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Rev. Stanislaw Wadowski, Pastor Rev. Piotr Narkiewicz, Associate 3000 Depot Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 997, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone: 631-734-6446 • Fax: 631-734-4117 email: [email protected] CELEBRATION OF EUCHARIST - MASS Weekdays: 8:30 am Monday through Saturday Sat. Evenings: 5:30 pm Sundays: 8:00 am, 9:30 am (Polish), 11:00 am Holy Days Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm Day: 8:30 am; 7:00 pm (Polish) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - PENANCE: Saturday - 4:00-5:00 pm ,or at other time by appointment with a priest. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptism is celebrated each Sunday at 12:00 noon. Registration and instruction are required before Baptism. Please call the Rectory for an appointment several weeks before the desired date. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Marriages are to be scheduled at least six months in advance by interview with a parish priest. Pre-Cana conferences are required. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK & VISITATION OF THE SICK: After the 8:30 am Mass on First Saturday of the Month. Please call the Rectory to arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick and Communion to be brought to the sick at home. DEVOTIONS: Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday, 9:00 am Lent - Stations of the Cross: Friday 6:30 pm (English) 7:30 pm (Polish) Rosary in community we pray before daily Mass and in October: Friday 7 pm (Polish), Saturday 5 pm (English) Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Friday, 9:00 am and 7 pm— 8 pm Parish Outreach: 69465 Main Rd., Greenport Phone: 631-477-6607 O/L of Mercy Regional School: 631-734-5166 Principal: Mrs. Alexandra Conlon PARISH REGISTRATION: All families should be registered in the Parish. A census card can be obtained in the church entrance. If you are moving, please notify the Rectory. Parish Bulletin Please Consider Remembering Your Parish Our Lady of Ostrabrama in Your Will. Third Sunday of Advent December 14, 2014 Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 CHRISTMAS CONCERT 7:00 PM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23RD

Parish Bulletin - · wszelkie granice! To już nie był jeden ... W owe święto odczytywało się fragment z księgi Kapłańskiej opowiadający o śmierci

Feb 28, 2019



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Page 1: Parish Bulletin - · wszelkie granice! To już nie był jeden ... W owe święto odczytywało się fragment z księgi Kapłańskiej opowiadający o śmierci

Rev. Stanislaw Wadowski, Pastor Rev. Piotr Narkiewicz, Associate 3000 Depot Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 997, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone: 631-734-6446 • Fax: 631-734-4117 email: [email protected] CELEBRATION OF EUCHARIST - MASS Weekdays: 8:30 am Monday through Saturday Sat. Evenings: 5:30 pm Sundays: 8:00 am, 9:30 am (Polish), 11:00 am Holy Days Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm Day: 8:30 am; 7:00 pm (Polish) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - PENANCE: Saturday - 4:00-5:00 pm ,or at other time by appointment with a priest. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptism is celebrated each Sunday at 12:00 noon. Registration and instruction are required before Baptism. Please call the Rectory for an appointment several weeks before the desired date. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Marriages are to be scheduled at least six months in advance by interview with a parish priest. Pre-Cana conferences are required. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK & VISITATION OF THE SICK: After the 8:30 am Mass on First Saturday of the Month. Please call the Rectory to arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick and Communion to be brought to the sick at home. DEVOTIONS: Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday, 9:00 am Lent - Stations of the Cross: Friday 6:30 pm (English) 7:30 pm (Polish) Rosary in community we pray before daily Mass and in October: Friday 7 pm (Polish), Saturday 5 pm (English) Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Friday, 9:00 am and 7 pm— 8 pm Parish Outreach: 69465 Main Rd., Greenport Phone: 631-477-6607 O/L of Mercy Regional School: 631-734-5166 Principal: Mrs. Alexandra Conlon PARISH REGISTRATION: All families should be registered in the Parish. A census card can be obtained in the church entrance. If you are moving, please notify the Rectory.

Parish Bulletin

Please Consider Remembering Your Parish Our Lady of Ostrabrama in Your Will.

Third Sunday of Advent December 14, 2014

Rejoice always. Pray without

ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:16


Page 2: Parish Bulletin - · wszelkie granice! To już nie był jeden ... W owe święto odczytywało się fragment z księgi Kapłańskiej opowiadający o śmierci


SATURDAY, December 13 5:30pm +Henry Zimnoski (Gertrude Bekina) SUNDAY, December 14 8:00am +Cynthia Stepnowsky (Parents) 9:30am (Polish) + Mike Konarski (Family) 11:00am +Sharon Koehler (Dora Bahrami) MONDAY, December 15 8:30am +Gene Chituk (Monika & David Surozenski) TUESDAY, December 16 8:30am +Jessie Skirel (Helen Rogers) WEDNESDAY, December 17 8:30am For Parishioners and Benefactors Living and Deceased THURSDAY, December 18 8:30am +James, +Raymond Jr. Cubells (Ray & Eve Cubells) FRIDAY, December 19 8:30am +Henry Rutkoski (Dorothy Chituk) 1:00pm OLM School Christmas Pageant SATURDAY, December 20 8:30am +Sharon Koehler (Jennie Lauri & Family) 10:00 Rehearsal for our Christmas Pageant 5:30pm +Emily Sidor (Laurie & Madison) SUNDAY, December 21 8:00am +Cynthia Stepnowsky (Parents) 9:30am (Polish) +Zygmunt Kisluk (Kuczynscy) 11:00am +Sharon Koehler (Lindberg Family) Financial Corner, December 7, 2014 Sunday Collection: $ 3,623 Immaculate Conception: $ 1,094 Thank you for your generosity that you showed in supporting: The Giving Tree, Baby Bottle - Life Center support, Outreach, Elevator Fund. May the Lord repay you many times over!!!

