lokatthacariya� ñātatthacariya� Buddhatthacariyan ti tisso cariyāyo, pacchimabhave gabbhavokkanti�, jāti�, abhinikkhamana�, padhānacariya�, Bodhipalla*ke Māravijaya�, Sabbaññutaññā appa�ivedha�, Dhammacakkappavattana�, nava lokuttaradhamme ti sabbe pime Buddhagu e āvajjetvā

拉拉拉拉 他他他他 那那那那 苏苏苏苏 达达达达


a. 巴你达那多 巴塔亚 大塔伽大沙 大沙 巴腊密哟 大沙 物巴巴腊密哟, 大沙 巴腊骂塔-巴腊密哟 第 沙吗定沙 巴腊密哟, 般察 马哈巴利擦给, 罗卡塔杂利央 牙大塔杂利央 布达塔杂利烟 第 第所 杂利亚哟, 罢其马巴为 伽巴喔刊听, 家丁,阿必你卡马囊, 巴踏那杂利央,菩提巴蓝 K 马腊 V 家央, 沙般纽潭牙那巴第威汤, 汤马察卡巴哇大囊, 那哇 罗姑大腊汤美 第 沙杯 必美 布达故内 阿哇皆的哇

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Venerable Ānanda the Elder, did the protective recitation throughout the three

watches of the night, within the three walls of the city of Vesàli.

b. Having established such a compassionate mind as Venerable Ānanda did, the glory

of which had been accepted by the deities who have assembled in the hundred

thousand cores of universes, and in the city of Vesàli.

c. By the power of which the three types of disasters that broke out due to epidemic

diseases, non human beings and famine were also removed promptly.

Come! Let us recite this discourse of protection.

1. Whatever beings are assembled here,

Whether they are terrestrial or celestial,

May all beings have a peaceful mind,

And also listen respectfully to these words.


b. 随着阿难尊者这种富于慈悲心, 这荣誉皆被百千个宇宙及 积聚在卫萨离的天神所赞叹。 c. 由此威力, 城中所受的三大灾害, 即流行瘟疫、非人、 饥馑皆一一消失。 来吧!让我们共同诵念此护卫经文。 1. 任何在此聚集的众生, 不论是在陆地或在空中, 愿这一切众生平静快乐, 亦尊敬心倾听这番话。

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Vesāliyā tīsu pākārantaresu tiyāmaratti� Paritta� karonto Āyasmā Ānandatthero viya kāruññacitta� upa��hapetvā

b. Ko�isatasahassesu, Cakkavā�esu devatā, Yassā a� pa�igga hanti, Yañ ca Vesāliyā pure. c. Rogāmanussa-dubbhikkha- Sambhūta� tividha� bhaya�, Khippa-mantaradhāpesi, Paritta� ta� bha āma he. 1. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe, Sabbeva bhūtā sumanā bhavantu, Atho pi sakkacca su antu bhāsita�.

为沙里亚 第苏 巴卡兰达雷苏 第牙马拉丁 巴利当 卡罗多 阿呀舍马 阿南达爹罗 威呀 卡轮呀吉当 乌巴打悲的哇

b. 可第沙打沙哈西苏, 扎卡哇勒苏 帝哇打, 呀沙南 巴第干汉第, 洋 扎 为沙利呀 不雷。

c. 罗加马奴沙-都壁卡- 山不当 第威当 巴洋, 吉巴-满达拉塔悲西, 巴里当 当 巴那吗 喜。

1. 呀你他 布他尼 沙吗卡大尼, 布吗尼 哇 呀尼 哇 安大利给, 沙别哇 布大 书吗拿 巴完嘟, 阿他 必 沙卡查 书难嘟 巴西当。

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2. Therefore, O beings, listen closely.

Radiate loving kindness to your fellow beings.

By day and by night, they bring offerings to you.

Therefore protect them well with vigilant attention.

3. Whatever treasure be either here or in the world beyond,

Whatever precious jewel there be in the heavenly abodes;

None is there equal to the Perfect One.

This precious jewel (holiness) is the Enlightened One.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

4. That Quiescence, Detachment, and Deathlessness

has been realized by the perfectly meditated Sakyan-Sage.

There is no equal to this Dhamma.

This holy jewel indeed lies in the Dhamma.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

2. 所有众生且留心听着。 散发慈悲予人类。 那些日夜给你们供奉者 因此且謹慎用心地保护他们。

3. 任何宝物,在此或在彼, 或天界的珍贵宝石, 无一可比拟如来(宝)。 佛身上乃见此宝。 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。 4. 沉寂、离欲、圣洁、无死、 释迦贤哲在定中得证。 此法无上。 佛法中得见此宝。 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

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2. Tasmā hi bhūtā nisāmetha sabbe, Metta� karotha mānusiyā pajāya, Divā ca ratto ca haranti ye bali�, Tasmā hi ne rakkhatha appamattā.

3. Ya� kiñci vitta� idha vā hura� vā, Saggesu vā ya� ratana� pa īta�, Na no sama� atthi Tathāgatena, Idam pi Buddhe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. 4. Khaya� virāga� amata� pa īta�, Yadajjhagā Sakyamunī samāhito, Na tena Dhammena samatthi kiñci; Idam pi Dhamme ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

2. 大色马 嘻 布他 尼沙灭他 沙别, 灭汤 卡罗他 马奴西亚 巴加呀, 第哇 杂 拉拖 杂 哈兰第 椰 巴林, 大色马 嘻 捏 腊卡他 阿巴吗他。

3. 央 今奇 V 当 义他 哇 呼朗 哇, 沙给书 哇 央 拉大囔 巴尼当, 拿 诺 沙芒 阿提 他他卡爹拿, 义汤 必 布爹 腊他囔 巴尼汤, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。 4. 卡阳 V 拉刚 阿马当 巴尼当, 呀阿扎卡 沙奇亚木尼 沙马嘻多, 拿 爹拿 汤咩拿 沙马提 今奇; 义汤 必 汤咩 腊他囔 巴尼汤, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。

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5. The Supreme Enlightened One extolled

the path of purity calling it the Concentration,

which yields infallible results immediately.

No equal is there to such concentration.

This holy jewel indeed lies in the Dhamma.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

6. The eight persons are extolled by holy men;

and they constituted four pairs,

they are the disciples of the Blessed One, worthy of offerings.

Gifts offered to them yield rich results.

This holy jewel indeed lies in the Sa§gha.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

7. Those who strive well with a firm and steadfast mind,

are liberated during the Dispensation of Gotama Buddha.

They have attained the highest state, having attained deathlessness.

They enjoy the Perfect Peace which they obtained without obligation.

5. 无上的佛陀赞那清净道 那无间定, 正确无误的即地见效 此定无上。 佛法中得见此宝。 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

6. 善行者称颂的八辈; 四双, 是值得供养的佛(善逝)的弟子。 供养将带来大福报。 僧伽中得见此宝。 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

7. 怀着坚定心修持, 依随佛陀的传承的。 他们达到最高的目标,体证无死。 他们体验不会失去的安宁。

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5. Ya� Buddhase��ho pariva ayī suci�, Samādhi-mānantarikañña-māhu, Samādhinā tena samo na vijjati; Idam pi Dhamme ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

6. Ye puggalā a��ha sata� pasatthā, Cattāri etāni yugāni honti, Te dakkhi eyyā Sugatassa sāvakā, Etesu dinnāni mahapphalāni; Idam pi Sa�ghe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. 7. Ye suppayuttā manasā da�hena, Nikkāmino Gotama-sāsanamhi, Te pattipattā amata� vigayha, Laddhā mudhā nibbuti� bhuñjamānā;

5. 阳 布他些多 巴利完那依 书今, 沙吗提-吗难大里堪牙-吗呼, 沙马提拿 爹拿 沙摩 拿 V 加第; 依汤 必 汤咩 腊他囔 巴尼汤, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。

6. 也 布卡拉 阿他 沙当 巴沙他, 加他利 A 他你 又卡你 哄第, 爹 达奇捏牙 书卡达沙 沙哇卡, A 爹书 第那你 马哈巴拉尼; 依汤 必 桑嘿 腊大囔 巴尼汤, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。 7. 也 书巴又他 马拿沙 达嘿拿, 尼卡米挪 郭打吗-沙沙囔嘻, 爹 巴第巴他 阿马当 威卡西呀, 腊他 木他 尼布丁 布加吗那;

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This holy jewel indeed lies in the Sa§gha.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

8. As a post deeply planted in the earth stands unshaken

by the winds’ blast from four directions.

So also I declare the righteous man is unshaken

who sees the Noble Truths through discriminating wisdom.

This holy jewel indeed lies in the Sa§gha.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

9. Those who develop the Noble Truths well expounded by the Lord of Profound


even though they may be exceedingly heedless;

Still they do not take an eighth existence (in the realm of Kamabhumi). By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

僧伽中得见此宝。 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

8. 恰如深置的强杆 不被四面八风所动。 如此乃是卓越的人,我宣告 是已见证了四圣谛者。 僧伽中得见此宝。 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

9. 那些了悟了圣谛者 乃由大智的世尊所教; 他们虽有疏忽的可能 却不会再有第八世的轮回(生于卡马菩米道)。 僧伽中得见此宝。 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

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Idam pi Sa�ghe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. 8. Yathindakhīlo pathavissito siyā, Catubbhi vātehi asampakampiyo, Tathūpama� sappurisa� vadāmi, Yo Ariyasaccāni avecca passati; Idam pi Sa�ghe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

9. Ye Ariyasaccāni vibhāvayanti, Gambhīrapaññena sudesitāni, Kiñcāpi te honti bhusa� pamattā, Na te bhava� a��hama-mādiyanti; Idam pi Sa�ghe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

依汤 必 桑嘿 腊大囔 巴尼当, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。 8 呀提达奇罗 巴他威西陀 西呀, 加杜比 哇爹嘻 阿桑巴甘比哟, 大土巴芒 沙布利桑 哇达米, 哟 阿利亚沙查你 阿维查 巴沙第; 依汤 必 桑嘿 腊大囔 巴尼当, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。

9. 也 阿利呀沙查你 V 巴哇央第, 甘皮拉般也那 书爹西大尼, 今查必 爹 哄第 布沙 巴吗他, 拿 爹 巴汪 阿他妈-妈第央第; 依汤 必 桑嘿 腊他囔 巴尼汤, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。

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10. Simultaneously with his accomplishment of Insight,

Three mental defilements are abandoned,

namely individualism, doubt,

and indulgence in futile rites and rituals and other corruption if there be any.

11. He is also freed from the four woeful realms.

And can no more commit the six major evil actions.

This holy jewel indeed lies in the Sa§gha.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

12. Though he may still do evil deeds

by physically, verbally or mentally

Yet he cannot conceal it.

Since it has been divulged that such concealing is impossible for one who has seen

the path.

This holy jewel indeed lies in the Sa§gha.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

10. 随着卓越的洞察力, 他舍下了三法即∶ 邪见、疑惑, 对邪道的执着与其他可能有的腐败行为。 11. 因而脱离四苦道。 他不会再犯六大逆罪。 僧伽中得见此宝。 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

12. 他虽仍会造恶业 于身、口、意, 他却不会隐瞒。 对于智慧见道者来说将不可能再造新罪。 僧伽中得见此宝, 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

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10. Sahāvassa dassanasampadāya, Tayassu dhammā jahitā bhavanti: Sakkāyadi��hīvicikicchitañ ca, Sīlabbata� vā pi yadatthi kiñci; 11. Catūhapāyehi ca vippamutto, Chaccābhi�hānāni abhabba kātu�; Idam pi Sa�ghe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

12. Kiñcāpi so kamma karoti pāpaka�, Kāyena vācā uda cetasā vā, Abhabba so tassa pa�icchadāya, Abhabbatā di��hapadassa vuttā; Idam pi Sa�ghe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

10. 沙哈哇沙 大沙拿桑巴达呀, 大呀书 达妈 加嘻大 巴完第: 沙卡呀第提威济奇济担 查, 西拉巴当 哇 比 呀达提 今济; 11. 查嘟阿巴也嘻 查 威巴木多, 查查比大拿你 阿巴巴 卡东; 依汤 必 桑嘿 腊他囔 巴尼汤, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。

12. 今查比 嗦 卡妈 卡罗第 巴巴刚, 卡也那 哇查 乌他 皆大沙 哇, 阿巴巴 嗦 大沙 巴第查大呀, 阿巴巴大 第他巴大沙 乌大; 依汤 必 桑嘿 腊大囔 巴尼当, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。

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13. Just like (the glory of) the woodland groves crowned with blossoms in the early

heat of the warm summer month,

even so the glory of the sublime (Dhamma) doctrine was explained for the supreme

success leading towards Nibbàna.

This holy jewel indeed lies in the Buddha.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

14. The Glorious One, who knows the glory, delivers the glory, brings the glory.

And is the unequally explained, the glorious doctrine.

This holy jewel indeed lies in the Buddha.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

15. Their former (kamma) is ended and the new one arises no more.

The lust for future-becoming is withdrawn.

The seed germ (of rebirth) has ended and they have no more desire for regrowing.

As this lamp-flame dies out, wise men pass away (into Nibbàna).

This holy jewel indeed lies in the Sa§gha.

By this affirmation of the Truth, may there be perfect bliss.

13. 恰如开满了花的丛林树, 在焰热夏月初升的热流中, 佛陀的卓越教育是如此 导向涅槃,至高的目标。 佛身上得见此宝, 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

14. 他是无上优者、知优者、施优者、予优者, 教育了无上佛法(八正道)。 佛身上得见此宝, 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

15. 旧的业已耗尽,亦不再有新的, 追求未来生命的欲念也尽。 他们的欲种已灭,亦不再有成长之欲。 智者入灭如灯灭, 僧伽中得见此宝, 愿此真言带来吉祥安乐。

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13. Vanappagumbe yatha phussitagge, Gimhāna māse pa�hamasmi� gimhe, Tathūpama� Dhammavara� adesayi, Nibbānagāmi� parama�hitāya; Idam pi Buddhe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. 14. Varo Varaññū Varado Varāharo, Anuttaro Dhammavara� adesayi; Idam pi Buddhe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

15. Khī a� purā a�, nava natthi-sambhava�, Virattacittāyatike bhavasmi�, Te khī abījā avirū�hichandā, Nibbanti dhīrā yathāya� padīpo; Idam pi Sa�ghe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

13. 哇拿巴公别 呀他 不习达给, 今哈拿 马些 巴他马色敏 今嘿, 大土巴芒 汤马哇朗 阿爹沙依, 逆巴拿加敏 巴拉芒嘻大呀; 依汤 必 布爹 腊大囔 巴尼当, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。

14. 哇罗 哇拉纽 哇拉哆 哇拉哈罗, 阿奴大罗 汤马哇朗 阿爹沙依; 依汤 必 布爹 腊大囔 巴尼当, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。

15. 奇囔 布拉囔,那哇 那提-山巴汪, 威腊他吉他呀第给 巴哇斯敏, 爹 奇拿鼻加 阿 V 入嘻赞他, 逆般第 提拉 呀他阳 巴第波; 依汤 必 桑嘿 腊大囔 巴尼汤, A 爹那 沙皆那 书哇提 呵嘟。

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16. Whatever beings are assembled here,

whether they are terrestrial or celestial,

come, let us worship the Buddha; (The Perfect One),

who is honoured by both gods and men.

May there be perfect bliss.

17. Whatever beings are assembled here,

whether they are terrestrial or celestial,

come, let us worship the Dhamma;

(The Doctrine of the Perfect One),

who is honoured by both gods and men.

May there be perfect bliss.

18. Whatever beings are assembled here,

whether they are terrestrial or celestial,

come, let us worship the Sa§gha;

(The Order of the Perfect One),

who is honoured by both gods and men.

May there be perfect bliss.

The end of The Discourse on Precious Jewels.

16. 任何在此聚集的众生, 不论在陆地或空中, 圆满佛陀尊是天神与人类皆尊敬。 让我们礼敬(他)佛陀,愿得一片吉祥安乐。 17. 任何在此聚集的众生, 不论在陆地或空中, 圆满佛陀尊是天神与人类皆尊敬。 让我们礼敬佛法,愿得一片吉祥安乐。 18. 任何在此聚集的众生, 不论在陆地或空中, 圆满佛陀尊是天神与人类皆尊敬。 让我们礼敬佛僧,愿得一片吉祥安乐。 三宝经毕。

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16. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe, Tathāgata� devamanussapūjita�, Buddha� namassāma suvatthi hotu. 17. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe, Tathāgata� devamanussapūjita�, Dhamma� namassāma suvatthi hotu. 18. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe, Tathāgata� devamanussapūjita�, Sa�gha� namassāma suvatthi hotu.

Ratana Sutta� Ni��hita�.

16. 呀尼他 布大尼 沙马加大尼, 布马尼 哇 呀尼 哇 安大利 K, 大他加当 爹哇马奴沙不吉当, 菩汤 拿马沙马 书哇提 呵嘟。

17. 呀尼他 布大尼 沙马加大尼, 布马尼 哇 呀尼 哇 安大利 K, 大他加当 爹哇马奴沙不吉当, 达芒 拿马沙马 书哇提 呵嘟。

18. 呀尼他 布大尼 沙马加大尼, 布吗尼 哇 呀尼 哇 安大利 K, 大他加当 爹哇马奴沙不吉当, 商航 拿马沙马 书哇提 呵嘟。 拉他那 书当 你第当。

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a. Due to the glorious power of this lesson on Love,

spirits dare not disclose the frightful sights.

b. One who devotes to himself this doctrine day and night diligently,

sleeps soundly and does not see any nightmare when asleep.

Come! Let us recite this doctrine endowed with such and other merits.

1. He who is clever in the gift

and who has anticipated in the attainment of the state of Perfect Tranquility

must work to be efficient, right, upright,

not talkative, gentle, and humble.

慈慈慈慈 爱爱爱爱 经经经经 导言

a. 由于慈爱的无比威力, 妖魔不敢展示畏怖的景象。 b. 谁若日夜精进修持此慈爱经, 他将能安眠及不会有梦魇。 来吧!让我们共同诵念有此及其它利益之慈爱经文。 1. 一个善行者应做, 以获得安宁的事如是: (他应当)能干、坦诚、 绝对忠实谦恭,及温文不骄傲。

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a. Yassānubhāvato yakkhā, Neva dassenti bhīsana�; Yamhi cevānuyuñjanto, Rattindiva-matandito. b. Sukha� supati sutto ca, Pāpa� kiñci na passati; Evamādigu ūpeta�, Paritta� ta� bha āma he. 1. Kara īya-matthakusalena, Ya� ta santa� pada� abhisamecca, Sakko ujū ca suhujū ca, Suvaco cassa mudu anatimānī.

