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Quadstone Paramics V4.2 Analyser Reference Manual Quadstone Limited Version No. 2.0 22/12/2003 Distribution Classification: Public Distribution

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Quadstone Paramics V4.2 Analyser Reference Manual

Quadstone Limited

Version No. 2.0 22/12/2003

Distribution Classification: Public Distribution

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Quadstone Paramics V4.2 Analyser Reference Manual

Paramics is a registered Trademark. The contents of this document are the copyright of Quadstone Limited. All rights reserved. 22/12/2003/1.0

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Analyser Reference Manual Quadstone Paramics V4.2

Project title: Quadstone Paramics v4 Document title: Analyser Reference Manual Document Identifier: SAA/pv4.2/rel01 Distribution Classification: Public Document history:

Personnel Date Summary Version

Richard Braidwood / Scott Aitken

22/12/2003 3rd draft 2.0

Approval List: Richard Braidwood / Scott Aitken (Quadstone) Distribution List: Public Distribution Document Ownership and Confidentiality: This document and all ideas, methodologies, algorithms, design notes, descriptive software text, etc, contained within remain the sole property of Quadstone Limited. This document or any subpart of its contents must not be distributed, in whole or part and in any medium, to any third party not listed on the distribution list provided above. Any non-Quadstone employee listed on the distribution list provided above must seek the express permission of Quadstone before divulging any details of the contents of this document in any way, through any medium, to any third party not listed in the distribution list provide above for the document and its contents.

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1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 5

2 File Menu ........................................................................................... 7 2.1 New Workspace <Crtl N> .................................................................... 7 2.2 Open Workspace <Crtl O> ................................................................... 7 2.3 Save Workspace <Crtl S>.................................................................... 7 2.4 Save as….. <Crtl A>............................................................................ 8 2.5 Export ............................................................................................... 8

2.5.1 Screen Image ............................................................................ 8 2.6 Recent Workspace List......................................................................... 8 2.7 Exit ................................................................................................... 8 3 View Menu ......................................................................................... 9 3.1 Toolbars ............................................................................................ 9 3.2 Selections .......................................................................................... 9

3.2.1 Clear All .................................................................................... 9 3.3 Information........................................................................................ 9

3.3.1 Intervals ................................................................................... 9 3.3.2 Statistics ................................................................................... 9

3.4 Model Layers .................................................................................... 10 3.4.1 Show All .................................................................................. 10 3.4.2 Clear All .................................................................................. 10 3.4.3 Barred Turns............................................................................ 10 3.4.4 Car Parks ................................................................................ 10 3.4.5 Closures .................................................................................. 10 3.4.6 Demand .................................................................................. 11 3.4.7 Midlines................................................................................... 11 3.4.8 Next Lanes .............................................................................. 11 3.4.9 PT Stops.................................................................................. 11 3.4.10 Restrictions.............................................................................. 11 3.4.11 Signposting.............................................................................. 12 3.4.12 Stoplines ................................................................................. 12 3.4.13 Turn Arrows............................................................................. 12 3.4.14 Zone Boundaries ...................................................................... 12 3.4.15 Zone Connectors ...................................................................... 12

3.5 Context Layers ................................................................................. 12 3.5.1 Show All .................................................................................. 12 3.5.2 Clear All .................................................................................. 13 3.5.3 3D .......................................................................................... 13 3.5.4 Annotation............................................................................... 13 3.5.5 Grid ........................................................................................ 13 3.5.6 Hotspots.................................................................................. 13 3.5.7 Road Surface ........................................................................... 13 3.5.8 Vehicles .................................................................................. 13

3.6 Preset Views .................................................................................... 14 3.6.1 Save View ............................................................................... 14 3.6.2 Go to View............................................................................... 14

3.7 Text ................................................................................................ 14 3.7.1 Node Names ............................................................................ 14

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4 Tools Menu ...................................................................................... 15 4.1 Reporter <Crtl T>............................................................................. 15 4.2 Plan <Crtl Z> ................................................................................... 15

4.2.1 Views Menu ............................................................................. 15 4.2.2 Show Menu.............................................................................. 16

4.3 Grid <Crtl G>................................................................................... 16 4.3.1 Current Size............................................................................. 16 4.3.2 Step Size................................................................................. 17 4.3.3 Grid Scale Factor ...................................................................... 17 4.3.4 Options ................................................................................... 17 4.3.5 3D .......................................................................................... 17 4.3.6 Zero Baseline........................................................................... 17 4.3.7 Fill Grid ................................................................................... 17 4.3.8 Fog......................................................................................... 17 4.3.9 Labels ..................................................................................... 17 4.3.10 Grid Colour .............................................................................. 17 4.3.11 Grid Fill Colour ......................................................................... 17

4.4 Navigator......................................................................................... 18 4.5 Display Settings................................................................................ 19

4.5.1 Colours ................................................................................... 19 4.5.2 Preset Colours.......................................................................... 19 4.5.3 RGB........................................................................................ 19 4.5.4 Parameters .............................................................................. 19 4.5.5 Text Sizes................................................................................ 20 Text…................................................................................... 20 4.5.6 Graphics Settings ..................................................................... 20

4.6 Options............................................................................................ 21 4.6.1 Navigation ............................................................................... 21 4.6.2 Utilities.................................................................................... 21 4.6.3 File Paths ................................................................................ 21

5 Analysis Menu .................................................................................. 22 5.1 Dataset Manager <Crtl D>................................................................. 22

5.1.1 Datasets.................................................................................. 22 5.1.2 Workspace............................................................................... 22 5.1.3 Name...................................................................................... 22 5.1.4 Type ....................................................................................... 22 5.1.5 Network Path ........................................................................... 22 5.1.6 Run Data Set Path .................................................................... 23

5.2 Data Set Loader................................................................................ 23 5.3 Statistics Display Manager <Crtl M>.................................................... 24

5.3.1 Datasets.................................................................................. 25 5.3.2 Display Mode ........................................................................... 25 5.3.3 Single ..................................................................................... 25 5.3.4 Base ....................................................................................... 25 5.3.5 Comparison ............................................................................. 25 5.3.6 Conflict Report ......................................................................... 26 Fatal Link Errors .................................................................... 26 Serious Link Errors................................................................. 26 Link Warnings ....................................................................... 27 Fatal Node Errors................................................................... 27 Serious Node Errors ............................................................... 27

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Analyser Reference Manual Quadstone Paramics V4.2 Node Warnings ...................................................................... 27 Save .................................................................................... 27

5.3.7 Statistics ................................................................................. 28 Link Density .......................................................................... 28 Percent Time Delay ................................................................ 28 Link Delay............................................................................. 28 Link Speed............................................................................ 29 Link Stop Times..................................................................... 29 Link Counts........................................................................... 29 Link Flows............................................................................. 29 Link Custom.......................................................................... 29 Turning Counts...................................................................... 29 Turning Flows ...................................................................... 29 Turning Counts/Turning Flows (Proportions) ........................... 30 Node Custom....................................................................... 30 Queues (Max)...................................................................... 30 Queues (Average) ................................................................ 30 Blocking.............................................................................. 31 OD Data.............................................................................. 31 Difference (Diff)................................................................... 31 Absolute Difference (Abs Diff)................................................ 31 Sum (Sum) ......................................................................... 31 Percentage Difference (% Diff) .............................................. 32 GEH Statistic (GEH).............................................................. 32

5.3.8 Selections................................................................................ 32 Object Display ....................................................................... 32

5.4 Limits .............................................................................................. 33 5.4.1 Statistics ................................................................................. 33 5.4.2 Mode ...................................................................................... 33 5.4.3 Ignore All Limits ....................................................................... 33 5.4.4 Limits...................................................................................... 33 5.4.5 Configuration ........................................................................... 34