CONFESSIONS-SPOWIEDZ Sunday, December 14, 4:00—6:00 pm Monday, December 22, 3:00—6:00 pm OLO Christmas Pageant Rehearsal Saturday, December 20th at 10:00 am

Christmas/New Year’s Day Schedule

CHRISTMAS CONCERT "A Candlelit Christmas" by Organist William Roslak and his Friends; Tuesday, December 23rd, 7:00 pm CHRISTMAS EVE Wednesday, December 24th 3:30 pm Christmas Pageant 4:00 pm CHRISTMAS VIGIL /English/ 5:30 pm CHRISTMAS VIGIL /English/ 12:00 Midnight MASS /Polish/English/ CHRISTMAS DAY Thursday, December 25th 8:00 am CHRISTMAS MASS /English/ 9:30 am CHRISTMAS MASS /Polish/ 11:00 am CHRISTMAS MASS /English/ NEW YEAR'S EVE Wednesday, December 31st 7:00 pm - VIGIL MASS /English/Polish/ NEW YEAR'S DAY Thursday, January 1st. 2015 8:00 am MASS /English/ 9:30 am MASS /Polish/ 11:00 am MASS /English/ UNDERSTANDING SCRIPTURE Most people are bothered by those passages in Scripture which they can’t understand; but . . . I have noticed that the passages in Scripture which trouble me most are those I do understand. —Mark Twain

This week we buried +Francis Joseph Kuich Jr. May he rest in the peace of Christ. Condolences to the

family at their loss.

Page 3: Parish Bulletin - · wszelkie granice! To już nie był jeden ... W owe święto odczytywało się fragment z księgi Kapłańskiej opowiadający o śmierci

CHRISTMAS WAFERS - OPLATKI are in the basket in front of the Divine Mercy altar. Please help yourself so you can share it at Christmas. This Christmas Eve Tradition is observed in Poland, Slovakia and Lithuania. Family members and guests each are handed an oplatek and they each break off a piece from one another and eat it, expressing the best wishes and blessings to each other for the coming year. This is a tender, touching family celebration of love and forgiveness. In that way, we begin the Christmas Vigil meal, by sharing the Oplatek. God bless You!!!

CHRISTMAS CONCERT On Tuesday, December 23rd at 7 pm, please join organist BILL ROSLAK and his choral ensemble for a concert entitled "A Candlelit Christmas." In the grandeur of the Our Lady of Ostrabrama Church, this concert will surely put you in the Christmas spirit. Free admission/ free-will offering.

The Church Renovations Elevator Project current balance is: $ 94,945.00 Donations may be made in memory of your loved ones. As you can see every week in the bulletin, we have a Mass dedicated for all parishioners and benefactors; both living and deceased.

MEISTER ECKHART (c. 1260 - c. 1328) The most powerful prayer, one well-nigh omnipotent to gain all things, and the noblest work of all is that which proceeds from a bare mind. The more bare it is, the more powerful, worthy, useful, praiseworthy and perfect the prayer and the work. A bare mind can do all things. What is a bare mind? A bare mind is one which is worried by nothing and is tied to nothing, which has not bound its best part to any mode, does not seek its own in anything, that is fully immersed in God's dearest will and gone out of its own. A man can do no work however paltry that does not derive power and strength from this source. We should

pray so intently, as if we would have all members and all powers turned to it - eyes, ears, mouth, heart and all the senses; and we should never until we find ourselves about to be united with Him whom we have in mind and are praying to: that is - God ADVENTOWA REFLEKSJA cd. “A jednak Mesjasz właśnie przychodził wziąć na siebie wszelką pokutę za ludzkie winy. Wszystkie grzechy były możliwe do odpokutowania w Dzień Przebłagania oprócz tych, których ktoś komuś nie chciał przebaczyć, albo tych, których nie chciał w sobie uznać. A czy jest jakikolwiek grzech, którego by Jezus nam nie chciał przebaczyć? Chyba jedynie ten, którego nie chcemy w sobie uznać? Jom Kipur miał konkretną datę, tymczasem Jan chrzcił i nawoływał ludzi każdego dnia. Przebłaganie przekroczyło wraz z przyjściem Chrystusa wszelkie granice! To już nie był jeden dzień w roku, ale każdy dzień Chrystusa. W owe święto odczytywało się fragment z księgi Kapłańskiej opowiadający o śmierci dwóch kapłanów: Nadaba i Abihu. Zohar nauczał, iż ktokolwiek odczuł głęboki żal i smutek oraz zapłakał nad śmiercią owych synów arcykapłana Aarona, otrzymywał przebaczenie grzechów. Powodem tego przebaczenia było wewnętrzne rozmyślanie pełne skruchy. Jeśli bowiem tak prawi kapłani umarli przed Obliczem Boga za jedno jedyne przewinienie, to co powinno się stać z człowiekiem, który popełnił o wiele większe podłości? Umarli dlatego, byśmy wiedzieli, iż nasze życie jest darowane na mocy przebaczenia Boga. Śmierć owych dwóch kapłanów jest zapowiedzią śmierci Chrystusa – Arcykapłana umierającego bez żadnej winy za wszelkie nieprawości ludzkości. Czy ponowne przyjście Chrystusa w ten Adwent jest powodem dla mnie do podobnej refleksji? Myśl: Jom Kipur miał konkretną datę, tymczasem Jan chrzcił i nawoływał ludzi każdego dnia. Przebłaganie przekroczyło wraz z przyjściem Chrystusa wszelkie granice! o. Augustyn Pelanowski