密密密密 达达达达 苏苏苏苏 达达达达 物有家芽

a. 呀沙奴巴瓦多 呀卡, 内瓦 打仙第 比沙南; 牙米 姐瓦奴云加都, 拉丁第瓦-马担第多。 b. 苏干 苏巴第 苏多 扎, 巴般 金及 那 巴沙弟; A 瓦马弟古奴悲当, 巴里当 当 巴那妈 嘿。 1. 卡拉尼央-啊他枯沙列拿, 阳 大 山当 巴汤 阿鼻沙灭查, 沙过 乌朱 查 书呼朱 查, 书哇左 查沙 慕都 阿拿第吗尼。

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2. Contented, easy to support,

with few duties, of fugal living,

serene of demeanor, prudent,

modest, and not to be attached to the families.

3. He must not commit even the slightest sin

for which the wise men might censure him.

He must contemplate thus:- May all sentient beings be cheerful

and be endowed with a happy secured life.

4. Whatever breathing beings there may be

the frail ones or the firm creatures,

with no exception tall or stout,

medium or short-sized, thin or fat.

2. 知足、易于护持、少责身轻, 简朴、五官安详及有智虑, 不粗鲁, 不执着家庭。 3. 他不该犯上即使是至小的过错, 那是会令智者感到遗憾的。 而他应思想:愿一切众生愉乐, 愿他们快乐与平安。 4. 任何存在的众生, 不论是弱或强、 是高大或壮实、 中等或矮小体积、瘦小或肥胖。

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2. Santussako ca subharo ca, Appakicco ca sallahukavutti, Santindriyo ca nipako ca, Appagabbho kulesvananugiddho.

3. Na ca khudda-mācare kiñci, Yena viññū pare upavadeyyu�, Sukhino vā khemino hontu, Sabbasattā bhavantu sukhitattā. 4. Ye keci pā abhūtatthi, Tasā vā thāvarā vanavasesā, Dīghā vā ye va mahantā, Majjhimā rassakā a ukathūlā.

2. 山都沙过 查 书巴罗 查, 阿巴奇左 查 沙拉呼加乌第, 山丁第利喲 查 尼巴过 查, 阿巴卡波 枯列色哇那奴奇哆。

3. 拿 查 枯达-马查雷 今吉, 也拿 V 纽 巴雷 乌巴哇爹拥, 书奇诺 哇 茄咪诺 哄嘟, 沙撇沙大 爬完嘟 书奇大大。 4. 也 给吉 巴拿布达提, 大沙 哇 他哇拉 哇拿哇些沙, 第卡 哇 也 哇 马喊大, 马吉马 拉沙卡 阿奴卡度拉。

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5. Those which are seen or those unseen,

those who live far or near,

those who are already born or those still seeking to come into life,

May all these beings be endowed with happiness.

6. Let not one be angry with another,

let him not despise anyone in any place.

By means of physical and verbal resentment or by unaccomplished enmity.

Let one not wish another's suffering.

7. Just like a mother would protect her baby,

the only child, even with her life,

even so towards all beings.

Let one cultivate the (Agape) boundless spirit of love.

5. 那些可见到或不可见到, 那些住远或近, 及那些已出生的,或那些等待诞生的, 愿一切众生快乐。 6. 愿无一人怨恨他人, 或在任何地方轻视任何人, 怀着嗔恨或恶意, 愿他们不互相诅咒。 7. 正如母护子, 不惜生命,护其独子, 亦当如此对待一切众生, 让他培养无量的心胸。

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5. Di��hā vā ye va adi��hā, Ye va dūre vasanti avidūre, Bhūtā va sambhavesīva, Sabbasattā bhavantu sukhitattā. 6. Na paro para� nikubbetha, Nātimaññetha katthaci na kañci, Byārosanā pa�ighasañña, Nāñña-maññassa dukkha-miccheyya.

7. Mātā yathā niya� putta-, Māyusā ekaputta-manurakkhe, Evam pi sabbabhūtesu, Mānasa� bhāvaye aparimā a�.

5. 笛他 哇 也 哇 阿笛他, 也 哇 杜雷 哇山第 阿威嘟雷, 布大 哇 山巴维西哇, 沙撇沙大 巴完嘟 书奇大大。 6. 拿 巴罗 巴朗 尼古别他, 拿第马捏他 卡他吉 那 今吉, 必呀罗沙拿 巴第卡山芽, 拿芽-满芽沙 杜卡-米皆芽。 7. 马大 呀他 尼阳 不大-, 妈幼沙 A 加不大-马努腊给, A 完 必 沙巴步爹书, 吗拿山 巴哇也 阿巴利吗嚷。

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8. Let him radiate the boundless rays of love

towards the entire world,

to the above, below, and across unhindered,

without malice and enmity.

9. While standing, walking, sitting

or reclining, as long as he be awake without laziness,

let him devote himself to this mindfulness.

This is called in this religion as ‘Noble Living’ (Holy life).

10. If the meditator, without falling into wrong view (egoism),

be virtuous, and endowed with perfect insight,

has expelled passion in sensual desires,

he will surely come never again to be born in any womb.

The end of The Discourse on Loving Kindness.

8. 让他对这全世界散发出无限的慈爱心, 得到无限的保持。 上、下、四方, 没有约束,没有恶意,也没有仇恨。 9. 立、行、坐 或卧,只要他不昏睡偷懒, 让他在培养这种觉醒/正念, 这就是现前的梵住。 10. 不落入邪见, 有德行怀有智见, 消除对欲乐的贪爱, 他肯定不再投胎。 慈爱经毕。

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8. Mettañ ca sabbalokasmi, Mānasa� bhāvaye aparimā a�, Uddha� adho ca tiriyañ ca, Asambādha� averam asapatta�. 9. Ti��ha� cara� nisinno va, Sayāno yāvatāssa vitamiddho, Eta� sati� adhi��heyya, Brahma-meta� vihāra-midha māhu. 10. Di��hiñ ca anupaggamma, Sīlavā dassanena sampanno, Kāmesu vineyya gedha�, Na hi jātu ggabbhaseyya puna reti. Mettà Sutta� Ni��hita�.

8. 灭担 查 沙巴罗卡色米, 吗拿桑 巴哇也 阿巴利吗嚷, 屋汤 阿多 查 第利扬 查, 阿山巴汤 阿维兰 阿沙八当。 9. 第汤 查朗 尼新诺 哇, 沙呀诺 呀哇大沙 V 大密哆, A 当 沙丁 阿替爹呀, 伯拉马-灭当 威哈拉-咪他 吗呼。 10. 第替 查 阿奴巴甘吗, 西拉哇 达沙捏拿 山般诺, 卡妹书 V 呢亚 给汤, 拿 嘻 查嘟 卡巴些呀 不那 雷第。 密达 书当 你第当。

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1. Just like the divine charms and divine drugs,

this discourse of Khandha negates the baneful poison and the other perils

of all the highly poisonous creatures.

2. In this scope of (Buddha's) jurisdiction,

everywhere, always, for all beings,

and by all means, this discourse does prevent (the disasters).

Come! Let us recite this protective discourse now.

3. May my love be with Virūpakkha snakes,

with Erapatha snakes may there be my love.

May my love be with Chabyàputta snakes,

with Ka�hàgotamaka snakes may there be my love, too.

护护护护 蕴蕴蕴蕴 经经经经 导言

1. 犹如天咒与仙丹, 此护蕴经 否定了毒祸与众危急, 所有极毒的生物。 2. 在(佛陀)的庇护下, 所有处,时时,为众生, 随机,此经能避免(灾害)。 来吧!让我们共同诵念此护卫经。 3. 我散播慈心给广目, 给伊罗漫我予慈心。 我散播慈心给舍婆子, 给黑瞿昙我予慈心。

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1. Sabbāsīvisajātīna�, Dibbamantāgadha� viya, Ya� nāseti visa� ghora�, Sesañ cāpi parissaya�. 2. Ā ākkhettamhi sabbattha, Sabbadā sabbapā ina�, Sabbaso pi nivāreti, Paritta� ta� bha āma he. 3. Virūpakkhehi me metta�, Metta� Erāpathehi me, Chabyāputtehi me metta�, Metta� Ka hāgotamakehi ca.

康康康康 达达达达 苏苏苏苏 达达达达 物有家芽

1. 沙巴西 V 沙加第南, 第巴慢打卡当 威呀, 央 拿锡帝 V 商 购郎, 洗山 扎皮 巴里沙羊。 2. 阿南 K 当嘻 沙巴打, 沙巴达 沙巴巴你南, 沙巴苏 皮 泥哇雷第, 把里当 当 巴那马 黑。 3. V 人拔给嘻 咩 灭当, 灭当 A 拉巴叠嘻 咩, 察必啊不叠嘻 咩 灭当, 灭当 刊哈果大吗给嘻 查。

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4. With footless creatures may there be my love,

may my love be with bipeds,

with quadrupeds may there be my love,

may my love be with multipeds.

5. May the foot-less hurt me not,

may the bipeds not hurt me,

the quadrupeds may not hurt me,

the multipeds may hurt me not.

6. All the sentient creatures and all breathing ones,

all beings without exception,

all may see the happy sights,

and may not befall into any sin.

4. 我散播慈心予无足众生, 给双足众生我予慈心, 我散播慈心予四足众生, 给多足众生我予慈心。

5. 愿无足者勿伤害我, 愿双足者勿伤害我, 愿四足者勿伤害我, 愿多足者勿伤害我。 6. 一切众生,一切息生, 一切业生,无有余漏; 原全部好运, 原危险不近身。

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4. Apādakehi me metta�, Metta� dvipādakehi me, Catuppadehi me metta�, Metta� bahuppadehi me.

5. Mā ma� apādako hi�si, Mā ma� hi�si dvipādako, Mā ma� catuppado hi�si, Mā ma� hi�si bahuppado. 6. Sabbe sattā sabbe pā ā, Sabbe bhūtā ca kevalā, Sabbe bhadrāni passantu, Mā kañci pāpa-māgamā.

4. 阿巴大给嘻 咩 灭当, 灭当 第 V 巴大给喜 咩, 查杜巴爹嘻 咩 灭当, 灭当 吧呼巴爹喜 咩。 5. 吗 芒 阿巴大果 欣西, 吗 芒 欣西 第 V 巴大果, 吗 芒 查杜巴哆 欣西, 吗 芒 欣西 吧呼巴多。 6. 沙撇 沙大 沙撇 巴那, 沙撇 布大 查 给哇拉, 沙撇 八拉尼 巴山嘟, 吗 刊济 巴巴-吗卡吗。

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7. The Buddha is infinite,

Infinite is the Dhamma,

The Sa§gha is infinite,

Finite and measurable are creeping things;

snakes, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, lizards and rats.

8. I have guarded myself, I have protected myself,

Let all evil beings recede.

Here I salute to the Glorious One,

And to the Seven Buddhas do I honour.

The End of The Discourse of Khandha.

7. 佛宝无量, 法宝无量, 僧宝无量, 但爬行众生却有限量, 如:蛇、蝎、蜈蚣、蜘蛛、壁虎、老鼠。 8. 我作了这监护,我作了这保护, 愿那些邪恶的众生远离。 我礼赞世尊, 我礼赞七个无上正等正觉的佛陀。 护蕴经毕。

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7. Appamā o Buddho, Appamā o Dhammo, Appamā o Sa�gho, Pamā avantāni sarīsapāni, Ahi vicchikā satapadī, U anābhīsarabū mūsikā. 8. Katā me rakkhā, kata� me paritta�, Pa�ikkamantu bhūtāni, Soha� namo Bhagavato, Namo sattanna� Sammāsambuddhāna�. Khandha Sutta� Ni��hita�.

7. 阿巴吗诺 布哆, 阿巴吗诺 汤摩, 阿巴吗诺 桑呵, 巴吗拿完大尼 西淋沙巴尼, 阿嘻 V 济卡 沙大巴第, 乌拿拿批沙拉布 木西卡。 8. 卡大 咩 腊卡,卡当 咩 巴利当, 巴第卡曼嘟 布大尼, 嗦航 那摩 巴咖哇多, 那摩 沙他囔 三吗三布他囔。 康达 书当 你第当。

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1. The Great Being (the Buddha-to-be) was born as a peacock,

fulfilling the necessary requirements for obtaining Enlightenment,

and having arranged protection for himself by means of this protective discourse.

Him, the Great Being, from the hunters.

2. Strived for quite a long time,

the hunters were not able to capture (the peacock);

This was prescribed by Lord Buddha as a noble power.

Come! Let us recite this protective discourse.

3. There he rises, the thousand-eyed king,

making the world bright with his golden light.

“Thee I worship, on glorious wing, with thy golden light, making the world bright.

Keep me safe, I pray, through the coming day.”

孔孔孔孔 雀雀雀雀 经经经经 导言

1. 尊者(菩萨)曾出生为孔雀, 修行有关之需要以成就佛道。 它以此护卫经文,保卫自己, 尊者(菩萨)得以远离猎人的伤害。 2. 猎人们经过很久的奋斗, 始终不能捉到它(孔雀)。 佛陀如是细说此至上之经文。 来吧!让我们共同诵念此护卫经文。 3. 千眼王在那儿升起, 以金黄色的光芒照耀世间。 “我崇拜你,以辉煌的双翅,以你的金光,照耀世间。 我祈祷,保佑我,整天都安好。”

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1. Pūrenta� bodhisambhāre, Nibbatta� morayoniya�, Yena sa�vihitārakkha�, Mahāsatta� vanecarā.

2. Cirassa� vāyamantā pi, Neva sakkhi�su ga hitu�; "Brahmamantan" ti akkhāta�, Paritta� ta� bha āma he.

3. Udetaya� cakkhumā ekarājā, Harissava o pathavippabhāso; Ta� ta� namassāmi harissava a� pathavippabhāsa�, Tayājja guttā viharemu divasa�.

莫莫莫莫 拉拉拉拉 苏苏苏苏 达达达达


1. 不人当 菩提丧巴叻, 逆巴当 摩腊哟你样, 也那 丧 V 嘻大蜡康, 马哈沙当 哇内擦腊。

2. 及腊丧 哇亚慢大 比, 内哇 沙嘻英苏 干嘻东; “八拉马慢单”第 阿卡汤, 巴利当 当 巴那马 嘿。

3. 污爹大样 擦枯马 A 卡腊加, 哈利沙湾诺 巴他威巴巴索; 当 当 那马沙密 哈利沙哇囊 巴他 V 巴巴丧, 大亚家 故大 V 哈叻目 里哇丧。

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4. “The saints, the righteous, the wise in the entire holy lore,

may they protect me and to them I adore.

Honour be to the wise, honour be to wisdom,

to freedom, and to those who had achieved freedom.”

Having made this protection the peacock went about to seek food.

5. There he sets, the thousand-eyed king,

making the world bright with his golden light.

“Thee I worship, on glorious wing, with thy golden light, making the world bright.

Through the night, till the next day; keep me safe, I pray.”

6. “The saints, the righteous, the wise in the entire holy lore,

may they protect me, and to them I adore.

Honour be to the wise, honour be to wisdom,

to freedom, and to those who had achieved freedom.”

Having made this protection, the peacock rested happily at home.

The end of The Discourse on The Peacock’s Prayer.

4.“此圣地的圣者、直行者、贤慧者, 盼他们护佑我,我崇拜他们。 崇敬英明,崇敬智慧、 自由及所有已获得自由者。” 如是诵念此护卫经文后,孔雀外出觅食。 5. 千眼王在那儿沉落, 以金黄色的光芒照耀世间。 “我崇拜你,以辉煌的双翅,以你的金光,照耀世间。 我祈祷,保佑我,渡过长夜,直到天明。” 6.“此圣地的圣者、直行者、贤慧者, 盼他们护佑我,我崇拜他们。 崇敬英明,崇敬智慧、 自由及所有已获得自由者。” 如是诵念此护卫经文后,孔雀在巢里歇息。


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4. Ye Brāhma ā vedagū sabbadhamme, Te me namo, te ca ma� pālayantu; Namatthu Buddhāma� namatthu bodhiyā, Namo vimuttāna� namo vimuttiyā. Ima� so paritta� katvā moro carati esanā.

5. Apetaya� cakkhumā ekarājā, Harissava o pathavippabhāso; Ta� ta� namassāmi harissava a� pathavippabhāsa�, Tayājja guttā viharemu ratti�.

6. Ye Brāhma ā vedagū sabbadhamme, Te me namo, te ca ma� pālayantu; Namatthu Buddhāma� namatthu bodhiyā, Namo vimuttāna� namo vimuttiyā. Ima� so paritta� katvā moro vāsa-makappayi.

Mora Sutta� Ni��hita�.

4. 也 巴拉妈那 威拉姑 沙巴当美, 爹 美 那莫,爹 杂 芒 巴拉央都; 那妈都 菩达忙 那妈都 波第呀, 那莫 威母达囊 那莫 威母第呀。 依忙 苏 巴里当 卡的哇 莫罗 杂拉弟 A 沙那。

5. 阿悲打央 杂古妈 A 卡拉惹, 哈里沙哇诺 巴他威巴巴苏; 当 当 那妈沙米 哈里沙哇囊 巴他威巴巴三, 打呀惹 姑打 威哈雷母 拉丁。

6. 也 巴拉妈那 威拉姑 沙巴达咩, 爹 美 那莫,爹 杂 忙 巴拉央都; 那妈都 菩达忙 那妈都 波第呀, 那莫 威母打囊 那莫 威目弟呀。 依忙 苏 巴里当 卡的哇 莫罗 哇沙-妈卡巴依。

莫拉 苏当 你第当。

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1. By the power of this discourse,

the forest fire passed over the Great Being

(the Buddha-to be) who was born as a quail,

fulfilling the necessary requirements for attaining the Enlightenment.

2. Come! Let us recite this prayer,

which was expounded by the Saviour

of the world (the Buddha) to the

Elder Sariputta, and which will last

for world cycles, being endowed with mighty powers.

3. There is saving merit in virtue in this world;

Truth, purity of life, and compassion too,

Thereby, I'll work a matchless Act of Truth.

鹌鹌鹌鹌 鹑鹑鹑鹑 经经经经 导言

1. 由此经文之威力, 森林之火焰漫过大士 (菩萨)在当时出生为鹌鹑, 精进修行成就佛道之美德(波罗密)。 2. 来吧!让我们共同诵念此经文。 它是世间之拯救者(佛陀) 向舍利弗阐述的。 此经文乃能长存,并赋有大威力。 3. 在此世间存有德行; 真理、圣洁的生活,及悲心。 因此,我朝向无比真理的条例。

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VA��A SUTTA Uyyojañña

1. Pūrenta� bodhisambhāre, Nibbatta� va��ajātiya�,

Yassa tejena dāvaggi, Mahāsatta� vivajjayi. 2. Therassa Sāriputtassa, Lokanāthena bhāsita�, Kappa��hayi� mahāteja�, Paritta� ta� bha āma he. 3. Atthi loke sīlagu o, Sacca� soceyyanuddayā, Tena saccena kāhāmi, Sacca-kiriya-muttama�.