5.5 Report Manager <Crtl R>................................................................... 34 5.5.1 Report Template....................................................................... 34 5.5.2 Selections................................................................................ 34 Selections ............................................................................. 34 Object Selections ................................................................... 35

5.5.3 Single Mode ............................................................................. 35 Data Set ............................................................................... 35 Single Mode Statistics ............................................................ 35

5.5.4 Comparison Mode ..................................................................... 35 Data Sets ............................................................................. 35 Comparison Mode Functions .................................................... 35

5.5.5 Intervals ................................................................................. 36 Intervals............................................................................... 36

5.5.6 Options ................................................................................... 37

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Quadstone Paramics V4.2 Analyser Reference Manual Output Format....................................................................... 37 Options ................................................................................ 37

5.6 Interval ........................................................................................... 38 5.7 Show Interval................................................................................... 38 5.8 Show Journey Times ......................................................................... 38 5.9 Edit Custom <Crtl C>........................................................................ 38

5.9.1 Table Selector .......................................................................... 39 Mode.................................................................................... 39 Linktype ............................................................................... 39

5.9.2 Preset Tables ........................................................................... 40 Level Of Service..................................................................... 40 Basic .................................................................................... 40

5.9.3 Table ...................................................................................... 40 Statistic................................................................................ 40 Table.................................................................................... 40 Add...................................................................................... 40 Delete Level .......................................................................... 40 Edit Level.............................................................................. 41 Delete All.............................................................................. 41

5.9.4 Table File................................................................................. 41 Title ..................................................................................... 41 File ...................................................................................... 41 Open.................................................................................... 41 Save .................................................................................... 41 Save As….............................................................................. 41

5.10 Trips <Crtl P> ............................................................................. 41 5.11 Vehicle Types <Crtl V>................................................................. 42 5.12 Selection Lists <Crtl L> ................................................................ 44

5.12.1 Available/Selected .................................................................... 44 5.12.2 Configuration ........................................................................... 44 Mode .................................................................................. 44 5.13 Link Groups................................................................................. 45

5.13.1 Link Groups Manager ................................................................ 45 5.13.2 Usage ..................................................................................... 45 5.13.3 Link Groups Manager Dialog....................................................... 45 5.13.4 Link Groups Manager Groups Tab ............................................... 46 5.13.5 Link Groups Manager Selections Tab ........................................... 46

5.14 Units .......................................................................................... 47 5.15 Misc ........................................................................................... 48

5.15.1 Density by Link ........................................................................ 48 5.15.2 Include Residuals ..................................................................... 48

6 Paramics Support.............................................................................. 49

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Analyser Reference Manual Quadstone Paramics V4.2

1 Introduction

Paramics Analyser is an analysis tool for displaying the output obtained from Paramics traffic simulation. The primary aim of Analyser is to visualise and report on statistical data produced by running Paramics Modeller. The information can be displayed graphically or numerically on-screen or can be reported to text files.

Before using Analyser to look in detail at one set of simulation results, an additional analysis tool called Paramics Excel Wizard is used to compare general network statistics from many simulation runs. This spreadsheet tool uses macros to automatically read output from Modeller and then generates graphs and tables which are useful for comparing large amounts of model results at one time. These comparison techniques quickly identify typical and atypical model results.

This guide explains the functionality of each of the menus, buttons, sliders and other controls available to the user from the various Analyser windows. The only exception is the Help buttons that, when selected, displays a window containing context-specific help information, and should therefore be self-explanatory.

This manual does not explain the installation, set-up and basic use of Paramics. These are described in the Paramics Software Installation Guide and the Modeller User Guide. To install Analyser follow the installation instructions selecting the Analyser component in addition to the Modeller component. A valid Analyser license is required to execute the program; there is currently no demonstration version of Analyser available.

This manual assumes that the user is acquainted with the X/Motif windowing system in terms of moving, maximising and minimising windows. Also, it is assumed that the user understands the use of toggle buttons, sliders, text fields and other standard control mechanisms supported by the windowing system.

The Paramics software development is an ongoing process, with additional functionality being created to meet customer needs or to match further developments in ITS or traffic planning processes. If you have any comments on Analyser or on the contents of this manual, please access Quadstone’s Paramics web site at:

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2 File Menu

An Analyser Workspace consists of a minimum of one simulation network and an associated set of modelled or observed output statistics. The File Menu allows the user to manage datasets being evaluated within the Analyser application of Paramics.

2.1 New Workspace <Crtl N>

Selecting this option initialises the Data Set Manager (see page 22) enabling new Datasets to be imported. The current directory is shown at the top of the sub-menu.

Note:- Each Data Set consists of a simulation network and a corresponding set of simulation results for analysis. A Workspace consists of a several Data Sets.

2.2 Open Workspace <Crtl O>

The Open Workspace browser initialises the Analyser Workspace Manager allowing an existing workspace for editing and/or simulation to be opened. The file browser window allows the user to look at existing directories and select the required one.

At the top of the file browser icons are available for selecting the Drive, moving up one directory/folder level, moving to the network directory and refreshing the file browser.

The left window contains the directory/folder for browsing, with the right hand window containing the available networks/files or sub directories/folders.

At the bottom of the file browser there are display options that show the network selected or allow Paramics Workspaces or All Files (*) to be displayed. If Paramics Workspaces is selected, only valid Analyser Workspaces, containing a valid file set, will be available for selection.

2.3 Save Workspace <Crtl S>

Saves the current Workspace to the current simulation network directory.

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2.4 Save as….. <Crtl A>

Opens a file selector allowing selection of the location of where the current Data Set is to be saved. Navigation through directories is undertaken in the same manner as described in the Analyser Workspace File Manager.

2.5 Export

2.5.1 Screen Image

Initialises the Save Image file browser allowing the Simulation window to be saved to a bitmap or postscript format. The Save Image browser has the same layout as the Open Workspace browser, with the exception that bitmap and postscript files are being browsed.

2.6 Recent Workspace List

Lists the most recent Analyser Workspaces accessed. Selecting a Workspace will reinitialise the Workspace within the Analyser tool.

2.7 Exit

Exits the Analyser. A confirmation window asks whether the user wishes to save the options or cancel. The user can also exit the Analyser by using the quit hotkey “q”, or the escape key <Esc>. Pressing the q key will bring up the same confirmation window as selecting File>>Exit. Pressing escape will exit Analyser with no confirmation and will automatically save the options.

Note:- The <Esc> key can be disabled using the Tools>>Options>>Escape Key Exits check box (see page 21).

Save Options Several network-specific options can be saved in the options file. The file is stored in the current data directory along with the network description. Normally, the network options are saved on exit, however Save Options check box carries out an explicit save. You may also choose to select no option save on exit, which would otherwise overwrite the options. The next time Paramics is initialised using the same data directory, the options will be set automatically. Options include the current state and colour of the displayable objects, the current focus position in the Zoom window and the current text size.

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3 View Menu

3.1 Toolbars

Specifies which of the four toolbars are to be displayed above the Network window.

The Standard Toolbar contains icons for: Open Workspace, Save Workspace, New Workspace; Nearest Node/Zone

The Tools Toolbar contains the icons for; Plan Tool, Reporter.

The View Toolbar contains the icons for: 2D/3D, Show Vehicles; Preset views.

The Analysis Toolbar contains the icons for; Previous Interval, Next Interval, First Interval, Last Interval, Dataset Manager, Statistics Manager, Report Manager, Custom MOE, Vehicle Types, Trips Selection, Selection Lists, Journey Times and Mode Display/Dataset Selection.

3.2 Selections

3.2.1 Clear All

De-selects all currently selected objects.

3.3 Information

3.3.1 Intervals

Displays the current interval and Interval information in the Reporter window. This information includes the time interval of the saved Analyser data, the start and end times of the interval currently displayed and which vehicle types are currently selected for analysis. The Reporter automatically displays any warnings or errors if not previously selected.