哇哇哇哇 打打打打 苏苏苏苏 达达达达 物有家芽

1. 不另当 波第三巴雷, 尼巴当 哇打惹第央, 呀沙 爹皆那 达哇吉, 妈哈沙当 威哇加依。 2. 爹拉沙 沙里布打沙, 罗家那爹那 巴西当, 加拔打音 妈哈爹章, 巴利当 当 巴那妈 嘻。 3. 阿弟 罗给 西拉姑诺, 沙占 苏些呀奴带呀, 爹那 沙姐那 加哈米, 沙杂-记里呀-母打芒。

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4. Remembering the Law's might (Power of Dhamma),

and reflecting on those who triumphed in the days gone by,

depending on the might of Truth,

an Act of Truth I fashioned.

5. With wings I can't fly,

with feet I can't walk,

have fled away my parents, here I am alone.

Oh Forest-fire, please, shrink, go back!

6. I fashioned my Act of Truth, and therewith

the sheet of blazing fire left unburned

sixteen lengths of land unscathed,

like flames by water is met and quenched.

There is no equal to my Truth asseveration.

This is my perfection of Truth.

The end of The Discourse on The Quail’s Affirmation.

4. 记忆真理的威行(法的威力), 及忆念那在光阴的流逝中迈向成功之胜利者, 依着真理的威力, 我追随真理的条例。 5. 有翅我不能飞, 有脚我不能行, 我的双亲已离去,只剩下我单独在这儿。 喔,森林之火焰,请退缩,回返! 6. 我追随真理的条例, 当下那火焰竟也退下 十六方宽未燃烧的空间, 就如火遇水而熄灭了。 没有其他能相等于我这真理之宣言。 这是我完美真理之举。 鹌鹑经毕。

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4. Āvajjetvā Dhammabala�, Saritvā pubbake jine, Saccabala-mavassāya, Sacca-kiriya-makāsaha�. 5. Santi pakkhā apatanā, Santi pādā avañcanā, Mātāpitā ca nikkhantā, Jātaveda pa�ikkama. 6. Saha sacce kate mayha�, Mahāpajjalito sikhī, Vajjesi so�asakarīsāni, Udaka� patvā yathā sikhī, Saccena me samo natthi, Esā me Sacca-pāramī. Va��a Sutta� Ni��hita�.

4. 阿哇皆的哇 达妈巴郎, 沙里的哇 布巴 K 及内, 沙杂巴啦-妈哇沙呀, 沙查-基利呀-妈加沙汉。 5. 山弟 八加 啊巴打那, 山弟 八达 啊哇扎那, 妈打比打 扎 你干打, 惹打为达 巴弟加妈。 6. 沙哈 沙姐 加爹 美汉, 妈哈巴惹里多 锡基, 哇皆西 苏拉沙加你沙你, 乌拉干 巴的哇 呀打 锡基, 沙姐那 咩 沙莫 那弟, A 沙 咩 沙扎-巴拉咪。 哇打 书当 你第当。

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1. Just even by recollecting this discourse,

the creatures get the foothold even in the sky,

by all means, just like they do on the ground.

2. The number of those who had been freed from the

network of all dangers, created by devils, robbers,

thieves and others, is indeed numerous.

Come! Let us recite this protective discourse now.

3. Thus have I heard:-

At one time the Blessed One was dwelling at the monastery of Anàthapiõ�ika in

Jeta’s Grove near Sàvatthi. There and then he addressed the disciples on this incident.

幢幢幢幢 群群群群 经经经经 导言

1. 倘若只忆念此部经典, 即使在空中,有情皆可获得立足处, 犹如在平地般,他可随心所欲。 2. 那些已摆脱 一切灾难、妖魔、强盗、 贼人等的网络者,已经不计其数。 来吧!让我们共同诵念此护卫经文。 3. 如是我闻∶- 有一次佛陀住在舍卫城附近, 护法祗树给孤独长者的祗树园精舍的时候, 佛陀向比丘们讲述了如下的事。

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1. Yassānussara enāpi, Antalikkhe pi pā ino, Pati��ha-madhigacchanti, Bhūmiya� viya sabbathā.

2. Sabbupaddavajālamhā, Yakkhacorādisambhavā, Ga anā na ca muttāna�, Paritta� ta� bha āma he.

3. Eva� me suta�:- Eka� samaya� Bhagavā Sāvatthiya� viharati Jetavane Anāthapi (ikassa ārāme.

达达达达 家家家家 伽伽伽伽 苏苏苏苏 达达达达 物有家芽

1. 呀沙奴沙拉尼那比, 安大里 K 比 巴尼诺, 巴弟打-妈弟卡占弟, 菩米央 威呀 沙巴打。 2. 沙菩巴达哇惹郎玛, 呀卡周拉底商巴哇, 卡那那 那 扎 母打南, 巴里当 当 巴那妈 嘿。 3. A 汪 咩 苏当:- A 康 沙妈洋 巴卡哇 沙哇第洋 威哈拉第 皆打哇尼 阿那打丙底卡沙 阿拉咩。

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4. The Blessed One addressed the monks saying,


and they responded, “Lord”, to the Blessed One.

The Blessed One spoke as follows:

“Long ago, monks, a battle was

raging between the gods and the titans.

Then Sakka, ruler of the gods, addressed the

Thirty-three Gods, saying:

‘If in you, dear sirs, when you have gone into the battle,

and fear, panic, and creeping of flesh should arise, look up

at the crest of my banner. If you do so,

the fear, trembling or terror that would arise will disappear.

4. 佛陀对比丘们說: “比丘们”, 比丘们回答:“世尊”。 佛陀接着說: “比丘们,这是古代的事情了, 有一次诸神和阿修罗之间,发生了战事。 伟大的帝释,召集了将要出征的三十三天诸神道, ‘要是你们在战场上,遇到足可使你 毛发倒竖的恐怖事件时,可以看看 我的旗竿竿头。要是你们能够仰望 我的旗竿,就可以消除 恐怖感。

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4. Tatra kho Bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi, “Bhikkhavo” ti.

“Bhaddante” ti te bhikkhū Bhagavato paccassosu�. Bhagavā etadavoca: “Bhūtapubba� bhikkhave devāsurasa*gāmo samupabyū�ho ahosi. Atha kho bhikkhave Sakko Devānamindo deve Tāvati�se āmantesi, ‘Sace mārisā devāna� sa*gāmagatāna� uppajjeyya bhaya� vā chambhitatta� vā lomaha�so vā, mameva tasmi� samaye dhajagga� ullokeyyātha. Mama� hi vo dhajagga� ullokayata� ya� bhavissati bhaya� vā chambhitatta� vā lomaha�so vā, so pahīyissati.

4. 大得拉 可 巴卡哇 比姑 阿忙爹习, “比卡我”第。 “巴南爹”第 爹 比姑 巴卡哇多 把扎苏什。 巴卡哇 A 打达我扎: “菩打不班 比卡威 爹哇苏拉商卡莫 沙母巴有罗 阿河西。 阿打 可 比卡威 沙可 爹哇那明多 爹威 打哇丁些 阿忙爹习,

“沙姐 妈里沙 爹哇南 商卡妈卡打南 乌巴皆呀 巴央 哇 占比打当 哇 罗妈含苏 哇, 妈咩哇 达士明 沙妈也 达惹干 乌罗给呀塔。 妈忙 嘻 我 达惹干 乌罗卡呀当 央 巴威沙弟 巴央 哇 占比打当 哇 罗妈含苏 哇,苏 巴嘻依沙第。

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5. If you do not happen to look at the crest of my banner,

watch then the crest of the General Pajàpati’s banner,

and of those who look at the crest of the General Pajàpati’s banner, the fear,

trembling or terror that would arise will disappear.

6. If you do not happen to look at the crest of the

General Pajàpati’s banner, watch then the crest of the

General Varuõa’s banner, and of those who look at the crest of the General

Varuõa’s banner, the fear, trembling or terror that would arise will disappear.

5. 如果你们不能仰望我的旗竿,就抬头 看看波闍波提的天旗旗竿吧! 这样,就可以消除 恐怖感。

6. 如果你们不能仰望波闍波提的天旗旗竿,就抬头 看看哇楼那的天旗旗竿吧! 这样,就可以消除 恐怖感。

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5. No ce me dhajagga� ullokeyyātha, atha Pajāpatissa devarājassa dhajagga� ullokeyyātha. Pajāpatissa hi vo devarājassa dhajagga� ullokayata� ya� bhavissati bhaya� vā chambhitatta� vā, lomaha�so vā, so pahīyissati.

6. No ce Pajāpatissa devarājassa dhajagga� ullokeyyātha, atha Varu assa devarājassa dhajagga� ullokeyyātha. Varu assa hi vo devarājassa dhajagga� ullokayata� ya� bhavissati bhaya� vā chambhitatta� vā lomaha�so vā, so pahīyissati.

5. 诺 姐 咩 达惹干 乌罗给呀塔, 啊他 巴惹巴弟沙 爹哇拉惹沙 达惹干 乌罗给呀塔。 巴惹巴弟沙 嘻 我 爹哇拉惹沙 达惹干 乌罗卡呀当

央 巴威沙弟 巴央 哇 占比打当 哇, 罗妈含苏 哇,苏 巴嘻依沙第。

6. 诺 姐 巴惹巴弟沙 爹哇拉惹沙 达惹干 乌罗给呀塔,

啊他 哇鲁那沙 爹哇拉惹沙 达惹干 乌罗给呀塔。 哇鲁那沙 嘻 我 爹哇拉惹沙 达惹干 乌罗卡呀当 央 巴威沙弟 巴央 哇 占比打当 哇 罗妈含苏 哇,苏 巴嘻依沙第。

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7. If you do not happen to look at the crest of the General Varuõa’s banner,

watch then the crest of the General Īsāna’s banner,

and of those who look at the crest of the General Īsāna’s banner,

the fear, trembling or terror that would arise

will disappear.’

8. Now, oh monks, in those that look up

at the crest of the banner of Sakka, the King of Devàs,

or the banners of his Generals, Pajàpati, Varuõa

7. 如果连哇楼那的天旗旗竿也不能看望时, 就仰望伊舍那的天旗旗竿吧! 这样,也可消除 恐怖感。’

8. 比丘们,仰望 帝释的天旗旗竿, 或是帝释众天将;波闍波提、哇楼那

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7. No ce Varu assa devarājassa dhajagga� ullokeyyātha, atha Īsānassa devarājassa dhajagga� ullokeyyātha. Īsānassa hi vo devarājassa dhajagga� ullokayata� ya� bhavissati bhaya� vā chambhitatta� vā lomaha�so vā, so pahīyissatī’ ti.

8. Ta� kho pana bhikkhave Sakkassa vā Devānamindassa dhajagga� ullokayata�, Pajāpatissa vā devarājassa dhajagga� ullokayata�, Varu assa vā devarājassa dhajagga� ullokayata�, , , ,

7. 诺 姐 哇鲁那沙 爹哇拉惹沙

达惹干 乌罗给呀塔,

啊他 依沙那沙 爹哇拉惹沙

达惹干 乌罗给呀塔。

依沙那沙 嘻 我 爹哇拉惹沙

达惹干 乌罗卡呀当

央 巴威沙弟 巴央 哇

占比打当 哇

罗妈含苏 哇,苏 巴嘻依沙第 弟。

8. 当 可 巴那 比卡威

沙卡沙 哇 爹哇那明打沙

达惹干 乌罗卡呀当,

巴惹巴弟沙 哇 爹哇拉惹沙

达惹干 乌罗卡呀当,

哇鲁那沙 哇 爹哇拉惹沙

达惹干 乌罗卡呀当,

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or Īsāna, any fear, trembling or terror that would arise

may or may not disappear.

9. Why is that? Because Sakka,

the King of Devàs, oh monks, is not free from

lust, not free from ill will, and not free from ignorance;

he is subject to trembling, subject to terror,

and subject to running away.

10. But I say this to you: if, oh monks,

when you have gone into a forest, to a foot of a tree or a secluded place,

或伊舍那的天旗旗竿, 不一定能消除天神们的恐怖感。 9. 何以如此呢?因为帝释, 天神之王,尚未消除 贪、嗔、痴, 他仍会提心吊胆,心怀恐慌、惊悸 及弃甲而逃。

10. 比丘们,我也要告诉你们∶ 假如你们进入森林内, 坐在树底下, 或在空屋内时,

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Īsānassa vā devarājassa dhajagga� ullokayata�, ya� bhavissati bhaya� vā chambhitatta� vā, lomaha�so vā, so pahīyethāpi, no pi pahīyetha. 9. Ta� kissa hetu? Sakko hi bhikkhave Devānamindo avītarāgo, avītadoso, avītamoho, bhīru chambhī utrāsī palāyīti. 10. Ahañ ca kho bhikkhave eva� vadāmi: Sace tumhāka� bhikkhave araññagatāna� vā rukkhamūlagatāna� vā suññāgāragatāna� vā uppajjeyya bhaya� vā

依沙那沙 哇 爹哇拉惹沙 达惹干 乌罗卡呀当,

央 巴威沙弟 巴央 哇 占比打当 哇, 罗妈含苏 哇,苏 巴嘻也塔比, 诺 比 巴嘻也塔。

9. 当 奇沙 黑都? 沙可 嘻 比卡威 爹哇那明都 啊威打拉葛 啊威打多苏 啊威打莫和,比鲁 占比 乌打拉西 巴拉依第。

10. 阿含 扎 可 比卡威 A 汪 哇达咪: 沙姐 敦哈干 比卡威 啊兰芽卡打南 哇 鲁卡母拉卡打南 哇 孙芽卡拉卡大南 哇 乌巴皆呀 巴央 哇

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and if fear, trembling or terror should arise in you, just remember me at that time (as


11. ‘Such indeed is He the Blessed One:

accomplished Destroyer of Defilements, Omniscient,

endowed with Knowledge and Virtue, Well-gone, Knower of the worlds,

the Incomparable Master of those to be tamed,

teacher of gods and men,

the Enlightened One, the Exalted One.

12. Of you, monks, who remember me,

whatever fear, trembling or terror

that would arise will disappear.

13. If you do not remember me, then remember the Dhamma

(as follows):

发生恐怖感, 而有毛发倒竖之感时, 那个时候,就这样忆念佛陀吧∶

11. ‘如此乃是他世尊∶ 阿罗汉,完全根除恶念,无上正等正觉者, 赋予智慧与品德,善逝,理解世间万物者, 驯服者的伟大主人, 神明与世人的尊师,正觉,神圣的佛陀世尊。’ 12. 比丘们,倘若你们能如是忆念佛陀, 这样就可以祛除恐怖感。 13. 倘若你们不能如是忆念佛陀, 就这样忆念佛法吧∶

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chambhitatta� vā lomaha�so vā, mameva tasmi� samaye anussareyyātha: 11. ‘Iti pi so Bhagavā araha� sammāsambuddho, vijjācara asampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussāna� buddho bhagavā’ ti. 12. Mama� hi vo bhikkhave anussarata� ya� bhavissati bhaya� vā chambhitatta� va lomaha�so vā, so pahīyissati. 13. No ce ma� anussareyyātha, atha Dhamma� anussareyyātha:

占比打当 哇 罗妈含苏 哇,妈咩哇 打世民 沙妈也 啊奴沙雷呀塔:

11. ‘依第 比 苏 巴伽哇

阿拉汉 三马三菩多, 威扎查拉那三巴诺 苏伽多 罗卡威都 阿奴打罗 不利沙谭妈沙拉低 沙打 爹哇马奴沙南 布多,巴伽哇’弟。 12.妈忙 嘻 我 比卡威 阿奴沙拉当 央 巴威沙第 巴央 哇 占比打当 哇 罗妈含苏 哇,苏 巴嘻依沙第。 13. 诺 姐 忙 啊奴沙雷呀塔, 啊塔 达忙 啊奴沙雷呀塔:

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14. ‘Well expounded is the Teaching of the Exalted One,

to be seen here and now (self evident),

not delayed in time/immediate in its results,

(inviting one to) come and see,

giving guidance, appealing to each,

to be realized by the wise each for himself. ’

15. Of you, monks, who remember the Dhamma,

whatever fear, trembling or terror that would arise will disappear.

16. If you do not remember the Dhamma,

then remember the Sa§gha (as follows):

14. ‘善说世尊之法, 自见的、 此时此地即见、不延误时光/即见效的、 (欢迎)来参见的、 导向前的、 被智者各自证知的。’ 15. 比丘们,倘若你们能如是忆念佛法, 这样就可以祛除恐怖感。 16. 倘若你们不能如是忆念佛法, 就这样忆念佛僧吧∶

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14. ‘Svākkhāto Bhagavatā Dhammo, sandi��hiko, akāliko, ehipassiko, opaneyyiko, paccatta� veditabbo viññūhī’ ti. 15. Dhamma� hi vo bhikkhave anussarata� ya� bhavissati bhaya� vā chambhitatta� vā lomaha�so vā, so pahīyissati. 16. No ce Dhamma� anussareyyātha, atha Sa�gha� anussareyyātha:

14. ‘沙哇卡多 巴卡哇达 达摩, 山第第果, 啊伽里果, A 喜巴西果, 噢巴内意果, 巴查淡 威底达波 威纽喜’弟。

15. 达忙 嘻 我 比卡威 啊奴沙拉当 央 巴威沙第 巴央 哇 占比打当 哇 罗妈含苏 哇,苏 巴嘻依沙第。

16. 诺 姐 达忙 啊奴沙雷呀塔, 啊塔 商港 啊奴沙雷呀塔:

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17. ‘Well practised is the Exalted One’s Order of disciples,

uprightly practised is the Exalted One’s Order of disciples,

wisely practised is the Exalted One’s Order of disciples,

properly practised is the Exalted One’s Order of disciples,

that is to say: The four pairs of persons,

the eight types of individuals;

this Exalted One’s Order of disciples

is worthy of gifts,

is worthy of hospitality,

is worthy of offerings,

is worthy of reverential salutations.

It is the incomparable field of merits to the world. ’

18. Of you, monks, who remember the Sa§gha,

whatever fear, trembling or terror that would arise will disappear.

17. ‘良善行道的是世尊的声闻众。 正直行道的是世尊的声闻众。 聪慧行道的是世尊的声闻众。

和敬行道的是世尊的声闻众。 即是说∶四双、 八辈; 这乃是世尊的声闻众 值得供养、 值得供奉、 值得奉施、 值的合掌敬礼。 是世间无上的福田。’ 18. 比丘们,倘若你们能如是忆念佛僧, 这样就可以祛除恐怖感。

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17. ‘Suppa�ipanno Bhagavato sāvakasa�gho, ujuppa�ipanno Bhagavato sāvakasa�gho, ñāyappa�ipanno Bhagavato sāvakasa�gho, sāmīcippa�ipanno Bhagavato sāvakasa�gho, yadida�:::: Cattāri purisayugāni, a��ha purisapuggalā; esa Bhagavato sāvakasa�gho āhuneyyo, pāhuneyyo, dakkhineyyo, añjalikara īyo, anuttara� puññakkhetta� lokassā’ ti.

18. Sa�gha� hi vo bhikkhave anussarata� ya� bhavissati bhaya� vā chambhitatta� vā lomaha�so vā, so pahīyissati.

17.‘苏巴第巴诺 巴伽哇多 沙哇卡商果,

乌住巴第巴诺 巴伽哇多 沙哇卡商果, 芽呀巴第巴诺 巴伽哇多 沙哇卡商果, 沙米及巴第巴诺 巴伽哇多 沙哇卡商果, 呀第淡:扎达利 补利沙优伽尼, 阿塔 补利沙补伽拉; A 沙 巴卡哇多 沙哇卡商果 阿胡内友, 巴胡内友, 达奇内友, 安扎利伽拉尼有, 阿奴打朗 布呀给淡 罗卡沙’弟。

18. 商港 嘻 我 比卡威 啊奴沙拉当 央 巴威沙第 巴央 哇 占比打当 哇 罗妈含苏 哇,苏 巴嘻依沙第。

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19. Why is that?

Because, oh monks, the Tathàgata who is worthy and fully enlightened,

is free from lust, free from ill will, free from ignorance;

He is without fear, without trembling, without terror

and does not run away.”

20. This the Blessed One said. The Accomplished One, the Teacher, having said this,

furthermore spoke these words:

21. “Oh monks, when in a forest or at the foot of a tree or

at a secluded place,

remember the Enlightened One.

No fear will arise in you.

19. 何以如此呢? 因为世尊(如来),是阿罗汉、圆满觉悟者, 已灭除贪、嗔、痴; 克服胆小、恐慌、惊悸


20. 世尊,佛陀,为师者如是说后 又继续说道∶ 21. “假如你们进入森林内,坐在树底下,或 在空屋内时, 比丘们,若忆念佛陀, 你们将肯定不会有恐惧、危急。

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19. Ta� kissa hetu? Tathāgato hi bhikkhave Araha� Sammāsambuddho vītarāgo vītadoso vītamoho, abhīru achambhī anutrāsī apalāyī ti. ”

20. Ida-mavoca Bhagavā, ida� vatvāna Sugato; athāpara� etadavoca Satthā: 21. “Araññe rukkhamūle vā, Suññāgāre va bhikkhavo, Anussaretha Sambuddha�, Bhaya� tumhāka no siyā.

19. 当 奇沙 黑都? 打打卡多 嘻 比卡威 啊拉含 三妈三菩陀 威打拉葛 威打多苏 威打莫和,

啊比鲁 啊占比 啊奴打拉西 啊巴拉依第。”

20. 依打-妈我查 巴伽哇, 依当 哇的哇那 苏卡多; 啊塔巴兰 A 打达我查 沙达: 21. “阿兰虐 鲁卡母雷 哇, 孙芽卡雷 哇 比卡我, 啊奴沙雷打 三菩当, 巴央 敦哈卡 诺 西呀。

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22. If you do not remember the Buddha,

the Chief of the World, the Leader of Men,

then remember the Dhamma that leads to salvation and is well-taught.

23. If you do not remember the Dhamma,

that leads to salvation and is well-taught,

then remember the Sa§gha,

the unsurpassed field for merit.

24. Thus, oh monks, in you who remember the Buddha,

the Dhamma and the Sa§gha,

fear, trembling or terror

will never arise.”

The end of The Discourse on The Crest of Banners.

22. 或倘若你们不能忆念佛陀, 无上士、人中之圣王, 那么就忆念


23. 或倘若你们不能忆念佛法, 深藏导引的善说, 那么就忆念僧团,


24. 倘若你们如是皈依佛、 法、僧 恐怖、惊慌、毛发倒竖之感, 将不会呈现。” 幢群经毕

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22. No ce Buddha� sareyyātha, Lokaje��ha� Narāsabha�, Atha Dhamma� sareyyātha, Niyyānika� sudesita�. 23. No ce Dhamma� sareyyātha, Niyyānika� sudesita�, Atha Sa�gha� sareyyātha, Puññakkhetta� anuttara�. 24. Eva� Buddha� sarantāna�, Dhamma� Sa�ghañ ca bhikkhavo, Bhaya� vā chambhitatta� vā, Lomaha�so na hessati.” Dhajagga Sutta� Ni��hita�.

22. 诺 姐 菩当 沙雷呀塔, 罗卡皆当 那拉沙忙, 啊塔 达忙 沙雷呀塔,

你牙你干 苏喋西当。

23. 诺 姐 达忙 沙雷呀塔, 你牙你干 苏喋西当, 啊塔 商港 沙雷呀塔,

不芽 K 当 啊奴打兰。

24. A 汪 菩当 沙然打南, 达忙 商港扎 比卡我, 巴央 哇 占比打当 哇, 罗妈含苏 那 黑沙第。” 达家伽 苏当 你第当

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1. In order that the hostile inhuman beings,

who are always evil-doers and

who do not have faith in this well-esteemed

religion of the Lord (Buddha).

2. May not injure the four social classes

and may protect the society from dangers,

the Almighty Hero has expounded this discourse of protection.

Come! Let us recite this discourse of Ā�ànà�iya now.

3. Homage to Vipassi Buddha,

possessed of the eyes of enlightenment and of glory.

And Homage to Sikhi Buddha,

the most compassionate towards all beings.

阿阿阿阿 达达达达 那那那那 第第第第 呀呀呀呀 经经经经 导言

1. 为了使那存有敌意的非人, 经常行恶者及 那些尚未对崇高的佛法 生起信心者。 2. 不会伤害此四阶级, 而是保护此世间远离危难。 无上士开示了此护卫经文。 来吧!让我们共同诵念此经文。 3. 礼敬威巴西佛(Vipassi),

拥有慧眼与荣誉。 礼敬西祈佛(Sikhi),


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1. Appasannehi Nāthassa, Sāsane sādhusammate, Amanussehi ca (ehi, Sadā kibbisakāribhi. 2. Parisāna� catassanna�, Ahi�sāya ca guttiyā, Ya� desesi Mahāvīro, Paritta� ta� bha āma he, 3. Vipassissa ca namatthu, Cakkhumantassa sirīmato, Sikhissa pi ca namatthu, Sabbabhūtānukampino.

阿阿阿阿 达达达达 那那那那 第第第第 呀呀呀呀 苏苏苏苏 达达达达 物有家芽

1. 阿巴商尼嘻 那塔沙, 沙沙尼 沙徒三妈爹, 阿妈奴些嘻 张爹嘻, 沙达 奇比沙卡立比。 2. 巴里沙南 扎打三南, 阿兴沙呀 扎 古弟呀, 央 爹些西 马哈威罗, 巴利当 当 巴那妈 黑。 3. 威巴西沙 扎 那妈都, 扎古满打沙 西里妈都, 锡奇沙 比 查 那妈都, 沙巴菩打奴甘比诺。

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4. Homage also to Vessabhu Buddha,

washed clean from all defilements and endowed with ascetic spirit.

Homage to Kakusandha Buddha too,

the conqueror of the army of Death (Màra).

5. Homage to Koõàgamana Buddha,

who had abandoned all evils and lived the holy life.

Homage also to Kassapa Buddha,

who had been emancipated from all corruptions.

6. Homage to Buddha Gotama,

whose body radiated with shiny halos,

the son of Sakyan and with splendor and glory,

who expounded this doctrine which erased all sufferings.

4. 礼敬威沙卜佛(Vessabhu),

清净诸染著及赋有行者的精神。 礼敬卡古善达佛(Kakusandha),


5. 礼敬哥那伽马那佛(Koõāgamana),

灭尽诸恶及过着圣洁生活。 礼敬迦叶佛(Kassapa),

从诸漏中解脱。 6. 礼敬瞿昙佛 (Gotama),

身发金光, 他乃释迦之子,显赫、荣誉, 善说灭苦之法。

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4. Vessabhussa ca namatthu, Nhātakassa tapassino, Namatthu Kakusandhassa, Mārasenāpamaddino.

5. Ko āgamanassa namatthu, Brāhma assa vusīmato, Kassapassa ca namatthu, Vippamuttassa sabbadhi. 6. A*gīrasassa namatthu, Sakyaputtassa sirīmato, Yo ima� Dhamma� desesi, Sabbadukkhāpanūdana�.

4. 威沙菩沙 查 那妈都, 那打卡沙 打巴西诺, 那妈都 卡古三达沙, 妈拉些那巴妈底诺。

5. 柯那卡妈那沙 那妈都, 巴拉妈那沙 乌西妈多, 卡沙巴沙 扎 那妈都, 威巴母打沙 沙巴底。 6. 安枝拉沙沙 那妈都, 沙嫁布打沙 西里妈多, 哟 依芒 达芒 爹些西, 沙巴杜卡巴奴达南。

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7. Whosoever have extinguished the flames of passion in this world,

as they have seen thoroughly the natural phenomena as they really are.

These persons never slander;

but they are noble and free from fear.

8. They worship Gotama Buddha,

the benefactor of gods and men,

endowed with the knowledge and good conduct,

noble and fearless.

9. From beginning of Buddha Sasana until now

there were many Buddhas

who endowed with truthfulness and power.

7. 若谁已熄灭对世间情欲之火, 完全看清世间的自然现象, 诸圣者不污蔑他人, 他们神圣及不畏怖。 8. 他们礼敬瞿昙佛 (Gotama),

利益天、人者, 充满高尚的智慧与德行, 神圣与无畏。

9. 自佛法昌盛至今, 已经有许多尊佛成就 真诚与无上威力。

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7. Ye cāpi nibbutā loke, Yathābhūta� vipassisu�, Te janā apisu ātha, Mahantā vītasāradā. 8. Hita� devamanussāna�, Ya� namassanti Gotama�, Vijjācara asampanna�, Mahanta� vītasārada�.

9. Ete caññe ca Sambuddhā, Anekasatako�iyo, Sabbe Buddhāsamasamā, Sabbe Buddhā mahiddhikā.

7. 也 扎比 你菩打 罗给, 鸭打菩当 威巴西送, 爹 家那 阿比苏那打, 妈汉打 威打沙拉打。 8. 嘻当 爹哇妈奴沙南, 洋 那妈商第 哥打芒, 威加扎拉那商班南, 妈汉当 威打沙拉当。

9. A 爹 张虐 扎 三菩打, 阿尼卡沙打柯第哟, 沙悲 菩打沙妈沙妈, 沙悲 菩打 妈嘻第卡。

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10. All are gifted with ten strengths;

they are equipped with courage.

All these Buddhas admitted to be the

knowers of the supreme state of Enlightenment.

11. These Buddhas expound bravely

to the audience like the Lion’s roar;

they propagate the Noble Wheel of Law in the world

which cannot be done by ordinary persons.

12. These patrons are equipped with

eighteen virtues of the Buddha's Dhamma.

They are born with thirty-two major characteristics and

eighty minor characteristics of the great man.

10. 诸佛们拥有完美十力, 具备了鼓舞。 诸佛们宣称, 已了知无上的觉悟境界。 11. 诸佛勇敢的宣称, 向大众发出有如狮子之吼, 诸佛们转法轮, 即那凡夫所不能为之大业。 12. 诸佛皆佣有 十八种佛法之品德, 诸佛们赋有三十二种主要的特相, 八十种伟人的特征。

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10. Sabbe dasabalūpetā, Vesārajjehupāgatā, Sabbe te pa�ijānanti, Āsabha �hāna-muttama�. 11. Sīhanāda� nadantete, Parisāsu visāradā, Brahmacakka� pavattenti, Loke appa�ivattiya�. 12. Upetā Buddhadhammehi, A��hārasahi Nāyakā, Batti�sa-lakkha ūpetā, Sītānubyañjanādharā. 10. 沙悲 达沙巴鹿悲打, 为沙拉皆屋巴卡打, 沙悲 爹 巴第加南第, 啊沙邦他那-母打芒。 11. 西哈那当 那旦爹爹, 巴利沙苏 威沙拉达, 巴拉妈扎刚 巴哇灯帝, 罗给 啊巴帝哇帝洋。 12. 乌悲打 菩打潭咩嘻, 啊打拉沙嘻 那呀卡, 巴叮沙-辣卡奴悲打, 西打奴比央扎那达拉。

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13. All these Buddhas are noble sages,

who shine with the surrounding halo of about the length of one out-stretched arm.

These Buddhas are all Omniscient Ones.

They are Conquerors of Màra (Death) and who have uprooted corruptions.

14. They all possess immense radiation light, of almighty power,

of infinite wisdom, and of changeless strength.

They are most compassionate and industrious

benefactors of all life.

15. They are the Islands, the Lords, the Supporters,

the Protectors and the Secured Haven of all beings.

The Transcendental Goals, the Relatives, the Glorious Saviour,

the Refuges and the Well-wishers.

13. 诸佛皆是圣者, 由如伸展之手臂之长的光芒围绕, 诸佛皆是无上士, 诸魔王的征服者,摧毁了诸败漏。 14. 诸佛们充满无限的光辉,无上的威力, 无边的智慧,均衡的力量, 诸佛们皆是最赋有慈悲和勤勉, 是利益有情者。 15. 诸佛们是安全岛屿、是威信、是支持、 是护卫者、是避风港、 是超越、是亲戚、是救护者、 是归依处、是祝福者。

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13. Byāmappabhāya suppabhā, Sabbe te Munikuñjarā, Buddhā Sabbaññuno ete, Sabbe Khī āsavā Jinā. 14. Mahāpabhā mahātejā, Mahāpaññā mahabbalā, Mahākāru ikā dhīrā, Sabbesāna� sukhāvahā. 15. Dīpā nāthā pati��hā ca, Tā ā le ā ca pā ina�, Gatī bandhū mahassāsā, Sara ā ca hitesino.

13. 比呀妈巴巴呀 叔巴巴, 沙悲 爹 母你滚扎拉, 菩达 沙班纽諾 A 爹, 沙悲 奇那沙哇 及那。 14. 妈哈巴巴 妈哈爹扎, 妈哈班芽 妈哈巴拉, 妈哈卡鲁你卡 第拉, 沙悲沙南 苏卡哇哈。 15. 底巴 那打 巴第塔 扎, 打那 累那 扎 巴你南, 卡帝 班徒 妈哈沙沙, 沙拉那 扎 嘻爹西诺。

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16. They all are revered by the world of gods and men.

I worship the feet of these Supreme Ones

with my head and my heart.

17. by means of word and thought always,

I worship these Tathàgatas,

even when I am lying down, sitting, standing or walking.

18. The Buddhas, the peacemakers

may always protect you in happiness.

By these Buddhas, may you be protected

so that you may be free from all misfortunes.

16. 诸佛皆受天神与人礼敬。 我以头及虔诚之心 在无上士足下顶礼。

17. 通过口与意, 我皆礼敬诸如来, 无论是在卧、坐、站或行走时。 18. 诸佛—和平的拥护者 护卫你快乐。 依着诸佛,愿你获得护卫, 让你远离一切不幸。

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16. Sadevakassa lokassa, Sabbe ete parāya ā, Tesāha� sirasā pāde, Vandāmi purisuttame.

17. Vacasā manasā ceva, Vandāmete Tathāgate, Sayane āsane �hāne, Gamane cāpi sabbadā. 18. Sadā sukhena rakkhantu, Buddhā santikarā tuva�, Tehi tva� rakkhito santo, Mutto sabbabhayehi ca.

16. 沙爹哇卡沙 罗卡沙, 沙悲 A 爹 巴拉呀那, 爹沙汉 西拉沙 巴爹, 弯打米 布里苏大咩。

17. 哇扎沙 妈那沙 姐哇, 弯大咩爹 打塔卡爹, 沙呀尼 阿沙尼 打尼, 卡妈尼 扎比 沙巴打。 18. 沙打 苏给那 辣康都, 菩达 南第卡拉 都弯, 爹嘻 都弯 辣奇多 商多, 母多 沙巴怕也嘻 扎。

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19. May you be free from all diseases.

May you be free from all anxieties and worries.

May you overcome all the enemies.

and may you be full of bliss.

20. By the power of their truth, virtue,

patience, loving kindness and might,

May they also protect us

in good health and in happiness.

21. In the eastern region,

there are powerful and great deities (bhūtàs).

May they also protect us

in good health and in happiness.

19. 愿你远离一切疾病, 愿你远离一切焦虑和担忧, 愿你克服一切敌意, 愿你充满喜悦。 20. 凭着诸佛的真实、德行, 忍辱、慈爱与威力, 盼诸佛护卫我们 健康快乐。

21. 在东方, 有威猛与巨大的天神(bhåtàs)。

盼他们也保卫我们 健康快乐。

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19. Sabbarogā vinīmutto, Sabbasantāpavajjito, Sabbavera-matikkanto, Nibbuto ca tuva� bhava. 20. Tesa� saccena sīlena, Khantimettābalena ca, Te pi amhenurakkhantu, Arogena sukhena ca.

21. Puratthimasmi� disābhāge, Santi bhūtā mahiddhikā, Te pi amhenurakkhantu, Arogena sukhena ca.

19. 沙巴罗卡 威你母多, 沙巴商打巴哇基多, 沙巴为啦-妈滴干多, 尼菩多 扎 都弯 巴哇。 20. 爹商 沙姐那 西累那, 康帝咩大巴累那 扎, 爹 比 安黑奴辣康都, 阿罗给那 苏给那 扎。

21. 布辣底妈舍民 底沙巴给, 山第 菩打 妈嘻底卡, 爹 比 安黑奴辣康都, 阿罗给那 苏给那 扎。

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22. In the southern region,

there are great and powerful gods (devàs).

May they also protect us

in good health and in happiness.

23. In the western region,

there are great and powerful dragon snakes (nagas).

May they, too, keep us

in good health and in happiness.

24. In the northern region,

there are great and powerful ogres (genii yakkhas).

May they also keep us

in good health and in happiness.

22. 在南方, 有巨大与威猛的天神(devàs)。

盼他们也保卫我们 健康快乐。 23. 在西方, 有巨大与威猛的龙(nagas)。

盼他们也保卫我们 健康快乐。 24. 在北方, 有巨大与威猛的精灵(genii yakkhas)。

盼他们也保卫我们 健康快乐。

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22. Dakkhi asmi� disābhāge,,,, Santi devā mahiddhikā, Te pi amhenurakkhantu, Arogena sukhena ca. 23. Pacchimasmi� disābhāge, Santi nāgā mahiddhikā, Te pi amhenurakkhantu, Arogena sukhena ca. 24. Uttarasmi� disābhāge, Santi yakkhā mahiddhikā, Te pi amhenurakkhantu, Arogena sukhena ca.