3.3.2 Statistics

Displays summary statistics in the Reporter window. The summary shows the maximum value of each statistic (e.g. link density, link flow, queue (max) etc.), the link these occurred on and the relevant time interval. An Example of the statistics is shown on page 15.

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3.4 Model Layers

3.4.1 Show All

Selects all the Model Layers display items.

3.4.2 Clear All

Deselects all the Model Layers display items.

3.4.3 Barred Turns

Displays any turns that are disallowed in the network. While zoomed out of the network barred turns are highlighted as pink squares. On zooming in to the junction barred turns are highlighted as arrows indicating the from link and the direction of turn which is barred.

3.4.4 Car Parks

Displays all the carpark areas. The colour of the carpark area depends on how full the car park is and ranges from blue (empty) to red (full/overcapacity). The colour of the area changes dynamically as vehicles enter and exit the car park. The values displayed in the car park area are the current number of vehicles in the carpark and the capacity of the carpark (current/capacity).

3.4.5 Closures

Displays all PT lanes and lane closures in the network. Lane closures are marked with yellow hatching by default and PT lanes are marked with green hatching. Colours for closures and PT lanes can be edited from the Display Settings Manager - See Tools>>Display Settings (page 19) for more detailed information on editing colours.

Lane closures can be attributed to roadwork/work zones or lanes that are unavailable due to on-street parking. PT lanes can be designated bus/transit lanes, tramways, rail links or any other dedicated PT line. Closures can be periodical and can represent tidal lane changes, time specific PT lanes etc.

The hotkey “c” can be used to toggle bus lanes and lane closures.

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3.4.6 Demand

Displays the number of trips between any origin-destination (OD) pair or set of OD pairs (sectors) in accordance with the demands file or the Demand Manager within Modeller.

An OD pair can be either a pair of zones or a pair of sectors. A sector is a grouped set of zones as defined in the Modeller User Guide and Reference Manuals. Sets of zones/sectors can be selected so that any combination of trips can be displayed simultaneously. The numbers of trips are displayed in the form of a directed band from one zone/sector to another zone/sector with the trip value displayed alongside. The width of the band is proportional to the demand for that trip.

The displayed information is determined by the demand and is not associated with the intervals/Intervals used in Analyser, unless the Intervals are directly comparable to the periodic demand used by Modeller.

The value of all the selections made is displayed in the Status Report window.

Demands can be toggled on and off using the Hotkey “d”

Note:- Due to the probabilistic nature of microsimulation software the Demand display does not provide the exact number of vehicles travelling on the network between the OD pairs. It reports/displays the demand specified by the user.

The actual released vehicles between the OD pair will vary with a random element due to the probabilistic release of vehicles. To obtain the number of generated vehicles travelling between each OD pair the release counts (released vehicles) or display the OD Data (see page 31) should be generated.

3.4.7 Midlines

Displays the carriageway centre lines, lane markings, as well as wide end and wide start markings.

The colour of the lane markings can be specified by the user in the Display Settings, see Tools>>Display Settings (page 19).

Midlines can be toggled on and off using the Hotkey “m”

3.4.8 Next Lanes

Displays the lane mapping for vehicles transferring between links if different from the default lane mapping.

3.4.9 PT Stops

Displays the location of PT Stops within the network.

PT Stops can be toggled on and off using the Hotkey “b”

3.4.10 Restrictions

Displays the restrictions currently simulated in the network as detailed by the Restriction Manager.

Individual links within the simulation network can be subject to height, width, and weight or vehicle type restrictions, which prevent any vehicle that does not meet the specified criteria from using the selected links.

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3.4.11 Signposting

Displays signposting distances in the network at which vehicles become aware of hazards ahead and information on the type of hazard. These decision points are set back a defined distance from various types of network features, such as road narrowing, diverges or junctions. Setting this toggle will display the signposting distances on screen.

3.4.12 Stoplines

Displays both the stop line and the entry point for each lane of each link. The stop line is displayed as a line with the entry point of a lane is displayed as a small arrow. A sideways arrow indicates that a stop line applies to stacking traffic.

Stoplines can be toggled on and off using the Hotkey “k”.

3.4.13 Turn Arrows

Displays one or more arrows in each lane on every link. For any one lane, the arrows indicate which turns can legitimately be made from that lane.

Turn arrows can be displayed or hidden using the Hotkey “j”.

3.4.14 Zone Boundaries

Displays the boundaries of the demand zones in the network in green. The external zone index is printed inside the zone.

Zone boundaries can be toggled on and off using the Hotkey “z”.

3.4.15 Zone Connectors

Displays the zone connectors within the network in green. Zone connectors cannot be seen in the network at all if this toggle is not selected.

Zone connector links are intended to be used for the release or absorption of vehicles to or from the network in places where no real link exists on the ground. This might be the case at the edge of the simulated area. Alternatively, if Modeller is being used for strategic modelling, information may not exist about the position of every traffic-generating road or street within the study area.

Zone connectors can be shown or hidden using the HotKey <shift>z.

3.5 Context Layers

The dashed line located at the top of many sub-menus enables the creation of a movable permanent menu that is visible until closed.

3.5.1 Show All

Selects all the Model Layers display items.

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3.5.2 Clear All

Deselects all the Model Layers display items.

3.5.3 3D

Toggles the 2D/3D view. In 3D mode three diagrams will appear in the top right side of the Network window. The three diagrams represent a compass (top), altitude (middle) and angle (bottom).

3.5.4 Annotation

Displays annotation in the form of coloured text or shapes within the network.

Note:- that annotation is displayed only if the current zoom level is consistent with the zoom range associated with each annotation item.

3.5.5 Grid

Displays the grid in accordance with the specified settings.

The grid can be toggled on and off using the Hotkey “g”.

3.5.6 Hotspots

Displays queues of traffic with a yellow circle by default. The parameters used for defining a queue can be changed in the Tools>>Display Settings>>Parameters (see page 19).

Hotspots are only visible if Analyser snapshots have been gathered and Vehicles are displayed. One circle is displayed for each lane of queuing traffic and the diameter of the circle encompasses the first vehicle in the queue and the last vehicle in the queue. This identifies queuing vehicles within at the exact Interval while viewing the entire network.

The colour of the Hotspots can be specified by the user in the Display Settings, see Tools>>Display Settings (page 19) for more detailed information on editing colours.

3.5.7 Road Surface

Displays the highway, road surface or tarmac colour. If difficulties are experienced with vehicle display while Road Surface is toggled this could indicate conflicts with the graphics card on the hardware. In such cases use the Display Settings to remedy the problem (Tools>>Display Settings>>Graphics Settings>>Depth Buffering).

3.5.8 Vehicles

Displays vehicles in the simulation at the exact time that the snapshot was gathered. This is in association with the Analyser Interval as defined in the Measurements Manager in Modeller.

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3.6 Preset Views

3.6.1 Save View

Stores the current view for later reference. Stored pre-set views can be returned to from any other position in the network. Within the Save View menu there are 10 available slots. Selecting one of these causes a window to be raised in which a name for the view can be entered. The view name appears in the Go To View and the Preset View combo list menu on the View Toolbar.

3.6.2 Go to View

Recalls a saved view in the Analysis window, if there is a view corresponding to the number selected. It is also possible to recall preset views by typing the corresponding view number on the keyboard as a HotKey.

Note:- that the view numbers are from 0 to 9, not 1 to 10.

3.7 Text

3.7.1 Node Names

Displays the name/number of every node in the network. For information on setting the text size see Display Settings>>Text Sizes (see page 20).

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4 Tools Menu

4.1 Reporter <Crtl T>

Undocks the Reporter window, which is used to output information and warning messages by Analyser. The Reporter window will automatically display some messages, especially warning messages.