22. 达奇那丝民 底沙巴给, 山第 爹哇 妈嘻第卡, 爹 比 安黑奴辣康都, 阿罗给那 苏给那 扎。 23. 巴纪妈舍民 底沙巴给, 山第 那卡 妈嘻底卡, 爹 比 安黑奴辣康都, 阿罗给那 苏给那 扎。 24. 乌打拉舍民 底沙巴给, 山第 牙卡 妈嘻底卡, 爹 比 安黑奴辣康都, 阿罗给那 苏给那 扎。

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25. King Dhatara��ha in the east,

King Virū�haka in the south,

King Virūpakkha in the west,

King Kuvero in the north,

26. These four great kings

are famous guardian spirits of the world.

May they also keep us

in good health and in happiness.

27. Residing in the heavens and on the earth,

there are great powerful gods and dragons,

May they also keep us

in good health and in happiness.

25. 持国天(Dhatara��ha)王在东, 增长(Virū�haka)王在南, 广目(Virūpakkha)王在西, 俱吠罗(Kuvero)王在北。 26. 这四大天王乃著名的 世间的护卫者。 盼他们也保卫我们 健康快乐。 27. 在天界与世间, 许多威猛的天神与龙栖身, 盼他们也保卫我们 健康快乐。

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25. Puratthimena Dhatara��ho, Dakkhi ena Virū�hako, Pacchimena Virūpakkho, Kuvero uttara� disa�. 26. Cattāro te Mahārājā, Lokapālā yasassino, Te pi amhenurakkhantu, Arogena sukhena ca. 27. Ākāsa��hā ca bhūma��hā, Devā nāgā mahiddhikā, Te pi amhenurakkhantu, Arogena sukhena ca.

25. 布辣第咩那 他打辣都, 达奇尼那 威鲁叻可, 巴鸡咩那 威鲁巴可, 古为罗 乌打兰 底山。 26. 扎打罗 爹 妈哈拉扎, 罗卡巴拉 呀沙西诺, 爹 比 安黑奴辣康都, 阿罗给那 苏给那 扎。 27. 啊卡沙打 扎 菩妈他, 爹哇 那加 妈嘻底卡, 爹 比 安黑奴辣康都, 阿罗给那 苏给那 扎。

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28. There are powerful deities

living within the jurisdiction of this religion.

May they also keep us

in good health and in happiness.

29. May all dangers be erased.

May worry and illness vanish.

May you never have any misfortunes.

May you have joy and long life.

30. To those who are gifted with the nature of piety

and who always revere the elders,

these four gifts shall prosper, namely:-

longevity, beauty, happiness and strength.

The end of The Discourse o Ā�ānā�iya.

28. 许多威猛的天神 生活在佛法的范畴内。 盼他们也保卫我们 健康快乐。

29. 愿一切危难皆消除。 愿一切担忧与疾病皆消失。 愿你完全没有不幸。 愿你快乐与长寿。 30. 那些拥有 孝顺虔诚的心及经常礼敬长辈者, 他们将获得此四项荣耀,即: 长寿、美貌、快乐与力量。 阿达那第呀经毕。

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28. Iddhimanto ca ye devā, Vasantā idha Sāsane, Te pi amhenurakkhantu, Arogena sukhena ca.

29. Sabbītiyo vivajjantu, Soko rogo vinassatu, Mā te bhavantvantarāyā, Sukhī dīghāyuko bhava. 30. Abhivādanasīlissa, Nicca� vu((hāpacāyino, Cattāro Dhammā va((hanti: Āyu va o sukha� bala�. Āñànàñiya Sutta� Ni��hita�.

28. 依底曼多 扎 也 爹哇, 哇山打 依打 沙沙尼, 爹 比 安黑奴辣康都, 阿罗给那 苏给那 扎。 29. 沙比第哟 威哇章都, 苏哥 罗购 威那沙都, 妈 爹 巴弯都按打拉呀, 苏奇 里卡由可 巴哇。 30. 啊比哇达那西里沙, 你张 乌达巴扎以诺, 炸打罗 潭妈 哇旦第: 啊由 弯诺 苏康 巴兰。 阿达那第呀 书当 你第当。

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1. Even the water that rinsed the seat of the Elder

who recited this prayer of protection

erased all dangerous difficulties.

2. This very paritta prayer has the power to accomplish

the labour of child-birth successfully and healthfully.

This is the paritta sutta which had been taught

by the Lord of the worlds (Buddha) to Venerable Agulimāla,

the great spiritual power of which may last long for the entire world cycles.

Come! Let us recite this prayer of protection.

鸯鸯鸯鸯 掘掘掘掘 摩摩摩摩 经经经经 导言

1. 即使是沾湿诵念此护卫经文的长老 之座的水, 皆可消除危急苦难。 2. 此护卫经文赋有协助产妇 顺利及安康地产下婴孩的威力。 它是世尊传授给昂故利马拉尊者的。 它的大威力将能长存。 来吧!让我们共同诵念此护卫经文。

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1. Paritta� ya� bha antassa, Nisinna��hānadhovana�, Udakam pi vināseti, Sabba-meva parissaya�. 2. Sotthinā gabbhavu��hāna�, Yañ ca sādheti ta*kha e, Therassa*gulimālassa, Lokanāthena bhāsita�, Kappa��hāyi� mahāteja�, Paritta� ta� bha āma he.

昂昂昂昂 故故故故 利利利利 马马马马 拉拉拉拉 苏苏苏苏 达达达达 物有家芽

1. 巴利当 央 巴南打沙, 尼西那打那多哇南, 乌达干 比 威那谢底, 沙巴-咩哇 巴丽沙央。 2. 苏底那 卡巴务打南, 养 扎 沙爹第 当卡尼, 爹拉沙顾利马拉沙, 罗卡那爹那 巴锡当, 卡巴打音 马哈爹占, 巴利当 当 巴那马 嘿。

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3. I, sister, since I was born of the Ariyan birth,

am aware that I have not, intentionally deprived any living thing of life.

By this truth may there be well-being for you,

and well-being for the foetus within you. (Repeat this verse 3 times)

The end of The Discourse of Agulimāla-Sutta.

3. 女士,自从我传承圣道后, 我了了分明,不曾有意伤害到任何生命。 依此真言,愿你安康,愿你腹中的胎儿也安康。 (唸三次)


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3. Yatoha�, bhagini, ariyāya jātiyā jāto, Nābhijānāmi sañcicca pā a� jīvitā voropetā. Tena saccena sotthi te hotu, sotthi gabbhassa. (Repeat this verse 3 times)

Agulimàla Sutta� Ni��hita�.

3. 呀多汉,巴及尼,阿利呀呀 扎第牙 扎多, 那比惹那密 山及扎 巴南 机威打 喔漏北打。

底那 沙姐那 苏第 爹 呵嘟,苏第 卡巴沙。 (唸三次)

昂故利马拉 书当 你第当。

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1. These seven Dhammas are the factors of Enlightenment,

which erase all the sufferings of beings whirling in sa§sara (the vicious cycle of repeated birth and death) and

which overpower the army of Death.

2. Having realized these seven Dhammas,

the beings had attained Deathlessness;

Fearlessness, Birth-less, decay-less and without sickness stage;

they were freed from three existences.

3. Gifted with such and other qualifications

altogether with innumerable qualities,

this is a medicinal spell.

Come! Let us recite this doctrine of The Seven Factors of Enlightenment.

七七七七 觉觉觉觉 支支支支 经经经经 导言 1. 此七个法是觉支, 能消除不断生死轮回之众生的一切苦痛, 能制服死神的侵袭。 2. 由于了悟此七觉支, 众生成就涅槃; 无畏、无生、无死、无病症; 超越世间法以及脱离三界。 3. 赋有种种资格 与无尽的优质, 它乃是良药。 来吧!让我们共同诵念此七觉支经文。

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1. Sa�sāre sa�sarantāna�, Sabbadukkhavināsane, Satta dhamme ca Bojjha*ge, Mārasenāpamaddane. 2. Bujjhitvā ye cime sattā, Tibhavā muttakuttamā, Ajāti-majarābyādhi�, Amata� nibbhaya� gatā. 3. Evamādigu ūpeta�, Anekagu asa*gaha�, Osadhañ ca ima� manta�, Bojjha*gañ ca bha āma he.

波波波波 张张张张 卡卡卡卡 苏苏苏苏 达达达达 物有家芽

1. 三沙雷 三沙兰打南, 沙巴都卡威那沙尼, 沙打 他咩 扎 波张给, 马拉些那巴马打尼。 2. 不及的哇 也 及咩 沙他, 第巴哇 木打姑打妈, 阿扎第-妈扎拉比牙丁, 阿妈当 尼巴央 卡打。 3. A 蛙妈底古奴婢当, 阿尼卡古那山卡汉, 奥沙旦 扎 依满 满当, 波张冈 扎 巴那妈 黑。

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4. The factors of Enlightenment are Mindfulness,

Investigation of the Dhamma and also Effort, Rapture, Tranquility,

and other factors of Enlightenment.

5. The factors of Concentration, and Equanimity.

All these seven are well taught by the All-seer;

cultivated and enlarged repeatedly by the Sage.

6. In order to see profoundly,

to realize the wisdom and to attain Nibbàna.

By this affirmation of the Truth,

may you be happy forever.

4. 此觉支为念觉支、 择法觉支、 精进觉支、喜觉支、轻安觉支、 及其他觉支。

5. 定觉支及舍觉支。 此七觉支为觉悟者所开示, 行者不断培育与扩展它们。 6. 为了要亲证, 开展智慧及体验涅槃。 依此真言, 愿你永远快乐。

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4. Bojjha*go satisa*khāto, Dhammāna� vicayo tathā, Vīriya� pīti pasaddhi, Bojjha*gā ca tathāpare.

5. Samādhupekkhā bojjha*gā, Sattete sabbadassinā, Muninā sammadakkhātā, Bhāvitā bahulīkatā. 6. Sa�vattanti abhiññāya, Nibbānāya ca bodhiyā, Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbadā.

4. 波张哥 沙第山卡多, 潭妈南 威扎有 他打, 威里央 比第 巴沙第, 波张卡 扎 打他巴雷。

5. 沙妈度悲卡 波张卡, 沙爹爹 沙巴打西那, 母尼那 山妈打卡打, 巴威打 巴胡利卡打。 6. 山哇丹第 阿并芽牙, 尼巴那牙 扎 波第牙, A 爹那 沙扎哇皆那, 苏第 爹 呵嘟 沙巴达。

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7. At one time, the Lord saw

Rev. Moggallàna and Ven. Kassapa;

suffering and ill and

He taught them the Seven Factors of Enlightenment.

8. The two Elders also were rejoiced at that event,

and at that very moment were freed from the illness.

By this affirmation of the Truth,

may you be happy forever.

9. Once even the King of Dhamma the Buddha himself,

was afflicted by illness,

then the Elder Cunda was asked

to recite that very doctrine with due authority.

7. 有一次, 佛陀看见尊者目键连与大迦叶 生病了, 世尊就教导他们此七觉支。 8. 两位尊者欢喜信受, 当下就痊愈了。 依此真言, 愿你永远快乐。

9. 有一回, 法王本身也患病了。 尊者周那受委托, 全权诵念此经。

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7. Ekasmi� samaye Nātho, Moggallānañ ca Kassapa�, Gilāne dukkhite disvā, Bojjha*ge satta desayi. 8. Te ca ta� abhinanditvā, Rogā mucci�su ta*kha e, Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbadā.

9. Ekadā Dhammarājā pi, Gelaññenābhipī�ito, Cundattherena ta� yeva, Bha āpetvāna sādara�.

7. A 卡士民 沙马也 那多, 蒙卡拉男 扎 卡沙班, 吉拉尼 都纪爹 第士哇, 波张给 沙打 爹沙依。 8. 爹 扎 当 阿比男底的哇, 罗卡 母今苏 唐卡尼, A 爹那 沙扎哇皆那, 苏第 爹 河嘟 沙巴达。 9. A 卡达 潭妈拉查 比, 给兰虐那笔比里多, 尊达爹雷那 淡 也哇, 巴那别的哇那 沙打朗。

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10. Having rejoiced the Buddha,

He therefore arose and was healed.

By this affirmation of the Truth,

may you be happy forever.

11. Just as the defilements, destroyed by Magga consciousness,

can arise again no more,

in the same manner these ailments were eliminated

from the three Great Sages.

By this affirmation of the Truth,

may you be happy forever.

The end of The Discourse on The Seven Factors of Enlightenment.

10. 世尊听闻后,心生喜悦, 起立后就痊愈了。 依此真言, 愿你永远快乐。 11. 就好像污秽被果正智摧毁般, 永远不会再呈现。 同样的,三位尊者的疾病, 也如是被驱除。 依此真言, 愿你永远快乐。


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10. Sammoditvāna ābādhā, Tamhā vu��hāsi �hānaso, Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbadā.

11. Pahīnā te ca ābādhā, Ti annam pi Mahesina�, Maggahatā kilesāva, Pattānuppatti-dhammata�. Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbadā.

Bojjhaga Sutta� Ni��hita�.

10. 沙摩第的哇那 阿巴达, 淡马 吴他西 他那苏, A 第那 沙扎哇皆那, 苏第 爹 呵嘟 沙巴达。

11. 巴喜那 爹 扎 阿巴达, 定男南 比 妈黑西南, 妈卡哈打 纪叻沙哇, 巴打奴巴第-潭妈当。 A 第那 沙扎哇皆那, 苏第 爹 河嘟 沙巴达。

波张卡 书当 你第当。

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1. The unlucky omen, the inauspicious event,

and the unpleasant sound of birds,

the undesirable malicious planet and fearful nightmare,

may all these be gone and disappeared– by the glory of the Buddha.

2. The unlucky omen, the inauspicious event,

and the unpleasant sound of birds,

the undesirable malicious planet and fearful nightmare,

may all these be gone and disappeared– by the glory of the Dhamma.

3. The unlucky omen, the inauspicious event,

and the unpleasant sound of birds,

the undesirable malicious planet and fearful nightmare,

may all these be gone and disappeared– by the glory of the Sa§gha.

布布布布 巴巴巴巴 那那那那 经经经经


1. 不祥之兆,不吉利的事件, 以及不悅耳的鸟鸣, 不合意的星体及梦魇, 愿它们远离及消逝–凭着佛陀的威力。 2. 不祥之兆,不吉利的事件, 以及不悅耳的鸟鸣, 不合意的星体及梦魇, 愿它们远离及消逝–凭着佛法的威力。 3. 不祥之兆,不吉利的事件, 以及不悅耳的鸟鸣, 不合意的星体及梦魇, 愿它们远离及消逝–凭着僧团的威力。

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1. Ya� dunnimitta� avama*galañ ca, Yo cāmanāpo saku assa saddo, Pāpaggaho dussupina� akanta�, Buddhānubhāvena vināsa-mentu. 2. Ya� dunnimitta� avama*galañ ca, Yo cāmanāpo saku assa saddo, Pāpaggaho dussupina� akanta�, Dhammānubhāvena vināsa-mentu. 3. Ya� dunnimitta� avama*galañ ca, Yo cāmanāpo saku assa saddo, Pāpaggaho dussupina� akanta�, Sa�ghānubhāvena vināsa-mentu.

布布布布 巴巴巴巴 那那那那 苏苏苏苏 达达达达


1. 央 顿你米当 阿哇芒卡蓝 扎, 哟 扎妈那波 沙姑那沙 沙多, 巴巴加呼 都书必南 阿刚当, 菩大奴巴为那 威那三-民都。 2. 央 顿你米当 阿哇芒卡蓝 扎, 哟 扎妈那波 沙姑那沙 沙多, 巴巴加呼 都书必南 阿刚当, 当妈奴巴为那 威那三-民都。 3. 央 顿你米当 阿哇芒卡蓝 扎, 哟 扎妈那波 沙姑那沙 沙多, 巴巴加呼 都书必南 阿刚当, 善加奴巴为那 威那三-民都。

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4. May all living beings who are suffering be saved and not suffer.

May all who are frightened be encouraged and not to fear,

May all who are anxious be cheered up and not be disappointed,

May all who are attacked by diseases be freed from their sicknesses.

5 To such an extent we have accomplished

the praiseworthy fulfilments,

May all the deities rejoice in this accomplishments,

in order to achieve all types of accomplishments.

6. May you all practise charity with faith (in the Triple Gem),

May you always keep moral precepts,

May you all devote in mind-development.

May the deities who have come (to the recitation)

go back (to their homes).

4. 愿受苦的众生得到救护而无苦难。 愿惊怖的众生获得信心而无恐惧。 愿切盼的众生都受鼓舞而不失望。 愿有病的众生早日痊愈而无疾病。

5. 由我们所成就 受人所赞叹的功绩, 愿众天神随喜, 以成就一切善行。 6. 愿你以虔诚的信心布施, 愿你常持戒律, 愿你勤习禅修。 所有集合在此的众天神, 回归他们的来处。

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4. Dukkhappattā ca niddukkhā, Bhayappattā ca nibbhayā, Sokappattā ca nissokā, Rogappattā ca nirogā, Hontu sabbe pi pā ino. 5. Ettāvatā ca amhehi, Sambhata� puññasampada�, Sabbe devānumodantu, Sabbasampattisiddhiyā. 6. Dāna� dadantu saddhāya, Sīla� rakkhantu sabbadā, Bhāvanābhiratā hontu, Gacchantu devatāgatā.

4. 杜卡巴打 扎 你杜卡, 巴呀巴打 扎 你巴呀, 苏卡巴打 扎 尼苏卡, 罗卡巴打 扎 尼罗卡, 哄嘟 沙悲 比 巴你诺。 5. A 打哇打 扎 安嘿嘻, 山巴当 布芽山巴当, 沙被 爹哇奴莫男都, 沙巴山巴第西帝呀。 6. 达男 达男都 沙达呀, 西蓝 辣康都 沙巴达, 巴哇那比拉打 哄嘟, 卡占都 爹哇打卡打。

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7. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have bodily and mental strength and infinite wisdom.

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

8. Whatever treasures there be either here or in the world beyond,

or whatever precious jewel is in the world of the deities,

there is none equal to the Accomplished One.

In the Buddha is this precious jewel.

By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness.

9. Whatever treasures there be either here or in the world beyond,

or whatever precious jewel is in the world of the deities,

there is none equal to the Accomplished Dhamma.

In the Dhamma is this precious jewel.

By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness.