The size of the window can be altered by dragging the small square icon in the bottom right of the window. It is also possible to scroll through the messages in the window by using the scroll bar on the right hand side of the window.

The Reporter window can be Cleared, Docked or Hidden by using right-mouse button menu in the Reporter window.

4.2 Plan <Crtl Z>

The Plan tool shows a representation of the entire network and enables the user to relate the position and scale of the current view to the position and scale of the entire network. The bounding box specified in the nodes file defines the extents of the Plan window. Within the Plan network display there is a blue rectangle:

• Current View - Shown by a blue rectangle or crosshair. The current view area can be changed using the same mouse controls as for the Simulation window. Alternatively, the required co-ordinates and zoom can be typed into the text fields.

4.2.1 Views Menu

• Save View - Stores the current view for later reference. Stored pre-set views can be returned to from any other position in the network. Within the Save View menu there are 10 available slots. Selecting one of these causes a window to be raised in which a name for the view can be entered. The view name appears in the Go To View and the Preset View combo list menu on the View Toolbar.

• Go To View - Recalls a saved view in the Simulation window, if there is a view corresponding to the number selected. It is also possible to recall preset views by typing the corresponding view number on the keyboard as a HotKey.

Note:- The view numbers are from 0 to 9, not 1 to 10.

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4.2.2 Show Menu

• Preset Views - Displays the preset views as yellow rectangles in the Plan window. The corresponding view number is shown in the middle of the rectangle.

• Zone Connectors - display any zone connectors in green in the Plan window.

The position section of the Plan window can be used to centre the crosshairs on an exact position in the network, provided the X, Y and Z co-ordinates are known. The first box in the Position section refers to the X co-ordinate and the second to the Y co-ordinate. To move to an exact location enter the X and Y co-ordinates in the respective boxes and click Apply. The Z coordinate refers to the viewpoint distance above the network and can be changed in the same manner as the X and Y co-ordinates.

Note:- To edit values in in many X-Window dialogue boxes it is necessary to edit the value while the mouse pointer is contained within the extents of the dialogue box i.e. the box containing the value that is to be edited.

4.3 Grid <Crtl G>

The Grid menu allows the user to display a grid over the network, to check the distance between nodes and other objects within the network. A range of grid sizes is available, which varies depending on the Units mode (UK/US/Metric). Grid co-ordinates are specified at the edges of the grid. The bounding box, as specified in the nodes file, defines the edge of the grid.

4.3.1 Current Size

Displays the current size of each grid square. The Current Size is the product of the Step Size and the Grid Scale Factor.

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4.3.2 Step Size

Specifies the factor to be used in determining the Current Size of each grid square.

4.3.3 Grid Scale Factor

Specifies the multiplication factor for the Step Size to determine the Current Size of each grid square.

4.3.4 Options

4.3.5 3D

Toggles the Grid to 2D or 3D mode.

4.3.6 Zero Baseline

Resets the grids Z coordinates to the network baseline.

4.3.7 Fill Grid

Displays the Filled Grid background for the network (see Grid Fill Colour).

4.3.8 Fog

Displays Fog, fading the grid into the network as the distance from the source increases.

4.3.9 Labels

Displays the X, Y and Z labels for the Grid.

4.3.10 Grid Colour

Specifies the colour of the Grid line - See Tools>>Display Settings (page 19) for more detailed information on editing colours.

4.3.11 Grid Fill Colour

Specifies the colour of the Grid fill - See Tools>>Display Settings (page 19) for more detailed information on editing colours.

The hotkey “g” can be used to cycle through the grid sizes, and to hide the grid.

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4.4 Navigator

This raises the Navigation Control window, which provides an alternative method for changing the current view.

Step Size – Allows the unit step made on each button press to be changed.

Focus/View Point F/B – Allows the focus point to be moved Forwards or Backwards.

Focus/View Point L/R – Allows the focus point to be moved to the Left or to the Right.

Zoom In/Out - Allows the viewpoint to be raised or lowered in both 2D and 3D modes. (Zoom control.)

View Point Height – Allows the viewpoint to be raised or lowered. (Zoom control.)

View Point L/R – Rotate the viewpoint to the Left or to the Right of the focus point.

View Point F/B – Move the viewpoint Forwards or Backwards relative to the focus point.

Note:- that the last three navigator control options only apply to the 3D viewing option.

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4.5 Display Settings

4.5.1 Colours

The colour for each of the display items shown in the figure below can be edited.

Each dcolour


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isplay item can be edited to be one of 65536 colours or one of 40 preset options.

Preset Colours

set colours are provided for convenience to the user. Clicking on a colour n will reposition the colour cursor on the isometric colour map.


lour Editor selection consists of three colour components, the RGB settings Green, Blue). Direct editing of the RGB settings allows the user to define the colour and shade required. Each value entered into the component correspond directly to a position on the isometric colour map.

icon will accept and apply the edits the Cancel icon will reject any edits


rameters slider bars adjust the sensitivity of the relevant displays in the tion window;

Link Bandwidth – Adjusts the magnitude of the OD Data bandwidth in the Analyser window.

Demand Bandwidth – Adjusts the sensitivity Demand bandwidths in the Demand Display window.

Queue/ Hotspot size – Adjusts the sensitivity of the Hotspot and queue size for display.

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• Near Fog Factor – Adjusts the sensitivity of the close range Fog in the Grid Tool.

• Far Fog Factor – Adjusts the sensitivity of the distant Fog in the Grid Tool.

4.5.5 Text Sizes Text…

The size of several types of text in the Main window can be changed. Each of these types is controlled by a non-linear sliding scale.

• Nodes – The size of the node labels.

• Links – The size of the text alongside a selected link.

• Zones –The size of the zone labels.

• Demands –The size of the text alongside the arrow symbol in the Demand Display window.

• Signposting – The size of the text describing any hazards on each link.

• Detectors – The size of text displaying loop detector information.

• Turn Counts – The size of the text for turn count information.

• OD Paths – The size of text for OD Path information.

The size of text in the Analyser window can be reset to the default sizes using the Reset icon in the Text Size tab.

4.5.6 Graphics Settings

• Wire Frames – This option can improve the graphics performance on some machines.

• Depth Buffering – This option can improve the graphics performance on some machines.

• Direct Drawing – This option can improve the graphics performance on some machines.

• Frustum Culling – Toggles the Frustum Culling display feature, allowing improved refresh and redraw operation in the Analyser window.

• Distance Correction – Toggles the Distance Correction display feature, allowing improved refresh and redraw operation in the Analyser window.

• Draw HUD – Toggles the compass display in 3D mode.

• Draw All Turn Arrows – Toggles display for all turning arrows.

• Data Set Information – Displays the Data Set mode and name in the HUD section of the Analyser window. See page 33 for the Display Mode and Data Set name.

• Statistics Information – Displays the current statistics selection in the HUD section of the Analyser window. See page 28 for the statistics selection.

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• Auto Scale Text Size – Proportions the text size with respect to the Z viewpoint; the further the user pans out from the network the text remains legible.

• Clip Text By Height – Removes text display when the Z viewpoint reaches a set height.

• Large Clock Display – Displays a large clock in the bottom right portion of the Main window.

• Key – Displays the current statistics key in the bottom left of the Main Window when statistics are selected.

4.6 Options

4.6.1 Navigation

• Fast Navigation – Toggles the Fast Navigation feature that only displays only the road outlines while zooming and panning. This allows for much smoother movement, especially if a large number of objects are currently displayed in the simulation window.

• Zoom and Pan – Toggles the Zoom and Pan feature that allow simultaneous zooming and panning in the Simulation window.

• Fix Viewpoint - In 3D mode, this causes the focus point to be rotated around the viewpoint.

• Smooth Transitions – Toggles the display feature that smoothes the transition of the simulation window when transferring between preset views.

• Progress Bar – Toggles the progress bar display.

4.6.2 Utilities

• Tooltips – Toggles Tooltips to identify object information within Analyser.

• What’s This Help – Toggles the What’s this help function.

• Save Preferences – Toggles the function for saving the user preferences on exit.

• Escape Key Exits – Toggles the V3.0 compatibility feature for the <Esc> key exiting Modeller.

• Error Sounds – Toggles the Bleep on Error function.

4.6.3 File Paths

• Default Data Directory – This displays a file selector, allowing the selection of the default data directory. The selected directory will be used as the default data directory when adding datasets to the Analyser workspace.

• Default Browser Path – This displays a file selector, allowing the user to choose a browser application e.g. Microsoft� Internet Explorer. The chosen browser application will be used for displaying the Analyser HTML help files.

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5 Analysis Menu

5.1 Dataset Manager <Crtl D>

5.1.1 Datasets

This function allows the management of datasets. Up to 256 datasets that contain any number of networks and run dataset pairs can be loaded into Analyser in a single Workspace. There are three self-explanatory options within the function, New, Copy and Delete.

5.1.2 Workspace

This contains the name of the current Workspace. A Workspace can be made up of multiple Data Sets.

5.1.3 Name

This function allows the user to edit the name of the current dataset. By default the first dataset is named DataSet_1. The user can change the name of a dataset once it has been loaded.

5.1.4 Type

Within the Analyser it is possible to view both simulated run data or observed site data. The data type of the dataset being loaded through the manager can be labelled using this function.

5.1.5 Network Path

This displays the network path for the network component of the currently selected dataset.

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5.1.6 Run Data Set Path

This displays the path for the data component of the currently selected dataset.

5.2 Data Set Loader

The data set loader is launched by pressing the New… button on the data set manager. The dataset loader allows the user to browse to a Paramics network directory and displays all the available output sets of run data available for analysis. The user can select individual run directories to load from the list available.

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5.3 Statistics Display Manager <Crtl M>

In version 4.2 the Statistics display manager is sub divided into three tabs; Datasets, Statistics, and Selection.

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5.3.1 Datasets

5.3.2 Display Mode

Changes the mode of the Statistics Display between Single and Comparison. The mode is displayed in the HUD and enabled using the Tools>>Display Settings>> Graphics Settings>>Dataset Information check box. The Single Mode allows only one dataset to be viewed; the Comparison Mode enables two different datasets to be compared against each other.

5.3.3 Single

The Single combo list is available when the Display Mode is set to Single. The combo list display/selects the dataset that is to be loaded into the Analyser window.

Note:- Numerous datasets can be loaded into Analyser as a single workspace, the Single Mode and combo list allows each to be displayed/reported independently from the others.

5.3.4 Base

The Base section of the Statistics Display Manager displays two check boxes, each corresponding to a Dataset (A or B). Checking the box opposite the respective dataset will enable the respective dataset as the Base Dataset and the remaining (unchecked) dataset as the Variant Dataset for the comparison statistics.

5.3.5 Comparison

The Comparison function allows selection any two datasets for comparison. The function specifies which Dataset is the base for comparison (Base) and which Dataset is the comparable Dataset of the comparison (Variant).

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Note:- The tooltips function will display the values of each display in addition to the values of each Dataset. In the tooltips window BaseCount is the Base dataset and the VarCount is the Variant dataset (see Base, page 25).

5.3.6 Conflict Report

Initialises the Conflict Report window, detailing the datasets used in the comparison, the link and node differences between the Base and Variant datasets.

The number of Errors and Warnings indicate the network differences between the two datasets. The Analyser window will graphically display the locations of the Errors and Warnings.

The Node/Link Errors and Warnings are defined below. Fatal Link Errors

• A link name exists in the base network but does not exist in the variant network.

• A split link is found in the variant network. Serious Link Errors

• The link speed differs by >=10% for a link in the base network and the corresponding link in the variant network.

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• The link width differs by >=10% for a link in the base network and the corresponding link in the variant network.

• The link length differs by >=10% for a link in the base network and the corresponding link in the variant network.

• The number of lanes differs by > 1 lane for a link in the base network and the corresponding link in the variant network. Link Warnings

• The link speed differs by <10% for a link in the base network and the corresponding link in the variant network.

• The link width differs by <10% for a link in the base network and the corresponding link in the variant network.

• The link length differs by <10% for a link in the base network and the corresponding link in the variant network.

• The number of lanes differs by exactly 1 lane for a link in the base network and the corresponding link in the variant network. Fatal Node Errors

• The node name in the base network is not found in the variant network. Serious Node Errors

• The number of inbound links to a node in the base network does not match the number of inbound links of the corresponding node in the variant network.

• The number of outbound links to a node in the base network does not match the number of outbound links of the corresponding node in the variant network.

• The number of signalised phases for a node in the base network does not match the number of signalised phases of the corresponding node in the variant network. Node Warnings

• The names of the inbound links for a node in the base network do not match the names of inward links for the corresponding node in the variant network.

• The names of the outbound links for a node in the base network do not match the names of outward links for the corresponding node in the variant network. Save

Saves the conflict report to the simulation network directory that was specified in the Base Dataset (see page 25). The conflict report is in ASCII text format with the default file name: Conflict-report-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.log YYYY = year HH = hour MM = month MM = minute DD = date SS = second The above timestamp naming convention refers to the exact time that the file was saved.

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5.3.7 Statistics Link Density

Toggling this option on will colour the links according to vehicle density. The units for density are PCUs (Passenger Carrying Unit) per lane per mile or kilometre, depending on the current mode in the Analysis>>Units selection. Density is a combination of the average density of traffic throughout the interval and the residual density remaining at the end of the interval.

• Distance Available = link length * interval duration / link freeflow time interval duration * link speed

• Average Density = PCUs / (number of lanes * distance available) • Residual Density = residual PCUs / (number of lanes * link length) • Link Density = average density + residual density

Note:- PCUs represents the number of PCUs transferred off the end of the link during the interval.

Residual vehicles are defined as the vehicles present on the link at the end of the current interval.

The effect of residual vehicles may have substantial bearing on the output. It is recommended that residual vehicles are included for congested networks and excluded for networks involving mainly freeway sections. See page 48 for details on including residual vehicles. Percent Time Delay

Displays information/colour for links according to Percentage Time Delay (PTD). The units for PTD are percent and it is the actual time taken by vehicles to traverse the link minus their freeflow time expressed as a percentage of the freeflow time.

• Minimum Speed = The smaller of link speed and the vehicle’s maximum speed

• Freeflow Time = link length / minimum speed

• PTD = 100.0 * (actual time – freeflow time) / freeflow

time Link Delay

Displays information/colour for links according to absolute delay. The units for delay are seconds and it is the actual time taken by vehicles to traverse the link minus their free flow time.

• Minimum Speed = The smaller of link speed and the vehicle’s maximum speed

• Freeflow Time = link length / minimum speed • Link Delay = actual time – freeflow time

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Analyser Reference Manual Quadstone Paramics V4.2 Link Speed

Displays information/colour for links according to mean speed. The units for speed are miles or kilometres per hour, depending on the mode set under the Analysis>>Units menu. It represents the average speed of vehicles traversing the link in the current interval.