7. 在这世上, 我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 拥有强壮的身体和心力及无穷智慧。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。

8. 无论在此处或他处的宝藏, 无论是天界的珍宝, 它们皆不可比拟如来。 佛陀即此珍宝。 依此真言,愿你快乐。 9. 无论在此处或他处的宝藏, 无论是天界的珍宝, 它们皆不可比拟如来。 佛法即此珍宝。 依此真言,愿你快乐。

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7. Sabbe Buddhā balappattā, Paccekānañ ca ya� bala�, Arahantānañ ca tejena, Rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso. 8. Ya� kiñci vitta� idha vā hura� vā, Saggesu vā ya� ratana� pa īta�, Na no sama� atthi Tathāgatena. Idam pi Buddhe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. 9. Ya� kiñci vitta� idha vā hura� vā, Saggesu vā ya� ratana� pañīta�, Na no sama� atthi Tathāgatena. Idam pi Dhamme ratana� pañīta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.

7. 沙北 菩达 巴拉巴达, 巴皆卡南 查 央 巴郎, 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那, 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。 8. 央 今几 威当 依达 哇 呼朗 哇, 沙给苏 哇 央 拉打男 巴尼当, 那 诺 沙芒 阿第 打他卡爹那, 易当 比 菩爹 拉打男 巴尼当, A 爹那 沙姐那 苏哇第 呵都。

9. 央 今几 威当 依达 哇 呼朗 哇, 沙给苏 哇 央 拉打男 巴尼当, 那 诺 沙芒 阿第 打他卡爹那, 依当 比 达咩 拉打男 巴尼当, A 爹那 沙姐那 苏哇第 呵都。

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10. Whatever treasures there be either here or in the world beyond,

or whatever precious jewel is in the world of the deities,

there is none equal to the Accomplished Sa§gha.

In the Sa§gha is this precious jewel.

By this utterance of truth, may there be happiness.

11. May there be all blessings,

May all deities give protection.

By the power of all Buddhas,

may all beings be happy.

12. May there be all blessings,

May all deities give protection.

By the power of all Dhammas,

may all beings be happy.

10. 无论在此处或他处的宝藏, 无论是天界的珍宝, 它们皆不可比拟如来。 僧众即此珍宝。 依此真言,愿你快乐。

11.愿一切祝福都跟随你, 愿所有天神保佑你; 依诸佛陀荣耀之威力, 愿你永远平安。 12. 愿一切祝福都跟随你, 愿所有天神保佑你; 依诸佛法荣耀之威力, 愿你永远平安

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10. Ya� kiñci vitta� idha vā hura� vā, Saggesu vā ya� ratana� pa īta�, Na no sama� atthi Tathāgatena. Idam pi Sa�ghe ratana� pa īta�, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu. 11. Bhavatu sabbama*gala�, Rakkhantu sabbadevatā, Sabba-Buddhānubhāvena, Sadā sukhī bhavantu te. 12. Bhavatu sabbama*gala�, Rakkhantu sabbadevatā, Sabba-Dhammānubhāvena, Sadā sukhī bhavantu te.

10. 央 今几 威当 依达 哇 呼朗 哇, 沙给苏 哇 央 拉打男 巴尼当, 那 诺 沙芒 阿第 打他卡爹那, 依当 比 商给 拉打男 巴尼当, A 爹那 沙姐那 苏哇第 呵都。

11. 巴哇都 沙巴芒卡兰, 辣康都 沙巴爹哇打, 沙巴-菩达奴巴为那, 沙打 苏第 巴弯都 爹。

12. 巴哇都 沙巴芒卡兰, 辣康都 沙巴爹哇打, 沙巴-达妈奴巴为那, 沙打 苏第 巴弯都 爹。

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13. May there be all blessings,

May all deities give protection.

By the power of all Sa§ghas,

may all beings be happy.

14. The Lord who is possessed of Great Compassion fulfilled all the Perfections for the

benefit of all beings and reached the highest state as the Fully Enlightened One.

By this utterance of truth,

may there always be happiness for you.

15. That joy-enhancer of the Sakyas was victorious at the foot of the Tree of


Even so, may there be victory.

May you attain joyous victory.

13. 愿一切祝福都跟随你, 愿所有天神保佑你; 依诸佛僧团荣耀之威力, 愿你永远平安。

14. 大慈大悲的佛陀已成就所有 必需的美德(波罗蜜), 为诸众生的福利及证悟了至高的正觉。 依此真言, 愿你今后都喜悦。 15. 最挚爱的释迦族人在菩提树下, 已获得了胜利, 也希望这胜利跟随你, 愿你万事顺利。

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13. Bhavatu sabbama*gala�, Rakkhantu sabbadevatā, Sabba-Sa�ghānubhāvena, Sadā sukhī bhavantu te. 14. Mahākāru iko Nātho, Hitāya sabbapā ina�, Pååååretvā pāramī sabbā, Patto sambodhi-muttama�. Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbadā. 15. Jayanto bodhiyā mūle, Sakyāna� nandiva((hano, Eva-meva jayo hotu, Jayassu jayama*gale.

13. 巴哇都 沙巴芒卡兰, 辣康都 沙巴爹哇打, 沙巴-商卡奴巴为那, 沙打 苏第 巴弯都 爹。 14. 妈哈卡鲁尼呵 那多, 嘻打呀 沙巴把尼南, 布雷的哇 巴拉咪 沙巴, 巴多 商波第-母打芒。 A 爹那 沙扎哇皆那, 苏第 帝 呵都 沙巴打。 15. 扎央多 波帝呀 母雷, 沙其加南 男底哇他诺, A 哇-美哇 扎哟 呵都, 扎呀苏 扎呀芒卡雷。

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16. That joy-enhancer of the Sakyas rejoices having reached the highest state at the spot

which is undefeatable, the best on the earth, and the consecration place of all


17. On the day meritorious deeds are performed,

the stars are auspicious,

blessings are auspicious,

daybreak is auspicious,

waking is auspicious,

the moment is auspicious, and the time is auspicious.

Offerings made to the holy ones on such a day are well-offered.

18. On such a day all bodily actions are felicitous,

all verbal actions are felicitous,

and all mental actions are felicitous.

There three kinds of action are established in felicity.

16. 最挚爱的释迦族人 在金刚座上超越神圣的世间之高峰, 被诸佛奉为神圣。 佛陀获得无上境界并欢欣。 愿你也同样的欢欣。 17. 在进行善业的这一天,有 吉利的星体、 吉祥的祝福、 光辉的黎明、 朝气的苏醒、 美好的时刻。 在这一天布施于圣者们,是受赞叹的。 18. 愿身体的行为圣洁, 口业及 意业也圣洁。 愿你培育以上圣洁之业。

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16. Aparājita-pa�la*ke, Sīse puthuvipukkhale, Abhiseke sabba-Buddhāna�, Aggappatto pamodati. 17. Sunakkhatta� suma*gala�, Suppabhāta� suhu��hita�, Sukha o sumuhutto ca, Suyi��ha� brahmacārisu. 18. Padakkhi a� kāyakamma�, Vācākamma� padakkhi a�, Padakkhi a� manokamma�, Pa īdhi te padakkhi e.

16. 阿巴拉吉打-巴兰给, 西些 布都威布卡雷, 啊比些给 沙巴-菩打南, 安卡巴多 巴莫打第。 17.苏那卡当 苏芒卡兰, 苏巴怕当 苏呼第当, 苏卡诺 苏母呼多 扎, 苏益当 巴拉妈扎里苏。 18. 巴他奇南 卡呀甘芒, 哇扎甘芒 巴他奇南, 巴他奇南 马诺甘芒, 巴尼第 爹 巴他奇虐。

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19. People do good actions and therefore get good results.

Having obtained good results and growth in the Dispensation of the Buddha

(Buddha Sàsana),

may you have bliss, be free from disease

and be happy together with your relatives. The end of The Discourse on Pubbaõha.


Well done! Well done! Well done!

19. 完成了身、口、意之圣洁业后, 愿你从中获得善的果报; 在获得之后,愿你在佛法中 快乐、繁荣、成功。 愿你及你的亲属, 快乐及远离一切疾病。 布巴那经毕



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19. Padakkhi āni katvāna, Labhantatthe padakkhi e, Te atthaladdhā sukhitā, Virū�hā Buddhasāsane, Arogā sukhitā hotha, Saha sabbehi ñātibhi. Pubbaõha Sutta� Ni��hita�.



19. 巴他奇那你 卡的哇那, 拉班打爹 巴他奇虐, 爹 啊他拉达 苏吉打, 威鲁哈 菩达沙沙虐, 啊罗卡 苏奇打 洪打, 沙巴 沙悲嘻 芽第比。 布巴那 苏当 你第当

巴利迖巴利 你第大


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Morning RecitationMorning RecitationMorning RecitationMorning Recitationssss

早早早早 课课课课

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吉吉吉吉 祥祥祥祥 经经经经

Please refer to page 16 to page 24.


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芒芒芒芒 咖咖咖咖 拉拉拉拉 苏苏苏苏 达达达达

Please refer to page 17 to page 25.


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RECOLLECTION OF THE BUDDHA’S VIRTUES Such indeed is He the Blessed One:

accomplished Destroyer of Defilements


endowed with Knowledge and Virtue


knower of the worlds

the Incomparable Master of those to be tamed

teacher of gods and men

the Enlightened One

the Exalted One.

礼礼礼礼 敬敬敬敬 三三三三 宝宝宝宝

礼礼礼礼 赞赞赞赞 佛佛佛佛 宝宝宝宝 如此乃是他世尊∶ 阿罗汉,完全根除恶念 无上正等正觉者 赋于智慧与品德 善逝 理解世间万物者 驯服者的伟大主人 神明与世人的尊师 正觉 神圣的佛陀世尊。

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ABHAYA – PARITTAą 无畏偈无畏偈无畏偈无畏偈




Iti pi so Bhagavā: araha� sammāsambuddho vijjācara asampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussāna� Buddho Bhagavā ti.

第第第第 拉拉拉拉 达达达达 那那那那 努努努努 沙沙沙沙 拉拉拉拉 那那那那 巴巴巴巴 塔塔塔塔

布布布布 他他他他 努努努努 沙沙沙沙 第第第第 依第 必 说 巴卡哇∶ 阿拉航 三吗三布哆 V 加查拉那三般挪 书卡哆 罗卡 V 都 阿努达罗 布利沙汤吗沙拉弟 沙他 爹哇吗努沙囔 布哆 巴卡哇 第。

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RECOLLECTION OF THE DHAMMA’S VIRTUES Well expounded is the Teaching of the Exalted One

to be seen here and now (self evident)

not delayed in time/immediate in its results

(inviting one to) come and see

giving guidance, appealing to each

to be realized by the wise each for himself.

礼礼礼礼 赞赞赞赞 法法法法 宝宝宝宝 善说世尊之法 自见的 此时此地即见、不延误时光/即见效的 (欢迎)来参见的 导向前的 被智者各自证知的。

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Svākkhāto Bhagavatā Dhammo sandi��hiko akāliko ehipassiko opaneyyiko paccatta� veditabbo viññūhī ti.

汤汤汤汤 吗吗吗吗 努努努努 沙沙沙沙 第第第第 书哇卡哆 巴卡哇达 汤摩 山第递果 阿卡立果 A 喜巴西果 欧巴捏依果 巴恰汤 维替达波 V 纽嘻 第。

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RECOLLECTION OF THE SAąąąąGHA’S VIRTUES Well practised is the Exalted One’s Order of disciples

uprightly practised is the Exalted One’s Order of disciples

wisely practised is the Exalted One’s Order of disciples

properly practised is the Exalted One’s Order of disciples

that is to say:

the four pairs of persons

the eight types of individuals

this Exalted One’s Order of disciples

is worthy of gifts

is worthy of hospitality

is worthy of offerings

is worthy of reverential salutations

It is the incomparable field of merits to the world.

礼礼礼礼 赞赞赞赞 僧僧僧僧 宝宝宝宝 良善行道的是世尊的声闻众 正直行道的是世尊的声闻众 聪慧行道的是世尊的声闻众 和敬行道的是世尊的声闻众 即是说∶ 四双 八辈 这乃是世尊的声闻众 值得供养 值得供奉 值得奉施 值得合掌敬礼 是世间无上的福田。

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Suppa�ipanno Bhagavato sāvakasa�gho ujuppa�ipanno Bhagavato sāvakasa�gho ñāyappa�ipanno Bhagavato sāvakasa�gho sāmīcippa�ipanno Bhagavato sāvakasa�gho yadida�: cattāri purisayugāni a��ha purisapuggalā esa Bhagavato sāvakasa�gho āhuneyyo pāhuneyyo dakkhineyyo añjalikara īyo anuttara� puññakkhetta� lokassā ti.

桑桑桑桑 哈哈哈哈 努努努努 沙沙沙沙 第第第第 书巴弟般诺 巴咖哇多 沙哇卡商柯 乌住巴弟般诺 巴咖哇多 沙哇卡商柯 芽呀巴弟般诺 巴咖哇多 沙哇卡商柯 沙米济巴弟般诺 巴咖哇多 沙哇卡商柯 呀第汤∶ 查他里 布利沙又卡尼 阿他 布利沙布卡拉 A 沙 巴咖哇多 沙哇卡商柯 阿呼尼哟 巴呼尼哟 达奇尼哟 安家利卡拉尼哟 阿奴达朗 布牙给当 罗卡沙 第。

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THE FEARLESSNESS PROTECTION (Pubba�ha Sutta: verse 1-3)

1. The unlucky omen, the inauspicious event,

and the unpleasant sound of birds,

the undesirable malice planet and fearful nightmare,

may all these be gone and disappeared – by the glory of the Buddha.

2. The unlucky omen, the inauspicious event,

and the unpleasant sound of birds,

the undesirable malice planet and fearful nightmare,

may all these be gone and disappeared – by the glory of the Dhamma.

3. The unlucky omen, the inauspicious event,

and the unpleasant sound of birds,

the undesirable malice planet and fearful nightmare,

may all these be gone and disappeared – by the glory of the Sa§gha.

无无无无 畏畏畏畏 偈偈偈偈 (布巴那 书达:偈一至偈三)

1. 不祥之兆,不吉利的事件, 以及不悅耳的鸟鸣, 不合意的星体及梦魇, 愿它们远离及消逝–凭着佛陀的威力。 2. 不祥之兆,不吉利的事件, 以及不悅耳的鸟鸣, 不合意的星体及梦魇, 愿它们远离及消逝–凭着佛法的威力。 3. 不祥之兆,不吉利的事件, 以及不悅耳的鸟鸣, 不合意的星体及梦魇, 愿它们远离及消逝–凭着僧团的威力。

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ABHAYA - PARITTAą (Pubba�ha Sutta: verse 1-3)

1. Ya� dunnimitta� avama*galañ ca, Yo cāmanāpo saku assa saddo, Pāpaggaho dussupina� akanta�, Buddhānubhāvena vināsa-mentu. 2. Ya� dunnimitta� avama*galañ ca, Yo cāmanāpo saku assa saddo, Pāpaggaho dussupina� akanta�, Dhammānubhāvena vināsa-mentu. 3. Ya� dunnimitta� avama*galañ ca, Yo cāmanāpo saku assa saddo, Pāpaggaho dussupina� akanta�, Sa�ghānubhāvena vināsa-mentu.

阿阿阿阿 巴巴巴巴 呀呀呀呀 –––– 巴巴巴巴 利利利利 当当当当 (布巴那 书达:偈一至偈三)

1. 央 顿你米当 阿哇芒卡蓝 扎, 哟 扎妈那波 沙姑那沙 沙多, 巴巴加呼 都书必南 阿刚当, 菩大奴巴为那 威那三-民都。 2. 央 顿你米当 阿哇芒卡蓝 扎, 哟 扎妈那波 沙姑那沙 沙多, 巴巴加呼 都书必南 阿刚当, 当妈奴巴为那 威那三-民都。 3. 央 顿你米当 阿哇芒卡蓝 扎, 哟 扎妈那波 沙姑那沙 沙多, 巴巴加呼 都书必南 阿刚当, 善加奴巴为那 威那三-民都。

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STANZA OF EXCELLENT BLESSINGS (Pubba�ha Sutta: verse 11-13)

1. May there be all blessings,

May all deities give protection.

By the power of all Buddhas,

may all beings be happy.

2. May there be all blessings,

May all deities give protection.

By the power of all Dhammas,

may all beings be happy.

3. May there be all blessings,

May all deities give protection.

By the power of all Sa§ghas,

may all beings be happy.

善善善善 吉吉吉吉 祥祥祥祥 偈偈偈偈 (布巴那 书达:偈十一至偈十三)

1. 愿一切祝福都跟随你, 愿所有天神保佑你; 依诸佛陀荣耀之威力, 愿你/我*永远平安。 2. 愿一切祝福都跟随你, 愿所有天神保佑你; 依诸佛法荣耀之威力, 愿你/我*永远平安。 3. 愿一切祝福都跟随你, 愿所有天神保佑你; 依诸佛僧团荣耀之威力, 愿你/我*永远平安。

* If recite for oneself change to “I”. * 如念给自己改为“我我我我”。

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SUMA�GALAGĀTHĀ (Pubba�ha Sutta: verse 11-13)

1. Bhavatu sabbama*gala�, Rakkhantu sabbadevatā; Sabba-Buddhānubhāvena, Sadā sukhī bhavantu te/me*. 2. Bhavatu sabbama*gala�, Rakkhantu sabbadevatā; Sabba-Dhammānubhāvena, Sadā sukhī bhavantu te/me*. 3. Bhavatu sabbama*gala�, Rakkhantu sabbadevatā; Sabba-Sa�ghānubhāvena, Sadā sukhī bhavantu te/me*.

苏苏苏苏 芒芒芒芒 伽伽伽伽 拉拉拉拉 伽伽伽伽 塔塔塔塔 (布巴那 书达:偈十一至偈十三)

1. 巴哇都 沙巴芒卡兰, 辣康都 沙巴爹哇打; 沙巴-菩达奴巴为那, 沙打 苏第 巴弯都 爹/咩*。 2. 巴哇都 沙巴芒卡兰, 辣康都 沙巴爹哇打; 沙巴-达妈奴巴为那, 沙打 苏第 巴弯都 爹/咩*。 3. 巴哇都 沙巴芒卡兰, 辣康都 沙巴爹哇打; 沙巴-商卡奴巴为那, 沙打 苏第 巴弯都 爹/咩*。

* If recite for oneself change to “me”. * 如念给自己改为“咩咩咩咩”。

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Dependent on Delusion/Ignorance arises Kamma Formations/ Activities (moral and


Dependent on Kamma Formations/Activities arises Rebirth Consciousness;

Dependent on Rebirth Consciousness arises Mind and Matter

(Mental and Physical Existence);

Dependent on Mind and Matter (Mental and Physical Existence) arises the Six-

sense Organs;

Dependent on Six-sense Organs arises Contact;

Dependent on Contact arises Feeling;

Dependent on Feeling arises Craving;

Dependent on Craving arises Grasping/Clinging;

Dependent on Grasping/Clinging arises Actions/Process of Becoming;

Dependent on Actions/Process of Becoming arises Rebirth;

Dependent on Rebirth arises decay, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and


Thus does this entire aggregate of suffering arise.