• Link Speed = link length / actual time Link Stop Times

Displays information/colour for links according to average stop time of vehicles. The units for stop time are seconds. It represents the average time vehicles were stationary while traversing the link in the current interval. Link Counts

Displays information/colour for links according to the link counts. The units for counts are vehicles and it represents the actual number of vehicles transferring off the end of the link in the current interval. Link Flows

Displays information/colour for links according to the link flow. The units for flow are PCUs per hour and it represents the flow of vehicles transferring off the end of the link in the current interval. Link Custom

Displays information/colour for links according to rules specified in the Edit Custom section (see page 38). The default criteria to colour the links by are the American Level Of Service (LOS) rules as defined in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), which can be initialised using the Analysis>>Edit Custom >>Default>>Level of Service option. Turning Counts

The number of vehicles turning at each node is displayed numerically in actual vehicles over the current interval, with arrows indicating the direction of the turn. In some circumstances, particularly roundabouts, it can be difficult to view the precise turning count due to the figures overlapping. To remedy this situation the user can change the size of the text using the Tools>>Display Settings>>Text Sizes>>Turn Counts on page 20. Turning Flows

Displays the traffic flow turning at each node is displayed numerically as a rate in PCUs per hour, with arrows indicating the direction of the turn. In a similar manner to Turning Counts above it can be difficult to view the precise turning flow information due the figures overlapping. This too is remedied in the same manner, with the user able to change the size of the text using the Tools>>Display Settings>>Text Sizes>>Turn Counts.

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Quadstone Paramics V4.2 Analyser Reference Manual Turning Counts/Turning Flows (Proportions)

Displays turning counts or flows as a percentage of the overall count or flow. This option affects both the display and any saved reports. Node Custom

Displays the intersection LOS for nodes according to the rules specified in the Edit Custom section (see Section 5.9).


== L









where L is the number of inbound links to the node, is the value of the statistic for the i th inbound link and is the flow for the th inbound link.


The criteria used for colouring the nodes can be changed via the Edit Custom window. This window can be accessed using Analysis>>Edit Custom. Queues (Max)

Displays the maximum queues that have formed on each of the links during the current interval. Queues are calculated and displayed on a lane-by-lane basis and are not controlled by the vehicle type selection (see page 42).

The link tooltips show additional information on the maximum queue by displaying whether any queues blocked back during the interval, the size of the maximum queue in PCUs, and whether the maximum queue blocked back.

The definition of a traffic queue within Analyser is controlled through the use of Tools>>Display Settings>>Parameters>>Queue/Hotspot Scale, see page 19. This may be different to the queue definition set in the Modeller Configuration Manager; the two definitions are not required to be the same. This provides additional flexibility to Modeller as the simulation does not need to be re-run if the user simply wished to adjust the minimum PCUs required to define a queue.

Note:- Only queues equal to or greater than the minimum threshold (controlled using Tools>>Display Settings>>Parameters>>Queue/Hotspot Scale, see page 19) in terms of PCUs are displayed on screen or saved to any reports. Queues (Average)

Displays the average queues per link. The average queue is calculated so that each simulation time step (by default every 0.5 seconds) the program records if the vehicle is in a queue and keeps a running count of queued vehicles. This means for example, if statistics are collected each 5 minute interval then during the 600 simulation time steps (5 minutes * 60 seconds * 2 time steps) the count of vehicle types queued per link is saved. At the end of each 600 time steps the vehicle type count is totalled and divided by the number of time steps (in this case 600) to give an average queue per link per vehicle type. The vehicle type is then factored by the appropriate PCU factor to give the average queue in PCUs.

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As with Queue (Max), average queues are displayed on a lane by lane basis and the display is controlled using the Tools>>Display Settings>>Parameters >>Queue/Hotspot Scale, see page 19.

Note:- The length of the average queue displayed is purely the sum of vehicle type lengths and does not represent the average space between vehicles. Blocking

Highlights (by a yellow outline) any lanes where any queue exceeded the length of the link during the current interval; know as blocking back. This is regardless of the minimum queue size and is useful for quickly spotting blocked queues on a network without displaying the queues. OD Data

Displays the routes taken and traffic counts between the zones or sectors selected in the Trip Selection window (Analysis>>Trips). Every route taken by vehicles between the selected zones is shown for the specified interval as a white bandwidth along the kerbside of each link on the route. The values along the side of each bandwidth displays the number of vehicles exiting the link in the current interval making one of the selected OD journeys. To change the magnitude of the link bandwidth access Tools>>Display Settings>> Parameters>>Link Bandwidth on page 19. Difference (Diff)

Displays/reports the Difference between two datasets, links are coloured from blue (low) to red (high) according to the difference of the specified statistic for each link, node or OD pair between the two chosen datasets.

Difference = VariantBase − Absolute Difference (Abs Diff)

Displays/reports the Absolute Difference between two datasets; Base and Variant. Links are coloured from blue (low) to red (high) according to the absolute difference of the specified statistic for each link, node or OD pair between the two chosen datasets.

Absolute Difference = ( )2VariantBase −

Note:- Absolute differences cannot be negative in value. Sum (Sum)

Displays/reports the sum of the two Datasets; Base and Variant. Links are coloured from blue (low) to red (high) according to the Sum of the specified statistic for each link, node or OD pair between the two chosen datasets.

Sum = VariantBase +

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Quadstone Paramics V4.2 Analyser Reference Manual Percentage Difference (% Diff)

Toggling this function colours links from blue (low) to red (high) according to the Percentage Difference of the specified statistic for each link, node or OD pair between the two chosen datasets.

Percentage Difference = Base

BaseVariant −X 100 0≠Base GEH Statistic (GEH)

The GEH statistic is a modified Chi-squared statistic that incorporates both relative and absolute differences. Guidelines on its use in comparison of flows and calibration can be obtained from the UKs Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB Vol. 12 Traffic Appraisal in Urban Areas).



− 2

Note:- An indication of the ‘goodness of fit’ is given below:

GEH < 5.0 - Flows can be considered a ‘good fit’

5 < GEH < 10 - Flows may require further investigation

10 < GEH - Flows cannot be considered a ‘good fit’

The GEH statistic is designed for use in comparing hourly traffic volumes only.

The GEH statistic is a comparison and is indifferent to which value is assigned to simulated or observed in the equation. Therefore the GEH Statistic equation can be written with simulated and observed values interchangeable with Base and Variant.

These comparison statistics are applied to the following data collected.

• Density

• % Time Delay

• Delay

• Speed

• Stoptimes

• Counts

• Flows

• Flows GEH.

5.3.8 Selections Object Display

Object Display has 3 mutually exclusive options, these are:

• All – Values for all links/nodes/zone are reported.

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• Object Selection List – Checking this option allows an Object Selection List to be applied to the Analyser display. The osl file is selected by using the browser in the Object Selections section outlined below, and

• Link Groups – Checking this option allows a Link Groups filter to be applied to the Analyser display. The gro file is selected by using the browser in the Link Groups section outlined below.

5.4 Limits

This displays the Limits window. An upper and lower bound for each link statistic can be set using this window. Setting limits is particularly useful for filtering out high spurious values associated with a link. Spurious values have the effect of associating the range of interesting values with a small range of colour values

Any values which lie outside of the specified range (outliers), will be coloured according to the current outlier colour (see Section 4.5.1).

5.4.1 Statistics

Any changes made to the limits will affect the currently selected statistic.

5.4.2 Mode

If Single mode is selected, then the Statistics list will display Single mode link statistics. If comparison mode is selected, the Statistics list will display Comparison mode statistics.

5.4.3 Ignore All Limits

Selecting this check box means that any specified limits will be ignored.

5.4.4 Limits

This is where the upper and lower limit for the currently selected link statistic can be specified. A limit is specified by selecting the check box for the limit and specifying a value.

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5.4.5 Configuration

This section of the window is used for opening an existing limits file or saving to a limits file. Limits files end in the extension .lmt.

5.5 Report Manager <Crtl R>

The Report Manager enables the data generated in Analyser to be reported to file for record or further Analysis.

5.5.1 Report Template

This function enables previously created analyser report selections to be opened, saved, and edited. The file browser window allows existing templates to be loaded or new templates to be saved.

The use of templates removes the need to redefine the report parameters for different dataset reports.

Note:- Templates are saved with the *.art (Analyser Report Template) extension.

5.5.2 Selections Selections

• Use All Links, Nodes and Zones – Includes every link, node or zone in the report file.

• Use Object Selection List – Uses the currently loaded osl file to filter the output held within the report.

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Analyser Reference Manual Quadstone Paramics V4.2 Object Selections

The Selection List displays the currently loaded osl file for data filtering to the output report file. See page 44 for more information on selecting links, nodes and zone to the osl file.

The currently selected Object Selection List (osl) file is displayed in the Selection List display box, the … icon enables the osl browser allowing different osl files to be loaded.

This function allows the user to include a group of selected links, nodes or zones together for the purpose of simplified reporting.

Within this function a user can generate reports using the file browser to look at existing directories and select the required one.

5.5.3 Single Mode Data Set

Selects the data set for which statistics are to be generated in Single Mode.

Note: the Statistics Display Manager must have the Display Mode set to Single to report statistics for a single data set. Single Mode Statistics

The statistics Single Mode function displays a list of the standard statistics that can be reported on an individual network. Clicking the left mouse button can make a selection and holding down <crtl> while selecting can make multiple selections. The left mouse button can be used to make multiple selections by dragging the mouse over several adjacent entries in the list.

5.5.4 Comparison Mode Data Sets

Selects the data sets, Dataset A and Dataset B, for which statistics are to be generated in Comparison Mode.

Note: the Statistics Display Manager must have the Display Mode set to Comparison to report statistics for a single data set. Comparison Mode Functions

The statistics Comparison Mode function displays a list of the standard statistics that can be reported for the comparison of two datasets. Clicking the left mouse button can make a selection and holding down <crtl> while selecting can make multiple selections. The left mouse button can be used to make multiple selections by dragging the mouse over several adjacent entries in the list.

The Base and Variant combo lists select the two datasets that are to be compared in the report.

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5.5.5 Intervals Intervals

The Intervals tab specifies which intervals are to be reported in the output report. The Select All check box is used as a shortcut to select all currently available intervals.

Clicking the left mouse button can make a selection and holding down <crtl> while selecting can make multiple selections. The left mouse button can be used to make multiple selections by dragging the mouse over several adjacent entries in the list.

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5.5.6 Options Output Format

• Basic - Exports the file as ASCII text file. The file created can be named and will be saved to the current Paramics network directory. The location of the report file will be displayed in the Reporter window.

• CSV - Exports the file as a CSV file. The file created can be named and will be saved to the current Paramics network directory.

• Analyser V3.0 – Exports the data in V3.0 format to enable third party analysis systems adapted to V3.0 to be continued in V4.0. Options

• Split Reports by Interval – Output a separate report for each specified interval.

• Include File Headers – Include or Exclude file headers in the generated output files.

• Prompt to Overwrite – Enables an automatic warning window requiring the user to confirm if they wish to overwrite previously generated reports.

• Generate Network Report – Produces a report containing the sum and mean of all the selected statistics.

• Generate Link Groups Report - A link statistics report can be generated for each link group in the specified link groups file. Select the link statistics to be generated, select the Generate Link Groups Report toggle, select a link groups file and press Generate. A line in the report is generated for each link group in the link groups file and each line contains the average statistics for the link group.

• Generate GEH summary - This report shows a series of bands: 0.0 – 2.0, 0.0 – 5.0, 0.0 – 10.0 and 10.0+ and the distribution of the Link GEH

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Counts and Flows for the whole network. The distributions are expressed as counts and percentages of GEH values falling into a specified band.

5.6 Interval

The four options (Next, Previous, First and Last) refer to the time Intervals displayed in the Analyser window. Each of the Interval options enable the Interval to be advanced regressed or set to the first or last interval. The Interval icons on the Analysis toolbar also repeat this functionality.

Note:- Analyser snapshot information has been saved and vehicles have been selected from the View>>Context Layers menu then the position of every vehicle on the network will be displayed at the exact time shown on the Analyser clock.

5.7 Show Interval

Displays the Interval information in the Status Report window. The data includes the time interval of the saved analyser data, the start and end times of the interval currently displayed and which vehicle types that are currently selected for analysis.

5.8 Show Journey Times

Displays journey times for the current interval for all vehicles finishing the trip in the current interval. The OD selection for the trips to be included in the journey time report is made by accessing the Trips Selection window (Analysis>>Trips, see page 41).

5.9 Edit Custom <Crtl C>

Initialises the Custom MOE/LOS window where the display/reporting for the Link Custom (see page 29) statistic is defined. This function allows user definable Measures Of Effectiveness (MOEs) and default Level Of Services (LOS) to be displayed in the Analyser window or reported to output file.

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The window is split into four sections; Table Selector; Preset Tables; Table; and Table File.

5.9.1 Table Selector Mode

This combo box defines whether all links are to be defined by the same parameters by (All) or have different parameters depending on the linktype (Linktype).

• Linktype – Applies the default linktype definitions within Paramics. The default table is held in the Linktypes file and can be edited along with the links file to reflect any desired changes. For edits to the links file add the text ‘linktype <number>’ in the required link entry.

• All – Linktypes file is ignored and all links are applied as a single linktype. Linktype

The combo box selects the linktype for editing in the Table section. This enables the linktypes to be associated with different displays and parameters. This option is the basis for user defined MOEs. Parameters and displays for each linktype is defined in the Table>>Statistic Section.

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5.9.2 Preset Tables Level Of Service

Opens the default parameters for the Level Of Service statistics. The LOS is based on the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 1998 edition, and provides a guideline for further HCM analysis. Basic

Initialises a new table with no preset contents. The table is then available for editing in the Table section and saving via the Table file section.

5.9.3 Table

Displays/selects which Linktype is currently displayed/edited in the MOE Display Table of the Custom window. There is one table for All which is used when the Mode is set to All. There is then one table per linktype. Statistic

Displays the measurement on which the MOE bands are based. All of the link-based statistics (density, percent time delay, delay, speed, stop times, counts and flows) are available measurement to base the MOEs on.

MOE bands can be Added, Deleted and Edited by using the buttons to the right of the Linktype Section. Table

The MOE Display Table displays the current MOEs and the associated threshold values relating to each band. Each MOE band covers a given range of values and has an associated colour used to colour the links in the Analyser window. Positioning the mouse over an entry in the table will bring up a tooltips box showing the associated colour. The word “Inf” represents an infinite value and is often used for the maximum value of the last value range. Add

This button adds a new level to the table. If a level is currently selected the level is inserted before the currently selected entry. If no level is selected the new level is appended to the end of the table. The Level dialog box is initialised requiring the entry of minimum, maximum values and the associated colour for the new MOE. Clicking OK will enter the new MOE band; clicking cancel will close the dialog with no changes to the table. Note that entering “inf” as the maximum value will set an infinite maximum value. Delete Level

This button removes the currently selected level from the table. If no level is selected this button has no effect.

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Analyser Reference Manual Quadstone Paramics V4.2 Edit Level

This button allows the user to edit the currently selected MOE band. If no level is selected this button has no effect. The Level dialog box is initialised requiring the entry of minimum, maximum values and the associated colour for the new MOE. Clicking OK will enter the new MOE band; clicking cancel will close the dialog with no changes to the table.

Note:- that entering “inf” as the maximum value will set an infinite maximum value. Delete All

This button removes the all levels from the current table.

5.9.4 Table File Title

This textfield displays the title of the current set of colouring tables and is the text displayed at the bottom of the Main window when Link Custom is switched on in the Stats menu. File

This textfield shows the filename of the current set of colouring tables and is used when Save is selected from the file menu. If nothing is entered here selecting Save will bring up a file browser allowing the user to choose the save name. Open

Opens a browser so that a previously saved MOE table can be loaded into Analyser Save

Save edits to the current MOE table to the current file. Save As…

Opens a browser so that the current MOE table can be saved to a specified location

5.10 Trips <Crtl P>

Initialises the Trip Selection window. The Trip Selection window allows zones or groups of zones (sectors) to be selected in order to display OD statistics and Demands viewing.