This is called the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering.

十十十十 二二二二 因因因因 缘缘缘缘 流转门流转门流转门流转门

由无明缘行(善与恶), 行(善与恶)缘识(生), 识(生)缘名色, 名色缘六根, 六根缘触, 触缘受, 受缘贪爱, 贪爱缘取(执撯), 取(执撯)缘有(新存在), 有(新存在)缘生, 生缘衰老、死、忧愁、哀伤、苦楚、悲痛。 由此缘起众苦集。此是苦集圣谛。

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Avijjā paccayā sa*khārā, Sa*khārā paccayā viññā a�, Viññā a paccayā nāmarūpa�, Nāmarūpa paccayā sa�āyatana�, Sa�āyatana paccayā phasso, Phassa paccayā vedanā, Vedanā paccayā ta hā, Ta hā paccayā upādāna�, Upādāna paccayā bhavo, Bhava paccayā jāti, Jāti paccayā jarāmara a�, Sokaparideva dukkha domanassupāyāsā

sambhavanti, Evametassa kevalassa dukkha kkhandhassa

samudayo hoti.

巴巴巴巴 第第第第 察察察察 沙沙沙沙 母母母母 巴巴巴巴 他他他他 巴巴巴巴 大大大大 沙母大牙沙母大牙沙母大牙沙母大牙 –––– 哇拉哇拉哇拉哇拉

阿威加 巴察呀 商卡辣, 商卡辣 巴察呀 V 芽南, V 芽那 巴察呀 那妈如帮, 那妈如巴 巴察呀 沙拉呀大南, 沙拉呀大那 巴察呀 把苏, 把沙 巴察呀 威达那, 威达那 巴察呀 丹哈, 丹哈 巴察呀 乌巴达南, 乌巴达那 巴察呀 巴我, 巴哇 巴察呀 家第, 家第 巴察呀 家辣妈拉南, 苏卡巴利爹哇 都卡 多马那苏巴呀沙 三巴弯第, A 哇咩打沙 给哇拉沙 都卡 刊大沙 沙母大哟 呵第。

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In Order of Cessation

Thus through the entire fading away and extinction of this Delusion/ Ignorance, the Kamma

Formations/Activities are extinguished.

Through the extinction of Kamma Formations/Activities, the Consciousness (rebirth-linking)

is extinguished.

Through the extinction of Consciousness (rebirth-linking), the Mind and Matter (Mental

and Physical Existence) is extinguished.

Through the extinction of the Mind and Matter (Mental and Physical Existence), the Six-

sense Organs is extinguished.

Through the extinction of Six-sense Organs, Contact is extinguished.

Through the extinction of Contact, Feeling is extinguished.

Through the extinction of Feeling, Craving is extinguished.

Through the extinction of Craving, Grasping/Clinging is extinguished.

Through the extinction of Grasping/Clinging, the Actions/Process of Becoming is


Through the extinction of Actions/Process of Becoming, Rebirth is extinguished.

Through the extinction of Rebirth, Decay and Death, Sorrow, Lamentation, Pain, Grief and

Despair are extinguished.

Thus does the extinction of this entire aggregate of suffering result. This is called the Noble

Truth of the Extinction of Suffering.


无明灭, 则行灭, 行灭, 则识灭, 识灭, 则名色灭, 名色灭, 则六根灭, 六根灭, 则触灭, 触灭, 则受灭, 受灭, 则贪爱灭, 贪爱灭, 则取(执撯)灭, 取(执撯)灭, 则有(新存在)灭, 有(新存在)灭, 则生灭, 生灭,则衰老、死、忧愁、哀伤、苦楚、悲痛灭。 由此则灭众苦。


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Avijjāyatveva asesa virāga nirodhā sa*khāra nirodho, Sa*khāra nirodhā viññā a nirodho, Viññā a nirodhā nāmarūpa nirodho, Nāmarūpa nirodhā sa�āyatana nirodho, Sa�āyatana nirodhā phassa nirodho, Phassa nirodhā vedanā nirodho, Vedanā nirodhā ta hā nirodho, Ta hā nirodhā upādāna nirodho, Upādāna nirodhā bhava nirodho, Bhava nirodhā jāti nirodho, Jāti nirodhā jarāmara a�, sokaparideva dukkha domanassupāyāsā nirujjhanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkha kkhandhassa nirodho hoti.

尼罗大尼罗大尼罗大尼罗大 –––– 哇辣哇辣哇辣哇辣

阿威加呀的未哇 阿些沙 威辣伽 你罗大 商卡拉 你罗多, 商卡拉 尼罗大 V 芽那 尼罗多, V 芽那 尼罗大 那妈如巴 尼罗多, 那妈如巴 尼罗大 沙拉呀打那 尼罗多, 沙拉

呀打那 尼罗大 巴沙 尼罗多, 巴沙 尼罗大 为打那 尼罗多, 威打那 尼罗大 丹哈 尼罗多, 丹哈 尼罗大 乌巴打那 尼罗多, 乌巴打那 尼罗大 巴哇 尼罗多, 巴哇 尼罗大 加第 尼罗多, 加第 尼罗大 加辣妈拉南, 苏卡巴利爹哇 都卡 多马那苏巴呀沙 尼入占第。 A 哇咩打沙 K 哇拉沙 都卡 刊大沙 尼罗多 河第。

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Transient, alas! are all component things,

subject are they to impermanence, birth and then decay;

having gained birth to death the life flux swings

– bliss truly dawns when unrest dies away.

Transient, alas! are all component things,

subject are they to sufferings;

having gained birth to death the life flux swings

– bliss truly dawns when unrest dies away.

Transient, alas! are all component things,

subject are they to non-self;

having gained birth to death the life flux swings

– bliss truly dawns when unrest dies away.

念念念念 死死死死

诸行无常, 是生灭法, 生灭灭已, 寂灭为乐。 诸行是苦, 是生灭法, 生灭灭已, 寂灭为乐。 诸行无我, 是生灭法, 生灭灭已, 寂灭为乐。

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Aniccā vata sa*khārā,,,, Uppādavayadhammino, Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti, Tesa� vūpasamo sukho.

Dukkha vata sa*khārā,,,, Uppādavayadhammino, Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti, Tesa� vūpasamo sukho. Anatta vata sa*khārā,,,, Uppādavayadhammino, Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti, Tesa� vūpasamo sukho.

马马马马 拉拉拉拉 那那那那 ---- 沙沙沙沙 第第第第 阿尼扎 哇大 商卡拉, 乌巴达哇呀唐米诺, 乌巴吉的哇 尼入占第, 爹三 乌巴沙莫 苏哥。 都卡 哇大 商卡拉, 乌巴达哇呀唐米诺, 乌巴吉的哇 尼入占第, 爹三 乌巴沙莫 苏哥。 阿那达 哇大 商卡拉, 乌巴达哇呀唐米诺, 乌巴吉的哇 尼入占第, 爹三 乌巴沙莫 苏哥。

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All component things must perish,

he who knows and sees this becomes passive in pain.

This is the Path (Way) that leads to purity.

All component things are grief and pain,

he who knows and sees this becomes passive in pain.

This is the Path (Way) that leads to purity.

All phenomena are unreal,

he who knows and sees this becomes passive in pain.

This is the Path (Way) that leads to purity.

三三三三 法法法法 印印印印 诸行无常, 了悟者远离苦痛。 这是导向清净之道。 诸行是苦, 了悟者远离苦痛。 这是导向清净之道。 诸法无我, 了悟者远离苦痛。 这是导向清净之道。

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Sabbe sa*khārā aniccāti, Yadā paññāya passati, Atha nibbindati dukkhe, Esa maggo visuddhiya. Sabbe sa*khārā dukkhāti, Yadā paññāya passati, Atha nibbindati dukkhe, Esa maggo visuddhiya. Sabbe Dhammā anattāti, Yadā paññāya passati, Atha nibbindati dukkhe, Esa maggo visuddhiya.

第第第第 –––– 拉拉拉拉 卡卡卡卡 那那那那 沙别 商卡拉 阿尼扎第, 呀大 班那呀 巴沙第, 阿塔 尼彬大第 都给, A 沙 妈果 威苏第呀。 沙别 商卡拉 都卡第, 呀大 班那呀 巴沙第, 阿塔 尼彬大第 都给, A 沙 妈果 威苏第呀。 沙别 唐妈 阿那达第, 呀大 班那呀 巴沙第, 阿塔 尼彬大第 都给, A 沙 妈果 威苏第呀。

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The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Root Origination,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Object,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Dominance/ Predominance,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Priority,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Contiguity,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Co-existence/Co-nascence,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Reciprocity/Mutually,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Dependence/Support,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Sufficing condition/Decisive support,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Pre-existence/Pre-nascence,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Post-existence/Post-nascence,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Habitual Recurrence/Repetition,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Kamma/Cause,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Kamma-result/Effect,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Nutriment/Food,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Faculty/Control,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Jhàna/Mental Absorption,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Path,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Association,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Dissociation,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Presence,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Absence,

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Abeyance/Disappearance

The Condition/Causal Relation by way of Continuance/Non-disappearance

广广广广 说说说说 缘缘缘缘 因缘, 所缘, 增上缘, 无间缘, 等无间缘, 俱生缘, 相互缘, 依缘, 近依缘, 前生缘, 后生缘, 修习缘,

业缘, 果报缘, 食缘, 根缘,

禅缘, 道缘, 相应缘, 不相应缘, 有缘, 非有缘, 离去缘, 不离去缘。

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PAòòHâNA 广说缘



Hetupaccayo, Āramma apaccayo, Adhipatipaccayo, Anantarapaccayo, Samanantarapaccayo, Sahajātapaccayo, Aññamaññapaccayo, Nissayapaccayo, Upanissayapaccayo, Purejātapaccayo, Pacchājātapaccayo, Āsevanapaccayo, Kammapaccayo, Vipākapaccayo, Āhārapaccayo, Indriyapaccayo, Jhānapaccayo, Maggapaccayo, Sampayuttapaccayo, Vippayuttapaccayo, Atthipaccayo, Natthipaccayo, Vigatapaccayo, Avigatapaccayo ti.

巴巴巴巴 达达达达 那那那那

嘿都巴扎哟, 阿辣妈那巴扎哟, 阿第巴第巴扎哟, 阿南打拉巴扎哟, 沙吗南大拉巴扎哟, 沙哈家大巴扎哟, 安芽慢芽巴扎哟, 你沙呀巴扎哟, 乌巴你沙呀巴扎哟, 布雷家达巴扎哟, 拔察家大巴扎哟, 阿些哇那巴扎哟, 干妈巴扎哟, 威巴卡巴扎哟, 阿哈辣巴扎哟, 因利呀巴扎哟, 扎那巴扎哟, 吗伽巴扎哟, 三巴又达巴扎哟, 威巴又达巴扎哟, 阿弟巴扎哟, 那弟巴扎哟, 威伽达巴扎哟, 阿威伽达巴扎哟 第。

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EEEEvening Recitationvening Recitationvening Recitationvening Recitationssss

晚晚晚晚 课课课课

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A. May I be free from enmity and danger,

May I be free from mental sufferings,

May I be free from physical sufferings,

May I go about my daily chores happily with ease and comfort.

B. May my parents,

teachers, relatives and friends,

those who practise Dhamma,

be free from enmity and danger,

May they be free from mental sufferings,

May they be free from physical sufferings,

May they go about their daily chores happily with ease and comfort.

慈慈慈慈 爱爱爱爱 禅禅禅禅 诵诵诵诵 A. 愿我脱离仇敌和危难, 愿我脱离内心的痛苦, 愿我脱离身体的痛苦, 愿我每天生活安乐、无困扰。 B. 愿我的父母亲, 我的师长、亲戚和朋友, 有戒德的贤者, 脱离仇敌和危难, 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦, 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦, 愿他们每天生活安乐、无困扰。

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METTâ BHâVANâ 慈爱禅诵



A. Aha� avero homi abyāpajjo homi anīgho homi

sukhī attāna�,,,, pariharāmi. B. Mama mātāpitu ācariyā ca, ñātimittā ca sabrahma cārino ca averā hontu abyāpajjā hontu anīghā hontu

sukhī attāna�,,,, pariharantu.

咩咩咩咩 达达达达 巴巴巴巴 哇哇哇哇 那那那那

A. 阿航 阿维罗 哄咪 阿必呀巴舟 哄咪 阿尼呵 哄咪 书奇 阿大南,巴利哈拉咪。 B. 妈妈 妈大必嘟 阿查利呀 查,芽第密大 查 沙伯拉吗 查利诺 查 阿维拉 哄嘟 阿必呀巴扎 哄嘟 阿尼卡 哄嘟 书奇 阿大南,巴利哈然嘟。

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C. May all the yogis in this compound,

be free from enmity and danger,

May they be free from mental sufferings,

May they be free from physical sufferings,

May they go about their daily chores happily with ease and comfort.

D. May all the Bhikkhus in this compound,

novice monks,

laymen and laywomen disciples,

be free from enmity and danger,

May they be free from mental sufferings,

May they be free from physical sufferings,

May they go about their daily chores happily with ease and comfort.

C. 愿所有在此范围的习禅者, 脱离仇敌和危难, 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦, 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦, 愿他们每天生活安乐、无困扰。 D. 愿所有在此范围的比丘, 沙弥, 男教徒和女教徒, 脱离仇敌和危难, 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦, 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦, 愿他们每天生活安乐、无困扰。

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METTâ BHâVANâ 慈爱禅诵


C.C.C.C. Imasmi� ārāme, sabbe yogino averā hontu

abyāpajjā hontu anīghā hontu

sukhī attāna�,,,, pariharantu. D. Imasmi� ārāme, sabbe bhikkhu sāma erā ca upāsaka upāsikāyo ca averā hontu abyāpajjā hontu anīghā hontu

sukhī attāna�,,,, pariharantu.

C. 依吗色名 阿拉咩,沙撇 哟奇诺 阿维拉 哄嘟 阿必呀巴扎 哄嘟 阿尼卡 哄嘟 书奇 阿大南,巴利哈然嘟。 D. 依吗色名 阿拉咩,沙撇 必姑 沙吗捏拉 查 乌巴洒卡 乌巴西卡哟 查 阿维拉 哄嘟 阿必呀巴扎 哄嘟 阿尼卡 哄嘟 书奇 阿大南,巴利哈然嘟。

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E. May our donors of the four supports – (robe, food, medicine, lodging), be free

from enmity and danger,

May they be free from mental sufferings,

May they be free from physical sufferings,

May they go about their daily chores happily with ease and comfort.

F. May our guardian deities (devàs),

within this temple,

within this place,

within this compound, the guardian deities (devàs),

be free from enmity and danger,

May they be free from mental sufferings,

May they be free from physical sufferings,

May they go about their daily chores happily with ease and comfort.

E. 愿我们四资具的布施主(供衣、食、药、住), 脱离仇敌和危难, 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦, 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦, 愿他们每天生活安乐、无困扰。 F. 愿保护我们的天神, 在此庙内的(天神), 住于此处的(天神), 所有在此范围的,保护我们的天神, 脱离仇敌和危难, 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦, 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦, 愿他们每天生活安乐、无困扰。

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E.... Amhāka� catupaccaya dāyakā averā hontu

abyāpajjā hontu anīghā hontu

sukhī attāna�,,,, pariharantu.

F.... Amhāka� ārakkha devatā imasmi� vihāre imasmi� āvāse

imasmi� ārāme, ārakkha devatā averā hontu abyāpajjā hontu anīghā hontu

sukhī attāna�,,,, pariharantu.

E. 昂哈康 查杜巴查呀 达呀卡 阿维拉 哄嘟 阿必呀巴扎 哄嘟 阿尼卡 哄嘟 书奇 阿大南,巴利哈然嘟。 F. 昂哈康 阿腊卡 爹哇大 依吗色名 威哈雷 依吗色名 阿哇些 依吗色名 阿拉咩,阿腊卡 爹哇大 阿维拉 哄嘟 阿必呀巴扎 哄嘟 阿尼卡 哄嘟 书奇 阿大南,巴利哈然嘟。

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G. All beings,

all beings that can breathe (alive),

all beings that are visible,

all individuals with identity,

all beings with body,

all females,

all males,

all worthy/noble ones,

all not noble ones/worldlings,

all deities (devàs),

all humans,

all beings from the planes of sufferings;

May they be free from enmity and danger,

May they be free from mental sufferings,

May they be free from physical sufferings,

May they go about their daily chores happily with ease and comfort,

G. 一切众生, 所有活着的众生, 所有能见到形体的众生, 一切有名相的众生, 一切有身躯的众生, 一切雌性者, 一切雄性者, 一切圣者, 一切非圣者, 所有的天神, 所有的人类, 所有苦道中的众生; 愿他们脱离仇敌和危难, 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦, 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦, 愿他们每天生活安乐,无困扰,

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G. Sabbe sattā sabbe pā ā sabbe bhūtā sabbe puggalā sabbe attabhāvā, pariyāpannā

sabbā itthiyo sabbe purisā sabbe ariyā sabbe anariyā

sabbe devā sabbe manussā sabbe vinipātikā averā hontu abyāpajjā hontu anīghā hontu

sukhī attāna�,,,, pariharantu.

G. 沙撇 沙大 沙撇 巴那 沙撇 布大 沙撇 不卡拉 沙撇 阿大巴哇,巴利亚巴拿 沙巴 依第哟 沙撇 布利沙 沙撇 阿利亚 沙撇 阿那利亚 沙撇 爹哇 沙撇 吗奴沙 沙撇 威尼巴弟卡 阿维拉 哄嘟 阿必呀巴扎 哄嘟 阿尼卡 哄嘟 书奇 阿大南,巴利哈然嘟

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be free from present sufferings,

May the properties already acquired by rightful means not diminish, not be lost or

stolen but increase;

May they be maintained according to their good or bad actions.

H. In the eastern direction,

in the western direction,

in the northern direction,

in the southern direction,

in the south-east direction,

in the north-west direction,

in the north-east direction,

in the south-west direction,

in the direction below,

in the direction above.