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This selection is used when displaying the demand (View>>Model Layers>>Demand, see page 11), OD paths (Analysis>>Statistics Display Manager>>OD Data, see page 31), or reporting journey times (Analysis>> Trips>>File>>Journey Times, see page 38). The Options section can be used to switch between zone and sector selection.

The window has two lists, From and To. These lists allow you to select the required origin and destination zones. There are shortcut buttons for selecting all zones, no zones and inverting the current selection. A group selection can be made by either dragging a range of values, or by holding down the <ctrl> key while selecting each zones. Zones can also be toggled on/off in the Zoom window by selecting using the middle and right buttons for From and To selections, respectively.

The displayed trips can be selected in one of two ways: either by selecting from the From and To lists in the demand display window; or by select the origin and destination objects in the Simulation window. If selecting from the Zoom window, the origin object is selected using the middle-mouse button, and the destination object is selected using the right-mouse button. Multiple selections can be made by holding down <ctrl> while selecting.

• Zone Demand – Sets the origin and destination objects to be zones.

• Sector Demand – Sets the origin and destination objects to be sectors.

• From – Select the origin zone.

• Groups of zones can be specified by using the mouse to drag the selection or the <shift> and <ctrl> keys. Alternatively the cursor keys and the <Enter> or <Return> key can be used to specify zone groups.

• >> - Selects all listed zones for demands display

• << - Deselects all zones for demands display

• ln – Inverts the current selection list.

• To – Select the destination zone.

5.11 Vehicle Types <Crtl V>

Initialises the Vehicle Types window that specifies which vehicle types are to be included in the current analysis.

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Vehicle types are toggled on and off by clicking the left mouse button on the check box beside the specified vehicle type. The selection of vehicle types affects all displays and reports within Analyser with the exception of queues and blocking which are displayed/reported for all vehicle types.

The Passenger Carrying Unit (PCU) factor associated with each vehicle type can be modified in this screen. This in no way affects the PCU values in the vehicles file in the network data directory or the PCU values in any other results directory.

The All and button is a shortcut for selecting all and no vehicle types respectively. In addition the Matrix combo list allows selection of all vehicle types associated with a given OD matrix, or all fixed route vehicle types.

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5.12 Selection Lists <Crtl L>

The Object Selection window is used in conjunction with the Report Manager to select which links/nodes/zones are to be included in the report.

This function allows the user to group a selection of links, nodes or zones together for the purpose of simplifying and grouping the collection of data. Within the function a user can save new selections or open and edit existing selections.

5.12.1 Available/Selected

The Available window will display all links, nodes or zones that are available for selection. Clicking the left mouse button can make a selection and holding down <crtl> while selecting can make multiple selections. The left mouse button can be used to make multiple selections by dragging the mouse over several adjacent entries in the list.

The links, nodes or zones selected in the Available window are highlighted in cyan in the Analyser window. Once they have been transferred to the Selected window (by clicking the > icon) they will then be highlighted in purple. Only the links, nodes and zones in the Selected window will be saved to the osl file.

Objects displayed in the Selected window can be deselected by highlighting them with the left mouse button and clicking the < icon. All objects in the Selection window can be deselected using the << icon.

5.12.2 Configuration

The Configuration section selects the Mode and the location of the saved Object Selection List file (*.osl). Previously saved osl files can be loaded or saved with different file names, using the Open, Save and Save As buttons. Mode

The Mode combo list is used to specify if the object selection list is to contain links, nodes or zones.

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The file browser window within the configuration section allows the user to look at existing directories and select the required one prior to saving.

5.13 Link Groups

Link groups are a new feature in Analyser v4.2. A link group is simply a collection of links with a name. A collection of link groups can be stored in a link group’s file and can be loaded in by the user for display and reporting purposes. When link statistics are being calculated for the display or for reports, the average value for each link group is calculated and used. It is important to note that within a link groups file, a group cannot contain a link that is contained within another group i.e. no duplicated across groups. The link groups are used as follows:

1. Link groups are defined using the Link Groups Manager dialog.

2. The link groups definitions are saved to a link groups file using the Link Groups Manager.

3. For displaying statistics, select the Selections tab from the Statistics Display Manager. Select the Link Groups toggle button and browse for a link groups file, using the … button and the file selector.

4. For generating a report, select some link statistics in the Report Manager. Select the Options tab and select the Generate Link Groups Report check box. Select a link groups file by pressing the browse button within the Link Groups panel.

5.13.1 Link Groups Manager

This is a new dialog for Analyser v4.2 and is used for creating and saving link groups.

5.13.2 Usage

The basic usage is as follows:

1. Open the Link Groups Manager dialog by selecting the Link Groups… menu item from the Analysis menu.

2. Add new groups by pressing the Add button. New groups are automatically named but can be changed.

3. To add links to a group, select the group name, switch to the Selection tab. Select links from the Available list and add them to the Selected list by pressing the > button.

4. Save the groups to a group file using the Save or Save As… buttons.

5.13.3 Link Groups Manager Dialog

• Link Groups list This contains the name of each link group added.

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• Add This is used for adding a new link group to the Link Groups list. New link groups are automatically named as New Group – x, where x is an integer.

• Copy This creates a copy of the currently selected link group.

• Delete This deletes the currently selected group.

5.13.4 Link Groups Manager Groups Tab

This is used for changing the name of a link group and managing link group files.

• Name This displays the name of the currently selected group. This can be used for changing the name of the currently selected group.

• Open… Used for opening an existing link groups file for editing.

• Save This is used for saving the currently defined set of link groups.

• Save As… This is used for saving the currently defined set of link groups.

• Current File Displays the name of the currently opened link groups file.

5.13.5 Link Groups Manager Selections Tab

This is used for specifying which links are within which link group.

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• Available This list contains the links that can be added to the currently selected group.

• Selected This list contains the links that belong to the currently selected group.

• > This adds the selected available links to the currently selected group.

• < This removes selected links from the currently selected group.

• << This removes all links from the currently selected group.

Note: that links can be also be selected by hovering over a link in the main display window.

5.14 Units

The units menu allows the user to set the units to be used on the display and when saving to reports. It affects the output of distance, speed, acceleration, density and weight. The following table shows the units used in each of the three modes.

Mode Distance Speed Acceleration Density Weight

UK m mph m/s/s PCUs/km tonnes

US ft mph ft/s/s PCUs/mile tons

Metric m km/h m/s/s PCUs/km tonnes

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5.15 Misc

5.15.1 Density by Link

Specifies if the Link Density calculations are to be displayed and reported by Link or by average density per lane.

Density by link is reported in PCUs/Km (or PCUs/mile)

Average Density per lane is reported in PCUs/lane/Km (or PCUs/lane/mile)

5.15.2 Include Residuals

Residual vehicles are defined as the vehicles present on the link at the end of the current interval. Including these vehicles in the density calculations.

Only vehicles that exit links in the current interval are considered for density calculations, however this may not provide an accurate reflection of the situation if there are short intervals and considerable queuing, blocking or congestion on the links.

The effect of residual vehicles may have substantial bearing on the output. It is recommended that residual vehicles are included for congested networks and excluded for networks involving mainly freeway sections.

The duration of each interval and the length of curial links within the network are other considerations to be made when including or excluding residual vehicles.

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6 Paramics Support

For more detailed information and online support access Quadstone’s Paramics web site at:

Quadstone Limited, 16 Chester Street, Edinburgh EH3 7RA, Scotland

Fax : +44 131 220 4492

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