愿他们现今无痛苦, 愿他们以正当途径所获取的资产没有减少, 无有损失或被盗,反而有更多的增加, 愿他们依据个人所造的因果而受生。 H. 在东方的, 在西方的, 在北方的, 在南方的, 在东南隅的, 在西北隅的, 在东北隅的, 在西南隅的, 在下方的, 在上方的。

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dukkhā muccantu yathā laddha sampattito māvigacchantu kammassakā. H. Puratthimāya disāya pacchimāya disāya

uttarāya disāya dakkhināya disāya puratthimāya anudisāya pacchimāya anudisāya

uttarāya anudisāya dakkhināya anudisāya he��himāya disāya uparimāya disāya

杜卡 幕赞嘟 呀他 辣他 山巴第多 吗威卡赞嘟 卡吗沙卡。 H. 布拉替吗呀 第沙呀 拔吉吗呀 第沙呀 屋大拉呀 第沙呀 达奇那呀 第沙呀 布拉替吗呀 阿奴第沙呀 拔吉吗呀 阿奴第沙呀 屋大拉呀 阿奴第沙呀 达奇那呀 阿奴第沙呀 嘿替吗呀 第沙呀 屋巴利吗呀 第沙呀

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I. All beings,

all beings that can breathe (alive),

all beings that are visible,

all individuals with identity,

all beings with body,

all females,

all males,

all worthy/noble ones,

all not noble ones/worldlings,

all deities (devàs),

all humans,

all beings from the planes of sufferings;

May they be free from enmity and danger,

May they be free from mental sufferings,

May they be free from physical sufferings,

May they go about their daily chores happily with ease and comfort,

I. 一切众生, 所有活着的众生, 所有能见到形体的众生, 一切有名相的众生, 一切有身躯的众生, 一切雌性者, 一切雄性者, 一切圣者, 一切非圣者, 所有的天神, 所有的人类, 所有苦道中的众生; 愿他们脱离仇敌和危难, 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦, 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦, 愿他们每天生活安乐,无困扰,

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I. Sabbe sattā

sabbe pā ā sabbe bhūtā sabbe puggalā sabbe attabhāvā, pariyāpannā

sabbā itthiyo sabbe purisā sabbe ariyā sabbe anariyā

sabbe devā sabbe manussā sabbe vinipātikā averā hontu abyāpajjā hontu anīghā hontu

sukhī attāna�,,,, pariharantu.

I. 沙撇 沙大 沙撇 巴那 沙撇 布大 沙撇 不卡拉 沙撇 阿大巴哇,巴利亚巴拿 沙巴 依第哟 沙撇 布利沙 沙撇 阿利亚 沙撇 阿那利亚 沙撇 爹哇 沙撇 吗奴沙 沙撇 威尼巴弟卡 阿维拉 哄嘟 阿必呀巴扎 哄嘟 阿尼卡 哄嘟 书奇 阿大南,巴利哈然嘟。

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be free from present sufferings,

May the properties already acquired by rightful means not diminish, not be lost or

stolen but increase;

May they be maintained according to their good or bad actions.

J. May all those on the top of the planes of existence,

at the bottom of the woeful states,

on the whole universe,

all beings who are earthbound,

May they be free from mental sufferings and enmity,

May they be free from physical sufferings and danger.

K. May all those on the top of the planes of existence,

at the bottom of the woeful states,

on the whole universe,

all beings in the water,

May they be free from mental sufferings and enmity,

May they be free from physical sufferings and danger.

愿他们现今无痛苦, 愿他们以正当途径所获取的资产没有减少, 无有损失或被盗,反而有更多的增加, 愿他们依据个人所造的因果而受生。 J. 所有在上方天道的众生, 所有在下方苦道的众生, 所有三界(宇宙)的众生, 所有在陆地上生存的众生, 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦和仇敌, 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦和危难。 K. 所有在上方天道的众生, 所有在下方苦道的众生, 所有三界(宇宙)的众生, 所有在水中生存的众生, 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦和仇敌, 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦和危难。

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dukkhā muccantu yathā laddha sampattito māvigacchantu kammassakā. J. Uddha� yāva bhavaggā ca

adho yāva avīcito samantā cakkavā�esu ye sattā pathavīcarā

abyāpajjā niverā ca niddukkhā ca nupaddavā. K. Uddha� yāva bhavaggā ca

adho yāva avīcito samantā cakkavā�esu ye sattā udakecarā

abyāpajjā niverā ca niddukkhā ca nupaddavā.

杜卡 幕赞嘟 呀他 辣他 山巴第多 吗威卡赞嘟 卡吗沙卡。 J. 屋汤 呀哇 爬哇卡 查 阿多 呀哇 阿威吉多 沙曼大 查卡哇列书 也 沙大 巴他威查拉 阿必呀巴扎 尼维拉 查 尼杜卡 查 努巴大哇。 K. 屋汤 呀哇 爬哇卡 查 阿多 呀哇 阿威吉多 沙曼大 查卡哇列书 也 沙大 乌达给查拉 阿必呀巴扎 尼维拉 查 尼杜卡 查 努巴大哇。

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L. May all those on the top of the planes of existence,

at the bottom of the woeful states,

on the whole universe,

all beings that move in the air,

May they be free from mental sufferings and enmity,

May they be free from physical sufferings and danger.

1. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have wisdom and supernatural powers.

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

2. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have attained Nibbàna, are free from dangers and sufferings.

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

L. 所有在上方天道的众生, 所有在下方苦道的众生, 所有三界(宇宙)的众生, 所有在空中生存的众生, 愿他们脱离内心的痛苦和仇敌, 愿他们脱离身体的痛苦和危难。 1. 在这世上,我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 拥有智慧和神通力。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。 2. 在这世上,我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 已进入涅槃, 已脱离危险和痛苦。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。

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L. Uddha� yāva bhavaggā ca adho yāva avīcito

samantā cakkavā�esu ye sattā ākāsecarā abyāpajjā niverā ca niddukkhā ca nupaddavā. 1. Sabbe Buddha iddhipattā paccekānāñ ca yā iddhi arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso. 2. Sabbe Buddha khemapattā paccekānāñ ca ya� khema� arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso.

L. 屋汤 呀哇 爬哇卡 查 阿多 呀哇 阿威吉多 沙曼大 查卡哇列书 也 沙大 阿卡些查拉 阿必呀巴扎 尼维拉 查 尼杜卡 查 努巴大哇。 1. 沙北 菩达 依第巴达 巴皆卡南 查 央 依滴 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。 2. 沙北 菩达 给吗巴达 巴皆卡南 查 央 给忙 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。

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3. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have reached a successful stage after surpassing all defilements.

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

4. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have all the worldly and spiritual prosperity.

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

5. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have unlimited supernatural powers.

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

3. 在这世上,我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 已超越一切污垢达到成功。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。 4. 在这世上,我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 拥有一切物质的富裕和精神的充实。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。 5. 在这世上,我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 拥有无限的神通力。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。

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3. Sabbe Buddha jinapattā paccekānāñ ca yo jino arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso. 4. Sabbe Buddha lābhapattā paccekānāñ ca yo lābho arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso. 5. Sabbe Buddha tejapattā paccekānāñ ca yo tejo arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso.

3. 沙北 菩达 纪那巴达 巴皆卡南 查 哟 纪诺 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。 4. 沙北 菩达 拉巴巴达 巴皆卡南 查 哟 拉波 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。 5. 沙北 菩达 爹扎巴达 巴皆卡南 查 哟 爹走 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。

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6. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have bodily and mental strength and infinite wisdom.

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

7. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have fame (have many followers, Buddhas fame spread to all the 31 planes of


By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

8. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have grace and glory.

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

6. 在这世上,我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 拥有强壮的身体和心力及无穷智慧。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。 7. 在这世上,我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 拥有好声誉 (有很多信徒,佛陀的好声誉传闻三十一界)。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。 8. 在这世上,我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 非常庄严及光荣。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。

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6. Sabbe Buddha balapattā paccekānāñ ca ya� bala� arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso. 7. Sabbe Buddha yasapattā paccekānāñ ca yo yaso arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso. 8. Sabbe Buddha sirīpattā paccekānāñ ca yā sirī arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso.

6. 沙北 菩达 巴拉巴达 巴皆卡南 查 央 巴郎 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。 7. 沙北 菩达 呀沙巴达 巴皆卡南 查 哟 呀手 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。 8. 沙北 菩达 西粒巴达 巴皆卡南 查 呀 西粒 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。

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9. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have wisdom and supernatural powers.

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

10. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have jhànas (strong concentration during meditation).

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

11. All the Buddhas,

Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants,

have reach Nibbàna (permanent and free from suffering).

By the power of this truth, I establish protection in every aspect.

9. 在这世上,我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 拥有智慧和神通力。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。 10. 在这世上, 我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 拥有禅那(习禅时所拥有的超强定力)。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。 11. 在这世上, 我于此如实称诸佛、 辟支佛 和阿罗汉, 已进入涅槃(常住和脱离苦难)。 凭着这真理的力量,我建立各方面的庇护。

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9. Sabbe Buddha iddhipattā paccekānāñ ca yā iddhi arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso. 10. Sabbe Buddha jhānapattā paccekānāñ ca ya� jhāna� arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso. 11. Sabbe Buddha niccapattā paccekānāñ ca ya� nicca� arahantānāñ ca tejena rakkha� bandhāmi sabbaso.

9. 沙北 菩达 依第巴达 巴皆卡南 查 央 依滴 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。 10. 沙北 菩达 家那巴达 巴皆卡南 查 央 家南 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。 11. 沙北 菩达 你查巴达 巴皆卡南 查 央 你张 阿拉汉达南 查 爹皆那 拉康 曼他米 沙巴手。

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Buddhist Hermitage Lunas 鲁乃佛教修行林鲁乃佛教修行林鲁乃佛教修行林鲁乃佛教修行林



Indeed, by this practice of the Noble Eight Fold Path or

Sīla (Morality), Samādhi (Concentration) and Paññā (Wisdom),

I shall surely be freed from aging, sickness and death.

By my merits may I eradicate all defilements.

May my merits be conducive to the attainment of Nibbāna.

May my observance of morality be conducive to the attainment of the path and fruition



We share these merits with all sentient beings.

May all sentient beings obtain the share of these merits,

and be well and happy always. (Recite this verse 3 times)

May all those in the universe (who hear us) share our merits with us.

Well done! Well done! Well done! (Recite this verse 3 times)

渴渴渴渴 望望望望

凭我八正道的训习, 遵守戒、定、慧的决心, 我肯定能够远离老化、疾病和死亡。




分分分分 享享享享 功功功功 德德德德

我们与一切众生分享这些功德。 愿一切众生得以分享这些功德, 并经常安康快乐。(唸三次)

愿所有三界的众生(听到我者)同来分享我所得的功德。 善哉!善哉!善哉! (唸三次)

Page 189: Paritta Recitations - Booklet




Addhā imāya patipadāya jarāmara amhā parimuccissāmi.

Ida� me puñña�,,,, āsavakkhayāvaha� hotu.

Ida� me puñña�, nibbānassa paccayo hotu.

Ida� me sīla�, magga-phala ñā assa paccayo hotu.


Ima� no puñña bhāga�, Sabba sattāna� dema. (Recite this verse 3 times)

Arlon, Amyha Amyha Amyha Yudaw mūkya pākon law Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu! (Recite this verse 3 times)

巴巴巴巴 搭搭搭搭 那那那那 阿他 依吗呀 巴第巴他呀 扎拉吗拉那马 巴利木济沙米。

依当 咩 不央,阿沙哇卡呀哇吭 呵都。

依当 咩 不央, 你巴那沙 巴查哟 呵都。

依当 咩 西朗,马伽-巴拉 芽那沙 巴查哟 呵嘟。

不不不不 芽芽芽芽 奴奴奴奴 莫莫莫莫 大大大大 那那那那 依芒 诺 不芽 巴刚, 沙巴 沙达南 爹马。(唸三次)

阿龙,阿米呀 阿米呀 阿米呀 有都 母查 巴工 罗 沙鲁!沙鲁!沙鲁!(唸三次)

Page 190: Paritta Recitations - Booklet

Appendix I 附录一



MA�GALA SUTTAą - to confer upon you the blessing for all round happiness.

RATANA SUTTAą - to be free from three great afflictions of famine due to natural disasters, destructive weapons

and epidemic diseases.

METTĀ SUTTAą - for your comfort, security and prosperity.


- for your protection against the danger of harmful and poisonous creatures.

MORA SUTTAą - for your protection against imprisonment.

VA��A SUTTAą - for you protection against fire-hazards.

DHAJAGGA SUTTA - to have full faith in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sa§gha.

Ā�ĀNĀ�IYA SUTTAą - as a safeguard for you from the harassment by the hostile non-human beings and to offer

you the four gifts of longevity, beauty, happiness and strength.

A�GULIMĀLA SUTTAą - to be relieved of distress and suffering for expectant mothers and their foetuses.

BOJJHA�GA SUTTAą - for quick recovery from illness.

PUBBA�HA SUTTA - to be endowed with auspicious blessings and to be free from all misfortunes.


- for protection against unlucky signs, inauspiciousness, evil planet and bad dreams.

Page 191: Paritta Recitations - Booklet

Appendix I 附录一


经经经经 偈偈偈偈 之之之之 作作作作 用用用用 芒咖拉芒咖拉芒咖拉芒咖拉 苏当苏当苏当苏当 ((((吉祥吉祥吉祥吉祥经经经经))))

- 幸福快乐的祝福。

拉他那拉他那拉他那拉他那 苏当苏当苏当苏当 ((((三宝经三宝经三宝经三宝经) ) ) ) - 避免饥荒、毁灭性的武器及传染病。

密迖密迖密迖密迖 苏当苏当苏当苏当 ((((慈爱经慈爱经慈爱经慈爱经) ) ) ) - 舒适、安全及繁荣。

康达康达康达康达 苏当苏当苏当苏当 ((((护蕴经护蕴经护蕴经护蕴经) ) ) ) - 避免毒蛇猛兽侵犯。

莫拉莫拉莫拉莫拉 苏当苏当苏当苏当 ((((孔雀经孔雀经孔雀经孔雀经) ) ) ) - 避免监禁。

哇打哇打哇打哇打 苏当苏当苏当苏当 ((((鹌鹑经鹌鹑经鹌鹑经鹌鹑经) ) ) ) - 避免火灾。

达家伽达家伽达家伽达家伽 苏达苏达苏达苏达 ((((幢群经幢群经幢群经幢群经)))) - 对佛、法、僧有信心。

阿达那阿达那阿达那阿达那第第第第呀呀呀呀 苏当苏当苏当苏当 ((((阿达那阿达那阿达那阿达那第第第第呀经呀经呀经呀经))))

- 避免非人侵犯。提供长寿、貌美、快乐及力量。

昂故利马拉昂故利马拉昂故利马拉昂故利马拉 苏当苏当苏当苏当 ((((鸯掘摩经鸯掘摩经鸯掘摩经鸯掘摩经) ) ) ) - 顺产。

波张卡波张卡波张卡波张卡 苏当苏当苏当苏当 ((((七觉支经七觉支经七觉支经七觉支经)))) - 迅速康复。

布巴那布巴那布巴那布巴那 苏达苏达苏达苏达 ((((布巴那布巴那布巴那布巴那经经经经)))) - 获得吉祥的祝福及远离厄运。

阿巴呀阿巴呀阿巴呀阿巴呀 –––– 巴利当巴利当巴利当巴利当 ((((无畏偈无畏偈无畏偈无畏偈) ) ) ) - 避免恶兆、不祥、恶星体、恶梦。

Page 192: Paritta Recitations - Booklet

Appendix II 附录二


LIST OF DONORS 布施者芳名布施者芳名布施者芳名布施者芳名

This publication has been made possible with the support of the donors mentioned below. We wish to acknowledge

their kind generosity. May all beings share in the merits accrued through this publication. We apologize for any

inadvertent omissions or misspelling of names. Sàdhu! Sàdhu! Sàdhu!

Janaka & Cetanà RM200 林勉光,谭金丝,林按企,林按灵,林按伊合家 RM1,100

Hor Wei Kheng RM120 Wee Hock Chiang & Loo Su Lan RM300

Tam Mui Ee RM120 Keong Huat Electroplating Works (M) S/B RM120

Lim Mee Hoon RM100 Mdm. Soon Choon Lean RM100

Khaw Looi RM100 Chua Chong Peng&Wee Hong Hwa & family RM100

Kedai Foto ABC RM100 Lee Wai Heng & family RM100

Goh Hock Guan RM100 Lee Be Chu & family RM100

Hor Zhi Hui RM100 Sunday Dàna Group RM100

Tan Swee Hiang RM100 IMO Leow Kong Seng & Lee Bee Jin RM100

Siew Hooi Kheng RM100 Khoo Hun Sian & family RM 50

IMO Sim Ah Sem RM 50 Leow Ah Let & family RM 50

Hor Whye Tuck RM 50 Ng Kam Meng & family RM 50

Wee Hong Gim RM 50 Tin Ee Hung & family RM 50

Song Ah Lark RM 50 IMO David Tan Siang Chye RM 50

Song Henry RM 50 IMO Wee Biau Leng & Loo Lian Sin RM 50

Song Jeffrey RM 50 IMO Chua Hin Kee & Hong Geok Hui RM 50

IMO Ng Ah Lang RM 50 已故李朝木、蘇旦娘 RM 50

Toh Gaik Hoon RM 50 已故许亨查、王亞银 RM 50

Loh Kok Chai RM 40 已故李保来、谭莲花、李桂英 RM 50

Tan Chao Shian RM 40 Tan Chun Lin RM 40

Tan Chun Chien RM 40 Khong Siew Kim RM 40

Khong Ming Xian RM 25 Ong Boon Thye RM 30

Khong Min Yi RM 25 Khong Chow Hin RM 25

Poon Poh Kim RM 25 Lee Kooi Beng RM 20

Ch’ng Li Peng RM 20 Lee Teik Soon RM 20

Ang Boon Sin RM 20 Ooi Mook Fong & family RM 20

Ong Swee Hiang RM 20 Teh Teong Beng RM 20

Anonymous RM 20 Lim Tgo Hua & family RM 20

Tan Siew Kim RM 20 Lee Mooi Gaik & family RM 20

Hor Choo Seng RM 20 Tan Moy Kee & family RM 20

Cheng Soo Beng RM 20 Liew Cheun Wei RM 20

Ang Kar Siew RM 20 Visadanani RM 20

Ong Poh Thai RM 20 Lim Jing Hui RM12.30

Lee Kou Sing RM 10 Lee Shao Yan RM 10

Lee Mooi Choo RM 10 Lee Ching Ching RM 10

Tan Hai Boon RM 10 Jesslyn Leong Lai Yong RM 10

Tan K’ang Wei RM 10 Tan Chong Keat & Baby Koo RM 5

Tan Boon Teong RM 10 Lean Lin Yi & Lean Yin Hui RM 5

Tan Geak Lan RM 10 Lean Hee Huat & Tan Gaik Suan RM 5

Wong Chun Hin RM 10 Goh Chao Chuen & Koo Yan Peng RM 5 **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************


